
r/IDontWorkHereLady - Smug Karen Assaults Martial Arts Master For Disobeying Her! Regrets It. 

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@Doc1855 Год назад
The perfect comeback for a Karen is, in a loud voice say; “what? No I don’t want to have sex with you. I don’t even know you lady”. Then walk away.
@jackhemsworth7515 10 месяцев назад
Yep. Out crazy the crazy
@Doc1855 10 месяцев назад
@@jackhemsworth7515 Exactly ! Works every time 😂
@NickoBaggins 8 месяцев назад
Gotta Billy Madison them! "No, I will not make out with you!"
@Surfing_Floatzel Месяц назад
@@NickoBaggins fun one to start on! and if they continue tell that "If she does not go her merry way, I'll call the cops on her for Harassment."
@lordeden2732 Месяц назад
Add to that ,You were told by her fellow sex worker she was riddled with S.T.D.'s
@donaldmcmillan5529 Год назад
My wife was an electrical apprentice that somehow landed up in office job for a while at a very large shipyard. While she was there a man came in fussing and being a real jerk to anyone who got in his way. She told him that he needed to calm down and act human. He responded "Do you know who I am!" Her response was, I don't care who you are, there is no excuse for rudeness! Funny thing, after she said that he did calm down and started acting civil... turns out, he was the General Manager over the whole electrical department at that shipyard with thousands of electricians working for him.
@LegoTechnicsRule Год назад
Karen: *Poke Poke Martial Artist: TAKEDOWN!
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
@LoveOnTheInsidex3 10 месяцев назад
Did they post an update on what happened?
@paulahik211 Год назад
When I was in retail and someone said they would have my job, I always said, "You can have it! Thanks!" And then act like I'm going to leave without helping them. It always shuts them up.
@suruha2306 Год назад
That third story reminded me of something that happened to me. I am in treatment for a bone marrow cancer. The chemo tends to make me feel nauseous quite often. One day, while at the clinic, I felt extremely nauseated. I asked for an emesis bag and one of the nurses handed it to me. As I am measuring my breathing to try to dispel the nausea, I felt something by my ear. It was a hand! I immediately swung in that direction while screaming "Back off!" One of the nurses had tried to remove my mask so I could breathe easier, but she didn't say anything to me. It happened so fast, I wasn't even aware of what had happened, until I looked around and realized where I was and what was happening. I began apologizing right away! Then, I burst in to tears and started shaking! I had had a flashback, I guess. In that moment of feeling the hand by my head, I was instantly transformed back 40 years to my closet floor where I would end up as my ex beat on me. I didn't know it would happen, but it did - big time! It took me a few days to shake off the terror. I missed the nurse, as it so happened. She understood; they all did. But, sheesh!
@benjamindouglas862 Год назад
Always press chargers against Karen, always.
@larrywest42 Год назад
The 240V chargers are especially effective, at least if the safety features are disabled.
@Gamemastersg Год назад
My favorite no grab story was about one guy who hurt his shoulder and needed surgery his insurance wasn't going to cover and a Karen grabbed that arm and dislocated his shoulder. One guess who paid for his medical bills!
@Mithandune Год назад
I remember that story, Karen lost few teeth and was fired from her job :)
@marytramp5678 Год назад
1 guess is that she didn't. she would be responsible for any injuries she caused. NOT for any pre-existing injuries. it would be the exact same thing as if you were in a car accident and had a previous say neck or back injury. you would get paid for all injuries except for any preexisting ones. unless say the car accident caused a new neck injury but was worsened bc of the old injury. then you only get partially compensated. been there done that. sucks.
@stevensmith468 Год назад
He had to get his shoulder rebuilt because she finishing ripping apart his tendons that had been torn before she grabbed him... so yeah.. she had to pay for the surgery.
@marytramp5678 Год назад
@@stevensmith468 No she wouldn't have. according to the law you are only responsible to pay for the damages YOU caused. NOT for damages that already existed. He knew how much it was going to cost him for the surgery, bc he said he couldn't afford it. she will have to pay for whatever added charges there will be. That however, that does NOT mean he can't sue her in a civil case for pain & suffering. It doesn't seem fair that she shouldn't have to pay, bc she shouldn't have attacked him. But on the other hand is it fair o make someone else pay for something they didn't do?
@texchu8331 Год назад
@@marytramp5678 The law holds you responsible for the medical bills to fix the problem. Thus, the question will become is there a way to separate the operation into a fix of fully torn to partially torn and then partially torn to completely re-connected. Some operations can be separated, and some cannot.
@kaziglu8344 Год назад
Last story: Karen might have been trying to pull a scam where she gets someone to move her car, then try to claim damages against them in order to get them to hand over cash.
@bn9983 Год назад
Or reports it stolen and tries to get OP arrested for theft.
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
Whatever stunt Karen's trying, we all knew how it'd end
@markrahm6900 Год назад
It's possible that she stole the car and was going to call it in as a "concerned citizen" that she saw who took it and where he put it.
@OcusticClear92 Год назад
10:15 Not a word of what that Karen said even remotely resembled an ASK. She needs (REALLY NEEDS) to understand a simple premise of good neighborliness: “Ask, and you may receive. Demand, and you get nothing!”
