
Roll Tutorial - Parkour 

Yo Soy Oscar
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This is the basic start for a parkour roll. Once you master this you can start transitioning into landing rolls.
Check out advance roll tutorial by Adam • Advanced Parkour Roll ...



9 сен 2024




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@NuvoAero 15 лет назад
Great tutorial! I have an instructor that has not taught me so well so I re-injured my shoulder. This tutorial helped me understand that your arm kind of acts like a rail that slowly allows the body to roll on it in a diagonal form.
@TheBookr 11 лет назад
you tutorials are old and explained by written text.. But these are the amazing tutorials on the whole RU-vid.. amazing guys ... I just don't learn anything from these new tutorials... your one is step by step amazing guide...thanks ...waiting for more tutorials
@huskies3259 12 лет назад
I have watched numerous roll tutorials, and couldn't get down the form from the ground. This video instantly helped me! Thank you so much, now I can really start parkour!
@mtppg1 16 лет назад
Great job breaking down the technique! You really did a great job showing the steps and getting the best angles with the camera!
@boysrule145 12 лет назад
you guys do gr8 tutorials very easy to understand and clear the way they are, what would make them even better than they are is a little talking awsome tutorials
@nontronite 12 лет назад
This is the best tutorial I've seen. I'm finally able to roll without hurting my shoulder.
@SaiGhillieSniper 14 лет назад
I love urban current. The first tutorial on parkour I watched was this video, 2 years ago. My roll has been good and bad at times. Finally on a whim I come back to this video for the memories. I had been having trouble with my hand placement, and when I saw Ozzis, I decided to try it. WOW I can't believe that worked! A few more months and it should be perfect. Thanks so much urbancurrent!
@jordehwa 14 лет назад
Thank you for this video, I have been having trouble with my rolls. I watched a bunch a Roll Tutorials this is the only one that helped me. THANK YOU!!!
@Fidellio13 15 лет назад
When you roll, you're not rolling forward, you're rolling from your main hand (Let's assume right)'s shoulder to the opposit hip. Once your head gets tucked, use your off-hand to press off of the ground so that less weight is on your back. That may help.
@freakez007 16 лет назад
he i saw your site.. its awesome.. wish i was ter with you guys in hawaii.. in india no one is even heard of parkour.. i as a kid was jumpin of walls.. climbing 8ft high walls wen i ws 13yrs.. din even knw wat it was called.. i called it adventures.. he he.. way to go..
@funmapi 16 лет назад
Quite frankly, this is the best parkour roll tutorial on the net. It has really helped me! Thanks!
@MacintoshNL 15 лет назад
Thanks for the great tutorial, I was trying to learn the roll, but it just wouldn't work, but then I watched this video, and it totaly got me to learn the roll. Thanks a lot!
@Christopher26021994 12 лет назад
When I have started training rolls I couldn't understand how people can use them for landing from so big heights because they were painfull for me, even had small arm injure(!). And today after I watched this tutorial I saw what mistakes I have done before. Now everything is all right and I'm surprised that it works so well :D Thank you very much, it is very helpfull :-)
@clouddragon1234 14 лет назад
thanks,ive search more more than 10 roll tutorials and this is the goodest.im saying truly
@m3gadork 15 лет назад
whoa! thanks! I cant believe I used to just use somersaults on my back with ALL the pressure on my shoulders.
@OscarAVV 13 лет назад
This is by far the best tutorial on how to Roll ive seen in RU-vid. Thanks very much!
@evoSieg 16 лет назад
Thanks! A colleague of mine sent me the link to this vid. I've been having problems with rolling for the last 2 weeks and this'll help my training a lot. Thanks! Be well!
@BiggCliph 13 лет назад
This is honestly the most helpful tutorial I've seen.
@dakry 17 лет назад
i agree with the previous, this is likely the best tutorial i have seen so far for this landing, thank you so much. Dak's
@PECEbro 11 лет назад
Try doing the barrel roll first then slowely adjust your angel of your roll untill it looks and feels like david belle does it.
@ozzig 16 лет назад
Absolutely. That way both legs work together on absorbing he impact.
@ragemccloud 15 лет назад
thanks for the great tips! I knew how to roll but I always came up with some sort of stinging pain in my Hips Shoulder or Arm area... I thought I was just too skinny but I'll try and improve my technique using this video!
