
r/EntitledPeople - Mega Karen Calls 911 When I EXPOSE Her FAKE Service Dog! Gets Embarrassed! 

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21 сен 2024




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@misolgit69 Год назад
OK hands up who else was hoping that when Karen pulled her fake swoon she was gonna miscalculate and end up in the poop ?
@paulagoeringer9466 Год назад
That would have been perfect.😆
@jamescaron6465 Год назад
I was hoping…
@meh2510 Год назад
She should have done it on purpose. You know, really sell that story.
@daerdevvyl4314 Год назад
@patriciaaturner289 Год назад
@ryotedeschi6626 Год назад
anyone else gonna question why Kayak Karen is trynna feed boats to her family?
@Dubhun Год назад
Right? That was my first thought when I heard that! Lmfao
@phylliskress2296 Год назад
I wonder how much food can be bought for the price of the bloody kayak. True, the woman could use it for fishing, but there's more to a balanced diet than an only-fish diet.
@DedraAmbroseandSnow Год назад
@@phylliskress2296 the price of a Kayak is as little as 250.00-over 1,000.00 USD. So a week to a months amount of food for a family of 4.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
@@DedraAmbroseandSnow A few years back, my buddy and I went to a canoe/kayak shop for a sale. He bought a kayak, I bought a canoe. It was a sale, I paid $600 for a $1,200 canoe. I would have skinned a thieving Karen alive if she tried stealing my boat! 🤨
@DedraAmbroseandSnow Год назад
@@lancerevell5979 yep I sold 2 sit on tops & 2 sit insides for 4k
@lw3269 Год назад
100% I would be pressing charges on the woman attempting to steal the kayak AND on the woman who insisted on petting the service dog.
@Abutado Год назад
When my kids point out service animals in the store I always say " yes it is a cute doggy, but see that vest? That means it's working right now so we can't touch it, ok?" Then I always get thanked for not being one of those moms. My kids also know that even if it isn't a service dog, we don't touch pets without permission from the owner, it's for everyone's safety. They've never disobeyed.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад
More people should have this common sense! People should always ask for permission to touch an animal and accept the word "no" if they are told that.
@jamescaron6465 Год назад
Thank you you’re a good mom. As an owner of two very large, but very sweet, natured dogs I appreciate that they are big, but sometimes they don’t know their own strength and they don’t mean any harm but well you get the idea.
@Abutado Год назад
It really is common sense, it's also common sense to accept no as a final answer and to not push beyond that initial no. At least it should be. And thank you, I understand that every animal is different, some have boundaries and trauma just like people and the owner is going to need to control that as best as they can. It's very unfair when people force themselves on an unknown animal without knowing that animal's boundaries and when it acts out of perceived aggression, the animal and owner ultimately pay the price in the end. Plus, I don't want my children getting injured if I can avoid it, that's irresponsible. There's times people tell me they can pet their dog but the dog's behavior says otherwise, so I still don't let them. I absolutely adore dogs and if I had a proper yard we'd have one, but other people's dogs are not mine to decide anything for. I don't know why people don't understand that concept.
@btsjimin9573 Год назад
Thank you, as a service dog handler I love hearing parents tell/educate their kids about service dogs.
@Kristiemiller1969 Год назад
When I see a service animal while me and mom are shopping I comment on how cute they are and that I would love to pet the dog but won't knowing it's a service animal
@garysakamoto4007 Год назад
Story #3: I’m hoping that she fully enjoyed her medical bill for the ambulance ride and ER visit. Also hoping she was cited for misuse of 911.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
And Filing a False Police Report, having a non-service dog inside a store and failing to clean up after it and Disturbing the Peace... Those are what I'd Charge her with if I were the responding Officer... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@paulagoeringer9466 Год назад
@@HappilyHomicidalHooligan too bad there's not a charge for being a Karen.
@alexiswagner5388 Год назад
@@paulagoeringer9466 public disturbance?
@paulagoeringer9466 Год назад
@@alexiswagner5388 well, they are a public nuisance.
@alexiswagner5388 Год назад
@@paulagoeringer9466 lol
@jodilynnt9418 Год назад
Story 4, I would have called police to intervene on harassment & stalking by mother & child. Police need to teach the useless security guard how to handle harassment & stalking of students, & no-touching of service dog interactions. Also, file a complaint with college concerning harassment, stalking by other student & poorly educated security situation.
@carolineachach8017 Год назад
That last story, I would have started to pet her kid and when she complained, I would have thrown her words bak and stated I gave myself permission. Then I would have asked her how does it feel to have your wishes violated?
@randomrants148 Год назад
She probably use the pedophile trump card I hate when people throw words like that it disrecept the meaning of it. Yeah, that would I wicked smartass remarked but since it's 2022 people will use anything as their trump card.
@meh2510 Год назад
I wouldn't recommend that. Maybe the police would understand your sarcastic point about service animals, but is it worth getting a charge of child molestation? If you absolutely felt the need to make a physical point, you could "Give yourself Permission" to pet the mother's hair instead. Even that is a risky move, but one that is least likely to give you a jail sentence.
@randomrants148 Год назад
@@meh2510 I agree.
@carolineachach8017 Год назад
@@meh2510 you're probably right and how sad is that? Smh
@mynvision Год назад
I was in the Bullseye store recently, and found a woman sitting on the ground in an aisle I needed to check, with her service dog sitting quietly next to her at ready. I just walked to the end of the aisle and waited until she was ready, and also, to keep an eye out in case she needed for someone to call 911 for her, but I totally left her alone, didn't even talk to her because I didn't want to distract her or her service dog. In fact, everyone I saw who needed to go down that aisle did pretty much the same thing, saw her, and walked away or waited. She only took a few minutes before she was able to slowly get up again and go on her way. It's really obvious how service dogs behave. And, no, you stupid fake service dog woman, service dogs don't "just wanna play". 🙄 Also, why are these types always wanting to touch things, or animals/people, without permission? Seriously, don't touch my dog, don't touch my cat, don't touch my baby, don't touch ME. Hands off. I hate when people I don't know get close to me or try to touch me. Ugh.
