
r/Askreddit What Made You NOT Want a Second Date? 

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@DisneyFanatic2364 2 года назад
Teens: don't lie about your age. Adults: be upfront about ages right away. This can save people a LOT of trouble. At least these dudes did the right thing once they realized their mistake.
@lugbzurg8987 2 года назад
I first started going to college a few years "late". I made this clear up front when I started meeting my classmates, specifically to avoid this situation. Turned out pretty well.
@36inc 2 года назад
I think below 18s should have those lil x marks on their hands until theyre legal. pure black thick X on both hands. If theyre caught out in public without them 300$ fine. which will go straight to fund needy children in the state
@teleporter777 2 года назад
​@@36inc Just ask dude, it's that easy. That is unnecessary and extra for no reason.
@comfychair4475 2 года назад
@@teleporter777 Women lie too dude!
@RJLiams 2 года назад
@@teleporter777 and when they say they're 18 or 21?
@Tustin2121 2 года назад
It’s really considerate of PowerPoint guy to just outright present his parade of glowing neon red flags as part of the opening discussion on the first date. Most guys would drag you along for months or years first. 😂
@Martina-Kosicanka 2 года назад
Exactly. I was approached online by guy with similar attitude. I am in my thirties now, of couse I wish to settle down Talking about dragging you for years, my former boyfriend was dating me for 12 years
@BunnyQueen97 2 года назад
Opening * 2.5 hour dissertation hahaha
@marlainapetrucci2429 2 года назад
I had someone I didn't even date tell me he was gonna change my life through God. But he didn't want any kids and I was too young to know if I wanted them or not. I was 25 and he was 22 with a kid. I told him we weren't going anywhere because I KNEW I wanted a family and my own kids. And we were two different people. He told me I was running from the truth.... I'm so glad I was moving around that time so I ghosted his ass
@Restrictted 2 года назад
I honestly think he has the right idea. Because women do this as well. Yes, there are people who don't think like this. It will be hard for him to find the right person because of his standards.
@badassgenevideos 2 года назад
He is a traditional guy looking for a traditional wife. He went direct what he wants. Saves them both time. Isn't that better than a man will play words with you then dump you after he got into your pants?
@detonationpyrotechnics4156 2 года назад
As an ex smoker I can absolutely say that smoking is a 100 percent deal breaker. The smell is god awful
@tiredman99 2 года назад
I don't mind the smell of freshly burned tobacco but it's the lingering and leftover stale smell that is horrible
@guerra_dos_bichos 2 года назад
For me smoking was a deal breaker for the health concerns, but honestly , being a 80s kid I find the smell of handmade cigarettes quite nostalgic, it takes me back to my childhood be when dad got home with a treat
@romantic_hippie 2 года назад
@@tiredman99 I only smoke 2 cigs a day so I gladly don't deal with the lingering smell. Chain smokers bother me, they reek! I can notice it right away and it always made me gag. Fresh tobacco tastes so good though
@couchpotato631 2 года назад
As a smoker, I agree on the smell and I'm gonna add that it tastes horrible too xD
@dx1450 2 года назад
It was always an absolute deal breaker for me, too. My mother-in-law smokes, and one time we visited her overnight for Christmas... when we got home we had to wash absolutely everything, including our coats and our suitcases because every single thing we took with us smelled of cigarette smoke, even though MIL only smoked in the garage and not inside the house. Never again will I ever stay overnight at a smoker's house.
@abfarrow3596 2 года назад
Good thing that 25 year old took the 15 year old straight home. If he had been a creep, that could have ended very badly. Whoever he did end up with got lucky, he seems like a good dude.
@melitagermaine534 2 года назад
At every video I wonder again...is this an American thing? Like, I know couples this age, my best friend in HS had a boyfriend 9 years older (she was 15, he 24) and especially the other story with the 15/16 year old girls, that met up with this guy, who is 21....I just don't see any problems. You shouldn't date children, which means people at the age of 13 or younger, and I guess it's rather creepy when some 15 yo dates someone whos 35. But the ages here? I get the feeling that americans see pedophiles everywhere and THAT is wahr creepy ME out oO
@estebanaguirre965 2 года назад
@@melitagermaine534 that is an adult person dating a child. USA has more strickt laws against that, which is perfect, becaus it's about time we stop normalizing adult grooming kids
@user-ny1wo1vp9r 2 года назад
@@melitagermaine534 Where are you from where that is normal? I think a 15 yo dating someone in their 20s is creepy af. It's not an American thing, I'm not American and i find it creepy
@melitagermaine534 2 года назад
@@user-ny1wo1vp9r Germany. It's somewhat creepy when one partner is 15 and the other 25, but it's not pedophilia. I know, that people with an age difference get weird looks, but noone loses their minds over that.....and it's not against the law.
@ashleysmith1276 2 года назад
@@estebanaguirre965 In the UK 16 is the age of consent. My Dad was 28 when he met my Mum who was 16. And yeah i think that is kinda gross. But they are still together now, after 50 years of marriage, him in his late 70s and her in her mid 60s. This was most definitely the norm back in those days, I know lots of older married couples where the husband is 10+.years older than the wife. Mainly i guess because men were expected to be able to.pay for their lives together, while women had kids in their early to mid 20s. Now that those norms have gone, you rarely see such age gaps anymore. In fact, I know plenty of couples now where the woman is older, much older in a couple of cases.
@ryanbalfe4907 2 года назад
For me it was with a girl that I went out with for a few drinks and she got absolutely hammered, kissed me THEN PUKED IN MY MOUTH!!!! Never have I felt as disgusted. Needless to say we didn't see each other again.
@alexthewolf3179 2 года назад
@alexthewolf3179 2 года назад
That's pretty bad
@Anna-Saphia 2 года назад
@gumbomanmash6762 2 года назад
Straight out of chainsaw man
@esmee6308 2 года назад
Somehow my hunger survived the bathroom story but save to say I just lost my appetite. That's terrible.
@jordanheyn7440 2 года назад
I feel for the underage story at Red Lobster. I was studying at my local college while my carpool buddy was in her class. This guy (super cute) sits next to me and asks me what I'm reading and we start talking and also flirting. He says we should hang out sometime and me (being 16) says I need to ask my parents. He then stops smiling and asks me how old I am. I tell him, he says he's 25. Then leaves the library. He played it right but 16-year-old me kinda wanted to go out with him lol.
@estebanaguirre965 2 года назад
reading these stories of people just walking away when findind out the date's age is really cool to see. Yeah, maybe they're more concerned with the legal repercusions rather than the moral problem, but I'd take that a thousand times over thr guys who would go on and would convince themselves that it's "not that wrong"
@Lemoncakelover678 2 года назад
Well thankfully he didn't and has a moral compass cuz if not, you would've been groomed
@theickster3008 2 года назад
I feel for that dude, I was at a fair in California with my buddies a few years ago. We were all single so we were trying to pick up some chicks. I asked one girl if I could buy her a drink and she said she was to young to drink, so of course I thought, "oh she like 18 or 19." She said she'd be ok with lemonade though. So we're standing in line at the lemonade stand talking. I ask her what year she was in school, and she said 10th, which really confused me so I obviously asked how old she was. Turns out she was like 15, so I bought her the lemonade cause we were at the window upon this revelation, and I left as soon as possible hoping the mini heart attack I just had didn't kill me
@tiredman99 2 года назад
Yeah as a guy I've had this happen a couple times and always just walked away. And at first glance it's really hard to tell who is of age and who isn't unless you're gonna take the time to sit and stare at their facial structure and body structure. It becomes SO OBVIOUS when they tell you that they're 16 or something like that cause you notice all the little details from someone who is 16 compared to a 20 year old
@romantic_hippie 2 года назад
Guys who don't go after underage girls are smart for many reasons: 1. Jail bait 2. Anyone under 25 is ridiculously immature,it's even worse under 20. I don't see the appeal of dating someone who cries over celebrity drama lol 3. What will y'all have I'm common?
@ajjamsen694 2 года назад
The soldiers in Hawaii story **Finds out the girls are underaged** 😐😳😱🏃‍♂️ "SOLDIER! ABORT MISSION! ABORT MISSION!"
