
My First Time Learning How to Play Warhammer 40k 

The Legit Weebs
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@nerosthethundergod5616 4 месяца назад
This channel is great if you want to see how “normal” players play 40K. The personalities of the players are great and the paint jobs are some of the best out there. Also there are 2 of their videos that have Bricky as a guest star.
@Brutalyte616 4 месяца назад
So in terms of roleplay in Warhammer tabletop there's this concept of something called a 'narrative campaign', which is essentially a series of games played out in given scenarios where the outcomes have certain consequences and rewards. Players have a starting army and based on their performance from game to game, their army takes losses, gets reinforcements, access to upgrades, special rules, and so on, sort of like an outrageously violent and large-scale fantasy football league. To my recollection, GW doesn't support narrative play as much as they used to, but it's fun to have a group of players set up a scenario and let their decisions and the roll of the dice dictate how the story plays out. Like Bel'akor being murdered by Skinks dropping rocks on his, Makari the Lucky Grot being goddamn unkillable and somehow able to turn the tide of battle by just standing around and holding a banner on an objective, or Grimgor Ironhide managing to save the world from Chaos by jumping Archaon the Everchosen and kicking him in the nuts. The hoops you have to jump through to try and articulate what the Hell happened in-universe to justify the events of a narrative campaign can be outrageous, but it can make for epic and hilarious stories to tell.
@NEBE_THEFIRST 4 месяца назад
he went from getting a gift called warhammer to now trying to learn warhammer 40K They grow up so fast😔😂
@zoewhyumadbro3090 3 месяца назад
Cool to see you jump into the tabletop game. Some clarifications about things that came up in the video: Putting units in vehicles: you can put infantry units in vehicles with a "transport capability". These act both as a means of protection for the models, as well as moving them around the board more easily. Some vehicles even allow you to charge after they moved and the infantry got out (which you normally can't, because balancing), massively extending threat range of your units. They are also one of the more harder things for beginners, so I am glad none were in this game XD. Choosing a leader to be your warlord: that's a mistake on their part, because we were all unsure when the edition launched. Technically, you can choose any character to be your warlord, the rest of the army building rules still apply. If it was only a leader, knights would have a problem XD Game going for 5 battle rounds: this is actually the same for all game sizes. Which is strange, but if bigger games were more turns, they would take ages (which they already take sometimes) Deep strike: as you recognized, it is a powerful ability. To balance it, you can only have up to 50% of your army off of the battlefield at the start of the game, and up to 25% of that in "strategic reserves" (basically coming in from the sides). So if you're a daemons player you Sadly can't just leave your entire army in deepstrike... (it would be insanely funny as every daemon can innately deepstrike XD) Addendum: Firing multiple ranged weapons: you can fire multiple ranged weapons from the same model. Not sure why they are not doing it in this video. You can't use different melee weapons on the same model however. Multi-charge: basically a normal charge, but you have to get into engagement with multiple units. Used for when your unit is too clunky to only get into engagement with one unit, or to lock multiple units in place (also, I now realize how knight-coded my answers are... Yes, I own a couple knights, why do you ask?)
@hardcorelace7565 4 месяца назад
Battleline units arent always chaff, like custodes for example have custodian guard as battleline, which are tougher and more dangerous than most other factions terminator equivelants.
@Whitewingdevil 4 месяца назад
I love seeing people learn a new game, particularly one I love like 40K (even if I haven't been an active player in years), great vid!
@lich109 4 месяца назад
A set does include 2 armies and some terrain. The objectives and how victory is tracked also varies from mission to mission, usually you can heavily influence how many you can get in a turn even beyond the listed objectives. How many weapons you can fire from a model vary both depending on model type, and the edition of the game you play. Battleline units are not chaff, rather they represent the core of an army. A Tyranid force in the lore is typically going to consist mostly of Termagants and the like, rather than more specialised forces which is why you see more of them. For roleplay, it takes so long to build and paint units that when they're put on the table, you do get somewhat attached to them, especially if they immediately die in their first game (we call that "new model syndrome").
@Drakefance5 4 месяца назад
I'm glad you had fun with this one, it's definitely a fun video with some clutch rolls, and most of their videos are like this, just without the popup tutorials when new mechanics are in play.
