

Singapore Chinese Orchestra
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#SCOSoundbites - Zheng He - Admiral of the Seven Seas (Selections)
Concert: Tsung Yeh 20
Date: 19 Nov 2022
Soprano:Joyce Lee Tung
Tenor:Zhuang Jie
Narrator:Jeffrey Low
Choir:SYC Ensemble Singers
Chorus Master:Chong Wai Lun
Music by Law Wai Lun
Libretto by Yue Meiqin, Law Wai Lun
Movement I Sea Burial After making his seventh and final expedition to the “Western Ocean”, Zheng He fell ill and passed away while leading his fleet across the Indian Ocean on the way back. The chorus and orchestral music depict the somber mood of the burial ceremony held at sea. Movement II Wandering Spirits With imaginative and vivid songs and music, it portrays Zheng He’s soul in the sea reminiscing his childhood memories. Movement III The Voyage Celebrating the historic adventure with different music themes, we travel back in time to the Offering Ceremony to Heaven held before an expedition, and get a glimpse of the excitement and strong will shared by the Great Navigator and his men. Movement IV Sea Destiny The interweaving of orchestra, solo and dance performances, through imagery, tells the story of foreign envoys paying intribute to the Chinese emperor, and the love encounter between the Melaka Sultan Mansur Shah and the Chinese Princess, Han Li Bao. Movement V Untamed Seas The tense orchestral music portrays the heart thumping scenes of men who fought on fearlessly when challenged by the turbulent water. Movement VI The Vow Joyous and passionate music, with a lot of majestic grandeur and excitement, an impressive wedding procession will take centre stage. The loving couple coming from two different countries finally became man and wife. In the festive musical climax,this scene leads us right into the finale. Finale The Eternal Conquest With strong and powerful music, the finale re-affirms our admiration for Zheng He, the Great Navigator who was the first man who traveled across the Seven Seas in spite of all adversity and challenges. This work was a commission work of Singapore Arts Festival 2005 co-produced by National Arts Council and SCO.
View Tsung Yeh 20 house programme here: bit.ly/40FejNN
#SCO音乐摘录 - 《海上第一人 - 郑和》(选段)
合唱团:SYC Ensemble Singers
第一乐章 海葬 这篇乐章主要叙述郑和的背景,以及死后助手为他举行的海葬。此外,还歌颂他七下西洋,让中国航海事业达到鼎盛时期的事迹。1433年,郑和第七次下西洋,在回航向东穿越印度洋时,他以62岁之龄病逝海上,生命在一瞬间消失了。根据回教传统,尸体经过清洗,裹以白布。郑和的助手马欢等人为他进行了简单而隆重的葬礼。他们将郑和的头,朝麦加方向,然后将尸体投入海中。第二乐章 海魂 幻想型的音乐轻轻响起,海浪在呜呜咽咽,郑和的灵魂袅袅升天。我们似乎听到他的灵魂在轻轻地诉说…… 此乐章利用片断式的历史回忆,犹如几个不同的电影镜头交织在一起一闪而过,把郑和的童年以及入宫阉割成太监的往事娓娓道来。第三乐章 海路 当时的大明皇朝,为了展现皇恩浩荡与国家的富强康乐,在“宣德化而柔远人”及“四海一家”的旗帜下,籍着当时超凡的海军力量,进行了七下西洋。正是这样一个历史机遇造就了郑和,让郑和成为中国乃至世界航海史上一位杰出的航海家。这乐章主要描述郑和的航海事迹。第四乐章 海缘 郑和下西洋,以和平外交的手段,广播友谊的种子,带回了多国的使臣君主,到京城朝贡。满剌加苏丹带着特别丰厚的礼品,呈献给大明皇帝。为了表示对远道来客的欢迎,汉丽宝公主在《霓裳羽衣曲》的乐曲中领舞,汉丽宝舞姿翩若惊鸿,满剌加苏丹看得目瞪口呆,惊为天人,结下了情缘。第五乐章 海险 郑和的船队遇到到台风,巨浪,海盗等厄运。一次归航,他们遇上了飓风,就在船只开始向北方航行,要穿越危险的南中国海时,飓风毫无征兆地形成。然而也有喜悦的日子。那些喷着水柱的鲸鱼和海豚在船周围欢腾跳跃的时候,还有在经过与惊涛骇浪的搏斗后,特别是静静的夜晚,郑和站在船头,抬头看着满天的星星在夜空中闪烁郑和心潮难平。第六乐章 海誓 郑和的航海传播了友谊,增强了中国于与世界各国之间文明的交流,其实这是一个全球化时代的黎明。郑和的航海也造就了一段令人迷醉的异国婚姻。此乐章主要描绘苏丹和汉丽宝的盛大婚礼。此作是2005年艺术节的委约作品,由乐团与国家艺术理事会联合制作。
点击链接参阅《葉聰 20》节目册: bit.ly/40FejNN



1 окт 2023




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@arcencielc2065 9 месяцев назад
I really enjoy watching this. Thank you for uploading. ♥♥♥♥♥
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