
Motorcycle Rally Mass Shooting 

Adam Sandoval
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29 сен 2024




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@rachelwilliams1715 10 месяцев назад
Adam you’re exactly right blame the person holding the gun. It’s the way society think that guns kill people no unfortunately it’s people killing each other. This can be a touchy subject but we as a society need to come together and figure this out. Prayers to the families.Glad you’re okay be safe!
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
It’s definitely a hard subject to talk about for some but it’s something that must be addressed
@Mephistopheles13 10 месяцев назад
Your closing statements are absolutely spot on. I’ve attempted this conversation many times but it’s easier for people to blame the inanimate object than to focus on the real issues that lead to these evil acts to begin with.
@chrislanagan1128 10 месяцев назад
@mikeburnett7028 10 месяцев назад
You are so right Adam it’s not the gun. Unfortunately in these times of turmoil I never throw a leg over my bike without first hanging a gun on my hip. Not only for my protection but for the people around me who, for one reason or another, fail to take responsibility for their own safety. You never know when evil will raise its ugly head, and I will have to do my part to protect if possible, the unfortunate among us. Ride safe my friend, see you on the road.
@Duckie313 10 месяцев назад
I think the main reason people point to the guns is that there are many countries around the world with the same music, same video games, same ethnicity, same religion etc but without the same gun culture, and they do not have mass shootings regularly happening. Eliminate the factors they share, and what are you left with? But I personally think this is too simplistic, it isn't black or white, there are many factors, ease of access to weapons being one of them, type of weapons being available is another. But also socio-economic factors, education, health care etc. You are pretty much brewing up a perfect storm of poverty, homelessness, lack of adequate health care, lower morals, low education, hopelessness etc. If the youth feel like they have no future, can't realize the American dream, then the gang life with promises of easy money and a brotherhood is tempting. Also not taking proper care of your mentally ill, and at the same time giving them access to powerful weapons... easy to see that that might be a bad idea. Apart from gang shootings and terror attacks, mental issues seems to be the common factor in a hell of a lot of your mass shootings over the years. As an outsider, from a country with quite high numbers of guns per capita, yet no mass shootings, I always found it strange that the American citizens seem so ready to object to fixing the issues that plague their nation. Helping the troubled members of your society is instantly labelled as "socialism" and that is automatically bad.
@1twistedcpl6575 10 месяцев назад
@@mikeburnett7028 just because someone decides that toting a gun 24/7 isnt for them doesnt mean they've failed "to take responsibility for their own safety." Owning a firearm doesnt assure safety. It does increase the odds of innocent victims tho. I find it hard to believe that you are such a dead shot that you could never injure or kill a innocent bystander...especially in a crowd situation. There is a medical term for what you described yourself as..its called "savior syndrome."
@Mephistopheles13 10 месяцев назад
@@Duckie313 those same places you mention with less to no guns on the streets also tend to deal with home invasions, street muggings, etc a bit more frequently. When I was in Sweden, a woman in the neighboring country, Denmark, used pepper spray on someone who was trying to rape her. She’s the one that got in trouble. Small countries so news travels fast. Not trying to make this political or anything. I’m not even trying to debate. I’m just trying to point out that less gun crime ≠ less overall crime. Just something to consider.
@dwaynebolek 10 месяцев назад
I don't know how it could be said any better, thanks Adam.
@rodneyfields4149 10 месяцев назад
You are absolutely correct. Thank you for all you do and sharing.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for tuning in 👊🏼
@lawrencedeeth1261 10 месяцев назад
I agree 100 % with your closing opinions about modern day society!
@jeffreylagrimas3525 10 месяцев назад
Well said Adam!!
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Thanks! 👊🏼
@scottschiller1153 10 месяцев назад
Spot on Adam! It's a mental disorder our society has allowed to fester and grow into a problem. We need to get people help as soon as we see them slipping into pattern of mental illness.
@toddohmes8720 10 месяцев назад
You are absolute right baw, society has gone to shit for the most part; not everyone but a lot more now than 15 years ago!
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
I said 50 years ago
@jimtomstimpson1477 10 месяцев назад
I completely agree with you Adam!
@jimbeam4111 10 месяцев назад
Well said
@glockbx877 10 месяцев назад
So so true Adam! It’s the people, how they are raised, and what society now allows. Ride safe brother!
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
You too brother 👊🏼
@jamesm3123 10 месяцев назад
I've been to lots of motorcycle events in Australia. A lot of them are attended by 1 percenters and there has never been a shooting at any of them. I've never even seen a fist fight, It must be horrible over there to always be looking over your shoulder . Keep safe,
@MakatiMike 5 дней назад
Larry the cable guy. “If gun’s kill people I am blaming my pencil for all of my spelling errors”. I hope we can find a way to evolve from this crap.
