
Real World Apologetics  

Living Waters
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@rjd3434 11 лет назад
You nailed that, Mark... people won't respond to intellectual arguments. 1 Cor 1.
@RRWYI 11 лет назад
Ray, very nostalgic mate. I'm from Wellington and remember your and the wizard days. The good old days! You're blessed my friend with a great ministry, Yours in Christ. Robert
@DadHub 11 лет назад
I can't wait to preach the gospel open air. I know it'll be a complete Holy Spirit take over BC it blows my mind right now... God has laid it on my heart to begin evangelizing and He led me to your show and has been equipping me for my duty since probably August 2012. Excited and nervous... My day is fast approaching. Thanks for all you guys do.
@FlossieScottPaul 11 лет назад
So sad - if you don't like what is being said why would you bother watching. Thank you guys for continuing to share the truth and not mans fabucation.
@WaynePhilmore 11 лет назад
I use logical fallacies all the time. Thx Mark.
@rproffitt2 11 лет назад
40 days because 40 is the number of judgement.
@klulouis 11 лет назад
well said, Mark!!!
@adrianramage 11 лет назад
If i was god, if I could not stand sin, if I was so offended by evil thoughts and motives, if they were so abhorrent to me, and all I saw day in and day out were people doing things that were so offensive to me all 7 billion of them, constantly lusting, hating, backbiting as the bible says, I would wipe them out!!! So would every single one of us, we curse God, we assassinate His character committing murder, just as we did 2000 years ago, why does He not destroy us?HE IS LONGSUFFERING
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
The funny thing about the non-sequitur question regarding the omnipotence of God and the 40 days of rain to flood the Earth is this: Forget about how long it took God to flood the Earth, the fact THAT God flooded the Earth shows His omnipotence! Who are any of us to question His sovereign choices about anything at anytime?? 1 Cor 1:18-21
@Cristinepedraza01 11 лет назад
LOL Ray and E.Z's hilarious ! u guys make a good team!
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
I agree. If a testimony was the only evidence given then your assesment would be accurate. However, that of course, is not the only evidence for Christianity. A changed life is compelling, but coupled with the veracity of Scripture and the motivation for Chrisitans all over the world to call for others to repent and trust Christ is even more compelling. This isn't about who's testimony is better, but about the Testimony leads to Truth.
@TheInfernalTank 11 лет назад
When did I ever imply that?
@PJToxophilus 11 лет назад
What Richard Dawkins actually said (and you must also look at the context of other tweets which you can easily do @RichardDawkins was "With respect to those meanings of "human" that are relevant to the morality of abortion, any fetus is less human than an adult pig"
@toeboykid 11 лет назад
Speaking of numbers... the number 12 (years preaching in NZ) is a good one in God's Word also. ie. tribes, deciples, months etc
@tiberiusvetus9113 11 лет назад
We know they are merged because we have sequenced the DNA and found out that they are the same. You can actually explore the human DNA and ape DNA on the ENCODE project page of Nature website (google for "explorer human dna sequence"). We have decoded what the actual DNA does, what kind of proteins are created. For more information just google for "chromosome 2"
@typolet6883 11 лет назад
Who here knows the real ten commandments?
@smitty31088 11 лет назад
Never mind, you all mention that, I commented before you got there!
@voysovreason7205 11 лет назад
See a video called "Belief in God and the special pleading fallacy".
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
That's not the argument that I am postulating. Yes, I do know that Buddhism (and every other unorthodox, unbiblical religion) poses stricter elements to their lifestyles. That's the earmark of those religions to begin with. However, its b/c of that legalistic view of religion that separates them from biblical Christianity. The religion itself is the sin, Shake. Its called idolatry. They've created a god to suit themselves, a god that they're more comfortable with. Its the oldest sin in the book!
@GreaterSapien 11 лет назад
I'd like to invite any of your viewers to watch my "Ask an Atheist" videos and chime in with any questions they may have.
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
Christians do humble themselves admitting by their own consciences that they've sinned against a holy God who will judge everyone according to what they've thought, said and done. All of mankind is wrong. Its Jesus Christ who is the only Right One that we must put our faith and trust in for our eternal lives and sins forgiven. Christians are most humble by submittting themselves to a higher calling rather than the self-righteous attempts of man to be good in his own right which can not happen.
@WaynePhilmore 11 лет назад
Then if there is no God no evidence could prove He exists. Because you cannot see the creator of a product does not mean the creator does not exist. It just means the creator has not been seen. Even Satanist believe Jesus is the son of God, they just don't care.
