
"Ode to Showa Restoration" - Song of The 26th of February Incident 

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The 26th of February incident was a failed coup attempt by young Japanese army officers to try and bring about the restoration of the Showa. Despite their best efforts, their rebellion was crushed in 3 days, however in the days they operated, they did manage to kill many political opponents.
NB! This translation is poetic and might not correlate perfectly with the Japanese lyrics.
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25 фев 2020




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@mhug162 4 года назад
Emperor: Revered. Zaibatsu: Abolished Foreigners: Expelled Yep, it's Tenno Heika Banzai time.
@octavianeandracles5868 3 года назад
Emperor : " please don't" Rebels : " oh... ok ."
@angelusvastator1297 3 года назад
Imperial Japan: Zaibatsu can stay if they agree with us.
@broquestwarsneeder7617 3 года назад
Rural low-ranking officers: Tenno, plz..
@KM-wp3gi 3 года назад
In my time we said "expel the barbarians", but youth always speak differently so I approve. When shall we give it to the Americans in Okinawa like its 1941?
@aureavita8653 3 года назад
@menschgebliebenergossenpar9213 3 года назад
"Which party are you going to vote for?" My blood: *simmers in righteous anger *
@Paul_Sergeyev 3 года назад
"The emperor is the only party!"
@truespain318 3 года назад
Definetely something right winged
@impatientsamurai6202 2 года назад
@@truespain318 technically most American parties are more right
@evryatis9231 2 года назад
@@impatientsamurai6202 no they're not I see a lot of people say "Lol america has two parties, the right and the more right" But thats a lie The most batshit insane liberal ideas come from the usa
@impatientsamurai6202 2 года назад
@@evryatis9231 aight.
@zulthyr1852 4 года назад
I studied in Japan for 3 years, can only comprehend some parts of this song. This song uses poetic, "high" Japanese.
@Gugeoji._. 4 года назад
I'm from Taiwan and i didn't learn Japanese, but i can understand like 90% of the lyrics , actually this kind of poetic Japanese is easier to understand for us than normal Japanese because of the Kanji
@FoxCommunityHU 4 года назад
@@arandomperson4343 Hungary
@zulthyr1852 4 года назад
@@Gugeoji._. 50% for me. I'm from Indonesia
@EmpireTVDragon 4 года назад
@@Gugeoji._. I can understand both Chinese and Japanese, so I understand everything
@user-vo1ub1zf3e 4 года назад
@ngng685 3 года назад
"the elite bears only arrogance"
@deuscaritasest7518 3 года назад
Sounds familiar
@archiedelapena7299 3 года назад
Sounds familiar
@arima272 3 года назад
@berserkboi1217 3 года назад
Oy vey
@archiedelapena7299 3 года назад
@@berserkboi1217 oy gevalt
@tf2013 Год назад
One of the reasons for this incident is anger that politicians in collusion with the zaibatsu have invested huge sums of money in the development of Korea and Manchuria and ignored the famine in Tohoku. Many of the young officers in the 226 incident were from Tohoku, and their families were so impoverished that their sisters had to sell themselves.
@hamanakohamaneko7028 7 месяцев назад
I wanna read about it. Can I have a source?
@lvvgyk 7 месяцев назад
Let's not whitewash these people....the coup attempt happened out of a fundamental opposition to democracy, nothing else. The famine was just a good excuse. Also if the militarists were so fed up with investments going to Manchuria instead of Japan, maybe they shouldn't have invaded it despite the government telling them not to...
@vandamn2716 6 месяцев назад
Wait, can you enlightened me more? I thought the civilian government and the Zaibatsu was just following the military "cowboy" actions in Manchuria. The reason they had to fight and pour recourses for that place was because the army thinks the only way to reach economy resilience (after the depression) was trough expansionism? And those people who mainly lives in villages (impoverished) was interested in joining the military is the same person who believes that the civilian government and the Zaibatsu was too weak (pacifist on foreign policy) and corrupt?
@purimadonnanamamoritamae 3 месяца назад
鼻で笑わないで下さい🙏。 経済破綻した朝鮮の借金と無謀な賠償金と台湾と東南アジア諸国と満州などのインフラ整備と教育と欧米列強の植民地からの防衛の為に、寒冷地や東北に投入するはずの国費や財閥の資金を投入したことで、国内に餓死者が続出しました。 現在も日本の🇺🇸傀儡政治家が🇺🇸の言いなりで、国民全体が貧しいです😓。 日本の歴史を少し ⥥ 1587年『バテレン追放令』 宣教師に騙され5万人もの日本人が運ばれ奴隷として売られ、日本国内は神社や寺が焼かれ破壊されて植民地化されそうになり宣教師達を追放した。 (奴隷として売買された日本人は、マカオ、フィリピン、インド、中南米、ポルトガルやスペインなどへと運ばれた) (日本と東南アジアとの貿易が本格化してたのは15世紀) ⥥ 「鎖国」 1853年に代将マシュー・ペリーが率いるアメリカ合衆国海軍東インド艦隊の蒸気船2隻を含む艦船4隻が計測をするふりをして強引に日本に来航した事件。インドを中心に東南アジアと中国大陸の清への市場拡大を急いでいたが、のちにそれは熾烈な植民地獲得競争のきっかけを作る目的であった。Wikipedia ★『🇬🇧のアジア(日本)戦略(侵略)』=⇒明治維新 1859年、開港間もない頃、長崎に🇬🇧トーマス・ブレーク・グラバーが入港しグラバー商会はロスチャイルド系『ジャーディン マセソン商会の代理店』を設立した。 日本では、倒幕、佐幕を問わず、武器弾薬を販売した。 グラバーは倒幕派の薩摩藩、長州藩などに肩入れし、国禁を犯してまで自分の船で薩摩の若者をイギリスに密航させ豊富な資金源を利用しスパイ養成をしていました。 この後、新政府軍と旧幕府軍との戦争「戊辰戦争」が起きる。 これは🇬🇧の🇯🇵を壊し侵略(戦略)し植民地化する為の作戦でした。 結果的にグラバーは🇯🇵の機密文書を持ち出そうとして国外追放となり植民地化の危機を逃れました。 1863年8月15日 - 8月17日 薩英戦争 🇬🇧と主権統治権のもとに兵制の近代化で培った実力でのこの要求を拒否し防衛しようとする薩摩藩兵が、鹿児島湾で激突した。 1882年 朝鮮は日本に借金を申し出た。その金額は17万円。当時の日本の国家予算は約18万円。 そして日本は日韓併合までに朝鮮の借金を1000万円以上肩代わりした。朝鮮は日本からの借金が返済不可能となる 度に、何度も日本を潰そうと清国やロシア、アメリカ、フランスなどの西洋諸外国を自ら招き入れていた。 (参考記事:日本は武力で朝鮮を侵略した!のルーツ① 詔勅事件。 1894年、朝鮮が清国を自国に招き入れたことが原因で⇒日清戦争開戦になった。 この時既に🇺🇸帝国主義がいて清国に武器を供与していた。 (日本の漁船が台湾沖で転覆し漁師は泳いで台湾に辿り着いたが全員虐殺された。日本政府は中国政府に抗議したが中国政府は「台湾は化外の民」であり「教化の及ばぬ地」であるからと知らぬ存ぜぬの処置で拒否した中国大陸を支配していた1895年清朝から日本に割譲され台湾統治をする事となる。) 1898年 日本政府、韓国政府貸付金の未償還額100万円を京仁鉄道(アメリカの国際金融資本が朝鮮に敷設した鉄道)引渡し資金に充当する。その後、日本は朝鮮に300万円もの大金を貸し付ける。 当時の朝鮮が日本潰しの為に、自ら招き入れた為にアメリカやフランス、ロシアなどがすでに侵略していた。 鉄道や上水道などのインフラも西洋列国が支配していた。 1904年、 朝鮮がロシアに釜山に近い馬山浦を軍港として、支那は旅順を軍港として貸し出したため、⇒※日本は日露戦争を戦わねばならなくなった。(参考記事:露韓秘密条約で日露戦争開戦)。 日本政府は日本人の血税を浪費してきた大韓帝国王室の債務を整理しようと、1908(明治41)年に「臨時財産整理局」という部署を大韓帝国に設けて、債務整理から債権者(🇺🇸🇷🇺🇫🇷🇮🇹)との和解、債権者が起した裁判への出廷までこなして、やっと大韓帝国王室の借金をかたづけた。 1910(明治43)年、日本政府は日韓併合に当り、朝鮮の王族、貴族、その他数千名の特権階級が寝て食えるよう3000万円もの臨時恩賜公債を彼らに交付しました。 朝鮮は国として体を成しておらず、経済破綻により国際法的に併合される。 ✿⇒🇬🇧🇺🇸🇩🇪は、🇨🇳に武器を供与する。 1937年(昭和12年)7月7日の盧溝橋事件を発端とする大日本帝国(当時)と中華民国(当時)の間で起こった武力衝突。 日本の軍事キャンプに向けて、一発の銃弾が撃ち込まれた事件が発端であるとされている。 🇺🇸と🇨🇳共同で「南京大虐殺」の証拠写真に利用された事件。 👇 1937年7月通州事件 中国の通州において、本来は日本の傀儡政権である冀東防共自治政府麾下の保安隊らが(親日と信じこまれていた冀東の保安隊が)「寝返り」を打ったのである。反乱を起こし、日本軍の通州守備隊・通州特務機関及び日本人居留民を日本人を虐殺・暴行・強姦・殺害・略奪した大量虐殺事件。 攻撃側人数: 3000人 - 4000人 (🇨🇳+🇬🇧🇺🇸6000人)Wikipedia ⥥ 🇺🇸は🇷🇺側から攻撃するも失敗。 🇺🇸による日本の海外資産凍結及び禁油と「ハル・ノート」と植民地要求させる。 ⥥ WW2(真珠湾攻撃) 【出典:アジア歴史資料センター:公文書 外務省|大蔵省資料。🇺🇸公文書。 Wikipedia。他より】
@ignisilluminati 3 месяца назад
​@@vandamn2716 In 1920s and early 30s, Imperial Japan seemed to prosper, but in fact, it lacked the resources to satisfy all of their main islands while keeping the colonial economies. Thus, some regions (like Tohoku) had to bd placed low in the priority list, and the people there had dissents. Since the militaries always provide food, clothes, places to live, and some fees, it was logical for the youths in these poor regions to enter the military. They witnessed the contradictions in the so-called Daisho democracy, the age of gold yet with the elites and Zaibatsu monopolizing its fruits while their daughters and sisters were being sold for prostitution in their home cities. So, they decided to revolt. This is the story. The participants of the 2.26 incident were not necessarily expansionists. They wanted to restore and restructure the nation, but the methods varied. Some believed that Japan should focus more on the internal issues rather than on military expansions. For example, Kita Ikki, who was an ideological godfather of the 2.26 incident, maintained good relations with the companions in the Xinhai revolution. He was arrested when he tried to visit China in an attempt to establish a persisting peace. But we cannot say they were "pacifists" as well since many of these young officiers just said "internal first, external 'later'".. Also, they were against the Washington Naval treaty and argued to revoke it. One can view this similar to the government in Germany which was also quite pacifist up until late 30s but later turn to the expansionist strategies when they eliminated every internal opposition. Indeed, there were officiers who believed that strong Japan can only be achieved through expansionism. But, in real history, such ideas were conducted by the hands of Touseiha ("control" party), led by the famous villain Tojo Hideki. And these young officiers were called Kodoha ("imperial" party, because they asked their emperor for returning to the politics and to wave away the "greedy elites and Zaibatsu"), which was clearly against the Touseiha. Also, the Japanese Manchurian army almost functioned as an autonomous region with a separate political power, and neither parties really had the full control of them. Disclaimer: I'm not Japanese; I'm from Korea who is interested in the modern history of Japan (which is also kinda of Korea)
@keenjoaquin847 3 года назад
Japanese quiet kid spotify album
@bakhtyarmajeed943 3 года назад
Underrated comment
@finnjudd7504 3 года назад
@generaladi3584 3 года назад
@kamikazefilmproductions 3 года назад
Thats me
@hoppeananc 3 года назад
Unfortunately not on spotify :( if anyone knoes the name of the song of spotify call me out.
@voltgaming2213 2 года назад
“Ah,this prosperous country is dying,iggroant fools dancing in their world” seems like this applies for a lot of countries this days
@comradefromtheunknownkatlo6957 2 года назад
India!!!!! yes it's dying because of the fool named "Narendra Damodardas Modi"
@normalguy5208 2 года назад
The world except the Europe which benefit in all others pain
@petarmitkov1056 2 года назад
@@normalguy5208 Serbia definitely benefited from whatever it is you're referencing. Just like Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus and many others. All mighty countries exploiting the world
@shima150 2 года назад
Brazil 👍
@puneetmishra4726 2 года назад
@@comradefromtheunknownkatlo6957 India is not a prosperous country yet
@lillyie 4 года назад
this was the last attempt of preventing anime to be made
@sgtfargant2126 3 года назад
and the two nukes didn't help either
@anti-loganpaul7827 3 года назад
@@sgtfargant2126 2 nukes wasn't enough
@MatikaneTannhauser-uh5wn 3 года назад
@@anti-loganpaul7827 nukes cant stop anime. absolute extinction of my race will kill it
@joao-jn3ck 3 года назад
@@MatikaneTannhauser-uh5wn Too late comrade, it has already spread into other countries
@T3nMiDGET5711 3 года назад
They were way too late then because Anime Had existed for almost 2 decades when the February 26th incident happened
@amalayperson7208 3 года назад
The words on the flag means "Reverse the Emperor, destroy the traitors."
