
PTSD and Kundalini Awakening | What I Wish I Knew  

Art Yoga Enlightenment
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A difficult video to make because it is a huge topic. I touched on some of the more important aspects and I'll follow up with a deeper dive in later videos. Kundalini awakening is an upgrade to the nervous system. The purging process can be very daunting for people who have experienced trauma especially in childhood. It may be very difficult to trust that it is safe to return to the state of innocence and trust but keep going because you can rebuild that state of trust and purity of heart. You become strong and wise, but this path is not for the feint of heart. Please feel free to reach out with comments or questions. I had always wished I was hearing from Masters who had faced some of the things I had. It is important to recognize that you can become that Master. The story of Kali has been especially helpful in my own tempering of the anger that can arise in the face of healing from intense trauma. I highly recommend looking into that as it may offer some source of comfort for those so inclined. Be well. I hold space for our continued renewal.



20 авг 2023




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@wolf7379 2 месяца назад
What to Do if Kundalini Energy Feels Out of Control Learn how to control kundalini energy Immediately stop spiritual practices that over-stimulate the spine. Find a good spiritual counselor. If there isn’t one available in the meditation tradition you follow, ask God to guide you to someone who can help you. Mentally surround yourself with Light. Keep a picture of a great master or saint, like Yogananda or Jesus, and pray deeply for help as needed. Get plenty of exercise and fresh air. Breathe deeply while outdoors. Ground yourself in nature by working with plants or by walking barefoot on the grass or beach. Work with young children. Lead a balanced life. Get plenty of rest and eat a well-balanced diet with enough protein. Learn how to deal with stress. Be expansive and think of others. Avoid intense self-involvement. Don’t be afraid. Sometimes all that is needed is a slight course correction in your meditation routine and/or daily life. Remember, God is with you and guiding you through this experience. In time, everything will work out for the best.
@martin.ballard 7 месяцев назад
You left me speechless. My big one happened 5 years ago after a prolongued period of unimaginable pressure, sleep deprivation, and gaslighting. My nervous system went haywire and I finally got diagnosed with lupus, which I've had my whole life. I was pretty close to death. Something was obviously rebalancing because I spontaneously took up art -- almost obsessively. Thanks for sharing this. Most of us think we're going nuts.
@wacubby 3 месяца назад
@martin.ballard I am so grateful you mentioned gaslighting, because I am confident that gaslighting is almost lighting the match to the fuel that causes the awakening to happen….. stress, our nervous system’s are shot , lack of sleep, and constantly feeling like you’re in fight or flight…. at least what happened to me. And then another traumatic sudden ending to my relationship that I was not expecting. It was an absolute recipe for disaster… Or awakening, and I’m glad my being chose the awakening! Well, it’s incredibly confusing to figure out what you’re going through, even in its darkest moments, I am grateful and it’s much better than putting up with someone telling you that you’re not remembering things correctly or lying and deceiving you. ❤
@martin.ballard 3 месяца назад
@wacubby I totally concur. Understanding that gaslighting is real was so shocking I almost loat the reat of my mind.
@wacubby 3 месяца назад
@@martin.ballard totally relate, gosh!
@kawaiiwaifu4110 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this!! The energy of Kali is exactly what I have been experiencing for the last few years. She is the image of divinity that I align with the most, which has been so strange to me, given my Christian upbringing. The purging and cleansing is what I'm in the thick of right now and you're totally right about the righteous rage. I just randomly cry and have fits of emotions, especially after doing something releasing like yoga or dream interpretation. It's a really hard path because no one even knows kundalini exists, and even those who do know, think that it is psychosis. It's a double edged sword because I've gained a lot of awareness, but it's not an awareness I can explain to other people, which makes it very lonely.
@MettaM444 4 месяца назад
@Moonlight_Starseed 4 месяца назад
Same same 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i can relate so much hugs to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@ddoll7007 8 дней назад
Yes honey. Hardcore intense no words unbelievably challenging and terrifying experiences I have had. Almost six years now. I can’t find anyone who really talks about the raw bones of the process … the real process. Thank you. Cause I start feeling psychotic thinking I’m caught in a nightmare I don’t understand.
@marieketrompert4387 7 месяцев назад
Unlike any other post about Kundalini. I love your sharing. I experienced and experience similar things. After more than 8 years, thinking it was a lot better and easier I got ripped apart again. And still have faith because I experienced these dark nights before and know I come out with healed parts that I could not imagine. The proces is magical I cannot understand, only surrender to it. Mych love. So happy to have found your video
@MettaM444 7 месяцев назад
@Mistrzdan 6 месяцев назад
I went through the same thing. In my case it was about 8 years ago and I can say that after processing emotions everyday, having hundreds of dead ends, guessing, misinterpretating I finally got to the place where I can just feel every emotion without any judgement and just let it go through my body and integrate it with my psyche. I would say that it is a process of emotional maturing that average teenager went through but for us with complex ptsd it didn’t happen naturally because of traumatic blockages. And now we just have to deal with every suppressed emotion and understand what they are about and learn how we really felt in our childhood/adolescence life.
