
r/EntitledPeople - Psycho Karen Calls 911 When I Won't Let Her Live in MY HOUSE! 

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@keithbarton9499 Год назад
third story. She really needs to dump that disrespectful mommas boy. His wife should come first in his life before his momma.
@thomaswaller1943 Год назад
She should file for divorce and just say he and his mother won't have to be embarrassed by alienating her in public anymore. They can be happy together now
@samsonian Год назад
@@thomaswaller1943 IKR?!! Mommy’s little prince couldn’t at least join HIS WIFE when she had been humiliated being asked to just ‘go home’…smh.
@JulianaBlewett Год назад
I would have said, "since you're not going to be getting any sex from me going forward, you can go f*CK yourself."
@sandybruce9092 Год назад
Dump him as soon as you can! You do not want to spend another minute with this fully grown man child.
@onepieceisking5493 Год назад
It's also apparent that mil doesn't like op and tries alienate her from the from the family.
@JFinSD2 Год назад
I agree with OP in story #1. Even if it's a few bucks...it is theft. You let the kid get away with that he will just learn to be a thief.
@sandybruce9092 Год назад
Story #1 - how can it be OK with any adult/parent to just assume the child wants to just “play” with anything!!!! that doesn’t belong to them unless it has been clearly said to the child - of course you can play with “whatever the object is”. Especially when it is obviously a tip jar filled with money! It’s not the amount the child had in his hand, it’s the principle of the child taking something that doesn’t belong to him! So many parents nowadays just,don’t grasp teaching their children right from wrong, maybe how to be polite even as a small child!
@ostlandr Год назад
Granddad taught me that "Whether it's a penny or a million dollars, you're still a thief."
@Maninawig Год назад
Sticky hands should only contain jam
@adamb89 Год назад
Reminds me of this scummy chick I used to see around town about ten years ago. She was always very well dressed, name brand clothes, designer handbag, etc. but then she turned around and stole tip jars, begged, etc. She was actually dead broke and had no idea of how to wisely spend money. So she dressed like a million bucks, but scavenged unfinished cigarettes out of ash trays.
@nicolasjoly6948 7 месяцев назад
Fluffy told it : it was a good moment for teach that not everything is for playing and I can see 2 scenario where it gonna do a big defference: 1- When he is still at this age and come close to some machinerie (/run away : I got a story of one like that on this channel where the kid as run in the back store and put his hand into a sewing machine). 2- When he start to be older and try to grab girl/boy body part : "Oh... he is just playing, it's not s*x*al harasment!" ... I don't think it's gonna fly high!
@TJDious Год назад
"He was only playing!" 10 years later, kid is drunk at the scene of a fatal car accident "He was only playing! My precious boy can drink all he wants!"
@star-boltlover9609 Год назад
I wonder if that's a good excuse for her son when he ends up in jail for robbery 🙄
@lw3269 Год назад
Story 2 ...That would be the end of the free babysitting. Those folks were straight up lying about being broke.
@lacko623 Год назад
And a little shaming on social media would be in order...I mean the entitled mother was taking credit for someone else's work and money...busy elf my ass...
@nancyomalley6286 Год назад
Yeah, sounds like they're conning the entire neighborhood for freebies that they're even too lazy and entitled to pick up themselves!
@ximkai8794 Год назад
They may not be lying about being poor, but they are definitely playing more than one person if they have "hundreds of gifts under the tree."
@molliannstocks1709 Год назад
OP's sister should have replied to the facebook post with something about pawning off the elf duties to some kindhearted souls who believed the story that the FB poster had no money!
Could have called her out on FB.
@maurer3d Год назад
Story 3: NTA, You don't just have a MIL, problem you have a husband problem. The fact that he goes along with his mothers abuse of you is just outrageous. They knew you were coming and should have asked for a table with enough chairs.
@Gwennedd Год назад
Time to divorce that husband. He has no respect for his wife and obviously no love for her either.
@JSage90 Год назад
Or get out of his chair if there wasn't enough.
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
@@Gwennedd I'd say anullment, because this behaviour shows he entered into the marriage under false pretenses.
@marylynnbirtciel5539 Год назад
@@SonsOfLorgar Good point 👍
@adamb89 Год назад
Probably Arabic, Indian, Chinese, or extremely regressive Korean. Only cultures that come to mind that shit on women so overtly.
@Fyreflier Год назад
I AM GOING TO SUE! How dare you not warn me about the dangers of shaking my head at these people! Now my poor neck is injured! Where's your manager?!
@cozettapierce7106 Год назад
@isaacdesouza7721 Год назад
Call Steve-O to complain
@gManGabe Год назад
@@isaacdesouza7721 I don't think Steve-O has a phone in his basement
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
The facetiousness of that post made me chuckle.
@trout512 Год назад
First story really ground my gears. When I was a toddler, I took a candy bar from a grocery store. My dad made me return it and apologize in person to the cashier. I bawled my little eyes out, and I have never tried to steal anything since. You do that to your kid once, and they learn not to mess with stuff that isn't theirs. It drives me up the wall seeing parents excuse that kind of behavior.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
Same, except mine was a toy squirrel. I remember it vividly, after mom took me back there, sitting on the customer service counter crying that I was sorry.
@empressmarowynn Год назад
Yep, I once accidentally stole a magnet from a store when I was about five. I asked my mum to buy it for me and she said okay. But she must have thought I put the one I was holding back because when we left the store she gave me the one she paid for. When she saw I was still holding the other one she flipped and made me go back inside to return it an apologize. It was just honest miscommunication but I think she made a big deal out of to really make me understand that stealing is wrong.
@keriannekerr1876 Год назад
Same but candy, I think I was 6
@adamb89 Год назад
I took a different lesson away from it. I learned that you only get in trouble if you're caught. So I got MUCH better about stealing stuff. I must've offloaded close to a million dollars worth of stolen goods over the course of my life. Only ever got arrested once.
@JKrowlingrockx Год назад
I never really stole from a store, but one of my (in hindsight awful) friends in elementary school convinced me it was a good idea to take this girl’s makeup stuff and ruin it. Idk why I went along with it, i was seriously such a follower, and she was one of my few friends and her argument that “a 12 year old doesn’t need makeup at a summer day camp when it’s 80-90 degrees outside” seemed to make sense at the time. 😓 My mom scolded me so hard and made me go and replace everything I destroyed, which was extra torture cause I hated makeup. I think the embarrassment of having to deal with all that made me never want to take and destroy anything that didn’t belong to me.
