
Student Debt Relief SAVED? 

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22 сен 2024




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@drcosmos137 Год назад
I find it fascinating for the older generation to have gotten a college degree with little or no debt, then for me to be crippled with debt to get the EXACT SAME DEGREE just for the sin of being born later than them. And then they have the nerve to turn around and blame this all on the younger generation
@DarkusZarvix Год назад
Right? Like, us being born somehow made everything more expensive? I mean, I guess demand on resources goes up with the population... but not to the extent it has... we didn't ask to be born and we didn't ask for college prices to skyrocket. Money is also not exactly a concept teenagers understand. I certainly was fed the line "If you go to college you'll make enough money with your first job to pay back the loan in 10 years after". The ones in power raised those prices from greed. We didn't make them greedy. But yeah, we were born more recently so, sucks to be us.
@SmallSpoonBrigade Год назад
There are paths to getting a degree debt free, but I agree that it's ridiculous how much more constrained that path has become over such a short period of time.
@cloudyskies5497 Год назад
Also a severely reduced job market. My parents entered the work force in the 70s, when unions still had power, and one working class income in a factory could keep a family of four afloat. I entered the work force May 2009 after the October 2008 global financial crash (joke's on me lol), and that was after all the outsourcing that happened in the late 90s.
@6starphantom349 Год назад
Let’s not forget the divorce of wage from productivity, thanks Reaganomics for the piss on, I mean trickle down.
@michaelarmijo4112 Год назад
Yeah, what fools I mean they forced you to take the loans. I mean their are lots of people who worked their way through collage. Where do you people think it's ok to dump your debt on us? We blame you cause you took out the loan. Simple. Who should be blamed ?{ 1 I I I I
@GlassesAndCoffeeMugs Год назад
Why is Clarence Thomas concerned about the dollar amount of the debt relief? It's not his job to balance the budget or be concerned about the budget, it's his job to interpret the law. His job is to determine if the debt cancellation is legal or not, the dollar amount of relief has nothing to do with it.
@OPdbx Год назад
He's a psychotic hack. If it benefited him or the conservative party then he would have no issue taking that stance
@jonathanhagy9183 Год назад
It is also not the president's job to create a social spending program. In fact that is Congress' job and violates the separations of powers.
@Delicious_Oreoz Год назад
​@@jonathanhagy9183 hes not creating a social spending program. He forgiving debt that is controlled by the federal government. 👍
@@jonathanhagy9183 congress gave the president authority to modify education in the 1965 higher education act and 03 heroes act.
@kylewilliams8114 Год назад
​@@jonathanhagy9183 the plaintiffs have no standing to even be suing over the issue, it's pathetic they were even allowed to get to the supreme court
@drcosmos137 Год назад
I already received an email saying the remainder of my student loan debt was forgiven. I no longer owed anything. And that was a huge relief because I wasn't going to be able to afford the payments along with rent and food. And then for some absolute soulless ghouls to step in and say "actually no, we're giving you back that debt" is infuriating beyond words. These are genuinely evil people.
@303TAG303 Год назад
same. that's when I knew we live in a dystopia simulation
@DarkusZarvix Год назад
They shouldn't have told you that for a fact... my lender sent an email making it clear they received my opt-in for relief and I was all set to be relieved IF the legal challenges are removed as a hurdle. It's really misleading and odd they'd frame it as already forgiven. That's another level of heartless. If you aren't paying attention to the legal issues, you'd think it's all good, only to have the rug pulled from under you.
@SmallSpoonBrigade Год назад
@@DarkusZarvix It depends, if the GP was the recipient of one of those forgiveness programs due to fraud via a borrowers defense, it might be the case. But yet, if the forgiveness was through this, then it isn't official unless the court rules that it's OK to proceed.
@jgarza9809 Год назад
Blame the crooked politicians for giving you false hope....They all knew it wasn't going to work.
@vincesmith2499 Год назад
Pat back your debt. Stop being a leech.
@KiraKiraSekai1 Год назад
I'm not holding my breath on anything with this court.
@Dsworddance22 Год назад
I'd agree with the experts that, given the Solicitor General's argument, the Supreme Court should not strike down Biden's plan. However, the problem with that thinking is that it assumes the Supreme Court is an apolitical, non-partisan institution that interprets the law for what it is. In reality, we have 6 conservative activist justices that will simply vote based on ideology and personal beliefs.
