
Patchface's First Song Explained (Song of Ice and Fire theory) 

Michael Talks About Stuff
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Patchface was left out of the TV show Game of Thrones but in the Song of Ice and Fire books he has a creepy role as a prophetic jester who can sing songs that tell the future but no one can understand him.
Today we look at the idea that his first song might in fact have been talking about the direct end game of how to deal with the others and what the others want.
The shadows come to dance my lord
The shadows come to stay my lord




22 сен 2023




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10 месяцев назад
i think it would be creepier patch face to talk with perfect eloquence during his meeting with the others
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
That would be good! Or he just throws back his head and starts screaming in the others language from the prologue that sounds like ice cracking on a lake
@brianm4178 3 месяца назад
​@michaeltalksaboutstuff its comments like these that make me so happy I habe such a vivid imagination 😂I SAW this in my mind and I'm just DYING
@myujmes 10 месяцев назад
There's something really cute about imagining patchface dancing and singing for the Others at a feast
@writernightly2397 10 месяцев назад
Some other things to look into for the series as a whole: Hadrian's wall was built by the Romans, who famously crucified slaves in long lines. (see Appian Way, 200km of slaves nailed to trees). (They crucified Christ himself obviously, which in the bible caused him to become Firstborn from the Dead). So it stands he could have got the idea for the ice wall as using a wall of crucified immortal slaves to keep out the others, which is the two major sins of human empire, otherdom, and slavery. Flayed men are often depicted as crucified. Boltons flayed the Starks when they were at war, and even wore the Starks skin. It's not a new theory that they were doing this to try to steal the Stark's powers. It's possible they got the idea from seeing or hearing about the crucifixion of the others and the use of a knife (like we saw in the show.) They could have thought the Starks stole their power from the Others, and so they can steal it too. And maybe it even can work, because the Starks banned the practice when they took over. It might be they were actually trying to steal the power of immortality, which is tied into Roose Boltons weird vampiric nature. It's also worth noting the Night's King is suggested to be a Bolton, I wonder why? In Elden Ring, which George wrote the lore for, Queen Marika, part of the final boss, is trapped inside a giant world tree, and is crucified, but not dead. (Look her up and she will likely be in her crucified pose). There is a network of trees in the world that trap souls upon death, preventing the gift of true death (in the game called destined death) which is protected by the "born shadow" of Marika, her "brother", a wolf-man hybrid named Maliketh. Maliketh trapped destined death inside his "black-blade" which in-game looks like its made of obsidian. Later, witches steal some of this gift of death in the form of obsidian looking "black knives" and kill immortal beings with them in some sort of ritual. The corpse of one of the Gods killed this way sprouts a weed called Deathroot throughout the tree network which causes bodies to rise from their graves. One of the gods is cursed with eternal youth, and after trying to embed himself into one of the magic trees like bloodraven to cure his curse, is stolen by a guy called Mohg and taken deep underground, where he keeps the kid in a cocoon and drenches it in blood sacrifices. You visit these underground civilizations by going down "wells" which are all connected underground. Also throughout the world are lots of crucified undead who wake up and howl in the night. So the motif of immortals being nailed to trees and cursed to stay there until death is given to them is common. George grew up Catholic, which goes very hard on the crucifixion symbology. Visit any catholic house they prob have a bloody jesus hanging somewhere. This probably had an affect on George's ideas of religion and why he's so interested in this idea of crucifixion, immortality, and the idea of not dying actually being quite scary. Theon was symbolically crucified by Ramsey Bolton, shown a fate worse than death, then was given a second life as Reek. He even says in ADwD that he is no longer afraid to die because there are worse fates. Of course we see he actually still wants to live and fights for his life when given the chance. Depicting an immortal or second life as a horror is a common Athiest interpretation as a way to cope with the idea of death, and I think George is very interested in it.
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
This is a lot of very good stuff. Particularly about the Elden ring bit being so similar with a god crucified to a world tree. GRRM loves to do the same sorta stuff and him putting something similar to ice and fire lore in that game would make a lot of sense to me. Also Hadrians wall being Roman and the Romans doing lines of crucifixions is also a great point.
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
Also I have a whole Theon idea to cover later but I think you are on the right track with the Theon crucifixion and him sort of showing us the POV of a tortured but alive fate worse than death.
