
r/TIFU by Poking a Tiger in its Balls 

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@Mewse1203 2 года назад
That nurse should not be a nurse. Her condescension and lack of humility when faced with something she's never dealt with is not indicative of a good team player or someone who will make a good bedside care giver IMO.
@RockinTheBassGuitar 2 года назад
Right? I get that at some point everyone thinks they've seen it all but a little bit of humility goes a long way to prevent problems.
@bluestreaker9242 2 года назад
@@RockinTheBassGuitar Exactly. Never EVER assume you've seen it all, otherwise you'll find out how fast you can shove your own foot in to your mouth.
@709GingaNinja 2 года назад
Shes probably been belittled and underestimated by doctors her whole career
@simonO712 2 года назад
@@709GingaNinja Is it likely she has? Yes. Does that make it right for her to continue the cycle by belittling others? No.
@beeziebubs2756 2 года назад
@@709GingaNinja Possibly, and I absolutely commend anyone who doesn’t put up with that kind of bullshit. However, you kind of have to learn to differentiate when you’re being belittled and when your being given legitimate advice; there is a difference. Ultimately, she kind of just needed to turn off the attitude and think on whether she was being patronized or not.
@songohan3321 2 года назад
Animals remember things. OP better be on guard at all times.
@Lp-gn5hx 2 года назад
Add to that the fact that tigers have the reputation as one of the most vindictive animals in nature. There's the story of a man in Siberia who shot a tiger but didn't kill it. People didn't wanna go near him afterwards, but his scent might travel with them. The tiger stalked the man, found out where he lived, and then broke into his cabin and waited for him to come home. It might be a myth, but i don't wanna put it to the test.
@mariafox9226 2 года назад
At least it wasn’t a crow. Not only are they vengeful, they talk about you with other crows. So if you did something bad, other crows will attack you too.
@jariccacierra8445 2 года назад
@@mariafox9226 I am absolutely delighted by the idea of cows talking shit thank you so much
@kaical8273 2 года назад
@@mariafox9226 not sure a crow could kill a person though
@debymello4756 2 года назад
Maybe not kill, but being pecked by 5+ birds is no joke either
@azem02 2 года назад
Yeah the nurse have seen and heard worse things. That ego is strong with that entitled nurse.
@korosheht5446 2 года назад
The thing she missed was sometimes smallest thing can be much more nerve wrecking than the big things
@auberginebear 2 года назад
TBF, there are a lot of other things that some might call worse, but getting bone marrow is in a league of its own.
@LizzyThePirate 2 года назад
I've gotten a bone marrow biop. Yeah, they're not fun. I would not want my nurse passing out on me during that.
@Rmirfin 2 года назад
Watching a bone marrow sample was the closest I've been to passing out in almost 20 years working in a hospital. At least that doctor gave a heads up.
@zhontac6194 2 года назад
I understand the first two stories now! So the tiger gets a dart to the balls. Desperate to find relief, the tiger persuades a wizard to turn him into a man in Norway but the wizard screwed up and the tiger's (now human) balls still ached so he had to take bathes to soothe his balls to this day. Damn veterinarians!
@Bobplushie666 2 года назад
Excuse me what
@GhostlyTekk 2 года назад
@@Bobplushie666 you heard the man
@kadenbane 2 года назад
Underrated comment xD
@audreym3908 2 года назад
@bluestreaker9242 2 года назад
Right? That was my thought, too, when I heard that line in the second story; I was hoping Rslash would make a comment. XD
@NiamhCreates 2 года назад
The fluffer story was hilarious... especially because it took his MOM finally cluing him in lmao
@lpsfoxstar8454 Год назад
similar story, i'm LGBT+ and out-ish to my parents, out to everyone else, one time around when i was 19 i told my mom we'd be going to a bar with friends, a gay bar, my mother has never had an issue with me doing essentially anything since i don't drink, i don't have a sex life and perfer to come home early etc etc, not to mention i just never went to bars so that was a rare treat night out. The bar was called DTM and i told her where we were going since i didn't care if she knew what i was up to. She then perks up as if she excitedly wants to tell me a fun fact and says, completely oblivious to the irony of what she's about to say: "Do you know what DTM stands for?" i say to her "no" as i'd just never thought about it "it means "don't tell mama" The cruel irony of my mother telling me the name of a gay bar called "don't tell mama" was entirely lost on her but as soon as i could i burst out laughing by myself about the situation and told everyone. To this day i have no idea how she even knows the name of the big gay bar in town given she's very straight and goes to one spesific fancy bar with her work friends like, once every two months and comes back at like 7pm, meaning she has no nightlife. GG mom, you won this round, and didn't even know it.
@supervegito2277 Год назад
Thank GOD for urban dictionary. Also, if you encounter a new word, dont use it without looking it up first.
@EurikaKoli 2 года назад
Fluffer story: Is it bad that I am RELIEVED that I'm not the only one this happens to? I've used too many common-ish phrases and been mortified when I learn they're sexual in nature (grew up Christian and considerably sheltered.) These moments literally keep me up at night.
@galacticbob1 2 года назад
Same! I was a teenager when I mentioned to my mom that a friend of mine lived "in a condom." My mom was super confused, until I explained that "obviously condom is short for condominium, right?" 🤦‍♂️
@ZarHakkar 2 года назад
Once you know what they are, you can start using them intentionally to mess with people. It's great.
