
Rodney Brooks: Why we will rely on robots 

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Scaremongers play on the idea that robots will simply replace people on the job. In fact, they can become our essential collaborators, freeing us up to spend time on less mundane and mechanical challenges. Rodney Brooks points out how valuable this could be as the number of working-age adults drops and the number of retirees swells. He introduces us to Baxter, the robot with eyes that move and arms that react to touch, which could work alongside an aging population -- and learn to help them at home, too.
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27 июн 2013




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@zizzlestick42 11 лет назад
Excellent TED talk! Substantial, intelligent, critical, sober, informative, to-the-point, interesting, impressive, and doesn't oversell itself (unlike many TED talks that have a hyperbolic level of enthusiasm). I felt like he was just talking to me normally, not 'presenting' in that sing-songy way a lot of TED speakers do. And all under 10 minutes! This is a fine example of what a TED talk should be
@gnibs1492 9 лет назад
@ Charlie Hutch and people of the same mindset. I work in a factory. We can't find people willing to do some jobs. The company I work for has been trying to add more people for almost 2 years. People arent interested in doing some jobs. Our management brought in 2 Baxters and it is great! We are being trained how to set them up, we are learning to think of ways to expand the use of the Baxters. If you watch the whole video we NEED to find ways to do more with less people, there are going to be less people producing! A decline of more than 30% in the available workforce in the next 25 years needs to be addressed now.
@Jaun7707 10 лет назад
Don't we want robots to replace jobs? Isn't that the whole point of robots, to create a workless society?
@893160007 9 лет назад
Who builds the robots than? Who maintains them? Who develops new ones? I know the easy answer is robots, but how do we get to that point with a diminishing work force? It is more about we don't know what is going to happen.
@charliehutch3533 9 лет назад
the idea of a society that is leisure based by industry was the down fall of the industrial revolution...that thinking has brought us to the brink of destruction...soon desertification will engulf all useable farmland. as it is 1/3 has been turned to desert of the worlds farmland due to industrial thinking. industrial planning..industrial innovation...industrial farming...when u industrialize something kiss it goodbye.
@IschmarVI 5 лет назад
we don't want robots to replace ALL jobs. It's more like it's said in the video: we want robots to replace mundane and repetitive jobs that allow us to instead focus on more "sophisticated" matters (which also includes optimizing and improving these robots). You may think of it as some sort of synergy between robots and humans (or lifeforms in general), where the human capacities are enabled by the robotic aid. However, that doesn't mean that we should opt for a society where robots are doing ALL the work - on the contrary. For what I've experienced, many (if not most) pepole actually WANT to work: they want to achieve something. So perhaps the best way to integrate robots into society is to not have them replace jobs but to compliment them.
@JnanadasKKunjan 11 лет назад
@Rocky1200superstar 8 лет назад
so how many different types of robots will be made with different commands?? i would say integrating a robotic machine into a system suppose a car would be much better than having a whole seperate robot who would walk and take you to uf car, what say?
@JohnBastardSnow 11 лет назад
Can I can this robot Jennifer and program it to make up and down movements with its hand?
@JakubKotyza 11 лет назад
I did and I agree with him in almost everything...
@alexcarter8807 7 лет назад
I work with robots every day. I use an automated postal scale, sure it's a pretty dumb little robot, only good at weighing things and telling me if it's not level, but it's a robot where the old balance-beam scales I remember still seeing in post offices in the 90s are not. I take a lot of photos and since I don't want to do all that myself I use my camera on automatic mode so it focuses the lens and chooses the shutter speed and even diddles around with things like color balance, and lets me know if I need to keep extra still for some shots. That's a robot. Not like my dad's camera I used to use in high school which was entirely mechanical and I did everything myself. If we're going to have people out of work due to robots, then that's where something like a universal basic income needs to be brought in.
@ZoneTelevision 10 лет назад
I saw this happening back in the 90's
@mrsgingernoisette 2 года назад
Baxter is me at work, I feel you bro..
@xSilverPhinxx 11 лет назад
I want one of those!!!
@clint-webb 11 лет назад
Thank god we have real people like you to help them! I have total faith in the fact that you're putting effort into helping developing regions. I bet you've joined the red cross or something similar. There's no way you're just acting self righteous on the internet with no actions to show for it!
