
Reasons Karl Marx and Marxism are Wrong 

Econ Lessons
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The reason that Marxism and Karl Marx were wrong is still debated because Marx was an idealist who promoted a message of liberation. However, something is just not right about his economic thinking.
Religion is a powerful force for good in the world, and Marx's atheism is a significant obstacle to social justice and personal liberation. We as humans want fulfillment in all our dimensions, just not economics.



27 дек 2023




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@Sithman1776 2 месяца назад
Well said! I would also add that Marx believed that society should operate like a “hive mind”: Where people are like worker bees. There’s two problems with this view: 1) There’s something innate in every human to be recognized as an individual and stand out from the rest in some way. Marxism destroys individuality and exceptionalism, which goes against the human spirit. 2) A hive mind society has to have a “Queen bee”, aka a ruling class. So who gets to be the rulers?The problem is, in Marxism, the only way to become a queen bee is through force/violence, and that’s also why they use force/violence to keep their power.
@alexsanderrain2980 Месяц назад
this is completely false. you have no understanding of marx. what he talked about was the complete opposite. His point is that people are not hive minds and that they do have competing wants and desires and that was the origin of the class struggle. And that to solve the class struggle you need to get rid of these classes? How? Well democracy is the answer. The people who get to "be in power" need to be there because the people want them there. So in your country, you vote for your leaders... but why don't you vote for who is the boss of the workplace? Surely your boss has a lot of impact on your life. He can fire you, demote you, cut your pay, etc, completely unaccountable to you. Why can't you, and your fellow workers, then, decide who the boss is by voting for him/her. Why is the CEO of microsoft put there by the board who is accountable to the shareholders instead of the workers at microsoft? the interest of the shareholders is to squeeze the company dry at the expense of the working class who need the job to make ends meet. try reading some more. his work is online for free. you don't need to agree with it, i don't agree with everything marx siad either, but at least you'd be arguing in good faith.
@maximiliankleineberg8382 6 месяцев назад
I believe there is a big misunderstanding here on what class actually means. Here it is portrayed as something solely determined by your personal wealth. This however in my opinion is an overly simplified explannation. Class means also level of education, economic attitude, behaviors and customs and the choices available to you in your life. You said that class is your choice and for example you could work less and spend more time on your family implying this will lower your class in exchange for more time with your loved ones. However, to members of the lower class this often isn't even an option because they have to work to keep food on the table. Respectfully, I believe you are trapped too much in your middle class mindset so you cannot get a full grasp on the entire concept of class. This is of course completely normal as we all live in some sort of bubble but I would encourage everyone to just educate themselves about what might be going on in other bubbles.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
In what reality of the million year story of humanity was there that people did not have to grow their own food, and provide for themselves and work hard? What is so wrong with that? Everyone USA can go to school and go to the library? Did not Abe Lincoln do this? My father grow up during the Great Depression worked and went to school. You can drive Uber and they pay for ASU university for example. What is wrong with that? I worked on the loading docks which is really hard work to pay for my graduate school. And school is not the end all. Its creativity and ideals. Look at the Amish. They are in my measure a successful community.
@fairhair4511 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons Have you read Marx (or some other marxist teoriticans)? Class isn't just a difference in terms of how much wealth they have. Here is a explaination of the 3 different main classes marx talks about in the capitalist economy: The proletarian is a wage slave, one who sells their own labor and doesn't own any means of production. Petite Bourgoise is a varied class, they can have more money than a bourgoise, and have less money than a proletarian, but primarily sit in the middle of those when it comes to wealth. Their main role is to enforce the capitalist system. They can also be owners of small businesses. The bourgoise is the ruling class in capitalist soceity. They own most of the means of production. Politicians and Capitalists are the core in this class, and has the most power. Wealth isn't class. (if other marxists would add/change something about this, please feel free)
@maximiliankleineberg8382 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons Let's take myself as an example. I never did any major work so far in my life. I've done volunteering work but that obviously hasn't gotten me lots of money. Still, I believe I could continue to live without ever earning anything for another 10 years, potentially more. Some people I know could afford to not work for 40 years if they wanted to. This gives me great conditions to focus solely on my education (which I will get without getting into any debt). And that's an advantage that simply not a lot of people have so they might achieve a worse level of education due to no fault of their own. Now you're right, theoretically everyone can achieve an excellent education in Western countries but whether you get one also depends on your outlook on education which is often defined by your parents' class. I for one might not have the same level of education if my parents hadn't emphasized the importance of education. It takes a certain kind of personality to overcome these class differences and you and your father may be like that but I don't think a large fraction of the people, including me, have these specific character traits.
@adapienkowska2605 6 месяцев назад
The class is solely based on your relationship with the means of production and work. If you work to make a living, you are working class and your goals and types of laws you want are similar to other working people. If you make a living by owning something that gives you money, you are bourgeoisie class and your goals and types of laws you want are similar to other people which own the means of production. It isn't and never was about being poor or rich. If you hire workers, it doesn't matter if your company is small or big, you want to pay your workers little and sell your product for much - that's how you make profit. If you are a worker you want to earn much, pay little for products and have a lot of labour protections. The employees have different interest to the employers.
@nick1801 6 месяцев назад
⁠​⁠@@EconLessons In every civilization with slavery or serfdom the wealthy/powerful did not grow their own food, or work (labor) particularly hard. Still true today. Working from home at a corporate job is far easier in terms of actual labor than delivering packages for Amazon, much less picking fruit. Having such a job (white collar, wfh) is more like being granting a sinecure than being rewarded for “hard work.”
@vindobonaification 2 месяца назад
You summed it up so perfectly! I traveled on business trips to many eastern european countries that have been ravaged for decades by Marx's ideology and you still can see the scars on society and economy today. Especially Ukraine (before the current war) and Romania (which is a very beautiful counry and highly recommend for traveling. Some countries like Poland and Czech Republic have made remarkable turns since the fall of the Iron Curtain and almost caught up with western european wage standards. That's why I don't understand and get highly irriated/fuming angry when liberals in the West think in all earnest socialist ideas are the only viable option and alternative to "capitalism and its system". That's why you find the staunchest defenders of democracy, free markets and human rights against Marx's sh...y ideas in eastern european countries . Those people had to live through this hell for decades and don't want it back at all cost.
@TrueNeutral 28 дней назад
this vid is an eye roll generator for anyone who has actually read marx
@SouravDas-vi1jh 6 месяцев назад
"Sometimes its your choice to be those classes" Yes sir
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Yes, I think classes categorizes people and I do not like to even use that language. But I am a quasi off the grid hippie, growing my own food by choice. I did work on "Wall Street' but I choose not too. Henry David Thoreau is vastly superior than Marx in his thinking because he is walking the walk. Taking an idea and putting it into reality. Marxism is another "ism" that can not work as it does not address all aspects of being human.
@bob5476 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons you have a very limited understanding of Marx, no offense, just honestly my opinion based on your replies and certain comments in the video
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
@@EconLessons Tell the SELF identifying conservatives of this world to stop classifying all opinions (ALL political opinions are just opinions: all opinions are political opinions) as either only "conservative" or "liberal". Alex Jones REPEATEDLY called out that bullshit years ago
@k98killer 2 месяца назад
​@@theultimatereductionist7592emphasizing EVERY other word MAKES it hard TO read YOUR comments
@christianhughes1567 6 месяцев назад
Your understanding of class consciousness leaves *MUCH* to be desired. Waxing poetic about eating ramen noodles to being an entrepreneur out of your garage would have been slightly hysterical if it wasn't so horrifying. You need to spend time thinking about the initial conditions that present people with the options they have to choose from *in the first place* vis-a-vis their path in life. You need to spend less time thinking about the options themselves that people choose and more about the initial conditions that engender the set of options people have to choose from in the first place. Question: Have you read anything from Marx OUTSIDE the manifesto?
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
His work on Capital was central. I publish that on my website. But what conditions are you talking about? Lets try to understand each other.
@mattiafabbri8944 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons 1) you don't choose the socioeconomic conditions you live in; 2) the socioeconomic conditions mostly determine your individual choices (rather than the other way around). I don't have to mention all the obvious priviles that are implied from wealth. A more subtle and economic concept that Marx works out in Capital is "socially necessary labor". If there's a certain amount of labour, wages and machinery that are put in the production of a certain commodity, by a capitalist X; and this commodity x is superior to the others, in terms of profit optimization; then the capitalists Y, Z, etc. of that sector have to follow the "standards" implicitely imposed by X in order not to fail. No freedom of choice here. The same logic occurs for the potential workers: an individual will be most likely to follow the "standards" imposed by the labour market (e.g. to study economics) than the contrary (e.g. to study literature). No homo oeconomicus here. It's basic cruel darwinian evolutionism! (Marx studied Darwin).