@IceForger 2 года назад
I used to think that homogenized means gay bc of some gameplay joke I saw on youtube. And my mum corrected my a few months (years?) later that it's homosexual.
@mindcraftyD13 2 года назад
@@IceForger homogenized is mixing something to a uniform consistency. Like milk is homogenized to keep the fat from separating, i.e. the cream floating to the surface. The prefix "homo" means "same" and is not sexual by default. Homogeneous is "the same throughout".
@IceForger 2 года назад
@@mindcraftyD13 Like... Yeah? That's the point tho. My middle school self heard it in a joking manner in a video and didn't bother checking. And got corrected by my mother. Like maybe 10 years ago.
@logirl1975 2 года назад
From fluffers to first cousins in a matter of seconds. What a wild little trip.
@MyrnNecromanson 2 года назад
"Can sometimes be painful to the patient" really means "Jesus take me now from this world of pain" level pain
@theonlybomber 2 года назад
I literally just had my tooth pulled yesterday. It had a massive cavity & couldn’t be fixed because almost half the tooth was gone. I procrastinated getting it yanked because I knew it would suck but I couldn’t wait any longer after waking up at 3am in a massive amount of pain. Anyway the tooth was the top right most rear molar closest to my ear. After they numbed me up they said I would hear a pop but what I heard was CRACKLING as my decayed tooth started break apart from the force they had to use to grab & pull. There wasn’t really any pain & I feel much better than I did yesterday but that sound of tooth cracking apart will haunt me forever!! Take care of your teeth kids😁
@RhamanaChan 2 года назад
I had to have a top left molar pulled a few years back, the worst pain was the needle they stuck in my hard palate for numbing me up. The tooth came out with very little resistance and she didnt even need to do any cutting of the gums, I told her to just yank it because it couldn't huurt any more than that needle had. I still have the tooth, the roots on it were enormous and all curled in on eachother lol.
@sourisvoleur4854 2 года назад
When I had my wisdom teeth removed I elected to be awake (kids: don't do this). One of them was so deeply impacted (surrounded by bone) that they had to break it. By hitting it with a hammer. My whole head juddered with each hit, and I heard the dentist saying "harder. harder." I was also high on laughing gas so it was totally surreal, like it was happening to somebody else, except the juddering shuddering.
@gmun2248 2 года назад
I had a cervical fusion (C4-C6) last August. In the guidelines, it says all dental procedures must be avoided at least 3 months before & after surgery. I was 39, had never even had a filling. Well... 9 weeks post-op, my first molar^ on the top left, just kind of softly broke off, almost right at the gum line. The surgery was an anterior fusion, so the incision is the front *left* side of my neck. Worst timing ever. And a Friday night. Then no emergency dentist would see me until I had clearance from my surgeon. Eventually I saw a dentist on the Tuesday who extracted it, and the root was so long that he just had to keep drilling around & around the tooth so he could wiggle it. When I saw my spine surgeon later that week he said: "I can't even begin to imagine how painful it would be for you to just sit & have your neck in that position, with pressure right now." Also true. The dentist was awesome, I had my neck collar on for it, he added pillows around me & kept stopping to let me take a break, but it was a horrible experience. After my surgery, I knew I was healing. Yeah, I had a hell of a lot of pain, but it had been worse before (25% impingement of my spinal cord & cervical spine instability). It was a lot of work, but I was doing really well with the rehab. It had taken 2 years from my injury to get to that point where ALL things were improving. After my tooth fell out, I fell apart!! It's almost funny. Like I could cope with so much & then it was the (comparatively) smaller thing that just pushed me over the edge!! I hope your mouth heals well. And, from my fml experience - if the dentist tells you to snip your own stitches if they don't dissolve. Don't. Go back to the dentist. 😱! (^I think first molar - I now have 3 back teeth, including a wisdom tooth, then the space - you can't see it)
@michellebaker6302 2 года назад
I had a tooth pulled today - wisdom tooth so not anything they'd try to save. (Never had mine out as a teen because they grew in fine, it was a decay issue.) Anyway, I was on laughing gas and I still remember the sound! And the pressure, ugh! It didn't hurt (at the time...) because it was numbed but WOW I was regretting being conscious at that moment!
@Kinshin84 2 года назад
The worst part is wisdom teeth are just on the other side of your ears. Like front row to a concert and you will hear, and feel every bit of it. (Shivers)
@danielbrant6740 2 года назад
*Traveling Nurse:* You can't scare me! I've worked in trauma rooms! *Doctor, under his breath:* Your overconfidence is your downfall.
@starvr 2 года назад
I bet the tiger wasn't lethargic anymore. LOL Poor thing. And the bone marrow procedure is extremely painful (when they extract the marrow), especially when the nurse passes out and face plants herself on to your butt. Nurses passing out must be more common than I thought.
@MoostachedSaiyanPrince 2 года назад
I get the feeling the term "fluffer" isn't that common. I'd never heard it, the OP from that story hadn't, and since they didn't get any weird looks or questions anytime they used the term to talk about interior design, it seems they didn't know anyone that knew the term either. This raises the question though: how did OP's mom know what it meant?
