
My Weird Time at University 

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In this video I talk about the weird, dysfunctional and mostly quite terrible time I had at university.
My Experience with Prostitutes:
• My Experience with Pro...
The Story of My Troubled Relationship (And How Breaking Up Saved Us):
• The Story of My Troubl...
How The Music Industry Broke My Spirit:
• How The Music Industry...
My Phone Sex Addiction:
• My Phone Sex Addiction
My Experience with Mephedrone:
• My Experience with Mep...
More Mephedrone Stories:
• More Mephedrone Stories
My Experience with MDMA:
• My Experience with MDMA
My Experience with Amphetamines:
• My Experience with Amp...
My Music:
/ oloffmusic
My Podcast:



16 сен 2024




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@sameeyell2586 6 месяцев назад
“I like Tarantino films” cracked me the fuck up
@bigjacketguy9380 6 месяцев назад
caught up with a good mate i haven't talked to in a while this week, he showed me your channel a year ago or so. anyway, soon into the call we were like have you seen the recent BigDomee, then we lololed about the spit ATM machine story for a good 5 mins. then got into a conversation about the implications of being this candid and honest on youtube. we also talked about how stories can be way more interesting than footage. i'm sure there's similar videos of lads doing disgusting things to atm machines, but can they make a good story out of it? I think you pull it off very well, hilarious stuff without relying on visuals or ironic tropes or over produced youtube shite. reminds me of the good ole days of youtube before the algorithm was a thing
@bigjacketguy9380 6 месяцев назад
had many many similar experiences at 18/19/20. I'm actually grateful that phones/videos were shite back then, not because I'm afraid of people unearthing this stuff, but I think times were a lot more interesting when the only way of showing/telling people about these mad events was verbally or through messages, as well as the odd shitty phone picture (i'm 32 btw) one time a girl in our group had a party when her parents were away. nothing unusual, kinda rowdy, it was probably just our usual group of weirdo 10 lads and 4 or 5 girls. everyone left eventually but me and my mate decided to go back to her house with the intention of making a full dinner without waking her, purely for the laugh. we didn't really think about the wrongness of it, we really just thought it was the most hilarious idea ever. we hopped in to her back garden (this sounds way more dodgy than it was), entered her kitchen via an open window, and then, quietly, prepared ourselves a full candlelit microwave chicken curry dinner from her parents fridge and ate it slowly at the table, making sure to not wake her and her boyfriend who were sleeping upstairs. we had phones that could video but it wasn't really a thing to film absolutely everything back then. she did leave her digital camera on the kitchen counter however... we documented the whole event on her camera, which made it even funnier. we laid out napkins and had a proper nice chicken curry, thinking we were the most hilarious people ever. then we put her stereo on full blast and ran away. she never showed us the photos haha. glad we didn't have decent video phones back then, the memory is definitely 100 times more hilarious. i dunno why, but we just seemed to be able to get away with stuff like that back then. only realising now how creative some of the stuff we got up to was. i think it was a creative outlet really, there were other lads who'd get their kick on nights out from start fights with people, meanwhile, we were doing odd things like that. good timez
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
@@bigjacketguy9380 man, that's hilarious. I know exactly what you mean about stuff like that being way less dodgy than it sounds. On paper breaking into someone's house is crazy but at that age, at that time, the world was less paranoid and obviously we were a lot younger and the vibe was completely different. I remember the first year of sixth form being the funniest time ever. Constantly looking for weird shit we could do to amuse ourselves. We had all started drinking but it was just a means to an end rather than the end itself. By the second year, it had changed though, and people had become a lot more status obsessed, more "grown up" and serious, and also a lot of us had gotten into drugs. But for a while, we had pretty much the most fun social environment ever, going to house parties and just doing stupid jokes and pranks. I probably did it more than anyone, because I defo wasn't getting with girls or anythiing so I had to get my fill from doing stuff like taking every item of bedding and clothing in someone's house and putting it on top of a guy who was sleeping. I miss doing stuff like that, losing that is one of the worst things about adulthood. Also it's hilarious/brilliant to me that people are phoning each other up and saying "did you see the new bigdome video?" I love it
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
@@bigjacketguy9380 and yeah, I know it's a cliché but man, it really does feel like cameras/the internet have ruined everything somewhat. Like we're here rehashing memories from when we were alive, and now we're just living in some kind of retrospective world obsessed with capturing information. But again perhaps some of that is cause we're not young anymore. Maybe young people still piss around like that.