@Brutalyte616 4 месяца назад
So vehicles are used for one of three reasons. The first is stats. Sometimes a vehicle is just a good standalone unit, which is the most evident with big units like Titans and Knights or smaller and faster units like bikes and aircraft. Speed, durability, and offensive power are all valid reasons to take a vehicle in an army and should be considered. The second reason people take vehicles is for transport purposes. Some vehicles are extremely fast and can offset another unit's lower movement speed, while other transport vehicles are more durable and can thus take hits for the units they're transporting. This makes it easier for a given unit to move without being harmed, and different transports have different specialties, such as flight, teleportation, high troop capacity, the ability to be pick up and deploy units without wasting actions or movement, or even being able to deploy units even if the transport is destroyed. The final reason is support, a grab-bag of different roles and specializations that contribute to an army's overall effectiveness. A classic example of this are artillery units for the Imperial Guard, which can utilize indirect fire. Transports should also technically be considered support units, but as transports are so key to many armies' strategies, they don't really fill the role of dedicated support unless they can do something else such as allowing units inside of it to fire out or use integrated weapons like sponson turrets. Alternatively, support vehicles can play complimentary roles such as providing suppressing fire, point capture, providing auras, acting as teleportation beacons, or simply acting as a form of mobile cover or as an obstacle for enemies to deal with.
@piewarriorny 4 месяца назад
For painting tips I highly recommend Vince Venturella's youtube channel. He focuses on Age of Sigmar primarily but painting tips apply regardless.
@richardduska1558 4 месяца назад
2:10 You get the rule books + 2 starter army. But no terrain.
@TheBackbunner 4 месяца назад
24:21 Me and my buddy were doing the beginner missions of the 9th edition starter set, we only got through the first two because of laughing due to roleplaying. Playing mission one (shooting & moving) our units kept missing or failing to wound, marines won by getting pass the Necron warriors buddy humored me by having them stay to avenge a marine I killed. Buddy started pretending to talk to the warriors has one of the marines and we ended the mission by saying the warriors and marines started laughing at their poor aim and walked off has friends into the sunset. Mission two (melee and charging) we did over and over to see if the scrab smarm could kill the Lieutenant. We roleplayed that he could hear the poor shooting of our troops in the first mission and was running through them (basically the same has the mission stated) and every time he got over a dune there was another smarm he had to fight and it plus the number of dunes was annoying him. Finally, when we called it quits the Lieutenant made it to the battlefield to find no one there since everyone else walked off by then. Also, prior editions did have a "Moral roll" that functioned liked Total War's where models would flee from the battlefield. But it was switched to the "Battle shock" system for tenth edition of 40K and for soon to be fourth edition of AoS.
@Rd0Lg 4 месяца назад
I've been so excited for you to get to watching the tabletop! I'll try to answer some of your questions below, hope it helps. :3 Since there weren't any transports in the video and you asked about it, yes, vehicles are used to keep troops safe and give them better mobility so they can be delivered to where they need to be without being shot off the table trying to get there. There are factions like the Dark Eldar that use a ton of transports and have stratagems and rules to make their engagement from transport extremely powerful. Yes, we do roleplay a little bit, although you definitely need to read the room a bit with this. Some people are there just to roll dice and enjoy the game, it doesn't mechanically matter for the game after all. But if I make that 12" charge with my Bloodthirster, you better believe I'm yelling "Blood for the Blood God!" as I'm moving it up the table, and if the attacks land, how it turns whatever it charged into a fine red mist, lol. Still, need to kinda read the room and see if you're being annoying. Wargaming is fundamentally about telling cool battle stories, even if there are very competitive elements to it, just like trading card games. You analyzed the defender-attacker correctly. You choose who deploys first to either get the first unit out (in case you both have Infiltrators for example so you can block theirs from deploying where they might want to go) or choose to go second to get a bit of information on where the opponent might be placing their units, so you can better deploy to counter it. Your analysis of the Fights First is also correct. Units with Fights First that are charged get to... well, fight first since it's the defending player's unit. It's very powerful and forces your opponent to deal with them through other means than melee. Splitfiring just means targeting several units with one unit. In the shooting phase, generally, you are able to fire every ranged weapon your model has as long as you're in range. Splitfiring is a way to maximize your output since you don't want to fire all your weapons if you could kill something with just a few shots. The risk is that it doesn't work out and you don't end up killing things, leaving several things wounded instead of clearing them off the field. That was a delight, I'm really impressed how much you picked up while watching with just Total War experience. Hope we can see you react to a "proper" battle report with full armies, perhaps of a faction you'd be interested in seeing more of?