@markmallaley3797 10 месяцев назад
Bobby Mackies northern Kentucky
@RandysRides 10 месяцев назад
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has a level where you're with 4 other people, and massacre an entire airport full of people... (hundreds) The first time I played it (as an adult) it was like....wtf...am I actually supposed to be doing this ?? They banned Wile E Coyote, ffs......
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
@rb3019011 10 месяцев назад
1000% agree with your opinion about what we accept as a society now. As a educator of almost 30 years, what we consider acceptable of our young people today is a far cry from when I started. As a member of the motorcycle community and a member of a MC, it is refreshing to be around motorists who continue to share the hard working blue collar values that made this country great. Love your content, been a subscriber since the start. Keep doing what you do!
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for being part of the channel 👊🏼
@Jeffyinthehills 10 месяцев назад
It’s the educators that have turned kids into America hating, cancel culture, socialist loving, brain dead monsters. They didn’t learn any of that at home. The problem is, parents trusted government to educate their kids. We see our mistake.
@newenglandbiker2220 10 месяцев назад
Things we would reject in our society just 30 years ago has now become not only excepted but rewarded in many ways. Prayers to the victims. Thanks for those spot on words.
@ootac 10 месяцев назад
I’m in Australia and I believe that Americans who ride have the most amazing riding opportunities within your country, it’s just a shame your country cannot and never will fix gun laws and unfortunately this will always continue to happen in any country with no gun laws. No guns, equal no problems, easier said than done right! Either way just enjoy your amazing country!
@jimpatrick8021 10 месяцев назад
Sorry, we have law's in Texas and the GUN follows them, it just sits wherever it's at waiting to be held and loved....ITS the holder of the gun who don't. Please do come over and visit, we love Australia.
@alexwilsonpottery3733 10 месяцев назад
Why would they hold a motorbike rally in an area without decent motorbiking roads? But then, I live in Iowa, a couple hundred miles East or West from anything near a good biking road. Miss those Lake District and Scottish roads of my youth. As far as gun-violence and the general disappearance of ‘nice America’ - there have been decades of hailing violent criminals as folk-heroes in the popular media since before the American Revolution Against Tyranny/Terrorist Insurgency Sparked By Land-Grabbing Speculators. That, together with a continued culture of ‘Stickin’ it to the Man’, kind of explains why we are where we are today, and why it’s the same in the rest of the World - thanks to the successful exportation of American ‘culture’ through popular media. It’s been fairly well proven that fewer guns in the hands of the general public leads to fewer gun deaths, but the crowd that consistently misreads the ‘2A’ keeps yelling about THEIR rights to ‘protect themselves’; but what about the rest of us who just want to go to school, college, the movies, an art-festival, a motorbike rally, without the fear of being caught in some hellish crossfire because some arse didn’t learn how to back down from a fight? The main reason I don’t attend rallies is the cock-swingers, it’s not worth the aggro.
@davebishop8683 10 месяцев назад
Looks like a beautiful place. Agree with you whole heartedly. Glad to hear that law enforcement responded quickly and prayers going out to the family's involved.
@rickyhawkins7407 10 месяцев назад
Agreed 100% Retired LEO, did 32 years. Saw a huge change and decline in morals and respect over that time. From civilians to public safety professionals. We as a society have allowed the degradation we are now living with day to day. Until we learns to respect each other as a human. Forget sex, race, orientation, nationality, religion, all of that. Treat everyone as if they were your mother. And if someone does wrong, they should expect to be punished, and we should respect that fact.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Well said brother 🇺🇸
@jaredmcnutt731 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for serving your community
@WildBlueWanderers 10 месяцев назад
Amen! You are spot on, I wish more people would hear this and understand.
@Grumpy_SWMO 10 месяцев назад
Well said Brother! Retired LEO myself. Thankful for LEOSA.
@rickyhawkins7407 10 месяцев назад
@@Grumpy_SWMO thank you for your service sir.
@BudzzableRides 10 месяцев назад
You said it right Adam, I've always felt these POV killing games kids play these days desensitized the value of life. Hope everyone pulls through & this crap stops happening at any events.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Desensitization is definitely a real thing 💯
@kenkenyon444 10 месяцев назад
I unfortunately think no matter what we do these type of people will still get there hands on a weapon illegally or legal so any type of gun control would only affect law abiding citizens not the criminal element?
