

Michael Rubenfeld
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In this video I respond to the Israeli Ambassador to Israel, Yakov Livne to the killing of Damian Soból and his comments about Polish people being antisemitic. I discuss how his actions have only fanned the flames of antisemitism and what I think he should have done instead.
My name is Michael Rubenfeld, and I am a Canadian Polish Jewish Theatre Maker who moved from Canada and is now living in Krakow, Poland. On this channel I discuss my experience and my perspectives on Poland through a Jewish lens.
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10 сен 2024




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@lerubenfeld 5 месяцев назад
If you would like to support me, you may at my Patreon. www.patreon.com/MichaelRubenfeld?
@cogitorium1089 5 месяцев назад
The very fact that Israel sent a Russian who takes selfies in Red Army caps as their ambassador to Poland speaks volumes...
@zephaniahblack1725 5 месяцев назад
He was not the only one and he explain that. This is sticking to the nonsens. Only petty minded people will complain.
@zephaniahblack1725 5 месяцев назад
Wait untill you will need any kind of help. Than you will see. The ambasador was someone to be proud of. Cultural, patient and assertive. The jurnalist was dispicable. Didn't listen to the answers and his only aim was to squeeze out an apology from the Jew. It didn't . Thecambasador was out of his league.
@ColonelStanley 5 месяцев назад
The ambassador is an ugly (!!!), russian (!!!). We need another ambassador of Israel in Poland, someone like Szewach Weiss... we loved him, just politicians like him should be the ambassadors of Israel, all over the world. Kind regards - S.
@juanverdez2706 5 месяцев назад
​@@zephaniahblack1725he was cultural, patient and assertive as Jurgen Stroop
@WoTBlitzAddict 5 месяцев назад
​@@zephaniahblack1725 that is the most nonsense I have ever heard, he didn't answer any questions, he just constantly repeated his statement without giving any answers at all, he could did same thing being alone, as he does on twitter, stating his nonsense comments
@karatearmchairhistorian9825 5 месяцев назад
There is an Israeli Ambassador in Poland: his name is Jacov Livne, and there is a Jewish Ambassador in Poland, his name is Michael Rubenfeld.
@AS-010o0 5 месяцев назад
Amen to that 🤚
@globallearningculture 5 месяцев назад
Hi Michael, Thank you for sharing the video and your thoughtful words. Unfortunately, I must add another layer to the discussion. It may come as a surprise that Mr. Livne, was actually born in Moscow and has spent many years working in Russia. He has openly expressed admiration for Putin and his policies. Considering this, one can't help but question the intentions behind sending such an openly anti-Polish diplomat to Warsaw. It's doubtful that his mission is to mend bridges between Poland and Israel. It seems as though darker forces may be at play, and we need to unite and defend the ring at all costs. Cheers.
@jutrzenka7503 5 месяцев назад
I think its time to say - Once Polophobic, always Polophobic...
@gedeonmalak 5 месяцев назад
Dzięki Michael za głos rozsądku. Ty jesteś prawdziwym ambasadorem Żydów, chociaż nieformalnym :-)
@elizabethbaird374 5 месяцев назад
Clearly, the true, moral Jewish leadership currently exists outside of the government of Israel. Thank you for your words. You are doing more for the reconciliation of our people than you can imagine. I hope you continue to be happy in Poland.
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
You are wrong. Big majority is cheering up slaying Palestinians and destroying their infrastructure. Civilians Israelis are coming with their families to block the possibility for humanitarian aid trucks to go through. The sad part is that those crossings are allowed only for IDF, but those Israelis who want to help to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza ARE allowed to be there. Most of Israeli population demands more"action" from IDF. This society suffers from moral blindness.
@JesusMoneyChrist 5 месяцев назад
@@frankaczmarek3042 how many people live in Israel and how many do what you said? Let me guess....100 people are blocking aid so it means everyone in Israel does right? PS. Are you five years old?
@michastepien8326 5 месяцев назад
the key problem of Yakov Livne is very simple -- the guy is just soviet -- Israel sent to Poland soviet-like guy. That is stupid simple. Guy fits to Lavrov team.
@trojnara 5 месяцев назад
Born in Moscow, speaks Russian (but not Polish), wrote his PhD about USSR. A very interesting choice for a person to represent you in Poland.
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Jego osobę zaakceptowały władze pisowskie, a stało się to już po inwazji Rosji na Ukrainę. Cały czas zachodzę w głowę, czemu pisowcy przyjęli takiego człowieka do Polski.
@samsara4085 5 месяцев назад
​@@PiotrJaserNo ciekawe. Zawsze się rozumieli ze wszystkimi rusofilami w polityce. Kontrastuje to z ich antyrosyjska retoryką, ale widac, ze to było na pokaz albo nic nie rozumieli. Inaczej nie probowaliby zrobic z Polski mini-Rosje centralnie sterowana i skorumpowana z wiecznymi pretensjami i kompleksami.
@none4706 5 месяцев назад
For most Poles, the matter is simple. The Israeli ambassador expressed his deep anti-Polonism.
