
SNOWPIERCER: Can We Build a Better World? 

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SNOWPIERCER - One endless train, one bloody revolution, one endlessly fascinating film.
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Bong Joon Ho is all the rave and rightly so. That's why we thought it'd be a good time to take a look back at his 2013 film, Snowpiercer. At first an apparently simple critique of global capitalism, we discovered there's SO much more than meets the eye. Let's find out in this Wisecrack Edition on the Philosophy of Snowpiercer
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Written by: Amanda Scherker
Hosted by: Jared Bauer
Directed by: Michael Luxemburg
Motion Graphics by: Riley A
Editing by: Brian M. Kim
Produced by: Evan Yee
© 2020 Wisecrack / Omnia Media, Inc.



14 июн 2020




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@WisecrackEDU 4 года назад
What did you think of Snowpiercer? Can we build a more functional society? Let us know and don't forget to check out Vincero Watches to get up to 20% off during their sitewide sale. Visit vincerowatches.com/WisecrackSALE. Thanks to Vincero for sponsoring this video!
@johnbrown2163 4 года назад
WOW! Commercials are usually 30 seconds but you sure know how to waste 2 minutes cause you cannot pay your Bills.
@tylerhackner9731 4 года назад
I loved it!
@tylerhackner9731 4 года назад
Underrated hidden gem!
@lucasmarty2801 4 года назад
You guys should check the philosophy of vinland saga. Its about if peace is possible
@JtheArgonaut 4 года назад
I think it really directly shows that the huge price has to be paid in order to derail the system in place. The question is are we willing to pay it.
@Sfo97 4 года назад
I didn't see the polar bear as a threat, I see it more like a way to show that there can be life outside
@HarrisonRocks 4 года назад
I agree, Polar Bears are quite threatening but if the bear is alive, then there would have been enough of an ecosystem underneath to feed and sustain it for 18 years. Perhaps it wasn't THAT cold and other humans might even have survived too.
@MrBazBake 4 года назад
The polar bear's the key. Back in the 00's and 10's when we still cared about climate change, the symbol of the collapse of the ice caps were starving polar bears paddling desperately for glaciers. And Yona's mother is an Inuit, from a culture that historically lived alongside polar bears in the same environment. The polar bear with Yona and Tim in fur coats resembling parkas, is imagery that subverts what the title cards told us -- that all life had gone extinct. Actually, life had survived, everything was a lie, and Yona and Tim could learn to survive as well.
@captainheat2314 4 года назад
@@MrBazBake polar bears havent had it nearly as bad as was said by the activists
@wjpmitchell3 4 года назад
​@@captainheat2314 You don't fool me, Captain Heat
@falahati 4 года назад
@@captainheat2314 Because the majority of people are uneducated and ignorant. They don't understand the effects of global warming. They only hear about the decrease of arctic ice as an understandable result of global warming and therefore don't think that it might be a big deal. 1deg increase in average temperature is not sexy enough for people since they don't really know what that means. So make a tragic story that everybody can understand; polar bears are dying! It might be a lie or exaggeration, but it's for a nobel cause. Political parties; ideologies; hell, even religions do this ALL THE TIME for dumb or useless ideas. Especially the religions!
@quinnconnelly7245 4 года назад
Best Willy Wonka sequel ever.
@stefanmilicevic5322 4 года назад
@alexandres.schneider9332 4 года назад
I see you are a smart man ;)
@Crick1952 4 года назад
Ah, a fellow intellectual
@sammyruncorn4165 4 года назад
Okay, I don't know about Willy Wonka that much.. Could someone explain it to me :)?
@CraftyF0X 4 года назад
I too count myself amongs those enlightened ones who has this arcane knowledge :)
@IAmNumber4000 4 года назад
“That might mildly haunt your dreams unless you’re really stoked about cockroach protein bars.” Mfw the original cut used human waste instead of cockroaches but was considered too disgusting to be shown on screen.
@EagleSix52 4 года назад
Btw how realistic is to use human waste? Can we do that? Asking for a friend for his future entrepreneurship ideas
@jorgeeduardodussanvillanue46 4 года назад
I always thought it was shit mixed with cockroaches. Even at some point I'm pretty sure Curtis confronts Wilford or a high-ranking member of the train crew and says they had them "eating shit", so I really think they should have just kept it as shit.
@Crick1952 4 года назад
Yeah, eating cockroaches isn't even that weird and I'm pretty sure people who went through a cannibal phase wouldn't be that shocked by it.
@rashkavar 4 года назад
I mean, feces aren't exactly nutritious - that's kinda the point of the digestive system. It's possible for humans to drink their urine to extend their lifespan without fresh water from days to a couple of weeks, but feces is pretty much rendered down to water and fibre (ie: non-digestible stuff) by the time it gets there. With a good helping of gut bacteria that you have to kill off because gut bacteria in parts of the body other than the gut tends to be rather immediately fatal. (Peritonitis is the more common application of this, if you want something to google.) Feeding human waste to insects, however, would actually be a somewhat viable cycle. You'd have to have a variety of things - feeding the bugs corpses as well, grinding up the bones, undoing the cellular respiration reaction via photosynthesis, etc, but you can, at least in theory, build a microcosm of a sustainable life cycle if you introduce enough other life forms into the cycle to make sure everything breaks down. (Heck, that's what Earth's ecosystem is, when it's working right. Scaling it down to fit on a train might be a bit much, though.)
@laneythelame 4 года назад
@manuelortmann 4 года назад
Capitalism is so dynamic, so it sells anticapitalistic movies.
@The.dog.warrior 4 года назад
I think this movie is more about breaking free of the Government structure. The revolution is fake and the solution is outside the train system.
@El-RaShahzad 4 года назад
*I own two businesses that compete against each other* -For Profit University Online
@benthomas9776 4 года назад
"Capitalist ideology in general, Zizek maintains, consists precisely in the overvaluing of belief - in the sense of inner subjective attitude - at the expense of the beliefs we exhibit and externalize in our behavior. So long as we believe (in our hearts) that capitalism is bad, we are free to continue to participate in capitalist exchange." - Mark Fisher, Capitalist Realism
@manuelortmann 3 года назад
@@CyanCooper who said that capitalism is sentient?
@gins6295 3 года назад
@UsirRaMaroon Agree. In the train everything is overaly structured, regulated, those who oppose the order are punished, Wilford is a personality cult and people are fed lies that they live in paradise. Those in the front of the carts are the communist party elites and those in the back are the working class.
@DavekayBSC 4 года назад
Somewhat ironic in this particular video that the sponsor sells $12 Alibaba watches with their name on them at 2000% markup.