@Sharron247 7 месяцев назад
There is Nothing in life that feels better than finding someone who can relate to something you may be going through. This is a difficult & confusing journey. I have happy & sad 😭 tears right now. I was just wondering "What have I done so bad in my pass life to have so much pain in this life"!!😢💔 Thank you for your content!!... 💞 I'm not crazy!!😅 Nervous 😬..... Not crazy!!😅
@joaquinrojas9380 Месяц назад
im ONLY 18 and already almost been a year since it went hay wire. i attemopted death several times at its height, so dont lose hope everyone it takes time to re stabalize your life. im now going to college and starting to get involved in clubs/routines again slowly.
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
I'm glad you are doing better! And thank you for sharing an example to give hope for others. We could all use the reminder. It truly does help. Many blessings
@simplegrl Месяц назад
It’s demonic possession. I know bc it happened to me and took me 10 years to see it and get my life back. God would NEVER put you through something that made you suicidal for “healing” that is Satan my friend masquerading as an angel of light. Call on Jesus for healing and ask him to show you the truth. God bless.
@TheDZADre Месяц назад
Stay strong! Stay grounded and pray. It gets better.
@sarahvela7 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your openness and compassion for us. Experiencing these awakenings while also working on trauma and PTSD simultaneously in isolation had been extremely challenging for me. But that was part of my process in learning how strong and brave I really was. I encourage you as you encourage me. We will continue this journey with new understanding everyday and do it together!
@MettaM444 6 месяцев назад
Yes! 💖
@TheDZADre Месяц назад
Bless your soul. Thank you sister. I’m gonna start sharing my experiences on my Channel too. It’s scary when you don’t know what’s happening. We definitely need to share our experiences to help the collective as we all ascend.
@obifey 7 месяцев назад
I can't believe I found you. It's like you're a friend who told me what I needed to hear. October 25th, 2001, 22 yrs ago, I was "Re-birthed" with the classic rebirthing model set out by Sondra Ray, (see the book, "Loving Relationships"). At first it was BLISS! Then after the honeymoon was over it was like trying to clean up the Twin Towers Disaster with a teaspoon! I had so much purging to do!! Unbeknownst to me, somewhere along the line, my Kundalini was awakened. I have no idea when, but it did. This is a double whammy because my past was filled with INTENSE TRAUMA. I suffered at the talons of a Demon of Fear that had attached itself to me when I was very young. It would hit me with surges of FEAR LIKE WAVES of LAVA as I lie in my bed as a teenager. The demon never spoke. It only injected venomous "Fear Poison" into my body. This when on for many years. I got delivered in my early 20's. . . . but the shit was still inside of me, the fear energy. Back to my "Re-birth Day" and the sly Kundalini Awakening on top of that, I was propelled into a spiritual journey of the most bizarre and painful proportions! My nervous system is shot to shit but has been in "The Process" of healing for 22 yrs now. To the degree that I was traumatized (tortured) is to the degree my system is being overhauled and re-worked. I've been to healer after healer and course after course to find out, fix, remedy, and just find some relief to my condition. Watching your video puts my "condition" into perspective and sheds light of my plight. Thank you! There is hope - - - there is relief - - - there will be an end to this suffering and pain & a beginning of something different (maybe not for another 20 yrs, though). I resonated with your words. Many thanks. You are not alone . . . nor am I.
@MettaM444 7 месяцев назад
Sometimes you are the awakened soul that is holding space that no one else can hold. Be well, thank you for sharing
@sandystuff1827 5 месяцев назад
I got same stuff going on. Came to a head around 1995/6, i got in a situation where it was damned if u do damned if u dont. Loads of supernatural events started occurring in my life, which I am not interested in talking about, but I got the idea, life is not as I was assuming it was. I'm still all over the shop but doing better at not acting like I am. BUT one thing that keeps cropping up for me, is something central to what I consider ME is not having it! It insists on getting the nearest it can to authenticity. My superficial personality is like, yeh, ok, whatever, but what is underneath is volcanic, in that it that it puts up with stuff until I find myself doing inexplicable things. I've been trying to set up something for ages, to make a group of people who've experienced similar out there experiences for common support. But not easy. I think most just want to be free of IT, including my superficial personality. So it's like I have to carry on experiencing 'bad' stuff or I'd give up trying to help others. I have had moments of freedom from all mental suffering, but it wasnt blissful, more a resignation and it was as unbearable, for my inner personality seemingly as the mental torment to my outer personality is. I helped set up a group previously when I lived in London, under the spiritual crisis network umbrella, but eventually we all got so WELL that it just dissolved as everyone decided to move out of London, haha. I lived in a forest for a while and 100% helped. If I could manage it I'd live by a river in a forest. 99% of ailments dissolved and needs rather than wants prevailed in the mind. But would be good to chat to someone who's in it for the longhaul and looking to do stuff for others suffering too but in a low key everyday kind of way. And I get the crying, I cry every single day but I'm ok with it now cos I realise it's just passion near the surface. But other people are so freaked by crying, by an unapologetic man, Ur the 1st person I've come across though who's talking about it in the way I am. No fancy dressing it up, no bells and fancy clothing, just this is f8*%ing tuff.but necessary. Shame you're in the States? But I'm always looking to network with sympaticos Have a nice day. cheers
@MettaM444 5 месяцев назад
I hear you. :-)
@sarahe1356 6 месяцев назад
I had a spontaneous awakening following EMDR therapy for cPTSD 2 years ago. I also had plant medicine experiences which opened things up, but the awakening itself happened outside of those experiences. I was also just beginning a meditation practice and consciously starting to work through a chakra blockage. BAM! The experience itself was transcendent. I eat better, exercise regularly, and so much more conscious, but like you said, it's a process. Like, I'm on this upward spiral. I still have painful feelings, but I pause and go inward instead of grasping at all the external straws outside myself. I feel like it happened because my energy body was ready for it to happen, but so many experiences, revelations, etc. I'm slowly connecting in community, but that part has been really hard. I need community but it's even harder to relate to other people and I can't be anyone who's inauthentic in any way now... it just hurts. I'm blessed to be in a career that is both secure and doing meaningful work, but the connection thing is hard. I have loving relationships in my life, but no one I know who directly understands what this feels like. Maybe it's just that connecting had always been hard and I just can't bypass it any longer. I'm not sure.
