
Symbolisms Of The Cross In Old Testament Blood Trail Christ Christophanies Jesus Bible Code Secret 

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@romeorozeta4998 6 лет назад
Brad, you missed a good one where Israel is fighting in a battle and was victorious as long as Moses had his arms lifted. When his arms came down, Israel would start loosing the battle. So a man stood on each side to hold his arms up. I realize that there are too many examples to put in one video though. Good job!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Romeo. Yes I'm actually working on a part two.....the final symbolism was when Jesus so clearly predicted His own death and Resurrection.....it doesnt get any clear than this! Also if you check out the links I share....the smoking gun of Psalms 22....its something FEW Christians even know exists.....the 23rd Psalm is so famous....but what came before all that peace and happiness....and why did Jesus refer back to it while dying on the cross? Links below..... But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. Bonus Info: The Bible ALONE remains to me the ONLY credible source as it gives us NO BAD ADVICE. Think about that.... For example in the Egyptian culture the prescription for a splinter was putting donkey dung on it....we NOW know that this could cause LOCKJAW! 613 OT laws....not a single one that is bad for you. Now again....the consequences for disobeying them....often quite harsh to say the least....but God was raising up a Messianic bloodline....and my videos will show why. There are reasons for the strictness of the law....but thats a different topic....lets focus on good advice vs bad advice for now. Lets cover just a FEW topics...There is so much if you dig in the Old Testament such as the instruction of circumcision which has been proven to reduce infection by 10%....huge back then....also it significantly slows the spread of certain STDs....in Africa today they actually circumcise the men in tribes to slow the spread of AIDS. God instructed the Jews to have this surgery on the 8th day.....funny thing is.....Days 7-9 of your life....ONLY time in which your Vitaman K levels spike ABOVE 100%....so if there was ANY time to have a surgery THAT is the time for clotting reasons.....think about the odds of that instruction alone. Then He gives a detailed step by step diet in Leviticus.....exactly what to eat and what not to eat....turns out....its perfect.....still used today and I would say no other diet can beat it.....bacon is BAD for you....now the Ags want to say that IF you have just the right mix that bacon is not bad......SURE.....lets keep it real....eat lots of bacon and you end up with heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. This diet was given 3000 years ago and true to this day....the Jews have more people that reach their 90s than any other group. Jesus chooses fish the ONE meal He serves....fish oil and fish itself basically the best food you can consume on the planet....lucky? He instructs the Jews to bury their excrement outside the camp....something that could have prevented the Bubonic plague had it been done...saving nearly half the worlds population! Quarantine is instructed....I could go ON and ON.....but He was lucky right? Just slip, tripped, and stumbled onto all of that....just law of averages? FOLLOW UP LINKS: Below are the links I encourage you to click on AFTER watching this rib video. This sets the table and makes most Atheist/Agnostics feel a small pebble in their shoe....no boulders....but just a nagging pebble.....that wont go away....now its time to follow up......btw....careful of the smoking gun....and no skipping ahead! Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@livingwaters.4U 6 лет назад
Good catch brother, God Bless ya
@OnFireForGodtoday 3 года назад
@lisahaney3830 6 лет назад
I found your video very interesting. Our Lord speaks in so many ways! And many times there are multiple layers of meaning in his words. I believe that there are many things that repeat from the old testament, to the new testament, to the end times. And there is so much meaning in everything that he says! For instance......when I look at the formation in which God has the Israelites camp(old testament), I also see the cross(new testament), but I also see the formation of God's end time army of 144,000 from the 12 tribes.(end times). I could be wrong about this, the Bible doesn't give us all of these details. But this is what I see. He has such an amazing plan for each of us, and it began around 6,000 yrs ago! He uses so many things throughout history to point us all to his amazing plan and purpose! He is so amazing! Glory to God!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Right on Lisa!
@janetramirez7304 Год назад
This is so mind blowing. Thank you Lord Jesus for this video and teaching me about your word 🙏
@MrBrad777c Год назад
So glad you enjoyed!! You may want to check out my videos "Why God Used A Rib To Create Eve" and "Mark Of Tav".
@BishopEddie5443 6 лет назад
Brad my brother, you have some inspiring Spirit led ideas and I thank God for your inspiration. I want you to also be blessed by knowing about 'dispensationalism' and the mystery of Christ which is also sound doctrine. Ephesians 3:2-3 If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey B. Eddie! Thanks for watching. I dont claim to be an expert on theologies....in fact I had to look up dispensationalism to even see if I believed in it lol. I tend to view prophecy more as the Glory unto God and not unto man. Anotherwords I dont believe in 99.9% of cases man is able to say "Look....I saw this coming.....glory to me and my wisdom". But instead we look BACK and say "Glory to God...He knew this was coming and was prepared". My favorite example of this is Pslams 22. A very little known passage that CLEARLY lays out the playbook for the Cross. So awesome that God can just put His playbook out for everyone to see....yet NO ONE even the devil himself was able to figure it out. Love it! So again I dont really get caught up in Israel and it as a nation.....I consider myself a Christian.....not Jew or Gentile.....its not really my thing. But I dont criticize others that focus on it. But my goal is to share the GOOD news of the gospel....and let the Israel chips fall as they may.....as God wills. Below is Greg Kourkl who I dont always line up with.....but his book Tactics is among my top 2 books (Cold Case Christianity being the other) I recommend to apologists looking to fish in Atheist/Agnnostic waters. That is the focus of my channel....not really anything to do with how Israels role in everything is.....I know my role.....best I have for your Bishop Eddie. Greg Koukl on Dispensationalism vs Covenant. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lLT1FEzjz_E.html What he says SEEMS to make sense....but again its not my cup of tea. Must be yours and no issue with that focus....just not mine. We all have different avenues of the faith we pursue our focus on.....I am called to Atheist/Agnostics. Psalms 22 Checkmate To The Devil bradctv.com/go-lakers/
@loveiseternal5544 6 лет назад
The flaming cross came to me this morning very early hours if I could somehow show you the picture I drew it is not a coincidence that I found your videos today I wrote the words THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT inside of the sword. I was drawing it up for a tattoo for myself and I am no professional artist I live in Australia and I believe GOD is doing a work in me, I have been levelled in a way that is undeniably incredible JESUS IS LORD
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Elizabeth. Thats awesome. I have some more of my videos below.....I put them in my normal order of sharing with Athiest/Agnostics....you sort of skipped ahead....very cool how the flaming sword came to your mind. How did you find my video? I had sort of a strange experience one time.....I dont normally share the link but I will put it at the end......my wife actually had a dream once about 3 men dressed in black with tattoes on them.....said they had came to our house and demanded to see me.....said I had made a mistake and I came to the door and talked with them....actually only one man spoke....the other two stood guard....they looked like WWE wrestlers with huge muscles and had tattoos all over their bodies. My wife said eventually they were satisfied but gave me a warning "Not to change the Bible".....she told me of the dream. I asked her what the tatoos looked like.....she said it was things she had never seen before. I told her I had been researching the night before about the Mark Of Tav and the story of Ezekiel 9 where 6 men with slaughter weapons in hand and one man dresed in white. I showed her the Ancient Paleo Hebrew Alphabet (which I had never showed her before....I had only that night found them). She got afraid and said THOSE were the tatoos on them! I then realized that I needed to go back and study the Ezekiel 9 passage. I had misunderstood the passage and thought it was Ezekiel who was putting marks on people.....when in fact it was the man in linen....who most likely represents Christ.....I made sure I got that right in the video Mark Of Tav below! Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html&lc=Ugw5mBqCLcF04L-oAvB4AaABAg Mark Of Tav (This wets the appetite for the longer one below) www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msk4E... Symbolisms Of The Cross Video www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLFav... Checkmate To The Devil Psalms 22 (Smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ My strange experience ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8qDvdRab7p0.html
@loveiseternal5544 6 лет назад
hi Brad I found your videos after clicking on why GOD used the rib then you suggested to watch the symbolisms of the cross I cried when I heard the bagpipes then you spoke about the flaming sword I had an amazing revelation of the truth. I had tried to access the link on the mark of TAV that is ok though I believe your truth about the tattoos on the men's hands it is awesome to have been given that message GOD bless you brother in JESUS NAME AMEN
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Awesome! Below should be Mark Of Tav. Thanks again! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
Hello! I will tell you a number of other symbolism as the title of in the bible. I use the software, Pc Study Bible 4, on my computer. I got it from my dad years ago. It is very handy for quickly looking up any subject to the bible or the same page! I use it often! The story of Moses rescuing the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt, and bringing them to the Promised Land, is a picture of the process involved in a person's getting converted to Christ, and in so doing, freeing them from slavery to the devil. The devil always likes to take people's freedoms away and God always has the goal of giving them freedom. As is true in all cases, God's goals are always the opposite of the devil's. And this allegory about Abraham's spiritual offspring, calls those who serve Christ as being free and as true of children of God, while the unbelievers of the world are pictured as being the offspring of the slave, Hagar: Gal 4:31 31 So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free. KJV So Pharaoh is a picture of the devil, who doesn't want to get rid of any of his slaves. He does all he can to try to keep them all! The devil is called the god of this world. 2 Cor 4:4 4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. KJV The Red Sea is a picture of baptism. The testings of the people of Israel in the wilderness is a picture of the spiritual testings that new believers go through. They have been redeemed from the devil, through Jesus' blood. Gal 3:13 13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: KJV New believers tend to be more fickle, and less surrendered to God as compared to more mature believers (that is, the sincere kind who had become fully surrendered to God). Not all new believers continue on to the fully surrendered state, and some of them fall away from Christ permanently, it appears. The pleasures and concerns and cares of this world become more important to some - than making sure that they remain in good standing with Christ. Anything that becomes more important than pleasing God, is a type of idol, and the bible tells us to keep ourselves free of all idols. 1 John 5:21 21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. KJV The crossing of the Jordan River appears to be I a picture of a complete dying to oneself, and entering into a life of full surrender to God. I believe this is the time in which the believer's internal destination in heaven becomes firmly recognized by God. Heb 6:11-12 11 And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: 12 That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. KJV It does not look to me as though anyone short of being fully surrendered to God can have full recognition of that, in God's sight. But they are at great advantage, because they are on the way to that goal. The more that they draw close to God by choice, the more that God will draw closer to them! James 4:8 8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. KJV And so naturally, eventually, some of them will successfully reach the state of full surrender. Hebrews 3 and 4, explain about the entering into God's rest. The rest that Joshua ("Joshua is the Hebrew form of the Greek name, Jesus - and they both mean "Savior.") provided, through the entering into of the Promised Land - was a picture of the rest of mind that comes as a result of being under God's control. Matt 11:28 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. KJV Having a different master (Christ) - not the other one that likes to enslave. I mean the devil. And it can be observed in fact, that unbelievers are not able to have the kind of peace that God's people are able to have. Isa 57:20-21 20 But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. 21 There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked. KJV Hebrews 4, reveals to us that those who fell in the wilderness and were not allowed to enter into the promised land, are resemblant of those under the new covenant who started with Christ, but who never entered into full surrender to Christ. Which is why God rejected them. God uses their bad example, in this chapter, to add impact to his pleading with people to not be like them! And to point out the importance of entring into His spiritual rest that is so necessary!
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks for the info Debby! Great stuff!
@DBReligiousLife 6 лет назад
In the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian faith we have many ancient Scriptural writings telling of the Cross/Meskel being used from the Creation.. it was a special Cross that was used by St. Michael to defeat Satan .. it was the sign put over the door(and posts) during Passover... the Cross is found all throughout nature.. give thanks for your work.. to God-Most High be the Glory... RasTafari love🦁
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Thanks for watching! You may enjoy the below as well.... Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html&lc=UgwD66nyerbrIq3pTpR4AaABAg Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@bogdanadalbo8764 5 лет назад
Man! What an incredible research you've done! You're definitely setting an example of what every Christian should do: search the Bible for themselves! Just like Paul praised the Bereans in Acts 17:11. Totally in awe of your work👏👏👏 God bless you, brother, you're on the right path!
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Hey B.D.B. Thanks for watching and for your awesome encouragement! I included below my links to several different journeys.....battle on sister! Links below are in order for how I would share the reality of God with an Atheist/Agnostic. Remember these are legit wounded folks....who have either been hurt or worse abused by someone CLAIMING Christianity.....or have suffered a personal tragedy. I have one Atheist/Agnostic friend (he came as an attacker) who was struck with blindness and complete kidney failure at middle age....try having that happen and not being angry at God....and yet he of course claims hes NOT angry at God...while spending all his time hating on God lol....but they need patience....not ridicule or hate. We Christians need not become frustrated....we have the FULL goods....when you have that.....frustration is impossible. Its like playing a game of one on one basketball with a little kindergartner.....you have all the tools to defeat him with one hand behind your back.....would you become angry if he taunted or said cruel things.....no....you have no fear of defeat....and your TEACHING him a lesson in both basketball and manners. Start with the RIB....it will put a pebble in the shoe of any Atheist/Agnostic unless they are in tantrum mode....if they are nothing will help until they cool down.....so move away from the topic of Christianity.....until they are ready. You have already watched part 3 of my links....which is by far the longest.....if you stuck it out that entire video your a real trooper! The rest are much faster but hard hitting..... Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html&lc=UgwoB09iTTvfAItSykp4AaABAg Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html Below are many of my Christian related videos found on youtube and my website. One thing I did was make a video on all the worlds religions....in debating with Atheist/Agnostics I quickly found a common road block was "Well what about the Hindus...they think THEY have it right". So I realized I had not a clue what the Hindus believed....so now I can give a basic run down of every major religion....I did it respectfully and I noted my obvious bias....we are all biased....either we are engulfed in our own religion or we believe them all to be false. There are no neutral folks on the topic of religion. The Worlds Religions (plus more in the below link) bradctv.com/project-t-r-u-t-h/ Below are some of my favorite blogs....they can help you in battles with Atheist/Agnostics. 3 Common Legends Found Throughout The World (Did we steal the Flood story?) bradctv.com/203/ Islam/Judaism/Christianity Blog bradctv.com/why-cant-muslims-jews-and-christians-all-just-get-along-does-allah-not-mean-god-in-arabic/ Is Christianity Just Fairy Tales? bradctv.com/test-2/ Is Christmas A Pagan Holiday? bradctv.com/test/ Answering the HARD questions. bradctv.com/stay-out-of-the-dog-poop-why-is-everyone-on-planet-earth-a-liar-and-a-thief/ bradctv.com/why-not-start-over-adam-eve/
@bogdanadalbo8764 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c thank you so much for sharing! I have already watched the one about the rib from which Eve was created and loved it!! I never even considered the argument but now everything is clearer... I will definitely check out the other links you recommended! Thanks again! God bless you, keep up the good work 🙏🙌💗
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
@@bogdanadalbo8764 Thanks sister! God bless as well!
@OnFireForGodtoday 3 года назад
AMEN, Bro. Brad! Well done! We praise the Lord, in Jesus' holy and Most High name, for ALL that He's doing through you.
@MrBrad777c 3 года назад
Thanks again brother for checking out my channel. Anyone interested in some hard core street preaching go check out his channel and subscribe. This is where the REAL work is done...where the rubber meets the road.
@aizam5841 6 лет назад
I wish everyday is Christmas so we just love and understand each other celebrating Jesus Christ day.♡
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Its a great idea! I'm sure God would approve!
@cedriceric9730 5 лет назад
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Amen brother!
@jbjoeychic 7 лет назад
Brad C, this was an outstanding video, I enjoyed it very much. I am glad you were able to show the remarkable chapter two passage of Numbers. The encampment of the children of Isreal were laid out in the form of a cross and is a supernatural example from the Lord God, in a very nuanced way, allows all who read and SEE, a gem of understanding. The Passover as well is another great example for all to see the form of the cross on the lentil and doorposts, it is so obvious. Paul talks about the Jewish people having a kind of veil which seems to prevent them from seeing the Lord Jesus as Messiah. Yet I have no doubt that these symbols you show in this video will help them and anyone else truly searching to find the Savior of the world. It is obvious by reading the comments here over the past few years that there are skeptics who refuse to acknowledge the truths you bring up in the video, but there is no need to concern ourselves with doubters. It is the people that can see these symbols and or the typologies of Christ in the old testament, that will benefit when they finally remove doubts and believe in the Lord Jesus for salvation. I encourage you to continue delving into all these wonderful things the Holy Spirit of God has hidden "in plain sight" in His word. It is exhilarating and thrilling to find them. An example is the 45th chapter of Isaiah, where Cyrus the great is mentioned by name by God, as recorded by Isaiah. Isaiah wrote this 150 or so years before Cyrus was born, yet his name is recorded by a prophet of God. Now, how thrilled must have Cyrus been when another prophet of God, Daniel tells Cyrus "we've been waiting for you for over a hundred years, here is your name written in our scriptures?" The world is blessed to have the ONLY LIVING WORD OF GOD, THE HOLY BIBLE, they would benefit eternally those who read and trust and believe and obey this love letter from our Lord God ALMIGHTY. God Bless !!!
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Hey Bron Jon. Thanks for the encouragement and the additional info! Yes the "stubborn and stiffed necked people" was pretty spot on. I have often found when dealing with the ultra smart....not only the Jewish scholars but the Atheist/Agnostics.....they often outsmart themselves. However we must remember that Jesus was okay with the skeptics....the original NT skeptic "Doubting Thomas" was handled with patience. Jesus did not say "Thomas you fool...you should have just believed....should have had faith....should have known better"....No....Jesus gently presented His body for examination.....told Thomas to do his due diligence and examine the best evidence he had at hand. Jesus called us to be fishers of men.....I have chosen to be a "Muskie" fisherman. The Muskie is a very smart aggressive fish....and you can fish all day and never even get a bite.....but EVERY Muskie is a trophy and worthy of a wall mounting. The fish is so aggressive it can actually wound the fisherman....takes great patience....and dedication. I have 3 steps in dealing with the Atheist/Agnostic....and with the Jew I can skip the first step.....but here are the links. 1. Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
2. Is this video (Symbolisms Of The Cross In The Old Testament)....but I have another one called "Mark Of Tav" that I highly recommend for the Jew. Its a pretty obvious thing if you can pin one down on it. I encourage purchasing these cards....they are quite affordable and quite powerful. Handing one to a Jewish person will send chills down their backs.....however they will regain composure and write it off....but none the less seed planted. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
The last step is the ONLY smoking gun I know of.....strangely its a passage few Christians even know of.......most could quote you Psalms 23.....but what happened BEFORE all that peace and happiness????? Look at Psalms 22.....a great price was paid....step by step......and Jesus even called out the first verse as a clue to us.......Hello......wow!!bradctv.com/go-lakers/
@livingwaters.4U 6 лет назад
i dont know Brad if u r reading this in 2018 but u did a great job , God Bless
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yep....I"m always reading as long as I'm alive and able. My rib video exploded....hoping this one will eventually pop.....but for those that stop by I am always appreciative! You can also check out my website of www.BRADCTV.com I have a section called Project T.R.U.T.H. where I focus on Christian apologetics. I also have a blog section you can scroll through....a ton of Christian blogs that can be used to link for Atheist/Agnostic friends you may have or run into in online debates. Just remember to ALWAYS be patient....that fishing hole is not meant for everyone......many truly wounded fish there......most have been badly hurt by someone CLAIMING Christianity or have suffered a severe personal tragedy such as having a child with cancer. Be firm and honest....but PATIENT and kind. Its hard to do though....I slip sometimes myself. The good news is we really do have the TRUTH on our side....never any reason to become frustrated. Thanks again and I really appreciate your watching several of my vids!
@lw216316 8 лет назад
I share the same belief that the first blood shed was when the Lord make the coats of skin for Adam and his wife. My personal speculation is that it was from sheep and that Adam and Eve watched as they were sacrificed. It may be they were like pets to them and had walked with them in the garden. Adam had named all the animals. Maybe they even had pet names as well as generic species names. I believe all animals were tame at that time. In the Kingdom to come animals will be tame (the wolf will lie down with the lamb etc). And during that time Christ will restore all things. So I believe He will restore the tameness of the animals that existed at the beginning. If they did watch tame pets being sacrificed then they would have understood the deep consequences of their sin and seeing a being they loved losing its life because of their wrong doing. They were wrapped in the covering of the skin of the one sacrificed. We believers are wrapped in the righteousness of our Lord who was sacrificed and like the animal skin it covers our nakedness. Thank you Lord Jesus.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+lw216316 Everything you says lines up well. Now its good that you point out that your choice of a lamb was speculative.....I agree its a likely choice....however regardless the key is that the animal is innocent of the sin.....paying a price for humans so that they may live. The harsh truth was that the elements outside of the garden would not allow for naked skin.....nor would shrubbery suffice....killing an innocent animal whom they had probably loved like pets would have seemed unthinkable.....and its possible that Adam and Eve didnt consider it....or if they did it was as unthinkable as me killing my pet dogs to survive the cold. Thankfully God intervened....did the hard thing.....and then the hardest of things.....gave His own life as the true and final payment for our sins. Because of our sinful act the world will always be an unfriendly environment to humans......although still under our control in many ways.....it unleashes constantly against us. Thankfully one day this will be restored as well as nature and the animals.
@lw216316 8 лет назад
That's something I wonder about. Was the garden a bubble of perfection in an otherwise difficult world or was the whole world perfect until sin entered in. I suspect He will make the whole world perfect when He restores it during His Kingdom.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+lw216316 Well its speculative on my part....but it makes sense that the garden was not a bubble in amidst a harsh cruel outside world. My reasoning for this is because God doesn't create anything harsh or cruel or corrupt....He creates it without blemish and then by CHOICE the devil, some of the angels, humans, all made that choice to corrupt themselves. Now fortunately in mans case that choice was made with some trickery and God deemed it worthy of forgiveness.....mercy for the children of men.....but not without humbling ourselves and realizing our sinful nature and accepting Him. Now unfortunately the things God gave mankind to watch over....the animals....the plants.....they would suffer our fate of corruption. Note how in Gen 3 we see the consequences of this sin.....lets take a look....my notations in parenthesis ...." And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; (NOTE: now all the animals of the field are cursed....this shows that there was a change....unless you believe God created the animals of the field cursed.....which in my humble opinion He did not. This curse came because of the sin these 3 beings commited) upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (NOTE: Notice the plan of redemption....Jesus would be pierced in His heal on the cross....but He would squash the devils head as also detailed in Psalms 22 in full record WAY before the crucifixion would take place)16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; (NOTE: See again how now nature is cursed....this covers the last base....the animals are cursed....and now nature....this looks to me like the curse has been brought about.....and not simply the garden being done away with....its very possible that the Garden of Eden still exists....its just not accessible to mankind today....but that's PURELY speculative) in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
@lw216316 8 лет назад
indeed, the whole creation groans, and our perfect God will restore all things ! HalleluYAH.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
lw216316 Yes and as beautiful as our majestic forests and all of nature is....imagine that its actually in corrupted form....pretty amazing. Also there is a good possibility that we will be able to communicate with the animals either through our minds or regular speech. Should be fascinating.
@oksills 6 лет назад
ABSOLUTELY inspired ! I’ve known bits and pieces but you put it all together beautifully! Thank you; I’m subbing. I’ll be going back and watching all your other vids. Maranatha!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Oksills. Thanks for watching and thanks for the sub and encouragement! Yeah I actually have a second one I hope to be releasing soon which will include Jonah and other powerful connections. Below is the order I like to share my work.....especially when battling Atheist/Agnostics.....the Rib gets the ball rolling by making them realize Intelligent Design is a clear logical choice they SHOULD consider....and the Ancient Hebrew God (in which they hate of course) might be THAT Designer. From there I like to begin with MARK OF TAV....its powerful and quick hitting. The video you just watched is more for the Christian who is looking to gather jewels. Checkmate To The Devil will BLOW YOU AWAY.....only smoking gun I know of. Then Christianity in a Nutshell puts out on the table what I believe as a Christian. I would suggest checking them out in that order. I have more also at www.BRADCTV.com and click on Project T.R.U.T.H. Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html Show less
@Luther1543 10 лет назад
(Eze 9:4) And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. "tav" is translated to "mark" and in the old israelite writing that tav looks exactly like a cross † as you say in the video. i told this to a jehovas witness and she simply couldnt wrap her mind around it ; )
@colinp2238 8 лет назад
+Martin Luther (Martin Luther 1543) But who are you to point out other peoples mistakes as you believe? Who gave you the power of judge on Earth?
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+colinp2238 Thanks for your comment...it allowed me to see Martin Luthers....I some how must have missed it? Anyway I'm so glad that it was able to help him. Remember he said he showed it to a Jehovah Witness....he didn't say he broke down the door of some random JW and forced him to listen to my evidence. He was most probably approached BY the JW......who was being the more forcefull one.....and he simply shared the knowledge he had. Is it not wise to share knowledge we believe could help someone? Should a person be persecuted for sharing his ideas? Now sure there is a line of respect......but again I'm guessing that the JW approached HIM.....just remember anytime you criticize someone or point the finger you have 3 pointing back at yourself. This man simply used my freely given knowledge....to share with a friend who probably brought up the convo in the first place.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+colinp2238 I've noticed with my closest Agnostic/Atheist friends it is almost ALWAYS them that bring up the convo of religion.....they are passionately interested in it......they are LOOKING for me to insert anything close to spiritual or God so they can pounce on it. Now that doesn't make them bad or wrong.....I don't blame them.....I'm always ready to have a discussion or problem solving session or whatever you may call it.....I'm open to all options. Not saying I wouldn't bring up the subject myself.....but quite honestly I never have to.....they love talking about it. Your worried that people are trying to force others to listen or push their religion down the throats of someone.....that is simply not the case....not with true Christianity....trust me....they will come to you.....you wont have to go them.....in most cases.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+Martin Luther (Martin Luther 1543) Thank you for your kind words and more importantly for having the courage to stand up for your beliefs....we do not push them on others.....but we must stand fast in them ourselves....and if questioned be ready to give an answer. Yes the mark of tav is one of my favorite examples....its pretty amazing isnt it....even the Jews cant deny that the ancient paleo hebrew sign for tav is the Christian cross....they are left to chalk it up to a coincidence......lol. First of all its not really important what exact shape of the tool that was used to sacrifice Jesus.....but they know this is something that cant really be proven.....there is always a chance the shape was a stake as they claim....or an x......but of course my evidence throws them a curve. The JW has two main issues that they try to push....both are really hard to disprove. 1. That Jesus was really Michael The Arch Angel.....now to be clear they differ from the Seventh Day Adventist.....who also view Jesus as Michael....but they unlike the JW view Him as the eternal part of the Triune God....they believe He became an angel....just as He became a human....possibly for different reasons....but they accept His diety......something the JW do NOT....they view Him as merely a man......not God. This is a fatal flaw.....the cross shape....its wrong....but it doesnt affect anything other than cause confusion......but taking away the diety of Jesus.....tragic. The 7th Days actually have some really good evidence for their theory.....and thats what the JW piggy back off of.....they just twist it into their theory. I have done some research into the 7th day theory....I for now have no opinion on it to be honest....its unimportant to me.....they fully accept that Jesus is God....a full and equal part of the Trinity....and that is what matters to me. As to the history of angels.....Genesis 6 gives us a glimpse....and in Jude these fallen angels who kept not their first estate are mentioned. God has given us a small glimpse into the history of angels.....I personally believe its just to "cover" it.....so that we are not confused by the legends of half human half god beings.....that we can say "yeah thats been covered"....but again its not something to focus on....to be obsessed with.....it has no bearing on our salvation or the redemptive plan of the Bible....its nothing more than a covering of the bases. I wish you the best in your discussions with your JW friend.....pray for Him/Her....be patient with them....listen without judging.....realize they have been on a different path with different experiences.....no one wants to admit they are wrong....and certainly not about matters of the afterlife and what happens after we die....getting that wrong could be tragic for both sides.....thats why religion is such a hot topic. But try to let them bring up the convo.....JW's most certainly will....its a highly works based religion.....they are basically trying to make the small team left on earth.....and its no holds barred to push.....listen.....but be ready to show them your evidence....if they ignore you or will not listen you must give them time to think.....do not just let them ramble on without hearing your side.....that is not fair....and they know that. Thanks again for your support and your encouragement! Battle on Brother!