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
They're entitled, they don't think they need to ask, they should just get. It's bad enough they even have to demand, you should read their mind and anticipate their every need
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Amazing how many rabid Karens actually believe they have any power to get someone fired or jailed, just for not kowtowing to her. 🙄
@adventuresinplushtoycity Год назад
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
​@@adventuresinplushtoycity kowtowing is bowing down to.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
Lance, I think it's hilarious that they always say "and you might keep your job" like they can snap their fingers and have people fired, I have told someone who tried to order me to fire an employee that this isn't a big corporate box store so I don't answer to her.
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
@@RunnyBabbitMom I'll go one step further. Obsequious is a term similar to kowtow. It's being servile to an excessive degree. Specifically to someone who is in a position of authority or great influence.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
@@iononcantomascrivo I just added a new word to my vocabulary. Thank you.
@Mrs_Sugar_Min Год назад
The OP in the first story did what he had to, and it was 7 years ago!!😅 Don't touch people, Karens!!😅
@Arcane_Route_66 Год назад
Especially when now, seven years later, there are people who wouldn't have even said anything to Karen and just give her a shiner.
@Mrs_Sugar_Min Год назад
@@Arcane_Route_66 I agree.
@Arcane_Route_66 Год назад
@@Mrs_Sugar_Min It also could've ended with Karen not living to touch someone again.
@michaelterrell Год назад
@@Arcane_Route_66 Over a decade ago, my town had anti war protesters bothering drivers. They announced that they were going to disrupt the Memorial Day ceremony at our Veterans Park. I didn't know about it, until I arrived very early. I'm disabled, and there are only a few handicapped parking spots. A Deputy Sheriff asked if I'd heard about the entitled protestors. I told him know, so his partner told me that they were expecting trouble. I asked 'How many?" One said "About 30?" I asked, How many of you will be here for security. I got the expected blank stare. I asked, "Please inform them that there will be over 3,000 people here to remember those who returned from war after suffering life changing problems. Please remind them that there aren't enough of you to protect them from us, if they start anything." They both grinned. Then I said, "On second thought, I hope they are right in front of me if they do start trouble. I'll be screaming, ASSAULT ! HELP ME! ASSAULT! while I'm beating the crap out of them with my cane." One of them grinned, "If that happens, we'll keep our backs to you for as long as we can. About a half hour later, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see one of the Deputies. He grinned and pointed to the far corner of the park, "We delivered your message." Their protest signs were laying face down on the ground, and they were all stand there quietly with their hands behind their backs. NEVER show disrespect to the fallen, in front of a large group of Veterans.
@marytramp5678 Год назад
that story is completely made up. if you are a amuetuer, semi - pro, pro, or in this case a master in the asian art of whatever and can do physical body injury it is considered assault with a deadly weapon, even if you are not the one instigating the confrontation. He could end up still being in a lot of trouble, and Karen could sue him for damages. he is considered a pro and is supposed to be able to control himself. Not to mention in martial arts they teach you first and foremost to avoid conflict.
@chronobretz9511 Год назад
A Karen who gets hauled away on a stretcher is a Karen who will have ACTUALLY learned her lesson
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Doubtful. It may require repeated applications of "attitude adjustment"!
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
Very bold of you to presume that even sustaining gross bodily injury will result in a Karen developing anything resembling a sense of accountability.
@oldk4tz Год назад
not likely
@Joshth1983 Год назад
It's a Karen. She'll just milk it for sympathy
@KertaDrake Год назад
​@@Joshth1983 And try to sue the driver for the EMS charging her for the trip.
@kristhebrownie Год назад
When I was in high school, I had a friend who decided to jump on my back when I was walking down the hallway. Before I even registered he was there, my reflexes had kicked in and I had somehow thrown him down the hallway. Reflexes are crazy.
@michaelterrell Год назад
There was a spoiled pre teen brat that used to do that to all the other kids. He tried it on me, just once. He went flying over my head and landed about 15 feet away. He jumped up and ran home, screaming that I was trying to kill him. He cam back with his Karen of an Aunt who was yelling, I'm going to have you arrested! I told her to shut up, and if he ever tried that stunt again that he would be in the hospital. I was 13 at the time.
@LatitudeSky Год назад
Was sitting on the floor watching TV when our cat jumped on my back with a chirp noise right in my ear. She wanted to cuddle. I didn't know a lot about cats and had never known they sometimes DO that. My reflexes were faster than the logic side of my brain, and I ejected that cat across the room. She was fine. Probably baffled about why I reacted that way. Anyway, I realized it was the cat AS my hands were tossing her fluffy self but it was too late then to stop what was happening. The cat was fine, let me say again. I learned from this that cats do this to be friendly and also tamed my reaction.
@charles0322mrsdani Год назад
Am I the only one contemplating carrying a water squirt bottle and using it when Karens attack?
@Kaiju_Queen94 Год назад
I just had a mental image of someone spraying water at a Karen with a spray bottle saying "No! Bad Karen!" 😂
@stoopingfalcon891 Год назад
Label it "Karen-go-'way".
@suzannepottsshorts Год назад
Air horn
@Skrulzie Год назад
​@@stoopingfalcon891 or "B-Gon Karen"
@SuperNormalMan Год назад
Nah, dude, use a taser. If a Karen attacks you, you have every right to defend yourself.
