
r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Slaps Me For Not SERVING HER HUSBAND! Cries When I Fight Back! 

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@MegaAstroFan18 Год назад
I'm glad that OP in Story 3 pressed charges AND slapped her back.
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
Me too 😁
@WPUpioneer Год назад
Forget SLAPPED back... if it were me, I'd have cold-cocked her, then pressed charges
@karenlloyd945 Год назад
I would have punched her!
@jasmineharrison7822 Год назад
I would do the same thing period
@jsmith1291 Год назад
Story 3: So when you hit people, they might be mad enough to hit back? You'd think an adult would have learned this at some point, but apparently some people missed the lesson.
@annana6098 Год назад
I had siblings, this was a very early lesson.
@greyberet1 Год назад
What passes for adulthood in north america (including canada) is considered preteen mentality in much of the rest of the world 😆…
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
I once saw that 'sitting on the floor rummaging the games' scenario years ago. Girl had been sitting on the floor doing exactly that for about ten mins, when pipsqueak Darren looms over her, screaming about ' get off your ass and do your job,' et al. So she gets up off her ass... all 6ft 6in of her, turns to him and quite politely asks, 'and what would that job be?' Darren exits stage left, leaving behind a bunch of customers reduced to helpless laughter.
@geckokid8265 Год назад
I can imagine that being like in god of war ragnarok when Tyr first stands to his full height in front of Kratos
@Silver_wind_1987_ 4 месяца назад
​@@geckokid8265lmao short people are always angrier 😂😂😂
@davidponseigo8811 Год назад
In the US there is no excuse or reason to strike or slap another person unprovoked regardless of if they work somewhere or not. It's a criminal offense. Thank god for surveillance cameras.
@GhostBear3067 Год назад
Also you never know who might decide to defend themselves with their legally owned and carried firearm.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Or exercise his right to self-defense backhanding the EB facedown to the floor! 🤨
@pizzapartytime1826 Год назад
There’s no excuse. Anyone anywhere anytime unless it’s self-defense.
@lynneconklin917 Год назад
Usually I hate the blood thinners I am taking, however if someone is stupid enough to lay hands on me, there will be evidence. Bright bruise, bordering on hematoma, type evidence. My cat bumped my glasses a couple of weeks ago and it looked like I went a few rounds in the ring. I usually just want to roll my eyes when people are overreacting, but I would love to try my acting chops in a situation like that. Lol
@Bremend Год назад
A lot of people hate the spread of cameras due to privacy concerns but I personally love how it suddenly makes all of these he said-she said cases so clear when there's video evidence
@TypicalTroglodyte Год назад
one time I was at a thrift store that let the employees wear whatever, they just needed a vest. Some older women kept asking me about dresses, I told her sorry I don’t work there. Yk what she did? She apologized and left. That’s how easy it is. Idk how ppl can’t do that
@Rcoutme Год назад
Last Story: Why would ANYONE, even someone drunk, abuse someone who is preparing something they intend to ingest? Pharmaceutical chemist here asking...
@improv6132 Год назад
Story 4: OP needs to marry that man, like tomorrow. Or today if the courthouse is still open. Did a cape suddenly appear when he did that? He's the hero we all need.
@stygiandragon3865 Год назад
That man just blew that man-baby out of the ocean in a way that I actually don't think it's possible XD. Wait hold on... Tall and big man with a beard... Is that man Kratos in disguise? XD
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Karen.... "Get me your manager!" Me..... "YOU get the manager, he can tell you I don't work here!" 🤨
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 5: I really hate this behavior. Like, harassing employees and acting like they own the place because they're customers. Trust me, they have no idea how much some employees would love to slam them into the wall, knock their teeth out, or let out all the anger verbally
@DarDarBinks1986 Год назад
I work in a major retail pharmacy chain and would love nothing more than to do just that to all the Karens, Kens, and other entitled shits in between and beyond that we get. At my store, it's gotten to a point where we need armed security. I'd be happy with the higher-ups getting former Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Spetznaz, IDF, et hoc genus omne to provide that service for us. As long as they're the meanest, toughest-looking motherfuckers around, I'm for that.
