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Hey Guys! I hoped that you enjoyed that video and it helps you or someone you know come out or accept themselves.
/ brandonmcnaught
/ brandonmcnaught
/ www
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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11 сен 2024




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@machelleyaj2934 10 лет назад
XD LMAO! CUTIE! You are the cutest thing ever!
@TheNateSenpai 10 лет назад
Nice video man! You seem like a good guy and I'm happy your family has been supportive. :) Best of luck with everything in the future!
@sevanaiaseeto9456 9 лет назад
it's awesome how your family is so supportive :D
@PrEtTyGuRlSwaGgeRr 10 лет назад
Proudddd offf youuuu! Supporttinggg youu to the fullleesssttt , Besttt Frandd ! (:
@LettingGoTV 10 лет назад
You're so awesome.
@kevin_in_207 8 лет назад
You don't need to "come out", but it is psychologically detrimental to repress your sexuality. Repressing can manifest itself in anti-social behavior including aggression, depression, and perhaps even sexualized deviance. Just live your life, and love whomever attracts you... there doesn't need to be a big announcement. Once you are an adult, on your own, those who matter won't mind and those who mind won't matter.
@SeanShimamoto 5 лет назад
Kevin_in_207 Some gay men DO NEED to come out...for themselves. I look forward to the day that it’s not necessary, and I look forward to the day that Jesus Christ’s followers actually act like Jesus Christ taught them to act, and not hateful/judgmental/exclusive/unkind/etc...but until then, coming out is a very freeing act for us. Unless you’re gay, you can’t even imagine how horrible it feels to go through society being gay...especially in Christian/Catholic communities where they are ridiculed on a daily basis. Fortunately, I’m full Japanese-American and was raised Buddhist, where we learn the basically the same tenets of Jesus Christ...but we actually practice what Jesus preached. In my church, and most Buddhist churches in Hawai’i, there are support groups for young adults who’re struggling with their same-sex sexuality, where they can talk to church officials and other individuals like myself who came out decades ago.
@winsboy 10 лет назад
So happy for you and your family. I'm proud of you for having the good sense to know that being gay is not ALL that you are. Still, you're very young and, in time, you'll realize that no one CHOOSES to be gay. You are one of the fortunate ones whose family and friends were immediately accepting. As you've surely read (and seen on YT) there are still many people who face great adversity because of their sexuality. Reach out to those young people and encourage everyone you know to do the same. These are the kids who are in the greatest danger and too often think suicide or running away from home is their only resort. It DOES get better and the world is (finally) coming 'round to treating everyone equally. All the best to you - and give your folks a hug for me.
@garygary9310 9 лет назад
Brandon, I wanted to say you did a GREAT job on your video!!!!! I bet you feel so much better when you came out? I know I felt better when I came out. It was like a ton of bricks off my shoulders. I hope you find the boy of your dreams and that boy is getting a true GEM!!!!!!!!!!
@paulgerry2464 3 года назад
Did I hear you correctly? Did you say you were born that way, but SOME CHOOSE TO BE GAY? What is that based on? I've never heard anyone say they had chosen to be gay.
@ryanyoutube3115 10 лет назад
Hey what's up it so nice to see a set of twins on gay and one straight... Just like me and my twin. I got the gay twin as I got stereotyped throughout high school. Good video hit me back
@TJM-yq2ui 9 лет назад
What a sweet young man-:) Very pleased to hear that you have a loving and supportive family. Hope you find true love soon xx
@grpete446 9 лет назад
Thx for your vid! It helped me to come out. Thank you so much!!
@DavidLari 5 лет назад
In a world where adults so frequently fail gay youth, it's nice to see gay youth helping each other. It's heartwarming.
