
Roman Catholicism is not Christianity, no matter how old it is. 

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This is an excerpt from a debate between Dave Hunt and Robert Fastiggi, a Catholic priest. In it, Dave Hunt preaches against the heresies and evils of the Romanist religion.



5 янв 2012




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@davidcheung7789 8 месяцев назад
So in reality the Roman Empire never fell, it just got worse in it's deviousness and brutality 😢. Many Roman Catholics have some pretty good arguments defending their church. Unfortunately, it has always been a false religion not in line with Holy Scripture.
@benitaesq_ 2 месяца назад
5 лет назад
Roman Catholicism has absolutely nothing to do with the Scriptures. They even called Jesus along with the Scriptures liars through their manmade teachings and traditions.
@rima5429 6 лет назад
Just reading the comments on here I see how ignorant and evil the world really is. Come Lord Jesus, come!!
@kimmiw8663 6 лет назад
I pray for the Lord to remove the blinders from their eyes in the name of Jesus
@Christianpreaching 6 лет назад
pride and stubbornness too
@deanbritton7917 4 месяца назад
​@@Christianpreaching I agree. The pride and blindness of Christisn fundamentalists like Dave Hunt. Thank God he was utterly debunked in this debate
@arturmonteiro8541 4 месяца назад
The Holy Roman Catholic Church is the only true church. Outside of which, there is no salvation.
@rhemalogos4234 6 лет назад
I am ex-Roman Catholic by the grace of God. According to the cathecism I am damned. I choose to trust in Christ and in The Word of God instead of the rules of men.\♡/.
@bantumwt 7 месяцев назад
According to the Bible we are all damned if we do not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior regardless of denomination.
@johnmoore4 7 месяцев назад
You need to return to the fold or you will not be saved. Don’t listen to this prideful fraud.
@jeffscully1347 7 месяцев назад
The Bible doesnt mention denominations. Only Jesus' Church. That would be the Catholic Church,​@bantumwt
@bantumwt 7 месяцев назад
@@jeffscully1347 The Bible doesn't mention the Roman Catholic Church either. But it does allow for differences in church doctrine, such as when the sabbath can be observed. And it certainly warns against calling clergy "Father." Also, the early churches did not recognize a single pope in Rome. Such is something that developed in the Church over time. And, of course, Peter was married. The Bible tells us such when it mentions his mother-in-law.
@jeffscully1347 7 месяцев назад
​@bantumwt the entire New Testament was written by the first Catholics. The entire book of Acts is about the Catholic Church. The Bible was created by the Catholic Church. Jesus gave us a Church, not a Bible. He gave His Church the authority to create a Bible. He gave His Church the authority to decide which books were Sacred Scripture and which were not. The Holy Spirit guides Jesus' one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church. Jesus did _not_ establish tens of thousands (or even one) Protestant denomination. All Protestant denominations are invented by man, to compete against Jesus' Church. Only Jesus' Church holds the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. He didn't come back 1,500 years later and give His spare set of keys to Martin Luther, or anyone else. His Church is the Catholic Church and His Church will last until the end of time.
@1974jrod 8 лет назад
I am not against Catholic people, but I am against Catholicism. This segment from Dave is one of the best 20 minutes on the refutation of anti truth that I have ever heard. As all people, we all are containers of untruths. Including and especially me, that is why I am careful not to be judgemental about Catholics. But as far as the system of Catholicism is concerned, it is not fit for human consumption. You are saved by grace through faith. Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Eternal salvation is a free gift from God, and any person or system that tries to "sell" that salvation be it Catholicism, Judaism, Islamism, or Protestantism is headed down a bad road.
@Indah-tjs 7 месяцев назад
@@n.gonzalez1440 VERY well said! Thank you. ❤❤
@rudolfocapobres1318 7 месяцев назад
Check John 3: 16..For God so Loved the World...gave His Only Begotten Son.....who so ever Believeth in Him should not perish but Have Everlasting Life!!!...example The Thief, & Murderer on the Cross of Calvary...Believed in Christ as His Saviour, Confessed his Sins & was was Saved!!!....no need for other earthly rituals, Sacraments, & other man made Doctrines to Follow!!!....Only Salvation by Faith ...by the Grace pf Jesus Christ who shed His Blood to Pay of All Humanities Sins!!!...It is Finished!...Paid For.. Hebrews !0..Veil on The Most Holy Place Torn from top to Bottom...indicating no more need for Preistly Sacificies....e.g. Eucharistic Sacrifices!...a mortal Human commanding Jesus Christ .to come Down from Heaven...Doctrine of Trans-substantiation...performed thousands of Time Throughout the World by " Christians"
@jeffscully1347 6 месяцев назад
Can you explain by what AUTHORITY this guy speaks? Does he hold the keys to the kingdom of Heaven? Did Jesus establish His one, holy, catholic, and Apostolic Church against which the gates of Hell shall not prevail on this guy? Can this guy trace his authority/ordination all the way back through 2,000 years to the Apostles, and Jesus? The differences between the Catholic Church and every single Protestant denomination stem from AUTHORITY FROM GOD. The Catholic Church has it, and nobody else does. Here is how easy it is to start up your own Protestant denomination: STEP 1. Find an empty room. STEP 2. Set up some folding chairs. STEP 3. Find some people who will believe what you tell them. THAT'S IT! You don't need any AUTHORITY from anyone because NOBODY has any AUTHORITY from ANYONE to tell you you can't. It's been done tens of thousands of times in the past 506 years. The best thing any Protestant can do is read the writings of the Early Church Fathers, starting with the Apostles, and their students in the first few centuries after Jesus' ascended into Heaven. Read the Didache (AD 70). Read the letters from St. Ignatius (ordained by St. Peter), the bishop of Antioch, written in AD 107. Read the First and Second Apologias by St. Justin Martin Martyr. These were written to the Roman Emperor to explain Christianity/Catholicism to him. Read "Against Heresies" by St. Iranaeus, the bishop of Lyons (ordained by St. Polycarp who was taught by St. John the Apostle), written in AD 180. In this book he lists the first 13 popes of the Catholic Church, starting with St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome, up through Pope Eleuthera. He said in this book the reason he listed the first 13 popes was to prove that the Catholic Church uses Apostolic succession to hand on the AUTHORITY of of Jesus. What you won't find in the writings of ANY Early Church Father is ANYTHING that looks like ANY Protestant denomination. That's because the Early Church Fathers were ALL CATHOLIC.
@jesusenriquez4993 6 месяцев назад
Been thinking this for years. Thank you. Glory to Jesus and the Father
@dannyboy6598 3 месяца назад
Very good stuff. I just subscribed. Never knew about U earlier.
@bennyhuge 9 лет назад
To all the Catholics. I was brought up a catholic. All praise to God I'm not one now. I also thought anyone not a catholic such as Church of England, etc was completely wrong. One day I read the Bible. Catholics never read the Bible. All it took was reading the Bible to realise how horrendously false Catholicism is. I am now a Christian. I am not a member of any Church apart from Jesus's. It is so obvious Catholicism is wrong when you read the scriptures that debating it is ridiculous. Any Catholics out there. Please don't be defensive. You believe in Christ. The Catholic Church is a man made religion which doesn't follow Jesus's teachings. Please don't be proud and let your pride keep you trapped. Don't trust Dave Hunt word, my word, anyone's word but Christ's word. Read the bible. Start at the New Testament and like Jesus said, "the truth will set you free". God bless you all.
@cooldog60 9 лет назад
Lee UK My wife is catholic. I ask her have you ever read the bible. She said I don't need to I have been to catcessim. How ever it is spelled. And that is a catholic for you.
@bennyhuge 9 лет назад
Hi there. The Catholic Church doesn't want people to read the bible. If you read Gods word it opens your eyes. I hope your wife finds Christ. It sounds dramatic, but the Catholic Church is sending millions of people to Hell. Jesus said he is the way, the truth and the life. Without finding Jesus and realising he did it all on the cross. We are lost. The Catholic Church teaches do good works to get to heaven. The bible teaches that our best works are like filthy rags to God. Mother Teresa won't even get to heaven without Jesus. I would say Mother Teresa is probably lost. She said she didn't know if God exists. Jesus said we must be Born Again. We must realise we cannot do anything to get to heaven. We must believe in Jesus, we must repent of our sins and accept the gift he gave us of dying for our sins. When you do this the Holy Spirit will dwell in you. You will become addicted to God, you will want to read your Bible daily, you will get God cravings. The Catholic Church changed the commandments so that Catholics could commit idolatry and pray to statues. The Bible teaches this is terrible. The Catholic Church says that certain individuals who have done great works are saints. The bible teaches that every Born Again follower of Christ is a Saint. The Catholic Church teaches confession to a man/priest who will forgive your sins. The Bible teaches only God can forgive sins. The Catholic Church was set up by a Roman Emperor and has nothing to do with the deciple Peter. The Catholic church teaches we spend a time in pergatory. No such place exists. Jesus did it all on the cross for all who accept his free gift. On that day people will say, "did I not prophesy in your name, do miracles, etc, and he will say I never knew you, get away from me". Who may this be? Poor Catholics who never really found Christ. God Bless
@mitchellhernandez8056 9 лет назад
Lee UK hey lee from UK, why are you an idiot. The Catholic church is the church Jesus Christ himself founded and definately in the bible says to stay true to the tradition ive taught you, including the euxharist and all. And your precious Martin Luther had to go screwing up the church by changing things to fit his needs and not what God wanted. I feel bad for you, because you dont know what your missing out on in the Catholic church which is the universal correct and the largest church on the planet
@bennyhuge 9 лет назад
I don't know what to say. God Bless you. If you knew the Gospel you wouldn't call me an idiot, even if you are convinced I am wrong. The Catholic Church was founded in the third century by a Roman Emperor called Constantine. God Bless you. I hope you lose the defensive posture and do the research to bring you to Christ
@Jim-oq1uk 9 лет назад
Lee UK The Bible is read in every Catholic Mass in the world. In fact, the readings today were Acts 14:19-28, Psalms 145:10-13, 21, and John 14:27-31. Also, in Catholicism baptisms from other churches(i.e. Anglican) are considered valid baptisms, and that is just one example of how Catholicism does not view other churches as "completely wrong".
@mjmj007a 9 лет назад
Proverbs 18:2 "Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions." Read the BIBLE yourself and follow Jesus teachings,,,,,It is that simple......
@ONEFAITHofJESUS 5 лет назад
follow Jesus and His Holy apostles' teachings. pls visit our website for the everlasting gospel the apostles preached and info. on the blueprint for local assembly of the saints.
@1234poppycat 4 года назад
@@ONEFAITHofJESUS As the bible was not compiled (by the Catholic Church Council of Rome Synod of Hippo) until the end of the fourth century sticking to the bible was not an instruction from Jesus but he did say Word and Community/ Church Jesus never said decide for yourself he did say learn and follow his apostles which they did and which we see in the letters … It is that simple.
@johnflorio3052 4 года назад
Where in Sacred Scripture does it say we are to decide for ourself what it means?
@duanestewart2021 4 года назад
@@johnflorio3052 John 16:13, 1 John 2:27. Need anymore??
@Plisken65 3 месяца назад
​@1234poppycat check your brain at the door and follow your marxist pope who blesses gay marriage. I'll pass.
@1ricky77333 8 лет назад
You Must be born again.
@monkigun 9 лет назад
Dr. Robert Fastiggi PhD is not an ordained Priest. He is a married professor of Systematic Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit.
@theextreme7134 5 лет назад
Dave Hunt at his best! 20 minutes of Dave Hunt firing off with both barrels! AWESOME!
@theextreme7134 5 лет назад
@LookingIntoTheAbyss Can you prove one thing he said is false???
@Kitiwake 3 года назад
Just remember, youre 'outside' the church.
@theextreme7134 3 года назад
@@Kitiwake I am going to remain 'outside' the worlds biggest heretical, apostate church thank you. "For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (Matthew 7:14)
@thomashess6211 3 года назад
@@Kitiwake I guess you are inside the church. The church of the inquisition and graven images.
@danielpitti896 Год назад
I suppose ALL of you protestants are so.loving, even to The point that for many years you never recognized American natives has a soul ( the church hoy HATE actually did it) and even preached the afros deserved yo be slaves. Not to mention protestant kings más princes in Europe ahí didnt hesitate yo sell catholics as slaves to The Turkish Empire...In every place there are rotten apples, It's Human nature, but I guess hoy reached perffection " and why hoy need Jesus, If You are The "perffect" judge of your neighborg ...
@marcdaneflores9429 9 лет назад
so you're saying that the Holy Spirit is asleep all along until Martin Luther? Yes or No?
@timspangler8440 9 лет назад
What the Devil are you talking about?
@marcoarecibo2173 9 лет назад
Tim Spangler He clearly means that if the Reformed claim about theirs being the only true christianity is true, the Holy Spirit would have to have been "asleep" till the protestant reformation in the 15th century. Not to mention Jesus would be a liar.
@Aivottaja 5 лет назад
What if one is not a Protestant, but still recognizes Catholicism as un-Christian?
@Aivottaja 5 лет назад
@@marcoarecibo2173 And conveniently ignoring that Luther was reforming against an earthly institution's corruption. I think the reason a Catholic would have a problem understanding this is because they worship a mere man, the Pope. The latest of whom, BTW, stated "Christ failed on the cross".
@toosiyabrandt8676 4 года назад
NO! The holy spirit is active in those PERSECUTED BY ROME which is the Whore of Babylon going back to when Nimrod started that mystery religion worshiping the Nephilim ] Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua.
@intentionally-blank 2 месяца назад
Thanks for posting this. Difficult to imagine someone hearing the history of Romanism and popery and not coming out of this false religion.
@frankribeiro399 5 лет назад
God is the judge. God knows his people. Praise my Lord and Jesus.
@courag1 10 лет назад
People who don't have a good argument, resort to attacking the person. If a person was being taught to debate and used such tactics, their professor would tell them to sit down as that is not allowed. (Ad Hominem). Being taught how "not to questions", does not sharpen the debating skills of Catholics. It is like arguing with Muslims, they do not know how to gather evidence for themselves. The Holy Spirit makes it so that all that we learn in the scripture gets linked together when witnessing.
@bitesdadust 7 месяцев назад
Catholics are not afraid of debate. Whenever I refute an erroneous Protestant position from Scripture, the Protestant becomes silent and jumps immediately to the next canard. Why? I wonder !
@TonyB2023 7 лет назад
I'm not sure where this would fit in to any of the other recent threads so I'll just start a new one... Throughout the comments here I have seen and even participated in some uhhhm,,, "discussions" about various topics regarding the Bible and what it says. One topic that has NOT been mentioned (at least in what I saw) is this: The Catholic church states in their doctrines that the magisterium is the only one qualified to read and interpret Scripture. Yes i know that they have relaxed slightly in recent years and now (because of the shortage of priests) allow lay 'deacons' to give the 3 minute sermonette. Since this is the case I have 2 honest questions (not trying to be anal, I would really like sincere answers): 1. As an intelligent Catholic human being, how do you feel when the institution you have placed your ETERNAL destiny in says you are too stupid or ignorant to understand the plain words of God regarding your eternal destiny - the words written with the sole intent of helping you to know , love and have a full personal relationship with God. 2. Since as a Catholic you must agree with that doctrine, why should anyone pay attention to what you say about the Bible? Per the doctrine, the ONLY Catholics that can comment on the Bible, sola scriptura, etc. are the magisterium, and by your own admission you don't (or rather CAN'T) know what you are talking about. [ i.e. Those of you who have said the doctrine of Sola Scriptura can not be found in the Bible. How do you know that? You are incapable of reading and understanding God's Word according to your own leadership. If THEY can't give you a vote of confidence, why should we?] And 3 (just thought of, sorry) Aren't you sinning by rebelling against the doctrine and interpreting Scripture when you haven't been ordained (or at least received an imprimatur for your thoughts) ??? I'm REALLY not trying to start an argument. I would just like to know how you answer those questions for the sake of being able to better understand and perhaps avoid confrontation in the future.