@lukaszpiotrowski1541 5 месяцев назад
Thanks, Michael… it’s always very inspiring to know that there are human beings who are intelligent to try to understand other human beings … and are compassionate regardless of the context.. keep up good work, you are doing an amazing work both for Poles and Jews 😊
@lerubenfeld 5 месяцев назад
Thank you. ❤️
@MayaTheDecemberGirl 5 месяцев назад
I've read that this Israeli Ambassador Ja'akow Liwne was born in Moscow and his father was an officer of the Russian Red Army. And in the interviews Mr Liwne was saying that he is so proud and touched everytime when he sees the Russian military parade at the Red Square in Moscow. He was well known of his pro-Russian, pro-Kremlin views, and of his anti-Polonism also. For many years he was a diplomat in Russia. So how the Israeli state could send such an ambassador to Poland? It definitely wasn't a friendly act. By the way, we have completely different recollections from our history about the Soviets and their Red Army, and what "liberation" in fact they brought with themselves to Poland (these were many inhuman Russian acts of genocide on Poles, imprisonement, mass graves of hundreds of thousands murdered victims buried in the woods, bestial torturing of innocent people, gulags, rapes on everything that was moving, stealing of everything they could steal, destruction, exploitation, ruin etc.). So it was obvious that a person with such views just shouldn't have been sent as an Israeli Ambassador to Poland.
@sSomeawesomeneSs 5 месяцев назад
@MayaTheDecemberGirl 5 месяцев назад
@@sSomeawesomeneSs Yes. All what I've wrote above one can read in newspapers, also in official interviews with above mentioned ambassador. I think that also in Wikipedia.
@wojstube9359 5 месяцев назад
Jeśli to była pomyłka, to słowa "przepraszam i proszę o wybaczenie" to oczywiście za mało, żeby przywrócić czyjeś życie, ale powinny paść. Potem jakieś gesty dobrej woli. Tak się uprawia dyplomację. W tym Izrael mógłby być lepszy. I wierzę, że stać go na bardziej dyplomatycznych dyplomatów. Pozdrawiam 👋 PS. Ciesze się, że są tacy ludzie jak Pan. Mądrzy i dążący do dialogu ponad podziałami.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl 5 месяцев назад
Few years ago, after the Russian attack on Ukrainian Crimea in 2014, some friends from Israel came to visit my family (although my family doesn't have any Jewish roots, we keep touch with some Israeli friends that we met many years ago). And I was very surprised when, in one of the conversations, when talking about some politics they asked us: is it true that Poland would like to partition Ukraine. We made very big eyes, asking them, shocked, how someone could even think of doing this, against fundamental norms of international law, to a sovereign country and nation and from where they get such propaganda. And I was even more surprised later, after the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022, when the Kremlin representatives and Russian trolls started to widespread exactly the same insane propaganda about Poland wanting, in their insane alternative version of reality, to partition Ukraine. So it looks like people in Israel are somehow, since years, influenced additionally also by Russian, hostile towards Poland, propaganda (I've heard that there are a lot of Russians living in Israel). And I've heard that Israelis (like also many people in other countries) think about Russia mainly as a land of culture, music, poets etc. So unfortunately they don't have any idea, or don't want to have, about the real Russia and their regimes, like we do have very well.
@malgorzatasadow3903 5 месяцев назад
Why Poland accept ambasador who doesnt speak polish?
@jakobschleicher9062 4 месяца назад
Stupid question. Many diplomats don't speak the language of thr country they are posted in. Most countries post their diplomats only for ~4 years. So that's what translators are for.
@kamilgrzelak4370 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Michael for your support and saying sorry although the death of Damian was not your fault. You would be a great Israeli ambassador in Poland :)
@KH-he5fp 5 месяцев назад
Michael this video means a lot to us Poles. Thank you and i am sorry you have to apologise for something that you have nothing to do with. It breaks my heart to think that the actions of a horrid ambassador have made your life in Poland worse.
@foxin5619 5 месяцев назад
We are not antisemitic. We just want respect and justice. Our citizen voulontarily helped innocent people, and now he is dead because of IDF. We demand trial for murders and recompensation for his troubled family. Is that too much for Livne? Also thanks for this video, it is important to seek common ground and treat eachother with respect and hospitality.
@EmiFem 5 месяцев назад
I miss Mr Szewch Weiss so much these days. Its a true dishonor of his memory to have such a successor as ambassador.
@yvonnebrown5625 5 месяцев назад
Weiss popieral roszczenia zydow i nie byl zadnym przyjacielem Polski - doucz sie !!!
@fandzejka9540 5 месяцев назад
Weiss byl ambadadorem panstwa Izrael, wiec nie jest to specjalnie dziwne i nie o to tu chodzi​@@yvonnebrown5625
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Też tęsknię za Weissem. Kochał Polskę i pokochał nawet powojenną Warszawę, gdy nie wyglądała jeszcze tak jak dzisiaj. O Polsce wypowiadał się nie tyle z szacunkiem, ile z sentymentem, zachwytem i miłością. Ciągle próbował wpleść do rozmowy jakieś anegdoty o Polsce. Oczy mu się błyszczały, gdy mówił z dumą, że w kuluarach pierwszego Knesetu językiem roboczym był polski, bo hebrajskiego jeszcze za dobrze nie znano, a językiem jidisz (jako dialektem niemieckiego) nie chciano się posługiwać. Niestety, to pokolenie odeszło i teraz nie ma już tego sentymentu.
@karins2200 5 месяцев назад
Michael Rubenfeld, thank you for showing backbone and speaking up on the Gaza issue which makes your personality extremely beautiful ! I have had the opportunity to meet Livne during the last Jewish Culture Festival and I can confirm that he indeed has a big mouth. And I personally think that it is a shame when Israelis, Palestinians, Poles or whomever are killed -basically anybody regardless of their ethnic background.
