
r/EntitledPeople - Smug Karen Thinks She OWNS a Plane! Everyone Must OBEY HER. 

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21 сен 2024




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@greymalkin9228 10 месяцев назад
"If you don't eat them I'm never coming to this house again!" "Your terms are acceptable."
@shadowwriter329 10 месяцев назад
“I fail to see a downside to this.”
@BloodThirstyAvengers 7 месяцев назад
"Ok then. Now get the f**k out."
@nicolasjoly6948 6 месяцев назад
It's unbeliveable that the whole familly cave in on that. I almost throw up just by the description of the recipies! Before he gave the ingredient, I was wondering why he was describing the sweetpotatoes as "teeth falling sugary sweet".... Now I know and regret that I know.
@WLily68 6 месяцев назад
“Don’t tease me with a good time!”
@iononcantomascrivo 4 месяца назад
I had a relative like that. When she threatened to never come to another family get together again (which she consistently turned into her one-woman show where she talked about herself and turned every conversation into an opportunity to hear the sound of her own voice), I didn't give her a reaction. Which is exactly what she wanted. She was waiting for me to say something smart and when I finally did, she wasn't ready for it. “How is not dealing with you in any way, shape or form a bad thing?” She turned beet red and I continued: “No one likes you. Not even your stepdaughter who you consistently abused until she was old enough to finally move out. Didn't think I knew about that did you? The ONLY reason you're even part of this family is because you stole your husband away from his first wife. You're an aging tramp.” I stood up from the table pushing my chair back and went out to my car. I went home and drank a beer. To hell with her.
@silverwolf2676 10 месяцев назад
Story 5 that family needs to grow some balls and stop lying for the sake of the aunt's fragile ego.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 10 месяцев назад
Exactly. Those behaviors of ignoring/giving in are what create Karens
@impishrebel5969 10 месяцев назад
@@SoManyRandomRamblings OR, and this is wild, they were narcissists from the beginning and cause so much stink and drama over the years that everyone gets extremely tired of dealing with constantly living in fight or flight mode. It's a common tactic by narcissists, they create drama any time they don't get their way consistently and constantly to the point everyone around them is conditioned to accept that behavior as it's the lesser between that and having a campaign of mental trauma launched for months or even years. People wonder why there's so much enabling and it's because it's far, far easier humoring someone they have to only put up with for a few hours once a year rather than deal with someone going into screaming hysterics and ending up with police being called since it escalates to that point as they have no bounds to which they won't sink. I've had to deal with this for decades. Look up some psychology.
@SoManyRandomRamblings 10 месяцев назад
@@impishrebel5969 you keep giving in to children and creating them...then claim whatever. 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️
@SeanBZA 10 месяцев назад
@@impishrebel5969 Yes best to not go next year, citing her as reason, and let them handle the fallout, because when they phone you tell them they caused this, they can live with it, and you are just going to watch with popcorn as they are forced to accept that they enabled it. Block her phone number first.....
@constancepeterson6156 9 месяцев назад
Silver..every one walks on egg shell when you relative like that. To stop being emotional blackmailed you have just not give into them.
@breckinmeyerstan1145 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: There's two options: Tell her no one will miss her and to gtfo or, and I would rather do that, next time you see her and she asks, tell her you're diabetic. Tally up all the medical cost, talk about your life that is permanently altered, full on screaming fit, tears, snot, calling her horrible names, an entitled b*tch, a psychopath, the whole shabang. Then storm out. Bonus points for causing as much mess and confusion as possible.
@shendisackett 10 месяцев назад
I was so cross with him for caving in and wating that side dish from hell! Once she kept on like that I would probably have snapped and told her the truth that everyone hated it and she knows that so why keep making it.
@AnimeFreak40K 10 месяцев назад
@@shendisackett Yeah, same! I was legit expecting OP to just go "No, thank you." and then get up from the table if she (and/or the rest of the family) kept insisting.
@TheNickys68chevy 10 месяцев назад
For story 5, next year op needs some serum of ipecap (spelling is wrong). This may cause op to projectile vomit.
@am80ma 10 месяцев назад
or OP could just not show up?? sounds like everyone in OP's family is a nightmare, not sure why OP wants to even visit them.... so I'd say that's OPs own fault for not having a spine... I'm mean seriously, what are they going to do if OP doesn't show up.. this is as much as OP's fault as the rest of the family
@BCFBreakfastClubFan 10 месяцев назад
That story made me sad. Sweet potato casserole is _amazing_ when made right. My boyfriend's cousin makes it for holidays and puts pecans on top, ub addition to sweet potatoes, marshmallow and brown sugar. (Pretty sure no maple syrup.) The fact that someone could ruin such a delicious dish just gives me second-hand resentment.
@michaelpalmer9997 10 месяцев назад
Story 5. I would take a bite then spit it out saying "I've never eaten dog sh*t, but I imagine it tastes just like that" and then walk out.
@shadowwriter329 10 месяцев назад
That is an insult to dogs, even they don’t eat something that bad.
@benmac940 10 месяцев назад
Why the hell would you put sugar maple syrup and marshmallows on potato of any sort
@vicious_cycle 10 месяцев назад
​@@benmac940Because sweet potatoes, as the name suggests, are disgustingly sweet. So why not add more sugar to that pile of diabetes?
@ElleD308 10 месяцев назад
I mean she's almost 40 and still decided to play her games because yet family was being pushy? Hahaha haha omg.... Why is she whining about the monster she keeps feeding?
@lynnw7155 10 месяцев назад
SOMEONE needs to stand up to that woman. The whole family is vile. I'd stop visiting the family when Aunt was there.
@makaylaforbes6719 10 месяцев назад
I can see how airline Karen keeps missing her flights. She doesn't. She just keeps getting "upgraded" to the terminal
@SecretSquirrelFun 10 месяцев назад
Exactly what I was thinking. She may well have slept in the terminal, but only due to her own rude behaviour and treatment of others. STRANGER DANGER!! 🤣🤣🤣
@diamondjim7560 9 месяцев назад
I heard this story many times. It’s an oldie but goodie. I just wish there was another part to this story when she got to the other side of the jetway, marching up to the desk cutting off others and demanding “her upgrade”. Then being told to wait there when security walks up to escort her and the brat out of the airport. Even better this would have been a terrific video… the whole thing. The screaming, the lawsuit threats, her rights being violated, yada, yada.
@anzient76 3 месяца назад
Rumour has it that she and her daughter is still at the terminal.
@joeybabybaby5843 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: OP had another option: Malicious compliance. While frowning and scowling, eat the very smallest piece that you can. Wince and moan while chewing. Gag while swallowing and tell Aunty, while wincing and gagging, that it's delicious (just like Mama told you to do), and jump up and run to the bathroom. Flush several times.
@ThomasHDBass 10 месяцев назад
There is another option for malicious compliance in the story: Tell the aunt in advance, that you are not going to eat her abomination.