@ttcc5273 3 месяца назад
3:21 interesting point… reminds me of something I recently read: “Our mind’s duty is to keep us alive. Our consciousness’s duty is to help us feel fulfilled. Your soul is the reason why you’re even on this journey in the first place - to find peace, love, and joy for yourself.” Maybe this is in part why Communism failed do spectacularly in the real world, and why post-Communist countries like the former Soviets and the former PRC are such moral and ethical wastelands ruled by genocidal maniacs… they forgot their souls were valuable. Narcissists make the same mistake, taking themselves to be the survival unit, identifying with the mind itself instead of identifying as a being that has a mind.
@brittbarlow6111 3 месяца назад
When people talk about socialism and communism in all these countries where it’s failed. They always say well, they didn’t implement it right but we can do it right this time!
@davidwright5094 2 месяца назад
I agree with you on this. And it begs the two questions (both of which can be put with genuine constructive intent): -- "How did Marx, and associates, *fail to motivate* humankind (within whatever state/zone etc) to implement it right?" -- "How will our behaviour ``this time'' differ from that of Marx so as to *avoid simply repeating his failure* ?"
@cosmonaut9942 2 месяца назад
What countries have been socialist? The USSR was state run capitalism. China is state run capitalism. DEnmark is way more socialist that the USSR was. In fact, the happiest people on earth according to repeated polling live in Democratic Socialist countries.
@reinokarvinen8845 2 месяца назад
@@cosmonaut9942 just a guess you mean the nordic countries who are for free trading capitalist countries. actually finland could teach you about libertarian politics. when it came to phone companies. the government didn't give a hoot about who prospered or did fail
@jamegoldwaigh6410 6 месяцев назад
This is an interesting video but chiefly because it would be difficult to imagine more misrepresentation and misunderstandings and downright lies into one video. Congratulations for that at least "Mr Free Market'".
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
In one way, specifically?
@paulh2468 2 месяца назад
Nietzsche: "God is dead" God: " Nietzsche is dead".
@denisbessette7219 Месяц назад
Mark, these comments suggest you are being trolled by bots. You make perfect sense and I would love to take a class or lecture series from you. And I still want to see your name spelled out. It sounds like "beer-not" but that can't be right. Love your vids.
@InsertNameHereBoi 6 месяцев назад
Marx's classes are based on how you make your money, not how rich you are. It's not rich vs. poor, but owners vs. workers. What separates the bourgeoisie from the proletariat is the fact that they skim off the profit of the actual creators of value (the workers). It is technically possible to be relatively well-off while still being a member of the working class (by being an expert in a highly specialized field, such as a neurosurgeon, for instance). It is not comparable to wealth-hoarding by the capitalist class. And before you say "but many company owners do work too!", keep in mind that management of a company is not the same as ownership of it. There are CEOs who are wage workers, but they are not necessarily bourgeoisie unless they also own stake in the company (and have decision-making power over it).
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
How money is made and people accumulate a store of value called money is value creation based on satisfying subjective needs of individuals or demanders who will give the supplier benefit. Is that not clear?
@InsertNameHereBoi 6 месяцев назад
@EconLessons This is just an excuse to perpetuate the status quo - if you asked medieval warlords, I'm sure they would also believe their wealth gained to be legitimate. This "everybody gets what the market decides" logic ignores both coercive forces and the potential for alternative economic structures.
@davidwright5094 2 месяца назад
"decision-making" is very often work.
@InsertNameHereBoi 2 месяца назад
@@davidwright5094 It can be, but it is more importantly a form of power that should be distributed evenly. Being a politician who decides on laws and governance is also work, but because their decisions affect us all, they're elected to represent the people. Why should workplaces remain as dictatorships?
@timrider1224 3 месяца назад
I just discovered your channel, and it's incredible. I will spread it around as much as I can. You touched on one of the fundamental principles that set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. Great work!
@FelixCooper-hy5sk 2 месяца назад
@andreaspapagreg6727 6 месяцев назад
As a Maxist I still think about the "big questions" you mention in your 4th point. I just like to try to answer them myself, instead of having some religion do that for me. I think it is far more interesting to philisophize about these questions yourself and then ofcourse also talk with others about them, than just taking what some religion says at face value and just going with that. Marx and Marxism haven't answered these questions simply because there isn't really a scientific way to answer them.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
I appreciate the comment. Marx was not only not a believer in anything transcendent, as a material didactic thinker, he was critical of it and opposed to this type of speculation. That being said there are faithful who do commingle ideas economic justice though state intervention and faith. That is not really Marxism but something else. We all, even the religious answer the questions for ourselves. Marx was just trying to specifically answer for us by saying that salvation is through his definition of material justice. In contrast as a religious person I prefer to answer this for myself. Science and faith are not opposed but in the words of Catholic Priest and theologian Hans Kung, if asked about faith, he hoped to reply "Of course I am a scientist".
@MrThomaswill 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons This is a reverse no-true Scotsman fallacy. It is fair to criticize Marx for an incomplete philosophy, but Marxism as a system has since evolved into a far deeper and richer, wrong or not, way of thinking about the modern/late-modern world. I'd recommend the work of Zizek if you want a contemporary expression.
@jaroslavcerveny530 6 месяцев назад
Marx is not the author of Labor theory of value, he took over this theory from Adam Smith, resp. David Ricardo. Value is different from price. You can bargain about the price but not about value. The price is subjective while value is objective. The price sometimes correlates with the value, sometimes not. If something is to be examinated scientifically, objective scales are needed. Without asking what is the (objective) value of some product there could be no economic science, just pseudoscience.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Marx was a classical economists with many limitations of the classical economists but the difference is he took the labor theory of value down a path, and builds a conceptual model on it. The Diamond Water paradox, needs to be addressed before one builds a house on sand. Value is only subjective.
@k98killer 2 месяца назад
You got value and price backwards: value is subjective, and price is objective. The price for a cleared transaction is objective and visible for all to witness, but the values the transactors placed on the items is intangible and invisible.
@matthewkopp2391 6 месяцев назад
You obviously don’t understand what Marx meant about all of these issues. And to say he was wrong 100% is an overstatement. But there is one thing you said I agree with, in the last statement. 1. Labor Theory of Value. Marx was NOT saying that Labor Value was equal to the Price, or how much people value something in a market or even money. He was going by John Locke’s, Adam Smith’s and others idea of Labor Value which was that a person has the right to the added value their labor produces. For Locke specifically, he justified private property because it was a means by which a person could secure the fruits of their labor. Without the labor theory of value there is no justification for private property at all. Marx saw in the industrial era that workers could not secure the fruits of their labor because they did not own the means of production, so Marx believed the way they could is for laborers to mutually own the means of production. And he made a distinction between private property(means of production) and personal property (a house, a tool, a short etc). He was seeing ways in which the added value was not appropriated by someone else (the capitalist). 2. Class Struggle is merely a recognition of different groups with different interests. If you had a job with an employer would you like to get paid more? Most people would say yes. Getting paid more is in the interest of the employee, paying less is in the interest of the employer. That is pretty simple to understand. Economic Determinism basically says economic forces shape, and define political, social, cultural, intellectual, and technological aspects of a civilization. This can easily be demonstrated by looking at new inventions. It has nothing to do with social engineering. It has to do with a basic observation of history. In the feudal System the economic forces created one cultural milieu and politics with the introduction of capitalism society and political power shifted from a. Rentier system (Lords and Serfs) to ownership of production system (employee and employer). Marx‘s idea was that democracy would increase if workers owned their own means of production, because it would place democracy in the workplace. Materialism vs Idealism. Philosophically Marx is often thought of as a materialist. I don’t agree with this assessment because of his alienation theory. He obviously believed there was an a priori human nature of which humans are alienated from. I think Marx‘s alienation idea was never understood well by people like Lenin. Lenin was definitely an anti-idealist even ridiculing Kant in a ridiculous way in one of his essays. I believe there is an a priori human nature and I think a long line of German thinkers Kant, Hegel, Marx, Schopenhauer, Jung etc. believed the same. And this requires an attention in a broader way than Marx’s alienation theory did. But just for the record Lenin’s statement on Religion was „it is a personal affair“ and freedom of religion was in most ML constitutions. Lenin’s statement was practically Jeffersonian in content. In this area I agree, but there is a whole school of Marxism that considers Leninist material reductionism „profane Marxism“ and focus on Marx’s alienation theory as a way to address the idealist concerns in relationship to material concerns. So in conclusion I would suggest that you read more on the topic. You seem to be jumping to some rather strange conclusions but that is natural in a society which is saturated with anti-Marxist misinformation. And why is there this much misinformation out their? Because it isn’t in the interests of a capitalist class (billionaires) to have people be informed on the topic. Why else would the Wilkes and Koch‘s and others spend billions of dollars creating the propaganda in the first place? Because it serves their interests to misinform the public.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
The LTV essentially argues that the exchange value of a commodity is directly proportional to the amount of socially necessary labor time embodied within it. is that not true? According to Marx, the "natural price" of a commodity is directly proportional to the socially necessary labor time embodied in its production. This can be seen as the long-term equilibrium price where supply and demand balance out, and profit margins are zero. Further, Marx argued that labor is the only source of intrinsic value. You are right that it is not exactly price as price is determined by external factors but at the end of the day, the LTV is based on labor. That is value to Marx. It is in contrast to subjective value and marginal utility.
