
New hack to get Honor Level 5 fast 

Matty Love Gaming
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How to get honor level 5 fast in League of Legends Season 13 2023 ( & Season 14 2024 )
Redditors confidently claim a fast way to farm honor level checkpoints to go from honor level 0 or any number up to at least honor level 2 & even 5 if you do this trick enough.
Increasing honor level in LoL will help unlock end of season honor & ranked rewards such as three honors akshan, Victorious tryndamere & key fragments, honor capsules etc.
New season will begin around January 10th 2024 so make sure you reach honor level 2 or higher before then using this method
#leagueoflegends #riotgames #lol #lolesports



27 сен 2024




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@NedalMutaz 9 месяцев назад
I was honor level 4 checkpoint 3 but I asked Katarina why she is going a tank build and said "gang bang" when 5 ppl ganked me on toplane so I got chat restricted and lost all my honor, thank you riot
@jakiro541 9 месяцев назад
That's actually hilarious
@Mana_Thief 9 месяцев назад
@StayStill23 9 месяцев назад
I got chat restricted by exactly same wording... "gang bang" as in collapse... I wasn't even flaming him
@imStorm3r 9 месяцев назад
I was honor 4 and lost all my progress for calling an actual inter "cheeky bastard" and calling MYSELF "retarded" after a bad play. That inter from my first point actually got banned probably only because I told Riot support he's the one who deserves punishment.
@JrKengu 9 месяцев назад
Katarina tank build is actually giga busted. She deals insane damage while being tanky af.
@WasabiTCG 9 месяцев назад
Riot make it extremely hard to gain honour but to lose that stuff is a piece of cake
@darealrulezbreaker9493 9 месяцев назад
you can even lose it just by having bad luck, not even doing something wrong sometimes. hasnt hit me (yet) thankfully tho.
@toxihex876 9 месяцев назад
It's not "easy" as much as it is random. Some people flame consistently for literal years and nothing happens to them, some spam ping every once in a while and get banned eventually. I've even seen people claim they get a second, extended penalty for the exact same thing they said in the exact same game they got their last punishment. I've stopped using chat and I guess that's what they want. Only that I've stopped using pings too and mute everyone at the start of every match, nice job riot.
@dorukayhanwastaken 9 месяцев назад
It should be even easier. One infraction and the player drops to honor 0. League's playerbase doesn't deserve nice things.
@SafetyKitten 9 месяцев назад
@@dorukayhanwastaken aids
@Sylvainjose-satoyumiyato 9 месяцев назад
Fr! It takes forever! I have flamed once in my entire life(and it was in 2018 when i was like 8), and I do like 3-20 matches a week since March, and I'm only honor level 3 😭
@Bluepenguin28 9 месяцев назад
You are a godsend to this community Matty, thanks alot
@dizzyheads 9 месяцев назад
This makes sense actually since I only get key fragments and notifications whenever I log in
@wspann0 9 месяцев назад
This makes since because a lot of the time when I log into league after a long play session, I would get a new honor level. Most of the time I usually give honors every game and get them as well.
@Lonuw 9 месяцев назад
I've been honor 5 for about 4 months now and yes I can confirm that's how I play to, I play 1 or 2 games in between work and shut down league again I get a occasional 1 or 2 honors by strangers and 1 honor if im playing with a friend, Arams are also recommended
@mike3333x 9 месяцев назад
So funny, I watched this video, played 2 arams, logged in and out and I got Honor lv 2. Thank you
@qiantan400 9 месяцев назад
How many days you take to get from honor level 1 to 2?
@BarberBeats 9 месяцев назад
wanna ask the same @@qiantan400
@concept3705 9 месяцев назад
I'm honor 5 right now and i only play like 2 - 3 normal games and like just honor someone every game even if it is defeat. So I think this session theory is correct, since im like playing short games like aram for 3 gamed too before closing the client and opening it tomorrow.