@christinevanrooij8061 Год назад
I work retail, and I do love my job. But sometimes you get costumers you want to slap silly
@thatjeff7550 Год назад
I'm still waiting for that story to be told here. Surely there's ONE former service person who finally snapped and slammed some Karen's face into a countertop or something.
@christinevanrooij8061 Год назад
@@thatjeff7550 Never heard such a story before and I'm not gonna do it myself😂 But I am a smartass sometimes, so I make sure to get small victories like that when I can😇
@citizenken7069 Год назад
@@christinevanrooij8061 I used to work retail. Been there and done that! (No, I never actually slapped a customer, but I certainly wanted to do it many times!).
@petestorz172 Год назад
It's a point of continual amazement to me that so many people are so unable to say, "I was wrong," and so often lash out when proven wrong.
@timtheskeptic1147 Год назад
You'd be just amazed to find out how many people will not accept contrition.
@kb1kos Год назад
"I need help NOW." "I'm sorry, I am not a psychiatrist."
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
"I'm not a bloody miracle worker!" 😆
@alexkuhn5188 Год назад
Okay, THAT made me burst out laughing! That is the perfect way to deal with a Karen, only better response I can think of is: I’m sorry, I am not a slave
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
@@alexkuhn5188 That reminds me of a story Fluff told us about. It was something like "Ma'am you can't order me around, I'm not your husband" lol
@andrewwatkins4852 Год назад
we came as soon as we could a Karen got seriously burned
@peterhobson3262 Год назад
I was at a store, wearing clothes that looked nothing like employees' uniform, and a Karen came up to me and asked where something was. I told her I didn't know and to ask an employee. "But you are an employee!" I assured her that I didn't work there. "Of course you work here, now where is the whatever?" I couldn't resist. I told her that if it was up her butt eating a ham sandwich then she'd know where it was. She threatened to have me fired. I told her good luck trying to do that because I was retired. I then walked away with her screaming curses at me. An employee came to me and asked what was going on and I told her that some harpy was having a mental breakdown. I continued on my way.
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
Your response to the employee made me actually laugh out loud 😄
@kitarrah1422 Год назад
🤣🤣🤣 Some harpy is having a mental breakdown. I'll have to remember that one.
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
Did she buy medical items for that 3rd degree burn you gave her?
@seraglioborneo2803 Год назад
"if it was up her butt eating a ham sandwich then she'd know where it was". Wow. Must remember that! LOL
@lrock48 Год назад
I am still waiting to encounter Karen in their natural habitat.
@hovis62 Год назад
"This is my manager" re. the baby would have been hilarious! "Get me your MANAGER!" screamed at a Karen is always a fun response...
@jamiesuejeffery Год назад
My wife and I had two babies. I can confirm that they are the manager. Oi! They are the manager! I don't miss diaper duty, feeding duty, sleeping on the futon duty, chasing them out the dog door duty... They are a bit older now so the workload is a bit lighter.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
My manager is kind of a baby too.
@lakesnake2005 Год назад
Once someone slaps you, you are free to punch their lights out. Self defense.
@JohnH20111 Год назад
yeah slap the wrong person and they might put you in a huge ‘Hurt Locker’
@kaiseremotion854 Год назад
can only self defense equal force
@GeneralKenobiSIYE Год назад
@@JohnH20111 My wife was once slapped by a Karen. She made the Karen "pregnant with a Pain Baby."
@Zerodaj Год назад
I would slap them so hard their grandchildren would have an imprint on their soul.
@wayneholmes637 Год назад
Self defence is not "equal force" it is the reasonable but not excessive force necessary to end or prevent an impending attack (legally worded this way in most civilised countries).
@keithdouggosse2181 Год назад
I am glad someone stood up for bartender Meg in the one story. No one should be treated like that
@nemo227 Год назад
My reply to a rude person would probably be, "Are you naturally stupid? Or did you need to take lessons?" But I never have problems with people.