@MettaM444 6 месяцев назад
Oh man that sounds intense! Thanks for sharing your experience. I have wondered if something like EMDR would be beneficial. Community is hard to build because the situation is so unique and not well understood (on multiple fronts,) and it can feel uncomfortable to go through it without a lot of feedback, I hear you! But maybe that will also be the blessing that we get to be for others.
@camilolarosa7398 7 месяцев назад
Thank you very much for sharing this. I had a kundalini awakening about 3 years ago. As other people that I later heard about, it was induced by LSD, so I wasn't truly ready for that experience. It very much amplified the pain of trauma while other times experiencing states of bliss and union. I'm currently treating PTSD, having a hard time to integrate thoughts and feelings and my head feels full of a stagnant kundalini energy along with feelings of fear and doubt that sometimes become overwhelming. Sometimes I manage to surrender and open the doors to that current through spiritual practices. I don´t know if it's ok for me to share too much about it yet because I still have a lot to heal, but your sharing makes me feel less alone in this experience and gives me confidence to keep allowing myself to grow. Thank you thank you 🙏
@ceolittle5166 7 месяцев назад
I do my sun got murdered and sheesh when I say it’s been out of this galaxy of human comprehension I totally get you. My kundalini ripped from my spine through my crown chakra and it’s the heads seeing all like a toteum pole. It’s been 8 years of first getting to an awareness that I lost my child then going through CPTSD therapy then different spiritual systems now I’m just spending time alone without anybody. I’m so glad you spoke on this thank you for using your power to even share this.
@mariagraham7525 6 месяцев назад
I have chronic headaches, after 6 years of bliss the energy became to strong for me, and one morning in meditation it shot up and burned my crown chakra, slowly the burning and pain increased 7yrs later am still in pain, I went through and supported my son who had drug problems, he is now better, but much trauma through awakening sai ram to all, I tried Charlie Goldsmith hearler6"" but no good result
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 6 месяцев назад
Blessed be your soul/Being
@DavidKemp-xn4ln 6 месяцев назад
Well done for talking about it… mine blew in 2012. I had no idea what was happening to me at the time and I took years to stabilise and process the energies. Now, I’m unrecognisable from my previous self. It took some getting here though and yes; facing and processing the trauma was key. Your advice of, ‘just keep going’ is good advice 👍
@sarahlove3844 6 месяцев назад
Thankyou thankyou thankyou. Your honesty and courage is refreshing. Sending you lots of love. I am in year 5 of processing kundalini awakening and dealing with PTSD. It started as an explosion of memorie from pre birth in the womb and processing each year and now I I have moved into when I was 5. I am highly aware now of ancestral trauma and how it gets passed down, how we are imprinted in our mothers womb, how as children we are imprinted again by unsolved traumas within our family, how cycles keep repeating. I work closely with my guides and am reminded I am a catalyst for change. And I am seeing this change within my birth family. So much more love, gentleness, respect and kindess. It is beautiful. Yes I still have to choose at times do zi suurrender to love and peace of my Spirit or do I continue the old patterns of rage and hurt. So I choose to love.I feel I hold more light now than ever before, am beginning to feel the beginnings of true freedom. I remember my past lives. How I have learnt to be a leader a teacher to hold the light speak the truth. My guides remind me I was an innocent child. That those who harmed were not holding the light, so brainwashed and traumatised and repeating old family/societal patterns of behaviour or deliberately choosing to harm. Bloody scary stuff to remember, the intensity of remembering was truly dreadful . But the breakthroughs have been awesome!!!! I now see hear and feel my guides and talk them all the time. I have morning and eveningsessions with them, both like I am a student and a patient. I asked for then for this. I needed their reassurance, their love clarity and wisdom and humour.so I didn't feel alone anymore. I have also asked this kundalini awakening be a gentle process now, and that I give them permission to either knock me out or I sit in the illumination of their love and wisdom so I don't feel the intensity of the pain anymore. Interestingly during these times if I try to do something else I mentally fall into the distress of the trauma being released. So I am learning to accept this is my 'work' for now. I work only part time now. Now I see myself as one mighty light peaceful warrior and have moved out of anger disillusionment and despair to often now belief knowing love happiness again and so much wiser. . Yes I feel frustration and yes intense sorrow arises at times when I let rip with pure bluntness to perpetrators at times but it doesn't last long. I even giggle at the reality, I am becoming free of them. I feel this freedom. So I write to let you know. The work even though it's been the toughest thing I have ever done-The rawness has left me bare and broken so many times but after going through each release, the triumph is amazing!!. just as nature renews itself after a drought, a fire so I am renewed. My guides tell me I have another two years, the first 5 years were about undoing , allowing the traumas to rise, be felt, be witnessed be transformed. Year 6 and 7 will be about rebuilding my life in all areas. Nurturing myseld and others and sharing my gifts and wisdom. I ask all those reading this, Nurturing your inner child is an absolute must. I have found by doing so and freeing her from the padt, she is teaching me to trust in life again, sharing with me my soul wisdom. You will get through this to anyone starting out on this journey. I recommend move your body to release fear, even if it's wiggling fingers and toes, and express safely your emotions. Eat well, stay hydrated, hug a tree go out into mature, unplug from social media, when things get intense, slow deep breaths, anything that calms fown your nervous system i stopped eating sugar, minimised watching tv, went into nature as often as I could and gave myself permission that it was ok to have a nap, to hide under the bed covers and go gently. Ask Spirit to nurture you. Ask what is the best path forward every day. Because your guides do hear you and want to help.when you feel their love OMG, life truly transforms Xx
@MeganARose-qr6si 27 дней назад
I totally agree with you regarding the concepts of karma and past lives to be used as an excuse not to do anything to face and stop absuse. I think it helps people to not face their own discomfort. My pattern being resolved was not one.of being a predator, it was one of generational matriarchal lineage powerlessness. Thanks for sharing. Brave and genuine.