@mcsy98 9 месяцев назад
same i play only a few games almost everyday and got honor 5 a while back, i only dont honor if it was a HORRIBLE match but thats rare
@Zeus-y6n 6 месяцев назад
hey it works ? 2 month u posted ?
@YourFault764 9 месяцев назад
Thank you. Key point is wait 1 or 2 minutes before logging in again.
@rafayetrasti6191 9 месяцев назад
Riot's honor system is a complete joke. I was honor 5 and got chat restricted / honor level taken away and the chat logs they showed me were absolutely pathetic. I never insulted anyone in my logs, and some of the content in the logs were even me obviously joking around. When i asked them about it instead of apologizing (im guessing they are taught to not do that ever so people dont get arrogant) they just say corny pr lines like "we understand your frustrations and we will work on the system going into the future. But on our hand we cant reverse any decisions." as a way of both ending the conversation quickly so i cant press them for their mistakes, and absolve themselves of any responsibility.
@foxonfire2799 9 месяцев назад
And then they send the ticket to another rioter if you try to respond
@FeralFlare 9 месяцев назад
I can confirm it's a per session thing. Back during covid pandemic when I got to work from home, I spammed URF for the entire duration and tested it out. Played about 100+ games nonstop and another 100+ games where I close my client after every game that I got honored. The former gave me 1 check point, the latter got me from Honor 3 1/3 check point to Honor 5.
@calel44 9 месяцев назад
do you open it right back or you wait a bit ?
@Lemairegaming 6 месяцев назад
it won't hurt to wait for a min but I assume it works even when u just reopen it @@calel44
@kokabal 8 месяцев назад
anyone else honor level 0?
@hotroden4439 9 месяцев назад
Why...why, riot? Why can't i just be toxic to my enemies? I am not talking bad about my teammates unless they clearly ruin the game or begin shittalking. I feel better shittalking my enemies since there are barely any that deserve my respect. And i mostly shittalk them in team chat, so why am i getting my honor wrecked for saying stuff enemies won't even see?
@WoofyMcDoodle 9 месяцев назад
people say you get one honor every 2 weeks meanwhile I havent gone up from honor level 2 since 2019
@Kriziko 5 месяцев назад
I have noticed this too, sometimes my client would crash and I would usually gain honor checkpoints when my game crashed a lot more, the less it crashed the less I noticed my honor level going up. I started closing my client every few games and it worked. I get a lot more checkpoints now.
@madman9220 8 месяцев назад
the logging in and out after a few sessions also works out to help tilt. play for an hour, log out, take a small break to get some air and touch some grass and so on. refresh yourself and maybe uninstall while your at it. if you dont uninstall you atleast refreshed and might not be *as* tilted anymore if even
@HoshiASMR 8 месяцев назад
I hardly play and when I do I only play Aram. I always get the highest honor and I'm not super honorable. I talk a lot in chat and people get mad at me for talking to much in Aram. so I doubt they honor me enough to get highest honor level. So the secret is to just play ARAM casually to get high honor level.
@lufa7886 8 месяцев назад
I hit diamond season 13 with honor 2. When season 14 started I lost my honor and I got a message saying I’m not eligible for my season 13 rewards. WTF????
@giannihamzov7395 8 месяцев назад
@behindDkeys 9 месяцев назад
Yeah I can confirm this. No way I would believe the dude playing 300 games and still honor 4 when I got to honor 5 with just 150 something games. Note: started playing January with honor lvl 0 and got 5 around beginning of May playing 1-2 games somewhat consistently every day
@cosmicbrownie2312 9 месяцев назад
I usually get honour lvl 5 by like the end of the summer and all I do is like 2-3 draft games and an aram with my friend group on like 6 nights of the week. I usually comm the randos unless they were unpleasant to play with and/or actually toxic than I give it to friends and they give me theirs. Could see the theory system being true given I can hit H5 so fast while being so casual while my "league is my main game" friends are still like h4 by the end of the season despite not even being toxic.
