
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Keeps STEALING From My Store! DARES Me To Call COPS! 

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21 сен 2024




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@Kitty-dt4yy Год назад
If you don't agree with the prices in a fast food place, don't complain about their prices, don't go there to buy anything and stay at home and prepare your own cheap drinks....don't steal!
@DaijDjan Год назад
Exactly. Yes, those prices often are really inflated - but that doesn't give anyone the right to just steal stuff instead..
@nicolasjoly6948 7 месяцев назад
I mean.. you can say it "sarcasticly" : it's over price. And in fact, it is for the item itself. The soda drink is the thing where they do the most of the money. It also mean that they pretty much do not much on everything else cause we are not about to buy a cheese burger at 11$.... but, we will at 9$ if we buy a 3$ soda... Anyways, I've saw that ( / read) that some people where cleaning their paper cup in do more filling (cause normally, buying one in the restaurant, you have unlimited amount of refill) but it was student or homeless or poor people... not somebody that drive an mercedese and can definitively afford it!
@sherylhill2956 Год назад
Well I DID confront my daughters choir teacher. All through the semester she was getting A’s and then on her report card she received a C. I asked my daughter if perhaps she missed an assignment or a concert that I didn’t know about. She couldn’t think of anything. When I contacted the teacher and she said that one day she was marking the tenors and she didn’t feel my daughter was singing well enough. I asked her if she was scored by herself. She replied that she was listening to all the tenors while the whole choir was singing. OK. I went to the principal and asked how in the world this teacher could distinguish one voice out of the whole choir. She agreed with me and called the teacher into the meeting. She then confessed that she had had her 80+ year old mother helping her get her grades out. She got her A.
@MelodyofDarkness0001 Год назад
Fuck sake, what incompetence. Glad you got that "C"rap-show grade thrown out.
@sherylhill2956 Год назад
@@MelodyofDarkness0001 so true! I can accept if they screw up, but this was not one of those times.
@MelodyofDarkness0001 Год назад
Bringing in her mother in her 80's to grade when she has coworkers... smh
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
@@MelodyofDarkness0001 In my country, that would have been illegal. Because = retired, or no teacher degree at all. Making all grades null and void made by them.
@Kayenne54 Год назад
Tone Deaf 80 year old grandma can't hear one voice in a choir. Colour me surprised. Lol.
@roowyrm9576 Год назад
Many years ago, when I was a teacher, I had a child in my class, who was totally unable to cope with the work. He was a lovely kid, a real clown, but way behind on everything. My comment on his report "He participates with great enthusiasm" was 100% true.
@SharmClucas Год назад
Reminds me of all the student teacher reports I got as a kid. "Very intelligent, always gets A's on tests, listens and participates well in class, if only she'd do her homework." I have ADHD. Homework makes my brain flip out and I physically can't. I ended up in an art career. I still need someone else to help me with government paperwork, because I still physically can't.
@Maninawig Год назад
@@SharmClucas so glad to hear this. Sorry, might sound odd but had the same issues myself and only when I was 20 did I learn ADHD comes with reading comprehension problems. We had the whole "copy the projector" slides and nobody could get why it took me so long... So hearing that I'm not the only one kinda makes me feel normal.
@SharmClucas Год назад
@@Maninawig Check out the channel "How To ADHD" I've been finding it very informative and validating. Understanding of and treatments for ADHD sure have come a long way since I was a kid.
@ronaldstaley277 Год назад
It wasn't because I couldn't do the work I was just plain lazy. School bored me so I quit school at 16 got my GED diploma years later I earned my associate degree from Penn state university .
@EleanorofAquitaine42 Год назад
Sounds like my son. He’s extremely bright, speaks intelligently and enthusiastically participated in all his classes. Unfortunately, he’s also got dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD and ASD1. The teachers don’t see the ugly crying, self-flagellating episodes we have at home when he tries to do homework. I eventually had to secretly film him and show the principal what I was talking about. (No one believed me) we worked out a special program where he does oral presentations on whatever the subjects are to show he knows the material. Smooth sailing since then. Math is just not going to happen.
@Yumi_Jay Год назад
The first story is basically why we have a teachers shortage. Yes there are differences between terribly bad teachers and the good teachers. But parents like the dad in the story are what is driving the good teachers away and only letting bad teachers stay. This is especially true of states that are getting rid of certain requirements to teach.
@Rat-Builder Год назад
These complaining parents should be careful about what they wish for. Their entitled children will grow up and either NEVER leave the nest, end up in prison or dead, or end up in a "homeless" encampment hooked on drugs. Guess what, entitled parents, the rest of the world does not view your crotch goblin as the "Golden Child!"
@Maninawig Год назад
Got confused for a moment thinking you were talking about the music teacher. There is a RU-vidr named Rebecca Roger's who used to be a teacher and gave another aspect to it: some principals endorse such actions.
