
SA-12 S-300V Gladiator MIssile 

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The missile is designed to engage both modern and prospective air targets, including strategic, tactical and naval aircraft, strategic cruise missiles, air-launched missiles, tactical and battlefield ballistic missiles and other air attack weapons over a wide range of combat environments.
The 5V55R is a single-stage missile employing the normal aerodynamic configuration, with control surfaces unfolded after launch.
The missile is kept in a hermetically sealed launch canister and need not be tested and adjusted during its service life.
The missile is equipped with a highly efficient solid-propellant motor and comprises sections housing a radio direction finder, onboard control units (made as a monoblock), high-explosive fragmentation warhead, solid-propellant motor and control surface actuators.
The missile is launched vertically by the canister catapult without a preliminary turn of the launcher toward the target.
After ignition of the motor, the missile is tilted in the required direction depending on the target position.
The missile employs the track-via-missile guidance principle.
The high maneuverability of the missile and powerful high-explosive fragmentation warhead provide effective target destruction.




9 сен 2006




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@LeMike 13 лет назад
I was just watching sa-2 videos and i must say, it'simpressive how this system has evolved. Also, I noticed how the flight pattern here is much more stable and controlled, beautiful.
@S300V 15 лет назад
This system is 20 years old and still is one of the best.
@ahm3311 3 года назад
Hi ☺
@S300V 15 лет назад
This system is 20 years old and still one of the best.
@andreypestryakov3942 17 лет назад
[...read my previous post first...] So, overall calculation productivity of USA and USSR systems were almost equal. Be sure, that S-300 computers work fast enough to intercept an enemy missile. S-300 uses new non-traditional equation of flight, especial guidance algorythms, especial electronic detonation sequence and so on.
@andreypestryakov3942 17 лет назад
PetrFM, there is one thing you have to know. During Cold War USA and USSR were going different ways in computer researches. USA concentrated all efforts to create better hardware. USSR concentrated its efforts to create better software. Soviet computers were slower, but programms and algorythms were well optimized.
@kiailol 17 лет назад
That was in the late eighties. In case you didn't know, the year is 2007.
@mattmatt115 14 лет назад
@031782 Looks like you were toasted out when you made that aspiration!
@LeonelEBD 14 лет назад
@simonguitarra se que tenemos SA-16 pero SA-12 ???
@frankyspeaker 17 лет назад
PetrFM, In some cases that was true. Especially in avionics and sensors. But we are living in 2007 now. In many fields Russia is leading with military equipment. To name a few: S-300 and S-400 SAM systems, Yakhont, Sizzler and Brahmos Anti-ship missiles, Shkval torpedo's, 9K58 Smerch MLRS. Their military equipment is in smaller numbers compared to the coldwar.
@hightime8709 16 лет назад
Is the Mig-31 interceptor capable of detecting and bringing down the B2 and F22?
@flankerchan 13 лет назад
slight correction .. the S-300V uses 9M82 and 9M83 family made by Novator Design Bureau as its missile :D the 5V55 family which was made by Fakel Design Bureau belongs to S-300P SAM system
@llllbserkllll 14 лет назад
great system! greetings from germany
@misteraxl1 13 лет назад
@StiviGun1 on Wkipedia it says from 3800 mph to 5000 mph depends of systems version. Speed of normal jet fighter (f-16 example) is 1500 mph. So this missile is 2-3 times faster than f-16.
@r3born 17 лет назад
but the only thing i dont understand is how they see their planes when its invisible they must have the power of the gods for sure
@JoeLikesTrains Год назад
Interesting war machines. How many are there in the Russian army inventory? I assume a few hundred right? Almost 1 year into the war are there any remaining
@stivante 17 лет назад
i want one of those
@Xeno426 14 лет назад
@andrebrannan1953 Seconded. I'd really like to know what they are saying. I really wish there were more documentaries and reviews of non-American weapons and equipment in the US, but seeing as how the rest of the world is so heavily neglected (except when mentioned as a foil to whatever piece of American hardware they are talking about) this is the next best thing.
@randomusernamemygod 16 лет назад
Thought some of them would have learnt from Vietnams Bombing Campaign.
@S300V 11 лет назад
It just compares the missile flight performance! Not the system performance. Big difference. Sprint was just command guided while 9M82/9M83 missiles have TVM type semi-active guidance for higher accuracy, since these wouldnt use nuclear warheads like Sprint. This however increases size and weight. Sprint system also wasnt mobile.
@Brooklyn83 17 лет назад
In both wars over Iraq, the Iraqis were using SA-2 missiles and anti-aircraft artillery which was totally outdated. The Iraqis had nothing like SA-12 or the SA-15 which would have been far more effective.