@MichaelS537 Год назад
See I am very much opposed to hitting someone but, the second someone strikes me they better hope someone is nearby to separate us.
@cliffordmaynard6559 Год назад
On the first couple of stories, I had to stop and write this down, I was getting PISSED, karen's and Ken's NEED TO KEEP THEIR HANDS OFF OF PEOPLE, before they land in jail or the morgue, they will piss off the wrong person one day.
@VWdabug Год назад
Fun fact: when you put something in your cart/hands,it’s technically yours so people cant grab your item or its theft
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
I wish. Lol.
@randomstuff-qu7sh Год назад
I believe that its technically common law larceny since that requires only that the item belong to someone other than the accused. That said, I doubt you could get the police to enforce it in most jurisdictions unless you had already paid for the goods.
@steverichardson8080 Год назад
Nope. Technically it's still the property of the store until it's paid for
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
If someone's hand is in my cart, they will get a quick, hard slap on it.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: Not really sure where people and their galaxy brains learned the idea that slapping people would do any good. It doesn't. It does the opposite
@t3hp0larbear Год назад
First story: I was totally expecting a little malicious compliance and for him to ignore her because he can't say anything to her but "thank you."
@drakofox1362 Год назад
I was expecting him to look at her with the ketchup and put it on a higher shelf and say "get someone that actually works here"
@alflyover4413 Год назад
I was waiting for the answer to, "Are we clear?" to be "No. Once you understand that I. Do. Not. Work. Here, we will be clear."
@DerekScottBland Год назад
Not only am I glad to hear OP pressed charges, I'm glad to hear he smacked that Karen in response to her physical assault. I've long said that if you lay hands on my without provocation, I'm fucking launching you. In this day and age of crazy Karens like this, you never know if they have a weapon and if they intend to cause you severe harm, so the moment one lays hands on me my aim would be to take them down and make sure they weren't going to get back up to come after me.
@maxfactor4851 Год назад
Finally an OP who hit a karen back
@heathermiller5765 Год назад
Not the only one, but yeah it's rare it seems. I remember one story where a girl was in Yankee Candle and had her hood pulled when she tried walking away. Her knee jerk reaction was to swing around and ended up backhanding the woman with a candle still in her hand. Granted it wasn't intentional, but the woman got hit in the mouth with a glass candle. Clearly she had it coming lol (cue the song from _Chicago_ )
@pvanpelt1 Год назад
@@heathermiller5765 She ran into my candle….She ran into my candle ten times!
@maxfactor4851 Год назад
@@heathermiller5765 rare indeed, its always those who have anxiety who seem to always encounter jarens
@jackanarchy9946 Год назад
Kudos to OP for returning that slap. Some kids have not been belted enough growing up.
@ladyofthemasque Год назад
"THIS is my manager. Talk to him all you like! But I'm telling you flat-out that even if you're willing to change his poopiest diapers, he's NOT gonna fire his mother! At all, EVER."
@fluidwolf Год назад
I really don't understand how some in these stories seem to just not be able to grasp that people can help others or put things back on the shelves without being employed. Like have they never picked something up of a rack, see they don't want it, then put it back? Do they just throw what they don't want onto the floor? The "making a sale" line in one story confused me too. Because...unless that store is unlike any of the thrift stores I am aware of, they likely do their sales at the registers like any other stores. There is no "making a sale" like you are a traveling salesman or something. Nor do I understand the people who think that employees are still required to work for people while on break and for some reason want to harass them into doing it instead of going to where actual on duty employees are. I can't understand the obsession with getting one particular person they assume is an employee to do stuff for them to the point of ignoring the fact that being on break means they aren't on duty to assist them. Their own logic doesn't work. Like if you think they are on break why are you going to them instead of someone you know is working? It doesn't make sense
@kitarrah1422 Год назад
"Do they just throw what they don't want onto the floor?" In some cases, yes. I've actually seen it happen. Or they just stash the item wherever in the store, which is particularly troublesome when it comes to items that need to be kept cold/at a certain temperature in a grocery store. The amount of waste that happens, because some idiots leave perishable foods in places that they shouldn't is astounding.