@christophercuston Год назад
@@Maninawig Almost in every profession, when the top is corrupt, it flows downhill. But in reverse, unless it gets positive results, the corruption is defeated.
@leapinggrotto4926 Год назад
@@Maninawig God, I really dislike that principal. Like, are you OK or not ok with her doing social media stuff in school? There's no in-between
@Maninawig Год назад
@Leaping Grotto oh, his logic is rather sound: as long as I look good, you're fine. Problem is that you can't stop him from making himself look like an ass, or give wisdom to dumb parents.
@Gems-of-Hope-Rocks Год назад
Story 3: The cops took your ID because you were alleging a crime and wanted them to search in possibly not public places. An anonymous person can report crime as a tip. It's up to the cops to investigate and decide how to proceed. You want the cops to do something therefore, you have to be held accountable for them to have reasonable cause to be able to search without a warrant for your property. I hope that clarifies.
@crystalmarks4532 Год назад
You learn something new everyday! Thanks for sharing 😊
@kpdvw Год назад
WRONG! NO search of MY Property without a Warrant...!
@catjazzhappycat7273 Год назад
I used to be a Shift Manager at popular Fish restaurant and every time someone said ( I'm never coming back here again), My response was always ( Don't threaten me with a good time ), best part was when they would come back I'd ask them ( Thought you were never coming back here ), they would then apologize to me and my crew, lol.
@davidponseigo8811 Год назад
In the last story if the guy next door thinks it only takes the time to brush your teeth to finish with a vibrator then he's most likely never had the girl finish for real. It takes as long as it takes.
@chrissiesbuchcocktail Год назад
Women are not all the same. I don't want to go into detail here but 2-3 minutes are more than enough for many women + a vibrator (and yes I know that not only from my own expierence but because women talk about such things).
@iononcantomascrivo 5 месяцев назад
I learned more than I wanted to today. 🤣
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 5: I've heard plenty of hostile work environment stories like this one. Some higher-ups really do think they can just abuse workers because they are at a higher level (like being a boss). Just don't.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
They'll soon realize they don't have any employees left.
@haydenclark6029 Год назад
This was like a mix between malicious compliance and entitled people lol
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
The phone stealing story. I'm sure the business found out about it and fired him.
@SeanBZA Год назад
Very likely, seeing as the cops would have contacted the owner to inform them the store was going to have to be closed due to the employee was in jail.
@yozarahirvi4750 Год назад
well, he was arrested for theft while he was on the job, it sound obvious to me that the owner needs to be contacted in this kind of cases
@Maninawig Год назад
My guess is the owner had his own charges to press
@roscoewhite3793 Год назад
Story 3: I've twice found mobile phones that got left behind on public transport. Both cases played out the same. Since the phone was locked, I kept it with me until someone called (fortunately only a short while after I found it) and I quickly explained that the owner had left the phone on public transport, and we worked out a place to meet and I returned the phone and all was well. The second time, the owner pressed $100 in my hand and would not let me refuse!
@johnrussell5592 Год назад
That's being a good person. I'm glad there's still a few left in the world. Thanks.
@CrazyBear65 Год назад
I accidentally left a phone on a bus one time. It must've slipped out of my pocket. I didn't realize it til the bus was gone. Unfortunately, it was a burner phone. (Track phone) I tried calling it for days, but nobody ever answered.
@cheekymoe629 Год назад
My daughter lost her iPhone 13 in the San Diego Airport. As soon as we noticed it missing, we filled out the list and found form. I got back a message saying it had not been turned it, but if it was, they would notify me. I waited and finally almost 6 weeks later, I was like, ok. I’m just going to block it and get a replacement. But before I did they, I submitted another form. Rationalizing that maybe there were just so many lost items that they wouldn’t go through the paperwork again. Well, someone had turned it in. It was shipped to me and my daughter was very happy…and I was too.
@matthewmiller6068 Год назад
Yep, or at least make sure it gets safely to customer service of the place it was found, or to the cell-carrier's store (since most phones here in the usa are carrier-branded it's easy to tell). Another thing to try would be most (all?) phones you can set up an "in case of emergency" contact which is accessible from the lock screen. So like if someone found my phone they could hit the emergency-contact button and it has phone numbers for my parents and my partner they could call. Having an emergency contact also helped my mom's lost wallet get back to me once since I was in there as an emergency-contact.
@Trijem Год назад
I found a phone on the local bus, looked up the contacts and found 'Mom'. Called her and we agreed to meet at a train station. I'm wearing a Christmas Elf hat.
@johnricci4511 Год назад
"I'm never coming back here" "You got that right.Just try it and find out".
@swolfe9668 Год назад
Stealing is stealing, all businesses need to prosecute and teach criminals a lesson
@censorduck Год назад
I'm of the opinion that the store owner could have shot the man dead and still be in the right. Don't steal.