@bigjacketguy9380 6 месяцев назад
​@@BigDome1 ahha your last sentence makes me feel old. I wonder if any 18 year olds are reading this thinking "these guys are shite". Even back in the day pretty much all young lads pissed around in their own way. but I feel like out of my group of 10/15 lads or whatever there were 3 or 4 of us that sort of went out of our way to mess around in odd ways that nobody else thought was funny, which made it even more appealing to us. exactly the sort of antics you talked about in this vid. like, we weren't the type of lads that would go to a party and break someones tv, it was a lot more subtle than that. maybe we had a bit of a superiority complex now that I think of it. we were friends with some very dumb people though. I think that's what made it so fun, even if randomers at a party clocked what we were doing they'd usually just throw a puzzled look and then walk away. then we'd continue whatever weird mission we were on, laughing our heads off. It really did get a bit dodgy at times though, nearly in a sadistic kind of way. I still think it's hilarious
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
​@@bigjacketguy9380 Yeah, it was the same with me, I used to just want to do that all the time basically. I definitely wish there was more room for that kind of behaviour in adult life. Tbh, when drugs/alcohol came along in a big way it kind of stopped. Taking drugs was often really funny, but not in the same way. There were less pranks. I think the one place it still exists as an adult is probably prison, I gather that people do a lot of dumb shit like that there.
@BSUF303 6 месяцев назад
Love this kind of video dude, ive watched all your drugs/stories several times... use them as sleeping aids sometimes 😂
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
Thanks man! I like listening to long form stuff to like that to sleep as well so it's great to hear people can use my videos for that. I think it would be a bit psychotic if I tried falling asleep to one of my own videos though so I haven't done it yet 🤔
@yungmentalproblems 3 месяца назад
It's like telling yourself a bedtime story about yourself
@charlielatham3372 5 месяцев назад
You sound like you've had experiences with anxiety so I'm curious if you've always been this open about your life/past/weird shit you've done etc.? If not, what changed that made you comfortable talking about this stuff on the internet for the whole world to see? Enjoy having these talks in the background while I work so cheers for sharing, your a great storyteller
@BigDome1 5 месяцев назад
Thanks dude, podcasts used to get me through my work day so I'm glad to be able to do the same for someone else. I've not always been comfortable with sharing embarrassing stuff about myself but at the same time I see it as quite an important thing to do, both for myself and for the world as a whole. I think that most people unfortunately do the opposite (like only presenting their success/victories on social media and hiding their insecurities) and it has lead to an extremely "toxic" (for want of a less clichéd term) social environment where everyone thinks everyone else is doing great and people struggle to relate to one another. Over time, it's become easier and sometimes it's quite cathartic but at other times it feels uncomfortable and I just force myself to do it. Knowing that it's useful for other people helps. Sometimes I want to edit or reshoot a video if I think I come off badly but then I remember that it's not about how I feel, it's about how the viewers feel when they watch it.
@VallenteDunn 6 месяцев назад
1:06:48 *Carl Jung's shadow has entered the chat.
@Jariikkk 6 месяцев назад
Your storytelling has gotten so good bro, interesting mindset and stories that u share
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
thank you bro, I really appreciate the feedback
@Oumajiii 6 месяцев назад
1 hour 30 minute video let's go! Commenting before watching it all but University was probably the worst experience in my life 😂. I became suicidally depressed and socially anxious and never finished the degree as a result. 10 years later sometimes I still feel a bit of low self esteem from not having a degree but it is what it is.
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
Ha! Yeah man, I think it's like that for a lot of people, but those people tend to kind of hide in the shadows. Whereas the ones who have a good time are like WOOOOH STUDENT LIFE 😝😝😝 I personally think that in most cases work/life experience is much more valuable and cost effective than a degree, but it depends what you study/work as. But in my girlfriend's case for example, she didn't go to uni but earns pretty good money, meanwhile all her colleagues earn the exact same amount and are still paying off student loans.
