
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Emotional Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy 

Children of Narcissists
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What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy?
MSBP is defined as a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability.
The aim of the person with MSBP appears to be to obtain attention, sympathy and in some cases, money. A parent with MSBP can cause their children to come physically close to death, or to actually die.
How is a Parent with MSBP Similar to a Parent with NPD?
Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be likened to Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy but with the difference that people with MSBP cause physical illness in others and people with NPD cause ‘mental illness’ in others. The similarity is in the intentional harming of a vulnerable other to meet their own needs.
A parent with NPD will cause incredible mental stress in their children which can lead to the creation of personality disorders, addictions, suicidal ideation, panic disorders, depression, anxiety and Complex PTSD among other conditions.
The behaviours of parents with NPD can cause their children to feel suicidal, to attempt suicide or to commit a ‘slow suicide’ in terms of self-destructive behaviours like drug and alcohol addictions.
Children from parents with MSBP are also left with these psychological consequences in adulthood as well as a lot of physical damage if they survive.
Common Behaviours
A parent with MSBP will gain attention from their child’s physical illness. A parent with NPD will use the stressed (traumatised) behaviours of their child against them and will often tell other people in the family or outside of the family that their child has ‘mental health problems’ whilst feigning sympathy.
Parents with NPD will often play their child’s problems for sympathy and portray themselves as the hapless victims of circumstance when they are largely (if not solely) responsible for their child’s mental ‘ill health’ (or rather - their child’s behavioural adaptations to their living circumstances).
There is victimisation of all of their children at different times but most specifically and consistently of their ‘scapegoat’ children. These are the children onto whom they project all their negative feelings and choose to blame for everything that they feel is wrong as people with NPD avoid taking personal responsibility for anything. The scapegoat child may be the child who suffers most obviously.
There is a lot of psychological pressure for the children of MSBP and NPD parents to buy into their parents’ version of reality. The version of reality provided for them is ever changing from moment to moment which makes actual reality something intangible and difficult to make sense of. If a child does not buy into their MSBP/NPD parent’s version of reality, there are serious consequences.
People with MSBP and NPD lie and exaggerate, are very manipulative and are emotionally unstable.
A child of someone with MSBP has to or does believe that they are ill physically and a scapegoat child of someone with NPD will often believe that they are crazy, mentally unstable and that there is something wrong with them. They will often repeatedly be told this by their parent.
Both disorders have a sadistic/masochistic aspect.
Munchausen’s Syndrome and NPD
According to the NHS’s (National Health Service) UK website - Munchausen’s Syndrome (which is causing illness to oneself) can be seen in the following 3 Cluster B personality disorders:
“Different personality disorders thought to be linked with Munchausen’s syndrome include:
antisocial personality disorder - where a person may take pleasure in manipulating and deceiving doctors, giving them a sense of power and control
borderline personality disorder - where a person struggles to control their feelings and often swings between positive and negative views of others
narcissistic personality disorder - where a person often swings between seeing themselves as special and fearing they’re worthless
It could be that the person has an unstable sense of their own identity and also has difficulty forming meaningful relationships with others. Playing the “sick role” allows them to adopt an identity that brings support and acceptance from others with it.”
Childhood Roots
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy is thought to have its roots in childhood abuse/trauma.
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: An Alarming Face of Child Abuse
NHS Overview of Munchausen’s Syndrome
MSBP Overview - University of Michigan
Theories of Causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Children of Narcissists



8 сен 2024




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@jennifergreen6109 10 месяцев назад
I just made the connection that having a narcissistic parent who projects her mental illness onto the scapegoated child is actually a form of MBP. Thank you for this validation. They could never get away with this if society wasn't filled with unhealed people
@BAsed_AFro 13 дней назад
And they will also do it to their own grandchildren, if allowed to.
@korereviews8088 Год назад
Interesting that you made this connection, as I did the same myself recently: it occurred to me that my narcissistic mother encouraged the development of mental and physical illness in her children to the extent that she could then use it to gain social capital in the form of sympathy for herself. I also thought it seemed analogous to MBP. My mother has always seemed to almost luxuriate in the suffering and misfortune of her own children, which seems very bizarre, until you understand it this way.
@ivadedeva7005 Год назад
Agree!!! Psychotherapist tend to minimize, explain and in my opinion are biased and discriminate the victims. Have you noticed if you are talking to someone random to them they tend to go to one direction. If you share that this is your parent they change!
@marisamendoza3785 Год назад
My mom is the same exactly
@ivadedeva7005 Год назад
It got me thinking 💭 I was growing up between 2 narc parents. If we see both of them through that lenses we will see how twisted our reality and lives have been. THEY BOTH MADE ME BELIEVE THAT THEY TOLERATED ME AFTER ABUSE! I REALLY THOUGHT I AM DIFFICULT TO BE TOLERATED UNTIL DID NOT REALIZE THAT THEY ARE SICK!