@Alice-lx4ml Год назад
Bless. I have a fainting disorder and have to do this sometimes, and at first I was so worried about embarrassed that I'd try to get to the br so I could hide in a stall. That lead to several concussions. So I had to learn to be okay with just sitting down in an aisle so I could avoid fainting. People give me super weird looks every time and sometimes they try to touch my SD. This is exactly how I wish people would react, not making a huge deal out of it or staring.
@olinewright6877 Год назад
@@Alice-lx4mlWhen pregnant I started feeling faint so I sat down and put my head between my knees I was asked if I needed help but otherwise left alone.
@DedraAmbroseandSnow Год назад
Exactly sometimes I just completely shut off. My brain closes completely down. I just sit there staring at nothing. I can't see during an absentee seizure. I can't speak, move or hear anyone. My SD Snow will if she can do DPT (Deep Pressure Therapy) on my legs, chest if she can reach me. The best thing anyone can do for me. Is stand there watch to make sure I'm still breathing & that no one trys to take Snow away from me. To also make sure no one hurts or trys to steal from me. Just stand back & let my dog do the job I trained her to do.
@russellmargaglio4948 Год назад
Once, someone tried touching my (you-know-what) without permission.. They may or may not have gotten a fist to the face and placed on the sex offender registry for their troubles. Am I proud of doing this? Absolutely not. Am I proud that that Karen learned her lesson the hard way? Maybe
@laurabenevelli6783 Год назад
My service dog is not allowed to play with other dogs. It would totally distract him from what he is supposed to be doing. I also don’t give strangers his name when people CONSTANTLY ask. I tell them I don’t give his name out because I don’t want people calling him or talking to him. God, so MANY people try.
@CloverField83 Год назад
My dog hates strangers and strange animals. He'll growl and snap, but he won't bite. I have a little vest for him that says that he's not okay to pet when I take him for walks. The number of times people have ignored the vest and just sent their little crotch goblins over to pet him is insane.
@Lonerbob93 Год назад
Service dogs come in all shapes and sizes. One of my regulars in my cafe had a spaniel (not sure on specifics) and was lovely. Never asked what it was for as it's not my business! I could not count the amount of times kids ran over to try to pet it! Thankfully, we had parents who would tell their kids to not pet them. I wish more people were like that.
@randomrants148 Год назад
What happened freindly people and resecpt. I know they were people like this in the olden days but at least they havd common sense and not as entitled today.
@VestigialHead Год назад
The problem is that there does not seem to be a registration system with an ID for the animals. If someone is allowed to have a service animal then there needs to be an official identification so they can prove it is a real service animal and not one they just made up. But for some weird reason the US does not seem to have such an ID. Makes zero sense.
@stacy1492 Год назад
I was out with my friend and her service dog. I couldn't believe how people reacted to them. One woman ran from across the store, and just started petting her dog! The dog was CLEARLY marked as a service dog. Then the intrusive questions she asked! My friend took it in stride but I wanted to smack that woman, I was so pissed. Since then I've been super aware of how I act with service dogs. I admire dogs, so I just tell the person, nice dog, AND WALK AWAY! That's it. Once the vest comes off, my friends dog is allowed all the pets I can give him.
@charlayned Год назад
My husband doesn't even pet mine when she's working. She knows that she's going to get treats and love when that vest is off. If we EVER get our boy Sheltie trained (he's still a bit excited, goofy boy and we have to take him out but work harder with him, he's getting it, though), that's going to be a rule for him too.
@krysd8594 Год назад
I adore dogs, but if it has a vest I leave them alone!
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
Tbh, if someone rushes your friends service dog, you have the right to intervene in their defense as service dogs, just like wheel chairs and canes are legally considdered medical aids. That means touching them without expressed permission is legally considdered felony assault and battery... Eg, library story Karen could have been charged with assault, battery and inciting a minor to comitt a felony = CPS intervention.
@adamlivesay1973 Год назад
@@SonsOfLorgar THIS! More people need to understand that the law IS on their side when it comes to the Americans With Disabilities Act. Sure, there are still other laws to keep in mind when defending yourself or someone else with a disability, but for the most part you have free reign to do anythin ghb and everything you feel necessary to keep yourself or the disabled person safe, including "attacking" the potential attacker, because basic self defense laws in many states allow for defense against a PERCIEVED threat, meaning if they are coming at you in any half obvious aggressive manner, you can justify self defense against someone who was clearly coming to attack you.
@darrennew8211 Год назад
That last story is exactly why people need to learn when to loose their temper. "IF YOU TOUCH MY DOG, BITCH, YOU'RE GONNA GET LAID OUT ON THE FLOOR WITH A F'ING BASEBALL BAT!"
@TheMetalWeirdo Год назад
The last Karen is really something. "I gIvE mY KiD PeRmiSsIoN tO peT YoUr DoG!". Sorry hun, that's not how the world works. I'd love to have fun with her logic there. "Let me use your car. I give me and my friend permission to use your car!"
@robertwelch1915 Год назад
I would have given myself permission to restrain both the woman and her crotch goblin for endangering my friend. A simple wristlock on each would have been enough to shut her up
@SylverLeo Год назад
I have epilepsy myself, and usually I can sometimes hear what people are saying to me during a seizure. So if I heard Karen say that, I’d get pissed off myself
@rebeccamichael626 Год назад
Same, but I've never heard anything during a seizure. Only when I'm starting to get out of it. 💜🎗
@DedraAmbroseandSnow Год назад
Same here hun
@lisemartino1995 Год назад
Please know that you are strong and capable. Please don’t let ANYONE knock you down. Be a great role model for all around you; these videos show that the world is watching! You don’t need to be a parent to be a good role model.