@Kayenne54 Год назад
People "defending" those small thefts don't realize how much that impacts on a business. $2 here, $5 there over a financial year, and so many people helping themselves; I'm guessing the FIRST people to complain about a business going bust and closing would be the shoplifters anyway ha ha.
@Maninawig Год назад
I stole a book once... got distracted in a book store and left, not realizing it was in my hand... brought it right back to a confused lady.... Am I a criminal?
@damien678 Год назад
There's good reasons not to honestly, even from the business side of things
@damien678 Год назад
@@censorduck I'm very happy you could NEVER legally get away with this in my country. Thats unjust excessive force
@kellycurtis4483 Год назад
Thank u! As a grocery store worker. Please stop stealing stuff! Prices are partially raised because people steal!!!!
@Kelle0284 Год назад
I steal all the time, but your comment made me realize the error of my ways. I'll take what you said into deep consideration and maybe I'll stop stealing.
@SirberusKhaos Месяц назад
yeah, everytime someone says "I think stealing for (insert big compsny, like walmart) is moral and justified, I think about the time I bought an expensive new specialty water-bottle boxed kit form walmart, go it home took it out of the bag opened the box and found someone had sliced the box open with a knife and takene everything out of the box. they didnt cost Walmart any money, but I ended up having to buy a second one to actually get my product. that person wa Not sticking it to the man, the hurt me.
@kelleyk28 Год назад
In Sept. I got a call from the Ocean City, MD police about my mom. Since my brother had died unexpectedly away from home, 2 months before, I panicked. Then, I listened to the rest of the message and it turns out she left her cellphone in a bathroom and someone turned it in. I got a hold of the officer, and then called my dad. They got the phone and the officer drove them back to their hotel.
@Maninawig Год назад
Really? Wow that must have been horrible. But I bet you bugged your mom about it for a bit.
@joanhughes7742 Год назад
My daughter lost her phone when she was kayaking on the local river. A week later I got a call from the fellow who had found it in the water. (My # Is on her phone under "Mom.) This gentleman was able to use it to call me. I was amazed that the waterproof cover held and also the honesty of the man and the trouble he went through to return it.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
Why would it surprise you that he was honest about it?
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 4: Sales seem to always cause trouble, like can't you read, Karen? Oh right, you can't
@CT-1035 Год назад
They see sales, think OH SALES and not realize the time frame for the sales is either gone, to later that month
@thebush6379 Год назад
This reminds me of that one episode or regular show. A Karen gets pissed when someone doesn't go in a line everyone else is in, but can't read nor comprehend the fact that they're in the pick-up line.
@AlexOvTheAbyss Год назад
In elementary school, I did get an F on one assignment, and, naturally, my mom flipped out on me for it. My dad, on the other hand, looked at the assignment. It was one where you have to read something and answer questions about it. He went over it, looked at my answers, and was mad because my answers were actually correct. That said, nothing really ever came of it. Think my mom didn't want to argue with the teacher or something.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
You're mom sounds like a narcissist.
@justinhitriz8770 Год назад
Story 2: I personally would've called the cops, anyway, not caring about what the manager says. Theft is theft. Story 3: I atcually did that once. I saw a person's phone drop out of their pocket without them notice and immediately returned it to them before I lost them, thankfully.
@Yumi_Jay Год назад
At my seasonal retail job store, we had a customer leave behind their phone. It was also a iPhone. My co-worker spent a good amount of time trying to find a contact to call like "call my mom." Finally we manage to get into contact with the owners husband. He said he would come in later. The owner later turn up a hour later and we ask her what the name of her husband was and what type of phone like color to confirm it was her. Yep it was. We took precautions just in case it was some random person.
@roscoewhite3793 Год назад
Similar situation, after a fashion; I was waiting at an ATM, and the guy ahead turned and left. As I walked up I saw he'd forgotten to remove his card. I just yelled out "WAIT!" and turned around to see people looking at me... and the guy who'd left his card was among them. I gestured to him and said, "You forgot your card!" He hurried to grab the card, thanked me loudly, and headed off. Probably running late; maybe that's why he forgot the card!
@skatardrummer1 Год назад
I used to have a lady that would do that every Wednesday, come to Subway, order a salad, then freak out about the price saying we changed it. I finally was like ma'am, I've only been here 4 months and the prices haven't changed. But you are here every week and we have this same discussion. All our prices are posted on the menu. Maybe you'd like to order something else if the cost of the salad is to much? As far as I know, she never came back after that. At least not while I was there lol.
@MrCrunchytime Год назад
I would think repeat behavior like that would officially be considered harassment and public disturbance (or something) and be grounds for a ban. But what do I know, I'm just another grunt. :P
@skatardrummer1 Год назад
@MrCrunchytime yea I was basically just another grunt too lol. She wasn't being violent or aggressive or anything, just annoying.