@TheGreyKami 2 года назад
The 70s were a wild time, man.
@limiv5272 2 года назад
Why wouldn't the mom know? She's been around long enough, and clearly can't be a virgin if she had a son
@ScientistCat 2 года назад
@@limiv5272 I don't think mine is a virgin and I'm pretty sure she doesn't know. Might be biased cause English isn't our first language...
@jenette16 2 года назад
@@limiv5272 um, im older and been around some crazy porn lovers. Never have I heard the term. Guess it depends on the crowd you hang around with. I'm going to start checking with people, see how many know this term "fluffer". I thought I had a fairly good grasp of slang and such growing up, but this term has never been used around me. Am I that sheltered? Didn't think so till now, go figure.
@itbesid1566 2 года назад
Before Rslash explained it, I just assumed "fluffer" was another cutesy word for someone's pet, like "fur-baby" and "woofer" and the like.
@silverflight01 2 года назад
Story 5: I know that DNA testing and 23&Me can lead to all sorts of connections you never knew you had, but holy s*** was that crazy.
@majoratwili7312 2 года назад
Sweet home Alabama I guess lmao
@Hybrid301 2 года назад
When you try to relive your childhood by crawling up the stairs, but give your partner nightmare fuel. I feel so sorry for the GF. It sounds like she couldn’t afford to lose any more sleep.
@monedameow 2 года назад
OMG, she should have kick him in the same place as the tiger :-P
@machazychaz 2 года назад
Im a young nurse but i will never forget the feeling i had watching an eye being stuck with a needle on a live zoomed in monitor and realizing i am standing less than three metres from the actual operation taking place (during training so i wasnt supposed to do anything thank fuck)
@varahunter68 2 года назад
my eye ached just reading that
@cynister7384 2 года назад
I had an operation where the doctor scraped a part of my cornea off with some kind of scalpel I guess, and the wildest part is that I saw it from that same eye. It was kinda cool.
@Neighbor-assistantYN 2 года назад
I can handle blood, violent accidents, visible bone breaks, crime clean ups and bodily fluid. However, the moment the eyes are bringing worked on, I'm out. Surgery or correctional. I get violently sick and dizzy. Nothing else.
@YetiPlz 2 года назад
Thanks for explaining what a "fluffer" is because I was thinking it was another term for a big fluffy dog lol Though, I've made mistakes like that before and I try to make a habit of Googling a word to learn its definition instead of assuming.
@shycherrygirl 2 года назад
at least you could see a big fluffy dog and say "look at that fluffer" and nobody would bat an eye
@ccarlymartin 2 года назад
I got caught using a word I already typed in a comment on this video and can't bring myself to type it again. But since then I always check the definition of words to be sure. Treasure hunt!!!! Can anyone find my other post with the offending word?
@gmun2248 2 года назад
I have never heard of it either. I'm 40. Not sheltered, not religious - things I've seen other people write. The comment that probably everyone knows what this means made laugh. The fact OP's mother was the one who explained it made me laugh. I'm British though, but I don't think this is an 'American English is another language' thing. (I joked i was multiingual when I loved in the US - Scots, English, & American.)
@TheGreyKami 2 года назад
Aww, who's a good little fluffer? I had to.
@KumiChan2004 2 года назад
I... thought it had something to do with furries.
@jessicarichards6796 2 года назад
The story about the guy sitting up and screaming when his gf tried to get into bed reminds me of my husband. If he has a nightmare, he will sometimes sit straight up in bed screaming. Then, he will lay back down and go immediately back to sleep. I, on the other hand, am a light sleeper. So when he screams me awake I’m up for the night, having been terrified out of REM sleep. That son of a biscuit sleeps like a baby the rest of the night.
@marisolmartinez5097 2 года назад
Could it be a night terror? My brother use to do that. He would scream in the middle of the night during his night terrors, but would be asleep when my mom checked on him. The screaming didn't wake him up.
@jessicarichards6796 2 года назад
@@marisolmartinez5097 possibly. He always remembers he had a nightmare when I ask him in the morning.
@ScientistCat 2 года назад
"sleeps like a baby" soooo... he wakes up every two hours crying for some milk?
@marisolmartinez5097 2 года назад
@@jessicarichards6796 Ooooh ok. I hope he gets better.
@missdelaney7340 2 года назад
One time my brother snuck in through my window because he knew I kept it unlocked for situations like being locked out of the house. He didn’t know that I had moved my bed under the window so he crawled in and dropped on my bed. I woke up to someone sitting on me and I started throwing punches as hard as I could and he started whisper yelling it’s me your brother. We laughed about it in the morning. 😂
@Fawndolyn 2 года назад
In the fluffer’s defense, I spent years telling my actor friends “have fun on the casting couch” (and alike things) whenever they went in for auditions. I found out just a couple years ago that the casting couch isn’t where you wait with other actors to be called for your audition, but means FUCKING THE DIRECTOR FOR A ROLE.
@Cottontailart 2 года назад
The last story is similar to what happened with my partner's cousin, he had a gf and had kids, sadly the kids kept dying and social services in the UK (child services is what they are called in the USA) thought both parents were abusing their children, they found out through DNA they were distant cousins and the kids where passing from birth defects :c
@francescaperron2003 2 года назад
I died laughing at the albino spider in darkness description
@dwasifarkaralahishipoor2223 2 года назад
Story: "Condescension." Narrator: "Condensation."
