Jurius Doctor
Jurius Doctor
Jurius Doctor
I teach people how to play EVE Online, Star Citizen, and other space sims. Ask me questions here, in Discord, or on Twitter. Technologist. Author. Dad.
Star Citizen | Starter Packages
Год назад
Where I've Been
Год назад
Operating the Moon Drill
3 года назад
Getting Started with Upwell Structures
3 года назад
Introduction to Mining Lasers
3 года назад
Jita4 4 Redesign
3 года назад
News | Jurius for CSM16
3 года назад
Pre-Patch Industry Costs are Wild
3 года назад
Thank you for 2020
3 года назад
EVE News | Who I'm Voting for and Why
4 года назад
EVE News | Jurius Doctor for CSM
4 года назад
Tips & Tricks | Day Zero Orientation
4 года назад
@gamingmatrix7644 4 дня назад
musst be outdated. Loot def worthh more than salvage. 1 blood haven gets about 12-25m in loot 4-9m in salvage
@GlovikEVE 22 дня назад
Been binging and loving your videos! Are you still playing EVE or moved on to mainly Star Citizen?
@JuriusDoctor 20 дней назад
Mainly Star Citizen but I am contemplating a return to making EVE Videos
@autumn8230 Месяц назад
the usual suspects - faction
@edwardturner1282 2 месяца назад
Excellent break down. It was a lot to take in, so I will watch it again. Thank you so much. Caldari is my favorite.
@overriderss 2 месяца назад
He's gone again
@Mp57navy 2 месяца назад
Load Hail, Never Fail.
@middleagedgamers7750 3 месяца назад
Ahh yes the caring community with players like goons leader that encouraged a person to commit suicide in real life… yeah there are plenty of dirt bags in community too.
@resurrectedstarships 3 месяца назад
17:24 jammed ships now lose all target locks EXCEPT for the jamming ship - but im sure youve already been corrected. :) And drones will continue to attack the ship if they were previously ordered to attack before target was lost. ECM drones confuse people though.
@Lone_Wolf_91 3 месяца назад
Thanks Hope everyone finding this comment is doing well
@355k13 3 месяца назад
Great video! I've been playing Eve for a few months now and am settling in nicely thanks to useful & informative videos like this. I particularly enjoyed the info on which skills to train and found it very useful, thanks muchly for taking the time to do what you do o7
@Chris_Rugby 4 месяца назад
Started playing a couple days ago and decided to watch some video's while mining. Don't have much time atm for getting involved with the community, but when time free's up, your video has certainly inspired me to do so :) Will probably at that time also see about getting involved with pvp etc, but for now just trying to build a foundation!
@oal2928 4 месяца назад
Eve can be very rewarding one day and very unrewarding the next. That’s what I love about it
@ethanbrown7198 4 месяца назад
I'm an old newbro and dont understand most things in eve. Started in 2019, rammed information until i burnt out, joined a random corp, and then quit. Does anyone have a corp i should join? I dont know how to PVP or explore, but i went for mining and industry.
@lonjag215 4 месяца назад
@davidd9707 4 месяца назад
When I made my first account in 2015, I encountered Mike Azariah and he gave me a few free ships. It's impossible to forget Mike.
@PastaAivo 4 месяца назад
#11 "Mining is free isk"
@JuriusDoctor 4 месяца назад
Not exactly. You trade your time for ISK, but it's the most reliable ISK in EVE.
@G1ZM0S1S 5 месяцев назад
I was very much considering joining for wh content
@outdoortrials 6 месяцев назад
First some back ground on me and my experiance in eve. I started playing in 2012. Yes pre blood bath of b-r5rb. I have flown with some of the biggest names in the game. But always been in the behind the scenes never at the front. I would like to stay first thank you for a great video. Secondly to add to a couple of points. I was into indy at the start. That was my bread and butter of the game. I actively avoided it. Even when living in null sec. The burn out is real. I honestly spent so much time focusing on running the indy side of a corp that fed several of the large coaliltions that eve was becoming a day job for me. Learn indy. But use it as a tool. I stopped playing in around 2015 due to burn out. I came back in 2016 and left again in 2019 (am returning again. Last time it was due to pc not burn out). Next is PVP. If you dont enjoy it thats ok. But learn it. It will save you millions in the long run. It is such an important part of the game. And understand that pvp isnt just the gank fleet or faction warefare. Its also marketing and the battle of logistics. Good video.
