
r/AITA My Evil Sister Wants My Kidney 

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10 сен 2024




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@robbieberg9452 4 месяца назад
The wife in story one should get 5 out of 5 for leaving the baby unattended and not changing his diaper all day
@munchie3909 4 месяца назад
@E7XEE 4 месяца назад
Just me or has Rslash been light on butthole scores lately, like when he have that dude who held op hostage 3/5 butthole scores It’s not that serious but I’ve been noticing it lately
@giancarloc1985 4 месяца назад
He should divorce his wife for child neglect alone. What a disgusting human being to neglect a helpless baby like that. OP could have lost his son to CPS. RSLASH was wrong on the rating. 4.5 out of 5? More like 5 out of 5 for both the wife and stepdaughter.
@Evilpricetag 4 месяца назад
My wife did this, there is full, and then there is so full even the absorbant stuff is seeping through, like, it isn't fun to touch pee, but there's a certain discussion when you feel something you shouldn't ever need to feel. And then there are the unfortunate rashes after too & trying to maintain relief for your baby when changing them going forward.
@terra_the_nightingale135 4 месяца назад
@@giancarloc1985don’t think the step daughter deserves 5/5, maybe 4/5 or 3/5, she wasn’t responsible over a child and neglected him
@TomDarkwulf87 4 месяца назад
Story 2: The fact that OP's family laughed along with the bully calling OP a slur is EXTREMELY telling. I'm guessing they resent OP being gay or that sister is the golden child.
@winterdemon1 4 месяца назад
A family that openly accepts a homophobe into them was already homophobic. They were just afraid to admit it until the bully did first.
@LunaP1 4 месяца назад
Or both. OP is the scapegoat.
@jeanbean7183 4 месяца назад
⁠@@LunaP1op did say that they made the mistake of coming out of the closet in high school and their, so called friend told the whole school including the bully.
@ramenbomberdeluxe4958 4 месяца назад
Yeah, but of course people love to act like such bigotry is just a rare whisper in the wind and call you a woke SJW when you acknowledge otherwise…
@latoshi3671 4 месяца назад
My money is on the first one.
@jackwatt8988 4 месяца назад
"They told me he and Ellie were serious so I had to get over it" - Ya, I'm over it. I'm over all of you. Have a good life.
@lancerevell5979 4 месяца назад
And this toxic family has the gall to wonder why their abused child goes no contact, and writes them off. For very good reason. 😮
@SaiyanSweetheart45 4 месяца назад
Story 2: No disrespect to OP, but here's a way to stick it to his entitled family; ask them if Ellie REALLY wants a kidney from him and if Darren wants to be married to a woman with a kidney from a gay man. If they're so willing to reject him for who he is because of his sexuality, why do they want a body part from him?
@danielbrant6740 4 месяца назад
@bluewolf1409 4 месяца назад
I'm not from the US, but think I have heard/seen something about that gay people can't donate organs? Even if he was a match, would he even be allowed to donate? Would also be a pretty big way of sticking it to both Ellie and Darren.
@vacuousbard6410 4 месяца назад
​@@bluewolf1409 They're not allowed to donate blood I think?
@bladeslayer1089 4 месяца назад
Where i live sex gives 2 week donation ban so it is easyer to see if there is std
@Silverenvy 4 месяца назад
@@vacuousbard6410that has actually been correct by the American Red Cross! Gay men can donate blood, but they have extra screening on the back side of processing the unit of blood depending how they answer their questionnaire/screening
@xegin1572 4 месяца назад
Story 1: So, the wife apparently quit her job after son was born to be a SAHM, son is born in 2022, wife probably quit her job the same year. She is having an affair with her ex boss, and we're supposed to believe the affair only started 6 months ago ?
@bladerunner3314 3 месяца назад
TBH, I was thinking the same but I would assume ... unless that thought never crossed her mind, since it's APs baby, she would take better care.
@IsMgb45 4 месяца назад
There's an update on the first story: turns out that when Lisa find out about the affair she WAS going to tell op, but to prevent it her mother told her a lie that her AP was her "real dad" and both briebed her with gifts. Op stopped drinking got in contact with his adoptive daughter and they both want to reconsiliate. STBX wants too, but op only talked to her to get closure and say it was realy over, he wont divorce yet, but will stay separeted from her, only in contact with daughter
@1Kapuchu100 4 месяца назад
I'm glad to hear it was a case of the daughter being tricked, and not just being a materialistic little gremlin. Glad that OP and his daughter reconciled. I hope she gave him a proper apology for what she said.
@BadassHater1 4 месяца назад
If i were OP i would not take the stepdaughter back It does not matter if she feels sorry now - the damage is already done and she has shown that her loyalty is with the one who bribes her the most.
@1Kapuchu100 4 месяца назад
@@BadassHater1 Good thing you're not OP then, eh?
@ChairyCrasher 4 месяца назад
I am curious about the son. Is the son actually his?
@NEPAAlchey 4 месяца назад
The affair was only six months long ​@@ChairyCrasher
@DarkEinherjar 4 месяца назад
Ellie: "Hey, there was supposed to be a bridge to a spare kidney here! Why is it in ashes?!" Actions have consequences, who knew?
@TrinityOfMagicule 4 месяца назад
This was great! Nice callback to the burning bridges.
@silverflight01 4 месяца назад
Story 4: His immediate response when the water broke was to run away like he was being chased by the Killer Rabbit? Yeah, if the response was to just vanish, this family is doomed. Sure, he was scared, but how exactly does that excuse leaving the wife to just suffer with no way to the hospital? Dude is a wuss
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And things will only get worse moving forward. Will he run when the baby gets sick and no one can sleep? Likely so. And either he cowboy’s up or his wife will leave him.
@LLandS18 4 месяца назад
100%. Also what exactly does he have to be afraid of. Is he going into labor? Is he doing one of the most dangerous things a woman can do? Must push a baby out of his hoo-ha no, he's not. What exactly is he scared of. What a f****** coward. Quite honestly op wasn't hard enough on them. If I was his wife that would I would divorce him. And they'd have to question whether or not the child would be safe with him. Which I hate to do because every child deserves to know their father. But maybe he should only be able to see the child in supervised company until he can prove he can be a mature ass adult.