@PolaccoPrimaSort 5 месяцев назад
Niestety wygląda to tak, że ambasador pomylił zawody. Przesłuchałem jego wypowiedzi i wyglądało to źle. Kompletny brak wyczucia otoczenia władania słowem, jakim powinien cechować się dyplomata w tak trudnej sytuacji. Krzywdy Polsce niezrobił swoją ignorancją, ale Żydom tak. Dobrze to opisał Stanowski, To najlepszy ambasador Palestyny jakiego ma Izrael. Lepszego Palestyna nie mogła sobie wymażyć. On nie powinien być dyplomatą, pomylił profesje.
@rssr9749 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for understanding the outrage of Poles. Israeli ambassador - TOTAL ARROGANCE and INABILITY TO LOOK at THE TRUTH in THE EYE. ,
@ToriFeli 5 месяцев назад
When I was watching that interview I kept thinking about you. It's how I feel whenever some random idiot do something antisemitic and it goes around foreign media even if a big majority of Poles are neutral-positive about Jewish people and as you said interested in good parts of our common history. What makes me really sad is that feeling is not really mutual - at least with Israeli citizens, I kind of think that they would keep hating whatever Polish people do and with time it may kill the sympathy. That's why your channel is so important to me. Keep the good work and I hope that the next Israeli ambassador will be more like you, a good friend of Poland.
@piotrbiedowicz1602 5 месяцев назад
POLAND was always and still is the friendliest country for Jewish people, also during the second world war. Polish people was hiding Jews in their houses. Many poles was executed for this. And I always didnt understand jewish goverment why they are so against Poland.
@apacz3995 5 месяцев назад
To Pan powinien być Izraelskim Ambasadorem w Polsce. Pozdrawiam serdecznie z Krakowa.
@lerubenfeld 5 месяцев назад
@lerubenfeld 5 месяцев назад
I would have to first be Israeli, which I am not :)
@apacz3995 5 месяцев назад
@@lerubenfeld Wiem o tym :) Miałam na myśli prezentowaną postawę i poglądy :)
@robertkwroc1501 4 месяца назад
Dziękuję za to co powiedziałeś w tym i innych swoich materiałach . W tym dziwnym świecie jest jedna , niezmienna stała , polityka , której przedstawiciele w każdym kraju są pozbawieni moralności i honoru . Pozdrawiam Ciebie i oglądających .
@ppzav 5 месяцев назад
Michael....again....thank you for your common sense and kindness ❤
@aabb2028 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for what you said, but I'm afraid that the ambassador is neither stupid nor does he know the Polish context. Apart from the fact that, privately, Poland and Poles are a state and an indigenous nation for him, he implements Israel's deliberate policy towards Poland. Israel cannot apologize to Poles for anything, but humiliate Poles until they meet Israel's illegal demands regarding the property left behind by Jews, Polish citizens, after World War II. No one cares that these demands are illegal, that the estates were in debt, that the Jews obtained their estates for next to nothing from the Russians when they confiscated the estates of Poles as part of the repression after the Uprisings, etc. The ambassador is by no means alone in insulting Poles. I especially recommend to you Isaac Singer's speech of April 19, 1996 from the World Jewish Congress when he said: "If Poland does't satisfy Jewish demands, it will be publicly humiliated and attacked on the international forum." This intentionally aroused anti-Polonism has its consequences.
@mojanowazelandia 5 месяцев назад
Thank you, Michael. I appreciate your commentary and kind words towards Poles. It is rare but very much needed. Your words and attitude bring hope.
@eprzepiora 5 месяцев назад
the evidence is such that they purposefully killed that group and no-one has done any justice at least yet
@krzysztofsaa2997 5 месяцев назад
Izreal próbuje bardzo i od dłuższego czasu zrobić sobie z Polaków wrogów. Są coraz bliżej sukcesu
@gwrobel83 5 месяцев назад
Wszystkiego dobrego Michał :-)
@wanted0 5 месяцев назад
Well put, thank you for your support and condemnation of the words of Livne.
@krzysztofniemiec3714 5 месяцев назад
Thank you :) Thank you for understanding us - Polish people and our goodwill for relationships with Jewish people. You would be a very welcome ambassador of Israel to Poland. Thank you for sorry on behalf of Israel. God bless you.
@hubertzubrzycki4234 5 месяцев назад
It's like seeing a jew killing someone and crying out loud "manslaughter/crime " and in response he says " ooo you're just saying that cause you're antisemitic I'm so sick and tired of them hiding behind this whole antisemitism allllll the time I do appreciate your work towards fixing the relation between our nations Mr.Rubenfeld It's no secret there are good and bad people in every nation, culture etc but calling things by their names, being honest is the key definitely Without that we won't get far
@agaalwayswright 5 месяцев назад
Yacov Livne considering he is from Russia 🇷🇺 works most likely for them and purposely creates haos and hate especially days before elections in Pzl. Shouldn’t Ambassador to Poland have Polish roots? Wouldn’t it make more sense?
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
It doesn't matter where he is from. Why ambassador has to have Polish roots? This particular ambassador presents exactly the attitude towards Poles as majority in Israel feels towards Poles and Poland.
