
Pivoting to the Endgame | Roger Hallam | Extinction Rebellion UK 

Extinction Rebellion (XR) UK
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@sbeast64 3 года назад
"It's all going to be pretty relaxed, even though we're talking about the end of the world..."
@spillarge 3 года назад
End of the world??? dont make me laugh....this guy is a comedian. Nobody believes his nonsense....why else would every world government still be borrowing fifty years forward. Think about it before you retort.
@davecook3973 3 года назад
You believe in fairy’s aswell moron?
@@spillarge The borrowing will never end. Our entire system is based on debt. Governments plan is to pay back debt by printing money. Even if there was a literal asteroid going to erase all life on earth, the debt would keep rising. Instead look at insurance companies. They are already starting to take global warming into their calculations. You might want to take a look at "Limits to Growth" or perhaps Nate Hagens "The Great Simplification". Physics is real and social collapse is an actual phenomenon. Collapses already happened in the past (vikings destroying Iceland, complex trade network breaking down during the Great Famine of 1315-1317, etc.). The difference is that this time the collapse will be global rather than localized. Oh and don't forget about anthropocene and the sixth mass dying we are going through. Human extinction is on the table.
@veronikatheodoridoy5034 4 года назад
"Hope is a utilitarian construction" 🙌 utilitarianism is the 'why' in many societies, peoples reasoning etc. It has a stronger hold on us than rights ethics as well as the truth.
@singingway 4 года назад
And yet many movements, social uprisings and wars in history were a sort of fire in the belly about things not at all utilitarian. How many angels could dance on the head of a pin. Or whether the communion bread actually became Jesus' body upon eating it. Or whether one stupid and inept monarch or another stupid and inept one should wear the crown.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
@@singingway Or whether people should be allowed to own people as property? It isn't all about irrationality even when it isn't about utilitarianism. People who don't have severe ASPD do tend to have a sense of basic human rights even if systems of control have ways of numbing it.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
Also: He is essentially instructing people to abandon hope. Isn't that what it supposedly says at the entrance to Hell? Not that I believe in a literal Hell, but is he a prophet or a pied piper?
@oliviaa.b.150 4 года назад
@@Innocent_Villain If you have hope in God to come and save you, you will not act against the human evil that is before us, you are a zombie. Before Christ, we worshipped beauty, harmony, fruitfulness, Aphrodite. Fight for the humble bee and the tender flowers scent - so lovely you weep.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
@@oliviaa.b.150 Fair enough. I'm not a Christian. I was raised by some and they were deranged destructive lunatics.
@martinvrba1378 4 года назад
I wonder if there is some organized initiative inside XR, which would work alongside these thoughts. If so, please count me in.
@clairewalsh999 4 года назад
Why are we asking for citizens Assemblies, why can’t we just get them going?
@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 4 года назад
Dear Claire - Thanks! That's exactly my point. We passed the tipping point in 2007. We now need direct, effective, constructive mass-cooperation to prevent our worst worst-case future. Over 110 coastal/riverside nuclear power plants are now at-risk of Chernoble+Fukushima scale disasters due to super-storm super-flooding. We also need to move about 70% of us & our infrastructure before the coasts are submerged--by 2025 to 2028. It would also be wise to start building hundreds of desalination plants & continental pipeline networks for water, not oil & gas. Yet, guess what: ERA & ER members don't care & don't want to think or talk about actually doing something to enable a best-case future for all. I guess it's just too easy to be negative and ask ecocidal politicians to solve our problem for us.
@itspeekaboo 4 года назад
@@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 "We also need to move about 70% of us & our infrastructure before the coasts are submerged--by 2025 to 2028" So you believe in the next 5-8 years 70% of our present day coastal infrastructure will be submerged? We are nowhere near (MWP1a) because of various factors and even if we were your above assumption would be much more amplified, than Meltwater pulse 1A.
@EpicTomorrows 4 года назад
Yep. Just get them going. In the anarchist tradition known as 'Dual Power'. Creating our own structures within the shell of the old.
@stevecampkin8613 4 года назад
Citizen’s assemblies need to be recognised by government to be effective. CA’s with some kind of official influence will be better, that’s why the demand must be for Government to facilitate them. However, that doesn’t stop setting them up before they are accepted by Government. To assume so is a false dichotomy, we can do both.
@nickhall8192 4 года назад
I strongly agree.
@Jibbolino 4 года назад
That was an excellent talk/lecture. Thanks Roger.
