
Sam Reacts To Glenn Greenwald Doing PR For Alex Jones 

The Majority Report w/ Sam Seder
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@mmolchin 2 года назад
Glenn literally said "I don’t give a shit what the expectations are, it would bore me if I tried" in regards to questioning Alex on the denial of the murder of babies and the the harassment of their parents. I don’t give a fuck how long ago Sandy Hook occurred, to talk about the situation with that level of complacency is disgusting in and of itself. Ironically Alex was correct that he deserves to be questioned about it to no end. What he did to those parents and the memory of their kids was horrific. So for Glenn to just gloss over it and even act as though it would be an inconvenience to press him on it shows just how much journalistic integrity Glenn has lost. This interview was inexcusable and that line highlights exactly why.
@tanjianforever 2 года назад
Absolutely. And I hope he is given a settlement so large that no one in show biz will go near him. I hope it takes him the rest of his life to fully pay it off. Fuck Alex Jones and his mediocre existence.
@kaisarion6668 2 года назад
Does he have some kind of disease? What’s wrong with his brain? He knows better
@PersonalPariah 2 года назад
"That time you did material harm to grieving families over the course of years for your own monetary gain... not interested. Would you say you did it because you're great or because you're amazing?"
@notafantbh 2 года назад
Glenn is just a disgusting human being
@tanjianforever 2 года назад
@@PersonalPariah I had a rocket appliances type of genius in another thread telling me Greenwald is fighting against the security state and the Majority Report are agents...
@njs_gc 2 года назад
Alex Jones: What ever you said Glenn. Glenn Greenwald: Great answer Alex just as I thought.
@watamatafoyu 2 года назад
Ironically what Jones said to the prosecution after they revealed his lawyers leaked his phone texts to them 😆
@2906justblaze 2 года назад
Did Glenn at least burp Alex after he spoon fed him?
@KG9551 2 года назад
I don’t believe he did until Alex gently patted him on the back a few times
@Ellieempress 2 года назад
After he received the envelope of money given to him by either The Heritage Foundation or The Federalist Society.
@mckenzie.latham91 Год назад
Probably wiped his ass for him too.
@onalos1271 2 года назад
I was done with Greenwald around 2016. It's taking a long time for people to see him for the narcisistic, contrarian grifter that he is. 🤷🏽‍♀️
@grekounas 2 года назад
I knew something was up with him when my friends that watched Jones would start sending me pieces by Greenwald.
@thunderpooch 2 года назад
@@grekounas you have friends that watch Alex Jones? Get out more. Meet more people.
@grekounas 2 года назад
@@thunderpooch childhood friend. Anyone else and they would have been ditched. We don't talk politics anymore. Funny thing is, he is a Bernie supporter.
@jonathansurovell3516 2 года назад
It's weird to me how hard it is for some people to let go of Greenwald. He seems to function a bit like a guru for some of my friends. I really don't get it. He's not some kind of deep or insightful thinker and he has no charisma. He comes across as an angry soulless rich ex-lawyer with a transparent media strategy. He's somewhat clever about wording tweets and whatnot, to preserve plausible deniability, but he has nothing interesting or plausible to say. I get that he bills himself as anti-establishment and people like that. But is that all it takes? Why don't other "anti-establishment" pundits get the same cultlike following?
@hardtakeoff 2 года назад
he can spell though
@GBGB000 2 года назад
Griftwald really jumped the shark. He is now a pure meme.
@areaunderthecurve9918 2 года назад
Maybe to liberal elites.
@tanjianforever 2 года назад
@@areaunderthecurve9918 anyone with actual credibility. And if you are using the term "liberal elites" you have most likely little clue what that word means. It's when you aren't a shill, like all the people in republican leadership, party, and conservatives in media as a whole. They all shill for fox or one of the other far right news organizations, or they shill for a superpack(corporations). Either way they are bought and sold.
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
Speaking of “grift” you should check out majority reports “french” level membership $500/month
@tanjianforever 2 года назад
@@fredsanford1437 how many people are actually paying that though? And sounds like a gag to me. But I guess some people get offended by different things. You get upset about a payment option, I get upset about people being paid by blatant far right groups like Prager U and Turning Points USA.
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
@@tanjianforever Obviously people are paying that $500/month grift or else it wouldn’t be an option. Also, “gags” don’t come with PayPal links. Greenwald is a threat to the Security State, Seder is an asset. Get upset about that.
@Plimpert 2 года назад
If this doesn’t prove that going to the right will make you more money, than I don’t know what will.