@pepito0523 10 месяцев назад
My sentiments exactly
@JohnDoe-ls1vd 10 месяцев назад
The biker community has become a joke. I've been riding since the mid 70s. I've seen all the changes. In the 70s it was about Freedom, Brotherhood. The 80s added Patriots, and Respect. Than in 1990, at Sturgis 50th..I started to see the downward slop. And by 2000 I knew it was over. I'm 63 now, and it's REALLY sad to see what it has become. CHOPPERS 4 EVER ✌
@phalypso 10 месяцев назад
We had just left when this happened. Very glad you and yours got out safely, and hope you don't let this put you off in the future. Almost everyone comes here with a good time in mind, and though we have had a couple incidents through the years, nothing ever like this. My guess is there will be a tighter lid on things next November.
@jenkins1979 10 месяцев назад
That's why I quit going into crowds
@speedtrap420 10 месяцев назад
The rally looked hella cool, it is very sad that a shooting of any kind occurred and what you say at the end is true. Be safe in your journey.
@Mrspecter007 10 месяцев назад
Adam I understand that's your opinion on the Lone Star however much of the other rallies are very similar to name a few Bikeroberfest, Daytona Biker rally, and few others. I think Tx has one of the best ralies when it comes to hanging out and seeing shows and concerts, one it's very largely spread out and two it's free. However I can agree with not much riding etc. Not many rallies have alot of riding unless you're going to Arkansas, or Sturgis. But most rallies are that kinda vibe anyway. Why I choose to just ride to beautiful destinations like you. Maybe that's why I haven't met anyone. I'm just a military vet who takes the journey alone. Anyway, Safe travels, Adam.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Thank you for my freedom brother 👊🏼 one of my favorite things to do is just ride and find awesome destinations. If that sounds like you, check out motorcycledestinations.com
@Mrspecter007 10 месяцев назад
​@adamsandoval yes sirrrrr. Thank you as well Adam for all you do for us Vets it is greatly appreciated. ❤🤘🏼
@JimPoston1 10 месяцев назад
Hello Adam! I've been following you on your channel since back in the day when you and Scooter were traveling to all the HD dealerships on the War Horse. I concur with your assessment of the culture in America and the world today. I'm an old guy born in the 40's. I have watched the moral compass of America get broken and lost. I was in High School when Madelyn Murray O'Hair won her case in the Supreme Court and GOD was expelled from public schools (1963). Since then it's been a continuing decline in the "two parent family", "good moral behavior" and the "golden rule". GOD is the author of morality and without GOD there in no "goodness", "brotherly love" or "kindness towards one another".... That's my story and I'm stickin' to it :-)) Thanks for your comments on the TUBE.... "KEEP THE FAITH", for without it one will never find the TRUTH! jp
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
I do believe the moral compass of our society as a whole has become skewed
@davidgiles5030 10 месяцев назад
There is no god. A fact proven many times over!
@_Tom_B 10 месяцев назад
@@davidgiles5030 That's literally never been proven. In fact, the more science discovers, the more an intelligent designer becomes the more plausible explanation. Might want to take your claim to Albert Einstein who found his Theory of Relativity irritating because of it's implications of a single cause event. Or, how about Robert Wilson, one of the discoverers of the radiation afterglow in our galaxy who said, "Certainly there was something that set it all off. Certainly, if you are religious, I can't think of a better theory of the origin of the universe to match with Genesis." Greater minds than yours have fallen short in proving God doesn't exist - do you know something they don't? Trust the science, right?
@JimPoston1 10 месяцев назад
@@adamsandoval Adam; "Skewed is an understatement to say the least".... Wishing you, Ashley and Brady the best!
@JimPoston1 10 месяцев назад
@@davidgiles5030 David at the end of our natural lives we will all find the out the mysteries of life which are hidden from the natural minded, mysteries which can only be discovered in the spiritual realm through faith. Hope you make it!
@gregwelch2459 10 месяцев назад
It is a shame, someone always has mess up a good time. Glad you are safe.We need Trump back in the office .
@adamcruz5284 10 месяцев назад
Adam, you could not have said it better. I 100% agree with your statement. Our society has changed and it’s sad.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
It certainly is unfortunate 💯
@scooterbernieamputeeharleyride 10 месяцев назад
Thanks. Your absolutely right. Sorry to hear,🙏🏼’s
@mattbroussard7409 10 месяцев назад
Perfect commentary on our society. We have a heart problem not a gun problem. People need to turn to Jesus. Just missed you at the rally by minutes I could tell in the short you posted. There is one nice ride you can take at that rally. My buddies and I rode all the way down to Surfside Beach then back up to Galveston. Very scenic relaxing ride along the coast. There is a 2 dollar toll bridge that charges both ways but ride was really nice especially with the weather Saturday evening. God bless and stay safe out there.