@Jareers-ef8hp 3 года назад
It came from the saying during the Meiji restoration “Revere the Emperor, destroy the Shogun”
@SobaYatai 3 года назад
@@Jareers-ef8hp fun fact: the shogun wasn't even a bad guy during and before meiji restoration and everyone actually respect the emperor but its the Satsuma and Choshu who are very aggresive
@roofkorean1892 2 года назад
@@SobaYatai no, the satsuma and choshu alliance where radical imperialist and wanted a unified japan under complete control from the emperor, but still wanted samurai traditions whilst modernising. they also wanted to shogun and all his power stripped from him and his place in government, therefor having no influence over japan, ensuring imperial control. and for zakariah kassem it's "revere the emperor, expell the barbarians". (babarians meaning westerners)
@ackack3706 2 года назад
@@BeijingMapping I think you are not a native speaker? cuz 讨/討 has the meaning of "to suppress/denounce" as in 讨伐 or 声讨. And 奸 means traitor as in 汉奸. Plus 讨奸 is a Chinese word, though it's not frequently used.
@zako1919 2 года назад
@RandomPerson-dz4dv 4 года назад
High Japanese sure is nice if I’m not wrong, to me it seems like high Japanese but in a poetic singing style. I can understand Emperor Hirohito more when he announced the surrender of Japan, but honestly I prefer hearing high Japanese more because of many reasons
@guyomarchdepoulpiquet8752 4 года назад
T'es de Bretagne 😂 ptn c'est Boris le Lay
@topgear3128 3 года назад
yep, there's no any english loanwords
@nysus7933 2 года назад
Hirohito's memoir, which was kept top secret until 2019, was revealed in Japan and it also describes 2.26 incident as follows. The youth army officers put me on a pedestal but they didn't respect my real intention at all. They rather advocated an extreme theory, telling false stories. What the military did was very unreasonable. I think that no one could stop the momentum of the military anymore at that point. This memoir will be published in December 2021. Edit: It is published only in Japan(Iwanami Shoten,Publishers), and unfortunately there is no English translation.
@kubanmapper413 2 года назад
"This memoir will be published in December 2021." Is it from future? Now September 2021
@nysus7933 2 года назад
@@kubanmapper413 The memoir is just not published as book and some of the content have already been revealed through the website. The part about the 2.26 incident was revealed on the Japanese government-owned public broadcaster's site. In December, it will as book
@kubanmapper413 2 года назад
@@nysus7933 Do you have a link?
@kubanmapper413 2 года назад
@@nysus7933 Ok, thank you
@katrita1146 2 года назад
the emperor was wrong and to be honest, the imperial family is out of touch (And today they are a bunch of globalists and progressives) and they werent the one who ruled japan for a long time it was the samurai government that did and the military had a similar spirit. .During the time this song was made kidnapping was common, communism was rising, elites continued to get wealthier through their inside connections with politicians and bureaucrats. And a lot of these problems were caused by the weakness of liberal democracy and political corruption.
@TheTomray94 3 года назад
"My blood simmers in righteous anger" Me too Japanese bro, me too.
@indigo_editzz 2 года назад
@indigo_editzz 2 года назад
@@localenthusiast5781 r/im16andintojapanesepolitics
@pilkpog7952 2 года назад
@@indigo_editzzbased username
@indigo_editzz 2 года назад
@@pilkpog7952 based as fuck
@pilkpog7952 2 года назад
@@indigo_editzz indeed
@oliverlea9998 4 года назад
the only men who could of stopped trap hentai from being made
@kingcrab9374 4 года назад
It was inevitable
@kingdogbattlecrew1079 4 года назад
Faethair Escaethorne what do you mean. can you send me a link?
@Enmerkar_of_Uruk 4 года назад
I remember seeing some old Japanese story, I think it was from around the 9th/10th century, where a guy falls in love with a girl only to find out they're a trap, and doesn't care. This sort of stuff isn't exactly new to Japan. I vaguely remember seeing something about a particular type of shrine maiden from ancient Japan (there were a bunch of different types, I believe), and that type was basically crossdressing male shrine maidens. Also, see the 11th century Tale of Genji, where the protagonist decides he likes a woman's feminine-looking younger brother more than her when she rejects him, "Genji pulled the boy down beside him ... Genji, for his part, or so one is informed, found the boy more attractive than his chilly sister". Then there were also kagema (male prostitutes) taking the role of crossdressing kabuki actors (onnagata). There was also a tradition of buddhist monks, samurai and feudal lords (including many of the Ashikaga and Tokugawa shoguns, along with the likes of Minamoto Yoritomo, Takeda Shingen, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Uesugi Kenshin and Miyamoto Musashi) engaging in pederasty and homosexual relations with younger men (or "beloved retainers").
@Voltaire8559 4 года назад
@Voltaire8559 4 года назад
Hæstwulf Iclingas You are a true expert. Asian Studies departments from colleges should invite u to teach interesting courses like genders of Japan. Or homosexuality in classical japanese literature and theatre arts.
@dantejones1480 4 года назад
Part of this song reflects our current time quite clearly.
@zulthyr1852 4 года назад
Really damn true.
@historysquad 4 года назад
Replace Zaibatsu with Corporates today...
@rezajafari6395 4 года назад
And that’s a good thing. Fuck the nation, long live profits!
@rhodesianwojak2095 4 года назад
@@rezajafari6395 reddit moment
@thewanderingstruggler8601 4 года назад
Mark Smith Hence capitalism.... if only we could rid ourselves of capitalism and communism.
@luketheunlucky7632 2 года назад
The fact that this can apply to many country nowadays hits even harder
@Archius_09 2 года назад
@randomfish2054 2 года назад
@@Archius_09 well for example president Biden is printing more money just to “pay off debts” when in reality marking the US dollar more and more worthless
@No_Anime_No_Life. 2 года назад
@@Archius_09 “Ignorent fools dancing in their own world” this is, just so related in this today
@masterdeetectiv9520 Год назад
@@randomfish2054 huh thats what weimar germany did causing you know who to come in power And trump just announced hes re running for president
@randomfish2054 Год назад
@@masterdeetectiv9520 I did not see that one coming
@epicduck3719 3 года назад
1:45 this is what is happening to every nation
@epicduck3719 3 года назад
@Traditionalist Christian The whole verse, not just "Ah this prosperous nation is dying" Ignorant fools also dance in our winds (Ie: pacifists and liberals) The government doesn't stop people from doing harmful things, if anything, they incourage them just to further themselves.