@xeeeR. 15 лет назад
cement doesn't hurt as long as you don't hit your hip bone, if you hit your hip bone it will be bruised for like 2 weeks, other thank that its pretty simple
@WarbananaOfDA 15 лет назад
I kinda started using more of my arms to absorb/take my body weight when I roll. it certainly saved my shoulder from the land of hurt. I think the hip thing is caused by how *straight* the roll is. In short I think the shoulder ache is caused from bad entrance to the roll and the hip pains probably from the bad angle. I have yet to test that theory though.
@blackbriar246 13 лет назад
@PedroPaulo744 I had that problem too. Just really work on tucking your head into the shoulder opposite the one you're rolling over. It should keep you from bumping your head at all.
@TheFlerpDerp 15 лет назад
Great helpful Vid. Me and my friend are actually practicing free running and this will help us out a lot, thanks alot for posting this video on tips on how to roll out. Thanks again and please do more videos!
@homelesstaco 15 лет назад
very good tut. i had forgotten about parkour for a while, and i had been wanting to learn how...thanks.
@Cyndakaiser 12 лет назад
Yes, bend your legs! You want to absorb some impact with your legs, while dispersing the majority of the energy into forward and rotational energy. Watch some pros, or other tuts, I recommend Jesse La Flair's but I know there are a couple others that were helpful that I watched when I was having problems with this.
@Goraine 15 лет назад
this is the best one iv seen yet! no lie, am nice with it now, now i have to practice doing in off a jump
@Superbobos123 16 лет назад
You should try to find the right spot on your shoulder. Don't go on the very tip; Go more like on the bone behind the shoulder.
@petitpadavoine 16 лет назад
Wow nice. One of the best roll tutorials on RU-vid.
@rabiesman888 15 лет назад
i thought i could do it a lil bit on grass and stuff but i wasnt doing it right i was just going striaght right on my spine this has been ver helpful thx ill be sure to try it
@Hillen 12 лет назад
@TheTagStudios Heh, yeah I have this problem too, I bruised up the top of mine trying this stuff. I believe the key is where he mentions collapsing your arm on the side that you are rolling, when you bring your arm closer towards your opposite knee, you lessen your chances of landing on the top of your shoulder blade and you end up rolling over the back of your shoulder instead, which is what you want. Hope this helped.
@Od3ri 15 лет назад
Wow! Before watching this tutorial, I always got hurt in like 3 different places in my back and arms even though I was rolling on carpet, but now I rolled really smoothly! Well, I didn't roll properly from the right shoulder to left hip, instead I rolled from the right shoulder to right hip, but I'm sure I'll get it soon! ;)
@fyermind 15 лет назад
That was happening to me a lot. I have been fixing it by keeping my legs in tighter, so I have more forward momentum, and don't fall sideways. Touching the elbow is undesirable to the best of my knowledge, it seems like something could get wrenched out of place on a hard roll.
@98nfsmw98 16 лет назад
thanks, i already know how 2 do these rolls from Hapkido :) but ya helped me a alot from jumping off things.
@1RedFox2 15 лет назад
i had that problem i got a big bruise on my shoulder but I can do it now. make sure both palms are facing in the floor and your hitting the BACK of your shoulder. NOT the top.
@LukeVader77 13 лет назад
Thanks UrbanCurrent! This video is alot more understandanble than others I've seen.
@legijafan4 15 лет назад
thanks ozzi this tutorial helped me with the roll
@kenta000007 16 лет назад
u hav the greatest background music to all of ur vids. ive never lernd so much from one channel. thx so much =D
@MysteryNotes 13 лет назад
After watching this vid like 50million times(Well, like 3 times) i finally figured out what i was doing wrong. When you place your hand on the ground(The shoulder you're going to roll on), don't collapse your arm too much.
@kakla893 16 лет назад
best roling tutorial I've seen.
@klowranc 16 лет назад
Thanks for all ur vids, Your the best instructor on youtube!