@vlatoma9174 5 месяцев назад
Michael Rubenfeld the next Israeli or Canadian Ambassador to Poland . Pay attention Israel he is the Man.
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Michael nie jest Izraelczykiem.
@AS-010o0 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for your words and thank you for standing up for Poland as well 🙏❤
@pawelzielinski1398 5 месяцев назад
The ambassador is lying. That wasn't an accident. They were not caught in the cross-fire. The cars were traveling on a highway that was not contested, not a part of the ongoing conflict. The cars were precisely targeted one after another, despite being clearly identified by the logo of the charitable organization. I have absolutely zero respect to Livne and people whom he represents. If someone wants to call me an antisemite or a terrorist because of my firm believes - so be it! I couldn't care less what such creatures think of me.
@KowalskyLeon 5 месяцев назад
@fajka152 5 месяцев назад
Do you remember how you said after Braun extinguished the Hanukkah that "why Poles were attacking Jews"? problem is israel is not pass any chance to attack polish ppl, they always try to humalitate polish ppl and make them monster, even when most of the polish people has jew ancestors.
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
I don't think most Pols have Jewish ancestors. Both sides had different religion and bc of that they did not mixed
@fajka152 5 месяцев назад
@@frankaczmarek3042 they do before 2 ww there was 6 milion jews in poland some convert on another religion and there was a lot "poles" with name for example Samuela and Izak (very polish names).
@MIKrych 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for speaking out on this matter and thank you very much for your words ❤
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Najbardziej mnie razi prorosyjskość izraelskiego ambasadora. Jakim cudem pisowski rząd zgodził się przyjąć takiego człowieka już po inwazji Rosji na Ukrainę? Przecież Livne nie ukrywał swoich poglądów.
@supreme3376 5 месяцев назад
Bo Urodził się w Rosji
@supreme3376 5 месяцев назад
No Bo Jak pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ja%E2%80%99akow_Liwne
@jideckchobot 5 месяцев назад
Proste: Bo sami chcą putinowskiego systemu w Polsce
@arturczubakify 5 месяцев назад
Hi Michael, I am Polish living in Krakow - a fan of your channel and a subscriber. Would be nice to meet up sometime in the city for a crack or so...
@krzysztofsyty4625 5 месяцев назад
Dzięki za dobre słowo.Jesteś dobrym człowiekiem.PozdrawiamQ!
@piotrradecki3355 5 месяцев назад
Panie Rubenfeld, dziękuję Panu za pełny ekspresji, a jednocześnie wyważony komentarz do tej przykrej sytuacji. Jestem mieszkańcem wschodniej Polski, w mojej rodzinie są Polacy, Białorusini, Litwini, byli Niemcy i Żydzi. Jak to na wschodzie. Gdyby ktoś nazwał mnie antysemitą, to po prostu dostał by w twarz. I myślę, że wielu Polaków tak by się "odwdzięczyło" ambasadorowi. On jest wychowankiem sowieckiej bolszewickiej rosji, najbardziej szowinistycznego kraju na świecie. Jak to się mówi u nas: Człowiek ze wsi wyjdzie, ale wieś z człowieka nigdy. Pozdrawiam i życzę Panu szczęśliwego życia w Polsce :)
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Ja jestem z Warszawy i tu też sporo ludzi miało korzenie szlacheckie, żydowskie czy nawet litewskie. W ostatnich dekadach trochę się to zmieniło, bo napłynęło tu wielu ludzi z innych regionów kraju, o innych tradycjach, ale generalnie Polacy to zawsze była mieszanka etniczna i kulturowa, od czasów piastowskich.
@tomeckb29 5 месяцев назад
You don't have to apologize for anything, because it has nothing to do with you. The ambassador must have confused his roles. Apparently he is used to the magic word anti-Semitism and that no matter what he does, using this word always results in erasing other people's memories. Unfortunately, the role of his Russian roots and the Russian roots of many Israeli settlers in general is interesting. In this understanding, the anti-Polonism of the new government, which thus gains voters, is not surprising. Well... I hope it settles down as soon as possible.
@wambam3860 5 месяцев назад
They most definitely were targeted not once but 3 fucking times. Not a my bad thing very Deliberate. The aid workers gave the garbage idf their coordinates and informed them after the first strike they were aid workers 2ed strike too yet they hit them 3 different times in 3 different areas
@Ass_of_Amalek 5 месяцев назад
actually they didn't just tell the military where they were, they were travelling along prearranged routes between defined waystations, and waited at each point for the permission to drive the next section of their journey, sometimes waiting for hours. they didn't just have general assurances, they had been given individual confirmation a few minutes before the attack to immediately start driving along that road, and they did just that. they were exactly where they were told to be exactly when they were told to be there, actively.
@mariajutah9059 5 месяцев назад
Kiedyś sluchałam pewnego rabina na YT ponieważ udzielał wielu ciekawych małżeńskich porad, ale po zamachu Hamasu zaczął wypowiadać się politycznie i stwierdził, że wszyscy zazdroszczą Żydom ich wspaniałości i przez to żydzi są ciagle prześladowani i dlatego też żydzi żyjący w Polsce przeszkadzali Polakom ... natomiast ani słowem nie wypowiedział się na temat Niemiec i niemieckich działań w czasie WWII. Było to bardzo smutne, podobnie zasmucił Ben Shapiro ... chyba nie tylko Polacy mają swoje wady narodowe.