@brettg9481 Год назад
Time to put this right wing council of elders into the dustbin of history where it belongs.
@rbu2136 Год назад
Nancy Pelosi said very publicly that President Biden DOES NOT have the authority forgive any student debt. Congress must do that. 2021. Is she partisan?
@alisonmcrae1281 Год назад
The Supreme Court are Federalist Party picks thanks to mitch McConnell. Stopped Merritt Garland Obama's pick. The racist electoral college gave us Trump. TRUMP DID NOT WIN. Trump appointed the right wing judges.
@torfinnzempel6123 Год назад
You forgot the Air Quote (" ") marks on either side of the word "Justice" in your statement. Please edit to correct this mistake.
@swallman Год назад
@52flyingbicycles Год назад
Scientists: invent a cure for all cancer Government: wow! We need to make this available to everyone for free 🤡: I am $50,000 in debt from MY cancer treatment therefore I am harmed by other people getting cancer treatment for free (and definitely NOT harmed by the insurance companies that charged me tons of money for cancer treatment)
@dominickdarpino5584 Год назад
thats the individualism america does best smh. "if i dont get help, nobody does!"
@lavellelee5734 Год назад
There inventing a way to cure hiv and aids...... Can you guess what's gonna happen 🙄😐😑
@wf345 Год назад
But people don’t choose to get cancer
@SpeakerWiggin49 Год назад
​@@wf345 So which is it, people choose to be poor with no skills, or people wrongly choose to take on debt in order to get a marketable degree (so they should never be forgiven)? If you disagree with this premise, then why are you framing student loan debt as a choice?
@andrewgawlik4961 Год назад
@@SpeakerWiggin49 exactly 💯! I keep thinking about how plans fall apart from an element outside of the planner's control when attempting to even consider contingencies. @will people may come up with a plan to get out of poverty and the very plan falls apart due to circumstances outside of their control. Enough of this, "I had to deal with it, so everyone else should too"... different people have different resources and skills... some might not be able to make the connections that people who do "succeed" take for granted. When you realize that these issues are all tied together in a cultural problem, let me know.
@TheAwesomes2104 Год назад
My mom, Who owns a small business and refuses to help us pay for college, got tens of thousands of dollars of PPE loans forgiven, but is against the student loan forgiveness. She tried to make the argument that, when you take a loan, you have to pay it back, and if you can't, then that's your problem and responsibility. I pretended to be surprised told her I thought she took the PPE loan forgiveness, but if she didn't, at least she was being consistent and didn't wish her children to be in a worse situation than herself. Then my dad chimed in that she took every bit of loan forgiveness they would give her. I didn't have to hear her bitch about students getting a break after that.
@bigdog44pc Год назад
Keeping the average person in debt, seems to me it's more about control over the average person than anything else.
@fl00d69 Год назад
Modern day slavery is the goal. This is achieved through debt.
@michaeld9682 Год назад
Mortgages have been upside-down for decades. Students should know better than taking out more than they can afford however
@Kurorahk Год назад
@@michaeld9682 Too bad we don't teach how to balance a house budget in schools anymore. Thank Bush Jr for that. So you can't really say that when they are pushed by society to take those loans and reach for the stars. When everyone and everything in society says you should, that there is no downside to doing it as you can pay off that loan for being anything with a college degree in 5 years you don't think that hard about it, because if a society that doesn't look like it is about to collapse says to universally do something then it must be fine to do.
@michaeld9682 Год назад
@@TheRatsintheWalls agreed. Conservatives understand this is NOT the only option. Parents should get a clue
@DogMechanic Год назад
Clarence Thomas can't say "good morning" without lying twice.
@thenightingale7405 Год назад
What does he lie about? He doesn't really say much.
@markfeland2285 Год назад
@KiraKiraSekai1 Год назад
@The Nightingale what does he lie about? Try his being a worthy replacement for Thurgood Marshall.
@ItsAllCulturalMarxism Год назад
Why so racist?