@redhood8141 5 лет назад
Couldn't agree more 😀
@jxmar_ 7 лет назад
Wow what a great experience coming out. I wish I had a family like your
@benw9949 5 лет назад
Being the gay kid, or, being gay does not define me, it's only a small part of who I am. -- Yes and No. -- It's true, it's only one part of who you are. But it is also a very important part of who you are. Your feelings of love and sex are deep down, central to who you are, inextricably connected to everything else. And that's true of straight people too. So on one hand, being gay is not all there is to me, it's only a part of who I am. But it's a very important part of who I am too. If some people only want to see me as gay, then they are missing a whole lot else of who I am. I just don't want to have to be in only that one box and never be considered anywhere outside of that box of gayness. And my experience of, my reality of being gay, is not exactly like everyone else's. They are all at different points of being somewhere in humanity and somewhere in gayness. That's what I want, and not some label that says this is the gay box and he only fits in there and could never be anywhere else but right in there, and oh, by the way, this is how we define that gay box, so your couldn't possibly be gay, because you don't fit our definition. (Hah, then you get into either too gay or not gay enough to suit some people, even some gay people, and that's just bull.) :) So, being gay is only part of us, but it's an important part of us. I would guess that most straight people never think about how their straight sexuality informs so much else of their lives, and yet it does. Same for us gay folks. It's so deep down in there, that we don't think about it until we start to become aware of it as pre-teens and teens and into adulthood. So yes and no, important, though.
@Lambsnoop 5 лет назад
I can relate I played with barbie dolls too when I was a kid I remember my first crush.
@Michaelisamazing21 9 лет назад
@littlemage6354 6 лет назад
thx ur vid help me come out
@ab76254 9 лет назад
Great video!! :) .......sooooo how is your skin so perfect? (I totally don't mean to sound creepy), BTW it was really insightful what you said about people making judgements about the abstract concept of being gay and not realizing that gay people are people like everyone else
@bekosgeorge1 10 лет назад
I don't know if you remember me but it's George Bekos. A friend showed this to me and we practiacally grew up in locust as friends. I'll always support you. Keep in contact bro
@brandonmcnaught8084 10 лет назад
Yea dude, I remember, we used to hang out all the time. Thanks for the support. :)
@robertbrolo486 5 лет назад
@@brandonmcnaught8084 i support you nd i like ur video. From my 💝 to ur 💝.
@redhood8141 5 лет назад
@@brandonmcnaught8084 Yay! Friends reconnecting is amazing. Anyway, loved the video, you are amazing. I hope you are still doing amazing
@TheUgo1997 10 лет назад
You are sooooo cute !!
@morrisfalker2773 10 лет назад
I had to watch the video twice, i kinda got distracted.
@nelsongonzales1263 6 лет назад
I wish I had a straight twin lol
@redhood8141 5 лет назад
Lol Dont we all
@eurisko3676 5 лет назад
Identical twin brother?
@benw9949 5 лет назад
Overall, great. (1) Don't worry whether some boy thought you were gay and therefore didn't want to be a study partner, friends, etc. Too bad he didn't like you as a friend or more, but that's his loss. If you were too young to know what gay was, then most likely, that boy wasn't entirely clear on it either. So again, hey, too bad. (Yes, I do know what it's like to be too young to know what it is, and yet you can have early, immature feelings starting up. They're not the same as when you're older, but they are there early on.) My very first puppy-love crush, I didn't know at the time that's what it was. But I loved him in a way that was more than I felt for other boys. It was pre-sexual. Whatever sexual side there might have been, I was too young to know it yet. I just knew I loved him. (Wish he'd felt the same. He didn't. But we did stay friends for a while.) Years later, I realized that for a little while there, I had a crush on that friend. But what did either of us really know? We wee elementary school age. Most boys seem to start being aware of their gay feelings right around when the straight boys are figuring out they like girls: For both groups, it's around when hormones start kicking in before puberty, so around 10 to 12, your pre-teens. (Yes, even in elementary school, kids will pick on kids they think are gay.) (2) The Barbie doll thing is brought up a couple of times in the video. I don't think that's too clear an indicator. Early on, boys and girls are still developing their ideas of what it is to be a boy or a girl, beyond what is instinctive to them, which they don't even think about. As we get older, we have an idea of what a boy and a girl are, how they act, and what is and isn't allowed for boys or girls to be like in our culture. But during that, we're also playing with toys, pretending, dressing up, and so on. Boys might play with Barbie dolls (and Ken) and G.I. Joe and whatever other dolls (action figures!) they have. Brothers and sisters may mess up their siblings' toys too. Girls might play with boys' toys, cars and so on. Well, so? If a boy shows a strong preference for the girls and girl's toys, then that could indicate there are gender and sexuality issues