@Luther1543 8 лет назад
Brad C hello, i scrolled up and looked at the timestamp of my comment, its one year old, thats a long time ago and i didnt expect any reaction back but thanks. first of all because of the topic of the video, the cross, that is important, because it is written to worship God in Spirit and in TRUTH, that is why the Biblical Truth about the israelite Cross has to be stated. another thing, you wrote that you did some resarch on the seventh day adventists (sda) and done have an opinion on them. look at Ephes.2.15 in the Bible, the comandments have been abolished it says there. keeping sabbath was the 4th commandment, the sda want to keep that 4th comandment but how can they, when the comandents have been abolished according Eph.2.15, they cant. further in Gal.4.21-21 the law keeping is equated to the bondage of hagar & ishmael who have to be "cast out" because they arent heirs, that means the sabbatarian sda will not be heirs of Gods kingdom, another verses says they have fallen from grace when the want to justify themselves by the law. so, when the sda says trinity, it wont save them because of their sabbatism, beside that, the devils too know that God is 1 too and where will those end. by they way, i clicked on your screenname, it says you work for youtube and visit the "j.o.a.t." university. i wonder what your job is at youtube and what that university is about and what you do there, maybe you study theology ? †
@stacy4714 6 лет назад
I really enjoy seeing how you went about studying things. Very interesting. Thank you for sharing your studies. Helps me along with mine.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Stacy. Thanks for watching and for your very kind words of encouragement! Below is the order of how I normally try to share my work......S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. is not for the weak or impatient.....its not as hard hitting and fast as the others. But I really appreciate you pulling through! I have a part 2 coming out. So many more obvious ones such as Jonah. Thanks again and good luck and God bless on your own study! My advice is take things with a grain of salt off of the internet. Be VERY careful of those who try to use SPECULATION as FACT.....and develop some pet doctrine that EVERYONE must follow or they are going straight to hell. Be firm in your beliefs....and its okay to speculate.....but just be clear when you do it......and when you run accross others that refuse to present their work as anything but the gospel truth......take notice. I always enjoyed watching Chuck Missler.....and I LOVED seeing how he is able to think outside the box. Now sometimes his videos have been copied and chopped up.....but if you ever listen to him in full he gives FULL disclosure that some of what he is talking about is SPECULATION.....based on evidence and reasoning.....but speculation none the less. We can use this type of evidence.....we just need to be VERY careful when presenting it as facts. My rib video below is a good example of me just presenting the FACTS.....and then I leave the viewer with MUCH to speculate. Now I tease speculation....but I never cross the line in that video. In S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. I DO speculate....but I state that from the beginning. I can only present what seems reasonable and ringing true to me.....but I'm not God....and make no claim that somehow the Holy Spirit makes me some sort of perfect orator or investigator. I DO believe the Holy Spirit guides me.....but not in DIRECT fashion such as for example Moses was guided....or John in Revelation. I believe these two authors had DIRECTLY communicated info from God......I believe everyone in between was INSPIRED by God.....and at times even directly spoken to. But Gods scriptures are COMPLETE.....and no one outside of those 66 books should ever claim anything similar and expect others to believe it. So many wolves in sheeps clothing out here......beware. Enjoy...... Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@daviddotson5695 5 лет назад
You are exactly right. And did a good job. Especially with an and eves covering. I’ve taught that for 35 years Actually everything in the OT is a type of the cross and blood Jesus in some way.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yes the Old Testament is literally chalk FULL of the Cross and the Blood.
@ferkaisaac1553 6 лет назад
God bless you for unveiling Jesus Christ out of the shadows. Great is your Reward in heaven
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Thanks for watching and for your encouragement....more of my videos below..... Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html&lc=UgxV6bpEmrF7H5vH8G54AaABAg Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@skiddwister9143 5 лет назад
God bless you for the work you put into this video, brother. Great information.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks Skidd! Below is normally the order I try to share my videos with Atheist/Agnostics......Christians of course can strengthen their own faith as well. Thanks for watching and for the encouragement! Why God Used A Rib? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@YouyuanLiu-u8m 2 месяца назад
if a human stretch two arms, the shape of body is the cross too, physiclaly body is the form, is also the bondage, which prevents us from the tree of life, prevent us from knowning the truth, prevent us from knowing the essence of us which is the spirit.
@MrBrad777c Месяц назад
Good info. Thanks for watching!
@jesusthebranch4965 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this amazing video .I want to tell you ,I have witnessed some people who say they are Jewish and believers in Yeshua and who covered up the Christian symbol of the Cross in churches in which they held their services with the symbol of teh star of David. I believe this is part of the war against the Cross: King James Bible For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God KJV And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still suffer persecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased. I understand, in accordance with Roman practiceof cricifictions, Jesus carried the part of the Cross that would be attached to the pole thatwould already be fixed in the ground. The shape of the Cross is in the Hebrew alpahabet, end letter Tav is a Cross shape. Jesus is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the omega.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed the video. When witnessing to unbelievers including Atheists I would recommend the following order. This S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. video takes some preparation and building for them. If your not familiar with Psalms 22 below its the ONLY smoking gun I know of. As to those who DENY the Cross and MOST importantly that BLOOD sacrifice that took place upon it.....they will have no place in the Lambs Book Of Life according to scripture. However I would suggest that you be patient with new Jewish believers. I see nothing wrong with the Star Of David.....HOWEVER if they DENY the Cross or the Blood Sacrifice that is different. To me it would be very inadvisable to remove the Cross in any way or replace it with another symbol....but only God knows their hearts. Now I also want to be clear on something......the true SHAPE of the Cross (the tool used to Crucify our Lord) is unknown and untold in the Bible. Romans used single poles, the traditional cross shape, and other shapes. The Bible is only clear on that fact that it was a tree (or wood) in form.....and that nails were driven in....and that He carried that wood up the mountain (as Isaac carried the wood up the mountain with his father watching). Now this said I BELIEVE in my heart that the shape is what we know today.....the traditional Cross shape. I believe that due to the much circumstantial evidence presented in this video....and the fact that I believe God has led His people....just as I believe in the 66 books of the Bible being true to Gods leading. I get many Jehovah Witness and other groups claiming the Cross was simply a pole or other.....and I do not spend tons of time arguing with them. I tell them that its POSSIBLE they are right....but in my humble opinion I believe that to be a very low possibility....and my evidence should prove that. But the most important thing I always remind them is that they believe in 2 things.....1. That Jesus was GOD.....and 2. That Jesus Shed His BLOOD on that tool for the sins of mankind....and that through that sacrifice we can be made free through Him. Of course that first one is going to stop many of them....and that second one is not the focus of their arguments.....they wish to spend all their time arguing about a shape......its a waste of time.....and this is a tactic of the devil.....time wasting. He will use this tactic among believers as well.....so beware of it. I am ready to give an account for WHY I believe the way I do on any given doctrine....however I will not spend every waking hour debating every knit picking argument with my brothers. I hope that you will take the time to check out some of my other videos....the Rib video has over 900k views and is what exploded the channel.....my God continue to bless you with wisdom and a soul winning heart. Battle on brother! Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav (This wets the appetite for the longer one below) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Symbolisms Of The Cross Video ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil Psalms 22 (Smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
I want to add that I meant to say 1. that Jesus was God fully (and fully human).....something that is impossible to us....but possible with God. Some way He was able to infuse Himself with mankind and yet remain fully potent. This is above my understanding and I only know it to be so because God claimed it.
@jesusthebranch4965 4 года назад
@@MrBrad777c Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I also believe the Cross to be the traditional shape, because of the reasons you give and also through my own personal testimony. I seek to be patient with new believers equally, whether they be Jewish or gentile, accepting that they are different in many respects, but one in that they are both joined in the one new man. My main concern is that those condemning the Christian gentile body of Christ are in fact not new believers , some of them referring to themselves as Rabbis. What I witness amongst them is, that although Jesus, Yeshua cannot be separated from Israel, Israel is often, placed higher than Yeshua, hence some of their negative attitudes. I want to make it clear that I am not disputing the fact that there has been anti semitism in the gentile church. It is just the way that some Jewish believers are dealing with it that concerns me. Thank you for blessing me and the video list.. Just to say, it doesn't matter really, but I am your sister in Christ, not brother! God bless you.
@TheAdlez 2 года назад
Leviticus 7:30 and 34. Both the wave and heave offering made by the priest daily in the temple and the tabernacle. What do you form when you wave and heave ( or elevate something)? Yes you are forming a cross. +
@MrBrad777c 2 года назад
Great find brother Juan!
@annakristine6118 6 лет назад
Nice vid, brother :) Im still watching, but wanted to comment before I continue and forget what I wanted to say. Good to see you also caught that first shedding of blood/sacrifice. Ive been thinking about if there is a connection there to "the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13.8)! I cant think of any other place in Scripture stating this, so far I have not found it, but it has crossed my mind several times. Need to do a study on that.. However, did you know that these skins they were clothed with were very special in some way other than the obvious ?! They were passed down to the first born sons, until Cham (who begat Canaan) stole them from Noah and gave them to his son Kush - who begat Nimrod and gave them to him and Nimrod later put the skins on ! which I believe is in direct correlation with the Scriptures stating about him "who began to become a giant" and "who became a mighty hunter before the Lord". (Genesis 6:4 "there were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that." - continued through the line of Cham "who saw his fathers nakedness" i.e. had sex with his mother. Leviticus 28 I think it is gives great detail on this. that is why Noah cursed his grandson Canaan). It appears Nimrod was the first after Adam and Eve to actually put the clothes (skins) on and "something" happened because of that (Genesis 10). The details are in The book of Jasher chapter 7:24-33. Very interesting! oh and in case you/readers dont know, the book of Jasher is endorsed by Scripture, just fyi, because lots of people go bananas if you mention anything from outside the Canon, forgetting/not knowing that it is actually in Scripture and that the Canon was not decided upon until 325AD under the nose of the (Roman) Emperor Constantine who was a high priest of Sol Invictus btw ! Same with The book of Enoch aka 1Enoch - which is still in the Ethiopian Bible to this day and used to be part of Scripture (Tanakh) until 300AD I think it was. So.... that was comment nr1 lol sorry, I get carried away! :) nr2 you should check out a very interesting project on the Tabernacle! project314.org/ I firmly believe this guy has it right on the actual shape, which changes a lot of things! and which leads me to comment nr3 The cross does not work on that model.. It could still work on the encampment around the Tabernacle, but that is only by assuming (like Chuck Missler did) that they were camping in rectangles around the Tabernacle (regardless of the shape of the Tabernacle it self), which is more of a Roman military style imo. Im definitely going to study this further, especially the very interesting directions given (north, east, south and west - with north to the right..!). Could you be so kind and tell me where the encampment Scripture is ? I cant remember if that is in Exodus as well. Shalom :)
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
I'd have to look but I believe its Numbers where the encampment details given. Now I'm glad you enjoyed....but looks like you have included some outside sources. Do not get me wrong.....I ENCOURAGE true searchers to read the Book Of Enoch....should be in every scholars library....HOWEVER....know what it is and what it isnt. It was NEVER part of the Tanakh. See what Chuck Missler has to say on the Book Of Enoch. I line up with him on alot of things....not all tho. The Book Of Enoch is a KNOWN forgery......we know that. No true scholar claims its really Enoch who wrote it....it was someone CLAIMING to be Enoch....way later. Now what it IS is SHAKY but possibly credible information. Anotherwords its written close to the time period of the Great Flood....and people VERY familiar with the TINY story we hear about in Gen 6. But as FASCINATING as this is......be careful. The Book Of Enoch is NOT a book I would EVER encourage a non Christian to study. Its ONLY for gleaning some cool and POSSIBLY true info about those crazy Nephilim times. Claiming its part of the Tanakh is an old trick used to stir the pot.....I'm sure it was passed along to you....but if you really research the Tanakh is written in stone. All agree on it. Jasper I am not as familiar with.....I would take it as a grain of salt. But again I'm not saying dont read them....just read them with one eye open and looking around.....and NEVER 100% trust. Now PERSONALLY I believe the strange coincidence of Isaiah gives me SOME reason to trust the validity of the 66 books of the Bible. Go and turn to Isaiah.... read it.....the first 39 chapters are doom and gloom....and at 40 EVERYTHING changes....and its 27 books of grace and peace. Its clear if you read it. So to ME....and again this is ONLY a coincidence.......but to me.....it seems we got it right.
@cedriceric9730 5 лет назад
Your videos touch me so much
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks Cedric. You can find most of my stuff at www.BRADCTV.com and click on Project T.R.U.T.H. and check out my blogs below. Battle on brother! bradctv.com/why-not-start-over-adam-eve/ bradctv.com/stay-out-of-the-dog-poop-why-is-everyone-on-planet-earth-a-liar-and-a-thief/ bradctv.com/why-cant-muslims-jews-and-christians-all-just-get-along-does-allah-not-mean-god-in-arabic/ bradctv.com/go-lakers/ bradctv.com/203/ bradctv.com/test-2/ bradctv.com/test/
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
Yes, I'm careful about those who are too quick to claim they understand Bible prophecy about the end times! Like you, I try to be careful to word my views with things like "it looks to me like it means this", as you said you do. I'll mention that Psalms 22 refers to the crucifixion of Jesus. My Bible notes in that chapter, refers to the scriptures about His crucifixion. And I've heard pastors explain that before. The Psalms aren't all connected to the same subject in order of chapters.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
If your aware of that before looking at my link your WAY ahead of the game Debby! I struggled as a child with hearing Jesus say "My God My God why hast thou forsaken me"....my Dad who is one of the smartest Bible scholars I know...can spell and define every word in the dictionary.....can pronounce all the names and places in the Bible.....can explain as well as anyone can the allegorical and prophetic writings of Daniel/Revelation......even he could not quell my wonderings about this statement. He would also quickly admit that he could be wrong on any of his understandings of these difficult passages. But simply saying that Jesus felt this way because the Father had to turn His back on the Son and allow Him to be punished for the sins of the world just seemed lacking. It also appeared a rather weak statement to make as your dying words. However in time I would begin to hunt out this passage. I would realize that it seems to be an obvious reference to Psalms 22. Now my blog I mentioned previously shows this in detail.....but I will take it a step further in a way I REALLY need to follow up on and post both a blog and video on. There is SOME SLIGHT difference in what Jesus said....and what David said. The video below is made by a VERY regular guy....hes actually a former convict....has like 7 subscribers....but hes actually VERY smart. He explains this very well. In Pslams Azavthani means "FORSAKEN".....however Sabachthani actually means "to be distant from"....or "to put away for a purpose"....its not an abandonment.....its simply a GREAT distance. Jesus felt slightly different than David.....David felt forsaken....abandoned....Jesus knew the Father would not abandon Him.....but He also knew He felt VERY DISTANT.....and for a purpose. This is explained better in his video below. I also included some of my own THOUGHTS on Psalms 22....I could be way off tho.....it was just off the top of my head. ( Matthew 27:46 ) Eli Eli Lama SABACHTHANI vs. ( Psalms 22:1(2) )Eli Eli Lama AZAVTHANI ( Matthew 27:46 ) Eli Eli Lama SABACHTHANI vs. ( Psalms ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-0OgEBJeXW2o.html Psalms 22 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? *Here we see King David who is at a VERY low time in his life....he feels forsaken, abandoned, forgotten (all of these words are used interchangeably in the different English translations....I believe all apply).* 2 O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. *Jesus also would cry during the day and night while on the cross* 3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.4 Our fathers trusted in thee: they trusted, and thou didst deliver them. 5 They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. *Here David is reminding God that his ancestors trusted God and He delivered them....He too plans to trust God and BELIEVES he will be delivered.....Jesus too would believe He would be delivered.* 6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. *Seem like Jesus to you? I bet it sure seemed that way to Him!* 7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,8 He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him. *Wow...notice just minutes before the Jews had said the below....eerily similar I believe you would have to agree?* *Mathew *********27:43******** He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.* 9 But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst make me hope when I was upon my mother's breasts.10 I was cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother's belly. *Possibly referring to the Virgin birth?* 11 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. *No one would be there to help Jesus either.* 12 Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. 13 They gaped upon me with their mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion. *Bulls Of Bashan was a rich fertile area....the lion normally refers to the Jews. So we have basically "rich jews" around Jesus.....* 14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels. *Here we see one of the STRONGEST connections. This would be exactly what would happen to Jesus while hanging on the cross.* 15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. *Jesus would be so dehydrated that such a thing would be very likely.* 16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. *Here we see the OTHER group surrounding Jesus.....dogs were normally used to describe Gentiles. The Romans clearly fit that bill. Notice also how its the Romans who are piercing his hands and feet. Now lets be clear.....the actual translation is more accurately "they as a lion my hands and my feet". I would certainly say what the Roman soldiers did was close to such a brutal excruciating event that could only be described as what a Lion would do if it got its mouth on you!* 17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me. *Jesus would have all his BONES intact.....normally bones were broken (legs) to quicken death....in Jesus case this was not done. Not a bone was broken.* 18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. *A clear fullfillment in the below passage....again Jesus is pointing out exactly what had just happened to Him.....a clear prophecy! "And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots..."* 19 But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me.20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog. *Here again the Gentile Roman Dogs who would have had swords are mentioned.....* 21 Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. *Here again the other group (Jews) are mentioned....everyone was covered....both had a hand in this....both Jew and Gentile!* 22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee. *This would happen in Hebrews: Hebrews 2 12 Saying, I will declare thy name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee.* 23 Ye that fear the Lord, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel. *Here David is confirming that even though he is low....maybe at his lowest....He will praise God and encourage others to do so as well....Jesus also would encourage others* 24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him, he heard. *Here we see that even tho Jesus was despised and abhorred...and afflicted....He would be rescued!* 25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him. *Here we see a paying of vows. Jesus would pay our PRICE....the payment for sin!* 26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall praise the Lord that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. *Here we see that those who meekly partake of Jesus shall live FOREVER.....Eternal life.* 27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. *One day every knee shall bow.....will you?* 28 For the kingdom is the Lord's: and he is the governor among the nations. *Clearly its stated that God is over ALL nations.* 29 All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive his own soul. *A haunting reminder that again EVERY knee shall bow....and that NO MAN can save his own soul....thankfully Jesus saved it for us!* 30 A seed shall serve him; it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. *Will you become part of that seed that serves Him? Or will you continue to scour the internet....night and day seeking whom you may devour? Will this bring you happiness? Will it save your soul? Will you be able to finally "one up" God? Realize the folly of your ways and call on Him now....* 31 They shall come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this. *I now am declaring it to YOU.....His righteousness is real...He really DID this!* More info: www.christiancourier.com/articles/148-haunting-question-from-the-cross-the www.gotquestions.org/forsaken-me.html
@whitneysutherby9553 6 лет назад
I think this is really awesome!!! I never even thought about this!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Wait until you see my blog "Checkmate To The Devil Psalms 22"....will literally blow your mind.
@whitneysutherby9553 6 лет назад
I'm definitely watching all of them!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Cool! I have TONS of info to come out with a S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. Part 2.....just dragging my feet.
@whitneysutherby9553 6 лет назад
Well I will definitely be waiting! These videos really help me.. I struggle with depression and this is so comforting in so many ways.. especially when I pray for certain answers! Thank you so much for making these videos
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
No prob at all! Very sorry to hear you struggle with depression. I'm very fortunate in that I rarely even get the least bit down. But I have many people close to me that struggle with it daily. I pray that God finds ways for you to defeat this. Sometimes slow and steady wins the race.....but I know we want things to be immediate. Sadly all of us have struggles.....and being a Christian does not mean we will not ALL suffer pain, suffering, and death. I have my own struggles.....I believe God knows I"m probably not strong enough for depression. I dont handle pain or suffering well.....I'm as my wife puts it a wimp when it comes to being sick or in pain.....thankfully I rarely have either. My advice is find friends who enjoy nature....God put Adam and Eve in a garden for a reason.....crammed up in a city environment is bad for all of us. Very glad my videos have helped answer some questions. If you have any tough ones fork them over....I may know the answer or a place to hunt. I made my videos mainly to help Atheist/Agnostics.....but I'm VERY glad it helps strenghten the faith of other Christians.....not everyone was born into a family that gave them nothing but love, attention, and encouragement. My entire family so perfectly modeled the sacrificial love of Christ.....from my Grandparents down. I have zero excuses....and thank goodness God gave me the ultimate in patience as parents! May God bless and may you find healing!
@koyotecow7102 6 лет назад
You should add scriptures about Jesus providing baptism with fire for your flaming sword topic at the beginning
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Kyle! Yes purification by fire is a common theme we see throughout the Bible.....good addition. Unfortunately youtube has made it nearly impossible.....if you try to remove a video to edit it then it starts back with zero views and gets no traffic....they used to allow little annotations but have scrapped that as well....only included in this video because they are old. You cant add more. I do have a follow up video planned....there are actually a TON of others that I didnt have space nor knowledge at the time of the first video. Thanks for watching.....you might like "Mark Of Tav" and "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve". Also I have a ton of videos and blogs at www.BRADCTV.com The second to last blog entitled "Checkmate To The Devil" is my favorite smoking gun.
@terrywilson1813 6 лет назад
I like the verse in Exodus ch12 vs22 and ye shall take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin and strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the basin and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. If you get a mental picture of this in your head it's quite graphic as you see the bloody beating that was given to Jesus since it says to STRIKE the blood on the post and not to smear it
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Interesting detail.....great thinking.
@n.a001 9 лет назад
Brad, thank you for sharing your awesome video and you know you're so humble man. I looked up some comments on this clip and your words are definitely warm and kind, those are so touchable. You don't protect yourself by using bible verses but you try to listen and learn. Thank you for showing me what I can learn today from you.
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
+JESUS CHRIST IN THE NAME OF Thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I am a very weak Christian....a shallow watered down version of my Grandmother and my parents as far as sharing my faith and living it. But I have the ability to research and to break down the complex into simple form.....and I have a small amount of the patience of my Dad....who never in his entire life have I seen him lose his temper or become wild with anger....he was a high school principal for over 30 years and Adult Sunday School teacher for the same. He can spell and define every word in the dictionary....pronounce all the names in the Bible....understand allegorical writings and poetry....among other things. As a child I sat in his class and challenged him with the hard questions.....some he could not answer as smart as he was.....but his very life proved the existence of God. He was slow and steady in his faith.....when you live that way proving God is of little concern. I lived more of an up and down.....run then be dragged by my feet......and when you live like that......proof of God and proof of your own salvation can come into question. But neither are the worry of the man who plants his feet firmly on the rock. Gods existence and His supernatural plan for the redemption of mankind is there for the proving......there may be no smoking gun....but there is mountain of circumstantial evidence. It is by that sacrifice ALONE that mankind was redeemed......by the blood of the Lamb......not by our good deeds. I have researched all the worlds religions....they are all works based....follow these 10 commandments, these 5 pillars, these 4 purutharsus, enlighten yourself enough, be good enough and one day you can reach heaven, or rebirth better, or escape, or reach enlightenment. They are all works based. Only Christianity says God made the sacrifice for you.....accept it humbly and you will be saved....by calling on Him....humbling yourself....admitting your a sinner.....and trusting in Christ for your salvation. If you do this genuinely you will forever have the desire to follow Him.....you have accepted Him as master....and He lives in your heart......you can run....but you can never hide.....He will never let you go. Below are some tools that may help you as well to battle the enemy and most of all to spread truth to those who are railing against God. Try to do it in love.....but be firm....never lower Gods standards.....but lower your pride when you can. As to quoting Bible verses.....when dealing with Atheist/Agnostics and the enemy I quote very few other than John 3:16 which they usually already know. To scold someone with Bible verses who is not a Christian will gain you little ground. Jesus spoke in parables.....stories that clearly made his point....often without outright embarrassment towards his listener......but they always got the point....and realized it was about their situation. He also never scolded the sinner.....but CONSTANTLY scolded His closest disciples and the learned Jews who should have known better. He was railing against two avenues that still reside in the church......1. Judgmental Attitudes and 2. Hypocrisy. These are the Achilles heal of Christianity......Jesus tried to nail those two down like no other.....He knew in the future this would be the constant downfall of the church. So when I can I speak with parables......I try to bring up the Old Testament Law and see how they are doing following it.....but not judgmentally......I cant follow it either. Jesus always gently challenged them to see if they were keeping the law.....and deep down they knew they were not keeping it.....and that they needed a Savior. I do try to listen also.....which is honestly quite hard for me....I'm a good speaker....but a poor listener. But you can gain no ground unless you listen to the heart of a man.....usually it is filled with anger and frustration.....otherwise they would not be spending their time attacking people or trying to make people feel bad about themselves. But this is only one side of the person......many of these people are good people....in the standards of men.....they are just really misguided and hurt. They have often been manipulated by someone claiming to be a Christian and tried to control them....rule over them.....or even rob them. They need patience.....but the truth. I try to give them both. Thanks again for the kind words. May Christ be with you! http/ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html (Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve) and http/ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html (Psalms 22 Checkmate To The Devil) and www.BRADCTV.com and click on Project T.R.U.T.H. for all my Christian related videos. I have many blogs also.....some are product reviews....just skip those if your interested in the Christian videos.