@MojoPup Год назад
When I was in my 20's, we were installing some equipment in a medical plaza with separate doctor's officers sharing the same parking lot. Some medical salesperson (female) pulls up just as we're coming out the front door, tosses her keys to us and days "Park my car, I'm late for a meeting with Dr xxxx". I looked at Ben with a "WTF?", he grabs the keys, hops in her car and does a few donuts in the muddy field next door before parking it across from the front doors. Ben then proceeds to put the keys under the car where you could see them but have to get on your knees to grab them. We went to our van and ate lunch waiting for her to return. About 30 minutes later, she emerges, sees her muddy car and goes ballistic. We find out that she went back inside looking for the 'valets' only to be told there weren't any...😅 She ruined her hose getting those keys but maybe next time she'll ask before assuming. Ben was awesome.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 4: Honestly, this does sound like mental illness territory. The violence and harassment is far beyond sane. I do wonder if the meeting thing was a lie though, like she was lying in hoping it would speed things up.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Assaulted OP and stole his phone. She needs dropkicked to the ground. 😡
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
@@lancerevell5979 I don't think it was a true story, precisely because the phone vanished from the story from the moment she grabbed it. I think the author was writing fiction and forgot about the phone. if it was a true story OP, at the very least, would have told his bosses and the police about it and retrieved it. the retrieval would be part of the story. And CL would have had a robbery charge added to her record.
@SonsOfLorgar Год назад
​@@jamesweekley1087 not nessesarily, it's easy for something like that to slip ones mind in a confrontation.
@BryanLu0 Год назад
​@@jamesweekley1087 How OP got his phone back is a minor detail in the bigger picture, so OP probably left it out.
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
What a shame she never got to the car, I'd have LOVED to see the look of sudden realisation when she remembers SM pocketed her keys. Yes, there's no doubt she'd have tried claiming SM pushed her and stole her keys but we all know one look at the Camera will just add Filing a False Alarm and Assaulting Police to the charges because Karens never can go quietly, can they?
@minnarosenqvistmr Год назад
Always, ALWAYS press charges, no matter how little the crime or incident is!! Karens deserve no less!!
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: Honestly, we should have a giant sign in the front of stores that are "Do not touch anyone, not even employees. You are on camera." Seriously, you don't know what the other person's been through, they could swing back at you as a reflex.
@Mars0Bars Год назад
Like they'll even actually read the sign X3
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
​@@Mars0Bars I agree. There's a major convenience store chain that's popular in the area where I live. They have notices on the counters in front of all of the registers stating that abuse or disrespect towards employees would not be tolerated. Penalties include but are not limited to being trespassed, banned and/or arrested
@oliverconway6960 Год назад
One of these days I will build that and place it at the Tesco I work at.
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
@@iononcantomascrivo Many of my doctors are located on a hospital campus. When you enter any building on the hospital campus (including the parking garages) there are big, boldly printed signs stating that cursing or shouting at, threatening, physical violence, etc toward ANY hospital employee is not permitted nor tolerated on the hospital campus. What a world we are living in that such a statement has to be posted. What ever happened to civil discourse between people.
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
@@tinydancer7426 I agree. I worked in customer service for years and the attitude I got from some people because they think they're special, just because they chose to patronize the establishment I worked at, is staggering. I've had to learn how to be extremely passive-aggressive and clever in my responses when someone is trying my patience. I had a very obnoxious woman ask me if I liked my job. I told her "every customer brings me joy. Many when they enter“ and, then while glaring at her, “and others while they leave.” I got a few chuckles from her party. She looked confused. I can only suspect that she was trying to determine if she fell into column A or column B.
@peteralthoff6920 Год назад
It could be so easy... Ask politly? - Get a polite & friendly answer. Ask rude? - Be prepard for a even more rude answer. Try to attack? - Make sure your health insurance is up to date.
@vernonharden Год назад
Or the life insurance policy.
@nightdweller6446 Год назад
Not a collector of Martial arts but an Army dad and self-defence classes would have lead to a flying Karen if she'd grabbed me. Its an ingrained response
@ryukaze7392 Год назад
Third Story: I've taken karate for a few years off and on. I wouldn't have judo thrown the EWW like OP's friend did, but she would have received a backhand or elbow for her trouble if something like that happened to me. Reflexes are no joke
@PhoenixFlare1 Год назад
I’m guessing karate guy might have had ptsd or something.
@BrentTJo Год назад
Yep 8 years of about 15 hours a week gives quick reflexes, if walking and nails dig hard into my shoulder, either an elbow or backfist into their ribs and possibly a hook to the side of the head within a second would be instinct.
​@@BrentTJo p9.o
@lblack2180 Год назад
Wrestling Fer me. Would've used a wwe move and rkod her
@thefamilydogs3213 Год назад
Ok so here are some general rules for self-defense. First, meet violent people with violence. Escalate 1 level above your attacker. If Karen slaps you then knock her to the ground. If that knocks the fight out of Karen stop. Always press charges. Do not back off or drop charges. Karen will never learn the lesson she is meant to learn unless you make it hurt for her. Telling the truth and backing it up with evidence will put a lot of pressure on her and her family. Put as much pressure on her as you can for as long as you can. This entitlement pandemic will only stop if Karen knows she cannot get away with it.