@susangrande8142 8 месяцев назад
I love it!! 🤣😝
@BgStalker 5 месяцев назад
@@ThomasHDBass Or act as an adult and just say NO thanks.
@adriannaranjo4397 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: Everyone sucks here Family hates aunt's "food" just as much as OP but still bend the knee. Even forcing a 40 year old man to eat like he's a 4 year old. Also OP needs to find his spine and just say no
@ostlandr 9 месяцев назад
OP needs to go no-contact with that awful family.
@constancepeterson6156 9 месяцев назад
Adrian, 4 year olds should not be forced to eat something sweet or horrible either.
@trillionbones89 9 месяцев назад
Agreed, op is very pathetic.
@HarryFrost-qu8th 10 месяцев назад
Oh for god’s sake op grow a pair! If your aunt throws that “If you don’t eat my sweet toxic waste potatoes then I am never coming here again” just say to her “don’t let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out and learn to cook!”
@zachary6425 10 месяцев назад
Damn right
@katerinak96 10 месяцев назад
Agreed, I got frustrated listening to the post.
@zachary6425 10 месяцев назад
Or tell her to go on hell's kitchen and serve it to Gordon Ramsey. Let's see how that goes. I would love to see that episode.
@JDarach 10 месяцев назад
Or they could just stop being such a sugar-hating snob.
@MsTemptation 10 месяцев назад
Hell he could have told her to not threaten him with a good time. Instead he folded like a deck of cards. All of that sass for nothing.🥴
@MetroCSN 10 месяцев назад
For 50 years, I worked Thanksgiving to avoid the family drama. I took a double shift from 7 am to 10:30pm every Thanksgiving just so I wouldn't have to deal with the obnoxious relatives who say the same horrible things every year. I'm now the patriarch of the family and spend my Thanksgivings the last 3 years playing with my little great-nephews.
@MrBounceoutboi 10 месяцев назад
Story 3: Karen: just wait till you hear from my lawyer " The lawyer: I'm sorry for my clients actions, she's incompetent
@BadJimmiZ 10 месяцев назад
Lol,, and wouldn't contacting a Lawyer cost way more than a Hoodie,, stupid people,,😂😂😂😂
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
I'd love it if the lawyer takes Karen's case, charging her for every minute of legal service. 😂 So what if he loses the case, she'll pay.
@condorboss3339 10 месяцев назад
@@lancerevell5979 " _I am sorry madam, but you do not have a case. In fact, the employee could sue you for barratry_ " " _I will be sending you my bill $450/hr with a three hour minimum_ "
@maryjoyspohrer256 10 месяцев назад
@Josh_the_jester 10 месяцев назад
Actually I hope that lawyer takes payment in advance, so he can defend her case knowing they'll lose, and take her money
@JonBerry555 10 месяцев назад
With story 1, I'm a Christian, and I once had a Christian proselytize to me and this was after I told them I attend Church. I probably wasn't the right denomination for her (never told her which denomination so she probably assumed non-denominational) and thus she though she could convert me. People like that exist and it does not matter they just want something they think they can hold over you. With his type of person, its not altruistic and actually about saving your Soul, but rather its about what power they can have over you to make themselves look better and have more prestige and power. It this is not exclusive to religion, but to any type of social community, this type of person if they were not using religion, they would use politics, a community group, or something else.
@DarkKnight52365 10 месяцев назад
those kind of people are the one who use their religion as a weapon to discriminate against others even though it goes against the teaching of their holy book
@JonBerry555 10 месяцев назад
@@DarkKnight52365 100% correct. And to confirm, no where in the Bible does it say be a dick when sharing your faith. It does say to share one's faith, but not being a dick is said a lot more (though normally with much more poetic language).
@brianvance1178 10 месяцев назад
My response that person would be “have it your way then. /Through the power of Satan, I free you from the bonds of slavery to your false god. The Power of Satan Liberates You (repeat 3x like I’m performing an exorcism)!/“
@paulagoeringer9466 10 месяцев назад
It's crazy that "christians" will do that to one another just because they're not the "right" type of christian. I imagine GOD is none too pleased with us in fighting over petty manmade rules and tribalism.
@nannamoates2518 10 месяцев назад
I was told once that I seemed to be a nice person, and it was a shame I wasn't a real Christian. I could then see why her group were often laughed at locally.
@Eric1SanDiego1 10 месяцев назад
"It's her pride and joy 'side dish' that she insists on bringing to every Thanksgiving instead of burying it with shame in the backyard with the rest of the fertilizer where it belongs." DAYUM, that's some good writing from OP 🤩
@chrisengland5523 6 месяцев назад
I agree. This is definitely one of the better written stories.
@SappyDuder 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: how does OP stay around these people, they sound insufferable. How does he resist saying "no, its one of the worst things I've tasted in my life. I don't like it, nobody likes it and they talk shit about you once you're gone. The wasted time you spent making this could've been spent learning the skills to make something safe for at least animal consumption. If you promise to bring this ever again, I promise I won't be here ever again."
@PuppyKatt 10 месяцев назад
Living within driving distance does not obligate one to automatically go and visit, or answer the door when they try to visit.
@carlacook5181 10 месяцев назад
Hahaha, good one!
@trillionbones89 9 месяцев назад
That's because op is not someone worth of respect. He accepts this treatment and continues to go to these "family" events. He complains about going into debt to finance the gifts, too. He is 40yo. He should be standing in his own life, but standing is difficult without a backbone. He is pathetic.
@merlinathrawes746 10 месяцев назад
Hoodie story: If she was actually stupid enough to contact a lawyer, I'd like to overhear that conversation. Middle seat story: As soon as the flight attendant mentioned an upgrade I knew it was a ruse to get them off the plane. There were no upgrades as the flight was full and there were people on standby which means no other seats available. Niether Karen or OP was paying attention to that. Sweet Potato story: Have someone pass you the dish and when you get it, take it to the kitchen, dump it in the trash and take your leave. As you leave tell your aunt you hope she was serious about never showing up again. Then start making plans to move.
@peterhobson3262 10 месяцев назад
I had a sister in law who insisted on everyone trying her sweet potato casserole, similar to the one in the story. I took one small mouthful, spit it out, and told her it was the most god-awful thing I'd had in years and she should be ashamed of herself by pretending that it was actual food! She said it was delicious, so I scooped what was on my plate, dumped it on hers, and said, "Bon appétit," My mother in law said that I was being disrespectful and I told her, "Damn right, I don't respect garbage or people who put garbage on my plate, expecting me to eat it." That was the last time SIL's sweet potato casserole appeared at a family dinner. Why yes, I am an AH.
@merlinathrawes746 10 месяцев назад
@@peterhobson3262Well done!