@n.a001 9 лет назад
+Brad C Brad, seriously did you write it down just for me? this is so long and i can definetely see how you care for a sheep. most people just write 1 sentence or 2 for being in manner, but you are not. it seems to me that you are such a strange person. ive met so many people so far but never seen a person like you. i looked up other comments and i was shocked most atheists listened and agreed with your opinion and statements. Never seen this before on other videos. You know how to talk like Jesus. thank you for teaching me brother. I feel you got a strong heart brother. i will read the message you sent again word by word slowly and slowly and will leave more comment for you friend.
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
+JESUS CHRIST IN THE NAME OF lol yes of course just for you. I have a few parables and things that I copy and paste when debating/discussing with my Atheist/Agnostic friends....but even for them 90% of the time its me writing to them personally. Each person needs a different avenue. I appreciate your encouragement again. The Atheist/Agnostic and the personality type of the "Logician" is my calling.....they are very passionate....and of course very difficult to shake loose from their normal routines. They for the most part have made their decisions.....and are here to attack. I will point out their attacking and their blindly hurled stones....but then after that has been boiled down and pointed out.....we move on to discussion. Now they have rabbit trails.....they love them.....and I have chased most of them down.....no rabbits....only a grinning fox who is happy for you to waste your time. I have a plan to have the answers to various rabbit trails for people to use to save time in discussions....but that's down the road. But these trails MUST be addressed....not glossed over or ignored.....but addressed diligently. THEN.....I take them back to the Blood Trail......the million mile wide blood trail that runs through the Bible......they cannot deny it. Sure they can put up obstacles to questions Gods motives or actions....but the plan of the cross of redemption is so obvious that no blood hound is needed to find the trail....its very obvious. So I spend time on rabbit trails....but bring them back to the blood trail......and that's basically my plan. Thanks again brother......I need all the positive encouragement I can get.....share my videos and website with others if you get a chance.....I enjoy my Atheist/Agnostic friends.....and I even enjoy allowing them to vent......but a single comment of encouragement like yours.....its gas in the tank for many miles.
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
+JESUS CHRIST IN THE NAME OF oh one more thing....the key is NEVER to get into a back and forth insult match.....they will ALWAYS win. They can go lower.....be more cruel....and have nothing to lose. Point it out patiently.....gently remind them that they are simply spewing insults and ignoring the actual meat of the discussion.....but never give that kind of behavior back.....for me I have to be careful not to gloat or appear overly confident.....even though I am confident due to my research and testing of what I know.....but that appears cocky and even rude and condescending......something that will smother a fire quickly. Okay got to run. later
@colinp2238 8 лет назад
+Brad C .they will ALWAYS win. They can go lower.....be more cruel....and have nothing to lose. Tut tut Brad!
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
Interesting! I thought I'd also mention that I've noticed recently, that two special events happened on Mount Moriah.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks! I appreciate any new info....working on a part 2. I missed rather obvious ones like Jonah lol....Jesus even made it very clear in the New Testament. Mathew 12 38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee.39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
13:25 This argument isn't working for me. The drawing you briefly show, is a cross but the tabernacle does not look like a cross especially when you lay the cross on it there is nothing of significance below the 2 side arms.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
Sorry my video was not clear enough on this point. It is only the prescribed pieces of the tabernacle (alter..laver...now we have a split side by side of the golden candlestick and the table of showbread..then alt of incense...and finally the ark) ...not the tabernacle itself that forms the shape of a cross. These objects were placed exactly as prescribed and you can go to any Jewish website and pull up a picture of the tabernacle and trace those objects or lay a cross down over those objects and it becomes a clear shape. What is fascinating about this is the Jews don't accept Jesus as the Messiah (other than messianic jews). It is the same way with the symbol of Tav that I mentioned...one of the most powerful pieces of evidence...the ancient paleo Hebrew..its carved in stone forever...they can deny Jesus as the Messiah but they can not deny the Tav was in the shape of a cross. Now they can ignore it...deflect it...try to play with it...but in the end they have to stand back and admit its a cross.
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
Brad C Even if that were true, a cross is not a complex shape and it is symmetrical so you are bound to have arrangements of things which are arranged as a cross purely by chance. This is interesting, but not proof of anything. You are giving significance to something. Again, the most interesting of all in this is your passion and efforts in studying texts to find these patterns. I find that aspect of human nature fascinating. It would be the same curiosity and passion that leads mathematicians to make new discoveries. The only difference here is that you end up with a subjective issue which doesn't prove anything.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
vicachcoup But do you not find it strange that when such huge events take place strangely enough this same symmetrical shape appears. But please keep in mind that these instances such as the gathering of the tribes, the tabernacle, the Passover...they are only the icing on the cake (The Passover is probably a little more than icing...but you get the point). Besides all this my friend the Symbolism Of The Cross is but one part of my research....actually a very small part. I have many examples such as my video "Why God Used A Rib To Make Ever" that are mind blowing and covered very little. In fact I find the Rib to be the most powerful argument against the Atheist. Genesis is laid out so perfectly to destroy any attacks against it. Its like someone who is just learning to play checkers trying to critique a master chess world champion on how he did things. It just doesn't work. Again the actual symbol is more just icing on the cake....explore the Old Testament scriptures and you will find that basically each and every Book has foreshadowing's of the cross and the coming Messiah who would bore the sins of mankind. I know you want to get away from the importance of the shed blood of Christ paying for the sins of mankind but unfortunately the entire Old Testament is a blood bathe....from the coats of "skins" on the shedding of innocent animal blood is preparing for a redeeming of mankind. How strange that this was fulfilled perfectly by that little symmetric symbol in which happens to find its way into the most important actions in Old Testament history...the Cross.
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Check the sacrifice of the Son of God symbolism in 2Kings 3: Ditches were made. And the evening time of sacrifice came water and filled the ditches in Edom. And Edom means red. When the king of Moab saw across Edom he saw redness and thought the people slew each other and went to take their spoils but they realized that it was a trap. So he sacrifices his only son. And the advice to dig ditches was given by the prophet Elisha which means God is salvation or God is Jesus.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Wow....what seems fascinating to me is the sacrifice actually worked. Now its the opposite of how and why God would make His sacrifice....but interesting that this actually turned the attack and the Israelite army ended their attack and returned home. Good stuff... And when the king of Moab saw that the battle was too sore for him, he took with him seven hundred men that drew swords, to break through even unto the king of Edom: but they could not.27 Then he took his eldest son that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him for a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great indignation against Israel: and they departed from him, and returned to their own land.
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Yeah the Gospel is presented in many ways. Notice in 2Samuel that it was David who went to the mount of olives to weep but it was Absalom who was hanging from the tree later. 2 Samuel 15:30 (KJV) And David went up by the ascent of [mount] Olivet, and wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot: and all the people that [was] with him covered every man his head, and they went up, weeping as they went up. 2 Samuel 18:14 (KJV) Then said Joab, I may not tarry thus with thee. And he took three darts in his hand, and thrust them through the heart of Absalom, while he [was] yet alive in the midst of the oak. And it reveals Jesus’ heart in David as it is written: 2 Samuel 18:33 (KJV) And the king was much moved, and went up to the chamber over the gate, and wept: and as he went, thus he said, O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son! David wanted to die in place of his son. And this is what Jesus did for us.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Oh wow....that's awesome! Possibly grasping at straws but 3 nails were most likely used to put Jesus to the Cross....here we see 3 darts driven into the wood. Plus going up the mountain in mourning.....and of course the desire to take the place of others as a sacrifice.....excellent!
@mickdug 5 лет назад
When Eve was taken from Adam, would that not have produced blood? If you take it all literally of course.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yes it would have. Good thinking! I probably said the "first bloodshed".....in talking of the "Coats Of Skins"....I was referring to the first death or killing. But yes the rib procedure would have produced blood. I have a video that actually exploded.....called "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve"....its actually the first in a series of videos I have.....this is the follow up to that video. Thanks for watching!
@revalationrevaltion9291 3 месяца назад
Just to clarify 1 st born is Ishmael but the promise was with isack to Sahra so 1 st born was isack thrue Sahra
@Pinkangelinmenard 8 лет назад
I wont draw any conclusions but I do really appreciate you sending me this video.. very interesting.. thanks.. You are a very kind person Brad.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
No problem at all Luanne. Happy to be of service. Thanks for watching!
@Pinkangelinmenard 8 лет назад
@TryTheBLT 7 лет назад
There are others who have done studies like this in the past (going all the way back to the "early Church fathers" of the second and third century CE), and there are many examples. You missed a couple. First of all, when Abraham sacrificed Isaac the symbol of the cross wasn't just seen in the carrying of the wood only, but when Isaac was bound on the altar he was bound on two pieces of wood. Second, when Moses stood before the Red Sea he held his arms out and when his arms got tired they were held up by assistants to prevent his arms from lowering. Third, in the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement the High Priest sprinkles the blood of the sacrifice in the shape of a cross (toward the Propitiatory Cover a.k.a. "Mercy Seat" and from side to side). Fourth, although this isn't mentioned in the Bible it is recorded in first century Jewish records that in Jesus' day on Passover the slain lamb was skewered by two pieces of wood in a cross shape and then roasted on a spit.
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Hey TTP. Thanks for stopping by! Yes this is by no means a completed list and I'm simply gathering knowledge from MANY other Christians before me. I have a part 2 planned and have a ton to add. Now I will have to investigate what you said about Isaac being bound on two pieces of wood....that would be a fascinating addition....just dont remember 2 pieces of wood being mentioned. Now I THINK your getting something mixed up there about the Red Sea crossing....Moses was told to stretch forth his hand over the sea and then God makes it part...then same routine to make it go back in place. I think your thinking of the fiery serpent passage. I will look into the Holy Of Holies ritual as well. The Jewish records bit is interesting as well but I wouldnt put it as a fact....but an interesting tidbit. Thanks again for watching!
@TryTheBLT 7 лет назад
I am Jewish, but I've studied this topic for several years because of Christians in my family. Regarding Isaac the fact he was on two pieces of wood is found in both Gen 22:9 where it says that Isaac was laid upon the wood, and also in the writings of Josephus, the first century Jewish historian who also records all of the Jewish knowledge of scripture and tradition known in Jesus' day. Regarding Moses, I was mistaken about the account, but not the event. I thought it was the Red Sea, but it was actually over a war with the Amalekites recorded in Exodus 17. The account clearly says that Moses raised his hands and held them to his side in the shape of a man on a cross. When he grew tired and couldn't keep them up anymore he had two men help him keep his hands up, one on each side. Read Exodus 17:12. As for the passover practice, it is recorded in the Talmud and in the writings of both Josephus and Philo that when the paschal lamb was slain they tied the head and foot region along a single long wooden pole, and then stretched out it's two front limbs side to side on a cross pole. This is why so many of the things mentioned by John in his Gospel on how Jesus died relate to the first century Jewish practices (such as the darkness, the time of the slaying, the parting of garments, the cap of thorns, etc... all related to what Jews in the first century knew about passover lambs).
@TryTheBLT 7 лет назад
What are the other ones that you've heard about? I'd like to know and can confirm for you if they are consistent with the Hebrew or not as well as the cultural practices.
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Okay good info....I am away from my files/notes at the moment but will get you the rest of what I have gathered tommorow. I'm curious.....since you see these clearly and seem to understand are you a Messianic Jew?...anotherwords do you believe Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah? Get back with you tommorow. Yes that sounds right about the battle.....several moments where Moses stands before the people can get confused as the rituals are very similar. One of my favorite gems is the Mark Of Tav....the last Hebrew alphabet.....I have a video just on it called "Mark Of Tav"
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Jeremiah 13 (Linen Sash Story) Jeremiah 19 (Potters Earth and Flask…..unsure what this means….possibly that Christ’s sacrifice would be able to repair the broken clay vessel….or even repair the ORIGINAL broken vessel of the human body which was contaminated with sin.) Jeremiah 27 (Yoke Story)` Dueteronomy 21: 22,23 22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: 23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. Jonah 3 Days In Belly Of Whale
@davidlockwood8315 6 лет назад
The problem with the lay out is, that it is in a roman shape. Ie box shape. No one who has attempted a proper replica has been able to deal with all the material for it in the box method. So they have admittedly double stacked and overlaid extra material. However, if you remove the roman or greek mindset of squares and built a “yurt” at the proper specs, all the material get used properly. That would have also changed the roman/greek way they have drawn the tribes around the meeting place, Also the blood on the doorpost make a cross? Really? That is stretching quite far. In application it is an approximet 3 ‘ opening by an approximate 6’ opening. If you are going to make a point for symbolism, it would probably be a reference to a Combines sade and pe. However, 2 thumbs up for the hard work.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey David. Glad you enjoyed. As I said in the beginning not all of the symbolisms would be agreed on....and yes the shape of the cross at Passover may have been a grasp.....but the concept of being covered in the blood of the Lamb and the blood being applied for salvation and the lamb being the first born male without blemish or spot.....all of these point towards the cross of redemption.
@ALPHONSO_NANOOK 5 лет назад
anyone who has and experience of picking figs from a tree knows how fig leaves are highly irritable to the skin. So I find symbolism in the fact that Adam and Eve were wearing garments made of fig leaves.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yes God knew this was going to be inappropriate for the HARSH environments.....so animals would need to be killed for both nutrition and clothing. I'm sure this was a VERY horrific scene when they saw a poor innocent animals blood had to be shed to clothe and feed them due to their sinful nature......probably made them feel sorry. Jesus shows us He is aware of the negative fig leaves......remember He curses the fig tree in the New Testament......a clear connection. Thanks for mentioning.....I may put this in my follow up videos.
@ALPHONSO_NANOOK 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c I see it this way, irritable nature of fig leaves represents enmity of the fallen world and impossibility that anything from this world to cover our guilt. First garments of animal skin made by God Himself is an announcement of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, same as we can see it when Jacob put goat skin on his arms to get blessings from his father......
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
@ALPHONSO_NANOOK 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c thanks
@keithelrod777 6 лет назад
You can get Cross with me anytime👍😊
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
@jesussaves1875 6 лет назад
The "T Cells" in your body also look like a cross - they hold all your cells together - without them you would float off into the wind in a gazillion million directions :)
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
@righteousnesspeacejoy6020 6 лет назад
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
14:40 How do we know the tribes were in blocks rather than rounded groups which would be more likely and intuitive. Groups of people don't form squares unless they are standing in rank/formation e.g. an army
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
Oh I'm sure they did not form a perfect square edged cross but you must admit the pieces fit IF squared off...size wise. Plus remember even if you took 4 rounded groups and had them stand in a similar order from above the ground (looking down like from an airplane) it would appear in the shape of a cross. By itself it is not a perfect piece of evidence either...but add it to the other pieces I found (and there are MANY more...enough so that I will be making another video soon) and you have circumstantial evidence to the point its getting hard to ignore. And as you stated WHEN the men would stand in formation and rank this would give off an awesome display of the coming redemption of mankind. To me its just fascinating how God leaves these little clues that would kind of an inside joke (it wasn't a joke obviously but you get the idea) that only He would know until the cross. Have you looked at Psalms 22? That chapter will make the hair stand up on the back of your neck if you think of how Jesus would have felt dying on the cross a thousand years later....especially about the middle of the chapter when its verse after obvious verse!
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
Brad C I did look at Psalm 22 and it seems a beautiful Psalm. But I would be interested in hearing how you move from similarity to proof. To me it is becoming clear that this is the biggest weakness in your arguments. You see patterns and you use that to justify dogmatic conclusions. None of this proves it was Jesus who died on the cross or that he was resurrected or that he paid for our sins. This is a bit like the illusions that you are so good at. You dexterity creates a dizzying illusion. Similarly you are throwing out interesting similarities and spinning those around with the ILLUSION that this proves your various religious beliefs. This does no such thing. I admire your skills and your passion, but I do not admire the way you move from observation to conclusion - the one other thing I admire is lacking - rigorous logic.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
Can you honestly read Psalms 22 and not see the uncanny similarities. I mean statements like 'they pierced my hands and my feet, cast lots of my vesture, they have an obvious connection I deem more than a simple similarity. You see you are missing my point. If God had planned to carry out a strategy of the cross quite obviously He couldn't just lay out the plan for the devil and everyone else to see....no one could win that game. So what He did was insert an overwhelming amount of what we call circumstantial evidence. You see it is true that to convict someone of murder in a court of law to everyones satisfaction certain evidence must be found. You cannot always have 5 excellent eye witnesses and the act caught on camera and the person finally admits to doing it...that is only in the movies. Most cases...especially cold cases are solved on circumstantial evidence alone. Most people think without the body a murderer cannot be brought to justice...this is of course wrong. Even though no trace of a body is found IF their is enough circumstantial evidence then a jury will convict and sleep well with their decision and you as the audience will also accept it as truth....if not then your admitting your okay with someone spending life in prison or facing the death penalty for a crime they may have not committed. Now some would need less circumstantial evidence and others would need a ton......all eventually reach their breaking point IF enough is presented. That is what I'm proposing to you....you see I know from my own experiences that my God is very real...but I cannot easily show you that....but I can easily show you the mountain of circumstantial evidence that will eventually IF you search it long enough....will reach your breaking point where you admit that although it is not for sure (Even I am only 99.99999999999999 sure after years of research and personal experience with what I believe were actual miracles) it is VERY probable. Remember I am fully aware that Christianity, Islam, Atheism,...it is all theory.....it is just a matter of who has the most circumstantial evidence combined with personal experience (which can only be had in the heart and through experiences) to make that choice. As to my illusions....it is not obvious because I performed a multitude of illusions combined with skill tricks (such as basketball spinning, juggling, card throwing, etc). But I began learning illusions but soon became tired of them. People love seeing them but they spend all their time trying to figure out the secret or them wondering if you have some supernatural power...both things I did not enjoy. Now do I think anything wrong with it...no. But I quickly gravitated towards the skill tricks. The ones where the audience can say nothing but "wow...you are doing that .....no trick or illusion involved....it simply takes skill and practice.". It is true I can fool someone....as can anyone....but to truly convince them of a truth is much harder...takes more time...effort...and even when the sheet is lifted up there is nothing to reveal....its all legit....no illusion or diversion or trickery involved....just pure unquestioned truth.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
There is an excellent book called "Cold Case Christianity" that goes into great detail on ALL the overwhelming circumstantial evidence contained in the Bible. The guy who wrote it was a famous former atheist who was a big time prosecutor of criminals mainly murders...cold cases...old cases. He began to realize it was foolish to be critical of Christians who did not have the "smoking gun" as they call it when he himself was putting people to prison for life based on the mountains of circumstantial evidence he had put together. I think you would find it quite interesting. I must admit I have only read the first few chapters so far but it is VERY good....I just have several books I am reading and haven't gotten to finish it.
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
Brad C I have a long reading list to catch up on and I probably will never get there. Seriously, I feel if something is true it should be explainable simply. Why are you looking for such complicated circumstantial evidence, whilst ignoring the simple facts?
@garywilson818 6 лет назад
Yahshua was actually crucified on a phallic symbol (pagans sacrifice to their pagan gods) of a single upright stake. The word CROSS was added to the scriptures by Catholics (pagan god worshippers just like Constantine - who had a vision of a pagan Cross in the sky). The "cross" is also a representation of the ancient letter "T" and ancient pagans who worshiped the Babylonian pagan religion of Nimrod, Semiramus and TAMMUZ used the symbol "T" for TAMMUZ. In the Book of Deuteronomy (Yahweh's Law) we are told TO NOT WORSHIP YAHWEH IN THE SAME MANNER THAT THE PAGANS WORSHIP THEIR GODS. Lastly, we are not to make GRAVEN IMAGES (Crosses, Statutes of Mary, Jesus, etc). Isn't it stated in the New Testament that CHRIST (should be Yahshua) despised the CROSS? I guess I won't have something Yahshua despised hanging in my house or wearing it as jewelry on my body, or attending some worship service with that huge thing that Yahshua despised hanging on the wall behind the Preacher.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Gary. Thanks for watching and taking the time to leave your thoughts! It appears you subscribe to the Stake vs the Cross theory. You do realize that BOTH are a theory. Trust me I've been down this road MANY times. You have nothing but a theory. No one knows the exact shape of the Cross. However if you take the time to watch my video....as well as Mark Of Tav......you will begin to see why I PERSONALLY believe its the shape we know today. Now as to making graven images to worship.....God forbid! I'm fully Protestant.....we do not worship graven images. I have YET to find a Protestant that somehow worshiped a Cross or a statue of anything. I'm sure you could find some though. But as to Jesus despising the cross.....I assume you mean from Hebrews below? He despised the SHAME.....the cross was simply the TOOL of that shame. Now a Cross WITH Jesus (known as a crucifix) is misleading.....because Jesus is NOT on the cross....He is risen. A plain wooden cross can be used to remind us of the shame and torture Jesus suffered at the hands of the world....for our sins. This is not a means of worshiping the Cross itself....God forbid....its simply a means of remembering. Now I dont wear crosses....dont wear jewelry at all....its uncomfortable. But I have no problem with someone wearing say a pin or even a necklace of a cross. It reminds us that Christ died for us....and has risen....and no longer bound by this evil tool of torture. But Gary its the HEART that is the problem. If someone in their HEART is worshiping that odd piece of whatever.....then its WRONG....its SIN. I dont judge others hearts....only my own. Now as to Jesus vs Yeshua.....yes Yeshua is the Hebrew. Originally it was translated to Yesus.....and later changed. Regardless....focus on the HEART.....that is what saves....no how we spell or pronounce some name. Call Him what you want....but cal Him LORD and SAVIOR.....Almighty Creator God.....the Great I AM. But again focus your HEART.....and whatever the shape of the cross....let it be a triangle.....does not matter. Its what Christ DID on that tool that paid our price! Okay gotta run.....thanks for stopping by! Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
@lia1uk 9 лет назад
Hi brad, great video, very insightful and helped me greatly , God bless
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
Alison Ferguson Awesome! Glad to hear it! I made the video basically to help me do battle with Atheist/Agnostics.....my calling.....I really enjoy trying to help them. Also I wanted to help other Christians by bolstering their faith....I have another video called "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve" that's is also helpful on those fronts. Glad you enjoyed and thanks for the encouragement! God Bless!
@lia1uk 9 лет назад
Thanks for replying, i found your site, great video's, I did watch the one about the rib, brilliant. To be honest I don't know much about the old testament, I have only read bits and piece's, I'm Christian appox 4 years so still learning, and the symbolism in OT in your video was amazing especially the tav showing the cross. God bless
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
Alison Ferguson Yes I actually do a video also on the "sign of the Tav (Moadim Flashcards Review)" You will find some strands of Christians who believe the shape of the object Jesus was crucified on was a pole or stake.....and its possible they are right.....but given my findings of the shape of the cross in the Old Testament I would put that possibility at about .000001% chance.....but its true that the Romans did use various shapes and often just a stake. The problem is since this was a fairly high profile case they would have wanted their top notch production process in place.....plus I personally believe God has protected His word (scripture) and the shape of the object throughout the history of mankind. Yes the Tav is mind blowing. I honestly couldn't believe it when I stumbled on to it.....most Christians have no idea it even exists......plus the Ancient Paleo Hebrew is never used today among Jews......probably for good reason.....it shows their hand. A lot of Christians also don't know about Psalms 22. Its a fascinating passage I refer to as "Checkmate To The Devil" I will post a link to my blog on that.
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
Alison Ferguson http/bradctv.com/go-lakers/ (Checkmate To The Devil)
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
Alison Ferguson Congrads on becoming a Christian.....for me I was saved at 8 years old.....ran to my Mom and Dads bedside crying and saying "Dad I want to be saved"....my Dad being the master of Biblical understanding took me down the Romans road and I called on Jesus with all my heart. But like most I fell away for a time as I got older.......I became more important than God and that never works out. Some have a slow and steady growth.....for me its blasting away and then sinking......then blasting away lol. It takes all kinds though. But it has helped mold me into someone who is always testing the scriptures and putting its feet to the fire......and it always passes the test! I have TONS of other videos I need to upload sharing other nuggets online. I'm sort of a procrastinator though.....but folks like yourself encourage me to get back to work......God has been so kind to allow me to be born to a family enriched and blessed by Christianity! Thanks again for watching and for the encouragement!