@smitty31088 11 лет назад
I one of your biggest fans but the Holy Spirit plays a role when we present the Gospel message. The Holy Spirit never fails to bring to salvation those sinners whom He personally calls to Christ. He extends a special inward call, which creates within us a new heart or a new nature. Romans 8: 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Just a few other Scripture references Romans 8:30 & 1 Cor 2: 10-13
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
...His words to communicate to us so that His redemptive plan of salvation could be experienced in the human beings He's created in His image and likeness. Instead of constantly asking for evidence, why don't you earnestly search the Scriptures? Why don't you ask the Lord to provide the faith you need to fully trust in Him? This is why He has granted us the gift of prayer. Speak to Him in your own fashion in the privacy of your own home and lay down your anger & pride.
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
If that's what you need to keep telling yourself in order to go through life with a guilt-free conscience then ok. But know this, being wrong for eternity will heavily outweigh a sense/hope of being right temporarily! My sins are forgiven, Shake and I'm on my way to heaven; not b/c I'm a good person, but b/c I'm a bad person who's been forgiven by a very good God.
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
Shake, Christians shouldn't be saying "I can't be wrong". You fail to see the only right One in all of existence is God who was visibly seen in Jesus Christ for the 33 yrs He was on this Earth. Its Christ alone that Christians put all their faith and trust in to know what is ultimately right. Yes, human beings all across this planet are fallible, including me. Its the amazing grace of God that has saved a wretch like me!! He's willing to save you too, Shake. Please repent and trust Christ!
@Hediedforme1990 11 лет назад
he talkes about the origine of the creation, not evolution.
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
Shake, its more than just about the threat of Hell. While that should jolt one to think seriously about the afterlife its not the only variable to cause one to consider such a topic. And while these points may seem childish to you these points are causing you to respond b/c there's something inside you that so desperately wants to know how you can be saved from an eternity in Hell. I don't want you to go there Shake...I really don't!!
@WaynePhilmore 11 лет назад
Even if Christians were to give u every shred of evidence to your satisfaction, you wouldn't believe. Not because there is no God but because you don't want Him to exist. If I offended you, I'm sorry. God Bless you.
@biggerthanafruitfly 11 лет назад
u knew ray pre-christian?
@typolet6883 11 лет назад
Comeon way of the master at least try to answer my question
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
Furthermore, you already HAVE the evidence that you're so eagerly waiting for. The problem is you're too prideful and self-righteous to think that it can't be that simple. God has given us a Creation, a Conscience and a Holy Spirt-inspired written book as the evidence. What you need to do is humble yourself so that God can grant you the knowledge you desire to understand His word since it is spirtually discerned! Stop shaking your fist at God, Shake! He's loved you even before you were born!
@swiftpremium 11 лет назад
The other religions don't count because their gods are false. NOBODY ever spoke like Jesus or did what he did. check for yourself with the religions you named off. What did muhammed do besides talk and kill with his army, krishna the little blue man that plays the flute and hangs out with cows. Jesus is a man of history, he made the blind see, made the deaf hear,healed the crippled and the sick, died so we would not have to face God's wrath & rose from the dead on the 3rd day defeating death.
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
No you choose not to believe in God b/c you choose to ignore the massive amounts of evidence He's already given you. You don't want to change your lifestyle or you think serving the God of the universe would be a killjoy to your life. Your moral culpability will be something that you must give an account for whether you choose to believe in Him or not. God has created the universe, written a Book and manifested Himself in the flesh through Jesus Christ. What more do you need? I think humility.
@swiftpremium 11 лет назад
Hellbound you have it wrong. It's not us who say that people don't want to worship God because they love sin. Jesus said it! "And this is the judgment: the light (Jesus) has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed." John 3:19-20
@WaynePhilmore 11 лет назад
Why are you on a Christian page? Christians don't go on Atheists pgs and harass them.
@Eric0873 11 лет назад
Shake, you seem to think that it is I who must convince you of the truth of Jesus Christ. You must think that Christians all over the world who have repented of their sin and put their faith and trust in the only One who can free them/us from an eternity in Hell has to prove to you that Christianity is true. Shake, the proof is in what you are too afraid of pursuing. The "rabbit trail" of requesting evidence is what will keep you in the dark. God is a brilliant Author who inspired men to write..
@WaynePhilmore 11 лет назад
You have knowledge of God's existence but you refute the the evidence by making yourself God's judge and making God show His evidence to you. A God that has to prove Himself to His creation is a weak God.
@voysovreason7205 11 лет назад
Here is a logical fallacy for you, a "special pleading". To introduce favorable conditions to an argument that are not, or can not be substantiated. Example: "why did god take 40 days to flood the earth? Because that's how he chose to do it". When you argue this way, you can make up anything you want and call it true, "because that's how god wanted it". That is intellectually dishonest.
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