@joannahelmer5637 Год назад
Story 3 I think OP needs to say that she has wasted 3 years with a man who doesn't care about her feelings or including her in family events. I wouldn't waste anymore time on him or his family. It sucks that the husband doesn't see that him and his mom are the super entitled assholes. Anyway love your videos Peace and love to you and your family 💗
@brendenpischke6060 Год назад
Yeah, even if he forgot to save a seat the very least he could have done is get up and sit at the table she got for herself.
@joannahelmer5637 Год назад
@@brendenpischke6060 exactly that is his wife and instead of going to sit with her he stayed next to his mother and just gave his wife dirty looks. And then to go home and yell at her about embarrassing him ? His actions were a lot more embarrassing than her sitting by herself.
@paigethedork9693 Год назад
"you're a guest, you shouldn't be so entitled!" as an invited guest, you're entitled to a seat and to be able to interact with the rest of the group.
@THE_CDN Год назад
Yep, she needs to walk away. My ex MIL was an absolute cold hearted beotch. The best thing I did was walk away from my ex and her family.
@elmasterdezoologia6641 4 месяца назад
Sadly OP's account has been suspended or deleted. I hope she's not still trapped in that loveless marriage
@KnightSlasher Год назад
Someone calling the cops on themselves when they're in the wrong is one of the pinnacles of stupidity
@elslick Год назад
Hahahaha yes, love those stories kike clearly they are making bad choices cause they are litterly dumb.
@demonzero677 Год назад
it's called narcissisms and in their twisted mind, they aren't in the wrong, you are. so are the cops dragging them to jail, the judge for charging them with crimes, their lawyer for not doing his job of getting them off scott free, the governor for not making the laws right, the president for not making the country right, and god for not making the world right. It's just how their twisted little minds work, basically a 5 year old in an adults body that should be treated like a 5 year old in an adults body.
@thomaswaller1943 Год назад
Showed the police the bolt cutters and lock and still didn't get charged with destruction of private property
@Lindseyisloony Год назад
Yeah and it's utterly fascinating how often they do it when their wrongdoing is on video.
@stephanien6237 Год назад
I love these types of stories!
@Lindseyisloony Год назад
It's literally never ok for cops to ask somebody to let somebody stay in their house, even if they haven't just been called to remove that person.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
U.S cops are not known for having brains
@cmcordoYT Год назад
I thought it was bizarre that they knew she was completely drunk and was driving, yet their answer was to have her stay in this man's house. I'm glad that the nephew stood his ground and forced the officers to do their job.
@Ramsey276one Год назад
@@cmcordoYT 1000% THIS
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
At least the ones called on the initial call when she first lost it did well to tell her to go elsewhere.
@sarumano884 Год назад
Story 3: If "Bob" was at all supportive of his new wife - He KNEW she was coming - he would have reserved her a seat beside him. He didn't, so he's not. He could also have made a point by switching tables to sit with her when she was forced to sit elsewhere in the restaurant. He didn't. Have it out with the guy, by all means, but OP threaten divorce if you get sidelined again. It's one thing to be unable to make an event and make your regrets for it, it's totally different if you are deliberately excluded having said that you were going to attend.
@danieltrickel173 Год назад
Of course he is going to do it again. She should divorce him now.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
I divorced a mama's boy and no woman ever put up with that bull.
@Claudia-lq3ns Год назад
Good for you!! I was engaged to a mommy's boy. It wasn't that bad, but she did have a sense of entitlement. Phew!
@Orxenhorf Год назад
In that last story I'd be asking the judge if there was a way to file a complaint about the mediator when the asked if an agreement was reached. The mediator is court appointed and I'm sure the judge would like to know they only considered one side.
@condorboss3339 Год назад
I suspect it was more a case that the mediator knew that the Karen did not have a hope of winning. His job is to attempt to get the parties to agree to something. The mediator probably told the Karen she wouldn't win, which prompted her to make a reduced claim. After OP refused it, he had to go back to the court. At that point, he probably told the Karen she would be assessed court costs for her frivolous claim, causing her to withdraw the claim to avoid paying the costs.
@cparle87 Год назад
Story 5 reminds me of an old Law and Order story. This woman calls the police cause someone is stalking her. In the end it turns out to be her son. Who she raised in near destitution because she was donating everything, up to and including his clothes, to the church. Even as an adult she'd just walk into his home, gather his stuff up, and donate it, leaving nothing but empty rooms.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
I get donating to charity; but if you're donating someone else's property, they must give consent.
@cparle87 Год назад
@@JamesDavy2009 That was the thing, though. The psycho mom, like others in some of these videos, saw everything their children owed as their property.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
@@cparle87 That's their entitlement speaking.
@Thenamaree Год назад
story 3 Girls.... Next stop Divorce Lawyer for you. Get rid of him as soon as possible. If he and his mother are so bad now, it will only get worse!
@jingo4754 Год назад
I can already tell you that in that final story, that Karen KNEW that mediator somehow. No mediator worth their salt would risk their job to please a Karen they didn't know
@fdm2155 Год назад
Yes, that's exactly what I thought! 🤣
@ezekial7028 Год назад
Oh yeah, the Karen was absolutely fucking the mediator lol
@cozettapierce7106 Год назад
Exactly! I also though it was funny how fast Karen's friend, I mean the mediator, was able to get her to dismiss the case after the judge spoke to them! 🤭
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
She probs opened her legs as payment.
@striderincident Год назад
That mediator from the last story was either woefully inadequate (currently on track to become one) or that Karen was TRULY needing a judge to humble her for being that dang stupid 😅
@fdm2155 Год назад
Karen surely knew the mediator and they were basically trying to scam OP
@jamesweekley1087 8 месяцев назад
Maybe both?
@Mesa4u2nv Год назад
Story 4: The police absolutely sucked in that situation. At the very least, they could've admitted her to the hospital. She was clearly having a psychotic break
@marcning918 Год назад
Since when do you show cops evidence of you breaking in and they sit there trying to get the victim to just let you stay. Is there any part of their job that cops get right.
@Claudia-lq3ns Год назад
​@@marcning918 None at all. OP needs to file a complaint because they did a horrible job.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
It seems to be typical of cops in the U.S.-they get into the job for the power and/or the free donuts.