@thunderpooch 2 года назад
Spreading lies about economics is entirely a right wing grift. Finance capital is a racket. And it requires constant lies and propaganda to maintain the farce.
@bananafingers4927 2 года назад
7:23 Emma asks, "Do you have a fifth wind, or are you good?" Looks down at video duration... 43 minutes left 😂
@jkclark5204 2 года назад
🤣😂😂 Emma has really settled into the humor of the show. Her dry teasing of Sam fills me with joy.
@myrmepropagandist 2 года назад
Emma is amazing!
@rightwingstanjonesjournal4920 2 года назад
It's amazes me that certain progressives - like Krystal Ball - will defend, or ignore everything the actual propagandists and conspiracy baiters do, and yet lose their minds over Rachel Maddow telling the truth about Russian propagandists at OAN, and having the audacity to report on Russia Gate as it was happening. Ball did a segment while at The Hill: Rising, comparing Maddow to Alex Jones. But she completely ignores Tucker Carlson. Apparently he's not divisive enough. If Maddow we're doing what Carlson does on a nightly basis, Cigar and Balls would never shut up about it.
@sepehrdaghbandan7964 2 года назад
Glenn Greenwald what a nauseating human being.
@diallo1347 2 года назад
I what is Glenn's plan when his marriage affectional identify is made illegal by the party he is defending?
@sphires 2 года назад
How did Greenwald, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, and Jimmy Doore all turn into right wing grifters? So disappointing.
@allmodcons2274 2 года назад
🤣🤣Sam's flustered rants do make me smile.
@carlsaveus1735 2 года назад
Well said Sam... whatever was left of Glenn Greenwald credibility "he flushed it!" (down the toilet...).
@shawnwilliam4653 2 года назад
Glenn Greenwald is the new Brandon Straka
@hail_satan 2 года назад
Sam's Alex Jones voice sounds like when I talk through a fan.
@manholeeunuchsbane6197 2 года назад
Greenwald is now one of the top grifters on the right. How the worm has turned.
@666marquis 2 года назад
Glenn and Taibbi are Batman and Robin.
@areaunderthecurve9918 2 года назад
What right wing positions does he hold?
@daveruda 2 года назад
2018 seems like a different universe now. Remember how many pro Bernie lefties online that seemed to be moving people in the right direction? Now its just crazy how far the pendulum swung for these people.
@mjlh7079 2 года назад
Been that for a while, wonder if someone has some serious dirt on him or his partner. I noticed an abrupt change in him around 2013 after: the Brazilian government in a hard right shift, violently cracked down on protesters complaining about the increase in prices due to the country hosting both the World Cup and the Olympics, went after journalist reporting on government corruption, & his husband?/partner, David Miranda, being detained for 9 hours by UK authorities. That change really hit home w/ me in 2021 when Manning tweeted: "glenn greenwald, i don’t have $10,000 right now but if i get it i want to send it back to you from a donation you once did. i can’t deal with this anymore. im terrified of you and everything you do. you’re greedy, unprincipled, and im embarrassed for ever considering you a friend" , "... im no longer going to be afraid of saying what’s on my mind anymore or taking a stand from the people that i once considered allies but who have chosen to bash, harass, humiliate, intimidate, and lie to get ahead.” "
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
Speaking of “grifters” How do you feel about majority reports “french” and “super Marxist” memberships? Or is that different?
@lt3tretrois 2 года назад
Thank you for not playing anymore of that tripe. Hadn’t heard alex’s voice for that long in a long time.
@andrew_owens7680 Месяц назад
I've already seen more Alex Jones than I ever want to. Every second I spend watching him is a second I won't have ever again.
@robertstitches9517 2 года назад
I'm about half way through and my God if people didnt already catch on to Greenwalds grift then this of all things, surely!, caping for the king of Sandy Hook thruthers should convince them!!
@vinnym5607 2 года назад
Imagine watching this and taking both these people seriously. Glenn might want anarchy more than even Alex, who is embarrassed when he's caught.
@norankpost2 2 года назад
Matt taibbi is the same as Glenn greenwald. Used to respect him. But he has returned to his past gonzo misogynistic BS
@AndrewTate2Prison 2 года назад
Asking Alex Jones if he has done deep research?
@mikeymasters8459 2 года назад
Milo is working for marge Green. So Glen is just a dowdier, more boring Milo.
@Larryberry961 8 месяцев назад
Glenn saying so glibly and uncaringly that what AJ said about Sandy Hook “turned out to be untrue”, as if those damaging, psychotic lies that wrecked people’s lives were at least plausible, makes me want to puke. All the good he may have done in the world is wrecked in my eyes.
