
My Shattered Hopes and Dreams - A Star Wars Story 

Downward Diary
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There will never ever be another good movie.
Edited by VeganAssValerie / veganassvalerie



11 сен 2024




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Emplemon ranting is cool. If only he had 2 loyal friends whomst've could accompany him on such tactful and hard hitting rants, say a suicidal 40 year old and some sort of half man half simian creature. I'd say it'd make for quite the auditory adventure, imagine the possibilities. :) hope ur well mr. lemon
@TheDolphinTuna Год назад
@questionablyjealous Год назад
@georgeliquor1236 Год назад
The Taco Bell Vegan episode is genuinely one of the funniest videos on RU-vid.
@doc_jpeg Год назад
@@georgeliquor1236 oh my god I love that episode so much
@@georgeliquor1236 thank you george liquor. You make a good point george liquor.
@cocksneedfartin Год назад
Oh yeah baby we downwardmaxxing
@DraftyRum Год назад
hehe haw
@zachstarattack7320 6 месяцев назад
@grassman5579 2 месяца назад
Harga Garga Garga
@longy5080 4 дня назад
Downwardmaxxing Spiralpilled
@lyzeofkiel896 Год назад
I think it's reasonable to be upset over the downfall of Star Wars. Stories are important as well as meaningful. Star Wars is a lot of people's favorite story, it was a huge part of my childhood as well as the Halo universe. Both franchises have been murdered by the incompetence of their new owners.
@yume5338 Год назад
While I find the prequels are genuinely meaningful additions to the Star Wars universe and the hatred they get as films is mostly justified, growing up with it always gives you that strong feeling of what it really meant to you. The prequels were objectively bad in a lot of areas, but it also had a slew of new and original things that still made it's story separate from it's actual execution rather fascinating and ripe for storytelling. This is shown mostly for the clone wars TV show, where so many great stories and characters are written and created that really both synergize well with it's source material and open up new possibilities for what stories you can actually tell in Star Wars. The sequels don't have any of the redeeming qualities that the prequels have. The prequels are bad movies with great worldbuilding and a great setting, but the sequels are just bad movies with bad worldbuilding and a bad setting. I also grew up with Halo, and I always get such a sour taste in my mouth whenever I think about how Halo Infinite is probably way too down the drain to recover and that we won't get a new Halo game for a long, long time. Shit sucks.
@lyzeofkiel896 Год назад
@@yume5338 Well said!!
@redline841 Год назад
@@yume5338 Star Wars was always shit. Disney did the right thing of trashing a shitty scifi to let Dune, a real science fiction series take it's place.
@briansinger5258 Год назад
They were murdered by Intellectual Property Laws.
@ShredderPeek Год назад
I was both a Star Wars kid and a Jurassic Park kid. It's been hell for me since 2015.
@FringeSpectre Год назад
The first Jurassic Park will always be there for us. That movie still holds up today in my opinion.
@DaWoWzer Год назад
tbf Jurassic Park had a total of 1 good movie to begin with.
@bungoboy5718 Год назад
I bet you were into Indiana Jones too. Don't worry, it's going to get a lot worse my friend
@PhattyBolger 5 месяцев назад
I was obsessed with Star Wars as a kid. Now I literally could not care less. It turned to shit and something better came along. Dune all the way.
@Nictheidoit 25 дней назад
I was both too :(
@Aa-dn1oq Год назад
HATE. Let me tell you how much I've come to HATE Star Wars since it was reanimated. There are 387.44 million miles of depth to my ever sinking downward spiral. If the word HATE was engraved on each nanometer of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one billionth of the HATE I feel for Star Wars at this micro instant. For Disney. HATE. HATE.
@tudorcris4953 5 месяцев назад
I must scream
@pifflesomepuffnadder855 3 месяца назад
God I love IHNM&IMS references.
@03e-210a Год назад
@christiancountryboyilovejesus Месяц назад
The Force Awakens is one of the most creatively bankrupt things I've ever seen.
@georgeliquor1236 Год назад
Another video of Emp angerly complaining about something that doesn't matter in the end. I love it, more please.
@thumbaumrrr Год назад
I'd usually be annoyed by some guy filming himself viscously ranting about things that in the grand scheme of life are of little importance, but this right here is simply art.
@glorioustigereye Год назад
A couple months ago I found a video covering how Disney movies are made. It's called scrap booking. They make multiple versions of numerous scenes and shoot them all, then do test screening with different combinations. This is done to not only muddle spoilers (I have never cared about spoilers and I might never will) but to also create the most algorithm positive movie. The reason it felt like nothing came together naturally was because nothing was meant to come together naturally.
@FluteWarped Год назад
EmpLemon. Star Wars. 30+ minutes. This is gonna be a dense and vast spiral
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
In the 90s and 2000s, my parents almost never went to movie theaters for the exact issues you highlight. "So much better to wait till it's on HBO or tape and watch it in the privacy and comfort of our living room"
@jonzu4 7 месяцев назад
The Rise of Skywalker was the first time I've heard collective face-palms from a crowd of people. It was right after Kylo Ren said "You're a Palpatine."
@yoshyfoods 2 месяца назад
I heard a few “ugh”s in my theater
@orbaitv5991 Месяц назад
i'll take 100 for things that never happened.