@volvocub2629 Год назад
I worked at sears. It was just before Christmas. A man had a seizure in the elevator door. A lady tried to push him to the side to put in her cart. Another in the elevator was kicking him trying to move him out the doors. His daughter threw down the items they had chosen in the middle of the floor, saying how this was so inconvenient and stormed away… My faith in humanity died a little that day
@DedraAmbroseandSnow Год назад
@@volvocub2629 his own daughter threw a fit? Wtf oh hell naw. She's needs an attitude adjustment badly.
@charlayned Год назад
Story 4--She should have gotten the name of the woman from the security, then gone to the dean of students and report her. She also needs to go to the Access office that deals with people with disabilities and get the security guards retrained about how to deal with service dogs and people who have them. This was totally unacceptable behavior from them and they need retrained. Yes, I have a service dog, I have MS and mine, a beautiful sable Shetland Sheepdog (now 15, sadly) has been trained to get my husband when I try to move by myself and to bring in anyone I send her to get, like the paramedics when I fall. My other one, another beautiful Sheltie (but tri-colored) passed away 3 years ago at age 11. She was the one who dealt with the pain and would bark at my husband if I got to where I couldn't talk and needed meds. She would crawl into my lap and not move until I was past the electric cramps. We're trying to train the new, 3-year old male bi-black Sheltie to take the place of the 15 year old and the other one, attempting to combine each role into one, but we may have to get another dog to be assistance for the pain. And yes, I take them into public, they're well behaved, would never drop a stinking load into an entry, never bark or menace, and when we eat out, they lay under the table where we are and not move. I won't let anyone touch them either, as beautiful as they are, they are working when we're out and it's not safe for ME to let them be petted.
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
And if Alyssa had called 911 instead of just moving over, she could have pressed charges for assault, battery, harassment and enable a CPS intervention against Karen for inciting a minor to comitt felonies.
@paulahik211 Год назад
I've always known never to pet a working service dog. When my children were young and they wanted to pet a service dog, I'd tell them the dog was working and couldn't be disturbed or distracted. It's not that hard.
@alaras Год назад
Story 3: I am a subject matter expert on disability justice in the US. Advising on how to address service dog-related issues is part of my expertise and work as a consultant. Karen DESERVES to have that dog taken away for that kind of animal abuse!
@ryotedeschi6626 Год назад
why are some people so obsessed with grabbing other people's property, animals, etc.... madness. Karen and their hell spawn would be missing limbs.
@kaidenandrobbzurwell121 Год назад
Yesterday, I called out a Karen for parking in the disabled spot. She told me, if a person is truly disabled they should just stay home.
@sylviealexandra4218 Год назад
Did she have a placard?
@bethmahadocon1887 Год назад
Do your local police department have a Twitter account? Next time you see someone parking in disabled parking take a pic showing the license plate & parking sign then tweet it to your local police.
@michaelwest2388 Год назад
@@bethmahadocon1887 wow an actual good use for twitter
@tracyhaverstick5672 Год назад
That's a new one. I would have responded, Then Real dispicable assholes should stay home. Who let you out?"
@kaidenandrobbzurwell121 Год назад
@@sylviealexandra4218 nope, that's why I called her out. She said she was only going in for a minute, but she was still there when I left 20 min later.
@wristdisabledwriter2893 Год назад
After watching lots of service dog videos I learned that if it’s obvious a service just don’t bother to ask to pet just don’t pet at all. If it’s not obvious (vests aren’t required) and you want to pet than ask first and accept no for an answer even if it’s not a service dog (there are pet friendly areas you know like outside
@damien678 Год назад
Or a pet store that lets people visit with their pets!! And lots of other places 😤
@s0lastsummer7 Год назад
Ma'am..... your statement about "if you can just fall on the floor at any time, you should stay home" can literally apply to you, and to everyone else! You could faint any time, you could have a heart attack any time, you could have a stroke anytime, and even without epilepsy you can have your first seizure at any friggin time! So do us ALL a favor, AND TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE, KAREN! Love, an epileptic who wasn't epileptic until her twenties. 😘
@donadeavera9608 Год назад
I loved a wonderful man who was a successful businessman and epileptic. Didn't take his meds one night and died of a grand Mal seizure. A bittersweet memory.
@donaldcampbell3043 Год назад
Story 3. Hopefully Karen also got a big bill for her Ambulance ride for her fake fainting episode
@SCCelticGoddes Год назад
A huge bill would be nice. Depending on where you are, they can be in excess of $2000.00 in my state.
@Theendgamelv3 Год назад
For story 3, if that crazy lady lives in the US she probably would have medical bills to pay for going to the hospital lol.
@unwashedotaku Год назад
Story 3 is why people have such difficulites getting support animals when they need them, why they have to have mountains of evidence to back them up and still have to be on guard being in public.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад
In the US, Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are not the same as Service Dogs (SD) and do not have the same rights of access in public places as they don't do specific tasks. A business owner can tell someone to remove their ESA as they are basically glorified pets. A SD does specific tasks for the person that they can't do themselves or would have to have another person do. SD includes hearing ear dogs, or seeing eye dog, mobility assistance dogs, seizure or diabetic alert dogs, etc.
@PaladinGear15 Год назад
Even when I was a little kid like 8 years old I remember seeing a service dog at a train station, I reached my hand out to pet it, but quickly saw the sign saying "Dog in service, do not pet" and that was enough for me, I walked back to my parents and told them about the "cool dog with a job" and that was that xD If an 8 year old can know not to bother a service dog, why can't this fully grown woman?
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: Ironic that Karen has an absolute menace of a dog while she's accusing someone's entirely silent Service Husky of being dangerous. And yeah, Karen's dog just dumping in the middle of the isle is pure, solid proof that the dog is miles behind being trained.
@ElCid48 Год назад
hope they have to pay for all this service
@damien678 Год назад
She probably doesn't even take the poor thing for a daily walk... Like, that's my goal for my KITTEN, and he doesn't require that like dogs do
@randomrants148 Год назад
She said that dog was fake, yeah right, bitch! Your service dog qualifies being a real worker and I bet the vest is hand made but she didnt put her dog in training.