@marshamihalko9523 10 месяцев назад
Adam having worked with youth for years two observations 1. Too many kids without dads 2.Vast majority not raised with a church family.Thanks for all you do...
@georgevangordon9728 10 месяцев назад
What the heck is wrong with people I just watched this morning a news report of somebody opening fire on a bunch of folks on a horse trail ride it’s sick ! Heart felt wishes to anyone injured and their families
@icebrakernh 10 месяцев назад
It is sad some take the road of destruction. Prayers to all those who were involved. Gun violence has gone up as being tough on crime has gone down. Stay Stubborn ride safe.
@sheridesmoto 10 месяцев назад
Holy crap! Glad you are okay. I hate that this happened. 😢
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏🏼 and I agree, it’s just horrible that it happened
@james0265 10 месяцев назад
You're exactly right, don't blame the gun blame the people holding the gun. 😢 So sad.
@richardashwood5771 10 месяцев назад
I totally agree with your summary of the state of our country right now. There is no longer any compassion with human life. Our society has allowed ourselves to accept this craziness. We all must work together to change this way of thinking before it’s too late.
@mikemiraglia7469 10 месяцев назад
Well said Adam!! Thanks brother., It’s people, Not Guns!
@royjohnson9175 10 месяцев назад
Any gun law reform will only hinder law abiding gun ownership. Every where in our country. No law breaker will follow any law about guns because they are criminals. It is tough for our government to do exactly for that reason. Only law abiding gun owners follow the rules and laws to aquire and own firearms. Any and all laws that are in place now or created later, how many criminals like the one mentioned in this video will follow those laws? He didnt and that there is the problem. There are alot of questions as to why the shooter did what he did and under what circumstances. But it makes my point. Unlawful firearms owned by criminal will not follow a sign that states; " This is a gun free zone, please leave your firearm in your car and help preserve the peace at our event. Thank you have a nice day" nope not a one. Only the ones who want to keep and preserve their right to bear arms will comply. There by making it only the unlawful having firearms at any type of event with such a sign.
@Ten_Mil_Will 10 месяцев назад
Y'all gonna think I'm nuts but it is all the CODDLING that got us here. I can explain the logic behind that statement but it would be a long post.
@jeffbranchick1516 10 месяцев назад
Spot on with your commentary brother. Nailed it. Stay safe out there Adam. Keep her between the lines.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
@01dumbfrog 10 месяцев назад
I’m satisfied with the gun laws as they are if you don’t like them then move to a gun-free state/ country/ or prison. And stay out of Texas.
@joannewinters9616 10 месяцев назад
I agree with you 100% I'm so glad you're okay take care God bless
@Bengstona0911 10 месяцев назад
I had no idea this happened. I refuse to watch the news. Let’s get rid of the gangs not the gun. Let’s work on mental health. Let’s teach people the value of life.
@Supermankev2001 10 месяцев назад
It is just sad that stuff like this keeps happening. Something has to change.
@Rpm68 10 месяцев назад
As our country is being invaded through total open borders crime and murders are going to skyrocket, staying strapped and aware of your surroundings has never been more important, staying away from any event is letting them win thru fear, and that's not going to happen here🇺🇲
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
We must stand in our conviction 💯🇺🇸
@G.Wagner_HD_Pan_America-Greg- 10 месяцев назад
Well, it's sad, but I'm glad it wasn't MC related!
@360chris88 10 месяцев назад
Thanks Adam well said and I'm praying for the victims
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Me too brother 🙏🏼
@denpetrowskii 10 месяцев назад
I totally agree with Adam. Some people do crazy things. And that's not a gun's issue
@robink2563 10 месяцев назад
We don't need new laws. We need our government to enforce the laws we have equally.
@fenrarebreedsav2594 10 месяцев назад
Unfortunately policy has to assist the changes in society. This means adjustments and that’s not what anyone wants. We can’t acknowledge the problem(s) but do absolutely nothing(but talk about it)and expect change. If we look up the definition of “insanity” we will get a great example of the actions being taken to address these issues. Glad you made it home safe.
@jameswiththegermanshepherd6628 10 месяцев назад
You’re exactly right. You can’t blame the gun.