@arrsequoia4087 Год назад
It’s not morning and it’s a blizzard, your honor…
@Letty4 Год назад
I don't have any student loans, but I desperately want to see some regular Americans get something! I'm so tired of regular people getting nothing!
@AssBlasster Год назад
It's the difference between starting my career debt free or paying off $8K. It may be small but that burden adds up on people living paycheck to paycheck
@swallman Год назад
Explain why blue collar workers should pay the loans of white collar workers, the dead beat ones not the ones like me that paid their loans back.
@Pit_Wizard Год назад
​@@swallman that's an extremely stupid way of thinking about it. LOTS of blue-collar workers have student loan debt. I do, $40,000 of it. Most "white collar workers" have much more than $20,000 of student loan debt, which is all that this act would waive.
@ctudirector Год назад
@@swallman Do you classify school teachers as white collar?
@odoylerules77 Год назад
​@@swallman 90% of the recipients make
@davidchidester5463 Год назад
The idea that canceling some people's debt and not others somehow harms the plaintiff in this case is so ridiculous.
@yeetghostrat Год назад
"hey! why are you treating their gaping wounds when I have a boo-boo!? and in some cases A scratch that that you already stitched up and gave me morphine for!?"
@CarbonAtom14 Год назад
These lawyers are still under the impression that the conservatives on the Supreme Court are honorable and not just making shit up as they go.
@jobturkey7418 Год назад
No man don’t give them false hope. There is zero chance they don’t strike it down. They had their mind made up before they even listened to the case
@seanshankredemption1603 Год назад
This is a reactionary court. That's all that needs to be said.
@TragickSin Год назад
When the culture goes full woke degenerate radical then what response do you expect??
@umbraemilitos Год назад
"Activist" if we want to use their words.
@auntiez4917 Год назад
These judges normally don't overturn what Presidents do no matter the President's party. I don't see them striking it down. Never did.
@binarystar300 Год назад
Well, it is lead by overly-biased and emotional far-right judges.
@a1mi551 Год назад
@@auntiez4917 this is a nazi Court at this point
@markfeland2285 Год назад
She may not change the justice's thinking but she exposes their blatant hypocrisy and flimsy logic
@acetorres8787 Год назад
Oh please
@fixieroy Год назад
@@acetorres8787 two words, great feedback. Big contributor.
@wesleystreet Год назад
@@acetorres8787 You may be excused.
@jasonashley9853 Год назад
​@@acetorres8787 oh please, go away, conservatives suck.
@SmallSpoonBrigade Год назад
I don't think that most of them care about that. Roberts does to some extent, but it's largely because he's the chief justice and ultimately he'll be remember long after the other justices are forgotten.
@odoylerules77 Год назад
If they vote against this, wouldn't they have to unforgive the student loans that Trump forgave?
@markfeland2285 Год назад
How about all the PPP loans ?
@iannordin5250 Год назад
​@@markfeland2285 the PPP loans are different as they were passed via congress and not a presidential order.
@masterpepe3641 Год назад
@@iannordin5250 they are different because they were given towards the members of congress as well as to their rich buddies, thats the only difference. This will help regular people at the expense of giant loan shark companies(who likely give very generous donations), hence they will likely try to either shoot it down or bring it down under their control.
@lovemoviesful2 Год назад
​@Ian Nordin The ONLY reason it passed congress is because they slap that with covid.
@maxxymrice6200 Год назад
Thats the hypocrisy, its constitutional to forgive the debts of billionaires and corporations, but it's unconstitutional to forgive the debts of the average American.
@williamgillberg2027 Год назад
The problem is college tuition has grown many times faster than income. It was never like this before so when people say, “pay off your loan just like everyone before you” don’t understand its not same situation. Yes, we took out a crazy loan. Its our responsibility but lets make it realistic and lets make things the way they were before.
@williamgillberg2027 Год назад
I also want to point out that you can’t compare house loans and student loans. I can file bankruptcy and put my student loans on it.
@jonathanhagy9183 Год назад
Exactly and a small pittance towards debts punishes non-spenders and not only doesn't address the issue of rising tuitions, it exacerbates it. There is also the issue that it is unconstitutional.
@KM-nd6wj Год назад
And the interest is what triples the original amount owed!