@loooongneck 9 месяцев назад
@@michaeltalksaboutstuff I’m almost caught up! This series slaps lol. I love how it makes every story line seem more relevant. Asoiaf is commonly criticized for having wayward plots and irrelevant side stories and ppl commonly point to things like dany in the east, Arya in braavos, and the boltons in Winterfell as being pretty irrelevant stuff that’s holding George up from getting to the juicy bits. But it’s all thematically relevant once you start seeing the bigger picture.
@myujmes 10 месяцев назад
Referring to the Others as shadows is just perfect reinforcement that shadowbinding is part of how wights and reanimated people are made
@cbob213 10 месяцев назад
“Dance with me then”
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
Yeah from the start he has had that in there if dancing is a guest right symbolism word he is slipping in. Which imo he would have it there from the start if that was part of his idea.
@sirpepeofhousekek6741 6 месяцев назад
Dancing is also fighting, so there will be a fight, and then then it stops when the Others "stay."
@loooongneck 9 месяцев назад
I like to imagine the feast that brings the Others under guest right being entirely attended by those who are unnaturally alive. These people would be able to sympathize with the Others’ plight the most if their goal really is just to be given the gift of death. The Others being the shadows of undying ones trapped in the wall, the undead Jon leading it, Patchface the undead fool for entertainment. It makes for a funny picture I would love to see the fan art that comes out of it haha. Melisandre could potentially be present as well since she’s clearly not alive via natural means. Random side note but I’d be interested to hear how you think Euron ties into all this. Apologies if you already cover this in a later video!
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 9 месяцев назад
No Euron vids yet but no strong thoughts at the moment. And right, there is certainly the set up for some sort of wild feast like that if GRRM wants it
@loooongneck 9 месяцев назад
@@michaeltalksaboutstuff I’m specifically interested in Aeron’s shade visions from the forsaken chapter since all of the vision sequences seem extremely important. “He saw his brother on the Iron Throne again, but Euron was no longer human. He seemed more squid than man, a monster fathered by a kraken of the deep, his face a mass of writhing tentacles. Beside him stood a shadow in woman’s form, long and tall and terrible, her hands alive with pale white fire. Dwarves capered for their amusement, male and female, naked and misshapen, locked in carnal embrace, biting and tearing at each other as Euron and his mate laughed and laughed and laughed …” I never realized it before, but I’m PRETTY SURE that the “shadow in woman’s form” standing beside Euron as he sits the throne is Viserion. Going off your theory that Marwyn will claim Viserion and then attempt to go off to do his own thing, I think something will happen where Viserion ends up getting stolen by Euron via the dragonbinder horn. Euron will then use Viserion to attempt to conquer Westeros. Viserion is represented as a shadow with a woman’s form in the vision because Viserion contains the bound soul (shadow) of Mirri Maz Duur. This is also why the shadow is long, tall, terrible, and has “hands alive with pale white fire,” because it’s a dragon, not an actual human woman. Perhaps Viserion is somehow already undead by this point and that’s why it’s flames are pale white versus the gold orange it currently is, which also adds double meaning to its representation as a shadow in the vision. The dwarves I’m less certain about but in Dany’s shade visions dwarves represent the five kings warring, so maybe the dwarves capering for Euron and his “mate” are also kings, perhaps they represent Faegon, Cersei, Arianne, Tommen, Margaery etc. who I assume will be the kings and queens present in king’s landing should Euron decide to pop in on dragonback given the timeline.