@limiv5272 2 года назад
About the details of the date with the guy that wouldn't let her get in a word: Sounds like the beginning of a very abusive relationship, ticks all the red flags. The part about him wanting to know of her relationship with her family was particularly worrisome to me because abusive partners often like to isolate their SO from their friends and relatives so that when they finally realize how bad things are they have no one to turn to
@tiredman99 2 года назад
Yep. When OP said he asked about her family and if they had a good relationship I immediately thought "if this turns into a relationship it will be very abusive and manipulative."
@kitarrah1422 2 года назад
Narcissist vibes...big time.
@buzzoffthischannelisdeleted 2 года назад
This was my ex last year and I put up with it for about 12 years out of fear even though I saw the red flags. Finally managed to break free of that this summer and seeing that post was close call. So glad she didn't go that far.
@Ajehy 2 года назад
@@buzzoffthischannelisdeleted I’m glad you got out! Wishing you a safe and thorough emotional recovery.
@buzzoffthischannelisdeleted 2 года назад
@@Ajehy thanks. Its rough but holding up thanks to friends that helped me out of that situation.
@DisneyFanatic2364 2 года назад
Well, we never made it to the first date. The guy was in my class, and I only said yes because he was the first guy to ask me out that hadn't bullied me, and before we even went out, he kept sitting next to me during break time, saying nothing but just sitting there with his arm around me, and went around telling his friends I was going to his place that weekend. We hadn't even went out yet and he was already acting like we were the hottest new couple. I decided to break things off before things got out of hand. But he wouldn't take no for an answer: "How can you say no to this beautiful face?" That only further confirmed that I was dodging a bullet. My friend had to butt in and say, "She doesn't like you anymore, she likes someone else." Since the truth hadn't worked I just went along with it. You might say I chickened out, but after that reaction, I don't regret my decision.
@teleporter777 2 года назад
Bruhhhh, you dodged an poisonous bullet it seems. I mean, why do that, just respect boundaries lmao. No means no. I'm sure he is an incel somewhere else complaining 'why don't girlslike me?? I'm such a niceguy' lmfao
@kingboyce646 2 года назад
this exact thing happened to someone i knew like almost exactly but they were in different classes
@TKUA11 2 года назад
I thought girls liked assertive men? Yeah this guy was a bit forceful, but do you prefer men that are meek?
@LilDevyl17 2 года назад
@@TKUA11 There's Assertive Men then there's *Assertive Men* Women like to be respected but at the same feel like they're safe around the guy that they're with. Not having someone make all the decisions for them! Or in this case act like their the God's Given Gift to you. If you respect women, their boundaries, communicate and make them feel safe and be themselves around you. Then yes, some women do like an Assertive Men. But not someone who's going to bossing you around!
@strikeforce1500 2 года назад
You didn't dodge a bullet, you dodge a grape shot from a cannon
@gordonlawrence1448 2 года назад
A good while back a friend was "front of house" manager in a more upscale pizza place. A woman a bit younger than me had pretty much asked me out on a date and as she seemed OK and I was single I asked her what food she liked and she said Italian but she did not know of any round where we lived. The restaurant is a bit out of the way so most don't know about it. Anyway I took her there and 20 minutes in she had still not ordered and had spent the whole time on social media and texting. The waiter for our table came over and asked if we wanted to order yet. She finally picked up the menu. 20 minutes after that she was still texting and on social media. I left and paid for my drink explaining to my friend what had happened. When we met up for some beers a few days later he told me she did not even notice I had gone for the best part of half an hour.
@franl155 2 года назад
I've never been on a date where they spent more time on their phone than in the moment with me, but if I did, I think I'd be tempted to leave, telling them that i didn't know the date was going to be a threesome - me, them, their phone.
@novabrilliant4510 2 года назад
Were you on a date with my little sister?
@DravenGal 2 года назад
@@novabrilliant4510 Your comment lives up to your name!
@BeeWhistler 2 года назад
I tend to roll my eyes when people complain about other people being on their phones too much during commutes and the like, because why not look at it on a train or bus? But on a date? Nope! At least you learned right up front about it and I hope she knew why you left.
@DravenGal 2 года назад
@@BeeWhistler What do you want to bet she was totally clueless?
@sz7646 2 года назад
That “let’s not marry” guy is exactly like my ex on the first date. My ex also asked to go to his place in the middle of the night. I should have listened to my gut on the first date, but I’m glad I’m out of it.
@helenchristie6530 2 года назад
When he told me 10 minutes into the date that “we’ll have to go back to your place tonight because my wife is at mine” 😳 He’d split up with her 2 weeks ago after a 10 year marriage & was already out there. I had to text my eldest kid & get her to phone me with a “crisis” that needed my help. Kid hasn’t let me live it down 😂
@isabellethedragy8248 2 года назад
that first guy had morals, good for him, i hope he had a good and wonderful rich life
@terra_the_nightingale135 2 года назад
i'm very happy that those two handled themselves well. Hope they're both doing good
@MadMusic26 2 года назад
My first ever date was this guy I met in college. He’s been very normal while we were flirting and working in class, but it’s like a switch flipped the moment I agreed to go out with him. We agreed to go to an observatory to see a meteor shower. He said he’d check the details ahead of time to make sure we didn’t need tickets or anything. We dive 45 minutes there and he didn’t actually check. We weren’t allowed entry. I’m upset and annoyed, but somehow he convinces me to go to the pier with him (it was like 10 minutes away). The moment we get there, he starts jumping up and down in place like a kid hyped on sugar. People stare, it’s so embarrassing. I feel like I’m babysitting. He finds a glow stick at some point and repeatedly pokes me in the face with it until I’m ready to chuck it into the sea. The date has gone on way too long at this point and if I would be abandoning him an hour from home I’d have left his ass. On the way back he starts begging me to stop for food. I reluctantly do because it’s late and I have low blood sugar. He’s squirming in his seat, giggling so I ask what’s wrong. The next words out of his mouth were, “hehe I want to attack you.” Oh. My. God. Turns out he meant tickle attack (which he tried to do while I was driving!) but still I turn right around and went to the dorm. Literally rushed to the front door and shut it in his face (he had his own building keys but I was *done*). As I’m pulling out my keys for my room he walks up, smiles, and says, “I had such a wonderful time. I just want to hold you.” Dude then puts both hands on my shoulders and stares into my eyes for a full 30 seconds while holding me at arms length. Then abruptly drops them, says bye, and leaves. To this day I am still not sure what happened. Maybe he was off his meds, maybe he took drugs for nerves, no idea. But yeah, I did *not* ask for a second date.
@jts2561 2 года назад
Agree, either off his meds or on some stuff!
@golso.c.d5727 2 года назад
He just sounds neurodivergent, not on drugs or medication. I know you're allowed to not want to be with someone but I feel bad for him, he was just happy and it didnt come off right
@clarky23 2 года назад
back in the late 1990s, my best friend's fiance set me up on a double date with a friend of hers from work. I hadn't been on a date in about 4 to 5 months so *shrug* ok. We met at the local popular for college kids nightclub. I've just turned 30 and was getting tired of the dance/clubbing scene. We meet, get a table and she asked me what was the shirt I was wearing (it was a Polo Shirt with a small Cubs logo on the breast area, same logo as my avatar). She then went into a 15 - 20 minute rant on how sports was the epitome of evil in American society, how they should be banned, why not bring the Roman Gladiators back because it was the same thing. The whole time my best friend is giving me the "I'm SO sorry dude" look, while you can see his fiance is planning my and this girl's wedding in her head. Finally the waitress comes up to get our drink orders. The others order, the waitress turns to me and all of the sudden the DJ plays the "Macarena" (it was ALWAYS on the radio at this time......and I HATE that song). The waitress drops her tray on the table, all three girls scream like high schoolers and run out to the dance floor to do the dance. I just pulled a $20 out of my wallet to drop on the table, looked at my friend (who has the deer in the headlights look by now) and gave him the best Danny Glover impression saying "I'm too old for this S#!T, see you later" and left. Last time I ever been in a nightclub. Couple of days later, I ran into my friend's fiance at the Big Blue Store and she berated me about how rude I WAS that night and she'll never set me up again. In my head I just said "thank God!!!" Added FYI - my friend and her were married for 8 years before she decided to run off with some guy because life "was too boring".