@mickieswendsen1302 9 месяцев назад
@rebekah.2187 9 месяцев назад
If OP moves, he'll be in trouble for not telling Awful Aunt that he was moving and he should come to Thanksgiving just to eat his portion. 😂
@DarkEinherjar 10 месяцев назад
Story 1 is why I stopped giving stuff to people on the street. Mankind sucks.
@SuperNovaKat64 10 месяцев назад
I was homeless for years at 18. It sucks when people see homeless as less than human.. But unfortunately there are people who act like that and on top of that the misinformation about Homelessness...
@chiefkickabitchoftheslapah9251 10 месяцев назад
I never give moochers money, not anymore that is. I learned the hard way. Now that Christmas is coming, the parasites are coming out in force. Instead of money, I give them a piece of my mind by telling them what I think of them.
@DarkEinherjar 10 месяцев назад
@@SuperNovaKat64 After one threatened to assault me because I didn't give her enough money, one tried to rob me and another scammed me, I don't trust ANY of them.
@SuperNovaKat64 10 месяцев назад
@@DarkEinherjar understandable given what you went through. Most homeless folks are just people struggling. The majority of people I met while homeless were just people trying to get by. Honestly, after the way I was treated while homeless, I ended up not trusting police or people. Because people will treat you like you're nothing when you're homeless. Just existing will get you dirty looks and threats. I still have trouble seeing people with money without feeling sick with worry. And I have money now. (though we're still very broke)
@SuperNovaKat64 10 месяцев назад
@@chiefkickabitchoftheslapah9251 I never wanted to die more than when I was homeless and it was usually because I was made to believe by people with your mindset that I was worthless..
@gamester512 10 месяцев назад
*Story 1:* As soon as she asked *"Are you Christian?"* I would have said: *"That's none of your business."* and kept walking. And if she still tried to block me in, I would have taken a picture of her license plate and then told her if she didn't leave me alone, I would report her to the police for harassment, and if she didn't take the hint, I would have gotten into my car, locked the door, and done just that.
@ambriasaunders1869 10 месяцев назад
Story 5. I would have walked out. I am EXTREMELY sensitive to the tastes and textures of food. I can't pretend I like something that I hate. Why does she want to be lied to anyway?!
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
I'd have no problem telling Awnty she is being extremely rude, forcing food on someone who DOES NOT like it. 😡
@paulagoeringer9466 10 месяцев назад
It's a control thing. Most narcissists will demand their way, demand praise for it and will play the victim to get their way. They'll throw a fit about it until everyone gives in. Rinse and repeat.
@Gwennedd 10 месяцев назад
Same. I would have simply left. And moved again as soon as I could. Who needs a family like that?
@kisstune 9 месяцев назад
You just have them pass it then let it slip and spill or drop onto the floor and then blame it on the shakes and blurry vision from being per-diabetic.
@raeshavalta2898 9 месяцев назад
I’m right with you there! I’d have walked out after telling her that I’d rather not have a diabetic coma just to satisfy her smug entitled @$$ cuz unlike her I actually care about my body & health & if eating this sugar nightmare means the difference between seeing her or not then I’d rather NOT see her & miss out on the big nothing that she does for me. I don’t really have a problem with refusing to put up with the fake entitlement of my relatives as I’ve cut them out of my life entirely cuz of it since I was old enough to have a say in my own life. My relatives are entitled jerks & have been since before I was born. My cousins are entitled too & I’ve never bothered to care about any of them since it’s all really about how much more important they are than I am or how much more money they have or whatever else they come up with. My mom still tries to get me to go visit them like for holidays & I always refuse. I don’t need to sit quietly in obedience when they just want to brag & judge me anyway. Their advice is really just another way to pass judgement on you or imply that you’re failing somewhere & it’s a miracle that they’re there to put you on the right path in life… 🙄
@garystein8610 10 месяцев назад
The sweet potato story: There is another option, but you're not going to like it. "So, how are my world-famous sweet potatoes?" "I'm so sorry to say this, Auntie, but theyre way too sweet. I can't handle this much sugar, but thank you for making it. I'm sure that someone else would love to take my portion home for later."
@tmntfangirl4700 10 месяцев назад
Story 4 - That was brilliant! At least OP got a peaceful flight out of it.
@kevinkunkel9444 10 месяцев назад
What's more Christian? Giving money to the poor or telling people that they're going to Hell?
@jameswade2613 10 месяцев назад
According to Karen telling people there going to hell is more important, because "you need to believe what i believe because i'm alway right".
@paulagoeringer9466 10 месяцев назад
Yeah, that's not exactly giving off good Christian vibes. Being holier than thou never is. Being kind and thankful is. Sharing your faith is fine as long as you're not shoving it down anyone's throat. It's about the free will to choose. Trying to force it will have the opposite effect. You're supposed to be a good example, not a tyrant.
@150booyadragon 10 месяцев назад
The latter lmfao
@therealmaizing5328 10 месяцев назад
@@paulagoeringer9466 Exactly. The Karen in that story gives Christians a bad name.
@SuperNovaKat64 10 месяцев назад
In my experience it's real "christian" to tell people they're going to hell. I would argue those people aren't true Christians though.
@darniataylor7749 10 месяцев назад
I would not be *forced* to eat something I do not want. And if your family is *so* concerned about her feelings and not your health, the next time she threatened not to come back, I'd stand up and say that she can stay, but *I'm* leaving!
@jodilynnt9418 10 месяцев назад
My grandmother made nut encrusted oyster stuffing every-single-holiday🤢 I became good at moving elaborate holiday foods around my plate to made it appear I’d tried various evil holiday dishes until one day I was caught. I was a divorced mom of 2 kids. We always brought basic homemade biscuits, homemade pumpkin & apple pies, nothing fancy. My kids also hated the evil overly fancy holiday dishes. During our family holiday meal my kids asked me if they were moving food around like I’d explained, so they accidentally outed me. I had to explain to my grandma & our relatives that the three of us disliked their over-the-top food. They asked why I’d never said anything. We explained, me & my kids , that we never wanted to hurt their feelings, that we like simple foods, plain green beans, sweet potatoes baked with minimal butter, biscuits, turkey, gravy, pumpkin pie. It doesn’t need to be elaborate for us. Our relatives were shocked, but learned next holiday how much easier holiday prep became. Everyone was happier except grandma who continued to make her nut encrusted oyster stuffing. And we continued to move our oyster stuffing helping around our plates.
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
My Dad made oyster stuffing one year. One year. We all hated it, and we like both stuffing and oysters.... but never together! 😝
@jamiepatterson1214 9 месяцев назад
My mom made stuffing with oysters and the giblets. That was good eating.
@silverflight01 10 месяцев назад
Story 4: ALWAYS assume that every seat has been bought for by someone, even if it turns out that nobody actually booked that seat. If you're that concerned, just book all three (if you have the money and people to do so). Karen was literally asking to have some random person sit between her and her daughter. It's just stupid. Also, that "advice" was probably made by someone looking to cause trouble for s**ts and giggles.
