
Rabbi Tovia Singer shocks you with what he thinks if Jesus is a historical figure 

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@Yehonatan521 2 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏼 תודה רבה
@hmmm3232 2 года назад
Love his arguments. Wish Christians could hear him.
@lesliewilliam3777 2 года назад
We Christians do hear him and share the same conclusion: Singer's a BS artist. If only the Jews who don't grasp that Yeshua is the Messiah would actually read the New Testament they might get why Singer is a BSA.
@serbianwarrior9032 2 года назад
This guy debate only with ppl he chose.. Sam Shamounian made many videos where he expose lies of this clown and SAM challanged Rabbi Tovia and he [ Tovia ] run away like a dog with his tail betwin his legs
@yosefgreen3130 2 года назад
@@lesliewilliam3777 wow I’m convinced I’m coming to join your colt
@yosefgreen3130 2 года назад
@@lesliewilliam3777 someone straight in their mind seeking connection to the Almighty Creator will not involve them selves with any potty mouth as yourself
@yosefgreen3130 2 года назад
@@lesliewilliam3777 christians are the best example for why the Torah is the only true word of God
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
Thanks, Rabbi.
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@07silvali 2 года назад
@@mihailgae-draghici4864 Well my friend, that doesn`t change anything. TRUTH IS TRUTH!!! Wether you believe it or not. What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IS A LONG TIME!! THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION of your life: Where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, in God's eyes you are a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend ETERNITY IN HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS ​​CHRIST died for you and rose on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you REPENT from your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS ​​CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and you will be assured of ETERNAL LIFE!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! Do this today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!!
@mihailgae-draghici4864 Год назад
@@07silvali yes, mary is The mother of God; did you take your pills?
@07silvali Год назад
@@mihailgae-draghici4864 My friend, what are you talking about?!?! When did I say, that Mary wasn`t the mother of Jesus Christ?!?! Repent of your sins and follow Jesus Christ!! He is your SAVIOUR!! You can do it now!!
@mihailgae-draghici4864 Год назад
@@07silvali the nt is not Scripture, anonymous;
@ilservini 2 года назад
Matthew 23:5 is for the Pharisaic Rabbis Matthew‬ ‭23:13‬ Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. For you don’t go in, and you don’t allow those entering to go in. ‭‭
@ricklannoye4374 2 года назад
WHAT IS TRUE ABOUT JESUS AND WHAT IS NOT! After many decades of historical research, the following is my ranked summary of what is highly likely true about who Jesus of Nazareth really was, what he did, believed and taught...what is not highly likely and a bit in between: HIGHLY UNLIKELY: That he was born in Bethlehem, as a biological descendant of King David That he was born of a virgin That he performed supernatural miracles That he was without sin (never did anything wrong) That all of his teachings were new and unique That Jesus believed people’s souls would go to either Heaven or Hell after death That he predicted he would rise from the dead That he rose from the dead or that his disciples stole his body after his execution and burial That Jesus wanted his disciples to preach his message to the Gentiles in “all the world” That he physically ascended up into the sky to a spirit realm (Heaven) That he was God That he was the son of God (or a demi-god) That Jesus’ or any of his disciples believed his mission was to give some people eternal life in Heaven That Jesus would return from Heaven to fulfill Messianic prophesies POSSIBLE, BUT NOT LIKELY: That he came to believe himself to be the Expected Messiah, the special king the Jewish prophets foretold of who would establish and rule over an earthly, independent Jewish Kingdom, whom God would, therefore, send him supernatural help to overthrow Rome That he was a naturally-gifted illusionist and performance artist, skilled at faking healings and miracles That his disciples orchestrated his last, grand entrance into Jerusalem, later dubbed “Palm Sunday” That after his death, his body was disposed of in a common grave or the nearby trash dump in the Hinnom “Valley” and quickly lost or destroyed VERY LIKELY: That he did exist That he was from Galilee That as a young adult, took great interest in the healing arts, learned much about healing potions/ointments during his supply runs for the family business and, in time, became a successful healer That by his early adulthood, Jesus had come to despise the Jewish, religious leadership for their corruption, hypocrisy and callous disregard for the sick, injured and poor That in his late 20s, he had met and formed a close relationship with the wealthy, noble-widow Mary Magdalene after helping cure her of depression That he became an apprentice/disciple of John the Baptist, fully convinced the Jews of had to repent of sins in order to pave the way for the Messiah to come That with financial support from a small group of wealthy noblewomen, like Mary Magdalene, began a healing/preaching tour after John the Baptist’s death That he was a naturally-gifted speaker and debater That Jesus redefined sin as doing things that actually caused human suffering or neglecting to help those who were suffering That he advocated non-violence That he called for better treatment of girls/women, and those at the lower end of the socio-economic stata-slaves, working poor and the physically disabled That some of his teachings were new and unique That Jesus believed the Jewish Scriptures were stepping stones toward what God really wanted for the Jewish people-to alleviate suffering That Jesus believed his mission was to bring the Jews to repentance of sin That his initially optimistic views about his calling from God changed after his school in Capernaum was shut down and almost all his disciples left him That he predicted his arrest and execution That he predicted the Jews would rebel against the Romans and would lose very badly That his apprentices/disciples) believed him to be the Expected Messiah, and clung to their belief in his Messiahship (with the exception of Judas) right up until his arrest That he came to believe God had called him to martyrdom and that his death would help his disciples understand and carry on with his mission to bring the Jews to repentance of sins That multiple people experienced bereavement delusions of having seen or heard Jesus alive again, beginning a few days after his execution, renewing and deepening their belief in Jesus’ Messiahship That his apprentices/disciples became fully convinced within a few days of his execution, that he had risen from the dead, and would soon, publicly show up in Jerusalem to seize the Throne of David That, some months after his death, he was thought to have been seen alive one last time, at a night-time prayer vigil, but quickly disappeared in a fog, and his disciples/followers then amended their expectations and began to believe Jesus would soon descend from Heaven to seize the Throne of David and establish a new, independent, Jewish nation. That following the tragic loss of the Jews to the Romans in their first major rebellion (66-73/74 CE), the devastation of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple, Christianity quickly became a Greco-Roman Gentile sect, as most of the Jewish Christians were either killed, died off or reverted back to Pharisaic Judaism. That once Christianity began to fill up with converts from a culture replete with Greek Mythology, Jesus was soon perceived to be a new god for the poor, enslaved and disadvantaged who would secure their souls a place in the Elysian Fields, previously thought to be reserved only for the most "virtuous" of men who had found great favor with the gods of Mt. Olympus. Rick Lannoye, author of www.amazon.com/Real-Life-Jesus-Nazareth-Really-Stood-ebook/dp/B09V4BJ62D
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
Your “very likely “ list is utter horse 💩
@edwardmiessner6502 2 года назад
What does Rick Lannoye say the odds are for Jesus's direct action disrupting the daily sacrifices and all businesses in the immense Temple precinct, some 1600 ft by 900 ft, afterwards dubbed "The Cleansing of the Temple" by the Christians and retold as if it were a small church basement tag sale?
@mikev4621 2 года назад
agree with a fair bit of that- but not all
@ricklannoye4374 2 года назад
@@edwardmiessner6502 I've looked at the story of the "Cleansing of the Temple" a LOT! The best explanation seems to be that Jesus was making a last ditch effort to rally the people to repentance in defiance of what he saw as grand hypocrisy and compromise among the religious leadership, in the hope the people would, en masse, insist their leaders either join them in repentance or step down. However, the evidence (which is admittedly sparse) suggests Jesus anticipated (quite accurately) the demonstration would likely fail and he would subsequently, be arrested and martyred. Jesus had become convinced God had called him to martyrdom, though he seems to have doubted it right up until he was taken into custody, thus the grand test of defiance at the temple. He finally resigned himself to his torture and death but he did so with the thought his demise would 1) disabuse his disciples of any thought he was the Expected Messiah, and 2) once recovering from that belief, would then go forward to spread his Good News message to the rest of the Jews. Of course, that plan was almost 100% foiled when he was seen alive again after his death and soon his disciples became more convinced than ever he was, indeed, the military king the Jewish Prophets had promised and would soon be liberating them from Rome!
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@yolandahernandez9154 2 года назад
Matthew 23 : 8. But you, do “not you, be called Rabbi, for one is your teacher, Where’s all You are brothers. 9. Moreover do not call anyone your “Father on Earth, for One is your Father, The heavenly One.” 10. Neither be called leaders, for your leader is one The Christ,” Verse 13. John 10. 8. All those That have come in place of Me, are thieves and plunders, But. The sheep have not listened to Them.”
@thetruth871 2 года назад
Senior Analyst, BA Mathematics Author has 3.9K answers and 9.2M answer views3y Related Did Nazareth exist during the life of Jesus? Yes, Nazareth existed during the life of Jesus. Archaeologists have been excavating first-century Nazareth since the mid-2000’s. The town of Nazareth (and not just the title “of Nazareth”) is named in all four gospels. The synoptic gospels were written with 40-60 years of the crucifixion, and Matthew, in particular, was written to Jewish audiences in the Levant. Considering that the Messiah was expected to come from Bethlehem in the country of Judea, it makes absolutely no sense to claim that the early Church, within 40 years of the crucifixion, fabricated an entire home town for Jesus and then placed it in the wrong country. It makes even less sense that the gospel of John would go out of its way to note that Nazareth had a less than stellar reputation among the Judeans. And it makes even less sense that the early Church would try to sell all of this to actual Galileans within 40 years of when the events supposedly took place. The town of Nazareth is mentioned by Origen and Julius Africanus in the second century. A fourth century Jewish inscription mentions that the town of Nazareth existed in the early second century, around the time of the Bar Kokhba revolt. The fourth century historian Eusebius, who lived within fifty miles of Nazareth, mentions it in his Ecclesiastical History.
@barrys.9040 Год назад
Whether it existed or not, is of no consequence. No census makes you go back to your place of birth ever.
@vanessamoodie8243 2 года назад
Thank you Rabbi. Your explanation is to the point. Well, history holds the truth about Bethlehem. Please G-d Christians need to listen , research and pray for divine guidance all with an open mind and painstakingly accept the truth of the original Hebrew text of the Bible/Torah.
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@07silvali Год назад
@Abraham Mani Amen!! Unfortunately, the Jews of today, continue blind to the truth! Hope and pray, that many, can open their eyes!!
@Qrayon 7 месяцев назад
@@07silvali Yes, I'm calling Jesus a liar! Yes, G-d can and will save you. Step number one is to stop believing that Jesus can save you. He couldn't even save himself! Come on! Even though we have committed many sins, when we repent, it is G-d who saves us, not your idol. According to the Torah, the word of G-d, no man dies for another man's sins, but only for his own sins. Therefore Jesus died for his own sins, not for yours or anyone else's. One of the greatest sins you can commit is to believe that Jesus will grant you eternal life. Only G-d can do that. Yes, repent of all your sins, but repent to G-d, so that he forgive you and not punish you for your sins. Every one of G-d's commandments that we obey gives us another connection to G-d and brings us closer to Him, and G-d will not condemn us for doing what He tells us to do.
@fredgillespie5855 2 месяца назад
You don't have the original Hebrew text, you have the Masoretic text and it is easy to show that it was altered/corrupted.
