
Penny Dreadful SERIES FINALE "Perpetual Night/The Blessed Dark" ANALYSIS & REVIEW (Season 3 Eps 8+9) 

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Showtime's Penny Dreadful came to an abrupt end last night, surprising all of us fans with a SERIES finale. How did things turn out for Vanessa Ethan and Sir Malcolm in the end? Check out my review and analysis of the two part finale to find out!



19 июн 2016




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@Ocasiootoko 8 лет назад
It should have lasted at least one more season.
@exory_ 16 дней назад
I think even one more episode would have been enough personally but yes definitely ended shorter than it should have
@sonnyrock76 8 лет назад
They left too many Loose Ends. It was the best series on TV, hands down and they screwed it up. I don't believe for one second that Logan intended for this to be a 3 season series from the very beginning. I feel like something happened and the show had to be cut short about three-quarters of the way through final season. I thought it was going to go down with Ethan and Company saving Vanessa and Dracula fleeing. This would enable the show to go on with deeper and richer story lines. Do you honestly think that they would introduce characters like Dr. Jekyll and leave him hanging out to dry in the final season? His character more or less did a cameo appearance. You know that's not how they planned it. It was all very sloppy and didn't fit nor did it have the feel of a true ending. You can call it "Logan's rules" if you want to but I call it BS. Showtime had something to do with this and I'll probably be canceling my subscription. I lived for this show as did many others. They better try and find a way to reincarnate it. Just because Vanessa was killed doesn't mean she has to remain dead. Remember the principles the show is based off of. Anything is possible, even Resurrection... Do the right thing for the fans.... Even if it means selling the rights to the show to another Network.
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
Yeah, I have to agree with you. Something is definitely fishy with this being a "pre-planned" end for the series. Wayyy too many loose ends for that to be true. I would love for them to bring back the show, but I doubt it'll happen - especially considering how low the ratings were for the finale. It was too unique to appeal to everyone, which proved its undoing
@DenSanAZ 8 лет назад
Well, it was REALLY stupid of them to do a double show with the first hour going against Battle of the Bastards on GoT (which was AWESOME!! I chose the wrong show to watch first, should have watched GoT) which was the next-to-the-last episode of their season. Very, very stupid, whatever genius made that choice should be shot along with John Logan.
@carlossantino3969 8 лет назад
+FoundFlix I feel Showtime cancel the show and he didn't want to admit what Showtime did so he made up a dumbass lie about it was supposed to be only three seasons and we all know that's bullshit
@hypnoticpoison4623 4 года назад
Omg exactly! I couldn't agree more, I'm literally raging rn! I loved this show so much only to hate it in the end.
@AureliusL 8 лет назад
what i wanted to see: - ethans "final form" - draculas final form - full-on war between werewolves and vamps - more well-founded deaths of main characters - more well-known horror villains (mummy) - more plot twists
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
Absolutely. So much potential left untapped, it's a shame
@Mrs_Puffington 2 года назад
Oh my god, yes. the mummy would have been perfect for a finale or a lead-up to it. They mentioned the Egyptian book of the dead in the first season and then never really revisited it's themes. But I think this would have given much needed context for the ending we've got. Exploring death thoroughly before venturing into it would have been perfect for Vanessa's arc (and the show as a whole).
@jounikauppinen7377 8 лет назад
I just pretend the finale never happened...
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
Denial! That's one way to deal with things, haha
@jimboa20 3 года назад
@@FoundFlix Did you watch Penny Dreadful: City of Angels? Was it any good?
@princeofrance 2 года назад
@@jimboa20 it’s dreadful
@gaminganimators7000 2 года назад
@@princeofrance PENNY DREADFUL!!
@JeFilm94 8 лет назад
I can't imagine that Logan intended it to end this season. There are too many new characters introduced with immense potential in terms of storylines and some major turning points felt so rushed. It feels more like the decision was made mid-season and they had to wrap everything up for the season finale. Especially Vanessa needed a bit more time. I honestly think that Dorian got the best wrap-up for his story. Honestly I'm disappointed. Story wise this show did not have to end this season, neither did it make sense to. It still had such potential. So many new and interesting routes to take. I was exited for Jekyll/ Hyde and the other new characters. But I will absolutely rematch this after some time. Not just because it's been amazing, but to learn from it as a filmmaker (especially in terms of cinematography, lighting and dialogue). Unfortunately though, this was a lackluster end to the most beautiful, rich and wonderfully dark shows I've ever seen.
@bobhope884 8 лет назад
Thank you for making a video describing EXACTLY how I feel. The entire finale as it was dawning that "The End" was near, my mind raced with all the reasons that Penny Dreadful could absolutely continue without Ms. Vanessa Ives. In the end, tearfully, I had to explain to my poor self that such rare gems as this series are doomed to always end too soon; just that glimpse of rare perfection.