@Nikita_Akashya 2 года назад
Good on you for not dating the smoker. I am the child of a smoker. I grew up smelling like smoke for a good chunk of my childhood. I'm pretty sure i have some sort of permanent lung damage from all the smoke I inhaled. I have thankfully never been on a date and have no desire to ever do so. Sounds like way more work then it's worth. And I prefer to be alone anyway, so nothing lost here.
@esmee6308 2 года назад
My mum luckily quit, but before that not a single second without one in her hands. It's disguisting, luckily she agrees nowadays. Dated a smoker at one point (he made a valient effort brushing his teeth after and only smoked outside) but even then the grime from his hands made it everywhere and irritated my skin, that's a never again.
@kipandren 2 года назад
My maternal grandfather used to smoke two packs a day, sometimes more if he could steal the money from his kids. Yes, he did die from throat cancer, why do you ask? At any rate, my mother had no idea what clean air was like until she got her first place after leaving home. Still, she often found herself short of breath and frequently became ill. The doctors did some scans and it turns out she has massive scarring throughout her lungs as a result of the tremendous volume of second-hand smoke she inhaled throughout her childhood. To this day, she has breathing problems and frequently requires her inhalers. Sadly, this was the least abusive part about my grandfather, but that is another tragedy...
@francescofranchino7097 2 года назад
In college I met a girl at the local college bar. We talked, had a few drinks, and were arranging a date when her fratboy boyfriend came up behind her and kissed her neck and stared at me like wtf dude? I looked at her the same way and said "were you trying to get me stomped out by a whole frat?" and noped out.
@romantic_hippie 2 года назад
Some people go out looking for trouble. Some girls want to see their boyfriends fight for them like a caveman 🤷‍♀️ sure, a guy who can fight is sexy, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go stir the pot!
@hoopdoop4079 2 года назад
@@romantic_hippie my parents were friends with this couple who were like that except she would flirt with black men (her being a white woman) and then proceed to tell her white boyfriend to go kick his ass when the poor black dude took the bait. They were both scum bags and I'm really glad they didn't hang out with them long.
@dx1450 2 года назад
Let me guess... she "forgot" to tell you that she had a boyfriend.
10 месяцев назад
​​@@romantic_hippie, no, a guy who can fight is not "sexy". As someone who has been working in some less-than-honorable fields I will go out of my way to avoid any sort of fighting at all cost and if I absolutely cannot avoid it, I will kill my opponent as quickly and efficiently as possible. There is absolutely nothing "sexy" about it and you do not want to be anywhere near that!
@haberjagames559 2 года назад
So mine is not necessarily a date but was a hook up during the pandemic. I had posted on my profile that I was only willing to meet people face to face if they were vaccinated. A cute girl in my area was like letting me know she was interested we arranged everything for a meet up. Met at a restaurant in town cause if you meet up with randos especially as a lesbian you meet public then go private later to make sure they aren't a murderer or something plus it leaves a trail if they actually are a murderer. Anyway, the restaurant we met at had large signs railing against the mask mandate and saying some things about the democratic governor of the state. She showed up and looked like death warmed over and coughed constantly. She said she picked that restaurant cause it was the only one in town that would let her in without a mask or a temperature check. Suffice to say I noped out of there fairly quick.
@cat_clawz9473 2 года назад
That reminds me of the lab partner I had for the fall semester last year. We were switching lab days, so she would do one lab and I'd do the next one and so on, then we'd send data to each other. Given this, we had never actually seen each other. Near the end of the semester, we decided to meet up just because, so we went to a coffee place on campus. She showed up with one of those mesh masks (masks were required on campus) and immediately started talking about how stifling wearing a mask is and how she 'can't live in fear'. I noped out of there with a weak excuse pretty damn fast.
@ElementZephyr 2 года назад
Pandemic or no pandemic I would too nope out of there. I don't care if you're pro-jab or anti-jab, if you sick, you stay home until you get better. I don't want your nasty Coof/Flu/Cold germs.
@Supaawesomeification 2 года назад
You didn’t get sick did you?
@noahpeterson598 2 года назад
You’re a wimp for your personal vaccine policy
@dx1450 2 года назад
Hope you didn't catch Covid from being close to her...
@BlackW0lfie 2 года назад
Rslash I do have to tell you. That girl you talked about does smoke a LOT. The clothes constantly smelling means that she either doesn't wash them enough, or (most likely) also smokes inside closed spaces. If you don't like the smoke, you dodged a bullet
@shadowpuppet8192 2 года назад
It sounds like that lady had a serious nicotine addiction.
@MagorTuga 2 года назад
cringe take ngl didnt ask + ratio
@dx1450 2 года назад
It doesn't matter how much you wash your clothes, if you're a smoker you're going to smell like smoke all the time you smoke. I know this because my mother-in-law is a smoker and she always smells like smoke. We went to visit her one time for Christmas, which was an overnight visit, and when we left everything we took with us reeked of cigarette smoke. I was embarrassed because we went shopping in a store, and all I could smell was the cigarette smoke on our clothes. I was embarrassed because I thought everyone would think I was a smoker, that's how bad it stank. I could smell it on my coat, and my coat only hung on a coat rack near the front door while we were there, and my MIL only smoked in the garage. We had to totally wash all our clothes, our coats, and our nylon suitcases because everything totally reeked of cigarettes. Never again will I stay at a smoker's house. It was horrible.
@kraziechat8955 2 года назад
@@MagorTuga you failed miserably
@RevolverOcelot2008 2 года назад
"She went outside to smoke" That is where the date would have ended with me.
@limiv5272 2 года назад
I would've ended it on the first whiff of cigarette smoke coming from their clothes, but I have asthma and react very badly to cigarette smoke so I'm a bit of an outlier
@estebanaguirre965 2 года назад
I am a light smoker and even I wouldn't stand a person who can't go longer than an hour without a smoke... Yeah, when you smoke you smell a little like smoke, but you have to swallow up entire packs by the day to absolutelly reek and leave that grimey sensation om everything you touch. Absolutely horrible
@themartinebunny 2 года назад
@AssumedTiger 2 года назад
Yup. I have athsma and something in ciggaretts and vapes gives me a day long headache. 1 breath full of smoke makes me ill for sometimes 3 days. i hate it
@thatonecomment6200 2 года назад
Same. I have a pretty strong / sensitive sense of smell. I wouldn't even be able to handle sitting next to her. Then she can't go even a movie length without smoking? That's the nail in the coffin for me.
@stevenmaile6547 2 года назад
The story of the girl with a nasty bathroom ruined my breakfast. Thanks rSlash
@enchantedeboy9027 2 года назад
I was eating when I heard that so I had to pause for a minute 😂
@Hybrid301 2 года назад
I love it when he mixes it up with some r/AskReddit. There can be so many questions with answers from hilarious to serious.
@Scarlett.Granger 2 года назад
I guess PowerPoint-Guy did not spend enough time in school to learn that we do not "produce" children by choosing options to our wishes like in PowerPoint. Think he got confused there....
@minecraftmum3436 2 года назад
I would have said "Sorry, that bit is up to you not me" lol.
@LilacMonarch 2 года назад
@@minecraftmum3436 The funny part is it's true, only the male provides any Y chromosomes...
@climaxstriker 2 года назад
OK, when it got where a reply first dropped the name "Powerpoint guy" did anyone else picture some guy bringing a projector to starbucks with a laptop, along with a laserpointer just presenting this powerpoint to his date. Without a single care to the other people in starbucks just presenting his weird fantasy to the poor girl he landed a first date with.
@danielm.595 2 года назад
I pictured something like that too
@KittenUndercover 2 года назад
I went on a date with a guy I met online. He was super insecure about the fact that I made more money than him (I didn’t tell him, he just assumed). We went out for sushi (his idea - it was on my profile that I like it) and he was grossed out by the fish. The pinnacle was when he tried to make me laugh by lifting his butt cheek and farting as the waitress walked by. Then he got drunk and told me I was too good for him. Wow…
@this_is_a_tiny_town 2 года назад
At least he was right about one thing lol
@dx1450 2 года назад
Sounds like a keeper...
@flamesamurai6315 2 года назад
You know that rShash is a dad when he starts using dad jokes in his videos.
@deepseagargantuar1373 2 года назад
Mission passed! Respect +
@aralornwolf3140 2 года назад
He always used dad jokes...
@isaacmorrow7077 2 года назад
@@aralornwolf3140 he always was a dad
@jonadabtheunsightly Год назад
Eh, I can toss dad jokes around with the best of them, and I'm definitely not a father. (I've never even dated.)