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
To co robi Izrael to jest zaplanowane, przemyślane LUDOBÓJSTWO! tego wada narodową trudno nazwać. Chociaż od poździernika zeszłego roku Niemcu dziesiątkrotnie zwiększyli dostawy broni dla Izraela aby ten szybciej powybijał rdzenną ludność. Jak widać Niemcy chcą od lat uchodzić za bardziej od świętego swietych, ale wilka ciągnie do lasu. Teraz w Niemczech przesladuja protestantów przeciwko ludobójstwu w Gazie. Niektórym (w tym tez Żydom) pozamykali konta bankowe za te protesty. Policja nie bawi się z nimi. zakaz praktycznie protestów z tym związanych. I znowu zaczęłam się ich bać. Tak jak w dzieciństwie i wczesnej młodości. Poczuli zew krwi widać. A teraz Ameryka napędza do wojny izbrojeń. I tylko czekać jak Niemcy rozwinął się kolejny raz w potęgę militarną. Wojna na Ukrainie i obłęd polityków z nią związany doprowadzi do tragedii. Europa i układy się zmienią, a Polska da du py jak zwykle. Bo politycy w amok wpadli.
@annmariedeignan2596 5 месяцев назад
The IDF has made tens of thousands of such "mistakes." You have just stated that " many aid workers are connected with Hamas." Where is your proof? Show us the evidence of these allegations. We have seen nothing concrete to date. You have just done the same thing you are accusing this man of. You did not simply express remorse. You felt the need to label people as criminals to justify the vicious actions of the IDF. I am also speechless.
@Jarocool78 5 месяцев назад
LUBIĘ ŻYDÓW I WASZĄ KULTURĘ, ALE WASI POLITYCY SĄ GORSI OD NASZYCH. Pozdrawiam z Chełma (wschodnia Polska nie dzielnica). Barbarzyństwa Hamasu nie można zwalczać Barbarzyństem wobec cywilów.
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Izraelczycy są dziwnie podobni do Polaków i podobnie skłóceni. Połowa nienawidzi Netaniahu. Likud to taki izraelski PiS, tylko w warunkach wojennych więc jeszcze bardziej radykalny. Rządy Likudu to największe nieszczęście Izraela od czasu powstania tego państwa.
@rssr9749 5 месяцев назад
...... at this moment what happened , calling Poles anti-Semites is asking for more hate between two countries.
@chmmielu111 5 месяцев назад
Fortunately Polish people dont judge Israel or its citizens on the base of the Ambassador.
@kristijankorunoski47 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Michael for understanding Poles!
@piotrgrzywnowicz601 5 месяцев назад
Hello Michael, you have to know that this is not the first time that Russian Jews are destroying our relations between us here in Poland. These relationships were not idyllic, but we treated this country as our common home. The proof of this is the many Jews who fought heroically for Poland.
@LOKa-bg6qn 5 месяцев назад
Wise words. But it looks like Israel does not care about its relations with Poland...
@RaniaRaniaRahiman 5 месяцев назад
Not in Jews's Name. The Israeli put Zionism above religion.
@MultiPropanbutan 5 месяцев назад
Well it is not the first time Livne says something outrageous about Polish people … the only difference now is that the ongoing killing in Gaza took bigger stage in Poland due to the death of Polish citizen. His Twitter/X account is full of complete rubbish. In my view he should be declared persona non grata a long time ago … Poland in general has problem with two ambassadors (ambassadors as representatives of two countries in general no matter who the ambassadors are) … one is Israel and the other even worse case is the US … both representatives always think they can act way over their role … I do hope there will be finally a government putting an end to it … unfortunately it isn’t the current one yet.
@Cliamp 5 месяцев назад
Sadly, he recieved his education about PL in moscow.
@blurrpp314 5 месяцев назад
Izreelskie wojsko obserowwalo konwoj caly czas, trasa przejazdu była znana i uzgodniaona z oficjelami izraelskimi, nie ma mowy o pomyłce. No chyba że tam byli mysliwi i jak zawsze pomylili konwój z dzikiem. Mozna zastanowić się dlaczego. Po czymś takim będzie napewno wiele mniej chętnych do uczestnictwa w podonych misjach.
@dupajasio4801 5 месяцев назад
You Sir, are one of the many compatriots that make me proud to be Polish.
@Yatzo 5 месяцев назад
@katebotts7669 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! Watching you from Los Angeles. Thank you for standing for Poland. I am happy that you feel welcomed in Poland.
@misiekkania 5 месяцев назад
Michał! Dzięki. Ja czuje, że bardzo byśmy się polubili i dogadali :) Jeszcze raz DZIĘKI !
@leszekleszek773 5 месяцев назад
Michael, try to apply for the role of honorary ambassador of Israel in Krakow. I believe there are some funds connected to that role. You will be able to say something sensible in defence of Israel as Mr. Livne is hopeless and just produces antisemitism instead of making some good PR.