@drditup 11 лет назад
awesome ^^
@knucklesamidge 11 лет назад
I agree with you more than I agree with anything else in the world.
@SpiritLadyArtist 11 лет назад
I agree and why I tell people of the resource based economy movement.
@TheCrazyZagie 11 лет назад
Man...respect (y)
@phackqu 11 лет назад
Come on Ted Talk'ers. The human race needs a Resourced based Society. This is the best way for these technologies to be utilized at optimum potential
@ExclusiveManual 11 лет назад
Technology, administration, music/arts, scientific research... there are so many things you can do that people including me don't know about. Don't think of robots as something that will do everything for you but an advanced tool that's an extension of yourself, specifically to assist you with your job.
@TheRagReflex 11 лет назад
I like this idea, robots can be made and are able to facilitate for those in need and remove those mundane tasks.
@Wormtail81 11 лет назад
When did TED talks become advertising?
@Jontman42 11 лет назад
Embrace the change
@DynamicUnreal 11 лет назад
The argument you presented will probably work in the short term, I was thinking more along the lines of 40 years from now. Since I am 26 that's probably (hopefully) a future I get to see. I expect to see advanced A.I. by then, maybe even more advanced than humans, and in that case that just changes the game altogether. The current system we have now will break down, the only thing worth anything would be information and materials, maybe future A.I. will solve the problem it itself creates.
@freemattnelson 11 лет назад
@ChristopherJManess 11 лет назад
I ride a bicycle to work, and see others sitting in vehicles, stressed at the lack of efficiency. This brings a few points. One, it's healthy to be active and fit, and not reliant on others, mechanical of human. Also, the jobs for technicians will require more studying and less working, which will take more time for learning, than actual production. Granted, a machine or robot can perform more efficiently. The concern is always about it's repair. When it breaks down, is there enough productivity
@YR2050 11 лет назад
"Robots give old people dignity." This is very true as I know from my grandpa.
@FreshPaintTTV 11 лет назад
@changeisnowpeople 11 лет назад
what is the purpose of life? is there any ted video on that?? plz revert
@AndrooUK 8 лет назад
Maybe wages went up because of inflation? Correlation does not equal causation.
@BricksOfAwesome 11 лет назад
A robot to sort out my lego. Now that i want.
@MaitredeDieu 11 лет назад
Nice ad
@michaelmcmedia 11 лет назад
As for the 'when we have this, then our problems will be solved' type thinking - a lot of forthcoming technologies have been heralded as that golden goose - computers, internet, biotech, 3D printing. What really matters is what we do to build *systems* that empower people - Kickstarter, Kahn Academy, Bitcoin, timebanks, grid-independence, community gardens, etc. As for 'them', it's not about wealth, it's about power, control. They can print money but still want to take other's freedoms.
@KokoRicky 11 лет назад
The eyes remind me of the AI in the movie "Moon."
@aresinnet 11 лет назад
I love the idea of robots doing the mundane work for us, but I think people rely too much on technology for happiness and as a replacement for connection. It's hard for me not to have resentment toward smartphones and social networks.
@michaelmcmedia 11 лет назад
Yes, but because it is in some ways a centralised system, all our data can be picked up and archived by those same agencies. It does indeed have very powerful distributive effects though, which is what scares them much more than the actual information - it is the fact that the information is empowering people to make better choices (contd)
@spliter88 11 лет назад
The thing is: since young people don't want to work in factory lines over years there will naturally be fewer and fewer humans looking for a job in factory, so a gradual replacement by robots is a good solution. Other jobs? You've got everything creative that a robot can't do: programming, teaching, advertising, designing, movie making, acting, singing. As for the poverty gap: having robots automate repetitive tasks will mean that there will be more stuff in general, meaning cheaper stuff.
@MagnesiumEnterprise 11 лет назад
Patience. A child can understand only so much at one time.
@OhFishyFish 11 лет назад
So what does Mildred do now once robot took over her factory line tasks?
@quAdxify 11 лет назад
If the status quo does not change yes. But there will always be space for optimization, the work is never over, if we don't let it.
@zizzlestick42 11 лет назад
It often seems to me like most people spend most of their time doing hard, unpleasant, and boring work. I'm still a student and there's nothing I dread more than money-grubbing jobs; I can't imagine doing that year-round for most of life. All that human life could be much better spent, on creative pursuits or even just on enjoyment, if we could get machines to take over the low-paying, thankless jobs that are really just a burden to the people who are forced to do them.