@maieen2665 2 года назад
*rSlash:* "Sounds like that guy was _toe-tally_ into you!" 😆 *Me:* "...Get out."😒
@SterbsMcGurbs 2 года назад
I have a really good story for this! I was 17, living in small town South Georgia in 2011. I had been texting a girl (16) that I had met on Facebook. She lived in a town about 30 minutes away that was known to be very trashy. But I was young and she was pretty so I went. She lived down a dirt road so she told me she would be by the highway to show me where to go. Well... when I got to her road, there were three shirtless boys on their own four-wheelers. And she was on the back of one of them. I knew then that I had messed up. But she had already seen me, and I was polite so I followed the convoy of shirtless boys to her house. Which was a falling apart single-wide trailer amongst a group of single-wide trailers that all of here uncles and cousins and grandma lived. The grass was shin high. Buried in the grass were kids toys, bikes, car parts, it was basically a minefield. I stepped in the house with her and was quickly greeted by three also shirtless middle aged men, a 300 lb lady without most of her teeth, and a 400 lb older lady with none of her teeth. All of these people had cigarettes in their mouths. Inside. No air conditioning. Just the whole family on a sectional in a single-wide. They were all so happy to meet me and went on for about 5 minutes about how nice I was dressed "like you're going to church". I was 17, its not like I was in a suit. Just nice shorts and a nice polo. Finally, I asked the girl if she would like to go for a walk with me. We walked around for about 10 minutes, me tripping on grass-covered trash multiple times, when my dad called me. He wanted to know what I wanted for supper as he was at the grocery store. This was my chance. I played the call as if my dad is super mad at me, I'm apologizing and breathing heavy and acting worried. I tell the girl I have to go. As soon as I got home, I blocked her number and Facebook.
@katjaw6516 2 года назад
Well, at least in this case it was not the girls fault. She was just poor.
@SterbsMcGurbs 2 года назад
@@katjaw6516 I understand that, I grew up poor too. But they were poor and trashy.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
Lol my mom is Iranian and she likes my dad because as she calls him, he’s “a California hairless” meaning he doesn’t have a hairy back 😂 me personally, I’m into it.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
@hecker not clicking your link, just reporting it. Gtfo.
@jaydenoliver29 2 года назад
@@scarlettsteele7999 they just want to show their cake 🤣🤣
@Adveloq 2 года назад
@hecker nice cake.
@meghanbrooks3990 2 года назад
That’s actually really adorable, and agreed.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
@@jaydenoliver29 I don’t want the cake!! ☹️
@themartinebunny 2 года назад
I love how you're like "Smokers are nasty, gross and stinky, and make everyone and everything around them gross and stinky... But I'm not trying to pass judgement on smokers" 😂😂😂
@pigeontoes5421 2 года назад
Hes spittin facts thooo
@DopeioThePhoneBoi 2 года назад
It's not judgmentt, it's true. Cigarettes smoke smells awful and sticks to everything.
@murdermeharry8703 2 года назад
Ciggarettes smell awful. Both my parents smoke so I stink like cigarettes almost everytime I stay at their house.
@N0xiety 2 года назад
@@DopeioThePhoneBoi Especially long hair, it's like a sponge for smoke smell.
@themartinebunny 2 года назад
@@murdermeharry8703 My Mum smoked, too. So I feel you. She died of lung cancer caused by smoking when I was 16, so I didn't have to deal with it for long. That's the thing with smokers, their cigarettes always mean more to them than their kids.
@m00shminki88 2 года назад
I had a very weird first date right after my wife and i split. This girl wanted to meet at a bar. We had been texting prior and i already wasnt into her but i figured i needed to get back out there and give it a shot. She arrived late, and apparently came straight after work. We had awkward conversations (im an extreme introvert so i was out of my element, plus it was my first time in a bar.) Suddenly this guy comes over and he and my date seemed to know eachother. He was very flamboyant so i wasn't worried he was a bf or anything. They immediately syarted conversing with him pointedly ignoring me. She went to the bathroom after a few minutes of this and that's when he finally talks to me. He slides over and is like "yeah, so, I don't like you." He kind of leered at me with a fake smile. I was more than done with the date at that point so when she came back, I pulled her aside and asked if she knew him, which she denied. At that moment, my brother texted me to make sure i was ok. I used it as an excuse to pretend i had a family emergency and leave. When i told her, she seemed extremely upset and hurt (I'm a bad liar). Then she turned away in a huff. When i got back home she said she was sad i left so early and wanted to know when we could go out again. I cut things off shortly after.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
Oh, when I was 17 I was at a party and the host’s older brother crashed it. He was a complete creep. When he found out that I wasn’t in high school anymore like the rest of them, he announced “dibs” on me loudly. Yuck. Skeeze ball. It gets worse. I guess it doesn’t count because we weren’t on a date but he insisted on chatting with me and I was wearing flip flops and as usual, I had my legs crossed. Big mistake. Since it was their house he knew where to find nail clippers, and well… mid sentence, he reached out with them (didn’t see them til it happened) and he straight up clipped my big toenail!! Wtaf right? Whaaaat. My nails weren’t even long or gross I actually have really nice, well kept, feminine feet, especially back then. Dude clipped my toenail for a freaking souvenir. Legend has it dude still has it in a jar to this day, almost 9 years later. I lost more than just part of a nail last night, I lost my innocence.
@Staineless84 2 года назад
What the fuck did you just make me read? Maybe he's trying to build himself a copy of you. Maybe that's where it started. 9 years is a long time, he may have a whole leg by now.
@gordonlawrence1448 2 года назад
That's not the weirdest thing I ever heard of but it's definitely top 3.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
@@Staineless84 😂 oh no. I’m afraid of what he would do with that leg.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
@@gordonlawrence1448 yeah, there’s definitely weirder thing out there. But this makes a lot of my experiences seem normal in comparison. Like, after a bad date- “at least he didn’t clip my toenail”
@theickster3008 2 года назад
Hold the damn phone, you're telling me that dibsing a woman doesn't guarantee her being my gf? 😂😂
@lieked5903 2 года назад
This was actually our second date but yeah. We were both high schoolers working in retail. After his shift he walked up to me, we had a short conversation and everything was nice. He asked for my number and I gave it to him. Immediately he wanted to plan out 4 dates in advance. One at a restaurant, one at my house, one at his house and another at whatever. First red flag but ok. Our first date was nice. We sat at a cafe and had a lot of fun getting to know each other. For our second date he wanted it to be at my house but I was a little uncomfortable about that so we went to his house. I thought we would just hang out in his room and play on the nintendo ds because he asked me to bring mine. Nope we sat in the living room with his entire family watching tv. The parents were nice but they asked a lot of questions about our relationship and his sister even said “So when are you two getting married?”. Again second date..... never met the family before. At some point I just started petting his dog because I wanted to get something good out of this date. He suddenly placed his hand on my upper thigh, in front of his entire family might I add, and I just sat there frozen. A little while later I left. After a few days he stopped talking to me and a month later I found out he got a girlfriend right at that time.
@jungleras96 2 года назад
i feel your pain! one time i visited a guy i met at a concert (not even a date) and apparently he still lived with his parents. not that i had a problem with that initially, but... after a really awkward night of him trying to "subtly" hit on me and me literally telling him i'm a lesbian, several times, his parents woke me up for breakfast. i sat there eating with them all staring at me with big smiles on their faces, asking a lot of very awkward questions. you could really tell he had never had a girl over before. i don't think any of them, even the guy himself, ever realized i genuinely wasn't interested... i left as soon as i was done eating and never returned
@Kiwi_Tea 2 года назад
Those guys that found out their dates were underage girls, gives me the warm fuzzies…they took them straight back to where they met and got them to go home one way or another. Kudos to those guys to putting a stop to it. That's real gentlemen right there.