@TonyB2023 7 лет назад
As I suspected... crickets.
@dellaswanson9837 5 лет назад
Sorry bud, I can tell you this much: As a former catholic I was brought into being one no questions asked throughout my whole childhood. Once you're enrolled, you basically make your own decisions having been influenced one way or aNother. It's not easy to give that up. I honestly never would've probably had even the slightest doubt about my faith if I hadn't learned what is in scripture verses what is not. My parents had nine children and out of all of them I'm the only child who reads the holy Bible and that's not every day but when I do, it's to look for the truth (Immanuel). I was otherwise a catholic who prayed the rosary out of tradition and fear of doing the wrong thing for not participating. I prayed a set of 15 bridget prayers for 2 years about and then slowly over time, I started worrying more about my looks and desiring a husband, and fearing that no matter what I'd have to be a nun. I was also at a spiritual warfare if that's what it's called. I sinned deeply in my head. I listened to sounds that I thought would somehow trigger my body to change because of it. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I made my own excuses to the point I spent a lot of my time listening to that load of crap. My mind used to be so much more focused on finding a husband and then I was so focused on the idea of looking better. Anyways, I was walking to work when one of my biggest fears came true. My body got blasted off by a car and I grew unconscious. After I improved my health within a month or two, these religious types of RU-vid videos were everywhere online and I wanted to make sure that my religion was right. Even before I got hit of course I always had a deep down realization that what mass teaches is a lot different than what the bible says. Or the Word of our one Abba who is of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So a website or two changed my whole life in some ways if not many. A car accident did also but even after the accident I was still a catholic. Now I'm an individual catholic. I only rely on scripture from the Catholic Bible. I read the catholic Bible because the bible made by Martin Luther had books removed from it.
@DamasKriss 5 лет назад
@@dellaswanson9837 hi, i like your search for truth! And am thankful you are well. I wanted to address your comment about "luthers bible" having books removed. Well first, the jew (pre Christ) overwhelmingly did not accept the books that sre contained in the RCC bible (AKA the apocryoha). Josephus wrote and confirmed this very early on. Also, many early Christians did not approve of those books either. Though they DID own them, their writings stated that some of the Christians did not consider them canonical and instead, simply good for historical reading. One of the popes, in his commentary on 2 macabres, penned a letter that says even he did not regard it as a canonical book. One of the cardinals that battled Martin Luther also wrote a "book" regarding the apocryoha and dedicated it to the pope. This cardinal did not regard the apocryoha as truly Biblical in nature. One good and simple way to tell if it belongs is by looking at when it was "canonized". Unlike the rest of the Bible, which was recognized as Scripture very early on, the apocryoha was NOT officially recognized as "scripture" until after the protestant reformation. The apocryoha seems to be the source for a number of catholic doctrines that cannot be found anywhere else in the other Scriptures. Such as prayers for the dead or the concept of purgatory. If one was able to pray their deceased ones into heaven, don't you think that Jesus or at least someone else in the NT would have mentioned it at least once? Instead we have numerous verses about hell, salvation, and so forth. Christ wabts us to always be in prayer but never once says that we should be in prayer for the dead/ those in purgatory. Sid He miss it ir was he perhaps not concerned? m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8hOKA9fR2p4.html heres a really cool short video with an awesome coincidence that is found in the Bible. Check it out and also, note that this is not found in the apocrypha. Hopefully this helps. Please know that i am not trying to come against you. I'm only trying to help us all learn. Please share any knowledge you got with me too. We always need to keep growing.
@dellaswanson9837 5 лет назад
@@DamasKriss Hey, so I watched the video and I agree that is really cool. It was hard to keep up with the math calculations but I understood the coincidence. It is pretty awesome. So would that then be a way to know if scripture was added or taken away? You mention the apocrypha and how it does not have this pattern but the rest do... I dont believe in purgatory or asking saints to ask our heavenly Abba to save anyone anymore. But I do believe that heaven and earth passing was taken more literal than how people take it. Yes I've read online how it's used in Jewish times as a nation of people but it doesn't add all the way up, unless the book of revelation is apocrypha. So here's where I'm getting at: In Matthew 24:35 says that heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away. Someone told me this only referred to Israel but this verse popped up after learning about when the Son of Man comes. Matthew 24:30 Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. Therefore, even though in AD 70 the romans took over Jerusalem, The Son of Man did not come yet, and by looking in the book of revelations it appears that heaven and earth do not pass until The Almighty Abba comes again. Rev 20:11 Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. Then shortly a new Jerusalem and a new order of things occur afterwards and the Lamb Shines so the people do not need sun nor moon. Nor night. Rev 21:1 Then I saw "a new heaven and a new earth," for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea But anyways a guy told me that heaven and earth passing was when the romans conquered Jerusalem and then Jerusalem became a nation again in 1948 hence a new Jerusalem. But we have not seen The Son of Man come again to save His Apostles yet, nor did our Abba who is of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob come to live and reign on a new earth forever and ever in a new Jerusalem. Even when the one sitting on the white throne comes, I mean we wont even be judged for our deeds until after heaven and earth pass away. The Lamb also says in the book of Matthew that because His disciples have given up everything to follow him that in the new age they will be helping The Lamb judge the nations of the earth. 27Peter answered him, “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” 28Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife e or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first." And And as prophecied, Rev 20:4 4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God.
@DamasKriss 5 лет назад
@@dellaswanson9837 hey, glad you cheked it out. That guy does some awesome studies. As for your question, no, the video sent is not an absolute way of determining what is and is not Scripture. To put it simply, the Old Testament seems to contain all the books we have today, minus the apocrypha (i believe this because the jews who wrote it all seemed to believe the same, and as you stated, the apocrypha doesnt quite add up). As for the new testament, another formula might have been used to determine what was canonical. This is much harder for me to grasp, to be honest. Writings from the apostles themselves or scribed on their behalf seem to be accepted without question though. Like Pauls writings. What other exact methods were used? It's hard for me to tell. Very early on, Christians seemed to have their own personal collections of books. What they thought was cannonical. Interestingly, a few of the collectors had sets that mirror very closely to what we have today (plus or minus a few). Over the years, some books were adopted as others were rejected. One thing we know is that some Scripures were considered as such from the very beginning. We have Peter stating his inclusion of Pauls writings as Scripture in 2 peter 3:16. Ultimately, it seems that all major religions that ceneter around Christ seem to agree on what we currently hold as the New Tetament. The only thing i can imagine is that just as God used the writers to pen 100% truth into their writings, He too made sure that we ended up with exactly what we need to learn of Him. If He can inspire the words, He can surely assemble them. As for Revelation. That there is a tricky one for me. I have not studied Revelation super in depth because it deals so much with prophesy and future events. But one thing i can say is that the heaven and earth passing away do seem to be literal. Do you go to church? Perhaps track down one of your Pastors and see what they think? When i get the chance, I'll bug mine too and see if i can pass any info onto you. I apologize i can't be more helpful here. I don't even want to risk spreading false information about God's word. But thank you very much for encouraging me now to begin a new study of Revelation!!
@sooner1867 9 месяцев назад
I would love to have a printed version of this message. Dave talks way too fast.
@Christianpreaching 9 месяцев назад
You will have to type and pause the message while you catch up typing
@robertgallegos4944 9 лет назад
Debate: Catholic vs Protestant - Sola Scriptura - Peter D. Williams vs J...: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ziAGNdXqHqo.html
@2handsfull 8 лет назад
Lets make this simple; The actual word CHRISTIAN is so easily found written in the Bible. The word catholic is such a shot in the dark, it's like looking for a needle in a hay stack. I will go on to say that even the catholic's first so called pope said CHRISTIAN. The first time was in (Acts 11:26) And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26) Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. (Acts 26:28) PETER himself said - Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.(1 Peter 4:16).. Yes even PETER said CHRISTIAN, not catholic. Why do the Pagan catholic's think they have to use FALSE definitions, lies, and scruple-less meanings to even come close to coming up with the word catholic that was NEVER even used until OVER 107 years LATER? ANYONE that says catholic is in the bible in ANY shape or form is simply a LIAR and a FALSE WITNESS! Enough SAID!
@davidortega357 8 месяцев назад
Catholics don't preach what Peter preach on the day of Pentecost the jews wanted to be saved then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized everyone in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the holy Spirit today catholic baby baptism sprinkling this baptism is invalid baby can't repent nor believe it becomes a religion they dont believe in true Bible salvation.
@janejames9173 3 года назад
Mind-boggling. Thank you.
@FREEMAN.... 8 лет назад
Isn't Martin Luther the guy who threw the Ten Commandments (God's Law) in trash?
@1969cmp 6 лет назад
Probably the Catholic version that omitted the command about not worshipping idols :-)
@deanbritton7917 4 месяца назад
@@1969cmp fail. Nothing was removed. Luther just numbered them differently as did the Catholic Church
@1969cmp 4 месяца назад
@@deanbritton7917 ....if nothing was removed then the question is, why did or do the Roman Catholics talk to idols?
@BethHutch-pg5yi 2 месяца назад
@@1969cmp my! an intelligent question I'd like to have your brain
@530jazzercise Месяц назад
0:21 “the bible”..what are the 66 prooftexts that prove my kjv is all scripture and only scripture?..what are the prooftexts for those prooftexts?..and the prooftexts for those prooftexts?..the prooftext infinite regress stops at the council of rome in 395 ad
@havoc092 10 лет назад
If I'm not a cop; but, put on a uniform and pretend to be.. is it hate if you tell me I'm not a cop?
@gatzu8599 3 года назад
To catholics it would be a yes
@havoc092 3 года назад
@@gatzu8599 Then perhaps the logic needs examined on the part of Catholics.
@leelansford1043 9 лет назад
Who is Dave Hunt and why should anyone care what he thinks? Is he a pastor of a man-made church?
@sdboyd 8 лет назад
+Lee Lansford The internet says that he is "Plymouth Brethren". I guess that's an offshoot of a couple dozen other subsequent offshoots of the Protestant revolt.
@JacobEllinger 8 лет назад
+Lee Lansford over 40 years of non stop bible study. I mean even that should not matter because he is quoting sound doctrine to rebuke Catholicism. These are not his words but are what anyone can read in the bible and make the same conclusions.
@leelansford1043 8 лет назад
+Jacob Ellinger , Dave Hunt, like most all fundies, picks and chooses among everything and elects to believe only that which fits his leanings. All that he has is 40+- years of err.
@JacobEllinger 8 лет назад
Lee Lansford Picks and chooses from the bible. at least his doctrine is from the source materiel.
@leelansford1043 8 лет назад
+Jacob Ellinger , he does not seek truth. He seeks to put forth his personal agenda. The universal church was named as such circa-110 AD by Ignatius of Antioch. The universal church is katholikos in the Greek. BTW, you are aware that it is the Catholic Church--guided by the Holy Spirit-- which gave us all the bible, yes? Protestants use the edited (by Luther and friends; removing that which did not fit with his leanings) version of the bible. Question for you: What came first, the universal church or the bible? Answer correctly and you are Catholic.
@stevensonrf 9 лет назад
So how did (specifically) the Catholic Church stray from the 1st century church? The real Church is catholic and apostolic. Can You show your apostolic succession?
@stevensonrf 9 лет назад
***** First, You did not answer my question. I asked about the "Catholic" church Not the Roman Catholic church. My point is that the true Church is both Catholic and Apostolic. Second, how do you trace your historical Apostolic succession? Where is Your Apostolic authority? And please don't say the Bible. It's anachronistic because the Bible, as we now know it, did not exist until 400 years after the first century. In fact, if true Christianity was to be solely a religion of the Book, wouldn't we hear Jesus admonishing us to "read our bibles"? Perhaps You should read the Church Fathers?
@stevensonrf 9 лет назад
By "the north" do You mean the Protestant reformation?
@monkigun 9 лет назад
***** On what planet did your story take place? it certainly wasn't the planet Earth. Must have been Planet Kolob...
@aughalough1 9 лет назад
Geocedille, what drugs are you on ?
@owensterry29 5 месяцев назад
Your claims of apostolic succession are a myth based on forgeries such as the donations of Constantine and the pseudo-isodorian decretals. There's not one passage in scripture that proves that Simon Peter ever set foot in Rome. I don't care what the early so-called Catholic fathers say because they're not reliable and why?Because they contradict the Bible and they fought each other and contradicted each other. I'm sure that one of them actually encountered a man named Simon in Rome but he wasn't the Apostle Peter. That Simon was Simon Magus mentioned in Acts 8:9-24 This Simon Magus started the practice of the buying and selling of ecclesiastical favors:Simony.This was adopted by the Roman catholic church and it's still a common practice. Such as: Indulgences Freeing souls from the fictitious purgatory,,etc ad nauseum. Ist Peter 5:13 is the only reference that seems to point to Peter being in Rome,,he refers to the Church at Babylon. The Babylonian Empire was long since destroyed but the land was still known as Babylon during the 1st century and had a large population of Jews of which Peter was the Apostle to the circumcision whereas Paul was the Apostle to the Gentiles. I have no doubt that Rome was and is rightly called Babylon and she's mentioned in Revelation 17:1-18 and ch 18
@leelansford1043 9 лет назад
RE: Dave Hunt; see John 8:44
@1969cmp 6 лет назад
So, traditional Roman Catholics do and believe the following teachings that are not in the Bible and are clearly herecies. Praying to Mary as mediator between believers and God. The Bible clearly states that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Purgatory is not in the Bible. A person is either born again or they are unsaved. Two conditions and two destinies. Mary is not a perpetual virgin. The Bible is clear that Joseph did not 'know' Mary before she conceived but did so after the birth of Jesus. Hence why scripture states that Jesus has brothers and sisters.
@Kitiwake 3 года назад
You are completely wrong in your list of course. But hey you made your choice.
@bitesdadust 7 месяцев назад
How do you answer this, and please don't jump: the words TRINITY or RAPTURE are not in Bible
@1969cmp 7 месяцев назад
Descriptions from the text. For example, the 'rapture' is described in 1 Thessalonians 4. Description is better than a single word as the meaning of the word can be contested. Describing an event or person tightens the point of doctrine or belief. The same is true with The Trinity.@@bitesdadust
@bellanduga4840 28 дней назад
No one has ever said Mary is our mediator between believers and God. You people just pick things and run with it. That is very sad. If you are going to argue against the Catholics, please come with facts.
@bellanduga4840 28 дней назад
And also I have a question, who said that everything that we need to know about God is in the bible?
@peterkrauss2590 6 лет назад
yeah..the inquisition is a dealbreaker.
@-hg7fc 6 лет назад
Under the inquisition there were no heretics damming the souls of millions. Look at Western Society today filled with black magic heresy atheism infanticide contraceptives degeneracy. This is the fruit of protestantism.