@bearwrex9806 2 года назад
I usually laugh out loud when I catch mistakes like these, but this one caught me particularly off guard. xD
@81bajaj 2 года назад
@@bearwrex9806 I think rSlash was probably trying to imply that she said it very icily. :-)
@bearwrex9806 2 года назад
@@81bajaj I wish that I could've seen that "thud" in action. That must have been so satisfying.
@MyDogIsYoshi 2 года назад
Fluffer: Oh! A dog with a lot of fur. No. I wish.
@tiffanysjogren3079 2 года назад
I know what goes into a bone marrow biopsy but I also know that donating bone marrow is the same procedure and can be so life saving for so many people and I really want to try donating my bone marrow.
@coffeeaddict9605 2 года назад
At least in Canada it's really easy to sign up. Just answer some medical history questions online, and they'll send you a kit in the mail to take some cheek swabs, then you mail it back.
@Altairethayze 2 года назад
Join the Bone Marrow Registry. I've been registered for over 20 years. No donations yet, though.
@BiggerinRealLife 2 года назад
Today I learned that some doctors have a damn lot of integrity and great sense of personal responsibility. Gives me hope for the world.
@Mck499 2 года назад
How many tickles does it take to make a octopus laugh? Ten-tickles😮 I know a real knee slapper there!
@Aztronomical695 2 года назад
Yooo that's so funny 🗿🗿💀💀💀
@crassenti 2 года назад
Lol I love this joke
@ScientistCat 2 года назад
I _sea_ what you did there careful though some people will wanna _sucker_ punch you now
@itsmilan4069 2 года назад
Bone marrow biopsy is a nightmare to me The pain still sends shivers down my spine even after 19 years
@AlexEndorian 2 года назад
Yes, totally.
@x2.5.69 2 года назад
The part where he is climbing up the stairs this is the funniest part I have ever seen if this is happened to me I would have laughed my ass off that seems like the funniest part of anybody's day
@gmun2248 2 года назад
I literally laughed out loud, properly, while making lunch. Thankfully not yet eating it!
@rewatteefroimchuk8589 2 года назад
I couldn't stop laughing!😂😂🤣
@maris7457 2 года назад
lol i've went up the stairs like this to be quiet at night too so it's hilarious and relatable to me!
@monedameow 2 года назад
My mom was scared because I was laughing to hard, his description was hilarious
@johanaklaudyova8764 6 месяцев назад
Yeah but I can imagine with a blurry vision, just the pale humanoid shape on all fours must have been horrifying lmaooo
@GeekBot404 2 года назад
messing with a tiger, takes balls ....i'll see myself out
@ScientistCat 2 года назад
bet he wasn't _feline_ too well afterwards
@GuardianMinerva 2 года назад
As a cancer/E-coli survivor my mom would tell me stories sense I was three years old and have no memory of any of it thank the goddess. I was going through an allergic reaction to a medicine the doctor gave me, the allergy was so painful it had set in my bones to the point I was in the fetal position. So when they had to perform an x-ray the tech nurse was trying to unravel my body, apparently it was soo painful to the point my mom thought someone was actually killing me. My second cousin on my dad's side had walked into the x-ray area and raised hell, apparently she scared the poor nurse. As for the bone marrow story, I had to go through several. My mom being there for most of them. I guess students who were there to watch didn't know that she was my mom. One of the students asked "how can she stand to watch something like that?" That same cousin looked at the student and said "because she's her mother." My mom was so amazing to be there for me through it all, I mean yeah my dad was there but he couldn't handle watching me go through it so I barely remember him helping. Yes he held me when I wasn't feeling my best but he couldn't stand to force me to take the pills I had to take, and it was a long list. So no it wasn't the doctor's fault he tried to warn her and she refused to listen so it's on her.
@OuchingTigerLimpingDragon 2 года назад
A good mother will go through just about anything to be there for their child, and I for one am grateful! There's nothing like having a parent there for support.
@johanaklaudyova8764 6 месяцев назад
That sounds awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that.
@marinam3809 2 года назад
When the nurse started to get rude, I was 100% ready to hear that she passed the fuck out (speaking as a nursing student that passed out in the ER). We 100% have to be humble, you never know what is going to get to you on a visceral level.
@skullcandy3935 2 года назад
Brightens my day every day. This guy really brings a lot of happiness to people and I hope he knows it. Even on bad days, I can always know my mornings will be great
@tawnyew 2 года назад
It's such a solid part of my routine. I'm making my coffee every morning with rslash
@ccarlymartin 2 года назад
We should start a fan club for r/slash. Every morning I can't start my day until he makes me laugh. Otherwise, I'm a big grump.
@WhtAbtBob10 2 года назад
Thank you so much rSlash for the lovely mental picture of a bone marrow biopsy while eating my breakfast. No puke or anything but still not great. My day can only get better. Lol
@melaniehoran8529 2 года назад
That was described mildly. It’s a lot worse. Not to mention the pain days/weeks after
@WhtAbtBob10 2 года назад
@@melaniehoran8529 I'm not super familiar with this procedure but I figured this was a mild description.