@gerdgeraldo4303 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons "The LTV essentially argues that the exchange value of a commodity is directly proportional to the amount of socially necessary labor time embodied within it. is that not true?" No, that is absolute folly because you have taken it out of context. Marx develops the LTV to include socially necessary labour time to demonstrate that a cycle of successful capitalist production allows the capitalist to exhume value from the labourer's work that the labourer is unable to, because of the wage relationship (this is also the basis of Marxian Class Struggle). Marx's Labour Theory of Value does NOT explain the long-run value of the produced commodity at market sale. To relate Marx's LToV to an object's long run marginal sale price is nonsensical.
@matthewkopp2391 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons without writing an essay, this is the Wikipedia on surplus value which might bring more clarity. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surplus_value The main issue is Marx did not advocate for a specific system and offered very few ideas in that regard other than things like workers should mutually own the means of production. The only specific political suggestion he had was the Paris Commune „might be“ a model for a transitional governance. Marx favored stateless and classless. So the idea Stalin centralized socialism in one state or Lenin vanguardism is a deviation criticized by a lot of people at the time. The biggest criticism at that time was by left anarchists like Emma Goldman who saw it as a betrayal of principles. I think there is necessity to distinguish between Marx and Marxist-Leninism. Marx analysis certainly had an agenda, to show that the value of worker labor was different than the surplus value, knowing this is the basis for collective bargaining. But also knowing this holds the original private cooperative idea which is applied within capitalism. The majority of his work was the mechanics of capitalism. Some is still very much applicable some is antiquated. One area where I think it is very antiquated is in the new digital economy. Yanas Varoufakis has said as much, but gives the reason that Amazon and other platforms is return to feudalistic structure rather than a capitalist one, in other words Rentierism, so it actually a different structure.
@EdinKuky 2 месяца назад
Exactly, its what I have been trying to explain to western brainwashed population but their propaganda is deeply rooted since its all they have been listening to all their lives, its close to impossible to make them see that everything they were told/taught about Maxism, Socialism Communism and Capitalism (and lots of others things, actually almost everything) is very wrong, full of misrepresentations, left out facts and blatant deliberate lies about all of it.
@garethbarry3825 3 месяца назад
Lots of negtivity in the comments. I have listened up to the 2nd point, and having read the Communist Manifesto, this point is spot on! And to those who agree with Marx, imagine a scenario in which the state puts thousands of people to work digging holes, and puts more thousands of people filling up the holes? Whats the value of these 'non-holes?' People have to find an activity that the rest of society values and then trade that activity proportionate to the rate that society valued it- aka the free-market. And another beauty of the free-market is that the calculation of the price of any good or service is distributed across all the market participants, not some small centralised group of govt officials. Living in Africa, which has an obession with Marxist thinking, it amazes me that people dont see that they are simply trading one group of relatively fluid, meritous overlords, for an inefficient, power hungry and ultimately murderous one- aka the state
@EconLessons Месяц назад
A lot of Marxist online and in theory but Marxism does not work in reality
@cindyharris-sg5ef 2 месяца назад
Enjoy your insights and appreciate your point of view.
@408sophon 6 месяцев назад
impressive how many cliches you invoke in 5 min. i dont mean to cause any offense to you, but you just dont understand any of what youre saying. Like straight up
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Are you saying Marx was not about Class struggle or you are in agreement with Marx's LTV?
@olmostgudinaf8100 3 месяца назад
​@@EconLessonsObviously Marx was about class struggle. Your biggest mistake comes from pretending class struggle doesn't exist.
@daffy1981 2 месяца назад
@EconLessons How you would comment tendency, that high living standard countries are less religious? (say Scandinavia?)
@EconLessons 2 месяца назад
I do not thing standard of living an religiousness of a population can easily strictly one to one be concluded because what is religious is different from spiritual today. All Scandinavians I know personally are not church goers but are spiritual.
@tobiasc4559 2 месяца назад
Well, Marx talked specifically about religion, not spirituality.
@hamsterg0d 2 месяца назад
Marx didn't understand that interest is a result of the difference in time preference and thus the time value of money. Money received in the future for the sale of worker produced goods is going to be higher to compensate for time preference. The Austrian economists uncovered this and that all investments gravitate to time preference as goods supplied gravitate to equilibrium as more or less investment is allocated in a time structure. People pointed this out to Marx but he decided to publish his book "Das Capital" anyway.
@EconLessons 2 месяца назад
Yes - interest is time preference. Correct.
@Mixamii 6 месяцев назад
Anecdotes, buzzwords and misinformation… ending with a religious personal belief in essence “I’d rather have my faith than people have food” and that demonstrates all you need to know about this waste of time
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
So your claim is Marx was correct because material wealth negates man's quest for meaning and answers about life?
@juanbetancourtg68 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessonsMore like exploitation, alienation, and wage slavery are what’s in the way.
@marcob.7801 3 месяца назад
Once again, AGREED!
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
Well said, Mixamii!
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
@@EconLessons So wtf is your complaint about the loyal hardworking government workers, such as the police who enforced the laws, in those supposed "Communist" nations/societies that you say your ancestors or relatives grew up in? They found meaning in doing what THEY did. They found meaning in enforcing the laws of the land.
@Pharca 6 месяцев назад
Are you Garth from Wayne's World?
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Yes actually, Rock on Wayne!
@108snoopy 6 месяцев назад
Refuted in 5 minutes the thinker taken so seriously by so many millions over the last 150 years. And it would appear without even reading his work!
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
I publish his works on my website, with an introduction and I am finishing a PhD in Economics, are you sure I do not know Marx?
@108snoopy 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons Quite sure. As I doubt you're intentionally misrepresenting his basic concepts.
@marcob.7801 3 месяца назад
Agreed! Very simplistic interpretation of Marx! @@108snoopy
@cosmonaut9942 2 месяца назад
@@EconLessons It's obvious that you've never read Marx. You can publish it all you want but your analysis puts the lie to your familiarity with Marx.
@zdenekburian1366 2 месяца назад
this channel is a total joke, never seen such an intellectual scam like this
@considerthis7712 2 месяца назад
Cannot deny “Old fashion religion? “ Now I know you are crazy.