@linuxuser4895 4 месяца назад
Nice "Monty Python and the Holy Grail reference! And yes, there's something wrong with this dude.
@dracko158 4 месяца назад
Should've just sucked it up and helped his damn wife. Dude's a literal wuss.
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
and why TF did he reacted as if were about to get killed? does he has a trauma or something?I heard of shitty parents abandoning their partners in labor and THEY did it because their assholes and don't care about their partner not because they went into panic mode.
@RealCoolstriker64 4 месяца назад
Story 2: This isn’t like donating a liver, you only have 2 kidneys. If she needs a transplant, it’s because BOTH of hers are failing. Meaning if your single kidney fails (which it’s more likely to do now) she can’t transplant one back. There is a very real chance this will shorten your life-span, and for what? She has the right to date whoever she wants, and YOU have the right to not give up your body.
@renharris6504 4 месяца назад
And it’s not like she doesn’t have time to wait- unless there’s something else extreme going on, if her kidneys are failing, she’ll get put on dialysis while waiting for a donor match. People can survive on that for 20-30+ years. It sounds miserable to have to do that, but she made this misery bed herself by being unkind.
@dracko158 4 месяца назад
Story 2: They all laughed at you, wouldn't defend you, called you sensitive, and then the moment a family member needs help, you HAVE to help them? No f*cking way. The moment they laughed at me, I'll be distancing myself from them and never speak to them again. OP Is the monster? Nah mom, you and the family are the monsters for siding with someone who made OP's life hell. NTA.
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
Projection, we meet again.
@dognose8518 4 месяца назад
there was an update to the first story. when the daughter caught her mom, she lied and told the daughter that the affair partner was her bio dad(he wasn’t). so when the daughter realized she been lied to, she disowned her mom. Edit: ok pls give the 13yo some grace. hindsight is 20/20. its easy to say that you would have never did what she did when you havent been in her situation. i remember when i was 13 and i honestly dont know what i would do. i for one am happy that op is rebuilding is relationship with her. she releases she was wronged and was also wrong. and this situation you need give people grace, cuz if you dont, you rob them (and yourself) of any reason to grow.
@DullyDust 4 месяца назад
Tbh I'm glad to hear that she refused to be a tool of her mother for any longer than she knew
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Kind of hard at 13. Also do you have the link?
@miniman649 4 месяца назад
Hopefully she can live without any parents then. She don't deserve OP taking her back and he shouldn't.
@dognose8518 4 месяца назад
@@lorilancaster5917 no, i heard this story on another reddit channel
@inmyshoeswheelsoptional9848 4 месяца назад
Yeh... Not to mention tho the kid probably wanted to finally have love/approval from her mum from neglect & trauma, & her actions are kinda probably related to that. Not mention she could have been terrified of mums actions etc if she didn't lie... she sounds like a total Narcassist, esp with all the "love Bombing" to the father 😢. But knowing that is what happened & said makes it somehow more f***-up! The trauma the daughter has to likely go through now too IF she means it & just didn't realise her mum was pulling her strings... But even tho she apologized did the dad forgive her? as if I was him, I would but with like a "probation" so she isn't just doing what her mum does and isn't just a narcassist as well. Even thi she's sorry she still did what she did and has to take the consequences, and hope she learnt from it, esp about trusting her mum &/or stop letting her mum puppeteering her.
@silverflight01 4 месяца назад
Story 2: Nervousness makes you throw a homophobic slur as a joke? Nah, I don't buy it. Yes, Ellie has a right to date whoever, but it doesn't mean that everyone will like the person she's dating. In this case, it's a homophobic bully that tormented OP. That's just how things are
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And seeing how OP didn’t go into details, Darren likely did worse things then torment him.
@dracko158 4 месяца назад
I figure the signs of nervousness would be stuttering, unable to speak clearly, shivering and stuff, but THROWING A HOMOPHOBIC SLUR? Big yikes.
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
even if it were a nervous reaction (and it wasn't) they shouldn't have laughed, they may be just as bad as him.
@TheBoboTheIceMan 4 месяца назад
She has the right to dare who she wants. He has a right to donate his body to who he wants to.
@Nothingtoseehereanyway 4 месяца назад
I can confirm nervousness does not make slurs happen. I've got an anxiety disorder and I have never once said a slur out of being anxious, or having a panic attack.
@TomDarkwulf87 4 месяца назад
Story 3: I spend a ton on MtG cards, but nowhere NEAR that level. Husband definitely has an addiction and is attempting to gaslight OP when he's confronted
@LunaP1 4 месяца назад
And committing financial abuse. He spends a lot of his own money on baseball cards, but goes unglued when OP spends her own money on other things.
@AdorableFloof1999 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I get being into a card game (fellow mtg player) but my husband and I usually refuse to buy anything over $50 (and that is a rare occuence already) unless both of us need it for a deck or it's a present. Got my hubby a Dockside Extortionist for our anniversary one year.
@brendanboomhour7606 4 месяца назад
​@@AdorableFloof1999I got into yugioh in highschool, still play it now, 9 years later, I've spent under 1000 Canadian dollars on my 2000+ cards, and that's with the issue of scalpers hiking the price up
@11epicnoob 4 месяца назад
I LOVE mtg, possibly addicted even- but even I have to draw a line. The new set Outlaws of Thunder Junction was cool... issue for me was that it just felt too much like fan service with more returning characters than new ones (Kellan is an exception to me)
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
Question: Has OP ever seen these alleged baseball cards? Or has the husband managed to convince her that money lost on sports gambling is actually for baseball cards?
@Wander85942 4 месяца назад
You guys ever get so nervous you drop a derogatory term to your former victim. Happens all the time, right?
@VicGeorge2K6 4 месяца назад
I call BS on that. That was NOT nervousness. He knew who and what OP was and decided that it was a good time as many to mock him.
@Nothingtoseehereanyway 4 месяца назад
Yeah man, I always accidentally call my former victims slurs when I meet their family. Hah, totally happens amiright? (this is sarcasm for anyone who cant tell)
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And everyone laughing hysterically like Darren told the funniest joke of all time? No. Those people are toxic and Ellie’s vile behavior is likely what lead to her needing new kidneys.