@pifflesomepuffnadder855 3 месяца назад
Is it me or does Emp sound like he's dying anytime he's talking about Star Wars? And I don't just mean dying inside, no, I mean, like, *physically* dying, like his organs are slowly failing as he's mentioning the "Floating Leia" scene.
@ToadySP Год назад
I know I just posted a long comment, kind of negative comment on the last video, but I got curious about this video and listened to it while I worked. Because as much as I disagree with Emp's take on video games, I think it's at least refreshing to listen to Emp talk about something that I agree with him on. So now, an equally long but far more positive comment. It's interesting how Emp seems to reflect the popular late 2000s internet opinion on the prequels, and was actually excited to see The Force Awakens because he viewed it as a star wars film of his generation. I never took Emp for the kind of guy who would have had that opinion, but I suppose it makes sense given his age. I'm considerably older than Emp, at nearly 27 years old, one of my earliest existing memories was sitting in a Taco Bell during the release of Star Wars The Phantom Menace, a movie that I still love to this day. The prequels were my generation's Star Wars films. Sure even I never viewed them as being better than the originals, but the original trilogy was such an iconic series of films that nothing modern could have lived up to it. Now as I'm older, I've realized that the prequels are just as good if not better as a trilogy. The worldbuilding and expanded universe that surrounded the prequels is honestly some of the best content that Star Wars has ever had. That was really the unique aspect of growing with star wars in those times. They had great video games, collectable miniatures, a card game series, books, and comics: all of which were stellar quality and expanded the universe to lengths that made it feel legitimately alive. I remember growing to dislike the direction that the series was taking during the original release of the Clone Wars cartoon. There was always a special appeal to Star Wars, a strange maturity to it that kept it from feeling like a kids thing. There was blood, death, slavery; heck in the expanded universe there was even implied rape at one point. The sudden kiddy approach to the 3D Clone Wars cartoon convinced me that perhaps it was time to move on to something else. As soon as Disney purchased the franchise, I knew it was over. I said it was over online. I ranted to people at school that it was over. Nobody believed me. Lot of people were just like "Oh I'm so glad Lucas isn't in charge anymore!!!" As a high schooler Junior, I went to see Force Awakens in theaters in 2015, really because my family wanted to all go and see a Star Wars film in theaters. Already I discounted the film as not being a true Star Wars film because it wasn't made by George Lucas and the people at LucasArts, but when I saw the film in theaters I was shocked at the sheer disgraceful laziness of the film. The nostalgia bait, and complete carbon copying of A New Hope, my favorite film of the series, combined with killing off Han Solo, one of my favorite characters, after completely reverting all of his character development, makes me consider it still to be the second worst film in the series. I want to further contextualize that I wanted the franchise to fail at this point. Disney had infamously sacked most of the Lucasarts employees who had written the expanded universe content that I grew up with, and had pretty much gutted Lucasarts into nothingness. Star Wars was essentially a parasite existing in the body of another creature, and all I could wish for was for it to die as quickly as possible. It was frustrating that so many morons enjoyed Episode 7. Despite it's complete lack of creativity, and created by the same man who ruined Star Trek in 2009, JJ Abrams, so many people saw it as a "return to form" compared to overhated prequels. This was frustrating beyond belief, and all I could really do was curse the franchise to hopefully die before it got any more successful. I illegally watched Episodes 8 and 9 of course with friends to riff on them. I didn't pay for them. And with Episode 8, I got my wish. Episode 8 was an enjoyable catastrophe where the trilogy seemed to be purposefully thrown off the rails in the most ridiculous and awful ways. It's probably the only enjoyable film of the sequels, in a "so bad it's good" way. It's clear that Ryan Johnson went out of his way to make it so that JJ Abrams couldn't copy older films in the trilogy's conclusion: the whole thing feels like a meta play to challenge JJ Abrams to do something original with the franchise. In Episode 9, JJ Abrams somehow managed to combine the flaws of Episodes 7 and 8. The plot is completely recycled from the original trilogy, while also not making any sense and feeling off the rails. Abrams introduces nonsensical plot devices just to be able to do things he wanted to do in the first place. The trilogy could have been at least decent if Abrams man'd up and actually made Kylo Ren (the man who irredeemably killed his own father) the villain, but instead he brought back Palpatine just so he could have his Palapatine again, and quote lines from the original trilogy. Episode 9 felt like you took a Wattpad fanfiction, and gave it a 37 million dollar budget. If I hadn't already been under the impression, the mindset, that Star Wars was dead, then this movie would have been crushing. I really feel bad for Emp, because I feel for him. I think the moment Disney bought the franchise, is the moment I felt the misery that he felt. But even as a person who was prepared for the worst, went in wanting to just riff on it and shit on it, it was still an insufferable experience. I don't know if I could stand to rewatch it. It's one of those bad films where it's more a punishment to have to watch it than it is a challenge. There's no jokes that one can make to make it less painful. The whole franchise came to a crumbling fall. But if I were to give an opinion. I'd rather it die in the hands of Disney than live in the hands of Disney. Star Wars was killed by the fans. The fans who betrayed Lucas following the release of the prequels, who harassed the actors, and ruthlessly seethed over the harmless films. Those are the fans that made Lucas give up on Star Wars, and when Lucas gave up on it, the series was dead. Star Wars was killed by the whiny fans that wanted another original trilogy, and they got one. Trends come and go, but classics always stay in style. The bright side of Star Wars, from my perspective, is that the Lucasarts era managed to create a bountiful harvest of content that stemmed for over three decades. There's so much of it that even a decade after the franchise was sent off to the Disney pasture, I still haven't experienced every piece of content that Lucasarts created during it's run of it. Its' a good thing that old video games, shows, movies, and comic books are so easy to find online these days. Because although Star Wars may be long since dead, it lived long enough to have a damn good run. I think that when it comes to franchises these days, that's the most you can ask for. Art doesn't live in the moment, all it takes is for someone to dig it up and appreciate it. It's one of the things that makes me really appreciate the internet, and piracy.
