
selfish bikers stay in middle of the lane 

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#what it's like going down the mountain with selfish bikers that stay in the middle of the lane# long distance bicyclists# liberals on wheels



7 сен 2024




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@jeremytee2919 4 месяца назад
Wants to pass with double yellow lines at the peril of everyone else Complains about “liberals”. Totally checks out.
@stephenmitana 4 месяца назад
This post isnt doing what you thought it would huh? Lmfao, let him have it comment section
@OddBallPerformance 4 месяца назад
The comment section activity helps him, good or bad. The RU-vid algorithm is a weird thing.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
No it is not
@hanshomesteading1276 4 месяца назад
I am a cyclist from Holland, the country where the average bicycles per person exceeds 2! Our roads are very well designed for cyclist, you are kind of certain that cars see you and pay attention to you. Whenever I am abroad I am aware that this is not so common. In many countries cars (undeliberately) push cyclist off the road. On a descent I would do exactly as these guys do, I claim my piece of the road and make sure that I cannot be pushed of the road. this helps to stay safe.
@djdurtyd 4 месяца назад
Get off your phone bud
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I bet you $1,000 you pick up your phone from time to time and answer a phone call or text somebody don't be self-righteous
@perfectionat 4 месяца назад
Why do you justify using your phone while driving by saying other people do it? You're part of the problem, distracted driving kills more people than impaired driving. Believe it or not but you are capable of ignoring your phone while you drive. ​@@KennethKempka-xg1jk
@djdurtyd 4 месяца назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jk Not when I'm driving. Literally never. Cars are absurdly dangerous. It's a privalage to drive, not a right, and I refuse to put others at greater risk to check a message or answer a call.
@johncreech6828 4 месяца назад
@@djdurtydsounds like a skill issue if you can’t text and drive.
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
@@johncreech6828 Everyone can do it, until they hit something/someone
@mattwardman 4 месяца назад
Filming with a handheld mobile phone? That's dangerous. If they are going to fast to be passed, then it suggests there is not much delay being caused.
@OddBallPerformance 4 месяца назад
It's actually illegal, and in many states constitutes reckless driving.
@toasterowens8916 4 месяца назад
Average American truck owner. Type to call walkable infrastructure communist
@zeroshepard9513 4 месяца назад
Where are they supposed to ride on those tires? I drive 500 miles a day. Never got bent out of shape for a cyclist. Only concern is passing them with my big rig, because I used to ride all the time and its scary. The middle of the lane keeps you from running them over. You sound unhinged. How is cycling on a 26k bike liberal, anyway?
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I called them liberals because they knew they were slowing me down and didn't give a damn.
@5tr4nge75 4 месяца назад
I’ve noticed that only people who used to, or still do, ride are considerate of cyclists. I’m a firm believer that before you’re allowed to drive on the road, you should be forced to cycle on the roads for a year. It would make the roads so much safer for everyone
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I called them liberals because they turned around and look at me and didn't care that they were holding me up. Thus liberal
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your comment and your honesty, you're probably right​@@5tr4nge75
@zeroshepard9513 4 месяца назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jk That doesnt make any sense. Repubs are the ones who dont want to help the poor and hate everyone who isnt straight and rich. Liberals are the people christian repubs pretend to be.
@OddBallPerformance 4 месяца назад
It's called lane control. Just because somebody does something you don't like doesn't make them a liberal either. Plenty of very conservative people I know who also cycle. They are another vehicle on the road, and with no shoulder, a single lane, and a no passing zone, they are making sure they are completely safe from YOU and your impatience.
@TealBeal11 4 месяца назад
Right? My uncle is a hardcore MAGA / QAnon person, and he owns a bike shop and does a ton of cycling. Calling anyone with a bike a liberal is some wacky identity politics
@KrazyK78 4 месяца назад
Registered Republican here with a $4000 bicycle in the garage. Those guys are going as fast as they can and would wreck if they went off the edge of the road. Just be patient and they will get over when it is safe to do so.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I made this clip after following them for almost 10 miles, going down the mountain. No way I could pass them because of the sharp corners. They would turn around and look at me and could care less,
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
All they had to do was apply the brake slow down and move over,
@ShrirajHegde 4 месяца назад
​@@KennethKempka-xg1jkand did that kill you? Why are you acting like this was such a huge deal?