@Chaos-Kitty 2 года назад
Back when I was 16 or so one of my best friends co workers begged to go on a date with me (we kinda knew each other from best friend). I wasn’t sure but eventually said sure just to shut him up. Thing is, he told everyone he’s 18 and a “holy Christian”. So we meet at a coffee shop and sit on a sofa where we awkwardly talk. As backup my best friend quiet came in and watched from across the coffee shop. After several minutes he started talking about the wedding he had planned for us both as well as this weird life plan for us both. Before I know it he’s reaching over for a kiss, I nervously back off but he reaches over more and more almost pinning me to the sofa to kiss me. With barely any space between us he dropped “I know you won’t mind the age gap” Confused I asked how can 2 or so years be bad? And he answered “actually I’m 30, I just tell people I’m 18 so they don’t think I’m old” My best friend heard this and dragged me out of there quicker then I could react. Yes I never saw him again
@Patrick-zj4qz 2 года назад
Had a Tinder date with a girl who asked why I was so desperate I had to use Tinder. She was a bit self-aware about it, but it was a really crappy conversation starter. Afterward, she wanted to talk about my financial situation. What fun.
@Lemoncakelover678 2 года назад
What a hypocrite, she's also using tinder. Thankfully you dodge her
@tosutaa 2 года назад
Unless she followed it up with some sort of self deprecating joke about her also being desperate I personally would've gotten up and left right there, even after that though the second finances come up I check out right there.
@Patrick-zj4qz 2 года назад
She did, kind of. She said something like, "no offense, I'm here, too." But then she just looked at me and waited for an answer. Same thing with the finance question. I tried to dodge it, but she wouldn't let it drop, and then lectured me about the importance of a good budget. Like, gee, thanks. I definitely came here to be lectured by someone I just met.
@pohjanvanamo 5 месяцев назад
​@@Patrick-zj4qzshe admid being desperate and wanted to know that you were (or were interested of) financial stability? It sounds she was looking for husband and family, rather than a boyfriend. Idk, just an impression.
@robertiams4198 2 года назад
Not a date, but I was shopping and kept passing a very attractive lady close to my age, yeah, I'm old. We began smiling at each other each time we passed. This led to chatting and joking, I was going to ask if she wanted to get a coffee. She then strolled down the aisle ahead of me and I took the chance to admire her legs. That's when I saw the ankle monitor...NOPE, NOPE, NOPE, I got the hell out of Dodge...
@CrashCubeZeroOne 2 года назад
Can you please explain what the ankle monitor signifies? I don't get it.
@jakedeerberg3376 2 года назад
@@CrashCubeZeroOne Basically it means they're on house arrest
@mementomori1499 2 года назад
@@CrashCubeZeroOne Means shes on a home arrest type arrangement
@CrashCubeZeroOne 2 года назад
Oh, thank you.
@binkyboy9 2 года назад
Went out with a guy for dinner, afterwards he practically announced that I'll follow his car back to his place, and I could tell it was for more than polite conversation. He argued when I said no, then I noticed him following my car (in his) as I drove home. I instead drove to the police station and parked in front of it until he drove off.
@trafionathebigenderfriend1127 2 года назад
Props to the Powerpoint guy, he singlehandedly saves all the girls from living with him
@Kathrine321 2 года назад
Respect to all the adults who immediately took all these children who were playing with fire home.
@DaddyAvox 2 года назад
I was hanging out with this dude, he had to go back to the oil fields the next day. We were just driving around, and he said we should get a hotel and hangout there. I wasn't the most fond of the idea but I already told him nothing was going to happen. When we got there, he passed out immediately. I woke him up at 1am, 2am, then 3am because I really needed to go home because I worked the next day. When he got up at 3am, he said he was too tired to drive. He said he'd pay for my uber AND BIRTH CONTROL?! we didn't sleep together, but I didn't say anything because I was pissed off that I was stuck and had to uber. EASY 100$.
@SMLYTPMovies 2 года назад
Hey Rslash, I know this type of comment is really weird coming from someone verified cause I’ll be seen as a bot but I just wanted to say I love your videos and officially went back and watched every single one. Thank you for such awesome content
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
I’ve watched all his videos too!
@LilLexiVideos 2 года назад
@gothstars3956 2 года назад
I absolutely love binge watching Rslash.
@toadsworld 2 года назад
ISTG ive watched all his videos at least twice. I LOVE this guy
@super12521 2 года назад
Didn't know one of my favorite YTP Channels watched rSlash...
@josi4251 2 года назад
Hey, r/slash guy, that girl who coughed every single minute may have had Tourette's. I got seated near such a person who continually cleared his throat, at least twice a minute, for an entire 30-minute train ride. I got super irritated .... and then I realized what he might have been doing due to a neurological condition. Just a thought on your date experience. One of my friends (about age 19 at the time) got a bit sloshed at a party, and she and a very cute guy who'd been flirting continued the evening together. After hooking up (and a bit more time to sober up), they were chatting, putting on clothes, arranging to get to their separate homes. She had casually asked what year of school he was in, thinking college like herself, and he said he was going to be a freshman. In the days after their bang session, she was talking to someone about him (who didn't know about the banging) and found out he WASN'T EVEN IN HIGH SCHOOL. Yep, cute boy had just finished the 8th grade. She didn't say a word, he must not have, because she didn't get arrested on statutory rape charges, and she vowed to see the ID of any guy she ever agreed to bump wet parts with again. The end.
@Magutur 2 года назад
i have tourettes and clearing my throat, coughing, and quick exhales are some of my tics. i think those definitely weird people out more than any face twitches i have.
@beybladelimitbreak27 2 года назад
Man let me tell you! I had one date with this guy I met him on Grindr And when I got there he brought his uncle but I was being a champ and I actually had conversations with both of them and Me and his uncle were actually having pretty good conversations! Yeah there was no chance of a second date. Unless his uncle wanted to hang out again 🥺
@mmgoodwings3981 2 года назад
It was more like 3rd date. We met online, went out a couple times and kissed was all. We were just about to leave dinner and she said she wanted to take me home. I was very happy until..... the next words were. " I want you to meet my husband" yikes !!!
@kipandren 2 года назад
...What were the odds she was in an open relationship, do you think? Either way, what was she thinking??
@akl2k7 2 года назад
@@kipandren Even if that were the case, the person entering the open relationship deserves to know at the very beginning in case that's not their cup of tea. A lot of people are monogamous looking for an exclusive partner, not to be the third wheel.
@kipandren 2 года назад
@@akl2k7 Yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to imply. If she was in an open relationship, why didn't she tell them right out? If she isn't in an open relationship, why is she taking them home to meet the husband? Either way, what was she thinking?
@oldgreggsmadmemes4431 2 года назад
Man those cheerleaders were out to ruin lives HARD
@tosutaa 2 года назад
Exactly, like aren't they supposed to be supervised by teachers or parents at all times? How did no one notice 6 girls vanishing for multiple hours
@minab5256 2 года назад
My son’s girlfriend horrified me one day saying her parents met when the mom was 15 and the dad was 25. The mom’s parents let them date and they got married when she was 19 and he was 29. I honestly can’t look her dad in the eye anymore. It is awkward.
@fnjesusfreak 2 года назад
I calculated that when I was born my dad was 41 and my mom was barely 19.
@davidwestlake6047 2 года назад
Sadly alot of girls I've met expect us guys to be "psychic" lol. My sister is one of these girls with her bf
@FredRated1967 2 года назад
I've learned over the years to respond to the phrase "you should just know" with "God gave you a mouth, how about you use it and articulate what you want." I'm too old to put up with high school bullshit.
@Chronomaxx 2 года назад
Back in my youth...a long time ago and in world far far away..I was just starting to date. I was 25. (Not as easy to find gay dates back in the 90s) Had been talking to this nice guy online (AOL) when chatrooms were a thing for a week or so. He was cute (according to his picture). Finally we opted to meet IRL and go out. Got his address, made plans, and set the date. When i showed up at his apartment, my door opened and this KID jumped in. I aksed who he was. This was my internet friend. Not 22...14! Out he went and home I went.
@stitchedmouthgirl 2 года назад
Once I had a guy tell me he liked me because I looked like a teenager which was “hot”, but he was also happy that I wasn’t actually a teenager because it meant he wouldn’t get into trouble 🙂 He was only like 5 or 6 years older than me too
@ExSharkV 2 года назад
I met up with a kid from one of my classes that I got along well with for lunch one day and he told me "Did you buy your black belt or did you earn it because there's no way someone your size (5'4" and 115 pounds) could endure something so physically strenuous." After I told him that I trained in taekwondo and had recently earned my black belt. He then went on a rant about how physically strong women just "aren't attractive" and how they "make men feel insecure and inferior and no man wants to feel inferior to his girlfriend." I avoided him for the rest of the semester.