@thorpeaaron1110 3 года назад
@@epicduck3719 So true
@平教經 3 года назад
Song was written by Mikami Taku in 1931, 5 years before incident. There were other coup attempts before and after February 26th 1936, like for example very famous May 15th incident 1932 (when PM Inukai Tsuyoshi got killed) or 21st October 1931 Imperial Colours Incident. In 1945 nearing the surrender of Japan happened Kyujo incident in an attempt to seize power and prevent surrender as well as Matsue incident after the declaration of surrender. If concerned for the fate of Japan, then similar incidents are to be anticipated in near future, since modern Japanese society is rolling towards it's ruin. life of an average Japanese citizen can today be summarized as: Born, worked hard whole life for questionable goal, achieved nothing, died.
@adonissherlock 3 года назад
Reiwa restoration when?
@TheTeodorsoldierabvb 3 года назад
Naturally, it's rolling toward ruin. It's too compliant, too dependent on the US, and losing itself.
@DissidentMitch 3 года назад
@@TheTeodorsoldierabvb even the us is collapsing
@TheTeodorsoldierabvb 3 года назад
@@DissidentMitch I hope it collapses completely while I'm alive, they deserve it.
@wahabeez 3 года назад
The people of japan are becoming more and more nationalistic, seems like the imperial society is coming again
@principetnomusic Год назад
Nobody: Prigozhin on 24.06:
@Fred_the_1996 11 месяцев назад
prigozhin gaming industries
@user-yj8pt7gt3g 3 года назад
1:45 - 2:09 I hate that this still applies today
@domagojcapko4152 3 года назад
I understand you, our country Croatia is literally dying from corrupted politicians and traitors, and they call it "freedom and democracy"?
@lewiss.9632 3 года назад
@@domagojcapko4152 Can relate. I'm Mexican and we are pretty much in the same situation. Although it doesn't affect me directly, it still makes me very sad.
@domagojcapko4152 3 года назад
@@lewiss.9632 Seems all the world is in same cauldron of shit
@gachilhan 3 года назад
@@domagojcapko4152 Democracy was a mistake, it is polluting every society with bafflingly stupid ideology and indoctrinated corruption.
@domagojcapko4152 3 года назад
@@gachilhan I know that. Like "people decide about everything" but true power is in hands of few richest families. Totally bullshit
@HOI4notsoproplayer Год назад
Fun fact This song can be applied with few changes to 193 countries nowdays 👍
@ErtixPoke 10 месяцев назад
@HOI4notsoproplayer 10 месяцев назад
@@ErtixPoke mostly because every single nation nowdays has some ossue that hold it backs from truly developing Ex:Brasil,russia and all of sfrica (corruption) Something this sounds talks about
@archiedelapena7299 4 года назад
When you get the Kodoha Faction into power in Kaiserreich
@muniuszkusz5203 2 года назад
For those who, like me, like to sing along, here are the lyrics for the song in latin script. Bekira no fuchi ni nami sawani fuzan no kumo wa midaretobu kondaku no yo ni ware tateba gifun ni moete chishio waku Kenmonkami ni ogoredomo kuni o ureuru makoto nashi zaibatsu tomi o hokoredomo shashoku o omou kokoro nashi Ā hito sakae kuni horobu meshi itaru tami yo ni odoru chiran kōbō yume ni nite yo wa ikkyoku no go narikeri Shōwa ishin no haru no sora seigi ni musubu masurao ga kyōri hyakuman hei tarite chiru ya banda no sakurabana chiru ya banda no sakurabana Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ode_of_Showa_Restoration , although I did some minor changes.
@axdde6428 2 года назад
thank you
@equilibrum999 2 года назад
chiru your'e banda of sakurabana
@muniuszkusz5203 2 года назад
@@equilibrum999 what
@FlyingFishXYZ 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Elon, very cool
@snakey934Snakeybakey 3 года назад
Even though they failed, they gave the Japanese Government the perfect excuse to do all the things that they wanted to do anyways... So the Showa restoration was successful.
@alteumaen4820 3 года назад
Yet still it was undone, at a great cost to Japan
@MrKenichi22 3 года назад
Warning: Long Post Kind of... If I understand this correctly, by Showa Restoration, they meant abolish the Democracy within the Japanese Imperial Diet, and restore an Absloute Monarchy in Japan where the Emperor is the absolute rule and absolute Monarch, like the Meiji Restoration from 1867-1889, than their attempt failed because Emperor Showa ultimately crushed these guys and gave more control to the Control Clique in Japan’s Parliament, which were the existing Military Comanders that got seats in Parliament, The Businesses Men who had seats in both houses and their Conservative Allies, especially the Seiyukai Party (Rikken Seiyukai), who allowed the rules of the 1889 Constitution to be bent to allow the Military to control the elected government. So the February 26 Rebellion’s Goals was to Abolish the 1889 Constitution, and their Military and Emperor defended said constitution. Ironically, one can argue that a Showa Restoration, admittedly as I understand this phrase, did occur in 1945, when Showa essentially declared himself absolute ruler, and limited the Imperial Diet to a rubber stamp (I believe he appointed his Brother as Prime Minister in the process), and as absolute Monarch, agreed to unconstitutional surrender to the allied forces, as a means to save Japan from both absolute destruction and a Soviet Invasion. So in the long run, yes, a Showa Restoration did take place as a means to end the war that the leaders got in and the monarch, if he had the power to stop the Feb. 26 movement, didn’t stop before (Admittedly, I confess there may be a constitutional or legal rule from that time preventing the interference, but regrettably I have yet to learn what it was to prevent it from getting as bad as it got, maybe it was fake news). Again this is my understanding of the incident. So I apologize if I am off or misunderstood something. Last thought I’d ad is even after World War 2, Showa and the Post War State of Japan would continue to fight again coups against the post war constitution, even a coup in 1970 that also wanted a Showa Restoration, to abolish the 1947 Constitution & Democracy, as well as left leaning rebellions like the Japanese Red Army.
@Jade0603 3 года назад
I mean The Kōdōha faction kind of wanted to invade the Soviet Union.
@asianlifter 3 года назад
@@Jade0603 Better than the Navy’s plan for SEA invasion.
@MrRent-lc5gq 3 года назад
@@asianlifter The US and Filipino forces actually SLAMMED the Japanese in SEA, 90K to 400K deaths.