@OverlordOfDarkness95 Год назад
This sums up my opinion on the sequels.
@Xzorzin 5 месяцев назад
Imagine growing up with a young, noble hero as your childhood icon. You want to be just like him, memorizing his lines and following his games and comics. You grow up, go to college, get a job, get married. But his stories are still there when you are depressed or nostalgic, and look forward to sharing them with your children. Then, after thirty years and five movies with him as a main or background character, it turns out everything about him was a fraud. Everything he ever did was pointless, and made the universe a worse place. The End. That's the legacy of America's most iconic cultural hero.
@RayRaven Год назад
I went into RoS with the lowest expectations I could, especially after TLJ.... Still walked out after the credits feeling like Disney slapped me in the face over and over again. From the STORMTROOPER not knowing about jetpack troopers, Rey using master level techniques like they're nothing (healing, force lightning, etc). TELEPORTING ITEMS TO PEOPLE. Genuinely I could go on and on about how bad the movie is.
@I_am_Mic Год назад
when i saw that scene where leia was floating around in space like superman, it was fucking hilarious, i couldnt laugh cuz the people in the theatre would look at me like "wtf is this guy laughing about"
@TheVoltGuy Год назад
I have heard lots of videos roasting modern Star Wars, but I cannot wait to hear my boy Emp specifically. The way you talk about things is perfect and your editing is always top tier.
@user-rr2bg8zm5p Год назад
I feel the same way about Kingdom Hearts, personally. And lo and behold; now they're both Disney products. Come, join me in the suffering under the big eared umbrella.
@chase1630 Год назад
KH is an absolute cluster fuck of a franchise but at least it still has soul, great music, art direction and a creator who doesn’t hate his own product. But I definitely understand what you mean.
@garbageship632 Год назад
What DO you like emp? Don’t get me wrong I like these rants, it’s why I subbed to the main durning BTM vid. I’m trying to be positive. Would like to hear something from you that you perceive in a positive light in the present times. The never Evers are more nostalgia/appreciating the past. What are the few good pieces of entertainment you like today?
@mlalbaitero Год назад
He likes melee and being vegan
@lordfrogkingofkings2533 5 месяцев назад
All he ever does is complain
@Generic_Gaming_Channel Месяц назад
his entertainment is compaining
@Jm-ki4su 6 месяцев назад
"it's not about destroying the things we hate. it's about protecting the ones we love" *oh my fucking god, Game of Thrones was rushed to film THIS??*
@dylangtech Год назад
The reason we enjoy you ranting about trivial issues is because we aren’t passionate, but deep down we feel much the same. It’s BECAUSE you are so passionate about what we’ve lost that we need EmperorLemon rants. Sure it isn’t political and will be forgotten, but it gets to the heart of so many things that were ripped away from Gen Z by the same politics. I was born not long after you were, in 1999. I got just a little whiff of what life could have been. The world my parents loved. Who would have guessed the feel-good culture of the day was going to be ripped to shreds, and not even my little siblings were old enough to know a better world. I am conservative for a number of much more important reasons, but this is the one that’s hiding in the corner of my sun conscience. Why aren’t we allowed to have nice things anymore?
@mannhouse8014 Год назад
I am not conservative in any way but yeah. I wish I could have lived through the 90’s, it seemed like stuff was so much more on the up and up then. Now, America feels like Weimar Germany and I wouldn’t be surprised if I have to move to Canada in the near future to escape when shit hits the fan.
@Kodeb8 Год назад
@@mannhouse8014 >Canada Lol, they're doing just as bad. Canadians have this delusion that they're on a different plane of reality from the US, but they're literally almost exactly the same country. Same infrastructure, same fast food chains, same media, and almost the same culture, Canada I guess is a little more "progressive" but that's about it. It's not an America only problem, this seems to be an Anglo-Saxon problem, because yeah Australia, New Zealand, etc. they're all going through the same thing.
@goodandfren3926 Год назад
I will never forget when we went with my family to see the 8th movie,and the disapointment of my father(He is a OG Star Wars fan,like first movie watcher),i had the feeling it would be bad but man the feeling i still rember it,it was bad.
@therealthirst8099 5 месяцев назад
The story of Star Wars as a franchise is basically the story of our modern pop culture landscape. Hollywood has become so creatively bankrupt that no classic series is allowed to rest and will have it's corpse dug up again if it can bring a hefty payday. You can name just about any popular property from the last 40 years and odds are it's been trudged out to be ran through the corporate meatgrinder for the sake of a soulless remake / reboot. I remember being so excited for TFA back in 2015, if only I knew the disappointment that followed.