@FredericoASousa 9 месяцев назад
Can only speak from my experience, but i got level 5 a couple of months ago, which i never had so quickly before. I dont play that much (i got less than 100 rank games) but one thing i did this season was restart the client every now and then, even between games. I have this soound bug in my client that plays the quest completed sound every 3min or so, and only goes away when i restart the client. That might be one of the reasons why i got honor 5 so fast. Or it might not, who knows
@DuskstarShine 8 месяцев назад
Makes sence; when i was into playing league a lot more a couple years back, I would only play 2 or 3 games at a time every day, and I got honor level 5 for like 2 seasons in a row even though I didn't even know what it did/how it worked at the time because I was newish to league. I don't play asmuch these days tho, so the most I ever get to is Honer 3.
@Mana_Thief 9 месяцев назад
This theory seems like it might be on to something I rarely ever got honor level ups after a match. It was always after logging back into the client that I'd see a honor check point level up. Also would recommend it to be 30 minute to 1 hr breaks between sessions since personally I don't think relogging instantly will work. Okay. Kinda weird/funny isn't it? Riot is basically making ppl go touch grass in between sessions to get an honor reward
@Daminionz 9 месяцев назад
It's just most likely visual issue/bug. Aka, your honor is already upgraded/you are eligible for rewards, but they're not auto displayed until you reset client. Anything else is just cope. It will still take close to 100 games for each tier past honor2, regardless. Look into stealth slowed honor progression instead, you need to write a support ticket to riot to find that one out as it's nowhere displayed. IF you have played 100games since your last tier upgrade, I can almost guarantee you, once you ask riot support whether or not your progress is slowed, they will tell you that yes in fact it is, for something you said in a match days/weeks ago.
@damie3633 9 месяцев назад
Idk if it’s a different amount of honor per gamemode, but I like to play Co-op VS AI in my downtime by myself, and I feel like that’s where I get most of my honor. Most people who play bots are super nice (and sometimes new) so if you just be a genuinely nice person it’s easy to farm honor in it. I emote consistently, applaud their plays, and usually it’s at least 1 honor per game. From strangers. I truly believe that’s what gets me honor 5 every season is those bot games (plus the norms and arams with my premades)
@foxonfire2799 9 месяцев назад
Most people who play bots are bot accounts + you get more honour if everyone on your team honours someone So bots might be a cool place where people aren’t toxic , but you are earning less because bots aren’t going to honour you
@dragon_lion1738 8 месяцев назад
I am honor 5 and haven't received any akshan skins
@Driaan 9 месяцев назад
I’ve recently came to this conclusion but didn’t have conclusive evidence, only just a theory. I noticed I would never get any mention of honor progression when spamming games, only when I would swap accounts and come back I would get the occasional “here’s a key fragment for recent honors” or w/e the text would say. I’m honor 4, checkpoint 2 of 3, and just CBA to get 5. But I will devote a day this weekend to trying this and will comment under this post if I promote to 3 of 3 quickly
@oJaymey 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this advice matty I’m gonna try this because I’m so close to honour 5 thanks to chat being off
@wither4778 9 месяцев назад
also remember that riot explicitly states that ranked > normals/aram > bots for getting honor progress, source is from their honor FAQ
@xardion117 9 месяцев назад
"I am SteamyNoodle and will be assisting you today! I completely understand your curiosity and would love to clarify things for you! :D Honors received in any mode will impact your progress in the same way, though an Honor from a stranger will actually give you more progress than an Honor from a friend. So the more players in your matches like you, the faster your Honor will progress! If there is anything else I can do for you or if you simply have a question, feel free to let me know and I wish you a wonderful day! ^^" Straight from rito support themselves.
@brainfreeze7549 9 месяцев назад
I have been level 4 checkpoint 3 for almost a month now and I have been asking people if they can help lol idk whats going on, so this whole session thing makes sense - i have been farming the events btw so i have been online for a long long time including tft.