@michaela.abbott222 Год назад
You can research the rise in costs and will find that the more involved government got, the higher tuitions became. Senator Joe Biden was instrumental in NOT including student loan debt in the bankruptcy laws. Research that as well.
@derekfoulk4692 Год назад
Well here's the thing DID the cost really ever go up in the first place or did inflation erode the value of the education and the dollar? The best jobs I can ever hope to get pay around 40 to 50 an hour but in 20 years what will that buy?? Do you really think 100k Ford Explorers are EVER going to get cheaper off the line, brand new?? See real the problem?? Things just never get cheaper! Outside of a civil war, WW2 -( where everything in the EU was destroyed.) A brand government that idk somehow fixes everything? I mean do you realize the government lies about the CPI number to prevent SS retirees from getting a COLA increase, (cost of living adjustments ) each year since 1980! Sorry but we have much bigger problems here! Lol is hamber helper the same as Steak?! Serious question btw because according to the CPI basket of goods it practically is! Lol
@yungmizzy Год назад
I listened to the entire case and I thought she did a phenomenal job. Not sure what cable news was listening to. She absolutely killed it
@trysis260 Год назад
In truth the plaintiffs don't have standing. MOHELA does and they are not suing, nor interested to do so
@asdfasdf4924 Год назад
I fully expect that I'm going to have to pay whatever is left on my student loans after this ruling comes out
@swallman Год назад
As you should, as did us responsible people.
@lucypage1293 Год назад
same, just got mine down to 10k and going to set money aside until they announce their decision.
@asdfasdf4924 Год назад
I'm as liberal as the next guy. I think the conservative court justices are terrible and the law was pretty clear that the president has the authority to do this. I'm just saying I'm not delusional.
@actionbastard86 Год назад
Just defer it, that's what I've been doing for years
@ultramovier Год назад
Veterans Benefits paid for my education and I have been paying more taxes as a result. You are going to be doing the same. It's to the benefit of our society for you yo be debt free. I'm going to be campaigning for candidates to bring back education sanity. I don't think Biden went far enough. I will fight for you.
@LuigiMordelAlaume Год назад
The most aggravating part of the oral arguments for me was the judges distinguishing between "modifying" and "waiving". I was screaming to myself, "WAIVING IS A TYPE OF LOAN MODIFICATION!! YOU'RE MODIFYING THE PRINCIPLE TO BECOME $0!!!!!" lol
@jcjvcjc98 Год назад
With takes like this, I'm glad you aren't tasked with interpreting statutes
@BAMvideos12 Год назад
@@jcjvcjc98 Imagine wanting fellow Americans to be poor
@SpeakerWiggin49 Год назад
​@@jcjvcjc98 Are you an accountant? An insurance agent? A college counselor? A lawyer? How do you know the right interpretation of "modifying" a loan?
@jcjvcjc98 Год назад
@@BAMvideos12 I don't. Got anything else to say?
@jcjvcjc98 Год назад
@SpeakerWiggin49 Lawyer? Not yet, but soon :) regardless, my issue isn't that OP's interpretation is "wrong", it's that he doesn't understand the point of statutory interpretation and considers the entire exercise "aggravating". I abhor his ignorance, not his interpretation.
@mheberling5939 Год назад
I'm sick of this. WE NEED COMPLETE STUDENT LOAN DEBT FORGIVENESS! Why am I championing and hoping for a small portion to be forgiven, when I am still going to be drowning in student debt even if I am allowed to forgive/ granted $20,000?
@torfinnzempel6123 Год назад
The merits of the legal challenge to the Student Debt relief were so poor that many have already said it would be extremely difficult for the partisan "justices" to uphold it. Then again, they completely threw out the standard of requiring standing when they upheld the Texas Anti-Abortion bill so...
@IrocZIV Год назад
If the court strikes this down, after they struck down Roe, they will really cement the idea of how important it is to vote in young people. These are the things that need to be focused on when reelection comes up.
@daprinceomar Год назад
@jimmyfall9302 Год назад
Not even a sizzle. Don’t waste more time on Bernie. He will sell you all out again to save his career.
@SpeakerWiggin49 Год назад
How could any court agree with Myra Brown's petition that she is being harmed by _someone_ _else_ having their loans forgiven? On its face the claim of harm is facetious at best.