@Bogdan_ragovic Год назад
I am very worried that my 2 year old daughters mum is doing this to her now
@nicolev777 Год назад
@@Bogdan_ragovic if I were you do your best to record everything you can, and document every time you notice something is off. The more documentation you have the better chance you have to defend yourself down the road if needed. You will want to keep this info to yourself for your own good. I am a survivor of lifelong narcissistic abuse. I am just starting to realize what happened to me. I wish I would've journalled all these years. It helps to show you you're not the crazy one, especially if you are suspecting that it's happening to your child.
@ShivaSolentei Год назад
I was the scapegoat of a covert and a bureaucratic narcissist. I was the scapegoat. Almost 50 and the 80 year folks are only getting much, much worse. Great video, you described my reality perfectly. Thank you. My sister was the Golden Child and didn’t realize how bad it is/was until they started treating her 14 year old daughter just like they treated me as a kid. Sister was shocked. Our father actually called my sister the other and RAGED at her regarding his now 19 year old granddaughter. My sister called me to describe what had happened, she couldn’t believe it, he was literally shaking when he was raging she said. I told her that is how he has been treating me since I was little kid. I am very used to his out of control rages, and as a result I remember about 1% of my childhood. It’s all a blank up to high school graduation.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
I'm so sorry for what you have been through.
@karinalafayette8814 Год назад
I'm not sure if this happened to me, but my mom only really showed affection when I was sick. It's almost as if she would use these scenarios to look like a good parent, but when I was okay, it was like I didn't matter to her. I also notice that psychologically my mental health was a lot worse before no contact.
@Lyrielonwind 10 месяцев назад
Mine treated me a little better when I was sick and she was always looking for people's concern about how skinny I was. She will give me lots of vitamins but refused to take me to the doctor if I was sick. I had chicken pox and I had to go to the doctor by myself when I was 13. It was also bizarre since she didn't care about myself but sometimes she will forced me to eat (I ate like a wolf after a long winter) or having to wear an undershirt in summer. I thought she did it so people will laugh at me and I have the feeling she tried to poison me at least once. I got very sick around twelve hours ahead of my two younger sister. Once was supposed it was the water and it was supposed we got sick since we were not used to it but she wasn't used to it either.
@_NorthernVibes Месяц назад
This is literally what led me here, my grandma who raised me, was the same way. I have trouble getting out of bed because feeling drowsy makes me feel unwell, so I'm very sensitive to feeling ill in general. Whether it's just sleepiness or a cold, it feels so severe to me. But it's turned into a coping mechanism now in my adult life. When I was younger, my grandma was almost only kind to me if I was sick, if it gave her attention to support me with my mental illness (so many mental illnesses were pushed on me from a young age), or if I was agreeable with her. I always opposed how I was treated though, so she was almost always cold to me unless the above factors were present lol. This 100% is the same thing, in my opinion, to what you're expressing. When I went no contact with her, and moved away from her, I made SO MANY changes to myself, my beliefs, my self love, and I lost a majority of my dependence on her and found out how capable I truly was. That is evidence that a lot of my incapabilities, are very likely just beliefs that were pushed on to me. I wish you well! I'm so sorry you also dealt with this.
@denisei5367 Год назад
This makes perfect sense. In one of my last communications with my brother, he said that I was mentally ill and that my family was afraid of me. That made no sense to me at the time. I couldn’t dwell on it because I was so focused on going no contact, which was very difficult for me. But now, 1 1/2 years later I realize how my mom is probably ‘explaining’ my absence from their lives. It’s just more evidence that I made the best decision. Before no contact I watched my mother use difficult situations and illnesses in the family to get sympathy from others. I am so lucky to be out of that mental mess. The more time that passes, the more clear it all is. As a nurse this experience gives me more insight into my patient’s family dynamics and narratives. Thank you for this.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Thank you. I am glad you are out of the mental mess.
@LeslieHeartsIL Год назад
I was thinking about this since I've gone NC almost 4 years ago. My malignant mother destroyed my life. I've been rebuilding it as best as I can. She also caused a serious childhood illness in me. When I had lasting, long term issues due to this, she said I was lying and told everyone else I was as well. Even though I had a diagnosis from a specialist. I was her SG. The Golden Children are her proxy abusers and I had no choice but to cut them out too. Thank you for this.
@kggr8458 Год назад
ditto. I hope you are in full swing healing, as you well deserve to be, blessings
@ChristianAndrew1.4 Год назад
Spot on , this was done to me and my siblings, but with me to the point of being forced into a research program via the Medical Community on Ritalin until the age of 40. At that time I started asking real questions to the researchers and questioning the whole situation as well as the mechanisms behind it all . Then it all became very very clear, Mom was mentally ill and exhibited it in horrific ways. Thank you for doing this work and putting it out.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
I am so sorry you went through that.