@williamgupton8770 7 лет назад
omg...ur right iam studing paleo hebrew now...but I didnt see this cause I didnt have these flash cards...iam gonna get them latter...now I see...thanks
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Yeah its pretty awesome! Here is the link to the flash cards full review and discussion of the topic. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html
@TheRdrnation 5 лет назад
Hello Brad Thanks for all the gems. You can add this to your list. Crimson worm What’s the Crimson (or Scarlet) Worm? A Remez In Psalm 22? » Reasons for Hope* Jesus
@TheRdrnation 5 лет назад
There’s an interesting remez in verse 6 of Psalm 22. Being prophetic of the cross of Jesus, the verse says, “But I am a worm, and no man…” Jesus was certainly a man on the cross, so what did the psalmist mean when he wrote, “But I am a worm”? The Hebrew word for our English word worm is “rimmah,” which is defined as a maggot or a worm. But the word for “worm” in Psalm 22:6 is towla’, or tola’ath, and it derives from the root words: yala’, which means: to blurt or utter inconsiderately:-devour, and shaniy, which is defined as: crimson, prop. the insect or its color, also stuff dyed with it:-crimson, scarlet (thread). So the word “tola’ath” used in Psalm 22:6 denotes not only a worm, but also a crimson, or scarlet, worm that is common to the Middle East, predominantly in Israel. It’s well known that both crimson and scarlet are the colors of blood - a very deep, blackish red - and in this crimson worm is a hidden meaning of biblical significance. The Crimson Worm The Crimson Worm (scientific name: coccus ilicis or kermes ilicis) looks more like a grub than a worm. Its lifecycle reveals a remez (hidden meaning) that “points” us to the work of Jesus on the cross. When the female worm is ready to lay her eggs (which happens only once in her life), she climbs up a tree or fence and attaches herself to it. She particularly likes a specific type of oak tree. With the worm’s body attached to the word, a hard crimson shell forms - a shell so hard and so secured to the wood that it can only be removed by tearing apart the body which would kill the worm. The female Crimson Worm, under the protective shell, lays her eggs under her body and when the larvae hatch (the baby worms are born) they remain under the protective shell and feed on the living body of the mother worm for three days. Then the mother worm dies and her body excretes a crimson or scarlet dye that stains the wood to which she is attached and also her baby worms. They remain crimson colored for their entire life. On day four, the tail of the mother worm pulls up into her head, forming a heart-shaped body that is no longer crimson but has turned into a snow-white wax, looking like a patch of wool on the tree or fence. It then begins to flake off and drop to the ground looking like snow (or manna?). Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet [shaniy - root word of tola’ath], they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson [tola’ath], they shall be as wool. The Body of the Tola’ath In biblical times, the red dye excreted from the Crimson Worm (Ps 22:6, Isa 1:18, Isa 66:24) was used in the High Priest’s robe and probably for Ram’s skins dyed red in the covering of the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Uses of this red dye continue today: The worm’s body and shell, while still red and attached to the tree, are scraped off and used to make what is called “Royal Red Dye.” The waxy material is used to make a high-quality shellac that is used in the Middle East as a wood preserver. The remains of the Crimson Worm are also used in a medicine that helps in regulating the human heart. What Does Psalm 22 Mean: “I am a Worm” Was Jesus a “Crimson Worm” on the cross? In typology, yes. Just as the mother worm attaches herself to the tree or fence, Jesus put himself on a wooden cross, a type of “tree,” and willingly allowed the nails to be driven into His hands. However, it wasn’t the nails that held Him on the cross. It was His desire to fulfill the purpose and plan of God the Father. Just as the mother worm attaches itself to a tree, by the design of God in the creation of its lifecycle, so also it was God’s plan from before the foundations of the world to send His son. Just as the mother worm, when crushed, excretes a crimson/scarlet dye that covers the baby worms and stains, or marks, them, Jesus was bruised/crushed for our iniquities (Isa 53:5). His scourging and death brought forth His crimson/scarlet blood that both washes away our sins and marks us as His own. Just as the baby worm is dependent on the mother worm for the crimson dye to give it life and to mark it, a repentant sinner must depend on the blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, to receive new life and be marked as His own. Spurgeon in writing on verse 6 of this psalm (“But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people”) said: “There is a little red worm which seems to be nothing else but blood when it is crushed. It seems all gone except a blood-stain and the Savior, in the deep humiliation of His spirit, compares Himself to that little red worm. How true it is that, ‘He made Himself of no reputation’ for our sakes! He emptied Himself of all His Glory and if there is any glory natural to manhood, He emptied Himself even of that! Not only the glories of His Godhead, but the honors of His Manhood He laid aside that it might be seen that, ‘though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor.’” “He became poor.” In typology, Jesus became a worm, a lowly worm. He was crushed for our sakes and He poured out His red blood-the blood that washes us clean. The blood that gives us life. Nature Declares the Glory of God Look around and see all the whispers of Jesus. From the beauty of God’s creation - the sun, the moon, the stars, the land, the seas, the animals, and most of all mankind - everything testifies of our amazing God. In the spring, we see new life emerging. In the summer, we feel the warmth of the sun. In the fall, the colors of God’s “paintbrush” are vivid. And, in the winter, we rest in a blanket of white. All to begin again in the lifecycle of nature. “Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be [white] as wool.” Isaiah 1:18
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks for sharing Henry. Yes Psalms 22 is my FAVORITE final tool of destruction for battling Atheist/Agnostics.....or if I had 5 minutes to PROVE that the Bible was real....its exactly where I would turn. I wrote a blog on it below......and I will include more info on the Crimson Worm comparison.....it was new to me....thanks for sharing. I also included some of my other blogs and videos. Checkmate To The Devil (Psalms 22) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ More on the Crimson Worm reasonsforhopejesus.com/psalm-22-crimson-scarlet-worm/ Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@daviddotson5695 5 лет назад
Also ask your brother why a serpent is on a staff is representative of the medical field
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yeah the medical community is always "watching".....lots of wisdom gleaned from that Old Testament.....circumcision, quarantine, perfect diets, and other goodies. Probably some things we have yet to put together.
@drago8264 6 лет назад
and if you look to this day when you see an Ambulance there is a serpent around on the hood in hope for healing.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Cool point....never thought of it....but makes sense.
@AngelofFaithHopeLove 4 года назад
Well, I was going to share, until you practically said obeying the law is optional. Smh.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
Lol Hey Irene. Its all good....I cant please everyone.....and my goal is not to address the impossible topic of "keeping the law".....my goal is to help Atheist/Agnostics come to Christ. My video "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve" has nearly 1 million views and is the beginning video I always recommend.....then I follow it up with S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. which I'm glad you enjoyed. I would respectfully disagree with the corner you have apparently painted me into. The law WAS good....IS good....and will ALWAYS be good. HOWEVER....we are NOT saved by keeping the law....we are saved by accepting the ONE TRUE GOD....who kept the law His entire life when He lowered Himself to become a human. Jesus never said the law was dead and no more needed to be followed.....and He never taught contrary to the law. In fact He often expected MORE....commiting adultery was a sin in the OT....but in the New Testament Jesus states that if you even lust in your heart towards another mans wife you have committed it in your heart and are guilty of the sin. As a child I followed my Dads rules (laws) because I KNEW if I did not I would have immediate consequences....namely his hand to my butt in the worst cases. However as I grew up and now as a man myself I follow and respect my Dads rules not because of fear of consequences.....but because I do not want to disappoint him. I follow them because I love and respect him and want his happiness. This is the way with the Christian walk.....as we progress we WANT to follow Gods laws. However this said we are NOT going to be able to do it.....we WILL fail.....we WILL sin.....and we will still have to pick ourselves up and look to Jesus. Now what I WONT do is go around trying to knit pick other Christians about how they are not being Holy enough.....if you are looking to enslave others in the law look elsewhere.....if your looking to latch on as a helpless and unworthy sinner to the Cross......I'm with you!
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
Just finished "Christianity In A Nutshell By Brad C".....check it out!
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
Brad C http/ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html there is the quick link!
@colinp2238 8 лет назад
+Brad C From the few discourses we have had i have respect for you Brad. You not only believe but set out to find what is behind the stories. You have said that we are all bias and this is true. Two people standing together witness an event. Both give slightly different accounts. both are true because we view the world through our own experiences. Maybe we are supposed to do this and maybe we all contain a part of the truth the total of which is the Truth?
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
colinp2238 What you have just summed up is the accounts of the gospels. One of the most famous cold case detectives who has solved some of the most famous TV murder cold cases noted that in his book. Its always much easier to convict someone with ONE witness vs 2 or 3. Even though you have more evidence....contradictions SEEM to arise confusing the situation.....IF fully investigated and put together its better....but for a quick trial.....one witness always better. He was a former Agnostic who spent much time harassing Christians....hating on them....but he finally decided to put an end to them.....he set out to disprove the validity of the gospels....and the character we know as Jesus.....what happened as you can guess is he became a Christian and author of his meticulous investigation published in the book "Cold Case Christianity"....its one of my favorite reads.....a VERY smart investigator.....so interesting from even THAT perspective. He gave up place, his peers respect, and was already quite rich, all because he realized THE TRUTH. Like the Apostle Paul who railed and hated on Christians.....believing the world to be a better place without them.....until he became one......the attackers are the most passionate and dedicated to the cause. They are the reason I put out my videos.....I have many close Agnostic/Atheist friends....we have had many long debates....I would do this even if they were not such a valuable commodity for Christianity.....because I care for them.....but I know I must not push......I must give balance....listen to them......here their side.....no matter how convinced I am that I am right. This is the only way.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
colinp2238 You are correct....I grew up very skeptical minded....I'm usually quite positive and optimistic....but I also don't take chances.....I search out everything....like everybody...trust nobody.....including God. I remember one time I was in thought and I thought "What if all this is not real? What if there is no God or Heaven?"....and a small feeling inside (not saying it was God lol) kind of thought "well you wont be there to feel sorry for yourself". Now that wasn't good enough for me....comical.....but not good enough. So I embarked on a journey.....not the short journey of studying the worlds religions.....that was only out of respect for my agnostic friends......no I was doing this for MYSELF. I spent nearly 2 years in almost complete isolation. I worked a job that had me work 2 days straight and then off 5 in row. I spent those days putting Christianity and the Bibles feet to the fire.....I knew there had to be a way for someone as "certainty needing" as myself. The result was over 100 pages of notes....I have a talk that is nearly 2 hours if given in full for my results. I am working on getting it down to an hour or less. But the rib is just one piece of the puzzle....just one tiny piece that gets the mind thinking.....hmmmm did this Ancient Hebrew God or whoever wrote Genesis know some VERY advanced knowledge.....so advanced that He would have a high chance of knowing the design of the human body. Doesn't make Him the Designer....but it sure gives credence to the possibility of which He claims.
@colinp2238 8 лет назад
+Brad C There are many things that I would like to discuss with you but i feel the public forum here is not the place. Here is my Email address if you would like to continue on a 1 to 1 basis colinp.238@gmail.com. Others are welcome if they are interested in serious debate only. I am interested in what motivates people and not criticism or ridicule.
@terrywilson1813 6 лет назад
I don't see how people can see these things and still not confess that Jesus Christ is Lord....he IS the Passover
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yes Terry...its quite amazing....this video S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. is reserved for the more patient and strong Christians....unfortunately most Atheist/Agnostics and non believers wont take the time to digest all of this....I try to share it....but it honestly seems to get little reaction other than the occasional deeply involved Christians. Below is some more of my info I like to share about the OT....and some more of my links that are fast paced and excellent bait for reeling in the most difficult of fish....the Atheist/Agnostic.....feel free to use any of them....just remember to have great patience with them....they are often badly wounded by people CLAIMING Christianity....and not all of us are called to be fisherman of this type.....plenty of fish in the Sea tho! The Bible ALONE remains to me the ONLY credible source as it gives us NO BAD ADVICE. Think about that.... For example in the Egyptian culture the prescription for a splinter was putting donkey dung on it....we NOW know that this could cause LOCKJAW! 613 OT laws....not a single one that is bad for you. Now again....the consequences for disobeying them....often quite harsh to say the least....but God was raising up a Messianic bloodline....and my videos will show why. There are reasons for the strictness of the law....but thats a different topic....lets focus on good advice vs bad advice for now. Lets cover just a FEW topics...There is so much if you dig in the Old Testament such as the instruction of circumcision which has been proven to reduce infection by 10%....huge back then....also it significantly slows the spread of certain STDs....in Africa today they actually circumcise the men in tribes to slow the spread of AIDS. God instructed the Jews to have this surgery on the 8th day.....funny thing is.....Days 7-9 of your life....ONLY time in which your Vitaman K levels spike ABOVE 100%....so if there was ANY time to have a surgery THAT is the time for clotting reasons.....think about the odds of that instruction alone. Then He gives a detailed step by step diet in Leviticus.....exactly what to eat and what not to eat....turns out....its perfect.....still used today and I would say no other diet can beat it.....bacon is BAD for you....now the Ags want to say that IF you have just the right mix that bacon is not bad......SURE.....lets keep it real....eat lots of bacon and you end up with heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. This diet was given 3000 years ago and true to this day....the Jews have more people that reach their 90s than any other group. Jesus chooses fish the ONE meal He serves....fish oil and fish itself basically the best food you can consume on the planet....lucky? He instructs the Jews to bury their excrement outside the camp....something that could have prevented the Bubonic plague had it been done...saving nearly half the worlds population! Quarantine is instructed....I could go ON and ON.....but He was lucky right? Just slip, tripped, and stumbled onto all of that....just law of averages? More of my stuff below..... Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@jeremyramsey8804 5 лет назад
The first blood shed was to cover Adam's sin. They used fig leaves to try and cover their sin like Cain tried to use vegetables as an offering. If you fast forward to the new testament Jesus killed the fig tree because we are no longer under Adam's sin required to cover our selves with what we can find because God provided our coverings and that is the blood.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Spot on Jeremy. Thankfully God has MERCY.....even for murderers like Cain......placing a mark of protection (salvation) on him......so that MERCY would be shown. Now I cant prove that this MARK was the TAV/TAW found in Ezekiel 9......but my speculation is yes......it was. Make sure you check out my video "Mark Of Tav".
@ojagetabelifestyle4010 5 лет назад
waoh. this is very good
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks for watching....you may enjoy the below as well. Why God Used A Rib To Make Everu-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html&lc=Ugx5yfneC4KPuw-EtGd4AaABAg Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@blookynose 10 лет назад
15:40 you say we can't follow the Laws that God gave us, but consider Deuteronomy 30: 11-14 11 “For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. 12 It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ 13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’ 14 But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it." Also, consider what Jesus Himself said about the pharisees and scribes... "Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them." Matthew 23:1-3 The seat of Moses was where the pharisees taught the Law of Moses (Law of God) and did not mix it with their own traditions. So Jesus is saying we are to follow God's Law, which was what was taught in the seat of Moses. But the problem with the pharisees was that they taught it, but they themselves didn't practice it. That is why Jesus says to do what they say, but not what they do. I would strongly recommend visiting 119 Ministries website, which explains things like this so well, and how the Law of God is still for believers today. And there's even more, look up Acts 21, starting at verse 20: And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to him, “You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed. They are all zealous for the law, 21 and they have been told about you that you teach all the Jews who are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or walk according to our customs. 22 What then is to be done? They will certainly hear that you have come. 23 Do therefore what we tell you. We have four men who are under a vow; 24 take these men and purify yourself along with them and pay their expenses, so that they may shave their heads. Thus all will know that there is nothing in what they have been told about you, but that you yourself also live in observance of the law." Paul himself lived in observance of the Law. Again, you can even look up 119 ministries teachings here on youtube. I would recommend watching the Pauline Paradox series. Sorry that this message is so long.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
Thank you for your comment and posting. I agree that God gave us clear laws. They are not on some other planet. They are very detailed in a book that is the most popular book in the world holding the world record for copies sold and owned...the Bible. It was the first book printed on a printing press. It is not buried under the sea as noted. Following its laws will be extremely beneficial and the dietary laws alone would extend the average life. I do not challenge the fact that it is the perfect advice and that it is easily accessible. For those who do not have a copy of this book God has pointed out that it is written on the hearts of every man. Its true. Although our concience is not a perfect guide because we are sin infected...deep down we know right from wrong from the day we ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even isolated tribes in Africa know its wrong to murder, steal, commit adultry, to disrespect their parents, etc.. The problem is although its clear and can be followed our sin infected hearts get in the way....EVERY TIME. If the Jews could have followed the law God would not have needed to pay such a great price with His own blood. Every opportunity is there for us to follow it....making us guilty of breaking the law. We know in our hearts...then we know even more detailed from the Old Testament laws yet we still continue to break them in our hearts and even in our actions. Think on the top 10. I apologize if I dont write them out exact but you will get the idea. Thou shalt not lie (Ever told a lie...I know I have and probably going to break this one in the near future) Thou shalt not covet (Ever deeply want what your neighbor has?) Thou shalt not steal (Ever steal anything....even something small? that makes you a thief) Thou shalt have no other gods before me (ever place something infront of God such as your job, your wife, your child, a hobby?) Thou shalt not commit adultry (Jesus said if you lust after another mans wife in your heart you have commited adultry...and if you think about it its true). Basically all of the ten commandments we have broken and will continue on some level to break. We can say "well I dont act like THOSE people...drinking...cursing...commiting homosexuality. But in the end we are just hypocrits if we try to make one part of the law above the rest or pick and choose what we should criticize. By the way I know drinking in excess is the correct phrasing but just speaking as many Christians or other piased individuals might speak. I'm also guilty of sometimes being hypocritical myself....its just human nature to hide your sins from God. Adam and Eve immediately tried to cover themselves with fig leaves but God made them coats of skins to PROPERLY cover themselves. Where do you get skins? From animals. Innocent blood had to be shed to properly cover man. This was the first and the cross (GOD himself) would be the last blood shed. Do you not find it strange that after the cross no more blood has been shed in the Temple? Now yes its because it was destroyed but for 2000 years and its not been rebuilt? Thank you again for your comment and I see how it appears that the law is clear, written in our hearts, and presented before us to follow. But are you following it? Can you present one human being on the face of the earth that can??? I doubt it. If you do they will simply be a hypocrit. Jesus basically only criticized one sin...hypocracy. He knew it would detour others from following Him if His followers were hypocrits. To sin is expected and repentence is needed but to say we do not sin or are able to not break the law is silly. I hope this brings some clarification to how I see things. Its okay to disagree though!
@blookynose 10 лет назад
Brad C I agree totally with what you're saying. And I agree that no one has ever obeyed the Law perfectly (Except Jesus). For all have sinned, and sin is defined as the breaking of God's Law. 1 John 3:4: "Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness." That is why Jesus had to die, to take away our past and future sins. But He calls us away from sin. (away from disobeying His Law, and to walk in obedience to it.) This is done through the work of the Holy Spirit writing it on our hearts. That is what most believers misunderstand today. It's taught today that Jesus kept the Law, so we don't have to...Or that the Law is too hard to follow, so we shouldn't follow it at all... but that is far from the truth. We are to walk as He walked, and He obeyed the Law, just as we should as well. And the Law being written on our hearts is a process being done by the Holy Spirit, which has not yet come to full. Jeremiah 31:33-34: "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” We still have to teach our neighbor and our brother obviously, so this is a process that is still happening. Thanks for the reply, I think we're pretty much on the same page now. I was just a little confused thinking that you were also teaching that we shouldn't follow the Law today. I am a Torah observant Christian, though i'm fairly new at it. I've only been following it for going on 3 years now, and i'm still learning a LOT. Lol, ive got Christian friends who do criticize me for being torah observant.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
Oh what an honor! I would never criticize someone for trying to keep the law...we should. Its fascinating how Moses was able to produce a diet that to this day cannot be topped! He had no idea of calories or sugar...or that bacon was bad for you. But of course God did and it was easy for Him. No let me be clear. As Christians I believe we have MUCH less excuse for sin. It is true we have the Holy Spirit to guide us and lovingly show us what to do. Praying obviously helps as well. I agree we should not simply say "well Jesus paid the sacrifice and now let us enjoy sin". That is slapping God in the face. Our lives will be easier if we follow the law. But keep in mind it is not there to keep us in bondage but to LEARN to love the law and embrace it and apply it for our benefit. I have the greatest respect for the Messianic Jews or as you put it Torah Observant Christians (They may be different...I am not an expert in this area) who follow the Old Testament law teachings. Paul makes it clear in the New Testament that Jews and Gentiles are to respect each other. The Jew had the advantage of understanding the law although he often used it to feel better than the lowly rest of the world or to show how good they were....but there were many who simply loved its teachings and applied them out of love for God. It is the same today. The Messianic Jews understand the law and have practiced it for many generations so as Christians we shouldnt expect them to leave their love....Jesus didnt come to do away with the law but to fullfill it. But His sacrifice makes us out of bondage to it. Its kind of like if someone moved to the farm lands where I grew up in all my life. Many generations of farming was in my blood and I loved it and it was in a way easy for me. But this new person moves in and he also is trying his best to farm but he doesnt have a full grasp of the many rules of farming. He was given this land freely by a friend and invited to farm with me. Now I had lived their all my life and my family had worked hard for this land and I respected its rules and in fact loved its rules. The new person had been instructed to freely work the land and told that following the rules would make their lives easier and to learn and study them but not be in bondage to them. It would be my job to be patient with the new person and gently guide them but respect the fact that they were trying. This is how I see the Christian and the Jew. The Jew has the law in his blood passed down from many generations. Now I would admit that we Christians (the non Jewish ones) have definetely dropped the ball or at least been slow to pick it up. But have patience with us brother and we should always have patience with you. To those Christians that criticize you it may help to point out that you do NOT believe keeping the law saves you or makes you better than them...it simply benefits you and you love it for that reason. But yes we are definitely on the same page and if I seemed to be saying "well its impossible to be perfect so lets just throw the OT law out the door" I def would never intend that. But good to keep me in check!
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
I will also fully admit that in some ways I am jealous (not in a mean way) of the Messianic Jews. They are Gods chosen people and they are in close bloodline with Jesus. God purposely created a Holy people to lead to a specimen that could beat sin (with Gods help)...a fully human and fully God specimen. But the perfect specimen for a Christian is the Messianic Jew in my humble opinion. I believe we as Christians should counsel with them...glean from their God given wisdom but respect their differences as well. It is exciting to see the Jews begin to open their eyes to Jesus (Yeshuah) as the true Messiah! It is so hard for me to understand how as wise as they are as a people how they can miss this looking back at it. I get missing it when it happened but looking back at the symbolisms and reading passages like Psalms 22....its just amazing that they miss this or ignore this or cover this up. But that is part of the amazing equality God puts on all humans...no matter how gifted or smart they can miss it if they choose to run from it or ignore it. Peace brother and glad to see you are with me and not against me!
@sydswaine3627 3 года назад
Well done!!
@MrBrad777c 3 года назад
Thank you so much! If you have not seen "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve" you may enjoy that as well. Also "Mark Of Tav".
@sydswaine3627 3 года назад
@@MrBrad777c I watched it also! very interesting! There is just soooo much information coming forth these days demonstrating the Glory of God that its just impossible not to believe!
@MrBrad777c 3 года назад
@@sydswaine3627 Thank you for all your support and yes technology rapidly catching up with the Bible.
@RickDelmonico 7 лет назад
You missed an important point. Everything is going according to a legal system from beyond our time domain. When Abraham was plunging the knife towards Isaacs heart, it was at that precise moment that God gained the legal right to do the same for all of humanity.
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Hey Rick. Thats possible.....however keep in mind the technique for sacrificing a Lamb was to gently come under the neck and slit....you never plunge down like you see in all the images online. I'm speculating that Abraham was going to do it the same way....not be daggering down towards the heart....but gently preparing to slit the throat. Its quick and painless if you know the right artery. The Lamb was not meant to suffer.....Jesus did more than just gently pass tho....He suffered and bled and went beyond what was called for. He also in my opinion chose to come at a time when the death penalty was about the most torturous and painful as possible.....He could have came in the year 2000 and had a needle put in His arm.....but He chose the brutal Crucifixion so that the whole world would take notice and never forget! This is of course my own speculation.....it could have been for other reason of timing. Thanks for watching tho and I'm not saying there wasnt something to the timing of it all.....lots of theories and speculation out there....and some may be spot on!
@RickDelmonico 7 лет назад
Brad C Ok the point is that as soon as the intention became a physical act, in that moment of time God gained the legal right to reciprocate. The law is good, the law is just but the law is static, it cannot save you, what you need is dynamic, it is grace and mercy.
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Oh....sorry....got side tracked on my details.....your very wise! Forgive me but can you expound on this? I THINK you actually have a great point....one I have never heard of before. I just cant fully grasp what your speaking too? One thing I'm very good at is taking the complicated and bringing it to the layperson.....problem is.....this is a little too complicated for me to fully grasp. I think I can get it though if you expound. I am working on a part 2....have PLENTY of other info....and if I can figure out this connection I will def put it in my video and credit you if I can at all remember too....if for some reason I don't.....please write me if you ever watch it and remind me....I will put your screen name in the video and description as credited for sharing this idea. Thanks again for watching!
@RickDelmonico 7 лет назад
I read that somewhere a long time ago.
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Ah.....I will have to look more into it! Thanks again!
@1kaboobie 6 лет назад
Hmm very profound concept.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Thanks Louis! Glad you enjoyed. Below is the series of my vids I encourage folks to share in order. You just watched the longest.....congrads....takes some attention span.....the rest are pretty quick and hard hitting. Its my personal concoction for leading an Athiest/Agnostic to Christ using simple reasoning skills. Why God Used A RIB to make Eve??? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@jazzbansal 6 лет назад
The cross was Heavy to even walk on a level road never mind walking up a hill, it would of been a very big struggle for Jesus I’ve been to Israel and it shows clearly a level road, traffic passing so people can see the punishment on the cross
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yes....this is why Simon....a stranger was asked to help bear his cross.....God allows humans to be part of the process.....thanks for watching! I have another video "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve" that you might enjoy. Also "Mark Of Tav"
@perryfernandes9890 Год назад
Amen 🙏 ❤
@MrBrad777c Год назад
Thanks for watching Perry!