@pyrusmew5 Год назад
Story 1: While I agree this encounter could have been handled a little better (and I mean a little not a lot, these are Karen’s we’re talking about here), I do respect OP for standing their ground while giving Karen a final warning that they *will* press charges
@JennyEverywhere Год назад
The Karen Flip story really brought back memories. I have studied a number of different martial arts from 3rd grade forward. At the time of my story, I had studied three arts, judo, fencing, and a Korean art called Chung Moo Quan (yes, I know it's a scam). CMQ was "inspired" by several other arts, including Aikido (which I studied later), but they modified the moves to make them look different. The time of the story is a summer job I had driving limousines out of O'Hare Airport in Chicago. This was before the TSA by about 20 years, so it wasn't unusual for my bosses to send us into the arrivals terminal, a sign with the customer's name on it, and a folding hand truck for the customer's bags. But this meant we had to run the gauntlet of beggars and proselytizers, especially that era's most annoying, the Unification Church, AKA the Moonies. They'd been for donations, offer cheap biblical tracts for a dollar, and other such annoyances. Well, the one I got was a bit dim -- or maybe the rejection was getting to him -- because when I told him NO, with great emphasis, and walked away, he lost his mind, as the one sure way to have a bad day was to touch anyone. But this total headcase decided to reach out and grab my right shoulder from behind, balling something like "You must not understand...", followed by a short scream. At the first touch, I dropped sign and hand cart, reached up to clap my left hand on top of his hand. Then the right hand came up and over his arm to lightly hold my own upper arm. Then I did a squat. This is a modified version of an Aikido pain submission hold. The elbow and wrist won't bend to relieve the tension in that condition, resulting in a sharp, stabbing agony up the arm and a matching desire to do their own squat to relieve the pressure. Inevitably, they have to squat much deeper to get any relief. "Do not touch me. Do you understand?" I hissed. He gabbled an apology, but I dipped a bit lower and said "Wrong answer. I didn't ask for an apology, I asked if you understood. Do you understand?" He babbled a series of yesses, punctuated with "I won't do it again", but as one long word. "Fine. That means I won't have to pull your arm out of it's socket. Now _scat!"_ He scatted. I never saw him at the airport again. He may have quit the Moonies, I don't know
@rebeccadee4107 Год назад
What are moonies? Mormans?
@fnjesusfreak Год назад
@@rebeccadee4107 Unification Church. Sun Myung Moon's cult.
@rebeccadee4107 Год назад
@@fnjesusfreak Thanks, never heard of them before.
@Galaxy1001D Год назад
The proper response is to flip the narrative and take the dominant position away from Ken/Karen in a hurry. Sample responses to a belligerent demand for service include: "Who are you and why are you talking to me in that disrespectful tone? What is your name?" (Puts them on the spot) "Who do you think you are touching me like that? What is your name? I want your full name. I gotta put up with a lot of things, but being assaulted isn't one of them." (Implies that THEY are the ones in trouble). "Am I being punked? There is NO WAY you could be STUPID enough to think that I work here. Are you stupid or are you just messing with me?" (Establishes immediately that you don't work here.) "About time you got here! I'm waiting for my item that I put on layaway. Go get it, I'm in a hurry, chop-chop! What are you waiting for, go get it!" (Gives them a taste of their own medicine and puts them in the employee role) "Do you have a relative or a caregiver who knows who you are? Do you know where you are?" (Said gently, letting them know that you consider their behavior to be irrational and that you consider their demands to be the ravings of a lunatic). "I need a manager! I need a manager here! I'm being harassed! Get me a manager!" (Call for help. You aren't being paid for this; the manager is.)
@dougodyssey50 16 дней назад
I will use this advice wisely
@ChristopherCapersJones Год назад
Story 1: Unfortunately NO. She won't think before she aggressively approaches someone because that's not how Karens think. They think they are in the right 24-7, so expect this behavior again and again.
@gregorythomas333 Год назад
Story 2: I would have counter-sued Karen for Assault & Battery, Harassment & Emotional Distress...using her criminal convictions as my proof.
@kalifogg6610 Год назад
My younger brother’s karate Sensei once knocked a burglar out cold and broke the guy’s cheekbone by punching him; with his non-dominant hand. The cops didn’t believe him when the Sensei said that the intruder was out cold until they arrived and saw the intruder out cold on the floor. The guy tried telling the cops that Sensei attacked him with a metal baseball bat Later the cops told Sensei that the guy he knocked out cold was wanted for another break in a few months earlier that ended with an elderly man being severely injured.
@davidstears7037 Год назад
In response to story 3, there certainly is something he can do about it: call them. If you were local, and the police were local, you could call local station, ask to speak to someone and boom. Job done. That's if its been a lot longer than expected and he's nervous as hell, but he wasn't in the wrong so all should be OK anyway.
@Rekuzan Год назад
Story 4: My favorite story like this is where OP rolled with it, took her keys, tossed them into the dumpster of a restaurant, and her car got towed because it was in a no parking zone.
@vicious_cycle Год назад
I was thinking about that one, too. I expected OP to throw her keys like that OP had.
@CharlemagneGuy127 Год назад
I had a I don’t work here lady moment last Saturday when I stopped by Walmart after work to return some pants that didn’t fit right and find new ones. It was the perfect setup for a rude Karen, cuz I was still wearing my blue work shirt that matched Walmart’s blue and at the moment, I was going through shelves of Wrangler’s pants trying to find a few in my size and folding any that I pulled out. I was also right next to a wheel rack that had some various clothes on it that was left there, so to anyone else, I DEFINITELY looked like a Walmart employee. I was stopped by a woman with her kid asking where some certain article of clothing was and I was like “um uh I don’t work here” while pointing to my company’s logo on my shirt. Fortunately where I live, people are pretty nice and understanding, and she let out a simple “oh I’m so sorry!” and I told her “no worries” and she bid farewell
@LatitudeSky Год назад
Happened to me in Walmart multiple times. One was while dressed in jeans and a T-shirt but I had my phone out looking up prices on the Walmart app. Apparently that looks like an employee. I had to argue with a guy that I was just a shopper like him. He didn't believe me. Another time was while I was wearing an incredibly bright reflective jacket, probably visible from space, it's so bright. Nothing like Walmart employees dress. Lady yells at me asking where things were. Had no idea and told her so and walked away as she fumed. How blind do you have to be to think someone dressed like a walking solar flare is a store employee where they wear blue?