@channel-lh9kb 2 года назад
@fieplum6344 4 года назад
Revere the Emperor, Destroy the Traitors
@user-jg5du6wl1k 4 года назад
@歌者Singer discord.gg/jGdUhcs
@OffWorldTradeCorp 3 года назад
@azurebookllet9216 2 года назад
Or as the Russians would say, "The good Tsar was misled by the evil Boyars". Or simply, "Tsar Good, Boyars Bad". Not sure if it's good or bad to know that this kind of stupidity is universal.
@Hypogean7 Год назад
@@azurebookllet9216 Part of this song is that the Zaibatsu and the nobility where taking over Japan, and that was very true during the period. Also, I don't think there were any boyars left by WW1.
@27_nandanareswarakhansa84 4 года назад
Bekira no fuchi ni nami sawagi Fusan no kumo wa midaretobu Kondaku no yo ni ware tateba Gifun ni moete chisio waku Kenmonkami ni ogoredomo Kuni o ureuru makoto nashi Zaibatsu tomi o kokoredomo Shashoku oomo kokoro nashi Ā hito sakaeto ki horobu Meshiitaru tamiyo ni ordoru Chirankōbō yume ni nite Yo wa ichi-kyoku no gonarikeri Shōwa ishin no haru no sora Seigi ni musubu masurao ga Kyōri hyakuman tei tarite Chiria banda no sakura hana
@T3nMiDGET5711 3 года назад
@starfruit1575 3 года назад
@Daniel_Lancelin 3 года назад
Damn, I'm not an expert on the historical event behind the song, but I have to say that it has a lot of emotional impact. You can really feel their mounting anger and sorrow, not only in the way the singer conveys it with his voice, but in the beautifully written and poetic lyrics as well. It's the feeling of being fed up with the way things are going and knowing that you _must_ try to make a change - now, not later - even if it costs you dearly. Is there any info on who wrote this or on the people who performed it?
@alpinecross4370 3 года назад
The people who wrote this were the same clique that performed the 2/26 coup attempt, so they were all young Army officers. I don't know much more other than that their main goal was a Showa restoration of imperial power.
@daniels_0399 3 года назад
@Eros Matthew Montallana Japan is one of the wealtiest nations with the best standard of living, most civilised and educated people in the world, but yeah the fanatical militarist imperialists are better because anime bad. /s
@seronymus 3 года назад
@Eros Matthew Montallana Bruh anime isn't really part of mainstream Japanese culture even now I think you're overestimating, they have way worse priorities to take care of lol
@nayohn2140 2 года назад
@Eros Matthew Montallana Last time the Japanese had an imperial power, they raped the capital of China. I prefer that to not happen again.
@nayohn2140 2 года назад
@Eros Matthew Montallana fair enough
@scared_hamster6246 3 года назад
@weijiafang1298 3 года назад
Fun fact: in some Chinese translations of Japanese movies that involves the song, in order to make the content "less Chinese," "Miluo River" and "Wushan Mountain" was edited to be "Sea of Japan" and "Mount Fuji."
@alfred1920 3 года назад
do you know why chinese places were referenced in a japanese patriotic song?
@weijiafang1298 3 года назад
@@alfred1920 I am not exactly sure. Probably because some ancient Chinese places is referred in the classics that even Japanese authors might be familiar with. For example, Miluo River is where Qu Yuan, a famous patriotic poet in around 3rd century BCE, committed suicide.
@alfred1920 3 года назад
@@weijiafang1298 ah gotcha
@commonhooman2885 3 года назад
@@alfred1920 because Chinese language was like latin language for European or Sanskrit for south Asian and southeastern Asian
@baronofbahlingen9662 3 года назад
@@alfred1920 It’s because of deep religious significance and shared mythical symbolism. China’s mythology influenced a lot of what Japanese people would recognise. Despite some Japanese people not wanting to admit it, China was the indisputable parent civilisation of all of East Asia, like how Greece or Rome is to Europe.
@ahahaghaha191 3 года назад
Bekira-no fuchi-ni namisawagi Fuzan-no kumo wa midaretobu Kondaku-no yo-ni ware tateba Gifun-ni moete chishio waku Kenmonkami-ni ogoredomo Kuni-wo urefuru makoto-nashi Zaibatsu tomi-wo hokoredomo Shashoku-wo omowo kokoro-nashi Aa hito sakaete kuni horobu Meshiitaru tami yo-ni odoru chiran kōhō yume-ni nite Yo wa ikkyoku-no go narikeri Shōwa-ishin-no haru-no sora Seigi-ni musubu masurawo ga Kyōri hyakuman hei tarite chiru-ya banda-no zakurabana
@starfruit1575 3 года назад
This is literally French Revolution Uno Reverse Card
@PraneySharma-hd5rs 3 года назад
Elites drowned in wealth, commoners in ignorance, politicians play 'go' , so the soldier himself takes charge to save the nation❤️
@retsrtsethsrbsf1167 2 года назад
this is for all nations the right thing to do...
@Blunderbussy 2 года назад
And then they get nuked twice and bukkaked out of their culture. Lmao
@hussaria4239 2 года назад
@@Blunderbussy you realize the kōdōha faction failed right?
@azurebookllet9216 2 года назад
Those idiots killed everyone who would had the sense not to bomb Pearl Harbor a few years later, and precipitated the path that ultimately led to Japan bathed in nuclear and napalm fire and their precious emperor humiliating himself before the Americans. Great job!
@okthen2254 2 года назад
Weren’t the Kodoha more akin to fucking nazis?
@gasisunzen9692 4 месяца назад
@kn2549 4 месяца назад
@Valkyrie_Yukikaze 4 года назад
The name of this song is actually Japanese Teenager‘s song(青年日本の歌). Because of officers who leading 2•26 are all young army officers.
@danield263 4 года назад
I bet Yamamoto is embarrassed by the fucking anime
@denniskibrik7310 4 года назад
2 year old officers?
@salociin7887 4 года назад
@@denniskibrik7310 2-26 means February 26. That would be something to see, though.
@denniskibrik7310 4 года назад
@@salociin7887 oh, it sure would
@sreeramsuresh9235 3 года назад
@@denniskibrik7310 It will also be seen when children who have been oppressed by teachers for so long will come out and strike.
@knightofliberty9297 4 года назад
1:13 GTA2 in a nutshell
@rhodesianwojak2095 4 года назад
@knightofliberty9297 4 года назад
@@rhodesianwojak2095 In GTA 2, Zaibatsu control most of the town and you have to work for the Zaibatsu and criminal organizations, then betray them.
@rhodesianwojak2095 4 года назад
@@knightofliberty9297 ty for the explanation
@vassilistzaferis4277 4 года назад
Venetian Knight Zaibatsu was used to designate family conglomerates/ corporate cartels that controlled Japan’s economy prior to WW2. The gang name you cited is a reference to that.
@Joshua_N-A 3 года назад
@@vassilistzaferis4277 now you have chaebols in ROK.