@fredgillespie5855 2 месяца назад
@@Qrayon - Question for you: Why will The Redeemer need to come and redeem Jews if they don't need to be redeemed? I presume you understand the meaning of redeem?
@brianadavis6796 2 года назад
Rabbi, a small fact check - Yeshua never claimed the Roman Empire was coming to an end. He was crucified for claiming to be King Moshiach, King of the Jews. John 19:19-22
@truthgiverandfinder3246 2 года назад
He was crucified for claiming messiah he was crucified for setting a riot and down trodden for starting a rebellion against the empire. The Romans didn't care the legitimacy of Judaism jesus's claim to be a messiah this claim to upshoot as a messiah is what they caused them to kill him and by the way the Romans weren't looking for him to be killed it was his fellow Jews his own people who turned on him which is funny that means he can't be a messiah if his people turn on him.
@patricialauriello3805 2 года назад
When did the Rabbi ever let facts get in the way.
@truthgiverandfinder3246 2 года назад
@@patricialauriello3805 facts are for him not against him unlike christianity where all facts oppose it.
@patricialauriello3805 2 года назад
@@truthgiverandfinder3246 Then he could preach to the choir all he wants. He is hateful and vulgar. He could find more converts if he learns how to respect people and stop being an insulting jerk.
@mikev4621 2 года назад
But claiming to be King of the Jews WAS treason against the empire back then , because the Romans already had a puppet king in place .The NT has it that the Jews caused him to be crucified for blasphemy , because they had no authority to execute him themselves.The real-world truth being that Pilate executed him for sedition is more likely
@mihaelhorvat1426 7 месяцев назад
Jesus is the name above every name, that makes him not only a historical person, but the purest person without a single flaw, our lord and our GOD.
@skwarubwa7083 2 года назад
I disagree with Rabbi Singer. First, there is no clear, convincing, contemporary source to corroborate the existence of Jesus. History was being written at the time of the putative Jesus, and not one historian mentions him. Per the New Testament, Jesus was widely known and had celebrity status, and yet, no one says a word. Second, Nazareth could have existed as a small, insignificant hick town, but it would have been important to the Jesus cult because of the prophetic message of Isaiah 11:1 "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a branch will bear fruit." The Hebrew word for "branch" is נצר (netzer) and in searching for a place to "fulfill" that prophecy what is the only candidate? The only one is נצרת Nazareth. The Bethlehem episode fits perfectly with Nazareth. Third, here is another reason the Gospel writers contrived the use of Nazareth as the birth place of the mythical Jesus: Matthew 2:23 "and he went and lived in a town called Nazareth. So was fulfilled what was said through the prophets, that he would be called a Nazarene." The writer of Matthew conflated the word Nazarene with the town of Nazareth. Of course, it doesn't make sense in Hebrew, but in the contrived, make-believe world of the New Testament authors, the entire Tanakh must be cherry picked for words, phrases and episodes to prove that its entire purpose is to foretell the coming of a messiah named Jesus.
@nicholaskarlsen1550 2 года назад
The historical Jesus wasn’t widely known, and didn’t have celebrity status. Rabbi Singer showed (with the conflicting birth narratives in Matthew and Luke) that not everything in the New Testament is true. The celebrity status of Jesus is one of those things.
@skwarubwa7083 2 года назад
@@nicholaskarlsen1550 Have you not read the New Testament? It is replete with descriptions of huge numbers of people aware of Jesus. The NT says thousands of people, throngs of people, crowds of people followed Jesus, surrounded Jesus, listened to Jesus preach. See for yourself: Matthew 4:23-25, 5:1, 8:16, 9:8, 9:35, 13:2, 14:1, 14:13-21, 15:30-31, 21:11, 21:46, Mark 1:45, 3:7-12, 5:21-24, 6:6, 6:14, 6:30-42, 8:1-10 Luke 5:17, 9:10-17, 14:25 John 6:1-15, 7 And yet, no contemporary historian was aware of Jesus, the superstar. How could they be? The myth wasn't invented until years later.
@lesliewilliam3777 2 года назад
You ought to study a little ancient history before making such incoherent thought bubbles.
@truthgiverandfinder3246 2 года назад
It's hilarious and it's also just amazingly sad and just just pathetic how most the world thinks he was popularly wasn't Paul we already know is already what who started the whole Christian Bible scheme we start cuz it starts with his letters and we know the Book of Mark copies off Paul and uses Paula's source material and we also know that Matthew the next of the four gas spells was picking up from Mark and using Jewish more jewishness than Mark's true original thing that Jesus was and then we have more letters that that go along with Matthew and Paul like Hebrews and James and then we're already in the second century already with Matthew starting the second century then we get the birth of Luke and his new narrative and it even admits he's not telling the truth and he's making stuff up or he's telling a story that his imaginary and then we get the book of Acts which is a few years later which is just as imaginarian almost mythic theme that Christianity puts the end of it we already know the way the book of Acts reads it's semi-historical at best at best and it gets smaller so it best it's really more 30 to 20% historical the rest is just really more what early Christianity went through. And then we get John and the three letters of John which are also laughably which are already in the middle of the second century and it gets worse than that
@truthgiverandfinder3246 2 года назад
Exactly the author of Matthew did that and we already know Luke tries to follow up with the same crap and we also know that the Book of Revelation which has nothing to do with disciples or any other John's but an unknown John
@SigiRobert 7 месяцев назад
'Throw your bible(nt) and run!" That is funny😅
@elessartelcontar6578 2 года назад
Could Jesus have been a Nazarite rather than a Nazarene?
@repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад
Nazarene was a deragotory term in the time of Jesus .. Matthew states the prophets plural.. He was ridiculed, despised, abhorred, esteemed not.. remember the light comes out of Galillee.. also the root word is the branch.. who is Messiah as the prophets said.. also it's the land of branch.. many prophets sprouted from there... but if you have no understanding you don't get what st Matthew is conveying
@Tysto 2 года назад
This is something I've heard floated before. Nazareth is not mentioned in the Old Testament and therefore might not have existed until Christians founded it (the first mention of it outside the bible is from the 2nd century). Jesus might have instead been a holy man who took the Nazarite vow described in Numbers 6, and the gospel writers might have been unfamiliar with this practice and misinterpreted descriptions of him. That makes it (vaguely) possible for Jesus to have been real despite there being no Nazareth, but I don't know the historical prevalence of Nazarites in the 1st century (that is, COULD Jesus have been a Nazarite or was that archaic by that time?). But I agree with the rabbi that if Nazareth existed at all, it probably means Jesus was a real person, or the gospel writers would not have gone out of their way to make him born in Bethlehem (necessary to fulfill OT prophecy) but raised in Nazareth (irrelevant to OT prophecy).
@mikev4621 2 года назад
@@Tysto Yes, if it had been well-known during his lifetime that Jesus was from Nazareth, it would been counterproductive of the Gospel writers to try to erase from his Bio. But taken non-literally, it could be an echo of the thought expressed in the Mustard seed parable ie that the greatest tree comes from the smallest beginning : )
@friendo6257 2 года назад
IIRC Nazarene was the sect of Nazarene Judaism. Someone from the town of Nazareth would be a Nazorian or a Nazirite. Either way, whats more liklely is that gospel writers living decades after a historical Jesus had to piece togethr bits of information about him and the disambiguation of Nazarene & Nazareth found it's way into the historical-fiction they were writing. Rabbi made a really bad arugment for Jesus mythicism in this video.
@sociallyinept5430 Год назад
Jesus wasn't in a manger because he was poor, it was because it was full, from the census I assume. His dad was a carpenter.
@royhausdesmullers384 2 года назад
You are so clever Rabbi Singer. In the book of Mose, Genesis there a two different descriptions how God made the world and humans. According to your logic they must be false then.
@lonnierandall7882 2 года назад
Taking God's name in vain doesn't mean using it as profanity. When you do something in vain it means faked, or feigned, or in hypocrisy. It means it is worthless or pointless. To take God's name in vain means to pretend to represent him, but you are actually a hypocrite or false prophet or faking it. You are giving God a bad name by your bad example. That is taking the name of the Lord thy God in vain. That was the sin of the Pharisees, Sadducees, priests, lawyers, and Levites. They were taking God's name in vain. Lu 12:1 ¶ In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Mr 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Hypocrisy may be the most egregious sin to God. That is why I think God made such an example of Annanias and Saphira. A non believer using the word "god" as profanity cannot take the Lord's name in vain, because they are a non believer. Only someone who professes to believe can take God's name in vain. If you deny God, you are not taking his name at all. Unbelief has it's own condemnation. Joh 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Mt 23:13 ¶ But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.
@johnkneeshaw8008 2 года назад
With all due respect, I don't think this is a good argument for the historicity of Jesus. That the birth narratives are strange and inconsistent doesn't mean that these stories were made up about an actual guy. It just means that the origin point of the Jesus character was set as Nazareth before the birth narratives were constructed. It's possible he was an actual guy. But it's also possible that some rabbi (rightly or wrongly) looked at the early fabrications of the Jesus story and said, "Well, we know this guy's not the messiah. He's from Nazareth and the messiah will be from Bethlehem." And someone replied with, "Um, well, yeah, he's _from_ Nazareth, but he was _born_ in Bethlehem because, um... a tax... doohickey." Then Luke comes along, notices the problems with the Matthean narrative and decides to 'correct' it, like they did with other Matthean errors. I think there are other good reasons to think Jesus was an actual guy. Mostly because of how Steve Mason describes Peter and Paul's interactions. But that's a different discussion.
@logicalconceptofficial 2 года назад
History isn’t logical proof and those who look to dead men rather than the living God (Logic) don’t have the best source of information. What one reads in a book (including the Torah) is only true knowledge AFTER a faithful reckoning (proper and honest logical reasoning). The truth is clear and not that hard to understand but minds devote themselves to just about everything besides Logic, the one true God, and they open defy Logic thinking their subjective truths and beliefs will overpower God and reality. They are fools…defiant fools… It’s not even that minds are born to stupid to know their creator, as even a sixth grader knows from algebra class, where they study a form of Logic that comes from and must be coherent with Hashem, The Substance of Logic, that x=x and Logic and Math are Logic and Math. If people used their heads and just applied x=x to the terms they’re mystified by, they’d know it’s a logical certainty that God is God. If they then realized “yeah God is God but what is that?” and started defining “God” like you would want me to say “it’s a Mercedes” next if I had said “my car is my car” and you asked “yeah but what kind”. We know that x=y when x and y equal c and that if x if God and going to be a term for the one who “makes x=x and who made the universe become the universe” then it’s clear, especially because Logic is thus far what has told us all these correct formulas and equations and lines of reasoning, that Logic must be our y. It’s a logical certainty that Logic is the one true God and the Torah makes the same point if one knows how to interpret it logically and if they are not somehow irrational or dim witted in their interpretation.
@logicalconceptofficial 2 года назад
Ask yourself, does it defy Logic for Jesus to be the source of our salvation rather than Logic itself? If you are coherent in answering that question you will know who is God and who is the true messiah and who was not.
@johnkneeshaw8008 2 года назад
@@logicalconceptofficial I can't believe I took the time to read this stupid comment. Please don't talk to me again.