@Patar4950 4 месяца назад
Wahhh wahhh wahhh
@monkecinematic5071 4 месяца назад
The last thing you need is your phone out when driving behind 2 bikers. One wrong move and it could be fatal
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
They’re riding in the middle of the lane, precisely because it means you can’t just pass them in that lane. You can overtake them like any other vehicle, when it is safe to do so, and when you’re not on a double yellow line. They aren’t any more selfish than any other person in traffic that tries to stay safe and obey traffic laws. Lastly, please don’t use your phone while driving, it’s both dangerous and illegal.
@jffrzon 4 месяца назад
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
After following them for almost 10 me going down the mountain, way too many sharp corners to they would turn around and look at me and could care less they were making me go slow. After 10 me it was getting a little bit frustrating. You know darn well you use your phone to text when you drive
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jk What’s the minimum speed limit for that road? If there isn’t any, then it might be annoying for you, but they’re perfectly in their right to use that road. If anything, the fact that it has as many sharp (and likely blind) turns as you described would make it even more important that you don’t try to pass them on their lane. And no, I’m not on my phone while driving. I use voice commands.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
@dposcuro 4 месяца назад
​@KennethKempka-xg1jk no. I do not text while I drive. Not everyone is as selfish, and unconcerned with other people as you.
@Americarunsonduncan 4 месяца назад
"Cyclist may use full lane" is the law. I understand you may not agree with this law, as I do not agree with every traffic law. However, when I think the speed limit is too low, I do not take it out on the motorists who drive the speed limit. The cyclists are enjoying a nice day out and getting some exercise... Why not look at the bright side? At least it isn't climate protesters completely blocking your path. And if more people did cycle, it would cut down on the obesity rate and lower your insurance premiums. If this is what you have to complain about you live a very privileged life.
@jbish26 4 месяца назад
When they start paying road tax,until then, stay off the road.
@TealBeal11 4 месяца назад
​@@jbish26 They do pay road tax. Gas taxes in the US don't cover road maintenance costs, so state and local tax also pay into the upkeep
@grelyelo 4 месяца назад
Riding in the middle of the lane is actually better for safety, as it makes the cyclist much more visible. Being directly in the drivers' line of sight means that they are much less likely to be sideswiped. You have a very large, very fast, and very maneuverable vehicle.... why don't you use that to your advantage and cross the yellow line and go around?
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
Thank you for your comment and honesty there was too many corners in the road I wasn't able to pass them
@akosyoutub 4 месяца назад
Yeah... what would you do if a tractor is going downhill in front of you at 20 mph? Your head would explode... 🤨 No vehicle gives way to the one behind it. And although it's unpleasant that you could only go 40 mph for a few minutes (which is 65-70 kilometers per hour, not that slow at all), but I do hope you didn't get too tired sitting in the comfortable seat of your air-conditioned car. It's easy for you to stop and start again, you only have to press one pedal, but the cyclist tries to stay in momentum, because it's much more difficult for him to pick up his speed again and it takes a lot more effort and work. And they cycle like that in the lane so that PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU!!! cannot overtake them within the lane with a 10-20 cm gap, thereby endangering their lives without a second thought...
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I'm not a monster!
@John_Lee_ 4 месяца назад
You're going over 40mph and complaining?
@cameron_o 4 месяца назад
why the hell is your phone out while DRIVING!?!? you need to have full attention on the road when operating something with the potential to cause so much harm like a car
@erikm8707 4 месяца назад
Since when do you have to look at your phone to record something?
@cameron_o 4 месяца назад
@Unit_450 I actually drove buses in college and hold a class B CDL but go off
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I'm multi tasking baby !!
@Plague_Rat778 4 месяца назад
You're going 40... Bikes are supposed to act as if they are vehicles on the road and follow the same traffic laws. Is it annoying? Yes. But so what? Just deal with it dude, it's part of life. I read your other comments of "I was following them for 10 mins" or "They could've applied to brakes and moved over." Again... so what? They have no legal or moral obligation to do so, quit whining. If you were doing like 20 the WHOLE way i could see complaining, but in this clip you're going 40
@KevinSun242 4 месяца назад
I'm surprised you followed them for that long; downshift a gear and floor it and make sure they hear your exhaust note as you pass lol
@Madmonstermax22 4 месяца назад
Wtf are they supposed to do? They are just as entitled to the road as you are…
@xeridox 4 месяца назад
make room. Are you seriously that way too?
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
@@xeridox By “that way”, do you mean “the legal and responsible way”?
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
They easily could have applied the brakes slowed down and got on the shoulder of the road, no problem. I followed for almost 10 miles before I made this. They would turn around and look at me and could care less
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jkIt’s as much their road as it is yours. They also seemed to be racing/sports bikes, so it wouldn’t really make sense for them to just pull over every time a car may want to pass. “They could care less”? So you’re saying that they did atleast care somewhat.