@mepfft2992 4 года назад
com until we have AI overlords no system of governance by humans will work they way theory claims they do. We are too flawed to govern ourselves altruistically. I'll keep my capitalism thank you, socialism has devolved into dictatorships every time it has been put into place and I'm not interested in dealing with that
@freeofavia 3 года назад
​@@mepfft2992 yes, socialism has never worked. Except for in Norway. And Denmark. Sweden. Italy. Spain. Portugal. What you are recognizing is that in revolutionary socialist countries, countries where socialists took power through revolution rather than electorally, they are very authoritarian. That is true, and it's because they seized power violently and immediately had to fight to keep it from the west. Newly forming Soviet Russia was invaded on the same day by Japan, Germany, France, The UK, and The US only months after they had thrown a violent revolution to end feudalism, capitalism, and WWI. Cuba has had stringent sanctions on them that have made important things like medicine and medical equipment extremely expensive. Cuba, however, is a good example of Socialism. Despite having the US, largest military superpower in the history of everything, bearing down on them for decades, attempting to invade and infiltrate the tiny island just a few miles from Florida's coast, they still manage to have some of the best medical care in the world. They may still be developing, but the lives of the people of Cuba have only been improved by socialism. And their democracy is opening up to be open to all their people, and responsive to their needs. All this despite crippling sanctions. Also, if you are concerned about authoritarianism, what about the US government? Federal officers are snatching people up and putting them in unmarked vans, and executing protesters in dark alleys. Congress is completely unresponsive to the people's needs, and only do what the rich want. Fred Hampton was murdered by the government. Billie Holiday was repeatedly harassed and framed and prosecuted by the FBI, and now we know the feds were directly involved in Malcolm X's killing as well. The US has the largest prison population on earth, by far. Over 2.3 million people. And they are all slaves. They work for next to no pay, and they are forced to work, being threatened with punishment such as solitary confinement for refusal. Don't ask me, that's what the 14th amendment says. Slavery is admissible as punishment for a crime. And if you're going to argue that the $1 a day they get paid makes them any different from a slave, then you are just buying into these people's tricks. They only pay them $1 a day so that they don't technically work as slaves, despite it being forced labor for pennies. And let's not even talk about the population of half a million homeless people and counting, that are likely to only survive seven years on average living on the streets. Now imagine you live in China, and you've grown up living a relatively decent life, as a lot of young people in China certainly have, and you think you live in a free country, and you hear all this stuff about the US, wouldn't you think it sounds like the most horrible and authoritarian place on Earth? And then you hear they also have the largest military on earth by orders of magnitude and they torture prisoners, and knowingly murder doctors, journalists, and innocent civilians. If you think about things this way, not everything seems so clear cut. Suddenly it all seems murky. Your whole life you've been taught to believe that we're the good guys, that we spread freedom and democracy. But from the perspective of every other country on Earth, WE are the terrible bullies. Just look at the survey they did of the people of countries all over the world, asking them who they thought the biggest threat to world peace was. The US came in first in the vast majority of countries. Not China, or North Korea. That's not to say the North Korea is less authoritarian than the US, because that's nonsense. But the point is, that's fucking North Korea. We don't live in North Korea. We don't vote for Kim Jong Un. We vote for the people who are apparently the #1 state sponsors of world terrorism in the world. And we keep doing it, despite the majority of Americans not supporting these politicians or their wars. Sure, we have two parties, but China only has one party. Do they start expensive wars and let their country's infrastructure crumble? No. They are building roads, bridges, windmills, all sorts of new infrastructure. They even build apartment buildings before they're ready to be filled, because they want to make sure when the demand rises, there are homes waiting for people, and the housing market doesn't become too expensive for people to afford a decent place. China's not a paradise, or even somewhere I'm inclined to live. I do like it here in the US. But if we're going to act like we're superior in every way, particularly morally, I really think we just have our heads up our collective asses. Honestly, they probably think the same about us. But they might be right, considering the children in cages. Even Uighur re-education camps don't compare to that.
@mepfft2992 3 года назад
@@freeofavia sorry I stopped reading after you said Cubans have benefited from Socialism. I mean thats why many of them risk their lives in rough crafted boats to get to the US. Additionally, you say Denmark, Norway etc are Socialist nations. They are not. They are in many ways more free market capitalist nations with large social entitlement programs. Programs they afford due to numerous factors include high taxation rates, low national defense budgets and a smaller more homogeneous population.
@Teenzieeee 3 года назад
@@mepfft2992 because living under a bourgeoisie dictatorship disguised as democracy is much nicer than living under the dictatorship of the proletariat, a temporary dictatorship to get people to learn about the manipulation of the bourgeois. You wouldn't have any issues under the dictatorship of the proletariat as you yourself are a proletariat. The rich have too much power, it's fine that they're rich, but they're pretty clearly doing well for themselves, so why should the rich have any right to vote and manipulate the political climate? That's an invitation to chaos and capitalist propaganda in search for more control. A proletarian dictatorship is not that the country isn't run democratically, but that the ones voting and making changes are the 99% and top 1%.
@alexchong 3 года назад
@@mepfft2992 There are more people dying from starvation in the US than in Cuba...
@silverstarlightproductions1292 4 года назад
When I first saw the ending, my first thought was: "So is that teenage girl gonna have to one day repopulate the planet with that little boy when he gets older?" *shudder*
@Shukri-The-Great 3 года назад
thats exactlly what was going through my mind. That poor girl
@idromano 3 года назад
and their children will have to go Alabama style. I don't see humanity lasting that long but ok
@htoodoh5770 3 года назад
She doesn't have to repopulate the whole world. Just some children.
@htoodoh5770 3 года назад
@@idromano It could actually work and may required some luck.
@htoodoh5770 3 года назад
@@Shukri-The-Great why?
@TayePurks 4 года назад
I didn’t think Curtis and Namgoong were dead at the end but just unconscious. Also I assumed there’s other survivors from the derailed carts that didn’t fall down the cliff. Tbh the ending to me especially with the polar bear signified that humanity was free and life outside the train is possible. Idk maybe I’m an optimist but saw it as a good and happy ending. 😂
@davidlucas8487 4 года назад
Snowpiercer: and analysis of how capitalism and class systems grind you down like the gears of a sleek and stylish Vincero watch
@DennisKathurima 4 года назад
"What it means to treat a group of people as an object of study rather than to learn from them"
@charafbouyeghssane5574 4 года назад
Hey jared it's been litteraly a year since i've last checked on wiscrack and i gotta say the content still holds up
@stephoneley6771 4 года назад
You got some good shit to watch sir I wish I could get a years worth of stuff that I can watch
@diggitydoo5836 4 года назад
Jared was actually gone for several months and just came back a week or two ago. The quality changed noticeably while he was gone.