@klocugh12 Год назад
PSA for all Karens: DO NOT TOUCH ANYONE YOU DON'T KNOW! And even if you do know them, make sure your touch is welcome first. But I'm afraid that part is way too hard for Karens.
@JamesDavy2009 Год назад
Making an assumption that a Karen's IQ is above the level of a clinical idiot…
@onepieceisking5493 Год назад
While some Karens mistake people who work there there are Karens who actually believe EVERYONE should serve them and are below them. I can never understand that mentality as I was apparently raised right.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
If OP's Friend has both Mastered each Martial Art Form AND Integrated them all into 1 coherent style, then he's Mastered a Martial Art that can best described as "Reach Out and Break Someone"... He doesn't need a Deadly Weapon because he IS a Deadly Weapon...at least in Melee Range anyway... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@craigpatterson2592 Год назад
Story 4: While listening to these stories I noticed that when some Karens were asked to explain their side of a conflict, they claim that the other person in the conflict did the things that they did to them to authorities/someone in charge.
@Measos77 Год назад
It's called DARVO. Deny Agression Reverse Victim and Oppressor.
@craigpatterson2592 Год назад
@@Measos77 That makes sense, I have learned something new today.
@LatitudeSky Год назад
Happens ALL the time. A related phenomenon is when someone feels guilt about something and expresses the guilt as an effort, often public effort, to destroy whatever the guilt is about. For example, priests who rail against gays turn out to have their own gay boyfriend who they have been hiding. Internal shame motivates people to do a lot of things, not always fairly.
@jamiepatterson1214 11 месяцев назад
Finally... a Karen who discovered why it's best not to touch anyone they don't know. She's lucky it was only a broken arm, it could have been worse.
@chrystalminor1422 Год назад
If a crazy person shoves their car keys at me and demands I move their car... is it theft? I would drive around all day until it ran out of gas, then just leave it wherever it stops and lock the keys in the car. I can Uber home.
@lordeden2732 Месяц назад
Fun But Yes it is Theft
@Life_Is_Torture0000 Год назад
One of the dumbest things you can do is grab random strangers in public. You have no idea who they are or what they are capable of. They could have pepper spray, a knife or gun. They could have violent PTSD. Getting arrested could be the least of your concerns.
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
If you touch someone without consent, then you deserve the instant karma that follows.
@johncunningham4820 Год назад
That LAST one is UTTER CHAOS . Wow .
@kennycai8695 Год назад
Story 4: Hearing so many of these crazy people being so high strung, I think we need mandatory drug or breathalyzer tests for every arrest, cause I suspect some of these people are high off narcotics or booze. This is definitely not normal behavior on display, and mental conditions can be aggravated via drugs or alcohol consumption, the latter of which is easy to acquire so long as you have an ID.
@COG000123 Год назад
Story 1: I have always wondered why nobody ever seems to turn the Karens favvo tool against them, and simply outscream them? Apparently, this op did. Well done.
@dixietenbroeck8717 Год назад
Last story: *WHAT THE HECK happened to that guy's **_PHONE?_* Thanks for another lovely read!
@johnduquette7023 Год назад
And how did the cops get there so damn fast?
@pyrusmew5 Год назад
@@johnduquette7023my guess is that either the boss or the SM called them before approaching the Karen, mentioning a public disturbance as the keyword
@johnduquette7023 Год назад
@@pyrusmew5 I doubt it. If that were the case he would have mentioned the cops had been called, or OP would have clarified.
@allenbanks910 Год назад
Broken arm Karen: I guess it’s a start, since we can’t use the belt.
@kennethjackson7574 Год назад
One of three faces may help in similar situations- the thousand yard stare, like you’re intensely focused on something a thousand yards away and if possible right through the offensive person; the completely blank stare, expressionless, non-reactive, not a poker face- think poker face 2.0; and the ten second smile, like the one in How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but very slow, very creepy.
@christamillion9073 Год назад
I try to avoid going into Walmart as much as possible. Although if I ran into a Karen for a *idontworkhere* story - I do have plenty of coping tools.
@michaelterrell Год назад
You should be doing at least 45MPH if you're going to run into a Karen!