@vangoodwin7335 10 месяцев назад
Parenting! Hang with me here; My big brother was born in 1960 with a hole in his heart, I was born in 65 when he was taken to get the hole repaired. In 1970 my folks divorced the sperm donor couldn't take the attack on his masculinity! ANY excuse not to be a Dad. When my anger was too much I was sent to the farm where my uncle (a Korean War Veteran) and his son (a Vietnam War Veteran) raised me with discipline and love. Adam I have said this to you before; there is a difference between a father and a Dad, and that starts with maturity. I was a single Dad for 14 years raising my kids outdoors canoeing, camping, shooting and riding. Did I raise an unstable child capable of such atrocities? It's not just our country it's this throw away world where everyone demands indentity and refuses to show respect for human life. Respect for anything or anyone is gone and only through positive role models can anyone (not just our youth) survive the collapse of humanity. I am a recovering alcoholic, disabled combat vet and I don't do crowds, bars or rallys but i don't condemn those that can and want to do those things. My prayers for the families of all involved. While the family may say he was a good boy, they are saving face because so many will point the finger at them. But society does more to influence our children and their behavior than we as parents do. UNLESS, we instill in them; pride, respect, love and compassion. Is a return to the church needed? I won't preach here, but for me returning to the Lakota lodge for prayer and fellowship shaped me and my children to be better than this alcoholic could have done on my own! AMERICA, you are in my prayers Hoka Hey
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
I agree with so much of what you said! Being part of a positive community of those who encourage and inspire a want to do better and be better is key 💯
@jackiemiller6547 10 месяцев назад
Been happening in my home town.so sad. Prayers for all the families there and so thankful your safe adam.keep staying safe.
@fastsilverado 10 месяцев назад
Why didn't you pray for it not to happen in the 1st place? But pray now? He doesn't listen.
@brettcreech3490 10 месяцев назад
I agree Adam.
@whollymindless 10 месяцев назад
The shooter is lucky he can be charged. This was Texas.
@DeBa1226 10 месяцев назад
Brother, glad you’re safe. Stay safe in MX. I’m with you, morals & values have gone out the window, in all the ways you described. It starts at home. Men really need to lead families well. Be that head of household. Be a responsible provider. Pour into your families every day. Be present. Love, teach, listen. Be the example. Time for people start placing their faith in the Lord, not the ways of the world.
@WillysPerformanceCycleCtr 10 месяцев назад
A lot of bikes and riders at the rally! I agree with the thoughts you expressed on the violence perpetrated by the gang member. Cain killed Able with a rock. God nor man banned rocks. God did indeed punish Cain for his actions. David killed Goliath with a slingshot and no one has ever attempted to ban slingshots that I know of. Firearms don’t kill people, people kill people. Society and morals have gone down the drain. Until we fix that problem, nothing will change. I grew up in a small, rural town in southern East Tennessee and practically everyone carried a firearm. Typically family feuds happened and you had to be able to protect yourself if you got caught in the middle. Ride safe brother and thanks for expressing your thoughts.
@amsoiladam 10 месяцев назад
I wish I would’ve known you were going to be there. I was the vendor just to the right of D&D exhaust. The big Amsoil set up. I also have a popular motorcycle rally RU-vid channel and would’ve loved to meet you. I heard about the shooting while I was sitting out front on the seawall editing my videos as well.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Glad to hear you’re alright brother 👊🏼
@ezpoppy55 10 месяцев назад
I don’t disagree. But what I don’t understand is why, if what you say is accurate (it’s solely a society/people/personal issue), why then aren’t we working on THAT? Why don’t we have universal health care that includes mental health care for EVERYONE? Why is that not just treated as an inalienable human right, as our Declaration of Independence clearly states it is? It’s absurd to claim that it’s on the person, and demand guns guns and more guns for everyone everywhere, totally unrestricted - yet not provide universal health care so those in need can get help before another Anytown, USA has citizens out enjoying their life (pursuit of happiness) slaughtered in another mass shooting. If gun advocates say they know what the problem is and its causes, then it’s up to them to fight to get that issue addressed. Right now, all I see is a bunch of mumbling, shoulders shrugged, and voting for those who stand steadfast against universal health care.
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
You do make a few good points but I don’t believe it’s just mental health that drives violence. A lot of it is the degradation of societal standards and social norms
@ezpoppy55 10 месяцев назад
@@adamsandoval Also one must state that a big part of the problem is not only the incredible proliferation of the number of guns, legit and otherwise, but also the increasing lethalness of guns. They both have increased over the past half century. Assault rifles have replaced the revolvers and shotguns that people used to keep in their home for protection. While I don’t have a problem with guns, per se, I think their sheer number, their increased deadliness, mixed in with the manufactured fear of whatever boogeyman people fear these days, adds up to a deadly situation. Scared people armed to the teeth with arsenals of military grade weapons is not something a sane society would tolerate. Meantime, loved ones, friends, co-workers, and strangers of all walks of life, all occupations, all political and religious persuasion are gunned down every single day across this country. And nothing changes. I’ve about given up hope that people will rise up and proclaim, “ENOUGH!” and work to stop the slaughter. Every day I drop my sons off at school and my wife goes to her job as a teacher, I say a little prayer that I will see them, alive and unharmed. It’s not something I take for granted.
