
Pre-Patch Industry Costs are Wild 

Jurius Doctor
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Industry costs leading into Tuesday's industry patch, titled a "significant indusry update" by CCP, are unexpectedly high. I had previously written two articles for Imperium.news about the expected climb in prices post-patch, but we are seeing those prices today.
Between broken Estimated Item Value (EIV) affecting job costs and market volatility driving mineral and commodity prices up, we are seeing manufacturing job costs at more than twice what they should reasonably be. Market prices for an Orca have climbed 40%+, pre-patch.
As your CSM candidate, I strongly feel that industrialists should pause all non-essential production until such time as CCP can rectify this situation (respective to job costs).
EVE News - The Industrial Class War | imperium.news/eve-industrial-...
EVE News - Ivory Towers and Cottage Industry | imperium.news/eve-news-ivory-...




23 апр 2021




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@deftsquirrel6738 3 года назад
The margins on indy are already quite low, especially if you're a solo player with little or no access to structures. I hope ccp know what they're doing.
@Laenthal 3 года назад
For comparison: the cost of pushing the final assembly button on a Naglfar in a lowsec Azbel is less than 11 millions.
@TrampMachine 3 года назад
If this is as intended I think it will go down as one of the most braindead moves CCP has made in a long time. I'm hoping they dialed it up to the extreme with the intent of dialing it back and finding a sweet spot.
@mrmudcatslim1004 3 года назад
Hey Doc, glad to see your still around. I think you are probably the first RU-vid channel I subscribed to Eve related. Nice to hear from you. Still subbed.
@joebloggs2282 3 года назад
Sounds a bit like everyone is to lazy to produce anything outside of Jita and that’s why prices are through the roof. I have an orca popping out of the oven 6 jumps away from Jita and it didn’t cost anywhere near that.
@JuriusDoctor 3 года назад
When did you put it in the oven?
@darkarcanum1814 3 года назад
Out in the hinterland and was building lots of Ventures, Coercers, Merlins, and Herons...marking them up and they were still getting bought up.
@TheGeniuschrist 3 года назад
Industry Costs Are Wild (In Jita)
@general-cromwell6639 3 года назад
I'm a one man industrialist that specializes in Orcas/Obelisks (including all the pre-patch components IE vertical production) building 2-4 ships a month...adding these "new" items has thrown a HUGE wrench in production. Basically, I would just buy tons of minerals, build the components then the capital ship...easy peasy... All things factored in, my profit margin was pretty decent. My production costs are ridiculous now and I'll have to invest additional billions if I want to maintain component control. And/or, if have to get into aspects of the game that I have no interest IE PI/gas mining. I am definitely not happy with this new update. Perhaps in a couple of months when things stabilize a bit, then I can get more into it. All the best. Cheers.
@JuriusDoctor 3 года назад
Thank you for your feedback. Your experience as a player impacted by these changes is valuable. I'd love to talk to you more about it offline. Hit me up on Discord.
@general-cromwell6639 3 года назад
@@JuriusDoctor I haven't used discord in a long time...remind me how to contact you?
@orhanmehmedov4588 3 года назад
long time no see great vid and yea is too high i dont produce nothing i still wait to see where going all i hope will be ok after patch i hope....
@mastakazam5094 3 года назад
Jurius I like your videos! But I completely disagree about the calculation being broken. With the announced changes, there has been an expected massive surge in production ahead of the changes, and jita was already a super-busy manufacturing system. This manufacturing surge was expected, and thus so is the system cost index.
@EskaronVokonen 3 года назад
And you are only looking at the Orca, which is not a ship for everyone. The "pirate" factions frigates and cruisers (including SoE and the likes), however, might become museum pieces, unless the industrial guys with deep pockets start mass producing the new "* Trigger Neurolink Conduit". At over 40 mil a piece, and with less than a dozen available in the sell orders AND ONLY IN JITA (nowhere else at this moment), manufacturing these frigates and cruisers from the BPCs by "regular" players is just ridiculous at the moment. The complexity to build those Trigger Neurolink Conduits is so crazy, I don't think the price of them can really go down at anytime. Unless, maybe (and even then), you own the full production chain. The production for those ships are now in the hands of the "elite", if they even care. There could be enough Astero, Worm, Garmur, Gila and Stratios already available in the hands of the players to sustain prices for a while (even though prices are up 20-50%), but in the actual condition, I can't see anyone stupid enough to build these ships at the moment. In Jita just now, the material costs for the Astero is 120.4 million. The Worm and Garmur are 109.7 million. To build a Gila or a Stratios with materials from the market at Jita, it would cost 1.22 billion. The Orthrus is 1.19 billion. And the Rattlesnake... there is not enough Trigger Neurolink Conduit to build even one. I understand there are ways to get them already built with Loyalty Points, I believe (but not too familiar with that), so this could be the only way in the near future that "new" ships of these can be made available to players. Else, they are only going to get more rare in the future, as they get killed over time. I think I'll buy a Gurista skin to put on my Moa and try to convince myself I was able to buy a Gila.