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
Jesus was real but NOT the gospel Jesus. Read the story of “Jesus Ben Ananias “
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@integrationalpolytheism 2 года назад
James Tabor has more to say about Nazareth, which he has excavated, on his own RU-vid channel. He seems to say Nazareth was uninhabited during the supposed time of Jesus but was inhabited by the end of the first century CE, when the gospels were written.
@Yce_Take Год назад
How can your James Tabor possibly know that? A voice in the head told him that?
@Tysto 2 года назад
I can't say enough about the rabbi's technique of using Christianity's own scripture against itself. The random, out-of-context reference to the Old Testament were obvious efforts to link Jesus to Jewish messiah prophecy and are transparently false. Nothing I could say (as an atheist) about the failure of prayer, the lack of historical value, the borrowings from Greek and Persian religions, or even the inconsistencies between the gospels is as powerful as the clear flim-flammery of taking non-messianic verses from the OT and pretending they refer to Jesus in the NT.
@mikev4621 2 года назад
And despite that they went ahead and did it! The only explanation is that the bulk of new converts wouldn't research it too deeply, or were so invested in it being true, that they were happy to believe it on authority of the bishops. That, plus the obvious fact that Judaiism was running out of steam somewhat, and had had a severe setback with the destruction of Jerusalem , with no miraculous salvation by their God ( as had, supposedly, happened during Hezekiah's time ).
@roywhite8504 Год назад
He’s not born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. He refuses to believe so God keeps his understanding veiled to him. Like Jesus said to the Pharisees, they search the scriptures looking for eternal life but never find it.
@barrys.9040 Год назад
That's the xtion excuse for why Jews see all the errors in the greek testament in places that they misuse TANACH. Learn Hebrew and you'll see for yourself.
@patricialauriello3805 2 года назад
There had to be a Jesus. The rabbi would have no one to hate.
@airpaintpellet 2 года назад
Nobody cares about your false man-god. Imagine believing in a fake religion, that worships a dead jewish rabbi as God 🤡
@yosefgreen3130 2 года назад
@yosefgreen3130 2 года назад
@yosefgreen3130 2 года назад
@patricialauriello3805 2 года назад
@@yosefgreen3130 this man is dedicated to Christian hating and instigating continued hatred between Jews and Christians. Who is he kidding. His work is NOT from God.
@FrankNStein-pf9rr Год назад
WHO is the Holy one written about in Psalm 16 verse 10 2nd sentence. > For You will not abandon my nefesh in Sheol; neither will You allow your Holy One > חֲ֝סִידְךָ֗ (ḥă·sî·ḏə·ḵā) (cha·si·de·cha) < Holy One to see decay > שָֽׁחַת׃‪‬ (ڑā·ḥaṯ/shachat) (< corruption, the pit, the grave, the abyss of corruption). I know David is referring to himself when he says > For You will not abandon my nefesh in Sheol; BUT who is this, > neither will You allow your Holy One > חֲ֝סִידְךָ֗
@fredgillespie5855 2 месяца назад
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
YALDABAOTH CREATES HEAVEN AND EARTH AND BEARS THREE SONS When the ruler saw his greatness, he saw only himself; he saw nothing else, except water and darkness. Then he thought that he alone existed. His thought was made complete by means of the word, and it appeared as a spirit moving to and fro over the waters. And when that spirit appeared, the ruler separated the watery substance to one region and the dry substance to another region. From matter he created a dwelling place for himself and called it heaven. And from matter the ruler created a footstool and called it earth. Afterward the ruler thought, according to his nature, and he created an androgynous being by means of the word. He opened his mouth and cooed to him. When his eyes were opened, he saw his father and said to him, “Eee.” So his father called him Yao. Again he created the second son and cooed to him. He opened his eyes and said to his father, “Eh.” So his father called him Eloai. Again he created the third son and cooed to him. He opened his eyes and said to his father, “Asss.” So his father called him Astaphaios. These are the three sons of their father.
@alfredpuglisi1341 Год назад
a fellow gnostic
@ready1fire1aim1 Год назад
@@alfredpuglisi1341 It's too bad the Gnostics were seemingly unaware of the two versions of the Torah. Calling out the God of the Old Testament as the Craftsman Yaldabaoth was a bold move haha. I'm sold that they were correct about the Masoretic Text (MT) YHWH "Yahweh" from the Southern Kingdom of Judah capital Jerusalem temple Beer-sheba....but what about the Samaritan Pentateuch (SP) YHWH "Yehowah" from the Northern Kingdom of Israel capital Samaria temple Bethel? 7000-ish differences between the two Torahs. Hmmm....does the devil trick everyone with corrupted divine text?
@ready1fire1aim1 Год назад
@Abraham Mani 👑 King Hoshea 🙏
@ilservini 2 года назад
Foreshadowing is not misappropriation it is FORESHADOWING
@rollysj384 2 года назад
"run for your life... this is a scam"
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@thesweetlifeeveryday8143 Год назад
The New testament is a mix of Holy Torah and Egyptian and Greco-Roman paganism. Do your research. Whatever that books says is completely irrelevant to Judaism and Jews. It would be as if Hindus told Jews they should accept their gods to receive salvation because their holy book the Veda said so. Completely irrelevant.
@07silvali Год назад
@@thesweetlifeeveryday8143 My friend, could you be so kind, and show me examples of that mix with Egyptian and Greco-Roman paganism? I´ll wait...
@roywhite8504 Год назад
@variousbirdspecieshahaha 2 года назад
If you’re not a born again Christian then chances are that you’ll be unable to place your right palm on the KJV and say these words once only-> I refuse to be deceived by the devil. Rev.12:9 The devil deceives the whole world. ❤️✝️Jn.3:7
@carminefragione4710 2 года назад
Tovia Singer is not a "Historical Figure " for Israel. He has no Priest, no Prophet, no Judge, no Temple, no Korbanot, no Lamb in the Matzos for the Lord's Passover to identify himself as Israel according to Moses Law in Exodus chapter 12. Tovia is a man constructed out of a MYTH, like the Mormon Religion is a cult, so Tovia is an occult , a foreigner , an occupier of the land of Israel, but not Israel. Tovia is not Israel ,the First Born Son of God, as God revealed who and what Israel is, but Jesus was born in Zion, Circumcised by the Temple Priests, received Korbanot of Temple Israel , ate the Kosher Lord's Passover, and taught ORAL LAW for three years on Sacred Holy Ground in Temple Israel. If Tovia dared to go on Holy Ground to preach Judaism, the Angel of the Lord would strike him down, as God said "So I turned against them, and I became their Enemy and even I MYSELF YHVH fought against them" ( Isaiah the Prophet). Jeremiah the Prophet said of Tovia Singer and the Jews " The sin of Judah is engraved with an iron tool with a flint point upon the tablets of their hearts, if they lose their inheritance, it will be their own fault, their names will be written in the dust " ( Jeremiah 17). So to have been banished from the Lord's Presence in Temple Israel, the Jews are not ISRAEL, they want to be Israel, but they have not confessed their own sins and the sins of their fathers , by which way the Jews have been treacherous , practicing Sorcery and been HOSTILE against YHVH God. ( Leviticus chapter 26, verses 14 to 45 ). So the only real ISRAEL was JESUS by the Law of Moses fulfilled in the Temple itself and the Liturgy of the Faith of Abraham in Temple Israel , by the promise of YHVH that the TRUE ISRAEL will never lack for a Priest and Prophet of Israel , throughout all generations. " Thus the only way of the Lord to keep that promise to the TRUE ISRAEL , is that Jesus was risen from the dead as the Perpetual Propitiation for sin and yet after his body lain in state three days , God rose it up to prolong his days and so Jesus is ISRAEL in Isaiah 53 and the Jews like Tovia are SNAKES
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
Nag Hammadi Library is a free App on your phone. It's the Director's Cut of the Bible.
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
Carmine Fragile, the world belongs to the enthusiast who keeps cool. Stop lying, C. Fragile!
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
Hashem Himself is against human sacrifice. Ritual CANNIBALISM isn't holy. Capisci min - carMINe??
@alfredpuglisi1341 Год назад
out of Bethlehem. What good thing could come out of Bethlehem
@sunrise8015 2 года назад
The Lord Jesus Christ is not angry at Tovia even St Paul was a bigger fanatic who killed the early Christians. You can miss the entire message with trivial points. It's your choice. It's your priority and it will be entirely your own doing.
@kris6695 2 года назад
You will see the truth soon, your jc will 'not be angry' with anyone for he will not be anywhere. Hashem is everyone's redeemer and savior. R. Singer tells you the truth.
@sunrise8015 2 года назад
@@kris6695 my brother Jesus Christ has brought the world to the God of Abraham, but you fail to recognise your Messiah ? When is your version of the Messiah going to come the 3rd temple will be built in our lifetime. Time is up. It is you who have to see beyond the lies and see the truth the whole world sees in Jesus Christ.
@kris6695 2 года назад
@@sunrise8015 🤣
@repairerofthebreach777 2 года назад
@@kris6695 Jesus didn't come to condemned but to save.. your words and Moses will condemned you
@kris6695 2 года назад
@@repairerofthebreach777 That is not what Hashem says. n.t. is a falsehood and Paul lies so I will stick to what the True creator tells us in the Tanach. Oh and btw, Moses would be proud of those who follow Hashem and the Tanach and stump on the false doctrine of the n.t. and jc.
@1Chuck4U2C 2 года назад
? Wisdom in Jehovah’s Word , who are you but a man that knows by your own certainty that your Right, what if your wrong. In Judgement the worst words you can hear is “depart from ME I NEVER KNEW YOU. you’ve read the ..WORD and YOU have Denied the WORD. Until your last breath there is Hope. Isaiah 53 from modern Christian Bible.
@aleczemouli2905 2 года назад
Actually Jesus never existed. There was a guy called Yeshua who was most likely born in Nazareth and got on the wrong side of the Romans and they crucified him (as well as hundreds of Jews) to send a message to those stubborn Jews: don't mess with Rome.
@sauloftarsus3351 2 года назад
Didn't Rome end up worshipping the same man they put to death?
@aleczemouli2905 2 года назад
@@sauloftarsus3351 since Rome was already pagan, it was an easy transition 😉
@sauloftarsus3351 2 года назад
@@aleczemouli2905 Was king David worshipped in the tanakh?
@aleczemouli2905 2 года назад
@@sauloftarsus3351 I don't think so. Actually, in 1 Chron 29:20, it looks like it but actually a possible translation of "shachah" is to pay homage or to bow down. Besides this verse, I don't recall David being worshipped. But maybe I am wrong. Why?