@jacobswartz5420 6 месяцев назад
I was randomly recommended your video. I completely disagree with you but I would like to respectfully help you see the other side a bit better. Marxism or Marxist thinking is more of a sociological framework. Socialism and Communism are a call to action from that framework, but lets set them aside for now. In a society, there are many people and many roles. Marxist thought focuses on the roles of social classes and political economy. These two foci are connected with ALOT of things, so often Marxism extends its perspective far and wide. Social hierarchy is a means to govern a society but its at the cost of abuses of power. Often these abuses are referred to as 'exploitation'. The government, the church, bosses, bankers, politicians... are all roles we put our trust in to have a functioning society. Yet, we all know of corruption and abuses they commit. Marx was investigating the sociological mechanisms that could describe what was happening and why. A core principal to his approach was to have a material analysis (ie follow the money/resources). One could easily wave away ideological dogma as just made up words, so having material proof or naturalistic understanding gave the framework merit. Now that's all background info. Let me address your 4 points. 1) A liberal class structure with social mobility is a VERY nice thing we have in the developed world. It is much better than the previous systems. However, it has flaws. The very notion that poverty should remain to exist just to prop up a system is horrifying. The material sufferings of poverty (ignoring mental and spiritual suffering) alone is obtuse when one of the best things about capitalism is its fountain of abundance! 2) Adam Smith, David Ricardo, an Karl Marx believed in the labor theory of value. It was the mainstream economic view at that time. In most cases it still holds. It worked well for production and inhouse valuations of assets. It also is a better system for price for necessary goods or services. Yet, for a plethora of modern commodities, supply and demand is better. Remember, markets and the class structure of society are two separate things. 3) Sadly, one of the major view points to implement a solution (socialism) was often via a bloody political revolution. The economy would be restructured to a more fair or equal state. However, it was the political government that made this change. Additionally, other nations actively invaded and sabotaged these revolutions. Even the peaceful ones. So militaristic totalitarian states evolved. Types of socialism can been seen beyond those approaches. Look at past Yugoslavia, the Mondragon Corporation, and the like. I too believe in democracy. If I can vote in a representative for my congressional district, then why can I NOT vote in a representative to the board of directors that controls my company. Why do we run business entities as lordships and praise capital? Every business needs workers and its the workers who make the product or deliver the service. Just some few things to think about. 4) Ah the famous quote. Well lets look at religion in a materialistic / naturalistic way. People tithe in money, pooling in resources to build a church or temple or etc. They in essence invest in religion. Well if they invest, what do they get out? Mostly just nice words and positive vibes. That is to say, they receive the immaterial. Good feelings, redemption, and the like. Intangible assets. Well then, what is a similar thing that acts the same way in which you put in money and get out a positive feeling? Drugs. Opium is a wonderful pain killer and also cleverly addicting. The feeling of the divine could be seen as such. Obviously its a critical view, yet it doesn't damn it either. Which is what Marx meant. He knew of the corruptions of the church and its abuses. yet at the same time many church members when out to feed the poor and house the homeless and heal the sick. Perhaps, it shouldn't be the responsibility of the church to do that. Perhaps its the government or our economic system that should take on that burden. Anyways, I hope that helped.
@pkddadoes4016 6 месяцев назад
Vague waffle. 1. Shortage is a fundamental part of human existence, and that isn't capitalism's fault. It will exist under every system. What capitalism does is encourage innovation, to the point where the poorest Americans can own a supercomputer in their pocket, tv, car, and are guarantee to eat everyday. Somehow I suppose you'd rather live under today's material conditions than those in the time of Marx. Trying to change this will just lead to stagnation, preventing such future innovation while not anialating poverty (source: every state that has every tried to implements Marx's ideas ever). 2. In an abstract philosophical sense, sure. But somehow that does not strike me as the Marxist's vibe. Materially, they were just wrong, and such ideas held back material progress. To claim otherwise would be like claiming that gravity didn't exist before the 17th century, or dinosaurs before the 19th. Just because didn't have the best grasp on a concept doesn't make them right for their time. 3. Lenin's crackdown on the democratically elected constituent assembly in favour of dictatorship preceded Western intervention in the Russian Civil War. The idea that an institution that is to be given as much power with as little restraint as a communist government only becomes totalitarian because of outside influence is ridiculous. (Also, during the Cold War, communists practiced the same system of foreign intervention), (Also also, one can voluntarily opt out of participation in the workplace - it's called quitting! - you can't do that with the state. Your opt out is your vote). 4. Literally all of well established human philosophy says that the best way to achieve happiness, satisfaction, and a stable society is to not obsessively focus on material wealth. the reason they are well established is because they stood the test of time, while other ideas led to ruin. idk, maybe something similar would work for economics... Government institutions are disconnected from local circumstances, and this can make other institutions better placed to handle those conditions, like churches (and well done for trying to sneak the 'church members' distinction in there - it's wrong though, these activities are usually organized through churches). You can try and dispute this ideas, but all you'll be able to bring forth as evidence is useless theorizing because, as with all Marxist ideas, it doesn't happen in practice!
@aasavickas 6 месяцев назад
How do Marxist apologists explain the hundreds of dead Russians, Chinese, and other communist failures? Capitalism and liberal western values are not perfect but it actually enriches and lifts poor folks out of poverty. Central planning based on this Marxist nonsense leads to millions starving and Gulags. I get that Marx was a terrible person and a lazy irresponsible person. His theory failed to understand basic economics, human behavior and completely failed to account for innovation. In his case, he completely. So are all the dead bodies worth it bc late stage capitalism has been around forever and is doing great. Marxist societies oppress their people and make everyone worse off save for the leaders. So how do you answer the dead body question?
@CaptPeon 6 месяцев назад
I couldn't agree more! Well said! ✊🏽
@PaulThronson 6 месяцев назад
Thank god someone responded. I would love to see a zoom call of chatGPT trivia about Marx played between yourself and the person who made this video and various other pro Marx and anti Marx commenters if desired. I would venmo the winner $200. It would not even be remotely close. These anti marx commenters absorb the slightest bit of corporate media propaganda and they think they are experts.
@EdinKuky 2 месяца назад
Love your comment, thinking and you are very correct
@davidwright5094 2 месяца назад
Thanks for that talk. I have not studied Marxist literature in any depth (although have had discussions with a sibling who studied more than me). But my impression is as follows. There is a reason 5 which I would add to your list. It actually applies to any politico-economic system: not just that of Marx, Engels et al. If one posits a theory that describes, to some greater or lesser degree of detail, how humans within an economy should interact, behave, work in order to achieve a desirable outcome for the whole, then that is a step towards solving this big problem. But it's not much good unless you carefully consider *individual motivation* . OK, it may well be true that *IF* society were to be divided into groups/classes/categories of person who engage in different forms of productive pursuit, throughout their lives, *THEN* the result would be that the whole society would work very well, with a high standard of living, contentment, happiness and so on. But *how are you going to persuade* 100 million assorted minds to actually do that: to think and behave in conformance with the wonderful theory? This particular how? question is a very difficult challenge. --And in my view one terribly neglected by Marx et al. One has to devise the economic theory. Then, if one wishes to instantiate it in practice, one has also to *sell* the economic theory, to a huge number of its participants. And one needs achieve such a high level of success, in this abstract sales project, that millions of people will come to *trust others* sufficiently to behave in conformance with their individual millionth part of the vast system of interlocking theoretically necessary behaviours.
@Zezmezzie 6 месяцев назад
Hello friend, I want to say that I’m coming to this from a place of love, not from a place of hate, but it is very clear to anyone who has studied the works of Marx that you haven’t. The points you’re making against Marxist thought are not really disputing Marx at all, but rather a straw man argument of Marxism that’s very far from the actual ideology. A few of the points you made are actually very pro Marxism, if you have studied Marx-especially your last point.
@LuciferArc1 6 месяцев назад
Funny how they all say the exact same thing. That's not real marxism
@Zezmezzie 6 месяцев назад
@@LuciferArc1 that’s because the arguments made against Marxism literally never understand the thing they’re arguing against. I’ve to this day never had a single person who isn’t a Marxist that could define the words socialism, Marxism,or communism, ir even for that matter capitalism.
@LuciferArc1 6 месяцев назад
@@Zezmezzie so define Marxism then
@Zezmezzie 6 месяцев назад
@@LuciferArc1 Marxism is a scientific critique of the capitalist mode of production utilizing the methodology of Hegelian dialectical materialism
@LuciferArc1 6 месяцев назад
@elyjahwortham3496 and how would you define capitalism? Cause this is also important. How would this version of Marxism be a critique of it as it claims to be based on human evolution. I'd argue the core of every human being is greed. It's inescapable. It's neither good nor bad. All in execution
@evanl9121 6 месяцев назад
Only once do you quote Marx - I doubt you’ve read a single long form work of his, like his critique of capital. All I hear in this video is McCarthyist dogma, straw-manning the real critiques of Marx. How about the boom-bust cycle of capitalism, which is again sending us toward economic disaster? Marx doesn’t split classes into rich and poor, he splits them into bourgeois - the owners of capital - and proletariat - the workers. These are not the same as rich and poor - there can be wealthy proletariat and poor bourgeoisie, but his critique stems from not the vague classes you describe but very specific relations to capital. These are the foundations of Marxism, not the straw men you gingerly pull apart in your video. Your childish conceptions of Marx are that of a high schooler plagiarizing Milton Friedman. I disagree with some of Marx’s formulations as well, specifically with regard to religion, but this is just not well thought out. Learn about history for real substance, not this tired anti communist dogma
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
OK in clear, crisp sentences, how do you see the labor theory of value of Karl Marx as correct or workable? Lets start with that. I can quote chapter and verse, but lets start with a summary of his labor theory of value OK?