@nicolasjoly6948 7 месяцев назад
I'm more baffle that she said by herself that she drover here, cut chain and than that they say that she is too drunk to go further and they doesn't seem to connect the dot. Just to resume, come from NJ, do a 500 miles run (so what... 6-7 hours) to arrive at 2 am and the cop show up at 5 am and she is still drunk? The story miss the part where she open a wisky while waiting for the cop or the cup really don't understand how much she need to drink to be drunk after almost 12 hours!
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
First story..... "That's theft, Maam. I'm just keeping him from getting you sent to jail." 🤨 Free giveaway story.... "No Maam, I can't deliver. I'm not Santa Claus and I don't have a sleigh and reindeer." 😆 Awkward dinner..... OP is entitled? How about Hubs take a look in the mirror.... THAT is entitlement. 🙄 Story five.... Parents steal my stuff? Yeah, cops get called, they get charged. 🤨
@empressmarowynn Год назад
My mum once stayed with me for a few weeks while I was recovering from surgery. As I expected she decided to do a deep clean of my house despite me telling her not to multiple times. When I was finally able to leave my bedroom I took a look around my first floor to find that she had thrown away quite a number of items that I was currently using. And even though I was in pain and had to be careful of my healing wounds I still had to dig through the garbage to find the things she threw away. I told her to stop and the next day she did it again. I said absolutely do not throw away or donate anything without my permission but then the next day I found out she did it once again. I had to literally scream and cuss her out for her to actually stop. And for the things that were already gone I made her buy me a replacement. I totally understand what the guy in story 5 was going through.
@lissieloveskitties Год назад
My actual worst nightmare 😫
@roowyrm9576 Год назад
I don't drive, I have restricted mobility (I use a cane to walk, and can't carry anything heavy) , and I'm a pensioner - but I am really embarrassed to ask if people can deliver stuff to me because of all the entitled people who have taken advantage of kindness.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
Understandable, I am afraid to point out where something is wrong because of all the Karens. If you lived near, my significant other and I would gladly help out.
@roowyrm9576 Год назад
@@SoManyRandomRamblings thank you. I'm in Somerset, UK. Right now I have a great neighbour who cat sits, and takes me shopping in exchange foe a little light toddler and dog sitting (no walks needed).
@laurenmentink7401 Год назад
Hi Fluff. Story 3 = When OP asked if she was missing something, then the answer is the Divorce Papers to give to her POS husband. Clearly, she is not important to him at all!
@heathermunday6878 Год назад
YES! She's also missing that her MIL has Narcissistic Personality Disorder, her husband is a Golden Child & probably a Narc himself, & she needs to look up "gas lighting".
@Lightna Год назад
Story 5, if my stuff I worked hard for, especially the stuff I built myself like my PC, went missing like that they better pray that the cops and paramedics get there quickly.
@giancarloc1985 Год назад
They sold his engagement ring.. i have no words... those "parents" are just awful.
@fluidwolf Год назад
@@giancarloc1985 Yeah that is just vile.
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
Regardless of what they do with the money, it was NOT their stuff to sell in the first place and I'm sure they'd change that attitude about "Too many possessions" if it was their stuff...
@cdsatcher Год назад
Story 5: Very glad that OP included the tidbit that Yeller's GF said yes. Super happy for the two, hope they're happy together!
@silviozanforlin9785 Год назад
Story five, if my parents did that to me, I’d have them arrested, take them to court to have my property reimbursed, and have a ‘non contact’ order put on them and go ‘non contact’ with them after. Geez really, your property is not their property, if they pawn your property to have ‘money for gas’ that is stealing no matter which way you look at it. I would be really angry, and I would kick them out and tell them to find a hotel somewhere and stay there for all I care.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
Not to mention a lot of pawnbrokers try to find out if the goods were stolen.
@randyboyd6705 Год назад
First story my 5 year old daughter is not a thief because the first time she tried to steal I educated her on why it's wrong and disciplined her behavior
@nancythane5672 7 месяцев назад
That's because YOU are a DECENT PARENT in this regard. No offense otherwise, but I have no way to measure your other parenting skills.😉
@darwinskeeper421 Год назад
I still can't get over the husband's sense of entitlement in the third story. It's okay to love your mom, but your spouse should come first. When OP arrived at the table without a space to sit, her husband had two acceptable options: either sit with his wife and eat with her, or leave with her and take her to another restaurant for dinner. OP may need to give some serious thought about whether it's worth staying with this guy.
@johnburnside7828 Год назад
Last story: The "mediator" needs to lose his job!!!!!
@GabbieTheFox Год назад
Story 5 - No hesitation whatsoever if I were in OP's shoes. I'm already No-contact with my parents for other reasons.
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
The first story: yeah how much ya wanna bet that when the child is older. That said child is gonna steal stuff and the mother is gonna say that he was just playing. I bet that he will steal a car and the conversation will go "Your 15 year old son stole a car." "Oh officer her was just playing."
@jingo4754 Год назад
Eh considering she returned the money instead of just walking away with it makes me think there is some level of hope for this woman to raise her kid.
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
@@jingo4754 yeah but when you think Karens zig....... they zag.
@snaggy4811 Год назад
I bet my freaking soul he will steal a house
@jingo4754 Год назад
@@TheDarkLink7 i didn't say it was a lot of hope lol. Just some level.
@Ryujishida Год назад
Eh, I don't think she will be as bad as that. She was acting less out of entitlement and more out of embarrassment and pride. Not necessarily better, but a lot more common. She was so positive her son wasn't going to grab at the money, even though that's something that is pretty common for his age and just requires a small reminder, that when he did, she couldn't bring herself to be humble about being wrong. I doubt she would react the same in the situation you discribe.
@Lyndiloo Год назад
"I don't have a car, can you deliver it?" "I don't have a car either." Done.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
The only thing OP needs is a REALLY good Divorce Lawyer... His Narcissistic Entitlement is far past what Marriage Counseling can help with...
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
There's another option: annulment. A divorce means the marriage is still on the record whereas annulment means the marriage is voided from the record.
@mombear518 Год назад
Christmas gift story. Thru her church, my sister heard of a woman who was home bound. She got on the list to bring her food around Christmas time. She called the woman and she told my sister to please not bring pizza as they've had alot of it lately. My sister showed up with homemade roast, mashed potatos and green beans. There were 3 capable adult men there. While she was telling them goodbye, in walks the "homebound" woman with her mother and sister. They were all carrying shopping bags from the mall.