@otheryoutubeChannel 4 года назад
That’s some brain washed shit
@otheryoutubeChannel 4 года назад
Giacomo Campanelli forever the karma chameleon shapes and perfectly moulds yr cultures to an art guiding the a-genda along
@gerurerlatomasdottir6803 4 года назад
Sammála Gísli ✌🏻🤟
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
@@otheryoutubeChannel He's a smug self-congratulatory twit high on half-truth about the thought processes of the lower class and "herd" he despises (but is proud to say he isn't judging). One thing about guys like that though, they're kind of like the old sadistic joke where a scientist cuts off a frog's legs one at at time, in between making loud noises to see if the noises get the frog to jump, and when he is finished, concludes "When you cut off all four legs, the frog becomes deaf". In other words, his destructive contempt for the actual objective reality of the people he would like to influence [and especially those he would prefer to write off along the way] won't necessarily stop him from getting the behavioral outcome he wants. For better and/or worse, and whether that outcome turns out to have anything to do with saving the species or the climate or not. He certainly has a little "herd" of admirers in the comment section.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
*For example...* *Roger "reality":* They're unintelligent, therefore they do drugs and get in trouble, therefore they are lower class. *Actual reality:* They're stuck in the lower class, therefore they are stuck with third rate education and health care, which makes them appear to be unintelligent and drives them to drugs. But the legless frog isn't jumping when the loud noises are made, so it must be deaf 🤦‍♂️
@kleenandeezy 4 года назад
interesting talk for sure ... but what are the implications for XR praxis ? he's indicating that XR is not radical enough, or has succumbed to a level of institutional inertia, due to too many middle class people. how does the movement effectively reach out to the lower middle/upper working classes ? how does the movement destroy any notion of hope in people ? are XRs demands radical enough to actually address the challenge we face ? do we really expect citizens assemblies alone to manifest the momentous structural change that is needed ? just questions - not a moral judgement ...
@qtveggierex 4 года назад
Incredible. Thank you for this important lecture.
@patersjy 4 года назад
Love your resolve. I just don't think humans are capable of concerted action in groups of 8 billion. Anyway your explanations are great and I don't know of any scientist who has actually shown where your sums are incorrect.
@Ominousheat 4 года назад
Well if there's at present 7 billion moving with the oil platform then surely that proves humans can act as a whole. There is only one part of society stopping us[edit] from switching to renewables. The venal master blaster OPEC family.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
@Mohammad Rahman Yes. Testing to establish impossibility a priori before trying to save the planet tends to make it more likely that the planet will actually be effectively impossible to save, whatever details of trying to save it might be otherwise decided on.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
@Mohammad Rahman Yes I agree.
@julianspindler3181 4 года назад
Prophetic transformation?! Is there a war inside XR? Absolutely agree XR has lost its way, sunk back into a reformist posture. Absolutely agree XR must strive to become " super radical " which will require it to embrace/ invite/ surrender to upper working class/ lower middle class ( to use Roger's description) leadership. Once again I plead with XR to launch " no taxes" campaign.
@richardberesford2894 4 года назад
lol roger - the concept you were after for a negative infinity was 'zero'; don't worry it took the rest of us a long time to come up with too. Another thing you have rediscovered on your own :) Only 20 mins in and already commenting, soz.
@bigdaz7272 4 года назад
I dispise it when people say, things will get better, this is just temporary for X time we just got to get through until X then it will be all alright again. That is the very thinking, the very false hope that has gotten us to the utter shit show of today and i am not just talking about our changing climate i am talking about almost every shit show government decision we have been applying this 'hope thinking' too for decades upon decades. No things will not, get better, this is not just some period we need to endure then we will come out the other side and all will be well again, shit is/has/will always continue to spiral downward, the _Powers that shouldn't be_ will always trend to make decisions that make the majorities lives worst not better. The whole system, our whole societal structure, our entire value system, our whole way of thinking and relating to ourselves and our planet needs such a radical and transformational shift actually operating within this current system is never ever going to change it in time before we wipe ourselves out with War, Famine, disease or the Planet itself just squishes us like the malignant microbe we are. Hoping things are going to work out is literally a Hopeless waste of your energies, you might as well just Wish things were better all the good it actually will do to change your physical reality.
@rodrigobrumocao2316 3 года назад
wait, where did the 5ºC 2050 locked-in consensus came from? (10:58) I haven't found it anywhere.
@andreasstuermer4946 3 года назад
There's a lot of things the IPCC doesn't factor in (yet). They are like a minimal consensus that all governments agree upon.
@jonathonjubb6626 4 года назад
What is Extinction Rebellion? Do I have to Google it?
@SofiaBuhrgard 4 года назад
@pysgotaci 4 года назад
Denigrates the poor working class as all on drugs [around 65mins] and people just skip over it!!!
@achenarmyst2156 4 года назад
No need to attack Roger on that topic. Marx already described that lowest stratum as „Lumpenproletariat“. These people are so heavily struck by their devastating biographies and bad living conditions that they are physically and mentally incapable of engaging in structured action. They need help and support by social and mental services. These people are not „the working class“.
@No9Shrek 4 года назад
Not so, he apologises for using stereo typing as he tried to characterise the living circumstances of the very worse off as a group who are simply not in a position to contribute to the needed social shift.
@pysgotaci 4 года назад
@@No9Shrek where does he apologise?
@spillarge 3 года назад
Can we just pivot you out through the exit please? Global climate systems are controlled by sinusoidal wave function and harmonics because we live in a world with a high hydrogen content which exists in three states unlike CO2 which can only exist in the atmosphere as a gas. Therefore its fluid dynamics. Somebody help him to pivot over to the exit.