@jasonwhite6463 Год назад
I don't know if she "saved" the program but the SG did an AMAZING job. If the court makes a decision based on the merits and arguments put forth then this student loan forgiveness will happen.
@Aboertmann Год назад
"This is socialism and the tyranny of the unorthodox"- 175 year old Samuel Alito
@fkujakedmyname Год назад
fascism is when ppp loans are forgiven
@AkilaeAK Год назад
​@@fkujakedmyname Whenever someone describes facism, I always think they're talking about religion.
@6starphantom349 Год назад
@@AkilaeAK same same, both trash
@TheEpochCompanion Год назад
I'm hopeful but not optimistic. Even if it is true that she put forward a good argument, they won't be deciding on this for months, and distance from this hearing will allow those that may have been somewhat swayed to fall right back in line.
@Real_Vikash Год назад
FYI justices get chosen by each party to give their party as many wins as possible, FDR was a great example of this.
@alisonmcrae1281 Год назад
At least FDR cared about the citizens of this country.
@nostrilnick Год назад
I don't know how any parent in this country sleeps at night while watching their children's homeland slide into a dystopian hellscape.
@advisorywarning Год назад
I’m a parent… and I don’t sleep at night! My insomnia is fucking insane
@jasonashley9853 Год назад
I'd like to know why conservatives are okay with it.
@stephm.3407 Год назад
I find it interesting that many cases take years & years to get to the SCOTUS, yet this suit seems to have gotten there at lightning speed. Curious.
@0101-s6k Год назад
@hepthegreat4005 Год назад
They've gotten it down to a science. They choose the courts that they want to just push it up to the court immediately. (I'm talking about the federalist society that gave trump a list of judges that were part of their "network" he put them in, and those judges are loyal to the federalist society, not the usa)
@stephm.3407 Год назад
@@hepthegreat4005 - Yes, the Federalist Society is one of the greatest dangers our country is plagued with.
@markfeland2285 Год назад
Big push from the banks to save their predatory loan practices
@M.A.C.01 Год назад
It’s about money
They need the entire student loan program. Aether make it that Collages are public funded or stop with the public back loans and make it fully private, this middle of the Road is nothing But a disaster.
@ItsAllCulturalMarxism Год назад
Yeah and limit to only to the top 10% of their peers get full rides paid by govt. Everyone else go to trade schools, go to work or pay for college themselves.
@roboflex3162 Год назад
its better than doing nothing...
@Hype_Incarnate Год назад
Or just tax the rich and have higher education for everyone.
@stephenbailey9969 Год назад
The loan programs were a compromise because the Republicans and conservative Democrat faction wouldn't expand Pell Grants back in the day. The goal should be free public college, trade school, and polytechnic education for the children of working people. Just as the children of the wealthy get to go to college without a dime of debt.
@shade38211 Год назад
@@ItsAllCulturalMarxism It’s a start of an idea but every politician or people in power would still get kids in.
@shred315 Год назад
I heard the audio live. The two challengers were in fact getting grilled. I applaud Prelogar for her performance. It seemed like it was leaning towards letting the debt forgiveness ( except with Thomas, f him). I do not know why mainstream media is pushing that it was a disaster. It's almost like they heard a completely different court hearing.
@jasonashley9853 Год назад
It's absolutely ridiculous the way they're pushing it in the news.
@6starphantom349 Год назад
They’re paid to not understand the reality.
@Mastervitro Год назад
I will never buy from Home Depot ever again
@Maigus224 Год назад
I still belive the Supreme Cort should have a single turm per justice that lasts only 9 years.
@commonsenseparty1396 Год назад
Boycott Home Depot.
@andrewserna28 Год назад
I’ll believe it when I see it
@jacobmorris16 Год назад
This CNBC headline is infuriating because it operates on the assumption that the conservative justices on this court are open to good faith arguments. There is no evidence to support this presupposition.
@JoeMacMadness Год назад
I think (to save themselves any grief) SCOTUS may just dismiss the case on lack of standing due to the state acting on behalf of MOHELA. Both Justice Jackson and Barrett questioned the standing multiple times. Could be a way out for them.