@Jarino507 Год назад
Also, in most states, working while on break/lunch is illegal
@JohnH20111 Год назад
people need to start checking the villages, because apparently there’s a lot of village idiots missing
@karenlloyd945 Год назад
@historywatchdog2923 Год назад
Story 1: Love the husband's malicious compliance!
@M_M_ODonnell Год назад
And that he didn't need to escalate, or even raise his voice.
@jerichogarry Год назад
These karens never learn. They never listen when someone says they don't work here and they think it's a good idea to assault them somehow.
@jamestaylor8388 Год назад
I cannot remember how I came to find Dark Fluff. I listen almost daily. The stories are captivating, fun to listen, and usually have a good lesson to learn in the end. I also enjoy hearing common sense comments at the end of each story. The narrator has the absolute best voice ever. He is easy listening, has great tone, with emphasis at all the right spots. A master story teller; keep it coming!
@Thedragonlover95 Год назад
The real hero and weakness of Karens, is that of the Surveillance camera.
@FFVison Год назад
Story 2, I'm glad that they didn't claim that the baby was the manager. That would just invite the Karen to yell at a poor baby.
@tonyfuentes5218 Год назад
My airport story: I work for TSA, I'm out front smoking. This guy pulls up, gets out of his, still running car, and tells me to go park it for him. I tell him I don't do that I'm security. He yells "you work for the airport, park the damned car!, and leaves. I throw the keys on the front seat, of the still running car, and go back to work.
@jtc1947 Год назад
@ TONY? Wonder how long before the idiot's car was towed? Be THAT was fun??
@realulli Год назад
Double funny would have been if he then showed up at your station to be checked...
@jtc1947 Год назад
@@realulli Would be interesting to know what happened to the car? Maybe it got towed??
@greyberet1 Год назад
How is a car running when you throw the keys onto the seat? I thought that the car’s keys would need to be in the ignition for the car’s motor to be functioning… Just saying…
@jtc1947 Год назад
@@greyberet1 Good question! I didn't remember that part! wonder if made up story?
@gregorythomas333 Год назад
If someone puts their hands on me they had best be ready to tote an ass whoopin' is all I'm saying. Going hands-on is permission for me to defend myself with force.
@Ninjara930 Год назад
Always pressed charges against a Karen or Chad.
@YankeeGirl226 Год назад
Absolutely. They will keep pulling that crap until they have consequences.
@lisamac2403 Год назад
When you said “you’re about to lose your job” that internet meme popped into my head. 😂
@ArtemisKitty Год назад
I don't understand... In every case where the aggressor/Karen is screaming "Do you want me to talk to your manager?", why don't they just reply"YES. Please go get the manager." Cut them off right at the start.
@sjonesie1 Год назад
"This is my manager, talk to him" aaand I'm on the floor
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
I had a interesting encounter with another woman shopper in the grocery store today. I was wandering form aisle to aisle, window shopping to see if anything might catch my eye, with me instantly deciding that I couldn't live without it. One of the aisles was littered with those annoying cardboard floor displays that eat up room in the aisle making it difficult to generally navigate down the aisle. While looking at stuff on the shelves, I pulled over close to the shelves and in the process of backing up to get around the cardboard display, I bumped into the cart of a shopper behind me. She made a wise crack about "drivers not watching while they back up" and I apologized for not turning on my backup beeper cuz it was broken and I didn't want to say "beep, beep, beep" cuz I don't like nets dropping on me from above (we were giggling like a couple of silly teen age girls). All, was good. The, we kept passing each other in other aisles, making wise cracks as we met (again, giggling). Then as I pulled out of the self checkout area, who do I meet, but my giggler ..... again we were throwing wise cracks back and forth as we rolled out of the store. And as we rolled across the parking lot to our cars, we chatted about the price of chicken and how the price of eggs has soared ..... and she said, "We, I hope the chickens get something out of the profits" ..... so which I said, "Well, it's a sure bet the dead ones won't" .... and she gave me a weird look ..... then the conversation rolled over to me mentioning mentioning the slaughtering of .... maybe millions of chickens ..... do to the avian flu that has swept thru the commercial chicken flocks ..... she was not aware of that ..... more giggling ...... then I asked when she would be going to the store again ...... didn't ask her what time, but I just might run into her again if I go to the store this Friday ...... it was the flip side of a Karen encounter. 😄
@Michael-sf9yg Год назад
In reference to the lady in the bar. The only thing that could have been richer would have been the obnoxious group going into the bar where she IS the bartender, and her summarily telling them that they were banned from the establishment and would under no circumstances be served.