@gogreengameon2146 2 года назад
I wish going vegan would just solve the climate crisis. Feels so much easier to do in comparison to everything else. But even if it does/could, not everyone or enough people would probably do it sadly.
@cambriawellness3102 4 года назад
Why don't you run some candidates with teeth (no criticism of Jill or Howie) to run in the Green Party. In America, it's harder because we don't have a Parliment, and the State requires 3rd parties to get thousands of signatures each year in at least 26 states to get on the ballot!
@grittychops6755 4 года назад
You”d only be adding to a system that doesn’t work
@SLS862 4 года назад
Mr Hallam in some cases has a rather poor grasp of social analysis, history and political theory. He is also well situated within a certain ideology. Therefore, to him and his math, a certain mathematical principle occasionally applies: garbage in garbage out. That said, I hope this planet still has a glimmer of hope left. Wish him and everyone all the best.
@faith2au 4 года назад
you guys need to research pole flips and the present earth changes as the next one nears
@dennisbauer3315 4 года назад
If it only takes 7.8 billion intelligent beings to destroy all life on a planet, (a rocky lifeless world) and were searching for intelligent live out side our solar system, maybe we should be looking for how may rocky lifeless planets in the habitat zone of many interstellar solar systems
@chuckleslastlaugh4759 4 года назад
Goodness, your analysis of Latin American history is too embarrassing. Try not to use that example anymore.
@peetthefeet 4 года назад
Its not really an "analysis", its an assertion, a bit like "Nostromo" by Conrad. Take it or leave it I guess
@chuckleslastlaugh4759 4 года назад
@@peetthefeet Sure, tired, baseless assertions.
@m.x. 4 года назад
Indeed, he's a total ignorant on history.
@itspeekaboo 4 года назад
Once again a further 5 C is not locked in.
@Jeremyparker 4 года назад
No it's not locked in. But are the governments of the world doing anything like enough to avoid it?
@alexjackson1863 4 года назад
Prove that 5 C isn't locked in. Looking back in deep history the Earths climate has ALWAYS changed exponentially due to positive feedback loops. And the major shifts in climate in the past have been for approx 10C.
@itspeekaboo 4 года назад
@@alexjackson1863 Do you know what thermal inertia and equilibrium measures (future locked in temperature)at current atmospheric CO2 and trace greenhouse gases.? If you wish to believe this represents a further 4 degrees C then so be it, however the scientific consensus including equations from the likes of NASA and many more would have to disagree
@itspeekaboo 4 года назад
@@alexjackson1863 P.S My mistake a further 5 C was mentioned not 4 C
@itspeekaboo 4 года назад
@@Jeremyparker No it's not locked in. But are the governments of the world doing anything like enough to avoid it? Well in some respects you should be asking are the governments of the World doing like enough to avoid a further 2 C? Pointing out that anyone commenting here will not be alive being the time factor to even reach a further 5 C
@robertgordon9550 4 года назад
Terrible waffle. Waffle waffle. Huge waste of time
@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 4 года назад
Roger's totally unimaginative, ignorant of our true potential and actual options. For example, he ignores the fact that we could--at least theoretically--mount a sudden massive collective response to impending self-annihilation. That could enable a least worst-case scenario with huge fleets of autonomous high-altitude sky-cooling drones, island-size SeaArk, colossal SkyArks, Greened cities that produce 40 times more food than AgriBiz and new 'rivers' of city that shelter rivers & streams. He also grossly under-rated the ratio of ER membership compared to what we need. He said "5000" when what we need is more than 5 billion participants in a global mass-action to create an alternative to this civilization's worst-case dystopian endgame.
@Tmate4444 4 года назад
Lol can't believe you're serious
@keithayre5110 4 года назад
XR , are In my opinion , a prodemtlly white middle class/upper middle class organisation. .
@Tmate4444 4 года назад
@@keithayre5110 so what?
@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 4 года назад
@@Tmate4444 > Why not denounce any false claims with a quote disproving them? Huh?
@Tmate4444 4 года назад
@@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 i didnt say it was false, idiot. I said so what? Who cares if it's mostly white middle class people?
@louisehoff9467 3 года назад
when portland oregon had 53 wildfires across the state last summer, we had the worst air quality in the entire world.....and there was NOTHING one could do about it and clearer air was about 5 hours (driving) away from town and fires along the route.....and still many people have been able to mentally file it in their brains as a freak episode!
@cmartens2513 4 года назад
Started out a little slow, wondered about the numbers at first, but as the presentation progressed it got to be fascinating... and the logic is undeniable. which of course makes the whole deal much more scary.
@cmartens2513 4 года назад
@John Burrett Well then maybe you should go back and review it for comprehension. I'm sure it takes some people more than once.
@FoxyCAMTV 4 года назад
In other words Hallum is saying,"the time for sacrifices has come,sacrifice now and theres a chance some of us will survive,one the other hand,do nothing and we might all be sacrificed.