@VoidedBow 2 года назад
I almost threw up in my shower because of that
@kennethkalo9949 2 года назад
I'd like to say something about the last story. If they are first cousins that is not a distant familial relationship. That's the closest you can be as cousins. And I is actually very much illegal to marry said family member. That has to be one of the craziest stories I've ever heard of.
@desireeloveros1055 2 года назад
Right?? And they just kept their mouth shut about this???? My own father is unknown and I’m terrified that that I’ll accidentally end up with a half sibling/cousin
@peepslostsheep 2 года назад
It is surprisingly legal in most countries. And about half of the USA.
@radhiadeedou8286 2 года назад
It's legal almost everywhere, if we're talking globally
@peepslostsheep 2 года назад
@@radhiadeedou8286 Yup. All South American countries. Canada. All of Europe. Australia. Several countries in Africa. Russia. Most of the Middle East. Several countries in Asia. People don't realize how common it actually is.
@kingpyrrhusofepirus6686 2 года назад
@@peepslostsheep They really need to work on making it illegal
@Brianna771 2 года назад
After hearing the story of bone marrow biopsy I’m incredibly thankful I had mine done while I was unconscious
@ig_4220 2 года назад
Guess the vet can now tell their students they're a literal ball buster
@Longtallnikki61 2 года назад
Me, listening to the last story multiple times and wondering how you came up with "distantly related"? His mother and mother in law are half siblings...
@jennix8666 2 года назад
Yeah.... Its not that distant... 😳
@niyanna 2 года назад
I was thinking this. That is very closely related.
@fishlady7930 2 года назад
They don't have a family tree but a family shrub instead. Like why wouldn't anyone warm them slight chance they are related?? I have true cousins on my dad's side, it's the closest I ever want to get to the danger zone. My grandmother had 2 sisters and they each married a brother. They didn't plan this, they all found out when the last brother came back from ww1 and threw a party and everyone was when everyone like what the hell realizing they were just a family sandwich. They all decided to share the same wedding day too. And that how my closest cou sin on my father's side is 40 years older then me but for sanity sake they all became uncles and aunts.
@succocide 2 года назад
As a person that often runs up stairs on all fours, I was DYING laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@clarityashtons4273 2 года назад
I once scared the crap out of my sister when my tiny preteen self walked into the livingroom folding a huge red laundry bag. All you heard was her high pitched squeak of fear as she saw a huge red bag demon coming into the livingroom as I had it raised up to fold it without it dragging on the floor 😂😂😂😂
@username42080 2 года назад
I always feel bad when I hear stories about people who were together for a while and then one decides to get an ancestry test, to end up finding out they're somehow related. How are you supposed to cope with that? Like, imagine you've been with your partner since high school, you've built that deep connection with them, you've had kids with them, you've been through it all with them, now you're in your 30s or 40s and then one day, one of you decide to get an ancestry test, just to end up finding out you're somehow related, how the hell are you supposed to cope with that? What do you even do? Do you stay with them still? Are you supposed to break up? What do you do in that type of situation? If they decided to stay together, I wouldn't judge them because that is emotions built together for years.
@crassenti 2 года назад
I mean royal families did it for years so honestly, despite a bit of hemophilia, there really wasn’t many negative consequences….I think just the ick factor of incest has lead to horror stories that in reality don’t actually happen…
@theickster3008 2 года назад
@@crassenti I mean there are levels of severity with incest. Like between 2 siblings or a parent and their child is probably gonna yield some bad results for the offspring. But as you diversify the gene pool the possible defects would become less pronounced. So it would be more likely for your child to have some defects if you and your cousin hooked up than if you hooked up with like a 3rd cousin
@kudukilla 2 года назад
Saw a news story of young couple that were either engaged or already married. Moms got talking and both of the kids were conceived via IVF (you can probably guess where this is going). Turns out the source of the stuff in the turkey baster was the same guy, and they were biologically half siblings.
@JustAnotherBuckyLover 2 года назад
Cousin relationships often aren't regarded as incest in the same way as other, closer, relationships and are at the very least tolerated, if not regarded as normal, in ~80% of the world. And in those that do regard it as incest, it's usually only 1st cousin relationships that are deemed an issue, even if it is still looked down on. For example, incest in the UK is defined as a direct descendent (so parent/grandparent etc and child) or another first-degree blood relative (sibling, half-sibling, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew). Whether relationships are allowed, or deemed incest, depends on the laws of the country. I know that in Canada and The Netherlands, an uncle/aunt can marry their nephew/niece with the right permission. Sweden allows half-siblings to marry, and several European countries don't punish adults in incestuous relationships legally, although they aren't allowed to marry, either. Some countries don't even have incest as a crime specifically, and only apply charges of an adult with a minor as they would anyone in a position of power over the child. In the US, it's far more complicated. 24 states prohibit marriage between first cousins and therefore would presumably say it's incest (but I'm not sure if they actively punish it in consenting adults who aren't married). 7 states allow marriage between first cousins but only under special circumstances, and presumably, the rest of the states are okay with first cousins marrying as they allow it.