@1234poppycat 4 года назад
@@-hg7fc Also in the Spanish Inquisition over 300 years less than 2000 were killed (not all by the Church) this is only a fraction of the killings of Protestantism …. even the Protestant Pilgrim Fathers escaped on the Mayflower around 1603 to the New World from protestant England when the protestants were fighting among themselves
@hglundahl 7 месяцев назад
Up to 0:37 _"my opponent will __0:09__ undoubtedly quote from some of the __0:11__ so-called early church fathers to show __0:13__ that they held beliefs compatible with __0:15__ roman catholicism __0:16__ the earliest christianity however is __0:19__ found in the bible __0:20__ and anything no matter how ancient which __0:22__ contradicts scripture __0:24__ is not christianity at all even the __0:26__ beliefs and practices of church leaders __0:28__ who were in the very next __0:30__ generation after the apostles cannot be __0:32__ relied upon __0:33__ as true christianity much less those __0:35__ from later generations"_ Has Dave Hunt read the Bible? Specifically, has he read Matthew 28:16--20? What does "all the days" mean? What does "to the consummation of time" mean?
@thorvilkwilliams9596 7 лет назад
Let us say we are in the 10th or 12th Century, where should I go to able to see a Bible?
@aughalough1 7 лет назад
Thorvilk Williams, from the 1st to 15th century the only Christain church was the Catholic Church& the bible is a Catholic book .
@onemarktwoyou 7 лет назад
AUGH LOL!!! Why do you pagans always forget about the great schism when the true catholics cursed the roman rite to hell.
@calumroney7352 7 лет назад
+aughalough1 omg the roman church was the only Christian church?, oh really? ,so what about the Christians who were cathers, coptics, eastern orthodox, celtic Christianity etc?, oh by the way, columba who brought Christianity to my country scotland was a celtic Christian not a roman one.
@thorvilkwilliams9596 7 лет назад
Hi Calum, are you belong to eastern orthodox? coptics? celtic?
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
Eastern Orthodox CATHOLICS are Catholics so they are Christian.. All the Orthodox Churches consider themselves Catholic and have it in their official name. Copts are Christians because they baptised correctly and profess the nicene Creed in fact the Catholic Church considers Copts Catholics - most Copts belong the the Coptic Catholic Church anyway. Celtic Christianity is a myth. The archeology bears out that these were Catholic Roman soldiers - Catholicism had made inroads into the Roman military class - these were not native Celtic Catholics. Do you consider Jehovah's Witnesses Christians??? Well Cathars would be burned as heretics by Protestants because they held beliefs which were far more non-Christian than even the JWs lol lol lol During the 1990s the JWs were using the Cathars to bash Catholics but quietly dropped waving the Cathar banner as even they could not consider Cathars Christians ... Nice try ...
@1974jrod 8 лет назад
And by the way Mike, Dave died a couple of years back. So I think it would be difficult to arrest him. Even as imperfect as a person as I am sure he would have admitted, I am certain he is in Heaven with Christ, and I am certain Dave would hope that you will be there someday as well! God bless! :)
@bridgefin 8 лет назад
+1974jrod And I would put my money on him still being in purgatory making full restitution for all those souls whom he led astray. Yes, you can go there even if you do not believe it exists. Just the same way atheists can go to Hell even though they will swear it is just a fantasy.
@1974jrod 8 лет назад
Purgatory? Lol. Atheists going to hell? Where is the Christ centeredness that says Father forgive them for they know not what they do. As they whipped and beat him. And you consider yourself a good catholic?
@bridgefin 8 лет назад
1974jrod You don't get to Heaven on someone else's repentance but on your own. Figuring I was speaking to a Protestant I knew that sending atheists to Hell would resonate with them. But it was only to make a point. And, yes, it would be my personal opinion that Dave Hunt would be happy to be in Purgatory after all the damage he has done to Christianity!
@Revelation18-4 5 лет назад
@@bridgefin And who died and made you God to judge anyone?
@bridgefin 5 лет назад
@@Revelation18-4 I judged no one. If you read what I said you would see that I expressed my personal opinion.
@havoc092 10 лет назад
I agree. And I tend to use debates to exemplify the problem in this regard. Catholics tend to run about saying 'unity at all cost' or the like and pretend that disagreement is wrong; but, it was an apostle that said that disagreement must exist so that the truth will out.; And debate seems a great way to illustrate to the passive lurker exactly what is going on. I never debate to convert my opponent, nor to look good, to seem smarter, etc. Better to illustrate for others so they can see.
@nosuchthing8 7 лет назад
so there was over thousand years of jesus worshippers that were wrong. But its like your opinion man.
@timspangler8440 8 лет назад
Which is better baptism? (1) Being baptised (with water) by a Priest when you are an infant not knowing even what is going on? (2) Being baptised (with water) by John the Baptist? (3) Being baptised with the HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE...by JESUS? 11 “I baptize you with[b] water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with[c] the Holy Spirit and fire.
@rovildcrasta4436 8 лет назад
What bible do you non catholics know?! All distorted beliefs. When 100% non catholic know the bible they know twisted and perverted meanings. But if a Catholic knows his bible, he knows the absolute truth that bible itself provides. Better baptism is just the Baptism by Holy Spirit? John 3:5 "Unless you are baptised with water and the spirit you will not enter the kingdom of God" You see baptism with water is necessary and comes first before baptism with Holy Spirit just as people during jesus' time were first baptised with water by John and were later baptised by jesus with Spirit. Infant baptism is unbiblical?? Acts 16:33 says the whole household of the jailer was baptised. So no infants were there? Entire Household of Stephanas was baptised in 1cor1:16. No infants again?? Acts2:38 - Peter says every one of YOU believe in the name of Jesus and the promise is for YOU and your children. So who believes here?? Those who are adults who can make decisions are the YOU here. And because of the parents the children also are baptised. The promise is only for those baptised. The promise recieved by childrem implies they too are baptised. Jesus says Let the children come to me. What bible do you people know?
@timspangler8440 8 лет назад
+Rovild Crasta Are you perfect? Jesus commands us to be PERFECT.
@rovildcrasta4436 8 лет назад
+Tim Spangler These answers are just the answers coming out of a cornered mouse. You are unable to digest the TRUTH when it is provided directly from bible and now when you reply your reply is just out of context without meaning. Better humble yourself when TRUTH is provided. Never be a Pharisee
@timspangler8440 8 лет назад
+Rovild Crasta Please do provide the "context" for Jesus' mandate we be PERFECT. Does he mean try really really hard and he will overlook the fact we aren't perfect? Does he expect us to actually never sin again? Teach me.
@gatzu8599 3 года назад
3 is the only one that saves you.
@sambounader8895 10 лет назад
Love one another as I have loved you . Stop wasting your time bringing down the church which Jesus built on the Rock. Instead, love your fellow man and do good to those who despise you and lets all pray for each other. As we all know, it is a hard road to Heaven and we all want to get there.
@righteouslamb5756 10 лет назад
He was talking about the brothers. Christians!!!!! not the fake catholics that teach and spread false doctorines of evil popes! read your Bible ! None of tyhe stuff you do every day has anything to do with the Bible. Biblical proof is everything!! You have false doctorine!!!Christianity came before Catholism . catholics are liars!
@courag1 10 лет назад
The Catholic church's "Rock" will become the great millstone about its neck who have hurt countless thousand upon thousands of children, which was the penalty Christ stated for hurting these little ones. Christ didn't come to bring the version of peace you have. The real faithful contend for the faith delivered once and for all in the Bible. The new life in Jesus Christ is superior in every way to the blasphemous system of sacraments of which God's Word is completely at odds with. Christ died once and for all for the redemption of sins,
@JohnMiller-bt5yy 10 лет назад
courag1 Peter will be wrapped around the neck of the Catholic Church? You don't trust Jesus's decision to build his Church on Peter?
@courag1 10 лет назад
John Miller When did Peter burn others at the stake, or torture people, when did he rape children, when did he persecute people for reading the scriptures? Since Peter was a Jew, when did He persecute the Jews and Christians for worshipping according to the scriptures, on Sabbath? When did people pour boiling water in people's ears or put them in gas chambers? When did he throw babies to their mothers being burned? When would he have sung to Lucifer? The Catholic church does all of this. When did Peter kill children or traffic them, selling them on the black market. When did Peter partner with the Mafia and launder money for them? Rome of the caesars put on a dress and called it "Christianity". There were more persecutions after the popes moved into the Vatican then ever under the caesars. Just how many more millions need to suffer for you to think that the corruption has gone far enough, when it affects you personally? Such thinking has killed 50,000 children in Canada believing that it is not a crime to kill indigenous people or their children. Why? Don't they have souls or do you think that somehow the pope has to have a good reason? Is this the price of your Jesus wafer? How much suffering does it take until you realize that YHWH accepted His Son's death as payment for all of mankind's sins as the Bible says? No resacrifice of the mass is necessary, no penance of nuns (another name for torture) is required. It is clear that the Inquisition has never stopped, it just went underground. The pope was convicted by the International Common Law Court of high crimes against children. What do they know that you do not? They apparently have something you lack, a sense of outrage.
@JohnMiller-bt5yy 10 лет назад
I didn't even finish reading this. Because people did those things, that means every Catholic did it, hm? Normally I can discuss things with people but not when they're so full of hate. Good luck. I'll pray for you.
@BibleNutter 7 лет назад
Wow! Good stuff! Thanks for the video!
@beautyforashes7909 9 лет назад
Here is a page with more info about Catholicism: jdlarsenmn.tripod.com/wom_rds_beast.htm
@andseraf8544 6 лет назад
Acts 17:24-25 KJV [24] God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; [25] Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
@alprazolam4151 8 лет назад
Great thought process. I too am a "Bible believing Christian" But suppose I lived in 75AD was 11 years old and couldn't read. I think there was an answer for that back then. It was called the "Bread of Life" That's what jesus left us. A common food to the world, but a special food to the Church.
@Funz2022 9 лет назад
Now THIS is Gospel-speak. Well said Mr. Hunt!
@havoc092 10 лет назад
Again, see my previous postings. Pretty sad when the best you can do is hurl accusations about me. Man up.
@havoc092 10 лет назад
..Another point I would make is you have to thoroughly document what Catholics say and check their sources. I don't know how many times I have been given references in debate by catholics and the references had nothing to do with what they were saying. Nothing. For a key example, and you can probably still google this, The Romanists claim that Rome=Babylon was an established euphanism in the 1st century for purposes of trying to argue that Peter wrote one of his epistles from Rome. Their citation was to Baruch, which doesn't touch the subject, from the Sybillean oracles which were published as late as 210 ad by their own admission, and the apocalypse of John, which was published in 98ad. The problem here is that Revelation was written some 35 years after peter wrote his book and some 30 years after Peter died - at least according to their traditions. This poses a rather huge problem for the spacetime continuum. At the very least, none of it establishes what they say it establishes.. quite the opposite. So, Peter wrote from Babylon in the land of Shinar; but, Romanists needed badly for him to be in Rome, thus the torturing of reality to make it seem so - unless you bother to read.
@fkj4428 6 лет назад
Like David of old, Dave Hunts God's enemies down. Glorious warefare. True spiritual warefare. Liberating!
@nataliefourie7023 5 лет назад
Straight to the point and Biblically 100% correct. Catholics are blinded to their pagan worship but many of them are seeing this and leaving this cult for real Christianity! Amen!
@bobgarrett7134 8 месяцев назад
You're a liar and a bigot. Catholics are part of the Church instituted by Christ. ALL Protestant religions splintered off from the true Church. ALL are in serious error. Nothing Catholics do is Pagan. That's a bigoted Protestant lie, along with all your other vicious, bigoted lies.
@HarryNicNicholas 7 месяцев назад
we atheists love to see you argue over what god really said, every time you do an angel turns queer.
@bobgarrett7134 7 месяцев назад
@@HarryNicNicholas Every time you atheists scoff at God, angels, and their love and efforts to save humanity, you're paving your way to Hell. Rather than seeking and searching, you make a joke out of it. I'd love to see your face when you stand before God and explain yourself.
@user-vi9qq2fi3q 7 месяцев назад
@@HarryNicNicholas Hope it will not come to that. Better to differentiate between good and evil and then run to good.
@brendaann727 7 месяцев назад
@@HarryNicNicholas-We are not to argue... "But the servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but be patient unto all men, apt to teach, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves..."
@garrypags6960 5 лет назад
Then mention who is the followers of the Apostles, now a days.
@davidortega357 8 месяцев назад
The 12 Apostles all baptized in the name of jesus christ they baptized those who believe and repented nobody in the bible got baptized in the name of father son holy ghost the reason these sre titles his said to baptized in the name of jesus christ read the hook of Acts
@mhachankikon9328 3 года назад
Plz re_educate him from jews roots to Catholicism?
@tombrydson781 9 месяцев назад
Great words great knowledge 100%
@bitesdadust 7 месяцев назад
I am glad you didn't BLOCK the comments section (as many evangelical pastors do out of fear), so your hearers can read the truth. Firstly it was the Catholic Church who gave you the Scriptures, not Martin Luther. They didn't simply fall from heaven. The Canon of Scripture had to be decided upon by a Catholic Church council. The TRUE church is "founded on the Apostles" (Ephesians 2:20), not on the protests of Martin Luther or John Calvin. The Catholic Church "is the Pillar and foundation of Truth" (1 Tim 3:15). Jesus founded ONE Church ("on this rock I will build my CHURCH" Mat 16) not 35,000 Plus. While the churches which have sprung up since the 16 Century all agree that the Bible is the infallible Word of God, yet you arrive at 35,000 PLUS interpretations. How is that possible given that they all claim to be spirit filled churches? This makes their claims pretty lame. Which one is true then, since you disagree with each other. (Just see John MacArthur call out every mega church leader as a false prophet) But you certainly agree on one thing -- that you despise the Catholic Church and her teaching handed on from the Apostles. As for the comment @bennyhuge ... that "Catholics never read the Bible" ... that is the usual bigoted ignorant and ill informed canard trotted out on every possible occasion. Finally, the Catholic Church has lasted over 2,000 years despite bad church leaders. By contrast the mainline Protestant Churches are in steady decline -- and that only after 500 years.
@Christianpreaching 7 месяцев назад
Yes, blocking comments is lame. Ill admit I dont know everything but that does not mean I need to block people. As for your comments and questions, ill try to respond. First of all, the Jews gave us the scriptures, not the Catholic Church, The Catholic Church did the opposite; they suppressed it. Secondly the church spoken of in 1 Tim 3:15 is not the Roman Catholic church but rather the universal body aka church of Christ. There are several definitions of the word "church", and this verse is not referring to the Roman Catholic religion. Which church is the one true church? It depends on which definition you are referring to. Church can mean 1. Christ's invisible body I referred to, 2. a specific congregation, 3. a structure with a steeple. and thats just to name a few. The one true church is not a denomination, it is all of Christians throuought history, the universal church. Anyone can claim that the religion they belong to is the one true church. There is a denomination called "The Church of Christ" which does the same exact thing the Roman Catholic Church does: they claim that their organization is the one true church too. In fact, thats why their denomination is called "The Church of Christ". Unfortunately, many of their parishioners put their faith in the fact that they are in the "right church" instead of in Christ himself for salvation. This is where they err and so does the Roman Catholic religion as well. Put your faith in Christ alone, not in a questionable organization with as many faults as Dave Hunt spoke of.