@nairbvel Год назад
My mom's a retired teacher -- she started in New York City schools, taught in American schools (one DoD0, one not) overseas, and finished with a bunch of years where we live now. The absolute idiocy, pigheadedness, lack of intelligence, lack of respect, and plain old-fashioned stupidity she had to deal with coming from entitled parents was often epic. It may not be the majority, but there are a LOT of people out there who have zero respect for teachers. (When complaining about one of the more egregiously stupid demands from a parent to my co-workers, one actually said, "Well, they're almost all pedophiles anyway. That's why they went into teaching, so they could be close to a lot of kids.")
@souleblade32790 Год назад
My mother confronted one of our teachers once because my older brother missed an assignment and wanted to give him detention. But our father was in an accident and we drove to the scene to make sure he was OK. By the time we got back home we were too tired, hence why my brother missed the assignment. He tried explaining it to the teacher and they basically said "I don't give a shit." My mom was beyond angry. She went to the classroom and made the teacher apologize to my brother in front of his entire class. Then she left.
@SPY46 Год назад
Story #1: if the kid is failing math doesn't mean its the teachers fault, it is also possible that the kid just doesn't have a thing for math, I sure as hell didn't. Parents need to step up and work with teachers and their kids to find out why and not just blame each other about who failed who.
@davidponseigo8811 Год назад
I am retired law enforcement but I was a Loss Prevention Agent and Manager and later a investigator and traveled the country to deal with problem stores and when I started in Louisiana we went after shoplifters even if it was a dollar that was taken. We physically chased and arrested you.
@75ur15 Год назад
Not aware of any state that allows loss prevention (if not a police officer) ti arrest anyone. Detain yes, arrest? Even citizens arrest only applies to certain crimes; generally (not a lawyer) I believe it has to be a felony.
@MiZtressofSoulzs Год назад
Hello they really need more law at the fast food restaurants in Louisiana
@jonathanwilliams1065 Год назад
@@MiZtressofSoulzsoh I wish my company had people like you
@Rekuzan Год назад
"Hopefully this is one customer that will NEVER be back!" Fingers crossed Fluff!
@benjaminneal8050 Год назад
Okay managers not wanting the cops to be called is ridiculous
@daerdevvyl4314 Год назад
I guess I can understand their rationale but in the long run it’s a bad idea because people will just escalate and steal more and more.
@greenbeacon394 Год назад
I’m gonna ruffle some feathers here I would get fired over that job just for the satisfaction of calling the police on this guy
@lilmelody93 Год назад
High emergency calls to a business increases insurance rates.
@Kristiemiller1969 Год назад
OMG no kidding!! I was listening to that story and was thinking "okay this guy is coming in with a cup, filling it up and just walking out taunting OP and his manager won't call police and won't let OP call police either?!? WTF is wrong with that manager?!?!? The guy can clearly pay, he's driving a Benz for crying out loud!!!!" 🤦‍♀️🙄
@Braamsery1992 Год назад
In this story its ridiculius bc it happens multiple times. Otherwise, I can understand it. I.e. someone steals like 20$/€ worth of something. Now you have to supervise that person until the cops arrive. Its not an emergency, so 45-60mins isnt unusual. Take with alle costs lining up, 50$/€ in "lost work". Without going to court (usually not necessary where I live if a written report is made). It costs you more money and can be dangerous, because they could carry a weapon (not the US, so not allowing idiots to carry guns). I can see the argument, this case is just way over the top for that.
@richardrichmond8006 Год назад
I work part-time retail and am waiting to reply to "I'm never coming back here again" with, "Don't threaten me with good news."
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
Story 5: Pure epicness, I was a bit confused as to why they had OP go on Leave until it turned out that Karen was fired. I love it.
@Arcane_Route_66 Год назад
It was for OP's safety. If Karen threatened to slap OP just because, consider that she would do worse to harm her and the child when she got fired for being abusive toward her.
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
@@Arcane_Route_66 Yeah, I know. That was why I said "Pure epicness".
@Maninawig Год назад
I think their decision to fire Karen and send OP home aren't so connected. When I worked in health, there was a pregnant woman who became stressed over her workload and was sent home for a few days with orders to relax. As I was asked to cover and looked confused, they explained to me that apperantly a spike in blood pressure like OP had can induce premature labour, and it would take 3 days to make sure everything gets back to normal. When she came back, she was given an extra coworker until her mat leave.
@JadenYukifan28 Год назад
@@Maninawig I guess I can see what you meant by that, though having Karen fired for what she did was an added bonus and helped ease the stress level as well.
@Maninawig Год назад
@@JadenYukifan28 oh definitely. Don't think Karen would have lasted even if it wasn't OP she threatened, but I can hear the munchkins still singing their merry little song upon Dorathy's return.