@propandapower7633 2 года назад
That last story is a study-group level threat
@Avalikia 2 года назад
Fun Fact: Geneticists have relatively recently concluded that it's okay, genetically-speaking, for you to marry your first cousin as long as your kids don't marry their first cousins too - that's just enough of a separation to avoid the effects of inbreeding. So at least that's some good news for that last OP.
@nicholassanabria6493 2 года назад
I’m surprise that the tiger didn’t go after the OP since he hit the cat there
@maieen2665 2 года назад
*Fifth OP:* That sweet summer child, lol. I don't know why I find it funny that OP's mom knows what, um, _that_ is *Sixth OP:* I thought the test would reveal that OP's GF isn't her dad's bio daughter or something. I was _not_ expecting _this_ O.O
@SuperBatSpider 2 года назад
I didn’t know what a Fluffer was. When I first heard the word in this video I thought it was a big fluffy dog.
@curtistic5724 2 года назад
In some movies, it could maybe be that...
@DrCrab-vp2vc 2 года назад
That fluffer story almost choked me out. My throat hurts...
@jeremiahbrown-suarez2089 2 года назад
I've had a bone marrow biopsy and it absolutely hurts. There's no pain like a needle going into your bone. Also had spinal taps at the same time. Not a fun experience
@killuaxkillua2384 2 года назад
I’m a medical lab tech and for the bone marrow biopsy, he’s describing it nicely. Some doctors are more forceful than others. Most preferable place to get this bone marrow is from the hip, but sometimes you can get it from the sternum or other sites, they just aren’t as ideal. Bone marrow biopsies are typically for patients they suspect have some sort of disorder starting in the bone marrow or cancer. The doctor I watched for my first one used a hammer to hit the needle into the bone. And also pulled the plunger back from the syringe so forcefully it popped out. He did that like 3 times. We were warned before it started that if we felt sick, put our back against the wall and slowly slide down. And the needle? Not small.
@monedameow 2 года назад
OMG that's monstrous!
@killuaxkillua2384 2 года назад
@@monedameow it was definitely enough to make me hope I never have to have one lol
@danielbrant6740 2 года назад
*1st Story:* If we lived in the _Idiocracy_ world (which I think we slowly are, but I digress), that would most definitely be a highlight of the fictional show _Ow, My Balls!_
@Bdub0316 2 года назад
I can feel and hear the bone marrow story and I have never had that procedure. I felt it in my core for sure
@mrzsaszsaved2851 2 года назад
I had something similar when they gave me an epidural for a surgery I was having. The sound and feeling of the needle scraping your spine, despite the fact that you’re numb, yeah it makes you feel woozy.
@stevebird4541 2 года назад
My brother shot a bull in its nuts with a bb rifle. The damn thing trashed a gate and overturned a tractor. Was the most brutal thing my 14 year old brain had seen at the time. I can still hear the cry of pain from the bull 20 plus years later!
@valebuggie8356 2 года назад
Yo, there's this little girl I know that just got a new puppy. A mini doodle of some kind. She named the dog Fluffer. I'll never look at that dog the same ever again.
@VergilTheLegendaryDarkSlayer 2 года назад
5:20 "an American version of the grudge girl but creepier" So he looked like nobody demon from Devil May Cry
@luvondarox 2 года назад
🤣 Omg, dude, that thumbnail plus that headline made me choke on my coffee. Freaking brilliant, man.
@SesshouFan22 2 года назад
A distant relative of my step-dad had this happen. He moved to a different state and started dating a girl, after about 2 years of them dating he decides to surprise her by introducing her to his mom and when his mom shows up his gf asks “Aunt X is that you?” That’s how they found out they were actually first cousins as well but never knew because his mom never told him she had a sister who had kids. Apparently his mom and his aunt never once got together in person after his aunt moved away, they only sent photos of each other and each others’ kids to one another but his mom never thought to tell him about them or show them pictures.
@haganetsume8173 2 года назад
The thumbnail had me dead laughing. I can imagine that the tiger from the story which just got its "medicine".
@kudukilla 2 года назад
I’ve been listening to your channel for over a year, and you’re about the only one that laughs and reacts mid story. I really enjoy that.
@kittiekat8920 2 года назад
I’ve always known what fluffier meant, but I’ve also called my cats fluffers
@sherylcascadden4988 2 года назад
I saw the word fluffer and immediately thought "cat", just like I think fluffy dog when I see/hear "floof'
@Irene20668 2 года назад
I've had a bone marrow biopsy. Very painful and your leg goes on strike for a while afterwards. If ever a next time, knock my but out!
@masavrabl2128 2 года назад
As a worker in an oncology institute( cleaning lady) I can confirm. Be prepared to see patients that are in a horrible state. I choose to work there for a reason, that being my late father died from getting an infection and him having cancer did not help. I have seen so many things people wouldnt even imagine! I was prepared and ready, only because of my father. But i soon relized they, the patients, need us. In these times they get limited guests and they want interections! We are their social network and they appreciated us. It made me soooooo happy because that was why i got this job. To make people happy! to show them we care, even if we were strangers! We need to stick together and just make life better :D TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG!