@nadiadelphi6850 Год назад
Whenever I have a bad day or I’m depressed I always turn on Penny Dreadful. The world they created for this show is just absolutely addicting. The atmosphere of London during the time it is set is my absolute favorite historical period. Anything Gothic and Especially Gothic Victorian just really makes me so damn happy. I watched a documentary one time about why Victorian London was so obsessed with Gothic Tales and tragedies is because it was during Queen Victoria’s reign and her reign was called the “years of mourning”. After her husband, Prince Albert, died she was said to have literally only wore black for the rest of her days. They say she was terribly depressed and never stopped mourning, and apparently in that time period the entire country must mourn for just as long as the Queen. So her mourning and suffering took over her people and her country. Not hard to understand why the citizens were convinced that serial killers and psychos were around every corner. The only emotion that overcomes sadness and grief is horror. People loved reading the “Penny Dreadful” magazine articles that they sold on every corner that contained short stories mostly about murderous savages and witches and the utmost terrifying things people were loving at the time. That time period was also when Mary Shelley wrote her classic “Frankenstein”. It was a very long hard cold winter, that was actually called “the little ice age”. Herself and her husband and another couple were snowed in at a hotel with a blizzard battering the area, so they all decided to have a contest to help pass the time by seeing who could write the most horrifically scary story. One thing leads to another, and Mary Shelly won the contest with her timeless classic tale of a mad doctor grieving the loss of countless loved ones who all died younger than they should have and in awful ways. The fear of death caused him to forget the sanctity of life and it ended in an even worse outcome than if he had just accepted that death comes for all of us. The one and only other time period I like anywhere near as close to the Gothic Victorian time period is the American West during the “Manifest Destiny” era.
@GraupeLie 8 лет назад
I can understand that Vanessa gave up and embraced her darkness, after having spent all her life fighting against it. But with all she's been through, letting her die like that feels pretty unsatisfying and sad to me. It kind of leaves you hopeless - there's no way out for her, and that is really depressing.
@barbarablue2571 6 месяцев назад
Bc everyone ends exhausted of such struggling
@kickthespike 8 лет назад
It broke my heart, no more beautiful Rory Kinnear as the Frankenstein monster. Loved ever bit of this brilliant show. Lots of tears were spilled, Great cast, great writing and so much more.
@SedonaMusix 8 лет назад
If that was how they planned for it to go down, That was REALLY bad storytelling. I highly doubt it was planned to end at 3 seasons, more like Showtime canceled it but they allowed them to wrap it up as much as they could. There were too many plot holes, old and new that were never answered. None of it makes sense. Ethan never finds out about Victor bringing Brona/Lily back from the dead, who exactly was Vanessa (Mother of Evil isn't exactly a clear concept) All the Egyptian references? The devil just never shows up again since Vanesaa faced him in season 2? They set up about 7 new plot points and just dropped them. Drac and Lucifer fighting over Vanessa, Drac and Ethan being mortal enemies, introducing Cat, J/H, the doctor just for them to go nowhere in the story? I think the worst thing was they ruined Vanessa. After two seasons of not giving into temptation she just GIVES UP? After we see her standing up to Dracula and Lucifer she goes ok I'm done, bite me? They ruined her character and story arc... If all this was planned that was a really good way to pull the rug out from under the fans by "Going oh look all this cool stuff were gonna tell you about oh nvm, jk" It was canceled because the ratings sucked, It was on Showtime so no-one watched it and more people were pirating it and now the show runner is trying to save face.
@hypnoticpoison4623 4 года назад
@Gab4o 6 лет назад
I'm still angry at how this show ended and I'm 100% certain it wasn't supposed to be that way. It needed at least 1 more season, but for some reason it was canceled. They'll probably never tell us why though. It's still continuing in comic form at least, so I'm definitely gonna check that out. It may even make the ending right.
@Ilovegrunge123 3 года назад
They will probably reboot the series in a couple of years. They are already doing that with true blood and it hasn't even been 20 years and people complained about the ending to. But it won't be the same without the soundtrack and actors.
@exory_ 16 дней назад
Even just 1 more episode would have worked in my opinion.
@coppertopjohnson9782 7 лет назад
Great minds think alike. It was truly a phenomenal show, and will be sorely missed. From the cinematography, to the acting, exceptional talent all the way around. Love your videos, keep them coming.
@Ocasiootoko 8 лет назад
The ending felt extremely rushed and untrue to Vanessa's strong personality, but in accordance to true Victorian Gothic and Romantic themes, as her (almost) lover ended her life to save her. I recall reading some early interviews made to John Logan, he mentioned he had the whole thing written to last longer than the 3 seasons. I think he got cancelled in the middle of shooting season 3 and had to end this fast. Then put these videos as ordered by the network as he I under contract with them.Perhaps 10 years from now he'll be allowed to tell the truth about ending this show so soon.Too many unsolved plots and lose ends, even if Vanessa was the center of it all, the show is supposed to be a penny dreadful, not The Vanessa Ives Life, and all those new characters and a villain still on the loose...Very, very unfair, a big slap in the face and punch in the stomach to all fans everywhere.
@93truewill 6 лет назад
This ending. It hurt me.
@Gabrielamarrazzo 8 лет назад
Bullshit, I don't think it's true the director intended to do three seasons in the first place, it probably got cancelled. Anyway it was such a bad ending not only because Vanessa died, I could have understood that if there weren't sooooo many plot holes. What is it with Ethan's weird travel to the west and being so into darkess until he remembers about Vanessa. And all the new cast that was introduced, and Dracula?! I mean WTF, in season one he was fucking scary I was hoping to see him in full form fighting and he just vanishes. And Mr Lyle going to Egypt was def a tease for season four, so there you go it wasn't inteded to end this way. I know this is way too long but I'm so mad that such a beatiful series gets this ending.