@5781nashmiller Год назад
You are so right that accountability by a student for their failure is quite rare these days! Many parents blame anyone but their child!
@kristineguetschow9134 Год назад
When a pita customer says they are never coming back, you whip out pen and paper and tell them you need that in writing, dated and signed.
@jeffallender8178 3 месяца назад
"That's what I thought" after losing an argument is right up there with "We'll have to agree to disagree."
@empressmarowynn Год назад
My dad once had a student that was failing his class. After one of the report periods his grandma called my dad yelling about him giving the kid an F. My dad said "Ma'am he absolutely earned that. He never turned in any homework, wouldn't complete in-class assignments, and did poorly on all tests." I'm not sure what nonsense story the kid told his grandma but my dad heard her pull the phone away from her mouth and screamed at the kid to get over there right now. Super glad she believed my dad and didn't pull a Karen. He did let the kid complete enough make-up work to get a C and he made more of an effort for the rest of the year.
@Athlynne Год назад
Literally applauded that "Mendy's" employee. Awesomeness.
@Rekuzan Год назад
Fun fact about fast food: Restaurants make little to no profit on the actual food they sell and the vast majority of their bottom line comes from drink sales. People think it's only a soft drink but in reality, it's about 90% of the profit margin as a whole.
@BunchyPanther42 Год назад
Story 2: if you’re defending the thief, just admit you’re broke and move on
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
The first story. Nothing like changing a comment on a report card while taking a shit.
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
@@luciferpetrenkoff5040 🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah how dare they give them a grade after doing absolutely nothing.
@darahhart5872 Год назад
The final story made me laugh and reminded me of when I traveled out of state for my Nephew and his wife's baby shower. My sister came along too and my oldest sister (my nephews mother) picked us up and we would be staying at her house for the few days we were there. So, we walk into her house and my sister kinda drops her bags and it suddenly starts buzzing... me and my other sister look at her asking what's vibrating in her bag... She began laughing, said it was her toothbrush, we grinned and nodded, saying suuurre.. toothbrush..
@Salicat99 Год назад
I love the last story!!!! Also your story is funny as all get out!
@robinkelly1770 Год назад
In Sydney there was a free soup kitchen in 1983 for homeless people. A man in a brand new BMW was oberved 3 mornings in a row pulling up, changing into old clothes and getting a free meal. Rich people are rich greedy and entitled
@matthewmcdaid7962 Год назад
Pregnant Maintenance Worker... I hope you realize that the OUTSTANDING baby shower was partly due the fact that while your male colleagues were doing work at her residence, they were probably being subjected to "unwanted attentions." And good on the guys for doing that for you!
@suzyboyleanderson6945 Год назад
I found a lost cellphone at a store that was going out of business. I turned it in right away and the frantic owner came back to see if someone found it and the owner turned out to be one of my favorite teachers from high school. It was nice catching up with her
@Rekuzan Год назад
Karen "I'm never coming back here again!!!" Me "Can I get that in writing?"
@nightdweller6446 Год назад
I really screwed up math at the high school level mostly because I just didn't understand the teacher and the way he taught. It just didn't click in my mind and he informed me I'd never succeed with math based areas. I received distinctions and high distinctions in university for physics, chemistry and pharmacology/drug calculations. All math based subjects. Sometimes it's not the student.
@islandsunset Год назад
"help, help, he is stealin my soda, help" I never thought I would hear that combination of words 🤣
@hansbaeker9769 Год назад
With all the theft going on, I wouldn't be surprised if more and more stores started pre-screening "customers" at the door and refusing entry to anyone thought to be a risk of shoplifting.
@m2pt5 Год назад
"I'm never shopping here again!" "Please don't come back."
@ThomasWLalor Год назад
Story 4: "You said you were never coming back?!!? Get out! until you apologize to my staff!"
@Lupinemancer87 Год назад
That stolen phone story reminds me of a time when I was a Kid. I had a blue skateboard with a unique pattern at the buttom so it was easy to recognize. Then one day I come outside to find it missing. At first, I'm not too concerned as I probably just misplaced it, again. But later when I'm visiting my friend in the neighborhood right next to mine, the first house I walk past after entering the neighborhood, I see my skateboard outside the house. I knew it was mine due to the color and pattern which as I said was pretty recognizable. So later when I leave my friend's house, I grab my skateboard when I pass by the house, and nothing ever came of it.
@cynthiaspencer2222 Год назад
Dad says just explain to the thief while you are breaking his kneecaps that he's right, you can't call the cops, but may use whatever necessary force is needed to make them stay where he/she is until police show up. And someone screaming in pain will get the police to show up. Thieves will know not to rob you again, especially after they know you don't give a firetruck.
@davidponseigo8811 Год назад
In the Mexican food story the OP should have waved goodbye and said Bye Bigun next time don't order pork when you're a Ham Planet.