@rebeccajesse4604 2 года назад
wow...just wow. I think it says more about the guy feeling inferior than it says anything about the woman. congrats on the black belt!
@HairyHariyama 2 года назад
I'm sorry, I'm just laughing so hard at the thing he's saying about men not wanting to feel inferior to their gfs. Has this guy been on the internet? Like, at all?
@arduousPopsicle 2 года назад
The guys who found out the girls were underage and took them home immediately. Those are good guys
@Catwomen4512 2 года назад
"Good guys aren't paedophiles" the bar is so low😭
@guerra_dos_bichos 2 года назад
@@Catwomen4512 they could've dumped them on the side of the road , it was pretty decent, they tricked them
@johnnymcneal5914 2 года назад
I would have left the restaurant and just left without even eating and believe me he would never get another date out of me
@PenguSamurai 2 года назад
So happy that rslash posts right when I get out of work and I can immediately listen to it on my drive home!
@readjordan2257 2 года назад
8:13 ooohhhh Rslash..lemme tell you! I was once working for a Chinese company in southeast asia as a consultant. At lunch (you eat at the factory kitchen with the other higher-ups.) I was laughed at by literally everyone when i said i cant read minds. To which one of the workers (in amazement) asked me "you cant?" I was just confused. Apparently thats part of the work culture. Nothing anyone says matters, only the dynamics and implications.
@Christina-cf9ot 2 года назад
I keep expecting to hear about a first date I went on where I quizzed the guy for two hours about his morality and ethics. I'd just gotten my life together after some bad relationships and wasn't ready yet to date, but he asked and turning him down flat seemed wrong. In hindsight that would have been better for the guy. There was no second date and I don't blame him.
@jaspr1999 2 года назад
As a smoker for several decades, I can say that your date SERIOUSLY needed to shower and do laundry! ... And see a doctor about that cough since that isn't normal at all. These stories make me so happy to not be anywhere close to the dating scene today. These dates would give me the ultimate reason to attach a RATO bottle (rocket-assisted takeoff) to my chair to rocket out of all of these dates!
@themartinebunny 2 года назад
Showering can help a little, but non-smokers can still smell it. It's in thier lungs, your skin, your sweat, and everything.
@jaspr1999 2 года назад
@@themartinebunny - That is very true but what rSlash describes is far beyond that. Clean smokers can't make other smell of smoke unless they have close contact and/or smoke around them. For rSlash to have had that strong a smell on him that gal had to be filthy. Both her person and her clothes.
@confuzedpenguin9974 2 года назад
Clean smokers can definitely make others smell of smoke.
@strikeforce1500 2 года назад
Not me, but a close friend. He met this girl back when we were 16. They seem to connect very well, and decide to go on a date. Everything goes perfect, a great match, after the date he takes her home. When her father open the door, he shouts "UNCLE?!". And that is how my best friend dates his cousin xD
@tobiasj1630 2 года назад
I can't tell if this makes me terrified to try dating again or thankful that at least I know what kinda crazy there is out there XD
@evavocative6975 2 года назад
Honestly, I am glad for the story about the couple who overestimated/underestimated each others ages. As soon as he found out she was younger than he thought, and underage, he took her home and wasn't actually trying to be a creep. As a girl with a baby face who was still getting carded, when my YOUNGER siblings looked adults, and got drinks even under age... I can understand the mistake. It was just an honest mistake they didn't communicate before hand.
@amberhasanaccount 2 года назад
I've been trained to show up here at 2pm everyday. Slashlov's dog.
@scarlettsteele7999 2 года назад
9 am my time, but same exact thing!
@maieen2665 2 года назад
"Slashlov's dog"; I love it ☺ I'm the same way. Everyday at 9am
@Kiwi_Tea 2 года назад
As an ex-smoker, I apologise SO MUCH to those I offended with my nasty smoky stench. I couldn't believe just how much cigarettes stink once I got my own sense of smell back. It was FOUL. I actually cannot stand the smell of a smoker now.
@AllistorMichelle 2 года назад
powerpoint guy: does he think women control the gender of the babies? didn't he learn in school that it's the male swimmers that pick the gender? rslash story: that is a horrible smoker right there. my step mom smokes too much, has a lung issue [i don't know the name of it. it's medical] and she doesn't cough that much. she does cough to the point of passing out but not every 60 secs.
@dre1978 2 года назад
So I'm newly 18 and started a new job at a gas station. I don't drive so my one of my managers would give me a ride when the bus was unavailable on Sundays. Her son, 23, would stop in once and awhile and we would chat. He gave me a ride home one night and asked me for dinner. I said yes because panic. I learned on this date that he just ended a 6 year relationship 3 MONTHS AGO! Otw back to drop me off he started talking bout me meeting his family, which family members would like me/not like me, and all that. NOPE
@tosutaa 2 года назад
You do realize that 3 months is more than enough time to get over a long term relationship right? especially with how young he is. Do you think that people are supposed to wait however long they were in that relationship to start dating again or something? I'm genuinely curious as to why him getting over it in 3 months is the big problem here and not the 5 year age difference
@SwirlyPinwheel 2 года назад
"I'm Iranian." Oof. Can we get a moment of silence for our hairy homeboy?
@bobsjers 2 года назад
Here's my story. Had a blind date with a woman who lived in the city (Philly). I had to work the next day, so I asked for an early date. She comes almost an hour late (before cell phones.) I'm in a bad area, and stuck waiting with a bum sitting on her steps. She finally comes, and invites me in. Her apartment was totally trashed with barely any floor showing. It smelled really bad because I am sure her cat could not find its litter box in the mess. Her phone rings, and she takes the call. She then asks me to wait outside (with the bum) while she took the call. I just left and went home. I wrote her a letter, to tell her that I thought she looked good, but could not deal with her attitude. She replies that we should try again, because I said she looked good. I just wanted her to know that it was something she did that turned me off, and not something she had no control over.
@Dr_Kyutoko 2 года назад
oof, the story about back hair brings up memories of a friend. I do not know how or why we got onto the topic, but she asked me about preferences. I was honest, not a big fan of pubic hair or armpit hair, on anyone. Not men. Not women. She went into a 20 minute tirade, berating me about how women do not have to live up to "unrealistic beauty standards" and could "have hair wherever they want" Okay? Not what I said, but you do you. Later that day, we're in a group chat and a guy, not bad looking mind you, posts a picture of himself at the beach, but he has not insignificant chest and back hair and... she immediately goes "EWWWW BODY HAIR!! GROOOOSS!!" And I'm just thinking "you hypocritical binch"
@msimms1917 2 года назад
The over/underestimating age story is how i ended up with a husband 7 years my junior, lol. He thought i was younger, i thought he was older-thankfully, we were both in our 20s when we met so nothing illegal or immoral. We didn't figure out the age difference until we'd been talking on the phone for several weeks, and by then, we really liked each other. 16 years and still going!
@DewCrewGamingYT 2 года назад
His reaction to the PowerPoint Guy is hilarious. Op did a good job ditching the dude though. Some of the points the he made was obnoxious as hell.
@Tustin2121 2 года назад
“Some” of the points?! 😅
@juliestevens6931 2 года назад
Age differences - I had just started dating this guy in my group of friends. I was the oldest in my group at 22, the rest were 19-21, or so I thought. One day we were all chatting and I found out my boyfriend was 16!!!!!!! I told him, I was sorry, but we would have to break it off. Yes, he was very mature for a 16 year old, but it was still very illegal!! I'm glad we had not passed the kissing/holding hands stage.
@scaredandconfused 2 года назад
The 25 year old and the 15 year old story was actually pretty funny. "Oh god, how old are you?!" Luckily the guy wasn't a total creep.
@petemadrona2252 2 года назад
Had a similar experience to the MLM story. Met a girl on Tinder during my first year of college. We hit it off and she seemed like a cool enough person, so we agreed to meet at the mall. I know I should have backed out the moment she tells me that she was part of an organization that helped students, like herself, become entrepreneurs. But, at the time, I was desperate, so, I went along when she decided to take me to their HQ, which was a bit of a walk away from the mall. Lo and behold, it was an MLM scam. She then proceeds to call a bunch of people over who then put me through nearly an hour or two of explaining how their whole thing works. They pretty much admitted that going on Tinder was part of their recruitment methods. They were pushing me to join in, but, as someone who's not only had to suffer the sight of someone falling for this scam, but also as someone who's pretty much a victim of their BS products, I was just looking for a way out. I thanked them for the whole thing but told them I needed time to think about it. Then, I got up and left for home real quick. I unmatched with her and blacklisted her number as soon as I got home.