@BethHutch-pg5yi 2 месяца назад
your arguments, dear person, don't hold water
@aughalough1 7 лет назад
No protestant has a bible to misquote from with out the catholic Church. The fullness of truth is found in catholicism "the Pillar and foundation of truth"
@Revelation18-4 5 лет назад
Their pillared is a pagan phallic obelisk, which is in the center of the Vatican sun wheel circle of paganry and masonry. No faith there.
@bisayachannel7370 5 лет назад
The BIBLE is produced by RCC,Who are you to interpret this,RCC church the one who explain or interpret the bible (2pet.1:20,malachai 2:7)
@ToOpen6seven 3 года назад
You are deceived and you need to read your Bible KJV
@MJ4EVER68 8 лет назад
Is worship of saints / Mary biblical The Bible is absolutely clear that we are to worship God alone. The only instances of anyone other than God receiving worship in the Bible are false gods, which are Satan and his demons. All followers of the Lord God refuse worship. Peter and the apostles refused to be worshipped (Acts 10:25-26; 14:13-14). The holy angels refuse to be worshipped (Revelation 19:10; 22:9). The response is always the same, “Worship God!” The problem with this is that God explicitly commands against worshipping Him through created things. We are not to bow down and worship the form of anything in heaven above or earth below (Exodus 20:4-5). Romans 1:25 could not be more clear: “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen.” Yes, God has created wonderful and amazing things. Yes, Mary was a godly woman who is worthy of our respect. No, we absolutely are not to worship God “vicariously” by praising things (or people) He has created. Doing so is blatant idolatry. But prayer to anyone other than God alone is anti-biblical. Whether Mary and/or the saints are prayed to, or whether they are petitioned for their prayers-neither practice is biblical. Prayer is an act of worship. When we pray to God, we are admitting that we need His help. Directing our prayers to anyone other than God is robbing God of the glory that is His alone. Another way Catholics “venerate” Mary and the saints is by creating statues and images of them. Many Catholics use images of Mary and/or the saints as “good luck charms.” Any cursory reading of the Bible will reveal this practice as blatant idolatry (Exodus 20:4-6; 1 Corinthians 12:1-2; 1 John 5:21). Rubbing rosary beads is idolatry. Lighting candles before a statue or portrayal of a saint is idolatry. Burying a Joseph statue in hopes of selling your home (and countless other Catholic practices) is idolatry. The terminology is not the issue. Whether the practice is described as “worship” or “veneration” or any other term, the problem is the same. Any time we ascribe something that belongs to God to someone else, it is idolatry. The Bible nowhere instructs us to revere, pray to, rely on, or “idolize” anyone other than God. We are to worship God alone. Glory, praise, and honor belong to God alone. Only God is worthy to “receive glory and honor and power” (Revelation 4:11). God alone is worthy to receive our worship, adoration, and praise (Nehemiah 9:6; Revelation 15:4).
@venom7774 7 лет назад
Amen sister. You summed it up perfectly. I take all issues and praise to the trinity. No one thing else.
@fritordebes157 8 лет назад
Very well said Mr. Hunt. I fully agree with your observations. Well said. Amen.
@dragonofthewest9186 8 лет назад
+Fríðtór Debes he is deludid and does't know the first thing of catholicism(True Christianity).
@chadwoods2364 6 лет назад
gorjan dejkoski and you have no evidence to back that up.
@terijune3307 6 лет назад
Dear All, I love anyone who will respectfully ask questions... and show proof of things. So much of religion seems to be based on, "because God said it". I respectfully understand reading the Bible and interpreting things that personally ring true, and which uplift. But solid proof of things is the best way to convince others that what we believe is true.And lets face it, much of the Bible has been "officially" interpreted by human beings, and in accord with the ancient Vatican, and in such a way that both Catholics and Protestants think that because it's been a belief for centuries it must be true. Like a Trinity, or hell, or that God required blood to be shed to be satisfied. No one says yet that these doctrines all came from ancient Pagan days, where shedding human blood was actually thought to satiate their gods. The Trinity of 3 separate gods was taken directly out of similar pagan trinities of gods. A god of the underworld and a cruel underworld after death were helpful in keeping people in line even in Pagan days. But we are getting better at asking where did some of our doctrines come from. But I love that Dave Hunt showed historical proof of the death sentences for those who deny some of the Catholic doctrines. I appreciated that that Dave spoke of here, that anyone who denies there's a purgatory, is a heretic whether they know it or not. However Dave has not gone so far as to ask where the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity came from or hell, or blood sacrifices. Rob Bell, a brilliant, kind, and amazing and inspiring preacher, and leader of a large church retired from that Church when he suggested that hell is not a real place and that we make hell on Earth. Rob's shunning shows how much farther we have to go to help people see that God is a God of love, and would never approve of eternal torture for his children. Much love to all Christians and/or believers in a loving God
@courag1 10 лет назад
If you say so, bless God as He said that blessed are you when men persecute your. How happy am I that you fulfill scripture though you hate that you do. Ad hominem arguments show you have nothing going for you.
@PInk77W1 7 лет назад
Popes. 1) St. Peter (33-67) 2) St. Linus (67-76) 3) St. Cletus (76-88) 4) St. Clement 1 (88-97) 5) St. Evaristus (97-105) 6) St. Alexander I (105-1l5) 7) St. Sixtus I (1l5-125) 8) St. Telesphorus (125-136) 9) St. Hyginus (136-140) 10) St. Pius I (140-155) 11) St. Anicetus (155-166) 12) St. Soter (166-175) 13) St. Eleutherius (175-189) 14) St. Victor I (189-199) 15) St. Zephyrinus (199-217) 16) St. Callistus (217-222) 17) St. Urban I (222-230) 18) St. Pontian (230-235) 19) St. Anterus (235-236) 20) St. Fabian (236-250) 21) St. Cornelius (251-253) 22) St. Lucius I (253-254) 23) St. Stephen I (254-257) 24) St. Sixtus I1 (257-258) 25) St. Dionysius (256-268) 26) St. Felix I (269-274) 27) St. Eutychian (275-283) 28) St. Caius (283-296) 29) St. Marcellinus (296-304) 30) St. Marcellus I (308-309) 31) St. Eusebius (309) 32) St. Miltiades (31l-314) 33) St. Sil Vester I (314-335) 34) St. Mark (336) 35) St. Julius I (337-352) 36) Liberius (352-366) 37) St. Damasus I (366-384) 38) St. Siricius (384-399) 39) St. Anastasius I (399-401) 40) St. Innocent I (401-417) 41) St. Zosimus (417-418) 42) St. Boniface I (418-422) 43) St. Celestine I (422-432) 44) St. Sixtus III (432-440) 45) St. Leo I (440-461) 46) St. Hilarus (461-468) 47) St. Simplicius (468-483) 48) St. Felix III (483-492) 49) St. Gelasius I (492-496) 50) Anastasius II (496-498) 51) St. Symmachus (498-514) 52) St. Hormisdas (514-523) 53) St. John I (523-526) 54) St. Felix IV (526-530) 55) Boniface II (530-532) 56) John II (533-535) 57) Agapitus I (535-536) 58) St. Silverius (536-537) 59) Vigilius (537.555) 60) Pelagius I (556-561) 61) John III (561-574) 62) Benedict I (575-579) 63) Pelagius II (579-590) 64) St. Gregory I (590-604) 65) Sabinian (604-606) 66) Boniface III (607) 67) St. Boniface IV (608-615) 68) St. Adeodatus (615-618) 69) Boniface V (619-625) 70) Honorius I (625-638) 71) Severinus (640) 72) John IV (640-642) 73) Theodore I (642-649) 74) St. Martin I (649-655) 75) St. Eugene I (654-657) 76) St. Vitalian (657-672) 77) Adeodatus II (672-676) 78) Donus (676-678) 79) St. Agatho (678-681) 80) St. Leo II (682-683) 81) St. Benedict II (684-685) 82) John V (685-686) 83) Conon (686-687) 84) St. Sergius I (687-701) 85) John VI (701-705) 86) John VII (705-707) 87) Sissinius (708) 88) Constantine (708-715) 89) St. Gregory II (715-731) 90) St. Gregory III (731-741) 91) St. Zacharias (741-752) 92) Stephen II (752-757) 93) St. Paul I (757-767) 94) Stephen III (768-772) 95) Hadrian I (772-795) 96) St. Leo III (795-816) 97) Stephen IV (816-817) 98) St. Paschal I (817-824) 99) Eugene II (824-827) 100) Valentine (827) 101) Gregory IV (827-844) 102) Sergius II (844-847) 103) St. Leo IV (847-855) 104) Benedict III (855-858) 105) St. Nicholas (858-867) 106) Hadrian II (867-872) 107) John VIII (872-882) 108) Marinus I (882-884) 109) St. Hadrian III (884-885) 110) Stephen V (885-891) 111) Formosus (891-896) 112) Boniface VI (896) 113) Stephen VI (896-897) 114) Romanus (897) 115) Theodore II (897) 116) John IX (898-900) 117) Benedict IV (900-903) 118) Leo V (903) 119) Sergius III (904-91l) 120) Anastasius III (91l-913) 121) Lando (913-914) 122) John X (914-928) 123) Leo VI (928) 124) Stephen VII (928-931) 125) John XI (931-935) 126) Leo VII (936-939) 127) Stephen VIII (939-942) 128) Marinus II (942-946) 129) Agapitus II (946-955) 130) John XII (955-964) 131) Leo VIII (963-965) 132) Benedict V (964-966) 133) John XIII (965-972) 134) Benedict VI (973-974) 135) Benedict VII (974-983) 136) John XIV (983-984) 137) John XV (985-996) 138) Gregory V (996-999) 139) Silvester II (999-1003) 140) John XVII (1003) 141) John XVIII (1004-1009) 142) Sergius IV (1009-1012) 143) Benedict VIII (1012-1024) 144) John XIX (1024-1032) 145) Benedict IX (1032-1044) 146) Silvester III (1045) 147) Benedict IX (1045) 148) Gregory VI (1045-1046) 149) Clement II (1046-1047) 150) Benedict IX (1047-1048) 151) Damasus II (1048) 152) St. Leo IX (1049-1054) 153) Victor II (1055-1057) 154) Stephen IX (1057-1058) 155) Nicholas II (1059-1061) 156) Alexander II (1061-1073) 157) St. Gregory VII (1073-1085) 158) Bl. Victor III (1086-1087) 159) Bl. Urban II (1088-1099) 160) Paschal II (1099-1118) 161) Gelasius II (1118-1119) 162) Callistus II (1119-1124) 163) Honorius II (1124-1130) 164) Innocent II (1130-1143) 165) Celestine II (1143-1144) 166) Lucius II (1144-1145) 167) Bl. Eugene III (1145-1153) 168) Anastasius IV (1153-1154) 169) Hadrian IV (1154-1159) 170) Alexander III (1159-1181) 17l) Lucius III (1181-1185) 172) Urban III (1185-1187) 173) Gregory VIII (1187) 174) Clement III (1187-1191) 175) Celestine III (1191-1198) 176) Innocent III (1198-1216) 177) Honorius III (1216-1227) 178) Gregory IX (1227-1241) 179) Celestine IV (1241) 180) Innocent IV (1243-1254) 181) Alexander IV (1254-1261) 182) Urban IV (1261-1264) 183) Clement IV (1265-1268) 184) Bl. Gregory X (1272-1276) 185) Bl. Innocent V (1276) 186) Hadrian V (1276) 187) John XXI (1276-1277) 188) Nicholas III (1277-1280) 189) Martin IV (1281-1285) 190) Honorius IV (1285-1287) 191) Nicholas IV (1288-1292) 192) St. Celestine V (1294) 193) Boniface VIII (1294-1303) 194) Bl. Benedict XI (1303-1304) 195) Clement V (1305-1314) 196) John XXII (1316-1334) 197) Benedict XII (1335-1342) 198) Clement VI (1342-1352) 199) Innocent VI (1352-1362) 200) Bl. Urban V (1362-1370) 201) Gregory XI (1371-1378) 202) Urban VI (1378-1389) 203) Boniface IX (1389-1404) 204) Innocent VII (1404-1406) 205) Gregory XII (1406-1415) 206) Martin V (1417-1431) 207) Eugene IV (1431-1447) 208) Nicholas V (1447-1455) 209) Calixtus III (1455-1458) 210) Pius II (1458-1464) 211) Paul II (1464-1471) 212) Sixtus IV (1471-1484) 213) Innocent VIII (1484-1492) 214) Alexander VI (1492-1503) 215) Pius III (1503) 216) Julius II (1503-1513) 217) Leo X (1513-1521) 218) Hadrian VI (1522-1523) 219) Clement VII (1523-1534) 220) Paul III (1534-1549) 221) Jules III (1550-1555) 222) Marcellus II (1555) 223) Paul IV(1555-1559) 224) Pius IV (1560-1565) 225) St. Pius V (1566-1572) 226) Gregory XIII (1572-1585) 227) Sixtus V (1585-1590) 228) Urban VII (1590) 229) Gregory XIV (1590-1591) 230) Innocent IX (1591) 231) Clement VIII (1592-1605) 232) Leo XI (1605) 233) Paul V (1605.1621) 234) Gregory XV (1621-1623) 235) Urban VIII (1623-1644) 236) Innocent X (1644-1655) 237) Alexander VII (1655-1667) 238) Clement IX (1667-1669) 239) Clement X (1669-1676) 240) Bl. Innocent XI (1676-1689) 241) Alexander VIII (1689-1691) 242) Innocent XII (1691-1700) 243) Clement XI (1700-1721) 244) Innocent XIII (1721-1724) 245) Benedict XIII (1724-1730) 246) Clement XII (1730-1740) 247) Benedict XIV (1740-1758) 248) Clement XIII (1758-1769) 249) Clement XIV (1769-1774) 250) Pius VI (1775-1799) 251) Pius VII (1800-1823) 252) Leo XII (1823-1829) 253) Pius VIII (1829-1830) 254) Gregory XVI (1831-1846) 255) Pius IX (1846-1878) 256) Leo XIII (1878-1903) 257) St. Pius X (1903-1914) 258) Benedict XV (1914-1922) 259) Pius XI (1922-1939) 260) Pius XII (1939-1958) 261) Bl. John XXIII (1959-1963) 262) Paul VI (1963-1978) 263) John Paul I (1978) 264) John Paul II (1978- 2005) 265) Benedict XVI (2005-2013)266) Francis (2013-)
@PInk77W1 6 лет назад
In 1571 Islam said they would kill all Christians. Pope Pius V stopped them.
