Shalom brother thank you my brother it is very heart felt and well received. The same to you thank you for spreading the light! May the upper light be drawn into this world in our lifetimes!
Mark Hoffman thank you my brother, by the grace of Hashem my recovery is speedy, and I am able to speak of matters of Torah again. It is a blessing to be able to share these mysteries with others, I am humbled by all who watch this content.
Very informative. This was the first Hebrew prayer that I memorized. I've read so much about this, but have never seen it broken down like that before. ברוך השם!
The reason for the "IEL" יהל at the end of all Angels names is it is God backwards. The quality of the angel is in the word before and the ALEIM after reads backwards. So the first 3 words of Genesis is Brashit B Ra Miela. ''In the writings of Ramiel.''
I needed this. I have long wondered what angels are what. So many names, so many iterations. It appeared similar to me. I figured there was a pattern to the language, like how many buddhist mantras start with Om, angel names end with El. How fortuitous. I wonder, does one know of True Names and how to use them?
@@shemuelthesabbatian1254 indeed. That is what I was elluding to. The question for me is what's a reliable set of names? This seems like a good place to look. Though the real question is, what set of names induces the experience of no-thing and thus, The One Thing? Another is how does one understand the Golden Spiral based on these names?
Also, not to knock you @restoration of the breach, but these names have been revealed before. I do not like the language "reveal" as if you are a prophet. Be careful, it is easy to get a big head with the knowledge the Kabbalah imparts. That said, I am interested in what you have to convey, certainly.
Sean these names are only available in texts that are not in English. The book that was cited is in Aramaic and Hebrew, a language the western world for the most part is unfamiliar with, the revelation is to the Western World and what the book of numbers would refer to as the “common” man.
Shemuel BenHaShem indeed! They refer to many aspects regarding the many parts, like bones, tissue, and muscle relay actions and information to the body, so it is with the upper worlds unto the lower. For this reason you will find related to to this, angels that are chieftains etc etc.
Had some kind of error trying to connect to the phone has Whatsapp but when I click on the group it says I don't have it. My life is filled with blocks I need help removing YIRAH. Imma need another way to reach you brother