@TrakeM118 8 лет назад
The cross is nothing more than two intersecting lines. You can spot that pretty much anywhere. There is nothing supernatural about that. This is the classic 23 enigma. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/23_enigma In the case of a sword, it depends on what kind of sword you're thinking about as to whether it looks like two intersecting lines. If you're thinking about more specifically the buccaneer kind of sword, no. If you're thinking about the scabbard kind of sword, no. If you're thinking about a kitanna, no. If you're thinking about classic medieval kind of sword, yes. Why pick that kind of sword specifically when there are so many other kinds? Just do a google image search for sword. You'll find that there are so many ways a sword can look. Your door example isn't even two intersecting lines. You take into account for blood dripping to get the bottom point, but you just ignore that the blood on the sides would drip significantly down and then just act like as if there are lines connecting the points and for some strange and odd reason only connect the left to the right and top to the bottom but don't connect the left to the top and bottom or the right to the top and bottom. Why does doing one more more sense than the other? Your example of the tabernacle is even more ridiculous. You superimpose a cross and find that there are a couple of objects that it intersects. What about the other objects? There are plenty of other objects there that you didn't draw lines connecting. Why not? If you only extend the horizontal lines as far as the objects you use to justify the line in the first place what you wind up with looks more than a little wonky. Hell, take 20 dice. Get a box. Throw the dice on the box. We now have 20 objects randomly arranged. See if there aren't some dice that if you draw lines between them in the right way that you don't wind up with a roughly 90 angle in the middle. It's virtually guaranteed that you'll be able to get something vaguely cross like by using the dice as points especially if you are as generous with extending lines as you were with your tabernacle example. Add to this the tendency of people to arrange things in an orderly fashion and you are guaranteed to get hordes of intersecting lines. One can find occurrences of intersecting lines in virtually anything just like one can find occurrences of the number 23 in anything. If this is as good as it gets when it comes to evidence for the bible, I think you need to research what science is, how science works, what a theory is, and what scientific evidence is. What you're presenting is no different from numerology. Frankly, it's sad what you've resorted to try and back up your beliefs.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
Hey Trake. I hope you continue to watch and debunk. Yes of course the examples of the actual shape of the physical cross can obviously be only as limited as the imagination. However I believe if you look at the surrounding evidence such as with the Passover exactly what the Lamb was to be.....first born male without blemish...a blood sacrifice.....an offering for sin.....to cause the wrath of God to Passover the sins of the household....and other surrounding pieces.....you start to see the shape is not the ONLY precursor. Yes the 23 example and just common sense tells you to be careful jumping to conclusions on shapes or numbers or reappearing coincidences.....but that is only a small touch of what we have presented here. The shape was only what got me interested and curious.....as you pointed out a sword does not necessarily have to be presented in that exact shape....however it does fit the typical average classic example.....enough to get the ball rolling. But as the ball rolls if it gathers no moss along the way then its meaningless......but there is SOOOO much going on in all of these examples (minus the sword) that mere coincidence or the 23 theory begins to lose effect. The mark of the Tav is so fascinating to me....its the only real shape/physical mark I put any real certainty into for this discussion. The others are more underlying clues. Again as in the one you pointed out the Passover dripping of blood....I fully admit it could be a stretch......however the surrounding factors mentioned above make it worthy of being included. Even the chief priests who plotted against Jesus in the New Testament were weary of getting His death on the Passover and tried to avoid it.....knowing a sacrifice on Passover day would look eerily connected to Old Testament prophecies....but they did not succeed. Often we see the writing on the wall and realize our coming mistakes or bad choices.....but we believe we can somehow cover or avoid them......doesn't always work out so well. Keep going.....your at least trying! Its more than most do! Excellent!
@TrakeM118 8 лет назад
I didn't bother to cover the rest of it because the rest of it is unsubstantiated stories. There are no writings from the time that jesus supposedly lived in referencing a jesus, though we do have writing of lots of other supposed savior figures from that time and region. The bible claims that jesus died on the cross after a vote to decide who to let go... yet there are no written records of this having ever occurred that date all the way back to supposed event. There's certainly noting amazing or even remotely close to surprising about blood sacrifices, stone age primitives are pretty much synonymous with that kind of thing. Hell, if someone says stone age primitive that's one of the first images that pops into most people's minds. Once again, you're trying to point at similarities and trying to link points but you have no actual scientific evidence. I look to actual cold hard scientific evidence. The cold hard scientific evidence for evolution is tremendous. The cold hard scientific evidence for intelligent design is lacking AT BEST.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
Hey Trake. I get it. Your right....what I have provided you with is only pebbles for your shoe....just enough to get you to really dig. Now the cherry on the top......and its in my opinion a smoking gun.....and I am willing to bet if you honestly give it a chance the hair on the back of your neck will stand up.....but have no fear it will come down again.....your skeptical mind will race and focus on the rabbit trails you have been swamped with from other Ags......but...........its still worth a shot. I know you just chalked all my SOTCITOT video evidence up to typical stone age sacrice....blah blah blah......but deep down I bet your a LITTLE curious about some of the evidence.......and hey its okay if your not. The good news is Jesus did not say to doubting Thomas (the first known skeptic) "Thomas you fool.....you should have just believed......should have had faith!".....no He humbly held out His body for examination.....told him to look at the very best evidence he had at hand. So I give the same to you.....its not Jesus body......but its a secret passage that few Christians know about......its almost comical or sad however you look at it. Most know the 23rd Psalm by heart.....they would at the very least recogize it if recited.....but what happened BEFORE all that peace and happiness? What is the 22nd chapter about? Well........you just might be surprised to know that the ENTIRE feelings that Jesus would feel and the actions that took place were RIGHT THERE IN PLAIN SIGHT. Yep......and no one has ever pointed this out to you? Why? Well....maybe you just were not ready for it......and maybe your not now......but only one way to find out. Enjoy! http/bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Thats the last clue.....I have lots more but these 3 links are my best 123 punch. Now again your a skeptic......your going to always be thinking there is some problem.....wont believe anything unless its fodder against Christians....then you will gladly buy everything they are selling.......but its okay.....at least your trying....and thats all the matters! Thanks again!
@TrakeM118 8 лет назад
This isn't about simply trying to debunk christinity and uphold agnosticism. This is about demanding evidence for claims made and following evidence wherever it leads. Your link just sends me to the same video about the sybolisms thing which could have just as easily been a video about the symbolisms of the diamond connecting the left point to the top point to the right point to the bottom point to the left point to form a diamond and claiming that the diamond symbol is magical and we need to worship diamonds. I'm not even sure what you are claiming is your grand evidence. That the bible says what the feelings of jesus will be before it says what supposedly happened to him? That's not even evidence. That's just more unsubstantiated claims. Keep in mind, this is a book that dates to 300 years after the time period that jesus supposedly existed in. You think that someone making up a story can't think to tell you about feelings of a character before telling you what happens to their character? I'm sorry, but your evidence is getting increasingly lacking in any real scientific value. You started with something that at least has something to do with reality, and now you've devolved into just unsubstantiated claims. Honestly, you haven't reserved the best for last, you started with your best and to be honest, it was a bit lacking as far as actual scientific evidence is concerned and that's all that matters. As for how the bible regards people that don't believe, it has a certain hatred for not believing. What is the one unforgivable sin? Herasy. Believe or else is really the essential claim of the old testament. You're evil if you don't believe is the most central message of the bible. What is the 1st commandment? Though shalt have no gods but the god of the bible. It's not though shalt not kill. It's not though shalt not rape. It's not though shalt not have slaves. Hell, there is no commandment against slavery. Yet another tell tale sign that your god isn't really a god, but rather the words of stone age primitives. What kind of god would write an entire book and put in crap about not eating shell fish but yet not put in anything about don't own people? The kind that's written by a stone age primitive. If you walk by 5 people today. The first believes in the bible and has murdered 10 people just for fun. The second believes in the bible and is a rapist and has raped 10 people. The third believes in the bible and is a child rapist and has raped 10 children. The fourth believes in the bible and is a slave owner. He owns 10 human beings. The fifth is doesn't believe in the bible and spends his time feeding the poor. According to the bible who is the most evil person you've walked by today? Welcome to the stone age sense of morality presented by the bible. It denigrates people simply for not believing. What kind of book is that? Doesn't that at least somewhere make you suspicious of something when it says don't listen to people who disagree and if you disagree then you're evil? You constantly seem to think that I have some secret evil agenda to trick you or something. I'm not here to trick you. I'm here to show you evidence and go where the actual scientific evidence leads. That's my position. Look at the actual scientific evidence and follow it where it leads in as unbiased of a manor as humanly possible. That's what I'm doing, and to be honest, so far what you have doesn't amount to anything by that standard.
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
Hey Trake....thanks for actually going to the last link. The Sybolisms Of The Cross Video is only the video at the bottom.....simply the 22nd Psalms was what I was directing you to. Now sure you try to convince yourself that Psalms was written AFTER Jesus......but if you actually look into that the Old Testament is ROCK SOLID.....discoveries like the Dead Sea scrolls prove that the written translations were 95% accurate with the ones found buried with coins dating back to that time period......sorry.....not buying this conspiracy your trying to cook up. Now as to slavery......I told you in the beginning most people throw the kitchen sink which you did....but you left out slavery......figured it would come up eventually.....its a great rabbit trail. Only problem is Old Testament slavery is not talking about forever slaves whos children are forever slaves.....only the foolish American slave owners twisted that to suit their fancy. But back then it was an indentured servant process.....if you owed an unpayable debt you became TEMPORARILY enslaved......in servatude to someone who paid your debt or the one you owed it too. Now in America today we have welfare and shoot if you owe money just dont pay it......do you think you will end up in prison? LOL.....no.....you just declare bankrupsy.....or you just dont pay it.......ever heard the saying "Cant get blood from a turnip?". But in reality SOMEONE pays the debt....be it the taxpayer....the business.....your brother......but SOMEONE pays the debt. But in a nomadic society if you truly cant pay your debt and your family is going to starve the indentured servant program wasnt a bad option......you work off your debt.....your kids are not slaves.....and you move on....bill paid.....by YOU. Now again I'm not proposing we use it in America......but in a Nomadic world it has to be. God could not say "DO NOT HAVE SLAVES"......this would be foolish.....God knows man will incur debts and need to pay for them. In a perfect world God could say "Do not incur debts more than you can pay".....or "YOU MUST FORGIVE ALL DEBTS OWED".....now this is why Jesus was met with great wonder when He said things like "Forgive us our debts and let us forgive those indebted to us"......I mean its the RIGHT thing to do......but in reality you certainly cant expect people to MAKE people pay their bills or debts. So how do you monitor it. God could give us the PERFECT model.....but can we follow it. The Old Testament was written to help the Jews thrive and survive.......the process of indentured servants HAD to exist. So stay amazed at the shell fish and the OTHER perfect diet prescribed......and think twice before you say "well I would have just said THou shalt not have slaves".......not as easy as you might think my friend. Thanks for watching.....hopefully something I showed you will eventually ring true......if not I wish you the best and continue in your passions!
@crystalhenley6134 6 лет назад
I will have to look over Gen. I don't remember a sacafic of animals for Adam and Eve's clothes ?? GOD can make anything he wants he could of made the clothes without shedding any blood. Be careful when you start trying to change GOD'S word or add to it a curse is put on heritic people . Just saying ..
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Crystal. Thanks for watching....I hope you also check out my video "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve" and "Mark Of Tav". You might find these interesting as well. I understand being put off by this....both for the sensitivity to the animals....and to being concerned for someone trying to add something to the scriptures. With all due respect I do not believe I have done this. I simply read the passage....look at the situation....and come to a very logical and reasonable conclusion. You do realize we have to do this whenever reading the Bible to the best of our humble ability. Now if I had added something such as said God also gave them xyz....but what I'm doing is simply explaining how I interpret the verse. First lets begin by simply reading the passage. Keep in mind they had just made themselves fig leaves to clothe themselves.... 21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them. So to me the verse is quite clear. Adam and Eve had just tried to improperly clothe themselves....with fig leaves. To me it seems as if they are as humans tend to do....trying to cover their sins on their own. But the fig leaves were not proper. My speculation as to why it was not proper would be that 1. It would would not be modest enough....sort of like making a skimpy bathing suit to wear around and 2. It was not protective enough. Remember the environment had changed...drastically....the world would not be a perfect temperature anymore....and they would need to be prepared. God knew this. He also knew that they would need to eat animals to survive. Yes a vegan diet is excellent....but not all environments are able to sustain this diet. Also if you continue reading the Old Testament God would be INSTRUCTING the Jews to sacrifice animals....remember that? Lots of them. This causes suffering and pain...and the animals are innocent. But God was preparing them for His own suffering....His own pain....and the blood that would TRULY save them. So now lets look at the verse. WHO is doing the act? Clearly God. What is the act? He MADE something. Now sure He could have poofed it...could have spoken it....could have used anything He so chose.....but He CHOSE to use COATS OF SKINS. Not my imagination....nothing I added here. Correct me where I'm wrong. Where do you get coats of skins. This word was not some unknown word....skin is skin. Now would it be human skin? Nope. So what skin would it be? Skin from a tree? Skin from......hmmmmm what could it be? Oh....animals have skins....and we commonly used them to make clothing. Now sure God could have poofed the skins. But remember....Hes going to INSTRUCT them to sacrifice animals....and we have to assume He is now instructing them to START using animals for clothing purposes. He is TEACHING them. So when you teach someone should you poof it? Nope...best to demonstrate. I can only imagine the pain Adam and Eve MAY have felt when seeing basically one of their pets being slain. Horrifying....sin caused this....THEY caused this. God is showing them (in my speculation) that because of their sin.....blood must be shed....innocent life must be taken to save them from the harsh environments....and ONE DAY blood would be shed for their souls to be freed. Again....yes I may be doing some thinking and speculating in some of my convo....but I have not added one jot or tittle to this passage....open to a different interpretation.....but remember...we do have to interpret the Bible as we read it....we cant know for 100% sure we are always right. Thanks for watching....
@HumbleDiscipleOfYah 6 лет назад
Rebbe YaHuShua was impaled on a pole- a tree. Not a t shaped cross.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Your welcome to believe this....however if you watch my video that argument grows dim.
@HumbleDiscipleOfYah 6 лет назад
Brad C I did watch the entire video segment. f2fAnd now- if you read the entire Brit haDaSHa (New Testament) - you will start to see how your theory that the Tanakh (Old Testament) does not reveal a ( + ) shaped symbol that reveals the way of rebbe YaHuShuWa ben Yosef. The Brit haDaSHa speaks of a (tree) - never a " t " shaped execution device. The " cross " symbol itself is a manifestation of both myth and religious traditions that have been altered and have grown more and more inaccurate over the centuries because of such dogmas and false teachings (((as well as purposeful mistranslations of the staff- or ToWRaH-
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
I suggest you watch my video "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve"....its exploding and you would probably enjoy it if you can put down your cross. Your spending your entire time arguing around with your own brothers over the shape of the tool that crucified our Lord? Instead of telling others to (condescendingly) gather our facts more accurately.....how about you watch the ENTIRE video next time before trying to pick a fight. What possible difference will it make if we recognize some particular shape you have in mind?? Its the same with the flat earthers.....I get so frustrated with my brothers....the Athiest/Agnostics I'm quite patient with. But if you feel that you have confidently removed the mote from my eye just be careful of the doorway hauling around that beam there brother. Good day.
@HumbleDiscipleOfYah 6 лет назад
Brad C I reviewed that video as well. Actually before I reviewed this one. I happen to agree with your findings in that segment. Very well put together.
@HumbleDiscipleOfYah 6 лет назад
Brad C my issue is the fact that christianity has been seduced into using a symbol of execution (which has caused them to be caught up in idolatry and condoning human sacrifice) - by the use of a very ancient symbol of fertility- i.e. the cross symbol. When examining the ToWRaH- we find that ANY form of idolatry that which is against The Word (The Instruction of YaH- His ToWRaH) - we can clearly see that a "cross" or "tree" or anything that is not found as a proper means for offering- is against the ToWRaH- The actual Word- Voice of YaH. Especially (and most importantly) - when it comes to offering the innocence of mankind as a bloddy offering unto death. Strictly forbidden!!!
@MisterWebb 6 лет назад
Isaac wasn't Abraham's only son
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
He was at the time....it was the ONLY one he had left. Remember hagar and Ishmael were off protected by an angel and on their own. Its always fascinating how things work out to fulfill Gods plans......if Abraham had LISTENED to God the symbolisms could have been even MORE clear.....could have said "take your only begotten son".....however God rolls with mankinds mistakes.....and things seem to still turn out right. Thanks for watching!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Its also fascinating to me that God doesn't just wipe out mistakes.....anotherwords ....why didn't He just wipe out Adam and Eve and start over....obviously the specimen had a FAIR chance....if done multiple times it COULD have had success.....it was not a failed/doomed mission to start with. However God doesn't work like that. Same with Abraham.....He could could have intervened and had Ishmael killed.....however He actually does the opposite....sends and angel to protect the boy.....who was prophesied that his descendants would be known as wild men....their hand at the throat of every man and dwelling in the presence of their brothers. Sound like the Arabs in a nutshell? Yep......God knew this was a GREAT mistake and one that would HAUNT Israel forever.....He still allows it to happen and even nurtures up the separate bloodline. But again....at that moment God could clearly say to Abraham....take your ONLY son.....it was all he had left.
@keithelrod777 6 лет назад
But He was the only begotten son of the Promise. Check out Galatians.
@marioriospinot 8 лет назад
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Ezekiel 9 seems to reflect the New Testament times to show how the Christians were spared but the unbelieving Jews ensnared as Jerusalem was destroyed.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Well one could deduce that....however remember it was Jews who Jesus chose to be His disciples....it was not meant that the Jews would be left out....they were in fact to be the stronger brother.....gently leading the gentiles into Gods family.....of course they dropped the ball and we gentiles moved along as best we could. But Jesus started with all Jewish disciples who would have had the proper foundation to build His bridge on.....
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
God is not a respecter of persons. He doesn’t play favouritism. Don’t forget the two baskets of figs in Jeremiah 24. Jechoniah’s batch surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar and was spared. Even though he spent time in jail he was then released and granted a throne higher than other kings. Zedekiah’s batch, however was not spared because they were so rotten. His children were killed before him and his eyes were put out because they tried to run away. And to them God said that he will scatter them throughout the kingdoms and bring the sword after them. Now who belongs to Jechoniah’s batch and who belongs to Zedekiah’s batch. That’s the question. If you look, Ezekiel was from Jechoniah’s batch. Daniel came earlier. Esther was Jechoniah’s captivity.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Fascinating....but it makes my head hurt! You def have been wheeling away! I just realized you have the Bible Wheel as your picture....I'm going to have to look back into that.....its been so long ago I cant remember if I found it solid....I believe I did.....but honestly cant remember.
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Brad C it’s been years but still in a process in discovery. I recently came to realize that there are passages involving three or more numbers (both in and out or part of the text) which makes certain things happen: 12, 50, 2 and fire from heaven: Notice that both 12 and 50 are mentioned in Acts 2 as the Spirit of God came down as cloven tongues of fire. There was one chosen to replace the 12th disciple Judas Iscariot who committed suicide during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Plus, there were 120 (12x10) people gathered in the upper room where Jesus had his last supper, which belonged to Barnabas and Mary the mother of Mark. Pentecost is the 50th day from Jesus’ resurrection. Acts 2:1-4 (KJV) 1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. --- The king sent 3 groups of 50 soldiers with their captain. And the first 2 groups died of the fire which came down from heaven, whereas the captain of the 3rd group realized, repented and came to his knees. 2Kings is the 12th book and within the 1st it mentions the number 50. 2 Kings 1:6-15 (KJV) 6 And they said unto him, There came a man up to meet us, and said unto us, Go, turn again unto the king that sent you, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD, [Is it] not because [there is] not a God in Israel, [that] thou sendest to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron? therefore thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die. 7 And he said unto them, What manner of man [was he] which came up to meet you, and told you these words? 8 And they answered him, [He was] an hairy man, and girt with a girdle of leather about his loins. And he said, It [is] Elijah the Tishbite. 9 Then the king sent unto him a captain of fifty with his fifty. And he went up to him: and, behold, he sat on the top of an hill. And he spake unto him, Thou man of God, the king hath said, Come down. 10 And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I [be] a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty. 11 Again also he sent unto him another captain of fifty with his fifty. And he answered and said unto him, O man of God, thus hath the king said, Come down quickly. 12 And Elijah answered and said unto them, If I [be] a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty. 13 And he sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said unto him, O man of God, I pray thee, let my life, and the life of these fifty thy servants, be precious in thy sight. 14 Behold, there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight. 15 And the angel of the LORD said unto Elijah, Go down with him: be not afraid of him. And he arose, and went down with him unto the king. So 50 and 12 together: Acts 6:2 (KJV) Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples [unto them], and said, It is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables. Acts 19:5-6 (KJV) 5 When they heard [this], they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 6 And when Paul had laid [his] hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. 7 And all the men were about twelve. Another mentioning of Pentecost (50th day) is found in the 2nd Epistle, 1Corinthians and Ephesus is mentioned just as Acts 19: 1 Corinthians 16:8 (KJV) But I will tarry at Ephesus until Pentecost. Also keep in mind that it is in 1Corinthians 12 that it mentions the gifts of the Spirit. --- 12th book 12th chapter (2Kings 12) mentions Joash which is the personification of the fire of God. If you find more on this subject let me know.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Wow....did you come up with the wheel?
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
Interesting parallel re Abraham and his son. You clearly have spent a lot of time reflecting/ thinking. You said God was not going to allow him to kill his son. He substituted his son with something else. Now consider that this is what the Qur'an says happened to Jesus. It was made to seem as though Jesus was sacrificed but he was not. So if you are looking for similarities and patterns, then the Qur'anic account fits better. Qur'an 4:157 And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah's messenger They slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
I see your point of similarity...but I disagree when looking at both sides of that argument. You see the entire Old Testament according to you (with these symbols of the cross) were pointing to a great plan of fake redemption? or making someone else pay the price it would APPEAR God had paid? The reason Issaac was not killed was because he was not a worthy sacrifice....none of the blood sacrifices of the Old Testament were able to pay the price because they were ALL sin infected. Only the perfect innocent blood of God was worthy to pay the price. Just as in the beginning when the innocent animal paid the price for Adam and Eves sin of knowing their nakedness and trying to COVER their sins with fig leaves. God has to PROPERLY do it for us. Now we are included in the plan....God did not come down directly out of Heaven...He was carefully and strategically placed and given the tools needed to complete the task. Now we think of tools such as being rich or famous or a mighty warrior....but God thinks of tools such as Humility....Love...Kindness...and law abiding/loving...and most important knowing the important of sacrifice. So He was born poor but with all the above to guide Him and help Him. But the worthy part came not from humans but God....only He is worthy to make the real sacrifice...not a fake one....or secretly letting someone else take the pain and punishment...He took it...He bore our sins on the Cross to free us.
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
Brad C ### ### You see the entire Old Testament according to you (with these symbols of the cross) were pointing to a great plan of fake redemption? ### ### I didn't say that. The Old Testament is a big book with many aspects. It has no such simple 'great plan'. That is just the way you see it. You are making some interesting observation, then lumping them together to make a bigger argument. This doesn't hold. This is not rigorous proof. This is just tentative and very subjective speculation. ### ### or making someone else pay the price it would APPEAR God had paid? The reason Issaac was not killed was because he was not a worthy sacrifice....none of the blood sacrifices of the Old Testament were able to pay the price because they were ALL sin infected. #### ### YOu make these claims very boldly and I appreciate that is the way you see it. This to me is the problem with Christianity. It is too reliant on these subjective and personal speculations. I need proof. Islam has a corollary: fatwas. When religious experts given their opinion on whether some-thing like stem cell research or a death sentence on Salman Rushdie is warranted, they have to exercise their opinion based on what they have available. The final conclusions after deliberation vary. They are subjective. THey are not 'gospel'. YOur theories are intersting. They impress me in that they show you have a deep laser-like focus on something when you get into a topic. [something I have experience of since I am very obsessive and single minded when I get into something]. But there are many people who do this. Some people do this and decide Jesus was married and had children. Some say he went to the South of France, Some say India. Some say the shoud of Turin was his. Some say some strands of hair were Muhammad's. There are many conjectures in the world. People see patterns and expound theories. It is satisfying to do that. It must be a bit like discovering a new mathematical formula like E=mc^2. I have had those Eureka moments too. But that doesn't make them correct. They are conjecture until PROVED. ### ### Only the perfect innocent blood of God was worthy to pay the price. Just as in the beginning when the innocent animal paid the price for Adam and Eves sin of knowing their nakedness and trying to COVER their sins with fig leaves. God has to PROPERLY do it for us. Now we are included in the plan....God did not come down directly out of Heaven...He was carefully and strategically placed and given the tools needed to complete the task. Now we think of tools such as being rich or famous or a mighty warrior....but God thinks of tools such as Humility....Love...Kindness...and law abiding/loving...and most important knowing the important of sacrifice. So He was born poor but with all the above to guide Him and help Him. But the worthy part came not from humans but God....only He is worthy to make the real sacrifice...not a fake one....or secretly letting someone else take the pain and punishment...He took it...He bore our sins on the Cross to free us. ### ### These are your beliefs and I respect that. But you cannot prove that other than tentative conclusions drawn from non-conclusice equivocal verses. This is not something you can use in a debate. I'm looking for clear proof not opinion.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
vicachcoup I ask you a question. Let us say that you are on a jury that will decide if a person is guilty of a crime and if so he will be sentenced to either life in prison the death penalty (it is undecided for now). The crime was heinous....many children violated and killed....many tortured beyond belief. Now there is no body...no murder weapon...no witnesses...and no confession. Would it be possible for you to find this man guilty? Is there any possible way for you to believe beyond reasonable doubt that this man is guilty? Answer me that question please. Your choices are simple...yes or no.
@vicachcoup 10 лет назад
Brad C Again we have have a subjective issue here. I have to go on my subjective judgment. Also actually being in that situation is different from thinking about it in an abstract way. If you want a simplistic answer, then if you don't allow me any more information or ability for clarification than you have above, then I will have to say no. There is no way to ascertain beyond doubt he committed the crime if there is no evidence.
@MrBrad777c 10 лет назад
Excellent answer....I agree with you. Now let us add a case of circumstantial evidence. Let us say that a mountain of evidence was presented. Could it change your mind?
@trip577 6 лет назад
The cross is a symbol that we believe in Christ , that we are Christ-men , that we believe he was crucified and sacrificed and died for our sins and salvation and nothing more . We display the cross to show that we believe in Christ , and that we are Christ-men , Christians . Idol worship is a sin ( Idol definition , an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.)
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
100% agree with you on this! Our Catholic brothers push this and some would say cross the line.....personally I do not see any reason to as my Grandmother used to say "give the appearance of evil". But definitely we as Christians should never worship a Cross or hold it as some magical/supernatural power. It is quite simply the torture tool used to Crucify our Lord. However as my video shows.....He knew this was coming.....and gave clear symbolisms of this coming Cross Of Redemption. I have another video called "Mark Of Tav" where I go further into one of the avenues....its one of my favorites. However Abraham and Isaac are probably the best clear example of the Father watching the Son carry the wood up the mountain to be the sacrifice for sin.....one simply a test run.....the next the real thing! Its exciting to me that our God is so powerful that time itself has no power over Him. He also always has a plan in place....and it is always GOOD. Its also an example to us that Prophecy is made not so that man can glory in himself saying "look....I saw this all coming!".....No instead its so that we can look BACK and say "Wow....God had this all planned and we nor His enemies could see this coming!". Its quite Amazing!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
I will share with you something I call "Checkmate To The Devil".....its something few Christians even know exists.....its the closest thing to a smoking gun I have ever ran across....check it out! bradctv.com/go-lakers/
@trip577 6 лет назад
wonderful , glad we agree , and you are correct , it was prophesied 1000 years before the birth of Christ . The apocrypha of Solomon teaches of the image worship , in case you wanted to add that to your tool bag . I very much so like the illustrations in your video , they are bible school worthy .