@robberblood 8 лет назад
Finally I find someone who agrees that this season was complete garbage! I was beginning to think I was going mad.
@gematria79 8 лет назад
Sorry u don't bother to read, but in almost every 1st season interview John Logan gave he stated he created this story to run 3 Seasons. He wrote the entire story B4 Showtime contracted to make it into a tv series & Logan always knew how he wanted this story to end. If u don't like what he did with these characters, make up stories about them for yourself (that's what John Logan did with these classic Victorian creations).
@dratheart 8 лет назад
I was excited for at first by Patti Lupone joining the cast. But then Logan cock-teased us with her every single episode this season. I'm not a Christian, but for Logan's sake I hope Hell is real because he should go there for dragging all of us loyal fans through the mud and red-wings 3-ways this season.
@firebird1454 7 лет назад
Maybe it was intention to only do 3 seasons but shows have a habit of evolving on their own, it just didn't make sense to introduce new interesting characters to just leave their stories hanging. It seemed rushed to just about anyone that saw the series, if you have planned this is shitty work.
@thekidcalledquest4835 6 лет назад
Ethan goes west to get pver his demons, hes a werewolf, and he kills many people during his changes, he was escaping his past whennhe first joined vanessas group, but then it all started coming back once vanessas possesion got worse, hes protective feelings were overriding his ability to control his werewolf side, he eventually overcpmes it but vaness has lost herself. She will never get rid of the demon, once he raped her in her bedroom when she was younger, he attched to her and was feeding off of her, on top of that, vanessa is posses by a godess, based on the scorpion, possibly an egyptian goddess or even the greek godess of revenge or evil intent, and so no matter what she does, she can never escape the evil inside. The only relief shed get is death and the only way for the world to be safe is if vanessa is not in it. She was never going to survive.
@Estefania_aledo 8 лет назад
I totally agree with everything You've said in this video. And Yes, I spent a few days really sad after The end, like empty :( I loved this serie so much...
@nephtys369 2 года назад
I don’t think she gave up. I think she realized this will never end. And chose to save us.
@rebeccalynn686 5 лет назад
I feel like the emotional impact of Vanessa's death was affected by the fact we hardly saw her. It's like someone you were friends with a few years ago, but you both move away and then you hear about their death. You're sad and wish you had seen them more, but it's not as emotionally crippling as it would have been when you were both active in each other's lives. Season 3 just made my emotional connection I had with Vanessa in seasons 1-2 weaken. Causing me to be more concerned about other characters and being very disappointed with the way the series abruptly ended. However, I still think Penny Dreadful is one of the greatest shows I've ever watched. I truly enjoyed myself 95% of the time.
@ingamclaughlin1126 8 лет назад
I agree with the above reviewers comments. WTF- I feel we were all expecting and hoping for a fourth season. The sudden finale of season 3 was heartbreaking. I honestly feel it was one of the best series I've ever watched. Finding something that's even closely as excellent as Penny Dreadful was will be impossible. I will miss the story line and all the characters. Thank God for Amazon- the seasons 1 & 2 are available. 3 will eventually be available... Thank you John Logan for 3 seasons of wonderful entertainment... It was an excellent ride.
@wrathofmatt4298 8 лет назад
They could bring it back as different stories, like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
@AJ-sx8nb 8 лет назад
I have been destroyed and become an empty shell of a person. The ending of the series hurt me more than any break up ever.
@hypnoticpoison4623 4 года назад
I can't even stress enough how much I feel you. You out into words exactly how I feel right now. I just finished it and now I don't want to live anymore.
@HarryBuddhaPalm 8 лет назад
I've seen worse finales but I don't think I've ever seen one that just ruined an entire show like this one. All those plots and characters that ended up going nowhere. That Wolf of God crap amounted to nothing. Dorian Gray did nothing. Lily's feminist uprising went nowhere. Dr. Jekyll did nothing. All the Egyptian stuff went nowhere. Half the cast got killed in one episode and their deaths meant nothing. It was one of the laziest endings I've ever seen. It was shit. Pure shit.
@craigh5236 4 года назад
The Game of Thrones writers were big fans of the PD finale it is clear
@hypnoticpoison4623 4 года назад
YOU PUT IT IN WORDS. EXACTLY. I'm so disappointed.
@dimariobell8499 3 года назад
S8 of GOT: "stay tuned"
@HarryBuddhaPalm 3 года назад
@@dimariobell8499 You're right about that!
@RAWatson1989 5 лет назад
This finale single handedly made me cry and shout at the tv at the same time. Absolutely loved and hated the ending.... I would hopw that someone would pick it up as a comic and continue it that way, worked for Angel and Buffy. After the ending of Angel (i wanted to see him take on the dragon)
@Lelouch21000 8 лет назад
I agree with what you said about Vanessa's story. I also felt like I need another season and here's my list why. Lord Hyde Victor Frankenstein and Mr. Claire (his monster) Dracula Lucifer Mr.Lyle Cat Malcolm Ethan
@lisasimpson8895 7 лет назад
i loved this show and was very disapointed with the ending. i think something happened and logan had to hurry to end the series.