@scottk1525 4 года назад
like literally?
@charafbouyeghssane5574 4 года назад
@@scottk1525 yup
@scottk1525 4 года назад
@@charafbouyeghssane5574 good to know. Here I thought you might have meant a figurative or metaphorical year. But a literal year, that changes the whole comment.
@a.michaelpadilla844 4 года назад
Am I the only one who thinks it's ironic that a "luxury" watch company is sponsoring a video essay about class/economic inequality? 🤣
@HimanshuS-YT 4 года назад
my thoughts exactly! And damn, it scared me! He's literally about to talk about inevitability of capitalism and which just gets demonstrated before the show.. !
@a.michaelpadilla844 4 года назад
@@HimanshuS-YT Wisecrack could also be trolling us. If thats the case, I love it! Loved the video essay regardless. Now I wanna read the graphic novel!
@pingwingugu5 4 года назад
They are fake luxury watches as well. Vincero is a Chinese company and this watches are massively overpriced. I wouldn't be surprised if they were made in sweatshops with suicide nets around the buildings.
@a.michaelpadilla844 4 года назад
@@pingwingugu5 If you're a security guard for one of those sweat shops with the net, I wonder how many times a day that person has to say "WTF you doing jumping? Get back to work and make more watches for pretentious Westerners!!"
@EricWoning 4 года назад
@@a.michaelpadilla844 - Don't know about you.... but I guess that only people who don't need to have 3 jobs to get by actually have the time to watch explanatory videos about pop culture... but also don't have so much disposable wealth that they care enough about pop culture to find more meaning in it. Hence Vincero are the perfect partner. AKA - know your station.
@huitzisalazar4666 4 года назад
"French comic" well that explains a fricking lot!!!!!.
@heavystalin2419 4 года назад
Haven't watched the movie yet. Any decapitations?
@huitzisalazar4666 4 года назад
@@heavystalin2419 🤣🤣🤣🤣 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ no idea man.........
@Bill-zp2mt 4 года назад
@@heavystalin2419 The first Starwars movie came out before they stopped decapitating people in France. They do chop of arms and legs in the movie, it's also depicted in the video.
@maurodriguesxr 4 года назад
It would be more obvious if they burned out the train.
@PataPannu 4 года назад
Two comics to be exact, in the second one is revealed there's infact TWO trains on the same rail, travelling both far apart from each other, one is named Snowpiercer which is the more luxorious of the two, and the second is the Icebreaker, which a behemoth of a train, much larger and designed more for extreme conditions and as a ice breaker for the track. Both trains had grim fates in the end.
@sandropazdg8106 4 года назад
"Are we being too pessimistic about this film dealing with the inherent unfairness of capitalism?" "I don't know, but think about while buying this non-essential luxury product"
@sammyruncorn4165 4 года назад
😂 right. Though I don't think it's thaat bad. On a scale from 0-10 it's at least a 4 or 5 in usefulness I guess (10 being the most useful like food or a blanket, a flashlight).
@sandropazdg8106 4 года назад
@@sammyruncorn4165 Given that I on average have a time measurement device in either my pocket or in front of me (PC and phone) having a 100$+ wristwatch would be considered a 0 on my list of usefull things to spend 100$+ on. Bonus points for phone that is also a flashlight... if only it could double as a blanket too...
@JanVerny 4 года назад
"The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we'll hang them" or something like that goes the famous quote. But to be a bit more pragmatic, don't bemoan the fact that wisecrack accepts advertising deals in order to be able to produce content, bemoan the shallowness of unchecked hedonistic selfishness, that considers a "luxury non-essential item" more important than feeding and housing everyone. Wisecrack is doing their best.
@sammyruncorn4165 4 года назад
@@sandropazdg8106 For me it's the same. I don't use a watch, but my phone. Also because I always loose them at some point and for a long time couldn't wear them while working. So I can see where you're coming from. On the other hand my mind lists a watch as "at least a bit useful" and not that damaging, better than false nails, high heels, cigarettes, yachts... Still you will always find someone, who gives those things purpose and will justify their existence. I didn't pay attention to the price (100$ 😳 that is a lot, better be very high quality... :S). A phone that could transform into a blanket would be awesome (very practical), but I guess highly unlikely (at least in our day and age). In the end I guess I have to admit it is ironic that Jared is advertising a "capitalistic" product. Still I'd consider it better, than those people, who are trying to sell you beauty products or "how to earn lot's of money very quickly!".
@sandropazdg8106 4 года назад
@@JanVerny yeah I know i did not comment out of malice to wisecrack but rather from the standpoint of pointing out an uncomfortable irony. Given as the thought process also works the other way around if seen from the viewpoint of the client: "Let me advertise your luxury product.... but first, let me make all potential buyers ponder the ethical intricacies of buying luxury products" Sweet sweet irony.
@BostonMBrand 4 года назад
“Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.” Thanos would love Snowpiercer.
@dxcSOUL 4 года назад
The train is literally about inequality. How is any of that balanced?
@BostonMBrand 4 года назад
dxc dude I’m joking. They have the whole thing about maintaining balance
@stephaniewozny3852 3 года назад
And that's why the Revolutionary Steve Rogers type has to stop him.
@doperegistry8504 4 года назад
"treat a group of people as an object of study, versus what it means to LEARN from them" , thats a heavy line right now
@Triskaan 4 года назад
To all who might need more of this story : check the original French graphic novel, it's a masterpiece !
@pwrserge83 4 года назад
It's commie shit based on false premises and marxist propaganda.
@freddiekruger3339 4 года назад
@@pwrserge83 that seems like a... Strong opinion you got there.
@laurensahanna5826 4 года назад
@@pwrserge83 okay right winger
@xstoofpeer 4 года назад
@@pwrserge83 imagine being a capitalist 😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤪🤪💀
@pwrserge83 4 года назад
@@xstoofpeer having money that you worked for and being a net benefit to both your family and society? The horror.
@Ash-ww8xg 4 года назад
I watched the movie randomly during quarantine and it has become one of my all time favorite movies of all time. Found out it was directed by Bong Joon Ho after and then watched Parasite. Parasite was very good and way more visually well thought out but liked Snowpiercer wayy more overall. I think it's an extremely unique take on necrofuturism and it's surprising how a post apocalypic movie can be used as an allegory for capitalism. I'll never stop thinking about it. The movie had a very limited theatrical release due to some post production issues so not that many people on RU-vid really reviewed it or talked about it. I'm so glad Wisecrack finally made video on it!