@linuxacc7366 3 года назад
Most expensive game to play! Go to hell with CCP!
@mrmudcatslim1004 3 года назад
One more thought if I may. Is it gonna be Orcageddon with gankers going after the newest juicy thing? Marauders were certainly on the menu. Battleships with the new cost? Park your Orcas for now?
@ryang5461 3 года назад
building in a station in 2021... more emphasis on having your own adjustable rate complex anchored.
@rensvisser6504 3 года назад
Great!, this sounds as a great long term play
@LordBane66 3 года назад
Thanks for the info! 😱
@xml571 3 года назад
working as intended to discourage more ship building before the changes.
@furyanwolf 3 года назад
It's bad, I've had to postpone my entire P4 PI production line since at a relatively decent 10% CO export cost, due insanely bad material estimates, I now actually lose 20% of market value per export of my PI materials making the entire thing completely worthless. :/
@paul-br2fs 3 года назад
i would agree stopping most new builds till after changes but i think the system index is working as it should its a speculator's market both the buying selling and building at the moment, all costs and prices reflect this . i would go further and say its exactly as intended my reasoning is build else ware and shipping in adds time and shipping costs the costs to currently build in and close to jita now more greatly show the effect of this instant builds for market shortfalls as opposed to shipping in it will create more opportunities for differing speciality market jobs .
@Saeedsc 3 года назад
If you are not an industrialist, and these values stick, the costs get passed to the end buyer. If there are ships you often use and must stock up on, now may be the time
@merimac_1318 3 года назад
Every faction/navy/fleet ship cost itself even without index and installation costs is double now. Cost of producing drekavak is nearly 500mil... for a battlecruiser..... Costs of producing faction battleships is around a bil isks (not including BPC).... I ask.... HOW this is going to be "Friendly industry for everyone" Unless you in high sec and have access to all kinds of materials, the production is anything BUT friendly.... I understand CCP is trying to fix the utter massive screw up they created by introducing skill injectors but slamming a bomb shell every few months hoping they will figure it out on live organism that is EVE how to fix things... without giving time to previous "updates" to sink in is just pressing playerbase to the point of game wide frustration. And if pvpers will say something "everything built needs to be destroyed" let's see how eager they going to undock with cynabal, or machariel or even puny vedmak when they going to be 2x the price of tech 2 ships that pretty much outclass faction/navy ships either way. Eve needs changes but doesn't like those being rushed without thinking in the name of - "Let's create a shit storm and then we will fix what needed to be fixed" This will just confirm the production being purely spreadsheet online....
@Ruhrich92 3 года назад
Sorry guys I ruined EVE. I have this long running joke with my friends since MW2 days that game servers hate me cuz I refuse to spend rl money and only grind. It seems anytime I play a game Im at the worst disadvantages not just ptw factors but matchmaking/server side stuff. Its a joke-not serious. But boy...I waited 10 years to join EVE (never had a gaming computer, just a PS) so I watched BOB fall, Goons rise, mining ships become a thing, I was on the ground in DUST at the battle of Caldari Prime...but when I finally joined EVE...its like every skill I trained-NERF! every ship I fly-NERF! everything I joined eve to enjoy-slowly grinding out my own station/industrial goals over an expected 3 years (about how long Ive been workin on my GTA online drug empire) ...nah...not in EVE buddy. Industry is too easy. Mining isnt "real EVE". HS is for huge Omega and Friends style pirate corps. No one plays in LS-thats wht CCP has to alienate half their playerbase to coax people to go play with the toxic wallet warriors of LS. And null is just carebears who dont wanna be called carebears... Papi was doin fine pushing into Delve before I joined...once I moved into Feyth all the structures started popping. Trig invasion hadnt fucked the game up until I joined-almost immediately after I finished the career agents, Niarja fell. Now Ive quit mining, left null, and decided to build stations/cap parts...oh no...what have I done? Im sorry CCP Ill try gate camping next week-maybe nerf Smartbombs before I get to ya know...enjoy something.