@age93 Год назад
I experienced something similar. Was diagnosed ADHD, early onset anxiety and depression, and treated with Ritalin as a child. I believe it was/is complex ptsd. All the “treatment” didn’t help. I was being terrorized and abused at my father’s which she knew and didn’t stop. As an adolescent, I was ignored and neglected even more. She didn’t attempt to help with any self harming or dangerous behaviours. It seems she actually encouraged it by providing resources for them to continue (buying alcohol, taking me to inappropriate places, covertly competing with my disorder eating, ignoring my b/p and cutting, obtaining a dr letter when I dropped out to smoke marijuana day, etc.) When I addressed this as an adult, her excuse was “I was a good con as a child”. I fully believe she used me as an excuse to justify neglectful parenting and to boost her reputation as a “devoted” mother. I’m convinced she’s a covert narcissist, as well as my older sister who has intense contempt towards me for being the “favourite”.
@user-bv5sq9dy7w 8 месяцев назад
So I grew up with an emotionally abuse dad, and it got to the point where when he got angry it was like he was a different person, it was terrifying. So we started family therapy and my family therapist told me, he understands my dad can be terrible but I should be cautious of my mum as well because she lets my dad be abuse so we as the kids get mentally ill, to the point where I went to rehab, so that she looks like the good parent that cares, and acts like she is incapable of stopping my dad from doing what he does. They then talked to my parents alone and I was informed the only reason they didn’t divorce is because I am mentally ill. My therapist actually once practiced how to avoid manipulative behaviors and honestly it helped. Great video!
@jessicamcmahon6495 9 месяцев назад
My mother has Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy. My name is Jessica. I was the scapegoat child. I was ward of the state at 12. I was put into psych wards from the age of 12. I never bought into her lies which made it worse. I was psych warded from 12-40 years of age. My enjoyable parts of my life from 17-27 I lived away from the family and from her. She got back into the abuse and amped it right up at 27. She got me into accommodation for the mentally ill. I lost my appendix due to over toxicity of psychotropic toxic drugs. No one called an ambulance for me. I waited for 2 1/2 until a taxi was called for me. She was cunning in her manipulation of all the different psychiatrists. Flew me interstate to psychiatrist "shop". I was heavily sedated on drugs for years. In 2017 at age 37 she forcefully and aggressively bullied me into 37 electric shock treatments. One of the injections before the electric shock treatment did not have the correct measurement of drugs in it and I was completely paralyzed and still conscious including paralysis of my lungs. I focused on staying calm even though I felt like I was suffocating and couldn't breathe but being completely drug paralyzed I couldn't speak to tell the doctor or nurse that I was still awake. I thought that I was going to die from suffocation. I got brain damage to my memory from all the electric shock treatment. I healed my brain damage through formal study and through dedicated prayer work. I am strong faithfully Christian faith. My PTSD is greatly reduced and I am not losing time getting stuck in the PTSD reliving the trauma as reality anymore. Again through dedicated and consistent prayer work and writing my awareness and emotions down on paper. And with the consistent and dedicated support of my loving partner. He never accepts me to be down and out. And neither do I. My mother was involved in spiritual cults throughout my life. She also financial frauded me using a credit card linked to a bank account in my name for 7 years. My story has a good outcome though as I love life. I love having no contact for almost 3 years now and also I am a gifted energy healer and I am going to write a book on my life. I have a strong parter he backs me up all the way and is a strong and serious protector of my life and is hyper-vigilant in keeping me safe, secure and protected helping me to let go as I was going through the acceptance of no contact. She has raged at me. I know what that is like. She has told me that I am the reason for all the problems in the whole family. With great conviction on her part. She has also, when it became apparent to her that my partner Micheal was always going to be fiercely protecting me and fiercely loyal to me, as in the video exactly, it was her way or the highway. She openly said to me twice repeating her words exactly, that she had no interest in my life. Having no contact isn't easy and I choose happiness, I choose peace, I choose eternal love. And I sure as heck choose no contact and have learnt all about my boundaries now instead of being hunted down with the intention that she wanted me dead. I can think of no one else on this Earth that makes me nervous the way she does. It took half my life away her abuse. And I know that I am in serious life danger if I ever were to be around her in person. I still have the rest of my life left to live and I am choosing to help contribute to humanity healing and world peace. My tears have been flowing through writing this from the appreciation and gratitude that I have for my eternal love and life partner and protector Micheal. I love you Micheal thank you for giving me my freedom and safety in life. You truly are the best. God bless all and please be kind and polite to each other and keep shining all of your unique lights Amen. And to my mother I forgive and I love you. Thank you for doing the best to your ability with your mental health. I know it has been far from easy for you also. Love Jessica xo
@childrenofnarcissists 9 месяцев назад
Hi Jessica, I am so sorry for what you have been through.
@GeneralInfoSystem 5 месяцев назад
Stay strong Jessica. You are a Hero.