@evanl9121 6 месяцев назад
The labor theory of value is the one concept from Marx that I think is pretty much undeniable. Take for example a chair. Before it becomes a chair, all of the parts required to make a chair are brought together. In order for profit to occur, the building materials must cost less to buy than the chair sells for. How does this happen? The chair clearly has more value than the pieces of nails and wood that haven’t been assembled into a chair. Therefore, the thing that gave the chair that extra value is the labor that was put into assembling those parts. If I do this alone, then no problem, I keep the money that my labor created when I sell the chair for a profit. However, when a worker is employed by a boss, the boss owns the materials, and then keeps the profit made by the labor of the employee, compensating the laborer with a wage. However, in order for the boss to make a profit himself, he necessarily must pay the worker less than the value of his labor. This is the division between bourgeois and proletariat - whether one owns the means of production or must sell their labor to make money.
@evanl9121 6 месяцев назад
I’d be a little embarrassed if I had to have an undergraduate student explain the labor theory of value to me, supposedly a college professor. Clearly you haven’t put much effort into understanding a pretty simple concept, though I can’t blame you since there’s a ton of anti communist propaganda within academia
@marcob.7801 3 месяца назад
So,....Evan answered your question in clear, crisp sentences! where's your rebuttal PhD??? Sorry Candidate! @@EconLessons
@Manhattan28 6 месяцев назад
Great video! Have you heard of the Austrian school economics and if you had, What do you think of it?
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
I am not a world expert on the Austrians but I have studied in depth for years their writing. I think Böhm-Bawerk was exceptional, as was Fetter. The Intertemporal - time preference idea of interest is correct. Wicksell based his work on Böhm-Bawerk and Mises improved it to some extent. The issue is, many people today take it and make it a ridged political agenda including some questionable geopolitics and mix personal values into it. If you take the original theorists they are more valuable in understanding the world. Their monetary theory was exceptional. However, it is not the only explanation for the business cycle.
@jcminvestments9078 2 месяца назад
I agree with you. I feel that is labor industries first civilization level of pay per money time work but that is only on the massive amount of people working in a low profile pay industries, that was in the early 1900 but by now that doesn’t work at all. So those old school books mostly needs to be disposed.
@jarvisnelson4701 2 месяца назад
Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, and YES!
@peterbeer8657 22 дня назад
1. Classes of people do exist and the central banking system needs them to exist too. 2. Supply and Demand pricing also has it's pitfalls and isn't an objective way of pricing. 3. I agree that people shouldn't be treated as cattle but they are, also in the current system, as I said classes exist. 4. Religion has a hard tendency to turn into extremism which then at times turns into terrorism. Marx was a smart person to recognize that. Although I don't think that economic comfort means a liberation of the soul, that would be extremely materialistic. It is people, community, that make people happy and of course that means a community in which one feels good. If you are a communist, you wouldn't be happy living in a capitalist environment but of course that is the same the other way around. So believes do make part of meaning and sense of belonging. The way you were talking about Russia, China, authoritarian places says it all, it conforms what I just explained in the most clear way anyone could possibly do it.
@terryfox9344 Месяц назад
Wow! This one of your best videos! I believe that this video is precisely correct. It appears, however, that the Marxist bots are out in force. Either that, or Ayn Rand is far more popular than even I thought. I believe that you have committed the "sin" of mentioning "religion". Or possibly, it is the fact that you clearly believe in meaning and purpose in life. I find it interesting that people who deny "religion", and deny that there is meaning and purpose in life, are the very people who are so unhappy that they create "causes" to fill the vacuum to give their lives meaning and purpose, so that they will "feel" good. In essence they create their own "religion", with their own things that they declare to be "good" and "bad". It is all based totally on emotion and is irrational, but they can't see what they have done. Sadly, they never find happiness. Then there are the Ayn Rand objectivists. I agree with them on so many issues, but at the end of the day, I have donated to many causes that I believe are right and just. I do not believe that I exist just to maximize my economic profits. I am here to help my neighbor and myself, and to create a just society. If you don't like "religion", then call me a "humanist", but I do have a purpose, and my life does have meaning. I am happy when I do good for myself and my neighbors.
@socialmediafilthyhabit 2 месяца назад
All over my head. But my personal experience of being in a union. In a union leave your career hopes, dreams, and creativity at the door. They have no place in a union. I extrapolate this experience to communism.
@AlexthunderGnum 2 месяца назад
Interesting talk Mark, thank you! From my point of view, Marx was wrong for completely different reasons though. I believe Max Weber was right in his argument against Marx. You seem to stand on similar to Weber position, which puts the distribution and exchange higher than production, in terms of importance and influence. Your example of USSR "embracing" Marxism is wrong though. I was born and raised in USSR and let me tell you this - it never was embracing Marxism. It was just false in many ways. For example, the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" that was claimed to be the core foundation of the political system in the USSR in its best days. There was a dictatorship, alright. But, the people who were in power were NOT of proletariat. They were state-capitalists, warlords and whatever else. One thing they were not - they were not a proletariats. Joseph Dzhugashvili (aka Stalin) has never been of proletariat. Nikita Khruschev was a worker once, but that was way before he came to power. Same goes for the most of other claims about USSR. Each time you take that claim seriously and look into it, you find it was just false. So it is not a good example of a society embracing Marx. It was an example of feudal slavery society pretending to embrace Marx.
@PassiveAggressive._. 6 месяцев назад
This is probably the worst attempt at dismissing marx I’ve ever heard.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
@rocketpig1914 6 месяцев назад
​@@EconLessonsPeople might be more convinced by other reasons, like impracticality of planned economies due to limited knowledge and the reduced motivation of individuals to excel due to the removal of incentives. Entertaining video though
@mattiafabbri8944 6 месяцев назад
@@rocketpig1914 China enters the room
@rocketpig1914 6 месяцев назад
@@mattiafabbri8944 no-one thinks that is communism. except maybe you
@mattiafabbri8944 6 месяцев назад
@@rocketpig1914 if you want to get more analytical you have to separate the tendencies. Now China is the perfect example that state coordinated economy with percentages of free market is way more efficient than the free market economy we have in the West, in terms of production and redistribution of wealth. No wonder it is called "market socialism" and not "free market with some minimal socialist characters". So it's true that in China there is a certain opening towards capitalist logics, but the point is that they coexist with a lot of strong socialist logics. And it worked wonderfully. A lot of intelligent socialists advocate for its economic models.
@nikolademitri731 6 месяцев назад
Just wanted to say I’m a Christian and a Marxist, and while I agree with you generally that Marx was wrong about religion, I don’t agree with the way you framed it. Again, I don’t agree with him, but his views on religion being “the heart of a heartless world”, “sigh of the oppressed”, and so on, were a bit more complex than what people often give him credit for, only focusing on the “opiate of the masses point”. Also, it should be said that these points were part of the developing philosophy of young Karl, and not exactly an important part of Marxist theory, overall. This is of course part of why I can say I am a Marxist, while still having faith. Anyway, I don’t agree with him on that point, or you overall, but peace to you! ✌️
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
But freedom and free choice and free will is central to faith. Marxist governments take that from you on all levels. I understand what you are saying, you are someone with a strong sense of justice, but brother, Marxism has lead to so much suffering and destruction in the world, from the Soviet Union to China. Freedom is better, and make money and help the poor.
@cosmonaut9942 2 месяца назад
@@EconLessons The Soviet Union and China were/are not Marxist no matter how much they claim to be. They are state run capitalist countries. I suggest that you read Raya Dunayevskaya
@JamesMcGillis Месяц назад
Number four leaves me flat. You imply that we need religion to answer the deeper meaning of life. The word "religion" implies identified or "organized" beliefs. I will decide for myself what my religion is or is not. I don't need anyone else's values or a shared experience with others to find meaning in my life.
@DooWopCinderBlock Месяц назад
Aw crap, I think I need to read Marx to understand your counterarguments. Though arguing that labor doesn't equate value because is inherently subjective makes sense. Like Louis Vutton purses cost more than most cars (I think) but I would not say have the same value.