@rickseibel5904 10 месяцев назад
I think we’ve been led to unquestionably believe in the idea of “rugged individualism”, capitalism as THE economic standard and that American “consumerism” is worthy of exporting. If you’re failing, if you’re poor it’s your fault. Can’t afford health insurance? sorry but it’s your problem. Have health insurance but your problem is a psychological one? again, sorry but it’s your problem. Poverty causes crime. Yet what gets repeatedly driven home as the solution to criminal activity is having a gun for protection. Lost is the notion of addressing ways in which poverty might be reduced. Granted that a certain degree of individual responsibility is required but it is not a black and white issue. The American worker has gotten more productive yet real income has fallen to the point that it takes two household incomes to get by. That in itself assures the destruction of a functioning family unit. And that means single parent households and latch key children who have the alone time to get into trouble….their behavior and values influenced by their peers, video games,TV and social media. Not from the family unit. This society is manipulated by large marketing corporations whose sole purpose is to make us dissatisfied with whatever we have and motivated to purchase something different. Lest we see ourselves as someone unworthy. Being poor and feeling unworthy is fertile ground to crime. It amazes me how frightened Americans have become. How easily it seems our behavior and attitudes can be manipulated through the use of fear tactics. The NRA is a good example of the use of fear. The 2nd amendment is fine as written but the words “well regulated” are rarely if ever heard. Religion is another fear monger. Ignore the world and seek heaven lest you find yourself in hell. Never mind the hell your living in at present. Until such time as we collectively decide just what precipitated this decline in the welfare of American society, solutions will continue to be less than effective. Drop the “labels” that limit possible remedies and look for ways that might lay outside the constraints of capitalism and the market economy but may work with an American twist. Hopes and prayers aside, as they have proved impotent at solving anything but soothing the conscience of the religious individuals using the phrase.
@BikesBeardsAndBrews 10 месяцев назад
Honestly trying to stick with the positive side, Let me know when you want to come to the North Shore of MA, I can point you at a few Haunted hotels. Sending my best to all the victims involved
@matthewaschenbach653 10 месяцев назад
Praying for all involved!!! It’s sad that bad people can destroy all the good in something. We all need to keep are heads up high and keep moving forward as a motorcycling community!!! I thank you Adam for all the hard work that you have done for this community and are veterans!!!
@wildphiljohnson5336 10 месяцев назад
I was there in 2005 left early to ride back to DFW for NASCAR races. They had 45 shut down by Conroe sniper was shooting at 18 wheelers. If that wasnt bad enuff it was in the low 30s. They use to have a motorcycle event in Jefferson Tx. They have haunted motels.
@user-tm2qi7wu5p 10 месяцев назад
Haunted Hotel = St James Hotel @ Cimarron, NM. Ask for Marys room. SUPER COOL HISTORIC hotel! Built 1860 -Wyatt Earp, Kit Carson, Annie Oakley, Jesse James, et al......Stayed here! 316 original bullet holes in saloon ceiling. Been on several super natural shows. My trips out to Colorado, I plan to stay here either going or on the way home.
@browngreen933 10 месяцев назад
Lemming convention. Mandatory shooting. Everyplace is haunted nowadays.
@rodneyhanbaum697 10 месяцев назад
I agree,not holding people accountable for their actions, yet its the inanimate objects fault. BTW CVMA 24-5 Thanks you, S. Illinois Chapter Illinois Chapter
@gcanaday1 10 месяцев назад
...gun laws HAVE changed. They have changed quite a bit. Gun Free Zones for one example didn't exist at all 50 years ago. It was common for boy to bring their 22s to school so that they could go plinking or squirrel hunting on their way home. Can they do that now? Not in the US, they can't.
@trucker4life463 10 месяцев назад
Well if we're keeping it real & honest , Let's mention the elephant in the room , ive never heard of Independent Bikers or Riding Clubs shooting at each other. My Motto is RIDE FREE & LIVE FREE . At the End of the day my Dad & Uncles taught me to simply give respect to get respect and there won't be any issue's. I've been at the handlebars at 13 yrs old. 48 now with zero issues on 2s.
@Arcticredleg 10 месяцев назад
Amen brother. Could not agree more.