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 9 месяцев назад
@@loooongneck yooo if Mirri being a woman inside a dragon makes her appear as a woman here that would imply Euron appearing as a half kraken monster may have his body being used as a vessel for some greater evil power. Which really does track
@loooongneck 9 месяцев назад
@@michaeltalksaboutstuff this is all super interesting, Euron has many connections to the bloodstone emperor from GEotD legends, who is basically portrayed as the “cause” / antagonist of the original long night. If the Others actually turn out to be a sympathetic group like this whole theory posits, then who is the true antagonist of this story? It definitely could be Euron. If the irregular seasons are caused by the corruption of green magic at the heart of winter / the Wall which is the source of the others, then it stands to reason that the long night, which is an eternal winter, would be “caused” by allowing the Wall to remain unbroken for eternity and warring against the Others instead of welcoming them into the realm under guest right and destroying the Wall, which is what the protagonists will be attempting to do. This makes sense to me since once it is revealed that the Others are not bad guys, there still needs to be an antagonist force working against Jon/Bran/Daenerys who will likely be at the Wall or in the North somewhere working to fulfill the goal of the Others: freeing them from eternal bondage at the wall. Euron with a dragon is the perfect antagonist to work against these protagonist forces. It also makes it feel more right about Euron adopting some cosmic horror aspects if he’s literally the antagonistic force during the climax of the plot rather than some random Ironborn pirate B villain. We know water magic also exists in the world (Rhoyne stuff, hammer of the waters, etc) which is probably an uncorrupted form of natural magic. If Euron somehow invokes some sort of unnatural water magic with blood magic and sacrifice tied in that fits with the motif of the “bad things” in this story being the magical corruption of natural processes, like how blood magic and shadowbinding corrupts the weirwood green magic at the heart of winter. Euron is the ultimate representation of what George probably wouldn’t like too, a warring psychopath who uses religion and brutality to corrupt and conquer and who defiles natural law and the unspoken rules of human decency for self benefit. Euron as ultimate representation of human evil working to undo the good being done by the protagonists definitely tracks
@davey815 3 месяца назад
Guest Right... The sons and sheep could be a metaphor for Food and Clothing.
@Rebel_Lord_Taron 10 месяцев назад
The seahorses could be Aurane waters Fleet....the mermaids the Maderleys and the Seashells they blow could be as you said the Horn of joramun because Sam fixed it and brought it back from Old Town with the valeryan fleet
@Jacob-fz5ho 10 месяцев назад
Patchface is a servant of the merlings, not the others. The source of his visions come from those under the sea, literally, so how much do they know about the others and their exile from the weirwoods? It wasn't the others that kept Patchface alive for 3 days at sea and scrambled his brain. Aeron Greyjoy (Damphair) also had the same merling possession/drowning process occur and he believes that to be the drowned god. Maybe there's some intersection between squishers and others though, as the iron islanders have weirwood (naga bones on old wyk) from a giant ark/boat, and there's a lot of skinchangers among the iron islanders. There were first men on the iron islands before the Grey King/mariners came from the East (I believe it was Green Men from the isle of Leng, but it could have been great empire of the dawn) the two groups eventually started worshipping the drowned god (ie they were taken over by merling cults and were being bred/domesticated) and became the backwards Ironborn. There's also the connection that legend says the hammer of the waters was brought down by the children of the forest in Moat Cailin, which is an abandoned Merling fortress (as are all the oily black stone cities such as Yeen, Pyke and Asshai). Why are the CotF being tied together with the merlings? Merlings are associated with bringing back great old ones and doing eldritch shit like breaking apart moons and summoning meteors/fists of the waters and causing long nights. Usually nature + eldritch themes don't go side-by-side like this
@illCMAC 2 месяца назад
I like to think of everything Patchface says is from the perspective of a dead man, which is why the living cannot understand him.
@void.lawyer 10 месяцев назад
House manderly has a mer-person as a sigil. Blowing seashells idk
@jenniferpearce1052 10 месяцев назад
The Damphair will turn to worship Patchface as a prophet of the Undrowned God bringing Iron Men with him.
@ashleyofnaath 5 месяцев назад
I think the aforementioned seashorses are the war drommunds Aurane Waters stole from Cersei; that they'll be used to ferry Stannis' camp somewhere (Dragonstone?), and the 'shells' are metaphors for Sybil Westerling (whose House's sigil features seashells). The Manderlys (mermaids) will announce their alliance with Stannis by publicly 'blowing the shells'- ie executing Sybil- for her betrayal. Perhaps that last bit is just my biased desire for her to get her comeuppance lol but essentially that's my interpretation of that riddle. Great video!!
@swayback7375 2 месяца назад
That’s actually a good interpretation if you ask me… I’ve been thinking the same but I couldn’t put the westerlings in place, I don’t know their sigil, but it fits quite well I think
@cbob213 10 месяцев назад
Patchface videooo!
@nonfiction9849 14 дней назад
I’m sure you’ve heard the theory about the holes Stannis’ army is putting in the ice for when the battle outside of Winterfell happens. I’ve heard this song refers to that battle. ‘Outside of the wall.’ Plus the Boltons are going to send the Manderlys out 1st since they don’t trust them (Mermaids sigil) and they will somehow be in cahoots w/Stannis, move out of the way and let the people behind them go into the freezing water when the ice breaks. I don’t think I’m explaining it right but the song really lines up w/prophesizing that battle. Regardless, love your videos.