@CCPVirus-nq2qi 3 года назад
"Zaibatsu praises solely on thier wealth" Least we slapping a few with wallstreetsbet
@TomorrowWeLive 4 года назад
@allanjbucknol4414 4 года назад
"Thinking nothing of this land and its fate" Oh,Little did he know
@licenciadoenopinologia.3616 4 года назад
@Hernando Malinche callao mejicano
@klyito485 3 года назад
this comment is a little F-ed put i can handle
@alteumaen4820 3 года назад
@SWAGsire Kodoha, Toseiha, both were ready to lead Japan to ruin. The Emperor should have just told the army to cease and desist in Mukden, and the government should have just dissolved the army and invited the Brits to take charge of Japan's defense.
@timsavanski7017 3 года назад
@@alteumaen4820 how to become puppet 101
@timsavanski7017 3 года назад
@Fk Ff Poland: "NOT EVEN ONE" We love our 0 we do, do not let media tell you any other ways, Poland will never be puppet of EU or 'refuge'
@InvictusBattotai 4 года назад
Im not the showa restoration guy but I APPROVED
@holguineromambi 4 года назад
Whuuut you still alive???
@InvictusBattotai 4 года назад
@@holguineromambi Pretty much yea
@holguineromambi 4 года назад
@@InvictusBattotai good luck
@thewanderingstruggler8601 4 года назад
Invictus The Kōdōha will live on in our hearts! Long live the Emperor and death to the barbarians!
@trap_kyun90yearsago52 Год назад
Restore the population
@shahshakuras700 2 года назад
Step one be an army officer Step two besiege the national assembly Step three get Rebuked by the Emperor Step four end it 26th of February Incident.
@tenno5509 2 года назад
honourable trollge who fights and sacrifices for the greater good (good ending)
@daitoakyoeiken7735 2 года назад
You forgot step seppuku
@shahshakuras700 2 года назад
@@daitoakyoeiken7735 End it is a euphemism for Seppuku and other forms of offing yourself
@user-ky5xe6ln2k 4 года назад
I'm Japanese student. This is one of real Japanese culture. I'm proud of songs like this.
@InmuAyuayu 4 года назад
宮田澄子 日本人兄貴オッスオッス 尊皇討奸!
@user-ky5xe6ln2k 4 года назад
@@InmuAyuayu Hello, where are you from?
@InmuAyuayu 4 года назад
宮田澄子 I’m from Japan. 🇯🇵
@mozhu1571 4 года назад
@MrOmerde12 4 года назад
ファシズムを壊せ 労働者革命万歳
@orodsozenchi4051 4 года назад
Love Japan From Iran Thanks for Helping us
@euskadi1924 3 года назад
@@vuducanh2k5 Wir haben keine ahnung
@Symboli_Ariyu 3 года назад
Love Iran fromJapan! Thank you!
@Firefox愛好家 3 года назад
Thanks Much love to Iran from Japan 🇯🇵❤️🇮🇷
@luodaniel8576 Год назад
What happened?
@greatjoseon 7 месяцев назад
@@luodaniel8576 Turkish Japanese hyperwar, similar to the Finno Korean Hyperwar, but much earlier. As the Great Turk Empire led by Erdogoku invaded Persia, Japan led by Emperor Naruto Sasuke Gojo supported persia, and persia managed to survive
@jiong-tyx 3 года назад
There are still many rich people don't care about others and their countries as well.
@amirm3621 3 года назад
And that's why ultra rich people (billionaires) should not exist. I hate communists and this idea is not communists idea.
@danubeisreallypeculiarrive7944 3 года назад
@@amirm3621 Yeah, but Communists were first to implement this idea. Yeah Soviets corrupted some parts of the ideology, but this red scare rhetoric is starting to be annoying. I honestly prefer Spanish communism when soviets weren't supporting them. Tom Nicholas has great video about Orwell. Check it out.
@apersononlineyes6554 3 года назад
@@amirm3621 That's such a stupid idea....
@j.lawrence9242 3 года назад
And you care more than some rich dude?🤣
@danubeisreallypeculiarrive7944 3 года назад
@@j.lawrence9242 Yeah. Most of the people care more about other people than some rich dudes. Is there supposed to be a joke in your comment because I ain't seeing it.
@missk1697 3 года назад
Why does this song fit the modern times so well? Especially the part about Zaibatsu.
@daniels_0399 3 года назад
Doesn't fit modern times at all lmao. This is a totalitarian monarchist song. The part about the rich not giving a fuck about anyone else though, that's accurate yes. It always has been everywhere at any given time in history and always will be. That's how society works
@cardinalfrabrizioruffo6127 3 года назад
@@daniels_0399 A totalitarian song can fit at all ages.
@sobitasadullah4517 3 года назад
It fits modern times so well because we didn't fix any of the problems of the past, and now we're reaping what we've sewn
@daniels_0399 3 года назад
@@sobitasadullah4517 The world is still fucked up as it's always been, but not as bad as it was in the past. We did fix a lot of stuff. Nowadays there are less wars, less famine, less deaths from preventable diseases, less murder, less slavery etc. All those things still exist and happen regularly, but not nearly to the extent that they did in the past. The world is a lot less Fkd up than it was in the past
@sobitasadullah4517 3 года назад
@@daniels_0399 I really don't like when people take material standards as a metric of human progress. Although the wellbeing of the people is important, what is the point of wealth and long-living if you have no purpose in life? Modern, or should I say Post-Modern society has seen the dissolution and weakening of vital cultural institutions that make people happier, socially isolating the younger generations and sabotaging the mental stability of every generation of going forth. Not only that, technological development has vastly outpaced and eclipsed cultural development, to the point that we literally create geometric shapes out of concrete, steel, and glass and pat ourselves on the back for how tall we made them when our ancestors made intricate city architecture, making monuments as a testament to human beauty and creativity. Meanwhile, STEM has been prioritized over philosophy and ethics, ruthlessly driving science further and further, even when it goes against mankind's greater interests. To point to material growth as an indicator of modern society is not reflective of the real issue here.
@escuadronhechizopr9861 4 года назад
Está canción refleja nuestro mundo.
@user-dr3yn9zd5 2 года назад
@charaznable271 3 года назад
The virgin otaku Vs The chad imperial soldier
@T3nMiDGET5711 3 года назад
Alot of people don’t realize that being an Otaku is a bad thing and is looked down upon
@charly345mstl 3 года назад
@Amirul Asyraf Samurai in Kamakura period was the real superior chad. They randomly shoot monks and civilians walking in the street as a part of bow and arrow practice, use captured Mongolian soldiers as arrow shield, assault Mongolian ships when they are sleeping at night, cutting of their nose and ears as a evidence of work.