@drakofox1362 Год назад
@@damien678 same for my furball I take her every night when there's no one around
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
It's easy to get the papers and items for their dog so they can pass them off as a Service Dog, people are stupid....
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
Service Dog Story: If I were OP, after the second Warning to stop Distracting Alicia's Service Dog, I'd have whipped out my phone and dialed 911 informing the Dispatcher that I'm on Floor [x] of [Campus Library] and there is a woman and her son that will not stop distracting my friend's Service Dog despite being told to back off, we need an Officer here ASAP because We're Pressing Charges... I'd also have stood directly between the kid and the dog to keep him away...
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 4: The friend could've seized at any point, and Karen would be held responsible for hindering a Service Dog. That's how serious it is. Even a single second of distraction is dangerous
@Offutticus Год назад
My service dog is a Rottweiler. The last one was too. Did that keep people from distracting, petting, and interfering? Nope. Big patch says "Working Dog" and "Do Not Pet". Arrgghh.
@M_M_ODonnell Год назад
Story 3: support dogs for autistic people are a real thing -- my nephew had one. The real service dogs are extensively trained to behave in public (or whenever they're "on duty" -- in at least some cases, the vest lets the dog as well as bystanders know that they're "on the job" rather than on playing-and-making-friends time), and can be incredibly perceptive when it comes to figuring out when their person needs a cue to change their environment, take steps to keep from getting stuck in an uncomfortable state, etc. Too many people only hear about the fakers, though, and don't know how helpful the genuinely well-trained service dogs can be (or think that they can pass off their completely untrained pet as a service dog -- pet dogs can be wonderful, but that's not the same thing).
@charlayned Год назад
Yes, they are a real thing. I have a friend whose dog is a service dog for an autistic boy. If that dog was to act like the one in the story, the kid would have freaked out and we'ld never get him calmed down again. That was the total flashing neon sign of "FAKE" going off with the barking. It makes things much harder for the ones who have to have it.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад
@@charlayned I agree with you both! This is why when people have fake service dogs, it makes it harder for people who have legitimate service dogs. There are so many ignorant people already without having to also deal with fake service dogs especially that aren't behaving properly in a public setting
@HappySunshineDay Год назад
Keep in mind that the woman with the fake service dog totally changed her story about the dog from "It's for my son who has autism" to "It's for me in case I faint. Oh! I'm "fainting!"
@dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад
@@HappySunshineDay Yes, everyone here in this comment thread agrees with this. People like her makes it difficult for those with real service dogs.
@poulay4267 Год назад
Story 1 : It's not only dangerous for the one going seizure, but even if you tried : good luck. Believe me i know, i'm epileptic and so is my sister so i've had and seen enough seizures to know that trying to move someone is more difficult that you might think
@pyrusmew5 Год назад
Karen’s with a fake service dog? That’s a new one for me!
@jtl05 Год назад
My dad has a service dog and because of that it is really easy to tell what a real and fake service dog is and almost all dogs at stores and what not aren't a service animal. also, a lot of people try and pet the service dog and get upset when they can't.
@randomrants148 Год назад
@@jtl05 I made mistake talking to a poilce dog once and I forgot it wasn't allowed great thing my mother stop me. Well, Karen's wouldn't stop like I did.
@LunaP1 Год назад
I saw it recently this year. Woman didn't have her little dog in a carrying bag and claimed she's a service dog when she didn't have a vest on. This was when she got on the bus and refused to leave, so the bus driver just gave up because he has a schedule to keep.
@dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад
@@LunaP1 In the US, a service dog isn't required to wear a vest. A small dog could very well be a service dog. They could be seizure or diabetic alert dogs, for example. Those aren't skills that can be taught as not all dogs can detect them. But the ones that can detect them can be trained how to alert their person to give them time to get to a safe place to take care of themselves. A person cannot be asked to prove that what their disabilities are nor can they be ask to show proof that the dog is a service dog as there are no certificates or anything. They can be asked if the dog is a service dog and what does it do for the person. If the bus driver tried to force the woman off the bus, he would have been in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act if she said her dog was a service dog and mentioned what tasks it does for her.
@ItzCornucopia Год назад
It’s quite common unfortunately…
@Kualinar Год назад
#1 An epileptic seizure just happen when it happen. Often, there are no signs that it's about to happen. That Karen is all about me, myself and I. #3 That Karen should get a bill for the cleaning of her dog's poop (from the store) AND a fine for not cleaning up after her dog (from the police). Then, as she was obliviously in NO need for the ambulance, get the bill for the transport with an added fee for improperly using the service. Her husband need to initiate the divorce procedure ASAP. #4 You NEVER EVER give your son permission to touch someone else dog without the express permission of that other person. What an awful Karen.
@jeanannd Год назад
OP's poor sister has a seizure and the Karen is that offensive! Empathy is NOT something such people have it seems. Story 3: Ooo, wolf husky mix - bet that dog is truly beautiful. Karen's poor son and dog. They both are being victimized by said Karen mother. Think Karen's dog pooped as a statement about the situation - LOL.
@realbadger Год назад
Literally last night as I waited for the subway, there was a women with a very handsome service dog; no vest but clearly still being trained (based on his behaviour, I'd wager the dog was 95%+ trained). She had a small belt pouch from which she'd give tiny treats to the dog when he did a correct behaviour. Now I'm still not sure it's a woman was actually blind, or possibly deaf, or whether she was the dog's trainer. A guy a few feet beyond me began whistling, to get the dog's attention. I turned and told him stop that, it's a service dog, and that the guy should not be trying to distract it. The woman took the dog onto the subway, sitting across from me. The dog dutifully lay down next to her, only rising when she signaled him. The reason I wonder whether she was deaf, because I also stopped someone else who was getting too close to the dog, as though to pet him. She never once acknowledged my existence, so I suspect she may not have heard me.