@dickjohnson8578 Год назад
The bildergroup is legit tho? And ironically it’s main function is to protect western capitalist interest in the west. Which I’d assume Jones would be in favor of.
@lesspam6601 2 года назад
Glem asking Jones if he did a 'meticulous forensic analysis' of the 2020 election is comedic gold
@lucasorion 2 года назад
unintentional, totally un-self-aware comedy
@crit7514 2 года назад
@@lucasorion The best kind. There's a reason I'm into politics
@ownthelibs 2 года назад
@@lucasorion it’s self aware on Glenn’s side. He’s basically hinting to him that he knows he didn’t.
@kormak23 2 года назад
This is the same Alex Jones who said on air "I just got a message from one of the SWAT team members that was on site where Las Vegas shooter died. They found antifa and muslim items there. This is confirmed. And now I'm going to delete this message and I cannot show it to you" - METICULOUS!!!!
@borachon26 2 года назад
@@ownthelibs I like to imagine that Greenwald is suffering from mental illness and actually "believes" what he's saying because the fact he is aware of what a pathetic neocon apologist sad sack he's become is risible.
@marcsimard2723 2 года назад
AJ and Limbaugh twisted my father in laws mind till he was a very different man… These people deserve zero consideration
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
You’re no better. You’re a majority report fan.
@user-uy6uc5ey5q 2 года назад
@@fredsanford1437 resident troll in the house.
@Brett_S_420 2 года назад
They deserve worse than that for being a big part of the propaganda machine responsible in ushering in Fascism. Last time I checked, REAL American Patriots KILLED NAZIS. They didn't try to end democracy in an attack on dc WITH Nazis.
@Brett_S_420 2 года назад
@@fredsanford1437 Hmm.. Majority Report = Healthcare, democracy, making the country incrementally better for regular people. You = Somehow, this is worse than BS that has the end goal of radicalizing people into LITERAL Fascism! 🤡🤳 🍄🤪💦 ⬅️ Also you. Me = 🙄
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
@@Brett_S_420 That’s a very wrong take. Majority report advocates voting for the privately owned DNC corporation that argued in court “we are a private corporation with no legal obligation to provide free and fair elections” Wilding VS dnc services. And yes the judge agreed and dismissed Sanders and his election fraud lawsuit. Sam Seder does mental gymnastics to justify voting for the literal opposite of “democracy” The DNC and GOP duopoly make things incrementally WORSE for regular people. And speaking of fascism… Benito Mussolini says “fascism should be called corporatism because it’s the merger of state and corporate power” The DNC that Seder says to vote for is that literal definition, therefore sader is that fascist you’re worried about Now go ahead and respond with baseless insults and slanders of me being a Russian bot (That’s usually how conversations with the majority report crown goes)
@billthebutcher2 2 года назад
I always can't help but hear Michael's Sam impression in my head whenever Sam gets heated. Makes me smile every time, even if it is a depressing topic.
@banonKING 2 года назад
"Pause it!"
@TayTayMakesBeats 2 года назад
I love how Michael's Sam impression sounded nothing like Sam while also somehow perfectly capturing Sam's _essence._ Truly a special person.
@homerco213 2 года назад
Oh no, lavender; achoo!
@shawnwilliam4653 2 года назад
One thing is though I don't think Greenwald is a depressing topic and I don't think anyone should be surprised... Go on RU-vid and look up the video video where he did an interview w Cenk Where he came out and defended the citizens United decision in 2010.... Whatever you think of the young Turks... It used to be my favorite but now I trust this show much more this was the 1st show that was out there debunking Alex Jones since 2010...... TYT actually platform the guy not intentionally and I don't think overall they do bad but they do some harm....Rubin, Jimmy Dore Jordan Charidan..... A lot of the pro Russia "lefties" came out of the young Turks..
