
r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Karen SLAPS CUSTOMER For Ignoring Her! Big Mistake! 

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21 сен 2024




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@missyd0g2 Год назад
I unfortunately wore my orange shirt into Home Depot. An older gentleman asked me about lumber. I knew the answer and helped him pick out a 2x4. Then an older woman required something that I could reach but she couldn’t. A real employee, Todd, came over and said the store was hiring. He mentioned about a referral bonus. I took his name and told a friend who was interested in seasonal work. The next time I went into the store Todd was there. He received his referral bonus for my friend and gave me his employee discount.
@CatLeone2003 Год назад
Nice, dude.
@TheMosspeltGAMING Год назад
since when do we have employee discounts? or referral bonuses? nice fantasy
@steverichardson8080 Год назад
We don't have employee discounts. Cool story, though.
@jaymevosburgh3660 Год назад
@@steverichardson8080 I was thinking the same thing! My buddy works there and they do no such discount 😂
@aries8597 Год назад
How was that unfortunate? Better description for your sentence would have been "I absentmindedly wore my orange shirt.." Reddit says HD doesn't have discounts for all their employees...but I don't know how old your story is and if that has always been the case. Nice story true or not.
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
Karen - "Well! I've never been so humiliated!" Me - "I find that hard to believe."
@aulduronsmith5577 Год назад
"Well, it's about time you were" "well, there's your problem"
@louyork8379 Год назад
You have to have humility to be humiliated
@wolf1066 Год назад
Heh, awesome - and great responses from @aulduronsmith5577 and @louyork8379, too.
@Justin-A-Carter Год назад
Most of the time that you oblivious to know if they're embarrassed or not
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 2: Even if OP worked there, why would you pull someone's hair like that? That's literally one of the easiest tickets to a slam in the face. Hair-pulling is extremely painful.
@Daltonisntabot Год назад
Karen: “Because I think they're a worker, assaulting them must be OK. Don't they know how important I AM!? A PAYING CUSTOMER!?” Everybody: “Don’t be surprised when a fist meets your face when you try that.” Edit: Better yet, buy a taser and tase them. Edit 2: Also, maybe putting some dirt in her eyes too.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Yep, that would earn her an immediate backhanding from me! As Al Bundy used to say, "Five across the eyes!" 😡
@rjgaynor8 Год назад
Omg when I heard her say Ativan I went into a panic. An ex-girlfriend of mine took that. My ex’s panic attack would come with asthma attacks and blood sugar crashes. To put it mildly if she had a panic attack she was going to the hospital. Between the asthma attack and the blood sugar crash she would pass out, because you couldn’t calm her down. If the cops put my ex in handcuffs they would have been wheeling her out in a body bag. My ex has been assaulted before, not for ignoring people, but just because she was with me and another woman. (Yes we had a three way relationship, don’t judge) I recently submitted the story. It was really disgusting and both of my girlfriends at the time went to the hospital, meanwhile I went to the police station along with the attackers. My ex and I don’t talk anymore but the last time I saw her she was married with 2 kids and looked great. I am happy for her.
@foxfireinferno197 Год назад
If I owned/managed a place and that happened, OP wouldn't get even the slightest bit of disciplinary action.
@aqacefan Год назад
It boggles my mind that Karen got off with a slap on the wrist after this being a repeat offense. She needs to spend as much time in prison as is allowed for assault.
@Akira625 Год назад
Why is it so hard for Karens to understand that when people tell them they don't work there, they mean it?
@avenger291 Год назад
Because they are entitled and self absorbed people
@sersastark Год назад
Bc they feel entitled n won't believe there's no one around to serve them.
@DMC2983NL Год назад
those karens are to stupid to realize that.
@greninjastorm6734 Год назад
Karens have rubber for brains. That information goes in, and bounces back out
@Nevertoleave Год назад
They made an assumption about the world around them and how dare the world not conform itself to what they assert
@someguy7629 Год назад
If you grab/spit/slap or punch a stranger, don't cry about the consuquences and instant karma that may follow.
@develyntwocentshenderson5739 Месяц назад
there still seems to be an increasing problem with legitimate self defense
@SomethingAbstract Год назад
Anger issues is no excuse to assaulting a person.
@JackieOwl94 Год назад
It anything, having anger issues is a motive for locking the person up, considering they are a danger to society if they can clearly state they have no qualms with hurting people.
@bloom392 Год назад
One time I approaches a lady stocking xards on a display, asked her where something was and she informed me she didn't work at the store, and that there's a totally separate company that provides the cards for said store. I apologized apologized went on my way. It's literally that simple. Absolutely no one will lie about whether or not they work at the place you're accusing them of working at. If they say they don't work there, then they don't. Nobody lies about that
@kimmccarthy7747 Год назад
I once started to ask someone for help in a WalMart, realized when he turned around that he didn't work there, apologized and left. It's not hard to do if you aren't raring for a fight or expecting to be slaved over. I think a lot of Karens are babied by their families until they expect it from everyone, and I bet they slap their husbands and kids if they say no.