@Ominousheat 4 года назад
56:00+ I think the 9/11 was the Aussie fires. 1.5 billion of the animal fauna killed is a catastrophe. But the corporate indoctrinated government (calling themselves labour but they are definitely not on the left) play it down and separate the tragedy from the human canon of concerns. They don't even have to do this by active manipulation of the public psyche. They just have to let them believe that there is nothing the individual can do so it is not their place to do anything about the situation. These politicians will see firefighters bravely walk to their death and then blame the fires on imaginary arsonists. When in fact it is the venal big-oil grubbing politicians/plutocrats that have brought about the conditions for these fires to cause such devastation. And so at the same time, to their venal benefit, they(plutocrats) have distracted everyone from their part in the conversation about how to mitigate the problem. And by blaming elements among the human demographic for setting the fires they again deflect blame from themselves leaving the public arguing among themselves naively searching for monsters in their community that don't exist. It's divisive. Designed to keep the common folk, the mob, at arm's length whilst the venal pocket profit from using the product that is causing the problem. Note: (check stats for yourself to be sure)In the case of the Aussie wildfires, arsonists numbered no more than a dozen across 20000 square miles of scorched Earth. An average amount of arsons caught during an Aussie fire season and far from enough to be able to burn so much territory. P.S. The Aussie gov even suggested that environmentalists were setting the fires to prove their case. That is definitely a sadistic attempt at creating monsters out of people who are actively trying to stop the world from burning. People who use innocent people like this are traitors to humanity and the world.
@warrennewson9785 4 года назад
The Aussie govt is a liberal-national coalition. Labor is in opposition. Just to confuse the issue Liberals are actually right wing conservatives, and the nationals supposedly on the side of the farmers side with gas/coal/miners way ahead of farmers.
@nickhall8192 4 года назад
The mental health consequences of the governments psyops is to breed people who are willing to destroy life through ignorance, ego or greed.
@cazsheldon1313 4 года назад
I just heard it was 3 billion animals... from unimaginably huge to even more so
@peteredwards338 4 года назад
Australia has had far worse fires in the past.
@cazsheldon1313 4 года назад
Peter Edwards you need to check your facts. When exactly do you believe this happened?
@avisaidian3172 4 года назад
This journey is long, probably a decade, we should be strong and stubborn. Major step: uniting the majority, starting by the global south, the most vulnerable regions.
@shaunaburton7136 3 года назад
Getting the majority to do anything will probably be impossible
@EastWindCommunity1973 4 года назад
Moving from the material to the spiritual, yes! Worker owned cooperatives unite!
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 4 года назад
I got your 5 gallon organic almond butter stashed in a bear proof container - for the eco-apocalypse. thanks
@m.x. 4 года назад
Please NO. Idealism is the core of all issues in history. Let's stick to science.
@EastWindCommunity1973 3 года назад
Spiritual equals idealism in your mind? Interesting... Perhaps you should examine your ideology.
@EastWindCommunity1973 3 года назад
Almond butter is okay, but the peanut butter stays best the longest (decades even). Cheers! =)
@mothrecorder 4 года назад
Roger you are immense. Keep it up we need you.
@cypress1337 3 года назад
XR took the safe route. #BeyondPolitics, #BurningPink. Rebel for Life!
@mothrecorder 3 года назад
@@cypress1337Yes they have.
@mememachine3886 4 года назад
Chuck Palahniuk - ‘It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.’
@davidramsay6142 3 года назад
What a crude attempt to apply mathematics to a notional idea. If you were going to look at extinction the data set and evidence all points to two broad scenarios that are certain. First is an ice age which would of course kill off people en mass. Secondary is insufficient CO2 for photosynthesis to occur which for C3 photosynthesis is 150 ppm which is ONLY 30ppm below the level 21,000 years ago at the glacial maxima. Some warming and increased CO2 is by far the more probable scenario to support life as evidenced in the geological record. Does XR have any intellectuals and honest scientists as members?
@markhardy5125 4 года назад
great stuff. keep op the good work. love & peace.
@jageo48 2 года назад
*Roger* this is excellent. Jiddu Krishnamurti is famous for the answer to his own happiness: _I don't mind what happens_ .
@donrastar1579 2 года назад
Its definitely not that complicated. Its terrible.
@remodeledcatidea5324 4 года назад
WE will continue and survive ,by growing food in ac spaces.and underground cities.when i say WE , i mean about 50 milion people.
@jadwigaklata 4 года назад
love him. adore him. so glad to see him here on xr's main channel again! . . . . missed you Roger
@AlexGullen 4 года назад
Excellent lecture. Great to see Roger in his element here, clearly having gone through several of the emotional shifts necessary to reacquire (or maybe maintain in Roger’s case) the cognitive capacity to assess the current dire circumstances objectively.
@47nrubreddew 4 года назад
@rapauli 4 года назад
Thoughtful and worth careful attention. Another example of where the clarity of the graphics is inversely proportional to the importance of the message.
@PhillStone 4 года назад
Great talk Roger!
@singingway 4 года назад
I'd like to propose a new paradigm for demonstrations. 1. Demonstrations can "demonstrate" something -- for example -- use Demand Energy Equality's workshop method, and have everybody build a notebook solar charger for their phone -- on the steps of whatever building we are disrupting. 2. We can achieve disruption and public education without the high price and loss of activists taken to jail and out of our movement for weeks or months -- (or in the U.S., years because protesters can be charged with domestic terrorism as a felony) by using "morning mist" demonstrations. Morning Mist demos are like a flash mob. They arise from nowhere, all at once, create a beautiful, striking, educational VISUAL, take photos for media and to post, share, then fade away like morning mist before the police can arrive.