@ChaoThing 17 лет назад
Well all the millitarys in the world have strengths and weaknesses.
@PowerDriverLT4 17 лет назад
I have always been a fan of the Soviet Sam systems and their equipment. Pretty good stuff overall but all systems, even ours have weaknesses. Years ago in wargames there were SA-10s,12s,15s,17s, etc..great systems like ours, but all had their weaknesses. Iran wouldn't worry me with any new Soviet or US Systems. I'm not going to say why.
@specnaz91 15 лет назад
Not one, but BEST OF THE BEST till S-400 Triumf came out.
@SAMTOMAS 16 лет назад
i said really nothing can bring down f-22 or f-18 ???? ijust missed to put (?)
@frankyspeaker 17 лет назад
kiailol, Yes, but you should never understimate Russia. If we would be in the 80's you still would have made that comment, right? Russia is rebuilding it's military with top notch equipment. Not in very big numbers yet, but that will be a matter of time with a growing economy, military spending and export. They even have equipment that is leading everything else in the world today.
@S300V 15 лет назад
bestamerica. The basis of the system is old. How old is MIM-104 Patriot btw? I can tel u its even older hmm... So I dont realy know what ur pointing at.
@straywolf77 16 лет назад
Vicious SAM system to say the least. I would not want to be in a combat aircraft having to bomb a target protected by this along with the TOR and Tunguskas...
@HerrHIVEMIND 17 лет назад
OMG these are like those old toys... Mega Force! they just unfold and all this awesome stuff is in them! Russian equipment rocks!
@AlternateArtisan 16 лет назад
a regular person with a gun is still a danger, ask the germans who lived through stalingrad.
@frankyspeaker 17 лет назад
kiailol, Combat against who???? Not against the Russians! This is what a U.S. General from the U.S pentagon said: In the late 80's in a war with the Sovjets the U.S. Airforce will last a maximum of 17 days. This 17 days is the most positive scenario for the U.S Airforce. Grtz,
@SkywalkerPaul 17 лет назад
@kiailol 17 лет назад
Say what you will, but in combat American technology has proven to be superior, as innovative and interesting as some Soviet technology looks at a glance.
@zillybock 13 лет назад
dear santa
@misteraxl1 13 лет назад
@StiviGun1 you have everything you need on wikipedia ... really, do some search, man.
@bombermanas1 15 лет назад
va tak
@Libouh 17 лет назад
The very great of Russia the only bad thing about it is the economy and harsh treatment on its own people
@nonyabuziness5176 11 лет назад
The SA-12 compares well to the older US Sprint ABM system though it does not attain the same level of performance vs weight as that system. You may want to visit h t t p : / / w w w.ausairpower.n e t/APA-Giant-Gladiator.html and read up on the comparison tables between the various systems...
@ThamMalaysia 7 лет назад
Wasn't both Spartan and Sprint fielded for just a few months in the 70s ?
@SaimonSinA 14 лет назад
los tres los compro venezuela
@bestamerica 15 лет назад
old system = low technology = low life
@solimaniv 14 лет назад
english subs plz
@FeelFree3 17 лет назад
Russian sell their best weapon to Japan? If this is real, pretty surprising! cause they unlikely to sell best weapon to allied of USA
@brocalfur 13 лет назад
@teapartywins 60's stuff works against your so-called stealth crap.
@SAMTOMAS 16 лет назад
really nothing can bring down f-22 or F-18 lol back in 1991 an IRAQI pilot shut down an f-18 if u dont believe me search for it and you'll see
@frankyspeaker 17 лет назад
PetrFM, The succes rate of the Patriot in Saudi Arabia during the Gulfwar was 9%! U.S president Bush senior told the media the succes rate was 80%! But this was a lie in order to sell the Patriot! After the sales the truth came out after U.S officials researched the performance. The Patriot is better now, but still there are problems.
@r3born 17 лет назад
P.S. guys we are all inferior to god bless usa soldiers know it! stealth is not about science its all about magic! they cast a spell and vuala its absolutely invisible
@mxstilgar 16 лет назад
... and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. Revelation 9:17-18
@r3born 17 лет назад
about blackwind^^: yes sorry man Russia has nothing to do with stealth no matter how much we try and dont bother urself by f-117 shot by an ancient s-125 sorry man
@spyther6385 2 года назад
Well not good for Ukraine :/
@bestamerica 15 лет назад
america SDI can beat ussr russia
@Desmond1027 16 лет назад
We need Obama, so we won't get into these illegal and immoral wars!!! Obama 08!!!
@kiailol 17 лет назад
the mig 29 is comparable to the f-15 and f-16 and so is the mig-23. israel just used their aircraft better, and American technology is generally better than Russian stuff.
@031782 16 лет назад
You talk big, but been vacationing in Grozny recently? Lots of fine Russian weapons rusting in the streets there. We would take Iran out of the sky and sea within 48 hrs and you know, I may be proved right within the year.
@odessaboy 17 лет назад
a very foolish statement and factually incorrect.
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