@WaywardWhiteWalker 10 месяцев назад
I like to think that there are many hive minds and they are aware of each other. I think Patchface is of the drowned god category and he can be sent visions of the same stuff other hive minds are sending to their peeps with abilities. It's all manipulations and lies. People are just pieces on the Cyvasse board to be played by these "beings" until there is some magic peak and the players make their moves. Maybe retake a physical form, get drunk and do some bang'n. It is pretty sweet. I think another comet is coming. A magical comet. Thats when the "They" make their moves. These guys are eons old and know all about the timing of the two or maybe three comets and the effects. You heard it here first.
@0bskureference 10 месяцев назад
Always just incredible work
@hitrapperandartistdababy 2 месяца назад
I kinda wanna see Patchface just run towards the others, do a little dance, fall over and then just start twitching again in the the background as both the forces of the living and dead look at him like “Wtf?!”
@lillonerboi504 9 дней назад
This video is rather old, but it reminded me of a connection I made while reading the series. Which is the possible connection between Hodor and Patchface. And if you see this, I wonder if you can find any further connections. While we don’t have a definitive answer to why Hodor is how he is, I do have a few things to postulate, especially after listening to your theory on Nettle-Nan which I think holds a lot of weight. In your Nettle-Nan video you bring up a 2 possible scenarios for Leif to have assumed Old Nans identity. One being that she was Nan the whole time, the other being she took Nan’s place when she got old and died, with only the stable boy incapable of speaking anything but “Hodor” to speak on her real form. My theory applies no matter which path, but if she took the form of Nan after the real Nan had died it does beg one question…was Hodor really always afflicted with this extreme form of Aphasia? The show points towards Hodor having been a boy of regular speech and affect, and I believe the show hints at the potential true cause of Hodor’s unique aphasia. In the show, Bran is seemingly the culprit for Hodor’s affliction, inadvertently, as he’s mid deep dive into the greenseeing magic with Bloodraven while Meera is screaming at Hodor to “hold the door”. Which leads us to believe that the show reason for Hodor’s affliction is due to the warg connection between him and Bran reaching across time and “touching” a young Hodor. In a way, I think George did lay out the real cause of Hodor’s hodorness but in a totally alternate and more logical and honestly much easier to understand fashion. Which is that in the books, Leif will reveal to Bran that she is the reason for Hodor’s aphasia, and due to prophetical visions of Brans future, knew Hodor would be essential for Brans journey, and forcefully opened his third eye. Which I think is the source of these people who have some sort of connections to prophecy but lack some level of faculty. We know Bran, and potentially Euron had to open their third eye on their own. This is why Jojen and the three eyed crow are so adamant about Bran overcoming his mental blocks. They cannot just make his third eye open, lest he suffer permanent consequences. I believe this is also the case with Patchface. A regular, unassuming man, lost at sea and seemingly dead. Forced alive by some unknown force, left with nothing to his wits now except prophetical ramblings and clanking of the horns on his head. Although his issues are notably different in many ways to Hodor, I do think there is an underlying reason for these discrepancies that will probably make more sense when Winds and hopefully Dream release. My only working theory for the discrepancy, is the nature of how Patchface had his third eye forced opened, compared to Hodor. There is another theory around Patchface, which I think has been discussed by David Lightbringer iirc. Basically, Patchface is not just a man back from the dead, but an unwilling vessel for some ancient deep one that inhabited Patchface’s mind and works through him. Perhaps this is where Hodor and Patches differ, with Hodor having no old god or being working through him, outside of his connection with Bran. Which makes sense if Leif and the COTF are actually working against the Weirwoods as they are now. Using green magic on Hodor opened his third eye without interference from any God, leaving him incapable of speaking anything but “Hodor”. What the real meaning of “Hodor” is in the books? Idk. I don’t wanna say the show is a solid place to look again, but their reveal for the secret meaning of his singular spoken word really fits and if things go similarly in the books… It also still works with the idea that Leif did this to Hodor. Either when she birthed him, if she was old Nan the whole time or changed him just when she was going to assume Nans form to silence the only person who could reveal the truth of her identity. If this is true, it makes Brans journey just that more disturbed and further begs the question of who and what is really working for a moral good.