@solete7320 8 лет назад
I was devastated Vanessa died, I was childishly hoping that Ethan would save her maybe bitting her and turning her into a werewolf like him so they would live happily ever after in the woods. But, yeh, well, this was more logic and consistent, it makes more sense. Anyway, it was a very lacrimogenous season and show finale; the story of Lily's baby, John Clare's boy death, the loneliness of both Victor and Dorian....I have to find me a show where not everybody you care about dies, but in the other hand, happy endings are boring, still, keep my fingers crossed for some of my favourites on the Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, lol.
@DenSanAZ 8 лет назад
I partially agree with you and a lot I don't. First, between the 3rd from the end and the 2 ends, there just seemed to be a very fast and feverish "end everything else, NOW", what with Lily's "grand enterprise" - just ended with no real purpose for what she did. One would think she'd have more anger at Dorian - or him at her but, as with many other parts, a wasted and unneeded story. Why was Jekyll there? What did he contribute? Seems like just to give Victor something to do for the season. Why bring Cat in, and who was she, why did she just show up? So right there, 2 new players with really no purpose. The New Mexico crap that took up, what? 5 episodes just for Ethan to face his father? That could have been done in one episode, 2 tops. And why was Hecate even involved? To conjure snakes, talk Ethan into giving up God, and then take a bullet for him? The only good part of that whole thing was Malcolm shooting Ethan's father, like STFU! Loved everything to do with Dr. Seward, but was hoping she would somehow connect with Joan Clayton (whose episode last year was my 2nd favorite after Vanessa/John Clair episode in Banning. And why did we never meet Dr. Banning? He seemed pretty twisted. And sending Lyle to Cairo absolutely felt like a set up for the Egyptian Mythology. You're buying that Logan just sent him off for a Happy Ending (*giggle*)? Why? Nobody else ended happily. And exactly why would Muslim Cairo be a more welcoming place for "his kind"? And finally to Vanessa. Honestly, after kicking Lucifer AND Dracula ass while in an insane asylum years ago, then kicking Lucifer/Evelyn Poole ass at once in Season 2, she just walks openly into Dracula's arms, knowing what it means for the world - and says "I accept ME" until Ethan comes along and she's all "kill me" - because she changed her mind and didn't really accept herself? And poor John Clair - honestly, could he NEVER catch a break? You are TOTALLY correct that there is MORE than enough stuff for another season - in Cairo! Vanessa did NOT need to die in this season, it could have waited one more - would have been awesome for her to be totally evil in the next season and then they'd really have a good excuse to kill her. And my last gripe with your review is, you ACTUALLY believe John Logan, that the show was only supposed to be 3 seasons? When was that ever said? And it was totally crappy for them to say Season and not Series finale, that just really left people pissed (read the comments on Facebook!). This was a fantastic show with fantastic acting, better than pretty much any other shit, aside from GoT - and they killed it. I say bullshit.
@samuelmeredith2830 8 лет назад
Agreed!! It seems to me the whole "I intended for only three seasons" talk is just Logan trying to save face. So much was obviously being setup for another season.
@bardia1 8 лет назад
Well said!
@darqjade 8 лет назад
Here , Here! I agree totally. Why bring in new peeps if you planned on ending in this way? Why give us all this build up with Vanessa and Ethan, only to give them one scene together? And Dracula just walks away?!!!
@drew4021 8 лет назад
Thank you for this excellent summary of why the ending of this amazing series was completely horribly done. It demonstrates complete disregard for the audience. John Logan claims this was a story about a woman losing and finding her faith -really??! Why if he was tired and wanted to move on did he not take on other writers who could have kept it going and seen all these loose ends tied up? This story was so much more and had so much more potential than how we saw it played out. The actors were truly amazing and this could have been a major career breakthrough for some. Eva Green was absolutely brilliant and gave a performance I have never seen matched on screen. I really hope she continues on this track with more amazing roles. For that matter the entire cast was amazing and I wish them continued success. With the exception of GoT and some others, everything else on TV these days is rubbish and lacks imagination. I seriously hope someone picks up on some of the themes and ideas in this series and makes a go of it.
@zeusapollo6504 8 лет назад
Right, Vanessa Ives never got a real chance to be actually evil and show it, even though Eva Green is expierenced portraying evil Women in Shows.(Camelot as Morgana le Fay) They had high production costs for sure in this victorian setting, the costumes and sets must cost a fortune! Thats certainly the real reasion for the cancelation of the show and not "creative story writing" what a slap into the face...that wicked message made me angry, actually. John Logan, thought he could fool PD fans by his weak claim, but it backfired and rightfully so! A sad truth is better than an obvious lie.
@akirashock26 8 лет назад
For me, I really believe that the show was cancelled and they are just trying to cover that fact up. Yes, it may be that what happened to Vanessa was the writer's intention all along, but I feel like the story was cut short and rushed to her conclusion long before it was meant to get there. Dracula is not truly defeated since they don't kill him, they never face off against Lucifer who has been plaguing Vanessa for so many years, they didn't explain why there was such a huge difference between Dracula and his bunch of vampires compared to the ones from season one, the Jekyll and Hyde thing was nothing but a huge wasted potential that left me incredibly disappointed since I had been hoping for this character since the beginning, and they just dropped Lily's story and had her fade into the background along with Dorian so it was like their futures meant nothing in the overall scheme of the tale. Also, Ethan's Hound of God role was pretty lame when it came to that final battle. I was hoping for a epic standoff between him and Dracula with him in all his glory fighting his enemy to the death and it never happened. Why was Dracula so scared of him otherwise? I felt so many elements of the plot were just not properly told as they finished this show off. But despite all of the flaws from the final season, this remains the absolute best monster-themed show I have ever seen and I am going to miss it so much. I would have loved for this to continue for another few years, but they did a great job till the end and I'm thankful we got a show this fantastic at all.