@giancarloc1985 4 месяца назад
I think the bully was into OP... as most homophobic bullies are. I was bullied by a guy in high school. Found a photo of my bully and his little twink boyfriend on Facebook a few years later. I did message his boyfriend to tell him my bully made my life pure hell for two years when I was outed (not by any choice). He didn't dump him but I was later contacted by you know who later. I was laughing more if anything. I honestly just laughed so hard I cried when I saw the photo. Still burned in my mind. Almost to the point of not being able to breath.
@kristashafer93098 4 месяца назад
Oh yeah totally! Just like the sleep medication I took caused me to spout racist slurs! /s\
@DaremoKamen 4 месяца назад
Baseball cards: Taking your money back a little at a time? I'm guessing the divorce lawyer told him he would have to pay it back all at once, and probably considerably more than just half, and that's why he 'wants to fix the marriage'.
@LLandS18 2 месяца назад
Okay, it's even worse than baseball cards. I found an awe on Reddit about a week ago and I just found this video again. It was nft Trump baseball cards. That literally have zero value. Because you can just take a screenshot of them.
@m.d.schaffer4709 4 месяца назад
Rslash, there was an incredible update to that first one. Apparently, the mother told the daughter AP was her real bio dad and when daughter found out she apologized to OP
@DrgnLdyLizzie2001 4 месяца назад
Holy crap!
@james14294 4 месяца назад
that makes the mum so much worse
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Sorry but it still doesn’t absolve her of what she said. She told OP that she sided with him not because he’s her real dad but because he buys her things. And while age wise she is a child, she is still old enough to know what she sad to OP was hurtful and old enough to know that actions have consequences.
@yabe-kfptentacultist 4 месяца назад
​@@lorilancaster5917 yeah even if the daughter apologised after the truth was revealed, the damage was already done. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
@1Kapuchu100 4 месяца назад
@@yabe-kfptentacultist But some damage can be repaired, fortunately, and judging by the OP this was the kind that could, and did, get fixed.
@Aymarichan 4 месяца назад
The first story update - The mother lied to the daughter that the affair partner was her real father because the daughter saw them kissing on the couch one day, and they “kept her quiet” with gifts. The mother was also bad talking OP behind his back to said daughter. OP found out about all of this and unblocked his daughter. They started communicating again and I think I remember he wanted to try for main custody. Yes the daughter is old enough to see right from wrong, but she was manipulated by the mom. OP was manipulated from the start of the relationship, too- never being told about her daughter until he was meeting the family. Then she begged him to stay and he fell in love with her daughter (like, parentally, lol). I think there was mention of therapy, custody, divorce after he gets an idea for single parenting and the legal fees and stuff. The daughter isn’t at fault here… it’s all the mother. She’s crazy.
@shadowmewfred09 4 месяца назад
Imagine slapping someone while they held your toddler.... even worse when you're the mother being the attacker. op i wouldn't forgive them ether too
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
I hope OP took a picture, likely not due to all the chaos, and used it as evidence during the divorce. Even though her and Lisa neglecting the toddler should be enough for him to get full custody
@DullyDust 4 месяца назад
Last story: good job on op for telling his brother the raw truth Nothing less is needed for his wake up call
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Or he runs crying to daddy again
@ajjamsen694 4 месяца назад
I wonder what the brother was actually doing for those 8 hours. Did the grandpa/dad only find out at the end of the 8 hours that he ditched his wife? 8 hours is not a short amount of time when you're giving birth so what was he doing? Sitting in a corner, rocking back and forth? Doing the devils tango with a rando? If I was the wife, before I even let the dad see the baby, he'd have to be honest and tell me wtf he had been doing all those 8 hours.
@JewelWildmoon 4 месяца назад
Somewhat related to the bully story, but if anyone ever gets caught in a situation where you're getting bullied for being gay, go to an area that has a lot of students and/or teachers, turn around to face him, and yell "For the last time, I'm not interested. STOP ASKING!" Worse case scenario, he'll get pissed but he can't do shit if you're around teachers. Best case scenario, he might shut up or people might start taunting him about being in the closet if he doesn't stop.
@MossyToast 3 месяца назад
Fucking love this, might use it next time one of the boys at my school make inappropriate comments at me.
@mailmebaby555 2 месяца назад
I'm straight and i used it on a guy. I said "why are you constantly trying to get my attention? do you have a crush on me or something? Sorry i'm not intrtested"
@winterdemon1 4 месяца назад
Stepdaughter: "You're not my real dad!" OP: "Neither is that other guy." Stepdaughter: "But he has money!"
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And who bets now that the affair is out, other guy will ghost OPs ex and the daughter?
@Mr_Timi1 4 месяца назад
The thing about it is, the other guy wasn't paying for private school and special lessons. I'd imagine that the boyfriend wasn't paying for a quarter of what he adopted dad was paying for her. even if he did buy her an iphone.
@berkhero3006 4 месяца назад
Acording to the update she tought he was, indeed, the bio dad
@Othomqcpwr 4 месяца назад
There is an update, OP sbtx told her daughter that Daniel was her bio dad (which was a lie)
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
@@Mr_Timi1 Of course but a 13 year old doesn't care about that crap (at least until they are gone) all she knows is new guy (that she thought was her real dad) gets her whatever toy or trinket she wants whenever she asks, OP makes her promise to do chores or whatever it is he does before getting her anything.
@uniraffesaur 4 месяца назад
“My ex-daughter” damn that’s a term you don’t hear often
@Alyrulz421 4 месяца назад
That last story is infuriating omg, he relentlessly cried and played the victim but how on earth did he not think about how scared and upset his wife was?!? How dare he say anyone “doesn’t understand how he’s feeling” when his wife was feeling 1000x worse!
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
He's either a narcissist or on the spectrum. Still doesn't excuse his actions.
@Mario-SunshineGalaxy64 4 месяца назад
Sis can live *years* off dialysis, kidney failure isn’t a death sentence nor a reason OP should undergo surgery for someone that doesn’t care about him.