@lopin95 16 лет назад
no, now i know how to do it just jump from a low place and make ur face on the left and put ur hand as far as u can put it and push strong with ur leg so ur shoulder dont touch the ground on the part below ur shoulder and if u get up and ur body faces the left part after u did the rolls then that is good, if u did it every day maybe 2 or 3 days ur back will hurt but after that ur back will be stronger , good luck try and tell me what happened
@dragonwizerd 16 лет назад
Really helpful, I'll combine this with a more descriptive, less visual guide I read and see what I can come up with :)
@corycullington 16 лет назад
great tutorial. really appreciate it
@44Nighthawk 16 лет назад
Awsome Tutorial. I'm hoping to be able get it down in a bit
@ElLiamoDiablo 14 лет назад
@lemonesque a baguette is like a roll but longer and a bap usually has bacon in or something
@TheNinjalazer 13 лет назад
@patrikdensmarte land from your jump with your weight forwards of your feet. DONT bend and absorb when dropping from height. Instead use your legs like springs and shoot yourself forward into the roll. This is call reverse blocking.
@stiLLa2000 16 лет назад
thats really one of the best tutors! you've got a new subscriber now ;) but one question: what the name of the song used in the video?
@Jimmymillmo 13 лет назад
@pro4life46 start on your shoulder tilt your head away from the shoulder that makes contact and make sure you cross your spine not go down it
@DarkSwam56 14 лет назад
@as7asd ur right. when i started to do the roll, I injured my shoulders
@Jimmymillmo 13 лет назад
@pro4life46 strat on your shouler tilt your head away from the shoulder that makes contactand make sure you cross your spine not go down it
@EarthnAshes 13 лет назад
Thanks for the fantastic tutorial. :3 Now my rolls barely hurt at all, if any!
@xibilfc21 15 лет назад
The Judo roll and the the Parkour roll are slightly different but they are still very reminiscent of each other.
@SamEighteen 14 лет назад
I've used this and Ryan Doyle's vid to help me learn the roll. Thanks for the great tips. Today was the first day I actually did a smooth roll without any pain (from jumping off a 1-story building no less!) But aside from that, I always get the wind knocked out of me and have some pain on my back/shoulder. Any tips? Thanks.
@alejandro1mf 15 лет назад
thanx dude, u really helped me out
@totureal 16 лет назад
thx man. great tutorial. it helped me a lot. plzz make more.
@aliwahay 15 лет назад
awesome vid has helped me loads, cheers!
@btkw 16 лет назад
this is the best tutorial ever
@sw40105 13 лет назад
Hey man best vid I seen and the steps are much easier than the other ones. Keep upthe great work. :D
@Orcslayer506 14 лет назад
Rolling like this works for the most part for me except most of the time it hurts my hip,not my back.
@bart2107 16 лет назад
good job guys this will help heaps cheers
@TheTagStudios 13 лет назад
@homegrove123 Yeah, I have practiced and mastered the roll. :D What I was doing wrong was diving and rolling to early on my arm, I kept trying and got it. Diving completely over the shoulder until it is the rounded part, and then rolling diagonally across to my hip. :)
@s1994313 16 лет назад
this is a really helpful video
@BerkTownKid 16 лет назад
Hey dude, your the man, the best tutorial video on RU-vid!
@Flat0506313609 13 лет назад
@blubablubahumbug I finally learned to roll man, I kept on practicing like hell, I did it on the floor in my room, I practiced with like blankets rolled up on the ground n when I did it I didn't feel pain anywhere on my body I was like ok now its time to do it on the floor....n did it and it didnt hurt!! I made my roll really round like 90 degrees and make it really really fast, maybe rolling on the grass for more than 2 sec is okay but the ground u need 2 do it fast!! Don't give up, keep trying
@Manuelhana420 14 лет назад
really good tutorial
@MStyle161 15 лет назад
thx man ! ! ! great tutorial ! ! !
@conz000 15 лет назад
great vid, gonna practice this later!
@onimotoko 14 лет назад
@whitefang514 Your shoulder should not even touch the ground. Put your hand on your back. Do you feel that patch of padding? that is what you should be landing on. If U don't, you will mess up your shoulders for real. And U aren't really supposed to land on the hands per se. Rather more on the side area of the palms and roll along the length of the forearm to the patch on your back. I hope this helps U a little.
@AxillaryGrenade 14 лет назад
its suprising you only have 83.5 ,000 views. this is the only good roll video ive seen
@whitefang514 14 лет назад
@onimotoko Oh alright that clears things up, I couldn't figure how to roll on that part of my back with out having my shoulder touch the ground first. Thanks alot :]
@realderekbrothers 13 лет назад
ive always been told to place my arm inside the area and by this vid i see it get out side and idk how to do it this way :/ i learnd one way but its very difrent from this one in a few tecnics
@Motoruven 16 лет назад
Looks pretty much like my own version, but... I think you should lean foward a little more, to save your knees. Just a hint.