@trip577 6 лет назад
This I reply to your (speculative ) because its an interesting observation , one that I can entertain , and i'll even add to it ,,, talk about the most brutal times ? the pain , the suffering , the torture that Jesus went through when he came to us in the flesh ,,,,,,, that's what I call leading by example !
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yes the whole plan whether the timing was needed or not shows just how serious God is about sin. If He was going to pay the price He fully embraced the challenge! The normal human instinct is to run from it or try to minimize our responsibility.....God is the opposite. He runs head on into it taking the full penalty.....all for us. The Hero of all heros! Pretty amazing!
@aidovatatiana 5 лет назад
Brad C ! You are definitely grasping at straws in this video. Research that you made is not the attempt to find the Truth. You just were looking for some support of your christian faith. The story of Abraham for example, you understood absolutely opposite way. The fact is that God DIDN'T LET Abraham sacrifice his son! It said loud and clear in Jewish Bible that God is AGAINST human sacrifice, that God is ONE, that everybody dies for HIS OWN sins, that the way to get SALVATION is to REPENT your sins. But Christians don't care what God says, Christians ignore God.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Hey T. Thanks again for stopping by! Try as you may to twist this....your going to fall deeper into the truth if you allow it. Claiming that Abraham/Isaac had no relation to the Father/Son in the New Testament is quite a leap of faith if your honest. Your right....God did NOT let it happen.....but He set it up.....called for it. Why? Because it was NEEDED.....but man could NOT fullfill that need.....God would. Accept His GREAT sacrifice....or dont. The choice is yours. I suggest you skip ahead to CHECKMATE....always a good place to start in a match lol. In all seriousness. Explain that. Let me guess....its they attacked my hands and feet as a Lion verses pierced. So be it. Changes nothing....perfect description of what happened. Next? Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@aidovatatiana 5 лет назад
Brad C I am very sorry to say it, but connection between Abraham/Isaac and God/son exists only in your imagination. It is just your wishful thinking, not the fact. God set it up because He was testing Abraham's faith. If human sacrifice was needed, God would let it happen. God doesn't need to sacrifice Himself either because there is no original sin. You can't find it anywhere in Jewish Bible. But all over the Jewish Bible God is saying that he will forgive people that come to him and repent. For example, Deuteronomy 30, whole chapter! Don't need to search between lines! And nothing about blood of some savior. You are trying to find some signs, crosses and ignoring very clear statements in Jewish Bible because they don't fit your faith. But they are there, in this amazing supernatural book! This book is the word of God! Doesn't it mean anything to you? "Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God; the Lord is one."(Deuteronomy 6:4) "God shall not be another to you upon my face" (Deuteronomy 5:6) "God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal that He should relent. Would He say and not do, speak and not fulfill?" (Numbers 23:19) Is it possible to be more clear? Could you give me example of what God should've said to explain that He is one, that He is not a man? Please, try! Talking about "pierced" or "like a lion", I agree, it doesn't make much difference, because in this psalm it is obvious that David, not JC is praying to God. He is suffering, crying, because God doesn't answer his prayers. "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?" Why would JC cry to God if he was God. God is talking to Himself? Is God schizophrenic? David is talking about his ancestry: "Our ancestors trusted in You; they trusted and You rescued them." Did JC has ancestry? Does God has ancestry? "They cried out to You and they escaped; they trusted in You and they were not shamed." - David is remembering about his ancestry, that were faithful to God and were saved by Him. Nothing about son of God, about his sacrifice on the cross. All you need is to repent your sins and God will forgive you. David is saying about himself: "But I am worm..". Was JC a worm? Did anybody called him "worm"? David is talking about his enemies that everywhere around him. He is comparing them with lions and dogs: "For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion, my hands and feet." He is worried that he will not be able to defeat them and asking God for help: "Save my soul from the sword, my only one from the grip of the dog." Was JC in danger to be killed by the sword? No, this psalm is definitely not prophecy about crucifixion. Christians claim that there are hundreds of prophecies about JC in Jewish Bible. But all of them are mistranslation of Jewish Bible or verses that were taken out of context or simply invented. Maybe you found some real prophecy about JC in Jewish Bible? By the way, did JC make any prophecy that was fulfilled? I will appreciate if you will answer to me.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Well I tried this once and youtube did not post it.....wow....lets do this again...... Tatiana 1 day ago Brad C I am very sorry to say it, but connection between Abraham/Isaac and God/son exists only in your imagination. It is just your wishful thinking, not the fact. *No need to be sorry. No sorrow was felt on my part. This is of course your OPINION....that it only my imagination and not a fact. Noted.* God set it up because He was testing Abraham's faith. *True...I agree there were MANY tests of Abraham. But let me ask you this. Have you EVER seen a place where God instructed someone to do something CONTRARY to the law?? Nope....except here. Why? Because He needed to make certain Abraham was worthy???? No......God is not that desperate for a test. No....God KNEW this would be a MASSIVE flag (not a false one....a real one) for those reading the Bible. Do you truly believe YHWH would have not KNOWN that Christians would CLEARLY see this???? Come on.....lets keep it real.* If human sacrifice was needed, God would let it happen. *God did NOT need human sacrifice.....this is why no human was ALLOWED to be sacrificed.* God doesn't need to sacrifice Himself either because there is no original sin. You can't find it anywhere in Jewish Bible. *So you are deciding what YHWH can do? How do you KNOW He does not need a sacrifice? Is not the entire Old Testament LITTERED with sacrifices??? Wonder what happened to that sacrificial process after Jesus died on the Cross? No more blood sacrifices.....hmmmmmmm. As to no original sin I have yet to meet a child that was NOT born with a sinful nature....all can easily lie, steal, maniplulate, and be selfish without ANY training. Hmmmmm.* But all over the Jewish Bible God is saying that he will forgive people that come to him and repent. For example, Deuteronomy 30, whole chapter! Don't need to search between lines! And nothing about blood of some savior. *Yes....believe and repent....the message never changed. God is able to KNOW that the sacrifice HAD been made....remember YHWH is not limited to ONE time period....He exists at ALL times...in ALL places. Nothing about blood???? My dear man.....have you looked at the BLOODY Old Testament.....its million mile wide blood trail. What do you think all those BLOOD sacrifices were for???? The ones that once again just STOPPED cold once Jesus died on the Cross......hmmmmm just confirmation bias? No Savior mentioned? I was sure there was something about a Messiah? Is that not a Savior? When did that Messiah come? Are you still looking for him?* You are trying to find some signs, crosses and ignoring very clear statements in Jewish Bible because they don't fit your faith. But they are there, in this amazing supernatural book! This book is the word of God! Doesn't it mean anything to you? *Not trying....all due respect I FOUND them. Honestly missed sooooo many.....I have a part 2 on the way! Jesus even blurted out one so obvious its comical I missed it......see if it makes sense to you....didnt make sense to the Pharasees and scribes before you....... 38 Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. "Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God; the Lord is one."(Deuteronomy 6:4) *THANK YOU. How strange.....wonder why it would HAVE to be written that the Lord is ONE? Could it be because He is ONE TEAM? I mean why would this need to be stated....doesnt sound like a singular statement. It almost seems its clearly announcing that God is ONE UNIT......a team of 3....coming together as ONE? Now fascinating it is that not just Christians believe in the Trinity. Look at the Hindus....they believe in ONE SUPREME GOD who takes 3 seperate but equal forms.....with 3 seperate but equal roles....1. Creator 2 Preserver 3 Destroyer.....hmmmmm. Then look at Taoism...at the top of their gods sit the "3 Pure Ones".....coincidence? Confirmation bias?* "God shall not be another to you upon my face" (Deuteronomy 5:6) "God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal that He should relent. Would He say and not do, speak and not fulfill?" (Numbers 23:19) Is it possible to be more clear? Could you give me example of what God should've said to explain that He is one, that He is not a man? Please, try! *Yes....so very true. God CAN NOT sin....and God is not a man......however God would BECOME a man....walk in our shoes....feel our pain.....and resist the temptations of this world.....feeling them in the same way Adam had.....only being INFUSED with God He was able to overcome. THIS was the great promise fullfilled.* Talking about "pierced" or "like a lion", I agree, it doesn't make much difference, because in this psalm it is obvious that David, not JC is praying to God. He is suffering, crying, because God doesn't answer his prayers. "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?" Why would JC cry to God if he was God. God is talking to Himself? Is God schizophrenic? *Your right....it WAS Davids prayer....and Jesus's was slightly different.....I honestly must give credit to a VISCIOUS angry atheist for pointing this out.....so I studied a little deeper and found its TRUE. Quite amazingly its slightly different based on the circumstances....below is a copy and paste from that Atheist.....how true it is!* "S-b-q ש-ב-ק means to leave behind, to forsake. A-z-b א-ז-ב means to be far away from, to be distant from Different words, different meanings:" *This My God My God passage found in Old and New are slightly different.....but wow.....what a connection. Deny it if you wish....the entire passage just wreaks of how Jesus would feel in the FUTURE. David is not TRYING to be a prophet here.....God is just using his circumstances to bring about FUTURE happenings.....how power is YHWH? Also notice the Old testament writers took the time to write this in Greek AND Aramaic.....how wise to make SURE this did not get lost in translation.....it kind of did.....but thanks to an Atheist I figured it out.....wow!* David is talking about his ancestry: "Our ancestors trusted in You; they trusted and You rescued them." Did JC has ancestry? Does God has ancestry? *Yes....Jesus had a geneology that INCLUDED David! Get past the fact that God can BECOME a man.....infuse Himself SOMEHOW with mankind and walk among us.* "They cried out to You and they escaped; they trusted in You and they were not shamed." - David is remembering about his ancestry, that were faithful to God and were saved by Him. Nothing about son of God, about his sacrifice on the cross. All you need is to repent your sins and God will forgive you. *David is not TRYING to be a prophet.....He just WAS.* David is saying about himself: "But I am worm..". Was JC a worm? Did anybody called him "worm"? *Jesus FELT low as a worm.....just as David felt as a worm....NEITHER were worms. They had the same connection. Cool isnt it!* David is talking about his enemies that everywhere around him. He is comparing them with lions and dogs: "For dogs have surrounded me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me, like a lion, my hands and feet." He is worried that he will not be able to defeat them and asking God for help: Jesus was also surrounded with Lions (Jews) and Dogs (Gentiles). He had no fear of them though.....remember Jesus is SLIGHTLY different in How He feels and thinks.....but the parallels are ridiculous.....search your heart.* "Save my soul from the sword, my only one from the grip of the dog." Was JC in danger to be killed by the sword? No, this psalm is definitely not prophecy about crucifixion. *No Jesus was in NO danger. This is a prophecy.....Jesus certainly would have appeared to be in danger.....I mean He was killed.....thankfully beating death and raising from the grave.* Christians claim that there are hundreds of prophecies about JC in Jewish Bible. But all of them are mistranslation of Jewish Bible or verses that were taken out of context or simply invented. *Yes actually its 300.....but who's counting?* Maybe you found some real prophecy about JC in Jewish Bible? *Here are a few of the best.....* assets.answersingenesis.org/doc/articles/am/v6/n2/fulfilled-messianic-prophecies.pdf By the way, did JC make any prophecy that was fulfilled? I will appreciate if you will answer to me. *Thanks for asking....of course!* www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_1349.cfm
@aidovatatiana 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c Hey Brad C! Thank you for your very full answer! I appreciate it very much. At first I was trying to answer to each of your comments separately, but realized that it is absolutely crazy: messages will be multiplying endlessly this way. So, I just picked phrases from your comments to help you remember the context. And I tried to "shrink" my answers as much as possible. I really tried! "Massive flag" I DO believe that this massive flag is very graphic message to the world: PARENTS SHOULD NOT SACRIFICE THEIR CHILDREN! Why would God do something OPPOSITE of what He is teaching: sacrificing His Son (if He had a Son)? It does not make any sense. God dying for world sins, original sin - pagan ideas. I agree, some kids are evil, but babies are INNOCENT. My OPINION is based on Word of God - Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Examples: Deuteronomy 30, Ezekiel 18. Nothing about blood and original sin there! Read it very carefully! I can find more examples, if it is necessary. HB is FLOODED with messages: "Everyone dies only for his own sins". "Repent and God will forgive you". "Love your God, follow Torah, so you will live". Do you have some support for YOUR OPINION in HB for this topic (God sacrificing Himself, Original Sin)? Please show me at least one verse. "Million mile wide blood trail" BLOODY Old Testament? Please show me those bloody verses about sacrifices. I can't wait to read them. Talking about blood, isn't "Million mile wide blood trail " perfect name for the history of Christianity? "...trees producing fruits according to its kind..." (Genesis1:11) By the way, it is not a secret, that Jews kept bringing animal sacrifices after JC's crucifixion. They stopped doing it ONLY BECAUSE ROMANS DESTROYED THEIR TEMPLE in 70 CE.. It was 40 (35?) years after JC's crucifixion? Aftet that instead of sacrifice Jews give charity. During thousands of years Jews survived WITHOUT animal sacrifices and WITHOUT believing in JC ! After very long exile Jews returned to their land, HOW GOD PROMISED! "What all those blood sacrifices were for???" You have no idea! Your knowledge about it is very far from the truth. Not surprising: you learned from Christian sources. This video will blow your mind: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kiz3kIjOWNk.html "....still looking for Messiah?" We are waiting for him. Messiah is definitely not savior. The only Savior is God: "I, I am the Lord and besides Me there is no Savior!" (Isaiah 43:11) Christians believe, that JC - Messiah. The funny thing is that he managed to "fulfill" messianic prophecies OPPOSITE way! "...believe and repent.." Isn't Christian message: "Believe and be saved"? "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised him from dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved" (Romans 10:9-10) It is so different from WORD OF GOD! Compare with Deuteronomy 30 and Ezekiel 18. You will not find word "believe" there. What you DO is the most important. "Unit of 3". So, "One" means "One unit of 3" ? Why not unit of 4 or any other number? How the singular statement should be written to show Oneness of God? What will you say about those verses from HB: " So said the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of Hosts, "I am first and I am last, and besides Me there is no God" " ( Isaiah 44:6) " I am the Lord and there is no other, besides Me there is no God...In order that they know from the shining of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me; I am the Lord and there is no other. Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these" (Isaiah 45:5-7) If it still not convinsing, please give me your own example. "Trinity" OMG! Did you actually confirm with the pride, that Christian idea of Trinity is not original, but similar to pagan religions? Christianity is the last in chronological list. It means, that other religions couldn't copy Christian ideas. It is other way around. Do you know that there are many similarities between JC, Krishna and Buddah? Church fathers do. "God would BECOME a man." This idea is pagan and completely contradicts HB. "God is not a man" (Numbers 23:19) - this message is very clear. JC demonstrated how true this message is: JC made many false promises and false prophecies. One of them is example that you gave me: his promise to stay 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth. You said: "He exists at ALL times in ALL places." That is correct! It is why CREATOR OF UNIVERSE DOESN'T NEED to become His own CREATION to LEARN about the world that He CREATED! HE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WORLD, BECAUSE HE CREATED IT ! "And there is no rock I did not know" (Isaiah 44:8) If God became a man He would LIMIT Himself. At the moment you start believing that God had reasons to become a man, you stop believing in TRUE, UNLIMITED, ALMIGHTY God. Please watch this video till the end. It is beautiful explanation of Oneness of God: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nn358OlzHjo.html "David's prayer" I appreciate that you admit it after making research. Don't be in a hurry to give credit to viscous atheist, because JC's prayer is not slightly, but completely different. "Sabachthani" means "Slaughtering", "Sacrificing". JC was crying: "My God, My God, why are you slaughtering me?" The same word is used in Deuteronomy 12:21: "..then you shall slaughter (sabachta) of your herd and your flock..." Hebrew word: וְזָֽבַחְתָּ֞⁠ "JC's genealogy" He couldn't have genealogy through his father, because according to NT his father wasn't man, but God. Is king David - God's ancestry? Does it make any sense to you? "Worm" JC never felt like a worm. He had very high opinion about himself. "Beating death, raising from the grave" If JC raised from the grave, where is sacrifice? "Lions and dogs" Comparison of Gentiles with dogs could be based on NT, because in this book JC really compares Gentiles with dogs. Isn't that nice? How sweet of him! (I am sarcastic, of course). Did JC have problems with Gentiles? Comparison of Jews with lions is kind of flattering, but doesn't have any support in NT. What happened to snakes and sons of devil? This is how JC liked to call Jews. My point is: attempt to see JC in Psalm 22 is a stretch. "Old Testament in Greek and Aramaic" I am not sure I understand what you are talking about. Please be more specific. Thank you for the links that you gave me. It is strange that you didn't argue about statement that I made: there are no real prophecies about JC in HB. Did you just miss it, or you agree with me? Here is explanation of one of prophesies from the list that you gave me. Get ready for another surprise! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tf_mgzVIGA0.html Have a nice weekend!
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Hey T. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain your side of things. I can see you BELIEVE you have an answer for everything.....and its no surprise.....you can claim we are copying pagan religions......problem is none of them are remotely like Christianity.....ONLY Christianity says God did the work....and WE do the trusting. Pagans believe its by your good deeds as well.....so I reckon you are on the same path as them. If you want to spend your life trying to be good enough....and convincing others to be good enough.....I cant stop you. I can only tell you that I"ve seen CLEAR change in both my family and my life by placing our trust in Christ. You wont see Him because you dont want to. No ammount of rational explanation will suit you.....I could provide a TRILLION pieces of evidence and you would just chalk it up to confirmation bias. I did my best....and you did your best. Neither one of us seem to be giving an inch.....so its simply not the right time. I spent the last night with the Matriarch of our Christian family....my grandmother.....she lived by herself on one leg....after diabetes took it. Refused to let any of her children take her in....didnt want to burden them. I lived with her as much as I could growing up.....she was our only neighbor....and we lived out in the middle of no where. But her house was always filled....folks just stopped in all hours of the day.....no invitation needed. She would run out and hug on them.....beg them in....serve them....feed them....listen to them. She was the wisest person I have ever known. She always took the last plate, the worst seat, refused to sit anywhere but the backseat of a car.....fought anyone who tried to do the dishes after a meal.....always last. Those people she welcomed in.....most were so poor they had an odor to be honest....because many had no running water.....she treated them like royalty. She always put up at least 150 Christmas cards.....I'm lucky to get 5. My Dad was a high school principal, country transportation director, and school superintendent......but he always said he had never met anyone as influential as his own mother.....who lived in the most rural place imaginable.....barely leaving her home other than to go to the grocery store or church. She never spoke to anyone that she didnt mention her Jesus. She would have loved on you.....made sure your belly was full....and welcomed you back anytime. She needed not for me to share any rib stories.....or to take her step by step through that Old Testament......she had no idea about Psalms 22.....but she always begged me to memorize scripture....and she tried to start me with Psalms 23. I wish I'd listened more to her.......wish I'd lived my life a sacrificial lamb as she did......I guarantee my life would be much better off. But it takes all kinds.....I'm a very shallow branch of her.....and she ONLY stood in Church or anywhere to brag about ONE thing. She never made a show....never took center stage. But if the Preacher asked for a testimony should would stand.....and very meekly and humbly thank the Lord for her salvation and that she was proud that every kid, grandkid, and great grandkid had came to know Christ as Savior. That was it. In fact I know of not a single distant cousin on either side of my family thats not a Christian....or at least claims to be......and quite honestly their fruits are pretty evident....most are Preachers or Sunday School Teachers or have other ministry.....I'm by far the least in my family....and thats not me being humble...just calling it like it is. She lived by herself for several years hopping around on one leg and finally in a wheel chair.....never leaving her own home. She became too bad to cook and clean....and she allowed a lady to come in a few hours a day and be paid to do chores.....it saddened her to have someone serve her.....but she allowed it. No one told Grandma to do anything....you asked....and she decided. She did allow us grankids to stay the nights with her.....but insisted we be paid. We played our last game of dominos the night she passed. I won by 5....still have the score card. She was not competitive like me....she would rather you win. Same with both my parents....not a competitive bone in their body.....rather let others win and just played games for fun.....hard for to understand....us boys played for blood. Anyway that night she acted no different than any other......went peacefully to sleep after our game....I laid down and slept as well. Next morning I found her passed away......I jumped in the bed with her.....called my Aunt who lived about 2 hours away.....waited until she got there.....and we cried together. Obviously just tears of us missing her....we were feeling sorry for ourselves....no doubt on Grandma.....she was with her Jesus.....I would be my life on it. She never told us that she was feeling any different. We would find out later that she had phoned one friend.....she had countless friends......but she phoned a 90 year old friend and thanked her for being her friend.....told her it was getting to be her time to go see the Lord. She didnt want to worry us....she knew we would all make a fuss. I KNOW the fruit my Grandmother produced.....and it was GOOD.....she wasnt perfect......but her heart was clean as a whistle.....been scrubbed by the blood of Jesus. She didnt go to heaven for her good works......she knew that wouldnt cut it....shed tell you the same. All the tricks you got up your sleeve wouldnt shake her a bit......she'd just laugh and say "I'll stick with my Jesus.....and you should to". So thats how we will part T......I"ll stick with my Jesus and you should to. I wish you the best out there.......
@truthprevails1260 6 лет назад
Coats of skins are our flesh
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
I'm not saying it couldnt possibly represent the flesh.....however it also makes perfect sense that Adam and Eve would NEED properly clothed....and for a LONG time animal skins and furs were the primary source of our clothing.......the perfect garden environment had ended.....and now this would HAVE to be done. Also the perfect Vegan diet although an awesome diet....would not be able to thrive in ALL the various environments on the earth....hence man would now begin eating animals to survive.....AND using their coats as skins. God was most likely making them realize this HAD to be done. He is also showing that an INNOCENT animal had to pay the price for mankinds new sinful ways......and one day God would pay that price with His OWN shed blood. But I'm not saying it couldnt represent the flesh in some way.....thanks for watching! You might enjoy my video "Mark Of Tav" and "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve". That last one is literally exploding!
@truthprevails1260 6 лет назад
I was very careless in saying that skin was the coat, what I should have said was perhaps it was, because I wasn't there, and God has not revealed anything concerning iit to me. However it's possible, it would merely be a theory, one that is not provable. A question that does intrigue me though, is why did they not notice before? Is it because before they sinned, they weren't naked, but clothed in Glory? And upon sinning that Glory left them. Or is it because there was simply no malice in their minds that brought shameful thought of being naked, having every thought to be innocent and holy while changing only the paradigm of thought through the act of sunning against God. This intrigues me, because if the latter is true, then that could be a means by which we could seek to become closer to God. There's a lot that someone could do with regards to training your thought process. Or perhaps both may be true and the latter is reciprocal and dependant on the first. This seems most plausible. That as the Glory left our bodies, it left our minds as well.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
I'm sorry. Did you mean its not provable that this was the skin of an animal. If so where else would you get coats of "skins"? Now as to it having a deeper meaning of it representing the flesh......yes thats not provable but its plausible. To me what we know is that Adam and Eve TRIED to cover themselves.....with their OWN coverings.....fig leaves. Just as man tries to cover his own sins....with filthy rags. God provided the PROPER cover.....coats of skin which would have not only been more modest apparel but also much more protective for harsh environments of cold or rain. Fig leaves were pretty useless.....just as our righteousness or good works.....they are as filthy rags. ONLY by Gods proper payment for sin suffered on the cross can we be redeemed. This like MOST situations in the Old Testament seem to point towards the Cross Of Redemption in some way.
@rodneyjenkins3908 5 лет назад
The cross is a symbol of man.Kemet has that on the walls in Egypt before the bible.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Simply not true....trust me I've had this discussion HUNDREDS of times. What your referring to was an Egyptian symbol SIMILAR but no where near exact to a Cross. Besides even playing devils advocate....lets say the Egyptians....which sort of represents Evil in the Old Testament....lets say they truly had an exact Cross shape as their emblem. How ingenious would it be to lay out the playbook for your enemy to read.....even use their own emblem as the tool of sacrifice?? But again its all poppycock.....just as the Horus Hoax and all the rest try to claim its all been done before, we just stole everything......sure......again I've debunked this hundreds of times.....but the best argument is simply the devils advocate......even if you WERE right.....it would be even more damning for your side of the argument.....which is of course that the Ancient Hebrew God is a fake/fraud.....and that we all just turn to dust when we die.....or whatever ambiguous theory you have.....or maybe you have one you truly believe in......but my hunch is you just want to pie down my back and tell me its stolen rainwater......wont work Rodney.....good try tho!
@rodneyjenkins3908 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c I have been to kemet and seen the symbol.You aren't telling the truth.The bible didn't even exist then.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Like I said Rodney.....whatever floats your boat. Lets say its true. The symbol chosen by the Ancient Hebrew God....featured THROUGHOUT the Old Testament as clearly shown in my video.....as well as "Mark Of Tav".....that symbol was the arch enemy of the Israelites.....their captors.....the ones who enslaved them and tried to keep them down........that symbol was used to DESTROY the grip of sin on this earth. So does this make you a believer in the Ancient Hebrew God??? Or do you think that this was just one giant coincidence? I'm all ears.....glad you made a trip to Kemet.....only helps my case IF TRUE. Thanks for making the my case even stronger! Stop by anytime on your way to Kemet and dont forget to say hello to Miss Piggy!
@rodneyjenkins3908 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c You can believe what you want.I don't knock believers.But brad the bible speaks of respecting kemet.Moses said you brought me up in the knowledge.
@rodneyjenkins3908 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c It amazes me when the truth is told you act unchristian.Dont the bible say seek and ye shall find.
@NOBOX7 6 лет назад
huge incite
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Thanks brother....this video takes some time....I suggest watching it in chunks...its not as fast paced as my rib video or Mark Of Tav....those are faster and easier to digest. I probably should even remove this S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. as my usual follow up links for Atheist/Agnostics...its more for the Christian who really wants to delve in and take the time to fully gather it all in. But I really appreciate you taking the time to watch! I have a part 2 planned....plenty of others to gorge on.....God did not make it difficult to see the coming Cross Of Redemption!