@SongofIceIceIce 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for the info. Any news on what is the best way to buy RP right now? EUW
@dimitarivanov6994 9 месяцев назад
I'm a person whos more addicted to this game than i'm comfortable sharing. But lets say I get lots of free time on weekends and I could do a few hours straight and sometimes the client crashes in between games. When I log in i recieve rewards regularly. This video just makes a lot sense to me.
@petko5335 8 месяцев назад
I said "mb I'm retarded" to a missplay i made in February last year and it took me a whole year to get to Honor lv1 1/3 :)
@MadLifeGaming 9 месяцев назад
Everyone that's stating that they're Honor 5 or have been Honor 5 for a long time; relax. Get off your high horse and stop being so nonchalant acting like this game hasn't made you upset before. "How can ANYONE be below Honor 5?!?!!1? I'm the sweetest pea of all time and I don't type at all in chat ^.^"
@shokenhk 9 месяцев назад
tldr: close your client every hour
@Anjure_Danjure5092 8 месяцев назад
I'm completely dumbfounded as to how people can't hit honor 5 every season
@camiasmr977 8 месяцев назад
I never got the malz skin. Idk if Imma get the akshan skin even tho I’m lvl 5
@flufflebumber6389 9 месяцев назад
never had trouble getting honor level 5, people need to minmax every reward imaginable so they always know how toxic they can be before it hurts muh virtual item gain
@AdamonXC 9 месяцев назад
>.> me sitting at honor 5 for a few months now..
@AdamonXC 9 месяцев назад
maybe just a month? not sure but i been 5 to get two capsules this yr
@rfleagueclips2442 9 месяцев назад
Thats the point in having honor 5 you gota grind to get it. If it was easy to get it everyone would be honor 5 and then the rewards plus everything else would come with it wouldnt hold much weight. Sucks for casuals and guys that barely make honor 2 to but you gota put in the work. Simple.
@danielmarinov9324 9 месяцев назад
never been above honor 0 from when they released that one malzahar skin
@babygirlaether 9 месяцев назад
oh my god kdjchdksksk now i feel put on spot ksksksks honestly every time i've played consistently i get a new honor upgrade every ~3 weeks and my friends have the same experience that it updates every 2-3 weeks no matter if they play one game a day or ten days a game, but maybe it's really more about the sessions than games then? would make sense, if by that logic 1 game and 10 games are both just 1 session
@fangliciazillake673 9 месяцев назад
As a person who experience league crashes often, its a maybe for me
@gamingshadow849 9 месяцев назад
man I was honor level 1 it took me a long time to go back to honor levels again just by saying "thank you" in one game riot fix your games man don't let AI do the work
@thecamtain 9 месяцев назад
League players gaslighting themselves into thinking they are honorable during their games
@Ecliptor. 9 месяцев назад
it's not about the honor, it's about sending a message
@FisterMantastic 9 месяцев назад
I’ve hit honor 5 for the last several years, I don’t play a lot, if anything an aram or two after work or class. I’m just not a dick.
@ajnonymous.p 9 месяцев назад
I just get honor level 5 earlier today, I just play in Aram in past few weeks.
@nightmare_117 9 месяцев назад
few months ago my friend's honor level dropped to zero and he asked me to grind on his account. what I discovered that I'd reach check point every Thursday not matter how many games I played. And I was playing 20 - 25 games per day. also I was I also resetting session 2-3 times without even knowing that it resets session. At the end we were 2 days short before the end of split and he didn't get the rewards.
@alvnoah 9 месяцев назад
dude Do I need to log out of just closing and reopening client is good enough.
@nightmare_117 9 месяцев назад
@@alvnoah no need to log out, just make sure that your riot client also closes before you reopen. if not close it from task manager.
@calel44 9 месяцев назад
You are speaking of going from honor 0 to 2 only ? Cause some ppl are also speaking about a week cooldown until honor 2
@veljko2597 9 месяцев назад
I was honor lvl 3 was quiet for months trying to grind honor, and got chat restricted for saying "funny champion" i have locked honor now
@toxihex876 9 месяцев назад
It always confused me how everyone acts like end of season rewards are anything close to a big deal, much less honor rewards. Sure, getting keys once in a while is cool, but what's the point of going all the way up to honor 5? A few seasons ago I did want the Warwick skin because I really like it and I used it as my primary skin for a long time, but what happens if you don't care about neither Twitch nor Warwick? You get... a couple more keys and a negligible amount of BE. Yay?