@jaycraw6978 Год назад
Honestly even if people would lie about not working at a place would you actually want them helping you?
@gorilladisco9108 Год назад
Even if they lie about not working there, I just shrug and look for another employee. One time I entered a shop and every employee there was busy with something and completely ignored me. I just shrugged and went to another shop. If they don't want my money, why I insist them to take it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@annalieff-saxby568 Год назад
That's something that's puzzled me, too. I mean, how many employees *are* there who pretend, or have ever pretended, "not to work" somewhere? I'd have thought it was a sackable offence, for one thing. Incidentally, I have sometimes asked a fellow customer where something is ("I don't suppose you know where they keep the whozits, do you?) but I always take "no" for an answer.
@seraglioborneo2803 Год назад
But you are NOT a Karen! LOL
@robertgreen6433 Год назад
Karen grabs hair of customer and gets introduced the ancient martial art of Jarate (scented candle form)
@donnakubiski5572 Год назад
Thanks. You gave me my laugh for the day.
@foxesandroses2450 Год назад
@mmtchan Год назад
LMAO!!!!! Good one!!!
@teresagoodman-walters7720 Год назад
@@pfalky2k agreed 💯
@maniachazbin Год назад
I like the original "fresh lemonade" form better.
@cherokeeirishman9612 Год назад
I would demand an apology from the police, for automatically assuming that you were at fault and not listening to both sides. It doesn’t matter how you look or what you’re wearing, I would demand an apology from the police!
@Kayenne54 Год назад
I would demand an apology from police and Karen. Publicly. Right then and there.
@k2k4 Год назад
I'd sue the police department. If you're on anti anxiety drugs an ordeal like that put you in actual danger.
@KillerChrono666 Год назад
While I 100% agree. We all know they wouldn't and would probably go out of there way to make her life hell. They're a spiteful bunch.
@everestmendoza8164 Год назад
There police They are useless
@16BitGamerCat Год назад
Especially considering OP was in a ball on the floor. That's panic attack position.
@teru88 Год назад
story 2: gonna have to disagree with fluff here. that karen thought she was in the right even after getting slugged in the face with that candle. she will never learn.
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
You're right. I've known people like this. I used to be friends with someone and I tried to help her see that you can't treat people the way she did. Mind you she was 20 plus years older than me. I then being in my twenties shouldn't have had to explain to a woman in her 40s that she can't be a selfish butthole. She had no respect for boundaries, had no empathy, the only standards she had were double standards. I'm sure you get the idea. The only time she ever felt bad about anything was when people discovered what she was really like. She would then ghost everyone on social media and then resurface with a new found outlook on life. I saw her go through many phases of being “a changed person” but she always went right back to being the nasty vile stuck up witch with a capital B that she truly is. The reason why they stay the way they are is because they are incapable of looking within themselves and seeing where they need to change. In their mind, they are perfect and everyone else is inferior to them.
@gcharada52 Год назад
not to mention that the police handcuffed the victim without even knowing the facts, did not let her take her medication..but what to expect from the most racist country?
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
​@@gcharada52 It sounds like it happened in England. OP referred to the woman as a bint.
@alexisgrunden1556 Год назад
@@iononcantomascrivo UK or possibly Australia, they use that word down there, too.
@YouNameItGaming Год назад
@@alexisgrunden1556 in my 35 years of being an Australian (in Victoria, so maybe it's region specific) i think this is the first time I've ever heard someone some use the word "bint"
@Remoniq Год назад
Karen: "i have never been more humiliated in my life!" How I would answer that: "Stay a while, and you'll get used to it."
@croquels1 Год назад
well!, that was easy, I can better the record!.
@Remoniq Год назад
@@croquels1 Or I didn't know it was that easy, now I feel insultet ;)
@Rcoutme Год назад
Yankee Candle Karen: that woman likely did NOT learn her lesson. That was the 2nd offense of her attacking someone! She belonged going to f*****g jail!
@kazekamiha Год назад
And deserves another smack in the mouth.
@garysakamoto4007 Год назад
Story #3: If you haven’t heard anything from the cops, she wasn’t charged with anything.
@PonyCraft Год назад
That's why you press charges and follow up
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
@@PonyCraft Agreed! She needs a hard lesson.
@rosemiller417 Год назад
I find some relief in her losing Frontteeth to the Floor. Hurtful and expensive. May why there where no heftier charges pressed too.
@aqacefan Год назад
@@rosemiller417 Yeah... truly hope she has to go through the ordeal of implants, and the additional care those require.
@christinewolfe5481 Год назад
Maybe. If she took a plea or paid a fine for some low-level offense (disturbing the peace, e.g.), then OP's participation may not have been necessary.