@AverageAlien 4 года назад
capitalism is the best system in existence and is the only one that works. End of discussion
@maxthescarecrow4038 4 года назад
@@AverageAlien Noooope.
@AverageAlien 4 года назад
@@maxthescarecrow4038 yeeeeeppp
@onewinter9411 4 года назад
I watched it no less than 5 times and even held movie day for my class. I love Parasite but Snowpiercer will always be my favorite so imagine my surprise to hear that some people think it's stupid.
@jamesamaral8185 4 года назад
I'm always surprised that no one seems to have the same interpretation of the end as me. Regarding "Does humanity die off or is there some hope?" I think the answer is both. To me, the polar bear doesn't really symbolize that humanity can survive outside the train. Instead, it symbolizes that although humanity may be gone, life will go on. The image of that raver with the wings falling into the machinery says it all: the soul of humanity has been ground up, perpetually degraded by the system instituted by Wilford. Instead of allow the persecution and debasement to continue, Curtis and Namgoong have effectively pulled the plug on the human race's life support. Better to let it die with whatever dignity it has left than allow it to worsen further. And although we may be gone, there is a life for the universe after us.
@Futuristic271 4 года назад
This really is something that drives my philosophical mindset. Human's as a species shouldn't view nature as something we need protect or befriend because nature will continually exist. Human's instead need to see nature as a tool to sustain the survival of humanity. However, we currently are not using the earth in a sustainable way, and thus we are harming humanity alongside the earth and ideally we want to preserve the earth better in order to better preserve humanity.
@MrBern-ex3wq 4 года назад
@@Futuristic271 That's the point which people who love shouting "The Earth is healing, we are the virus, we deserve to be extinct!" during coronavirus are missing. Nature doesn't need our help, we need _it_ . Without nature, humans would have no sustenance whatsoever and we would die off. That's the point of ecological movements and changes. Protect and care for nature so that in turn, it will care for and sustain us (through resources and sustenance), not "humanity = evil, nature = good". And if anyone reading this is offended by it, then you're still missing the point.
@bombardement1 4 года назад
@@MrBern-ex3wq It's easier if you get rid of the religious evil and good and use the original life and death. Humanity is life and death, nature is life and death. Our goal is to break the cycle of death and therefore we destroy the nature to find the final answer for our creators; The immortality.
@MrBern-ex3wq 4 года назад
@@bombardement1 I'm not even going to touch the talk about immortality, because I dare say that's not even a can of worms, more like a can of hydras. All I'm going to say is that you can't claim that humanity's goal is to destroy 'The Cycle'/Nature because... Well you don't know that, maybe you believe that, maybe you _want_ that, but you don't *know* it. And about our creators, again, you don't *know* that we have any 'creators' beyond the utter natural randomness of the universe. The talk about creators is as religious as the talk about good and evil. (Which I just used for convenience, because religious or not, it's an easier way to present it, rather than writing three paragraphs on RU-vid like I just did).
@bombardement1 4 года назад
@@MrBern-ex3wq The universe is not random and it's flat and we are nearly there to proof the holographic principle. Same goes for the multiverse. According to Ramsey theory, ideal randomness is impossible especially for large structures.
@sopranophantomista 4 года назад
When I initially watched Snowpiercer, I was, you know, fine with it. It wasn't a great movie, but it did have a really great premise. Now that you've done your good old hot take on it, I now realise what was so captivating about it. Thanks for putting my feelings into words. Again.
@johnwhereareyou 4 года назад
Also ironic how Jared is obviously in the anti-capitalism boat yet relies on the system (100%) to distribute his passionately-made content (on a for-profit medium) to the masses. And the capitalistic system rewards his efforts, handsomely, for producing content that most people who watched traditional distribution networks (cable TV) would find valueless.
@IsmaelAakouk 4 года назад
​@@johnwhereareyou If you see the initial point, this exactly is not only an apt description of capitalism but a fundamental problem with it. It can grow and co-opt things that oppose it (Che Guevara shirts made in sweatshops, etc.). This is caused by the lack of ability of the current Left to be independent of the world in which we exist. If you look into Fisher's work more, there's the concept of "Acid Communism", in which he describes the fact that we must be able to dream beyond the borders of what has been allowed by capital, and we must create a system outside of it. Furthermore, the fact that a person critical of a system is participating in it isn't a discredit to any of his ideas. That's ridiculous, it'd be like a peasant who lived under feudalism being told to shut up for criticizing his oppression because he farms in the feudalist system for subsistence.
@johnwhereareyou 4 года назад
@@IsmaelAakouk My point wasn't aimed at the concept and ideals Acid Communism. I pointed out that Jared clearly favours a world ruled by socialist or communist ideals rather than the status quo (mostly Capitalism, some socialism). In this hypothetical world, where for-profit enterprises ceased to exist and governments ran all societal functions, great inventions like RU-vid and social media would probably not exist. Because socialism only rewards investors that invent things that are percieved as useful by a single group (the ruling governments). Therefore, assuming profit-driven inventions like RU-vid and social media platforms didn't exist in this hypothetical world, then people like Jared would be forced to work traditional white collar jobs (office administrator) or blue collar factor production. In this world, Jared would probably be working a dead end job rather than being able to flex his intellectual creativity and curiosity by making 10-30 minute long videos and distributing them to the masses.
@IsmaelAakouk 4 года назад
@@johnwhereareyou I would contend that creativity would on the contrary thrive. While the authoritarian governments of the 20th century did have problems, it was mostly a product of their times. It doesn't have to be that way. It's ridiculous that you believe that inventions will cease to exist if capitalism ceases to exist. Humans have invented for millennia, and capitalism has only been around a few hundred years. Furthermore, many of these wonderful inventions you laud were created by non-profit institutions. Like the internet, GPS, or any art that's been produced for the majority of human history.
@nicolaeghinea2298 4 года назад
This video is a gem. Like "I am legend" at first you dont rly know whats happening and slowly you cant even blink because you want to watch every moment. Go watch it, a good horror-adventure-sci fi-philosophical
@SantosAl 4 года назад
@Kermit of Rivia They where ok, but as a fan of the book I Am Legend the film was horribly disappointing.
@ometta7 4 года назад
I prefer the book, myself.
@samus17 4 года назад
Everyone but two people die on the train. When you realize that the world is warming up and the train would have eventually lost its purpose, mass death of everyone wasn't a good idea.