@Keymagination Год назад
I'm old as first star wars movie and it sculpted my life, I was not allowed to cinema for "Return of the Jedi" but video tapes with trilogy were the best christmas present I ever received. Prequels were awful, I saw new 2 movies but I died with Luke. Still didn't see 3rd movie. I have no guts to face it. Thank you for this rant. Could not express my feelings better.
@thecornhub6561 Год назад
Oh boy, I sure do love watching the series/media I enjoy get milked beyond belief until there is just nothing left besides the bones of a once good series/media. So many games and movies, I just wish they would've stopped when they had the chance. People will say "you can always watch/play the old movie/games!" But it feels like when something so shitty gets made, it just sucks your enjoyment out of the series because you get tired of seeing it around.
@CheeseChurger 3 месяца назад
I know the comment is a year old, but i got something really similar to the 2nd half of the comment going on with the arkham franchise after the trash suicide squad game that came out, i can't play the amazing games i once loved to death and have loved since i was a young kid because the series was completely ruined by one shitty entry that completely ruined everything the series built up over three games. Knowing that the character you went through hell and back with through 3 games just gets killed on a random park bench by a b-tier villain that was treated like a complete non-threat before just feels like total shit and i can't play them anymore because of how badly it was ruined. ALL they had to do was just say it wasn't canon and i'd be able to play the games and enjoy them because "oh well the developer fucked up hard but at least it doesn't ruin this awesome trilogy" but no, it's all canon. Not even bringing up the fact that they gave batman that terrible of a death in kevin conroy's last performance from before he passed, this is the final thing he ever recorded, the last thing he would ever end up doing as the character, and they killed him like that. I'm sorry, had to go on a rant on the topic and your comment struck a chord with me.
@CheeseChurger 3 месяца назад
Seeing star wars in modern day is a lot like going to a childhood best friend's house. One day you go there and you see his drunk dad pound on him and leave bruises on his face (this is the sequels) Then another day you go to his house only to see police cars in front of the house, turns out his dad got too drunk and beat him senseless, this time it killed him (this is the mid disney plus shows they keep pumping out, all of them except a few being dogshit, and the ones that are good get turned to shit if they get a new season)
@Exshem Год назад
The Last Jedi is a broken movie, but its core plot is something I adore. Trying to find a permanent solution instead of being a copypaste of the original saga would have made Star Wars grow. Then here comes the wookipedia nerds, complaining how it wasn't in their fictional lore. The Rise of Skywalker literally went this plot into a dumpster fire for some bullshit nostagia pandering. I can't help but wonder if Diseny or the directors are to blame, or us audience who asked for more nostalgia and refusing to let it move on.
@youraverageguy7842 Год назад
Ironically the only good SWs movie to come out of the ongoing Disney era has been Rogue One which while fine isn’t what I think we all expected to be the best movie from this era
@qwertyiuwg4uwtwthn Год назад
rogue one is the most overrated 4/10 ever lmfao
@grubwirld Год назад
Star Wars is my favorite thing ever. being born in 2002, It is so disheartening to know that with 99% certainty The Rise of Skywalker will be the only starwars movie I have and will ever see in a movie theater
@SeasideStrangler Год назад
as a union operator i laughed pretty hard at the whole opening part of this
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
That exact theater is where I'd go with my friends when visiting Gainesville. Small world.
@AquaticIdealist 6 месяцев назад
I might have respected Disney if they stuck with The Last Jedi's themes. I hated how they made Finn's attempted sacrifice nonsensical, how they killed Luke, how they didn't have the bravery to kill Leia, how the ridiculously incompetent bombers made a massive farce of all the space battles the series is known for... But as other commentators have said, the film tried to shake up the story, Johnson outright states it, and had Disney used it as a jump off point to make a new series, at least we could say "the sequels hate Star Wars fans, but they want to tell a story." Instead, yeah, The Rise of Skywalker is the worst film of the series. Sure, the spite you could see from making Snoke even more meaningless was hilarious, but "somehow Palpatine returned" summarizes the sequels as a whole. Nostalgia bait that completely wasted everyone's time. I hated The Last Jedi, but Rise of Skywalker was indeed the murder of the entire brand
@Landmasters Год назад
I consider myself fortunate, cause I checked out after VII It was so precise with insulting my intelligence with Mary Rey, the same plot, the Falcon just being there, and Bipolar Vader giving me nothing to enjoy My viewing was a marathon of episodes 1-6 ending with an early viewing of 7. Everyone popped when Star Wars appeared...and then booed or giggled when Phantom Menace came up, myself included. Little did I know that the most I would take out of that marathon was warming up to Phantom Menace a bit. Not a good movie, but I appreciated the visuals, set pieces, and soundtrack far more than I did at age 7 in 1999 Then to top it off I went to a nearby Steak n Shake to cope with my friends, only for the awful staff to get my ordet wrong not once, not twice, not thrice, but FOUR FUCKING times before I just left and went to bed hungry
@larsthemartian9554 Год назад
It was enjoyable while it lasted, I guess. ”Time enjoyed wasted is not time wasted”. For me, the original trilogy still isn't ruined. It was made as a self-contained story with no plans to expand at the time. Hell, even the original movie was made without the sequels in mind.