@jessicamcmahon6495 4 месяца назад
Thank you, your kindness echos beyond time and in eternies for my life God bless you xx​@@GeneralInfoSystem
@jkiddo4254 Год назад
This makes so much sense. It's taken decades for me to really see that the way my family see me is very different to how everyone else sees me. I thought my family had it right because they know me better but I really don't think they do, it's all through this lens as you described. I thought other people had it wrong and just don't really know me or don't really mean it if they like me. Thanks for this, really helpful.
@lindac6919 Год назад
I'm so glad you see this! It took me too, too long.
@XOXOX4242 9 месяцев назад
Me too. Sending ❤ to you on your healing journey...
@age93 Год назад
Thank you. This provides the validation required for acceptance and healing. I always doubt myself, so when I came to the conclusion my life was constructed to be the way it is I felt as if I was blaming my mother for my poor choices. Despite how hard I’ve tried, I always end up in the same damaging, abusive situations though. I didn’t realize this kind of manipulation was a actual condition.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Hi NG, Munchausens By Proxy is an actual condition but it is my opinion that NPD can be seen as a form of emotional munchausens. We often do end up in the same situations repeatedly - there are nice explanations here: eggshelltherapy.com/repetition-compulsion/ simplypsychology.org/repetition-compulsion.html
@XOXOX4242 9 месяцев назад
​@@childrenofnarcissistsThank you so much for this very helpful video and these resources!!❤
@juliepettit225 Год назад
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This streams my childhood & much of my adulthood. I was driven to think that I was insane. I am the scapegoat & caregiver while my younger sister by five years remains the needy lost child.😖
@_NorthernVibes Месяц назад
I just had a session with my therapist where we rooted a LOT of my current disablities/debilitations with my need to be sick when I was younger. I didn't feel loved, as much as I did when I was sick and needed my grandma to be more gentle. She always ate up the role of caring for me and being more tender with me when I was sick. So as I grew up, I leaned into all of the mental illnesses and disabilities that she projected on to me. She got so much attention for being a hero to two children with severe mental illnesses. She took us to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome support groups and made us listen to how we had fetal alcohol syndrome and damaged brains. While my mother always said she never drank with us while she as pregnant and she even quit smoking each time she was pregnant. I don't believe now, that I have FAS, but I did believe that for a large majority of my life. She got guardianship over me and my sister as adults, claiming our disabilities left us unable to make decisions on our own. I was the scapegoat, I was always challenging her and expressing that what she was doing to us wasn't right, so I pushed heavily for third parties to be involved anytime I could. I did that with our guardianship as well, and was able to get a third party to manage the conservatorship. One that my advocate felt I didn't need and was surprised I had guardianship. She helped me get support and treatment, and then also helped me to request the guardianship be dissolved because she felt I no longer needed it. All of this to say, was that this video was so validating for me. Thank you so much for covering this topic. I immediately came online to do some research after my session to see if there was a link between my grandmas narcissism and my feelings of almost feeling like a munchaussen by proxy victim at times with all of this disability she made me believe I had. Where now as an adult, I have this conflict within myself where I use these things as a crutch and have a hard time not believing these things any longer. The idea that I'm not as disabled as I was led to believe is scary, I'm not sure how to change these ingrained beliefs yet, but it is a relief to know that if it was done to me, I can undo it as well.
@_NorthernVibes Месяц назад
oh not to mention the fact it's left me with this debilitating need to constantly be validated, which is evident by my seeking validation on this lmao. I'm working on that, and working on becoming more secure with myself. I wish anyone else out there who grew up in similar environments, all the best. Just know that you can change those beliefs, you can be happy, you can be capable, and you are worthy of self love and self security.
@vanessal2462 Год назад
This is the woman who raised me exactly.. just trying to understand and work through years of trauma.
@SophiaPistos3M-vm6lu 8 месяцев назад
Finally my narc mother has put me through allot of psychiatrie all diagnoses she used against me got tested and erased. She still declared me mentally unfit due to ptsd. Ans the belgian medical establishment helps her. I told them she was doing this to me since years with concrete proof. And nobody dares to help me. I don't know who to run to for help. Narcs do mbp it's part of the gaslighting they got to convince everyone you're more insane than them. And it works even if diagnoses are removed people still refuse to believe you.
@halfpintpuppets 7 месяцев назад
I'm so sorry. I'm sending you hugs from a mom you should have been getting rather than what you did receive.
@patrickjankowski3476 Год назад
My mum was a covert narc and I was the scape goat, she said I had ocd, add, adhd autism and evert letter in the alphabet. I was in so many tears
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
@eprofengr6670 11 месяцев назад
Interesting and good brief symptoms of what is observed in real life in regard to a mentally unstable parent who has very negative hateful tendencies.