@r.t.5767 2 года назад
Yeshua means Jesus in Hebrew (just like it is Iisous in Greek, Isa in Arabic, Jezus in Polish etc) What you try to say sounds like "Jesus never existed. There was a guy called Jesus who was [...] born in Nazareth..." which doesn't make any sense
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@TheSatanTheSatan Год назад
Check the title its incorrect
@ilservini 2 года назад
MATTHEW: Yeshua the King-Savior MARK: Yeshua the Slave-Savior LUKE: Yeshua the Man-Savior JOHN: Yeshua the God-Savior
@friendo6257 2 года назад
Mark was first
@mikev4621 Год назад
BeslanIntruder- yes , I found out to my detriment , but I believe in giving everyone a chance : )
@jayb5596 Год назад
God is mentioned 32 times in Genesis chapter 1 and 3 times in Genesis chapter 2 before he abstained from his work. After God abstained from his work the Lord God began his work and the Lord God created Adam from the dust of the earth. Bereshit - Genesis - Chapter 1:26-27 26 And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth." 27 And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God said "Let "us" make man in our image, after our likeness hence he wasn't alone when he created man in his image, male and female. Bereshit - Genesis - Chapter 2:1-3 1 Now the heavens and the earth were completed and all their host. 2 And God completed on the seventh day His work that He did, and He abstained on the seventh day from all His work that He did. 3 And God blessed the seventh day and He hallowed it, for thereon He abstained from all His work that God created to do. Notice God abstained from his work but not before declaring heaven and earth were complete and all their host. Then the Lord God begins his work. The Lord God is the Lord Of Host that is why all the host were completed. Bereshit - Genesis - Chapter 2:4 & 7-8 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, on the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven. 7 And the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the soul of life, and man became a living soul. 8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden from the east, and He placed there the man whom He had formed. God was never once referred to as "Lord God" in Genesis 1, 35 entries leading up to God abstaining from his work in Genesis 2 and not one time is he referred to as Lord God. Infact God doesn't become Lord God until God abstained from his works! Yeshayahu - Isaiah - Chapter 6 3 And one called to the other and said, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory." The Lord Of Hosts, remember God before he abstained from his works made it clear "1 Now the heavens and the earth were completed and all their host." hence the Lord God is the Lord Of Host. Just something to think about. May we all find salvation in the light of Jesus Christ!
@mikejurney9102 2 года назад
You have to answer the bigger question: If nothing spectacular actually happened (such as the resurrection), then why write anything at all, or go around preaching an obvious lie. You would think that the moment the apostles started to get persecution, they would at least stop preaching it. And how could there possibly be any agreement at all if they wrote their books 40 years after the facts, after the apostles were scattered and separated from one another? What you are doing is posing a conspiracy theory that the apostles contrived a story. Now you have to fill in the details of your theory. When did they get together to invent stories? Why would they bother to contrive a lie? And what evidence do you have that they did so? You would think that if they did conspire to fabricate stories, that there would only be one book on the subject, not four.
@georgeroberts6490 2 года назад
I recently read an interesting quote from a Jewish guy . He said " Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...... and we are his chosen people." Harold Wallace Rosenthal.
@saul2491 2 года назад
Makes no sens3. We have no character called Lucifer anywhere in oir texts and don't believe anything to do with your dualost satan/devil/Lucifer. It is duos5 nonsense yoir religion adopted from older other dualost religions such as the Zoroastrians. Nothing to do with us and nothing we would ever believe in
@IOANNIS-l7r 4 месяца назад
@waynegabler6570 Год назад
Fact or fiction, the words about Jesus tell a certain story. If a person can read those words and remains naive of how the story goes, it seems to point to a low comprehension level of the person doing the reading, especially if others can see a 'complete picture' like some of the Jewish Priests in Acts:28 did. Joh:12:42-43: Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. M't:5:43-48: Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. It would seem that the Priests in Jerusalem were the ones most blinded to Paul being the 'Prophet' sent by God to add much detail to the Jeremiah:25 prophecy about the exile of certain Jews until the time Jesus battles all nations. De:4:27-31: And the LORD shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the LORD shall lead you. And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men's hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell. But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them. Ac:28:17-25: And it came to pass, that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together: and when they were come together, he said unto them, Men and brethren, though I have committed nothing against the people, or customs of our fathers, yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans. Who, when they had examined me, would have let me go, because there was no cause of death in me. But when the Jews spake against it, I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar; not that I had ought to accuse my nation of. For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain. And they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came shewed or spake any harm of thee. But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against. And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening. And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not. And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers, Removing Jesus from reality also removes much of the OT, that would include Daniel:8-9 as the 'little horn' verses covers Rome's full 500-year rule over Jerusalem (63BC-450AD) John and Jesus were alive during the 70 week, make that a fiction and you have an OT prophecy that is a failure. That is impossible where the whole book is one prophecy about the past, present, and future of this earth. When you claim to be a theology expert, yet you understand nothing from the NT, you should be reading what some believer has written to start your own education in that area. Whatever version has the most references and the fewest 'out of context' comments, the closer you are finding confirmation that the 'big pictures' is based on all the text, one has more about the beginning of this earth and the other has more about the end of this earth being a sinful place. If it took somebody with 'an open mind' to mesh all the passages, how many centuries would it take for somebody who resists accepting any/all concepts that do not mirror their version that is emotional rather than historical. There is only one type of personality that cannot change as new facts are added to what exists already. Only a house built on lies is in danger of 'facts' making the house weaker. Isa:42:9: Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them. Da:8:23: And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. Da:11:3-4: And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven; and not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion which he ruled: for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside those. . . Da:11:29-31: At the time appointed he shall return, and come toward the south; but it shall not be as the former, or as the latter. For the ships of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shall be grieved, and return, and have indignation against the holy covenant: so shall he do; he shall even return, and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant. And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
@wormwood8516 2 года назад
Do you think or say that the New testament was written without the Holy Spirit.
@saul2491 2 года назад
Of course. Our tanach opposes it in a thousand different ways and they were dumb enough to try attach the Nt to our tanach. Now our tanach proves the Nt not divinely inspired at all. Doesn't fit the tanach in endless ways.. Nt is an absolute joke. Us jews could t believe in it if we tried.
@alexanderelkorek 2 года назад
2 Sam 24, 1 Chron 21, Hosea 13, Revelation 13, John 8
@abrahamskaria4645 2 года назад
"Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads".
@jameskimball1954 2 года назад
Why would the Jewish Messiah speaking to "a pharisee of pharisees" use a quote from the "Bacchae"?
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
@@jameskimball1954 yes! Finally someone else that knows that! Because the writers were Greeks trying to infiltrate the jewish religion
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
@@jameskimball1954 we Jews are the pharisees. I am a pharisee. Same religion. And us ohariseees have the trith now and had the truth back then too
@07silvali 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Judaism cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@janishart5128 Год назад
@Abraham Mani: Deut. 17:8-11: "...WHO SHALL BE IN THOSE DAYS...", meaning the FUTURE - OUR FUTURE - the DAYS WE ARE NOW LIVING IN!!! THE RABBIS are today's PRIESTS!!! PLEASE....you need to STOP TALKING...you only make yourself look FOOLISH in a public comment section because of your profound willful ignorance, pride and self-righteousness!! PLEASE learn from the Rabbis, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11. In the absence of the Temple, the Rabbis are our spiritual teachers (i.e. PRIESTS), since they have been studying the original, ETERNAL Hebrew scriptures, all the way back to Mt. Sinai, and have therefore been tasked by God to interpret those Hebrew scriptures for us. False, pagan "Christianity REFUSED to learn the original Hebrew, leaving them in profound DARKNESS as to what God ACTUALLY said to us!! PLEASE do some HONEST research on this extremely spiritually important subject!! .
@josephocarez2925 2 года назад
christian think that jesus or yeshua or yahusha is the messiah, never in old testament that the messiah would for our sins which is human sacrifice, in fact in Ezekiel 45:22 Eze 45:22 TS2009 “And on that day the prince shall prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bull for a sin offering.
@cheryldeboissiere1851 Год назад
In Western Christian ✝️ tradition, there are three Magi but, in Eastern Christian ✝️ tradition, there are twelve. As for shepherds attending the birth of a man later crucified that existed in Greco-Romanized Mithraism. Atys is whipped in effigy and crucified for breaking his vows of celibacy. It looks like you sidestepped the Slaughter of the Innocents by Herod the Great, which has no supporting evidence. There is much tying of Jesus to Moses as a replacement which is why we see this myth of slaughtered babies and toddlers to begin with. Even the Day of Ascension is tied to the Jewish celebration of Moses giving the mitzvahs (laws) to the Children of Israel. Concocted does easily spring to mind.
@platzhirsch4275 2 года назад
Matthew and Luke’s narratives are predicated on a common core of events. Both narratives open with a description of a couple who are engaged to be married, namely Mary and Joseph. Both identify Joseph as a man of Davidic descent. Both have Mary conceive by the agency of the Holy Spirit. And both have Jesus born in Bethlehem and subsequently raised in Nazareth. Nevertheless, Matthew and Luke’s narratives differ in some important respects. Whereas Matthew tells us about Herod, the wise men, the massacre at Bethlehem, and the flight to Egypt, Luke tells us about a different set of events altogether-events which involve Caesar, the shepherds, Jesus’ presentation at the Temple, and Jesus’ childhood in Nazareth Matthew and Luke’s narratives thus frame Jesus’ early years against quite different backdrops, which has led many commentators to question the historicity of Matthew and Luke’s narratives. If Luke was a competent historian, wouldn’t he have been aware of the massacre of Bethlehem’s infants? And, if he was aware of it, why didn’t he mention it? Why does Luke instead have the family head back to Nazareth, with no mention of Joseph’s flight to Egypt? And why, if Luke’s narrative is reliable, doesn’t Matthew mention Caesar’s decree and/or the shepherds? Is it credible to think Matthew was aware of the events recorded in Luke’s narrative and yet declined to mention them (and vice-versa in Luke’s case)? That all depends on how and why we think the Gospels were composed. If we think Matthew’s aim was to find out as much information as he could about Jesus and then write it all down in a gospel, Matthew’s failure to mention certain events does indeed seem problematic (and likewise in Luke’s case). Very few people, however, think that’s what the gospel-writers did, and for good reason. Consider, for instance, Matthew and Luke’s genealogies. Matthew and Luke were familiar with the OT. Matthew therefore had names available to him which he chose not to include in his genealogy, and Luke had a whole ancestral line (from Shealtiel to David) available to him which he chose not to include in his genealogy (compare 1 Chron 3). More radically, consider the Gospel of John. Do we think John was unaware of the things he didn’t mention in his gospel (e.g., Jesus’ temptations, parables, exorcisms, transfiguration, and institution of the Lord’s supper)? Like all authors, Matthew and Luke wrote with specific purposes in mind. Each man wanted to tell Jesus’ story in his own way-to highlight particular themes of Jesus’ ministry, to emphasise particular parallels between Jesus’ ministry and OT history, and so on. And if we pay attention to how they did so, it will help us make sense of their selection of material
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
It just proves they made everything up!
@mikev4621 2 года назад
so what you're saying is " it's right because it's right" . I say Luke and Matthew just perpetrated slightly differing falsehoods. There was no general census, nor a mass Slaughter of Innocents.It seems meaningless to talk of genealogies when Joseph wasn't a biological parent of Jesus.
@platzhirsch4275 2 года назад
@@mikev4621 pls Read and understand my text above well before replying....
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
@@mikev4621 except Joseph WAS his biological father
@mikev4621 2 года назад
@@HistoryandReviews how could that be if Mary was pregnant of the Holy Ghost?
@amsumalivallaart2805 Год назад
Big deal this gentleman was born 50 years ago didn’t have visions near death experience dreams of revelation nothing yet he iknows if Jesus is real who worships the right god and he can tell you the wrong choices people make because he is omnipresent?????? Walks in everyone’s shoes and knows all their faiths and choices ??? REALLY?????????
@louishaywood4999 2 месяца назад
And you dont even know your own bible yet you wanna puke rubbish.