@krzycho751 5 месяцев назад
Żyję sobie zdala od Polskich spraw. Czasami minie kilka dni zanim coś do mnie dotrze. O wypowiedzi ambasadora dowiedziałem się od Ciebie. Ironia losu? Ależ skąd. Ty jesteś Polakiem urodzonym w Kanadzie, potomkiem Polskich Żydów żyjących tu od prawie setek lat. Jesteś Polakiem nie mniej niż moja urodzona w USA córka. Jesteś u siebie w domu. Pan Livne natomiast urodził się w ... Moskwie. Ostatni raz Polacy byli nazywani antysemitami publicznie przez Putina. To z resztą jego ulubiona melodia nastawiona na zrobienie z nas "tych gorszych". Aby nas osaczyć i "zarżnąć w ciemnym kącie". Teraz ambasador Izraela pieprzy te same głodne kawałki. Zbieg okoliczności? Przypadek? A stanowisko Izraela niechętne pomocy Ukrainie, to też przypadek? Ciekawe ilu z tych milionów Żydów migrujących z byłego ZSRR do Izraela nakazano tą przeprowadzkę. W ramach obowiązków służbowych... Jacov Livne Герой Советского Союза? Kto wie, nie zdziwiłbym się. Michael, dziękuję za Twoją pracę i ten materiał.
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Nie wiem czy wiesz, ale rosyjscy Żydzi wywodzą się od polskich i litewskich. Przed rozbiorami nie było czegoś takiego jak rosyjscy Żydzi. Przodkowie rosyjskich Żydów byli takimi samymi poddanymi polskich królów jak przodkowie Michała.
@krzycho751 5 месяцев назад
@@PiotrJaser Zapewne w znakomitej większości tak było, ale się niestety zmieniło. Tak jak wspomniałem chęć zachowania "równowagi" Izraela w kwestii konfliktu na Ukrainie dziwnie utyka na jedną nogę. Trudno jest palcem pokazywać na całą emigrację z ZSRR jako rusofili, ale coś jest na rzeczy. Poza tym ostry zakręt w prawo w stylu Netanjachu pasuje do schematu podobnych zagrań w innych częściach świata, nie wyłączając Europy. I zawsze tam "niewidoczna" reka Kremla się daje odczuć. Nie posądzam z resztą samego Netanjachu o sympatie prorosyjskie, jemu po prostu pasuje taki styl i z ludźmi tego typu będzie się chciał trzymać stołka do końca świata i o jeden dzień dłużej. Ale to juz zupełnie inne sprawy. Izraelska polityka wewnętrzna jest równie chora jak Polska. Choć w ostatnich czasach w Izraelu docisnęli gaz do dechy i lecą na ścianę bez opamiętania, jeszcze zanim doszło do tej masakry ostatniej jesieni.
@tpeter3871 5 месяцев назад
thank you Micheal. i like how you presented that. happy to have you here.
@lech5389 5 месяцев назад
I wonder why the Ambassador was not expelled from Poland, it is not for me to judge, but in the situation to which the Ambassador has caused , Israel should recall him. Zastanawiam sie dlaczego Ambasador nie zostal wydalony z Polski, nie mnie to oceniac , natomiast w tej sytuacji do jakiej Ambasador doprowadzil, Izrael powinien go odwolac
@ypabloworld 5 месяцев назад
Z tej samej przyczyny dlaczego rosyjski ambassador nie został wydalony. Oboje grają twardzieli, bo liczą na awanse w swoim kraju. Raczej im tego nie ułatwimy.
@MrDamian1530 5 месяцев назад
I see a ray of hope seeing people like you, so I don't see Israel as anti-poland country. There are always bad and good people
@piotr5338 5 месяцев назад
Nie mieszaj Izraelczyków z Izraelem .To fajne społeczeństwo młodych ludzi lubiących zabawę. To społeczeństwo jest przeciw temu co się działo do wojny , obecnie mogło to się zmienić z uwagi na sukces propagandy vide covid . To państwo Izrael jest wrogie Polsce
@piotr5338 5 месяцев назад
Has anyone noticed the list of victims? ONE PALESTINIAN WAS THERE .HE COULD BEEN A TARGET
@tetlley 5 месяцев назад
Thank You so much for your words! I wonder if the Israeli authorities will realize that using the "anti-Semitism" card all over again is doing more harm than good.
@madluper 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for your voice in discussion. What he did was really stupid. People of this type should not work in diplomacy. That doesn't help our relations.
@RozaMP 4 месяца назад
You are absolutely correct! I understand that it's the place of war, and many tragedies are happening there, and everyone is taking a huge risk when going there. But all Poland expected was an apology and a promise to get to the bottom of this. Instead, he became arrogant and basically made it sound that it was OK to do anything to Polish citizens because, according to him, some of them are antisemitic. I'm just glad someone is as open-minded as you are and can see the bigger picture. Thank you for that!
@NestaSimbaSauti 4 месяца назад
Nowdays antisemite is not someone who don't like jews, it's someone disliked by zionists. Even good, wise, religious jews are concidered antisemites. This is ridiculous. I personally beign called antisemite many times but how many antisemites can read hebrew, learned biblical hebrew and read Orayta (Torah)? Answer is none. ;) Much respect Mikael, you are a good man.
@maganzo 5 месяцев назад
but I'll also add that we are unfortunate to have this specific person as an israeli ambasador, this guy dosn't know the language, he has no links to poland what so ever, someone in israel probably thought that russia and poland are the same so they sent him here, I hope someone better can take this position, we had some great isreali ambassadors before like shevah weiss that knew poland
@PiotrJaser 5 месяцев назад
Cóż, przed rozbiorami nie było rosyjskich Żydów. Niemal wszyscy rosyjscy Żydzi wywodzą się od polskich i litewskich.