@shawnwilliam4653 2 года назад
The only people that denied the fact that Russia interfered with our elections that did not move to the far right is alright is secular talkThe only people that denied the fact that Russia interfered with our elections that did not move to the far right is alright is secular talk.....he Was trying to cater to that Jimmy fanbase and he got a lot of it..... And when this guy says he does not like confrontation I believe him......Kyle.... He lost his Jimmy door fans and I think other people Hopefully new people what happens I hear is they discover Kyle.... Kyle is not only way to introverted.... He used to be lazy and purposely give surface level analysis of things.... That meant he didn't have to wade into the culture war..... But the fact is as lefties you do..... You can't be an anti social Justice Warrior lefty... It just so happens that the right picked up a data avoid that no one had really used the term social Justice Warrior since social medis social media and the Internet in general..... Which meant there was a dats void they could exploit... That's why those videos went way up in the algorithm.... The left needs to find their own data void..... But Kyle like he said is very non confrontational......was influenced by a$$holes like Dimmy, G.G. and Taibbi.... Also Chris Hedges.... He was caught plagiarizing years ago... Most of left dismissed it as a hitchhike.... Chris is a strange man.... He's had some good points hes a d*** Boomer..... And I do not trust anybody who stayed on RT and even wanted to stay on RT news afour team knows after the a invaded Ukraine in February...... He's a disempowering figure as well.... The Point is the left doesn't have to be so quick and embracing someone just because they happen to write a good article A good speech
@quincywagstaff1243 2 года назад
Great point by Seder that Greenwald was doing the exact type of softball interview he endlessly slams mainstream media for doing.
@hhiippiittyy 2 года назад
So many of the contrarian anti-MSM crowd seem not to hate them, but just be bitter that they aren't in the club. Krystall Ball, Brand, Dore, Greenwald, Rogan.
@KnarfStein 2 года назад
@@hhiippiittyy Don't forget Rogan brownoser Kulinski.
@hhiippiittyy 2 года назад
@@KnarfStein Kulinski has been such a disappointment. He didn't do the hard sell-out like Dore, he just castrated his integrity by being unwilling to call out the grifters, fake "centrists" and hollow contrarians. The soft sell-out.
@Eiuol81853 2 года назад
@@hhiippiittyy THIS!
@mckenzie.latham91 Год назад
​@@hhiippiittyy Russel Brand is on the club, it's why he attacks MSM for being the plaything for rich elites While not mentioning how he gets paid by and hosts on Rumble, a right wing platform owned by Republican Billionaire and influencer Peter Tiel Or as Brand calls.him, Sugar Daddy.
@marcevan1141 2 года назад
Alex Jones said that the Newtown massacre never happened. End of conversation. He's a despicable human being and there is no point in talking to him. One must have some standards.
@JCMDKFHUB 2 года назад
Whoever the MR employee is who is death-frying these low saturation, AI generated esque thumbnails is doing the lord’s work
@granudisimo 2 года назад
MR should take a few pointers from Thom Hartmann If they really want to step up their thumbnail game
@EroticInferno 2 года назад
@@granudisimo Thom’s thumbnails are really fun
@granudisimo 2 года назад
@@EroticInferno Thom has, hands down, the best thumbnail game in leftube.
@philipvipond2669 2 года назад
I smile every time Sam says "Build-a-Burger group".
@creshiell 2 года назад
Look at me finding out too late that Sam was saying it wrong, and figuring it out when Google had to correct me lmao
@TheGreatAtario 2 года назад
We should start that as a worker coöp fast food chain just to confound the search engines
@kaisarion6668 2 года назад
Sam ❤️
@fractalphysics8045 2 года назад
@ᴠᴇɴᴜs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅғʟᴏᴡthe "One Whirled" build-a-burger with "whirled peas" pea-protein like beyond beef.
@TheGreatAtario 2 года назад
@ᴠᴇɴᴜs ʙʟᴏᴏᴅғʟᴏᴡ Conspira-Cilantro Burger
@TheCrabError 2 года назад
I used to listen to Alex Jones, back when I found his show on public access in Austin Texas right after 2001. When I discovered Alex was just using the word “globalist” to mean “Jew”, I realized I was headed down the wrong path.
@ceerealitymusic 2 года назад
when reading the cesspool of the comments i realized that this right wing libertarianism was just a front for racist and fascists
@hhiippiittyy 2 года назад
@@ceerealitymusic No matter what any of the contrarian RU-vid personalities say they believe, the audience they cultivate is much clearer distillation of their message. Dore, Brand, Breaking Points... their comment section should give them pause... if they were honest.
@primalmythicgallery4023 2 года назад
I realized it when he would never talk about global warming and the Koch brothers movement, always talking Rockefellers and rothchils, etc.
@nosuchthing8 2 года назад
When I heard AJ calling Hillary Clinton an actual demon, Sulphur and all.
@rsdemarco 2 года назад
Wow, I never thought Greenwald would return to the gutter of defending Nazis, but hey.... as they say... go with what you know.
@ToneSoCooL3 2 года назад
Nazis were the folks who killed my people systematically. So, Alex Jones is a mass murderer? Nazi?
@Bushprowler 2 года назад
@davidbright6790 2 года назад
@berjanbeen7188 2 года назад
Griftwald and Starfucker Jones.