@Smartfunnyandlazy 8 лет назад
When the "The End" popped up I was like "WAIT!" ....*google search* .....*cry* The last episode, didn't even say series finale. BUT! the way I *felt* at the end with Frankenstein's monster felt like closure, but that scene when you see everyone minus vennessa, you would think, "Oh this is setting up next seasons cast and crew, with vennessa gone see is replaced by like 4 other people." But then I realized the show is more about vennessa than anyone else. So I am conflicted, I Love the show and don't want to see it end, but also if it were to continue without Vennessa Ives/Eva Green change it (the name) to Extraordinary Gentlemen or something.
@DenSanAZ 8 лет назад
I think one more season could have been done BUT without Vanessa it would have failed, she was THE core of the show.
@Smartfunnyandlazy 8 лет назад
that's why if the show were to transfer the core focus of the show from venessa and more on the new, larger group they are forming and use venessa as an example of what they want to do, have saved her, and destroy the monster(s) that lurk in the darkness as they failed to do both in the series finale. Darkness surrounds them, but that could be a uniting force, like individual flames coming together to make a large fire.
@persephoneheart 8 лет назад
I do not believe him in the slightest that it was suppose to be only three seasons and that he meant to end it this way.
@maltacalderon867 8 лет назад
I feel terrible too. I love Penny Dreadful a lot! I guess everybody said: WTF? I need Vanessa and Ethan return, pleaseeeeeeeeee.
@erikramaekers63 7 лет назад
Penny Dreadfull:The Movie ?Just like Star Trek or Firefly.
@gmiranda2194 8 лет назад
0:28-0:46 😂😂😂. That's all what I did the next day after I watched the finale. I was so traumatized 😢
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
I know, it's rough 😂 But with time, we can make it through
@gmiranda2194 8 лет назад
+FoundFlix I hope so. I still can't get over it 😭
@trinidadonassis7411 8 лет назад
I still am not buying that this was supposed to end after 3 seasons. You don't have 98% of the show give life to great storytelling, introduce new and compelling characters, and then have it so pathetically and abruptly exit stage left like Dracula. An example of a show having a predetermined ending point is Ripper Street. They came out and told their fans that after season 5, the series would conclude. This on the other hand? A cheap co-statement with Showtime sitting next to you and trying to convince us that this is how it was planned? After the fact? After all the great storytelling and we get this? A rushed and contrived ending??? If Beavis and Butthead can get 10 seasons, this show should remain the rest of my natural life...
@landryland3 8 лет назад
Dude you're so right! Everything you pointed out and said is what I've said to my wife,( who doesn't care because she hates the show! Why is she my wife? Opposites attract I guess ). It's great to see someone else going through the same pain. I am so bummed about this ending!! I also feel some characters needed development. I also felt she just gave up too easily to Dracula. Especially with the long episode with the '*Pre-Creature' back story. How she fought and almost got lobotomized! Unfortunately I have actually started watching Ray Donovan now after this episode. I've now seen all of them. Yes they are depressing stories, but I am depressed and am torturing myself to somehow get closure. Ray Donovan walks in my house pours me a drink and tells me 'we gotta talk'....'Drink'....then he says '. you'll get over PennyDreadful...here's 50k...we good??
@manuelamanu4489 8 лет назад
I´m still in tears ....
@jennypeck1186 8 лет назад
I'm so bummed the show got canceled...it was such a great series & still (in my opinion) had so much more they could've done with it. We just got introduced to Dr. Jeckle & I was really looking forward to seeing his character arc (we never even got to see him change into Lord Hyde) I loved the interaction between him & Victor. Go figure, another great series canceled 😥
@ahadd100 8 лет назад
Vanessa was a strong insightful character with great powers. For her to end her life by committing suicide, for me seemed inconsistent with who she was. I would have preferred to see her resolve her problems and maybe give Dracula a good thrashing! Committing suicide in order to solve her problems, I believe she could have come up with a better solution. And we could have continued to see more episodes!
@gapgrlp6738 5 лет назад
Friggin love Penny Dreadful I have never seen a show quite like it and probably won't for a long time to come. The writing and the plot and pathetic mythology and the acting were exemplary
@aliservan7188 8 лет назад
I cried like a baby, but thank you, you made me laugh
@Torso 8 лет назад
Sort of feels like the last two episode should have been the 4th series with a dark Vanessa....way too many loose ends!
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
A 4th season with evil Vanessa as the "big bad" would have been AWESOME
@thenuministry 3 года назад
Omg your expression of upset was exactly me😂
@SexyButCurious 7 лет назад
I was very pissed off when I realize the show was done. I watch the finale a week after it aired so I decided to look up the series and come to realize it was the last episode.