@girtheninja 16 лет назад
thx for the tutorials im 14 and six one and hard for me to learn acouple things
@Kizales 13 лет назад
@Jaksmooth456 Well yes, the scapula is the term for the entire shoulder blade, I was mainly referring to that arch, or "dune," that runs diagonally across the scapula.
@violin1158 16 лет назад
half of the time, i can get the roll correctly without my shoulder or spine getting hurt, but the other half of the time, when i roll from the left shoulder to the right hip, it hurts where it crosses the spine. I don't exactly know what i'm doing differently in order to prevent my spine from hurting.
@Od3ri 15 лет назад
While rolling from right shoulder to right hip, I consistently kept hitting my right hip (hip bone's higher than waist? :O), but then I focused on keeping my right shoulder on the imaginary straight line that I'm supposed to roll on, and voilá, nothing hurt! :D That way I rolled from the right shoulder to LEFT hip. I automatically use right hand's elbow in my roll, but sometimes I hit it a bit too hard on the carpet. *Imagining hitting it on concrete*, ouch.
@RepairedSpace06 13 лет назад
very helpful thanks!
@sharmoota120 16 лет назад
im doing the same thing man but im not sure either im sure were doing right because were not experiencing any pain
@TheTagStudios 13 лет назад
Wow, Thank you so much UrbanCurrent!
@AnimalParkour 12 лет назад
great tutorial man
@kier06 14 лет назад
you cant jump off a building and dive onto your arms the kenetic energy from your bodyweight will make u smash your head, you land with your feet and go straight into the roll that takes the pressure off your legs. jump....land on feet and take the impact and then roll straight away.
@steven2721994 14 лет назад
Gute Arbeit, danke das Video hat mir sehr geholfen. Thanks, nice work, this video helped me a lot.
@frother 15 лет назад
by far the best, the other roll tuts are useless
@Kenji314159 11 лет назад
The only solution to a hurting back (even though you do the roll right) is building up large muscles on the back.
@thatparkourdude 16 лет назад
Make sure that you are not bending your knees more than 90 degrees. chances are if your hiting your hip you need to take more wieght on your arm. your just slamming the rest of your body down too hard. Almost think of the roll as rolling completely sideways. But don't really roll sideways lol.
@iexploderacoons 14 лет назад
dude this video helped me so much
@adelhead 16 лет назад
thank u very much itz really useful
@j4ckyb01 15 лет назад
tihnk like that and u will think positive wen u roll loiek i can do it and u will,also wne u 1st start rollin it will hurt it used to kill my shoulder rollin on concrete but on grass u will be fine and u will eventually get used to it hope this helps ;)
@Luck515 15 лет назад
Great! Thanks for the tutorial! Nice ! i love your videos~
@girgle5 16 лет назад
Hey thankyou, I'm starting Parkour and this really helps :D. Do you have any advice on whats the best vault to start with ?
@pokemonXD1 14 лет назад
OMG!!! i mastered it on 1st ry on hard floor!
@Cornampoo 15 лет назад
Thank you very much guys! I can do it by now :D
@wjm123 16 лет назад
Sometimes when i roll the bone at the back of my shoulder hurts when come into contact with the ground...
@narutofanz4 12 лет назад
@TheTagStudios Just move your arm more inward when you roll like the guy showed you on the video
@Vidable113 12 лет назад
do the motion with your arm a bit faster not to fast otherwise you will roll too much on the downside of your shoulderblade (it works on grass i dont roll on concrete the often ) sorry for bad english im german :)
@thatparkourdude 15 лет назад
Well, My first time rolling on concrete was when me and my friend were doing parkour tag and he was chasing me. I came to a 13 foot drop, and the landing was concrete and the andrenaline was pumping through me, and I jumped without thinking about what I was doing. Bad idea. I hurt myself bad because I was used to grass. on grass you throw your body harder because it's soft. start off rolling on concrete from your knees. Then standing up. Then take a hop and then roll. And build up higher.
@1joel8 14 лет назад
@KouroshDK are u right handed if so then push up with right foot and hand then continue to run!
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