@boldisordorin9010 8 месяцев назад
Thanks this is so usefull. My champ pool is huge so i can get chests easily but i have no keys because riot keeps resetting my honor to 0
@Nako3 9 месяцев назад
I dont play a lot but it still took me 6 to 7 month to get to Honor 5 and I started from Honor 3
@elizabethroa6970 9 месяцев назад
I had read that honoring team mates also raises your own honor level.
@zonji9844 8 месяцев назад
To PlayYumi Top boost your Honor Lvl also , your Team will Honor u to 100%
@calel44 9 месяцев назад
I am stupid, can someone explain me, if I make 2 aram and disconnect then reconnect, but it is in less than 60 minutes, is it ok or should I wait ?
@ffy8716 5 месяцев назад
Relaunched my game after seeing the 60 minute session thing and instantly went up to level 3
@tuckchenglee2728 2 месяца назад
Do we need to wait for 60 minutes interval before logging in, or just relog in after playing for 60 minutes?
@ffy8716 2 месяца назад
@@tuckchenglee2728 idk i got my honor removed for calling someone a midget. im gussing its like play 2/3 games then you can just relaunch the game no interval
@flawlessxyz 9 месяцев назад
People just need to have a positive attitude, instead of trying to hack the honor level.
@tangace1602 9 месяцев назад
god thank you I'll try this, would explain why I'm only honor 4.1 after playing 1000 games
@angelmishima5396 9 месяцев назад
I Still Don't Know How Anyone Needs To "Grind Honor", It's So F'ing Easy To Get An H4 On The Two First Months Of The Season, Probably Taking Less Time To Get On H5.
@Kanekri 9 месяцев назад
honor system should be reworked, being honor 5 mosy likely means u cant use chat just of the fear of being banned, and also the way to climb honor is very ambigous
@jonhard1049 8 месяцев назад
I have a good way to get honor level up fast. just dont use chat at all in the game and use pings when needed. people love that
@obiliboi 8 месяцев назад
I was reported for going to the bathroom and my honor has been on 1 for 3 months or more, Riot sucks.
@moreOddThanNess 9 месяцев назад
Ohh so this is how I got honor 5 so easily before despite being toxic ingame. Because the client kept hard freezing and crashing every 3-4 games, forcing a restart. LOL
@jaymthesn5981 9 месяцев назад
Mine is Zero... Seems like you can troll, but you can't get pissed and insult the trolls. Riot is a joke.🤮
@4ktnick492 20 дней назад
Do I have to have fixed 60 minute matches or do I restart the client? or if I have a match with 25 minutes and another with 23 minutes, can I restart the client or do I have to play another match to complete the 60 minutes of the session? Please explain to me!
@LetsPlayBojangles 9 месяцев назад
Ive been honor 5 for like 2 months. I plsy 1-4 games a few times a week
@sivanov23 9 месяцев назад
I got chat restricted 1 day after my previous chat restriction ended for saying "Chill nigga" to my Yorick top who was spam pinging me. In the same time, I've seen people say turbo racist things in champ select, that if you don't get reported, you can literally say whatever and not get banned. For me, having the in-game filter for specific words regardless of context is taking it a bit too far and if people are being toxic to you in game, you can just mute them and the problem ends.
@JIUMOHHbIU 8 месяцев назад
7 months as of now of having locked honor cuz chat restr. even tho i play about every day one-three games... literaly grinded all the way up to masters from low emerald
@ex_0LL 5 месяцев назад
Can anyone confirm if this theory/method actually works?