@greatprofessorbias414 Год назад
I swear Story 4 and 5 really make my blood boil at times. Showing decency and kindness to a person is now considered employment now? That a person's mind goes 'Oh, they must work here because no one is kind for free' is really sad.
@realulli Год назад
I've never experienced that, but I've been asked for help from employees (ok, she was short and couldn't reach the last pack on a high shelf) and did help them...
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
It's because they are so evil themselves that they wouldn't be decent to someone unless they gained some major benefit....and since they think they are better than everyone else they assume that everyone is just as horrible as they are.
@LazyIRanch Год назад
I live near a small town that has a large gated retirement community. When I go shopping there, I look for elderly people who obviously need help reaching something, or lifting a case of water, etc. Often, they ask me because I'm tall. I'm a woman in my 60s, so it won't be long that I will need assistance. I feel that I'm less scary than a strange man offering help. Who knows, maybe we really do score karma points! It costs nothing to be nice.
@SanghaBlack Год назад
I agree with you. I believe words like "kindness" or "generosity" don't exist in these people's vocabulary. 😔
@Keiji555 Год назад
I am glad that story 3 went the way it did. As OP mentioned, usually between a man and a woman, the man is deemed guilty. But getting hit by that slap and the witness behind the witch screaming about what happened, he protected himself in a way that his head injury couldn't measure up to: legal ramification. And with what happened, him taking down his attacker was now considered self-defense. That woman that witnessed the entire thing is the hero of the hour.
@Wolvesbane39 Год назад
Ok it doesn't matter WHAT reason someone has, even if they did work there, that NEVER gives someone the ok to assault someone. You never put your hands on someone like that.
@dinascharnhorst6590 Год назад
Oh, those last two stories! I actually applauded both of them. I have been to Guatemala, and even though there was a civil war going on at the time (this was 1979), the people I encountered were just lovely. In one village, my group was eating in a restaurant when I noticed an American--not a part of our group--berating the poor waitress because *she* couldn't speak English! I got pissed at his arrogance and ignorance (I was 16 and didn't care what anyone thought at that moment), and I went over to his table. I asked him what he wanted, pointing out items on the menu and ordered for him. I apologized to the waitress, and told her not all Americans were this rude. Then I turned to him and told him HE was the visitor in this country, and HE should be speaking HER language. I left him, hopefully a little more thoughtful and humble. The food was terrific.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
OP has a potential great source for Guatemalan coffee there! 😎
@AdamIsNotHere Год назад
Not only did the second story girl get assaulted once from Karen but another time from police as well. 👌
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
That Karen deserves getting clubbed, should do jailtime.
@ghislainedefeligonde5166 Год назад
Exactly, I hate that they treated the assault victim like shit because of stereotyping.
@ninirossau2304 Год назад
@@ghislainedefeligonde5166 I think I know this name. you are a beautifull rose.
@stewart2589 Год назад
@@ghislainedefeligonde5166 Anerican police are too judgmental
@ghislainedefeligonde5166 Год назад
@@stewart2589 In this case not just American police, sadly.
@thomas.parnell7365 Год назад
If some Karen trys slapping you for no reason female or not your first reaction will be to defend yourself.
@DoctorOaks Год назад
It would be nice if it worked that way, but if he defended himself and there WEREN'T any cameras he's probably right that people would assume that HE attacked HER.
@thomas.parnell7365 Год назад
@@DoctorOaks perhaps yes maybe not just know that by my immediate reaction if she's obviously not trying to warn you of some immediate danger eg a tidal wave .eg snap out of your trance or your dead type event.
@jacklow9611 Год назад
I was taught all my life that it was not right to hit a woman unless she hit me first, and at that point, all bets were off.
@thomas.parnell7365 Год назад
@@jacklow9611 agreed
@martinwalker9386 Год назад
Walmart vest: I try to be polite, however I can go from 0 to 100 very rapidly. The instant she accused me of lying I would likely be heard throughout the shopping floor, with language from 23 years in the military, describing where she was born and worked. And that level is only 90 of 100.
@hokutoulrik7345 Год назад
Yeahhhh, don't piss off a vet to the point our 'give a fu*k' meter hits zero. The ass chewing will be legendary.
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
"That's the third time he's fired me this week". 🤣🤣 Sounds like an injoke between the manager and OP!
@condorboss3339 Год назад
Story 2: Mandatory anger management and a fine FOR A SECOND OFFENCE? You have got to be kidding me.
@Foxxie0kun Год назад
Let's hope the third offense leads to at least a year of jail/prison.
@jaycraw6978 Год назад
Coming from someone who used to have frequent panic attacks... do you know how hard it is to frazzle someone out of one? That Karen was so crappy she managed to outrage someone to the point she got them out of a panic attack! Absolutely insane!!!!!