@silverselkie1692 4 месяца назад
The family could also enter a kidney exchange program
@oliviaroseink 4 месяца назад
So I definitely don’t think that OP should feel any obligation to give a kidney, but I think it’s worth noting that dialysis is incredibly stressful on the body and once a person is on dialysis, they will only have a life expectancy of 5-10 years. I have known a couple people who were on dialysis long term, and the physical costs are very very visible and distressing to observe in someone else, unimaginable to consider having to endure it.
@SteviiLove 4 месяца назад
The dad in the last story needs to handle whatever it is that made him think disappearing for 8 hours while his wife is actively giving birth to their child was a good idea. One of the moments that will forever stick with me is when I was in labor. My fiancé was working mandatory overtime on 3rd shift and was told he'd be fired if he left, even though they knew before he came in and said he could leave whenever. What did he do? He told them go ahead and fire him before leaving to come straight to me at the hospital. He almost got into a fight with the staff because they wouldn't let him in right away as I was getting the epidural inserted in my spine. The look of worry turning to relief when he locked eyes with me will stick with me forever; I knew he loved me before obviously but that moment really showed just how much and I will always cherish that memory.
@TheKillerqueen40 4 месяца назад
I'm glad you two found each other. He seems like a good egg, and so do you 😊
@laurenhayes564 4 месяца назад
Story 4: GOOD THING SHE DIDNT FUCKING DIE WHEN HE LEFT HER. She better fucking leave him.
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
God, if she'd been there alone, she and the baby could have died a nightmarish, inhumanly traumatic death.
@davidwatson6202 4 месяца назад
Good thing op was around to help Would hate to think what would have happened otherwise If I was the wife I’d really be thinking is this really the man I want to be with me in sickness and in health
@DaBaseBallZ 4 месяца назад
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
Given the emergency number shown, this happened in the rural UK. And, yes, ringing emergency services is basically an instinctual response to any spouse worth their salt.
@Dog_in_tree 4 месяца назад
Running away when your wife is going into labor is CRAZY! I seriously can't fathom how someone can react that way.
@privateeyety5735 4 месяца назад
Like wow he ran to his daddy's house wtf is wrong with him
@Dartkitten 4 месяца назад
Some people will panic in a sudden situation. Even if you know it's coming it can still be shocking and fearful. It's OK if he doesn't feel ready to be a dad, perhaps therapy?
@DaniS398 4 месяца назад
1st story had an update....daughter caught them and threatened to tell. The mom lied to her and said the AP was her bio dad and then they started bribing her to keep the secret. I also think they were bad mouthing the dad to the kid.
@luckysav5008 4 месяца назад
First story: If I had a nickel for everytime a spouse hid an affair with the help of their kid, I would two nickels. Which is not much but it's weird that it happened twice!
@shadowmewfred09 4 месяца назад
I'm guessing both cases involved a platypus
@DeplorableMe83 4 месяца назад
My children would be the first to sell one of us out. Guess I can be proud of something I've done in life.
@leandrodlamas8993 4 месяца назад
Oh god. Another Phineas and ferb comment.
@WiseWordsbyWiki 4 месяца назад
I wouldn't say surprisingly, it's pretty easy to manipulate a child and by the time they are old enough to see through that, the grave is already dug
@BVBGirl-3313 4 месяца назад
Ah the Doof 😂
@d.phantomfan1216 4 месяца назад
Story 3: the fact that he immediately went to guilt-tripping from one simple question shows that he knows he's in the wrong and they're trying to manipulate you out of being concerned that he is spending in a scene amount of your money and won't even tell you on what. Ignore a temper tantrum he's not going to do s*** he just needs you to be scared enough to let him do whatever he wants watch how fast his 180 comes when he realized his blood isn't working. No way is he going to jeopardize his income to force you to get over it, but on the slight chance that he's not bluffing you can use that money to take his out to court and get 50% of every penny he'll owe you from that sell since you own half of everything.
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
_(sigh)_ This is why I'm not going anywhere near matrimony if I can help it.
@mothbone_studio 4 месяца назад
rslash you should totally change the mom in the fiesta tory to 5/5, leaving a baby in a soiled diaper can lead to serious infections, even death from infections. That’s straight child abuse and endangerment not only from the mom but the sister!? That’s insane
@Mr_Timi1 4 месяца назад
The guy in the second story who doesn't want to donate a kidney should tell his sister it's just a prank bro...
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And who’s willing to bet Darren didn’t get tested? If I were OP I would lie and say he already donated a kidney to a sweet atheist person from the LGBTQ community
@TheKillerqueen40 4 месяца назад
"Ah, shit, I knew I forgot to do something. I forgot to block you and everyone else after you all picked a homophobe over me. I am so forgetful, haha. Anyway, I've got important things to do, so I'm gonna go now. Good luck with that toenail she needs or whatever. " _click_
@chickenman297 4 месяца назад
2 sayings come to mind for the first story. 1. If she cheats, she belongs to the streets. 2. Never play another mans save game.
@FatedGamer 4 месяца назад
In the refuse to donate story the obvious issue is the whole family is homophobic. They laughed when he called him the F slur and ignored his past bullying that shows that, no, the guy is just homophobic. So OP needs to never ever talk to his family.
@Andrew_BIake 4 месяца назад
Story 2: Being a gay man myself, I wouldn’t judge my sibling for going out with someone who I had issues with previously, however, if it ever came down to something which effected him (such as money loan or whatever), then I’d tell him to get lost. One example would be when at uni, I met a few people who I thought I was mates with, we moved in and stayed with each other for a year. There was a misunderstanding, I tried to explain and they wouldn’t listen but when it came to Christmas, they gladly accepted items from me but still refused to speak to me, not even a thank you. Long story short, they got addicted to weed and one developed anxiety due to it… so if there was ever a time where they needed my help, I’d demand the money back difference wise between what I would have paid and what I did pay in rent, plus 25% before I’d even consider speaking with them… None of them passed their degrees either (two done psychology and one done forensics, I did Biomedical Science). Yes I passed and went on to do my Masters in the same subject.
@icetweiz 4 месяца назад
the irony on their targeted degrees is astounding
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
It's physically impossible to get addicted to THC.