@roscoewhite3793 Год назад
Story 1 resonated for me. I've had episodes of neuralgia, and for some months in 2021 I suffered several severe attacks. I was fearful about going shopping in case I had an attack that would have me screaming in agony in the supermarket, and I discussed with my flatmate what he would tell staff and others if it happened. Fortunately it never came to that. Now I wonder what the odds are that there would have been a Karen complaining about my pain.
@LazyIRanch Год назад
I have trigeminal neuralgia, for about 18 years now although it's less painful now that I've had MVD (craniotomy) surgery. It used to be so bad, I didn't leave the house unless I had to. I have a wonderful, very smart border collie who is not trained to be a service dog, but he seems to have taught himself. At home, I realized if he came up to me, whined softly and nudged my hand that I better go sit down because I'm about to be hit with that white-hot cattle prod sharp agony only those of us with neuralgia can understand. I live on a mountain and the change in altitude would trigger an attack. As you know, driving and having a painful attack can be life-threatening, especially on a winding narrow mountain road! Joey warns me by the soft whine and touching my arm with his paw so I know to pull into a turnout and wait for the attack to pass. Cold air is another trigger, so having him nearby with his soft warm fur to bury my face in was another way he helped. I didn't take him into stores except for one hardware store, mostly to visit because the employees love dogs, and he's a sweet fluffy beautiful boy. I'm fine with people petting him if they ask first. One time, I got a Karen who asked if he was a service dog, and I told her "not officially, but he does help me." She got indignant, tried to get a manager to make us leave. The manager explained that it was perfectly okay for me to bring my well-behaved dog in the store because it's not a food store. She got angry, grabbed a candy bar at the register and sneered, "Oh really? Then what is THIS??" 🙄 I hope your neuralgia goes into remission and stays there! It's a hellish thing to live with. ♥
@olinewright6877 Год назад
@@LazyIRanchsome dogs do train themselves or train us to be aware of what we were doing. On a trip up north to visit my grandparents (My mom's father in Wisconsin and later my dad's mom in Ohio) after my dad had died my Omom would drive until she got tired and then pull into a 24-hour service station where she would ask permission to sleep in the car while parked there. I don't know of any time that she was told no. Our Male beagle would stay up until one of us was sitting up to stay awake and then would sleep while we were on the road again.
@roscoewhite3793 Год назад
@@LazyIRanch Thanks for the kind thought. My neuralgia is also the trigeminal form, and "white-hot cattle prod" is as good a metaphor as any to describe what it's like. I've compared the pain to a jagged ice pick being rammed into the upper jaw. Your dog sounds like a godsend. Please give him a hug from me.
@LazyIRanch Год назад
@@olinewright6877 I love beagles! They are very smart, and so cute they never lose that sweet "puppy face". There was even a beagle who was the Captain's BFF on Star Trek's "Enterprise! His character's name was "Porthos", one of the Three Musketeers".
@althealee9375 Год назад
You should ask before petting ANY dog, not just service dogs. A girl brought a service dog to talk about it to the daycare kids at my high school and a three year old girl reached out to pet him. I gently told her no and she just said “otay” and sat still. Love how a 3 year old listens better than adults
@111smd Год назад
"humanoid embodiment of a wet fart" that is the best way i have ever herd to describe a Karen i laffed so hard when i herd this
@Brauiz90 Год назад
Epilepsy is no fun - I had it as a kid at 3 years old... That's why I'm always interested in "how to handle epileptic seizures" (I've been in a restaurant a few years back, there a teen girl had a "medium" seizure. I told some people to stay away, "holding her down" would hurt her. one of the servers called a medic, to take a look at the girl. She's been almost back to normal 10 minutes later.
@worshambaptist4177 Год назад
When I was a pastor in Missouri, we had a blind lady in the church who acquired a guide dog. When she first got it, she explained all the rules to us: don't talk to him or pet him while he was working, etc. Everyone in the church understood and complied, but there was one exception: my dog! We were just a little country church, and my house was across the road from it. Since it was a rural area, people let their dogs run loose. My dog was very friendly and good-natured, so he always came over and greeted the people as they were coming to church. When he saw another dog there, he naturally wanted to meet him and play with him. Alas, we couldn't let him do that. I didn't want him to be a nuisance, so I offered to chain him up on Sundays, but neither the blind lady nor her family would hear of it. We eventually taught my dog to leave her dog alone, but he still didn't like it. He just couldn't understand why her dog was allowed to go inside and he wasn't!
@SaiyanSweetheart45 Год назад
The dog story reminds me of when I worked as a hostess at a breakfast place. A woman came in with a dog that was jumping around, wanting to run everywhere, tugging its leash in every direction imaginable. She claimed it was a service dog, and when I asked if she had any proof (In my state you DO have some form of ID for a service dog) she started screaming she didn't HAVE to prove that and that the restaurant couldn't discriminate against her for being disabled. That's when someone with an actualt service dog commented on her dog's demeanor and said had he been properly trained for service, he wouldn't be so manic. After a bit of back and forth with my manager, the woman left screaming about how the place was discriminating against her, how she was never coming back, etc. When she made the threat of never coming back, I actually told her "You say that like it's a bad thing!" Lol my manager did give me a light reprimand for that, but she was smiling at the time, so I think she agreed.
@TheQuantumWave 8 месяцев назад
People who can't or won't take "no" for an answer really piss me off.