@undercoverski Год назад
my mom projected her eating disorder onto me and then gas lit my experiences by blaming it on my eating disorder -saying i wasnt properly nourishing my brain so nothing i was saying was genuine (invalidating everything i said)
@undercoverski Год назад
when the first therapist i ever saw said my mom had munchausen by proxy (in terms of my ED), she cut that therapist off entirely and became very overbearing with any new doctors (telling them i was prone to lying as a way to "keep my eating disorder"). she kept me cycled thru ed treatment centers for years where i would check boxes and just tell them what they wanted to hear until i could be sent home, only to relapse soon after. my mom said i was selfish for not trying to get better and fix my problems, she said it was abusive to my family and friends to have to deal with me struggling. it wasnt until recently when i went to a therapist thinking i had some sort of personality disorder that was preventing me from recovering from my eating disorder that i discovered the truth about my mom. i was so depressed; i was willing to try ketamine therapy to fix myself. i was pushed to my breaking point feeling empty, lost, and so ashamed of my existence. i ended up suddenly facing the reality of my hidden trauma from physical abuse from my mom dating back to when i was 7, and learning i had repressed all of her abuse since then from her manipulation tactics.
@undercoverski Год назад
i wanted to just say thank you for your article, it was the first thing i read in all my research about npd that resonated entirely with my experience; how my mom uses my struggles/ behavioral adaptions (in reaction to her abuse) as a way to get sympathy from friends and family by playing the helpless mother who would do anything for her child. reading your article was the first time i felt validated. its been really difficult convincing myself that im not just playing the victim and blaming my mom to avoid my own problems. whenever i start to go down the rabbit hole of "did i make all this up? maybe im the problem" type thinking i read your article honestly
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Thank you for sharing your experience. I am happy that this video has helped. I am sorry you have been through this. Many, if not all people have a lot of self-doubt about their perceptions when they come from a narcissistic family until they can get to a more solid place where they are more in touch with the reality of what did happen. You may like to watch the video I did on 'Why do I feel unstable' if you haven't already. This talks about moving from a place of instability (our sense of self being like a house built on sand) to a solid foundation (our sense of self being like a house built on rock).
@bforce3824 Год назад
This is happening to my daughter right now. She's 13 - when she was younger, her mother "shopped" psychiatrists until she got the ADHD diagnosis she wanted. Now she's saying that she's autistic. She tells my daughter that she's mentally deficient and her brain is under-developed. She has flown her out of state several times, pursuing alternative treatments in order to "fix" her. My daughter is depressed and has started cutting and has suicidal ideation. I began taking her to counseling as soon as I learned this - when I have her every other weekend. Thank God I found someone who does Saturday appointments. What can I do? I find it difficult to talk to people about this because they assume I'm just a disgruntled father trying to get custody of my kids. There's much more to this - involving her school and her pcp... but it's just too much to type here. I'm worried sick for my daughter
@age93 Год назад
Make this about your daughter. Let her lead the direction in therapy and don't assume it's from whatever her mom is doing. Focus on building a healthy relationship with her. She needs someone who she can trust and feels loved and safe with. Self harm is a means to self-soothe. Get her the resources needed to learn how to regulate her emotions in a healthy manner or else it will just continue. Spoken from experience. Read up on attachment theory.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Sorry you are going through this - NG gives good advice here.
@The1morningstar Год назад
I’m in the same situation with my stepson. The boy is 13 and is now taking five different pills a day to treat all this psychological disorders and the worse part is that my husband passed away three years ago and I don’t have to much contact with the boy but last year she started bringing him over so he can spend time with his sister but the last few months there have been some really weird changes. I don’t know what to do.
@alicelucy1333 Год назад
I'm so sorry this has happened to your daughter. My mum was the same with me. She was convinced I was autistic. When the NHS doctor said I didn't meet the criteria she spent £1000 to get me diagnosed privately.
@latenitetubing 11 месяцев назад
This is so helpful! Thank you! It feels like someone has pulled the light on in my head! 💡🧠 I’m not sure why I laughed when you said it was horrible, but that helped too. Glad I found your channel and grateful for such high quality videos. The way you put this information together is just amazing! I’m feeling so much less confused and I’ve only watched 2 so far, so I will continue on. Thanks again 🙏
@janehunyor3243 Год назад
I think this is brilliant work, very much described my childhood experience which brought validation and another lens through which to view npd. Thank you so much.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Thank you
@rachb373 День назад
This could be describing a mother I know at my own child's school. I have raised concerns with school
@ivadedeva7005 Год назад
I am the scapegoat between q 1 borderline and 1 psychopathic parent and golden child sister. And yes, I think I am crazy, week, mentally us-table, bad, participating somehow.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Sorry you have been through this. You might like to watch this video which explains why we do have these feelings of instability and how we can achieve a stronger sense of self. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-SmjARK4tIlA.html
@halfpintpuppets 8 месяцев назад
Get yourself away asap. Im so sorry. You're an aware person to see this and tend to you! You're worth all the love you should have. Run!