@Maninawig Год назад
This is when you snap a picture and send it to the pastor/priest with the caption "Give to Cezar what is Cezar's"
@brabbit736 Год назад
@@Maninawig YES
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
If that was me, I'd have filled as many bags as possible with large, sooty lumps of coaL, dumped them on the step in plain view of her and yelled "THAT'S ALL YOU'RE GETTING FROM THIS SANTA, NOW F**K OFF, UNLESS YOU WANT TO ADD A PAIR OF HANDCUFFS TO YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST!"
@Claudia-lq3ns Год назад
Such scammy liars. People like this need to be called out and made an example of.
@nancythane5672 7 месяцев назад
I'd have a) grabbed the meal and left, and b) notified the church plus all surrounding parishes that this family was a bunch of GRIFTERS!!
@suesimpson309 Год назад
Tip jar story: kids need to be taught that stealing is stealing no matter how much the item costs. He shouldn't have even been touching the tip jar. It didn't belong to him and the mother saying he should be allowed to play with it was definitely wrong. Free item: My response would be NO. No delivery and no holds means just that! The 1st person who gets here to pick up this item is the one who will get it. Not included: That man and his mother have no love or respect for her to exclude her from all the family functions. Does she really want to live the rest of her life like that? Christmas gifts: That entitled mother and father took advantage of people and on top of it claimed she had gotten the presents and made the cookies and candy herself. She would definitely be looking for a new babysitter for her baby. Drunk Aunt: Sounds like she has anger issues and a drinking issue. You don't drive 500 miles drunk to someplace you haven't been invited to and show up at 2 am and cut the locks off of someone else's property and expect a warm welcome. Sadly politics can cause major issues in some families. Parents selling stuff: They were in his house and it was not their stuff to sell. Yes, they need to replace the items or give him the cash for the value of the items or be charged. Tattoo artist: Smart business practice to have a signed contract.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
Threaten that drunk aunt with walking 500 miles like the Proclaimers sang about.
@raarasunai4896 Год назад
That second story response. “What will you give me for wasting my time?” “How bout an elbow to the face for wasting mine?”
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
A backhand also works.
@richewilson6394 Год назад
Those are the dumbest cops ever we're going to let a person that is obviously drunk that has driven to a person's house and two other states apparently just get away with not any consequences whatsoever.
@robinmcdaniel5881 Год назад
What are you missing? The number of a good divorce lawyer.
@consciousbeing1188 Год назад
Story #1: Karen KNEW that it was wrong for her child to do that BUT in typical snotty-rich Karen fashion she didn't want to look like a poor parent who allows her child to steal so she passed it off as playing and shifted the blame off HERSELF. She wasn't so much concerned with her 6 year old stealing as she was with HOW her 6 year old stealing made HER look as a parent. The kid is an entitled little snot because the apple seldom falls far from the tree.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
That only makes the impression worse. By taking responsibility and laying down the law on the child (even on location) the Karen would have been seen as a good parent.
@PaladinGear15 Год назад
She didn't get arrested for driving many many miles drunk, vandalism, trespassing, misusing the emergency line, and then lying to the police? Why the hell are the cops being like "yeah well can you let her stay in your house anyway?"? it's so stupid.
@1972LittleC Год назад
1st story; a 6 year old knows what stealing is, but it looks like that's the way they got their money to begin with.
@janus81 Год назад
The aunt story It's so interesting to hear the cops say "we can't let her drive beacuse she's drunk" okay... that's a greate reason but, how do you think she got here? Arrest her for drunk driving and trespassing since SHE gave you the evidence
@michaelterrell Год назад
They have to witness her driving drunk for any charges o stick.
@janus81 Год назад
@@michaelterrell makes sense... they should however arrest her for the trespassing
@michaelterrell Год назад
@@janus81 Since she's a relative, they likely considered it a civil matter, since she didn't get into the house. It can take hours to do paperwork that will likely be ignored by a judge who just dismisses the charges. he damaged lock could be sued for, in small claims court.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
@@michaelterrell nope, if someone admits to the cops they drove there they can get an OUI even if the cops don't see it. I have a friend who got gotten by admitting he just arrived.
@michaelterrell Год назад
@@SoManyRandomRamblings It could still be tossed out in court, if the officers didn't witness it. It depends on the judge. Where I grew up, there was a judge that gave long jail sentences for DUI, which was ironic, since the police would pick him up when the bars closed for the night and he was too drunk to even find his car.He had done tis for at least 20 years. Of course, there was never a record of the free rides but several police officers had told me about hauling the belligerent drunk home, time after time.
@bobbiefrank5043 Год назад
That is so bizarre to me that the cops would not arrest her knowing that she already drove so far while she was drunk.
@citizenken7069 Год назад
Story 1 - I don't care if it's just a small amount of money. It didn't belong to the little brat, so he had no business taking it. Story 2- I've bought Christmas presents for needy families before, but if any of them ever pulled that kind of stunt with me, I guarantee you it would be the last time they received any assistance from me! As for the woman who gives away baby supplies, I would suggest that instead of giving it directly to needy people, she should donate the items to a charitable organization that assists needy mothers. Story 3 - Simply put, that husband needs to grow a backbone. If my wife's parents treated me with that kind of disrespect, I certainly wouldn't stand for it, so I wouldn't allow my family to do it to her.
@ostlandr Год назад
Many, many years ago I used to work with a charity. The people who routinely called begging would get-something. But the people who were too proud to ask- the ones where you'd have to hear from a neighbor or a friend "Bob is out of work and his kids aren't going to have a Christmas"- the charity went over and above for them. I suppose nowadays that would get them sued out of existence for some kind of discrimination or unfair treatment or something.
@star-boltlover9609 Год назад
If the last story happened to me, I would have left...the marriage and everything behind because I wouldn't stand for disrespect 👿
@randycarter2001 Год назад
It's time for OP to lose Bob. He is obviously going to chose mom over his wife. If he won't stand up to his mother for the poor treatment of his wife it's time to go. OP wasn't entitled, she was just standing up to bullying. Apparently entitled people don't like that.
@Araraki-Itto1 Год назад
The mama's boy in the 3rd story must be a pro actor cause HOT DAMN, how this shitty personality of his didn't show quick enough to make the OP dip sooner is beyond me.
@HuskerGram Год назад
Story 3: That man doesn't know what being a husband is all about. And the MIL obviously resents his wife for taking away her son. OP needs to stand up to him and tell him what's what, then tell him to decide what he wants. A solid marriage cannot be built on a foundation of disrespect. Give him a choice, let him pout or grow up. And stick to her guns!