@roskcity 3 года назад
The imperial soldier is not a virgin anymore after Nanking if you get what I mean... 😏
@keizerkuzco6459 3 года назад
@@roskcity The otakus are and will probably remain virgin while the chads have a tea party or something in China.
@Tenohekabanzai 3 года назад
@@charly345mstl 👌👌👌👌👌
@user-vd5os7bc4r 9 месяцев назад
@zako1919 8 месяцев назад
@Insigniume 2 года назад
accidentally found this and today is the 26th of February 2022 lol
@mirrorocean3852 4 месяца назад
Today is February 26th
@injunweeb1973 Год назад
Today is the day that we’ll never forget these lads.
@user-qe5by9dz6o 4 месяца назад
@daniels_0399 3 года назад
So their rebellion failed misserably but at least they wrote this banger of a song
@enayatchoudhury5431 2 года назад
Some of these songs from history, no matter the context they were produced in, seem to resonate with current affairs in a few ways. 'Ode to Showa Restoration' and 'Dégénération' both tell stories of societies in decline, stagnating from corruption and a fatigue in the zeitgeist. These songs help with ruminations on things, despite my youth.
@masterdeetectiv9520 Год назад
Because this sort of thing is always happening somewhere in the world. Some societies excel whereas others decline. Maybe one day there will come a time when humanity has a whole advances together
@mojewjewjew4420 11 месяцев назад
​@@masterdeetectiv9520only once degeneracy is destroyed completely. The best way would be a planetary government.
@mojewjewjew4420 11 месяцев назад
​@ronitmehta1046can you give them to me?
@gabrielatheactiveantifa 2 года назад
This could have prevented the stock market crash in Tokyo, but they didn't listen, and now I have to reform Germany, damn it
@luodaniel8576 2 года назад
Bad reformist, hate from slave revolt👎👎👎
@panzer8208 Год назад
@tf2664 4 года назад
Hurrah for the monarchists
@seronymus 3 года назад
The Sniper wrote this comment
@gaminghours7962 2 года назад
Holy based
@No_Anime_No_Life. 2 года назад
Banzai for the empires
@missk1697 3 года назад
*Yukio Mishima moment*
@missk1697 3 года назад
@Traditionalist Christian he indeed was
@user-bg9sq5kb6o Год назад
Chinese translation for the song: 汨罗渊中波涛动 巫山峰旁乱云飞 昏昏浊世吾独立 义愤燃烧热血涌 权贵只晓傲门第 忧国此中真乏人 豪阀但知夸积富 社稷彼心何尝思 贤者见国衰微征 愚氓犹自舞世间 治乱兴亡恍如梦 世事真若一局棋 昭和维新春空下 男儿连结为正义 胸中自有百万兵 死去飘散万朵樱 腐旧尸骸跨越过 此身飘摇共浮云 忧国挺身立向前 男儿放歌从此始 苍天震怒大地动 轰轰鸣鸣非常声 永劫眠者不能寝 日本觉醒在今朝 且观九天云垂野 又听四海浪哗然 革新机会现已到 夜起暴风扫日本 天地之间落魄人 迷茫不知道何方 尘世曾夸荣华者 谁家高楼还可见 功名不过梦中迹 唯有精诚永不销 人生但感意气过 成败谁复可置评 离骚一曲高吟罢 慷慨悲歌今日完 吾辈腰间利剑在 廓清海内血泊涌
@lightship9776 3 года назад
Angry Rivers from the depths of Miluo River surge up, Mount Wushan's Peak is hazy with swirling clouds; alone I stand in this murky and turbid world, my blood simmers in righteous anger. The Elite bears only arrogance, thinking nothing of this land and it's fate; the Zaibatsu are boasting their own wealth, In their hearts are nowhere our sour and grain. Ah, this prosperous country is dying, ignorant fools dancing blindly in their own world, governance and rule to them are only dreams, the world is reduced to a round of Go. Under the Spring Sky of the Shōwa Restoration, brave men forge their justice into one, one million soldiers we keep in our chest, ready to scatter like the Myriad of cherry blossums, ready to scatter like the Myriad of Cherry Blossums!
@Paul_Sergeyev 2 года назад
I have a feeling that this song will become much more famous after what happened today.
@dracodistortion9447 4 года назад
The final struggle against the uncivilized ways of modernity is heard in this song.
@swanswanswanswanswanswanswan 3 года назад
uncivilized ways of modernity
@chevrolet-poitiers9507 3 года назад
@@swanswanswanswanswanswanswan *Yes*
@declanedmison5442 3 года назад
Like ethics, and personal freedom.
@mojewjewjew4420 3 года назад
@@declanedmison5442 personal freedom is a lie,you work all life and still die poor while the elites dont know how to spend more or how to better puppet the politicians,fuck modernity.
@declanedmison5442 3 года назад
@@mojewjewjew4420 This is not modern. The past is much worse, in this regard. In the past, you could not move homes. You were basically owned by a Noble. You probably wouldn’t be able to write down the comment you have left, as nobody cares for the education of peasants. You work your farm until you die. Your parents did, too. If you were lucky, you might be born a little higher up the ladder, but the likelihood of this is small. There is no meritocracy in the past, for your life is worth as much as the life of your parents. If you were born poor, you are poor. Born rich, you are rich (Unless you lose it all.) There was much less personal freedom in the past.
@komarovosevastopol 4 года назад
Mfw when they nationalize the dog industry from the shogunate
@mikebuonanotte1432 4 года назад
I was waiting this from alot
@privatehudson516 3 года назад
When you are devoted enough to ram your plane into Ally warships yet those who taught you to be devoted have already secretly negotiated with the Allies
@undaijoubunii-chan586 4 года назад
Long live the Monarchists
@AlexanderMikhailov629 3 года назад
Huzzah !!
@hashkangaroo 3 года назад
Reiwa Restoration when?
@Thetoadwatches 2 года назад
I feel this is getting popular after the incident...
@Ottoisgreat 4 года назад
As a mostly PRC channel, I still really like this!
@goforbroke4428 3 года назад
Song lyrics that still fit modern japan.
@Bluesonofman 3 года назад
Fits modern America. We need our own French Revolution
@lilili8966 3 года назад
令和維新の春の空 正義に結ぶ益良雄 胸裏百萬兵足りて 散るや萬朶の櫻花
@lilili8966 3 года назад
令和維新 尊皇讨奸🙌天皇陛下万歳🙌笑う
@azurebookllet9216 2 года назад
@@Bluesonofman You are comparing this failed absolutist outburst with a revolution which successfully slaughtered the royal family? Interesting.
@cucginel1941 Год назад
@@Bluesonofman french revolution was bolshevik
@kurnma3776 2 года назад
Funni TNO Japan coup moment
@nathanpangilinan4397 2 года назад
Yep, it is Muto time!