@brianaschmidt910 10 месяцев назад
Actually, it is only because it makes it cheaper. And pray to God that there wasn't a person who bought the middle seat
@SeanBZA 10 месяцев назад
Plus being kicked off the flight automatically cancelled the tickets, with no refund, and also got both of them kicked out of the airport as well, along with being on the no fly list forever with that airline. as this is a regional, this means she will never fly out with that airport and airline again.
@GunbladeKnight 10 месяцев назад
The advice also includes switching with the person in the middle if someone does buy the seat.
@SeanBZA 10 месяцев назад
@@GunbladeKnight Well that would require actual thought on her part, she just read the first part, ignoring the rest, due to buffer overflow. Plus seems idiocity runs in the family, at least in the X chromosome line.
@tmntfangirl4700 10 месяцев назад
Last Story - If I had an aunt like that than that Aunt would NOT be welcome in my house. I’m surprised OP didn’t take a mouthful of the sweet potatoes and then threw them up on her when she smugly asked how they were.
@RudesMom 10 месяцев назад
Sadly, it's not his house. He needs to just have other plans that day since it sounds like the whole event is sh*tshow. Luckily, Covid is still a thing and he can have a relapse for Christmas (and every holiday going forward).
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
Yep, if Awnty was coming next holiday, I'd RSVP in the extreme negative. I have other plans. And I actually love sweet potato cassarole! 😊
@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 10 месяцев назад
I never understood why people invite family that everyone hates. Just don’t. It’s not hard.
@tmntfangirl4700 10 месяцев назад
@@sapphirewingthefurrycritic985 Because (for most families) it’s like a cardinal rule that on the holidays or special occasions you HAVE to invite them because ‘they’re family and family has to be together’ I honestly don’t know either
@zachary6425 10 месяцев назад
Story 4 there's Karen's are seriously teaching their children to scream stranger danger to get what they want? Seriously? She should go to jail for not only accusations but teaching her daughter how to be a potential life ruining douchebag.
@THEFINALHAZARD 10 месяцев назад
Not to mention the behavior of her and that child, she needs to be looked at and evaluated for being an unfit parent too. Like holy hell, I felt my skin crawl just hearing the story
@nicolasjoly6948 6 месяцев назад
"Stranger danger" is not an issue for me. I prefer that than quiet down. But, as she is just beside, she need to correct her children and make her learn when it's appropriate and when it's not. But, she was letting her kid kick the front seat (and I'm pretty sure it wasn't subtle). And yes, the flight attendants has a great trick. I don't know how spread the procedure is, but I know that on some plane, if the passenger refuse to get out by himself, they need to clear all other passengers from the plane before forcefully remove the problematic one. It's creating delay and it's a pain to do. First, you need to get the police (not the airport security unless they are police too), try to convince the guy that it's better for him to get off... but if he has reach this point, he is probably out of any capacity of doing something smart. Than remove all the passenger, remove the guy, make sure that he doesn't left stuff behind and than do the embarcation again and than try to sqeeze the lift off the plane out of schedule! A pain!
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 10 месяцев назад
If I were the Flight Attendant, the moment Karen started Screaming, I'd have called Security and had her and her Brat removed from the Plane and placed on the Airlines No Fly List!
@Nurple17 10 месяцев назад
No offense; it sounds like this fa is slightly more resourceful than you when it comes to conflict resolution by making a negative thing, asking them to deplane, into a seeming positive one, by asking if they could deplane and wait for better seating (so security can stop them from getting back in). I mean why not make her buy a second set of tickets for her idiocy?
@Renville80 10 месяцев назад
Think about it. You have a Karen in full rage mode. If security was called in right away, you can bet she would double down and cause the flight to be further delayed. This way, she's temporarily pacified, thinking she's won. By the time she realizes she's been played like a fiddle, OP is settled in, two standby passengers get to take the flight, and the other passengers get a good laugh and some satisfaction out of it.
@computernerdtechman 10 месяцев назад
Calling Security while the Karen is still on the plane is a bad idea. Karen will double down and have a fit on the plane and security will have to deplane EVERYONE to get her off the plane, thus delaying the flight. The Flight Attendant did the right move by tricking Karen OFF the plane without causing a scene ON THE PLANE.
@gauravminz8337 10 месяцев назад
I have a hunch that when they got off the flight for their "upgrade", they would have definitely been upgraded into the Reject Customer Service list. They would probably have to book another flight from a different airlines, and if she continued with her entitled behaviour, she would definitely be upgraded to the No Fly List.
@BoxOKittens 10 месяцев назад
That last OP needs to just ditch that whole nasty family. I hope one day they realise this.
@Traveler19491 10 месяцев назад
In the last story, OP needs to turn the tables and use his aunt's hysteria against her. "What? You want me to eat something I have already told you is not just bad for me, but could lead to me contracting a potentially lethal medical condition? Is that all that you care about me? Are you actually telling me that your fvcking potatoes are more important than my life? Well, I am insulted that you can actually stand there and tell me how little I mean to you. What did I ever do to you?" Do so in a very elevated voice and then turn to his mother and say, "If she demands I eat that crap one more time, this is the last Thanksgiving you will ever see me at as long as she comes!" and stomp out of the room. Potential side benefit would be that the rest of the family might be similarly fed up with her and Auntie might be insulted enough that she never comes again.
@computernerd1101 10 месяцев назад
Fearmongering Christian: Don't you worry about your immortal soul going to hell? Me: Don't you worry about the three-headed purple dragon behind you? FmC: What? There is no dragon. Me: Exactly. There's no hell either. FmC: If you don't believe hell exists, you'll go there. Me: If you don't believe that the dragon exists, he'll eat you.
@bleachedkill 10 месяцев назад
"You'll hear from my lawyer!" "Ok. From now on please have your lawyer talk to our legal department" "But..." "Legal department" 😭
@markmatzeder6208 10 месяцев назад
Tell aunt you hate sweet potatoes, grow a pair.
@paulagoeringer9466 10 месяцев назад
Yup. Fragile ego doesn't trump making someone puke over eating their nasty dish. And a mom making their kid, no matter how old, eat it is a shame on them.
@silverflight01 10 месяцев назад
Story 3: The customer is always right until they start demanding to take clothes off of people like they're mannequins. If it's being worn by an employee, it ain't for sale.
@akankshapatwari4167 10 месяцев назад
The whole saying is Customer is always right in matters of taste.
@cheesysealAnon 10 месяцев назад
I don't think they understood "No shirt, No shoes, No service" right.
@neilprice513 10 месяцев назад
"The Customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE" it's so annoying that people never say the second half of that quote and miss it's point entirely. It's originally said by famous British Economist Adam Smith from around the mid 1700's. It's solely about stocking what the customer wants to buy and not what the business owner wants to sell.