@rathernot6587 2 года назад
It's a allegory.
@samuelturner1668 2 года назад
You think Wilfred would have voluntarily given up power? The Snowpiercer is a totalitarian state.
@rtwfan100 4 года назад
Vincero watches aren't luxury watches. You're better off with a Timex.
@reesenakhre 4 года назад
Literally would rather have no watch at all rather than a Vincero lol
@HassanSra 4 года назад
@beasttitanofficial3768 4 года назад
Do you guys have Swatch in America? 👀
@Megamean09 4 года назад
Just don't get ANY friggin' watch. They're useless. They're a faux status symbol for people who want to think that clinging to useless shit from the past makes them better than people living in modern times.
@beasttitanofficial3768 4 года назад
@@Megamean09 or maybe people just wanna be able to tell the time even if they don't have their phones on them or just see it as an accessory? 👀
@isdel9474 4 года назад
it's very interesting that the people of the class subjected most to the cold were the ones that actually thrived in it better than anyone from the upper echelons ever could. could be seen as Hegelian or Fanon-esque.
@tormunnvii3317 4 года назад
nice observation, this deserves more upvotes ;]
@clarizzi 4 года назад
when i first say the movie, i saw it as hope for another, better world rather than the end of it. When the father is going on about the ice melting, it felt kind of inspiring and that there is another way to live. The ending with the polar bear shows that there IS life outside. The bear is feeding itself with something since its clearly adult, and the girl and the boy seemingly being the only ones that made it out kind of pose as an Adam and Eve. I know that its inevitable to think that there is no way they could live, but humans can be surprisingly resilient.
@BigKevSexyMan 4 года назад
Children.....it's feeding itself with children......
@bluefalcon04 4 года назад
I had interpreted Wilford's implication of Gilliam in the revolution to be a lie in order to try to disarm Curtis at the final moments of an otherwise successful revolution. Wilford was utilizing Palpatine style misdirection in order to sway Curtis to his side and save his own life.
@montague4931 4 года назад
I'd like to see a Deep or Dumb for the Xenosaga series. It uses a lot of Christian & Nietzschean themes but I never really got whether it was using them in a smart way or a pretentious way.
@vincevvn 4 года назад
One of my favorite series. Extremely underrated and under appreciated
@orionAAD 4 года назад
the hole xeno xeries es worth analizing
@rjrgjr 3 года назад
Damn good movie about decolonization, anti-industrialization, and sacrificing everything for the next generations. Bong Joon-ho's movies are aging wildly well as the years pass.
@valmid5069 4 года назад
*When you realize that the movie director is the one who directed Parasite, with actors having Chris Evans and legendary John Hurt*
@thatonedudebutwho9919 4 года назад
I miss John Hurt
@lightheart5 4 года назад
Captain America and Professor Trevor Bruttenholm
@THEARCHITECT801 4 года назад
You guys should watch Skin with Jamie Bell, that dude's an awesome actor, imo. Also, I love how Evans has been crushing it with his roles outside of Marvel, as well! Speaking of which, I still haven't seen Knives Out; but just as Bong is clearly consistent with his Directorial efforts, so are the other Veteran Actors (i.e. Octavia, Tilda and Harris) which makes for a great film, from beginning to end.
@cliftonwindham4194 4 года назад
Jeremee Tyler knives out is great! It’s No snowpiercer but enjoyable.
@THEARCHITECT801 4 года назад
@@cliftonwindham4194 awesome, thanks man! I'll watch it with my Wife, tonight; I appreciate the recommendation, brother!
@ShubhamBhushanCC 4 года назад
As Gramsci said, "The old is dead and the new can not be born. In this interegnum a vast varieties of morbid symptoms appear"
@obblue 4 года назад
You missed the last part of that quote: '...Now is the time of monsters'.
@danilthorstensson8902 4 года назад
Love me some Gramsci
@TheCreepypro 4 года назад
this was the movie that made me pay attention to Bong's work all those years ago it was great to see him recognized more and more with every great film he made
@deviousj5868 4 года назад
One thing the TV Adaptation is missing is Tilda Swinton. She was a character you loved to hate and loved to watch.
@scottk1525 4 года назад
Jared, my man, you're not supposed to shampoo every day.
@maxthescarecrow4038 4 года назад
Right? No wonder his hair is so damaged
@sporeham1674 4 года назад
Yeah, once to twice a week is best. He needs to stop before all his hair falls out.
@maxthescarecrow4038 4 года назад
@@sporeham1674 Three times AT THE MOST if it greases up fast although seeing how damaged it is, I doubt it would
@proxyhuman 4 года назад
There is a film theorist out there that has some pretty "convincing" evidence that Snowpiercer is a sequel to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It is pretty amazing. I am a fan. Also: There is no way those kids survive more than 72 hours.
@alexsierra4878 3 года назад
We should make Film Theory find out for us? But hey, that’s an opinion. A film opinion. Thanks for reading.
@mdarkpoet 3 года назад
I think there are two ways to see the polar bear. 1. You could see it as a symbol of hope, of life outside the train. It sees the children, but it could just as easily walk away. How has it survived all this time? Because it's eating other animals, it doesn't necessarily need to go out of its way to eat the kids. It also might be afraid of them, having never seen humans before either. It might not know whether they're prey or predator and will be as cautious of them as they are of it. 2. You could see the polar bear as a symbol of death. Just when they think they're safe, they've escaped, they meet their death as a result of the sheltered life they've lived. Yona doesn't know what dirt is so she won't know what a polar bear is or that it's a potential threat. Even if the polar bear leaves, it could come back and Yona might not know to avoid it. I really want to think #2 isn't the outcome because of how Yona knows what's behind the doors in the train, or that Timmy is under the floor panel. It shows she is in tune with what's going on around her. She might figure it out and take shelter in the train and avoid the polar bear. Or create/salvage weapons from the train. In the process of doing these things, she'll be teaching Timmy what's safe and what's not safe. They'll learn survival together, and will rely on and protect one another.
@kenster8270 4 года назад
Snowpiercer was such a powerful movie experience for me first time I saw it, so full of societal metaphores and historical references. Definitely on my top 20 list of movies that I rewatch every few years, or even every few months 🤍
@TH3F4LC0Nx 4 года назад
lol, "This is a dissection of a movie that's all about the perils and pitfalls of capitalism, class divide, and income inequality." "Oh, and by the way, anybody wanna buy a watch?" XD
@danny.nedelk0 4 года назад
Use your master's pitchfork to criticise and escape the system.