@thumoswolf 7 месяцев назад
You are so strong for posting this ❤️. I have went through exactly what you mentioned and agree that it isn’t talked about enough - I don’t feel as alone now!
@emmalouise8309 9 месяцев назад
Just found your page! I cried with you💜💜 thanks for holding space! Im 2 years into this journey and i am tired but i have hope... and you are right about us all sharing our story it really helps💪! This really helped me! Thank you glad to have found you ❤🙏
@MettaM444 9 месяцев назад
Big Love to you!
@xascensionxx 6 месяцев назад
I can see the universe expanding I can awaken to the idea that I’m source energy but I am so TIRED lately I can’t stop sleeping!!!!!
@MettaM444 6 месяцев назад
That can happen! Sometimes we just need to listen to what the body is asking for so we're ready for whatever comes next :-)
@lizzieblizz 6 месяцев назад
I’m going through this too, thank you for sharing. I feel like I’m walking a tight rope with my mental health and spiritual awakening balancing parallel (for which I’m grateful because at least it’s balanced)
@TheDZADre Месяц назад
I recently healed my trauma with my narcissistic abusive parents. The next day after cutting contact with them and forgiveness feeling complete - I had my 3rd kundalini energy shoot up and I hadn’t experienced the Kriyas and body trembles. I felt amazing after and now learning more on this. Thanks for sharing your story. PTSD is real. The best advice I have for anyone reading this is to take your time and heal at your own pace. Daily habits and practices. My journeys been 3 years and I just now have gotten to a level of understanding and bliss.
@davebryan3149 9 месяцев назад
You are Amazing . Thank you . I am able to meditate and get into what a love state ( bliss) , I mean body tingles , feel like I'm floating , ect. ,but I never understood the anger or frustration that would come sometime later . I so moved by the way you explained this . I can now see I need to meditate more . Thank you for being such a beautiful soul . I am truly grateful for you.
@MettaM444 9 месяцев назад
You're welcome! Thank you for being here
@freedomnsurvival8472 5 месяцев назад
I cried for you , and me , and all of us , bless
@lornaelizabeth6290 8 месяцев назад
3/4 years in. When your whole perception of you you thought you were is smashed! A lot of childhood trauma. I had a really good year then it crashed again. Old pains more intense than ever resurfacing the ever inward spiral 🌀
@MettaM444 8 месяцев назад
I hear you and yes, that's what its like, beautiful, then heavy, beautiful, then heavy and then you look up and it's mostly just good and finally its not just mostly good but you realize the bad is truly over and only happiness and felt bliss remains. I am a lot less scared about triggers now because the bliss always comes back but in the beginning I was worried that it wouldn't
@visi7891 2 месяца назад
thank you for being so realistic/neutral
@koolkokujin7015 2 месяца назад
There are soooo many people on RU-vid trying to talk about this subject. Watching your videos, I can easily tell you're "legit"! Part of this struggle has to do with cutting certain people out of your life who don't want to evolve. Some of those people are family.. Food is HUGE! More specifically, how your digestive system deals with certain foods.
@Admin52559 2 месяца назад
I like that you're so authentic
@CMVGutierrez Месяц назад
Mine is vibrating my body now. I believe it’s rising. I have been meditating for 3 years now. It was nice to listen to Thank u I’m a little scared.
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
It has only made my life better and discipline easier - like the answer to the hope and faith I had before, now it is having a tangible reminder, a visceral reality guiding you, the felt sense of unconditional love and how it truly manifests and seems to desire that you feel it and know it through and through best wishes
@SilentWordsOfWisdom 6 месяцев назад
You are such a beautiful being ❤
@MettaM444 6 месяцев назад
Big blessing thank you
@wacubby 3 месяца назад
Helped me so much! In the midst of mine. No idea what was happening at all. ❤️
@MettaM444 3 месяца назад
Glad it helped!
@rosedelux4673 2 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Been going through so much lately, that this information resonates deeply 🙏
@ancienttempleofma 2 месяца назад
I'm grateful for your share ❤this is so hard I'm tired of sufferage
@SunMoonRising777 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing this! ✨
@sda141 7 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this
@shawndrahill9216 7 месяцев назад
Helped me. Thank you so much!