@susanminer2088 Год назад
I hope she sent the bill to Bob’s mom. She was an invited guest (unless she just assumed she was). Bob’s mom or Bob should have said there was another guest expected.
@LordOfElysium Год назад
First story: she sounds ashamed to think that someone might see her child as being “that low”, she DEFINITELY sounds like the type of person to assume all black people are robbers, everyone who does something illegal once will never change, and the poor are leaches. That would explain why she seemed so upset/ashamed that her son would do that.
@ostlandr Год назад
There's a saying, "Give a man a (pew pew) and he'll rob a bank; give a man a bank and he'll rob everybody."
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
I bet you're right, I got that vibe from her too.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
She sounds like she was plucked out of the British Empire because that's how they treated their criminals until William Bligh started an inquiry into the treatment of convicts in the Colony of New South Wales.
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
story 1 - that's ok, mom will soon enough be having to figure out how to explain away the bigger, more expensive things her precious son has taken/stolen when he was just "playing". story 2 - that would have been then end of baby sitting for that family ....free or paid
@xfacade_productions Год назад
story 3 - The mother invited too many people, and the fact that her husband couldnt be bothered to save someone who's supposed to be special to him says a lot. And what was Bob going to do if she took his spot instead? I bet that if she took his spot and he moved to another table, everything would've been dandy. But OP is not the a-hole, the mother invited 1 too many people and her husband couldn't care enough to make sure she didnt get left out. Now the husbands family is going to be against her for a while 🙄
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
MIL didn't need to invite 1 less person ..... it would have been an easier thing to just inform the restaurant staff the there would be one more person coming somewhat later, so adequate seating need to be arranged .... but of course MIL simply did not want OP there in the first place ..... it was a well planned subbed that back fired. Yeah, I agree with other comments, OP should think hard as to whether she want to continue to live with a man who has so little consideration for her.
@condorboss3339 Год назад
@@tinydancer7426 Exactly so. MIL's purpose was to humiliate OP, who was clever enough to flip the situation. If DH is so concerned about his momma, he can go back and live with her.
@stephanien6237 Год назад
I’m not sure the husband’s family will be against her. It sounds like they too were staring at OP husband and his mom about the way they treated OP. they recognized how pathetic MIL and husband were.
@xfacade_productions Год назад
@@stephanien6237 Perhaps. Im also unsure if te guests were family, sounds like they were only friends. There is always a chance that MIL could go speading misinfo about how her daughter-in-law is "entilted" too. She could REALLY fire up some drama
@xfacade_productions Год назад
@@tinydancer7426 It really confuses me how the mom would go about suggesting OP to take Bobs spot instead. If that worked out, what would they do next? Get that extra chair? Or make OP feel bad for taking Bobs spot 😂😅 MIL probably purposely tried to invite too many people, I don't doubt that possibility
Story 1: I'm glad Karen at least returned the money. Having heard plenty of these stories, it's not at all unthinkable that she would just let him keep the coins "as a punishment for being so rude", or for not having the item she wanted. I would have considered some malicious compliance and left the jar out where the kid could reach it, but there's no guarantee Karen wouldn't just let her "precious baby" walk off with the entire amount - or the whole damned jar! And too many bosses wouldn't do a damned thing about it.
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
If she tried letting her kid keep the money, she's on the hook for theft and corrupting a minor.
@@SonsOfLorgar You speak as if logic were commonly utilized by Karens. It's ObviOUslY not her fault, so she's INnoCenT! I mean, you're not wrong at all, but try convincing HER of that. Lol.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
@@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber Karens don't think like you and me-their logic is "the world must do what I want" and "my angel does no wrong".
@raarasunai4896 Год назад
First story: Money’s not a toy, especially when it’s not yours. Do better, mom.
@Thegamergabe4.0 Год назад
I won’t lie, this channel is one of the only lights I have lately. Thank you Fluff and Steveo
@TheYpurias Год назад
In regards to Story 4: they would still act like that if it was a random person, I think. I work in a hotel and had to call the cops to remove someone. We were sold out, no rooms available, and his reservation had declined and been cancelled earlier in the night because he didn't have a good card on file. He got loud, cussing, demanding I call a manager, saying we WILL be giving him a room, and slamming his hand on the front desk. The cops still asked me if we could put him up somewhere (we're sold out!) I put the cops on with the general manager who informed them there was no way that man was staying at the hotel even if we did have a room available.
@DustTheOtter Год назад
You don't understand, officer! I wasn't stealing that TV, I was just playing!
@Ryujishida Год назад
First story - I think for the women it was less about the money and more about the fact that she had to be right. She jumped to the conclusion that OP thought the kid was a thief, when OP knew it was just the kid being young and still developing. So, when she caught her son having done exactly what she was adamant he wouldn't do she was embarrassed and dug her heels in. So, I'd say it was less about entitlement and more about pride. Which is arguably just as bad, but far more common place.
@sandybruce9092 Год назад
At 6 or so years old, that child should already know to keep his paws off things that belong to someone else!!!!!
@Ryujishida Год назад
@@sandybruce9092 I mean, OP seemed to be pretty used to this and didn't seem to blame the kid at all. And since the age of the kid in the story is inconsequential, and they are repeating the story from memory and therefore likely didn't remember every detail, they may have just said a random age. Either way, the age of the child has little to no real baring on my actual point.
@marjoriejohnston4905 Год назад
@@sandybruce9092 Developmental delays are a thing
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
Breaking the 8th Commandment is one thing, but committing the deadliest of the deadly sins?
@Lunarelle1013 Год назад
I would not hesitate to toss my family members in jail for selling off my stuff while they're staying in my house--especially the engagement ring: I'd call the cops so fast their heads would spin.
@Maninawig Год назад
Story 5: dang, games are one thing, they can be rebought, but an engagement ring is a once-in-a-lifetime thing... parents will be publicly disowned from my wedding if they tried that.
@CMage101 Год назад
EM: "My son is just PLAYING!" Me: "Yeah, Cops and Robbers. And I'm playing the cop, since that's the only role left to me."
@UmamaGoblin Год назад
Story 3: I would've smacked him hard after the word "entitlment" Story 4: crappy cops getting mad when they have to do their job correctly, pathetic Story 5: my parents would've been charged and physically remove after the first round of pawning
@Ryujishida Год назад
I wouldn't call the cops crappy or say they were "were getting mad when they have to do their job correctly". The only cop that seemed to be getting mad according to the story was the first one, and I chalk that up to the fact that OP kept cutting him off. Whether he was in the right or not it's still incredibly rude and uncalled for. As for trying to find an alternative solution to dumping the aunt in a cell for the night, I'm pretty sure that would be standard practice. It cost us, as in the taxpayers, money to do that. So they try to find an alternative solution first if possible. It wasn't the cops that were the issue in this case, it was just the crazy aunt.