@jonmendelson1104 10 месяцев назад
@@akankshapatwari4167I'm pretty sure that's not true, it's just something that's been made up recently to salvage the phrase, though there is some truth to it (eg ordering a burger with no onions there's no reason not to help the customer out since it saves the business a bit of money on ingredients and makes the customer happier, or if a customer wants to buy an outfit that doesn't go well together you shouldn't stop them unless they specifically ask for advice). Originally from what I've found was a long time ago everything was treated as "caveat emptor," or "buyer beware" and a few companies came to the conclusion that by standing behind their products the net gain in sales would more than offset the occasional dishonest customer. At this point since customers have grown up hearing the phrase it has gone overboard, but we don't need revisionist history to change what the phrase originally was.
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
Sounds to me like assault, and attempted SA. Time to get the cops involved. 🤨
@RockinTheBassGuitar 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: if my family harassed me to eat something I don't like (and I despise candied yams 🤢) I would get up and leave. There is no way I would give in to people who were acting like that.
@zshimada 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: you could always call your aunt in advance and say "If you force me to eat that S*** you call a side dish one more time, I'm going to sue you for poisoning. You've got your advanced notice, don't give me any crap for it, or I'm going to tell you PUBLICLY exactly what I think of your dish. And don't think guilting and harassing is going to do anything for you, I'll just block everyone and move on my my non-toxic life without you."
@bioshockbrat9171 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: I'd have taken the bowl pretending to be excited and "accidently" drop the dish, do it every year, "so excited" that it stays within my reach and only to have it fall off the table. Get the family in on it so it has no safe place but the middle of the table and not even there is safe, having someone take it and drop it. When she tries to dish it out herself, pile your plate so there's no room. Make the table full so there's no room for it. Next add "something" like a LOAD of salt before it reaches the table and insist aunt eats it since you think it needed something a little extra. Get drunk and accidently spill something on it. Once she covers her dish, take some on a side dish insist on saving "the best" for last, only to cover it in your leftovers. Be the pariah! Embrace the chaos!
@shagrat47 10 месяцев назад
Family dinner, never cave, set clear boundaries. Family like this can be easily exchanged with good friends. The world is full of nice people, so why stick to the ones trying to make your life miserable?
@mikeskranak4533 10 месяцев назад
Had something like this happen to me: I took a bite and projectile vomited all over the food. Turns out I was in my second day of influenza, but I've never been urged to eat anything if I demurred. I'm a legend to my cousins. Lol😂
@Kayenne54 5 месяцев назад
When I was ten, my mother insisted I eat fresh oysters. Off the rocks, fresh oysters. In the wild, fresh oysters. I didn't want to, I complained, I managed to squirm down a couple of slimy, living beings...when we got home, I flaked out (not like me) and I woke up, said weakly "I feel sick" and projectile vomited oyster debris half on my mother, the rest on the wall and the floor. She NEVER made me eat anything I didn't want to again. Darn, I was sick. No one else was.
@MELOD 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: "If any of you forces me to eat this dish, I will leave and never attend thanksgiving again. Mother, you now have to choose between your sister and your son. Choose wisely."
@michaeltelson9798 10 месяцев назад
The sweet potatoes. OP should have taken some then mashed his fingers into them and say, “See, I touched them!” (As Gene Wilder did in Young Frankenstein “
@gregorymoore2877 4 месяца назад
Put! The sweet potatoes! Back!
@GeneGL2814 10 месяцев назад
That last story Op needs to stand his ground. I would have told my mother if she makes me eat it I’m leaving and I’LL never come back to that house and that would be the last time they see me. Even if his family cared more about the aunt’s feeling over his health, he shouldn’t.
@tnprowl1254 10 месяцев назад
OP in the last story should, being an adult in their forties, look at that aunt and say,"I'm an adult. If I don't want to eat something, then I'm not going to eat it. You love your sweet potato dish. Good for you. But here's a little secret that needs to no longer be a secret. I DON'T LIKE IT! I have never liked it! And trying to force me to eat it won't change that. We should all eat all we want of your sweet potato dish, which is, speaking for my self, none of it. Not everyone likes certain dishes, nor should they be expected to. And if they don't something like they shouldn't be browbeaten into eating it. Now, unless you want to talk about something besides your sweet potatoes, you can just shut up, eat your food and leave me alone! And could someone pass me another dinner roll, please?" It may seem harsh, but something along those lines might get the point across without outright saying her dish was disgusting. It would simply make it about not liking a certain thing, like how some people like spinach while others don't. It would also prevent a huge family squabble by not bringing everyone else into it and pointing out they dislike her yams too. They'd all likely deny it and try to say OP was just trying to start trouble.
@tiffanygray 10 месяцев назад
If some entitled shitbag tried to get me to give them a piece of my clothing, and wouldn't let up, I would scream, "I'M NOT TAKING MY CLOTHES OFF FOR YOU! GET AWAY FROM ME!"
@michellec5407 10 месяцев назад
OP, stop eating those sweet potatoes! No, is a complete sentence. Your health is more important then her feelings. I myself love sweet potatoes, however there other ways to cook them, and not end up in a sugar comma. I sometimes cook them like regular potatoes in the oven or on too of the stove, cutting them like fries. There are times when you just have to take a stand, if she doesn't return the next year, that will save the blood sugar of the whole family. And the fact that your doctor told you to not eat so much sugar, is more of a warning then a hint!
@michellewest4796 10 месяцев назад
Nothing like that last story to add a little perspective to the holidays. Boy am I glad that I'm working an 8 hour shift and went no contact with my own aunt "Karen" immediately after my grandparents passed away almost a decade ago. I texted my parents "Happy Turkey Day" and my dad and I agreed that while we miss Grandma's food, neither of us misses the drama that always came with it. The year they met my now husband for the first time, my aunt spread the rumor that he called her a cow to her face. Now, while it was an accurate description of her, he was so terrified of my family that he didn't leave my side the entire time we were there. Thank goodness neither of us needed the bathroom. Somehow this fact was considered irrelevant, as was the fact that he spoke to nobody unless they said something first. He was asked to leave, and we did. I remember my dad begging my mom to go to holiday meals with his family for years, and her amazing response, "The best thing about our divorce is that you get full custody of your family. I no longer have to be around them. I'm not going." Oh, how I wished I had the same excuse, but until I turned 18, we were blood family and my presence was required. Now I'm less than a month from my 36th birthday and free from all holiday obligations I don't want to participate in!
@nela9994 10 месяцев назад
For the sweet potato story, she actually gave you an out. Email (cc’ing all the family) a doctor’s note specifically limiting the sweets (since your doctor actually cares about your health, said doctor will probably be willing to write one, sometimes with teeth) and maybe a second from your dentist. Send them in plenty of time before Christmas, and then send them again to remind her (and them) that she said, if you had just let her know, beforehand … so you are letting her know, beforehand. Exactly as she asked. And do it before every possible holiday, in case she gets creative. Hopefully by next thanksgiving you should be safe, but … just in case, bring a plastic take-away container, and carefully put your portion in it because “you don’t want it to go to waste” and then wrap it and give it to the most deserving relative for Christmas, since “They liked Auntie’s sweet potatoes so much.” And “You didn’t want them to miss out.”