@jonmendelson1104 Год назад
5:26 GL: "Sir, we don't allow people to abuse our customers like this, I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you don't stop." OG: "She's not an employee." GL: "Even if she did work here we don't allow people to abuse our employees either."
@RyuFuzen Год назад
How the hell does a stroller with a baby in it, wearing something yellow that's not the rental uniform while holding a coffee and reading stories off your phone, and a blue beanie instead of a blue VEST equal "hey I work here, come harass me"? 😂
@garrisonbrumblay9137 Год назад
Children act like adults Adults act like children
@reeseschicktanz6713 Год назад
Well, using the manchilds logic from the 4th story, that means Fluff must work at Best Buy to, since he's wearing "blue" shoes.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
Put on your blue suede shoes.
@EditorOfSL Год назад
Kudos to the girl’s fiancé! 👏👏👏
@grassfedmilkmomma Год назад
No good deed ever goes unpunished
@aluminumfalcon552 Год назад
The proper response to “Are you going to help me or just waste my time?” is “I’m just going to waste your time”
@JulianaBlewett Год назад
Rule number one: if you have to hit someone back make sure they don't get up again.
@riel4553 Год назад
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” -Mike Tyson.
@tracygardner6318 Год назад
Anyone who tries to get someone fired because they’re not getting their way should be fired from their job and how they treat people and other places of business
@shrapnelslurpee Год назад
When i was in a police academy i went to walmart and had so many people ask for help because they thought i worked there. I was wearing black pants and a dark blue polo with my last name on the breast pocket and police cadet on the back.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
Maybe they thought you were store security.
@stephaniepedersen7919 Год назад
If a police officer asks you if you want to Press charges ☺️😂😻 you always say yes always when a Karen or the male version Kevin. If people don't how are they to learn to be better humans 🙂🤣😂😻
@audreyricci6383 Год назад
Some of these idiots never learn. because they are incapable of learning anything.
@DarDarBinks1986 Год назад
I've always called the male and masc Karens "Kens" or "Kyles". Nobody I know calls them "Kevins".
@zrspangle Год назад
@@DarDarBinks1986 yeah, Kevin's are the clueless people of the world
@tracygardner6318 Год назад
You can drink and have fun all you want but when you start being trouble, don’t be surprised if someone steps in OP did a good thing
@foxfireinferno197 Год назад
So satisfying to see a slap-happy Karen get slapped back. I'm really surprised it doesn't happen more often. How is retaliating not everybody's initial reflex?
@Xezlec Год назад
Well, for those of us who are small, that would be a suicidal reflex.
@jancollins6602 Год назад
@richewilson6394 Год назад
I'm pretty sure that any employee is not allowed to wear a hat at work unless they're like in a warehouse or freezer kind of job.
@Yumi_Jay Год назад
Depends on the place. I have work at two places (not warehouse or freezer) that allow me to wear a cap. One place had to be their issue cap since it was a stadium if you chose to wear one. The other was retail halloween store as long as it doesn't cover your entire face. I have also work at a summer camp wear as long it's appropriate around kids you can wear it. I have a neat collection of baseball caps to wear for each day.
@Kelle0284 Год назад
or a cowboy.
@Emeraldwitch30 Год назад
I worked in a greenhouse and needed to wear a hat for the constant sun. Some food places they wear hats. But many places do not have hats.
@fishbaitx Год назад
Story 4: you put a ring on that man pronto op, becuase that man is a keeper!