@jessiegirl4ever Месяц назад
Oh yes, happened to me spontaneously in November. I had to “reverse engineer” what the heck happened. It is profound and a blessing. Just keep moving forward and to find out your truth. Dr. Joe Dispenza and Delores Cannon were and are so helpful. Welcome to the AWAKENING!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
@Veliccia 2 месяца назад
Thank you. I needed this, sending so much love 🤗
@durwhat 8 месяцев назад
thank you for sharing. much love to you.
@African_Fairy 6 месяцев назад
❤ thank you for the enlightenment and great job.
@littlebitmckee8234 8 месяцев назад
You have a brightness in your eyes!
@annikakumpunen9942 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this video. I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening 2 years ago. I was given clairsentience and clairvoyance but little claircognizanse, feeling and seeing everything but not knowing the rationale, has given me what I feel is PTSD. I appreciate you opening up and explaining some things, this was a great video, I wish I saw it 2 years ago.
@Dantesdiscoinferno Месяц назад
people dont talk about it cause they say everyone has trauma. the last person i tried to get help from who was a kundalini therapist said this to me. its alwasy what they say. i dont blame em but it doesnt feel very fair to me. i have the sorts of trauma that usually knock twenty years off your life easy. lucky for me with the kundalni i will probs heal. i was at deaths door before the awakening. my body is almost normal now health wise. "no heirachy of trauma" is what keeps the most damaged down. same as how people thinking they are skint keeps the people in real poverty totally invisble. a study recently said that if you bring up povrty, fifty per cent of people will staight away bring up there own troubles. tahts what the most messed up people in the world are up against. ive had to let go of weeks of rage as you can tell. thanks for this video i really dont see anything like this and both ptsd and kundalini people dont undertand neevrmind both togtehr.
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
Yes, people get stress and trauma confused as a rule. Everyone has experienced stress, not everyone has experienced trauma. And it is ridiculous how it is treated, like you say, by both those who say they understand Kundalini and those who say they understand trauma. You are simply not the same person after trauma that you were previous to it, there is no going back, that person is dead forever and you must find a way to create a new soul and live again. They will tell you that it must be healed, etc etc and that you'll know it's healed and you've become enlightened because it will no longer affect you. And this is coming from ignorance about what has really occurred. No one seems to be mentioning anywhere that we are to grow a soul. We're too happy to debate about some who or some thing else creating it, whether it exists at all, or otherwise become obsessed with consciousness as if a soul is irrelevant. I am curious about the study you mentioned about poverty. It is a reaction I've noticed. I have wondered about it because it has the vibe of someone who feels as though they are talking to the ghost of someone they watched get murdered. They do not want to be seen as one who was in the crowd participating. But everyone could spend one weekend a month or one year of their life dedicated to helping the poor. And then there would be no guilt, no shame, no hiding, and a lot less suffering too. Thanks for your comment. I always deeply appreciate someone who genuinely understands. I am really glad to hear your health is improving! Many blessings to you and may you be a blessing to many others. Peace
@SacredBeholder 4 месяца назад
Divine timing with this video. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@msvickisanders 2 месяца назад
Thank you and bless you. I send you all love 💖
@theselfhelptarot 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video ❤ Bless your soul!
@MettaM444 9 месяцев назад
Blessings ~ Thank you!
@philipmilton456 6 месяцев назад
You are a beautiful experience helping me feel beauty and guidance. Thank you.
@stephenchafunya2203 Месяц назад
This is the most emotional video i have seen about Kundalini Awakening. Most of the times we are only sold the dream of the experience and never the downside. Thank you very much for the video, it is very helpful.
@beleefyoga 3 месяца назад
I'm so happy you share this, and in such a personal way. In kundalini yoga we touch on trauma and how yoga/ meditation / mantras can work for recovering, but in my opinion only on the surface. It's not an official part of the level 1 and 2 training. Meanwhile I see many students and teachers with trauma that use KY, but mostly to become stronger, meaning feel less. They don't really process or heal, at least that is how I see it. Recently, I started learning about trauma sensitive yoga and the theory behind it (mostly from David Emerson). I learned how trauma effects the body and so many domains in life. Also that recovering is a multilayer reclamation. Also Peter Levine speaks about the recovering from trauma, and that this often felt as a rebirth, as a spiritual experience. Personally I was drawn to yoga intuitively when I was a student at the university. At that time I didn't know how traumatized I was. Now in my fifties, and a lot of hard work later, my experience and understanding of yoga and trauma and spirit is deeper, and I start to feel how they are connected. Many blessings ❤
@paramitabhattacharya496 5 месяцев назад
🙏 you are just describing the state i am going through and I am tired ..it resonates completely..
@DamianMarines00 9 месяцев назад
Thank you !