@d.phantomfan1216 4 месяца назад
Last story: oh he was scared, that makes it all better. Never mind his wife who was not only going into labor but was abandoned by her husband, who was such an ass he actually took the car leaving her stranded with a sibling that had no idea what to do. Never mind the sibling that because of his reckless BS was almost forced to deliver a baby when they had no idea what they were doing. No, the one that deserved the most sympathy in the guy that completely abandoned his wife and had to be forced to go see her in the hospital after conveniently not telling their dad what was going on. What do you get an earful from his father and now he thinks that's enough punishment so everyone else had to be nice to him because he was going through a lot? And you're just a sibling, his wife should be the most upset and if I was her he couldn't come anywhere near me after doing all that then having the balls to make himself the victim.
@Dartkitten 4 месяца назад
Even if you know what's coming you can/will react in unexpected ways.
@madambutterfly1997 4 месяца назад
The way I see it. The daughter’s loyalty was easily bought. A person who easily has no value to speak of.
@mental_r0bot459 4 месяца назад
She's a child. Of course her loyalty was easily obtained
@GiordanDiodato 4 месяца назад
@@mental_r0bot459 she's 13. she should know better.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Which is likely the only reason why she is crying to OP now. Not for what she said but for the actions OP took. However since OP adopted her, he cannot “unadopt” her and is liable for child support. I also hope he gets a paternity test on his son
@BadassHater1 4 месяца назад
@@mental_r0bot459 13 is old enough to know that her actions WILL have consequences. And she may not like them in the end.
@madambutterfly1997 4 месяца назад
@@mental_r0bot459 that doesn’t invalidate what I said. she’s worth nothing
@FreyaofCerberus 4 месяца назад
The thing I never understand is when cheaters ask for a chance to "explain". Like what possible combination of words do you think will undo screwing someone else? The person cheated doesn't want to hear your excuses, they don't care about your justifications and they surely aren't going to "understand where you are coming from". If you cheat, you have killed that relationship, accept it and move the fuck on.
@teslagod7221 4 месяца назад
There's this thing called, "people can change". However, there's also multitude of factors to consider this. Not everyone can really change, not to mention face the consequences or punishment of their actions. Special mention to people that are technically narcissists. It's sometimes hard to know who the narcissists are, because they love lieing, manipulation and emotional abuse. Which strongly covers up their narcissism. Knowing and understanding narcissism is one of the best defense against then, second is locking up your emotions for them. Third is provide as little information or details to them... I made special mention to narcissistic people because forgiving them is a biggest mistake.they never really see their wrong,they may say stuff but it's all a lie and manipulation.the only way to deal with them is to harshly crush their ego,or they will always use their narcissistic tactics to get their way.they can be forgiven but they could never ever be trusted... Forgiveness and punishment are separate matter, though, their mostly coincide. People who did wrong will always ask for forgiveness but there are those who doesn't like getting punished or facing the consequences of their actions. There are also people that can do better when they are forgiven and learns well from their mistake. Which is why forgiveness and a chance to change is a popular idea and belief. Many of us are hopeful on people learning from their mistakes and becoming better...
@danielbrant6740 4 месяца назад
*1st Story:* OP needs to get a paternity test on his son _yesterday._ Maybe there's a reason that the STBX-wife was a single mother when OP first met her.
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
Didn't think of that.
@chanda6973 4 месяца назад
I think the dad in the final story deserves 5/5. If op wasnt there to run down the street and call an ambulance, then the wife would have been alone, giving birth and possibly dying if something went wrong.
@DaBaseBallZ 4 месяца назад
Story 3:So he's gambling with NFTs AND WITH OP'S MONEY and is mad OP is taking back her half? The audacity.......,NTA
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
Baseball cards are physical, not NFTs. And they aren't worthless. Rare cards of star players can be worth millions. The Holy Grail of baseball cards is the 1911 American Tobacco Company Honus Wagner card. One of those sold for over $6 million. Way different than blowing money on booze, d***s and/or s** workers, or gambling it away. But still 100% wrong.
@danielbrant6740 4 месяца назад
*2nd Story:* The consequences of homophobia, folks. _Take notes._
@readjordan2257 4 месяца назад
Im glad Rslash didnt go nuclear on the husband like the last time a story like this happened. But yeah, that husband is fkkn useless, asshole, etc. i would be PISSED if i was the sister or wife.
@HobieInTheBox 4 месяца назад
Story 1: There is already an update for this story. Copy paste: Mom confessed to daughter that she lied to her to keep her on her side. Keep in mind that the daughter is 13, she's too young to fully emotionally comprehend the shit show her mother caused. OP raised her, she is his daughter, and she feels remorseful. OP took her back bc he understood that and calmed down after crying about it, as he should. Now they're both furious at the mom for lying to her own daughter and saying that Daniel is her father. That's disgusting
@chronobretz9511 4 месяца назад
I’ve heard story 1 on a couple other channels and both mother and daughter are just terrible that daughter doesn’t ever deserve a second chance for any reason Second story I’m pretty sure you gotta pass a psych evaluation when donating an organ and you can say I do not want to donate and the drs will tell them your not a match
@thebladeofchaos 4 месяца назад
160k over 3 years, 36 months, is about 4-5k a month if they can afford 4-5k a month, they have a damn good business or they are so far in debt they're about to lose something major
@pozitron7242 4 месяца назад
How are the friends of the wife in the first story are like “Yea, cheating on your husband bad, and letting your toddler soil himself for hours is bad, keeping the secret of your affair between you and your 14 y/o daughter is bad, letting her say that to Op is bad but a divorce Op is a bad influence to everyone!!” How is no one seeing how much of a BH the family is?!?
@TheKillerqueen40 4 месяца назад
Guaranteed they've been told a very different story by stbex. One where she didn't physically assault her husband or leave her child crying on the floor in a dirty diaper for hours. Probably one where OP is the abusive and neglectful one.
@madambutterfly1997 4 месяца назад
14 is old enough to know that being bribed to stay silent is wrong
@zilesis1 4 месяца назад
Based on other comments it seems the wife originally told Lisa that the affair partner was her bio-dad. If that's true, I can kind of see the daughter being overly loyal
@madambutterfly1997 4 месяца назад
@@zilesis1 I’m not betraying my adoptive father for my bio dad who shows up this late in my life. Like so many POS children have been doing and when the bio parent proves to be trashed, they go crawling back to the parent who loved them and did everything for them.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
@@madambutterfly1997 Easy to say now as an adult. Much harder to understand as a hormonal 13 year old. No way I could have dealt with this kind of stuff rationally at 13.
