
RWBY Revisited: The Kingdoms 

The Dual-Wielder
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2 окт 2024




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@dspace4514 4 месяца назад
You know it's kind of mind boggling after almost 10 years, we are only now seeing Vacuo on the screen and only now seeing Theodore actual design.
@kidprime6863 4 месяца назад
Truth is in Vacuo, the Hunters are the law.
@Qvilligan 4 месяца назад
the writers definitely put this too far on the backburner and what couldve helped with the back bone of the show only now shows how flimsy it is. even a simple rundown of how the kingdoms governing systems work and coexist with each other without going into precisely whose who would have helped. ESPECIALLY that draconic island, no way that isnt where salem is.
@kidprime6863 4 месяца назад
That's what happens when you focus too much on advancing the show's plot rather than expanding upon its lore, characters and world building.
@scoutmehgaming17 Месяц назад
​@kidprime6863 not everyone watches a show because they're interested in watching 4 girls killing monsters people watch shows about other aspects like world-building
@kidprime6863 Месяц назад
@@scoutmehgaming17 True, but I'm just saying that a story about characters in a Science-Fantasy world with monsters should care about its characters and world while telling a great story at the same time. Star Wars does this. Even Transformers.
@Cykeys 4 месяца назад
With how isolated the smaller towns and villages are in the Kingdoms that do face the regular threats of Bandits and Grimm, you'd think there'd be more incentives for the Kingdoms setting up their own armed forces like Militias, or something rather than rely on the kindness (or self-interest) of Huntsmen/Huntresses that are willing to take the job. Nevermind the whether or not these settlements have enough money to even pay for their services. I'm not asking for a full blown military, but something like a self-defense force that just responds to internal affairs within the borders of the Kingdoms.
@kidprime6863 4 месяца назад
Or at the very least have some law enforcement. Sure, they're not as heavily armed as the Hunters or the Military, but at least they can prove some line of defense for the towns and villages. Hell, you could even set up some small local Huntsman Academies when the big ones are too far away. The kingdoms have primary combat schools such as Signal, Pharos and Ouros. If the towns or villages are too far away or isolated to be reached by the Hunters from the main academies in time, this is where the primary schools come in.
@yuukianimates3318 4 месяца назад
I literally don't remember anything significant in those 4 kingdoms, the world just doesn't feel alive and lived in, they lowkey dont even mention in the show on how things work, and even if they did, they did a terrible job in making things memorable. Beacon is the main kingdom we start at and we dont know on the others for 10 years
@non1263 4 месяца назад
I was under the impression that Grimm activity waxes and wanes throughout certain points in Remnants History. After all, if there was enough resources and manpower to have a major global conflict, then the Grimm couldn't have been too big a threat. Grimm activity would be ramping up in the wild because Salem was roused after Beacon fell. In Volume 4 when Blake and Sun fought that sea serpent Grimm, I believe it was somehow conveyed that Grimm of that magnitude don't usually attack random boats as it did. I will admit though, I'm not sure if this is stated anywhere or if this is just my head-canon based off of subtle cues in the show.
@noctisastrum7495 4 месяца назад
I think Leo and the DC comics acknowledge Cinder's speech and Penny's first death at vol.3, cause the over rampant of grimm attacks on remnant
@kidprime6863 Месяц назад
@@non1263 That pretty much could be it. Grimm are attracted to four things: 1. Negative Emotions 2. Conflict 3. The Four Relics 4. Strong Auras One and Two ramped up Grimm activity exponentially thanks to Cinder's speech, Yang "breaking" Mercury's "leg" and Pyrrha dismantling Penny, Ironwood's robots getting hacked, Ironwood's fleet getting compromised and the CCT Tower going out of commission. Let's not forget Cinder's group also painted the Hunters, Academies and Atlas in a bad light. People think the former two are barbarians. While people think the latter was trying to declare war against the kingdoms. This is enough to spark negative emotion and conflict. Plus, when Raven's bandit clan attacked a village it attracted a Nucklavee. Third is the reason why the Relics had to be put in the Vaults. Ozpin said that it's because they have ties to their creator, the Brother of Darkness. Though he said they're faintly attracted to them, that doesn't mean they won't get curious. Take the Grimm that attacked the train or the Leviathan that attacked Argus for example. It's very concerning that Ozpin never thought to create Grimm-proof containers to put the Relics in in the event he'd have to safely relocate them. The fourth was explained in the Schoolastic novels "After The Fall" and "Before The Dawn" that people with strong auras can attract Grimm like moths to a flame. Now that Leviathan in V6 was attracted to the heroes' strong auras, the Relic of Knowledge, Cordovan's foul temper and the battle they were having all at once. Not helped by the fact that the people at the Atlas station didn't detect it on their monitors until it was too late. Instead they were too busy spectating the fight like it. was a football game.
@wingadept8793 4 месяца назад
I seriously wonder where everyone is going to get their dust supply now, when you factor how much they were harping at Ironwood for doing that embargo thing for a year and how that was effecting everyone. Well guess they better figure out a new place since both Mantle and Atlas was wiped off the map. Not to mention the climate change that should've happened with all that dust crystals being destroyed at once, as we saw how vital it was for it not shatter. Plus the fact that with the SDC gone the price for any remaining dust is going to sky rocket due to the supply becoming more scarce, which is very vital for fighting Grimm. This is why I still to this day feel that RWBY's decision in letting Atlas fall was one of the dumbest decisions they ever made. I don't think they truly understand how much they played in dooming the world, especially now that Salem has the staff. She's essentially won. Unless by bs means, by all accounts Salem has everything covered.
@riotkitty 4 месяца назад
In my rewrite I also have it be that these places are all just called a kingdom cause it’s easier from the long stretch of time where they were all ruled by royalty, even tho only Atlas can now be considered a kingdom, although only as a constitutional monarchy with a governing body composed of military, such as Ironwood. I really had to dig down deep to see what governing bodies would make most sense for these kingdoms cause there’s too many missing holes. 😅
@fanboy4382 4 месяца назад
Would you please do some fight analysis on Star Wars the Clone Wars.
@k9ready690 4 месяца назад
Interesting I always saw the kingdoms as Cities with a smattering of visages scattered about. So five or ten city council men could do the job.
@DoomUvb 4 месяца назад
Could you cover murder drones
@leon1thelion580 4 месяца назад
Maybe they traveled on foot because they didn't have any money I don't know. The show was never strong in the writing department
@kidprime6863 Месяц назад
@@leon1thelion580 That's one of the many flaws of this show: the lack of world-building. All thanks to RT's impatience.
@dakotalange2858 4 месяца назад
First 👑
@christiancervantes4264 4 месяца назад
My apologize, Three Kingdoms should've have their own Military, and Irregulars Troops to defend themselves including their own Generals of Kingdom Military. Don't care what's wrong with it, Kingdoms are Kingdoms, Remnant is Remnant. James Ironwood got what he deserved for what he did.
@kidprime6863 Месяц назад
@@christiancervantes4264 I'm baffled by the fact that Ironwood seems to be the ONLY general in the Atlas Military. What? Can only one person be general? Worse, he had no support staff and they have no clear protocol in the event their general emotionally compromised and/or unstable. He needed to be put on administrative leave until he calms down. Leaving him in charge while he's still suffering paranoia, PTSD and distrust will just add more to his burdens. But you're right, the order three kingdoms need their own military and better law enforcement. Or better yet, if the villages or town are too isolated and far away for a Hunter from the main academies to make it in time, they should repurpose those small combats schools, such as Signal and Pharos, into local Huntsmen Academies.
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