@salsamancer Год назад
Every time you do a live action bit it brings me back to my days being a student at U of F
@citramate3633 Год назад
As we all eventually learn, never put your hopes and dreams in a sequel or franchise. Treat everything as it's own product and you'll enjoy the medium and life a lot more. I recently watched M3GAN. It was a fun movie, I don't really care about watching the sequel unless the general consensus is that it's worth my time. That's the mindset I have towards a lot of products and i've found significantly more enjoyment consuming media.
@Name-ck9pv Год назад
Enjoy it then, because nobody else is.
@not_emerald Год назад
EmpLemon is a Luke Smith watcher confirmed
@Jalreal 22 дня назад
It is angering to watch people we don't like make a bad product that spits in the face of the legacy we love and that afforded them the opportunity, and then be handsomely rewarded for it. And praised for it.
@_Devil Год назад
I genuinely think we were better off with the Prequels than with these Sequels. No, I'm not just saying that because these newer movies were trash. I'm talking about the atmosphere and stigma behind the Star Wars franchise back in the 2000's (and early 2010's). Star Wars was at its peak back then, with how many bomb ass shows came out, and all the Lego games, and the dozens of in-canon books, Star Wars in the 2000's was dropping W after W with every release. Sure, we thought the movies were bad at the time, but they weren't completely unwatchable. They had SOME merit. And for those of us who didn't like them, we still had the Original Trilogy AND amazing shows like Clone Wars to tide us over until the next product. Star Wars was nowhere NEAR as overdone back then as it is now. Star Wars used to be an IP that people craved to make a return. Now I wish it would just go the fuck away now. Disney killed this franchise and I don't think I'm ever going to look at it the same again, at least the post-2015 products.
@chemergency 7 дней назад
The Disney Star Wars trilogy changed my perception of modern media forever and instilled a sense of cynicism that will never go away.
@GravityTrash Год назад
To be fair, the Transformers fanbase got the exact same treatment with Michael Bay-formers. Except they got a Rise of Skywalker 5 times in a row before getting Bumblebee
@jamesstanley792 Месяц назад
I didn’t care for bumblebee but I understand why it was a breath of fresh air for the fans who had to put with all the thankless years of Bayhem.
@CarsSimplified Год назад
Yeah... That is about how I feel about Star Wars. You feel more strongly about it than I do, but the reasons behind the feeling? You nailed it.
@franandwood14 Год назад
14:28 I think Emp was just losing it at this point
@BlueCometDude 3 месяца назад
I’m not that much of a Star Wars fan, but that scene where Princess Leia flies from the dead looks like one of those fake out death scenes that every modern animated kids film has
@jedd.0322 Год назад
I just remembered that emps profile is a deranged version of admiral ackbar
@JACKELincorporated Год назад
Really did not expect these videos to help get through the day at work as well as they have
@JoeShmoe102 5 месяцев назад
Holy crap Emp, you're giving me 'nam flashbacks with that image of all the TLJ video thumbnails. I don't think I'll ever forget the aftermath of TLJ... I had recently graduated college, and I spent most of my college years diving deep into the SW fandom, particularly in the online sphere as an escape for my academic struggles. I thought TLJ was okay/hit-or-miss when it came out, but seeing the utter nuclear meltdown of the online SW community completely drove me away from the whole scene. If you liked TLJ, you were an SJW Disney shill, and if you didn't, you were a sexist, racist, etc. bigot who didn't want to see women do cool things on screen. I managed to stick with the community for a few months after until the release of Solo, but after that, no more SW fandom for me (not because of the Solo movie, but because the discourse in the SW community didn't detoxify one bit). I'll keep up with the films as they come, and I might check in once a year or so to see what's new in the lore, but that's about as far as I can bring myself to engage with.
@DrewPicklesTheDark Месяц назад
For me, space-flying Leia scene and the Snoke just randomly being killed off stupidly scene were the 2 scenes that did it. I blocked out so much of Ep8 I don't even remember which one happened first, but whichever was first killed it, whichever came next buried it. Snoke was hyped up so much I thought they had big plans and thought maybe they were going to do something new and interesting. I haven't watch a single thing Star Wars since then besides re-watching the OT and PT a couple times.
@senstanley Год назад
"Ka-Ching!" - said some Hollywood Producer, maybe
@jonavinvail7585 15 дней назад
I related so hard to this when watching the fallout show
@Bumbillion Год назад
I never realized that I had a similar level of disgust and betrayal about the Star Wars movies as you did. I just stopped caring at all and the lack of reaction never registered until I heard you talk about it. It's kind of also how I felt about the Marvel movies. My entire family infamously all fell asleep during the first avengers movie and then we all basically stopped keeping up with Marvel. It doesn't help that my favorite Marvel characters are the X-men. This is why I hate corporations.
@DJ239 2 месяца назад
I was always a casual Star Wars fan before but once I watched The Force Awakens and laughed with my cousin about how bad it was, it made me go back and sit down and watch the original trilogy again. Now I'm more of a Star Wars fan than I ever was before, I was absolutely floored after seeing the original Star Wars Ep.4 alone. 🤣I always watched the old originals on TV kind of casually as a kid but now I take it much more seriously. Thank you Disney.