@Andi1simple 11 лет назад
I feel that the biggest and most serious pitfall about these robots is becoming over dependent on them, like we have with phones, computers, any-device-you-can't-live-without-now. I'm not saying they're bad, it's just that if we become over-dependent we might end up like in Wall-E or other similar apocalyptic worlds. :)
@iyaramonk 11 лет назад
I've heard about those hospital robots. Apparently they will yell at you if you try and get in the elevator with them :D
@TheMayorofSpace 10 лет назад
id like a future in which alongside what he talked about here, the technologies of exoskeletons and such has been advanced to a point where its like the iphone or something, everytone has some form of easy to use [extra strength/ect] kind of like the best of both sides of the conflict in deus ex: human revolution
@toomuchtruth 11 лет назад
I support full automation of each and every job possible.I hope to work in that field & endeavour in the future. There will always be unemployed people, with or without automation.You're not more deserving of a job than many of them.At any point in the past we could have stopped the progress of technology for these same concerns,now is no different. The real threat is "intellectual property".In the age of automation this will to centralise the power to produce to an increasingly small group.
@47f0 11 лет назад
"I am no luddite" - Funny. Because you use the same argument. While they were smashing the steam-powered automated looms and mills - there was an increase in tailors and dress shops. More ships, hence shipbuilders and sailors were needed to transport the greater volume of cheaper goods. Upstream, wool and cotton production increased to feed the looms. The jobs shifted, but overall employment increased.
@Overonator 11 лет назад
That's brilliant! Getting a human to train a robot to replace the human who trained it! Of course I'm not a luddite and I'm sure that people will find other jobs. It hurts most in the short term.
@abarnybox 11 лет назад
You're probably right, unfortunately, a little wishful thinking on my part perhaps. Though as I say systems tend to right themselves over time...I don't know how it'll happen but it has to or everything will fall to pieces, as you pointed out. I hope it turns out well though because if you are right I'll be alive to go through it all!
@SIMKINETICS 11 лет назад
Scientists, engineers & skilled technicians will have some of the best opportunities in a more automated world. As an ME & occasional scientist, I've worked in automating several processes over the last 35 years in Silicon Valley. I'd highly advise Americans to strongly emphasize teaching critical thinking skills & scientific methods starting very early in our education system. The days of fearing mathematics, engineering & true science must end! Public education needs a huge upgrade soon.
@jerrylittlemars 11 лет назад
Skynet is HERE!
@sth128 11 лет назад
I watch way too many robot sci-fi films. At the end I was expecting those graphic eyes to turn angry and Baxter to start choking out Chris.
@Macaroth1 4 года назад
I like how Baxter always looks apathetic and somewhat bored. It makes him the ideal replacement for boring work.
@flekken88 11 лет назад
The other factory robots have a programming interface which is much more difficult to use. You need programmers to handle it and use it. If you use Baxter then programmers with high wages are eliminated and simple workers can maintain the robots. If you worried about the programmers then they can still create more Baxters or other robots.
@zizzlestick42 11 лет назад
So what action would you advocate in such a situation and on what moral basis would you advocate that action?
@dafyddlewis89 11 лет назад
hmm, cant think of a good one right now but i'll be back.
@wisruba 10 лет назад
Well, think it is very difficult to predict but I think people's job would be less physical rather people's new era jobs' would be more into IT and design, just going back in recent history to examine industrial revolution and process development all the way through automations and technology. I belong to an era when ATARI was cutting edge game console :)
@DrGr33nthum13 10 лет назад
It positively surprises me that so many people in the comments are already advocating for a resource based economy. Maybe there is some hope left for humanity.
@unvergebeneid 11 лет назад
I for one welcome our new robot underlings.
@IngemarKenyatta 8 лет назад
Why can't robots replace us? I am very tired of seeing the most advanced technology only lead to MORE work for humans and less down time for leisure. When can we regain our lives?????
@DAHVIEDK 8 лет назад
+Ingemar Kenyatta I completely agree with you.
@FMFvideos 8 лет назад
when can this robot steal my job? i don't like my job!