@darcher5888 10 месяцев назад
You are correct Adam. I don’t know if an AR was used but IMHO, if you want an AR, join the military! Civilians don’t need weapons of war! Semper Fi!
@screwplanplaybook7121 10 месяцев назад
I agree Adam, it's not the gun's fault, society collapse and criminals and mental health runs Unchecked. Thank you Adam for the video,safe travels.
@badlsxgarage 10 месяцев назад
Your opinion is 1000% correct!!! No need to comment anything else. You nailed it!!
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
@glencrouch442 8 месяцев назад
You are absolutely correct brother, not the gun, it's our society. When I was growing up everyone I knew had and carried guns, we had them in our pickup trucks at high school during deer season so we could go hunting right after school... NO mass shootings then, so what's changed? The gun? NO the people, society has changed. What we tolerate today will be "normal" tomorrow. We've tolerated to much nonsense and we are now reaping what we've sewn. Stay safe our there brother!
@VTSteve 10 месяцев назад
Look up "Old West Ghost Tour" in Volume 50 - Issue 11 , 11/01/2023 of Rider Magazine
@KCPETEY24 10 месяцев назад
The Elms, Excelsior Springs, MO for that haunted stay if you haven’t been!
@heathenbiker 10 месяцев назад
I go to this rally, but only because it's so close cause i live in Houston. It's not a riding rally, like you said, it's a merchandise rally. Completely agree with your observations on society. When in my 20's i could get in a bar fight, get kicked out. Apologize to the guy next week. He'd buy me a beer. Nobody called cops, nobody shot anybody (though most had guns or knives on them). Nowadays somebody would get shot, for sure.
@HootmonHarry 10 месяцев назад
What law would be passed that would actually make a criminal not have a gun, or shoot into a crowd? Criminals, by definition, do not obey laws... Laws are man's attempt to restrict the outward actions of people.. The only thing that can stop such actions is a life altering encounter with Jesus, who through His holy spirit can change people on the inside... Laws will never stop evil, period. The light of God's love shown into the darkness of men's souls, that is the thing that can stop evil actions. Removung God from human experience, leads people to be more selfish, and not care for others, or to value life.
@xanbiker 10 месяцев назад
I'm 61 and I remember that certain superhero comic books had ratings due to graphic violence, even in the 60's. I am pro gun, but disputes need to be settled with fist, not lead. That is how you settle things as men! A lot of young people are getting fantasy confused with reality! Then there is the compliant that it stifles free speech. When that speech is hate and violence there should be some way to curb it!!
@philvale5724 10 месяцев назад
Hi 👋, great comment, heart and prayers go out to all the people involved, good or bad, I’ve been into motorcycles since the early 60s, as you probably gathered, I’m in now in my 70s, I’ve been to a lot of rallies over the last 30 years probably, throughout the UK and Europe, never had any problems, probably apart from people getting too drunk, not being able to handle our drink, however, I did go to Miami in 2005. I took my son and his new wife for their wedding present, I had hired a hire car, one particular day, I was out by myself, looking for a motorcycle shop, I ended up becoming low on fuel, so I put in the satnav fuel station, took me up onto a motorway. wasn’t far away, however, when I pulled up into the fuel station, I’ve got my fuel, then went to a kiosk, the guy was sitting behind a reinforced wall and steel cage, he told me to get back in my car after paying of course, as a few days earlier, some people are driven into the car park in the petrol station, I think 4 people got shot, and cars were stolen, I suppose in hindsight, it’s just been the wrong place at the wrong time, and yes, I think candles should be changed, no, I do not live in the United States, I’m now retired living in France, Overhaul your rally looks amazing , would’ve loved to have been there, I have owned for British bikes, and three Harley Davison’s, my last one was a soft tail deuce, sadly I had to sell it in 2019, as I have been scammed by my ex female partner, however, I did move to France with the money, hoping to get another bike soon, yes at my young age, ha ha 😂. You all stay safe, Phil from the moulin France.
@karenlewis333 10 месяцев назад
Stanley Hotel in Estes Park in Colorado is haunted. It's not the gun killing.....its the person!
@vmonk1474 10 месяцев назад
The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. My wife and I rode there (from North Carolina). The riding around there is awesome, and that hotel is haunted.
@sandspike2929 10 месяцев назад
Mr Sandoval, Please DO NOT call the murdering purp a “gentleman “. Far from it.
@NeilBlenker 10 месяцев назад
Come back to Minnesota and check out the "Haunted" Palmer House Hotel and Restaurant in Sauk Centre! My prayers go out to all involved in the shooting!