@B0R0M1R 4 месяца назад
yes it works. Logging out and in again regularly speeds up the process but you still have to play a lot
@B0R0M1R 4 месяца назад
getting honors helps a lot especially if the whole team honors someone (doesnt have to be the same person) but nobody honors ever so yeah...
@ex_0LL 4 месяца назад
@@B0R0M1R with this method (I still played an unhealthy amount of matches) I reached checkpoint 0 to 1 in 6 days. I'm trying to farm checkpoint 2 of 3 but idk if I can be consistent, especially when people don't give a shit about honoring even if it's for the sake of everybody in the team.
@joeseffgreen4561 4 месяца назад
It's a crock of shit. My son and I tag teamed an account for 3 weeks straight, closing every 2 games or 3 and restarting the client, easily 10-15 matches a day..technically 5-8 sessions a day , kept chat turned off.. got multiple honors every game and over 3 weeks. we only from 0-0, to honor level 0, check point 3... so 0 to honor 2 in 6 days.. or a check point every other day is bullshit. Realistically you can get a single check point every 11-15 days
@B0R0M1R 13 дней назад
@@joeseffgreen4561 not true at all... maybe u did something wrong? Unlocking at 0 takes the longest yes, about 10-15 days but after that u get a check point every 3-4 days if u log out every 2 matches
@1E37 9 месяцев назад
Or just get it normally, ive been playing for 3-4 years and i only missed it once.
@paulomesquita5278 9 месяцев назад
I'm at HONOR 1 "progress 2" and it seems to be forever!!! I will try this "trick". I'll let you know if it works. See ya.
@Daminionz 9 месяцев назад
The honor theory imho is not true at all, it just wouldn't make sense, here's my notes down below.. Even Matty here in the vid shows how the person has 100 games played every tier past honor2, and it really is just that - getting close to 100 games, and if you don't get your honor upgrade by the time you reach 100 games, your honor progression is definitely set to ''slowed'', you can send a riot support ticket asking to confirm if it is normal or slowed speed, they will tell you. Anyone here saying ''ah i was wondering why its taking me so long'' - no. that is not your answer, your answer is that you said something in the chat you thought was excusable, but got punished by the system, I've seen very goofy things be punished, you'd be surprised. Your progression speed is slowed which means it will take double if not triple the amount of time to progress now. You have essentially been ''stealth honor locked'' as it doesn't tell you your honor is locked, but it kind of is. ---16.august honor tier upgrade (1.1) ---30. august honor tier upgrade (1.2) 70 mainly ranked games ---7.sept honor tier upgrade (1.3) 64 mainly ranked games ---14.sept honor tier upgrade (honor2) honor slowed somewhere around this time ARAMS, didn't count the amount of games ---4.october tier upgrade (2.1) honor not slowed anymore somewhere close to 13 october ARAMS, didn't count the amount of games ---25.october tier upgrade (2.2) 100 ARAM games ---17.november tier upgrade (2.3) 85 ARAM games ---9.december tier uppgrade (3.0)
@HyeonsikLi 9 месяцев назад
Well you can play 300 games and not flame. But that doesnt make you honorable if you lock in Yasuo every time and you go 0/10 in 70% of your games. Of course people end up reporting you which will decrease your honor progress.
@skkaede 9 месяцев назад
does this small sessions work with orbs rate drops at honor 5 or is it just for leveling up the honor?
@SepehrKiller 9 месяцев назад
RiotGames spaghetti code strikes again
@callmezae76 9 месяцев назад
Yea can hard vouch for this one, I rarely played and play because of life stuff, yet I am Honor 4, 2 checkpoints in. Obviously goes without saying that I don't flame, although I play a lot of ARAM in LAS server in which they're like, the biggest jokesters ever.