@pretendexistent 4 года назад
(around 47minute) - He says Mensheviks were the majority, which is very wrong. Even the word itself means minority, as in fact the Bolsheviks were the majority (while none held qualified majority within the RSDLP).
@stevepace-first8617 4 года назад
I think the main thing to recognise is that 1917 was an attempt by the working class to bring about Global Revolution that failed. The outcome was Stalinism. However, a very different trajectory was possible. The working class organised in their own structures - the workers councils could have taken power in Germany (it almost happened) and beyond. This was the original Bolshevik position - All power to the Soviets (councils). This remains the revolutionary alternative we need to adopt. We need to recognise the Stalinist monstrosity was the gravedigger of the failed revolution, not its intended nor inevitable outcome.
@roisinoshea9497 4 года назад
Hi, XR. My husband and I want to give some XR talks out in the North West of Ireland. Could Roger or someone who knows where all this social science is coming from give us some references to find these graphs and studies? Thanks everyone!
@motschibaby 4 года назад
Is there a transcript or an article that sums up the talk? Definitely want to hear the talk, but cannot watch such a long video atm...
@justinmcneil659 4 года назад
@donnaw.neighborhood8216 4 года назад
Oh, g-d. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Why did this even make sense? Oddly, it does.
@samf8894 4 года назад
I thought Roger Hallam wasn't supposed to be speaking on XR's behalf? What's his video doing on main XR channel?
@huxlju1 4 года назад
Very refreshing! Such an important thing to aticulate - the need to shift from the utiliarian, materialistic driven herd mentality, to a place of prophetic leadership, where we are no longer motivated by what's in it for us, but rather what is right and true. And that this fearlessness is much needed, for others to follow. Great stuff!
@Ominousheat 4 года назад
Troll much?
@MrRandythibeault 4 года назад
Refreshing it is not.
@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 4 года назад
Yes, yet the problem is that neither Roger nor any 'Genuine' ER/ERA radicals are either able or willing to recognize, acknowledge and collaborate with practical Visionary leadership to start doing The Solution. I guess that it's like all the other 'protest' paradigms of the last 60 years: Why co-create the solution ourselves when it's so much easier to protest and ask corrupt ecocidal maniacs (politicians) to fix everything for us?
@achenarmyst2156 4 года назад
Michael Monterey You obviously didn‘t study XR‘s principles. The 3rd demand is for citizens assemblies, that‘s exactly the co-creation of solutions you are asking for.
@scythermantis 4 года назад
@Robin Sherwood You're actually right. Unfortunately this will fall on deaf ears for most. They need to realise that Capitalism and Communism are two sides of the same Materialist Shekel. Also, read Linkola.
@victorialeif9266 4 года назад
I think it was Chris Hedges who spoke about "sublime madness"as that which sparks revolt. (He may have been quoting Hannah Erent?)
@jamessherburn 4 года назад
To the Optimal Point folks, now.
@JaneRussellMorton 4 года назад
Roger Hallam is one of the great minds of our time. And this is Roger at his best. Don't miss this amazing talk!
@yes12337 7 месяцев назад
I think humanity is heading to extinction or a bottleneck event due to endocrine disruptors. What we should be talking about is everyone dying with sudden death, rather than gradual population collapse, which is going to happen anyway. We talking about ww3, ww4 and so forth, which imo won't happen gradually and will destroy any chances to stop the situation from developing further. Tbh now I see my view is way more pessimistic than the stance of extinction rebellion which is scary.
@thevindictive6145 2 года назад
I knew about catastrophic climate change 20 years ago. It's also then I knew that I am in a minority that actually cared what was happening. Everyone else I knew could not give a fack. This is a brilliant breakdown on why. One thing I really hate though is well known people of science keep saying that it will happen in a 100 years time. It's gonna happen NOW. Very likely within a decade. The media apart from politicians (corporate influenced) has a big role in playing in the demise of humanity.
@careynazyeustt8760 3 года назад
WOW... .BIG TA ☯️🗺️🎶😺🎵🌷
@AA-jt5hg 3 года назад
Could, somebody provide some refferance to the previous two talks he is mentioning in this lecture? And also can somebody point me too some literature that would discribe how he reaches the conclusion of 5°C by 2050? I am very academically curious about this
@isj032 3 года назад
Deconstruct the defensive stratagems employed by the evolving alpha male gorilla in order to maintain his status. To Include the adaptation of the apiary and the declaration that the masses are spineless invertebrates. Redress the situation from his perspective but with human ingenuity. Our government has its stance regarding devolution. I fear it’s going to have to wait until the bodies start piling up before the impetus, the impetus is discovered. Centralised government and there will be no more opportunity for rebellion. Evolution may proceed without the masses, who could then be compromised against a ruthless tyranny. I believe this to be the impetus which spurred hitlers actions. “The biggest threat to the German nation is international finance”. Not that I’m condoning genocide but you’d have to agree that to carry out such atrocities there must be compelling motive, Something greater than that of greed, dare I say posterity? A rational argument could be made for an deliberate environmental disaster and genocide by the perpetrators if only the argument remains unqualified.