@wynoglia 2 года назад
Lol the "out" Glenn was giving was so clear. He was like "okay, so did you mean literally or.." and then babbled on a whole essay written with love and care for Jones
@policevanposition1993 2 года назад
Glenn Greenwald has finally went beyond redemption. Not saying he hasn't passed that point already but This is definitely the straw on the camels back.
@Nobody3467-s3h 2 года назад
How have you edited this post and still have so many grammar errors? That’s cool
@policevanposition1993 2 года назад
@@Nobody3467-s3h Thank you for pointing that out. You have dramatically changed my life. I believe we will both sleep very well tonight. What's your first name and badge number. I only caught your last name Officer coccsucker. Thank you for keeping the RU-vid comment section safe.
@LinkRocks 2 года назад
@@Nobody3467-s3h "Look a squirrel!"
@babygorilla4233 2 года назад
I just want him to do his job again. Good investigative journalism of whoever's in power. He never should have left that path.
@SmartDave60 2 года назад
@@Nobody3467-s3h English might not be his first language.
@myrmepropagandist 2 года назад
Glen has been mean to me personality on twitter several times. And I find this disturbing because I'm nobody. I'm "pretty big on antkeeping tiktok" and that's about it. I'm just a random math instructor. But Glen is so damn online he's found some tweet where I mentioned him and come after me. That's kinda sad IMO. I was just sad that he didn't do more after the snowden stuff.
@scrubjay93 2 года назад
He must have tiny hands, if you know what I mean. 🙄
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
Greenwald did Lava Jeto and freed a wrongfully imprisoned ex president of Brazil.
@fredsanford1437 Год назад
@@Cussy69_420 yes and yes. Greenwald had the balls to expose the oligarchy in Brazil. Seder runs cover for the oligarchy in USA.
@mckenzie.latham91 Год назад
Greenwald also then went on to Tucker Carlson on Fox News and openly supported Bolsenaro a man he previously had described as an authoritarian threat to democracy in Brazil and who was a massive homophobe Glenn shills for the powerful of the right wing and fascist now and that's the only narrative that matters at this point.
@stephensuddick2557 2 года назад
The credibility of anyone who would willingly engage with Alex Jones is highly questionable.
@Shikhar_ 2 года назад
Engagement is not the same as whitewashing. Glen's doing the latter.
@stephensuddick2557 2 года назад
@@Shikhar_ He had to seek out and engage with a man whose name is synonymous with dog excrement. That's really all I needed to know.
@lordlacolith 9 месяцев назад
Ditto for Candyfucker Carlson, who, as I understand it, Glenn became quite chummy with.
@chobenn4299 2 года назад
All Glenn did with this interview is make himself look crazier than jones
@PTPalmer_NPC 2 года назад
Sam loves to fight and I love the twinkle of delight in his eye… Magic
@fredsanford1437 2 года назад
Sam loves to fight for the ruling class, not the working class
@DumbDesign 2 года назад
The goal is clear: rehabilitate someone as loathsome as Alex Jones to clear the space for even more loathsome individuals. It is about letting people know no matter how low you go, someone somewhere will pay someone else to make you look like a poor misunderstood truth warrior.
@RyanTheOne 2 года назад
We need a Majority Report and Knowledge Fight crossover more than ever.
@tenjoe4 2 года назад
Picturing Jordan and Sam each getting increasingly more high pitched as the show goes on.
@alexarvanitis4331 2 года назад
Job well done exposing Glen for the insincere fraud that he is.
@adamrisch 2 года назад
Good god that was pathetic. Griftwald must have gotten bootlicking tips from Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham ahead of that lol
@jacquelinejohnson7699 2 года назад
‘Griftwald’… excellent!
@Ellieempress 2 года назад
Kudos on the Griftwald .
@adamrisch 2 года назад
@@Ellieempress I can't take credit for that haha, someone else posted it first
@d_dave7200 2 года назад
Wow. This was a brutal takedown of Glenn, but spot on. He really was excusing his own bad choices here, and applying something to Alex that clearly doesn't even fit.
@davidchidester5463 2 года назад
Lol at Taibbi trying to do the gotcha of "have you even watched it bro?" when he also hadn't watched it before working on his piece.
@tharfagreinir 2 года назад
So not only does Greenwald not ask any hard hitting questions, he's actually fairer towards Jones than Jones himself is. Amazing.
@tommylakindasorta3068 2 года назад
When Alex Jones says, "I'm a talk show host," he's really saying, "how dare you expect me to have standards."