@MettaM444 9 месяцев назад
You're welcome! :-)
@shashaneka 9 месяцев назад
Thank you so very much for sharing your kundalini awakening 🙏🏽I’ve also experienced Kundalini Awakening 🥹it was such a powerful mind blowing moment 😩I nearly fell to the floor 😅Sending love and light beautiful🫶🏽Stay Shining Your Light 🌬️💨💨💫✨💫✨💫✨💫🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍🦋🤍
@Lee-xg1nx Месяц назад
Finding a teacher is not easy , most of them are people who have had the same difficult experience with the kundalini energy . But now they ask for example like € $ 80 for a hour ....I mean no harm but not everyone can afford it My ego have a vision 🤭 that is one day to make this kind of help and support available for everyone Thanks for the video,s they really help ✨🙏🙏
@Remi23-vx7ug Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing your experience it takes a lot of courage. Looking back over these experiences two things come to mind. One I was never alone ,second today when emotion arise overwhelmingly I can embrace then knowing that it's a growing process. Thanks
@JasonPruett Месяц назад
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind Possessing and caressing me [Chorus] Jai Guru Deva, Om Nothing's gonna change my world
@SoulJosef Месяц назад
Wow.I feel you.I know what you mean.Much love.I love you❤❤❤❤
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
Big Love ~ Thank you
@supernovameditationproject 9 месяцев назад
Thanks! We're getting thru it eh? It's intense. Take care.
@MettaM444 9 месяцев назад
Yes we are!
@renakmans3521 2 месяца назад
I’m sure you’ve heard of Gopi Krishna? His awakening was traumatic but then I’ve heard others have much smoother Kundalini experiences. It’s a bit confusing but I suppose everyone has a different past.
@lilalbatros 2 месяца назад
@Mel-os3ld 2 месяца назад
Without the ptsd one would not experience what is known as a "kundalini awakening" otherwise known as body coming out of stress mode...The body waking up, nerves waking up feeling good instead of feeling horrible
@laineymckenzie660 7 месяцев назад
I was the same ,i had lots of little awakening ,then a full one . Also PTSD .. I felt mentally healed after the full blown,but i still see things in my reality .Inwould love to talk to you ,as iv not been able to talk to anyone with your understanding on the ptsd level ..❤
@brucehayward7916 7 месяцев назад
Bravo …. I have been in meditation many years and I am having kundalini experiences … I have good support and a guru … your comments were reassuring … they were helpful to me …. I have little fear … better yet when some fear arrises over the process … listening to others gone before helps … warm regards
@paulbakerification 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your candor. I'm in this process and have been so confused, as I have been doing trauma work this year along with exploring Kundalini Yoda. Your wisdom resonates... so helpful.
@kcsnipes 6 месяцев назад
I don’t know if this was my experience but I didn’t have much childhood trauma to my knowledge so I leave it for others 🙏
@pepawlowski 7 месяцев назад
@vectorair1 2 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing. What are the morning/evening routines and food and self care you would recommend???
@MettaM444 2 месяца назад
The big ones: for morning 8 silk brocades qigong, evening meditation for 10-15 mins that is simple like following the breath, making sure exhales are longer than inhales. Or... you place your palms together in front of your heart and just stand like that in silence for a bit, it can really calm the nervous system. If that's all you can do to begin with, make that a practice. Food depends on age and health but a good route that everyone should take is healing/nourishing the spleen and liver. You can do a google search for foods that heal the spleen for example. But since everyone is different... in that some people may need very grounding food and some people may need more light and fresh. You have to ask the body and wait for the response. It will always tell you it is just that modern society makes it difficult to hear so if you can find a way to re-establish that communication it will guide you all the way. Some people use finger/muscle testing kinesiology for this. Self care that includes skin care is super important. A high quality oil for the skin, non dyed or perfumed soaps, including laundry soaps goes a long way. And lemon water. Put a slice of lemon in water and saying a blessing into the water before you drink it. It's about making life and your life, a living temple. Restoration. Hopefully that helps. Best wishes!
@vectorair1 2 месяца назад
⁠@@MettaM444wow thank you for your reply! So kind of you and such helpful information. (I know about qigong but will actually start practicing) I do some dr Joe Dispenza meditations. The breath work feels difficult for some reason. Maybe you have a video on doing breathwork? I do follow a plant-based diet, but I can certainly clean it up and will look into kidney/spleen supportive foods. Thank you again for sharing xoxo
@MettaM444 2 месяца назад
breathwork can be difficult, that's common I think. We can become resistant due to habits related to dissociating which we all have to overcome little by little, creating environments safe enough to do so, to be in the body, etc. Be sure you have adequate or balanced salt intake. Salt and calcium regulate our electrical neural impulses. My energy was too intense when I was full veg so I had to switch to Mediterranean/keto. Grounding is a good place to start prior to engaging in breathwork especially if you are experiencing resistance to it. Those are usually clues for us. A grounding exercise that helped me is to sit on the grass and listen, try to hear sounds as far away as possible, tune into nature, notice every animal and insect you can sense within the area you are sitting in one by one. They all give off a slightly different frequency and tend to notice you noticing them, which gives a really awesome feeling of connectedness. Expanding your attention on the earth plane this way helps to integrate the nonlocal feeling which we can instinctually become afraid of especially if we've been closed down due to trauma or overwhelming stress before. There is a channel called breathwork by (or with?) Sandy that is effective for holotropic breathwork practice - don't rush it! Do what feels comfortable cause it all happens either way! Blessings 🙂 @@vectorair1
@renakmans3521 2 месяца назад
You’re incredible! Just wondering though, if you’ve been through the full awakening why is that you sound sad? I thought at that point you’re full of bliss? ❤
@MettaM444 2 месяца назад
Shiva and Shakti must become in union. Awakened Shakti is just the beginning, bliss becomes more stable over time. With that said, emotions are not a bad thing. Many of the spiritual resources we have been given are from men, who may not understand the nuance of a female's relationship to emotion. To be without emotion would not be bliss to me. All emotions are communion and communication.