@thecookiemangaming5646 Год назад
Story #3: is it a bad thing when I heard she lost her front teeth I instantly started singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" in my head? 😂
@bloodwolfgaming9269 Год назад
No, because she deserved it.
@libbylandscape3560 Год назад
Me too🤣
@nadinesharp9766 Год назад
OMG. That didn't occur to me, but it's hilarious!
@notrom5731 Год назад
Story 2: Karen should have went to jail! How come people never learn that when a Karen assaults you, YOU SHOULD PRESS CHARGES, ALWAYS!!!
@bloodwolfgaming9269 Год назад
While you should always press charges, some people just handle stressful situations differently. If someone is the type of person to just avoid confrontations/drama/etc, then their first reaction will most likely be along the lines of "I just want this moment to be over with as quickly as possible so I can leave." So they wouldn't want to deal with the extra hassle of dealing with the process of pressing charges and whatnot, especially if the initial confrontation left them emotionally drained/frazzled.
@kb1kos Год назад
@#2: KAREN is judgemental, and thought you deserved her abuse, And no, KARENs don't learn. #4: OP is a god! That story made my day.
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
One of the most fun antiKarens I ever saw was a tiny girl defend herself. Usual no store uniform, Karen demanding the girl helps, et al. Now this girl was about 5ft tall, maybe about 18, very slender, and carrying her own shopping basket. The Horrible Harridan did the banshee shriek and grabbed the girl by the shoulder, and starts to spin her around. What I saw was the most beautiful right cross I had ever seen in my life, literally spinning the Harriden off her feet. Turns out the girl was the captain of the local girls boxing team.
@brendanboomhour7606 Год назад
Karen got Karma
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
@@brendanboomhour7606 And a sore jaw. Keep your hands to yourself Karen!
@terristroh3965 Год назад
Stop humoring the Karen’s! Make them pay by embarrassing them or prosecuting them. They’re like gremlins…don’t feed them!
@willem1642 Год назад
My theory about Karens is that when they were younger they were beautiful and used to always getting their way.
@seannash4695 Год назад
A friend was once getting a bit animated in his favorite honkytonk when he was asked to throw himself out. He quickly reached back and grabbed his shirt collar at the back and yanked it up and to one side escorting himself out to the humor of all his friends.
@HybridBattery Год назад
Re: the candle story: “Some people need a high five - in the face - with a chair.”
@kristiehoffrichter5874 Год назад
Story 2: Good on OP for attempting to defend themselves with a candle against their assaulter. Also hope OP is doing better. It worries me how the cops were quick to judge OP by their appearance, quick to assume things, to handcuffed and frisking them of personal belongings. :( Even more it really scary to think how close they came to believe Karen's lies and indirectly give her what she wanted, an innocent shopper getting framed for crime they didnt commit, her version of delusional justice for OP trying to defend themselves from her. Thank goodness the employees came to rescue.
@meh2510 Год назад
No community service, there's no telling what a Karen would consider community service. Lock her in a room for a few weeks with a group of other Karens and see which one Alphas all the others. Then give her a video compilation of her ordeal to see if she learned any empathy. Hmm, actually, this sounds like a pitch for a reality show.
@kristiehoffrichter5874 Год назад
@@meh2510 Your probably right and does sound like a reality show pitch. Imagine the amount of peo people whod pay to see the wild and all enrirled peoe in a ring and try to out karen the other. Or even male entitled people. but should put the audience behindvprotective glass juat in case. Even if they were given community service, possible chance they may pull their entitled behavior on the one supervise her or one of the other people who has to do service are high.
@nadinesharp9766 Год назад
@@kristiehoffrichter5874 Try again. This post is nearly unintelligible.
@kristiehoffrichter5874 Год назад
@@nadinesharp9766 I've removed some things from my comment.
@judymetzger7387 Год назад
And I would have the cops and trouble for profiling.
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
Same here
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 4 + 5: Like the past 300+ times shown on this subreddit (and some others), no good deed goes unpunished. I hate that Good Samaritans wind up being unwilling Karen magnets in the present day, with the Karens being ungrateful bastards that do not know what it means to treat people nicely
@PonyCraft Год назад
I just swing on people of they touch me without my consent in a malicious way. Cameras nowadays pick all of it up, the 2 times I've been assaulted by Karen's, both ended with an injured Karen in handcuffs. Just take absolute control before during and after the situation starts. That way, if it does take a turn into assault, you control the narrative.
@kevinkocher9347 Год назад
i would have sued the cops and the store
@elizabethcox5911 Год назад
Not the store, they're the ones that told the cops that they had video proof that the Karen was lying.
@kazekamiha Год назад
The cops no; they likey responded on what they knew and could see (Karen had a bloody mouth, remember) and when corrected they did the right thing.