@cynthiax56 6 лет назад
Lucifer led a rebellion in heaven & Luther led a rebellion on earth. The rebellion is Protestantism. Protestants will always attack the Catholic church Bcuz that is the reason why it exists. Lying by OMMISSION is still a serious sin & here are all the scriptures that anti catholic protestants will never quote for you: ➨BAPTISM: Baptism is neccessary for salvation: Mark 16:16 He who believes & is BAPTIZED shall be saved. Rom 5:18-19 ALL have inherited Adams sin and the condemnation it brings. ➨INFANT BAPTISM: The apostles baptized entire families (this would include children) Acts 16:15 & 33 also 1 Cor 1:16. 1 Peter 3:20,21,8 souls were saved by WATER. 21 = the like figure whereunto even Baptist doth also now SAVE us. Acts 2:38-39 38 Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 THIS PROMISE IS FOR YOU, AND YOUR CHILDREN and for all who are far off-for all whom the Lord our God will call ➨BELIEVERS DO NOT ESCAPE JUDGEMENT: 2 Cor 5:10--ALL will appear before the judgement seat ➨BORN AGAIN: How are we born again?:... John 3:3-7 Jesus said, "Unless a man is born of water (baptism) & the spirit, he will not see the kingdom of God" ➨CALL NO MAN FATHER is not meant as a literal command because: Paul tells us he is our Father in faith: 1 Corinthians 4:15 You may have ten thousand teachers in Christ, but you don’t have many fathers. Through the Good News I became your father in Christ Jesus. Jesus talks about Father Abraham: John 8:56 Your father Abraham was overjoyed that he would see my day. He saw it and was happy ➨CONFESSION: Why confess to a Priest? Jesus gives power to the Priests to forgive sins: John 20:23 He breathed on them & said, "recieve the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven, Whose sins you retain are retained" James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ➨FAITH ALONE (sola fide) is incorrect: REV 20:12...The dead are judged BY THEIR WORKS. JAMES 2:18 Faith without works is dead MATTEW 19:17 Jesus tells us if we want to enter into Life, we must keep the commandments. JAMES 2:24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. ROMANS 2:6 He will judge everyone according to what they have done PHILIPPIANS 2:12-13 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING; 13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Romans 2:6 He will judge everyone according to what they have done. (WORKS) Matt 25, JESUS tells us to feed the poor, clothe the naked and do good for others. He further warns us that those who do NOT will be sent away into the eternal fire. All this falls under the catagory of doing good WORKS. Luke 16:19-30 The story of Lazarus and the rich man shows us that the rich man went to hell for refusing to help Lazarus who was poor and hungry. (He refused to do good works) ➨IMAGES: Not all images are forbidden, nor are all images idols:- EXODUS 25:18-22-God commands images of Angels to be made NUMBERS 21:8-9 God commands another image to be made, a serpent ➨INTERCESSION of a holy person on our behalf: Job 42:8 8 Now therefore take seven bulls and seven rams, and GO TO MY SERVANT Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and MY SERVANT Job SHALL PRAY FOR YOU, FOR I WILL ACCEPT HIS PRAYER NOT TO DEAL WITH YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR FOLLY; for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has. INTERCESSIONof MARY: At the wedding feast at Cana, The Wedding party asked MARY to help them and She went to JESUS on their behalf. ➨MARY: Luke 1:24-48: ● She is chosen by God, ● She is blessed among women, ● She is full of grace (God's purity by which he saves us) ● and All generations will call her blessed. ● Her intercession is described in the story of the wedding at Cana, John 2:1. the people of the wedding party went to MARY AND SHE WENT TO Jesus on their behalf. He then turned the water to wine because she asked him to. ➨PENENCE: Protestants reject the idea that they must do "penence" (attempt to make up for the sins they have committed) Luke 19:8. Zacchaeus told Jesus if he has cheated anyone, he will repay them 4 times over. Mark 2:20 Jesus said (regarding his disciples): The days are coming when the Bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast. Matthew 6:16 When you fast, do not look dismal, like the hypocrits do ➨ PRAYING FOR THE DEAD: St. Paul prayed for his dead friend: 2 Timothy 1:16-18New King James Version (NKJV) 16 The Lord grant mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain; 17 but when he arrived in Rome, he sought me out very zealously and found me. 18 The Lord grant to him that he may find mercy from the Lord in that Day-and you know very well how many ways he ministered to me[a] at Ephesus. ➨PURGATORY:. Matthew 12:32 Whoever speaks a word against the son of man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will Not be forgiven, either in this world, nor in the "world to come" This implies that some sins are forgiven in the "world to come" (purgatory) also 1 Cor 3:12-15 & more in the Catholic Bible ➨SAINTS are not among the dead, They share in the ressurrection of Jesus: LUKE 23 v 39-43...Jesus told the good thief "today you will be with me in paradise" REV 19 v 14...when Jesus returns he will be accompanied by his heavenly armies of saints. 2 COR 5 v 8...Paul tells us that to be absent with the body is to be with the Lord. JOHN 11 v 25-26...Jesus said I am the ressurrection and the life, he who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives, believing in me will never die. Matthew 27: 52 -53: When Jesus was raised from the dead Many were raised up with him. Luke 1619-30 The story of the rich man and Lazarus show The Rich man, Lazarus and Abraham, all concious and interacting with each other even though they have physically died. Rev 6:10 The souls of the martyrs are before the throne of God, crying out for justice. (they are conscious and actively petitioning God) Heb 12:1-3 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, ➨ INTERCESSION of the SAINTS: REV 5 v 8...And when he had opened the book, the four living creatureS and the four and twenty ancients fell down before the lamb, having every one of them harps and golden bowls full of incense and the prayers of the saints. ➨RELICS of Saints The veneration of relics is seen explicitly as early as the account of Polycarp’s martyrdom written by the Smyrnaeans in A.D. 156. In it, the Christians describe the events following his burning at the stake: "We took up his bones, which are more valuable than precious stones and finer than refined gold, and laid them in a suitable place, where the Lord will permit us to gather ourselves together, as we are able, in gladness and joy and to celebrate the birthday of his martyrdom." The use of the bones of Elisha brought a dead man to life: "So Elisha died, and they buried him. Now bands of Moabites used to invade the land in the spring of the year. And as a man was being buried, lo, a marauding band was seen and the man was cast into the grave of Elisha; and as soon as the man touched the bones of Elisha, he revived, and stood on his feet" (2 Kgs. 13: 20-21). This is an unequivocal biblical example of a miracle being performed by God through contact with the relics of a saint! ➨SCRIPTURE ALONE: (SOLASCRIPTURA) is incorrect:... ● JOHN 21:25 Jesus said & did many other things that are not recorded in writing ● 1 Tim 3:15- The pillar & foundation of truth is the CHURCH ●..The Church predates the Bible by 4 centuries. The protestant doctrine of scripture ALONE was invented by Luther for the purpose of disobeying the Church. ➨TRADITIONS: Traditions of the Church are NOT "Traditions of men:.. 2 Thess 2:15 Paul tells us to hold fast to the traditions we have been taught either by WORD OF MOUTH or by the letter. ➡The sin of presumption:.. 1 Cor 10:12..Let he who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall .. Matthew 21:31-..Take heed lest the harlots and publicans go into the kingdom ahead of you ➨VAIN REPETITION: Repeating a prayer is not "VAIN REPETITION": "Vain repetition" simply means INSINCERE WORDS: Rev 4:8 The living creatures that are before the throne of God in heaven REPEAT day and night: "Holy Holy HOly is the Lord of Hosts ➨THE TRUE PRESENCE OF JESUS in the Eucharist:- JOHN 6:52-56-- Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man & drink his blood you do not have life in you. For my flesh is food indeed & my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh & drinks my blood has Eternal Life & I will raise him up on the last day. Luke 22:19-20 And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." 20 And likewise the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood.[a] ➨ONE TRUE CHURCH ● MATT 16:13-19--Jesus gives keys of the Kingdom to Peter, and builds his church upon Peter. PETER THE FIRST POPE HOLDS THE KEYS ● 1 TIMOTHY 3:15--The pillar & foundation of truth is the CHURCH ● Eph 2:19-21 calls out a visible unified church built on Apostles with Christ as the head, but people reject that cornerstone as WordMinistry does here.
@jacobklassen113 5 лет назад
You mis interpret and isolate a single verse and because of that you fail to see the truth
@rci_adl5486 5 лет назад
Romans 6:4, "Therefore we are buried with Him in baptism unto death, that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." Hence the roman priest lies when he says "I baptise you...'" the truth he should say is "I sprinkle you..." Also you correctly state howPaul says "Repent and be baptized" please explain how a baby repents. Baptizo: “To make a thing dipped or dyed. To immerse for a religious purpose” (A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament, E.W. Bullinger). Baptizo: “Dip, immerse, mid. Dip oneself, wash (in non-Christian lit. also ‘plunge, sink, drench, overwhelm. . . .’)” (A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Arndt and Gingrich, p. 131). Baptizo: “immersion, submersion” (A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Grimm-Thayer, p. 94). Baptizo: “to dip, immerse, sink” (Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament, Abbott-Smith, p. 74). Baptizo: “dip, plunge” (A Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell & Scott, p. 305). Baptizo: “consisting of the process of immersion, submersion and emergence (from bapto, to dip)” (Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, W. E. Vine). Baptizo: “immerse, submerge. The peculiar N.T. and Christian use of the word to denote immersion, submersion for a religious purpose” (Biblico-Theological Lexicon of the New Testament Greek, Cremer). Baptizo: “to dip, immerse; to cleanse or purify by washing” (The New Analytical Greek Lexicon, Perschbacher, p. 66). Baptizo: “to dip, to immerse, to sink. . . . There is no evidence that Luke or Paul and the other writers of the New Testament put upon this verb meanings not recognized by the Greeks” (Greek and English Lexicon, Sophocles). Baptizo: “Bapto is the basic verb. It means ‘to dip in’ or ‘to dip under.’ It is often used of dipping fabric in a dye. Baptizo is an intensive form of bapto. From early times it was used in the sense of immersing” (Expository Dictionary of Bible Words, Lawrence O. Richards, pp. 100-101). Baptizo: “Baptizo, immerse” (Word Study Greek-English New Testament, Paul. R. McReynolds, p. 907). Baptizo: “The meaning of bapto and baptizo. bapto, ‘to dip in or under,’ ‘to dye,’ ‘to immerse,’ ‘to sink,’ ‘to drown,’ ‘to bathe,’ wash.'” (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, One Volume, ed. Geoffrey W. Bromiley, p. 92). Baptizo: “Baptizo 77x pr. to dip, immerse; to cleanse or purify by washing; to administer the rite of baptism, to baptize” (Greek and English Interlinear New Testament, William D. Mounce and Robert H. Mounce, p. 1028).
@hornatham1487 5 лет назад
Any persons who claim to be Christian Without believe in The three persons in One God,Father Son &Holy Spirit,The Glorious Blessed Trinity .Do not call oneself a Christian nothing but a PAGAN,Fullstop.
@brucewmclaughlin9072 5 лет назад
Seeing as how it is in the scriptures I do not see anyone disagreeing ?
@brucewmclaughlin9072 4 года назад
@Bible is God's Word, Some of the doctrines of the Catholic church are heretical just as some of the beliefs of the protestant church. When your belief is based on what someone tells you to believe or by peer pressure you need to have a second look at what the scriptures really say.
@RonnieDobbz1978 9 лет назад
So when Paul contradicts Jesus, as he does in the bible, you go with Paul, and call yourself a follower of Christ. This is the funniest thing I have heard in a while, your comedy is great.
@cloudskipper40 9 лет назад
Dave Hunt - Karl Keating destroyed your lies in the debate you had with him. Where do you get your historical facts from,...a Jack Chick tract??? "Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church." (St Ignatius, Letter to the Smyrnaeans) AD 107
@Revelation18-4 5 лет назад
Well, you know what, Jack Chick or not, the truth is the truth. Problem is when someone hears the truth and they don't like it they sling stones and make rude comments.
@emknight72 4 месяца назад
Ignatius’ letter was not referring to what would later become Roman Catholicism. Interestingly, his letters to the churches all addressed their single bishop… except for his letter to the church in Rome. He makes no mention of their bishop because at that time the church in Rome was led by a group of elders.
@deanbritton7917 4 месяца назад
​@@emknight72 it was the same catholic church that St gnatius of Antioch was referring to. Yes each church had a local bishop and the bishop of Rome had a supremacy. St Ignatius of Antioch You [the See of Rome] have envied no one, but others have you taught. I desire only that what you have enjoined in your instructions may remain in force (Epistle to the Romans 3:1 [A.D. 110]).
@emknight72 4 месяца назад
@@deanbritton7917 The council of Trent would condemn Ignatius, along with every other pre-Nicene Christian, apostles included. Not a single one of them believed what the Roman Catholic must dogmatically believe today.
@martyanderson7376 6 лет назад
Devastating. Absolutely outstanding presentation by Mr. Hunt.
@eamonmccourt8251 6 лет назад
Based upon his standards of judgement then the Protestant church would not pass his test either. Something to think about, what religion did Jesus practice? Which faith did Jesus teach? He was a rabbi. “Meanwhile, the disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat.”” ‭‭John‬ ‭4:31‬ So before you pass judgement on all Catholics, know the teachings of Christ and understand the new covenant He gave us. As part of His Covenant family we are to follow Him even unto death if that is what is asked for us. As I listened to this man, I did not hear love in his voice just someone hell bent upon proving his point. The Pharisee's were no different either, they had convinced themselves that they were right and Jesus was just a crazy man. I choose to follow Christ and Him alone. I choose to worship God as a Catholic. One day His Church will be united may you come to know the One True God and His Covenant Family. God Bless and may the love of God penetrate your heart!
@wtom04 6 лет назад
+Eamon McCourt Popes all throughout history have claimed that they are God which is utter blasphemy: Pope Pius V blasphemed, “The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and earth.” - Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Cities Petrus Bertanous Chapter XXVII: 218. Pope Innocent III said “We may according to the fullness of our power, dispose of the law and dispense above the law. Those whom the Pope of Rome doth separate, it is not a man that separates them but God. For the Pope holdeth place on earth, not simply of a man but of the true God.” - Decretals of Gregory IX, Bk. 1, Ch. 3 Pope Leo XIII declared, “We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.” - Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894 The Popes claim the title of Vicar of Christ, which means “substitute Christ.” The word antichrist doesn’t just mean “against Christ“, it means “in place of Christ.” Pope Boniface VIII said “We declare, assert, define and pronounce to be subject to the Roman Pontiff is to every creature altogether necessary for salvation… I have the authority of the King of Kings. I am all in all, and above all, so that God Himself and I, the Vicar of Christ, have but one consistory, and I am able to do almost all that God can do. What therefore, can you make of me but God?” - Pope Boniface VIII, Papal bull Unam sanctam, 1302 A.D. Pope Pius IX said, “I alone… am the successor of the apostles, the vicar of Jesus Christ. I am the way, the truth, and the life…” - Pope Pius IX , History of the Christian Church, by Henry Charles Sheldon, p. 59. Pope Pius X declared, “The Pope is not simply the representative of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, he is Jesus Christ Himself, under the veil of the flesh. Does the Pope speak? It is Jesus Christ who is speaking, hence, when anyone speaks of the Pope, it is not necessary to examine but to obey.” - Pope Pius X, Evangelical Christendom, Vol. 49, Jan 1. 1895 A.D., p. 15, “the organ of the Evangelical Alliance,” published in London by J. S. Phillips. Pope Pius XII said, “…recognize the Holy, Catholic, Roman Church to be the only true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither sanctity nor salvation can be found. Call them to the unity of the one fold, granting them the grace to believe every truth of our holy faith and to submit themselves to the Supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth.” - Pope Pius XII, The Raccolta, Benzinger Brothers, Boston, 1957 A.D., No. 626.