@paigex4 Год назад
Just make frying dory already
@Ironorchids 5 месяцев назад
Oh, you sweet foolish kid… Harry Potter fans, “delivered a good product…” I know you’re older now, but Star Wars has been popping the bed since The Star Wars Christmas Special! SINCE FOREVER! You’re naive but I like you 😊 I’m enjoying watching these old videos and hot takes from a year or two ago. Let it out! Very entertaining! ❤
@ampersand2001 Год назад
"Forced out" I see what you did there.
@yoshyfoods 2 месяца назад
Star Wars, post sequel trilogy, I hear will have further movies because Disney now will not let it just die a mournful death; they must milk it dry until it will eventually reach a point of irrecognizability and further harmful retcon. I do not care if Star War gets its theater movies for more trilogies, I have zero interest in driving my ass down unless I hear that the second coming of christ himself walked into the theater at the credits.
I actually lost interest in lego for a while when the Last Jedi came out. When you were talking about star wars in your latest video, really hit me.
@lucianoafp Год назад
seeing emp's downward spiral for star wars remembered me of the one i had for nfs in 2015
@firestarter6488 4 месяца назад
Thankfully no, Forbes confirmed that Star Wars hasn't been profitable for Disney either!
@pifflesomepuffnadder855 Месяц назад
"God, is that poop?" Of course not, Emp, that's just Disney's legacy. Surprised you didn't recognize it.
@SuperKlondike64 5 месяцев назад
Literally the only redeeming quality of Last Jedi is the "My stick is better than bacon" song.
@jaymenjanssens720 5 месяцев назад
As a horror movie fan, I grew up wanting to see a movie reach a 9th instalment. Seemed crazy. Jason goes to Hell, will I ever see something so off base in theaters? Episode 9, wow. A decade of condolences y'all...
@hps362 Год назад
Now THIS is an EmpLemon rant I can get behind
@jmckenzie962 Год назад
Above all other criticisms of the sequels, it is painfully clear that the original flaw that was baked into them from the moment they were greenlit is that nobody had any coherent _vision_ for the trilogy beforehand and thus each movie felt completely contradictory to the last one. What Disney _should've_ done if they actually had any fucking brains is to have hired one person to write a whole new trilogy in advance and have them direct them all as well - basically what I'm saying is that they should've just got Rian Johnson to make his own Star Wars trilogy right from the start. Even if this hypothetical trilogy still wasn't very good it would've been _objectively_ better than what we got simply for having, you know, a vision? And an actually fucking thought-out story?
@redphysical565 Год назад
EmpLemon no longer cares about Gaming and Movies. We, as his loyal viewers, are forced to not engage with either anymore ever and just watch his RU-vid videos. WOOOOOO we win boys.
@coltglass1270 Год назад
You sir are reaching a new high point in your medium
@Crusty783 Год назад
Just watched this now and, I get how you feel Emp. Ninjago fans have been in a very similar spot lately.
@bruhfvdf3145 10 месяцев назад
Christ is that still going
@chase1630 Год назад
empbros.. we are so winning
@kaijupunch6465 Год назад
You would be the greatest guest possible for the biggest problem in the universe.
@pifflesomepuffnadder855 4 месяца назад
"Here lies EmpLemon's hopes and dreams." ... What a baby. (jk)
@RolePlayingGarchomp445 Год назад
To this day Rise of Skywalker is the last film I saw in theaters. That film single handily ruined any desire for me to go see a new movie in theaters. I remember that Christmas I got the 1995 VHS set of the original Star Wars trilogy and watching it on this old 12 inch CRT TV I got at an antique store. I had a way better time watching that than Rise of Skywalker or any movie in the sequel trilogy. I don't care about Mandalorian, I don't care about Andor, or Obi Wan, or Boba Fett, or any of these new Star Wars shows on Disney+. Rise of Skywalker killed my interest in Star Wars. Now the same thing is about to happen to Indiana Jones, another beloved franchise from Lucasfilm. I feel sorry for Harrison Ford to have not one, but two of his most iconic movie roles be ruined by Disney and Kathleen Kennedy.
@cheesemanthe2nd Год назад
Do the thug shaker
@graphiteandmore1600 Год назад
Political punditry is largely a waste of time anyway since most of the audience's agency in politics is limited to the electoral system.
@Weatherman4Eva Месяц назад
The only thing I liked about the sequels is it causing people to go back and reevaluate their stance on the prequels. Of course the prequels are flawed but they still felt like star wars
@lifeisoverrated96 2 месяца назад
After Solo and The last jedi i already knew 9 was goj g to be garbage, everyone was claping when 9 was over, i was claping mentally that it was finally over.