@cdsatcher Год назад
@@kazekamiha Yeah- no. They immediately took Karen's words as fact, and didn't even bother to listen to OP's side. They are absolutely also at fault.
@pizzapartytime1826 Год назад
@@kazekamiha thank you! These people obviously aren’t cops.
@autonomouscollective2599 Год назад
@@kazekamiha I agree with you. It’s actually hard to immediately assess a situation and guess who’s at fault and who’s not. They have to go with what they’re seeing. Suing the cops would be futile and it’d probably be thrown out of court.
@jw4620 Год назад
Love the jar to the face! Those are heavy!
@shoto_simp4788 Год назад
Karen: I want to speak to the manager! Not you, because women can’t be managers Me: hello, I’m the manager
@jbgra2566 Год назад
I wonder how many times karens encounter people who work somewhere and lying that they don't, because how the heck they assume someone that says they don't work there actually works there.
@plastiqueneurosis Год назад
I find it interesting that people wear headphones in public to help with anxiety. Me personally I have to see and hear everything going on around me in case someone comes up behind me and either attacks me or pick pockets me. I also like hearing what people are saying about me from the isle over from me.
@pikagirl8224 Год назад
I wear headphones in private. Idk that I could wear them in public either. I used to like to wear my hair down to hide my face more and it made me feel more secure. Now I like having it up and being able to see everything better and be alerted to danger.
@damien678 Год назад
For some, it's sensory related. My sensory issues have made me panic and go into shutdown more than once while in a crowd, so not hearing all of that noise would help me function Also, those sorts of thoughts can hinder how some people function and make their anxiety worse unfortunately.
@Kayenne54 Год назад
"What you think of me is none of my business".
@plastiqueneurosis Год назад
@@Kayenne54 I had a response but your ignorance is none of my business. And I’m sure my life story is none of yours.
@realulli Год назад
Very similar feelings here, except I'm not interested if other people are talking about me. When I'm moving around, I need my ears. I will put my headphones (Bose QC-35 at the moment) on when I'm seated, e.g. in the train to tune out the noise, but when I'm getting ready to get off, I'm stowing them.
@kevinkocher9347 Год назад
if somone tries to slap you and threatening you punch em
@jamesonweimann4720 Год назад
And if the punch don’t work then grab a candle
@kevinkocher9347 Год назад
@@jamesonweimann4720 do what it takes
@awakeningtovacuity8372 Год назад
One of two things happens when I mistake another shopper for an employee. They either tell me they don't work there and i feel a little embarrassed, or (believe it or not, this happens more often) they just decide to help me and eventually I figure out that they're just customers too, and i still get a little embarrassed, but grateful. I can't find shit in big stores, so I do tend to ask for help from anyone who looks like they know their way around.
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
I have lost count of how many times I have approached and politely asked a fellow shopper if they could get something from a top shelf (and inevitably all the way to the back of the shelf) because they are taller than I am ..... and they smile and say "Sure, how many do you want?" I say, "Sometimes it sucks being 5'2"" and they say, "Being tall is no picnic either", we laugh and I say thanks, and we go on with our day. It's not all that hard to be pleasant when asking someone for some help.
@SoManyRandomRamblings Год назад
@@tinydancer7426 same being short myself I know this experience very well
@davidcox3076 Год назад
@@tinydancer7426 The last time I helped another customer it was a lady in the grocery store. She said she could see the label on the front of the top shelf for jars of olives. But couldn't see any from her height. I was able to reach to the back of the shelf and snag a couple of jars. She was grateful and it was quicker for her to ask me than to find an employee. Always happy to help.
@wmarkwitherspoon Год назад
Properly roasted Guatemalan Coffee is heavenly.
@snidecommenter7117 Год назад
Story #2? A slap on the wrist? Anger management? The karen didn't learn a flapping thing.
I would have demanded the badge numbers of all cops involved who just handcuffing someone having a panic attack like that.
@tetrathundaja Год назад
So ... The police confiscated OP's life saving medicine. Isn't that a lawsuit waiting to happen?
@markhorton3994 Год назад
By their survivors.
@bridgette6055 Год назад
Keep in mind those who say "oops, Sorry" don't write you so you only hear the extreme stories
@vulture3874 Год назад
Fair enough. But Karen's don't apologise.
@PowerStruggle555 Год назад
what do you call it when a Karen gets her 2 front teeth knocked out? an improvement
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
I'd call it a job only half finished...
@realulli Год назад
"A start"
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
The Yankees Candle story and the Walmart story where Karen gets injured. Tho I do not support the violence and violence against women. I am happy they got hurt as well. Maybe and just maybe them getting hurt (maybe worse) hopefully will get them to rethink the next time they want to do something.