@RationalNon-conformist 6 месяцев назад
True Borderlines are narcissists.. the rest have C-PTSD. There is no such thing as BPD.
@Bogdan_ragovic Год назад
I am so scared that my daughters mum is doing this to her right now and i feel powerless to do anything about it. She was both physically and emotionally abusive to an extreme level. I left when my daughter was a year old and her mum didnt allow any contact for 6 months straight until i got a court order. I was referred by the police to a psych assesment because of her clever counter allegation tactics and then a programme for male victims of abuse. Still with all the known abuse towards me and her family history of abuse the family court system only allowed me weekends as i was a working father paying for everything. Going from everything, to nothing, to weekends and wednesday afternoons was a pain i dont want anyone else to feel. It hurts a good dad the same as it would a good mum to be separated from their children. Im still in pain and hurt about things even though i have my girl back and on weekends. I feel like im grieving for the bond we used to have and i constantly have a sense of dread for her about being isolated with just her mum in her flat. When she came back to me she was a completely different, traumatised little girl. As she gets older she shows practically all of the researchable signs of toddlers who are being emotionally abused. But her mother who is dangerously manipulative, is telling everyone and gaining the support of her nursery and other professionals that she is Autistic. She is applying for disability living allowance for my daughter for having special needs when i know she isnt autistic and what's wrong with her is what her mum is like with her behind closed doors. She is emotionally dead.I am not the smartest man and the courtt and childrens services system get walked all over by these kind of narcissistic manipulative mums because of the natural fact that mothers are the nurturers and naturals caregivers but i know my daughter like i know my own heart. I know shes not autistic and is jusy having a very hard time with mum as i did and i can prove all of that, how do i prove about my daughter
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Hi ryanryan, I am so sorry you are going through this. I can't give any advice here on how to prove what is happening to your daughter. I am not well-versed in legal issues. I wish you all the best.
@redrose767 8 месяцев назад
@bogdan Maybe try talking to a lawyer, there has to be someone you can talk too about this, how old is your daughter? And have you tried asking her questions , and maybe take videos or pics anything you can get proof on
@yasminmaldonado7998 7 месяцев назад
Following this comment. My brother is also going through a similar situation.
@Bogdan_ragovic 7 месяцев назад
@@yasminmaldonado7998 An update 6 months later, I went back to family court with solid evidence of abuse and I now have my daughter full time. Her mum sees her but supervised at all times and my daughter is doing alot better. Tell your brother to remain calm and don't say or do anything in anger that could be used against him. Keep evidence, it's a long process and family courts do favour the mothers most of the time but abuse is abuse and the court will put the child with the safe parent in the end. Tell him to stay strong and dependable for his child. I wish him the best and hope the child is doing okay
@manthasagittarius1 Месяц назад
Sometimes, having listened to several of your discussions now, I am finding a big chunk of relevant material falling into place and showing the interlocking parts of the structure lining up. It's starting to make me short of breath, to be honest. I've "known" this stuff about our family dynamic for many years, but I've somehow refused to let it near me or touch it without a mental hazmat suit and gloves on. This latest falling chunk hitting me in the head was how the scapegoat child may not have the capacity to play into the game rules the parent is demanding, when the golden child can and does. My brother and I were born less than a year apart, and our respective relationships with my mother were from two different planets. He was the baby and the only boy (my older sister and I used to privately refer to him "Wales," even though we are American😊). I knew by the time I was seven that she was full of crap, her values were all over the place, and she was a horrocious liar and revisionist of our family story, who COULD NOT EVER be trusted, especially with feelings; and Wales played her with great success like a violin to get his way, eventually becoming the smoothest sociopath at sixteen you ever met. She had a different purpose for each of us; but also, I was never able to hide my inner assessment of her, and she spent all her time with me trying to crush my resistance. I retreated into books,fantasy, and eventually music, which no one else in the family had aptitude for. My own country, finally. I could not have capitulated to her self-aggrandizing game had I craved to. It wasn't my assigned function, I see now. But in truth it made me sick, SHE made me sick, and now I understand she could smell it even when I never spoke or looked her in the eye. And she made me pay. My brother? I think he pitied me for an idiot, when there was so much to be gained by just playing along. "Well, then -- more for me," I could hear him thinking.
@ragdyand 2 месяца назад
Most accurate description of the combination I've heard. Thank you.
@user-oq2lh5sx5s Год назад
I knew it. I finally found it thank you for helping me put my finger on it. Moms is sick
@jeanetteblackshear4721 Год назад
What should a middle aged person do if they have been dealing with this all of their lives?
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Hi Jeanette, Here is a link to an article about how to heal from all of this: childrenofnarcissists.org.uk/healing-from-narcissistic-abuse/ Here is an article which speaks about techniques for dealing with narcissists: www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/toxic-relationships/201911/the-price-and-payoff-gray-rock-strategy Basically, there is grey rock (which may or may not work) or limited contact with very strict boundaries (which they may come to accept with time) or no contact.