@ThatPersonK 2 года назад
I have major lung conditions and my trachea is floppy and even I don’t cough that much! I’m going to say she’s probably got 1.a cigarette addiction and 2. Undiagnosed cancer of some sort. Well done for lasting the whole movie rSlash 😂
@LilacMonarch 2 года назад
probably lung cancer from all the smoking lmao
@pastelnut027 2 года назад
I love that all of these adult men immediately broke it off(?) as soon as the found out that the girls were underage. One guy I was with for a while didn’t care about keeping things legal when he knew I had just turned 15 when he was almost 20. Good to see that there are some good people in the world still
@JerryNapper 2 года назад
Yeah and people would blame the dudes for the fact they had it on with the 15-16 year old cheerleaders. Its happened before, i don't know why people think its okay when ID checks have been done in night clubs yet it happens.
@michelleroyce6689 2 года назад
rSlash you have not been a dad long enough to tell dad jokes! Jk! Even my husband (a dad for 21 years) thought the “toe-tally” joke was funny.
@d.phantomfan1216 2 года назад
My first and last date was in the cafeteria of my high school lunch room, it didn’t last very long.
@alilouise5756 2 года назад
I’ve been a smoker. My partner has been a smoker. We’ve had family members and friends who smoke. I don’t think I’ve ever sat next to / hugged someone and they came away smelling of smoke
@Raketo900 2 года назад
That's because as a smoker yourself you wouldn't realize as you are accustomed to the smell and also lose a fair part of your ability to smell.
@alilouise5756 2 года назад
@@Raketo900 That’s true, but I also know what I said is also true. The only people in my circle come from different backgrounds and at the time, if their parents smelled smoke on them in any capacity, I would be dead and they would be dead. But then again, I was a social smoker, so my habit wasn’t as bad
@cia7371 2 года назад
I had a ex girlfriend and every time she said you don’t know what I want I would get her something I know she hates and then when she asked me why I got this for her I would say because I know you love these and she would look at me like I am crazy
@shirleyharrison2580 2 года назад
I really enjoyed this one, different from the other stories. Please do more like this. Love your channel.
@tracylangsley4064 2 года назад
Finally, I'm early for once but then I've spent all morning binge watching all of your videos again lol
@ashleysmith1276 2 года назад
When i was 23, i went on a date with a girl i had worked with until a few months before. Apparently she had a crush on me. So i agreed, drove 30 mins to pick her up, and asked where she wanted to go. She said she would direct me to a nice pub she knows, so i start driving. Literally AN HOUR later, I am still driving! We have passed dozens of perfectly nice places, and I am getting fed up. Eventually we stop outside a pretty grotty pub in a dead-end little town by the sea. Think horse-brass on the walls, slot machines, and nasty microwaved lasagne. I ask her why here, and she says it is somewhere she went with her parents. Hmmm, ok. Whatever. She orders a double Baileys (a very creamy Irish whisky liquer, like it is actually made with cream - tastes nice but is a xmas drink really, something Brits tend to give to younger teens on special occasions cos it is basically impossible to get drunk on). This rings alarm bells. We're chatting about where i used to work, and then she says "but I'm leaving soon to become a glamour model". Glamour models are basically the ones who go topless but rarely fully nude. Then she hands me a photo of a woman she claims is her, naked but for a tiny pair of panties. The photo has been cropped to remove the head, which is weird. The body of this lady is very nice, and i guess could be her.... either way, showing someone your nudes is weird on a first date. Conversation with her was quite stop-start, we didn't have much in common - she never went to see bands, had terrible taste in movies and had probably never read a book in her life. Sigh... After her 1 Baileys and my 1 Diet Coke, i start driving her home. On the journey I ask why she is waitinh to become a glamour model. "Until after my birthday". Erm, what?? "I turn 17 next year, which is when i can get an agent, and start to get into the business a bit". WHAAAAAT?!? YOU'RE 16?!? "Yeah, thought you knew? I left school asap and started working at the callcentre". Now, in the UK 16 is the age of consent, so i wasn't in any legal danger, and hell we hadn't even kissed. But i still freaked out. 16 to 23 is only 7 years, but at those ages you might as well be on different planets. I was a graduate, living with housemates, working for the UK government at the time. So i freaked out a bit. Pedal to the metal, I got her home quickly and virtually booted her out the car.
@mr.scarlo2234 2 года назад
I hope that everyone is having a good Sunday!
@GamingXenZen 2 года назад
I am with this. Hope you have a great week
@Boertje247 2 года назад
Oh my gosh! I got set up on a blind date and the man said he’d pick me up. I had a weird feeling, so I met him at the restaurant. It was a seafood restaurant on the harbor, very upscale. I was dressed very nicely, and when I find the date, he’s dressed in dirty jeans, flip flops, and a borrowed sport coat bc the restaurant had a dress code. He had BO. Before we even ordered appetizers, he said I could spend the night and go fishing with him the next day. I said that it was too soon to make those kinds of plans. The whole time he was talking about how successful he was, how many women were after him, etc, and we hadn’t even ordered our main course. When we got the menus, he said what looked good, and just to see his reaction, I said “Oooooh! That giant Maine lobster!” It was about $50. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. The look on Mr. Successful’s face was priceless. I fully intended to pay for my own meal, but I couldn’t face dinner with his constant bragging. I ordered about a $15 meal, and he ordered off the kids menu-fish sticks or something. I’d only been there about 30 minutes, and told him I had to leave. No explanation. I asked the waitress to cancel my order, and left. He actually called me for a second date, but I never returned his calls. Too bizarre!
@momomo1312 2 года назад
I need to know if op in the feet in mouth story kicked him straight in the mouth by the surprise
@ShelbyVia 2 года назад
One summer in high school, I went out with a guy, J, from my creative writing class. At some point in the afternoon, he mentioned I was his eighth girlfriend. On the FIRST DATE. Strike one. We went out for ice cream, and happened to see his ex-girlfriend (number 7) with her new boyfriend. He was LIVID. He bashed her for dumping him and not giving him enough attention, then said her new boyfriend was “obviously gay, and she’s just his beard”. WTF?! I’ve seen both of these people around school, and realized she broke up with J around the same time her best friend died of cancer. The school held a memorial for her and everything. After this, J texted me every day for 3 weeks from the moment he woke up (9 am) until I told him I was going to bed (around 10 pm). He would tell me VERY personal things, like TMI-level, medical things, and bad-mouth his 7 previous girlfriends (all of whom broke up with him. Strike two.) I stupidly did go on a second date with him, after which I told him I wanted to break up. He started to take me home, pulled off into a random alley, turned off and locked the car, and pleaded with me for 40 minutes not to break up with him. Mind you, this was in July in California, and I am locked in his car, with no AC, for 40 minutes. Strike three. I blocked his number and told his friends what happened so that they would encourage him not to try to contact me again.
@Eclipse5 2 года назад
I once had a really sweet guy persue me my senior year of high school. He would say nice things to me in normal conversation and flatter me in different ways. It wasn't really flirting as much as it was pleasant conversation. He kept insisting we hang out at my place sometime, since he'd heard from other people in our class that I lived on a rather large piece of land, and he was curious to see it. One day, I finally had time to see him and he biked over to my house. As soon as we sat down in the grand room to chat and figure out what we wanted to do, he started insisting that I be his girlfriend. I told him that I was actually into him, but that he needed to slow down and give me time to think before we actually became a couple. For fuck's sake, I barely knew the guy, this was the first time we were hanging out outside of school. He had made me a lil uncomfortable with his insistence, but he had previously explained that he was socially awkward, and didn't understand social ques the same way I did. I was sympathetic to that, and explained to him how he made me feel in the moment so he could understand. That's when he gave me an ultimatum. I had to decide within 2 weeks if we would be a thing or not. This would avoid risking me leading him on for long periods of time. This also proved that he had no idea who I was. I said I wasn't comfortable with him giving me an ultimatum like that. That's when he turned into a nightmare. He started moving closer to me, pinning me to the side of the couch and blocking me in. He started saying things like he had been so nice to me and that I owed him now to be his girlfriend NOW becuase he thought so. The 2 weeks were also a nice thing he did that he didn't need to do. But I should agree to be his girl now becuase he was just so nice and perfect for me. I panicked, having been sexually assulted before and his physical actions and his words triggering me heavily. I physically fought him away so I could get out of the corner and ran to my mom who was luckily in the house at the time, the dude following me to her. She stood between us and tried to be mediary to make sure there were no misunderstandings. There weren't. He was just that selfish. We ended the hangout shortly after and I shot him a text saying that we would never work. He then proceeded to throw a tantrum to all my friends in the same class we were in. Luckily, they all stood by me and he was cast out of the group. I wish it hadn't turned out that way, since I could tell he was really hurt by what happened, but he never changed his approach, so I continued to avoid him until I graduated.