@jaykay1223 3 месяца назад
Hmm, that passage reminds me more about Dany losing her baby when Mirry does magic to 'save' Drogo.
@chables74 10 месяцев назад
@lilpatchface4325 10 месяцев назад
PatchFace is the goat!!!
@tonto_will1129 24 дня назад
Alt shif x has a good video on patch face that explains how he was revived by the drowed gods and his connection to euron greyjoy ect
@YinYoo2011 9 месяцев назад
Cassandra, cursed by Apollo
@carter358 7 месяцев назад
@5:07 so what are your theories about Craster's sheep? Did you make a video about it?
@denali1566 10 месяцев назад
2:12 universally agreed upon? It seems obvious to me he's talking about the shadowbinder that just moved in.
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
Yeah I for sure mis-spoke a bit there. What I was trying to get at had I worded it properly was the idea that it has been universally agreed upon Patches knows about the others and sings about them. "In the dark the dead are dancing" and the idea of under the sea being death etc. Combining that with the idea of the others as shadows which was the next point I was leading into makes it worth speculating that this first song is also about the others. I should have phrased it more like that and yeah definitely slightly missed the point I was trying to make there. But in general the idea was the first song about dancing shadows might be about the others if they are shadows. Not just his dead are dancing song. I do also like the idea of his shadows come to stay line meaning the shadow babies Mel gave birth to are still out there somewhere and might come back. I have heard that thrown around before.
@jdsartre9520 4 месяца назад
"we will march into the sea and out again. under the waves we will ride seahorses" How much water will drop onto the ground when the wall melts fast? Enough to make waves and a temporary sea? The others can march under water, no doubt. And ride on their horses under water, as they cross from north to south where the wall used to be.
@smhassassin9285 10 месяцев назад
I've been binging your videos and I had a thought that you haven't touched on (at least in the videos I've seen). You've covered that you think the Children made the Others by forcing the Weirwood spirits out of the Weirwoods. Also, iirc, guest right seems to be an across the board cultural thing in Westeros regardless of religious beliefs. Last, iirc, there was something in the books about spirits of the dead ending up in the Weirwood network. So what if the reason the main characters will be able to bring the Others to the table for talks by invoking guest right is because the spirits that became the Others are (were) an extinct species whose spirits entered the Weirwoods, they are the originators of guest right, and feel that when the Children turned them into the Others, they broke guest right?
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
That is a good take on it and I generally agree. The exact details are fuzzy but the weirwood/old gods spirits do seem like they might have been the origin of that custom in some way which would be why they follow it. I also think there was definitely some betrayal aspect involved in creating the others and that is what they want put right.
@espalier 10 месяцев назад
OK, unrelated: what do you think the Rh is all about in Targ names? Seems likely that it's about blood, right? but what more specifically?
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
I had never considered it before. What is the idea behind it being about blood?
@espalier 10 месяцев назад
@@michaeltalksaboutstuff I don’t understand the science, but the wiki talks about blood groups, and that the Rh D group is the +/- after the ABO group name. Mostly the Rh just buzzes around my head, and when I try to think about what it might be it escapes my swats.
@geoninja3631 5 месяцев назад
@garrys248 10 месяцев назад
The song wasn’t about the shadows the magi summoned to veg state Drogo?
