
Summoning for Arc, GSSR and Destiny Order! FGO NA 

Purple Wokey
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Hell of a thing to wake up to that's for sure.
Wokey's Twitch: / mechawokey




5 июл 2024




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@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
This took awhile to upload because I accidently edited a version that had 3 minutes of a black screen and then a snake drinking water jump scare. So had to redo it
@ryanbrook8384 10 дней назад
Got xu fu and type earth with ten tickets.
@aroperdope 10 дней назад
Got two Archetypes and a Xu on my first summons; right as I was leaving work
@Vic-fj3qs 10 дней назад
Greetings my fellow salt farmers! Hows your day? Me? Im good! The sun is shinng. The birds are singing. Trails to Dawnbreak just released. Nothing could ruin my day! Why am I sharing this? Coz right now, my salt levels are so high that I thought I should share my salt with everyone! Have you guys ever heard of pity? What wonderful thing that lasanga included in the game to tell you 'Fuck You and your dog'? Yes! I have that wonderful experience just now with my Arcueid rolls! Such a wonderful day! HAHAHAHAAHAHA!
@bladecode 10 дней назад
Welcome to the club my friend
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Damn. I'm sorry man, it sounds like you really got fucked over
@captainmarba1504 10 дней назад
Don't worry man. I'm f2p. Been saving before the announcement of Arcueid in JP. Have 300+ tickets and 1900+ SQ budget. Expect to get NP 6 and use the balance for summer servants. Ended up hitting pity. And use all of them to get NP5 Arcueid only
@grayzo16 10 дней назад
Yeah mine is ridiculously high too
@Crysizz 10 дней назад
Got 5 copies of her in just 520 sq , she is my first 5 NP servant.:D well now I am broke hope summer servant come easily.
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Congrats! You may be broke with SQ but 520 for NP 5 is pretty lucky! Hopefully the luck continues into summer for you!
@Johan_87 10 дней назад
Summary of my summons: Gssr: morgan 😢 (target arjuna or musashi) Destiny: kama 😊 (from all i wanted her the most) Arcueid: np1 on 180 sq 😊 (if its less than 300sq, it is good) Im still conflicted if going for np2 arcueid, but from what i hear, arcueid start being good at np3 and optimal at np5, so im not sure Happy anniversary
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Nice! Even if you wanted Arjuna Morgan is still good. I've heard a lot of conflicting stuff. I would see how you feel with NP 1 and then go from there if you want np 2. If your going for more copies then gooooood luck!
@thephantom9227 10 дней назад
I got 3 np of her with 4 multi and 10 ticket ( for catalyst) with Robot Minamoto as bonus
@Johan_87 10 дней назад
@@thephantom9227 que envidia. I ended up going all for it after using her for a bit farming qp, in total 660 sq for np3, im good now
@dmitrygolubev9398 10 дней назад
After thinking really hard about this, I decided to risk throwing away my guarantee of Summer Skadi for a shot at Arc. And I got her in 20 tickets, lmao. Even if Skadi goes all the way to pity, I will still have almost enough for a another pity (maybe 30 sq short). And there were 2 of Xu Fu as well, very nice
@zodiacshinywhimsicott1386 10 дней назад
Congrats on summoning Arc! I was able to get her exact where I needed to, even if it was at the cost of gaining my first USO... I still have 108 to spare in hopes of helping with Lady Avalon or if I'm lucky, Summer Skadi. GSSR wise, I got NP3 Arjuna so that was technically the worst result for SSR but I got Kriem so best SR result leaving me pretty even. I got Kintoki from Destiny & I've been waiting for him for a while (although I haven't necessary jumped at his banners in a long time). He can wear his heavenly retainer gear!
@psykoli 10 дней назад
This anniversary is an orgy for me GSSR Koyan (np2) Kama (np2) Destiny Morgan (np2) Arcueil pulls (stopped at 14) Arcueil (np2) Jeanne ruler (np1) Come change my mind !
@KaiserGora 10 дней назад
Funny thing about the Destiny Order is that you can get servants aside from the ones you choose but you are guaranteed at least one of the ones you pick
@jonathangoodwin5609 10 дней назад
All in all, I got 2 Arcueids, 4 Xu Fus, 1 Penthesilea, 1 Melusine, 1 Summer Charlotte, 1 Helena Blavatsky and one Okuni. I didn't get Castoria who I really wanted, but I did make a pretty good haul.