@musketeermefranks9335 Год назад
I use a service dog as well. I'm surprised when folks tell others their dog's name. I did that ONCE and ten seconds later, I had half a dozen people around me, all saying his name. Arrrgh! Now I tell folks I'm sorry, I won't say his name in public because I don't want anyone accidentally distracting him by saying his name. If I get stopped a lot while I'm out, I start telling folks his name is Nonya, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. I also won't tell people what job he does for me. I'm not about to "open my medical records" for the world. People are allowed to ask me what job he's been trained to do to assist me. To that, I say, "He alerts me to my medical condition.". And just like people never stop learning, service dogs are the same way. They are "trained" daily. My dog didn't see other dogs during the past few years when we were home most of the time, so now that we're going out more, he's started barking when he sees dogs. It doesn't make me happy at all. We've been going to different pet stores to get him to re-learn not to bark at the other animals, but it is a continuous job. The BEST experience I had while out shopping, I could hear a child excitedly calling out, "PUPPY! PUPPY! I WANT TO PET IT!!!!" The child's mom told him when he goes to grandma's house, does he start yelling, "HEARING AIDS!!! HEARING AIDS!!!" The boy giggled and said no. His mom asked him, "Do you want to PET grandma's hearing aids???" The boy laughed, "NO!" Well that dog is helping that lady just like grandma's hearing aids help grandma. The boy thought a moment, then asked, "Can we go look at the toys now?" I love that child's mom! That was PERFECT!!!! If my dog ever retires, I'll name my next dog Hearing Aids. LOL Thanks for allowing my babble. If you have a comment on this, please be kind? 🙏
@donadeavera9608 Год назад
Smart mother. Stopped the kid and made it his idea to stop.
@ItzCornucopia Год назад
Nonya is GENIUS!!! Imma start using that if I feel confident enough in a situation! 😆
@musketeermefranks9335 Год назад
@@ItzCornucopia The funny part was that we were at a pet store getting a birthday gift for my SD. I was done for the day when employees of the store saw what we were looking to purchase and asked me his name. So the tired hurting me said Nonya! Moments later we hear over the store loudspeaker employees singing Happy Birthday dear Nonya! My husband and I just laughed.
@ItzCornucopia Год назад
@@musketeermefranks9335 🤣🤣 Oh my goodness! that is amazing!! 😆
@Draygarth Год назад
I don't know if Crazy Dog Karen got a ticket, but she definitely had to pay for that ambulance ride. Even in places with free health care they often charge for unnecessary ambulance rides.🤣
@francit4856 11 месяцев назад
Service Dog......Nobody should ever touch anybody's dog withour explicit permission, Service dog or not.
@MrKingArthurhk Год назад
The fake fainting woman at Pottery Barn reminds me of Reno911, where they are comforting a crying woman who claims she’s been murdered.😂😂
@honeybelle1203 Год назад
o__o did this lady have some sort of psychiatric illness that can cause delusions? i can't imagine how scary that would be
@paulagoeringer9466 Год назад
It's almost like we're living in a bad sitcom at this point. I'm starting to wonder if the world already ended and we're living in an alternate reality or some sort of purgatory. Things just seem to be too bizarre to be real sometimes.
@MrKingArthurhk Год назад
@@paulagoeringer9466 Dark humor helps.
@paulagoeringer9466 Год назад
@@MrKingArthurhk it's just about the only thing that does. Laughing into the void is better than just staring into it.
@susanlosey9511 Год назад
I’ve seen service dogs in stores before. I just tell that person what a beautiful dog he/she has, then I walk away. I never ask to pet the dog or harass the person. I just lighten up their day by telling them what a beautiful dog they Have. Which they already know. ❤❤
@aking3624 Год назад
The young woman with the dog should have made a formal complaint with campus security against the woman & her son. The ADA doesn't take kindly to college's allowing this type of behavior.
@elizabethradcliff7578 Год назад
The first story reminded me of being in a neurologist office with my daughter. She had just seen the doctor and we were making her next appointment when she had a seizure. Now while a lot if not most people have some aura before a seizure my daughter does not. So she is standing next to me one minute and is on the floor the next. The doctor sees what is happening and comes over to assist. Then once the seizure is over he leaves. Now we are blocking the exit and the checkout desk. The checkout staff immediately says to just have people come check out at check in, however, the medical assistant starts yelling that my son needs to get off the floor as he cannot sleep there. It was then I realized that even trained medical staff do not see seizures in the office and have little to no understanding of how to deal with them. I failed to mention my daughter was in her 30s and has had seizures since she was about 3.
@dragonleheart2137 Год назад
I have a wonderful service dog who was an adorable puppy and grew into a beautiful adult. She has been specially trained to be both a service dog and therapy dog because people would not stop tracking her down and petting her. My service dog learned far faster than the other humans we met. She actually continues monitoring me even when being pet. For those wondering she has a special bark she only uses when I am beginning to slide into a life threatening medical situation. I am truly blessed to have her as my partner 🦮. She is absolutely worth her weight in puppy treats!
@LancerkingNoel Год назад
My brain can make an explanation on how getting a Kayak would help Karen feed her family
@donadeavera9608 Год назад
Karen's want what they want and come up with stupid explanations as to why they should get them.
@mrroboshadow Год назад
honestly best way to deal with that last karen is just to say "ma'am we just need to use the bathroom and we'll be right back and we'll even let you play fetch with the dog" and then just leave the building assuming she doesnt try to follow them into the toilet
@haroldbenton979 Год назад
Boy this Karen in story 1 wouldn't like to try to get in my face after I had one of mine. I have destroyed the entire on duty paramedics and firefighters in my town after one of mine. I literally broke 3 arms 4 ribs and 2 wrists on the various 1st responders that night. They literally created a rule that if responding to one of mine that I literally had to be aware of my situation and not fresh out of a seizure.
@Alpnfrk Год назад
Perfect, I need more videos while dealing with my entitled mother during the day of thankfulness
@warriorforepilepsy Год назад
The first story and the seizure dog stories really hits home. The amount of times that people don't see epilepsy or seizure disorders as a disability or that it's just an 'excuse to be lazy' is ridiculous. People need to educate themselves. We can't control just falling on the floor, but sorry for being such an inconvenience to you 😑
@BloodThirstyAvengers 9 месяцев назад
EM: I give my son permission to pet your dog. Me: Well I give myself permission to break your kneecaps. EM: You don't have permission to do that. Me: Clearly, it doesn't matter who the permission comes from.