@isj032 3 года назад
More often than not it’s the predator which wins, were a predator hunting another predator and were they were equal in all respects less the instinctual knowledge on the part of the hunted, the hunter would win just about every time. It would just have such advantage and it wouldn’t be enfeebled by sentiment or an anticipation of guilty feelings, it would not suffer nightmares or worry about how it’s offspring could regard it. I refer you to the royal coat of arms.
@hannahstansfield4034 3 года назад
Please can you tell Roger that there is a group of people called artists ,which are supposed to be very sensitive people . And they can speed up the process of awakening because the word needs to be spread ...please approach artists to raise funds and spread knowledge to defend Earth and life on it
@markgreet3543 3 года назад
I think he's articulate but has a down to earth attitude with a sense of humour we don't need upper class condescending bollocks we need to look at our planet and how it could affect everyone's future
@ichirosato7331 4 года назад
Y'all need to read The Dune Trilogy.
@twirlyspitzer 3 года назад
Once we accept our inevitable fate that humanity suffers when it hits the global heating climate crisis wall & free ourselves from the impediment of all hope as the false hope of bargaining with our certain fate then we are free to enter a prophetic transforming that embodies truth for its own sake & fights the fight of ecstatic release from the herd's mechanisms.
@caltwardun4811 3 года назад
Me, irm a misanthropist! Wish I could help ya. Xx
@RussCR5187 4 года назад
Regarding hope, I think Vaclav Havel (author, poet, and former president of the Check Republic) captured it best: "Hope is definitely not the same thing as optimism. It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense, regardless of how it turns out. …It is a feeling that life and work have a meaning. …There is only one thing I will not concede: that it might be meaningless to strive in a good cause."
@achenarmyst2156 4 года назад
I always liked that quote by Havel. Thx for bringing it up again.
@94azazaz 3 года назад
BlowJob is not Hitler but he's practicin well enough
@peter370 4 года назад
I still cant get my head around why the purpose of a Citizens Assembly is to try to get the government to enact laws to tackle climate change, when, in the UK,we haven't even got the basic laws in that says any decision of a citizens assembly MUST be incorporated into law! Surely thats the very basic thing we need to ask for first, or everything else is just striving against the wind, failing that we need to stand for power ourselves,along with like minded friends and one campaign to achieve that would be to expose the corruption, not just of the ones in power, but their paymasters!
@dafyddil 3 года назад
"Which is really bad news... hAhAHaHAHA!!"
@kahelpratus1734 4 года назад
He is underestimating humans adaptability.
@semosurvivalist 3 года назад
When the bees die, we die. Mans time on earth is but a second compared to it's existence. Why are we so special? With a few things gone we can't go on. Science is science.
@kimweaver3323 4 года назад
There is at least 10 years of pretty intense heating already baked in (pun intended) due JUST to previous CO2 releases. Then there are numerous and widespread methane releases worldwide from natural sources like melted permafrost, free release of gas from sediments and underground sources, bogs, etc. We can't control any of these. They will continue and increase exponentially for many decades. So, go ahead and do what you think would help but don't get attached to outcomes.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
For better and/or worse, some outcomes could probably be geoengineered if necessary. But both the advocacy of resignation and at least some of the strategies of mitigation being advocated are at least partly due to disingenuous "elite" sociopaths more interested in their own power, money, and property than the planet or the human species. Everything including "detachment from outcomes" should be taken with a grain of salt.
@kimweaver3323 4 года назад
@@Innocent_Villain Drivel. Say something sensible.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
@@kimweaver3323 I don't care about your opinions of what is sensible or what is drivel; I was speaking in general and not for you personally. That applies to this too. Good bye.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
Also, not specifically for the op personally but in general, peer review is effectively peer pressure, specialization is effectively compartmentalization, and you can be very sharp in your specialty without popping your own bubble. I was a science nerd before I was forced not to be; I am too exhausted right now to go farther into the specifics of that, even if I were better prepared, but that is irrelevant to the general point.
@kimweaver3323 4 года назад
@@Innocent_Villain WaaaaaWaaaaa wailed the pitiful snowflake. Run boy, run.
@SofiaBuhrgard 4 года назад
Whenever I think about herding I think about the famous experiment about getting hotel guests to reuse their towels. Most effective message: "most guests reuse their towel"
@maryross3834 4 года назад
Roger, I absolutely see what you mean. The graphs are excellent and help me understand better where we are at as a race
@Q5000 3 года назад
Thought this guy was Jeff Lawton at first.