@yeggtheplaguedoctor Год назад
For me, it was my fault. I accidently triggered his trauma while on a date and he shut down. I felt so horrible. But I sat with him for hours, took a nap with him, and played his favorite game for a few hours. We are still dating and I'm getting better with recognizing and avoiding his triggers
@crotchwolf1929 2 года назад
He found out I drew furry art and though I'd be into seeing a pic of him giving his dog a hand job.
@tosutaa 2 года назад
Based on your name I can't tell if you liked it or not. I'm just gonna assume you didn't like a normal person
@crotchwolf1929 2 года назад
@@tosutaa No, I'm into some kinky shit but beastiality ain't one of them. I didn't have this username when I met this guy.
@LordOfTheFatties Год назад
"A smile that could melt diamonds". Fun fact, Diamonds are absolutly flammable, being made of pure carbon. A blow torch will turn one to ash without much difficulty.
@cherylwatt7347 2 года назад
I had a coffee date on my university's campus with a guy after class one day. He kept saying things like, "Children need their moms more than their dads, so all women should be stay-at-home moms, and you look like you'd make a great mom." I'm a sociology/psychology student and a huge advocate for getting rid of gender norms and stereotypes (I literally study how harmful they are), and we were talking about how I want to have a career working for the federal government.
@tiredman99 2 года назад
What's wrong with gender norms? And how are they harmful? Like I get some are harmful like saying women can't have careers and men can't cry and stuff like that, but it's been proven that single women who are solely focused on their career often feel burned out by the time they're in their late 30s to early 40s
@marissaworsham3062 2 года назад
Can I just say how awesome it was that the dude immediately took her home instead of trying to take advantage of her?
@namelessminionveinreaver3763 2 года назад
Eesh, I can only imagine the girls pretending to be older deal... I'm way too trusting, and have my Tinder set to 18-52. (Gotta keep my options open. I am not a good looking dude.) Is there a safer yet polite way to verify? Asking to see ID seems kind of rude to me. Also, "trusting my gut" is not an option because all my thinking is being done a few inches lower.
@seabass819 2 года назад
Yeah, you can verify by getting the age a year or 2 older then it's listed like "so your tinder bio says you're 24, do you go to college? " that's assuming she's lister her age as 22 or 23.
@bibbobella 2 года назад
I would say try with slightly personal but not outright rude questions. Questions like "so, what do you do for a living? did you go to college? Are you going to college? Oh, how come?" etc. etc. can give you A LOT of answers. If they are trying to fool you...and there is most certainly a chance then they might have some inconsistencies in what they are saying. Try to pick up on it. Maybe they state one thing to one question but when you ask the same question in a slightly different manner then they might have changed questions. This isn't easy and honestly a bit rude....you are basically interagiting them....but if they arent trying to fool you then you should easily be able to guess their age. Facebook can also be your friend here. Some people might get a fake ID but they don't really have a reason to lie on facebook so asking to add them on facebook could very easily give you their age. Refusing would be a bit weird if you have went on a date with them and seem to have fairly good chemistry so I doubt that would be an issue. I suppose they could have made a fake facebook and everything but then they are really going out of their way to trick you and at that point there isnt much you can do...
@annalacock848 2 года назад
“…my dog smells like smoke.” 😂 Thanks for the laugh!
@namelessminionveinreaver3763 2 года назад
Anyone else hoping rSlash's worst date story would end with, "and now we're happily married with a beautiful daughter"?
@BloodThirstyAvengers 2 года назад
And either "and now everything smells like smoke but I learned to deal with it" or, more positively, "and she's been smoke-free for 3 years".
@gordonlawrence1448 2 года назад
That has sort of happened one time I know of. My best mate at the time took someone on a date and everything that could go wrong did go wrong. She was a non-strict vegetarian (does not like the taste or look of meat) but he decided to go to a vegetarian restaurant anyway. Firstly the car won't start. So he phones her and says he is getting a taxi over because of car troubles. The taxi has an accident on the way to the restaurant. Walking to the restaurant (pedestrianised area) someone tries to mug them. Luckily he's my size and a cage fighter for a hobby. They got dragged down the police station for statements. They finally got to the restaurant at 10PM. Apparently it closes at 10:30. They still laugh about it now 20 years later.
@disbade787 2 года назад
@lionkinglover88 2 года назад
less than a minute after posting! I love it!
@coreymccann311 2 года назад
Not impossible lol they legitimately expect you to read their mind. Especially when it's concerning what they want to eat. Entitled women usually follow a pattern
@GamerSisters 2 года назад
I went in a date with what I thought was a pretty cool and interesting guy, but weird red flags kept happening. He asked me a ton of questions about myself, which by itself isn't a red flag, but it was extremely personal stuff. Like my struggles in life, my mental issues (anxiety, depression) and my family issues. So, I was starting to get frustrated and anxious about being asked so many personal questions. I wanted the conversation to stop because we were in a restaurant and this is like asking me about my dirty laundry in a crowd of people. This made me start having a panic attack. But he started insisting despite me saying how much I was uncomfortable. So then he wanted to "comfort" me by egging me to hold his hand and look at his face but I refused. But he still insisted until he was about to physically lift my head up with his hand, but I stopped him by nearly crushing his fingers with my hand. I didn't do on purpose but I felt so bad that I let him hold my hand even though I didn't want to. The conversation suddenly shifted to him saying how late it is, which I thought would be for me to leave, but actually he wanted to go see a movie. I make an excuse that my mom wouldn't want me back home too late (which is true but she wouldn't have minded if I told her). But again, he insists and I decide to call my mom. While I'm still on the phone, he gives me a list of movies to watch and I notice that all of them are old movies, so I ask him how are we supposed to see these movies. He literally tells me "oh I forgot, we'll watch them at my place". My mom, who hears immediately refuses because she saw the red flags and told me to come back home. It's not like I complained, I didn't want to go to this guy's house either. Oh yeah also he lives like an hour away from here! Dangerous as hell! I asked my friends about the situation and told my mom about it, because my brain still felt a bit guilty about it and they all told me I did the right thing. But my anxiety was still making me feel guilty that I was being very guarded so I still text him to talk about what happened. He ends up guilt tripping me about "being closed minded" for being so guarded towards his questions and not wanting to go to his place. Basically gaslighting me that if I felt uncomfortable it's my fault and that he didn't do anything bad even though I repeatedly asked him to stop. Needless to know I never spoke to or saw him again. And I found myself a much better partner that I love very much and we've been together for almost 2 years!
@OneCatShortOfCrazy 2 года назад
Yikes !!!
@Glorioustouchtt 2 года назад
Love your stories r/slash ❤
@terastadtmiller 2 года назад
Okay, so this video got me thinking about my worst date. I worked with this guy who asked me on a date and at the end I drove him home and he leaned in to kiss me, ended up turning around really fast, opened the car door and puked. He closed the door then turned back to me, and went straight back in for the kiss. I dodged and he went home embarrassed. I did genuinely feel really bad for him bc he was sweet and I knew he was just nervous. I feel even worse for him because as embarrassing as it is to admit, I did literally the same thing to someone else like a year later. I got drunk at a party and had a huge crush on this guy, and we sat on the front porch watching the rain. It was super cute. He finally made a move and put his arm around me and I said "one sec" and got up and threw up in a bush right in front of him, then sat down and put his arm back around me and went in for the kiss. 😩😩 Very embarrassing at the time, but a truly funny memory now.
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