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
A Friend of mine has a Short Fuse and began studying Aikido as a way to learn Discipline and Self Control... Aikido is a great Defensive Martial Art as it allows you to use your opponents own force against them allowing you to defend against their attacks without hurting them much... But what many people don't know is most Aikido Techniques have 2 forms/moves, the first form stops the opponent without much damage (usually lots of pain, but little to no actual damage) but the second form (it's just the 1st form taken a farther) not only causes HUGE pain, but can actually do some major damage... For example, a wrist lock, taken to the first form, causes pain but not damage to force you to stop attacking the Aikido Master, but taken to the 2nd form, not only drops you on your ass from agony, but also either dislocates your wrist and elbow or breaks them like a twig...Same EXACT Technique but 2 completely different outcomes... Anyway, back to my Friend, the Aikido did teach him Self Control and while his Fuse is still short, he doesn't explode into Violent Rage anymore when you step on his last (and only) nerve...Piss him Off however (attacking him or his Friends with a weapon is a guaranteed way to do it), and pray to whatever God(s) you believe in that he never gets close enough to touch you because he WILL twist you into something resembling a modern art sculpture and you WILL be spending a VERY long time in the nearest Trauma Center's Intensive Care Unit in traction and a full body cast...
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
I think a good way to deter Karens from demanding people be fired or arrested is to inform them that, if the Accused is found innocent, the Accuser will be forced to compensate the Accused for loss of time and earnings and that they also have to attend ALL procedural hearings. It might not deter all, but it'll probably deter a few, especially as a majority of Karens always seem to have an "important meeting/appointment" to get to or always seem intent on getting a "good bargain" so surely don't have time or money to get someone dismissed or arrested, especially given the consequences, should it turn out they lied...
@KertaDrake Год назад
Man... If a crazy lady gives you her keys and is rude to you, just go park her vehicle in a no parking zone and lock the keys inside.
@Sweetie_Bunbutt Год назад
Story 3: After Karen said that she will not be addressed with "Lady" I would have said:"Whatever gentleman!"
@8bitfae Год назад
Story 3: Same with my bf and I know if anyone grabbed him like that, theyd fine themselves staring at the ceiling as well. How hard is it for people to NOT grab others?? Karens Need to learn that the world is not their playground.
@gauravminz8337 Год назад
Story 4: If the Karen doesn't work there at the time of incident but was there for a meeting, it was probably an interview, and OP and everyone else were probably there by divine intervention to help prevent whoever was handling the interview hire the Soviet flag parade.
@PassiveSmoking Год назад
Legend has it that the crazy lady in the last story is still waiting for somebody to park her car at office 3 bay 6
@michaelterrell Год назад
I would have found a junkyard with a car crusher, and parked it there.
@kimmccarthy7747 Год назад
In the little room where the doors lock and the windows have bars.
@gaveintothedarkness Год назад
pretty sure the story is fake, its just too wild.
@michaelterrell Год назад
@@gaveintothedarkness Haven't you heard the phrase, 'Stranger than fiction'?
@fzerowipeoutlover Год назад
​@@michaelterrell r/maliciouscompliance
@merlinathrawes746 Год назад
Throw water story: I would have used that spin to aid the speed to the punch Karen was about to receive! Beer story: Once again, keep your hands to yourself. You never know what someone is capable of doing and how willing they are to do it to you.
@shannonp1656 Год назад
I wonder what I would do in the last situation. Maybe take the keys, wait for her to go in the building, move the car to the street, and lock the keys in the car. Seems easier.
@larrywest42 Год назад
Probably best to clean your fingerprints off the keys and leave them on the windshield for *whoever* cares enough to move it. No way would I consider getting in that car.
@patriciaaturner289 Год назад
I kept anticipating the Site Manager in the last story saying something like “What do you mean by Building 3 Bay 6? That’s not how we identify parking slots here. You want the Acme business park. It’s at the corner of Acme Terrace and Grand Ave. About 2 miles east of here off the freeway. “
@grizbear4115 Год назад
Story 1: OP got the Regular Show comfort food 😂
@RachelleBella Год назад
Karens should ask themselves if it is worth jail time before touching anyone....but they would even argue with themselves about that no doubt
@aliciavelarde6200 10 месяцев назад
Where do all these crazy Walmart Karens come from? My son works at Walmart and we do our grocery shopping every other Sunday when he's ended his shift. He's walking around still wearing his vest and he has outright ignored customers who try to get his attention after he's clocked out. We've never had any incidents like the ones described in this channel. I suppose we should consider ourselves lucky.
@petervaneno4469 Год назад
Sounds like that last lady was caught in a time loop. She's perpetually late for a meeting
@j.d.l._666 5 месяцев назад
Story #3: everyone who knows just a little bit about martial arts knows: NEVER ever touch someone without their consent! It's considered as an aggression and a challange to fight! So NEVER touch other people! Props to OP's friend, nice throw!
@paulman34340 Год назад
One day, I want a Karen to act this way to someone carrying something heavy (and a Camera catching it all) and suffer the item in question being dropped on their feet because seriously! Who sees someone carrying something heavy and decides to grab or startle them? Oh I know why, Karen's think if it does fall it won't be on them! so they don't care (Expected of people who are ALLERGIC to personal responsibility and suffering the consequences of their actions) Hopefully a broken foot will teach them to stop doing this It's annoying that everyone else has to do the shit their PARENTS/GUARDIANS SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT THEM (Basic Decency and common sense!)
@michaelterrell Год назад
I'd like to see a Karen in a Road Runner cartoon, where Acme anvils and huge boulders fall on her! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@paulman34340 Год назад
@@michaelterrell 🥰🥰🥰
@meganthompson6676 Год назад
For that last one; I would have just parked the car, pulled down my pants, and then do both a #1 and a #2 ON HER SEAT!
@SerathDarklands Год назад
A good rule of thumb: "Karma's only a bitch if you are".