@ElMage11 9 месяцев назад
I'm also Honor 5 while playing an average of 2 daily, 5? days a week. I even consider myself to be a lil toxic
@SyberyjskiPoganiacz 9 месяцев назад
Years ago i do literaly nothing and randomly got 5lvs at row. In this season, idk maybe after ban/reports changes, even if i mute myself have no conversations with this randoms, even if i had a good reason for report them (trolling, refusing to play etc.) i was rapidly fall down to 0 lvl and 3-4 times immedietly after i hit 1st lvl i was baned for the same logs and after complain about it to riot... Nothing was change, so fck this bulling system xD
@GiantEnemySpider2631 9 месяцев назад
Im honor 3 atm. probably super close to honor 3 checkpoint 1. Any chance of getting to honor 5 if i play everyday and play jungle/support to support my team?
@ThePintoProject 9 месяцев назад
I've been locked on honor 0 for the last 3 months, every now and again I get a notification saying honor level unlocked but i stay at honor 0. I was chat restricted one time 3-4 months ago that lines up with this but not once since and my honor is still stuck I dont get it.
@itzkrash888 9 месяцев назад
i got honor lvl 5 in the first month of the season and i keep it still
@moontim4620 9 месяцев назад
The session thing makes sense... but i think it's a 2/3 games minimum instead of 60 minutes ish
@spectra6521 8 месяцев назад
i've bought everything from the honor token shop and really annoyed there aren't more options. I've been honor 5 since it was realeased. I'm a casual player so don't play much but i don't feel like it is too hard to get it as long as you've not been chat restricted. I get to honor 5 by august usually.
@robotriolu 9 месяцев назад
its kinda crazy how impossible it is to gain honor levels then a month before the season ends, they show off the skins :/ i wouldve been less toxic if i knew the skin was going to be for a champion i main.
@sauvagess 8 месяцев назад
That's literally the opposite of how they want you to think and act.
@Dandy_ 9 месяцев назад
Does this do anything for key fragments/orbs when you're already at honor level 5? I've always thought the purely f2p weekly chest/key system is super cheap...
@Zobuyta 8 месяцев назад
@magusrendus2095 9 месяцев назад
So youre telling me theres a chance >:D time to grind like no other.. also my comment is in the video XD
@dookuhaka 8 месяцев назад
can you get honor just by playing ARAM or do you need to play SR too?
@CorruptedProgram 9 месяцев назад
toxic i guess its not hard for me at all and i don't have to try anything i reach honor 5 two time
@andyevans8585 9 месяцев назад
Play ARAM. Honestly you get far more games and therefore honor. I rarely play league, averaging about 1 aram game a day (total game time) and yet have reached honor 5 a month ago.
@nandinyy8041 9 месяцев назад
Im honor 4 and everyday every game I insult people and complain about broken champs and they still dont restrict me?
@ryan4win 9 месяцев назад
Whenever i open client it says "you reached final checkpoint before honor level 2" but whenever i check it says im at check point 2/3 on my profile. what does this even mean?
@joshlegend2265 9 месяцев назад
After having suffered many honour resets, yes toxicity is my problem at times, well responding to it and i don't ever report people but clearly they do report me. Its random imo, ive tried the closing the account after 60 mins and it didnt really change, sometimes is like a day to hit a checkpoint somtimes is a week, and others well months. The only thing that is 100% is the more you play the more you gain which is pointless, thats not honourable thats sweaty.
@martinmarcin8139 9 месяцев назад
Maybe a stupid question but I am honor4 3/3 check points do you think I might be able to hit 5 ?
@smasherlol351 9 месяцев назад
I only played 80 games and got honour 5. I was never chat restricted or was afk or even a 5 min ban. So just dont get banned.
@JEYPICK 9 месяцев назад
I got honor 5 like 7 months ago alrdy
@williez 9 месяцев назад
thank you for this great news
@wiktolego 9 месяцев назад
if someone dont have even honor 2 mean they are just toxics
@CoffeUp 8 месяцев назад
my honor level was about 5 since ever
@mjacflyff 9 месяцев назад
1. What if I prefer my lol client closed when playing a game, will it still count as a session or do I need to have it open in 1 hour? 2. Do I need to play an hour's worth of games? for example, 3x 20 min. ARAM games.
@masamdvsk 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for another great video!
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