@gravityhero2227 10 дней назад
Destiny Order Summon coming to na a year early was unexpected.
@stevenjones3901 9 дней назад
Spent 180 sq and 70 tickets to get np2 Archetype, np2 Xu Fu, np2 Rider Astolfo, Archer Emiya, Nikitich. Also got 2 A CE, 5 Incite CE, and a Grand Marshall CE. Still sitting pretty for summer with 1700 sq
@KaiserGora 10 дней назад
My GSSR was an USO from summer Musashi but I got Troung sisters and Double Ishtar from the Destiny Order.
@nestxor738 10 дней назад
I was able to pull Konstatine from the destiny order summon & Avenger Jeanne from my gssr! So happy with the results & saving my 1K for lady Avalon & summer Skadi
@SoraKid15 10 дней назад
Got Scahath lancer on the destiny order, Charlie and medb on the Saber 2 GSSR and then dis 1 multi on the arcuid banner and got tametamo.
@zilonggamerreaper5089 10 дней назад
Today I spent 394 sq and 31 tickets and NP5 my Arcueid. I'm F2P and I'm beyond excited. Now I plan to save for Vritra. I also already max ascend her as well
@shinokensecond 10 дней назад
Summoned a bit on Arcueid, didn't yet get her tho. GSSR I went Archer 2 and got Super Orion, quite happy with that result and on the destiny I got Sei which is the best result because I can finally 120 her now.
@Amaruk17 10 дней назад
Well, for me I only summoned using the tickets on shop with Arcuid. And I got her in my 6th ticket. I hope this also happen in Summer.
@asaboukirha4782 10 дней назад
"It's my gssr damn it. If you have a problem with it, go to hell" vs "That's my line up. If you have a problem with it, please don't" lmfao the stark contrast
@hindrikjanscornelishuising7017 9 дней назад
nice pulls. i'm jealous of that heroine xx xD for the summons i chose berserk 2 and got 1 arjurna 1 musashi 1 morgan and 1 CE of the black grail. and from destiny i got altria caster. really happy with those power houses xD
@InuYashaandKagomeROK 5 дней назад
Got NP5 arc in 500-ish sq. All f2p. Got Oberon on GSSR. Got Bazett on Destiny Summon
@foualter102 10 дней назад
Good luck to those that will roll for Arcueid
@giovannigiorgio831 10 дней назад
Had some really good pulls. Got Ozymandias and Skadi on my Destiny Order! After a year and a half of trying, I finally got Melusine from the Lucky Bag! Got two copies of Xu Fu, but no Arcueid. That’s alright, I’m saving for Summer anyways. I’ll still be rolling the daily singles to see if I get lucky.
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Very nice summons! No arc but with that many new servants your good to stop and save up for summer. Best of luck on the daily singles though
@RexGavnith 10 дней назад
I spent 140 saint quartz on arcuied the most I was willing to before summer as a FTP I didn't manage to get her sadly but good luck with your future summons 😭🙏
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Sorry to hear! Hopefully the next banner goes better!
@wwiddyy 10 дней назад
got np2 arc in about 250 quartz I think, Then Van Gogh from GSSR which was my top pick Still haven't don't destiny summons but I hope to get np2 Morgan from it, good anni overall so far
@Flaris 10 дней назад
I'll admit my first thought was "does this mean we won't get one next year?" But my gut feeling is that we will and their plan is to make the Destiny Order a once a year thing at anniversary. If it happens next month for JP that'll at least confirm it. Either way, this was fun. Especially since most of my planned Destiny Order pulls for next year were for characters that aren't on this one! So it was kind of fun to try and figure out what I wanted to do. In the end I got Squirtoria! I'm ok with that. Never would have gotten her otherwise and this was interesting.
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
It sure will make watching that JP stream that much more harrowing because if they don't get Destiny Order you know the NA team is about to get 10000 message saying so hey... we getting this next year???? Yeah it was actually super cool to put it together. Felt like a kid in a candy store lol
@10640404 10 дней назад
I used I think 300 sq on Arcueid. Good thing I still have 592 left. I got an 2nd Arthur for Gssr. I got king Hassan and heroine x on destiny order.