@brianperiman2359 Год назад
Last story: I would be the one to embrace my consequence and process to brush her teeth for her.
@Rhaenarys Год назад
I think the lost phone OP did the right thing. That kid def learned a lesson, that you can't just steal a phone in this day and age and not get caught. Not to mention, he probably lost his job since he got arrested while working, and committed a crime while working. That's usually grounds for termination. He had the embarrassment of being caught, he will remember that forever, and the fear of going to jail, while also the disappointment in losing his job...all over a stolen phone that he ignorantly assumed didn't have a tracker connected lol. I'm sure he will learn something from that, for sure.
@VidWatcher01 Год назад
"Hep! Hep! He's stealing ma soda! He's stealing all my soda! Hep!" That part took me out!!😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
If I were OP, I'd be calling the Regional Manager to report them for failing to call the Police regarding blatant, continuing Theft from the store...
@hollyhartwick3832 Год назад
Stealing is stealing. If you don't want to pay the cost for soda at a restaurant, buy it at the store. Many grocery stores charge $1.25 for a 2L of name brand and $.99 for generic. It's cheaper, you get more, and it tastes better. Just because you don't like the price of something that doesn't mean it's okay to just take it without paying. Doesn't matter if it's beverages or electronics or cars or whatever else. Don't like the price? Don't buy it. Get it somewhere else, or wait for a sale.
@lindaibarra5614 Год назад
Stealing the phone that belongs to the young man and then defending his actions is so messed up!
@theclownsystem9429 Год назад
I'll admit I have stolen before. Only food and necessities though. I know it was wrong and I no longer steal but I was in a bad financial situation at the time and didn't have access to anything like a food bank. Luckily now, I live right down the road from one and I also get foodstamps. My financial situation is much better too. As for phones, I've lost my phone before and a nice person found it and returned it to me. I've also found lost phones left in a bathroom stall and texted one of the contacts to let them know their friend/relative lost their phone and I met up with the owner to return it. I'd never steal someone's phone. It's a necessity these days and I know how it feels to lose one.
@damien678 Год назад
You're all good, mate. You had a morally justifiable reason to steal. We'd all do the same were we in a dire enough situation.
@wolphin732 Год назад
Story 1... it's no longer... what did the kid do to deserve the mark. It's not it's the teacher's fault... no wonder people think kids are entitled! it's their parents demanding it!
@matthewmiller6068 Год назад
That last story is absolutely the best thing I've ever heard!
@teefarrell6096 Год назад
7'11's policy on theft is to give them what they want." Your life is not worth losing over merchandise. "
@jdd9993 Год назад
If the guy in Mendy's can afford a Mercedes, he can afford to pay for his soda.
@baffledanderanged2101 Год назад
Lol, the Karen promising never to come back into your store and is every week,is like an itch that can't be scratched no matter how hard you scratch. A Karen who eats with her eyes and not her stomach. 🙄 Last story : 🤣
@ostlandr Год назад
Granddad always told me, "Whether it's a penny or a million dollars, you're still a thief."
@nicorizzo5402 Год назад
To your comment on the first story, I was option 3: when I got F's because my disabilities made me struggle in class, my parents would blame me and say I wasn't trying hard enough and then they'd punish me.
@Devillin Год назад
I had a teacher give me a D in a class, then put in the comments that I was disruptive in class. When my father saw it, he went to my next pta meeting to find out what the deal was. He gets to the teacher and interrogates him, and my teacher responded back, "Yeah. Your son jokes around in class and makes a general nuisance of himself." My father was like, are you talking about my son? He's 5' 8", pudgy and wears glasses. My teacher looks at him and goes, "Waut? That's your son? Dang it. I'm thinking of the wrong person. Your son is fine, just tell him to participate more in class. I'll change his grade."
@cherisef5524 Год назад
I worked at a Bath and Body works, and saw someone stealing one of those expensive bottles of scent stuff. When I told my manager, she told me she didn't see it, so it didn't matter. Shortly after they quit selling those little bottles of scents.
@Silverstar98121 Год назад
Love these folks who can't figure out that a 30% discount is more than a 20% discount.
@BadThetan Год назад
Story 4 you don’t have to be a math genius to realize that 30% off is greater than 20% off. You should have taken the sales price Karen
@Weird_Stealth Год назад
The Wendy's story, the Wendy's I worked at had the soda fountain behind the counter for that exact reason. It fixes one issue, but causes the issue of the people who don't way attention to things around them to assume that it's out in the lobby, despite standing right next to it, and the cashier (which I was) motioned to it as I asked them what drink they'd want.