@Sablus 4 года назад
@Aryn Fatt how dare Henry Ford use horses in his factories to make cars! Seriously though dude, we gotta live under this system and that doesn't mean we gotta like it or not want a change.
@ethaneldredge3994 4 года назад
Hey Man Jared's gotta eat
@almostengineering1929 4 года назад
And that is the point of Capitalist Realism
@almostengineering1929 4 года назад
And that is the point of Capitalist Realism
@mathieuleader8601 4 года назад
I remember watching a video on RU-vid that theorised that SNOWPIERCER is a sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
@FutureMediaNow 4 года назад
lmao what
@shadowplanthead372 4 года назад
Rhino stew
@mathieuleader8601 4 года назад
@@FutureMediaNow see for yourself ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jEX52h1TvuA.html
@mathieuleader8601 4 года назад
@@shadowplanthead372 yes
@TravisGilbert 4 года назад
I seen the same video thought I was the only one lol
@TheJazzMan333 4 года назад
The sushi scene when it panned over to the view outside after talking about how balance was necessary. MMMPH. So good.
@samdelunasd 4 года назад
What great timing. I love this channel & just saw Snowpiercer last week & am obsessed with it
@juancornes4933 4 года назад
“The universe is a cruel, uncaring void. The key to being happy isn't a search for meaning. It's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually, you'll be dead.” mr peanutbutter (bojack horseman)
@juancornes4933 4 года назад
@Manophere. com would you please elaborate?
@Pandaemoni 4 года назад
Sorry Vincero, clever though "a watch makes it less necessary to carry a phone" is, it is the phones that made watches unnecessary.
@diedfamous 4 года назад
This is such a great episode full of so much stuff I've been unable to articulate until now. Thanks wisecrack!
@vzuzukin 4 года назад
This is a fantastic episode. One of your best and very timely!
@am.perronace 4 года назад
Bon is a genius and this is a total masterpiece just as parasite
@pointynoodle 4 года назад
The original comic makes the movie look like a happy-go-lucky feel-good cheer fest. It's just *that* depressing.
@kyle3815 4 года назад
Oh shit I didn't know there was a comic
@elbaecc 4 года назад
@@kyle3815 There is now a TV series too. Its on its 5th episode as of now.
@lncerante 4 года назад
@@elbaecc Is it worth it?
@strbourne 4 года назад
Lucas Nahuel Cerante it’s entertaining, but not really a thinker.
@elbaecc 4 года назад
@@lncerante I would say it is. Its a TV series so things progress slowly. Also, they killed off the Griffin equivalent in the pilot episode, and there are some other deviations and twists, so that keeps the air of mystery alive. I would say go for it.
@dialecticamundi 4 года назад
That Satyajit Ray reference at 4:14 made my day.
@Dinotomon 4 года назад
The issue with that ending is that if adults couldn't figure out how to survive in the frozen wastes, a couple of kids stand no chance. But more importantly, those kids were in the crappy education system from the train so all they know is the system they went through. Even if they did survive and form a society of their own, they would just be making a train 2.0 hierarchy
@MustafaAlNuaimi 4 года назад
Yesterday I was searching this channel for snowpiercer I only found an earthling cinema vid 😏
@BigKevSexyMan 4 года назад
I find it hard to see how that train is a metaphor for capitalism. It seems like a pretty bleak command and control economy at the very least. Personally, I think it may represent the opposite. I think it's the pendulum swinging back toward over the top socialism from the over the top capitalism that predates it in the film. The capitalist history of the film represents living out of balance, while the command and control conduction represents strict regulation of balance.
@MrChopstsicks 4 года назад
It’s also a zero sum game since there’s a fixed number of trains, order and ecosystem, bla bla must be maintained. While our world is always changing and expanding.
@lot110 4 года назад
Wrong re watch the movie dumba*s
@dannehrbass2977 4 года назад
I don't think that it is directly a metaphor for either. Core to both capitalism and socialism is the relationship between labor and the means of production. I haven't seen the movie in a while so I may have forgotten, but I don't remember anyone including the caboose gang ever doing any labor. It seems like the train itself provides all of the necessary labor. Rather, I think the movie is just meant as a broad critique of hierarchy in general. In the real world, capitalism is the "train" which creates hierarchies and splits us into classes so that is why people often draw the parallel.
@Ms_artful 4 года назад
These videos are so high quality 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻thank you for taking scholarship and making it digestible! Love this stuff
@rijzone 4 года назад
My deepest regards for the brief 'Pather Panchali' shout-out. Thank you!
@justafan8423 4 года назад
Damn. I finished watching this a few hours ago. Neat
@Aragorn7884 4 года назад
This movie is a hidden gem, 4realz 🥰
@Aragorn7884 4 года назад
@ truth bruh.
@Predestinated1 4 года назад
fcking overrated film
@Aragorn7884 4 года назад
@@Predestinated1 bull 💩
@Predestinated1 4 года назад
@@Aragorn7884 this movie has no depth. It's just "rich evil", "poor good". Parasite is much better and more subtle
@Aragorn7884 4 года назад
@@Predestinated1 no.
@Planetnish 4 года назад
Brilliant film! I've been harping on about it since it first came out.. Glad people are finally watching it! :)
@MorfHasGotAnOpinion 4 года назад
thanks for the references. very good job
@TeoTH80 4 года назад
Curtis didn't instuct his friend to blow the train. He just wanted to get out of the train with his daughter.
@BlenBlen 4 года назад
May the memory of K-Punk never fade. RIP Mark Fisher.
@kingofthesharks 4 года назад
I they don't have much to do with each other but the ending of this film gave me some Shadow of the Colossus vibes in that last scene haha
@Watheverable 4 года назад
Funny how the ending is supposed to be some sort of new beginning but it's actually the end of humanity, that polar bear is going to have a feast made out of those 2 "survivors".
@EdwardViaTomato 4 года назад
I'm in the "I'll just stay here and freeze to death" camp.
@gentatsu9 4 года назад
Just watched the newest video from The Serfs. Two Philosophical Snowpiercer videos in a day
@meldelgado462 4 года назад
Gave me chills the first time I watched it 😳
@Dakuta12 4 года назад
can you discuss if a (utopian) society can work, if you add the three main components: Automatism + 100% UBI (or no money at all, noone has to work, or pay for anything, resources are distributed by the state), + a high focus on coaching parents and some system of parenting licences? Since people would be productive just to be valuable and to be happy.
@Dakuta12 4 года назад
the whole world would then be benefitting from egoistic altruism (described by Kurzgesagt). Biggest focus would have to be on education and parenting etc., since that's where the Trumps are created.