@paul16451 Год назад
I have strict personal rules for myself of when I will never, ever go places.l just because of incidents like these. My wife knows never to ask me to do any of these. Ever. 1. Visit any grocery store between the Saturday before Thanksgiving and the end of Thanksgiving day, the Saturday before Christmas through the end of Christmas Day, and the Saturday just before Easter. 2. Visit any retail establishment any weekend from Thanksgiving Day through Christmas, or any day from the Saturday before Christmas through the day after Christmas. 3. Visit a Disney park during any major holiday period. 4. I used to also have a rule to never to go near a theater (including any nearby stores) during opening weekend of a major blockbuster film, but since most theaters have reserved seating that you buy online now, which means the line to get the best seats no longer happens, this rule no longer applies. By contrast, I absolutely LOVE visiting the grocery store on Black Friday. You honestly can't get better deals on food than that day. Seems to be a secret that most people don't want to spread. Aisles are wide and deserted, carts are plentiful, and what are often considered Thanksgiving staples are deeply discounted. I've been able to get as much as 85% off a whole fresh turkey!
@GeorgieB1965 Год назад
Last story: Guatemalan coffee puts every other coffee to shame. Cafe at my job before lockdown carried and the stuff was so strong that it actually had me wired for the rest of the day and night.
@croquels1 Год назад
PM me and I'll send a sapler package from HERE Guatemala!
@stevepardis3244 Год назад
I agree about the Guatemalan coffee. I buy whole bean and grind what I need every morning.
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
Story 2 if that was me I would had gotten the cops fired for wrongful arrest
@tamimiceli637 Год назад
You sound like a democrat you must be one. Let the cops do their jobs!
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
Why isn't the reply I got not showing
@PonyCraft Год назад
Spam comment. And yeah, that department needs a lawsuit for not investigating before cuffing and manhandling someone
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
@@PonyCraft ty for agreeing i just hope the original poster did file a lawsuit though
@bloodwolfgaming9269 Год назад
@@PonyCraft To be fair, in a lot of situations, if police come up to an assault moment where one individual is clearly hurt, there is a high chance they will cuff the other individual as a safety precaution before asking to get the story from both sides. Though, I agree that in the case here, it sounds like the officers could have handled the situation better.
@TheMeJustMe75 Год назад
I used to work at Walmart years ago. Right after I quit, there was an assistant manager who would see me and start barking orders at me. I would say "I don't work here anymore! I quit." He would just say " Whatever, just do what I told you to do!" then he would walk off. The next time I was in there with my girlfriend, he saw me and started yelling at me because I didn't do what he told me last time and he got written up for it. I just laughed and told him again that I don't work there anymore. He grabbed my arm and I told him if he didn't let go I would break his nose in front of everyone. Another manager was walking by and saw me. She smiled and said "So how does it feel to be free from this place?" The manager who had ahold of my arm just looked at me and let go. I platted him on the shoulder and said "You're just a moron!" and I walked off.
@birdie8844 Год назад
I would’ve had the exact same reaction as story 2 op. If someone touches me my first reaction is to swing around and punch them
@BlackClaws Год назад
Also, these people that cannot seem to understand the idea of helping another person because you want to, not because it is your job to. The world would be a MUCH better place if people learned to help others freely, all the time and without expectation of reward. Maybe you do not become a billionaire by doing that, but you do enrich the lives of everyone and yourself. Hell, you could change the world.
@damien678 Год назад
I swear this is much more of a U.S. phenomenon because us Aussies typically help others out just cause. If I were in need of help I'd trust a stranger here, honestly, but probably wouldn't in the states
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
​@@damien678 same here in northern Europe
@BlackClaws Год назад
@@damien678 Much truth to that I fear. My parents raised me in the light of helping other people when I can, and yes, I have been burned by that a few times, but regardless, I persist. Any rate, best to not trust an American blindly, even take this one with a grain of salt. I used to be proud of my country, to believe in the lies we told ourselves. Now, now I wish to fight to make into truths all those feigned ideals: Life, Liberty & Equality for all, not some. I hope I am not alone, lest it be a short battle indeed.
@damien678 Год назад
@@BlackClaws My U.S. friends are some of the best people I know. You absolutely aren't alone, and I hope you, they, and others like you can make your country better for you all!
@Salicat99 Год назад
"It looked like her soul left her body," wait ... she had a soul to begin with?????
@aqacefan Год назад
More like an a-soul.
@Salicat99 Год назад
@@aqacefan 😀 😍
@SargeWolf010 Год назад
Story 2: Id sue the police, the karen, and the yankee store for that fin bs Story 3: is the result of not getting your asses whooped like I did growing up
@xenaguy01 Год назад
9:05 Funniest thing about this story? When it was over, a Walmart commercial started playing on my phone.
@Akumu2200 Год назад
Several years ago, my now ex-girlfriend went to Guatemala on a mission trip with her church. Back than, I drank a lot more coffee than I do now. She actually brought me back a bag of Guatemalan coffee beans so that I can have some. That coffee is really delicious and I still have the beans in a bag so that I can brew me up a cup if I feel like it.