@UmamaGoblin Год назад
@@Ryujishida fair enough
@giancarloc1985 Год назад
Story 5, jeez. They sold his engagement ring. Those are some wretched parents. I can't blame him for yelling. That's like behavior to go no contact. Guy was even helping his parents fix their old home, and they went into his place and sold off his possessions? Yikes. Big yikes.
@lacko623 Год назад
@@Ryujishida Yeah, fair enough...kind of...but I would be just as pissed off, if not more, if I head a drunk idiot outside my doorstep at 2 AM demanding to be let in and had to wait close to 3 hours for the cops to show and having to deal with that bullshit when I could be getting some much needed sleep... Also, if I know that she drove 500+ miles while drunk and cut my locks off with bolt cutters AND is rambling like a crazy person, sorry to all the fellow tax payers but there's no way in hell that I'd let that person in my house near my family. Also, OP outright told her, that he does not have any room for the crazy aunt.
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
@@giancarloc1985 yeah, if that had been me, the parents would not have to worry about finding a good retirement/nursing home as the state would provide single rooms for them. With barred windows, locked doors, full time staff and three meals a day...
@crypticghost21 Год назад
OK seriously, in the stories where OP had the entitled Aunt who wanted to live with him and the tattoo artist had to deal with a Karen, it was literally like no one wanted to help either one of those people The guy talking to the tattoo artist literally wanted him to cave so he didn’t have to deal with his and Karen’s case anymore or something like that, and the cops were totally useless with helping OP deal with his entitled drunk aunt who wanted to live with him at like 4 o’clock in the morning
@Ryujishida Год назад
The cops weren't useless, sounds like they did the most reasonable thing they could do. She was too drunk to drive, so they couldn't just ask her to leave the property. And I'm pretty sure it would be standard practice to try and find an alternative solution to just throwing a drunk in a cell for the night. Since there are a number of reasons they would want to avoid that if possible. They attempted to find an alternative solution, none could be found, so they took her with them. I wouldn't call that useless.
@nancyomalley6286 Год назад
The cops didn't want Karen in their car! Too Bad! Do your jobs, cops!
@Ryujishida Год назад
@@nancyomalley6286 Who said anything about the cops not wanting her in their car?
@wifflewaffle5006 Год назад
@@Ryujishida she should’ve been arrested for destruction of property and drunk driving, not given an alternative solution like trying to convince op to let her in the house Like huh?? Those cops were dumb asf
@Ryujishida Год назад
@@wifflewaffle5006 First of all, they can't arrest her for drunk driving unless they actually witness her in the act. Second, they can't arrest her for destruction of property, when the property in question was a padlock that maybe cost $20, possibly a bit more. But either way is no where near a criminal case and isn't even a civil case. You try and take that to court and the judge will throw it out immediately. The only crime they technically could do anything with was trespassing and as she was willing to leave the property, and she never actually got in the house, they couldn't arrest her for that. Since they obviously couldn't let her drive home drunk, they had to at least try to find an alternative to putting her in a cell overnight. They likely only asked OP if she could stay with him because they were obligated to, fully knowing the answer would be no and expecting to be putting her in a cell anyway.
@corytracey8516 Год назад
Story 3 I would have been divorced long before this incident. Op is definitely missing something it's called a spine.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 2 + Comment: If delivery is not available, then delivery is not available. I've seen the gas money argument get brought up a lot, though I do think it would just be $3 at most of gas spent. Not something too serious. The word "free" tends to create more headaches than low prices
@HuskerGram Год назад
I always put in my posts, "Pick-up only. No Delivery." Yet there are some people who think that doesn't apply to them. 🤣
@fdm2155 Год назад
I've seen posts saying it's better to listen it for a cheap price and refuse the money at pickup. Cuts down on choosing beggar responses!
@paulsegers1880 Год назад
You are going to burn a lot more than $3 of gas if you drive for 1.5 hours
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
@@HuskerGram I had someone try to call me up to pick up a product I tried to sell on eBay only they lived in a city that had the misfortune of sharing the same suburb name as the one I live in. They soon realised that they were in the wrong state and we cancelled our plans amicably.
@BROOKEZ12 Год назад
@petestorz172 Год назад
Story 3's "Hubby" needs to get a case of clues. Or swift kicks.