@michaeltalksaboutstuff 10 месяцев назад
that would also be a possible read of it, they were said to dance but idk that those shadows have stayed around unless they somehow helped make the dragons too. Would be interesting if they come back to do something
@aprilmae274 6 месяцев назад
O man! I have ALWAYS thought it would be Lady Stoneheart/Catelyn that would bring Jon back. Until JUST NOW. WtF! What if it's Patchface who brings Jon back? Beric says how being dead changes him, etc. Patchface def died. Dying for sure changed him. he could have the same ability as Beric. Was Beric the only person Thoros can bring back or was Beric the only person he tried to? It reads like it might be both. I can't help but to connect the Iron Born drowning ritual and what happened to Patchface-what is dead may never die. Patchface is clearly important and has some kind of plot armor. But it's hard to tell if he is actually dangerous. If Melisandre has something to do with Jon being killed-even indirectly and accidentally, it would color Patchface in her visions as "dangerous" maybe. SOMEONE is bringing Jon back-it's NOT going to be the Others. If it isn't LSH, then Patchface makes REAL sense here. The only issue I ever had with LSH rezzing Jon was the distance/timing of it all. Jon would have to be taken to Winterfell, interred in the crypts, rezzed by LSH, wrap whatever shit up at Winterfell that needs to be dealt with from his end, THEN travel back to the Wall. In winter. THAT might be pushing it, even though he will be frozen. Patchface is right there, though, duh! It is NOT going to be Mel burning Shireen to ash or giving Jon a bad hair cut and a sponge-bath that is bringing him back. NEITHER of these characters existed in show-ONE of their roles was taken over by Melisandre. Maybe both were, some. Patchface would have to volunteer to die in order for Jon to come back. It has to be voluntary-genuine sacrifice-for it to work. And his songs/rhymes prophecies so far...I can't help but to connect the dancing shadows with the shadows that Mirri Maz Dur summoned in the tent for Drogo. And the shadows that Melisandre gives birth to. And The Others. The Undying. The shadows came to dance-and they're staying. They can't come to dance without an invitation is how that has always made me feel. They will never leave willingly, so do NOT invite. But are ALL shadows, bad? I also can't help but connecting it to the dragons-their dying and their rebirthing. The Dance of the Dragons is also their dying-The Shadows Dancing is part of what brings them back. Shadow-baby assassins are also a thing. ALL of these shadows so far have all happened by way of invitation, of a sort. They have all stayed. I wish I could type this out as well as I can say crazy shit like this. The shadows that Mirri summoned, they are staying because they are connected/tethered to something that was once dead-the stone dragon eggs. I think the shadow babies that Mel birthed have something to do with how Thoros was able to bring Deric back. Right place, right timing, right invitation. Same as Dany's dragons. She had two shadow-baby assassins. Guess where I think the other shadow probably went! Would you like a Strong hint? Robert Strong. I think it's probable that the book Roose burnt had something to do with how to attract invited shadows and somehow trap them. How to use them to extend life, restore life-all kinds of things. Did he share that book with Qyburn, I wonder? Did they discuss it? It's a book that was found at Harrenhall {or maybe Duskendale}...so you know it was dark and juicy. If Qyburn knew how to rez people before KL, he would have been doing that shit sooner, with success. Whatever he learned to make Gregor into that Thing, he learned it at Harrenhall, from that book. I think he explained it to Roose-helped him with it somehow. Then Roose burned it. I think whatever was in that book has a lot to do with why Roose is not as afraid of dying as he maybe should be. Melisandre is so f00ked if Roose gets his hands on her. Roose will make her have as many shadow babies as he wantsand needs. If given a chance, Roose will prolly try and take Melisandre. I always thought there was a very small that Roose would actually go after LSH after finding out about her and try to take her, to steal her shadow-life from her. But Roose seems to have whatever he has in mind already in place, and since he doesn't know about LSH, that is likely not plausible. This Patchface twist is new to me-but it doesn't change anything for the Roose aspect, I don't think. If Roose is doing what I think he might be doing, he needs someone with a shadow, or someone who can invite/summon a shadow. He needs Mel or LSH. Patchface though-that places another target for Roose in the North, if he figures out that Patchface also came back from the dead and so likely has a shadow on board. I don't know-it's something new to think about though!
@swayback7375 2 месяца назад
You should make a video
@zyzzyz7035 4 месяца назад
Patchface, Bran, Jojen, Euron were all potential greenseers for Blood Raven. Blood Raven reached out to all of them. Drove Patchface crazy, Made Euron wonder about flying. Bran was the one that worked out.
@christopherbaker9676 4 месяца назад
Why would the others want sheep?
@effeks2000 4 месяца назад
Maybe they're Welsh?
@andrewward5891 10 месяцев назад
Yet more evidence that Stannis is terrible father. He lets his daughter hang out with an obviously insane possibility undead jester. Patch face is so creepy he even unnerves milesandra. But Stannis keeps using him as his daughter’s nanny.
@Jacob-fz5ho 10 месяцев назад
yeah why didn't mel have him burned?
@curtisfarley6558 3 месяца назад
Patchface is jon? There are gods; they can inhabit elements like air, fire, water ect..patchface is either a zombie, or currently housing a god. Jon will die and the god mind inside patchface will inhabit jon. Whats with that obsideon lamp thing at the citadel? When did it get lit? Something eternal returning to life?
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