@dwlr007 2 года назад
Last story, you could get a voluntary DNA test before getting married to determine familial relation and there's plenty of other reasons to have DNA testing of various degrees. As for marrying your cousin it's encouraged in several cultures so depending on the ethnicity of the opener and how they were raised it might not even be something they considered important to mention. As for 1st cousin relations getting married in the US it's not strictly legal in all 50 states, but that's more a sensibility issue since genetically speaking having a kid with your 1st cousin doesn't carry 'significant' risk of birth defects. (It's roughly the same risk as a woman having a child later in life)
@stefantsarev4442 2 года назад
Hey, I'm glad to be so early here. May I ask for a Treelaw video? Haven't seen those in a while. :)
@charleneblack2792 2 года назад
When my daughter was around 5, our dog was laying on its back with its "thing" coming out a bit. She said "Mommy, I think the dog has bubblegum stuck to his belly" and we all laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. 😆😆😆
@zuhair_alawad 2 года назад
Bone marrow biopsy and lumber puncture are the most painful and hard performing too as a doctor.
@Madjoce2000 2 года назад
I spit out my soup at the Fluffer story. I had no idea that’s what the term means. My grandma was raised in a conservative household, and was told that young ladies never fart, they “fluffer.” I can’t wait to share this information over Easter.
@jaspr1999 2 года назад
I know that sound of a needle in bone all too well. Luckily, I was NOT the one assisting, I was the recipient, so I was already laying down. I've met a few hospital personnel like that nurse and do what I can to get anyone else if I do. My favorite was a nurse that said, "Don't be such a baby." when I was doing my best to not make a sound but groaned anyway during a spinal tap. The doctor snapped at her that she could always be next if she didn't shut up and ejected her from the room.
@debymello4756 2 года назад
Love that doctor
@kefkamadman 2 года назад
Human bones make the absolute worst sounds. I shattered my leg years and years ago, and it came with a telltale, I dunno, thunk, crunch and snap sound all at once. That wasn't half as bad as the surgery they did to extract the lil bone chunklets and replace them with titanium. I elected to be awake cuz the surgeon and I were both big metalheads. Never again. I didn't feel a single thing, the local anaesthesia was that effective, and I didn't even see what they were doing, but the stuff I heard was absolutely nightmare-inducing. I'm not describing it. I don't feel I CAN describe it, even now, 13 years after the fact.
@xNETxEx 2 года назад
“Distantly related” They are literally one space apart on the chessboard. Too close for comfort if you ask me. 😂
@peepslostsheep 2 года назад
Two spaces. But too close for me too.
@xNETxEx 2 года назад
@@peepslostsheep true true
@juliegarrett8389 2 года назад
Back in the day I was an OR nurse. I specialised in orthopaedic trauma. One day we had a group of university nursing students being rotated through the ORs. The particular case we were doing was a pin and plate to a fractured hip. Warning, incoming gore. The procedure involved having the patient on a traction table to reduce the fracture (get the bones back into place), then, under constant X-ray control the surgeons drilled up into the head of the femur (thigh bone) to pin it, then an attached plate was placed down the length of the bone to stabilise the fracture. This procedure is bloody, involves lots of bone drilling and because of the X-rays, it's all done while wearing a lead gown which can weigh around 30lbs. I warned the nurse educator who was doing the OR allocations that this might not be the best case for a newby student nurse, but he assured me that it was 'a big strong guy who could handle it'. Yup, OK, well it's on you if he doesn't. Everything was going OK - I was supervising a junior nurse who was scrubbed (sterile) while I stayed nearby and monitored everything. All was good with the student, until the drilling started. I turned to look at him and I could see the blood leaving his face, then he started the tell-tale sway. The last thing anyone needs in an OR is somebody fainting into a sterile field, so immediate action was warranted to prevent this. I planted my hand in the middle of his chest and literally shoved him to the back wall of the OR - no easy feat because this guy was head and shoulders taller than me and probably outweighed me by double. He hit the wall and slowly, gracefully slid down onto his butt. He spent the rest of the operation in the tea room. The nurse educator may have copped a few 'I told you so' comments. He replied that it was for the best, the student was rather cocky and needed to be brought down a rung or two. It would have been nice to be in on his plan...
@CrazyCatnipHigh 2 года назад
The term “fluffer / fluffing” is definitely used in creative industries relating to interior styling / decorating / visual merchandising. Been in the industry for years and people definitely use the term as a way of saying putting the finishing touches on a space or display. It still gets a smirk or two from people who know its double meaning though.
@ScientistCat 2 года назад
2:10 I love how OP specifies "(to sleep)" as if readers expect them to mean he killed his son... 4:10 Man am I glad I got lasered - no more blurry vision, no more groping around for eyeglasses (or sticking lenses in my eyeballs, yeegh... I tried that for maybe a year, never thinking of that again) 9:25 I'm just speculating here, and I know I'm biased because I've been on social media a lot - but, it sounds to me like that nurse might've thought the doctor was just "mansplaining". 13:12 I had that kind of experience with the phrase "take a leak" - keep in mind English isn't my first language, but I was quite fluent at it. Based on context, I assumed it simply meant taking a break, like you "leak" out of the room, that sort of logic. I even joked "I'll go take a leek" when my mom made steamed leeks, during lunch with the director of a university where I'd be doing a traineeship. I don't remember how I found out it meant "go pee", but as soon as I did, the first thing I thought of was making that pun in front of the university director...