@KeepingWatch95 Месяц назад
@@louishaywood4999 Has this Messiah in Jeremiah came yet? _Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth._ _Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS._ The two English words in both Jeremiah 23:5 & 23:6 “THE LORD” had been translated from the single Hebrew word יְהֹוָה which is of course the Jewish national name of God. (The one and only true God, the Hebrew God) Or in English Jeremiah 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith YHWH, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. Has this Messiah, in which יְהֹוָה himself has instructed _"his name whereby he shall be called"_ יְהֹוָה _"YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS"_ came yet? Or are we still waiting?
@onlytruth6337 2 года назад
Why is not any jewish video in all yt against the Shroud? Because they can not do it.
@onlytruth6337 Год назад
@Abraham Mani Of course, and who rejects the salvation of the cross can not be saved. If someone can be saved without the death of Jesus, the death of Jesus would be unnecessary. So all muslims and all jews have not any hope of salvation, cos they reject the only way of salvation. Jews and muslims think they can be in Heaven saying "I rejected the Son and the cross and I am saved here in Heaven hahaha". This is a false hope.
@friendo6257 2 года назад
Rabbi, hinging the existence of Jesus on Nazareth is fallacious. Nazareth is only cited in the gospels which were written decades after Jesus supposedly existed. A claim like "Jesus was from Nazareth" in the Gospels isn't causationally related to Jesus existing. That's like saying, "If Jesus didn't actually walk on water then the historical Jesus didn't exist". It's possible for legend to build up around a historical figure and facts like towns they visited to be made up afterward. Your incredulity about whether or not someone would or could invent something is not a compelling argument. There are compelling arugments that demonstrate that Nazareth was a misinterpretation of Nazarene. It is plausible that Jesus was a Nazarene and later the gospel writers either didn't know what a Nazarene was or wanted to create separation from the Nazarene sect of Judaism. You really can't use the Gospels for evaluating the historicity of Jesus. The gospels are mythmaking. It's all historical-fiction. Jesus, if he existed, seems like he might have been an Essene (or a Nazarene). Or perhaps Peter invented the character of Jesus and Peter (Simon) was an Essene. There are compelling arguments for mythicism and there isn't much evidence that Jesus existed. Buuuut it's such a mundane thing for a guy to exist. There were many people claiming to be messiahs. There's also not much good reason to believe that jesus lived and died 6BCE-30CE. When we look at Christian traditions outside of the roman empire they believed he lived earlier under Greek rule. The Talmud records Jesus' death in 63BCE.
@stelthtrekker9445 2 года назад
He doesn't shock me and I don't agree with him. I am a Christian, and I've heard enough. Shame Shame Shame
@josephcadieux715 Год назад
This rabbi is good at twisting things by assuming because one says this and another doesn't say the same things that is to mean that they disagreed. That is not how evidence in a court of law would be presented. You can have different witnesses who testify in court with slitty different view of specifics, but it doesn't mean they are contradicting themselves. The fact that one Apostle of Jesus says something that they other doesn't say and vise versa simply means that their observation of things at somewhat a different angle view of the event or what was said. It is impossible that have identical view when presenting evidence in courts in its full interrogation process. A good lawyer knows that very well when witnesses are examined in courts. The fact that one mentions Nazareth and the other speaks of Bethlehem does mean they disagree. They would both agree that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but went to Nazareth where He became a citizen of that town for many years where He learned carpentry with Joseph. In a court of law these differences when well presented the jury would find those information complementary regardless of the topic of the day. Rabbi's ideology will soon be made obvious when the fulfillment of prophecy comes to pass. If the prophecies of the Bible are true about the Antichrist system which will soon move the world into a global one world power where people will accept a mark IN their foreheads and IN their hands and that true Sabbath keepers which will be a remnant will be persecuted, the 7 last plagues will fall and at the end of those plagues Jesus will appear in the clouds of glory. Now if this and when these things does happen, then Rabbi in deed will be lost FOREVER. Time will reveal who was preaching truth. True Christianity as a sample above teaches NO SECOND OPPORTUNITIES for Rabbi if he dies in his as is condition or if and when the things above come true and soon.
@lesandani9778 2 года назад
That is truly very contradictory as i studyed with you. I think i will convert to Islam, this is realy wierd, how does nobody observe that ? My heart is broken...
@brittanydempsey2454 2 года назад
I will tell you the truth u are missing about the books. Luke is written to the bride of Christ, mark is for the sleeping church, Matthew is for the Jews. John is the over view. This is what ur missing. The books were sealed until the time of the end. There are no contradictions in the Bible u simply don’t understand who is being spoken to. Jesus Christ is the only way no one goes to the father except through him.
@sharonlee7111 4 месяца назад
@willy5215 2 года назад
You are making business out of your god. Blasphemous!
@haroldensle6656 Год назад
What you are saying is true, but you have completely missed the point. You mentioned that just because Matthew misinterpreted the prophecy of Hosea, Christians should just cut and run. The real prophecy was that they would not know from where he came. This was the problem. The information that the gospel writers had about Jesus only started when he began to preach and heal. They actually knew nothing about his birth. This is why Mark and John ignored it. Matthew and Luke were so insistent on having a complete story of Jesus's life that they just made his early life up. That is why they are so contradictory. Does this mean that Jesus wasn't who he was? You really need to take a much deeper look at this Jesus and yes you will have to read between the lines.
@lynx1598 Год назад
yes nothing like picking up a fiction book and start reading and expecting at some point of time to become non fiction.
@haroldensle6656 Год назад
@@lynx1598 What a useless reply. You are assuming that it is a book of fiction. It is impossible to argue with mindless assumptions.
@lynx1598 Год назад
@@haroldensle6656 you just said yourself the birth narrative was totally fiction. That says alot about the credibility of everything else in the new testament. I mean if you were a disciple and walked with G-d on earth and the first thing you do is make up his birth story. Lying, ya those are some trustworthy writers there.
@haroldensle6656 Год назад
@@lynx1598 That does not mean the entire Bible is fiction. So again, it is just your assumptions. Luke was not a disciple and the book attributed to Matthew was probably not written by Matthew (the disciple). As far as fabrication, I could have been more precise. Matthew does seem to be a fabrication of the early life as one can see a motive in the process. Luke who collected the stories later, may have written down some tales relating to Christ's childhood from oral tradition, though I personally do not find them reliable, many might and I don't think there is a certain conclusion. There is most likely non-fiction in the gospels, especially where the four books are telling the same story. I would say that the main story is probably true, though there might be issues with various details.
@lynx1598 Год назад
@@haroldensle6656 I'm sorry your in denial, but the books started as fiction as I said in my first statement at what point does it become nonfiction?
@havefunbesafe 2 года назад
Read Reza Aslan’s book…he gives a better explanation than Singer.
@waynemohi2767 2 года назад
I've been watching abit of these faith claims from , Islam, Christianity etc and all I see is my faith has more evidence , logic etc than yours. No wonder some people turn Atheist. That's my opinion, or am I wrong too! Far out!
@sauloftarsus3351 2 года назад
Christianity is based on what Christ is telling Satan in Luke 4:8.
@platzhirsch4275 2 года назад
I don't think that Nazareths existence can be denied by anybody with senses. Jesus was born in tumultuous times. The events of his birth included a census, a massacre, a flight to Egypt, and many other things besides, and Matthew and Luke took these events to be significant-i.e., to frame Jesus as the fulfilment of Biblical history-but each writer focused on different aspects of them. For Matthew, Jesus is a Moses-like deliverer, who presents an immediate threat to the world’s Herods. As far as Matthew is concerned, then, Jesus’ presentation at the Temple and childhood in Nazareth are irrelevant, and to include them would be a distraction. Meanwhile, for Luke, Jesus is a more subversive and Samuel-like figure, who grows up and in around the Temple. From Luke’s perspective, then, Jesus’ stay in Bethlehem (after his presentation at the Temple) and flight to Egypt are irrelevant, while his presentation at the Temple and (undramatic) childhood are highly relevant. That Matthew and Luke don’t write the way we might expect is, therefore, quite true, but it’s evidence not of their ahistoricity, but of the purpose and sophistication of their narratives (not to mention the climactic nature of their Messiah’s entrance into world history). If, by today’s standards, that makes elements of their narratives ahistorical, then it makes elements of their narratives ahistorical. But trustworthiness and conformity to (modern-day) expectations are two different things. Ultimately, if we want to engage with Matthew and Luke in a fruitful way, we need to engage with them on their own terms rather than on the basis of our expectations. And: what would it benefit to have 2 or 4 identical reports of Jesus's life? If that was the case Singer would conclude they made it up otherwise how could they have identical reports.
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
The stories of his birth aren’t historical
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
The stories contradict eachother BOTH CAN NOT BE TRUE
@platzhirsch4275 2 года назад
@@HistoryandReviews oh, I forgot sorry. You're the one in future to ask, the individual with perfect wisdom. You know it all and have all the insight. So tell me in your great wisdom how the moon got there. Tell me how photosynthesis got started, how humans came into existence with all its races and cultures. How was the shroud of turin made. How old is the earth and the universe: tell us with all your wisdom....
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
@@platzhirsch4275 it’s ethnicities, not “race”. The bible doesnt even make mention of photosynthesis, apparently plants grow “because God wills them to” That’s the biblical explanation for literally everything, because the authors didn’t know much of anything. The biblical authors literally thought the moon was a “light” for crying out loud. The shroud of turin is also a fake. Get real. Youll never find any physical piece of evidence of Jesus existence. All you will ever have are the 4 contradictory gospels, contradictory Acts, and contradictory Pauline letters
@platzhirsch4275 2 года назад
@@HistoryandReviews makes me laugh....somehow I knew you would say that. Very entertaining indeed...so the shroud is a fake. So tell us how the image came on it...
@geraldopimenta4141 2 года назад
Is very hard to debate a Jew, for they very detailing no matter what the subject is! I believe aChristian well versed on New Testament Would show him all the truth there’s contained there…
@friendo6257 2 года назад
You really should get more comfortable answering with "I don't know enough about this topic to give a good answer" because this was bad lol
@truthgiverandfinder3246 2 года назад
And you know what's funny also it says wine leads to debauchery but wine is thrown out with Eucharist then wine as Jesus man's blood. And blood says to drink of Jesus and thus get drunk. So there is contradictions and errors in Bible or Christian Bible and Jesus so indeed does have flaws for you dude. Read Ephesians 5:18. This contradicts 1 Timothy 5:23 where you are asked to drink wine instead of water. How Sad and again no apologist of any shade or shape can avoid that again like all else here on this Bible subject. Again like always apologists will never answer for this and can't.
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
Who is Yaldabaoth in the Bible? In the Archontic, Sethian, and Ophite systems, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) is regarded as the malevolent Demiurge and false god of the Old Testament (Judaism, not Samaritan) who generated the material universe and keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the world full of pain and suffering that he created. When Pistis Sophia saw him moving in the depth of the waters, she said to him, “Youth, pass over here,” which is interpreted as “Yaldabaoth.” Passover, Hebrew Pesaḥ or Pesach, in Judaism, holiday commemorating the Hebrews' liberation from slavery in Egypt and the “passing over” of the forces of destruction, or the sparing of the firstborn of the Israelites, when the Lord “smote the land of Egypt” on the eve of the Exodus. Egypt meaning: Temple of the Soul of Ptah.