@TommyChmelko 4 месяца назад
You missed the part when he said “they should’ve had the decency to pull over” that guy is off his rocker you gonna pull over every time the car can’t pass you I don’t have the balls to make it around you driver is in fault
@Kyle-sr6jm 4 месяца назад
Better to remain silent, than prove yourself a fool.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I never said I was not a fool
@Jsims111 4 месяца назад
0:06 Those Bicyclists are doing at least 40mph in the twisties.😳 I wonder If they feel like this guy when the're stuck behind me.😅
@blackmuel 4 месяца назад
get off your phone and drive bro
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
Your rite
@HellHunter00 4 месяца назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jk Get a dashcam, friend. You don't need one until you need one.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
@@HellHunter00 indeed
@RedHeadForester 4 месяца назад
They aren't in the middle of their lane, but they have left themselves enough wiggle room that if some impatient idiot on their phone decides to try to pass them on this winding road with loads of blind bends, they at least have a moment to react and hopefully avoid dying.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
There ya go !
@dithperlay3292 4 месяца назад
Have you ever been at that speed on a bicycle?? Telling you, you’d use the full lane……..
@hawkeyejo9609 4 месяца назад
Ahh yes the ole reliable, "These people are annoying me, they must be from some other political alignment or religious group despite me knowing nothing about them other than the facts i've been presented in the last 9.347 seconds! Because my own biases define who I am as a person and make me insufferable to be around at parties and family gatherings" Yeah... You're the uncle no one contacts for decades unless someone dies. And you almost definitely expected this to be an echo chamber of "Like minded" Individuals.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
Yes I did,and yes I am your good.
@ShrirajHegde 4 месяца назад
Car brain with skill issues 😂
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
They made me follow them we're almost 10 me going down the mountain. They would turn around and look at me and could care less. I guarantee you you would have been pissed as well
@ShrirajHegde 4 месяца назад
​@@KennethKempka-xg1jkif it was purely annoying, there was no reason to bring the "liberals" or "better than you". If you just said that, people's reactions might be different. You just showed your strong bias, so it's hard to trust you if you say they didn't let you pass for a long time. You had one encounter and blamed all cyclists and associated with liberals. You introspect a bit and understand why the comments are not on your side.
@mywhorled 4 месяца назад
You are the problem
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I bet you $1,000 after following these dudes for almost 10 miles going down the mountain having them turn around and look at me you would have been pissed as well
@CAHOBBES 4 месяца назад
It was YOUR choice to follow them you more on.@@KennethKempka-xg1jk
@fallowthebigyellowtruck5533 4 месяца назад
Ride more bikes. Go green, Get calves.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I've got calves like your hemi
@fallowthebigyellowtruck5533 4 месяца назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jk It’s not a Hemi. 8.3L
@W204_C63.-AMG 4 месяца назад
@@fallowthebigyellowtruck5533 dam i wish they still made the v10 for the rams
@gburk6114 4 месяца назад
What is the speed limit on that road? I bet you weren't going that much under that limit.
@IlIlllIllIlIIIll 4 месяца назад
I don't like people riding bikes on surfaces designed for cars. We really need to build them dedicated infrastructure and get them out of the way!
@Glazunovfmx 4 месяца назад
А куда им деваться? На гравий?
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
@RunForPeace-hk1cu 4 месяца назад
@Glazunovfmx Месяц назад
@@KennethKempka-xg1jk a kuda im devatsya? na graviy?
@Stepbystep74 4 месяца назад
You wouldn’t have overtaken a tractor on that road. Just be patient or if it really bugs you request better cycling infrastructure so you don’t have to share?
@nicktardie1917 4 месяца назад
I don't agree with using a phone and driving, and the level of rudeness could be lowered a bit, but I'm geninely surprised at how few people mention the fact that cycists don't belong on the road. Unless they get licenses, registrations, inspections, insurance, and plates just like the rest of people on the road, get off the fuckin road. No sidewalk? Oh fucking well, you're making the road less safe, as well as less efficient. This is not transportation, this is leisure. Some of us have things to do, that are impacted by having to slow down for people unable or unwilling to do road speeds. But stay off your phone when driving, dude. that's unsafe, too.
@TealBeal11 4 месяца назад
I mean, I biked to work everyday for years, I would certainly call that transportation. That said, I wouldn't be complaining if more separated bike lanes were available. Cyclists don't like riding next to cars either!