@thehonkies3642 6 месяцев назад
Loving the content BD!
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@DING1o1 6 месяцев назад
Wow the point you made about our culture giving you the freedom to fuck up was a cool insight. I never thought about that aspect. My trajectory was like yours and I did feel I had too much freedom to be completely detached from reality and be arrogant to my detriment lol
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
Yeah "detached from reality and arrogant to my detriment" is a good way to put it. I think music/pop culture is a big part of it tbh. All the rebellious/counter cultural stuff basically told people that being part of society was bad but didn't offer any alternative
@JSL2000 6 месяцев назад
The amount of Uni students who spent their time drinking, drugging, and shagging around etc was quite low. However, I wasted my three years due to depression. Maybe those who drugged their way through it had a better time than I did!
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
Did you at least get a decent degree?
@JSL2000 6 месяцев назад
@BigDome1 I actually did. I have to be fair, I was treated very well by the uni and my classmates. So, got good advice and guidance. But, I was mentally a mess after bad undiagnosed depression due to a bad injury which affected me a lot, and once I graduated I found it really hard to access the work market. In fact, I'd say I was 26 by the time I sorted myself out.
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
@@JSL2000 it seems increasingly normal these days. I think people of our generation generally take a lot longer to sort themselves out than previous generations.
@JSL2000 6 месяцев назад
@BigDome1 Yeah I think so. The only advice I'd give someone going through that right now is something I heard Alan Sugar tell a candidate he fired on The Apprentice 'Stuart, just find/pick one thing and get really good at it'. I gave quite a while fooling around and the worst was working in pubs dealing with idiots pretending they were funny. No wonder I couldn't recover!
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
@@JSL2000 agreed, the time you spent doing shit jobs is time you can never have back. Some of the people I've had to hang out with at work over the years were unbearable
@Nickersons-Theme 6 месяцев назад
A lot of times I wish I could go back and actually attempt to pay attention and study and have at least something to my name, some sort of qualifications to fall back on, I dropped out of highschool and that was it, maybe it's undiagnosed ADD or some shit that everyone apparently has these days, I don't totally believe that though, I just think I'm not that smart lol and then at times I'll have a wave of some sort of existential crisis in which I think "wtf am I doing....?" then it'll die down for a while and I don't think about it for a while and I'm somewhat content with my sort of "dead end" job mostly because of the people I work with it's like a "we're all in the same boat" kind of thing, I dunno. Anyway, I've always enjoyed the life stories and such, cheers man
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
I definitely think our collective attention span has been somewhat ruined. Some people manage to supercede that, but generally I think people find it hard to focus, and I think it's very common for people our age to feel they're not doing as much as they should. Tbh though, in this day and age I don't think you need education to make something of yourself. There's loads of stuff you can do off your own back.
@Nickersons-Theme 5 месяцев назад
​@@BigDome1Side note, as I'm still watching this, I do find it funny as you were in uni, people were starting to study and do at least some work, and you were in this "guys, c'mon we can party forever and ever!" mode hahah
@JackChambers888 6 месяцев назад
Dont stop the content please ahaha
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
I won't! Thanks for watching.
@RJScaletta 6 месяцев назад
Hey bro ik it’s not related to ur video but I just wanted some advice bro I get paid Friday aka the first and I took my last couple Xanax today is there any advice u can give me to maybe help my situation I heard people say go to the ER but more than not they don’t do anything and I’m afraid I might die from the withdrawals as I’m after having many seizures going cold turkey and hallucinating and dilirious I was just curious as if there’s anything I can do to help my situation I’d really appreciate your insight
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
Yo. Honestly dude this is way outside of my remit, not only because I'm not medically qualified but also because I have very little experience with benzos. What I know for sure is that withdrawals can kill you though, so if I were you I would definitely be super careful. I think you should seek medical advice, and in the meantime ask on a relevant subreddit, they always give good advice on there. Good luck!
@Suuuuuuuuuuuuper 6 месяцев назад
Damn some of this stuff is really lame
@BigDome1 6 месяцев назад
What do you mean?
How would you react?!😳
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