@alfredpuglisi1341 Год назад
often equated by the gnostics with Yahweh, though not always. Yaldabaoth is the creator of the physical world. He is the "demi urgos" , the craftsman, the half maker. He is the evil god, his world is a failure, he is a violent and merciless, he is the god that flooded the world, that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, who is responsible for all the other evils Yahweh does in the Bible.He is the god of this world spoken of by Paul, his purpose is to keep manking enslaved to the physical world.
@lizwood3514 Год назад
Again, the Rabbi is cruel and pedantic😮. These stories are not necessarily lies but an evangelist doing his best to tell a story he's been told orally in the first century. In other words stories passed from person to person which may or may not be true! There's a huge assumption from Rabbi Tovia here, that the church must be thick: all its leaders over the centuries and its theologians. All who must have accepted these stories without question. That is very arrogant of the rabbi. Christianity accepts these stories as being different in the gospels and accepts that one may be right and the other wrong. That is why there are four gospels which were written separately and have not been amalgamated into one story because the absolute facts are unclear but all need to be reported as they have been discovered. They are not necessarily lies because they are not true, just incorrect facts. Also the gospels are not history books but books tracing the power of the Holy Spirit that descended and remained with Jesus (John 1:32) and was passed on to the disciples and ultimately the church. The Holy Spirit anointing is specifically but not exclusively a mission tool because God is bringing in the gentiles. In relation to any textual changes to Hosea and Ezekiel or any other books of the Tanakh, it is not unjewish to change the text to fit a prophecy sent by the Holy Spirit at that time. The Jewish sect of the Dead Sea Scrolls, probably called Essenes but of the Davidic Zadokite line did something similar called pesher. The truth is you just cannot be pedantic under the Holy Spirit!😊 Truthfully, when reading the Bible you have to be discerning. There are many interpretations and not all can be right. My experience of being Holy Spirit baptised is it takes off the blinkers and makes the understanding more accessible but God can still reveal more in the Bible at any time. That is why it is a living word of God and not a dead letter particularly when the Holy Spirit is present with the reader or in the written word.
@platzhirsch4275 2 года назад
Matthew claims that when Jesus returned with his parents from Egypt he fulfilled Hosea’s line: . tof Egypt I called my son.” It’s puzzling, for starters, because Hosea doesn’t seem to be prophesying at all. Hosea, rather, appears to be describing an event in Israel’s past. Another puzzle is that Hosea isn’t talking about an individual, much less a coming messiah. The son who was called out of Egypt is the nation of Israel. All this has led many to assume that Matthew wasn’t concerned with what Hosea meant. Some are kind enough to suggest that Matthew wasn’t trying to channel Hosea’s meaning but was simply using Hosea’s language. Others are less sympathetic. G. K. Beale responds to these problems in a recent article. He claims that Matthew correctly understands Hosea and wants his readers to see, in his citation of Hosea 11:1, that Jesus has “recapitulat[ed] the history of Israel . . . [by] retrac[ing] Israel’s steps up to the point they failed and then continue[d] to obey and succeed in the mission Israel should have carried out” (710). He suggests that this sort of typology-an Exodus that anticipated another Exodus-was, in fact, already present in Hosea. Matthew, therefore, simply taps into the typology Hosea describes, not least in Hosea 11: Israel was rescued from Egypt (Hosea 11:1), sinned, would, therefore, be sent back into Egypt (Hosea 11:5), before being delivered from Egypt once more (Hosea 11:10-11). Moreover, this second Exodus, Beale notes, would be led by a davidic king (Hosea 3:5; cf. Hosea 1:11). In sum: Jesus, says Matthew, recapitulates Hosea 11:1, as Hosea 11:10-11 expected.
@mikejurney9102 2 года назад
Actually, Matthew does not say which prophet's predictions were fulfilled. Matthew may have been relying on some principle that the Messiah represents Israel. So if Israel come out of Egypt, then so will Messiah.
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
@@mikejurney9102 utter horse 💩 he corrupted the scriptures
@springtown24 2 года назад
I like the fact that you are at least searching for an answer here. I have heard it suggested that Matthew is merely drawing a paralell between Hosea 11:1 . As God called Israel (his son) out of Egypt in the same way he called his (begotten son) also out of Egypt.
@charleslorenzodavis3387 2 года назад
Nazareth never existed in the first century, period.
@07silvali 2 года назад
There is only one name under heaven given among men by which we can be saved: His name is JESUS!! Jesus said, "I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME". THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! And if you don't believe his words, then you're calling Jesus a LIAR! Islam cannot save you!! The only one who can save you is JESUS ​​CHRIST. You see, all other religions are WORKS based religions. No matter how many good works you do, they will not make up for the times you have broken God's Law. If you're honest with yourself, you'll be willing to admit that you've broken God's Law many times (as I did). If you're like me, you've probably broken God's Law more times than you can count! And because we violate His Law, we deserve to be punished by Him. We deserve to go to HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!!!! But because of God's Great Love for us, He sent JESUS ​​CHRIST. The Law of God requires that we be punished for our sins, and a perfect, sinless person, JESUS, shed His Blood instead. JESUS ​​is the ONLY one who qualified for this! JESUS ​​did his part. Repent of ALL your sins (forsake them) and trust JESUS ​​today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a new heart and new desires. DO IT TODAY!!! TOMORROW MAY BE TOO LATE!!!
@charleslorenzodavis3387 2 года назад
@@07silvali Mark 16:1 will open your eyes. Think as you read it. You must wake up out of your sleep. Open your eyes. Jesus never existed historically. It was a concoction of the Romans in the fist century. Please research your faith historically outside the Bible. Adam and Eve are not real, just an allegory. Please don’t believe me, do your own historical research, the world was fooled. Josephus had a hand in this as well as “Usibious” Pontious Pilate did not enter Jerusalem as Governor until the year, first century, 65ACE. At the trial of “Christ “ Pontious Pilate was not born yet. There is so much more.
@07silvali 2 года назад
@@charleslorenzodavis3387 Well, my friend as the Bible says: "Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar." Romans 3:4 Don`t be deceived by that LIE!! This is the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST: Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day. He shed His blood on the cross for you. Your part is to Repent of your sins and Trust in Him. BUT, you MUST trust in the JESUS of the BIBLE!! You must REPENT of your IDOLATRY and must BELIEVE THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS!!! Because, IF you don`t, you will be cast in the LAKE OF FIRE, for ALL ETERNITY!!! Repent of ALL your sins and Trust in the RIGHT Jesus today and God will save you. He will grant you eternal life, not because you earned it, deserve it or because you are a good person, but because He wants to give you eternal life as a FREE GIFT!!! THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a New Heart and New Desires. Accept it today!!! Tomorrow maybe too late!! "Jesus answered him, I am THE WAY, and THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE; no one comes to the Father EXCEPT through ME." (John 14:6)
@charleslorenzodavis3387 2 года назад
@@07silvali history has been rewritten to fit such narrative.
@charleslorenzodavis3387 Год назад
@@07silvali God laid in the belly of a arbitrary young Jewish girl. He laid there for Nine months, just laid there doing nothing. A mere mortal female then give birth to the creator? God is omnipotent, if he want to forgive us, why doesn’t he just forgive us? Why would he result to something barbaric like a “human sacrifice?” Seek knowledge my friend.
@therighteousrighthand 2 года назад
I just wondering how our Jewish folks will identify the Messiah when he comes.
@saul2491 2 года назад
That is easy. You will see all Jews who are mot in jstael return to Israel. The 3rd temple, world owace and worldwide knowledge of G-d. Done. Messiah odentofi3e. We laugh though at christiqns thinking hesus was the messiah. O kje. Is a worse candidate. You his keep talking about his miracles that the Nt claims and rhe the surrection. Tanachxfoesnt speak a oit the messiah doing miracles and they do not help to qualify yoi as the messoahxor a prophet or not a false prophet. We have Deuteronomy telling us how to identify tofy a false prophet and it even says even if they doxsigns and wonders. And jesus easily qualifies as a false prophet. Cant subtract from the law. Plus all l through the Nt he breaks biblical prohibitions and condones his growers doing so. And best of all he achieved nothing that the tanach says the messiah will do as Iosted above for you. In fact him and christiabity at the time brought the opposite. Jews exiled, more war, temple destroyed. All makes jesus the worst possible choice for messiah possible. Now you know how we will identify the .essoah snd also why jesus is thexlast person anyone should ever think is the messiah
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
That is simple. Miracles and prophecy are not requited and do not qualify you. All we are looking for is what the tanach tells us: - all Jews returned to Israel - 3rd temple - world peace - worldwide knowledge of G-d Note that in order to have all 614 laws observed you need to have israep, temple and a king like in the we days pf old. That os the messiah and that is what this is all about. G-d's torah/instructions/plan finally can't to full fruition. Also. Note that jesus and christianity brought the opposite of all 4 things not only didn't do any of them but brought the opposite
@therighteousrighthand 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720You say the Messiah will be a king. But the question remains unanswered. How will you identify the Messiah?
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
@@therighteousrighthand if anyone hasn't achieved those 4 things they aren't the mess8ah. When someone does they are.
@jackwilliamatkins5602 2 года назад
You are to make provision for the return of all Jews in Australia to Tel Aviv Israel by sea at the expense of the Australian people immediately.
@mrsmith735 2 года назад
Jesus did not write a single verse in any extant manuscript...and guess what???...Moses didn't either! I wish everyone would use the same scrutiny on their own version of this made up story as they do on all the ones that they say are wrong.
@savtamarlene 2 года назад
You are 1000% correct. On this we can agree. Moshe didn’t WRITE the Tenach. HaShem, THe CREATOR, The ONE and ONLY G-D, Wrote it and Moshe just transcribed it and then he taught it to the THREE MIlLION Hebrews as G-D Instructed Moshe to do.
@shirleydoncel5512 2 года назад
Moses did
@mrsmith735 2 года назад
@@shirleydoncel5512 who said?
@mrsmith735 2 года назад
@@savtamarlene who said so?
@savtamarlene 2 года назад
@@mrsmith735 The CREATOR of you, me, everyone and everything. See… the trouble with you xians is you don’t read the Tenach in the original Hebrew…or at least a proper, approved translation from the Hebrew into English. You read and the believe, distortions and mistranslations.
@solonkazos1379 2 года назад
It's almost hard to listen to Tovia because his logic is so flawed. He likes to argue from silence. This is a weak form of presenting a case. Anyone can interpret the silence for their own purposes. John is silent on Jesus being born in Bethlehem, but that just points to John's audience more so than to a fear of proving birth. John's audience was a Gentile people living in modern day Turkey, back then a very rich Roman province. These people had no interest or understanding of Jewish prophecies, so why bog down the process of the Gospel by taking an audience through a history they will tune out. John is giving people what they need for salvation he isn't trying to extend a Jewish system of understanding. Tovia doesn't hear the music, the flow, the intent and desire of the texts.