@achildofthelight4725 4 года назад
Animal skin??? Prove it
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
First of all THANKS for watching! At 0:21 I make it CLEAR that I'm not speaking authoritatively. I leave that to the reader to interpret through prayer and searching their hearts. But I ask you.....where do you get SKINS from?? Human and animal is pretty much the ONLY options. So assuming God did not make them skins out of possible children aside.....that just leaves animals. Search your heart brother....and search for basically EVERY picture ever drawn or painted of Adam and Eve AFTER their fig leaves. They are wearing animal skins....like it or not. Now I LOVE animals....and hearing my God would sacrifice an animal is not music to my ears....nor are the continual sacrifices of animals throughout the Old Testament.......................UNTIL......God would make the FINAL sacrifice.....no more innocent bloodshed after Jesus paid it all. THAT I know. Now can I prove to a 100% accuracy that these were slain animals.....no. But I can prove its HIGHLY likely....AND I can prove that the sacrificing of animals WAS instructed throughout the Old Testament....so God saw this as a NECESSITY....for some reason. Also, realize that just LOGICALLY once Adam and Eve entered the harsh cruel environment OUTSIDE the garden they would NEED warm clothes....and being a complete vegetarian would be IMPOSSIBLE in some parts of the globe. So like it or not God KNEW animals had to be slain for the very SURVIVAL of mankind. Now if YOU think this is hard to wrap your brain around.....what about Adam and Eve.....what kind of PAIN and MISERY were they going through seeing their very PETS.....lovable/loyal at ALL times having to be sacrificed. Think how much it would pain you if YOUR SINS caused your pets to have to be sacrificed for YOU to survive. You might even claim you would not allow it.....but Adam and Eve had no choice.....and for the bloodline to reach Messiah it would HAVE to be. I hope this helped explain my side of it....but again I'm open to outside thinking....not looking to make this a contest or proving to a certainty anything. I will leave that to others.....I try to focus on guiding folks to the Cross Of Redemption.....but stop by anytime brother!
@achildofthelight4725 4 года назад
@@MrBrad777c thou shall not kill..... Let everything that have breath praise the Lord. Do trees have skin? Do seeds have skin... did Angeles have skin? Who was the earth made for? When was the fall of light.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
@@achildofthelight4725 Hey C.O.T.L. Thanks again and sorry it took me so long to reply. True "Thou Shalt Not Kill". However this word KILL was the word for MURDER. This eliminates self defense or self preservation in the terms of "hunting". You do realize the Jews were not vegetarians. God EXPECTED them to eat meat (proper kinds). God also INSTRUCTED them to sacrifice animals. Could a HOLY God ask His followers to do something He himself could not do? Of course not. Also aside from this.....remember....God is the CREATOR. A creator can destroy His creations as He so chooses without sin. Think of this. If I am a potter and had spent my life making hundreds of fine pottery pieces that lined my shop.....and you walked and and began destroying them....this would be WRONG....and you would have to pay the price....and would face consequences by the LAW. However....if I so choose to destroy ALL my creations....that is my right....they are MINE....no law will hold me accountable. God brought about a flood that destroyed nearly ALL His creation....it was His RIGHT.....to do as He so pleases. The ways of God may not seem RIGHT in your eyes.....but God has a PLAN of REDEMPTION for mankind who REBELLED. We as humans rebelled and became children of the devil.....but God offers us a sacrifice of HIMSELF!!!! He instructed the animal sacrifices for a REASON....to prepare us for HIS sacrifice. Plainly put....answer me the below. Did God instruct animal sacrifice among the Jews????? Yes or No? You will then in your heart KNOW the answer to the SKINS question.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
@@achildofthelight4725 To further answer about trees....sure you could say trees have skins....but have you ever seen a person make clothes from trees??? Adam and Eve TRIED....failed. Seeds? Same thing....how would you make clothes from seeds.....makes no sense. Angels? Yes sure but you think He would kill an angel? Again makes no sense....and would have most likely been specified. Its rather plainly written my friend....and again every picture you EVER see of Adam and Eve shows them wearing the skins of ANIMALS. Like it or not its rather obvious....it just offended you because your probably an animal lover...as am I....but it is what it is. The truth.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
@@achildofthelight4725 Who was the earth made for? Humans of course. The rest of the Universe was spoken into existence ......BANG. Then God carefully molded this earth in preparation for His crown jewel of creation.....us humans. When was the fall of light? Not sure what you mean here.....so cant answer. Thanks for stopping by again!
@LivingHistorySchool 9 лет назад
the cross symbol is an idol
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
LivingHistorySchool It is if you worship it or give the wooden object value.....however if you use it to simply REMEMBER the great sacrifice Jesus made for us....then it is not .....in my humble opinion. I would agree that it certainly CAN be used as an Idol. Man usually takes something GOOD and blows it up into something BAD......the symbol of the Cross is no different. I'm personally Protestant and its not something that has any kind of hokey pokey voodooish kind of power to us. Its simply remembering what Jesus DID on that object.....not the object itself. But good point! Never too often to remind ourselves that it is NOT the object.....but Jesus who should be worshiped for what He DID! Thanks again!
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
LivingHistorySchool hey btw great channel you have there. Love the prepping info. Great stuff for anyone into survival/bushcraft/prepping/etc.....check him out folks. I subscribed as well. Look forward to watching more!
@LivingHistorySchool 9 лет назад
Brad C Thanks Brad
@MrBrad777c 9 лет назад
LivingHistorySchool No Prob...I saw where some of my viewers were liking some of my comments on your channel so its not just me. Its good information! We may not see completely eye to eye on a religious standpoint.....no one really does lol.....but we do agree that becoming self reliant is wise and something for everyone to consider brushing up on and sharing ideas. Keep em coming!
@LivingHistorySchool 9 лет назад
Brad C Thanks for the intellectual discussion. Some day Yeshua will be reunited with Israel. Christianity and Judaism will be one. There are many levels to the Torah I think you are searching for a deeper meaning than just some stories. Many answers can be found when you go back to the source.
@keithelrod777 6 лет назад
Brad, here is part of an email i recently sent to my friends and family: In Exodus 7 we see Moses with a staff and Aaron with a rod. The staff is a picture of the vertical portion of the Cross. The rod is picture of the horizontal portion of the Cross. Later in the desert we see the bronze (picture of judgement) serpent (picture of sin) put on the staff. Here is Exodus 7 we see the rod turning into a serpent. The horizontal portion of the Cross had the hands of our Savior nailed to the Cross. “Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. (Psalm 23)” In the Garden of Eden, Eve is tempted in three progressions, heart/flesh, then eyes, then finally she and Adam take and eat with their hands. The hands represent doing the sin. Jesus was tempted in the exact same order. In 1 John 2, we see a nice summary of this, “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life.” We see Jesus teaching this exact order as well. Sin creeps into the heart/flesh, then the eyes (gouge them out), then the hands (cut them off). The rod represents discipline. The Lord disciplines those that He loves. Sin is painful, avoiding the rod is best, but some or I should say all of us are hard hearted as was Pharaoh. But we know the hands of Christ were pierced upon the rod, in place of our guilty hands of sin. We know Egypt represents slavery to sin. We know Egyptians believed that you can take it with you when you die, hence the great treasure that the Pharaohs would be buried with. They worshipped death. I won’t dive too deep into it, but when you see ten of anything in the Bible; it should make you think of a possible correlation with the Ten Commandments. The Nile, frogs, lice/gnats and flies were Egyptian gods. The first four Commandments deal with loving God. We see the fifth plague with livestock, food. God through our parents supplied us with food, “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Honor your mother and father is the 5thCommandment. Then we have boils, hail/fire, locusts, darkness and the “first born”. Boils, being just shy of murder, like in the case of Job, satan could not murder him, he was stopped at boils. Those out in the field, playing the field, when they should have been with their own wives struck by hail corresponding with adultery. Locusts fit perfectly with stealing. Darkness goes well with lying. And the final plague, the firstborn: do we choose coveting our neighbor, the material world or do we choose the First Born, Jesus Christ.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yes there is so much there to help solidify Gods word.
@keithelrod777 6 лет назад
Brad C 👍😊💖
@annanicholson5309 6 лет назад
@skiddwister9143 5 лет назад
This reply is awesome. Thank you so very much. It is an awesome blessing through wisdom from you.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
@Itz Alfie365 I would like to clarify...you said "Jesus was tempted but had no temptation for he was born without sin" I would agree to an extent....but we need to cover everything. Yes Jesus was born WITHOUT the seed of sin.....He was SOMEHOW placed in the womb of Mary....but was not the result of a typical fertilized female egg from a male sperm combination. He was created similar to ADAM....making Him in effect the 2nd Adam.....however He was also God. Now its not fully understood of course.....however lets be clear. The TEMPTATION was there....and it was POSSIBLE for Jesus to have chosen to give in to that temptation. He was remember also fully human. This is a concept we again cant fully grasp....but a test without any chance of failure is not a worthy test....if that makes sense. In truth it was POSSIBLE for Adam and Eve to CHOOSE not to sin....or to give into the temptation of sin. I wrote a blog on this topic of why didnt God simply start over with a new specimen......seems rather cold I know.....but I can be a cold minded person lol.....this helps me in dealing with the thinking process of the Atheist/Agnostic/Skeptic.....who many believe to be cold...when in effect they are simply being logical and practical minded.... bradctv.com/why-not-start-over-adam-eve/
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
(1) Abraham was on Mount Moriah to offer up his son, Isaac (2) Solomon's temple was also built on the mountains of Moriah. I enjoy Bible symbolisms. I see no harm in trying to figure out the difficult parts of the Bible. As long as one remembers He's only human, and not as wise as God, and also is careful not to go against anything said in the Bible.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Hey Debbie. Thanks for sharing! That is a very cool connection! Yes I believe its good to challenge yourself to find ways to prove that our beliefs are real.....mainly to share with our Atheist/Agnostic friends.....but also to embolden our own faith. We must always be VERY careful tho.....claiming we KNOW something to be a true symbolism or grasping for connections can be our downfall. I always try and present findings as "this leads me to believe...".....or "it certainly appears....". We are speculating based on reasonable evidence. If you have enough of this you can build a solid case. I believe some of the symbolisms I presented are undeniably true connections.....however again I must caution. Also be wary of those claiming to understand Revelation or books like Daniel.....prophecy was meant NOT for the glory of man....so that man can point to himself and say "Look at me....I KNEW this was coming....how wise I am!".....No.....prophecy was made for the GLORY to GOD.....so that we can in LOOKING BACK say "Wow....God knew this was all coming!". Not saying we should not TRY to be prepared and try to understand the puzzle as its laid down....but let us remember something. Even the devil has the playbook laid out in front of him......and as a being at least 6000 years old he can not figure it out. Any man who thinks they can be ahead of the game....is fooling themselves....we need Gods help.....every step of the way! Below is my favorite path to lead the Atheist/Agnostic down.....always start with the RIB video......then branch off to the following. You may be shocked by Checkmate To The Devil.....its a passage few Christians are aware exists....we could quote you by heart Psalms 23....but what happened in Psalms 22.....before all that peace and happiness??? Why God Used A Rib ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@EnricoScacchia 6 лет назад
Yes,you are right,It is important to make the difference between today Hebrew and ancient. God is a Mathematician,its the logic in the Bible,that shall convince everybody that God is.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
@EnricoScacchia 6 лет назад
Jeshua / Ha-znori / Wu-melech /Hendujim,wrote the Romans on the cross = JHWH = "Jesus king of the Jews".
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Might want to double check that one......below is a Hebrew sight talking about it.....never heard of it myself. www.hebrew4christians.com/Names_of_G-d/Sign_Cross/sign_cross.html
@EnricoScacchia 6 лет назад
Very interesting,this is very useful!
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
Yes, we learn more continually about the Bible, don't we throughout our lives with God! Abraham offering up Isaac is a picture of Jesus being offered as a sacrifice, too. Heb 11:19-20 19 Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure. 20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come. KJV And our pastor this Sunday, mentioned that baptism, in addition to symbolising our passing from the old life to the new - is also a picture of Jesus' death and resurrection.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yes this is one of my examples in the video....def one of the most powerful. Also remember all the additionals.....The son carrying the wood up the mountain while the father watches.....the son APPEARS to willingly lay down on the alter.....trusting the father. Remember its speculated that Isaac was a teen.....strong enough to be carrying the wood up the mountain......and probably at the very least would be an extreme struggle to force him on the alter. Since none of that is mentioned it appears he trusted his father completely. This is also the ONLY time in the Bible God gives instructions CONTRARY to the law. The law forbids human sacrifice....of course God KNEW He would not allow this to happen....it was only a test. He also knew that He HIMSELF would complete the act. God is not asking Abraham to do something He Himself would not do.....and was GOING to do. Its a fascinating point in itself.
@farmerscott2195 4 года назад
I really appreciate the work and effort you put into this. My eyes are opened more to the kingdom of God thanks to you and the Holy Spirit
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
Thanks for the kind words brother! I encourage you to start at the BEGINNING of my videos.....but you have already digested the lengthy meat....which many never get to or just dont have the patience for....but if they do MUCH can be gleaned. I have NO PROBLEM proving my beliefs for anyone that will give an ear. My rib video is by far my most popular Christian video....but it was meant to lead them to the Cross.....not just prove the reality that this Ancient Hebrew God is real....thanks again for watching..... Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@helpology 6 лет назад
➕ “... believe on the name of his Son YAHusha HaMashiach, and love one another ...” ➕ If I can help you in any way, just let me know!
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
Thanks for watching!
@SDsc0rch 3 месяца назад
24:30 ---- that's actually quite brilliant never thought about it that way good job! : )
@Robbie777G 6 лет назад
Guys, it wasn't the cross that saved. It was The Word of God that became flesh, and He became The Sacrifice. The first sacrifice was from God to man when Almighty covered Adam and Eve with animal skin to cover their shame of nakedness. The Last Sacrifice was also from God to man, when God, Himself got hung on that cursed tree, naked, so that man should never be ashamed when approaching Him ever again. Stop being superstitious and argue over stupid things. There were two thieves hanging on crosses as well. Crosses were used as pagan symbols by Egyptians and Celtics and others. And yes, crosses are molten images and are equally idolatry. Man. You guys are fanatics.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey Adam. Thanks for stopping by and leaving some great info! Not sure who you were talking to as far as the "fanatics"....or people believing that the Cross itself somehow saved you. Anyone who believes that is of course VERY wrong. It was the shed blood of Christ that saves us.....and as you pointed out how God became flesh to shed this precious sinless blood. I think if you watch my video you will see that THIS is what I'm talking about. In fact one of the first things I talk about is the animal skins. I am simply giving SEVERAL passages which predict this coming Cross Of Redemption. However of course it is not the tool that saves us....its the sacrifice. The physical wood does nothing.....the blood does everything. Again I'm not sure who your addressing or if you actually watched my video.....but what you said was right and I'm in 100% agreement as far as I can tell. Catholics often are ....in a way....superstitious and obsess about wearing crosses and such. Personally I see nothing wrong with wearing a cross necklace.....as long as you realize that it was not that symbol that saves you. Personally I PREFER to see a cross WITHOUT Jesus body on it.....I believe its more respectful and shows that He is not on the Cross anymore but risen. However personally its not an issue because I don't wear jewelry....its just uncomfortable. Anyone who takes a piece of jewelry and prays to it or worships it or believes it has some strange power from God......then yes that's IDOLATRY. However I try not to judge the hearts of others. I did make a video called "Catholicism In A Nutshell By Brad C" which talks a little more on this. I made it with great hesitation but some things needed to be cleared up. Folks often lump in Catholics and their beliefs with us Protestants.....and I needed to clear the table. Mainly its Agnostics/Atheists that do this....for good strategy.....but needs to be clear. Also keep in mind us Protestants are FAR from perfect.....no one truly knows 100% the mind of God. We are fooling ourselves if we believe we know exactly how to do everything. This is why Jesus GREATLY scolded His disciples and the learned jews of the day for two things.....1. Hypocrisy 2. Judgmental Attitudes. I believe the 2nd is just as important as the first. We need to be honest....firm.....however considerate and in love. Thanks for watching! Hope I cleared up any misconceptions and maybe you can watch the video and give some new feedback!
@Robbie777G 6 лет назад
Hey Brad. Thanks for the reply. I normally don't expect replies, besides getting scolded and called names. I understand what you are saying, and I believe that ultimately all religion has their flaws, with a maximum 80% truth and a minimum 20% doctrines of men. Because, truth is, the saddest and biggest blunder ever committed by us humans was making The Good News of The Gospel into a religion. Because, that was the main purpose of The Sacrifice of God, Himself. And YahShuah demonstrated that while He was Earth. His only rivals were the scribes, pharisees, teachers of the law and religion. The main purpose of The Sacrifice was to cut out the middle men, who served as brokers. Which is so evident in the churches today. They still want to collect their 10% commission. But they call it tithes. They claim to be under The New Covenant, under Grace but they bring in the Levitical Tithes? Come on Brad. We both know that is not New Testament Scripture. The people sold what they had and placed the money at the Apostles feet, and everything was distributed to the needy, and no man had any lack or want. By the way, the priesthood of the Levites was inherited through bloodline. One does not simply have a calling or desire to serve God to be a priest. And, they quote Abraham giving a 10% spoils to the King of Salem, Melchizedek. But, the scriptures say that Abraham did that only once. But, the churches make use of that passage every week, month. And when YahShuah said that we cannot serve God or Mammon, who was He referring that to Brad? Who actually call themselves servants of God? The Christ told Peter to feed His sheep, but they are fleecing His sheep. There are so much more. The scriptures are not meant to be studied. They are meant to be read, understood, believed and obeyed. Which is hardly what I can say about as you mentioned The Protestants. They are the most judgmental of the lot Brad. I'm sorry, but that is the truth. Bible schools and seminaries actually teach the students how to refute, dispute, ignore and even defy scripture, hence the churches teach that some scriptures are not relevant for today or our time. But, at the same time, they teach that God said, I Am The Lord and I change not. or Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Why don't the woman cover their heads in church, why are women preaching in churches and why do people claim to speak and pray in tongues and not understanding what they are saying? These are just a few, Brad. Please, don't get upset with me. All these are scriptural. I am not a Christian Brad. I am Adam. I am man. Adam didn't believe in God because Adam knew His Creator. Adam was never circumcised. I am not religious or superstitious, but if you have time, please take a look at my profile picture Brad. I am not a servant of God. I am His child. And, so are you. But, our Father left us His Words, through the prophets, in the scriptures. Ancient Islam used to call followers of The Christ, the people of The Book. Sadly, today christians are more like people of the books. With all the different translations that contradict each other. Sorry, for the long windedness but The King is coming real soon, and if His people are not ready they will be left outside the banquet. I love you Brother Brad. I just want you and whoever is reading to know that. God Bless you always. Shalom Aleikhem.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Het Adam. I try to reply when I can. As my channel grows it becomes more difficult.....but I try my best. I think the best thing you said was that no specific religions (I'm guessing you meant Christian sects or believer Groups) are without flaws and with maximum 80% truth.....and I agree. Now I disagree with some of your thoughts....nothing major....I just see them differently. One of those issues is tithing. Now I fully agree that there really is no one certain way that we are to give tithes and offerings.....but I wouldn't criticize how individual groups choose to do this.....AS LONG AS they don't claim this is a requirement for church membership or more importantly salvation. I think a recommendation of 10% is a great choice.....this was done in the Old Testament but also offerings were given as well. As you mentioned the disciples IN THEIR CASE chose to have everyone give EVERYTHING they had.....then they simply divided it and shared evenly. But I believe the circumstance determines the decision. No way is wrong as long as its fair and agree upon by all and it works. Quite obviously money does not fall from Heaven and if your going to have a church and ministry to win souls which includes things such as busses to bus in needy kids or financing missionaries to do work in other areas and other expenses. So again is there ONE way tithing should be done.....no.....if there was God would have mandated it as a forever command. Clearly the circumstance determined the method....as should it today. Jesus said you cannot serve God and Mammon (Money)......but that doesn't mean you don't practice a means of financing the church.....again it was done differently in different circumstances but it WAS always done.....money does not fall from Heaven. Now are their preachers and organizations that take advantage of this?.....You bet! We as humans will ALWAYS be tempted to take advantage of others and serve RICHES rather than God. But again a meager reasonable asking members to contribute is acceptable. I PERSONALLY like churches that spend the vast amount of their money on Busses to help bus in needy kids and on Missionary work......their inside of their church is often plain and you wont find their Pastor wearing 1000 dollar suits. I PERSONALLY believe the best churches are INDEPENDENT.....they are connected with the others in the body of Christ HOWEVER they finance themselves individually.....do not depend on Daddy or the higher powers to rule and reign over them. This was the case in the New Testament....we saw most people in small groups in different houses.....connected....but it was not as if Peter or Paul was ruling over them.....they all communicated.....but held their own. This is the best way in my humble opinion. Now some of the doctrines you bring up I AGREE with. I believe the Bible CLEARLY gives instruction for the Pastor of a church to be the HUSBAND of one woman. Its a man.....and He needs to be married. This is good and wise. Now this does not mean women cannot be soul winners and teachers. But clearly a man is to be the head of the household....and the head of an individual church. A man always is wise to make the HARD decisions......war, home defense, etc. A woman has a nurturing trusting nature.....and cannot make these HARD decisions as well as a man......but there are things we men cannot do as well as women......so no disrespect. I also do not believe in speaking in tongues without an interpreter......it allows things to get out of order. HOWEVER let me say that I have visited many churches in which they speak in tongues and shout and do things they BELIEVE are through the Holy Spirit. Now PERSONALLY I view them as simply fooling themselves.....its their subconscious mind acting out. I used to study Hypnosis and I guarantee the same exact people you see speaking in tongues would be the same ones clucking like a chicken if they came on stage for a hypnosis show. This is NOT something I recommend by the way......the subconscious mind is very powerful and should not be played around with. BUT......these people have good hearts and they just work themselves up into a trance like state.....its not of the devil.....its of man. So I PERSONALLY would not be a member of a church that practiced like this.....but visiting and enjoying is fine. They are simply of a different culture and worship system......do I believe its of God....no.....but they do.....and I wouldn't waste time trying to convince them of that. But if you ask me.....I will tell you the truth....avoid doing it. Focus on calm steady growth and understanding of Gods word. As to women covering their heads and other instructions of early churches.......some patience should be required. For example in the culture of that day men wore dresses.....so are you wearing pants or a dress as a man? I think men AND women should dress modestly......but I see no reason to require women in our day to cover their heads. There are probably requirements of men that are not followed in todays culture as well. Again would it be good to do.....sure.....but should it be some massive requirement when women don't even normally wear hats today? Sometimes a little common sense goes a long way. Dress modestly.....THAT is wise. It seems you are of maybe a sect of Messianic Jews....I see you like to work in the Hebrew phrases sometimes......so your probably not Jewish but maybe just trying to go that route. I respect the Messianic Jews and AS LONG AS they are not judgmental of others.....I believe them to be quite good! It was originally supposed to be the Jew as the STRONGER brother leading the weaker Gentile brother into the faith. However they dropped the ball and we Gentiles did as best we could! Thanks again for your comments!
@104littleal6 7 лет назад
I don't mean to be contentious, but John 3:16 alone cannot save anybody today(1Cor. 15:14-15, 17). That is not preaching the death, burial and resurrection. The gospel that saves can be found in 1Cor. 15:1-8 and specifically verses 3-4. Nice vid tho. THE GOSPEL THAT SAVES. 1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you *THE GOSPEL* which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, *and wherein ye stand*; 2 *BY WHICH ALSO YE ARE SAVED*, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that *CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS* according to the scriptures; 4 *AND THAT HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY* according to the scriptures: 5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. 8 And last of all *he was seen of me also*, as of one born out of due time. 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 (KJV)
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Hey littleal. Thanks for watching and for the kind words! You may also enjoy my video "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve". Now its good to discuss our views and our ways of teaching others about Christ. Your right of course....John 3:16 is not some magical verse that just explains everything and "SLAM" Bible closed....your saved! But there is a reason John 3:16 is the most used and most powerful soul winning verse of all time.....and EXCELLENT way to start when leading someone to Christ. However PERSONALLY I would encourage one of two mandatory steps. 1. A clear progression down the Romans road and as you stated other books such as Acts and Corinthians are excellent for follow up. OR 2. a clear explanation of what happened on the Cross....Death, Burial, Resurrection of our Lord. I mean if you miss the part of Jesus beating death you missed the entire point.....being able to beat death! The disciples ran like scared mice when Jesus was taken away to be killed....even when He was killed they were afraid....and even denied Him. BUT....something happened when they saw He had beaten death....these mice turned into Lions of the faith.....going valiantly to their torturous deaths....not one record of anyone saying "mercy we made it all up!". Nope.....seeing someone raise from the dead has that affect on people. So yes you are correct in fully explaining the gospel. But no one single verse is going to perfectly do that. This is why you need to be able to quote or explain other verses....no matter what route you take. But let us not forget the power of the Holy Spirit. He looks at the HEART....not the words on the lips...not the verse quoted.....ONLY the heart....and that is a scary thing! So yes be clear in your explanation of the gospel....be ready and have notes marked in your Bible to lead someone to Christ. But in a pinch.....if your trapped on an Island or a ship that is going down.....and you need to work fast......begin with John 3:16.....but further explain the gospel....its not that hard to do.....and then let the Holy Spirit work and follow up as He leads. Thanks again for watching.....have patience with your brothers in Christ who use a different method than you......but if they do not follow up and the gospel is not clearly explained......THEN most certainly take issue. But in all seriousness I have never heard of anyone telling me they were saved and then later I find out that they didn't know Jesus resurrected from the dead.....that's kind of the main point of the story.....but its obviously a base that needs covered.
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
@boodro2122 5 лет назад
Here from the rib video. Thanks.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
This one takes some time.....but its alot of info for the patient....I have a part 2.....I missed totally obvious ones like Jonah lol. Jesus even reminded us about it! More below. Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@lw216316 8 лет назад
Brad, I have that same tabernacle model !....got it several years ago to use in teaching my Bible class. To my surprise, it was hard to find. The tribes camped in the shape of a cross is so beautiful. Perhaps you already know this..... When Balak hired Balaam to curse Israel, from the top of the hill as he looked at their camp he said...(Numbers 24) 3 The prophecy of Balaam son of Beor..... 5 “How beautiful are your tents, Jacob, your dwelling places, Israel! He was seeing the shape of the cross ! - Larry
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+lw216316 No I actually had never heard that....have to look into it and try to mention it in my Symbolisms Of The Cross Part 2.....there is MANY more Symbolisms to come. Stay tuned....thanks for the info!