@youtubename7819 Год назад
That just means someone else will come in as a strawman and pretend to be harmed by student loan forgiveness. Hopefully the debt can be discharged immediately before another corrupt, unqualified maga judge can order a stay.
@a12storyasylum Год назад
Some people act like loan forgiveness isn't a thing. Like everybody in history has had to pay back every loan ever given. Loans are forgiven every day for any number of reasons. But let's pick on college students who went through an economically crippling pandemic for some reason.
@d.c.stranded7134 Год назад
However they end up ruling on this, this is going to be one of those history-making moments
@than217 Год назад
The legal argument is unquestionable but the main question is will the judges vote based on personal feewies or on legal merits? I think without a shadow of a doubt they'll ignore all legal basis and vote on their political beliefs. It's unfortunately going to be dead in the water no matter how good the legal arguments are. We are screwed...
@meoff7602 Год назад
That why the other side just showed and looked unprepared. They know as well as the rest of us. The Republicans on the bench are already against it and there is no magical argument that will change it.
@diggernash1 Год назад
What is the legal basis to take my money, by force, and provide it to any individual? All public assistance provided by the central government is unconstitutional.
@murphy1927 Год назад
​@diggernash1 you mean the constitution? That doesn't matter to conservatives though.
@diggernash1 Год назад
@Mike Murphy On what enumerated power is individual, federally-funded, public assistance based?
@jasonashley9853 Год назад
​@@diggernash1 literally the rich need to be taxed higher. They alone could pay for this. But America will continue to be greedy and stupid. Most of our problems would be solved by busting conservative policies that take advantage of lower income people.
@99RyanFTW Год назад
If this passes i can finish my degree
@mstrfstr310 Год назад
All speculation until a decision is made, but, the arguments made were pretty clear about it being well within the defined authorities provided by the HEROES Act. There were also questions raised about why Nebraska, et al is filing grievance on behalf of a servicer, who hasn't really made a stink about this at all. Looking at that from a historical perspective, they'd have to rule against themselves on the matter of standing. That's not really been mentioned, but it's a fucking guillotine to Nebraska's case.
@nosondre Год назад
❤I want to give credit to this spokeswoman. Clear, concise, unambiguous. She gets right to the point. My hero(ine)!
@wayneenterprise463 Год назад
I wonder who are the 2 "students" that are so harmed by debt forgiveness that they held back 200,000 other student borrowers. Edits: it was Alexander Taylor and Myra Brown. Found out JCN, Koch brothers and Walton family were also involved in this.
@jobturkey7418 Год назад
Myra brown and Alex Taylor lol. The Myra chick was upset she didn’t get another 20k handout after her 60
@wayneenterprise463 Год назад
@@jobturkey7418 I read up on Myra Brown just now. She got private student loan which the plan does not include, although Biden tried to include it. She also got $30k on PPP loan and was forgiven! So she did benefits from loan forgiveness. She was upset because didn’t get the full $50k. Alexander Taylor was the other guy who got upset because he couldn’t get the full $20,000 only the $10,000 forgiveness. Hearing the reason why these 2 block aids to 200,000 others is madness inducing. They were not even present in court. Also the states and organization that sued are backed by special interest like billionaire Koch brothers, the Walton family, Betsy Devos, JCN group they make money on student loans. They claimed it was about government over-reaching yet JCN (the group that is active blocking student loan) got debt forgiven in the PPP loan, tax cuts too were ignored, corporate welfare, no legal challenges. But when it comes to students then it is government over-reaching. Source: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ENHTb5N6Yw4.html jcnf.org/fighting-against-government-overreach-in-the-biden-administrations-student-loan-bailout/
@godfunk Год назад
"So many hands built this place. And it is so grand. Was so grand. It could have been paradise for all." -Dishonored 2
@luck9837 Год назад
“Giving them more financial freedom will harm them!” - Republicans LOL
@NewNormalWorldOrder Год назад
“They can’t have financial freedom because we need them to be dependent on the government so they keep voting for us!” - Democrats Lol you sure you wanna keep playing these “left/right,” “dem/republican” games? Because I promise: you’re deep on the losing side.
@swallman Год назад
Explain why blue collar workers should pay the debts of dead beat white collar workers.