@solonkazos1379 Год назад
@Abraham Mani You have found it. You have pierced the Isaiah 6 curse. I see more of you everyday. Jesus has done great things, praise His name
@TheLionFarm 2 года назад
"The historicity of Jesus as a heretic teacher of Jewish law is established beyond doubt by the testimony of his disciple Jacob of Kephar Sekhanjah-a man unknown to Christian sources transmitted through the rabbis 'Elifezer b. Hyrkanos and 'Aqiba (A.D. IIO), both of the latter witnesses being decidedly hostile to Christianity. The execution of one 'Christus' by the Roman governor Pilate under Tiberius, as a criminal and founder of a band of conspirators hostile to the whole human race, is established thanks to the testimony of Tacitus." ~The Messiah Jesus and John the Baptist according to Flavius Josephus' recently rediscovered 'Capture of Jerusalem' and other Jewish and Christian sources by Robert Eisler; Alexander Haggerty Krappe; Flavius.Josephus Publication date 1931 remember it's not just "Flavius Josephus" but "Titus" Flavius Josephus which no PISO has (Titus) 2:36:20 Even so we are not here to defend anyone else save The Truth of The Cross Cornelius Tacitus (AD 55-120 The following portion describes Nero blaming the Christians for the great fire of Rome (AD 64). It reports: "Therefore, to stop the rumor, Nero substituted as culprits and punished in the utmost refinements of cruelty, a class of men, loathed for their vices, whom the crowd styled Christians. Christus, the founder of the name, had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilatus, and the pernicious superstition was checked for a moment, only to break out once more, not merely in Judea, the home of the disease, but in the capital(He talking about in JERUSALEM) itself, where all things horrible or shameful in the world collect and find a vogue."
@willy5215 2 года назад
Blah blah blah, my Bible is the best historian. Romans was converted to Christianity not islam. What is this. We are talking about humus but you are talking about eggs😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 As always mohamedans got no answers 🤪😝😜
@willy5215 2 года назад
I know you are trying so hard to discredit Jesus Christ for you are the only group of people who are the ANTICHRIST Quran 3:45 allah gives the glad tidings to Mary for sending Jesus held in honor in this world and in the hereafter and the one near allah
@willy5215 2 года назад
Quran 19:19 mohamad says that he is just a messenger and Jesus is a a Holy Son a gift from allah Quran 3:144 mohamad says that he is just a messenger
@willy5215 2 года назад
Quran 2:87 Jesus was sent by allah with clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit
@willy5215 2 года назад
Quran 3:55says,Behold allah said, o Jesus I will take thee and raise thee to myself and clear thee of those who blaspheme, “I WILL MAKE THOSE WHO FOLLOW THEE SUPERIOR,”to those who reject faith til resurrection day
@integrationalpolytheism 2 года назад
16:45 - I have a possible answer for that. doesn't the word Nazareth derive from the word for "branch" ("netzer")? So then is this an attempt to call back to Zechariah 3 and 6, and Jeremiah 23, and Isaiah 4? I am also reminded of the stump of Jesse in Isaiah 11. now both GMatt and GLuke mention Nazareth, as a place, so it is possible they themselves were not aware of this root, or maybe only the author of GMatt, perhaps the assumption of a town called Nazareth came from the title "the Nazarene" in the first place. This is supported by GMatt's claim of a scriptural prophecy which says "He will be called a Nazarene." even though such a prophecy does not exist anywhere in scripture. GMark, the earliest gospel, doesn't name Jesus' home town, though it seems likely to be Caesarea from what I can tell in the text, though Christian Bibles add section headings and lo and behold, Christian Bible usually head that passage in GMark as "Jesus is rejected in Nazareth" even though Nazareth isn't mentioned anywhere in the text of GMark! It is worth recalling that archaeology suggests that the village of Nazareth was not populated in the supposed time of Jesus, but was populated by the end of the first century CE, when the gospels were written. now imagine if that happened BECAUSE of the association with Jesus in pre-gospel oral tradition. We do know that the growth of Nazareth continued, and it is a city with a big population of Christians up to the present day, because of its association with Jesus.
@integrationalpolytheism Год назад
@abrahammani9678 sometimes I think "oh look, somebody's replied to one of my comments" and then when I go to look, it's just more Christian word salad.
@yolandahernandez9154 2 года назад
John 7 : 4. Christ is coming from the offspring of David , And from “Bethlehem” the village where David used to be. Moses said God was sending a prophet like me. You must listen to him. We should trust the scriptures. Even of our cleaning to safeguard From germs. The words of God will last indefinitely. That’s why the Bible say the same things , King James, or new world translation. Jerusalem Bible. Words sometimes little different, but mean the same thing.
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
Moses was speaking of JOSHUA
@carminefragione4710 2 года назад
The Knowledge of God comes by the Holy Spirit, not by human writing , the Spirit of God is God, but the Bible is not God. Then the Spirit of God that is Holy Spirit, is meant to be a collective pluralism of common sense, it means God intends to commune with the People , and so people like Tovia Singer are of the Devil. Why ? Because God took away from Tovia Singer, the Korbanot of Temple Israel, including banishing Tovia Singer from the Kosher Passover of the Lord, where while he might imitate , he cannot eat the Passover, the 10 th Rhyme of the Korban Passover means you eat the Lamb in the Matzos with the Bitter Herbs to fulfill Exodus chapter 12 to IDENTIFY you as a Member of ISRAEL through the communion meal that bound the People who came with Moses, be they Hebrews or Egyptians, whomever ate the Passover was joined in a Marriage Ceremony to be a NATION OF ISRAEL, not then 'JEWS" but Israel. So Tovia is not Israel, he is banished from God's Korban Passover, and the Jews have no Priest of Israel, no Prophet of Israel, no Judges of the Law of Moses in Israel. They are simply FALLEN ONES , whose only purpose is EMNITY torwards YHVH God, in a hostile faked religion practicing SORCERY and WITCHCRAFT , like the WITCH OF ENDOR , if you wish to know. Jesus was born in ZION, circumcised by the Temple Israel Priests, the Sons of ZADOK, the House of Phinehas, and every town in Israel had a GHETTO VILLAGE community for the Levites, such as NAZARETH , in EPHRAIM, which means the Town had another name given for the sector used by the Levites, to live in a Cloister of the NETZER IT, or NAZARENE Priesthood. Jesus was ISRAEL, ate the Passover received the Liturgy of Temple ISRAEL , and at age 30 to prove his priesthood, Caiaphas the High Priest of Israel permitted Jesus to teach ORAL LAW on sacred Holy Ground, in Temple Israel for three years, a fact that only can prove without doubt, Jesus was a Nazirite Priest, serving by Numbers chapter six, at the Tent of the Meeting, a Special Vow of Dedication by YHVH GOD, since the High Priest could not deny Jesus the Authority of GOD on HOLY GROUND,. In comparison , if Tovia went one day to the Temple and tried to teach JUDAISM on Sacred Ground in the Temple, the High Priest Caiaphas would kill Tovia Singer the first time he was caught doing so. What does that mean ? "BEWARE THE LEAVEN OF THE PHARISEES".
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
Carmine Fragile, Passion is a sort of fever of the mind, which ever leaves us weaker than it found us. J isn't god! Stop lying!!
@mihailgae-draghici4864 2 года назад
carMINe f., who proves too much, proves NOTHING! CAPISCI MIN??
@mihailgae-draghici4864 Год назад
@Abraham Mani yes, mary is the mother of god; did you take your pills?
@amsumalivallaart2805 2 года назад
This Rabbi thinks that God is a prejudiced Jew I am not a 100% sure of this
@saul2491 2 года назад
We believe what the tanach says. And the tanach opposes the Nt and proves it wrong a thousand times ove4m dumb move trying to attach it to our tanach Now tell us again how you are jealous of the text that G-d authored calling us titles like G-d"s son and firstborn, his children, chosen, priestly nation,suffering servamt'. Yes let me feel the crazy christian angry well up inside you
@therighteousrighthand 2 года назад
Grace and peace of God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with all who seek the truth Fictional men are always created to exude power like superman. Compare that with Jesus. As the Rabi explained He was born in an insignificant place where horses eat. He walked among ordinary men, He lived an insignificant life, sought no power or fame. His followers were like Him, folks from all walks of life, none were men of power. I wonder how many like Him walked the earth and where are they now? In spite of all attempts made by Jews of 1st century to wipe Him out of History and religious books, how is it that this man Jesus is known, revered, loved, honoured by 2.4 billion Christian's and 1.x billion Muslims...something to think and ponder over.
@paulpaulsen7245 2 года назад
Rabbi, greetings & love from Germany! I wish Jesus would reveal himself to you like he did many times at differens places & occasions! G_d has blessed you with extraordinary insight and knowledge - alone, His human face seems still hidden from you. Let me promise you that you will be able to see & understand in G_d´s due time. Until then you will rest in G-d´s loving heart! Rabbi Singer, G_d bless you in all places & occasions you are, Psalm 139!
@HistoryandReviews 2 года назад
@paulpaulsen7245 2 года назад
@@HistoryandReviews, of course He is human, for G_d created humanity & is deeply connected to her, that He chose to live in them like in a LIVING TEMPLE. G_d does not view us from ABOVE, but rather from WITHIN. You will undedrstand in G-d´s due time.
@hrvatskinoahid1048 2 года назад
​@@paulpaulsen7245 Keep the 7 Noahide commandments and stop promoting idolatry.
@lonnierandall7882 2 года назад
Jesus is an eternal figure. The Meaning of One 1Co 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is ONE Spirit. The Spirit is God's essence. Spirit is what God is, and the Spirit He is is the Holy Spirit. That is the missing key to understanding "the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The reason the Father and the Son are One is because they are the Holy Spirit. This scripture makes it plain. The Spirit is also how we are one in them when we believe. Ro 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but IN THE SPIRIT, if so be that THE SPIRIT OF GOD DWELL IN YOU. Now if any man have not THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, he is none of his. 10 ¶ And if CHRIST be IN YOU, the body is dead because of sin; but THE SPIRIT IS LIFE because of righteousness. 11 But if THE SPIRIT OF HIM THAT RAISED UP JESUS from the dead DWELL IN YOU, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by HIS SPIRIT THAT DWELLETH IN YOU. Ro 12:5 So WE, BEING MANY, ARE ONE BODY IN CHRIST, and every one members one of another. 1Co 10:17 For we being many are ONE BREAD, and ONE BODY: for we are all partakers of that ONE BREAD. 1Co 12:12 ¶ For as THE BODY IS ONE, AND HATH MANY MEMBERS, and all the members of that ONE BODY, being many, are ONE BODY: SO ALSO IS CHRIST. In the exact same way, Jesus said,... Joh 10:30 I AND my Father ARE ONE. Joh 17:11 ¶ And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that THEY MAY BE ONE AS WE ARE: (IN THE SAME WAY) Joh 17:20 ¶ Neither pray I for these alone, but for THEM ALSO WHICH SHALL BELIEVE IN ME through their word; 21 THAT THEY ALL MAY BE ONE; AS THOU, FATHER, ART IN ME, AND I IN THEE, THAT THEY ALSO MAY BE ONE IN US: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that THEY MAY BE ONE, AS WE ARE ONE: (IN THE SAME WAY) 23 I IN THEM AND THOU IN ME, that they may be made perfect IN ONE; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Joh 17:24 ¶ Father, I WILL THAT THEY ALSO, WHOM THOU HAS GIVEN ME, BE WITH ME WHERE I AM; that they may behold my glory, which thou hast given me: for THOU LOVEDST ME BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. 25 O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in them, and I IN THEM. Joh 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another COMFORTER, that he may abide with you for ever; 17 Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for HE DWELLETH WITH YOU, AND SHALL BE IN YOU. 18 ¶ I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU. Joh 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM. Jesus comes to us in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit doesn't leave them, it emanates from them. That is how God is omnipresent. His Spirit permeates every place in heaven and earth. In the book of Revelation, in the last two chapters, where it talks about the new heaven and the new earth, we find no mention of the Holy Spirit. But the Holy Spirit is there, in the Father and the Son. What we do see is a river of life flowing out of the throne. Re 22:1 ¶ And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. Joh 7:37 ¶ In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.) Joh 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. 11 The woman saith unto him, Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water? 12 Art thou greater than our father Jacob, which gave us the well, and drank thereof himself, and his children, and his cattle? 13 Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again: 14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. Trinity isn’t a good explanation of theFather, Son and Holy Spirit. Look at these references to the Holy Spirit. These are from the kjv. Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, the Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of Jesus Christ, Spirit of the Lord , Spirit of Christ, Spirit of the living God, Spirit of our God, Spirit of your Father, holy Spirit of God, Spirit which is of God, Spirit of His Son, his Holy Spirit, My Spirit, His Spirit, the Lord is that Spirit, Spirit of grace, holy Spirit of promise, Spirit of adoption, Spirit of life in Christ, Spirit of life from God, the Spirit itself. The way the Spirit is described in the scripture as being "of God" and "of His Son" and being "His Spirit", it doesn't sound like a third person. I don't think the Spirit is a third person. I think it is what God is. Just as you and I are human beings, the Father and Son are Holy Spirit. Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Spirit is what God is, and the Spirit He is is the Holy Spirit.