@trillionbones89 9 месяцев назад
The "out" is leaving that family or just having a back bone to begin with. Op is 40yo. There is no excuse. He is allowing her to bully him. At this point he deserves it if he refuses to stand up for himself.
@gregorymoore2877 4 месяца назад
There should be no need for an out. OP should have been able to partake or abstain from any of the available dishes at his own descretion and for any reason.
@nela9994 4 месяца назад
@@gregorymoore2877 should, indeed, but unfortunately, familial pressure is a thing.
@turval1954 10 месяцев назад
In the last story, the family members are to be blamed of her entitled behavior. They pretended to like her dish instead of being honest with her. What is wrong of not wanting to eat someone’s dish? Is it more important to cater to her behavior rather than endangering your health?
@5PctJuice 10 месяцев назад
Omfg halfway through story 5 all I could think was "we get it, you hate the sweet potato casserole, get to the f--king point already!"
@dazerla 6 месяцев назад
Same. And I'm going some of us love it tell us the problem or I'm going to start calling you entitled.
@MrBounceoutboi 10 месяцев назад
Story 2, I'm surprised the customer didn't start accusing them of targeting him and his bf for being gay when op was telling him to tone it down
@FredRated1967 10 месяцев назад
Story 5. Sounds like OP needs to issue a backhand to entitled aunt when she insists they eat their sweet taters. I just won't eat them, I can't stand sweet potatoes in general.
@ElCid48 10 месяцев назад
I would take a ton of the junk and than trip and drop my dish all over the floor.
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
I love them, but would never force them on someone who doesn't like them! Very rude! 🤨
@paulagoeringer9466 10 месяцев назад
Or since op puked, they should have done that right at the table, preferably on the dish or aunty. 😂 Sometimes it takes drastic measures to stop such nonsense.
@flarethorn7833 10 месяцев назад
As much as I like sweet potatoes, I will not lie about how horrible the dishes taste, especially to an entitled idiot. The more you lie about the taste, the more they will keep making it that way.
@tmntfangirl4700 10 месяцев назад
Story 2 - I love OP for how she handled that obnoxious idiot. 😂😂😂😂
@markrahm6900 10 месяцев назад
Yes, that was perfect. I’ve only met a couple of f**s like that, and one of them used to be a co-worker. He got fired for being so rude and condescending to a lot of us, including me, and I was not a bit surprised or sorry to hear about his termination. The other one was a co-worker at a restaurant job I had back in high school. This was back in the mid 80s, so we weren’t really aware that the closet was so full of people who were ready to come out. One of our waitresses was rather open about her dislike of guys and preference for women, and was actually cold, rude, and sometimes even hostile towards a few of us guys. I’m glad to say I haven’t seen either one of them since, and I think the b**** moved to another state many years ago.
@vargulfen 10 месяцев назад
Story 5. You're 40. Stand up for yourself and tell her to go EFF herself.
@firstswordcorvus7368 10 месяцев назад
Last story, my mom in that situation would tell that aunt to GTFO of her house or stop harassing me. Plus I'm an adult and if I say that I don't want her food I'm allowed to not eat it. And if she doesn't want to come back just because I won't eat her food, then good riddance we don't want toxic people in our family and she can consider herself disowned 😂
@CromTuise 10 месяцев назад
Chocolate crickets aren’t the answer to the last story, spending a year building up a spice tolerance and then giving that aunt the Carolina Reaper treatment is the answer. Then you act indignant when they refuse.
@gregorymoore2877 4 месяца назад
"And to think all this time it was your plate that was spiced." "They were both spiced. I spent the last year building up an immunity to those spices."
@christinalyons9038 10 месяцев назад
In the last story OP brought that on himself. He's a 40yr old man, he needs to grow a spine & act like it. Also, if his family is so horrible that he regrets moving back to his home town, well there's a simple solution, just don't go to their holiday get togethers. I mean it was bad enough finding out that he caved in, but to find out that he was 40 made it so much worse
@patriciahansen6032 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: Hey, OP, maybe those winters up north weren't so bad after all! Very funny story. Unfortunately, the entire family seems to cave to the aunt's hysterics, so OP is either doomed or needs to more a bit farther away, just far enough that holiday visits aren't practical.
@susangrande8142 8 месяцев назад
OR he needs to grow a spine or a pair and stand up to all those either toxic or enabling relatives.
@emmamorris6947 10 месяцев назад
@tammywilliamsbradley2294 10 месяцев назад
Story 5 reminds me of my Thanksgiving. Makes me want to never do anything that has anything to do with food involving my brother-in-law and sister again. For years I have defended and went out my way to accommodate their beliefs with clean eating. But this year not only did my sister go off on me about one of my daughter's vegan dietary habits but her husband smoked the turkey using cherry wood knowing that I am allergic. They told me that it's all in my head while my face, throat and eyes are swelling up. I'm just done! Not going to take out a portion before adding eggs to anything. And they may have to eat something that has bacon in it. And furthermore shrimp scampi is mom's favorite so mom will be eating some of that as well and as often as I can get it for her. But I shouldn't be too surprised by all of this. When we were kids I snuck some cherry pie and was very ill that night and was told to sleep on the outside of the bed so I could get to the bathroom faster. Of course she wouldn't have it so she got undigested cherry pie all over her. That's when we found out that I had the allergy. Never again!
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 10 месяцев назад
Karen: Convert to Christianity IMMEDIATELY or your Soul WILL be going straight to HELL! Me: Actually Ma'am, it's absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for me to go to HELL because Satan refuses to lift the Restraining Order against me...I think he's afraid I'd take over the joint. 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@JohnH20111 10 месяцев назад
i can’t go to Hell because of the Restraining Order and the fact that the Devil knows that i will take back my Throne when i get there
@christsdisciple3105 10 месяцев назад
Poor view of Hell. Satan doesn't rule, but rather is terrified of when he has to go there. It's punishment for him, too.
@gregorymoore2877 4 месяца назад
@@christsdisciple3105 It was a funny joke, but you are correct. Hell was made as a punishment for Satan and his angels. The Karen needs to work on her people skills.
@tomnisen3358 5 месяцев назад
Both of my grown daughters are professionals. When they were in high school, my ex wife and myself made them work in restaurant service jobs. It builds character and they never disrespect a hard working server!
@davidhamm7909 10 месяцев назад
Does the Karen on the plane not realise that the plane is going nowhere if OP is not seated and seat belted?