@TheLegitWeebs 4 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed! I might check out a full scale battle at some point, since there were plenty of things I didn't get to see in this battle.
@Rd0Lg 4 месяца назад
@@TheLegitWeebs Awesome. :3 In that case, I'd recommend watching more from Play On Tabletop. There's another channel called Tabletop Titans that I quite like, but their battles are a bit less focused and not as to the point, and the players will often go off on weird tangents and be very loud. It's fun, but it might be a bit too much for some. Warhammer is a big game, but I'm glad you've taken your first steps into the hobby proper. Have you thought about reacting to painting videos? There are quite a few I could recommend on that front like EonsOfBattle, Squidmar Miniatures and Miniac for example.
@TheLegitWeebs 4 месяца назад
@@Rd0Lg Tbh the painting side isn't something I'm interested in just yet. Me and art as whole never got along xD. Maybe someday if I ever break and buy my own miniature.
@Rd0Lg 4 месяца назад
@@TheLegitWeebs Alright, that's fair enough. I'm pretty invested in the painting side of things so figured I'd ask. I'm happy you decided to go a bit deeper than most, people usually stop at the lore and never transition into the "proper" hobby.
@worksofwonders 3 месяца назад
I just started my Warhammer armies Space marines and Tyranids from the starter sets that are available, but for me i feel like the Space marines and Tyranids are going to be my armies as i do enjoy hive like factions and I might try Chaos space marines and Orks.
@ambionest 4 месяца назад
Also yeah there are some very powerful combos in the game. In 9th ed i had what is called a "bomb" basically a unit who has a combo for massive damage. I had a unit of blood angels assault intercessors who on the charge have 127 attacks. At strength 5 ap -2 and damage 2 (sergeant with damage 3) with a melee skill of 3+ which averages roughly 80 wounds to a space marine unit
@TheLegitWeebs 4 месяца назад
80 wounds is busted.
@ambionest 4 месяца назад
​@@TheLegitWeebs the unit is sadly super squishy by space marine standards. But very fun when you get in
@Rawmel 4 месяца назад
I recommend watching a bunch of their larger scale videos like apocalypse or legions imperialis to really get a sense of how grand these games can get while still being fairly easy to play!
@ambionest 4 месяца назад
Me and my friends almoost always try to roleplay as it's fun. We have some house rules as well such as "realistic line of sight" where we check from a model's perspective if they could feasibly see a target to shoot
@richardduska1558 4 месяца назад
House ruling usualy makes the game more fun here.
@richardduska1558 4 месяца назад
I hope you will enjoy the game and I wish I could play with you. Not in person since distance but in Table Top simulator at least.
@Phoenixillusion18 3 месяца назад
Painting the first mini can feel intimidating but it's not that bad. Start with something simple like a single Necron model , they have 90% metalic skeleton and some glowing weapons of your preferred color. Or Death Guard space marine , since they are Nurgle worshipers the messier they are the better they look, making them very forgiving to mistakes.
@TheLegitWeebs 3 месяца назад
That's actually a great idea!
@gstellar96 4 месяца назад
Tonight is the reveal show for the Age of Sigmar 4th edition box, which will be Skaven vs Stormcast. I think it would be cool to see your reaction to one of these reveal shows
@TheLegitWeebs 4 месяца назад
Sotek told me about it! I'll check it out when I can.
@nuetella9764 3 месяца назад
10th edition so far is the "easiest" to get into for core gameplay mechanics, depends what army you play tho, there are some quirks that are annoying to deal with atm and for some armies they got majorly nerfed or shafted on previous edition, glad you are learning it hope you watch more battlereports and learn what armies do what
@richardduska1558 4 месяца назад
24:20 If I have the chance yes.
@Warrgen 4 месяца назад
Of course I roleplay!
@punkypony5165 3 месяца назад
Lets fucking go!
@timewastermarko 4 месяца назад
yes finally, here the good part
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