@alexsanderrain2980 Месяц назад
Recently found your channel and I'm not a marxist but I think you didn't engage with the marxist argument correctly (you misrepresented the argument marx made) in the following segments: Counter to: The class struggle argument: The question is not that one cannot transition from one class of people to another, the argument is that the upper class, the oligarchs, are actively pursuing an anti-proletariat agenda. So even when you move from a lower class into the ruling class, the incentive structure put in place is for you to start screwing over those below you because that's how you get rich and keep your power. This is ofc, completely true. This is the class struggle. Why? because the economic oligarchs are not accountable to those below them. So the only type of economic operation where this does not happen is a cooperative because there the person in charge of the company is elected by the people working in the cooperative. Everywhere else the boss is either the boss because he owns the company, or is put there by shareholders that want to squeeze the workers' dry or the government if it's a state owned company. The labor theory of value: Why are you talking about prices? The labor theory of value is not about prices. Of course prices vary depending on all sorts of things. The problem here is with the world "value". You are thinking or pretending that "value" here means "cost" but that's like talking about "free" as meaning no-cost when in fact "free" means freedom. So In the labor theory of value, the word "value" is more about what we value in a piece of work. You VALUE your 8 years' old painting even if you couldn't sell it for a nickle. So in this case, we value the work that people do because the work is transformative. The fact that you can get a good price for your work that makes it worth doing economically is up to the market. The labor theory of value states that everything that a human puts work into is the thing that makes something less precious into something precious. So take a piece of cloth, whatever the prices of it is, you turn it into a T-Shirt and therefore, whatever you sell it for, the cost difference is the value that was added. Wether that "profit" was 1$ or 100$ it's all due to the value that the worker added to the cloth. If the labor theory of value were about prices it would say "and the price of a product should be commensurate to the wage it took to make it + cost of materials + 20% extra for profits" but that's not it. it's not a price-fixing idea, it's a "how to look at the stuff that people do in the world" idea. As for the other 2 points, to each their own. I don't really know what's better. cheers.
@fromthemasses_tothemasses 6 месяцев назад
@goofyahhh254 6 месяцев назад
The main reason is because it still presupposes that there is some ontological destination towards which we are heading, and the genius of hegel is that he already knew this. In this sense, Marx has ideological limitations that parallel those of religion.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Interesting comment, but I think Marx tried to be a prophet for those who concern themselves with material wealth and comparisons.
@ghulammahboobahmadsiddique8272 6 месяцев назад
1. That's simply absurd. You have an entirely idealist view of reality. Socio-economic classes for the vast majority of the population are completely rigid. The vast majority of people will die in the same class they are born in. You either own capital or you don't and if you don't, it is nigh impossible except for a select few lucky petty bourgeois to attain it. 2. Value ≠ Price. 3. Ah yes, you wouldn't want to live in the Soviet Union, the country that ended unemployment, homelessness and poverty, the country that had industrialized in 20 years and did so without exploiting other countries, the country that ended the autocracies of the tsars and the capitalists, the country which first embraced all progressive movements, and the country which conquered the cosmos for all humanity. 4."The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man - state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo." -Karl Marx, Introduction to A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
First thank you for a detailed reply. Sincerely it is a lot of thought. And a lot to reply to, but I would like to focus on the simplest of your points that is point 2 that price does not equal value. Price = subjective marginal value right? How does it not? This is the law of supply and demand. People make choices based on a subjective valuation and the price is a marginal analysis of this in aggregate. Marginal cost versus marginal benefit. So who is price not equal to value in your assessment?
@Nameless-dv9zj 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons Marx would also agree that price is subjective and with such marginal analysis. Value though is concrete and different that price, works as an indicator that the later one fluctuates around. And it is the point of study because it has way more relevance in order to do an analysis of what happens with the surplus in a capitalist society. That's why your point about Marxism is wrong as well as the entirety of your video. This is one of the most basic points made. How can you pretend to teach something you haven't paid any real attention to
@ghulammahboobahmadsiddique8272 6 месяцев назад
​@@EconLessonsI'm using value in the Marxist sense here. Let me use a Lenin quote to explain, "A commodity is, in the first place, a thing that satisfies a human want; in the second place, it is a thing that can be exchanged for another thing. The utility of a thing makes is a use-value. Exchange-value (or, simply, value), is first of all the ratio, the proportion, in which a certain number of use-values of one kind can be exchanged for a certain number of use-values of another kind." The use-value for a particular commodity varies from person to person based on their subjective valuation as you said. However, the value doesn't change. The value of the commodity is not its price. Its price comes from a number of different factors including supply and demand, which is actually acknowledged by Marx's theory.
@lessonstolivefor 6 месяцев назад
Lots of thoughts but not a lot of reasons “I believe in free movement of labor” so you believe in open borders, yes? One person one vote plebiscites?
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Free movement of labor and capital is not open or no boarders. It means like the US has free movement of labor and capital across states, the basic idea of comparative advantage makes us all better off. We need to be cognizant and respect the laws that each country or region democratically agrees on, including what the boarder policy is. In my previous video I say I am for the law and respecting the law of on boarders chosen by the people in a democracy. Yet, gradually as humanity wakes up we will include more democratic free people into a broader economic zone like the EU did. They do ti gradually and with democratically agreed principles.
@blablacar7886 6 месяцев назад
I don't know what you are talking about, but certainly it isn't Marx...
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
In what way specifically? Marx was the labor theory of value. You know that right? The labor theory of value is incorrect.
@harbon12 6 месяцев назад
by saying this you are also attacking Adam Smith, David Ricardo and all the classic liberal economics. They were the first to elaborate the labor theory of value and you probably have never read something from Adam Smith (or even Das Kapital). Everything you said in this video is wrong. In your first point you attacked something that Marx never said. Classes are the fruit of the social role that the individual takes in the productive relations. If you don't own a propriety that can produce surplus value (profit) you aren't from the bourgeois class. It's simple as that. But you didn't even said that and just said fake things that Marx never said. Every person that studied the basics of marxian economics or anyone who has read Das Kapital will notice the lack of knowledge of marxian economics that emerged from this very ignorant video.@@EconLessons
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
​@@EconLessons Stop talking as if YOUR POLITICAL OPINION is some sort of OBJECTIVE DECLARATIVE STATEMENT about what is. YOU not liking Marx's political opinion is just YOUR opinion. NOT "objective scientific truth". Did Marx say a lot of unfalsifiable assumptions about what he thought people in the future WOULD do? Yes. There is NO way he could predict what people in HIS future would do. But, there's NOTHING "wrong" about Marx pointing out how USEFUL workers did useful work and factory owners got a massive unfair BENEFIT from all that work the USEFUL workers did. Marx TRACKED the flow of money and the flow of goods and services. ANY statement (by Marx OR by you) about what some person or set of people WILL choose is unscientific antiscientific bullshit. So if Marx's "labor theory of value" is unfalsifiable untestable THEN SO IS ITS NEGATION!
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
@@harbon12 Wow! Great job! Thank you for educating ME! I am a Reductionist so I am interested in reducing all thought to statements of two kinds 1) what is/was -i.e. what physically happened 2) what should/should not be
@cosmonaut9942 2 месяца назад
@@harbon12 He's never read (or understood) Marx. It's obvious.
@Red.Star.Over.China. 6 месяцев назад
I choose to identify as a gender-fluid Bourgeois dolphin. Therefore, Marx is wrong.
@nomehdrider 3 месяца назад
Good explanation
@Bos_Taurus 6 месяцев назад
" In the begining there was only darkness, inhabited by Rod, and an egg that contained Svarog. The egg cracked open, and Svarog climbed out; the dust from the shattering eggshell formed the sacred tree which rose to separate the heavens from the sea and the land. " Here now you can stop wondering where we came from
@aleksis-kivi Месяц назад
Beautifully said!
@user-nk3hj2do2h 3 месяца назад
There is no such thing as a free market. It's more slogan than reality. But I guess it comes down to definitions . Free market is not perfect competition etc
@EconLessons 3 месяца назад
I love to grow potatoes. I sell potatoes. People buy them, how is that not free?
@DEVS-mn6sw 3 месяца назад
There is way more than4 reasons why Marx was wrong
@Marco-wq7nn 6 месяцев назад
Your statements are mostly wrong. Higher class people usually celebrate more vacation then the lower class. The higher classas usually are much more flexible on their schedule, and can more easily mix work with leisure. A vacation and businessmeetings combined. Lower class have just a few days off, if they even can afford it. Second point about the margin is that an entrepreneur always has a goal how much percent of the revenue need to be profit. Sometimes even people get fired because the revenue is not high enough, even if they create value for the company. The surplus is the extra profit above payment of salary minus the risk margin for the possibillity of getting bankrupt. The enterpreneur keeps takes it away from the empoyee. Third in the time of Marx there was still a strong belief that everything can be proved scientifically. By saying it like that it seemed to have more credibiilty. And there is a sort of deterministic factor because of inconsistencies in a capitalist society, where wage is also purchasing power. If this lowers to much an economy gets destroyed. Rich people mostly save their money, not spent it. However due to socialiast factors inspired by Marx this did not happen because of the redistribtion of money by the governent. Marx did not account for this possibility. Fourth, about the point that religion in the time of Marx worked on autority and obedience, Marx saw this a problem and making people passive and not take in their hands their own fate. Modern spirituality is in reality in accordance with that, but when Marx lived there was no new age movement around. The real problem however with marxism is that the new master becomes the government and will oppress any individual expression as that is seen as dangerous. That is why it does not work, but not named by you.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
I live below the poverty line as I am finishing the PhD. Everyday is a vacation. I spend time with the ones I love, garden and fish and play chess. These are the days of our lives. Rich people suffer too. They lose touch with what is meaningful in life because material comfort clouds their judgment. There are exceptions but in the words of Abraham Lincoln, ' The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is why he made so many of them'. The rich are often swindling themselves out of their own lives.