@shartazokhan1043 Год назад
For some reason, my coworkers still don't understand why I refuse to wear my uniform outside of work.
@mizukageezay2243 Год назад
I love how the old woman couldn’t speak enough English to get help but knew enough to help the man outta trouble
@AlexZuroff Год назад
I can't be the only one refreshing YT every few minutes waiting for our daily DarkFluff hit, right?
@carrienoyes2785 Год назад
I listen to it on lunch to boost my day!
@Jevans47403 Год назад
They’re also on Spotify podcast
@AlexZuroff Год назад
@@Jevans47403 Cool! I did not know that.
@Jevans47403 Год назад
@@AlexZuroff I found that out in one of the videos today. Look up DarkFluff
@tracysandborg7840 Год назад
Story 2 - she needs some jail time. You don’t get to just lay hands on people.
@pequena_ninera Год назад
The coffee is really good. I've had it as I always grind my own coffee beans. It's one of my favorites to drink.
@delphinelavendermorgan4627 Год назад
The old lady in the last story is my hero and giving me hope in humanity
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
Baffles me that someone can't understand the simple concept in such a phrase like "I don't work here"
@BritInvLvr Год назад
I love the stories. They’re very entertaining. However, I have never had these types of experiences talked about in IDWH…and …I’ve been asking people if they have. Some will say that they have been asked for help but when told that they don’t work there, the person just says sorry and walks away. My best friend who had worked in retail for years, gets asks a lot and she goes around helping people but she likes telling people where to go. Lol
@shannonp1656 Год назад
I had someone argue with me about working somewhere that I did not work, but it was many, many years ago. I was active duty military and in uniform at the time.
@dustytables3638 Год назад
I work for a large, national phone company. I learned real fast, do NOT wear our dark blue uni shirts into Walmart and same goes for the Orange shirts into HD. My partner and I, when we forgot, would make a game out of it and, when asked 'where is X?' simply direct the victim to the farthest corner of the store. Years ago I was slapped by an irate customer, another Tech had infuriated her and I happened to walk in next....cracked across the the face! I'm retiring soon....
@kryw10 Год назад
I have a feeling that OP in that last story has more than ONE epic tale from that weekend. 😂
@suruha2306 Год назад
Wow! One can meet the nicest people while encountering a Karen!
@A_Borden_History Год назад
Story 1 : OP should have lawyered up and sued the cops for police brutality, They had her on the ground, cuffed, with no proof she did anything
@KonDragon008 Год назад
Story 2: Honestly, I'm more pissed off at the way the police handled it. This is one reason why I, someone who suffers from panic attacks and have autism on top of that, is afraid to go do any shopping or anything out there on my own. Cops have no freaking clue how to handle someone having a (legit) mental breakdown, and oftentimes just makes it worse.
@eveleen18 Год назад
I'm so glad people where I'm from are mostly courteous and polite, apologizes when corrected and all 🙄
@JackieOwl94 Год назад
That woman in story 2 needs to be locked away. If she makes a habit of it, she’s a threat to society. A few weeks in jail will teach her a lesson. Community service won’t do crap for people with that entitled attitude. But the fact that the cop refused to listen to the OP’s side of the story was infuriating. They just wanted an arrest.
@phylliskress2296 Год назад
Concerning the last story, I wonder if the OP asked the elderly lady what company her coffee came from so he could purchase some more of the coffee he was treated to. Not to ask for a discount, but to purchase small amounts of it along with other items the company sells. Two birds, one stone you could say. 😍
@neilprice513 Год назад
At University I had really long hair, to the point if I wasn't careful I would sit on it and cause me to pull my head back. I was a fat, tall, bearded young man with long hair that looked more like a biker than an employee of any store. I once had a Karen pull my ponytail hard because she thought I was an employee and wanted me to get her something. It frikkin hurt like a mutha humper. That Karen was arrested for assault of me, of the manager of the shop and of a police officer. She went completely nuts. I cut off my long hair after that
@carlablair9898 Год назад
That is awful. You should not have had to do that.
@neilprice513 Год назад
@@carlablair9898 She ripped my scalp rather badly. I had to shave my head so they would heal properly.
@FallenMuse81 Год назад
Story 2 I would have done the exact same thing with whatever I had and then after I put that Karen on the floor then I'd proceed to have a seizure because people touching me from behind kicks in that instinct of fear.
@jameygroves8561 6 месяцев назад
What amazes me the most is how so many of these lunatics think they have the power to get someone fired.
@Orxenhorf Год назад
Story 2 - Those f-ing cops need to be taught a lesson. Cuffing a person based off of prejudice and taking away prescription medication is totally unacceptable! The Karen should have also gotten more than just anger management if she had a past history.