@ToxicFreeTV 8 месяцев назад
Everything you said here was extremely validating thank you for a great video
@SelfLoveU 2 месяца назад
Wow interesting concept!!! LOVE this. YES this happened to me and coming out is unexplainable.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
00.57 What is MSBP? 01.44 How is a parent with MSBP similar to a parent with NPD? 04.49 Common Behaviours 09.10 Munchausen Syndrome and NPD 10.25 Childhood Roots
@GullerudGallery Год назад
Spot on! 🎉 Bravo!
@shannahdawn4724 Год назад
I found this helpful Thank you!
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Thanks, I'm glad it was helpful.
@nancybartley4610 Год назад
Do MS enacters know what they are doing? I have worked in hospitals in which this was suspected. On another note, these conditions simply are not clearly defined. They don't fit a diagnostic manual. Because this is the case, these people have a constellation of issues that make them quite toxic. To be clear: someone can have one or two behaviors that fit NPD and two or three characteristics that suggest BPD, or other disorders. Such a parent can also oscillate in a out of adequate parenting to harmful parenting. The child is totally destroyed in a possibly very subtle manner. Throw in other problems like poverty, illness, etc and kids don't have a chance.
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Hi Nancy, You ask: Do MS enacters know what they are doing? The UK NHS website says the following: Types of behaviour - People with Munchausen syndrome can behave in a number of different ways, including: pretending to have psychological symptoms - for example, claiming to hear voices or claiming to see things that are not really there pretending to have physical symptoms - for example, claiming to have chest pain or a stomach ache actively trying to get ill - such as deliberately infecting a wound by rubbing dirt into it Some people with Munchausen syndrome may spend years travelling from hospital to hospital faking a wide range of illnesses. When it's discovered they're lying, they may suddenly leave hospital and move to another area. Yes, these MS/MSBP types of personalities can be complex with different traits from different disorders.
@mptajosog 12 дней назад
@irinasvetskin1071 Год назад
Yes, it’s comparable!
@Saints_ravenfortheRainbow 4 месяца назад
My mom. I was an emergency section, I had colic and when I was in elementary school, transient synovitus. I was always under weight. As an adult, I'm diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Cptsd and HS. Im underweight but not like 78 lbs like i had been..while i had been, my mom talked behind my back with my godmother about how I looked like I had cancer but did nothing. She forced me into a mental health evaluation that I passed and continued to call me schizophrenic. My child said he wants to come in right in front of my mom, she said he's not allowed to come in, but she calls me schizophrenic if i talk about it with my own from childhood and shut off prayers at night that helped her nightmares...
@BBC4.0 8 месяцев назад
This information was great information thank you
@peeveandtoonces 4 месяца назад
@kpf2014 7 месяцев назад
My 31 marriage to a doctor who was bpd and npd and I was diagnosed with ptsd from the trauma of things he did psychologically and physically. He kept doing things to induce more trauma on purpose for years and then i was labeled as crazy, suicidal, by him. I was told by therapists that until i left the source of the trauma that no amount of emdr could Work. He loved to tell everyone how i needed to get emdr for my trauma and get help and yet continued to do insidious things and play mind games for years. He did research for yours on animal behavior and was very very knowledgable about the effects of what he would do. I recently told my therapist he seemed like he was munchausening me almost. He kept doing things to me and then told My kids i am crazy and need help. I was so depressed and felt trapped by a monster.
@lisarice4402 6 месяцев назад
@kpf2014 - find ways to distance yourself from him and don’t tell him about anything you discover!! If there is any way possible, please do what you can to save money out of his sight & tell no one!! Give yourself enough grace to know yes, you will have to do this on your own, but it can be done!! You need to get away from him ASAP so you can retain what sanity (for lack of a better term) you have left; what is extremely promising is the fact you recognize things aren’t “right” or safe enough for you to live in!!
@RationalNon-conformist 6 месяцев назад
No such thing as BPD, they are narcissists. Or, they are misdiagnosed and have C-PTSD.
@RationalNon-conformist 6 месяцев назад
Research HG Tudor here on RU-vid, he is the number one resource on NPD.
@donnaritenour4778 Год назад
So true. Thankyou, I go thru that & need set free to this day.
@nikhildeshpande-h8b 8 дней назад
This is how people become schizophrenic, it takes a ridiculously narcissistic home
@victoriarosario3338 6 месяцев назад
Would this (NPD) include my father repeatedly saying (when I was a small child), "You're a good girl, no matter what anyone says..." ????💔 Or when my mother sat me down to tell me at 19 years of age about what happened to my father when he was young (because he and I butted heads a lot at that time) and my response was, "I wish I would have known, I would have been a better kid." 💔 I always felt like, "if mom wasn't happy, I didn't have a right to be happy." I was in kindergarten.