@jimsmith9545 Год назад
When I was in college for one semester I worked undercover as loss prevention in the campus bookstore. We were specifically told to always stop someone no matter how small of an item we saw them taking because usually if you caught them stealing something small, they usually had a lot more you didn't catch them taking. When we took them to the back we always said things, like anything else... and almost always there was a lot more they had stolen. It was always up to the store manager or not whether what they were caught with warranted calling the police.
@charlayned Год назад
The coke story: THAT GUY is why we have people smashing glass cases in stores and stealing everything in sight in several major cities. Don't call the cops for the $2.00 coke and they get the idea that the $1000 purse is fair too. Grrrrrrr.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
I once worked midnight shift at a gas station/convenience store, the fat lady boss running the store as I ran the gas pumps. Had two guys come in one night, bosslady says, "Watch these guys, one will 'distract' me while the other steals a bottle." We're both behind the counter. Sure enough, one dude talks to bosslady while the other stuffs a bottle of MD20/20 under his coat. He heads for the door. Bosslady calls him to the counter, then she grabs his collar dragging his scrawny butt over the counter, growling "Drop the bottle!" as she presses her .38 snubby under his chin. Wide eyed, he drops it, with a "thunk!". Thick bottles. She dropped him, both dart out the door. 😄 That old lady took no crap off anyone!
@robertathomas8951 Год назад
Stealing is Stealing and the person should be held accountable
@darksuit9035 Год назад
I have a chipotle that used to have this guy who would give way extra meat and cheese to me, was always super friendly, guess it caught up to him as hes not there anymore, was disappointed when he was gone one day.
@gregorythomas333 Год назад
Story 2: Instead of calling the cops for the theft...just have him "trespassed" from the property...any future issues would be solved by the trespassing instead of the theft. Story 3: Always press charges. They won't learn until they have to do time in jail/prison.
@tylerhorn3712 Год назад
ANY time someone steals from you, punish them with 9/10 of the law.
@SeanBZA Год назад
Hey, I found a phone and a point of sale scanner by the roadside. Took a month to find the owner, who had lost it 5 minutes before I found them, in an armed robbery.
@AcousticGString Год назад
Hey folks! I hope you all have a great day!
@AcousticGString Год назад
@@luciferpetrenkoff5040 Hello, Madam is fine lol
@___LC___ Год назад
If algebra is a year ahead in that teacher’s area in Arizona, I hate to tell her that algebra has been taught in 8th grade since the 80s. So, I feel badly for how behind the Arizona school system is.
@christiprice893 Год назад
Found a phone in the bottom of a six flags ride car. Contacted the emergency contact and left it at the lost and found with their knowledge as they were over an hour away. They texted that night thanking us. Too easy. Why can't people do this?
@susandolan9543 Год назад
As to the Mendy's story, I used to work in a Convenient store and there was this guy who drove a piece of💩 dodge van who'd come in with a 32 oz plastic store pop refill glass, fill it with coffee and expect to only pay $.99 pop refill. I would piss him off by charging him for a small thermos refill. I told him that's not pop & coffee doesn't have bubbles like pop does. And wasn't cold. He stopped coming in when I told everybody else about it and he couldn't get away with it anymore.
@alexandriav3956 Год назад
My son just lost his phone on Sunday night at Microcenter. He was SO ADAMANT that he left it in the car, swearing up and down that he knows he did. I say ok let’s go check in the store anyway. I try the Find My iPhone thing and it shows that it is indeed in the store. We go to customer service and thank freaking god, someone turned it in. This kid is going to be the death of me.
@Architect357 Год назад
One time I did find someone's phone and I have returned it to him, even fully charged. I live in a city that is popular with tourists because of the country music and I clean the garages here. I contacted the emergency number if lost and found out the owner lived upstate and I shipped it back by FedEx. He was grateful because it had his new born daughter in his phone and glad that he got it back.
@izabellemarie7944 Год назад
Back in the 80s I use to buy my dads cigarettes ( I was 10yrs older ) my dad was friends with the stores owner and also the chief of police and the sheriff. I lived in a small town. Now my dad and I went to the store and I stole a pack of cigarettes for myself (they use to put cigarettes with candy back then) so we leave to get into the truck and My dad asked where I got the cigarettes and I told him the truth that I look them. He took me back inside and to teach me a lesson he called his friend the Chief, well the officer put me in handcuffs and took me to the station, and put me in an office. I thought I was going to jail and going behind bars. Nope I was in the office about 20 min and both the Chief and Sheriff had a talk with me and also said that my dad talked them out of putting me in jail. So my dad's malicious compliance actually worked on me. We always had a good laugh afterwards I never stole again. (And no I was never in jail, in the office or let my dad take me to the station) I was just in the office my mama didn't know until after my dad died because we were talking about old times she was mad.
@Stonedsheepu8906 Год назад
Story 6: definition of “why are you booing me? I’m right!”