@alanalirkani 10 месяцев назад
She doesn't really care. She either 1. Wants OP off the flight so she and spawn can have their space (it's a plane, it's gonna be cramped) or 2. Is trying for an upgrade, as first class is generally roomier. Unfortunately even if OP was like transferred to a different flight or something the lady would not be getting the space she wants. A full flight with standbys waiting means that that seat is being taken by someone.
@BritInvLvr 10 месяцев назад
Story five. Those fkn sweet potatoes are so easy to make. I call bs on that aunt.
@RepellentJeff 10 месяцев назад
Story 1: These people would berate Jesus himself. 😂
@brianvance1178 10 месяцев назад
Jesus might just decide to save everyone except them, the ultimate r/fuckyouinparticular
@paulagoeringer9466 10 месяцев назад
True pharisees.
@Kayenne54 5 месяцев назад
"Your hair is too long, why don't you shave, you're wearing a GOWN, and hang on a moment, you can't be a Christian because it wasn't even invented yet!!!"
@crypticghost21 10 месяцев назад
Title: Smug Karen thinks she owns a plane Me: All Karens think they own everything (and everyone)
@whatsanenigma 10 месяцев назад
In my family, we melt marshmallows on the sweet potatoes. But none of that other crap. I can imagine any ONE of those things on sweet potatoes tasting really good, but all of it? Yuck.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 10 месяцев назад
Story 1: That woman shames Christians by acting that way. She needs to tend to the plank in her eye. Story 2: I truly hope the boyfriend dumps that obnoxious prick. I would not at all be surprised if their relationship was abusive. Story 5: Family is what you make of it. I've cut ties with the toxic people in my life, which includes most of the blood-relations. I'm happy with my Chosen Family. We treat each other with respect and love. Most of the people who pull the "But we're fAmiLyyYYy!" card are those same sludge-monsters who made my childhood a living hell. If you're in a similar situation, GET OUT. Don't let some arbitrary circumstance of birth dictate who is deserving of your time, energy, and affection. (And no, keeping you alive to reach adulthood is not adequate justification for this behavior.) Happy Thanksgiving, all! Much love.
@GrandmasterDevo 10 месяцев назад
Story #1: This right here is why I despise religion! "Follow my beliefs or you WILL go to Hell no matter how good a person you actually are!"
@annalieff-saxby568 10 месяцев назад
If I was God, I know which of those two _I'd_ send to hell.
@starrywizdom 10 месяцев назад
If my family acted in the way OP in the last story describes his family's behaviour, I'd have gone no-contact with them YEARS before I was in my 40s, because DAYUM, dude, that's toxic! It's incredibly rude as well as a violation of boundaries to pressure someone to eat ANYTHING they don't want to, even if it ISN'T something that could negatively impact their health. If the thing someone's being pressured to eat could negatively impact their health, that's LITERALLY toxic behaviour as well as figuratively toxic behaviour. If a person manages their emotions such that they feel hurt when someone doesn't want to eat something they cooked no matter WHY that someone doesn't want to eat it, it's the responsibility of THE COOK to manage their emotions in a healthier way, not of the people they offer their food to to eat it & pretend to like it no matter what. YIKES!
@Rebellion90s 10 месяцев назад
I can relate the last story. Trying to control my own diet alone is hard enough but having someone forces me to consume what I'm trying to avoid is like awaking and encouraging my inner suicidal thought (I have both a few disorders, Depression included, and high blood pressure). I bet if OP continues to experience his aunt control-freak behavior, I'm pretty sure sooner or later he's going to develop some mental diseases like I did.
@frankrosenbaum3471 10 месяцев назад
For OP at thanksgiving sweet potato dish. He should ask "If I had said yes you would have stopped pushing, right? Well, why doesn't my NO carry the same weight?" ( I actually used this line in another instance. It worked very well.)
@mandymyer2094 10 месяцев назад
The Thanksgiving Aunt gave OP an out in a way. 5 days before Christmas and every sweet potato holiday tell her you are Not Eating Any of them. She said if you had told her you wouldn't eat them she would have made less so call her out on it. Or get a rude friend to come to dinner with you and tell her how Awful they Really are. You could fake a Dr note from Internet saying you Can Cannot Eat the Sweet Potatoes too lol
@sonyiaegland5951 10 месяцев назад
Call your Aunt weekly to inform her you will not be eating sweet potatoes at the next family gathering. Say you will be calling her weekly to inform her of this fact so she can be sure to make a 1/4 cup less so she won't need to guilt trip you into eating something you don't like.
@sueregan2782 9 месяцев назад
Story 5: you are left with two choices on what you will do-preserve your own health or encourage your aunt’s delusions. I would articulate the situation and just say, “ if you insist that I make unhealthy decisions, I must leave because I treasure whatever health I still have. “
@carolynbrognano614 35 минут назад
Funny thing about the last story: my aunt brings practically the same sweet potato dish every Thanksgiving, & I love it. I like it more than the meat & gravy, tbh. it helps that my aunt isn't entitled.
@lucifermorningstar2505 10 месяцев назад
Stop given in to your aunt and tell her it’s crap and she don’t do jack for you
@randycarter2001 10 месяцев назад
That's brilliant. Trick the unruly passenger to eject themselves.
@otakubancho6655 10 месяцев назад
Story#5, I think op should bring a dish to the dinner,dessert perhaps,laced with extra strength laxatives!😂😂😂
@Renville80 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: OP had a fourth option: Get up, leave, and ghost that nightmare of a family.
@chrismichaels462 10 месяцев назад
Happy Thanksgiving to the US citizens!
@masterbond9 10 месяцев назад
my dad's side of the family already understands that I don't care much for a lot of them. they know that if they push me, i will push right back. what they refuse to understand though is that i've been nothing but respectful and kind to everyone growing up, and a lot of them simply dont show me the respect that ive given them, theres no name calling, nothing directly disrespectful, but its just generally unkind, and rude with a pinch of gaslighting here and there. I really was only there for my grandfather, who just passed away after 88 long years, with only a decline in his life in the last 3 or 4 years and lived to see 3 generations of his family living their version of the american dream.
@bart0nboy 10 месяцев назад
I'm starting to wonder if the mom in Story 4 actually did have to wait at the airport terminal. She probably did the same thing on another flight and got stuck at the airport again😅
@susangrande8142 10 месяцев назад
LOL! So you’re saying she probably did this on her last flight? And she didn’t learn from it? 😂
@lancerevell5979 10 месяцев назад
And her bags are going far, far away on the first plane. 😂
@Lynn-kh5rs 10 месяцев назад
Last story: Option 4, get up politely refuse for the last time and then LEAVE! OP needs to get a spine. She is old enough to refuse to attend family functions that sounds like a living hell.
@whatsanenigma 10 месяцев назад
Sounds like that sweet potato concoction should have been put into a piecrust on the dessert table. Maybe a tiny slice with some cool whip might have been decent.