@captainheat2314 4 года назад
UBI sounds nice on paper but only sustainable for large multi billion dollar companies wich have the margains and smaller companies would not be able to grow so you just caused a wealth gap by making it impossible to grow your company
@Stonegoal 4 года назад
@@captainheat2314 UBI sounds great for anyone who wants to freeload not not as a valid government program.
@christodang 4 года назад
​@@Dakuta12 It would be an interesting take for sure. The idea of working to better the human condition rather than your own condition has been a point of discussion in philosophy; there is a notion that the collective "human intelligence" is not being used to its full potential because we're too busy trying to step on each other's toes to better our own lives or those of our families. If we all had the necessities we needed to be happy (and greed was not a factor), then we could dedicate almost all our time/energy/intellect towards bettering our overall condition/standard of living. Right now most innovation is driven by whether it can be monetized or not.
@TheySchlendrian 4 года назад
The System of Mutual Aid, proposed by Peter Kropotkin is worth a look at, He calculated in the end of the 19th century that we'd only need to work 8 hours each to provide for every need Humanity has, and that was without the advanced automation we have today. Today, even we produce Food that could feed 10.5 billion people, yet people still die of hunger. Also we do have more empty Houses then Homeless people. If we'd adknowledge each other's needs as a right that we can more then furfill, i bet we'd have a far greater society.
@chiyosake 4 года назад
2:04 "Curtis, a kind of revolutionary Steve Rogers-type" Yeah, he looks a lot like Steve Rogers too...
@parsadolatabadi3965 4 года назад
Just watched it yesterday what a movie
@camilalouisem 4 года назад
Didn't see the comics, but I watched the movie and I'm watching the series. And I believe that life thrived outside the train, not only the bears. In the series it's said that some people went into bunkers, and if bears could have made it in nature, probably people made it in bunkers. And maybe it's easier to survive on the tropical parts of earth? Like, if Earth is getting warmer again, I would bet my chances there.
@anthonytitone 4 года назад
The problem with the whole sub genre of critiquing capitalism is they offer no real solutions just vague promises of a more just society what they forget is human nature there will always b bad ppl who abuse the system to climb to the top capitalism is the best thing we got rn and most ppl would b open to new ideas but not rehashed ideas like communism that haven’t worked better in other countries
@SpaceLordLono 4 года назад
weve never had a communist society. Weve had military dictatorships that call themselves communist.
@anthonytitone 4 года назад
DudeistBelieve no Marxist communism but the problem is trying to achieve a true Marxism where the leader eventually gives up its control is borderline impossible even Lenin wouldn’t agree to give up power and when another ideologue like Trotsky tried to take control an oppressive dictator in Stalin rose to power corruption happens all over in all systems but I don’t know if there would b a way to prevent that type of dictatorship from rising up in a country as powerful as the US
@genericfilmmaker6339 4 года назад
@@anthonytitone The point is unless someone has a better idea that doesn't involve millions of people starving then capitalism is just the way it will be.
@cyberpokey 4 года назад
Anyone watching the Netflix Snowpiercer series? (produced by Bong Joon-ho) What do you think about it?
@PegasusPablo 4 года назад
It's really boring!
@benjamincere505 4 года назад
really not great, especially if you compare it to the movie
@cyberpokey 4 года назад
@@benjamincere505 yeah really struggling to get into it... just feels.. off... only redeeming this is it has Jennifer Connolly in it
@rayhamonangan7430 4 года назад
just looks weird when the series becoming Murder on the Frozen Express suddenly
@awesomepossumdude 4 года назад
Leaving the train as a metaphor for socialism... goddamn wisecrack is legit, they never miss
@gh0s1wav 4 года назад
So glad that Mark Fisher's ideas are finally getting out there. R.I.P.
@TacoMan99 4 года назад
Literally mentioned this movie to my coworker probably about 2 hours ago, must've been because you uploaded this... 6th sense
@Thunderscreamer 4 года назад
I'm rather disappointed this video wasn't titled Snowpiercer: Deep or Dumb.
@jordel2010 4 года назад
First biopower and necropower, now necrocapitalism. Pretty interesting stuff I've learned about in these last two videos. Thanks.
@samuelpaulini 4 года назад
I LOVE Snowpiercer - thank you for the video!
@alphacause 4 года назад
Snowpiercer was one of my favorite movies of 2013. Its so sad that the 2020 TV series, which is based off of the movie, is such a bore. I watched 3 episodes and I had to turn it off.
@JK-kn9rv 4 года назад
Explains why youtube algorithm is showing me about movie I saw years ago and why wisecrack did a new vid. I was so confused for a moment there.
@bleakcognitivefuture7913 4 года назад
I liked it.
@viljamtheninja 4 года назад
Yeah, the show is dreadful. The worst part is that (at least in my area) Netflix removed the film from their catalogue, in order to (I suppose) convince people to watch the TV show instead, so they can get more viewing hours out of something with the Oscar winner's name attached to it.
@tleilaxu42 4 года назад
10:05 Ehhh... Just go take the air from planet Druidia.
@lucap8336 4 года назад
Great video as always, loved this movie! Okja would be another great BJH film to analyze!
@SparkIeMotion 4 года назад
Off topic but OMG I need that Twin Peaks blanket on your wall!!
@Azoruk 4 года назад
Out of curiosity, does Wisecrack pay all of its employees equally? As much as the owner/owners?
@firion666 4 года назад
Non-capitalism doesn't mean full equality of income. Even Marx said: "From everyone according to their ability, to everyone according to their needs." People doesn't have equal abilities nor needs. Why workers wouldn't want to compensate his manager's or colleague hard work and motivate them to work better? It's not about wealth inequality first and foremost. It's about inequality of power, which happens because class tensions and ownership of means of production. And that is only Marxism. There's many more alternatives to capitalism, there are hundreds of schools of anarchism and government powered socialism, there's mutualism, there's third way, agorism. There's Huxley's Island. There's so much to learn, young padawan. And not a single moment would be wasted.
@NiaNostos 4 года назад
‘Everything should be a worker coop for you to criticize capitalism’ isn’t exactly the useful or insightful take you think it is.
@stephenhesher5348 4 года назад
Tunnel fight is in my top ten for action sequences.
@kevinprasad2408 4 года назад
Possibly the best channel on YT !
@Rmsesii 4 года назад
Damn another fire background beat god damn. 🔥 Tbh i just watch this movie yesterday. I didn't even realize Bon jo ho made this ...also fire 🔥.