@wtom04 6 лет назад
+Eamon McCourt Mother Teresa is considered my many to be the greatest icon of Roman Catholic charity. However, Mother Teresa whose real name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was not all who she pretended to be or who the media and many Roman Catholics portrayed her to be. The reality is that she spent her life opposing cures to poverty such as birth control and empowerment of women. Mother Teresa took in large amounts of money for the poor and used it mostly for the expansion of her religious order to 500 convents around the world. She was a supporter of criminals like Charles Keating and mass murderers like the Haitian dictator, Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, who looted the country and murdered over 30,000 people. Because of her devoted loyal support of "Papa Doc's" family, she was presented with a Legion d'Honneur from Duvalier's son, Jean Claude aka "Baby Doc" in 1981, which she accepted from the mass murderer. In 1989, Mother Teresa went back to her native Albania to pay her respects to communist dictator Enver Hoxha where she put a wreath on his grave. Hoxha was one of the most repressive rulers of the 20th century and under his reign of terror Albania was a virtual prison camp and almost every citizen had either been interrogated, tortured, or imprisoned by the dreaded Sigurimi secret police. The whole country of Albania was in a state of poverty because of the insane policies of Hoxha and his rampant military spending. Charles Keating was a good Catholic who stole $252 million as part of an organized fraud in the Savings and Loan scandal of the 1980's. He gave $1.25 million of the stolen money to Mother Teresa, but when Keating was facing prosecution she intervened on his behalf and wrote a letter to the court urging leniency. When the district attorney informed her that the money that she received was stolen money and requested that it be returned, she refused to return the money and evaded the court's attempts to recover the money. Keating only spent 4.5 years in prison for his crime. Mother Teresa did "care" for those in poverty, illness, and those that were dying, BUT at the same time she promoted policies that cause poverty, disease, and supported an institution that preys upon the poor and engages in wholesale abuse of children. Her legacy is an organization that feeds a few people while taking in large amounts of money and promotes the very causes of poverty. From wikipedia it states, "Privately, Teresa experienced doubts and struggle in her religious beliefs which lasted nearly 50 years (until the end of her life); according to her postulator, Brian Kolodiejchuk, "She felt no presence of God whatsoever ... in her heart or in the eucharist" - ( David Van Biema (23 August 2007). "Mother Teresa's Crisis of Faith". TIME Magazine ) Teresa expressed grave doubts about God's existence and pain over her lack of faith: "Where is my faith? Even deep down ... there is nothing but emptiness and darkness ... If there be God-please forgive me. When I try to raise my thoughts to Heaven, there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knives and hurt my very soul." - Sermon - "Some Doubted". Edgewoodpc.org. 19 June 2011. Archived from the original on 15 October 2011. Retrieved 28 August 2011.
@wtom04 6 лет назад
+Eamon McCourt Some of the most perverse, violent and twisted people in history have been Roman Catholic Popes. Many were gluttons and alcoholics and sexual deviants. Pedophilia is an ancient Catholic tradition dating all the way back to the Roman emperors. The following is from Peter de Rosa who is a Catholic historian in his book, "Vicars of Christ". "Popes had mistresses as young as 15 years of age, were guilty of INCEST AND SEXUAL PERVERSIONS of every sort, had innumerable children, were murdered in the very act of adultery." 1) Pope Sergius III 904 - 911, Obtained his office by murder and fathered several illegitimate children by Marozia, who assassinated Pope Leo VI (928 - 929) and put her own teenage son (John XI) as Pope. 2) Pope Benedict V -964. He raped a young girl and fled to Constantinople with the papal treasury only to reappear when the money ran out. Church historian Gerbert called Benedict "the most iniquitous of all the monsters of ungodliness." The pontiff was eventually slain by a jealous husband. His corpse, bearing a hundred dagger wounds, was dragged through the streets before being tossed into a cesspit." 3) Pope Benedict IX 1033 - 1045, Benedict committed murders and adulteries in broad daylight, robbed pilgrims, and was regarded as a hideous criminal. The people drove him out of Rome: The Catholic encyclopedia says, "He was a disgrace to the chair of Peter." 4) Pope Innocent III 1198 - 1216, Promoted the Inquisition, surpassing all his predecessors in torturing and murdering. 5) Pope Boniface VIII 1294 - 1303, One of the worst of all Popes. Dante visited Rome and described the Vatican as a "sewer of corruption" and assigned Boniface VII, Nicholas III and Clement V to the "lower parts of hell." 6) Rodrigo Borgia - Pope Alexander VI 1492 - 1503, Under his reign the "Vatican was again a brothel" (The Records of Rome, 1868, British Library) and his debauched papal court was compared to the ancient "fleshpots" of Caesarea in which St. Augustine revelled. He was well known as a sexual pervert and was reported to have fathered children with his daughter. 7) Giovanni Maria Mastai -Ferretti - Pope Pius IX - 1846 - 1878, Was famous for the kidnapping of a 6 year old Jewish boy and oppression of Jews yet was deemed a "saint" by Pope John Paul II. His beautification was questioned due to rumors that he sexually molested the boy. 8) Karol Wojtyla - Pope John Paul II 1978 - 2005, While Karol did apologize for many of the church's sins he also was a staunch supporter of Catholic monsters such as Marcial Maciel, who is the founder of the Legion of Christ and known PEDOPHILE. Karol beatified and canonized more individuals than all his predecessors put together, many of the individuals were notorious pedophiles and other criminals yet Karol thought them all to be great Catholics and saints. 9) Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI 2005 to present, a member of HITLER YOUTH and member of the German army during WWII. He manned anti-aircraft guns at the BMW factory that used slave labor. As a former Nazi he is responsible for war crimes and the men he killed. In the early 80's he was made Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), formerly called Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition (aka "The Inquisition"). He has actively protected and supported known pedophiles and blocked investigations into the church's abuse of children.
@wtom04 6 лет назад
+Eamon McCourt There is a book published back in 2000 entitled, "Shroud of Secrecy: The Story of Corruption Within the Vatican" - ( ISBN 1552631427) by retired Roman Catholic priest, Luigi Marinelli who worked in the Vatican for 45 years. He details the misdeeds of greedy bishops, money laundering prelates, sexual abuse and Satanic rituals within the Vatican. Marinelli was not alone in his assertions. The book was written by a group of Vatican prelates called the Millenari who seek to expose the corruption and Satanism within the Vatican. Pope Paul IV - 1963 says, "The smoke of Satan has entered the Sanctuary" Friar Malachi Martin - 1990 says, "The cultic acts of Satanic pedophilia in the Catholic Church are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the rites of "The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer" in the Vatican". The Roman Catholic church has supported the most horrific forms of torture during the Middle Ages, it's genocide against non - Catholics, its active participation in World War II, its manufacture of poverty and its wholesale sexual abuse of children around the world, how can the Roman Catholic organization be anything but SATANISM??
@eamonmccourt8251 6 лет назад
wtom04 I read some of what you wrote, not all of it. This is my response: “The Lord turned and looked at Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how He had told him, "Before a rooster crows today, you will deny Me three times." And he went out and wept bitterly.” Luke‬ ‭22:61-62‬ We are all human and are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I am thankful that Jesus doesn’t condemn us but loves us unconditionally even when we deny Him by our actions. As long as we turn to Him and seek His forgiveness we will be saved.
@donaldmonzon1774 7 месяцев назад
Excellent....clear and concise 👍👍👍
@peterxuereb9884 7 месяцев назад
Can Jesus contradict Himself by Authorising other Christian denominations to contradict the Bible.
@donaldmonzon1774 7 месяцев назад
@@peterxuereb9884 example?
@peterxuereb9884 7 месяцев назад
@donaldmonzon1774 Sure; John chapter 20 vrs 21-23 21 and he said to them again, 'Peace be with you. 'As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.' 22 After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained. How else can one read it or understand it apart from how it is written????
@donaldmonzon1774 7 месяцев назад
@@peterxuereb9884 are you summissing this pertains to priests in Catholic Church for giving sins... instructing to say hail Mary's etc ?
@peterxuereb9884 7 месяцев назад
@donaldmonzon1774 Did Jesus say this or not? Scripture says that God's word is from " ever lasting to ever lasting" Surely that implies to scripture John chapter 20 vrs 21-23 21 and he said to them again, 'Peace be with you. 'As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.' 22 After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained. How else can one read it or understand it apart from how it is written????
@billobrien5954 6 лет назад
I am a Catholic. Let me remind Mr. Hunt of what Jesus said in the Gospel of John 15:12, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” From that passage, do you think our Lord Jesus Christ ever intended one group of Christians to denigrate another? Of course not! Yet, why do we do it?
@Christianpreaching 6 лет назад
this is an excerpt from a debate. Both opponents are supposed to do so
@gatzu8599 3 года назад
So you believe Jesus was wrong for calling out the pharisees huh
@brendaann727 7 месяцев назад
It is not denigrading to point out error of teachings or exhort to stick to the doctrines of Christ. Especially since there are many verses in the new testament that encourage to do so.
@gloriastreet4684 10 месяцев назад
That was awesome👍👍✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
@MW-eg4gu Год назад
Simply too in general. He says sweeping accusations but does not give much in specifics.
@Christianpreaching Год назад
This segment was only his introductory. He gets into more detail if you watch the full debate video
@007gracie 11 месяцев назад
Read his book by same name. 500pages I don’t get ppl’s anger. Aren’t you used to ppl hating on God in this world?! Challenging your religion no matter the form? “Work out your salvation with fear & trembling” I wouldn’t choose man’s traditions (Popes & special rule book & so many man made traditions) over His Word. That’s what the Pharisees did & *Jesus* said their father is the devil. You have no excuse now. Roman church hid the Bible for hundreds of years. But we have as many copies as we want. No excuse. He’s defending the faith. Why would Jesus have warned against the wide road ? Yes. Billions. Very wide road &, from the comments, few will re-evaluate their path.
@captkilt 11 лет назад
Well I see Mr. Estrada missed the point!
@bluebird2426 9 лет назад
@Templar1129 9 лет назад
BLUEBIRD You are an idiot.
@bornagainsaint1 7 лет назад
BLUEBIRD: spot on !!
@samnikole1643 6 лет назад
You forgot one! Constantianity!
@samsonsupaka8716 7 месяцев назад
Let one who has no sin cast the first stone. Let one who is faultless the first to condemn Roman Catholicism. I'm not a Catholic but your words are unchristian.
@brianwilliams-se5jy 9 месяцев назад
How can roman catholics not see that?, God hasn't called them? They don't seek the truth?🙏
@williamchami3524 8 лет назад
You cannot claim to know Christ, and directly reject his one true church. Matthew 16:18. Do some research, look at the early church fathers who studied under the apostles. All Protestant denominations began in the 16th century. We're all Christians not actual Christians up until the 16th century, because they learnt to interpret the Bible (which the Catholic Church gave us) on their own?
@valdimlajr 8 лет назад
The apostles were all dead when catholic church fathers existed.Roman catholic church is not the true church, admit it that its teachings are all not in accordance with the teachings of Christ and the apostles. Catholic church did not gave the bible. They just compiled it as front, disregarded other books and letters, selected only what they believe will conform to their beliefs. But still the catholic church is still ignorant of the teachings of Christ. No catholic priest could defend his faith against even the most stupid branch of protestantism.
@1969cmp 6 лет назад
So, traditional Roman Catholics do and believe the following teachings that are not in the Bible and are clearly herecies. Praying to Mary as mediator between believers and God. The Bible clearly states that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Purgatory is not in the Bible. A person is either born again or they are unsaved. Two conditions and two destinies. Mary is not a perpetual virgin. The Bible is clear that Joseph did not 'know' Mary before she conceived but did so after the birth of Jesus. Hence why scripture states that Jesus has brothers and sisters.
@brittanygreen 7 лет назад
Something that I don't get: I know that those in Catholicism believe that the Popes hold the keys. But, Catholic theologians state that no one has absolute assurance of salvation, not even the Popes or Mother Theresa. So, why would someone who does not even sure of his own soul, have any kind of power of yours?
@bornagainsaint1 7 лет назад
Brittany Green: good point !! If this church says that they hold the keys, then they should have faith and trust in Jesus saving blood sacrifice and resurrection.
@monkigunmkiiflash3110 7 лет назад
Brittany Green..... I have been Catholic coming on 60 years now and I assure you the Pope or Mother Theresa has no power over my soul. Saint Paul writing in Scripture teaches us " continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling," ( Philippians 2;12) and the wages of Sin is death.( Romans 6 :23) . According to the Scriptures we see that being disobedient to God's Commandments has consequences and those of us who have not received the Gift of Fear of the Lord ( Isaiah 11:3, Proverbs 9:10) mock Christs obedient and Holy Sacrifice. NOTHING UNCLEAN SHALL ENTER! ( Rev 21:7)
@bornagainsaint1 7 лет назад
MonkigunMkII Flash: So what is your point and why are you still catholic?
@monkigunmkiiflash3110 7 лет назад
Bornagainsaint1.... The point is that people who think they are 'saved' yet are disobedient to the Way the Truth and the Life and the Commandments of God are unholy and have displaced Sanctifying Grace with Sin and since nothing unholy can enter heaven these people are really not 'saved' at all .You should take time and read Matthew 7 and Matthew 25 in order to better understand my point. You may not now be a member of the One Holy Catholic Church but I assure you, should God 's Mercy and Love permit you into the Kingdom and you one day get to kneel before the Throne of God alongside all of the Angels and Saints and in unison offer praise and Glory to God, - on that day you will be a member of the Holy Catholic Church. As to why I will always be Catholic; The Apostolic Traditions and teachings have been handed down to us and are invaluable in understanding and worshiping God in the manner Christ wanted us to and the Catholic Church adheres to those traditions and teachings of those whom Jesus Christ sent forth.
@brittanygreen 7 лет назад
MonkigunMkII Flash There is so much here I can respond to, but you just gave me more ammunition to say, " There is no reason to follow Catholicism". I mean, you claim that people should actually be working their salvation with fear and trembling. But, there are few people I know who are the least bit concerned about their soul than Roman Catholics. I mean, everything an average Catholic does, shows tons of carnality to it. They think that dunking thenselves as an infant (though not an ounce of Scripture to back it up) saves them, but never think about being born again or regenerate. They speak a tons in a psyche session they call confession, but not once have I heard of a Catholic actually repenting. They talk about Protestants and Anabaptists drinking communion unworthily, but there is no one more unworthy of one to drink than them. They defend the sodomization of kids by priests and nuns, and do not defrock them. They party and sleep around, but think some cookie will save them. They are active drunks, and think they can drink the wine as some wino. I am not a believer in Transubstantion: I know it to be a memorial. But, I still have more reverence for the Lord's Supper than your clergy and congregation. Also, you don't have to pray that I be joined to the RCC: I don't eat the bread of wickedness, nor drink the wine of violence, as your nuns and priests do and have done.