@Kualinar Год назад
#1 EVEN IF OP actually worked there, Karen's actions and attitude are not acceptable ANYWHERE ! That Karen deserve to spend some crappy time in some backwater jail in some third world country. #2 And, another Karen assaulting someone who OBVIOUSLY don't work there and got in some deep trouble for her insane stupidity and entitlement. #3 When Karen'll get out of the hospital, it'll be to go to the court room facing a clear case of assault AGAINST her. As for B... That was a clear case of self defence. #4 Crazy Karen just got herself charges for assault, harassment, resisting arrest, and some other. She obviously couldn't get to her meeting. That is IF she actually had one. With that, she clearly ruined her reputation at her job and lost it. And, the cherry on top : She'll have to pay for the towing of her car and the impound fees. That's sweet karma.
@CromTuise Год назад
Aw yes, my favourite video topic! I love IDWHL stories and always look forward to them.
@jamiewilson8000 Год назад
What is it with Walmart and Karen’s?! Is like that store draws them in with their “Holier than thou” attitudes
@michaelterrell Год назад
Their stores are huge, so there are a lot more chances of running into one. Sme are open 24 hours a day, unlike other stores so it's going to see more losers.
@larrywest42 Год назад
​@@michaelterrell and maybe Karens have been banned from pricier stores? Or their antipsychotic prescriptions are cheaper at Walmart?
@michaelterrell Год назад
@@larrywest42 The only medication for them is a large dose of Arsenic.
@VanishingNomad Год назад
The martial artist was in the wrong. A throw, on a normal person who doesnt know how to fall, can easily paralyze, or even be deadly. It was a gross execution of excessive force, against a completely none threat. He deserves jail for battery.
@VibinWitch Год назад
Only once in my life have i walked up to someone who didnt work there and asked for help and then politely backtracked once i realized they weren't an employee but i never understand the mentality of walking up and getting in someone's personal space and demanding they help me without taking no for answer and then getting physical about it like???? Do you have something wrong with you???? Are you actually one misdemeanor away from landing yourself in a mental institution and the rejection to your entitlement is the last straw????? After listening to 5000 stories like this one i can only conclude that these ppl have social blinders on and absolutely no brain cells left to fuction the awareness center of the brain that tells the difference between actual workers and the general public and all hell breaks loose when they're denied the help they demand
@alantran4901 Год назад
Story 2: if something like that did that to me I would respond with do you want to see the security cameras together with the cops.😊
@thomasconnors4338 11 месяцев назад
I decided to wear a tie without a suit jacket for a while, and I was instantly the manager of every store I ever went to.
@paulahik211 7 месяцев назад
"Take my car!!" Just remember you gave me the keys, so you have no case when I do just that.
@taraharvey8123 Год назад
😂😂😂😂😂 Story #3... OMGOODNESS! Oh how I wish we had a video to see this live-action!! I am 99% certain this KAREN IN THE WILD will think twice before doing this dumb 💩 again!! 😂😂😂😂😂
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan Год назад
Don't be surprised when you suddenly learn how to imitate a Pretzel because you Assaulted a Martial Arts Master... But don't worry, they'll be Extremely Happy to teach you the Art of Pretzel Imitation... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@vahvahdisco Год назад
Last story - did OP get his phone back off the CL though ?!
@Doc1855 Год назад
I would have taken her keys, slammed my foot to the floor and dropped her car into Drive, cut some cookies in the parking lot and parked it as far away from the building as possible, left the engine running and locked the doors when leaving the car.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
Last story. Maybe she was a nightmare employee and the meeting was about her getting the boot.
@larrywest42 Год назад
I'd *gladly* have helped get her in the boot. _Oh, wait, that's not what you said, is it?_ Well, I still stand by my statement.
@richardwhite3924 4 месяца назад
Story #3: I am a United States Army retiree (Army Counterintelligence Agent 27 years) who is rated by the government as 70% disabled from PTSD. I have been shot twice in the line of duty by foreign agents/spies I was attempting to arrest. If I did not have my PTSD service dog with me and was attacked (she clearly attacked him), it is entirely possible that she would have left for the hospital with multiple injuries, not just the injury to her arm. One of my service dog's jobs is to prevent me from severely damaging someone like that woman.
@dragonrider1549 Год назад
Story 4 - I honestly wonder if the Karen was performing a drug trade off. Have someone else drive it so if the drugs were found she could claim they planted them, and if not, someone else was going to pick up the car and subsequently the drugs.
@ravendarkcloud Год назад
Not an idwhl story but funny. I have a condition that makes my immune system attack my own lungs and heart along with causing liver damage. Du to this I cough a lot and have tremors (like a parkinson's patient). I was having a bad day and was shaking with breathing issues, a roundish shaped woman kept glaring at me talking in hushed tones. Many times she made wide paths around me and I heard her comment how "Sick people like that should not be in public". I finally had enough and walked right up beside her grabbing an item I did not need and said right to her "Now you're gona catch it too." To this day I have never seen anyone go so ghost white in my life. It was rude of me but I was so done with the crp.
@johnopalko5223 Год назад
Somebody forces their keys on me, the keys get dropped into the storm drain.
@vernonharden Год назад
A better idea yet, place the keys in the ignition, lock the door, then call in a rollback. The tow and impounding will cost a nice chunk of money, then having to have a locksmith come and unlock the vehicle will cost them another nice chunk of money.