@kenshinflyer Год назад
Story 5: "Oh, cooooome ooon. You really think I'm that stupid?" OOOOOOOHH HELLLLLLL YEEEEEEEAH. And calling that rude customer "stupid" is very lenient of me--I'd rather call that rude customer "Moron."
@grandpa1curt Год назад
Thought he was going to open and cover her with ketchup 😂😂😂
@kevinmaxwell9539 Год назад
I would have told the officers that Karen needed to replace my coffee that she so rudely knocked over.
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
Use your right for self defence to it's fullest. Only then might (but not likely) learn.
@richarddean1333 Год назад
what people dont relize is when your in a airport its federal charges not local charges airports are government land not state land
@bigfatbaataed Год назад
I also worked in a bar in my younger days & snapping your fingers at staff is a sure way to get bonus flavours added to your drinks &/or food...
@BlueThunderO7 Год назад
Always and I repeat, Always press charges on a Karen. Otherwise she'll never learn. The best lesson to teach is always through their bank account.
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
As the old saying goes, hit them in the hip pocket nerve.
@demetriusdragon3301 Год назад
I agree with you. If I had a baby I pull them out and say this is my Manager. 😂
@marlaowens6716 Год назад
DF - you cracked me up with “Pull the baby out of the stroller and say this is my manager, talk to him!”.
@larrywest42 Год назад
Story 2: No need to say "sorry" to people who are being intentionally rude to anyone ... unless you're setting them up, of course.
@ledeasoakenbough Год назад
I was a manager at a store when some old dude started yelling and power tripping, "I'm going to call your district manager " I took my name tag off and handed it to him, "Spell my name right" I turned to walk out and he started running his mouth again, I spun, "I don't have a name tag, which means I don't work here. Go F yourself." Turned in my keys and went home.
@josabby474 3 дня назад
I bet the Best Buy employee secretly appreciated OP’s fiancée pretending he thought blue jacket bully was an employee. Blue jacket bully probably didn’t treat the employee well either.
@Choujifangirl Год назад
Even in my worst days when I am dead tired and not wanting to do anything but crawl into my bed I would never ever ever EVER be impolite to another person ever because that’s the way my mama and papa taught me and if your kind of people they will return the kindness
@WorgenGrrl Год назад
Story 5: Darn...I thought this was going to end up being one of those, "..and that's how I met your Mother." stories.
@abyss8354 Год назад
Getting annoyed and walking away because you’re wrong. It is often a reaction people have if they don’t know what to do in the moment
@citizenken7069 Год назад
Story 2 - Normally, if people threatened to call the manager on me, I would probably just shrug and say, "Knock yourself out." In this situation, I'd have handled it a little differently. When the guy demanded, "Why won't you help me? Is it because I'm a man?", I'd have paused and looked him over. Then I'd have given him a smug grin and said, "Nope, that ain't it!" Story 5 - "Do you think I'm that stupid?" I'd have said, "Yep", and walked away.
@DeadEye364 9 месяцев назад
Finally, someone finally pulled the Uno reverse card on a karen just to give them a taste of their own bs. That fiancé from story 4 is a god damn hero.
@foxfireinferno197 Год назад
"Do you really think I'm that stupid?" "... is this a trick question?"
@MrBounceoutboi Год назад
Second story, old man was probably old enough to think child labour was still a thing
@meruliouslacrimens5154 Год назад
Here is one for you, not quite under the i don't work here, but nearly. In 1960 in our local Co-op store in Kent in England a man walked into the tv area, with a white coat and a clipboard. He asked for help with five large televisions, which got carried out to his waiting van. They got loaded on board and he drove away. About two hours later a panicked manager was looking for the man who didn't work there as he had brazenly stolen the tvs and they had helped him. I thought it was hilarious. He didn't work there, just everybody presumed he did.
@chrisc6857 Год назад
Story One: When Karen said "Don't talk to me unless it's to say thank you" I thought he was going to clamp his mouth shut and refuse to say anything else to her ever again.