@KellyGerling 4 года назад
Identifying the crisis as the "climate crisis" is false. The word "climate" means enduring weather. It is strictly an atmospheric phenomenon. The problem of "climate change" IS *one* existential crisis caused by atmospheric pollutants released by human beings. But the actual crisis contains more problems than climate change. It includes invasive species; global warming which includes ocean and ice warming; ocean acidification; loss of fresh water sources from ice and aquifers; human migrations; resource-based warfare; the risk of global nuclear war; trends against democracy; species extinctions; habitat fragmentation and destruction; depletion of non-renewable resources; etc., etc. The diagnoses of the IPCC should be used to describe the climate aspects of the converging problem. AND so should the IPBES; so should the UNEP GEO reports; so should the union of Atomic Scientists criteria for the Doomsday Clock; so should the Planetary Boundaries framework; so should the UN SDG framework; so should the Plan B framework. The error is conflating part of a crisis with the whole crisis. It's like saying the war in the 1940s was the invasion of Normandy or the siege of Leningrad. But it is larger than that. It is WWII. Likewise, this crisis is larger that the "climate crisis" of climate change. The emerging name by those who understand the multiple converging factors in the crisis is the "Global Existential Crisis" or the GEC. That is a larger category that includes the important factors. Such a diagnosis is crucial, because the solutions of a crisis are dependent on understanding the causes of it. The actual crisis - the GEC - is actually far worse in scope and scale that the climate aspect of the crisis.
@OpenSchoolofPhilosophy 4 года назад
Thank you, that is really an excellent comment. For instance, I have long believed that the climate crisis is the symptom of a problem of which the cause is money, or rather, our (the human race's) inability to conceptualise what money is. Having a name for it - the Global Existential Crisis - is a useful way to refer to that problem without having to go into all the details; the 'whys'?
@tommymaw1317 3 года назад
Talk about japan thir extiction
@theresabarzee1463 4 года назад
Whenever I have to go do something, Roger laughs, and I pause the talk, bc I cannot do without this guy's truth with this laugh! Thanks for incarnating, Roger, just as you are! Peace. (Or as Martha Graham said, "No peace. Just this blessed unrest." )
@artifactingreality 3 года назад
looks like the drawings of a mad man
@heartshapedisle 4 года назад
Thanks Roger so much to share with my networks. Herding is a real risk.
@sarahwebb6286 4 года назад
Love you Roger xx
@kitersrefuge7353 3 года назад
I really really like and appreciate Mr. Hallam. But, in this world, in our time, this is way too much talk. When attention spans are calculated these days they are in the "few seconds" range. No one, is interested or has the time or the span to hear ALL this excellent content. If the aim is to motivate, then unfortunately for the majority, this is sophomoric to the nth...and for the younger generation even more so...who are, unfortunately going to bear the brunt of the Climate Catastrophe we are bequeathing them. XR has to become more practical and precis'd in its comms in order to gain traction where it is most needed in the herd. This message is way too long too, btw.
@SuperDigitalgrub 3 года назад
No, this actually way more powerful than something short. We get so many short inspitational videos that are ultimately forgotten. This actually cuts through and sticks with you, and only people who can put in the 1.5 hours will end up taking action from it. (I speak as someone who works in PR and comms)
@DSimonJones 4 года назад
Read virtuous circles Andy jones and pimbert
@arosebyanyothername7040 3 года назад
Virtuous circles are exactly what we need 🙏
@uttaradit2 3 года назад
just turn up the air con - duh
@rebelres2162 4 года назад
Anyone have the link to the rising up talk he mentioned at the start? Thanks 😎🤘
@holadonkey 4 года назад
the take on South America at 51:00 is totally wrong . left out a lot of factors equations . interference from the United States and big corporations needs to exploit . which left wing governments were ruthless in Latin American ? the British government recognized Juan Guaido as the president of Venezuela because of American policy and the BP oil company . the same BP that was responsible for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill . the so called " extreme left " is not bad and the only hope for the fight against global warming . what you might be referring to is authoritarian , surveillance states with domineering fascist leaders like in the USSR , China and their puppet governments .
@voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 4 года назад
yeah people are so brainwashed about US imperialism - how many read Noam Chomsky's book "Political Economy of Human Rights" - hardly anyone
@curtisnixon5313 4 года назад
Bravo Roger, bravo
@MrRandythibeault 4 года назад
Forever/Now, the point in Time, We were racing to find. Why don't you talk with Guy McPherson?
@singingway 4 года назад
Because Guy McPherson is as deep in his illusion of no hope as the moderates are in their illusive hopes that we can solve this without disrupting our comfort.
@AndersFougnerDotCom 4 года назад
«5C is already locked in» «We’ll hit 5C in 2050»
@theanthropocenegardener4529 4 года назад
Most useful climate change video I've ever seen.
@intiillimani8673 3 года назад
@xobkcaj 4 года назад
An amazing talk. Hallam not only charts our predicament as far as climate change goes but he talks about heard mentality and the reason that XR has been less effective than it might have been or it might be.
@donnaw.neighborhood8216 4 года назад
herd mentality, for those who will read your comment and not realize it's a typo. as in a herd of animals herding together. Actually, that was the only point he made that I disagreed with. The cows wiling to get a little closer to the predator in order to herd together are acting very sensibly. It's the strategy of predators to cut one or two out of the herd, so it's worth an extra risk to be in the bunch. Strength in numbers and all that. Much safer than scattering. But that's an aside to his main point and isn't too relevant.