@voiceofamericast 2 года назад
My favorite Glenn tell: when he sets up a straw man (and he kind of knows it) he lapses into lengthy reasons why he dislikes said straw man until guests and audience have long since moved on. keeps gnawing his bone anyway.
@seanpatrick1243 2 года назад
Greenwald’s idea of investigative journalism has always been to start with something he wants to be true and then search for evidence to prove it so. And then write about whether or not his evidence is anything more than his feelings. He just got lucky one time and won a Pulitzer for it.
@KMC5240 2 года назад
I legit want to see how Kyle Kulinski and Krystal Ball spin this.
@Regenmacher175 2 года назад
They'll likely find ways to either ignore it, downplay it or spin it to mean the opposite of what was clearly happening here.
@mitchellhughes5180 2 года назад
@@Regenmacher175 yep
@KMC5240 2 года назад
@@Regenmacher175 Sad thing is, I like Kyle. I usually do enjoy his takes on things. But he's fucking terrible and seeing with people he likes act in bad faith. And I'm not even in the "cut Glenn Greenwald off" camp. I just want Kyle to treat him like he does anyone else. Glenn shouldn't be above criticism
@louie3216 2 года назад
They will either ignore it or talk about how great of a job Glenn did
@Malacite 2 года назад
Yeah true, since those two both still weirdly support Glenn and Kyle continues to have faith in Joe Rogan for god only knows why.
@GaryParris 2 года назад
Good on you Sam for doing this, i have listened to Taibi and Greenwald givve credibility people like Jones and conspiracies as if they are doing legit journalism, and it's BS. It's like you said, Akin to Mainstream Media legitimising mainstreaming establishment BS that they criticise! It's definitely brought them down to Alex's level instead of rising above it.
@riazmkhan 2 года назад
What ever happened to Glenn? Or did the Snowden revelations that made his name, simply land in his lap and launch the career of an opportunistic man?
@deanmcinerney2324 2 года назад
Snowden chose him, he had cache at that time and Snowden wanted the story to get traction.
@riazmkhan 2 года назад
@Dean McInerney , True. Glenn has also worked with Chomsky, so I’m loathe to write him off too quickly.
@HandmadeDarcy 2 года назад
@@riazmkhan It's well beyond time, now, though.
@riazmkhan 2 года назад
@Handmade Darcy, Yes, sadly it’s beginning to look that way…
@gagaplex 2 года назад
Listening to Greenwald try to provide Jones with answers while endlessly rambling and framing his worthless questions is aggravating. Greenwald should be ashamed of this complete and utter lack of journalism he engages in. He's Jones's PR person, nay, his fluffer - but certainly not an interviewer.
@yeezynapkins2970 2 года назад
You should challenge Taibi to publish his piece before the movie premiers so he can suffer the consequences of running defense for Greenwald and Jones.
@666marquis 2 года назад
Taibbi is pathetic, running around cleaning up Greenwald's mistakes.
@clu83 2 года назад
I sincerely hope that Jones is left with nothing after the damages has been decided.
@egorkotkin 2 года назад
Unlikely. There’s nothing more compassionate than the American judicial system to rich people.
@clu83 Год назад
Update, as of today 2022-10-12 it seems like he's on the hook for close to $1billion. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bastard!
@mckenzie.latham91 Год назад
He's on the hook for far more, and the fact he has done literal videos where he mocked how he will not pay or hide his money He can have a lean placed on his wages and or be held in contempt of court charges
@Kaptinkumar 2 года назад
A 50 minute Majority Report clip, thank you Jesus it’s a good day now!
@flashthompson6566 2 года назад
"You made statements that turned out to not be true " No, Glenn, they didn't turn out to not be true. They were never true. Ever. Even from before he said it, they were already not true
@flashthompson6566 2 года назад
@Dusty Bottoms Biden is putting the brakes on Trump's inflation.
@whiteorchid5412 2 года назад
Geenwald has truly sold his soul and gone to the dark side. People like that have zero self respect and typically loath themselves unless they're sociopaths.
@caracasaltavista 2 года назад
Sad how Glen Greenwald has fallen.... sadder to see Matt Taibi following the se footsteps yuck..... I stop following his reporting this past year as well
@captainspaullding 2 года назад
RIP Glenn Greenwald His heart still beats but his soul is dead. Shout out to Matt Taibbi
@villedocvalle 2 года назад
Matt Taibbi steps in and out of being part of the whole questionable motivations group though.
@jiffyxtremez 2 года назад
@@villedocvalle Questionable is being quite charitable IMO. It's pretty obvious that he is behaving much like a leech who just spotted the juiciest host to suckle on. See his defence of Matt Walsh's blatant transphobia.