@AwesomeMooseSmile 4 месяца назад
I know a lot of people feel like Star Wars has been ruined because of these new movies and how much they disliked it, and that's fine, but to those people I genuinely want to tell you this, just like how emplemon says that his rants shouldn't ruin fan's viewings of the new movies, I strongly implore you, don't let these new bad movies destroy Star Wars for you. Even if the new stuff may not be so good to most, Star Wars is still just as cool as it always has been. I mean, does Rise of Skywalker's existence mean that Knights of the Old Republic just doesn't count anymore? Does the absolute train wreck that was the skywalker saga ruin the legacy of the Complete Saga? No, in fact, I implore you to go back and re-experience what you liked about the franchise, with all this new stuff in mind I'm confident you'd be surprised with how much you'll like it more. I'm saying all of this as a massive Beast Wars fan, that is one of my favorite shows of all time, but it also had a sequel that is one the all time worst shows ever made, Beast Machines. It had a decent moral about extremism being the real evil, but past that it has a sluggish and dull story, EVERY single character is more one note and completely opposite of the original characters, and worst of all, the show is nearly unwatchable because of how ATROCIOUS the characters designs are. Not to mention, for it being an action show, the action is super repetitive and dull. All that being sad, I still love Beast Wars despite how bad it's immediate sequel is, I don't even hate BM all that much, I view it kind of as a joke and a funny one at that. You can be disappointed with the new Star Wars, I think that is 100% valid, but just keep in mind that it's as ruined of a franchise as you let it.
@CheeseChurger 3 месяца назад
It's not even the sequels that destroyed star wars for me, it's the terrible disney+ shows that are being pumped out, mandalorian started off really strong and then they fumbled it super hard in the third season with shitty effects and acting, all the others besides book of boba cause i actually liked that one were just so boring, ugly, or just bad. I don't want the series to be ruined but the fact that so much slop is being pumped out constantly and there is no good new shit coming out just destroys it.
@AwesomeMooseSmile 3 месяца назад
@@CheeseChurger I mean andor, the tales of the jedi, and mandalorian (at least at first) were pretty good.Personally I don't feel like Marvel or Star Wars has been ruined because I just don't bother watching any of the new shit unless it's said that it's good, it's a working strategy for me. Kind of a shame that Star Wars went from being one of the most special franchises because of the amazing trology to just a franchise where you see it getting new stuff and go "oh it's new star wars...... eh. Anyways", but unfortunately that's just modern brand recognition for you.
@MioAppreciator Год назад
i know emp probably doesnt read these but he literally used a nerrel clip in his matrix video, you'd think he'd be familiar with at least some of the talking points from nerrel's video defending the last jedi. i personally don't like the last jedi very much but i think it's absolutely overhated. and ofc even nerrel (and i) agree that rise of skywalker was complete trash. btw when new stuff for franchises comes out that you don't like it feels completely moronic to stop liking the stuff you liked before. i understand the extreme disappointment people feel when big corporations fuck up sequels and reboots but it doesn't erase my enjoyment of what came before. i really don't understand this mentality. in a way you're letting the corpos win by giving up on a franchise, they're succeeding at replacing the old with the new in your mind. even if you'll never buy into the new again, you still think of it instead of the old. but my kind of thinking seems more like an outlier than the norm. i also don't let bad endings (AOT AOT AOT) fuck up my enjoyment of something, which is even rarer than what i was just talking about. i can still watch the wit seasons of AOT and have an awesome time, because even though i know what comes later is atrocious i still appreciate the quality of the earlier product.
@AquaticIdealist 6 месяцев назад
" in a way you're letting the corpos win by giving up on a franchise, they're succeeding at replacing the old with the new in your mind." This response is a long while later, but while your points make a lot of sense, it's pretty difficult to just put the corpo's narrative of what happened to the characters from the previous shows or parts of the series in a box and pretend that the later work is just an "alternate" timeline. Sure it isn't rational to refuse to let the "feeling of betrayal" to pass, to just shrug and say "not my Star Wars" or whatever series that was seemingly ruined... But when people have that feeling of disgust, well, it's a tall order to tell them to just delete those feelings because they're subjective and irrational. Our emotions hijack us even at the best of times, it's what makes us intelligent apes as opposed to some computer or intelligent machine. Beep boop Good on you for still loving AOT, but for many of us the disgust of seeing our favorite franchises run into the ground makes us completely unwilling to "give it another chance" or even "cope for a better sequel." Not every franchise (say, Ghostbusters) gets to have that additional sequel or even reboot that happens to be good. Or if it does get it, not everyone is willing to forget that the disaster happened before or trust that this new sequel will be any better. Emotions may have gotten the better of us there, sure, but sometimes there's pattern recognitions that the corpos fucked up once and they will fuck up again. I guess you'd say "then just pretend those sequels don't exist, that the content you love is timeless and will always stay that way." Sadly, if you talk about various franchises, Game of Thrones, Star Trek, even a game series called Star Control, people who watched the shittier new material will assume that's the canon and "temporally accurate and current" iteration of those stories, no matter how shit they are. You wouldn't be able to run away from that shit even if you tried, unless you don't bother talking about your favorite series with others I guess lol
@PresidentofPluto Год назад
Star Wars died in 2012 (Disney Acquisition) and Star Wars KInect was its swan song.
@SliferSean Год назад
Parts of me are still perhaps oddly optimistic for Star Wars. Seems like most things involving Filoni wind up being pretty good at minimum, and often great (clone wars chads wya). Honestly just thankful for what we got in terms of og “pre Disney” stuff. Them and Ea have been fucking around with the ip largely, minus a few things. Star Wars was also my thing Emp. I think the both of us grew up to be a lot more critical of stuff overall. That in and of itself is a blessing and a curse.