@nannamoates2518 Год назад
My daughter has an autism support dog. It took a lot of looking for the right dog then crazy months of training. He also does medical alert. He is a standard poodle and like most autism dogs is the calmest dog around unless alerting to an issue. Hyper dogs don't often help with autism in public since the goal is calm and minimal excess stimulation.
@aurongrande6141 Год назад
I've been in similar situations as that story with epilepsy. I also have seizures and simply fall unconscious and become as dead weight as a sack of potatoes. In Tesco's I had a seizure, and ended up blocking an isle somewhat. The staff were helpful. The first aider would watch over me while helping my mum or sister. Then there'd be these entitled idiots that want to get past because they want to go to the tills or to grab something from the isle. When they were refused passage they would complain and demand that I be kicked up against the shelves so they can pass. That's right, they said "kick". It'd get so frequent that Tesco's updated their policy for that store. Whenever I end up on the floor, the first aider would watch over me as usual, but they have other staff at the ends of the isles blocking entry. If any customer wants to get through to the tills, then they're directed to use the next isle over. If they want any items from the isle, then the staff would get them off the shelves.
@shadodragonette Год назад
My dog isn't remotely a service dog, and I do not try to pretend she is one. In the over four years I've had her, no stranger has tried to pet her without asking first. I have only told one of them "no", when after the first time he pet her, he tried to follow my neighbor into her apartment. I don't need a person with no boundaries...
@courtneywoodbury5198 Год назад
What some people don't seem to realize is that even if a dog is not a service dog, and there was literally no reason they couldn't be allowed to pet it, no one is entitled to pet someone else's dog. It's like sitting on someone else's car for a selfie without permission. Even if you don't do damage it's still not cool.
@LonelyWolfe42 Год назад
I wouldn't doubt she tried to sue pottery barn for her transport to and her ER visit.
@GermenglineseOne Год назад
Admittedly, I'm a person who asks if I can pet service dogs sometimes (it's so hard to resist!). However, I'm also someone who can gracefully accept it when I'm told, "no, they're working." I wish more people's parents taught them to behave better with animals.
@courtneywoodbury5198 Год назад
"Ma'am, if having to wait an extra 2 minutes for an open register is enough to make you late, you seriously need to work on your time management."
@bleachedkill Год назад
That quip about the straps at the end of story 2 was glorious. Lol
@bellahontas510 Год назад
I have epilepsy and a (trained) seizure dog. She's a very large dog, bigger than I am around the middle and almost as long as I am tall, about 150 lbs, which makes people uncomfortable (which i understand) because she needs to be, to be able to drag me to a safe place (like out of the road, or closer to help), but people constantly accuse me of faking because she's not a medium-sized golden retriever
@jolteon345 Год назад
Story 3: “Oh my god, I’m fainting” Somehow I imagine her going “Yes I am human, I eat human food and wear human clothes.”
@OZARKMOON1960 Год назад
#3 - These kinds of people drove me nuts when making condo reservations for club members! The policy was 'NO DOGS!" The only exception was certified assistance dogs - seeing/eye dogs, seizure alert dogs, and those assisting differently-abled folks. The amount of BS 'oh mine is an emotional support animal' excuses was just unfathomable. No, you cannot take little Pookie with you, put it in your purse, leave it in the condo for hours, etc. The threat for lawsuits was huge; the actual lawsuit count was one in the 10 years I was there - and they lost!
@jennilynne1977 Год назад
Happy Turkey Day! I hope everyone is having a great day/evening/night! Peace, hugs and love to you all!
@steve20097 Год назад
Oh its turkey Day i did not know happy turkey day I live in finland
@jennilynne1977 Год назад
@@steve20097 yep, it's Thanksgiving here in the US.
@donadeavera9608 Год назад
And to you too
@newshodgepodge6329 Год назад
Story 4: That makes as much sense as Karen saying, "I give my son permission to take your service dog for a walk. So give me the leash. You can have it back when he's done." That security guard should also be reported to the school. If they don't or won't intervene it will be their neck on the chopping block, especially if the school accepts public funding.
@hi_stranger9156 Год назад
Story 3 : seriously lady ? Stop embarassing yourself !
@InActive24_7 Год назад
Story 3: at least Karen has to pay a heavy price for the ambulance and the hospital bill
@HitoRabu Год назад
My dog is not a service dog, but I take him with me to certain places to socialize him, and unfortunetly I had once the exact same situation as in story 4. It's so annoying when parents let their children touch a dog when the owner says no. My boy is pretty reactive and he did very good that day for how I know it could've ended.
@grassfedmilkmomma Год назад
I call people out if they're acting weird around me.. like following me around a library
@jackiesexton2783 Год назад
Service dogs are an extension of the people they are alerting and protecting. It should be considered an assault against a disabled person when the idiots who try to pet them regardless of being informed even one time not to distract a service animal
@imofage3947 Год назад
Story 4: "I give my son permission to pet your dog" "Ok Karen, and I give my dog permission to bite your son. Maxie! Kill!"
@shirleysenkler781 Год назад
It is easy to tell a service dog from a pet. Their training will hold.
@toritori2299 Год назад
"I give my son permission to pet your dog" ok and I give me permission to own your phone. Now give it to me 🤷🏻‍♀
@isaacbobjork7053 6 месяцев назад
-Don't touch the dog! K: I allow my son to touch it -Stop it! K: don't touch my son! -We allow ourselves to touch your son! : See how that is not the way it works?
@lauraporter1700 Год назад
When I was in college in the 70s, we had a woman who was a security officer for our dorm. She had a pair of Great Danes who accompanied her. She told us that one of them was very friendly, but the other was quite vicious. Normally she only brought the friendly one with her, but we knew not to assume and approach the dog. I came in late one night and was talking to her. I grew up with dogs and without thinking I leaned down to talk to the dog. He snapped at my face, splitting my lip slightly. The guard was completely freaked out and I was totally embarrassed. She offered to call for help and to bring his rabies vaccination papers, etc. I said no, I was the one at fault. I apologized over and over, because I KNOW BETTER!!!! I told her that I was the one at fault, not her poor dog. I startled him and he reacted. Nothing more happened, but I think she only brought the friendly one after that.