@bleachfan2.029 Год назад
They have to detain the assailant until they are proven innocent it’s protocol so they can’t slip away during any confusion stop assuming everything the police do is racist related
@mrhallman64 Год назад
Lol, several times, people think I work in stores and seem confused when I either tell them I don't know or I don't work here.
@blackstone1a Год назад
I’ve said it several times but it’s just a matter of time till a Karen assaults someone and catches a round to the dome
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
And it would be too long in coming if it happened yesterday.
@PonyCraft Год назад
Story 2: sue, all three, the Karen and the cops, and the store. The store should have informed cops before arrival. Cops need to investigate before detainment
@okie-kan9240 Год назад
How do you feel bad about hurting someone that has hurt you? That makes no sense.
@camwyn256 Год назад
I've worked a fair amount of retail. Not once have I or anyone I know pretended to not work there while on the clock. Helping customers is nice, even the crummy ones. It breaks up the monotony
@s0lastsummer7 Год назад
Daaaaaamn, I'm only halfway through this video and we've already got two knocked out teeth and a candle to the face?! It's winners' day on DarkFluff, baby!!! 🤘🏼😂
@kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 Год назад
Oh thank god! I thought because he had to deal with that Karen the op didn't get to buy the Spider-Man playset cuz it got sold out! I am so glad he was able to purchase that!
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Story three.... I'd tell her, "You get first slap. I get second!" 😡
@cynthiawhite4796 Год назад
Oh, the first one. I've been waiting for a manager and customer to do an obvious mock firing for some Karen. Finally.
@endergaist Год назад
''that´s the third time he´s fired me this week'' this Certainly was hilarious to the others customers
@ryaniko94brglowingkitty68 Год назад
15:45 but this?... This does put a smile on my face Like really so sweet
@harleyquinn5774 Год назад
Pathological Narcissists believe their victims must stay quiet and accept physical acts of abuse.
@Xenobears Год назад
Thankfully, I haven’t had to deal with a real Karen as of yet. The few times I’ve been mistaken for a store employee, I was able to say “sorry, but I don’t work here.” And people would back down. I’ll answer questions if I can, but that’s about the extent of the situation in the vast majority of cases.
@barrymccarty640 Год назад
Old lady: sometimes it takes more than one to defeat a Karen.
@conundrum60690 Год назад
The cops just arresting her without even getting her side of the argument is exactly why they need stricter controls. Both women are citizens and you are NOT the demolition man
@GothicElf68 Год назад
Considering she had priors for this type of assault, she got off too easy for only getting a fine and anger management classes. She deserves jail time along with the previous.
@kaziglu8344 Год назад
for the hair pulling Karen story, if I was OP I would have put in a complaint against the cops for not allowing me to give my side and for denying me necessary medication. I would also ask the store to perma ban Karen. For the slapping Karen story, any guy can relate to OP, gender bias is VERY prevalent in society to the point that a guy can barely even say hello to some women without being accused of assault/rape/stalking and the cops listen to the women first and sometimes they don't listen to anyone else or look at video footage.
@hcook1023 Год назад
These have actually been common but it would only be the small town gossip or the victim being arrested, but the internet brought it out
@timothywilliams2252 Год назад
I swear... After 8-years in retail hardware (between Home Depot and Ace), former retail workers need a support group--like the molested, combat veterans, incest-survivors, and such! The amount of verbal abuse from customers, alone, is staggering! At one point, in dealing with an especially abusive customer, I turned on him and said, "If I wasn't wearing this stupid orange apron, you would NOT be talking to me this way!" Thankfully, this customer saw the wisdom of my words, and I did not lose my job... But, still, there are many more sadistic customers out there that want to make your life miserable.
@emo565 Год назад
The old lady in the last story is a boss. I’m willing to bet if she was 10 years younger she probably would have thrown hand on the Karen lol
@meruliouslacrimens5154 Год назад
In 1972 i was in a huge D.I.Y. store in my home town, (Wickes), UK. I was looking at wood, i was wanting some battens but was having trouble finding any straight ones, having taken all the bent and twisted ones out and put them on the floor. I was interrupted in my daydream by what i can only describe as an "Oik". A spotty youth employed in Wickes at a saturday job who said to me loudly so everybody within earshot could hear, " What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I reacted to the f bomb by replying only louder, "Well actually i was looking for a straight piece of wood, but as you only seem to have twisted, bent, banana shaped ones, i suggest you make yourself useful instead of swearing at customers and put them back on the fucking shelf yourself. I am going somewhere else where i may find a straight bit of wood!!" As i walked off i heard several people comment and i got a round of applause. I went to a local timberyard about three miles away and got exactly what i wanted and they were very helpful and laughed when i recounted my tale.
@davidpumpkinsjr.5108 4 месяца назад
Unnecessary necessities... I'm going to have to remember that one.
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