@Dante... 6 месяцев назад
I feel the same way about the MCU now after phase 4. Out of all the sludge that came out of phase 4 nothing pissed me off more than Thor 4. Because of how good Ragnorok was, I had faith that this one would be great too, even after all the other train wreaks I had seen up to that point in phase 4. But no, it was bad, and not just bad it was exactly what everyone else thought the rest of the MCU was. Just non-stop cringy jokes that completely undercut what little drama is actually there. And the scene where Thor gave his powers to a bunch of toddlers so they could fight monsters in the final battle was exactly when my last shred of investment in that franchise shriveled up and died.
@CoobyPls Год назад
I kinda like this shit Emp. Has this been part of your creative process the whole time?
@x-rex7236 15 дней назад
I blame Ubu BaDingDing for the decline of Star Wars
@thejustifier5566 Год назад
It’s a damn shame Star Wars hasn’t been decent since 1983. The prequels sucked and the sequels were lazily slapped together with no planning.
@zimzam9166 Месяц назад
Wait wait wait. You are the Star Wars kid?!
@natron343 Год назад
Why have all these videos been bangers
@PsRohrbaugh Год назад
What's hilarious to me is my best friend's sister is old enough to have seen the original Star Wars trilogy in theaters, and she has the same negative thoughts for the prequels that you have for the current generation of films.
im still shocked that a lot of people dont like see it they come back from the dnd movie and say it was really fun! like i just wish i didnt see a pandery heist film with a bunch of surface level references to dnd like oooh woah gelatinous cube member gelatinous cubes from dnd?
i wish i could see past the garbage and just enjoy the shit
@harrisondansie9542 Год назад
I didn't see Rise of Skywalker until November 2021. Even thought I'd already started falling out of love with the sequel trilogy after TLJ, I had that same naive hope that something at least DECENT would come out of it. Nope. Not a thing. I couldn't even hate it because of the indifference it made me feel. I have not watched it since nor do I intend to.
@Mister_Zoid Год назад
All you ever do is complain.
@feasibilyheretical 6 месяцев назад
Obi-wan was what did it for me, I never watched Rise of Skywalker because I hated last Jedi so much I just stop considering the sequels as cannon, but I just have to say it Andor is not good! It's fucking boring and the plot makes zero sense when you actually think about it, and cross reference with the established lore. It's about a boring character we already know is going to die, doing a heist on an imperial base which doesn't even have Storm Troopers guarding it, your telling me the Empire wouldn't put a bit more resources into guarding a vault with that much credits in it?
@yaboisuprimus Год назад
I can relate to Emp with my hype with Gears 5. The campaign really disappointed me yet Arcade mode on Multiplayer is really fun for a mediocre game on the series
@felixman9691 Год назад
They stole so much from my favorite stories too. Star Trek Picard (a I only made it through season 1) is a fucking joke. Feels so disrespectful, seeing my favorite characters but remembering that now their actors either believe or say crazy things or associate with crazy people destroying common sense and logic and innovation. I feel abandoned by everyone my age and every other age, it’s all about finding the few sane creative people from any generation or demographic. I have loved your work since YTP. Keep on keeping on!
@AquaticIdealist 6 месяцев назад
Yep. Though I honestly feel Into Darkness ruined Star Trek as a whole long before Picard, but Picard Season Three is their desperate attempt to convince us that Star Trek isn't dead
@gabberpietor Год назад
I'm a decade younger than you. by the time i could comprehend watching movies, the prequels already existed. i truly enjoyed them. lego star wars is what kindled my love for starwars. thus i have always loved darth maul, and the prequel trilogy. as a kid i loved qui gon jinn. i hated to watch him die. i loved the trilogies, some of it truly must stem from nostalgia. there's a lack of criticality in the observations of a young child. it takes time to develop standards. i have gone back to many video games i played as a kid and wondered why i liked them as much as i did.
@louistwo6524 Год назад
It feels kinda weird watching Emp going into detail about him viewing the Sequel trilogy as a resentful experience when I remember him liking a SBN3 vid mocking the internet critics (at the time of TLJ's release) and the desire to take most works of fiction in film to heart. Regardless of what you think of either goofball, I found the force awakens was okay initially since the rest of the trilogy was yet to come but Last Jedi was the least fun of the 9 films, and Rise of Skywalker just had some fun scenes every now and then (you'd have to ignore the context of the whole trilogy's plot directing lol) but otherwise was just gonna get the backlash it got. Not much can really be done except move on.
@DoctorFaust Год назад
I just simply don't care to watch anything new Star wars wise, no matter how good it may be received. I still hold this franchise in high regard because of it's impact on me growing up, however that's all it really is to me nostalgia and Disney knows this. They know its just nostalgia and they can rake in as much money as possible with minimal effort and that's why most of these shows and movies suck so much. It can almost feel as if nothing, not just star wars is innovative anymore. Who cares to make any effort in anything if the revenue stays the same for these companies? Well if anything at least I got the final season of TCW. That was the last piece of SW media I found memorable. Everything else since has mostly been terrible if I'm being honest.
@FringeSpectre Год назад
They got star wars at the worst possible time. More time was spent making sure it was towing the progressive line than making sure it was well written and compelling and honoring what came before.
@LeUberTroll Год назад
Luke SkyWALKER?!? 😂💀🔥 Bruh Peak EmpLemon frfr 💯💯
Eh, my local theatre has tickets for $7.
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