@renakmans3521 2 месяца назад
@@MettaM444 Yes I agree, thank you. I also think sadness can have an underlying reason so maybe you’re going through a phase as you said, that will eventually lead to a more peaceful state. I study with Lawrence Edward’s who wrote a book on Kundalini and does satsangs. He does say people go through different stages but awakening is not always harsh for everyone. I guess it depends on previous spiritual practices. I wish you the best and have subscribed because I feel your sincerity. ❤️
@lyh9701 6 месяцев назад
Thanks a lot for talking about this. How long before your mini versions of Kundalini until you have a full blown one? What are the symtoms you had then? Thanks a lot and much love to you
@MettaM444 6 месяцев назад
The earlier ones which have all been about ten years apart were the experience of being engulfed with the bliss state, more like an instant enlightenment that I didn't have context for. Perfect bliss, pure awareness, God everywhere, totally seen and connected, it was a perfect feeling. But no context and didn't know how to integrate that and so I assumed it was a figment of my imagination and went back about my regular life. I didn't know anything about Samadhi or I would have sat still and meditated. 1992/2003/2014 were the intense ones, accompanied with a near death like situation in each case but moreso like I didn't go to "heaven" but rather heaven came here. Actually even in 81 when I was little, a guy tried to abduct me and that same spiritual power saved my hiney. 92 I fell off a cliff, I made a video about that one. 2003 is hard to explain, as is 2014. I'll make videos about them when I figure out how to explain it lol! It seems to get bigger every time, so 2025 should prove interesting! The last one in 2014 has been where I am integrating and upgrading the nervous system after the energy finally broke through the crown area and thanks to the internet was actually able to understand what happened and how to do that.
@lyh9701 6 месяцев назад
@@MettaM444 Thanks a lot for a useful information. I think I am similar situation at when you were in 2014. My crown chakra is open. There was one night I woke up with cold soothing energy running through my body while it was very warm in my lower spine. Following that with fever and extreme coughing for more than 10 days now. Since then I started to hear low ringing sound in my left ear (No, it is not tinnitus) What are your symptoms of upgrading nervours system ? What happened after that? Thanks a lot, much love and light to you
@karolisz815 5 месяцев назад
Could you share the source of information on internet regarding integration please?
@pencilcase46 7 месяцев назад
I dont know how much it helps when Kundalini say clearly: So you think its hard for you, know that there are countless others who feel worse. Okay, so i am nuts in this messed up world, but is it true? I think its a lot worse for those who adapt to society and keep the machinery up and running. ❤
@turkanismail1848 Месяц назад
Get a closer relationship with god. His there all the way. Ask for what you need. Trust trust trust. Feel it to heal it. Have your trusted support mechanism. Im here a year later and boy am i glad to say IM SO MUCH BETTER!
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
thank you - peace
@nickcascone4552 6 месяцев назад
Ya. Shit has been God damn wild. Nonstop pressure in my solar plexus. Throat muscles always clinched up. The critic keeps telling me I'm just fucked up and that nothing spiritual is happening and that it's all hopeless. I keep bringing in the new spiritual energies of Love and Safety to my Heart and to the base of my spine and my body is bugging out. A total shit show. Thanks for sharing your experience with this. Feels less lonely.
@MettaM444 6 месяцев назад
Have you ever been tested for allergies? Sometimes a mold allergy can make it even more difficult to go through the process. I lived in an apt with mold at the same time I was purging tons of old trauma stuff and I couldn't understand why things weren't improving when I was doing so much work. Once I moved and detoxed for a couple years, all of the bliss states came in without all the effort and my mind wasn't fuzzy and seeking all the time. It's always a bit of a dance between physical and spiritual, like the spiritual is attempting to give us the clues we need to make the physical feel better. Be well. Best wishes!!
@grmstevens 5 месяцев назад
Can you explain more about the gas and brake pedal please?
@MettaM444 5 месяцев назад
What you eat and how often you focus on grounding your energy will be the biggest helpers. Fasting and prayer will accelerate things considerably, keeping yourself grounded and focusing on adequate rest and digest phases will help slow things down. Think high protein with dense, starchy foods like sweet potatoes and squash to slow (along with sports and weight lifting) and alternatively foods like watermelon or napa cabbage coupled with time next to flowing water like a river, waterfall or stream if you are focusing on purifying and accelerating. Just as some examples. Either way, stay well hydrated and make sure the skin is constantly moisturized with a high quality oil
@grmstevens 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much!
@icarus166 2 месяца назад
I’ve been bedridden with incredibly intense kundalini syndrome. Whole body purifications non stop, deep vibrating, muscle contractions, heat…. The heavier contracting has stopped now and it’s just deep vibrations but it saps all my energy. You’re saying this slowed down and settled for you? The purifications became less severe and the kundalini became energizing instead of draining? It’s hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel from my position right now.
@MettaM444 2 месяца назад
I haven't experienced anything like that. You may want to look into Brent Spirit's channel like another commenter recommended. He holds free q n a weekly that you might find helpful to get support. There are free courses on his website that might be helpful as well. It does make sense that you would need to rest and be exhausted from the process. You have to take care of your body. Water, sleep, good food and all of that, I needed a lot of rest while I was going through the emotional purging. I wish you well.