@jam2727 4 месяца назад
@@wingracer1614Easy to say as teen at all. If she was 8, sure. But 14 year olds know right from wrong. I knew right from wrong. If she had been groomed into it over years, yeah definitely I can see it. But finding out at age 14 and being bribed and even BRAGGING about it is not the same. She wasn't even sorry. Be serious.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
@@jam2727 13, not 14 and 13 year olds don't know squat. If you think you did, you are either fortunate enough to not have had to deal with any situations this emotional or unfortunate enough to have had a hard enough childhood to force you to grow up much quicker. Also keep in mind, she was being manipulated by her mother big time. She was told this affair partner was her real dad. If adults can be manipulated, what makes you think a 13 year old is immune?
@irishwolfoflinkuei 4 месяца назад
lisa not only bit the hand that fed her, she bit the fucking thing off and now is asking "why aren't you feeding meeee????"
@madambutterfly1997 4 месяца назад
He has no right to be scared. He’s no longer in a position where he’s just living for himself anymore. He has a wife and child he needs to support being afraid is not permitted here.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
He has every right to be scared. Most everyone is in these situations, it's normal and we have very little control over our emotions. What we can control is how we react to those emotions. It's his ACTIONS that are bad, not his emotions.
@wmdkitty 4 месяца назад
@@wingracer1614 He's not the one risking his life. He doesn't get to be scared, he needs to be present and supportive.
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
@@wmdkitty Of course he does but he can do that even when scared. You don't get to dictate what anyone finds scary and being scared isn't a problem. Being a spineless coward that runs and hides when scared is the problem.
@jadediquattro5355 4 месяца назад
Once Trust is Broken in a Relationship there is no recovering from that.
@teslagod7221 4 месяца назад
Actually, there is a way to recover trust, but never easy or quick. It'll take alit of time, hard work and effort from the one that broke that trust... If we're talking about narcissistic people, then, there's really no way to trust them, unless they can prove in long time that they destroyed their own narcissism and learns humility, unselfishness and endurance (because they will be hurted alot but they have to endure if they really wanna prove they can be trusted).this is the very reason most narcissists simply just jump from one victim to another...
@Sanodi21 4 месяца назад
First story, I mean, OP is 100% NTA even with disowning his step-daughter. I don't think OP really has the time or chance to really dissuade her from the mindset she has now either. That aside, OP posted an update 4 days ago. To start, he cut out alcohol and his mom has been helping with that. Second, he's put a pause on the divorce. There's still a lot of to navigate through for him but he has begun pulling support from his STB-ex wife, taking his half of the money from the joint account and no longer paying for her car. He's also made it clear he's not going back to her. His STB-ex also answered his questions on how she met Daniel, how things progressed, and what happened with Lisa. Turns out the STB-ex and Daniel bribed Lisa when she busted them and was going to tell OP and continued to do so to keep her on their side. The STB-ex eventually told Lisa Daniel was her actual bio dad and that's why she turned on OP. He and Lisa have since made up and Lisa has seemingly cut her mom out for it. Lastly, in regards to his son, he wants to get a DNA test but is scared because of the possibility that he's not their dad and doesn't think he can handle that on top of everything else.
@gogetablack5384 4 месяца назад
There is actually an update to the story. It turns out when the step daughter found out she was gonna tell OP about it, but the mother lied and told her that the affair partner was her bio dad, and then both the mom and affair parent bribed her with many gifts. OP and the step daughter is back on good terms again and they both basically cut the mother out of their life
@Spongeboyking 4 месяца назад
Story 1 : the stepdaughter loyalty was already bought she doesn’t care for the fact op raise her and the ap did nothing besides buy her stuff op they abandoned you first just leave him behind Story 2 : the first thing the bully did when he saw op again was call them a f slur and at all laughing at it he didn’t change and the sister shouldn’t be supplies that he’s not giving this kidney to her for want she did
@adrienneb.4710 4 месяца назад
Last story. I've heard this story before and I still can't comprehend this guy's actions. His wife goes into labor (something he has had months to prepare for) and he runs away in the only transportation available in an isolated area with bad cell service and clams up about what's going on for HOURS while hiding at his dad's house not even asking him for help if he is so distraught? Either he wanted something bad to happen to his wife and child or his crisis response needs serious medical investigation both physically and mentally. He literally endangered the two people he is supposed to love most in the world and the fact that he is defensive and lashing out for being taken to task for it and not checking himself in for an evaluation is unsettlingly lacking in self-awareness.
@ostlandr 4 месяца назад
I just can't even on that one. For myself, if I came up on an accident with a car on fire, if I didn't either save the people inside or get 3rd degree burns and smoke inhalation trying, I could never look in the mirror or hold my head up ever again. FYI that's not braggadocio- former volunteer firefighter, and have had more than enough SHTF moments to know I don't freak out. After the situation is over and everybody is safe, only then will I literally curl up in a ball and twitch. "OMG WTF DID I JUST DO???"
@Blue2x2x 4 месяца назад
Story 1: When the ex-step-daughter said "you're not my real dad", she basically disown him first and long before the discovery. I wouldn't consider that he disowned her at all. 0/5 Story 2: Organ donation should only be up to the individual, OP has absolute right to refuse. And besides, she wasn't there for OP. Why should OP be there for her? So she can laugh at more hateful "jokes"? 0/5 Story 3: This is open-and-shut case of financial abuse. I would say OP should leave right away, but with the money goal in her mind, she should get some lifelines like friends and family to do a daily check-up while she still with him. 0/5
@wingracer1614 4 месяца назад
There is an important distinction that needs to be made here, she is NOT an ex-stepdaughter. He legally adopted her. She is his DAUGHTER and nothing either of them says can change that.
@DaBaseBallZ 4 месяца назад
Story 2:OP is trash for his sister,so why shouldn't she be trash for him?!? NTA
@SgtRageface 4 месяца назад
The first story reminds me of my ex. She would go outside 10-15 times a day to have her affair conversations. Leaving our son and daughter (both under the age of 2 at the time) alone in the house for hours at times. That was 8 years ago. Haven't heard a word from her in years
@akl2k7 4 месяца назад
I hope you have full custody of both of the kids.