@jackhemsworth7515 10 месяцев назад
Thats the thing. Martial arts just puts them on the floor. Over and over. Something tells me she was not expecting to go ass over face when she grabbed him, her arm was out and smacked the crate of bottles, forcing it inwards. Likely nothing but a pulled shoulder.
@cheshire0772 Год назад
Story 3. Speaking of Karen's. (I am mixed, hubs is white, we had 2 of our boys with us at the time) Last year, around St. Patrick's, we were living in the Keys. We were ending our night with ice cream of Duval. It. Is. Busy. 9 pm, folks are everywhere because of the holiday. As we were finishing up, this crowd crosses against the light, causing a sedan with a black couple inside to honk. A rather round, biker jacket clad gentleman expressed his opinion of the honk with a finger, earning him a verbal, racist assault, including comments on his physical roundness, from the woman in the passenger seat. My husband is not the type to tolerate that, and bellowed "SHUT UP!!!" at her. Driver pulls into a parking lot, and steps out to defend his chihuahua/wife, and teach a white boy a lesson. Yeahhhhh....my husband was a combat vet in Iraq, very, VERY special unit. The man has taken lives. Black dude really wanted to beat him down, but I literally put myself between them and did my best to keep my now blacked out husband from actually getting to this guy. Meanwhile his bitch is screaming that my husband was a crazy white drunk man, and the crowd sided with her, telling me they'd "pray for me." For 10 full minutes I fought my own husband to stop him from killing an ignorant asshat, all because his wife wanted to be a racist twat. If they ever read this, keep your bitch on a leash, or muzzle her. If there ever is a next time, homie, I hope you make it.
@SquiggyGirlForever Год назад
I've said this before - WHY do Karen's think its ok to put their hands on other people? Honestly i dont know what i would do if a Karen touched me like that. I dont like being touched by strangers (well nobody does) and don't get me started on being yelled at.
@WillWilsonII Год назад
".....this is your fault!" Hahahahaha she really believes that!
@HappyBeezerStudios 10 месяцев назад
putting entitles Karens to community service feels like the perfect example.
@KingOfYamimakai Год назад
Second Story: I don't get how Karen can sue her victim when the evidence clearly show her causing her to get hurt by the water container. Third Story: If Karen try to sue OP's friend for assault the camera well show that she grab OP's friend first and what he did is consider self defense so the judge would throw the suit out. Last Story: My guess CL is trying to pull a car theft fraud where she have OP park her car then call the cops on OP for stealing her car and use her word against his word as cops usually side with the victim. Unlucky for her since the lot has cameras OP's manager and boss can show the officers the camera recording show CL handing OP her keys to have him park her car which would result in CL getting arrested for false accusation.
@DaemonwarriorJulius Год назад
Story 3: I do get confused for an employee on occasion when I move the Jungheinrich electric jacks at my local Kaufland but that thought can occur when I have the key in my pocket (not many people know these keys are standardized and Jungheinrich uses only 2 keys throughout all of their products, jacks and forklifts alike). It never went physical though, a shouting match at most. It takes a special brand of stupid to assault someone without knowing anything about them or their abilities.
@tree1383 Год назад
Story 1 response seems just fine to me!!
@anniekrause9834 Год назад
My day just got better! 😊
@HappyBeezerStudios 10 месяцев назад
Take the keys, tell her you park the car after your done with your other tasks and that she can go to her office. Then give the car to your boss and let him manage it. If she want's her car back, she'll know which tow company to contact.
@Stonedsheepu8906 Год назад
Story 3: romper. What you were describing Karen wearing is a romper
@vernonharden Год назад
Also sometimes called a jumpsuit or parachute outfit (if I recall correctly).
@ayeshawilliams88 Год назад
A boney talon took me put😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@bethmairs3377 Год назад
Well more people should pres charges on the Karen's and maybe they wouldn't be so entitled
@ronaldfinkelstein6335 11 месяцев назад
Story 3-Sounds like the martial arts guy was trying to emulate Bruce [Batman] Wayne...who is reputed to be a master of 127 different martial arts styles...
@shadodragonette Год назад
I must live in the only part of the USA devoid of karens. The only entitled people are only entitled about 3% of the day, they don't treat everyone else like dust. I can safely shop and never worry if I am going to be assaulted by some person who thinks they are more important than the rest of us. We do have medical emergencies, but real ones that require days or weeks or months in the hospital or end in death, so I don't count those as drama, they are important and not made to create a scene. So, again, no karens here. And I am NOT telling where "here" is, because I don't want karens to move here.
@666toysoldier Год назад
Most of small town America.
@shadodragonette Год назад
@@666toysoldier I tried to think of something nice to reply to your snide remark. I failed. I hope you have a good life.
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
Story 2: Assault with a deadly weapon? If a pack of water is a deadly weapon, then I deserve hazard pay for how many of those I shop daily. That, or I should be arrested for distribution.
@TheReal_CoachCason Год назад
The first story that's set in a Publix is very true. There have been many incidents at my Publix where men in a nice shirt and a tie have been confused for a manager by customers. All though, luckily most of those incidents are very nice and understanding customers mistaking other customers for managers.
@alanlittle4589 Год назад
Why couldn't she park her own car? So strange.
@bertrellephillips3512 Год назад
I got a Telya every time somebody mistakes me for someone that works there. I always just smile and send them down and I’ll five or 6 miles away for whatever they’re looking for regardless of what they’re looking for if they come back to find me and complain. I just stand there and laugh at them.