@Marco-wq7nn 6 месяцев назад
Your own personal revelations has not anything to do with marxism. I am sure some homeless people who lost their job like it to feel the air outside everyday, instead of having to go from one boardroommeeting to the next.
@Scaleyback317 3 месяца назад
There are only 2 classes in reality. The working class and the non-working class.
@timreichert3115 6 месяцев назад
Why is there something rather than nothing? Why are we here? These are the questions that you say "we must answer." So what's the answer? If there is no accepted agreed upon answer (there isn't) and no reasonable indication that an answer is forthcoming, then the admonition that "we must answer these questions" is ridiculous, no? What religion has the answer to these questions that you say we must answer?
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
The point is these are existentialist questions not to be answered specifically by science. Science and materialist can answer the how but not the why. The why is the important question you have to answer and is more important for your life happiness than the car you drive or the house you own or do not own. Marx can not help you with that and reading Marx might be a negative in that regard.
@timreichert3115 6 месяцев назад
You didn't answer the question that you say "we must answer." You say Marx can't help me but neither can you or anyone else it seems. Telling people they must answer an unanswerable question is not cool. BTW "why" questions and "how" questions are the same thing. You are looking for reasons, causation. Science is your best bet when looking for reasons and causation. But if you are looking for the "reason why" there is something rather than nothing, you first need to grapple with the idea of "nothing." Any attempt to define "nothing" is incoherent. Anyone describing nothing is describing something. Certainly Marx can not help you define "nothing" because he was writing before Wittgenstein. If you want to know why any definition of "nothing" is incoherent, late Wittgenstein can help you.
@CMVray 6 месяцев назад
It does not look like you know what you are talking about.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
@408sophon 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessonsFirst you must dignify a response by showing some effort
@emanuelhendrikx5233 2 месяца назад
When i here you talking...i get the idea that this marx..has thought verry deep...about greed and manipulation...
@anarchosherman961 6 месяцев назад
Rich Vs poor? No it was about worker vs owner. That’s what it always been and is. Not rich Vs poor, the rich just almost always happen to be the owners.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Its actually more like owners of capital. However, here is the kicker, we all have capital, its call intellectual capital, a brain. Intellectual capital and individualization is more powerful than owning a factory. We all can contribute to the world with our brain if we take the time to educate and learn and be creative.
@anarchosherman961 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons Bro what are you waffling about? You either make money by being a worker or by being an owner who employs workers at a rate lower than the rate they generate or by being an owner of something that is able to be made profitable by just yourself. The “owner who employs people for less than they generate” is the issue here.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
@@anarchosherman961 The Austrian economists addressed this issue. I thought it was pretty straightforward: workers create value, yes, but entrepreneurs do the same, and they also have something called risk and time preference. They give workers money in hopes of a future payout. That is called interest. The workers have cash in hand, and the entrepreneur has risks and hopes for a payout in the future. Interest is an intertemporal price because we prefer money now to later. Yes, the owner controls the capital, but workers can also; it is called intellectual capital, the best capital.
@anarchosherman961 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons your very sophisticated way of saying “they own land and the workers make the money.” Doesn’t change the facts. I ask you this, who’s at risk: a wealthy man who will certainly have enough money put back to live comfortably or they “risk” becoming a worker. What does the worker risk if the wealthy man ruins the company as is so often the case? The worker takes all the risk! The workers are the ones that are on the verge of living on the streets with no employment in sight, especially if they don’t have enough money saved to travel to another place where jobs are available. Your idea that “entrepreneurs” create this value is purely ridiculous. We would organize these things to be done otherwise with much less risk in a safer system if it weren’t for the “entrepreneurs” you’re talking about. Like I said, you’re a worker or an owner. That’s how you make your money and that money is made by other people if you are an owner, the only difference between you (the owner) and them (the worker) is that you could by the land before they could. Cooperatives disprove the notion that individual “entrepreneurs” create anything. Entrepreneurialism is meant to be experienced as a collective toward something, not something done solely to drive profit higher.
@adapienkowska2605 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons but workers participate in these risks, it is called
@planmet 19 дней назад
I interpret the 'opium of the masses' as meaning religion being a comfort blanket in times of stress. But why is there so much stress in every day life? The totalitarian states must offer the most stressful ways of life. Marxism works best when people are poverty stricken, live in depressing surroundings and where there is no refuge (eg. church). Here better conditions for life only comes from total obedience to the state. Cultural Marxism works in the same way in the West by means of an insidious secret society. If we got rid of this society there would be a lot less social stress and suicide.
@EconLessons 19 дней назад
Religion, return to the source. Nothing wrong with examining the fundamental issues of our existence and finding peace in our center to spread good to others.
@edash3397 3 месяца назад
You are dead wrong, just as Lenin was when it comes to Marx and his theories. I love Marx because he is the only one who has put up a viable economic plan for equality. Unfortunately, the inate flaws of humans will never allow it to come to fruition. The quote “from each to his ability, from each to his own needs” shows the naivety of Marx, but I still have much love for that man. What Marx expects from people is just as difficult as trying to actually, live the New Testament or follow orthodox Buddhism without error from everyone. Man can not get past the seven deadly sins. I am not religious, our ancestors had no issue identifying our faults.
@paulh2468 2 месяца назад
The value of a Rolex watch has no bearing on the amount of labour put into this luxury object. They are made primarily by robots and other automation. The price of this Rolex watch can range widely, depending on supply, demand and physical location on earth. Its value is subjective; it's fungible with billions of other functionally identical watches. Rolex destroys all Marxist hypotheses. They Don't rise to the level of theories.
@DEVS-mn6sw 3 месяца назад
Marx is the father of communism and his thought was, is, and always will be that for communism,
@faswtfood235 15 дней назад
@trilingual6725 6 месяцев назад
I think I will remain poor for now because I know that I can easily become rich at any time whenever I feel like becoming rich in this . . . free society. Yeah, sure.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Lets talk about this, do you want to be rich? What steps are you taking?
@diegoyanesholtz212 2 месяца назад
I reject Karl Marx. But I disagree that people shouldn't learn it. They should learn it not as a success but a failure.
@toi_techno 2 месяца назад
I like this guys thoughts on Ukraine. But this is all wrong. Unchecked and unregulated Market Capitalism has been a disaster for poor people in the West and even more so in the second and third world. True Market Capitalism has never been allowed to happened anyway, because the playing field has been massively tilted in favour of corporations since the Powell Memorandum in the US. Very few people are "rich" at any point of their life, my generation can barely afford to buy a house. This is just a nonsensical thing for the chap to say, spoken as a true privileged white guy. Religion has historically appropriated the decent behaviours required for a large, stable human society to form and used it to leverage power and wealth for an elite few. There has never been a truly Communist state but inevitably the future will be communistic unless established power blocs prevent true post-scarcity economies from developing naturally through inefficient resource use (fossil instead of renewable) and limits on the production of consumer goods to keep prices inflated (tariffs, production licenses and quotas etc).
@marcob.7801 3 месяца назад
Stop ranting! There is class struggle to this day! And, you're supposed to eat ramen noodles when you are a student! AND, your reading comprehension of marx is simplistic at best
@EconLessons 3 месяца назад
What prevents someone from making more money in your opinion?
@hg6996 Месяц назад
At the time when Marx was living there was a class struggle. So he was right. Today is different. It must be different Isn't this evident??? Why do you compare apples with oranges?
@albertobarbieri117 6 месяцев назад
Please stop. You embarass yourself.
@adamrosendahl8090 6 месяцев назад
@arjunratnadev 6 месяцев назад
I don't know why his own tainted personal life was ignored by most sources? He himself was a terrible human being and he used Engle to hide his own mistakes, was a bigoted racist, sexist and a hypocrite. He wrote some great quotes and probably worthwhile theories but that all seems like an attempt by him to fuel his own narcissistic personality
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Marx was a terrible human personally, yes.