@SgtRageface 4 месяца назад
@@akl2k7 you bet I do. Thank God she's as lazy with court as she was with hiding the affair.
@Clyde-S-Wilcox 4 месяца назад
Story 1: Wanna point out again, another case of physical assault by a woman being dismissed.
@kryw10 4 месяца назад
All the time.
@wmdkitty 4 месяца назад
LOL wut. She didn't hit him, dude!
@chavacaplan5201 4 месяца назад
@@wmdkitty "i was met with a smack in the face" 3:00
@narutofror 4 месяца назад
Story 1 has an update long story shor when daughter discovered the affair they bribed her with luxury gifts to keep quiet and the cheating wife lied to her telling her affair partner was her bio dad (he isn’t). Cheating ex confessed the truth to daughter, now daughter is not speaking to cheating ex
@Jktucker012 4 месяца назад
Story 1: ex wife and child played stupid games and won the ultimate stupid price
@sintanan469 4 месяца назад
Update to story 1: Wifey decided to play stupid games with the daughter, too. Turns out the daughter found out about the affair. The mother lied that Daniel, the guy she was having the affair with, was the bio daddy. Daniel and mother then bribed daughter to stay quiet. Daughter found out the truth and is working to reconcile with OP. Both have disowned the mother. No divorce yet, as OP is worried the mother would be able to use that to separate him from the kids.
@DrunkenDemon 4 месяца назад
1st Story, if OP stays, These words ( wife, daughter) will haunt him forever. It will be the lens through whitch he will see and hear everythin they do. Its a bad idea to stay.
@hirohiroarikawa6806 4 месяца назад
Heard this story on a different channel, I think it’s the one where ex and AP bribe daughter with gifts to keep her quiet, and the mom eventually says AP is daughter’s “real” father which causes her to hate OP. If this is that story those three are the jerks, and OP should disown daughter and block his wife after the divorce
@HaleyJo1992 4 месяца назад
People are so concerned with their right to do whatever they want, they forget that right doesn't insulate them from consequences.
@tsukuyomimodo 4 месяца назад
Kidney story reminds me of Phoebe: "Oh, I wish I could but I don't want to." 😂
@DarkEinherjar 4 месяца назад
Before I even get to the end of the first story... yeah, hiding a DAUGHTER is one of the biggest red flags I've ever seen. OP should've run for the hills right then and there. If the wife is able to lie about something this crucial, she can lie about anything. EDIT: NTA. Lisa said "you're not my father", so she can eat those words and ch-ke on them now.
@pyndr0p_ 4 месяца назад
Why do so many awful family members want kidneys, did they talk it out at evil family meetings or something
@Bean-kh9cu 4 месяца назад
Ofc how else are they supposed to fucking annoy the hell out of their family and make sure to never be talked to again
@shadowmewfred09 4 месяца назад
What happens when you're so toxic and entitled it poisons your blood
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
Yeah. Next to bone marrow, this is the most popular organ entitled people ask for in these stories
@happydragon7095 4 месяца назад
​@@shadowmewfred09 lol, it really is just karma getting to them.
@annika5893 4 месяца назад
I know this is very unscientific but I wonder why these evil people need a kidney so often. Maybe they should be nicer and they wouldn't need a new kidney. Right. Anyway, Ellie was free to date and marry whoever she wanted and OP is just as free to decide who if anyone gets his kidney or not.
@munchie3909 4 месяца назад
Cheating is one thing, but neglecting your child to cheat is a whole new level of scum.
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
As a three-faced cartoon rooster demon once sang, she sold her life for a thrust.
@deisisase 4 месяца назад
In the last story, aside from the drama; can OPs brother get a landline? Seems like the lack of signal could be a safety risk; in this case it certainly was.
@auberginebear 4 месяца назад
Story 2: NTA; also surprised OP hasn’t gone no contact, and honestly, if the family accept Darren and his homophobia so readily, then they are just revealing how they really feel about OP.
@RichieGnyc 4 месяца назад
Story 3: I'm amazed that he spent $140k and you still have $80k in the bank. As a millennial, I'm jealous.
@livw2180 4 месяца назад
Kidney story: It's the same here in the UK - the transplant team will say you aren't a match without testing you if you tell them you are being pressured into donating. Cuts out all the drama when toxic family members suddenly pretend to care when they realise they need your spare organs.
@kelleyk28 4 месяца назад
One exception with story 1: what the daughter said was extremely disrespectful. However, it is not her responsibility to tell anyone about her mother's affair. It's her mother's responsibility. It is never a child's responsibility. If they're over 18, it would be a kindness.
@JayeEllis 4 месяца назад
Disowned: YTA - Too bad you signed on the legal dotted line. Children are a lifetime responsibility. You do not get to disown an abused child for hurting your feefees. Was she NOT supposed to believe her manipulative mother? Come on!
@madgevanness4011 4 месяца назад
There may not be an official diagnosis, but collectors’ mania should be. Selective hoarding?
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
Hoarding can be selective-my father kept a pile of newspapers dating back years and he wrote cricket scores into notebooks that could qualify as almanacs.
@littlereject7182 4 месяца назад
Good morning everyone
@docsigma 4 месяца назад
@samalon3739 4 месяца назад
Good morning
@peridont6421 4 месяца назад
Morning! 😊
@commiedog425 4 месяца назад
This first story ruined my morning
@VerySleepyHedgehog 4 месяца назад
Morning 🤠
@owl7072 4 месяца назад
Story 2: "He was nervous meeting the family!" So... his response was to call someone in that family a slur????
@Amyduckie 4 месяца назад
Story 1: the daughter is 13 and you can’t disown your 13 year old just because you don’t like what they did. He made a lifetime commitment to her, one that is bigger than marriage. I definitely think the wife absolutely sucks, but I’d give her 5/5 for roping in her teenager against her father, and leaving her son in a dirty nappy all day. It’s absolutely messed up, but wife’s brain has finished developing, the kid’s brain hasn’t. There’s a reason criminal responsibility is 14 in so many places, she couldn’t make a fully informed choice.