@lindasturm699 8 лет назад
I was so surprised and heart broken this great show ended and then blaming myself for missing the press release. After going on line and finding it was a surprise to everyone, I was angry. I don't really believe it was all meant to be as stated by the creator, John Logan. This is the first time I have seen a announcement of the end of series with the words "The End". Did they think the fans would not watch it the final season if they found out it would be the last? I myself, would have been better prepared and with some of the backlash the creator has been getting I think he might do differently in the future. Although Vanessa would be missed, I agree that the other characters could have carried the show. It was a great show not like any other, and I will miss it.
@davejoco489 8 лет назад
I agree with unfulfilled feeling with the series. On that note it's sometimes works when a series ends with an open story versus beating to a predictable fan pandering.
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
For sure. Nothing worse than when a show outstays its welcome, but I do feel like PD deserved more
@zakariyaxaaji9477 7 лет назад
i just feel sorry for john clare :( :( ;(
@NosyRoseE 8 лет назад
I was kinda pissed for awhile but I like how you explain it. I agree there is so much more that can be done for spin offs. One can only hope.
@jorgedlr7016 8 лет назад
I always love your funny cutscenes in your video
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
Thanks buddy!
@claireanselmo2946 8 лет назад
Lol you said everything I was thinking.
@17mikezzz 8 лет назад
Very sorry to see it go and agree 100% about Ray Donovan. ick.
@annd.h.1336 8 лет назад
I just want more of this show! !
@Marigen1971 7 лет назад
The series had the potential for more seasons
@sherp2551 6 лет назад
Season 3 sucked....there is no way the woman who stood face to face with lucifer and told him "know your master" would totally cave to dracula.....what a joke. Every character completely lost all face in season 3...it was the worst final season ever... even worse than LOST. Sooooo disappointing. The writer completely destroyed what was an excellent excellent series....seems like he got bored and gave up on it. No good writing/story telling in season 3. :(
@piperr9587 6 лет назад
I totally agree about the Lucifer/Dracula analogy. She fought Lucifer so effing hard, never giving in to his will and then boom...ok you can bite me Dracula...
@hypnoticpoison4623 4 года назад
EXACTLY!! I couldn't agree more!
@nickl9317 Год назад
It was good in places. But it does feel rushed. As for her succumbing to Dracula there is something there. The vampire is raw, beastial sexuality. It’s always been the case. And Vanessa’s whole trauma started with sex; at times she has to refrain in case it lets her « shadow » take over. Her losing this battle does make sense. But not in that way. And not with this incarnation of Dracula, who is… not impressive at all. The whole part with her isolated and seeing dr seward was actually pretty good, at least that’s how I see it. They had an interesting angle there, trying to add psychology as an explanation rather than demonic possession, just like the world evolves towards science and away from witchcraft there was a way to make that ending symbolic, make it work on several levels. Didn’t turn out that way. But that asylum episode though, damn
@larissagomeslopes1526 8 лет назад
missing the serie and looking for something with the same atmosfer. I acept sugestons
@yariska12 8 лет назад
love it, so dark and human
@fresaconejo 8 лет назад
I'm still sad and tearful about it : (
@sarahsydlowski6220 8 лет назад
patty lupone spell check. Corkys mom from the 1989 show Life Goes On. Great stage actress on Broadway I've heard.
@kimberlyjeanne9456 10 месяцев назад
The Miami Ice Truck joke 🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@srikant49 11 месяцев назад
i am a tad bit late, but i am sure the creator of this video would appreciate it..this perhaps is one of the very few positive reviews of any show/movie that he has bisected and i am just glad that this happened to be my favourite piece of TV of all time. cheers!!
@itzcuzzy3807 7 лет назад
yeah... I feel like the show was abruptly canceled. the season was good but the loose ends were everywhere and so many great characters who never got to shine.. such a waste of potential.
@darqjade 8 лет назад
I'm still crying over this. Maybe NETFLIX will bring them back. Please?
@christianbozwell4981 4 года назад
@anaana-tn4mh 2 года назад
Will never be over this show! Loved it so much and it's definitely a comfort show of mine. I even suffer through the abrupt ending just to re watch it. Many enjoyable moments, feelings, dialogue. I think they good outweighs the bad
@roseimmad3079 7 лет назад
I'm still feeling the loss of this show it was such a great story that could of gone farther so much material to write from but there is no way no fucken way they intended the story to end after 3 seasons there are way to many loose ends and also lets not forget that they will continue the story thru the comic books (Titans) supposably it will continue where they left off. This series did not get the exposure it deserve and did not get proper recognition GREAT ACTORS no one where a weak link!
@wariyaintreyonk5350 8 лет назад
I need penny dreadful. Period. I don't mind if Vanessa dies at the end. it would be beautiful i'm sure of it. But like you said there are many stuff in this series that need some explanations and new characters joining the team. We need more time with these amazing characters.