@On2wls 10 месяцев назад
For the sweet potato story. If you would have refused, your family may hate you for Thanksgiving, BUT they would be thanking you for Christmas when your aunt didn't show up with that awful dish.
@DarkKnight52365 10 месяцев назад
story 5 i wouldn't even pretend to be nice
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat 10 месяцев назад
Same the orignal poster soft
@jennysmith38 10 месяцев назад
​​@@og_3rd_st_saint_gatthe whole family is soft, from my understanding, they only eat it to shut her up, otherwise she whines the whole times she's there
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat 10 месяцев назад
@@jennysmith38 I agree with you
@jeremylemings 10 месяцев назад
Sweet potatoes: "Eat them or I'm never coming back here again!" Don't threaten me with a good time. "Do you know how hard I slave over these?" Oh, I'm SO sorry. Allow me to show them the reverence they deserve. *Picks up entire dish, walks to nearest trash receptacle and SPIKES said dish into said receptacle* They may not show it on their faces, but everybody, and I do mean EVERYBODY, at that dinner would be internally cheering that that crime against nature would be literally off the table. The only ones that would be slightly disappointed, would be those who fixed plates before the removal, and now had that toxic waste contaminating their plates. Life's too short to put up with Karen's or bad excuses for "food".
@daddyshellion2108 10 месяцев назад
HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE!! Have the most marvelous weekend.
@gemmapickering2646 9 месяцев назад
Story 5 - OP missed out the 4th option. To cunningly prepare a wonderful side dish herself, something her aunt would love to have and then fawn over how grateful she is for her aunts efforts every year and she inspired her to research and practise over and over to perfect a side dish in honour of her aunt... Set it down and insist on serving her the first portion, lay it all on thick and how hard she worked and all in her honour... Then ask her verdict and stand back and watch the utter horror as she tastes something so revolting... Then before she can utter a word, eager say 'its good isnt it? I just knew you'd love it' leaving her with no way to escape just like she has done to everyone else for so long 😂 and once all the drama has died down... Tell her she got a taste of her own medicine for once and from now on, she is forbidden from contributing any more disastrous side dishes. Everyone will cheer. OR... Beat her at her own game! Get plenty of recipes, plenty of practise with techniques and ingredients... Then surprise everyone at the next family gathering (AFTER aunt has presented hers) just do an "and now i have a surprise for you all... But most all for aunty who was my biggest inspiration and motivator!" and you bring out your side dish in all its true magnificent 'made from scratch and delicious' glory'... And reap the reward of everyones shocked but intrigued expressions except her aunt who will be absolutely horrified 🤣 One up her own vile side dish and make it taste and look so good that everyone eagerly wants to try some and they will rave about how good it is with enthusiasm your aunt never gets. Family are difficult to keep happy so if you can beat them, join them at their own game of showing off with food... Only way better 😂
@AnimeFreak40K 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: it always amazes me on how much people are willing to put up with shitty behavior from shitty people "because family". Seriously, dudes a grown person at 40 years old. Saying something along the lines of "No, I refuse" is perfectly reasonable... and if aunt + rest of family continues, politely leaving to not cause a scene is also perfectly reasonable. Note: I fully understand some folks (especially minors) don't have the ability to refuse and are pretty much hamstrung in these situations.
@markrandall3747 5 месяцев назад
Instead of caving to the family of food bullies, I would have gotten up, said goodbye and left. When they try to call me, don't answer. I've done this myself.
@Queen3210 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: I would've just left. And if she threw a fit about that, I would've said, "then don't invite me next year. I'd like to live to see my 50's, thanks."
@rneidermyer5266 10 месяцев назад
Story 4: And do not forget the possibility of being banned from that airline forever.
@tirzahroseroot 10 месяцев назад
Story 4 comment: I went to visit my sibling recently and had quite a few troubles flying there as the flight straight to them got canceled twice and we had to scramble to make another flight to get me there. And the whole time, I was given vouchers for hotels and food! So yeah, I’m calling bs on Karen.
@tommccawley 10 месяцев назад
The thing I like the most about family owned businesses is that they know when to value their high quality employees over entitled customers. Unless they are a new employee, you have had dozens if not hundreds of customer encounters to judge an employee's demeanor. When some random customer makes some improbable claim about an employee, they don't have to follow some cooperate 'policy' they can just judge the situation on its merits.
@kisstune 9 месяцев назад
I would've just had them pass me the monstrosity of food and then "accidentally" drop it spilling it and even ruining it if it was in a glass container by letting it hit the floor then claim "sorry" shakes and blurry vision from being pre-diabetic.
@citizenken7069 10 месяцев назад
Story 1 - I'm a Christian, and I'd have told her, "The Bible says, 'The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.'" (2 Thess. 3:10) Story 4 - I saw where this was going when the flight attendant mentioned the word "upgrade". It's a clever trick, and it's made to order for Karens who think they're the center of the universe. Story 5 - I come from a long line of southerners, but I've never cared much for sweet potatoes. Either way, I hate, hate, HATE it when people try to force foods on me that I don't like. If I were OP, I'd skip out on the annual Thanksgiving feast unless dear old auntie learns to show a little respect.
@paul16451 10 месяцев назад
Story 1: My perfect response to Karen would be to say Missy, you know how the Bible says money is the root of all evil? Well, obviously you're the plant that root grows into! You took my money and turned evil.
@JohnH20111 10 месяцев назад
it’s the Love of Money that is the root of all evil
@paul16451 10 месяцев назад
@@JohnH20111 true but I doubt Karen would be smart enough to make that distinction.
@lorirommel519 9 месяцев назад
Regarding the sweet potatoes, I don't know why OP even goes to holiday gatherings. Apparently all of his relatives are toxic to some degree. We all say, "If it were me, I'd stand my ground!" I would spend the next year figuring out how to defensively gaslight, if you know what I mean. Basically saying what a "tough love" counselor might say to someone. "I said no. Why are you so determined to get me to eat them? Why are you so histrionic about it if I decline? Why do you think you're in charge if what I eat? What is wrong with you that you make spiteful, immature threats and attempts at emotional blackmail? Why are you stupid enough to allow my eating this (or not) to determine your sense of self-worth? In other words, you can vent AND make it look like you're trying to help her. It's a free country. You are free to eat as you see fit. The aunt is free to feel whatever she wants to. Call her bluff.
@laurenmentink7401 10 месяцев назад
I would refuse to attend the family Thanksgiving if EA is there. Do this and then block them!
@skarmex3439 10 месяцев назад
Story 5: Here's what cha do... make PROPER candied yams, and bring them to the next gathering and start acting like her. Go as HARD as you can with your performance, and don't let up until your aunt breaks down and begs for you to stop. Then deliver the final blow. "Seems like you don't like getting your own medicine, aww too bad, I actually enjoyed acting like this so, you can expect this EVERY. SINGLE. GATHERING."