@supernatural7690 10 месяцев назад
As an outsider looking in here are my observations. I follow 4 american m/c vloggers, yourself, shadetree surgeon, weems mo Co and professional monkey. I knew that shadetree surgeon and weems were both involved with a charity centred around welfare of youngsters who are on the very brink of becoming a " candidate " for the type of behaviour that is becoming more and more prevalent. I found out that professional monkey has been part of a organisation that fights child abuse. So then, how the hell has the richest most powerful nation in recorded history left child protection and welfare issues amongst bikers ? God bless them for undertaking this role but how did it come to this? Children are going to school without a breakfast maybe a surgery drink and a salted snack school's are falling apart teachers are underpaid over worked more value is placed on an up to date phone than a well balanced discussion. And guns have become jewellery or accessories and casual violence is normalised in all media. You celebrate convicted sex offender and want him for your next president imagine that 10 years ago let alone 20. america is in serious trouble it will not improve while a relatively small group of powerful people are raking in billions of dollars they will not upset the status quo. So sad praying for those involved
@robdlc438 10 месяцев назад
Enabling allows all kinds of shenanigans. Personal responsibility is lacking. I know many guys that are pro-2A and none of them have ever shot anybody.
@TEXAS_BAGITO 10 месяцев назад
My brother & I were there. We were about 3 intersections west of the incident. Didn’t hear the gun shots but knew something was up when we saw a dozen officers running down the street (and one officer walking 😂) towards the shooting. A coworker from Texas City later said/told me it was a retaliation shooting for a much earlier robbery.
@spiritmediumdaniel7161 10 месяцев назад
I'm a professional Spirit Medium. Spirit are everywhere. Some want to be seen, most don't. You have spirit around you everywhere you are. They don't take bathroom breaks so you can take a shit. They don't care what you do because they don't have to do it anymore.
@Onewholovesrock 10 месяцев назад
There’s a whole lot of nut bags out there, there’s a whole lot of guns out there, there’s a whole lot of nut bags with guns out there. Honestly. Just from watching your short video. This rally seemed to have a different feel. Probably wise you turned it a bit early.
@vickibenton374 10 месяцев назад
Agree 💯% STAY STUBBORN Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts
@adamsandoval 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for tuning in 👊🏼
@FreddietheFly 10 месяцев назад
You were bang on in your comments Adam so I won't repeat what you said, I just agree whole heartedly. I will say that I think there needs to be a ban on assault rifles. I believe the shooting at the rally was by handgun and no deaths reported. Most mass shootings are done with assault rifles and they cause the most carnage. These type of automatic weapons are made for killing and should not be in the hands of a regular citizen.
@urbanadventurer5 10 месяцев назад
Valid points for sure, but if we are going to call stuff out we have to do it fairly. 1% motorcycle clubs engage in this same behavior all of the time and we often say nothing because they are viewed as “part of our community.” In fact, we often almost glorify their behavior and honor them as some kind of heroes or the ideal. Some of us dress like them, set our bikes up like them, use their lingo, and never offer this kind of criticism about them. It’s time we offer them this same energy I think. If wrong is wrong, let’s say it universally.
@timinatornone 10 месяцев назад
I got a picture of my grandpa in Galveston sitting on a Henderson four from 1938 he was there with a huge group of riders...
@bumstead1383 10 месяцев назад
The youth of America have some influences today that certainly weren’t as prevalent long ago. Glad your ok.
@michaelhill1107 10 месяцев назад
I think you nailed it Adam .. Society has lowered their standards and allowed the "SHOCK VALUE" to exceed "MORAL VALUE" in shows, movies and games and glorified violence to the point it's no longer shocking... . glad you're OK and wasn't in the mix ... Ride Safe
@SPUDWRENCH 10 месяцев назад
It’s become a godless society where life is cheap. Like the Bic pen of years ago, it’s dispensable. And, as the Bible says, “There is no fear of God in their eyes”. Their times a coming, as is all of ours.
@randysiler7458 10 месяцев назад
Adam with all due respect the Gulf of Mexico is just that a gulf. A big pond. I live an hour west of Galveston and enjoy riding to the city in the winter for lunch. I have not been to the rally in several years and really have no reason to go back. Galveston proximity to the Houston metropolitan area and every town between Houston and Galveston does have a negative impact on the city especially during large events. Guns are not the problem it’s the nutcase that pulls the trigger. Ride safe Adam and wish you the best.
@MrA6s4 10 месяцев назад
Missed crossing paths with you Adam. The shooting was a one-off unfortunate incident by a lunatic...but this was a happening Rally!
@billsoracco257 10 месяцев назад
Adam The Alex Johnson in Rapid City SD Totally haunted!!!
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