@ColonelStanley 5 месяцев назад
Thanks. 👍 Michael, You should be the ambassador of Israel in Poland... just people like You, just like You... I'm retired polish soldier, i trained and (ts)... with israeli Sajjjeret..., a few times in some special places, and i love them. My grandmother cooperated with ŻEGOTA during the WW2, so there are some traditions in my family. Thanks a lot, once again... Kind regards - Stan
@MikAlexander 5 месяцев назад
Well said Mike. Thanks for this video. I want to bring up something not many seams to notice much, but Palestinians, or Muslims in general are also semites, because Arabic is slightly modified Aramaic. So the way I see it, it is a conflict between semitic nations, similarly to Ru vs Ur war where both nations are orthodox slavic Christians. Ik this doesn't bring much in to the conversation and is kind of meta, but wanted to share this with you, cause it does make me ponder sometimes on the true nature of those wars.
@oldtimer150 5 месяцев назад
There is more semitic blood in Palestinians than in Israelis.
@WojtekBorek-dd1vj 5 месяцев назад
you right we just was waiting for Sorry We are not antisemitic .You are honest person
@PostnutClarity13 5 месяцев назад
@marlenakotas1 5 месяцев назад
Chcielibyśmy widzieć Ciebie w roli przyszłego Ambasadora Izraela w Polsce, Michaelu. Byłbyś właściwym następcą Szewacha Weissa...
@Dziki_z_Lasu 5 месяцев назад
Szkoda, że jest Kanadyjczykiem, ale jakby był ambasadorem Kanady to też było by fajne.
@dorotafischer3817 5 месяцев назад
Jakiego Izraela? Nie ma zadnego Izraela, jest tylko okupowana Palestyna.
@01690 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Michael for those words. This is a real logic and rational voice in this hard times. BTW do you think there is antipolonism in Isreal? I am wondering you opinion. Maybe one day you will make a video about this issue. Thanks
@silvesterkotas9900 5 месяцев назад
I wonder how many Poles, because of that, will vote for the Confederate Party,in the upcoming election, on Sunday 😢
@Tomikchomik1 5 месяцев назад
Confederate party in Poland, are just nationalistic party. And nothing wrong with it. We just love our country, and Poland and our peoples, will be allways on first place for us. For example. 99% peoples in USA are nationalistic, they say it all the time how they love USA etc, and noone tell a world...but when we on Poland have that, all are agains it. ^^
@wawa1944 5 месяцев назад
@WoTBlitzAddict 5 месяцев назад
​@@wawa1944you are so naive or just faking it?
@jankowalski3220 5 месяцев назад
Confederate Party in Poland is a part of Russian hybrid war against Poland. Just read what slogans the supporters of noble freedom bribed by the Russians used to fence in the 17th century. Russia always operates according to the same, proven pattern. And he still has the same goal - to isolate Poland from the West, to divide Polish society and finally to kill us with a rusty knife. The Confederation is their project for the post-Ukrainian era.
@JNieckarz 3 месяца назад
You are a good man. Peace be with you.
@graywolf3000 5 месяцев назад
I love your take - as always reasonable! Thanks!
@martagil4347 5 месяцев назад
You are better ambassador for Jews than Livne. I honestly belive that Poland is missing part of indentity when Jews are not here. They played huge role in day to day life and many of them felt polish and jewish at the same time. I teach history in elementary school and it is scary sometimes how little do kids and adults know about our shared past (good and bad). I’m also very proud of my great grandparents, who risked they lives to save Jews in Poland during WW2.
@figofagonagoitis 5 месяцев назад
No. Poland is not missing anything. Most of Jews living in Poland for few centuries were more like this ambassador and not like Mr Rubenfeld. They never integrated into society. Only 10% of them did in the way and felt any connection to Polish society. But mostly there were two separate wolds. There’s no point in any revival of this.
@martagil4347 5 месяцев назад
They had crucial part in city life, trade and weren’t completly seperate. You can do a DNA test and often it shows some mixture of blood in us. Most of Polish aren’t 100% slavic with german, jewish etc. added to the mix. Also to be part of country didn’t mean necessarily to be part of nation. It is more complex in country with many ethnic and religious groups. Jews in Poland after 1918 were polish citizens and many felt and acted like that. I don’t think that we will have strong presence of Jews ever again in Poland but they were part of Commonwealth history even if they aren’t here anymore. Jews are people and as such they are both good and bad among them.
@figofagonagoitis 5 месяцев назад
@@martagil4347 You believe in fairytales. They were, besides those 10% who integrated, separate culturally from the rest of the society. They never wanted to integrate. They had this tribal mentality (we against others). They were known for dual morality, one for their tribe and other for the rest. They were never loyal to the country (besides few exceptions). No it was not good for the society.
@srulykaplan 5 месяцев назад
​@@figofagonagoitis tribal mentality? we only kept our traditions and religions.
@vrbanitas2021 5 месяцев назад
Until now I was defending and standing behind Israel, enough is enough though. Israel lost all of my respect by being extremely arrogant and not taking full responsibility for your actions. This is not excusable whether accidental or not, to justify this hideous act is just shameless. Thank you for your words but no more respect for Israel.
@radsec 5 месяцев назад
You're a wise man. Thank you.
@karolinakatanowska5960 4 месяца назад
Polish love you too 🙏❤️
@markgendala5689 4 месяца назад
Historically, Jews waited for OTHERS to produce something they could buy and sell at a profit... Trouble is that the OTHERS inevitably noticed this craftiness - then learned to despise it...