@zeusapollo6504 8 лет назад
well, it simply was a rushed last episode of the series and you feel it, nothing good to say about it, the last scene with Vanessa Ives sacrifcing herself was like something you usually only see in an Opera and it was an well done emotional scene, however, it was way too early for that scene of getting salvation in a last absurdly desperated attempt. I expected an end to her story in a couple more seasons like maybe a season 6. We had no time to see Vanessa as Mother of Evil in action, even though Eva Green is known to play female Villains. In Penny Dreadful she was more the emotional, deep protagonist lacking that evil on her own.And Dracula was not destroyed or even wounded.....he just disappeared, how could that be satisfying? Besides, i think she could easily raise from the grave as a Vampire, because i saw only her human form dying to a simple bullet, but she could possibly allready infected with vampirism since Dracula bite her and maybe also gave her his blood(off screen?). She would simply raise as a Vampire or a true mother of evil on the very next night from her grave. And of course there is also the possiblity that she is still in a ward and this was all only in her mind, like a nightmare. And lastly, remember the Bobby Ewing shower scene ;P But since its a world full of myths and strange creatures and not realities we do not even need a shower Bobby scene, to simply continue the story of Vanessa Ives for some more seasons. Don't you think its unsatisfying to give up Vanessa Ives without destroying Dracula, or lets say she gives up before Dracula was destroyed and lifted his curse over her? Isn't it super strange, that the guy who was there to rescue Vanessa was only in to kill her instead? Without harming the bad guy who seduced her? I call the shows final, BS, and in no way or form creative writing. High production costs might be easily the real cause why this series got canceled after only 3 seasons with still a lot of stories(including Vanessas') yet to be seen and not creative writing.
@danielavelasco2788 8 лет назад
God, your review was perfect.
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
Thank you so much! I'm glad you feel my pain, haha
@Amenoxiel 8 лет назад
I was slightly underwhelmed from the finale. And it is only partly because this fantastic show came to an end. My main problem is that the shows story itself hyped the viewer too much with glimps and teases of possible future story arcs. There were just too much of those to ever give me satiscaction just because one arc is closed.
@TheMichaelsuazo13 6 лет назад
I just finished the show today and OMFG I hated the ending! So many characters undeveloped and subplots and arcs without a conclusion! They introduced us new characters like Dr. Jekyll and Cat and the therapist and Brona and Dorian's "adopted" whore from the street and they just leave it like this?! PENNY DREADFUL I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU! HOW DARE YOU!?
@doniswank6229 Месяц назад
Am I really the only person who thought this was a beautiful and perfect ending to the story!? I cried, I loved it!!!
@annd.h.1336 8 лет назад
ne of my fav. shows!! I am still upset. the other characters stories are unfinished.
@nitsrah 8 лет назад
great review
@theinvisiblefan1231 8 лет назад
Nice reference to the 'Ice truck killer'
@GabrielFNPereira 7 лет назад
I also vote for a Spin-off for Cat, she's so amazing and we see so little of her.
@87ventus 3 года назад
I loved that show and yes I feel robbed, that shot of Josh Hartnett/Ethan walking through the alley out of the smoke 2 meet Vanessa. That's the money shot that's priceless a permanent image engrained in the memory.. Damn that was a well done show, well until out of nowhere it ended
@ojaswipradhan9586 8 лет назад
I was so sad the son died and Vanessa died in sad this is the last of Penny dreadful
@FoundFlix 8 лет назад
I know how you feel. 😭 And The Creature taking his son into the water instead of to be resurrected so he wouldn't turn out like him, GEEZ!
@Geeksiders 8 лет назад
I'd have to disagree about Vanessa's end being satisfying. It was a 2-part finale and she wasn't even in the first part. In total she had about 7 minutes of screen time. Very unsatisfying for such a great character. Overall, it was a lackluster conclusion to what had been a wonderful series. But the sheer abruptness of the finale will forever leave a bad taste in most fans' mouths.
@hypnoticpoison4623 4 года назад
Just finished it and I came here to rant about it. But, apparently, I'm too heartbroken to put in words everything that I hated about the series. So I'll come edit this when I'm ready. Two words for now: Wasted Potential.
@EllanDay-hz2ib 3 месяца назад
I agree with you , one of the best gothic series I’ve seen on TV or a movie . Beautifully written and acted ❤❤❤
@miumiu5206 7 лет назад
The ending really did seem rushed
@sarahsydlowski6220 8 лет назад
I'm on my wife's notebook and I thought I would hate this series. Nothing of the sort and what a badass cast and writers and director. The trifecta is hard to achieve in all three categories and props to whoever dreamed up the perfect actors for the series. I'm crushed it won't go on but its nice to see the brains of the show stop with us salivating like Pavlov's dog hearing the bell wanting more. It could and should of been five seasons but it was nice to have a unique ending instead of cookie cutting drama. The show had balls and wasn't afraid to tackle horror with brains and style. This alpha male knows there are only so many Breaking Bad type shows and Penny Dreadful made my Sunday nights memorable for 3 years. Greatest line went to Wes Studi in episode 7 titled Ebb Tide, to Vanessa. Any other show would of killed his Apache "Earth Father" to Ethan and this show was just different where you could be getting flipped off but smiling at the person directing the bird your way. Honorable mention to Patti Lupine and whoever played the demon girl who was hanging on Ethan. What should of been an obnoxious carry over from last season was anything but in her portrayal of everything demented and sinister and her total devotion to the devil and hell. R.I.P. NEVER !!!! Syd
@mamatalka2me 8 лет назад
Powerful poetic ending.
@maibhassin 7 лет назад
Is it worth watching without season 4? are there any loose ends that will haunt me for the rest of my life?