@jamesmorton7881 2 месяца назад
You are weird. It is class struggle. IT is NOT a free society. 1% make the rules for the 99%. Who sets prices? We do not have supply and demand. The one percent own the assets, you are Labour. You have to work. To live. Take a nap. You are sleeping. ❤❤. Debt slavery.
@lukasb2790 6 месяцев назад
Lol, he really has no understanding of Marx.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Why not, explain.
@lukasb2790 6 месяцев назад
​@@EconLessonsTo answer you, I must quickly change my class to a 60 year old Harvard Sociology Professor.
@huget00n 8 дней назад
You probably should stick to your russophobic rants rather tha ridicule yourself on topics like this one, where more people are informed and competent in the west an can spot Your nonsense. Now just a couple of questions about your religion which os capitalism: the first known currency appeared 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia, yet, the capitalism started to emerge, at best, in its most redumentary form, 500 years ago. How come that, this supposedly superior system did not appear earlier, and why should we believe that this is the ultimate form of economic organisation?
@harbon12 6 месяцев назад
You could have at least read Das Kapital or many introductions of it made by contemporary economists before making this video that just showed your ignorance on the topic.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
What do you want to talk about regarding capital? I study capital expensively in my PhD studies.
@mattiafabbri8944 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons in your video you don't mention anything from the thousands of scientific explorations that are present in Das Kapital. If you studied, what appears on the video tells the contrary.
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
THANK YOU, harbon12!
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
@@EconLessons You did not answer his question. You never studied Karl Marx, never read HIS works, so how can you assert he is "wrong" about anything? The existence of ownership is ITSELF an ARBITRARY SET OF LAWS that human created. When you imprison somebody for something you PHYSICALLY DENY them access to their home, to their property. e.g. Like some poor woman imprisoned over some vague BULLSHIT of violating "national security". Tell me how she will PHYSICALLY have access to HER belongings while in prison. We can make laws OUTLAWING executives making more money than useful workers. Just like we can (but shouldn't) make laws against a citizen of a country doing business and interaction with another person just because that other person has some different national citizenship. There is NOTHING absolute about the phrase "illegal immigrant". We can kick out illegal corporations: make Amazon and WalMart illegal and then kick them out. There is ZERO obligation to the status quo. Only conservative hypocrites think there is.
@theultimatereductionist7592 3 месяца назад
@@EconLessons And Karl Marx studied capital extensively in HIS work and HIS struggles against a world HE was forced into without his consent. He was a heroic revolutionary, like George Washington, but UNLIKE GW, Marx opposed slavery.
@Sneed-pb9cz 6 месяцев назад
LMAO, I was poor until I seized the means of my own production, also a "free" society (Imperial Core countries like America, Canada, Spain, Italy, Britian, Japan, etc.) can have a range of classes because they become pure bourgeois countries by exploiting huge populations like Japan did to China, Britain to India, and Belgium to the Congo, this is a Maoist pov but this is a poor analysis, assuming you're in America or Canada you country benefits off the exploitations of countries like the DRC through unfair trade, you're a petty bourgeois running defense for the big bourgeois
@Sneed-pb9cz 6 месяцев назад
Also Communism isn't inherently atheistic, look at Catholic Nicaraguan Socialism, Jewish Kibbutz Socialism, and Iranian Islamic socialism there are so many examples of religious groups being religious and living in a Socialist country/collective
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Yes socialism is not inherently atheistic, but Marx was. Iran is not Marxism but a dictatorship, maybe a twisted theocracy. Nicaraguans are pro Russian puppets. Ortega is not really a practicing Catholic going every week to Mass, in my opinion but without further research I can not say for sure, but he is a dictator. And pro Russian dictators in my book are not walking the walk considering what is going on in the world today.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Are you claiming you are being exploited personally therefore you can not make money?
@Sneed-pb9cz 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons Pretty much, the only reason Western Europea, Northern America, ANZAC, and Japan are able to even have petty bourgeois, bourgeois bourgeois, managerial class and such is because the proletariat is mostly located outside of those countries and ofc all those places benefited from previous imperial raids, look into the labor aristocracy
@Sneed-pb9cz 6 месяцев назад
@@EconLessons And Marxism doesn't promote luxurious comfort and pampering there are different schools of thought, Trotskyists, MLs, MLMs, Nazbols, Utopian Socialists most Marxist ideologies simply believe in put in what you can and take out what you need
@smarthinus3286 6 месяцев назад
"People transfer classes relatively easy in a free society" LMAO
@coxxycabee 6 месяцев назад
Thought the same thing. This guy grew up rich.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
My family were immigrants and grew up in the Great Depression. You have no idea about my family background. My wife's family was from a village under communism. I worked on the loading docks for years to pay for my University. I grow my own food. Do you not watch my channel? Do you grow your own food? Do you homestead and get a PhD at the same time? Did your family live under communism?
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Yes it is easy, see my comment below. We all can do it. I grow potatoes to pay for my PhD. It does not matter. The hard working will find a way.
@oyo4629 6 месяцев назад
​@@EconLessonsboo woo😢
@BrettDavis1991 6 месяцев назад
The vast majority of people change classes over the course of their life.
@AllanPopa-vd9sv 6 месяцев назад
RU-vid needs a laugh react.
@science212 6 месяцев назад
Because socialism is anti reason. Freedom is individual rights.
@jesse1763 6 месяцев назад
My friend, please, please read the room and go back to the fundamentals. Your characterisations are completely false and it comes across as someone who has formed their opinion based on hubris and ego alone
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
In what way specifically?
@emmanuelokoro537 6 месяцев назад
1 If you didn't want to live in a communist China or Cuba imagine how you'll feel living a fascist Cuba or tsarist Russia which you don't talk about and what democracy are you talking about because it can't be the sham where every president is a millionaire, lobbyist writes Policies and laws are passed in congress that aren't subject to what the pubic think or want 👍
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
The issue is Marxism can not be done voluntarily, because there are always people like me who would resist, and hence Marxism is connect to despotism in all cases.
@izaak-donaldson 6 месяцев назад
Class struggle has nothing to do with "rich and poor" what are you talking about lmao. Precisely 93% of the price of a commodity can be determined by adding up all of the labour time. You can easily do this using input output tables these days and prove Labour of Theory correct. Just look at Paul Cockshotts or Anwar Shaikh work. China has had the fastest growing economy and fastest industrialization in human history, they are very prosperous and continue to be more prosperous everyday. I think it would be a lovely place to live and raise a faimily, much better then the USA with all the homeless and crime. No one cares about your idealism, you should base your ideology in material reality not mataphysics. Jesus Christ was a Communist, you should consider it aswell.
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
Interesting statistic, but I think it depends on the product. Diamond water paradox pretty much refutes your claim or the work of those two economist. Maybe when you are talking about some small tangible object in a competitive market, but I doubt that. The price is whatever people want to pay for it. It is not based on input costs, this is well established in the laws of marginal economics. Jesus said 'give to what is Caesar's to Caesar. I do not find him advocating a type of government. Homelessness in the US is cause by drugs mostly.
@GLomeo Месяц назад
@warnerbasement1628 3 месяца назад
Nonsense. Class is extremely stable accross generations with most changes in class at the upper end of the wealth bracket. The higher one is on that bracket the easier it is to go up in class with available capital being the primary reason. The ability to acces that capital to start a business for instance is a huge advantage over those without that access to capital. Other than that though class is extremely stable and mostly unmoved by capitalism other than in small spurts of economic prosperity where some advantage can be earned and maintained hopefully. But in general if you're born poor you stay poor and if you're born rich you'll stay rich. The middle class is bifurcating and disappearing with most going down in class and some going up in class, but that's not necessarily by choice in most of these cases.
@xarastewartmusic 6 месяцев назад
Well done, ignore the comments under this
@EconLessons 6 месяцев назад
I respond to most comments, what do you want to say about Marx?
@gaspode505 2 месяца назад
Cuba could be prosperous country. US sanctions destroyed it. Same other semi socialist countries 😢
@aldean4361 5 месяцев назад
Sometime we have a trillion dollars othertimes we have 50 cents that so common it happens to everyone
@EconLessons 5 месяцев назад
Did you really listen to the last point? Money is the the measure of wealth.
@aldean4361 5 месяцев назад
Fair price of labour is a myth, the marketplace is not fair, otherwise how some peaple make billions in profits, other peaple earn a dollar an hour doing the hard work.
@EconLessons 5 месяцев назад
Do you feel you should be the one making billions? Do you want to try?
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