@1over137 6 месяцев назад
Is there any value in strucures or upwells for a solo nano-alt-corp? 2 accounts 6 alts type affair?
@Skuggi008 Месяц назад
If you want some company small wh corp here🫡
@KamjaWOTV 6 месяцев назад
Love the passion that you bring to these videos. You are very appreciated. Health (physical and mental) and family come first. :) We all get it and want the best for you.
@sea_triscuit7980 7 месяцев назад
This is the most clear cut video ive seen so far, thank you. Im a newer player, started in security but theres so much more to this game than zapping and Imploding Computer controlled enemies. I'm leaning towards Exploration though as a second skill set. Again im new, idk the lingo haha
@sea_triscuit7980 7 месяцев назад
That sounds like a fun place 😁
@ehecatltlaskala114 7 месяцев назад
What's the name for background ambient?
@Sir_Maximus_Hardwood 8 месяцев назад
Wiener butt
@merlinwizard4488 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for the video
@JuriusDoctor 8 месяцев назад
You're most welcome
@crabbiecakes5663 8 месяцев назад
Can you put these in high sec? which ones? No one ever says. I've watched 4 vids and so far no one says. wtf.
@JuriusDoctor 8 месяцев назад
Hello friend. Allow me to introduce you to the best source of information on EVE Online mechanics anywhere; the EVE University Wiki: wiki.eveuniversity.org/Upwell_structures To answer your specific question, from the UniWiki: "XL structures, includes Keepstars and Sotiyos, cannot be anchored in High-Security space." Furthermore, market systems (Amarr [Oris], Jita, Dodixie, Hek, etc) do not allow the anchoring of Upwell structures. This is why Perimeter is so popular, just one jump from Jita.
@markhatch1267 8 месяцев назад
I have been playing this game for 5 years, but rather casually, and not really getting into the social part of it. Over the past month or so, I have found myself becoming more interested in the community aspect. For the past week I have been focusing on finding entry guides like this one to get a better sense of how to go about getting more into the game and community. Yours is one of the very best I have found so far. The real life helpful groups you mention are very interesting indeed. This is the first time I have heard of such things existing because of the EVE game community. This is like real life sports communities that have support groups for their participants.
@JuriusDoctor 8 месяцев назад
I'm glad that this guide has helped you. Please let me know if you have any questions.
@DevelopedGames 9 месяцев назад
still great info 6 years later for a new bro, thanks
@vital1114 10 месяцев назад
this esoteric ass list...
@JuriusDoctor 10 месяцев назад
Esoteric's not the word you're looking for. None of this information is secret, nor is it in any way gatekept. Esoteric assumes guarded or exclusive to a small group of specialists. The information in this list should be common knowledge.
@vital1114 10 месяцев назад
It's painfully obvious you highlighted the word then googled it. If you use a litttttle bit of that brain power of yours you'll figure out the essence of what I'm saying. There's no "go here do this", it's all just a random spew of opinions. Opinions so over-thought and intangible for a truly new player that they are indeed....esoteric. @@JuriusDoctor
@JuriusDoctor 10 месяцев назад
@@vital1114 The only thing painfully obvious here is that yes, these are my options. Don't like my opinions? That's fine. You're entitled to that, and whatever hubris came with the degree you're clearly not using.
@davidnobular9220 10 месяцев назад
Mistake No 4 !! YES !! And proud of it....
@albertpietrosanu2667 10 месяцев назад
I wayt STARFIELD and in that moment EVE will be dead to me!
@phantasticgame1189 10 месяцев назад
R.I.P. Munnin
@jonpoole1781 10 месяцев назад
So what are the 24 starter systems to move out of?