@exory_ 16 дней назад
I think I have came to accept the finale for what it was and that was for every character to end up alone. and yes, as much as it would have been nice for a happy finale where ethan marries Vanessa, lily gets with Dr Frankenstein, it would have left a bittersweet and sour taste seeing John Clare, Malcom, dorian Gray etc end up alone. That's just my opinion
@gematria79 8 лет назад
Unlike with LOST, John Logan said in several interviews that this series would only be 3 seasons long. Since I knew this, I expected that Vanessa's only salvation would be to die & NEVER again be reincarnated. But I FEEL like Logan needed to add 1-2 more scenes explaining this. I would have loved to see where these other characters would go from here BUT people need to develop their OWN imaginations MORE. We need to stop asking others to just GIVE US stories. As Logan did with Dracula, Frankenstein, the Creatures, Dr Jekyll, etc...we should understand the personalities of these characters, then we can use our own imagination to choose their futures for ourselves. I imagine Ethan finds love & builds a family around Sir Murray, who finds peace. The rest of these characters still have their own inner demons & obsessions they choose to chase but remembering Vanessa will keep them sane as they do.
@HisNeverland 8 лет назад
what's the song that plays in the background in the beginning of thw video?
@masterpiece714 8 лет назад
this sucks that this is it. so many different stories they can still tell. let Cat be like Sir Malcolms new daughter figure. what about Lily? Dr Frankenstein or Lord Hyde. where did Dracula go after Vanessa was killed by Ethan? we need at least 3 more seasons. but we will get 12 more seasons of ray Donovan. come on man.
@97gant 8 лет назад
I agree with you 💯% with EVERYTHING you said! Hey, maybe you could direct a "New" Penny Dreadful? haha I wish, because I've been totally depressed ever since. I just couldn't believe it..THE END! WTH?! lol By the way...who's Ray Donovan? bahahaa
@grizzlemitz 8 лет назад
I would forgive the underwhelming finale if they decide to do some sort of spin-off. I don't see that happening though :(
@quirogatnonerrat3214 2 года назад
I did enjoy Penny Dreadful and Eva Green is amazing! 😍 Also yaaay! For having Crosses in your house on the wall 🤗
@xaiiSsa 8 лет назад
I agree on most points made in this vid. However, despite the beautiful last moments between Ethan and Vanessa, I do not think the way it ended for Vanessa suited the character at all. It's like you said, with her giving into the darkness and Dracula, it didn't really add up as if a lot of steps where taken out of the path leading up to her death. Anyways, absolutely gutted that this amazing show has ended :(
@jaymz010 8 лет назад
Dude, you're giving too much credit for what was obviously a quick haphazard tie-up to the show. Whilst leaving a whooole bunch of stuff just dangling. I don't think he meant for it to end here, I think he was just saving face.
@gematria79 8 лет назад
U can look at a dozen John Logan interviews posted on the Net in 2013 & see that he told everyone this tv series would run only 3 seasons. I agree that season 3 was too condensed & should have been expanded at least 1-2 episodes, but no one should have been blind sided. Logan was very upfront about the time frame from the start.,
@jaymz010 8 лет назад
+gematria79 But then why introduce new characters & not finish their arcs? And truncate existing character arcs? It made the character motivations make no sense.
@renatarezende776 8 лет назад
I totally agree!
@samanthastyer6854 5 лет назад
I gotta admit that originally the direction they went with I thought i would have been a bit miffed on how they ended it but I agree wit u foundflix the ending was perfect n satisfying, it just sucks that they didnt continue u it
@yun-pg8cr 8 лет назад
I agree with everything and I think that closing all plot lines was not necessary! Logan did something quite unexpected and really smart! I knew it would end that way! And with the addition of Cat it really reminded me of an "old" show in 2006 called Hex almost the same story in modern days and the season 2 is centered on a supernatural huntress like Cat and s1 on Cassie a witch very similar to Carrie or Vanessa because a demon wants her to bring hell on earth! But Penny Dreadful is truly a televisual masterpiece who should get more recognition! And the actors are all really talented! The characters, the growth,... I'm sure with Time (sadly) it will get more popular and iconic!
@yun-pg8cr 8 лет назад
Fun fact it was Also one of the first role of Michael Fassbender!
@zwordsman 8 лет назад
Well sounds like i should try this show out
@kayleenrae2164 4 месяца назад
I could have go on watching it i loved it
@barbarajones1457 7 месяцев назад
she does embrace evil during several points of the movie. She finally just gives up
@NestingSpider 8 лет назад
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!!Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!I will miss this show SO MUCH.LOVED Eva Green as Vanessa Ives...like, amazingly beautiful and sorrowful portrait of such a great, tormented character.Plus, she's just so damn beautiful...jeezus...pale skin, dark brown hair...perfection.I didn't even get to brace myself for the ending...the absolute ending...I'm all thinking, ok...she's in the grave...but on THIS show, that won't stop anyone from "coming back"...But I was wrong. Damn.R.I.P. such a great show.
@mgariepy42 17 дней назад
Penny Dreadful is Vanessa’s story. When she dies, the story concludes. Remember the theme throughout. Vanessa and Ethan’s fates are predetermined just as if a Greek tragedy. The Wolf of God was destined to redeem Vanessa’s soul. So he did. I 😥😭 like a baby but I am satisfied it ended as it should have.
@meganc449 8 лет назад
Loved this show. So sad to see it go. I have taken on Preacher and Outcast, but they just aren't as beautiful.
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