@OpenMyEyes 8 лет назад
It all comes down to where your authority is. Is your faith in what the Word of God says? Is the Bible your Authority for all faith and practices? or is it a man-made institution that adds to and takes away from the Scriptures to make its doctrine? I'll choose the Bible every time. What is your authority? The Bible asserts or assumes its inerrancy throughout its pages. But it is important to realize that inerrancy is inseparably bound, not only to the doctrine of revelation, but also to the nature of God Himself. Why? Look at the following reasons: 1. God’s revelation of Himself occurred through a very specific manner - verbal, plenary inspiration(plenary: absolute and unqualified). This means that the divine inspiration of the Bible involves its very words (Matthew 4:4; Romans 3:2) and extends equally to every part of Scripture. This is why the bible declares that “all Scripture is inspired by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). 2. The Bible reveals that God is a God of truth and His nature is holy and righteous; therefore, He is incapable of lying. If divine inspiration extends to every word of the Bible, the ENTIRE Bible MUST be considered free of error. In other words, if God is incapable of inspiring error, whatever He inspires is inerrant. If the Bible contains any error whatsoever, then it all must be rejected because there is no human qualified to determine what is true and what is error. It is all or nothing. 3. The Bible also reveals that God is omnipotent, or all powerful. If He is all powerful, the surly that includes the ability to safeguard the process of inspiration from error even though the Bible was given through fallible men. If He doesn’t have the ability to protect and preserve and insure the purity and correctness of His word, then He isn’t all powerful and we might as well pack up and go home. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die. We have nothing to hold on to as being SURE and without ERROR. So, is the Bible the only source of divine authority? If so, then we must do the following: 1. Prove that the Bible claims to be the inerrant Word of God 2. Then that these claims are justified. If these are the case, then ANYTHING that contradicts what the Bible teaches cannot, logically, have divine authority, whether it is the teaching of Catholic, Protestant or Bible Believers. First, we need to look at the Old Testament. It is either God’s Word or it is a fraud, because it repeatedly asserts its divine authority (for Example, Isaiah 40:8 - Isaiah 40:8 The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand for ever). The phrase “Thus says the Lord” or a similar expression is used over 2,800 times (Just a few examples: Jeremiah 1:2, Exodus 30:27; Deuteronomy 18:18; 1 Kings 22:14; Isaiah 8:19-20; Jeremiah 36:29; Amos 3), Inspiration (involving inerrancy) is explicitly asserted for almost 70% of the Old Testament. The remainder has its divine authority confirmed through other means, such as predictive prophecy and scientific prevision that cannot be explained in any other way (2 Peter 1:20-21 - 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost). Also, Jesus Himself quoted and referenced the Old Testament as Scripture numerous times. He also speaks of its infallibility (see Matthew 24:35; John 5:46; 7:16; 8:14-16, 26, 28; 12:48-50; then compare with Philippians 2; Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 1:20-21; John 1:14). In John 17:17 when Jesus was praying to the Father, He said: “Your Word is truth” and in Matthew 4:4, when He confronted Satan, He said: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God”. In both instances He could have referred on to the Jewish Scriptures, the Old Testament. Jesus, who is God, affirmed 100% of the Old Testament as inspired and inerrant. Either the Old Testament is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, or Jesus is a liar and deceiver for quoting it and urging people to believe it and obey it. Now, let’s look at the New Testament. Like I said before, if God is omnipotent and preserved His word without error and Jesus quoted from it, then it must be true and it must be the Word of God. Now, if God was able to speak through man, His inerrant Word and preserve it intact, then He must certainly be able to do so with the New Testament writers. So did God use Jesus’ disciples to write Scripture? Well, when Jesus was teaching them about the coming of the Holy Spirit, He said this: John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Inferring that these guys would be writing the very words that Christ had spoken and that He would make sure that they were correct by bringing “all things” to their remembrance those things that He said. So, we know based on the very words of Christ that the Gospels were going to be inspired. EVIDENCE that MATTHEW, MARK, LUKE and JOHN are the inspired Words of God. Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew, which we have seen is the Word of God, said in Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away”. Jesus promised that HIS words were not going to pass away. Do we have the very words of Christ preserved for us? According to Jesus, God who cannot lie, YES! Jesus also promised that the Holy Spirit would guide them into “all” truth. Not just partial truth, not just nuggets of truth, but ALL truth. So, the writings of the disciples were going to be without error and contain ALL truth. Either that, or Jesus just lied (look at: John 16: 12-15 - 12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you). So, we see that God was going to and did use the disciples of Jesus to write His New Revelation or His New Testament or Covenant, but what about Paul? He was not one of the original apostles. What greater testament to the grace and glory, power and love of God than to use a man that had once been a persecutor and torturer of the believers of the new covenant? God knew Paul, He knew what He was going to do through Paul, so He bestowed upon Paul the same power and promises that He did to the other disciples. Paul said he considered himself “one born out of due time”. Look at: 1 Corinthians 15:8-11 - 8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me. 11 Therefore whether it were I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed. God would use Paul to write over 1/3 of the New Testament. He had the same qualifications and the same office and power as the other apostles. Even Peter referred to Paul’s writings as Scripture. Look at: 2 Peter 3:15-16 - 15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; 16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. So, we see that God inspired the Old Testament writings and the New Testament writings. Both are inspired and inerrant. Like I said before, if there is any error, then it is all garbage and none of it can be believed or trusted as being God’s words. Like I said before, then ANYTHING that contradicts what the Bible teaches cannot, logically, have divine authority, whether it is the teaching of Catholic, Protestant or Bible Believers. IF IT CONTRADICTS THE TEACHINGS OF THE BIBLE, THEN IT ISN’T SCRIPTURE AND IT IS NOT TO BE TREATED AS HAVING DIVINE AUTHORITY. It just doesn’t get any plainer than that. I don’t care if it is the Catholic church, the pope, the so-called “church fathers” or anyone else, if what they teach contradicts the inspired Word of God, then it isn’t inspired and it isn’t to be treated as Scripture or even obeyed. Galatians 1:6-12 - 6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel: 7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. 9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. 11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. 12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Be careful who you listen to or watch on television and especially be care what church you go to. Not everything that has the word Christian on the door, is really Biblical Christianity. If it strays from what the Bible teaches, it isn't Biblical Christianity. It is another religion.
@WorkingCatholic 8 лет назад
+Bible Believer Just like you, Catholics believe that the Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God. In fact, it is from the Catholic Church that Protestants got this teaching. You see , when Luther et al started their own man-made religions they picked and chose which Catholic teachings to maintain, and which they would replace with their own man-made beliefs. Interestingly, the word "heresy" comes from a Greek word meaning "to choose." There is nothing in the Bible that contradicts a single Catholic doctrine, and there is not a single Catholic doctrine that contradicts the Bible. You mention a "man-made institution that adds to and takes away from the Scriptures." The Catholic Church is not a man-made institution--it was established by Christ. The Catholic Church has never taken away anything from the Scriptures. They did, however, add to them. Specifically, they added 27 additional books that collectively are known as the New Testament. You're welcome. On the other hand, Martin Luther did "add to and take away from the Scriptures," and he invented traditions of men that nullify the Word of God. So that I can better understand your beliefs, could you please answer a few questions for me? 1) Is the Bible the sole rule of faith? 2) If so, then when did the Bible become the sole rule of faith? 3) Aside from God, is there anything else that you would consider to be the pillar of truth? If so, what? 4) Do you think that the Word of God is limited to only the portion that was written down and later included in the canon of scripture, or do you consider the oral tradition (also known as the Apostolic or Sacred Tradition) to also be the Word of God? If neither of these options fits your belief, please elaborate. 5) Who has the authority to interpret Scripture? 6) If two people disagree on the correct interpretation of Scripture, can they both be right? Thanks for your time.
@OpenMyEyes 8 лет назад
+WorkingCatholic Did you listen to the video? Did you read what I wrote earlier? If you did either, then you know what I believe. You are under the misconception as with most catholics that Baptists are protestant, we are not. I've stated that over and over again and I'm not going to elaborate on it. If you want to know what I think of catholic teaching, then look at my comments below. That will answer all of your questions.
@WorkingCatholic 8 лет назад
+Bible Believer You wrote, "Look at my comments below. That will answer all of your questions." I'm sorry, but I don't find answers to the following questions which I will repeat for you. 1) When did the Bible become the sole rule of faith? 2) Aside from God, is there anything else that you would consider to be the pillar of truth? If so, what? 3) Do you think that the Word of God is limited to only the portion that was written down and later included in the canon of scripture, or do you consider the oral tradition (also known as the Apostolic or Sacred Tradition) to also be the Word of God? If neither of these options fits your belief, please elaborate. 4) Who has the authority to interpret Scripture? 5) If two people disagree on the correct interpretation of Scripture, can they both be right?
@OpenMyEyes 8 лет назад
I am very busy at the moment, but the comments that I have made tell exactly what I believe. When I get some time, if you questions are not answered, then I will try. But like I said, Dave Hunt has given a very good explanation of the Catholic faith and I've said it before, I absolutely agree with him. You should listen to the video.
@OpenMyEyes 8 лет назад
+WorkingCatholic If you take the time to scroll down, you will notice that I have taken the time(actually too much time) to answer other Catholics and they all ask the same questions you asked, that is why I said to look at my other comments. Frankly, I'm tired of answering the same questions over and over again and you Catholics always come back with the same responses. It's like you guys are in a room with a question and response flip book, surprisingly, it just occurred to me that is exactly what you do. Your questions are too similarly worded to be random. Thank you for helping me realize what is going on. I won't be wasting any more time on you guys.
Ignatius of Antioch in his epistles spoke of Catholicism not of Dave Hunt heretical and fake doctrines.
@johnmorgan692 5 лет назад
Shaykh Abu Ahmed al-Kafiristani Not very smart" Dave hunt ..wasnt alive then HOW COULD HE COMMENT??? we have APOSTLE PETER.. 2PETER 2". MANY PEOPLE DENIYING THE SOVEREN LORD WHO BOUGHT THEM" [Any comments?]
@thomasm8317 5 лет назад
@@johnmorgan692 The Catholic Church does not deny Jesus is Lord.
@mikemanton3642 Год назад
What is the point of this? The Catholic Church is not without sin. However many find Christ there. Mr. Hunt is preaching Christianity as he interprets it upon reading the Bible. The goal is recognize Salvation. If one wants Salvation the Holy Spirit will lead them there. Bible is man's inspired words of God. It must be as it speaks in dualistic context (tainted with ego). God is absolute. God continues to to reveal Himself to us. God's Love is in us as He put it there. To argue as to which path leads us to that Love is a waste of time.
@kd4yhs 9 лет назад
***** said "They say that Peter was their first pope and rock. Peter was an apostle who followed Jesus who.is the Rock and Peter was Cephas a stone." Yes. Jesus installed Peter in the office of the King's vicar. Refer to Isaiah22:20ff. This will give the proper context of the scene in Matt16. We find that the "keys to the Kingdom" are a symbol representing giving of kingly authority. This shows that King Jesus has empowered Peter with vicarious authority to rule the kingdom in Jesus' name, even be a "father" to the inhabitants of the Kingdom. The office that Peter occupied came to be known as "pope" within a couple centuries. It comes from Greek papas, meaning father.
@chateytung 7 лет назад
I am a born Catholic, Now i have join Christian and left Catholic, How ever i thanks to Catholic Church, Because without Catholic Church i don't know bible, They are the one who teach me bible, but when I know that God hate Idol Worship i left the Catholic Church after the Priest answer did not satisfied me
@johnfountain5770 5 лет назад
Apache, you have swapped the REAL DIAMOND for what looked like a bigger diamond, but you ended up with a bigger piece of cut glass. Come back to Catholicism, get serious about it, you'll be glad you did.
@TruongNguyen-zs6sq 8 лет назад
Proud to be Catholic.May Mr.Hunt rest in peace.Love your Enemy of the Church,so the enemies know you are Christ's church,ONE,Whole,Universal,catholic church.
@susanselerio1234 8 лет назад
+john stebner @I agree
@svetlanikolova5557 7 лет назад
pride? sin
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
Catholics (Western, Eastern and Orthodox) are the only one who have any right to decide if some denomination is Christian or not. If Catholics deem a denomination not to be Christian it is not. Someone from a protestant sect or cult does not determine who is a Christian or not. You can call yourselves Christian all you want but you need OUR permission. Protestants were only born yesterday in the scheme of things, they are by definition protesters, protesting against Christians who are Catholics. They are then by that definition anti-Christians... But Catholics are congenial, we will let you in when you apply for membership... So if you do not consider Catholics as Christian, we will reject your membership into Christianity.
@svetlanikolova5557 7 лет назад
+deusimperator wrong. Jesus is the one that decides anything. not you!
@svetlanikolova5557 7 лет назад
+deusimperator and you sound like a complete mad man. you don't decide anything. you are not Christian and you have no power and nothing to offer but lame paganism. poor guy you are completely insane!
@onceamusician5408 7 месяцев назад
we protestants worship the bible as an idol. Did Dave Hunt ever speak on this?? and NO i am not saying believing in verbal plenary inspiration is idolatry, but it can and does lead to an idolatrous response among carnal minded like ourselves
@Christianpreaching 7 месяцев назад
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. - John 1:1 It's not an idol.
@michelleheltz6116 Год назад
He is so wrong and leaving out the protestant side of atrocities!
@gerardpatti 7 месяцев назад
I was a Catholic and he is correct.It is a shame Catholics follow men instead of Gods Word . It goes to show that they don’t read the Bible, They speak of Mary more than Jesus and it is Jesus who took All of our sins upon Himself. Pray they get revelation knowledge of Jesus,
@mikedonnelly2419 7 лет назад
this man is not worth the air he takes up.
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
Probably not, he probably is being skewered by red hot pitchfork
@gatzu8599 3 года назад
Wow, that's mighty catholic of you lol
@havoc092 10 лет назад
@applehair995 8 лет назад
Purgatory is punishment by fire for cleansing/purification, but the soul who died is still saved. They are various terms used in the bible refering to these souls or place called purgatory i.e. the dead, the grave, the place of the dead, the prison, a place of entanglement, spirits in prison, spirits of the captive, shill, hades, etc. The concept and belief in purgatory was never questioned by the Jews and this is incorporated in their own religion. Moreover, there are many biblical references to it, and it is a separate place different from Hell itself(place of eternal damnation). Purgatory is referred to the bible in the following: Prayers for the Dead in 2 Macabees 12: 39-45, God's goodness extends to the realm of the dead Sirach 7: 33; place of entanglement psalms 18:5, psalms 86: 13, psalms 116:3, The world of the dead/ the grave Acts 2: 27-31, spirits captive Ephesians 4: 7-10, Revelations 20:4-6, 11, a fiery ordeal 1 Corinthians 3: 15. This is like raping the Catholic bible written by its various saints by protestant heretics!
@adeladeen7514 8 лет назад
Purgatory is not in the scriptures Deuteronomy 4:2
@gatzu8599 3 года назад
@@adeladeen7514 that's why catholics dont like "sola scriptura", only scripture... They can't push all them extra doctrines like purgatory with it.
@lareneg72 10 лет назад
I am asking. you wouldn't answer the first question you are just spewed with hate towards Catholics
@brianwilliams7843 8 лет назад
Bibliolatry is a helluva drug
@timspangler8440 8 лет назад
Hogwash. We don't worship the Bible. That is a horrible charge
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
Oh yes you do... KJV onlyists... some even claim that not many were saved before 1611.
@toosiyabrandt8676 4 года назад
HI Idolatry is only identified as satanic in the Bible. THAT is our weapon against it. The Word of YHWH wins the war. Check it out in Revelation. Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua who is The Word.