@paulman34340 Год назад
Story 1- My autistic niece had a "hand" problem when she was young and I took her into stores with me! She would snag something and say nothing! I ALWAYS have to apologise to the store for that action and tried to discipline her of this (through words) as I knew where this was going to go if the problem wasn't "niped" Rich Karen doesn't get that if her son sees it as not okay (as if I did that my mother would have yelled at me, told me to return it to the clerk OP with a sorry an ACTUAL sorry and I'd have gotten my butt whipped when we got home!) and it will get worse till he's doing things he KNOWS he shouldn't do, but since his mother never told him not to do so or punish him properly, he'll see it as "alright" and dig himself into a hole that he won't like! Some people just don't want to do the ACTUAL work of a parent! Story 2- And this is why people don't want to do nice things! I just don't get it. Grandma and her family were doing nice things for you for free And you assume they can be "walked all over" (Oh and nice showing that your a lazy POS by the fact you drove ALL THAT WAY just to harass them when you could have "easily come, get the gifts and leave" just goes to show she was pulling a "power move" with that "we can't pick them up you have to come give it to us" to see just how much they can exploit!) I'm sorry for the OP mother, but she needs to not help them! Yeah the kids will suffer, but thats "on their good for nothing parents" to deal with! You gave them free help! My mother in her time of need when she had me young knew how to be THANKFUL for any aid she got and taught me and my siblings this as well! Sister became a mom recent and understands this as well not to test waters with people/bite the hand that feeds!) After that facebook though, it just shows they can afford daycare apprantly! They just lied to OP mother because "hey it's free babysitting" ungrateful ingrate! Time to cut the parasite cord they put on OP mother. As for that one commenter! Your not the asshole. Some people have this entitled mentality where the world has to bend over backwards for them! I put it as their parents were likely like they are now. Let them do whatever they want and spoiled them that they think and act like this! And anyone who plays the stupid game of making me the villain! Oh I'm good at playing "the villain" and I'm prone to "THEN LET ME BE EVIL" which isn't good for you assholes cause the entire point was to "Guilt me" into doing your bidding! Instead I'm wrathful and pity! Story 3- Divorce the momma's boy. His arguement showes he DOES know what his mother is doing, so give "soon to be EX" MIL what she wants! You divorced and her getting "her baby boy back" he seems to want it too with how he decided it's easier to condemn you then put his mother in her place and act like a big boy! My guess is this is a tactic to get you to lower your work hours or quit alltogether so you can be "a proper wife" in MIL and BOB minds! Never compromise with those who refuse to do so! MIL and BOB both knew you were on the way, and they could have saved a seat! Their reaction and being humilated well MIL any way was becuase the GUESTS saw this! MIL feared being judged as the POS MILZILLA that she is and Bob knows it! He was hoping OP would leave without a fuss so he didn't have to see his mother bitch, moan and complain because it's easy to see OP "his wife" hurt by his neglect then his mother complaining that his wife is "out of control" because he's still the cowardly little boy who wets his pants when his mother is ANGRY AT HIM!" (Something he should have grown out of! The power a mother has over their son has it's limits before it's her interfering with their life outside of her! He knows this which is why he'd rather deal with his wife who he feels he has the power to "control easily" seeing as she's on the forum wondering if she was the asshole then his prima donna mother! Who's mad her smug power play backfired on her! I'm sure his playing OP as the butt of the joke in making them look bad wasn't the problem. But the guests judging THEM for their treatment as they didn't know OP was coming I'm guessing, so OP was made out to be an "uninvited guest" they were likely told negative things about and when she did what she did, MIL guests started to wonder if MIL did this on purpose! And Bob is judged as well because "that's his wife, what is he doing joining his mother's abusive games!") Story 4- Heard this story Story 5- The fact their putting money for groceries doesn't change the fact their selling their son's things he bought with HIS MONEY and are stealing! The grocieries is just to cover the theft by claiming they "put the money to good use" ignoring again "THAT'S NOT THEIR MONEY!" Funny how they think luxuries make people snobish, but their snobish asses are selling their son's things they feel he doesn't need WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION! Their grown enough to know their stealing! "What?" I'm guessing their the hypocritical types who love to claim they hate the things people their projecting on like to hide the fact their just as bad! Hate to inform the under rock livers that poor people can be just as judgemental and bad as their rich judgemental counterparts (the poor folk who think rich people are all evil or what not and mind you rich people are everyone who has more money then they do, like say "a dollar more!" Just goes to show if their fortunes changed, they'd be just as assholic as they were when they were poor!) Story 6- This is the shit I hate the most! When those who should do their job, want the victim to cave so they don't have to hear anything from the victimizer who they KNOW isn't going to stop! The fact they dropped it meant they knew she didn't have a leg to stand on. But they know the Karen is likely going to file again and again. Which will bother the hell out of them! OP did the right thing in saying no! She's THEIR problem now till the cease and desist her bad behavior. It's not on the victim to "wimp out" for you! Your job is to prevent that! So taking from what Karen's love to stupidly say "DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!"
@cozettapierce7106 Год назад
The tattoo story: If you remember Karen has to have MULTIPLE appointments because she 'could barely handle the tattooing procees' & then when she decided to come back in, the artist told her when he had availability. She should have booked earlier. What was he supposed to do call up his other clients who booked in advance and tell them that they had to be rescheduled because a self-important Karen decided she wanted to be seen NOW? It doesn't work that way. And for those think that was, all I can say is: Bless your heart!
@paulman34340 Год назад
@@cozettapierce7106 I was refering to the courts! Not the OP in "doing their job" (how they wanted OP to just cave and give the Karen what she wants) All that you just put down is what I agree with! She was a troublemaker to the extreme and I'm tired of the behavior of just asking the troublemaker's "victim" to cave so the troublemaker is placated! That's only going to make them worse (as she smugly threatened OP when they said they had enough of her bad behavior and entitlement! That shows she's use to her bad behavior getting her what she wants!)
@j.d.l._666 5 месяцев назад
Story #2 is the reason why I NEVER gift anything to strangers. Because I will never know of they are truly in need or just scamming me. It's just insane to me, how people living in wealthy countries like Germany, England, USA, etc. feel the need to scam people for gifts when there are many children starving around the world literally every minute!
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
The cops didn't want to Arrest the Entitled Aunt because that would force hem to do LOTS of Paperwork... OP should have demanded the Officers Arrest her for Break & Enter, Trespassing, Destruction of Property & Possession of Burglary Tools (the bolt cutters) since he's Pressing Charges! If the Officers refuse, he should have then gone to the station to file a Formal Complaint against the Officers!
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
@andrewlanglois6362 Год назад
And the first story, OP never said a thing about a child being a thief, it was all the mom's word.... While then calling an employee Rude ..
@little1942 Год назад
Even my abusive ex husband never did to me what happened to the lady who’s husband actually told her to leave so he could have dinner with his mother and guests! Any spouse that has no consideration for you needs to be dropped like a hot rock!
@michellekirby5050 Год назад
Third story...OP, trust me this treatment will NOT change! Thankfully I broke things off before my wedding. You deserve to be treated with all the love and respect in the world. He's not worth your time! Best wishes 💙
@m3rrys0ngstr3ss Год назад
I wouldn't hesitate on having my folks arrested in that scenario because that would be so unlike them that I would want them getting a psych eval.
@hantra17 Год назад
I don't know how it is with restaurants in other countries, but in my country, they ask how many people there are, and if you reserve in advance, there is already a table ready, with that number of chairs or more. It will surprise me very much if it doesn't work like that in other countries, not least because we could hear there was a whole table free. It honestly sounds like they purposely ordered too few chairs.
@racheltorres668 Год назад
A six year old is MORE than capable of knowing what stealing is ffs
@kissit012 Год назад
Imagine thinking your own wife is entitled for wanting to sit at a table with you and your family at a family outing
@michellewest4796 Год назад
Story 1: Kids don't understand the concept of stealing until they're taught. It's nothing to be *that* embarrassed about. Every kid learned somehow, mine was at the brachs' candy display. I asked my mom if I could just *have* some, since they had no way of knowing that it was missing(and how they didn't know I was autistic when I pulled that argument out at 4-5 years old, I'll never understand), and she told me no, explained the concept of stealing being wrong, and that was that. It didn't happen in front of a cashier, but it was in the store my mom worked in as a cashier. I didn't have to put anything back because she made it make sense before I grabbed anything. That mom was so freaking embarrassed when it wasn't a big thing until she made it a big thing. Let the cashier take the jar, get down level with the kid, and tell them that it isn't theirs, and they can't get grabby fingers with other people's stuff. Relate it to them, "You wouldn't like it if someone grabbed your candy money, would you?" and make it a teachable moment. Instead now they have an embarrassing story and a kid who still doesn't understand that taking something that isn't yours is wrong.