@LinkRocks 2 года назад
@@villedocvalle Taibbi is a grifter too.
@LinkRocks 2 года назад
He never had a soul.
@Captain-Sum.Ting-Wong 2 года назад
That shoutout to Taibbi is sarcastic right?
@notafantbh 2 года назад
Bravo, Sam. It was a long segment but I couldn't take a word from what was said here. Glenn should watch this and feel like the useful idiot he is.
@norankpost2 2 года назад
This is so disturbing to me that I can’t watch the whole thing. Who let GG back into the country? When the intercept kicked him off the platform, his true fascist, evil self blossomed.
@adamrisch 2 года назад
"It's disgusting. It's pathetic. It's sad. And transparent." WORD
@keaco73 2 года назад
What a great journalist Greenwald is. He leads in on all “tough questions.”
@jamesc210 Год назад
Glenn is a lawyer. He knows what a leading question is. These are some of the most long-winded leading-ass questions I've ever heard a supposed journalist ask someone
@uncomplicatedi Год назад
Didn't know Glenn is a lawyer. Explains a lot
@dckuha 2 года назад
Greenwald's been off the deep end for a while now and it seems Taibbi is following. Both I used to have a tremendous amount of respect for and so all of this is incredibly disappointing. What the fuck is happening to people.
@andregordon2599 2 года назад
50 mins of Greenwald dunking? Time well spent! Let me get my popcorn and a beer
@SonOfRamenEgg 2 года назад
Projection. Always projection. Glenn:"you kind of want to dig in a little bit and not give an inch"... That's you Glenn. Work your problem out on your own time.
@julkiewicz 2 года назад
@@samsedermissingchildsuppor3312 Sure, it's either "you are obsessed" or "you are silencing him". Damned if you do, damned if you don't. This is the most embarrassing "interview" I've ever seen. He should be ashamed if he was running a PR agency for the guy, nevermind act in a role of a journalist.
@Junebug89 2 года назад
@@samsedermissingchildsuppor3312 Calling other people obsessed when you have that username? lmao
@tommylakindasorta3068 2 года назад
There are journalists who report to spread truth and those who report to spread a narrative. At every news outlet probably. It's practically unavoidable and you can't use it as an excuse for your own irresponsible behavior, Glenn. EDIT: Glenn is basically helping Alex Jones give one last 'fuck you' to his court-adjudicated victims.
@skully5473 2 года назад
This show is for rational, smart people. It will never have a massive audience because smart people with common sense aren't that common.
@0hgre 2 года назад
@@BM-bc6jj Look, a talking bowel movement! 💩
@ramonserna8089 2 года назад
Greenwald used to be a good journalist once upon a time.
@willdenham 2 года назад
I wrote off Glenn a long time ago, looks like Taibbi will be keeping him company.
@stewpacalypse7104 2 года назад
How long till Glenn Greenwald appears on Ancient Aliens?
@Reticule9 2 года назад
Ancient Aliens 🤣
@drewopal9283 2 года назад
Conspiracy boards used to be fun back in the day, the Conspiracy theorists would argue with the skeptics and people would try to find actual documents to back it up, then info wars turned everyone's brains into mush and it was no fun anymore
@silphcolapras2573 2 года назад
22:35 I think Sam is hitting the button hard here. Glenn is GIVING Alex Jones the out to make Alex Jones seem less like the disaster to democracy that he is.
@Pomeray8 2 года назад
Knowledge Fight podcast for a hilarious debunking of Jones point by point.
@britishrocklovingyank3491 2 года назад
They are amazing.
@flashthompson6566 2 года назад
@@britishrocklovingyank3491 there are no heroes for the squatch
@britishrocklovingyank3491 2 года назад
@@flashthompson6566 Daniel Jordan only knows the truth.
@flashthompson6566 2 года назад
@@britishrocklovingyank3491 he smoked that Mars pipe resin, of course he sees everything clearly now. Even DMT has nothing on alien pipe resin
@flashthompson6566 2 года назад
@@britishrocklovingyank3491 (non-wonks are going to be confused by my comments)
@whentheleveebreaks4732 2 года назад
Hell yea. Old school MR energy. Michael is smiling down on you, crew.
@MABfan11 2 года назад
Glenn Greenwald practically handed Alex Jones answers on a silver platter with his questions while projecting hard and he didn't even use Greenwald's excuses, it was beyond pathetic
@petergetreuer8127 2 года назад
Everyone should listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast for responsible reporting on the garbage Alex Jones gets up to day to day.