@91722854 6 лет назад
perhaps your job, but engineers, mathematicians and scientists wouldn't want to lose their work, as it is part of their life, and in particular a robotics engineers wouldn't want to lose the job to robots as they are the ones who build the robots and wish to work along with robots
@zizzlestick42 11 лет назад
In North America, there is an over-abundance of food. In fact, there is a widespread obesity. Farmers often have to throw away their produce because they can't sell it all. There is enough food for everyone to eat as much as they want, it's just that not everyone can afford to. Many children in the United States suffer from malnutrition because of poverty. Giving food for free to poor people wouldn't deprive anyone of food. No one has to be deprived of food. There is more than enough.
@akrulla 11 лет назад
The problem in this scenario is the monetary system, not the giving of food to people who need it. Also, depending on which African country you are referring to, many farms are owned by very wealthy landowners who don't pay enough money to their employees to eat in the first place.
@ExclusiveManual 11 лет назад
But for such an implementation it would require massive amount of resources. Where is the food going to come from, who's going to operate the water distribution, who's going to build our houses, and what about electricity? And the bigger question is how do we clear the old system to implement the new without creating problems? I'm saying that people who wants this can't afford it because the people who don't want this have everything in their control.
@vtech325 11 лет назад
But Tausami is not saying that people deserve anything from anyone. All he said was that in the case that if robots were to take most of the jobs a regular should be given the basics to live a comfortable life. And if you disagree how do you prupose someone could earn things such as food and shelter when all of the jobs that involve harvesting and making those things are run by machines?
@Akoalawithshades 11 лет назад
OK let's simplify. The problem is and always will allocation of resources. You said "Two people argue over how a resource should be used... one needs it to solve a major species level problem, the other needs it for vanity and social status." How exactly do you decide that one is using it for vanity and the other is helping humanity?
@TestMeatDollSteak 11 лет назад
We. Are. The robots. *bloop bloop bleep bloop*
@Georgeqaws 10 лет назад
but! there will be less robot trainers needed then line workers...
@werdhack 7 лет назад
and more robotic developers & other surrounding jobs. it balances.
@jerrindunn3382 3 года назад
Leave us HEAR
@michaelmcmedia 11 лет назад
Technology is a double-edged sword, like fire. There are essentially two forces at work - those who want to empower people, and those who want to make them dependent. 'To catch a wild pig' is a great parable on this. This is why stuff like smart meters are pushed out, while funding for putting energy back into the grid is slashed. The pitfall of RBE is that we'd need to be switching from an already peaceful society, or bad actors would inevitably step in to turn the system psychopathic.
@Alluminati 11 лет назад
Robots won't change the fact that we WORK. We will work differently. In ways that are closer to our chosing. Nobody would create a robot or buy a robot to do something that she/he wanted to do her/himself. However, life will be much better for a lot of people if toilets don't need to be cleaned by hand anymore. After a while, work will simply change. It always did. The earlier people themselves get into this discussion without fear, the better the result will be. And more free as well...
@1533585 6 лет назад
Baxter is the solution
@HangTheBankers1 11 лет назад
So Clint, you have read his books? Oh boy, you're in for a surprise.
@zizzlestick42 11 лет назад
There is a difference working on an important project and working at Wal-mart. My hope is that people will do less grunt work and devote themselves more to not-for-profit projects
@lord666christoph 11 лет назад
I'm guessing you've never seen the movie Wall-e? That movie depicts what I think is the likely future of humanity as it furthers its reliance on robotics
@JakubKotyza 11 лет назад
What if I did and I agree?
@viraj9999 11 лет назад
Well we have got Robots cleaning our houses in form of Robotic vacuum cleaners and floor cleaners. It's just that their shape and functionality is bit different than originally they thought of. But nevertheless they are smaller than originally imagined and they do their job very well.
@Myrslokstok 11 лет назад
Or a couple of hundreds of small flying robots that hide and charge during the daytime and then starts fires during the nighttime. And off course they have sensors so if someone approach them they fly away. It would probably be a lot of damage before they where caught, hope they do not learn how to print themself in a 3D-printer before.
@8maxthemax8 11 лет назад
Oh! I thought you were getting paranoid xD
@drditup 11 лет назад
Compare the market of sports today with 400 years ago. It kinda increased a few million percent at least, and science around work out has exploded. I wouldn't worry too much. Acually, it probably won't get any worse than it is today.