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
Ignoring the fact that bikes are absolutely a means of transportation, why would bicycles need any of the things you mentioned? They don’t require the amount of responsibility of a car, due to them not posing nearly as much of a risk as a car or motorbike. Bikes dont make roads unsafe, that’s cars. How often is someone killed by being hit by a bike versus being hit by a car? I agree that cyclist should have their own lanes though, seperated from the road whenever possible. They’re not supposed to ride on the sidewalk either, that would cause problems too. In urban planning we have a concept called Traffic Compatibility. Different modes of transport that are of a similar scale and speed can safely share lanes, and whenever there’s a significant difference they should be seperated. The US doesn’t seem to really take this into account, sadly. Lastly, what exactly do you mean by bikes being less efficient? In terms of throughput, bikes easily beat cars and even public transport like trains and busses. Only pedestrians are more efficient.
@erikm8707 4 месяца назад
Bicyclists are one of the most selfish group of people.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
These dudes were for sure
@WesleyCars-e2y 4 месяца назад
womp womp dude eat their dust
@mattthomas3914 4 месяца назад
Womp womp
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
I come across bikers all the time in Tennessee, there are a lot of professional bicyclists and I have not had this problem before not like these two. In 15 years
@TheRealSteveMay 4 месяца назад
Looks like you upset the road cyclists, which is pretty easy to do. I love cycling but i stick to mountain biking/ trails because i cant stand these guys and their laundry list of technical justifications for impeding the flow of traffic. Its not that hard to ride on the shoulder, I've done it many times with no issues. Suggest this to one of them and they will have a meltdown about safety and their right to the road and ten other things. Meanwhile they're perfectly content to risk their safety in a road rage incident because they love the idea of someone getting frustrated to the point that they lose their temper and then end up in prison for it.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
55,on corners 35 to 25
@LoLbeautifulsorrowx 4 месяца назад
I cant believe people are calling you the problem like these two bikers arent purposely blocking traffic, it'd take them less than a 20 seconds to move over so you can pass.
@TealBeal11 4 месяца назад
What are they doing wrong here? Bikes are considered vehicles and cyclists can use the whole lane. He can overtake when there's better visibility. In fact, he's the only one violating any traffic laws by using a phone while driving. People will complain about anything I swear.
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
They’re not ‘blocking’ traffic, they’re participating in traffic. When no bike lane is present, bicyclists should use the entire width of the lane. You’re not supposed to overtake them if there’s no room.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
These dudes made me follow them for almost 10 me going down the mountain, they would turn around and look at me and couldn't care less. There was way too many sharp corners to pass them, it was impossible to pass, they aren't retarded they knew I couldn't pass .
@ShrirajHegde 4 месяца назад
​@@coenogothis guy thinks they should have slowed down to let him pass.
@LoLbeautifulsorrowx 4 месяца назад
@@coenogo i've never encountered cycyclist around here that wouldn't let people pass.
@mikehagquist5198 4 месяца назад
There’s a bike path that goes along the side of road
@ShrirajHegde 4 месяца назад
That's not a bike lane
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
Where do you see a bike path here?
@potater6163 4 месяца назад
cyclists need to learn that they arent as fast as a car no matter how many times their mum says.
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
Lol yup
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
Law says that cyclists can use the full lane. Speed’s not a factor.
@Roger-ws8rj 4 месяца назад
​@@coenogo laws are different per state, and or county.
@a68k_de 4 месяца назад
Don't expect intelligence or fair play from these types of cyclists on the road. They only see themselves and are of the opinion that they are above everything. The reality can quickly look completely different if they end up under a truck. Then there will be a lot of tears when it comes to these brakes on evolution.
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
They’re traffic participants, they’re no less or more important than any other participant, bar emergency vehicles. The law says they can use the full lane, and it also says you shouldn’t be passing on a double yellow line. That’s reality, like it or not. “Brakes on evolution” is apparently what a guy sitting in his truck calls people who are exercising…
@a68k_de 4 месяца назад
@@coenogo so you are the troll here... ok
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
@@a68k_de What a stellar counterpoint. Truly, you have won the argument with your amazing wits.
@a68k_de 4 месяца назад
@@coenogo Let us know when you have come to terms with reality. Then we will be happy to talk further.
@coenogo 4 месяца назад
@@a68k_de Again, not much of a response. If you have an issue with anything I said, please feel free to point out where I said something that you feel was incorrect or that you might have misunderstood, and I will be happy to elaborate.
@Joutube_is_trash 4 месяца назад
Bud, why are you complaining about speed bumps?
@KennethKempka-xg1jk 4 месяца назад
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