@kevanfoster Год назад
"Humanoid embodiment of a wet fart" I started laughing way too hard at work, omg.
@hansbaeker9769 Год назад
I hate it when people who claim their pet dogs are service dogs. That includes a niece of mine who does it. Fortunately, it is easy to keep the peace since I only see her no more than once every ten years, on average.
@fnafplayer6447 Год назад
A couple days ago I met a super nice lady in the airport with her service dog who was absolutely adorable and she even let me pet him since he wasn't working, I asked if she was sure about letting me pet him aka Bubba and he was hilarious. He was grumpy cause he wasn't getting any of the food, but he was a sweetheart. He was a rescue who was so badly neglected that he almost had no teeth, and his mouth was slightly disfigured. She has rescued other dogs, and he became her service dog eventually. As for me, she has anxiety, God bless that woman and hope she and Bubba are doing well.
@snigglydorite Месяц назад
Support dogs ARE certified with papers and must be trained. They DO have vests stating they are service dogs. Even support animals are certified
@kellygirlaj Год назад
Re: Maxie the dog. Alyssa should have said, "If you touch my dog, I'll touch your son, would you like that? No? Then LEAVE US ALONE!"
@darcybrummett7004 Год назад
18:34 That’s not how it works, Karen! Your permission doesn’t count when the person to whom the dog belongs to says NO!
@saryn1895 Год назад
People petting dogs from strangers they don't know without permission make me extremely angry. I have a German shepherd of one year and six months, her name is Athena, and she's a sweetie. I always take them to events and I'm currently working hard to break her habit of barking, they're not aggressive barks, she's playful and barks whenever she wants to talk and gets exited. Usually she doesn't even move, just bark, not even if she's lying down, she don't even get up to bark. But if there's one thing she HATES, it's people putting their hands on her. If she goes to the person, that's fine, but if someone takes her by surprise she gets scared and gets very nervous, and ends up ruining all day for both of us. I've had to fight people who just put their hands in her, and still had the audacity to argue with me when she barked at them. It doesn't matter if she wears something that clearly says "Don't pet," or if I just don't let the person pet her. Some crazy people just come up behind the dog and put their hand on it. And I'll never understand that. Honestly, don't pet random dogs if you have any common sense. Especially if they're Service Dogs. But don't do that with any dogs out there, even if it's a normal dog going for a walk or on a event.
@raelik777 Год назад
"I give my son permission to pet your dog." "Ok, I give my friend permission to break a chair over your head."
@brendenpischke6060 Год назад
"DON'T YOU LAY A FINGER ON MY SON!" "HOW DARE YOU LET YOUR SON TOUCH MY SERVICE DOG WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" Essentially, I shall ignore your outrageous outburst if you will yield to the gravity of mine.
@davidscoggin6523 Год назад
The last story about the service dog: I think Karen was trying to steal the service dog.
@elisehoyt4107 Год назад
It's NOT your dog, Karen, you CAN'T give permission to pet a dog that isnt yours!
@sharudd Год назад
My dog is so well behaved that people tend to think she's a service dog. I don't know how many times I've had parents tell their kids they can't pet my dog because she's a service dog. I don't usually correct them, but mainly because kids tend to be a bit overzealous when trying to say hi and they end up scaring her. At least the young kids anyway
@Buddha23Fett Год назад
I’m lucky that my guide dog isn’t an inviting breed. She’s a Malinois and while people constantly complement me about her they don’t tend to attempt to pet her.
@Maninawig Год назад
Story 2: 15 minutes at most, DarkFluff. 2-3 minutes to tell her to leave, 1 minute calling 911 and 10 minutes waiting for the cops
@SiegeTF Год назад
You get two 'please stop's, then they become 'screw off's.
@harryboyes2812 Год назад
Last story. That's just one reason why I wait for the dog to make the first move. It shows a bit more respect and it's safer. And if there's a place for a few f-bombs, that's one of them. I've done volunteer rescue work, and one of my instructors told us if someone won't get out of our way tell them to f off. That way they'll get the message because, quote, "Everybody knows that word even if they pretend they don't," unquote.
@SeanBZA Год назад
note as well, being in the USA, she will be required to pay that hospital visit and ambulance bill as well. She demanded the service, so will pay.
@dianastacey919 Год назад
Constant liars always stick to the story like they will win if they don't break character.
@jadedvibez6305 Год назад
These OP are so nice, I could never be this patient with people. After the first 5 times of me saying no, I'm getting loud or physical.
@BridgetKF Год назад
My Gigi, a Corgi / labradoodle mix, is being trained to help people at hospitals and nursing homes, and to help calm individuals who have anxiety episodes - hubby and room mate both have anxiety issues pretty badly. But, given she STILL barks and tries to jump up on people, because she's young and hyper, I would NEVER take her into a store outside of places like Petco, Pet Smart, and other pet-friendly areas. Once I can get her to walk on her leash without behaving that way, and have her a LOT better trained, then I will take her into the mall and other areas where you don't see many animals, but see a lot of people with her "Do not touch, service animal in training" vest. There, we will go to areas like the food court, not IN the food court just at the edges, and teach her to ignore people there, and ignore the food there. Fortunately, she's more toy-oriented than food oriented already so that helps. It takes A LOT of time to train an animal, and people need to realize that them doing this BS and having an untrained, aggressive, animal in a place like that, and trying to say it's a "service animal", only serves to HURT people who actually have to have the animals at their sides.
@Sparky16 Год назад
Teachers need to teach kids about services dogs and how they can't pet them, that they are not pets but medical tools.
@tracygardner6318 Год назад
When someone tells you to stop giving Kissy noises to their service dog you stop
@richewilson6394 Год назад
I reported the security guard to the school board on how useless he was to helping in the situation. I hope she gives her son permission to pet a tiger zoo.
Eco-hero strikes again! ♻️ DIY king 💪🏻