going on that are not straight. And there's a range: Not all gay boys are going to like Barbie dolls or other supposedly girly things. And if he does, well, fine. (Hey, he's identifying with a human role model.) (Hmm, by that logic, I think you'd also have to caution that if a kid strongly identifies with the family dog or dogs in general (or cats or whatever) it does not mean he or she is sexually interested in them. It just means the kid finds something satisfying or heroic, worth admiring, in dogs, cats, horses, whatever it might be.) -- I was an only child. I had action figures, very rarely any warlike toys, but yes, toy guns, a G.i. Joe once, other fairly typical boy's toys. (I also got a couple of girl action figures for Star Trek and Star Wars, and that was fine with my folks.) However, yup, I was a gay boy before I knew it. (Kids at school seemed to know it, though.) If you were to look back at me as a kid and into my teens, yes, you'd see clues that I was gay, in what I liked or chose. I had friends who were guys and who were girls; I didn't gravitate to one or the other. But yup, I was a little gay boy all right. (And oh, I did not like other kids making fun of me and calling me names and other bullying.) My point is, whether you are a kid/teen trying to figure out if you're not straight, or a parent or relative trying to figure out how to deal with a child relative who might not be straight -- don't go with the stereotypes. (Oh boy, was I confused to find out some very macho guys can be gay. I'm somewhere middle of the road, but yes, there are "non-standard" not-so-straight factors about me.) So there's a spectrum there. Yes, some boys can fit some of the gay stereotypes. Others will not, but they are still just as gay. One boy, a friend, fit a lot of those stereotypes. I don't know for sure if he was gay. (At the time, he was bullied mercilessly for it but said he wasn't. He may have been protecting himself. In any case, I thought he was great.) I have known guys who acted somewhat (or very) gay but yet they were straight. So-- just be accepting. Love your friends, straight or not straight. Love your kids, straight or not straight. And for goodness sakes, make sure you let your kids know that you'd be OK with them if they are gay. You don't know how deeply worrisome, even scary, it is for a kid to grow up wondering if his parents truly love him, even if he's gay. You don't know how hurtful it can be for your parents never to let you know if they know and accept and love you, gay and all. Sometimes, we need to hear that beforehand, or some acknowledgement of the idea that if someone they know is gay, they will still love and accept them. (Voice of experience: I never felt I could talk to my parents about being gay or anything to do with it. I tiptoed around the subject a few times later on, about other people. If my parents ever knew or accepted that I was gay, they never let me know in a way that got through to me, and I always felt they did not and would not love or understand me if they knew I was gay. I think that they must have had some idea, but they did not want to see it and accept it and deal with it. They didn't want it to be true that their son, their only child, was gay, and so they chose, I think, not to see it, not to acknowledge it, not to have to deal with it. And by doing so, there was always that thing between us, growing, from my early teens on, and into young adulthood. I did not come out until after my parents were gone. I wish at some point I had said the heck with it and told them. I also wish some friend had found a way to get through to me as a teen, to let me know they were OK with me being gay. To have someone to talk to, and to have someone to test the waters and try things out with, the way straight kids get to try with dating other straight kids would have made a big difference. Positive experiences would have helped a lot. Gay kids need all three: Supportive adults (ideally, family), supportive friends who they can talk to and lean on, and potential same-sex couples partners in friends or dates, to learn by practice how to have successful loving romantic and sexual relationships. (Come on, straight couples make out and fool around. Gay or not-straight kids need friends to do that with too, to learn how to be in a successful love relationship. Yes, including the early fooling around, just like those straight kids need that.) Some of us (or a lot of us) gay kids miss out on that, and so it gets postponed until much later, into late teens and adulthood. Figuring out as an adult how to make all that work in a love relationship? Well, I suppose a lot of straight people still don't have that figured out as adults, and yet they generally had lots of chances at those first steps as young teens. The gay kids need the chance to take those first early steps at the same time as their straight age-mates. Healthier that way. Being repressed too long is not good for relationships.
@prettygabrielle2994 10 лет назад
Brandon is hella cute that's all I see plus you have a good spirit now anyone else that has anything else to say will get a swift heavy hand across the got damn mouth jk
@Idrick 2 месяца назад
I am gay I been since I was young I didn’t know wat this feelin was in liking a dude till I experienced my frist time and it who I am so I accept it I can be with a guy r girl
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