@king_kech2190 3 года назад
NGL camping Niarja was hella fun
@Ruhrich92 3 года назад
Yeah but back then I thought my Thrasher with 8k passive shield tank and 156 dps on ACs was a monster (compared to the rifter I was in during career agents, it felt beefier sure). You can imagine Niarja gameplay was a liiiiittle out of my reach.
@alexgoddard1746 3 года назад
I mean you say pause but... well patch makes everything more s it is still cheaper to build now than later, that means full steam ahead to me, my corp has been churning out capitals as fast as we could in preparation because when prices hike we want that sweet sweet asset value inflation.
@jasonmast7769 3 года назад
what about this theory? they want everyone to fly frigates... they have come out with a lot more specialized small ships
@JuriusDoctor 3 года назад
"We want everyone to start living in Recreational Vehicles, in converted vans, and in their cars so we have made houses too expensive to buy."
@jasonmast7769 3 года назад
@@JuriusDoctor hmmmm... so you are saying that ccp wants you to fly your parents HAC?
@JuriusDoctor 3 года назад
@@jasonmast7769 No, I'm saying your argument was a non sequitur. There are better ways to make frigates relevant
@juggsforlife1 2 года назад
they never fixed or cared about these values
@robertswain5704 3 года назад
Maybe worth everything after (non-industry) ship adjustments? They want to nerf/augment Rorq/Orc, yes?
@dafak3812 3 года назад
Nerf flat out from what I hear.
@thunderbug8640 3 года назад
@@dafak3812 Can’t speak for the Rorq, but for the Orca they need to either leave it alone or preferably nerf its drone mining ability and buff or provide more utility to its fleet support functions otherwise it will just become useless Orca unless its price comes down considerably.
@robertswain5704 3 года назад
@@dafak3812 thanks
@TrueFireMessiah 3 года назад
i want to see that Chilli recipe ;)
@JuriusDoctor 3 года назад
@TrueFireMessiah 3 года назад
@@JuriusDoctor ♥
@mrmudcatslim1004 3 года назад
I guess CCP figures that little solo rollers should stay small, and not build much. Ah well. It was not something I did for profit in the first place. Certainly not now.
@mabelode7891 3 года назад
CCP don't give two shillings.
@rosemaryviolette710 3 года назад
ccp dont want minning at any more
@Flakzor123 3 года назад
Well I don't know what the intentions are but I speculate that the whole industry change is to bump the combat meta down to medium and small ships by introducing extra cost to larger stuff in a way that requires player interaction rather than have everything be about who has the biggest vacuumcleaners ("automated" or otherwise). Jita 4-4 manufacturing has one thing going for it that can't be matched elsewhere: Riskfree industry in the very station housing the largest market in EVE. The fact that costs right now are higher than you are comfortable with is probably not entirely unintentional and let's face it: if you are assembling Orca's you're no longer a newbro but likely capable of making informed choices that may lead you to profit down the road.
@XDex91 3 года назад
I have to say, I disagree with your suggestion. There's currently a system in place to determine which jobs are essential, and which aren't: job cost. If it's non-essential, someone won't pay the price, or they'll move to produce in a different system. If CCP stops all "non-essential" jobs, who's to say what's non-essential? You? Me? That said, interesting to hear how the markets are fluctuating.
@hairlokk8672 3 года назад
What are u talking about? CCP? What I get JD saying is that if its non essential for your corp/alliance, dont make anything before they fix the broken thing?
@XDex91 3 года назад
@@hairlokk8672 It appears I may have misunderstood the message. Still, in that case, I disagree for a different reason: I think there's nothing CCP needs to fix. The rise in the system cost index makes complete sense. There's a big run on manufacturing, and there's only so many lines in a given location (simplified metaphor). If you can't afford the cost, you won't build, or you'll move to an area with lower costs. Problem solved.
@hairlokk8672 3 года назад
@@XDex91 I dont mind, I only make stuff in null. Gor me it can cost trillions in jita and I wouldnt care. Atleast not about those that are so far up the foodchain that they make orcas. Can be an issue for the new guys tho, and prices probably spike on everything
@caspah62 3 года назад
Stop buying anything but frigs and dessies
@leilapegasus9773 3 года назад
ccp: we help the new guy to find a place he can be competitiv cause bigger guys build bigger things also ccp: flattening the build requirments and make it overall cheper to build the same small things so that not having your own structure (and having worse output then a low or null structure) kills any semblence of a profit in industry :) Great desing hire a economist for f sake. this is painfull to watch
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