@ryojimata3708 10 дней назад
Was able to get Arc to np3
@despairgumshoe6206 10 дней назад
Didnt do destiny order cause didnt budget. But rolled Beserker 2 and got Musashi/Sei. Also used 300 of the 650 free quartz and got Np2 Arcueid and got the worst spook on one one the roles. np1 Jinako( new unit for me though). I now am a Moon Cancer magnet. - Note: I am also a Musashi face magnet. Have her at Np3 and barely a dolphin so it was guaranteed to get her on that banner. Wanted bryn beserker more but Kiyo was only dup so happy
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Pretty good! Congrats on the units and yeah I know how you feel. I tried to get 1 copy of Summer Marie and ended up with a NP 5 Summer Saber instead. Desire sensor is real
@lonewolfjedi493osswfan 10 дней назад
My rolls: Destiny: Charlemagne GSSR: Bazet And I think I pitied Arcrueid I got over 730 SQ left for summer
@ag-gamer51 9 дней назад
i got GSSR : Summer kaira (one of my wanted servant ) Destiny: KING HASAN (grandpa go BRRR) arcueind np1 from 19 ticket so happy with this summoing session not sure about my wallet thou
@broozer123 9 дней назад
On my main account : GSSR extra class 6 wanted douman or bazzet. Got douman, np3 koyan dark, astreaa np4 and mystery heroinexx Ordinal Summon got Reines
@DragonSword35d 10 дней назад
Got me Arjuna Alter, NP2 Kriemhild, and Summer Kama. Then I got carried away and threw 10 multis at Arc. All that got me was Lancelot. And Xu Fu, but that’s expected.
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Congrats on the GSSR! Yeah the feeling of pulling SSRs is that it makes it easy for you to get lost in the sauce. It's why I saved my Destiny for the end instead of after GSSR
@danck941 10 дней назад
I managed to pull Arcueid in only 4 pulls with summon tickets!
@l0rd_breeigo-sama954 10 дней назад
Even though i Arc isnt super High on my want list. (Same for Morgan, spishtar and castoria) i somehow Got her np2 in 90 sq. And just like with bazett i Think Ill use 500sq and not get Rasputin later this year
@Nearnface 10 дней назад
@stevenjones3901 9 дней назад
Meant Inspire CE not Incite
@Conkel 10 дней назад
Swell! Np 2 arc i managed under cheap spendings phoof. Still thinking hard on my pickings. Edit yep that was a haul. Vids are on my channel if you want to watch em.
@gravityhero2227 10 дней назад
Alright so i got np3 Bazzet,Np2 Koyan Dark and 600 sq later i got np 2 Arc. Oh and i got a bonus Cu Alter from the Destiny Order Summon.
@beersmoker4444 10 дней назад
I got Bazett in destiny and J'archer for gssr I am very happy. Good luck to everyone summoning!!!
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Ayyy congrats!
@Baptising 10 дней назад
Got a Arcueid and Xu Fu, rest is saved for proto merlin, Overall good pulls from me! Shoutout Wokey and Nux
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Congrats!! Me and Knux happily accept your shoutout!
@gilgamesh4869 10 дней назад
2700 Quartz got only np2 Arcuid. Got like 15-20 5 star rate ups Ces lmao. Killed my will to play atm
@captainmarba1504 10 дней назад
Probably the worst luck in my life. F2p. Saving even before the announcement of Arcueid in JP. 300+ tickets and 1900+ SQ. Ended up hitting pity. And use all of those just to have NP5 Arcueid. Rateup banner turned into spooks and CE banner(one of the spooks even reached NP5. And there's more than 10 different servant spooks)
@gunnerblazer1642 10 дней назад
i got shimiramis instead of koyanskaya 😢
@Mutsukn 10 дней назад
Man spending 420 sq on Arc banner only able to get 1 tatemono, Nightingale and 1 altria, couldn't be worst right :^( ?
@KitsuManko 10 дней назад
I dont roll on day 1. I tend to not get anything. I wont let excitement get the better of me. I will always roll on the last day.
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
Interesting approach. Well best of luck on that last day summon!
@DYELUZ 10 дней назад
Why your brother burned Ishtar?
@PurpleWokey 10 дней назад
I'll have to ask him again because he did it for a specific reason but it was years ago.
@knux7259 9 дней назад
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