@lynsthoughts3576 Год назад
Airport OP, I'm more happy that OP smacked Karen back!
@noumenonification Год назад
man tall people helping out shouldn't be weird. as a short person who has been a spectacle while climbing shelves to get something off the top shelf i wish more folks were like that. I literally once had people clap at the sight of me knocking something off the top shelf and catching it in the air perfectly because I'm so used to being short af and getting my own shit by shaking the shelves.
@andrewlanglois6362 Год назад
1:30 Oh! I would thank Karen alright, in a condescending tone. My thank yous are usually like 🖕🏻, "Yes. Thank You, Very Much! Now you can leave!!" She would have most likely smacked me right there, and I would have called assault and harassment, doing a reversal of "I want to speak to your manager about your ill-temper and lack of professionalism! You are going to be fired, and most likely thrown out!
@shannonmyers3847 Год назад
OK. Here's my question. Why do people tell the Karen's that THEY are sorry! They've done nothing wrong!
@jaytee5913 Год назад
Sometimes it's so annoying not to get updates to see what happened to the karens
@jamesonweimann4720 Год назад
Always press charges against chads and Karen’s they won’t learn otherwise
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
Where is that bar? Every bar I have been to putting your hands on the staff will get you thrown through the door.
@Galaxy1001D 8 месяцев назад
Story 2: Old Guy: Don't you lie to me! Do I need to get a manager here?" Me: "Yes, because they are paid to deal with your nonsense, and I am not.
@JosiahGould Год назад
Years, years ago I was in a local fast food place and the customer at the counter was raising hell. Screaming, cursing, slamming his hands down - all because they were making fresh tortilla chips and it would be about 5 minutes. The individual behind them was a motorcycle rider and had their helmet in their hand... And proceeded to slam the helmet down on the top of the angry patrons head knocking him out cold. He just turned around and walked out as one of the employees handed him a big bag of of food and told him to take off.
@angelataylor3822 Год назад
There’s a thing called self defense and then there’s people like that you can’t go around acting like that you can go to jail
@SvelRuddertail Год назад
I love when people try to invade personal space and get up into my face: I just throw up on them and say sorry, their face smells bad and caused my gag reflex to act up xD
@jyvben1520 Год назад
carzilla, got a police car ride to jail from the airport, no rental needed for her !
@wfcoaker1398 Год назад
15:19 "I can't believe some people can he this clueless". Oh, my sweet sumner child! Do not underestimate the depth of some people's cluelessness.
@Valor_73737 10 месяцев назад
I finally realized why I prefer the company of animals more than I do people! Some people are totally clueless in their realm! Animals are NOT clueless in their realms!
@AlyssMadigan 6 месяцев назад
I love how Op's BF stuck it to the guy in Story 4 at Best Buy x'D He pulled the same stunt on him and he was like ???????? I wonder if that dude thinks about it ever.
@donaldwalker3738 Год назад
On the car rental issue, I to had something like that happen to me in an airport while waiting for my boarding notification. I almost went to jail but as in the case of your posting and mind this is in the mid 70s so in early to do it, proved that not only was I in a military uniform, but this woman slapped me first. I put her on the floor and sat on her waiting for security to show. almost missed my flight overseas too because of the nitwit
@cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад
Your fiancé handled it perfectly, if that happened to my wife… I would’ve just grabbed him and dragged him outside by his jacket and beat the brakes off of him
@pfalky2k Год назад
balls enough to swing, balls enough to take a swing.
@cullbear55 Месяц назад
Imagine if Karens actually used their ears and exercised patience What a world that would be
@andybosch7857 Год назад
I'ma be real here. The behaviour in story 5 does happen sometimes, but I'm getting real heavy "and then everybody clapped" vibes.
@dova_lily4484 Год назад
Am I the only one when at a store the second someone tries to talk to me I scream to gtf away from me and threaten to send their insides home to their shitty mother.
@OcusticClear92 11 месяцев назад
11:08 " Are you going to help me or just waste my time?" It is funny that he asks that question because the truth is his assumption makes it so that he is wasting his own time.