@wayneenterprise463 Год назад
Lol but they said the total opposite for those tax cuts toward the richest in America
@viviondioline Год назад
Not for private fed loan borrowers
@jthree331 Год назад
Yeah that’s still a big issue, private student loans shouldn’t be legal in any sense
@viviondioline Год назад
​@@jthree331 they are a fucking scam. I work at a big student loan servicer and I'm trying to get out because it makes me sick
@synchronium24 Год назад
@@seren3797 based
@JADiaz10 Год назад
Kyle please talk about the Robbinsdale police department. They just brutally murdered another black person and the pictures are horrifying
@AmericanAntiCorruptionAct Год назад
Abolish judicial tyranny.
@userhandler0tten351 Год назад
Like that Marijuana stamp act?
@turtle4llama Год назад
It's literally not spending. It's not collecting. They never call it reckless government spending when they lower rich people's taxes.
@lexieluthor310 Год назад
Can we talk about how the government forgave the PPP loans (which costed more than the student loan relief) and no one kicked up a fuss? Will this mean that I can sue the government for offering more benefits to a business in the same way they’re arguing “equality” to stop the loan forgiveness? The suits literally make no sense
@ApartmentPrepping Год назад
I listened to audio and it seems the court doesn’t like this, but agree the standing is shakey at best.
@Apoplectic_Spock Год назад
Recusal requires integrity. No integrity, no recusal.
@yanislav16 Год назад
For my daughter, we’re going to figure out a way to pay for her school if she decides to go. I will do everything in power to make sure that she doesn’t go into debt. Our education system is a joke.
@kevinchristensen7510 Год назад
America: We can't do a damn thing if a single billionaire objects. Inversely, the only way anything ever gets done is a billionaire supports it (no matter how unpopular it might be).
@randomuser6378 Год назад
Anyone against student loan relief better demand that PPP loans forgiven be rescinded and all those Republican businesses pay it back.
@SWNJim Год назад
I’ve worked in student loan servicing. Private loans are basically like going into a bank and getting a loan. They rarely are ever waived, even if the school, such as ITT Tech, loses its accreditation and you cannot complete your diploma or certificate. There’s a number of ways public loans can be waived through various programs and to rule against this now would make all of those also illegal. Without those programs, we’re going to have less medical staff because that won’t be attracting people to pursue that career. If anything, it’ll drive people away from those careers.
@lemonadestand4386 Год назад
Sometimes the justices /appellate judges ask questions just to ask questions, to see if the attorney can think on their feet and have thought of the other issues. The questions are not always indicative of how an appellate judge will rule.
@nataliemae8516 Год назад
All that corporations lobbyists 💰 others money 💰 etc couldn't have gone to college so many students scholarships instead 🔼 that is so digusting and cruel 🤯
@bblessedbarnett1 Год назад
9k more to go sir! Keep it up!
@chasecunningham5340 Год назад
Would be a life saver for me
@jobturkey7418 Год назад
Then you gon die lol. It ain’t passing
@Karla_Marie Год назад
Fantastic video, Kyle!
@drexeldragon1723 Год назад
Cue Hawkeye from Endgame: "Don't give me hope."
@SamuraiKage-iv3ow Год назад
America is breathing it's final breathes. The USA is slowly dying.
@sethhofstetter8161 Год назад
If they vote this down, we should be marching on SCOTUS demanding resignations....
@waltergoring8428 Год назад
Good episode
@talyahr3302 Год назад
Honestly, if it gets slapped down at least the pause will go on longer than if the debt wipe passes. Just tryna stay positive.
@Steven.W.Johnson Год назад
We need something like the year of Jubilee in the US
@CrabyMan Год назад
All we can do is hope
@ginahickman6864 Год назад
Projection Absolutely Not Helpful
@drewrichburg2574 Год назад
One can only hope
@user-wi3yx3gy2o Год назад
Let’s just apply this logic to something a bit more familiar: Imagine the Supreme Court saying “Well this law says you are entitled to food stamps, but is that fair to people who make enough to not qualify for food stamps? No I don’t think so, so I’m going to rule that poor people getting food stamps was not the literal or originality intent of the law that says ‘poor people get food stamps,’ and I’m going to rule in favor of the rich people suing to take food stamps away from poor people because ‘what about me,’ because I’m a literalist / originalist. Also judicial activism is bad.”