@notloz2 2 года назад
I've been saying that Alex Jones was a provocateur for 20 years:)
@KG9551 2 года назад
The loss of Matt Tiabbi is a hard one. I didn’t realize he’d gone gone.
@areaunderthecurve9918 2 года назад
He’s not. Sam is out of his mind.
@KG9551 2 года назад
@@areaunderthecurve9918 how so? He just read Tiabbi’s response to his tweet. Matt picking that particular fight is odd.
@Junebug89 2 года назад
@@areaunderthecurve9918 Sam actually knew Taibbi personally, unlike you.
@davidowens2067 2 года назад
@@areaunderthecurve9918 I think you are the one who is out of his mind and under the curve.
@beckyblueish 2 года назад
@@areaunderthecurve9918 One of not very many criticisms I have of Sam is that he turned a blind eye to Taibbi’s depressing descent for longer than he should’ve because they were good friends for many years
@HussainAli-pi2gp 2 года назад
Legit you distroyed GG for me.. you make so much sense breaking it down and it is amazing how soft balls he was giving AJ when you explain the questions down
@ToastyMcGrath 2 года назад
Glenn Greenwald doing some pro bono legal defense work for Jones live on stage.
@mikebear7636 2 года назад
so Glenn doesn't see the irony of a liar calling media liars LOL
@douglasmennella4525 2 года назад
Matt Taibi is also a grifter.
@MMAGamblingTips 2 года назад
Sad but but not wrong.
@manholeeunuchsbane6197 2 года назад
The money on the Right is nigh irresistible.
@666marquis 2 года назад
Taibbi is a silver spoon creep. Running around trying to clean up after his buddy Glenn poops on the floor.
@areaunderthecurve9918 2 года назад
lol, grifter? You’re out of your mind.
@douglasmennella4525 2 года назад
@@areaunderthecurve9918 yeah, no
@naveenics 2 года назад
When Sam's fired up, Sam's FIRED UP!
@ianpmctigue 2 года назад
I tried to hold on too long with Greenwald. aaaand, scene.
@myrmepropagandist 2 года назад
It'd be very comforting if there were "secret forces" out there. Reality is more messy it seems.
@stephengrahn2383 2 года назад
"Whenever two CIA assets meet" should be the title of the Jones/ASS segment.
@jonathanjollimore4794 2 года назад
Hello Russian bot
@josephjohn907 2 года назад
I never liked Glenn Griftwald
@douglasmennella4525 2 года назад
Me neither. Nor Snowden. I think they both show that the left is just as susceptible to be taken by scammers as anybody else. People get drunk on their own notions and lose perspective.
@soyborne.bornmadeandundone1342 2 года назад
Same. And you saw the clip. Alex bonehead was literally welcoming being attacked on sandy hook and Glenn didn't bite! Not just that but str8 up refused to bite. He was actually a worse human being than Alex right then and there! Alex literally said he should be judged for it and Glenn literally said he doesn't give a crap about the horrible thing that Alex did back then. Like wtf these two are monsters and like I said, I'm starting to think Glenn might be worse. Worse in certain ways at least. Shyeesh!
@IncognitoSprax 2 года назад
"Do you have a 5th wind" Man, if only Michael was here he'd follow up so strong on that remark lol. Probably using his Sam Seder voice
@vegandogs Год назад
I used to really respect Greenwald, liked hearing him on DemocracyNow... nevermore, so sad to me he's gone off the deep end.
@genesmith3582 2 года назад
WTF is Greenwald doing with Alex Jones? I know he's lost his way the last few years but talk about pathetic.
@barbarac9805 2 года назад
Mental illness lol
@lau_dhondt 2 года назад
Full support, disappointed in taibbi
@craigbradford4850 2 года назад
Anytime I see Greenwald or Rubin I automatically think “In the next episode of Simping for Dollars…”
@666marquis 2 года назад
Taibbi isn't any better.
@mckenzie.latham91 Год назад
​@@666marquis Matt Tabbi has been thoroughly debunked as a hack at this point.
@adamrisch 2 года назад
25:02 I enjoyed the impression battle but I have to give the nod to Emma lol
@davidbright6790 2 года назад
She's good! It's an impossible job to follow MB, but damn she's good!
@bluhmer1990 2 года назад
Glenn is that guy who did one brave thing one time and ever sense has been a grifting douchebag ever since. However because of that one instance where he was good, some people will always see him as that.
@slenders1ckn3ss 2 года назад
Hearing Alex Jones' wheezing hog lungs struggle to take on air is like the opposite of asmr
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