@naeyemialee6252 2 года назад
I feel for that guy in the second post. I work from 4pm to 2 am, usually not getting home till 2:30 to 3am. Though usually no one is up, but I don't want to wake them at that hour
@meeepjeep7112 2 года назад
We had to watch a bone marrow biopsy for my classes (on video) . That was brutal enough. It really looks and sounds excruciating.
@jeffreyrutka2156 2 года назад
And who could ever forget that iconic song "balls" of The tiger.
@tracybarber-kier1669 2 года назад
1. OWWWW!!! You do know that he's going to hate you FOREVER right? 2. 🤣 You're lucky that she doesn't keep a baseball bat in your room! 3. Me too! Sounds horrible. 4. Oh dear. 😂🤣😂🤣 5. Whoopsie!
@lillyvonshtup7314 2 года назад
B/M biopsy.. is quite painful for the patient and yes it’s not a great thing to witness if you’re on the queasy side.. but being a retired nurse I love to hear stories about nurses with the “ attitude “ getting shot down
@13BGunBunny 2 года назад
I feel bad for the big kitty. 😢 I never heard of a fluffer before. edit: Maybe the kitty needs a fluffer to feel better. 🤣
@Hero_0965 2 года назад
Me at the word fluffer, oh it’s a dog. 5 seconds later, OH, that is definitely not a dog
@kalimaxine 2 года назад
I would not have been able to correct the "fluffer" guy. I had no idea what that was until now. Thanks for that. lol
@godlegend-jz8kv 2 года назад
360 no-scope on the balls, damm
@worm1444 2 года назад
I had a bone marrow biopsy. Even with the strongest pain meds has to be the worst pain ever. Think about someone grabbing your forearm and attempting to break it in half. As the arm is close to breaking they straighten it, then go back to bending it. Over and over again until the needle is inserted into the bone. So painful
@rachaelautera5150 2 года назад
I once did an Ancestry DNA test, thinking I was just getting more info on my heritage, but I also wound up uncovering a huge family secret because I found out that I wasn’t biologically related to my grandpa. I just recently found out who my real one was, but it was definitely a crazy ride
@nukerwolf7788 2 года назад
Crawling around like a horror movie story: got me busting out laughing to tears i could imagine in perfectly and because of the title knew exactly where it was going. Definitely needed that today
@tacobelle6680 2 года назад
In regards to the "fluffer" story, this is why you have to be responsible for googling things yourself to make sure you're using the words or phrases properly.
@shyrastacy3127 2 года назад
Hearing the needle scrape across your own bones does nothing to you as long as you have no clue what that noise is. You can't feel the actual bone. But anyone in the nearby area to that bone will hear nails on a chalkboard and then a loud crunch.
@aditee3 2 года назад
I might have triggered like an asthma attack because I laughed so hard when he said "black and blue balls" 😂😂😂 Save me
@lordrambo7898 2 года назад
Talk about keeping it in the family 🤣 && that nurse that said “I think I’ll be alright” , as soon as she woke up I would’ve been condescending myself saying “ oh I thought you were going to be alright? What happened ? Was that too much for you to handle ?”
@henriflego9574 2 года назад
That second story is hilarious. I feel bad for the girlfriend in that moment where she tried working out what was on the stairs… I’ve been there. You get a glance of something you know isn’t normally there and you second guess your own eyes, then you confirm that there’s something there that isn’t normally there.
@brutalfashion 2 года назад
That bone marrow story made ME woozy! I can’t even talk about blood without feeling faint.
@joseph0998 2 года назад
At exactly 7:08 I almost died chocking on my drink as hear he wakes up to a “shadow demon looking at him and then running full speed at him”.
@kespeth2 2 года назад
I wonder if the snarky nurse who got woozy was named Jade Karina...sounds like one who would have that name LOL
@drsempiternal4605 2 года назад
Scary stories can be relaxing, I listen to them when I go on long drives and to sleep sometimes. My daughter likes when I play them in the car when I take her to school in the morning and on car rides
@Mothman1992 2 года назад
For what it's worth. Fluffer is also a term for a decorator who works with real estate agents to set houses so they're not completely empty when they're shown
@mattw65 2 года назад
I bet the Tiger wasn't lethargic after getting hit in the 'love spuds'
@stephaniesimons2726 Год назад
I'm a pre-vet student doing observational work at a clinic and the past two weeks, I've been seeing a lot of blood. When I saw my first procedure, the vet warned me about blood, pus, etc, and just said I was free to sit down or back away if I felt ill. It's just a polite thing to do, even though the sight of blood doesn't really affect me. The nurse in this story should've politely thanked OP for the warning, and maybe made a joke about her years as a nurse. She doesn't have to be rude
@tokyobobcat 2 года назад
Hahaha the title alone was worth watching
@zoliking 2 года назад
On the other hand, I bet after being hit in the balls the tiger was no longer lethargic, at least on the short term...
@Kati_P 2 года назад
Yeah, I had no idea what a fluffer was. All I knew was that Elvis liked "fluffer-nutter" sandwiches. Now I'm both amused and a little grossed out by the implication of the play on words about the possible contents of said sandwiches. 😮😝🤦‍♀️
@IsYitzach Год назад
Story 6 is one of several reasons why weddings may have a "Speak now or forever hold your peace" line.
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