@tatenokaienjoyer Год назад
Great song for a even greater cause........
@larochejaquelein82 Год назад
@pernalongastalin1203 Год назад
Banzai, banzai, banzai
@ugricpatriot 2 года назад
step 1: have an emperor without full power step 2: try to restore his power step 3: fail The 26th of February Incident
@a.ma.gi. 2 года назад
@user-zf6rn6ox8w 3 года назад
@Firefox愛好家 3 года назад
@yuluoxianjun 2 года назад
@user-nr8iw6yt9p 2 года назад
@user-es7lf1xl2h 2 года назад
@@user-nr8iw6yt9p 地球市民乙
@ts-ei9bs Год назад
@@user-nr8iw6yt9p でもお前は国という概念に守られながら今も生きてるよね
@Jose-cy7od 2 года назад
I came here after the assassination of Shinzo Abe.
@mahmudfarizuddin 4 года назад
@Spearhead00 4 года назад
@user-tg1tm9xg3l 3 года назад
U dont even know the real meaning of the song
@elcompagenito3250 3 года назад
If only they would of known that tentical hentai and ugly Bastard hentai would exist they would of fought harder.
@daniels_0399 3 года назад
And if they did, that would have resulted in Japan being defeated earlier in the war and Hentai being invented faster lol
@mojewjewjew4420 3 года назад
@@daniels_0399 ok armchair historian
@user-HUTOMAKIMAKI 2 года назад
@paguiochristian8434 3 года назад
When Article 9 is finally abolished
@emilianoescudero322 2 года назад
Well, this explains the 15 coup attempts in Interwar Japan
@muadzabdulmalik9870 3 года назад
Today is The Day
@maddoxbellrose7679 3 года назад
Begin civilization with seeds, then wait...
@biancaverdeschi880 2 года назад
Long live the Empire of Japan in its tradition.
@Pianoman8865 3 года назад
Romaji Lyrics Bekira no fuchi ni nami sawagi Fuzan no komo wa midaretobu Kondaaku yo no ni ware tateba Gifun ni moete chishio waku - Kenmonkami ni ogodoredomo Kuni o urefuru makoto nashi Zaibatsu tomi o hokoredomo Shashoku o omofo kokoro nashi I can’t continue this without RU-vid fucking itself, so it’s the two verses only
@pandaandthegecko5480 Год назад
Holy shit I had no idea it was the 26th of February today, I just randomly clicked on here lmao
@m2bradley161 Год назад
same lmao
@@m2bradley161 Same here too!
@prototyperegretevator 3 года назад
The last attempt to prevent anime.
@DubABattery 3 года назад
*Americans and Japanese Shaking hands* Apologizing for bombing eachother Japan: *Sanitizes hands*
@casualfolk7066 3 года назад
Japan killed at least 10 times as many people as the US did. It would probably go more like: *Americans and Japanese Shaking hands* Apologizing for bombing eachother America: *Cuts off hand*
@DubABattery 3 года назад
@@casualfolk7066 Fun Fact: Did you know that Americans Put Japanese Americans and people that even looked Asian in concentration camps during World War 2? I bet probably killed some of them to. They also committed some war crimes on many islands of Japan and Japanese occupied territory.
@DubABattery 3 года назад
But of course you never learned this because your teacher either wanted to hide that or it's because the allies won and that hides a lot of the war crimes commuted by allied nations
@casualfolk7066 3 года назад
@@DubABattery Did you know: American internment camps were a vacation spot compared to Japan’s prison camps, where prisoners were routinely starved to death, similar to the camps run by Hitler?
@casualfolk7066 3 года назад
@@DubABattery Nope, we all learned about the internment camps
@user-lr1zk7ok1r 5 месяцев назад
Long live the Emperor!! Starting with members of the imperial family...many great people. History of shrines (Shinto), Paleolithic, ancient and modern cultural properties and world heritage sites. Let's cherish learning and passing it on to our descendants.
@Melan_Xolic 2 года назад
I'm crying when I hear this Glory to Japan
@Fred_the_1996 11 месяцев назад
my brother in christ do you know what the kodoha did?
@notmysteriousthief4629 10 месяцев назад
@@Fred_the_1996 If you want to try to sway someone who'll never be swayed, use something other than a faction that got dissolved before the war in China. Like the rape of nanking maybe, the babies on bayonets maybe?
@nadir5091 2 года назад
Japan need a Reiwa restoration
@sulfuricorange3722 2 года назад
The song to feel patriotic to at 3 am
@grivitastb 2 года назад
it's about to reach a million
@commonhooman2885 2 года назад
Now, one million people are ready to support the Reiwa restoration
@snakey934Snakeybakey Год назад
These warriors died trying to protect you from anime. 1 like = 1 salute.
@dionesvaldez088 Год назад
The Kodoha Faction And The 26th Of February Incident Kodoha Flag "Revere The Emperor, Destroy The Traitors"
@HelSeher 2 года назад
Ein großer Mann hat uns verlassen. Viel Respekt für einen der großen Führer von Japan in der moderne.
@Aadiyan_Dubey_NIT_CSE Год назад
@Two_Old_Hero 10 месяцев назад
An old friend, huh?
@lyb1007 5 месяцев назад
The words on the flag --尊 皇 討 奸,have two meaning. “”尊皇“and“討奸” . The "尊” is a pictographs that abstracted from traditional Chinese winecup (yeah look like a cup) .So extended meaning of 尊 is "worship, venerate, treat respect" . And is a compound ideographs. Made up of two pictograph ,“自”(initial)+“王”(king) and extended meaning of 皇 is a position more noble than the king. And the emperor(天皇) of japan(日本)'s emperor(天皇) is from Taoism, 天 is heavenly and 皇 is a position more noble than the king。 So 尊皇 is worship and venerate emperor. 討 is made up of 言 寸,言 is just like a person is talking, the "口"(mouth) below is the mouth so 言 is speech , and 寸 's original meaning is a unit of measure, another meaning is law(just like ruler in English),so 討 is use speech and law to deal with people, and even kill. 奸 is made up of 女 干 ,女 is woman,干 is offend. offend woman is a bad behavior, so another meaning of 奸 is evildoers. 討奸 is send armed forces to destroy evildoers。 尊 皇 討 奸 !
@grum8355 2 года назад
hey thats today
@Paul_Sergeyev 2 года назад
Let us celebrate the men of culture who immediately came back to this song after Shinzo Abe was assassinated.
@Ginrei_Ginrei 4 года назад
渋い!海外の方なのにチョイスが渋い!! 『あゝ紅の血は燃ゆる』とかやってくれないかな
Is it impossible to cut off so much?💀🍗
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