@BeardOfRiker Год назад
So if POTUS does anything that gives anyone financial relief of any kind I can sue and claim to have been injured if I didn’t also get the same amount of money?
@Sunnernite Год назад
Don't give us hope. Prepare for the worst
@michaelmilam7285 Год назад
Elizabeth Prelogar is a great Solicitor General and even though this case is likely lost she'd still be a great nominee if Thomas or Alito were to kick the bucket
@PlanetC64 Год назад
Kyle, you are on fire, Dawg. Here for it
@chrisculhane3777 Год назад
Or delay payment forever to anyone they were giving it to
@MTRVPatrick Год назад
PPP = pay back is all I gotta say.
@shanehess8950 Год назад
Cancel It all
@knugen16 Год назад
As a european, america never ceases to amaze me in a bad way.
@antonioortiz6153 Год назад
I listen to the whole court session and I came away optimistic also, I try to listen a lot of supreme Court cases and the attacks against the proposal were definitely weak. The conservative judges didn't have much to work with.
@DirtPoorWargamer Год назад
_”The plan doesn’t change anything about my situation, therefore enacting it causes me harm I wouldn’t otherwise suffer.”_ Umm… that’s not how that works…
@eightone91 Год назад
Go listen to the case Kyle. I thought it was probably hopeless until I listened to the case.
@BlagoP Год назад
Unbelievable that there are people in the US fighting against student debt relief.
@harrisd1983 Год назад
What about mortgage, car loan, abd credit card relief too?
@swallman Год назад
Unbelievable dead beats are fighting for the responsible people to pay their bills. I paid my student loans off, I saved every paycheck since my children were born to pay for theirs and you dead beats want me to pay yours too. F THAT
@KnightOfNewColu Год назад
@@harrisd1983 I’d be cool with that. Rather have my taxes go to debt relief than some pentagon general’s coke habit, or building bigger, more expensive fighter jets that fail to fly, or funding the FBI to do psy ops on BLM protesters.
@R_A_3000 Год назад
​@@harrisd1983 Just stop with that. Those loans don't keep accumulating interest as you make payments on them. Student loans are completely different than private credit loans.
@harrisd1983 Год назад
@R.A. ok. The students agreed to those terms. They didn't need to take the loans out. They could've worked like people before them. BTW I agree that students shouldn't have to pay back those loans. I just think the money should come from the colleges themselves. The colleges make enough money from sports and could come up with the rest from worthless departments to pay it back.
@lauriecraw5033 Год назад
Listened to the orals. Prelogar WAS amazing!
@toddodell70 Год назад
The benefit might be that though SCOTUS is highly unlikely to not strike it down the more of the legal profession agrees that would seem a wrong opinion that would help. Not like a think that'll change anything for years but eventually it will.
@singlesideman Год назад
If "astroturfed" is supposed to mean 'faked', that's totally obnoxious because 'turfed' means killed, and has no connection to 'faked'.
@et34t34fdf Год назад
The king of wishful thinking.
@classiclife7204 Год назад
It will get slapped down.
@GrandpaBaner Год назад
You say nobody is damaged but if that were the case then nobody would be damaged for cancelling all debt held by the government. That doesn't really make sense.
@DesertMav Год назад
From what I've read in this case, it seems like Justice Barrett may support dismissing the case, but there needs to be one more justice that flips over in order for the student loans forgiveness to go through. It is clear that the conservatives have no standing to even bring the case before the court, but it happened and here we are.
@rgruenhaus Год назад
How about something about EBT? How does an 8% increase in Social Security drop an EBT of $198/mo to $23/mo?
@NeoKailthas Год назад
Don't kid yourself. The decision has already been made. This is theater.
@Habeebea Год назад
Just forgive the debt, what’s the Supreme Court gonna do? Thomas gonna stop watching porn for 5 minutes to start harassing borrowers?
@lessonslearned2569 Год назад
Thank you Reagan for this "fix". /s
@RipCityBassWorks Год назад
Why do "experts" in this country constantly underestimate the right wing?
@AdRandy Год назад
Kyle's slow conversion to being a full on socialist is awesome to watch.
The Student Debt Dilemma | CBS Reports
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