@MirAndHer 6 месяцев назад
You speak of the similarities of NPD and Munchausens by proxy, but what about parents are both narcissists and Munchausen's, as is my experience. Thanks for this invaluable content.
@childrenofnarcissists 6 месяцев назад
Hi Miranda, Yes, that can also happen. I am sorry you have been through that.
@MirAndHer 6 месяцев назад
@@childrenofnarcissists thank you. It's been a rough time, but after 40 odd years I finally cut ties and am NC. My ongoing problem and the last legacy of my mum's abuse via MSbP, is that she had me diagnosed with a spurious mental health condition (she caused/created), which I still live with today. It's such a potent and constant reminder of the abuse and I long to be vindicated/validated and believed. Thanks again for your helpful content 👍
@WolfandCatUnite Год назад
Great video. Thank You
@MicheleBlack1 Год назад
Excellent video - thank you ❤️‍🩹🙏
@aunabreslingaming3279 6 месяцев назад
Define the difference between mumhausen vs ODD
@chernobylspecialist6487 Год назад
Another banger
@timmarinelli2962 Год назад
Lol I didn't even watch the whole video yet, but this is economic exactly what those PO$'s did to me, your literally worth less than the town homeless alcoholic , which they let me know ever Sunday by enabling and chastising this 55 year old man to get their supply , even if the guy left with $20 of theirs every time...surely the young won't buy booze right???, no obviously not, he did every time. And when he stole $300 dollars from my dads jeep one day , I was questioned for months whether I was the one who took it or not....they KNEW it was him though, the whole town did. When it came to me needing a few dollars for something decent to eat instead of the junk poison in the house (I was sick ALL THE TIME) then it would be a huge deal. Meanwhile we lived in a decent town so when your dads the captain of the town firehouse for 32 years they literally get away with murder , like literally. I've seen my dad do so much criminal shit in overt rage screaming in the middle of the street pulling guns on teenagers...and the cops would show up every time but since it was "just marty" they would just calm him down (or try to lol he's 83 now and always been insane ) and he would go right back inside like no thing ever happened
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Hi Tim, I'm sorry for what you have been through.
@SelfLoveU 2 месяца назад
@alk158 7 месяцев назад
I do think that men sometimes do it too to gain sympathy in various ways including employment when they say they have a son who is not well. In my own family thankfully it is not physical Munchausen but that he believes me, his son, is mentally ill and doesn't understand people even though that is not true.
@alk158 7 месяцев назад
I find it sad that this disorder is assumed to only be a disorder related to woman and that is not true. Even some men who have this and sometimes regarding women that is their job to save women who they believe are just by dint of being a woman emotionally unable to control themselves.
@amorite4404 Год назад
I respect your words but they're just evil
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
It is true that the sadistic traits that many narcissists have do make them really bad people.
@ivadedeva7005 19 дней назад
The evil is to pretend that EVIL parents DO NOT EXIST! Probably you are one of them!
@amorite4404 19 дней назад
@@ivadedeva7005 since we’re going off assumption’s, you look like your 🐱 stinks!!!
@mptajosog 12 дней назад
@Dream_suburb Год назад
Shanann Watts explained 💯
@winros Год назад
Have a question if you could please answer for me? If the mother has Munchausen Syndrome by proxy can her daughter get it as well and so on? Have you ever heard of any cases three in a row? Is there a possibility it can be hereditary or is there not enough information on it to come to inclusion? Thank you very much! ✌🏼
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
Hi winros, I don't know if MSBP is hereditary genetically (if that is what you mean), but having a parent with that condition is going to be very traumatising and this is going to affect their children dramatically - what form it takes will be influenced by the child's inherent character. Someone with MSBP is highly likely to have come from a very dysfunctional background and they will in turn traumatise their own children. The trauma is intergenerational in a behavioural sense at least. www.newportacademy.com/resources/mental-health/munchausen-by-proxy-syndrome/
@winros Год назад
@@childrenofnarcissists Thank you so much taking your time to respond to me. I had gotten really deep down in a conversation with one of my friends yeah I was so taken aback grandmother, mother and now daughter evidence as well! And I'm sure it had a lot to do with the environment that all three lived through! Unbelievable story and I was so taken aback! Thank you ✌🏼
@winros Год назад
@@childrenofnarcissists I know so much about it already. I've been down that rabbit hole for years with that syndrome! I need to know if you have ever heard of such an article out there that you can recommend to me? Or if you ever came across it? ✌🏼
@childrenofnarcissists Год назад
@@winros Hi, no I haven't come across any articles specific to that.
@AnimalStomper 6 месяцев назад
I will trans my children its my decision. It will make me popular with the other school mums.
@kimberlymccracken747 4 месяца назад
I agree 💯 It truly is a terrible legacy for scapegoats, especially, perhaps. I sensed your personal sadness at the end and couldn't help but wonder if you also have experienced this and managed to emerge to help others. Either way, thank you so much 🌷🩷💐
@mptajosog 12 дней назад
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