@icarus166 2 месяца назад
@@MettaM444thank you
@bluntpathway 2 месяца назад
I think its the worst thing ever because it disrupts your life and I don't see the bright side.
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 Месяц назад
That you got all here years experience like you I got tinnitus from upload video set up level 8 now 2 for 4 years miserable cops now state from investigating me apple told so much still here didn't kill my self 😊😊
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 Месяц назад
That have all weirdos here they say actually they're truth seekers see that real life trauma experience 😊
@jarodcarnarvon5198 6 месяцев назад
She seems like a real nice sweet girl.
@janewanes Месяц назад
Why is there no medical term for Kundalini if it is so physically effecting?
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
this is a very ethnocentric statement, are you aware of that? "medical term" in which culture? All cultures that have practiced any form of medicine have ample explanations, research and documentation of this phenomena. The newest form of medical practice, usually called Western medicine, is focused solely on the materialist and mechanical and views the human being in much the same way one would view a farm animal. They literally give a pill if you are grieving the death of a loved one, that should tell you all you need to know.
@janewanes Месяц назад
@@MettaM444 O yea I'm sorry I did not mean it in a negative way or a way that would question the validity of Kundalini, I am just from America experiencing symptoms and trying to make the way I am currently living somewhat compatible or non disruptive to the symptoms I am experiencing. I was just genuinely curious how to treat myself in a way that is accessible and also curious how Western medicine has interpreted Kundalini if at all, how it has manipulated it to fit into it's own culture. I am just curious :)
@janewanes Месяц назад
I think my comment was coming from a place of wanting to understand, confusion about the culture I live in, and a desire to relieve pain I am currently in. I am very saddened by my own culture's inability to take care of people. My comment was not coming from a place of questioning your practice or video! Sending love
@MettaM444 Месяц назад
@@janewanes I hear you, thank you for saying so! My own early symptoms started more than 20 years ago and there was no help available at all to explain or guide me through what was happening. Which was incredibly frustrating and resulted in a great deal more trauma and pain as a result. There is still some bitterness there as you can tell! There has been some academic research done on it, but very little in terms of western scholarly investigations. My chiropractor has been immensely helpful, she is very intuitive. I've had acupuncture, psychedelics and extended grounding (sleeping outside on the ground for a month) to help relieve and move energy. I've had to change my diet numerous times depending on hormone levels and things like that. Ayurveda is the best for using foods to manage symptoms. Acupuncture and chiropractic help if it gets stuck in the body and won't move. And if you can find ways to be around other people that you are able to get into heart coherence with, that will help you avoid spending too much time in the pain body. And feel supported. Salt baths can be really helpful too if there is a lot physical pain manifesting. The energy right now is very intense and it could be amplifying everything. Wishing you peace
@danskdna8550 8 дней назад
I agree that question needs investigating. I would say, unless you experience it firsthand, it sounds unbelievable. Many won't discuss with docs in fear they will be told they are insane or high. Docs who do know it as fact might have fear of being ridiculed by peers. I am certain India, Peru, for example, have common terms everyone is aware of. Sad it is still not well known in our medical community yet in the US.
@laineymckenzie660 7 месяцев назад
Did you heal ?
@MettaM444 7 месяцев назад
I think it depends on the definition of healing. In the same way that some people have different definitions of success. I have free will again. And a deep love and gratitude, a joy that comes with the mysteries being revealed. But I still wrestle with why this place is so ridiculous. And haven't quite regained my sense of humor regarding it all. Then again, maybe I'm not supposed to. Best wishes
@laineymckenzie660 7 месяцев назад
@@MettaM444 I know what you mean,I meant healing in the sense that the awakening brings clarity .
@MettaM444 7 месяцев назад
@@laineymckenzie660 Yes, clarity. Being able to tolerate paradox and ambiguity as essential operating fundamentals takes a lot of the load off while you undo the effects of previous trajectories - reality is weirder than we have words to describe and somehow just a look from another awakened human can convey it all
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 Месяц назад
Tramura on internet and hometown bull system
@dakine4238 5 месяцев назад
I just feel very lonely
@MettaM444 5 месяцев назад
yea, true and deep spiritual awakening is something that must be done and experienced individually, it's where you begin to fully recognize your own autonomy but it does get better. It's autonomy without separation in the end (even though that sounds impossible.) I get through my lonely bouts by remembering I get to watch/do whatever I want and spend my time getting to know my own natural rhythms. And telling myself one day you'll be done mastering these things and people will come to you for help and animals will feel especially safe in your presence and plants will flourish when you tend them and you won't be lonely anymore.
@dakine4238 5 месяцев назад
@fourtwentythree Месяц назад
I respect anyone who says I don’t understand this thing, so I don’t want to talk on it, but I will give you my perspective. I appreciate that point of view Thank you even though I don’t particularly relate my experience to yours. I understand at all experiences are different. I guess that’s part of the beauty of life.
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 Месяц назад
Love it learn how use thrift like rescue thrift from girl friend 🧡 save money actually rich who died donate why pay more if want purchase good shirt go Macy pay 60 dollars go church even that take money so quite go church in internet 😀
@anthologyapchallengeyingya8881 Месяц назад
Never beendrug thank officer Thor investigation and then put GPS 👏 I pasted guess I learned nothing safe people 😉 here internet the hater troll
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