@Rmsesii 4 года назад
Honestly, this movie is kinda hard to swallow as an allegory. I am not optimistic about the ending of this movie but the only way to move forward out of this system is to go where we wouldn't dare into the frozen tundra.
@miliba 4 года назад
dont remember the last time i was this early
@IchabodLocust 4 года назад
I really hate to be this guy, but I don't see anyone else saying it: Is Jared getting chubby because of quarantine??
@Laurell_Silentshade 4 года назад
Possibly. I noticed, but I'm sure lots of people have visible queues with how lockdowns and social distancing have affected them. I wouldn't be quick to say how he is now is a bad thing. Arguably it's better than him looking thin, tired and strung out. As long as he's taking care of himself, who cares if he puts on a few.
@IchabodLocust 4 года назад
@@Laurell_Silentshade Hey, I just want my boi to remain healthy. Getting fat isn't healthy in any case, as it tells of poor diet and lacking exercise. Gotta keep healthy no matter the times.
@Laurell_Silentshade 4 года назад
@@IchabodLocust Not always. For someone who is underweight, gaining a few pounds is a good thing. The opposite isn't good either. I speak from experience. From a few previous videos, Dude was looking as I described in my other post. Right now he's looking rested and relaxed. I could be wrong, but that's how I read it. Look, all I'm saying is it might not be as alarming as you make it out to be. Now if the trend continues, then there's probably cause for worry for the reasons you mention. That said, it'd be better for Jared to get a medical assessment on the subject rather than go by speculation from random YT commenters.
@carloscusiter2972 4 года назад
Wow I just watched this movie for the first time last week. Awesome!
@Megamean09 4 года назад
This is the first time since The Good Place you've covered something I ain't heard of that I've decided I gotta see it.
@chrisperez3614 4 года назад
It’s great. If you haven’t seen Parasite watch that as well.
@Tyler-cm6vk 4 года назад
I thought Chris Evans in the thumbnail was Pewds.
@robbieshand6139 4 года назад
"Today we explore the concept of necro-capitalism, the notion that capitalism functions because people at the bottom are subjected to violence, misery and death... but remember to buy these luxury watches from our sponsor. Peace."
@catsthemovie4692 4 года назад
At least it wasn't raid shadow legends 😂
@pingwingugu5 4 года назад
​@@catsthemovie4692 Those are fake luxury watches. Vincero is made in china, they are selling low quality cheap product with massive profit. I wouldn't be surprised if those watches were made in sweatshops (maybe even using child labor), which fits perfectly with the topic of "necro capitalism". Wisecrack couldn't choose better sponsor fot this video.
@catsthemovie4692 4 года назад
@@pingwingugu5 hmm I didn't know that
@pingwingugu5 4 года назад
​@@catsthemovie4692 Vincero is a bit better than MVMT which is selling Alibaba watches with their logo for 10 times the price. So MVMT would be a slightly better fit for this video. Check some YT watch reviews if you are interested, from what I've seen you can get same quality as Vincero for 3rd of its price.
@catsthemovie4692 4 года назад
@@pingwingugu5 I have zero interest in watches
@manphins 4 года назад
These past couple videos have been very timely
@wuhugm 4 года назад
Snowpiercer was so underrated
@michaelkoukoui1235 4 года назад
Did anyone else think they were talking about the Netflix show?
@alainapowerchick2025 4 года назад
I was expecting the show to be mentioned. I keep seeing Twitter ads for it but no one I know is talking about it.
@miamivicemami 4 года назад
There’s no opt out of capitalism get over the watch ad
@jyrinx 4 года назад
You've got to admit, the irony is palpable. I mean, all their videos have ads, but not all of them have ads for luxury freaking watches …
@ProductBasement 4 года назад
Thank you! Capitalism isn't a "system". It's just a term used to describe people choosing to exchange time and property by mutual agreement
@duta6388 4 года назад
@@ProductBasement keep telling yourself that
@Bojoschannel 4 года назад
@@ProductBasement lol
@TheySchlendrian 4 года назад
@@ProductBasement Except that people have more power over people on the basis of wealth...neither is it voluntary if people starve if they do not participate in it.
@bose80085 4 года назад
04:14 thank you for this clip ... means a lot to any Ray Fan
@eliazarlovis2745 4 года назад
Hey Wisecrack I...know pretty much nothing about philosophy...and I’m not sure if this comment is relevant...but I think this book “freedom and necessity in nature” can apply to Snowpiercer (basically: book is about how a view of nature as “strict”, “harsh”, and “necessitarian” creates a justification for authoritarianism, similar to how Mason, in the sushi shop scene, gives a speech about how the (artificial) ecosystem is fragile so there needs to be balance.)
@zeroxeroFX 4 года назад
Income inequality, capitalism bad. Buy these watches
@scottk1525 4 года назад
Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Pretty sure we're currently transitioning from stage two to three.
@cobrakingofeart 4 года назад
to break the wheel we need to make the good times harder and earn them
@tormunnvii3317 4 года назад
Why have I only heard this before from Fascists?? hmmmmm...
@scottk1525 4 года назад
@@tormunnvii3317 You probably haven't. You probably just assume anybody that doesn't openly advocate for socialism is a fascist. Because the world is perfectly black & white and all.
@tormunnvii3317 4 года назад
@@scottk1525 You literally just gave a "black and white" analysis of the world; "Strong Men" vs "Weak Men", (note the emphasis on Men there as the only ones with the meaningful agency in the world), and "Good Times" vs "Hard Times", which times? for who? It all sounds pretty Fashy and Dumb to me bro.
@scottk1525 4 года назад
@@tormunnvii3317 First of all, bro, it's a parable, not a technical analysis of political dynamics. Second of all, bro, saying there are such things as "good times" and "strong men" in no way depicts the world as black and white. A black and white perspective is a "this or that, and no other option" outlook. Simply stating that strong men exist, or that some strong men make good times, in no way precludes the existence of a wide spectrum of other kinds of men, nor the potential for strong men to do other things, nor the potential for other kinds of men to create good times. And again, bro, it's just a parable, bro. Meanwhile, bro, I'd bet half my salary that you see anybody that's not "with you" politically as being "against you," with no third option. Or in other words, bro, anybody that doesn't align with you politically is a fascist. That, bro, is black and white. Also, bro, you're literally using the word "literally" incorrectly. Which is funny. Because that means you're literally defeating the purpose of using the word "literally," bro.
@yggdrasil3 4 года назад
I think the ending is hopeful. We first hear that life is impossible outside the train, but if that's the case, then why is there a polar bear?
@fernandoguzmanlagunes8075 4 года назад
Damn! I love This channel! thank you guys!
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