@lw216316 8 лет назад
You are welcome, brother. There's lot of gold in them thar hills :-)
@MrBrad777c 8 лет назад
+lw216316 true
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
These passages, it appears to me, were foretelling - not the crucifixion of Jesus - I remembered wrong there on that point. But it foretold the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, I can see here: Joel 2:28-32 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come. 32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. KJV ******************* Acts 2:21 21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved KJV Rom 10:13 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. KJV Acts 2:16-19 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: 18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy: 19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: KJV
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Good call.....the Holy Spirit is always difficult to spot.....much more in the background and not in the forefront. Christians normally over or under emphasize the Holy Spirit....thank you for the info!
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c Right!
@jamesoliver9138 6 лет назад
Beautifully illustrated. One thing I've wondered about was what was the mark God put on Cain when He sent him out.... ?
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Hey James. I suggest you search for "Brad C Mark Of Tav" That video will get into a more CERTAIN mark.....now in that video I explain that the mark in Ezekiel is FULLY and officially translated as TAV....which of course in the Ancient Paleo Hebrew is our Christian Cross. HOWEVER....as I state in that video we should not jump to conclusions. There is no sure fire evidence THAT I KNOW OF....that proves exactly WHAT the mark of Cain was. However I can ASSURE you its not that Cain became black....or that Cain was somehow cursed because of it.....etc. These are tales spun by racists and fools. The mark of Cain SAVED him.....saved him from sure DEATH. Remember he is well on his way....and begs God for help.....basically humbles himself and admits he is worthy of death.....and will receive it without Gods help. He really doesnt even know what to ask for.....just asks. This is sort of how salvation takes place....and of course the answer is the Cross. Now this sort of thinking can REALLY cause you to speculate.....and if I had to bet my life either way I'd certainly choose the Cross as that mark. But again.....I always TRY to make it clear when I SPECULATE....its fun to do so....but I cant say for sure its the TAV. But if you combine what I just said here with Ezekiels Mark....I would put the chances of it around 75%....which is pretty high. But the MOST important thing to remember is that mark HELPED Cain....didnt CURSE him....wasnt a mark of evil or some sort of extended punishment. This was MERCY. So whether it was the actual shape of the Tav or just another mark.....it WAS a mark of mercy and salvation. I think we are probably at 80% now lol. Again I would be careful speculating.....but its fun to do as long as we are clear. That is a very quick hitting video "Mark Of Tav". If you had the patience to get through this entire Sybolisms Of The Cross Video well done! I made it way too long....probably need to put it out in smaller clips. Thanks for putting up with my videos though. You can learn things from them!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
BTW....isnt it awesome that we can KNOW for sure after looking at the rib, the blood trail of the cross, and eventually the smoking gun of Psalms 22 (Checkmate To The Devil Link) that we serve the ONE TRUE GOD? I cant prove He is GOOD....that comes by experience. But I CAN prove He exists. I dont need any special codes or be able to speak Hebrew.....or even be that smart. God made a blood trail to the Cross from the foundations of the earth.....its a million miles wide......all we have to do is look. The problem is even though we can easily prove this......there is SOOOOO much confusion. Even by Christians......with grasping at straws. They want to jump on anything that even resonates with proof and ride it to the moon. This has caused a TON of people problems. We need to be VERY careful.....present our evidence as circumstancial.....and be clear when its speculative.....and proceed with caution. There is PLENTY of solid evidence that will win our case.....just have to be patient. Also the devil throws SOOOO much confusion out there......flat earthers, Nephilim chasers (Hey I love a good Nephilim study....but it can become an obsession and leads to NOTHING other than us being able to nib a tiny bit into the world of angels.), and of course cults of all shapes and sizes. Everyone things they have some NEW gospel......when really they dont. My Grandmothers both had the REAL gospel.....I can assure you of that.....and that old time religion that saved them......its still there today.....just have to be careful of all the rabbit trails....and not get too caught up in searching them all out. I will admit tho....its fun to do. Thanks again James.....you have been a great encouragement! Battle on brother!
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
That was interesting what you said about the meaning of the mark in that Bible passage where some were marked by God's men as being ones to kill and which ones to keep alive! I hadn't known it meant "cross-shaped!" But I have suspected before, that the passage sheds light on the mark pictured as being on all of God's people in the figurative "New Jerusalem" (actually heaven) - Revelation 21. And felt it made sense to see that the mark of the beast probably means a figurative (maybe and possibly not visible one) that is said to be on the foreheads of those who take the mark of the beast. Just as God puts His mark on all those who truly serve Him - the devil's children are figuratively marked as belonging to him. Another word for this word "mark" is "seal" in the Bible.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yes I expound on this in my video "Mark Of Tav". Just keep in mind that the word MARK is not always clearly translated as Tav. However in Ezekiel 9.....the story your referring to....it is. Also remember that Ezekiel 9 is a DREAM....not an actual happening. Its a dream of clear symbolic meaning. Now in Genesis was see a MARK put on Cain....but that translation is not clear.....it COULD have been the TAV....and I actually speculate it was....but for now we can ONLY speculate. That mark SAVED Cain....it did not curse him as many believe....God had MERCY on Cain....AFTER he humbled himself....admitted he was a sinner.....and cried for MERCY. Now God didnt REMOVE Cains troubles.....however He did have mercy on him.....and chose to SAVE him. But again be very careful in how you present this......ONLY in Ezekiel 9 is the word MARK translated clearly as TAV. Now I will share a very strange experience with you. I actually made a video on it.....but decided to take it down....it just seemed to come across wrong. Also I am VERY WARY of people claiming any kind of "miracle" or "visitation" experience. I am NOT claiming that at all.....it could very well have simply been a coincidence....and its the only time I have ever had something like that happen. I don't put faith into dreams or sightings or anything like that....but for entertainments sake I will share it with you. I was working on my Mark Of Tav video that I linked. I thought I had it down pat....was up very late that night looking at various Ancient Paleo Hebrew Alphabet letters and THOUGHT I had Ezekiel 9 covered. In reality I was about to make a video that got it totally wrong. I thought the man in the vision was Ezekiel and HE was the one putting this MARK on the foreheads that would bring salvation (mercy) to those having it. The next morning my wife (who sleeps in a DIFFERENT room than me....I snore too loud) got up and said she had a terrible realistic dream. One that was so real it was like nothing she had ever had. I sat and listened as she told me the dream. She said she heard a knock at our apartment door and 3 men dressed in black were at the door. They were massive in size and looked like WWE wrestlers....with massive muscles.....and they had tattoos all over their bodies. Only one man spoke...the other 2 stood guard. He demanded that she get me.. She went and got me. She said the man and I began speaking in a different language.....and she could tell the man was very upset with me.....but I seemed to know what he was saying and finally calmed the man. Sometimes we spoke in a different language and sometimes we spoke in English. FYI I speak no other language than English in real life nor have ever tried to. The man ended with a final warning. He said something to the effect of "Do not change the words of the Bible".....I seemed to understand and they left. She awoke. I asked her what the tattoos looked like. She said they were things she had never seen before. I held up the Ancient Paleo Hebrew Symbols.....ones she had never laid eyes on. She freaked out. She said THAT IS THEM! THAT IS THE TATTOOS! Needless to say I went back and began studying the passage. Turns out that MAN.....is dressed in WHITE....and from what I can gather.....He represents Christ in the dream. I was clear in my video that I was not certain but that was my understanding.....and clearly it was NOT Ezekiel.....that was for sure. I've never had anything like that happen before.....and hopefully wont again. Remember....if I had the dream myself I would have thought nothing of it.....I had been up all night looking at these symbols. But she had never seen them....I had never studied it previously....and never discussed it with her. She was in bed when I was up late....and I never saw her until she woke me up to tell me her dream. So lets recap. The wife had the dream not me. She had a dream where I was engaging with men dressed in black and with strange tattoos all over their bodies (which are marks of course). The dream involves me speaking in a different language. The dream involves a warning of not to change the words of the Bible. I was actually about to do just that....i was going to say in my video that it was Ezekiel....not the man dressed in linen (perfect white) who was bringing salvation. So could it have been a coincidence.....sure. Also if I could turn back time I would have had my wife actually draw out the symbols.....but when she started talking about different languages and these soldier looking men in black.....and changing the words of the Bible....my brain immediately went to the Ancient Paleo Alphabet letters I had been studying and I just pulled them up. Now this COULD have led her mind to latch on to these symbols as what she had seen. THAT is possible. But for me it was enough to spark a POSSIBLE intervention possibility. Now was it really? I will never know. What I DO know is that I HAD gotten this passage VERY wrong....and was taking the TRUE savior out of the picture and inserting a man.....bad idea....and I fixed it. Never had a dream about it since....nor has the wife. Thoughts?
@debbystevens7494 5 лет назад
@@MrBrad777c So I see. I know that the meaning of words can be different in one scripture as compared to another often. It is wise to compare scriptures for that reason plus the fact that God wants is to study all of his word. But although it does not always always use a word that clearly shows its meaning, it often shows up better by seeing how it is used in the chapter that it is in, and by noting the subject is talking about. If not clearly shown just by the words used. Sometimes we have to say maybe but probably. And sometimes it seems so obscure that we still have to say "I don't know fully yet on this." But on that subject of the mark of the beast, it does seem unlikely that it will be a visible mark - though I admit I don't know as it doesn't say. I also know that throughout history, Christians in times of persecution have always found it hard to buy and sell and do business. So it fits in that way too even if it is not a visible mark.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
@@debbystevens7494 Well keep in mind that although the MARK used in these passages are physical/real marks.....they are symbolic.....one even being a dream. So my GUESS is the "mark of the beast" will not be something obvious like a chip or retinal scan....although the "hand and forehead" do give relevance to theories on a chip that would be in your hand or a retinal identification scan of some sort. I would be completely grasping if I tried to figure out the plans of the devil.....God knows them....and is prepared. Doesnt mean we shouldnt try our best to be prepared.....but if I had to guess we wont see the devils plans coming. Take for example a simple human magician.....RARELY if ever will you see his true plans and actions......they will be a master in the art of distraction and two steps ahead of you. The devil is no ordinary magician.....hes been fooling humans for thousands of years.....doing anything he can to sew confusion, doubt, and hatred of the things of God. As time goes on it gets more and more difficult to get to the bottom of ANYTHING.....but that doesnt mean we shouldnt keep our eyes peeled and ready. Thanks for watching my videos and for your added info.....stop by anytime!
@Stormlucy111 5 лет назад
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Thanks for watching MB. Below is the order in how I normally share my videos. Glad you enjoyed this one! Rib Video ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav (This wets the appetite for the longer one below) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Symbolisms Of The Cross Video ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil Psalms 22 (Smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@MyContext 4 года назад
An instrument of torture being glorified. smh.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
Its not being GLORIFIED.....its being PREDICTED. Quite a difference. The very admittance that this MAY be real is one step further on your road to the Cross MyC. Good work! Continue on! The Old Testament is LITTERED with references to the coming Cross Of Redemption.
@MyContext 4 года назад
@@MrBrad777c It's putrid.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
@@MyContext The KEY is itrs REAL. God planned this from the beginning....keep watching my video and you will learn this. Its rather obvious if you keep your head up.
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
@@MyContext Sorry I do not allow blue clickable links to anti Christian propaganda. If its YOUR video then its allowed. You may also make blue clickable to research or articles....but not propaganda vids. My channel my rules.
@MyContext 4 года назад
@@MrBrad777c I agree with your channel your rules, however, the commentary is NOT propaganda, but the issues.as I see them.
@kimshearin613 5 лет назад
Thank You for all the time & effort in posting this information. I never realized so much of this existed... I am truly impressed. Believe me, that does not happen often so it is a major compliment. Keep up the great work! God Bless!
@kimshearin613 5 лет назад
BTW Brad C I subscribed to you just now.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Hey Kim. Thanks for the encouragement! I actually missed so many obvious ones....part 2 coming out eventually. Even the ONE sign Jesus even CLEARLY referred to.....the sign of Jonah. Below are my links in order of how I would recommend watching or sharing with Atheist/Agnostics.....the Rib video exploded....its what made my channel grow the fastest....but its the TIP of the Crossberg as I like to say.....this video you just watched is by far the longest....and if a person has the patience....they can learn alot....and strengthen their faith! Why God Used A Rib To Make Everu-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vZVfqvmnViM.html Mark Of Tav ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kLFavrFDSyI.html Checkmate To The Devil (Careful....smoking gun) bradctv.com/go-lakers/ Christianity In A Nutshell ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-29CrMZOwIjo.html
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Ezekiel 9’s command resembles Numbers 31’s slaying of the Midianites. In the Biblewheel (described below), both Numbers and Ezekiel fall on Spoke 4. And their innerwheels 9 and 31 are on Spoke 9 (9+22=31). --- The Biblewheel divides the 66 books of the Bible, the Protestant cannon of Scriptures. It is divided into 3 sets or cycles of books: Books 1-22: Genesis - Song of Solomon; Books 23-44: Isaiah - Acts; And the 22 Epistles: Romans - Revelation. And each book numbered is associated or linked with the book of the next cycle: Genesis is well read with Isaiah and Romans; Exodus is well read with Jeremiah and 1Corinthians; Leviticus is well read with Lamentations and 2Corinthians;... So each set of three books are usually called Spokes as the spoke of a wheel. And “wheel” in Hebrew is Gilgal which numerical value adds up to 66 (3+30+3+30). So the Bible is identified as God’s wheel: Proverbs 20:26 (KJV) A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel (Auphan) over them. The wheel is known as both auphan in Hebrew and Gilgal: Joshua 5:9 (KJV) And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day. Joshua 5:10 (KJV) And the children of Israel encamped in Gilgal, and kept the passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even in the plains of Jericho. And Ezekiel wheels are known as Auphan and Gilgal as well, which have eyes, and are accompanied by the 4. Living creatures which also represent the 4 Gospels. So the Biblewheel is the word of God.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yes I have studied this wheel in the past.....cant remember my complete conclusions....but it is fascinating. The more basic example I always found was Isaiah....which was the only book 100% intact in the Dead Sea Scrolls find. Its fascinating to me that Isaiah contains 66 books. The first 39 are more gloom and doom....destruction.....but then the following 27 books are much more grace/peace related....its a stark difference in the writings if you examine the passage closely. To me this is POSSIBLY a showing that the 66 Protestant books are correct in number....Isaiah is sort of a mini Bible within the Bible if you will. Thank again for reminding me of the wheel....I will look back into that.
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Upon a closer look here are certain links I’ve found. Now consider Ezekiel (spoke 4) chapter 9, Numbers (spoke 4) chapter 31 (spoke 9), and 1Samuel (spoke 9) chapter 4 (the Numbers being reversed): Ezekiel 9’s command resembles Numbers 31’s slaying of the Midianites. In the Biblewheel (described below), both Numbers and Ezekiel fall on Spoke 4. And their innerwheels 9 and 31 are on Spoke 9 (9+22=31). Numbers 31:17 (KJV) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. Ezekiel 9:6 (KJV) Slay utterly old [and] young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom [is] the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which [were] before the house. It even links to book 9 chapter 4: 1 Samuel 4:10 (KJV) And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent: and there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen. The glory of God: 1 Samuel 4:21-22 (KJV) 21 And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law and her husband. 22 And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken. Ezekiel 9:3 (KJV) And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which [had] the writer's inkhorn by his side; The glory of Assyria: Ezekiel 31:18 (KJV) To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth: thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with [them that be] slain by the sword. This [is] Pharaoh and all his multitude, saith the Lord GOD. What do you make of this (4 and 9): Jeremiah 39:2 (KJV) [And] in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth [day] of the month, the city was broken up. Jeremiah 52:6 (KJV) And in the fourth month, in the ninth [day] of the month, the famine was sore in the city, so that there was no bread for the people of the land. Zechariah 7:1 (KJV) And it came to pass in the fourth year of king Darius, [that] the word of the LORD came unto Zechariah in the fourth [day] of the ninth month, [even] in Chisleu;
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Yes starting to remember it now....I believe the wheel is solid ground. Excellent connections.....I remember now why I didn't pursue it much further.....its a little complicated for the simple minded....most people just don't have the attention span for making all the connections. However it would be a great specialty tool for someone who is willing to dig for gold. I will have to get my old wheel lamination back out and play around with it....maybe make a video down the road if I get comfortable enough with it. You should actually do that yourself....if you do let me know and I will send you traffic when I get the chance. I will tell you a strange story about Ezekiel 9. Keep in mind I'm not a person that believes in following visions or paying attention to dreams....and I don't talk about that stuff on my channel....but I will see what you think of this. I was up late one night preparing for the video linked below....entitled "Mark Of Tav"....and eventually this video S.O.T.C.I.T.O.T. (this video is quite long and not for the short attention spans.....the below video is more quick and powerful....holds the attention much better.). Anyway I had never before studied any kind of Hebrew....nor less Ancient Paleo Hebrew like on the cards in the video below. I was very fascinated with the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet....the Tav as in the "Aleph and the Tav (Alpha and Omega in Greek). I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw it was the Christian cross in its oldest cave writings. I then read Ezekiel 9 and was also fascinated by the story. I was up until probably 2am....again for the first time looking at this stuff.....and then I went to bed. I snore too loudly so my wife sleeps in a different bedroom. The next morning she awoke and immediately wanted to tell me about her dream. She said that there was a knock at our door and she answered it and there were 3 men dressed in all black....and they looked like WWE Wrestlers....giant muscle men....fierce looking. She said only one of them talked....the others stood watch. The talking man came inside and demanded to see me. I came out and we began having a discussion....my wife said sometimes they spoke in a different language....and sometimes I did as well (even though I only speak English in real life). She said the parts she understood was in the beginning he had demanded that I do not try to change the Bible and that I needed to "get it right". He was VERY adamant. I explained my side of it my wife said and we began going back and forth. Finally the man was satisfied and turned to leave....but not without facing me one last time and giving me a warning...."Do not change the Bible". I had agreed and the men left. That ended the dream. I asked my wife if she remembered anything about the men....what they looked like. She said they looked like WWE Wrestlers and that they had tattoos all over their bodies. I asked her what the tattoos looked like. She said it was things she had never seen before. I pulled up the sheet of study that had the Ancient Paleo Hebrew emblems.....she became almost frightened.....and said "that is what they were!" Now I still thought it could be just coincidence.....or possibly some spiritual evil....honestly I try not to engage with the spirit world. However I decided to restudy the passage. I had mistakenly rushed through and actually gotten something VERY wrong. I had somehow gotten mixed up and thought that during the dream it was Ezekiel who was the man dressed in white.....and had planned to present it this way.....I was more interested in that TAV....and had not really dug in....looking back its rather embarrassing. There were also a couple of other things I had gotten wrong. I of course did my best to sort this out.....and it APPEARS to me that the man in white represents Christ.....or at least a type of Christ....a foreshadowing of the one who would by the cross save us......and only He would be worthy to bestow that mark. I believe its POSSIBLE that me trying to remove that position may have caused some problems.....and if I had the dream I would have just chaulked it up to nonsense because I had spent the entire night looking at those symbols.....but my wife had never heard or seen them....and also the inclusion of me speaking a different language.....and also even though I do not believe the color of the 6 mens clothing was mentioned.....when I had originally read the story I envisioned them in black with the man in white. Thought you might enjoy that story. Again....not here to claim I receive visions or anything like that....and I would be VERY hesitant to believe others who claimed it. But I do think its POSSIBLE I experienced an intervention of some sort..... ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html
@gilgalbiblewheel6313 6 лет назад
Brad C yeah the book of Ezekiel is the 26th book. And the name of God is YaHWeH which adds up to 10+5+6+5=26. And in almost every chapter God says “and they shall know that I am the LORD”. The LORD in the Hebrew is YaHWeH. As for the Tav it is “t” in English which is cross-shaped.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
@whitneysutherby9553 6 лет назад
Thank you so much! Keep making these videos, they are amazing!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Thanks as always! Glad you enjoy!!! Battle on sister!
@thomasinacollins8003 6 лет назад
=( it is sad I could not do it. I would ask God to protect me
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Nothing to be sad about....Jesus paid your price....turn and follow Him....and share the GOOD NEWS of the gospel with others.
@cedriceric9730 5 лет назад
@MrBrad777c 4 года назад
I believe its said both ways....Tav and Taw....see my video "Mark Of Tav" if interested....
@williamgupton8770 7 лет назад
I went to the book were u said the cross was a mark to save them ppl from the slauter of yah wrath...I was wrong it said nothing bout the cross
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Hey William. I'm a little confused. What book did I tell you to go to? I have never talked about saving peoples from Yahs wrath? Thats simply not how I talk to begin. If you watch this video it shows a clear plan of redemption through the coming Cross. Pay special note to the sections of "Mark Of The Tav"....this seems like the area your interested in. Good luck! Thanks for watching!
@williamgupton8770 7 лет назад
..ok... Cause I didnt see it..I will check this out again
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
which book did I tell you to go to? Was it something like a scripture I referred to in the video? If so let me know the details. I will check back online later and try to be of help.
@williamgupton8770 7 лет назад
Sorry took so long..my phone died and I was out and about...ok I went to Eze 9: 2-11 and psalms 23
@MrBrad777c 7 лет назад
Okay below is Ezekiel 9 2-11 and Psalms 22 (You said 23 but it should be 22. The famous Psalms 23 is talking about what happens AFTER this great happening....its when PEACE enters). So lets discuss how the cross is clearly shown in these passages. My words will be in parenthesis....explaining how it works. EZEKIEL 9 (The below is a DREAM....or VISION....and it explains how a MARK was used to spare those from death....to SAVE them....or to bring salvation to them....lets look at it)And, behold, six men came from the way of the higher gate, which lieth toward the north, and every man a slaughter weapon in his hand; and one man among them was clothed with linen, with a writer's inkhorn by his side: and they went in, and stood beside the brasen altar. (Here we see in the dream that 6 men come in with weapons to destroy and then ONE man who is among them is dressed in linen....linen is a VERY white color. Its used to symbolize purity and cleanness. This ONE man has an inkhorn or writing instrument. I believe this man in white was representing Jesus....who would come as a pure clean judge to the earth among the destroyers)3 And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer's inkhorn by his side; (Here we see God speaking DIRECTLY to the man in linen)4 And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. (Here is Gods instruction. He is to go throughout the city and choose those in whom a MARK will be put on their heads. Now this word MARK is tranlated TAV.....Go now and watch my video "Mark Of Tav By Brad C". It will show you that this MARK was actually the exact symbol of the CROSS. Also note that the MARK is only given to those who cry for mercy....and realize the wickedness of the cities sin.)5 And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:6 Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which were before the house. (Here we see Gods instruction to the destroyers....to slay ANYONE who does NOT have the MARK.....and we already discovered this word MARK is the drawing of a CROSS. So again the ONLY way to be saved is to have the MARK of a CROSS on your forehead)7 And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with the slain: go ye forth. And they went forth, and slew in the city.8 And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell upon my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord God! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury upon Jerusalem?9 Then said he unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The Lord hath forsaken the earth, and the Lord seeth not.10 And as for me also, mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, but I will recompense their way upon their head.11 And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me. (Here we see the man in linen reporting that it is DONE. Note what Jesus says in the New Testament when all the work on the cross was over. He said "It is finished" which is very similar to "It is done".) Again before this CLICKS your going to have to understand that the Hebrew word used here for MARK is the word TAV. Then you will have to realize that TAV is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet. If you look up ANCIENT PALEO HEBREW TAV you will find its actually the symbol we know today of the CROSS. So to summarize again the dream shows God having all the people in the city killed by the 6 men with slaughter weapons but the man in white (linen) is there to rescue ONLY the repentant people...and he saves them with the mark of the cross on their foreheads. Okay lets do the same for Psalms 22.
@daviddotson5695 5 лет назад
Good job. Also enjoyed your lesson on Adam and rib. Check out MR DeHaan. Chemistry of the blood.
@MrBrad777c 5 лет назад
Yeah I have read his book. Good stuff....I BELIEVE he may have made a few errors.....but the bulk of his work is GOOD.
@marisajt 6 лет назад
They start camping in numbers chap 2
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Thanks for the info! Thanks for watching! You might like "Why God Used A Rib To Make Eve"
@marisajt 6 лет назад
Brad C loved it thanks!
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Sure.... I will put some links below that might interest you as well....the last one is a smoking gun few are aware of.....Most could quote you the 23rd Psalm.....but what happened before all that peace and happiness? Psalms 22....be ready for SHOCK and AWE. You can check out all my videos and blogs at www.BRADCTV.com and everything is free. Mark Of Tav (Expounded on) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Msk4EwxfmcE.html Checkmate To The Devil (Psalms 22) bradctv.com/go-lakers/
@marisajt 6 лет назад
Brad C thanks! I'll check it out!! Check out my page! I made this today! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-cbzWd21bmh4.html
@MariyaLoveyah 6 лет назад
Remember this? Mathew 26:52 "Put your sword back in its place," YAHUSHA said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Christ was not a 100% pacifist.....some would like to put Him in a box. However if you study His CLEAR instructions to His disciples in one passage He tells them to take a sword. Many times He tells them to take nothing but the clothes on their backs....however in this case a sword. Now you certainly dont think a sword would be lugged around on long walking distances the disciples had ahead of them for show do you? No.....its hard to share the gospel when your dead. So take personal protection.....there is a time to defend yourself with deadly force.....in Mathew 26 it was not that time. Thanks for watching!
@MariyaLoveyah 6 лет назад
Oh, many put Yahusha in the box called church and using him for their convenience to scare people of hell if they dont join their cult and pay church dues. lol
@MariyaLoveyah 6 лет назад
Brad C, do you know how i defend myself? I use my sarcasm. It's very effective. lol I dont believe IN religious god, I believe my Creator Father.
@MrBrad777c 6 лет назад
Sounds like you have been around some controlling cult Churches.....no such thing as dues with any of the many churches I've attended. Your welcome to use sarcasm....but I wont attack you....no need for defense. I only defend my positions....but I wont personally attack or belittle anyone....thats foolish.
@MariyaLoveyah 6 лет назад
Brad C, All the churches are satan's houses where he uses those child molesters to preach lies.
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