@ffsdffsd1 11 лет назад
in my opinion, there is the possibility that they turn on us, at some aspects at least. or cause security risks. my reasons is the technology of "machine learning" which computer scientists have been working on. so imagine, ideally, a time when the robot is able to learn, adapt and improve its own intelligence.... just imagine a moment. this is the real risk. and being a computer science graduate myself, I'm not kidding! never could make up my mind to work in this field.
@zizzlestick42 11 лет назад
Why? Wouldn't wages be even lower, since there would be no laws pertaining to a minimum wage?
@suttonsplash14 11 лет назад
Those jobs are what kids and grand kids are for
@thesebastiankuntz 11 лет назад
watch the movie "Roujin Z"... it's about robots helping old people
@drditup 11 лет назад
THATS whats coming our way! The robots will take the dull, boring, repetitive jobs and help old or handicapped live their lives more freely.
@ExclusiveManual 11 лет назад
As much as the majority of us dream to have such a system, it seems far out of reach.
@JohnBastardSnow 11 лет назад
We are already fully dependent on a system that we are living in. How long an average Joe or Jane would be able to survive in a wild without going to a supermarket for food and water?
@vtech325 11 лет назад
Just because we value SOME things that have no money and market value does not make money obsolete. I mean just think about the amount of things we value that do have money and market value.
@michaelmcmedia 11 лет назад
In principle, yes, but in reality, that translates to "As a human being, I have the right to the fruits of the labor of another human being" as these things are not currently abundant (at least that's the economic situation most people face). This is one reason the left/right struggle has been a fruitful distraction for so long - divide and rule. This will be a very challenging stage of human development to overcome. But yes, if we come out the other side in good shape, the future is bright.
@RhymartManchus 10 лет назад
Everyone who uses a computer is technically a programmer. If everyone is appreciating the power of these device, then the interaction of human-robots will be easier because of #Baxter. #Rbots
@codex1809 11 лет назад
If there was no minimum wage we'd get along just fine. The business that payed $1 an hour would attract crap employees. Simple as that. Business that value hard work would pay more. It would work out just fine.
@Trungnguyen-oc4il 8 лет назад
tieng nuoc ngoai khong coi khong hieu noi gi het
@hna1995 7 лет назад
hoc tieng Anh di ban :D
@VillageIdiot453 11 лет назад
To make such a robot would require it to be as smart as human engineers.
@drditup 11 лет назад
My school has had robot football for quite a few years now. But the robots are of course not human-like. And no, it won't ever threaten the real deal.
@LeonidasGGG 11 лет назад
I always believe that 3CPO like robots first use would always be assist the elderly. I just don't see companies paying workers AND robots for the same job. In regards to future human like cybersytems I suggest you visit smartdoll.jph
@S3PT1M1 11 лет назад
the issue here is in the fact that any robot by its very nature is programed. i don't think A.I. would learn to hate us, i think IF robots became dangerous it would be because of human interferance, i.e being programed to walk into a building and explode for example. were a long way off from that i think purely as computers are not secure enough to trust that much and anyone who knows about computers knows that any computer can be hacked.
@NegaNeonNacho 11 лет назад
Hold on, is he saying that instead of replacing factory workers with traditional factory robots, we're going to replace them with something along the lines of this Baxter thing? If so, what motivation is there for a company to use Baxter rather than a traditional factory robot? (continued in my next comment)
@ExclusiveManual 11 лет назад
More like co-dependent, the robot will always require maintenance due to their mechanical nature. Unless we get so far into robotics that robots can repair themselves.
@Myrslokstok 11 лет назад
Well imagine the superbowle winning team against some humanoid robots each year gets beaten 46-3 and the numbers increasing.
@NegaNeonNacho 11 лет назад
It's nice to think that we'll start using Baxter, and stop losing jobs to robots, but if a company has to pay for Baxter, and someone to train it, wouldn't that be more expensive, and thus a company has less motivation to use it?
@xSilverPhinxx 11 лет назад
Would it behave if I took it to the park?
@artifactingreality 11 лет назад
if we really had a free market, the hard, tedious, boring jobs would be the most high paying not the least
@swahiligamma4798 10 лет назад
I agree. I believe it's inevitable that the future will be a completely technological society/world, perhaps something similar to the movie WALL-E and that will result in a resource-based economy. There is also the Ray Kurzweil possibility, that humans will merge with the technology and become cyborgs.
@Wearepricester 11 лет назад
Amazing video content, thought provoking. Subhuman comment section content.
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