@JuriusDoctor 10 месяцев назад
The 24 Starter Systems can be found in this official post responding to the issue of Rookie Griefing (a bannable offense): support.eveonline.com/hc/en-us/articles/203209712-Rookie-Griefing
@mathiashansen9108 11 месяцев назад
does this still hold up till this day? I just got into Eve a week ago
@gundam2jimmy 11 месяцев назад
DRAKE ! ! !
@dakotahrivers6640 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for this in depth video. EVE is so daunting for new players and i'm struggling to find my way in to playing with other people but this video explained everything!
@geshscale6068 11 месяцев назад
That wormhole thing is very accurate. before they learn that the only thing they have to worry about, cant be found on dscan.
@corpsdriven Год назад
One of the most professional granular deep dives into the Eve universe. I was looking for something like this and am just stunned with how well made and how much game information you provide. As a brand new player I would recommend this as required watching. Very happy to sub. Thank you.
@JuriusDoctor Год назад
Thanks for your kind words
@vangobango7627 Год назад
I'm 17 minutes into the video and taking a break because I have stuff I need to do, but so far this has been informative. I used to have an alpha viable corax I used to run t0 abyssals but since my combat skills are low, I stopped after losing 2 in one day. I've currently been in hisec mining but have been known in my corp to fly a tanked up procurer into serpantis refuges to drone boat the site with 4 hobgoblin 1's while searching for pyroxeres. It's unorthodox to say the least, but the approximately 48k ehp has enough shield tank to run the refuges and survive. I do pin the site so once it's clear I can return in a noctis to salvage. I would like to get out of the proc into a more suitable ratting ship and this video seems to be a good starting point to knowing what I need
@jimboslam Год назад
Miss ya, Doc. Your Eve videos were awesome.
@crobledo89 Год назад
3:05 no fucking way the minatar are the native americans people what the f***
@AllegedlyElPresidente. Год назад
You can go it alone on eve, i been playing since 2010 with 1 account, almost everyone will leave you alone but YOU HAVE TO PLAY IN HIGH SEC
@AllegedlyElPresidente. Год назад
06:32 toxicity will get killed very quickly in eve, unless you're woke/diverse, then you can go around killing and talking shit indescriminently
@AllegedlyElPresidente. Год назад
*_"just buy a year subscription"_* save your self 130 headaches
@MrCrazyGameGuy Год назад
New title: Top 10 reasons Eve Online is bleeding out players. Change reason #1 to: "There isn't enough cucks in the world." Eve online is a game only enjoyed by cucks.
@hungryowl1559 Год назад
Im new to doing WH stuff but i managed to rescue a corp mate 2 nights ago. She messed up her bookmarks plus this was her very first time trying out wh stuff. Some corp mates told her to cobtact the rescue service. I told her *im the system where you found your initial WH. Ill park my barge and rescue you.* i had her give me all the details she could remember and used some deductive reasoning by thinking from her perspective. After about a hour (im not sure how long it took) she finally recieved the message *i found you, rescue has arrived* followed me through the few WHs and to safety. It was unexpected that id launch a rescue mission that night😂
@putin2012 Год назад
I agree with all of your points, except for #7. As a starting player without any alts and any skills going into industry is a waste of time and SP (which is limited to 5kk on Alpha char). General mining in high sec (and even in low sec) gives very low profits for time spent, especially if you include time for hauling of minerals to production stations/market. Doing any other content for the same amount of time will give at least 2-3 times more ISK which will allow to just buy replacement ships from market. Yes, I know that there are some exceptions (like gas harvesting or some events) but they require much more knowledge and investment than any new player will have at start. Industry can become helpful later on as an additional passive source of income, but wasting your first weeks of training and gameplay on a Venture... to shoot rocks? I strongly advise against recommending that to new players.
@shagakhan9442 Год назад
Great video!
@Whatitbedo Год назад
the audio is too low
@sjingelling Год назад
Ty for the tips. But buddy. Iv been struggling listening to this. You have a weird mic. It turns on when and only when u speak? Its sounds like my headset is turning of and on again. Just saying. I couldnt listen to the whole thing had to skip to another clip. But yeah ty for the info