@Me-hf4ii Год назад
If there are actually people that worship the physical thing called the Bible, yes, that is a major problem. But Jesus IS the word made flesh. That “word” that He says He is is the word of the law and the prophets - much of which is recorded without error for 2,3,4,5 thousand years. Is is through the word that all things were made. “God said” and it was. Jesus claims that He can be found in the text (that he quotes at length), and you reject the text where He tells you to look for Him. Jesus is the Word. The Word is recorded in the Bible. Therefore any tradition that conflicts with that or says “worship tradition as much as the Word” is not Christianity
@brendaann727 7 месяцев назад
@@Me-hf4ii- I met a hebrew teacher once, that said, nowhere in the bible does "the word" mean physical words on a page. I never got to that study, but I always thought of Jesus as the Word because of what I had already read. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, & is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,.... etc." (I will have to look up the rest.
@hulsfamcalcan 6 лет назад
Luther;s letter to Pope Leo X “I never approved of a schism, nor will I approve of it for all eternity. . . . That the Roman Church is more honored by God than all others is not to be doubted. St, Peter and St. Paul, forty-six Popes, some hundreds of thousands of martyrs, have laid down their lives in its communion, having overcome Hell and the world; so that the eyes of God rest on the Roman church with special favor. Though nowadays everything is in a wretched state, it is no ground for separating from the Church. On the contrary, the worse things are going, the more should we hold close to her, for it is not by separating from the Church that we can make her better. We must not separate from God on account of any work of the devil, nor cease to have fellowship with the children of God who are still abiding in the pale of Rome on account of the multitude of the ungodly. There is no sin, no amount of evil, which should be permitted to dissolve the bond of charity or break the bond of unity of the body. For love can do all things, and nothing is difficult to those who are united". - Martin Luther to Pope Leo X, January 6, 1519
@peterxuereb9884 7 месяцев назад
How strange M.L is saying to stay united while doing everything he did to be un-untied from The Catholic Church.
@joinjen3854 2 месяца назад
Luther wanted REFORM. ​@@peterxuereb9884
@peterxuereb9884 2 месяца назад
@joinjen3854 No, he did not want reform. If he wanted reform, then why did he end up attacking the Church and its Sacrament's. Not everything is as it seems.
@coosterrogburn4489 8 лет назад
Even the description of this video is fail. Robert Fastiggi is not a priest.
@MGR1900 9 лет назад
Thank goodness this guy's parents didn't name him Mike. As a Catholic, I have to laugh at this silliness.
@1969cmp 6 лет назад
Traditional Roman Catholics do and believe the following teachings that are not in the Bible and are clearly herecies. Praying to Mary as mediator between believers and God. The Bible clearly states that Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Purgatory is not in the Bible. A person is either born again or they are unsaved. Two conditions and two destinies. Mary is not a perpetual virgin. The Bible is clear that Joseph did not 'know' Mary before she conceived but did so after the birth of Jesus. Hence why scripture states that Jesus has brothers and sisters.
@orderoftheredstarofbethlehem 3 года назад
Catholicism is the pagan
@bisayachannel7370 5 лет назад
The devil goes to RCC to tempt ,to spread evil,The Devil doesnot go protestant churches coz they're company!!!
@BethHutch-pg5yi 2 месяца назад
please, no need to be ignorant to this extent
@scoshgames4588 11 лет назад
Was Moses a Catholic? He wrote the first books. He was Hebrew
@eugenefernandez7346 10 лет назад
Why dont you say all the faults Martin Luther had also.
@marcdaneflores9429 9 лет назад
"All of Catholicism is satanic." you say? we compiled the bible... the availability of the bible came from us... the first-ever book published was the bible and the inventor of the printing press was a catholic. thanks to Johannes Gutenberg.
@marcdaneflores9429 9 лет назад
wow.. i'm such a liar because i used references... and your pastor is not because he used baseless arguments.. before you call me a liar, why don't you study early history will you? and also, study theology.
@newhampshirebound8551 9 лет назад
Marc Dane Flores You're brainwashed to think that the Catholic Church originates at the time of Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension. Because that is what they teach. They also teach a whole lot of things that are not in the bible. The Catholic Church claims to be the church that Jesus died for, and the church that was established and built by the apostles. But even a short glance at the New Testament tells you the Catholic Church does not originate from the teachings of Jesus or His apostles. There is no mention of the papacy. No mention of the worship of Mary. No mention of worshiping saints. No apostolic succession. No ordinances functioning as sacraments. No infant baptism. No confessions to a priest. No purgatory. No indulgences. And VERY IMPORTANTLY, the bible makes no mention of the equal authority of church traditions and Scripture. Constantine created your church. We all know the history, I won't try to squeeze it in here. This creation of Christian beliefs and pagan beliefs is not bliblical whatsoever. Examples: -The Cult of Isis was absorbed into Christianity by replacing Isis with Mary. Giving Mary an exalted role that attracted those of that cult seeking for an Isis replacement. -Mithraism - Sacraficial meal of flesh and blood of the bull, which supposedly granted salvation to those who partake. Just like the Catholic Mass Eucharist. -The worship of saints in the Cathollic religion has a clear and direct appeal to what most Romans believed. Henotheism, belief in many gods but with a primary supreme one over the others. There is a whole history of patron saints that go with this but too long for here. -The rise of the Roman bishop as supreme ruler of the church. This is not biblical. The people generally resisted this idea but the power and influence of the Roman emperors prevailed. The Catholic Church is a compromise of Christianity with pagan religions. Instead of preaching the gospel and converting pagans, the Catholic Church "Christianized" the pagan religions and "paganized" Christianity. Blurring the differences, erasing distinctions, to make itself more attractive. Now tell me, how is this the true gospel of Jesus and the true Word of God? So we can quibble about the many, many details of cannonization if you like, but that is all about man bastardizing the original Word.
@dawnspencer3492 7 лет назад
Then why don't the Bible mention the pope, worshipping of mary, the need to confess your sins to a priest called father, bowing down to a statue of mary, praying to mary, buying your way out of hell with your money. You better read the Holy Bible again. Read John 3:16. and discover the truth. Jesus said himself in John 4:22 "for salvation is of the Jews.
@alvargesko3305 7 лет назад
Because Isabele, the Church came BEFORE the Bible. Did Jesus ever mention the Bible? Did the Apostles have Bibles? The clear answer is NO. Jesus established a teaching Church built on oral teaching. Remember Jesus NEVER wrote anything down. Where does it say in your bible that it is alone the sole source of faith? Especially since your bible was written probably 1600 years AFTER Christ, and after his Church was started. Seek the truth and you will find it.
@dawnspencer3492 7 лет назад
I know the truth, Old Testament was written by Prophets of God, the New Testament was written by the Apostles of Jesus including Paul, James was a brother of Jesus, Jude was a brother of Jesus, and John the Apostle wrote Revelation. The Holy Bible is Almighty God's word.
@michaelpozzi3654 9 лет назад
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. I've said many things about the Nicene Creed so I thought I would just put this up for all of you to decide if its Biblical or not. If you say its not, well your wrong.
@mitchellhernandez8056 9 лет назад
Thank you for setting the record straight my friend. Catholicism forever
@1969cmp 6 лет назад
Is a creed authoritive scripture? Is there a difference between 'catholic' and that of Roman Catholicism? Was Mary really a perpetual virgin? Did Jesus or the Apostles ever teach the doctrine or anything that would support 'purgatory'?
@johnfountain5770 5 лет назад
Hooray! It's refreshing to see that there is still some people out there with some real brains, How anyone can follow people like Dave Hunt is beyond sound reasoning! This kind of bias rhetoric makes me DOUBLE PROUD to be Catholic,
@robertlulek1634 5 лет назад
what's in the Nicene Creed is true but not the way the Catholics believe it not what they have instituted Catholic is universal and The universal Church began with the apostles. The true Catholic Church started from Constantine between 312 and 325 ad. Constantine wanted to unite rome and so he allowed paganistic beliefs of all traditions to enter and water down true Christianity and this is Roman Catholic doctrine of today
@thorvilkwilliams9596 7 лет назад
By whose authority do we have ONLY four Gospels? protestant church? or Catholic church?
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
There were several "Gospels" floating around each a pseudepigraphic writing attributed to an apostle. However, the Catholic Church was unanimous that the ones written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were the only authentic Gospels. Not one single Church father considered those other than what we have today authentic. The Church has a Tradition which knew what was authentic and what was not. In the end the New Testament as we have it today was decided by a council of Catholic bishops and later ratified by the Pope to make it official.
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
moses Romero LOL LOL LOL which satanic church are you worshiping at? LOL LOL LOL HAVE YOU READ THE ANTINICENE FATHERS???? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL The Anti-Nicene fathers... no let’s do even better… Apostolic Fathers *St. Justin Martyr* - Wrote regarding the Eucharist and the Liturgy *St. Clement of Rome* - 3rd Pope, need one say more. Quite a bossy pope “interfering” in sees which not directly under him; then again he was a pope he can be as bossy as he wants. *St. Ignatius of Antioch* - Bishop of Antioch ordained by Peter who was the first Bishop of Antioch. Stressed obedience to the Church hierarchy. Uses the word Catholic Church in a manner that he took it for granted that everyone know what he meant. *St. Polycarp* - Bishop of Smyrna ordained by St. John and was his disciple. Known for his polemics against heretics and their doctrines some of which are held by todays Protestants. *St. Irenaeus* - Bishop ordained by Polycarp. Wrote polemics against heresy. Defended the Church hierarchy and the episcopal nature of the Church, Sacred Tradition and the Eucharist. _The Roman Catholic church is possibley the Whore of Mystery Babylon. It fits the profile._ That ole canard is trotted out by every uneducated schmuck ... You will need to explain from historical facts. Let me know what Mystery Babylon is.... teach me more _History records the horrible things your so call pontifcus maximus' have done over the past 1000 years for calling it out 9n its practices._ Are you an idiot? Please get your Latin declensions correct at least. You come across as a dumbass when you use a language you do not know. Please learn the correct declension. Pray educate us as to what is/are "_pontifcus maximus_'"?
@Moe-bb3bm 7 лет назад
+deusimperator satanic my butt your Roman Catholic apostate church had some real monsters running it over the centuries and are invovled in world affairs and world economies with a huge banking institution. The bible clearely says in Jame 4 if your a friend of the world your an Enemy of God. A dedicated catholic of your is Pope Alexander or Rodrigo Borigas, Serguis the 3rd, for example, another one putting an ex pope is cadaver on trial for hersay....... All-star cast the Catholic murderous rampage Pope Damasus I Pope Sergius III Pope Benedict IX Pope Pius IX And your arrogont butt is actually trying to call the kettle black. Really they are also Popes kissing Qur'ans inviting them over to your apostate Vatican where they Have a oblysek aka penis of a false god of osiris in front of st Peter's Bysillica, Pope Pious 12 during ww2 helped the Nazi get away to south America and only help jews at the end of the war to save his own ass. This recent pope has the nerve to call a known Palestine leader who is a known terrorist of Hamas an angels of God. One who kills jews and Christians how pathetic. the title Pope was a title Augustus Cesar used and that is exactly what pope thinks he is. Rome Vatican and its apostate system will fall one day and will be crushed by the real Lord Jesus Christ Jewish messiah of the tribe Judah and of the true city Jerusalem one day.
@Moe-bb3bm 7 лет назад
+deusimperator Yes Clement of Rome say your saved by faith alone. Cyprian of Carthrage tried to excommunicate your church for hearsy
@deusimperator 7 лет назад
moses Romero Absolutely not... either you have read his works and are a liar, or you have not read them and making BS up or just repeating BS heard from a bullshiter. lol lol lol You should take your Protestant blinders off. Protestants are in the end liars and you are certainly one as you lied here. _ Clement of Rome say your saved by faith alone._ Moronic imbecile where exactly do you think that St. Clement of Rome says that people are saved by Faith alone. I have read his works and I have failed to notice this in his writings. You might want to indicate as to where this occurs. _ Cyprian of Carthrage tried to excommunicate your church for hearsy_ *St*. Cyprian of Carthage tried to excommunicate the Catholic Church. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL WHERE DUMBASS, WHERE??? LOL LOL LOL Just because you pull shit out of your arse and claim it to be strawberries does not make it strawberries. I have little uses for dumb chumps who merely repeat shit like a parrot.
@igwtmt4224 11 лет назад
But they praying to dead popes, and other mans recognized as saints. When in this year John Paul II will be recognized as a "saint" half of my country will be praying to him. Greetings from Poland brothers.
@markstar6056 8 лет назад
This is ridiculous. If you say Catholics are not Christian then you are saying that more than half of the worlds 2.4 billion Christians are not actually Christian which would make Islam the worlds largest religion. In these times of uncertainty Christians needs to unite - Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox as ONE, because we all believe in Jesus, that's the most important thing.
@timspangler8440 8 лет назад
Unless a person be born again, he will NOT see the Kingdom.
@timspangler8440 8 лет назад
Derek...its the Bible. Why are you so upset by what the BIble says?
@QuisutDeusmpc 8 лет назад
It's "born from above", not "born again". Why do you take the side of Nicodemus over Jesus Christ?
@albusai 8 лет назад
narrow is the gate
@iseegood5609 8 лет назад
The Truth is not subject to a majority vote. Christ's followers don't need to worry about outnumbering any group of people adhering to false beliefs. We just need to do what Jesus said to do, repent and believe the gospel, love God and our neighbors. This video also is not saying no catholic individuals are true Christians, it is simply stating that the Roman Catholic system is not true Christianity. God bless you, love and serve the Truth. Jesus is the Truth.
@billobrien5954 6 лет назад
I am a Roman Catholic and I read my Bible. Two passages are relevant here, . . . In the Gospel of Mark (3:25), “And if a House is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.” In the Gospel of John (15:12), Jesus said, “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” As Christians, why are denigrating ourselves? Shouldn’t we be helping one another to increase our faith?
@gatzu8599 3 года назад
@@nicholascassity4786 the pope has literally said Jesus's death ended in failure If catholics don't stop being catholics by that, then they never joined that religion because of Jesus in the 1st placs
@thomashess6211 3 года назад
@@gatzu8599 They joined the CC because they hate Jesus and love the things of men.
@theextreme7134 Год назад
Holding hands with false religion is not an option. Light has no part of darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14).
@100megatonYT Год назад
@@gatzu8599 we are not Catholic because of whose the Pope. It’s like me telling you, you have a bad pastor, stop being Protestant.
@gatzu8599 Год назад
@@100megatonYT why should I stop being protestant?
@MrSpacejase 6 лет назад
people get very confused about the orthodox universal apostolic church..in which the the faith was deposited in the West and in the east. Infact its a continuation of a specific form of Messianic Judaism in which was largly rejected by most forms of Messianic Jews..and later Rabbinical Jews..hence the Talmad. What you see is the Gentiles hearing and taking up the message especially through a staunch Jew named Paul of Tarsus. Peter formed a church in Rome..along with Paul. while other apostles formed churches in the eastetn empire. yes the look of the people the presentation of the mass etc is in fact the emerging orthodox church that by the time the gospel of John was written was fighting docitism or gnostic teachings that reject Judaism at its core. The Johannien christians where the universal orthodox apostolic church. ..aka Catholic Church...
@courag1 10 лет назад
It isn't only history one is dealing with but also with all the powers of hell. Those who believe Catholicism, have accepted it because it is simpler, pay your tithe, go to heaven. However, those who take the time to find out, learn the character of God. The character of God is not found in the teaching of the Catholic Church. But it is only when the Lord takes the veil away by His spirit that they see. God wants us to know Him personally.
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