@krzysztofolejnik158 5 месяцев назад
Dziękuję za to kolego ❤👏
@comdo831 5 месяцев назад
YT algorithm doesn't like the name of the Israeli ambassador in a comment. So I'll only say this, listen to Michael, don't listen to the ambassador.
@basiapytaowschod2266 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video. ❤
@michaeldoda2465 5 месяцев назад
Thanks Michael for your wonderful words to the Polish people. God bless you . Baruch Ha'Shem.
@kashiayami 5 месяцев назад
Dziękuję- thank you
@Wladek_Lokietek 5 месяцев назад
Thank You Michael for Your words. Unfortunately I think You are in minority of jewish nation who thinks like that. Im polish but I have a jewish friend from Tel Aviv who moved himself to Paris about a year ago, because he didn't saw a hope for normality in Israel. It was because of Netanyahu was doing there. Now probably he has another reason - because of what his country is doing in Gaza. I support the right of Israel to have its own country, but current war will be remembered in history as a genocide war. I think jewish people in Israel are getting more radical year by year. In the past we can seen an orthodoxes spitting on priests in Jerusalem. There are many films showing this on YT. Now I'm reading a posts on X of jewish people happy for a death of polish citizen. I don't think they are orthodoxes commentaries. And last days some Israeli minister said that they will took another 800 acres of ground in the Wast Bank. My muslim friend from Hebron is closed in his city by IDF. Hebron is a big prison since the beginning of the war. Prices of food and everything are very high. I can only say what some others said already in this comments - Israelis are remembering the tragedy of II war, the genocide of Holocaust - ant its very good. We have to remember. But many of them aren't taking a good conclusions - aggression, hatred, pride, intolerance - this are the reasons of evil in the world. We shouldn't make the same mistakes again.
@VforArt 5 месяцев назад
I symphatize with Your approach and common sense... But longer you will watch PL-ISR relations the more you will see how typycally middle-eastern country israel really is They conduct typical politics of "loud mouth" and raging tribal/religious/nationalistic rethoric Politics is downstream from culture, so its preety obvious that relations look like a slow motion car crash The more you will see really bad behaviour of israeli officials towards Poland hopefully the more this realisation will help .... He simply cant say "im sorry" because this will supposedly make Israel look weak, instead to look tuff Israeli politicans like to damage polish-israeli relations, because they care only about how they are seen in israel Its the lowest type of international politics, but hey, this means that theres a lot that can improve in the future
@hilltroneye 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for good words about my country Poland. It’s sad how Izraelian government try to make us looks like enemy for the Jewish. After all what happened in the second world war ,what we Polish and Jewish go through from German hands. And now over 85 years after war, we Poles looks more “ Beast’s”’than German. That’s the new Izrael Narration. That’s not fair , that’s wrong! That’s really Wrong!! One more time Thanks for Stand with US
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
Did you mean: "Beast"?
@hilltroneye 5 месяцев назад
@@frankaczmarek3042 yes , I changed that , thanks for mentioning that
@simonkruk5084 5 месяцев назад
Szkoda ze nie jestes ambasadorem Izraela w Polsce ...... to znaczy jestes ale w innym wymiarze🙂
@piotr5338 5 месяцев назад
Z całym szacunkiem dla Michela czy wy nie widzicie tragedii sytuacji ? Dziękujemy gościowi za normaność .Absurd polega na tym , ze dziękujemy dlatego , ze jest Żydem .😮😢 Teatr antysemityzmu ambasador podniósł do rangi sztuki .Nie zapominajmy , ze tak .młody człowiek ambasadorem to być może za 10 lat premierem będzie ? On reprezentuje państwo .To Izrael przez niego do Polaków przemawia . Mam nadzieje , ze polscy Żydzi , a Michala mam za takiego , wystosuja pismo do rzadu o usuniecie szkodnika z placówki . Tak na marginesie po takim skandalu pozostawienie go tutaj pokaże kierunek polityki Izraela wobec Polski .
@veritaspk 5 месяцев назад
Israel has the right to self-defense... but there is such a thing as "exceeding the limits of self-defense" and these limits were exceeded a long time ago.
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
When Poland was occupied, Germans or Russians were calling out partisans "bandits". Now there is a new term. Is called a "terrorist". I wonder if any Pole would say that Germany in 1944 had a right to defend itself against the Warsaw Uprising? just a one example.
@ActionLimeade 5 месяцев назад
@@frankaczmarek3042 comparing Hamas terrorists to Polish partisans? And then you wonder why Poland is unpopular among Jews?
@frankaczmarek3042 5 месяцев назад
@@ActionLimeade Palestine is under occupation. Israel is a terrorist country. I'm not for popularity context. I say what I see, so other Pols. If you don't like it is too bad. I'm not bying your hasbara.
@ActionLimeade 5 месяцев назад
@@frankaczmarek3042see what? You can’t even find palestine and Israel on the map.
@Piotr_Winter 5 месяцев назад
Ambasador Izraela powinien zamilknąć i zacząć słuchać. Jeżeli nie - niech ustąpi.
@hachemdjeffal6545 5 месяцев назад
Michael you seem to miss the fact that all Israeli representatives are on « cover up/PR » mode which is most of the time very aggressive when it comes to Israel. I believe a similar scandal happened in Singapore.
@boklos5359 5 месяцев назад
Well said
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