@nonbinary_pal3192 Год назад
Story number 6: I also worked at this Mexican restaurant. The customers get very mad a lot of the time. And the managers got mad at you if you didn’t give the customer what they want. But once you do that they get mad at your for doing it.
@chickaboom163 Год назад
Me and my father had once found an abandoned phone laying in the snow at a crosswalk on the way home from I think my school at that time. (It was a while ago and my memory isn't the best) Fortunately we had a charger that was compatible and accompanied with a warmer and dryer setting, managed to recover the device. Dude left it unlocked and my father managed to contact him through his wife/girlfriend's number. He told us to just keep the phone but it was his phone and too nice to give away. It was like a newer model at said time as well as a sense it costed over the 100-300$ range of everyday smartphones. Neither of us had the nerve to let this guy take such a loss. The guy eventually relented but didn't really want two strangers to come to his place and arranged for us to drop the device at a fast food joint he frequented. I believe he got it the next day.
@shadowhenge7118 Год назад
I ban those karens immediately. They never spend enough to warrant taking a loss on everything they buy.
@flowing-river Год назад
Story 4: I know exactly what store this is because I work there. I’ve done a similar thing when someone has a teacher discount and a coupon. Since the coupon was a bigger discount it overrode the teacher discount. She then complained that she wanted to use her teacher discount on top of the coupon and when I said she couldn’t she complained it wasn’t fair that she didn’t get her teacher discount. I offered to void her coupon so she would get her teachers discount but suddenly she had no issue with just using the coupon and paid without another word. And the difference between the teacher discount and the coupon was 5% for anyone wondering.
@lashawnegreger1426 Год назад
Story 2. To those defending the thief... it may be a few cents for the syrup , a few cents for the electricity to run the soda machine, a few to run the pump, maybe he didn't take a cup but that price factors in too, so does the lid, the straw, the ice, electricity to make the ice, the water to make the ice, oh and the labor that put ice into that soda machine. So that adds up. If u wonder y the price goes up... it's because of thieves like this!
@Lindseyisloony Год назад
I found a locked phone. It happened to ring and I was able to answer. It was a private detective who told me the phone belonged to a homeless man who's estranged family was trying to get a hold of him. I assured him I genuinely didn't know the phone's owner and he asked me to let him know if I found him. I didn't know what to make of that. Next the phone got a text and there was a number to contact. Thankfully it was close enough to the beginning of the text that the whole number made it in the the text preview thing on the locked screen. It was a man who runs a bible study group that the phone's owner attends. I told him about talking to the private detective and asked him to pass that information and the detective's number along when he gave the phone back. I decided not to notify the detective that the phone got back to the guy. Not everybody wants to be found by their family and I don't even know that that story was true to begin with. I think letting him decide for himself if he wanted to be found by whoever was ultimately looking for him was probably the right call. I've always been curious what happened!
@hungrygremlin5151 Год назад
About people upset that they didn't press charges on the cashier, that cashier 100% lost their job getting cuffed for theft on the clock.
@SiegeTF Год назад
When I was a guard at a business park I'd always check the contacts on phones, and there was always a 'mom' or 'dad' or the like in the contacts that we could get the owner's info from. P.S. As a Warhammer player I've stolen dozens, possibly *hundreds...* Of paper clips. To pin big parts together.
@domomitsune5920 Год назад
I got to love malicious compliance sometimes. You want me to call the cops, okay then. You want me to not apply the higher sales discount and you pay 10% more based off of your coupon, very well then. I love it when a Karen wants you to do things her way, and it bites Karen in the butt.
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
Story 4:When Karen showed up the following week, OP should have said, "Hey! You promised not to come back! Story 5: Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt: Abraham Lincoln. It seems to apply to this and all Karens. Story 7: Be good to your teeth and they'll be good to you. Seriously, though. . . That clown might have learned his lesson in regards to OP but I would bet that he went on harassing other women as long as he thought he could get away with it. Creeps gotta be creepy.
@ThomasWLalor Год назад
Story 6: "Ma'am I can't serve you pork. It's too much like cannibalism."
@jeremydale4548 Год назад
ANYONE who actually defends the idiot in Story two should be automatically jailed. Because they are CLEARLY thieves themselves.
@pinkdragon6281 Год назад
That last one sounds more like malicious compliance 😂
@wolf1066 Год назад
Story 5: Yeah, I'll bet she got an awesome baby shower. I would have also thought that a statue of her in the lobby wouldn't be going too far.
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
Ugh I feel it's a civic duty whenever a rowdy customer screams "I'M NEVER COMING BACK" to up hold their request and banned from the establishment
@randycarter2001 Год назад
That Karen is a liability for the company. She was opening them for a lawsuit or two by treating everyone the way she does.
@richewilson6394 Год назад
I would have gone to the principal right after that parents had harass me while I was doing my job. Then put that on the child's record. he needs to have his father served with CPS because of the fact that he believes that he's better than children lives.
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