@skatardrummer1 4 месяца назад
If she's 14, she understands the difference between right and wrong, but she's still a child and the selfishness and secrets are being taught by her mother. Her mother is teaching the level of respect that her step daughter should be giving by her behavior. I don't think it warrants calling the child a "thing," but definately NTA for leaving the mom. Whether he continued having a relationship with his daughter probably depends on things going forward.
@darkxemjas2910 4 месяца назад
Kidney story: And now we have another kidney revenge story. This is starting to become its own genre, with how many I've heard. Seriously, I've heard at least 5 reddit stories including this one, and have listened to Apple Texts stories that repeatedly reuse "Brother/Sister, please give me your kidney. I'm dying!!!!" in their Karmatic revenge ending.
@sudippaul2876 4 месяца назад
Story 1: OP should take a paternity test of his son as well. I doubt if it's her ex-boss and she was doing him without protection, it might be well over six months, even before she left her job or got pregnant.
@almostkatie8461 4 месяца назад
Brother in the last story turned into a sim when the stove catches on fire
@rco1170 Месяц назад
Sh*** family member: "I need a new kidney" OP: "Well, good luck with that"
@provincialfish 4 месяца назад
Im a kidney transplant recipient and theres no way that guy should donate to his sister. If his family wants to help her there are programs one of them can enter into where they donate to someone they match and a chain of donations will get the sister. a kidney. Dont donate to that sister. Also being a sibling doesnt mean he'll match. My brother couldn't be a further from a match for me. I had to wait for one because no family matched. This was 30 years ago so those programs didn't exist.
@fyredance 4 месяца назад
Story 2: As a kidney transplant recipient, Ellie has a TON of other options she can go with, and there are various reasons why family won't get tested. Kidney donors go through a lot and have a list of requirements before they can even go through the rest of the process and it's a LOT of commitment. The brother would have also had to take off of work and have someone help him after recovery. For the recipient, there are other avenues they can go through, such as opting for cadaver kidneys (people who passed away in an accident and can't be revived), or even be part of the kidney chain. If the parents are complaining about it, then THEY can go get tested. THEY can go through the commitment, and THEY can take the time off of work to be part of that chain so the sister gets the kidney faster. There is NO excuse to hassle someone who doesn't want to go through that commitment. Also confirming that if the organization hears that the donor was being bribed or doing it against their will in any way, they would be rejected as a donor. They can't even joke about it, or they'll get rejected.
@percypercy1929 4 месяца назад
The woman who transferred the $80,000 to her personal account as her "half" of the $160,000 her husband took from the joint account to his spending, is bad a math. He took $160,000 from the joint account. She needs to take $80,000 from his personal account, which she can't do, so she actually needs to take $160,000 from the joint account, not $80,000. She has short-changed herself by $80,000.
@YourXavier 4 месяца назад
She needs to get a lawyer and let them work it out. It'll probably go in her favor, since he already checked and then came running back.
@thunderflare59 3 месяца назад
The look on the step-daughter's face when her not real dad stopped supporting her lifestyle must have been priceless.
@wizardly9211 4 месяца назад
As a Darren I speak for all of us, we do not claim that freak
@vacuousbard6410 4 месяца назад
3rd story, run! The husband is the human equivalent of Funko pops collector, and an abusive one also.
@OneEyeShadow 4 месяца назад
I love how in story 2 the reason OP gives for not wanting to get checked to donate the kidney isn't even any form of spite or resentment, but that it would be too much of a hassle. I love that take.
@benjie128 4 месяца назад
All you have to do is tell the doctor, I am being coerced into donation. That disqualifies you as a donor. And if they are a perfect match, and anyone of the medical team leaks that information, at least in the US, OP would have a major HIPAA complaint that could result in the medical facility being fined and the employees losing their license.
@skywalkerjohn8965 4 месяца назад
So, Op on the first story needs to hear a cheater out and not divorce? What great friends he has. With friends like that, you might as well be buddy buddy with your enemies
@alexanderhenby1362 4 месяца назад
My heart breaks for Lisa. I'm glad in the update that OP doesn't disown her. Her mom lied to her about her affair partner being her bio dad.
@SpruceOaks 4 месяца назад
As a husband and adoptive father, that first story breaks my heart. To have the two people you chose to give your heart to so brazenly crush it and spit it out, damn.
@xxoxEVAxoxx 4 месяца назад
The daughter was a victim too
@SpruceOaks 4 месяца назад
@@xxoxEVAxoxx I read that now. Still, that’s a hurt that doesn’t go away.
@xxoxEVAxoxx 4 месяца назад
@@SpruceOaks She’s a child though. We all made mistakes especially at that age.
@hualni 4 месяца назад
Dabney, that vacation you took was such a good decision. The stories sound more upbeat, and your ratings are more balanced. I'm glad you're back!!
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
Baseball card guy consulted a divorce lawyer and then begged OP to stay with him. OP, why are you still with him? Divorce him & you'll definitely be getting more than $80k, hence why he didn't follow through when he went to the lawyer.
@rottygirl2003 4 месяца назад
Story 1 has update. He unblocked wife and daughter, told wife if she wanted to continue the marriage, she had a few things she had to do. 1. Answer all his questions. Come to find out, her and ex boss ran into each other at a company get together and just "clicked", she would bring Daniel to the house when op left for work. Daughter caught them making out on the couch and threatened to expose them. They promised her all kinds of gifts if she kept her mouth shut. Wife also told daughter that Daniel was her bio dad(a lie) and that's why daughter threw it in op's face(because she didn't know it was a lie). After it all came out..daughter was told that Daniel is not her bio dad, daughter is now refusing to talk to her mom. Op is going to eventually dna test the baby, but is having a hard time coming to terms with what the results could be.
@MarinaMorena13 4 месяца назад
Last story: when my mom was yelling in pain, abortion type of pain, i accompany her to the hospital with my dad complaining all the way, there i ran out of the car to call for help and absolutely broke down, all the panic when i mom got in coma with comic, 2 heart attacks, me alone, it all came, thing is, i was in safety, she was in safety, you need to hold on and be strong for those you love in times of desperation, there is a time and place to cry your eyes out but it is not when they need you
@karlaboerger3619 4 месяца назад
story 2. Go no contact with some with your family OP.
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