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
Can't use NT to prove the NT.
@lonnierandall7882 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 Can't use OT to prove the OT. You either know by faith or you don't.
@lonnierandall7882 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 The messianic kingdom was never about this flesh. It was always spirit. And you were never going to live forever anyway, unless you come through Jesus, the only way, truth and eternal life. Everyone who believes that Jesus is the messiah is Israel. No one who doesn't believe that Jesus is the messiah is Israel. Therefore, when the last person who will come to belief in Jesus, comes to belief in Jesus, then all Israel will be saved. Ye must be born again. Jesus was explaining the resurrection. We had to be born to come into this physical world. We will have to be "born again" in the resurrection to come into the kingdom of God. Joh 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water (physical birth, born) and of the Spirit (resurrected, born again), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh IS flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit IS spirit. We are still flesh, we are not yet spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 8 The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. 9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? We are not yet like the wind. 1Co 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1Co 15:54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. Eze 37:11 Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. 12 Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. 13 And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, 14 And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD. Hosea 6:1-3 This scripture is about the first resurrection and Jesus' second coming. The first verse is about Jesus dying on the cross to reconcile us to God. The second verse tells us how long it will be until he returns to receive us unto himself. And the third day is the millennial kingdom when we will live in his sight. Ho 6:1 ¶ Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. 2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 3 Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth. 2Pe 3:8 ¶ But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. If two days is two thousand years, Jesus coming would be two thousand years from his leaving. 2030 to 2033, depending on when he was crucified. "Replacement theology" is one of those disparaging distinctions thrown around to dismiss an idea without debate, like "anti-semite" and "conspiracy theorist." The church is Israel, and is the fulfillment of the promises God made to Adam and Noah and Abraham and Israel and Moses. Not a replacement at all, but a fulfillment and inclusion. The final fulfillment is to be accomplished in the millennial kingdom. His kingdom is not of this world. Any "apparent" fulfillment in this present world is an antichrist counterfeit. The messianic prophecies were always meant to be fulfilled in the first resurrection and in the millennial kingdom. A remnant is a very small leftover from a much larger whole. All Israel will only be saved in a remnant. The Jewish misunderstanding that the messianic kingdom would be fulfilled in this present time and among the physical nation of Israel was always wrong. Joh 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. (KJV) Ro 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal. 5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace. All we believers, Jews and Greeks, will be revived and rule with Christ on the third day. There is no "church age". That is not found in the Bible. Ga 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. This idea people have of separating gentile believers from Jewish believers is unbiblical. Unbelieving Jews won't be saved anyway. Neither will unbelieving gentiles. There is no gentile church. There is only an Israel church with whom gentiles have been blessed to conjunct. Joh 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Mt 3:9 And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. John the baptizer Ga 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but AS OF ONE, And to thy seed, which is Christ. 17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. 18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise. Ga 3:19 ¶ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, TILL THE SEED SHOULD COME to whom the promise was made; Lu 3:9 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mt 8:11 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. 12 But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Ro 9:26 And it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people; there shall they be called the children of the living God. 27 Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved: 28 For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth. 29 And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha. The complete fulfillment will be in the first resurrection. Eze 37:12 Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. 13 And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, 14 And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD. Ro 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Ro 9:6 ¶ Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: 7 Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. 8 That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed. Ro 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. 26 And so all Israel shall be saved: Most people think that gentile means any people who aren't Jews. But gentile means heathen, and heathen are people who don't know the true God. Even the people we call Jews, those who reject Jesus, are heathen or gentile. So even the unbelieving Jews are gentiles treading down the holy city. Just as God changed Jacob's name to Israel, He changes our name to Israel when we believe in Jesus. Everyone who believes in Jesus is Israel. No one else is. Therefore, "all Israel shall be saved."
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
@@lonnierandall7882 we don't have any books called OT. Been studying our jewish texts all my llfe. We have nothing that is OT. We do have a tanach and christians believe in that already. Lucky for us the Nt can be false and is and our tanaach correct but cant have the tanach false and the NT correct. The other thing attaching their Nt to our tanach caused is us able to prove the Na false a thousand times over making the NT a joke to us. Haven't read and not replying to yoir long message. You habe only written absolite nonsense so far. Not worth reading that. Something aboit messianic kingdom. Messianic kingdom is zg-f finally having his plan rhe torah come to full fruition which means all 613 laws being observed. For that you need israel and a temple and a king. That is what the messiah is aboit and why there is nothing aboit miracles and he doesn't even have to prophecise anything to qualify as the messiah
@lonnierandall7882 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 It's a strawman objection. You know we are talking about the same books.
@wormwood8516 2 года назад
Mr Singer why have u studied the NT just to try and prove it to be wrong what is your motive. And if the Holy Spirit did tell the disciples to write only what He want them to write about Jesus how can you use that to say that Jesus was not there.Even the fact that They were warned and flee to Egypt so the scriptures could be fulfilled out of Egypt i have called my son.All the words could not be remembered and how did the disciples know of the words of Mary and Jesus in the temple when He was twelve and all the other words if There was not a divine Power at work e,g The Holy Spirit. And He can Not Lie.Even King David said in Psalms 51:11 ....and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
@willy5215 2 года назад
Can you check that marrying a 6 year old child is halal
@jkmcgregor7797 2 года назад
If your asking a rabbi then there is no age of marriage in the torah or tanakh.rebbekah was 3 years old and Mary was 12 when she gave birth to jesus
@willy5215 2 года назад
@@jkmcgregor7797 give me a reference, don’t just blah blah without proof
@willy5215 2 года назад
@(see my playlists) truth is bitter Aisha is mature when he was married to mohamad, the fact that she is still playing her dolls with her friends . Yeah, she is very mature indeed
@jkmcgregor7797 2 года назад
@@willy5215 . Sarah gave birth to Isaac at the age of ninety (Genesis 17). 2. Isaac was in his thirties when the incident of Mount Moriah occurred with his father, Abraham (Genesis 22). 3. Immediately after Isaac and Abraham’s incident on Mount Moriah, Rebecca is born (Genesis 22). 4. As soon as Rebecca’s birth is mentioned in Genesis 22, few verses down (next chapter), we read that Sarah died at the age of 127 years old (Genesis 23:1-3). 5. At the time of Sarah’s death, Isaac would be have been 37-years-old. 6. Isaac married Rebecca at the age of 40 (Genesis 25:20), this would show from the Bible that Rebecca was only three years old, given that she was only born three years prior, just after the Mount Moriah incident and the death of Sarah.
@willy5215 2 года назад
@@jkmcgregor7797 give me a specific verse that says Rebekah was 3 years old and Mary was 12,. All what you said are all assumptions. Don’t give your opinion
@neomatrix4412 6 месяцев назад
Moses never existed
@jesusisgod3318 2 года назад
Jesus predicted the fall of the Jewish temple wich hapent in 70 ad. ...if you not recognize him as son of God At least recognize him as a prophet !! Now us in 2022 In order to belive In what happened than We have torah and new testament Or believe in both or none .
@saul2491 2 года назад
Was daniel that predicted the fall of the 2nd temple and nothing else in his 70 works calculation in chapter 9. Not jesus. And we israelcare the son of G-d as it says in exodus and Hosea. Not jesus. How dare you try mosaproproate our literal G-d given name for your false prophet. Not going 5oxget anywhere with us saying ridiculous insults There is a new testament that houses fools tried attaching to pie tanqch and our ganachxproves it false a thousand times over. Dumb move trying to attach your book to ours. They don't fit. Tanach opposes everything dingle thing in the NT
@jesusisgod3318 2 года назад
@@saul2491 jesus is the God of old testament
@saul2491 2 года назад
@@jesusisgod3318 we have no book(s) called old testament but wr are told again and again in tanachoterally the exact words ' G-d is not a man'. You call G-d a liar We also have way more like Moses being told no man can see G-d and love and G-d boasting that the people saw mo image of him at Sinai. Ut multiple times straight oit not a man ahows no jesus is not G-d We also have from the Nt jesus breaking biblical prohibitions non stop and subtracting from the law making him a false prophet. That incurs dea6j penalty it is so bad. Amd same Deuteronomy 13 that has false prophet identification says even if they do signs and wonders. So qe aren't interested in his miracles. Even if he existed and did them it doesn't helpxhis case. So we know that G-d is not a man, and that jesus is a sinner and a false prophet deserving of death. That makes it a slam dunk that je is not G-d and you are a straight oit idol wprshiper. Because you simultaneously wprship the father that is 'upon my face' from the 10 commandments making it the worst possible formcof idol worship that you engage in. Time to repent for you and perfect time of the year for it also
@friendo6257 2 года назад
"Jesus predicted the fall of the Jewish temple wich hapent in 70 ad" where was this written? In the gospels? The gospels were written after 70 CE. You can't make a prediction after the fact. This is the reason we know that the book of Daniel does this. Making predictions about the distant past you get some things right but the details are fuzzy. Making predictions about the recent past you get a lot right and in great detail. Making predictions about the future you get almost everythig wrong and the predictions are no longer in detail but super ambiguous. Jesus, as far as we know, only appeared to Paul and Peter in visions. No other trustworthy claims have been made by anyone contemporary to Jesus. Later legends (which often contradict eachother and include anachronisms) written decades after Jesus death contain no historical, verifiable, independently attested information. By your own arugment you would have to accept that Mohamed, Gabriel, Jospeh Smith, and Moroni all existed in history, told the truth, and are legitimate prophets.
@jesusisgod3318 2 года назад
@@friendo6257 Moroni Gabriel Mohamed and Joseph Smith are not prophets 😂😂😂🙈 Moses was a prophet and He told about jesus And you as a jew you are blind To not see Jesus in your tanak.?
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