@melissaverduin3693 4 года назад
Have you ever met Michael Mann? He wrote the book The Madhouse Effect. = about climate change and going mad. Lol. Fitting title! Have you ever went on the Thom Hartmann Show? I bet he'd have you on his program! He talks alot about the CLIMATE CRISIS! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!
@fungussa 4 года назад
Roger didn't explain how we'll be able to increase the number of rebels to reach the 3.5% threshold.
@anakissedboyle3067 4 года назад
3.5% do believe and support XR, but have mistaken the map for the territory , thinking that protest is the arrival point, when the arrival Is a whole other area of independence m and solidarity
@fungussa 4 года назад
@@anakissedboyle3067 In the UK 3.5% would equate to 2.3 million rebels, and we are nowhere near that number.
@-LightningRod- 4 года назад
dont use the terminology of Rebel, use instead positive sounding verbology like Hero, saviour Leader or enlightened.
@keithayre5110 4 года назад
@@fungussa yeah, 2.3 million rebel's on the streets of London,in the upcoming XR Rebellion. I personally think this is nothing but wishful thinking. If I'm wrong I will eat my hat.
@keithayre5110 4 года назад
@@-LightningRod- why are you telling people what words 2 use ? The English language has a vast number of words, people are free 2 pick & choose whatever ones they like or dislike.
@billykirk9969 4 года назад
Very enlightning talk. Thanks
@akhalif68 3 года назад
Roger has developed his presentation skills to a level where he can use "black humour" to make an important point...Clive Hamilton in his books (Requiem for a Species & Defiant Earth) looks at how we have failed to reorganize & reconfigure our society to deal with both Climate & Extinction Crisis...
@leandrocaniglia582 4 года назад
Hi Roger. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts. This talk brings clarity on relevant aspects of the drama and helps us to reconsider our behavior.
@miguelangelgonzalez1831 3 года назад
SUCH A PRIVILEGE being able to see & hear this mans most brilliant analisis of situation. Yes. Now lets be realistic; in old Sparta s winters the fields were covered by snow most of the time dec-march, Medcoast right? Temp as of today ; Max 24C° Min 15C° W.A.S.F. Take care of yourselfs.
@KelligerP 4 года назад
Sounds like - the pied piper. helping the system bring about needed change.
@Innocent_Villain 4 года назад
Leading the common lemmings off a cliff for masters who don't need them anymore?
@KelligerP 4 года назад
@@Innocent_Villain could also be true?
@jahmah519 3 года назад
Costa Rica been running on 100% renewable energy for years, we don't get told this, we get told about America China India & us here the UK, I wonder how life is over there & how many other countries are actually forging ahead, just wondered, ime a Brit & my main concern is my backgarden, its the most important place right now. Lets clean this place up, lets change the way we live, the food we eat, lets set an example for our kids so that they know yeh we will build on this because this is real 🙂
@adminw4p171 4 года назад
I’m not sure what I take from your talk Roger except that XR is in danger of becoming an English middle class NGO like WWF. I’m looking forward to XR coming off the fence and telling the public the true about how fucked we are. If you refuse to do so then another more radical organisation may come along to replace XR.
@keithayre5110 4 года назад
I don't think XR are in danger of becoming a white middle/upper middle class NGO. In my opinion they are already a predominantly white middle/upper middle class organisation.why does roger ridecule the lower working class , uesing derogatory & bigotedlauguge ?
@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 4 года назад
@@nikis6535 > Yeah, sadly, impotent rants & whining are so much easier than being part of the solution of any problem.
@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 4 года назад
@@keithayre5110 > And a tiny minority of them at that, even more so of the 99.999% of us who would probably like a least worst-case endgame scenario.
@keithayre5110 4 года назад
@@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 you are entitled 2 you're pro-XR biast opinion.
@keithayre5110 4 года назад
@@mlmimichaellucasmontereyin6765 you are entitled to you're opinion. I am all 4 freedom of speech. I also don't mind people criticizing my opinions. Life would be so boring , if we all think the same thing about everything & anything.
@christianclement9890 4 года назад
Hello Roger. A comment. i might say first that i do believe that we are in the middle of climate change and that I do have changed (and still learn) my personal habits as much as possible, to consume a minimum of energy and to live in a sustainable way.. So.. First I d like to say that I find it difficult to find out about your sources (knowing its a movement and not you personally, but somehow there need to be a consensus on this, right?) so where do the numbers come from, doubters do classify your claims as assumptions, why not systematically write below any publication, written or spoken (for any member speaking) the references so that people can check and in a way where you actually dont need to search for it! 2nd - the shock factor of 'you better believe it or die' is so frontal, that people are busy with their psychological resistance (which is absolutely how people function) so knowing this it, wouldnt it be possible taking people from there, where they are?
@BigBlueMan118 3 года назад
@16:50 I assume he meant 2 to 4 thousand m above sea level and not hundred: otherwise I'm super confused by what he means there, as we can absolutely grow most crops from -200m to +2,000m above sea level. Otherwise, fantastic talk!
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