@jayschoenhaaar5369 Год назад
For the third story she needs to divorce that disrespectful ass. Tell him to get lost and go back to his mom.
@wolfiearnold5462 Год назад
Sometimes I wonder how can someone be so entitled. Like let me hear the life story of a Karen so I know what not to do when raising kids.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
@meh2510 Год назад
I'm pretty sure there are quite a few autobiographies of Donald Trump, one of them should do.
@michanone Год назад
Story #1: "Are you assuming my 6 year old son is a thief?" *Son still reaches for the jar* Yes, Ma'am, yes I assume this. Because he's still trying to be one. 🤨
@cozettapierce7106 Год назад
Story 3: If I had been at the table when the wife was made to sit alone, I would have gotten up and moved over to her table. All the while giving the MIL and mama's boy a look my (grown) kids would be whispering how glad they were not on the receiving end.
@cmcordoYT Год назад
Exactly. I was surprised that nobody did that.
@cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад
I would’ve commented on her FB post and call her out. Then share it and shame her all over YOUR page too. Pathetic people who just mooch off the kindness of others make me want to throw hot grease on them!!!!
@elslick Год назад
I had to call my mom and dad after that 5th story and thank them for not treating myself like shit. Hahahaha some people don't ever earn thier children's love and respect its sad.
@larrylightner5638 Год назад
I wouldn't hesitate for any relative stealing from me
@fox9t18 Год назад
I know a few people like the aunt from story 4. It's like, "Dude. This is Alabama. Don't act like your candidate stood a chance." Lol
@randycarter2001 Год назад
She probably would have not done anything about the money. But she just had an argument about her son not being a thief. She had to prove OP wrong.
@dee_dee_place Год назад
When I was little, I took a waitress' tip off our table as we left. As soon as my Dad saw what I did, he made me turn right around & put 'every last dime' back on the table. People, if you don't want to PARENT YOUR CHILDREN save us all a lot of grief & get sterilized. I'm so done with these people (of every age & walk of life) demanding that everyone else take care of their crouch goblins & spewing excuses for the bad behavior of the animals they bred & then ignore.
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
Well, she will soon enough have the opportunity to get more creative in explaining away the larger and more expensive things he has taken/stolen while just "playing". "Honestly officer, he wasn't going to keep it. He was just playing when he stole the Tesla."
@LegendaryStory Год назад
Story 4: They didn't want to arrest her because that's a bunch of paperwork that they probably didn't want to do.
@DagNeb_It Год назад
I would not hesitate to throw my parent into the slammer. I treat everyone as equal. Blood and familiarity bonds mean nothing when weighted against ethics and morals.
@rickraber1249 Год назад
Re the woman with the larcenous 6 yr. old - I loved her comment that what would HER son want with a FEW dollars??!!
@taragriffin449 Год назад
I have to think the parents didn't suddenly become that way ... their homeowners insurance could pay for a hotel. My mom constantly tromped on boundaries. Once I moved out, I never moved back, limited visits and found a lovely retirement community for her to remain active and engaged, instead of sitting home doing nothing. People were HORRIFIED that I didn't want her living "with" me. Nope. Set boundaries, stick to them. Naysayers can take in the violators if it's that important.
@debtompkins5363 8 месяцев назад
BRAVO to both the 'take my aunt away' and arrest my folks for theft" about time people stood up to relatives that only use and abuse them
The mom and the first story I can just imagine a conversation with the cops when her son is an adult. She will defend her son and say he didn't do it even while staring at 8x10 glosses and high definition of her son actually doing said crime
@ryanmccarthy2033 Год назад
Story 3: and u married that man. My goodness that husband is lacking any bit of empathy for his own wife. What a narcissist.
@jadyeee Год назад
Story 1: that's not the first time that child stole money based on the mum's reaction. She just don't want to face the truth and correct him so it's everyone else's fault
@bobperrine6193 Год назад
You need to dump the husband that doesn't respect you enough to save space for his wife.
@KingNoah231 Год назад
Every EM thinks their “baby” is playing until they’re checked into the iron barred resort whey the EM can’t check them out of the iron barred hotel
@AnnaKath3 Год назад
One time my best friend was on her way into the supermarket and outside of it was a homeless person. She told me that he would ususally sit where and was always very friendly and many nice people gave him their spare couns and change money. On this day his stuff was at his usually place with a cup infront of it but he was nowhere to be seen, probably inside to get something. my best friend was in the parking lot and on her way in when she saw his two women with their kids. One of the kids was running to the camp of this guy, grabbed inside the cup, toke money out of it and showed it proudly to the two women. They both laughed, keep the money and went inside the supermarket ! Me best friend was flabbergasted.
@astrid6496 Год назад
"I don't have a car either" as a response doesn't work. I legitimately don't have a car and people will ask you to borrow one, or cab. I could spin that around on them, but it's not worth the energy. After far too many negative interactions I now donate to the local charity shops instead of posting free things online. If it's too large to take to the shops, I put it on the side of the road with a free sign. It's always gone in minutes. I affectionately refer to it as the Triangle, after HIMYM lol
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
Honestly though giving it to charities or putting it on the side of the road at least means it is more likely to go to someone who legit needs that item instead of someone just trying to resell it.
@Wolvesbane39 Год назад
Story 3: He had the audacity to yell at her for embarrassing him? HE and his mom strait up tried to embarrass her! Having no seat left for her when they knew she was coming is rude.
Story 4. Cops were trying to pursue any avenue possible to avoid adding an arrest on the Karen's record. They cannot confirm that she drove to WV intoxicated, only that she was intoxicated at the moment
@kathybeckford3592 Год назад
That guy doesn't respect his wife. He could've given her his seat and gotten another chair or suggested they pull up another table or made sure there was a seat for his wife before the guests came. When MIL started talking, he should've told her to be quiet and defended his wife. I doubt it'll get better unless he wants to change. He and MIL should be ashamed of embarrassing the wife in front of the guests!