
Tasty Japanのおすすめチキンレシピ7選 

Tasty Japan
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00:06 チキン南蛮
01:17 三色鶏そぼろ丼
02:14 甘辛手羽先
03:01 チキンとしめじのパスタ ゆず胡椒バター風味
03:27 炊飯器でバターチキンカレー
04:30 しっとりよだれ鶏
05:24 てりやきチキンのライスバーガー
鶏もも肉 250g
小麦粉 適量
溶き卵 2個分
しょうゆ 大さじ3
酢 大さじ3
みりん 大さじ3
砂糖 大さじ2
ゆで卵(粗みじん切り) 2個
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1/4個
マヨネーズ 大さじ4
ケチャップ 大さじ1
塩 少々
コショウ 少々
1. 鶏もも肉の両面に塩コショウをふる。小麦粉をまぶして、溶き卵にくぐらせる。
2. 170℃の揚げ油に(1)を入れ、7-8分ほど揚げる。きつね色になったら紙などにとって油をきる。
3. タルタルソースを作る。袋にゆで卵を入れて手でもんでボウルに入れ、残りの全ての材料を加えてよく混ぜる。
4. 南蛮酢を作る。フライパンに全ての材料を入れて強火にかける。ひと煮立ちしたら火から下ろす。
5. (2)を一口大に切って皿に盛り、南蛮酢をたっぷりかけてしみこませる。タルタルソースをかけて、パセリを散らしたら、完成!
きぬさや 50g
鶏ひき肉 200g
しょうゆ 大さじ2
砂糖 大さじ1
酒 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
しょうが(すりおろす) 小さじ1/2
溶き卵 3個分
砂糖 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
酒 大さじ1
塩 ひとつまみ
ご飯 2−3杯
1. 絹さやは筋をとり、塩(分量外)を加えた湯で2-3分茹でて、氷水にとる。しっかり冷えたら、水気を切って千切りにする。
2. 鶏そぼろを作る。全ての材料をフライパンに入れて、中火にかける。菜箸4本を使って絶えずかき混ぜ、汁気が飛んだら火から下ろす。
3. 卵そぼろを作る。ボウルに全ての材料全てを入れてフライパンに流し入れ、弱火にかける。菜箸4本を使って絶えずかき混ぜ、卵が固まったら火から下ろす。
4. ご飯を丼ぶりによそい、鶏そぼろ、卵そぼろ、絹さやを彩りよく盛り付けたら、完成!
手羽先 8本
塩・コショウ 適量
片栗粉 適量
揚げ油 適量
しょうゆ 100ml
みりん 50ml
酒 50ml
砂糖 50g
おろしにんにく 1片分
白いりごま 適量
4.揚げ油の温度を180˚Cに上げ、再び(3)を油に戻し入れて、黄金色になるまで揚げる(約3分 )。網の上などにおき、余分な油をきる。
チキンとしめじのパスタ ゆず胡椒バター風味
しめじ 1/2パック
ゆず胡椒 大さじ1/2
バター 20g
青ねぎ 大さじ3
塩コショウ 少々
1. フライパンににんにくとオリーブオイルを入れて弱火で熱する。にんにくの香りが立ったら鶏むね肉を加え、塩コショウを振って炒める。
2. 色が変わったらしめじを加えてさっと炒め、ゆず胡椒とパスタのゆで汁50ml(分量外)も加えてよく混ぜる。
3. 茹でたパスタ、青ねぎ、バターを加えてよく和える。火を止めてゆず皮を散らし、ひと混ぜする。皿に盛ったら、完成!
鶏もも肉 1枚
プレーンヨーグルト 大さじ2
ケチャップ 大さじ1
中濃ソース 大さじ1
にんにく(すりおろし) 小さじ1
しょうが(すりおろし) 小さじ1
カットトマト缶 1缶(400g)
カレールウ(辛口、みじん切り) 40g
バター 20g
砂糖 大さじ1
生クリーム 50ml
塩 適量
コショウ 適量
ごはん 適量
1. 炊飯器の内釜に一口大に切った鶏もも肉を入れ、ヨーグルト、ケチャップ、中濃ソース、にんにく、しょうがを入れてよく揉み込み、冷蔵庫で1時間漬ける。
2. (1)にカットトマト缶と玉ねぎを加え、よく混ぜたらふつうに炊く。(約40分)
3. 炊き上がったらカレールウとバターを加え、よく混ぜて余熱で溶かす。砂糖と生クリームを加えて混ぜ合わせ、最後に塩・コショウで味を調える。
4. 器にごはんを盛り付けて、(3)をかける。パセリを散らしたら、完成!
鶏むね肉 1枚
水 400ml
酒 200ml
青ねぎ 2本
しょうゆ 大さじ4
砂糖 大さじ1
酢 大さじ3
豆板醤 小さじ2
ごま油 大さじ2
白ごま 大さじ2
おろしにんにく 小さじ1
おろししょうが 小さじ1
パクチー 1束
鶏もも肉 1/2枚
しょうゆ 大さじ1
みりん 小さじ1
酒 小さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1.5
鶏もも肉 1/2枚
塩コショウ 少々
ごはん 200g
目玉焼き 1個
玉ねぎ(みじん切り・炒める) 1/8個
グリーンリーフ 少々
マヨネーズ 小さじ1
青ねぎ 少々




29 дек 2017




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@zvezdoblyat 6 лет назад
Tasty America= cheese, butter, oil Tasty Japan= mirin, sake, soy sauce, sugar
@sandralormond99 6 лет назад
Calico Cat lol 😂
@lunayen 6 лет назад
Calico Cat Most Japanese dishes contain mirin and sake to prevent the meat from tasting gamey. The sugar is used to balance the saltines of the soy sauce.
@choux8372 6 лет назад
Too much sodium can be unhealthy, too, though
@niyaragray5435 6 лет назад
Calico Cat And ginger
@nsaha3053 5 лет назад
@marysheinneroselaurente4767 5 лет назад
Idk why but the background music reminds me of Tom and Jerry. 😂
@gojosatorusgirl9297 4 года назад
Me too. When Tom is running after Jerry😂😂😂
@disducks8534 4 года назад
Monster Inc.
@junior9175 4 года назад
Its remind me of whiplash film
@radschele1815 2 года назад
40s Big Bands i guess
@wolfshyne74 6 лет назад
I agree with Rachel!!! Anyway, here is google's translation of the above instructions. Not saying they are perfect but it's a start. Please do try it! Chicken Namba 1 serving material: Chicken thigh 250 g Wheat flour appropriate amount Two melted eggs Nanbutsu Soy sauce 3 tablespoons 3 tablespoons vinegar Three tablespoon mirin 2 tablespoons sugar ■ Tartar sauce Boiled egg (coarse chopped) 2 pieces Onion (chopped) 1/4 pieces 4 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 tablespoon of ketchup Salt a little Pepper a little Parsley (chopped) Appropriate amount How to make 1. Pour salt and pepper on both sides of the chicken thigh. Coat the flour and let it flow into the egg. 2. Place (1) in frying oil at 170 ℃ and fry for about 7-8 minutes. When it turns brown, it clears oil for paper etc. 3. Make tartar sauce. Put a boiled egg in a bag, put it in a bowl with a hand, add all the remaining ingredients and mix well. 4. Make Nanban vinegar. Put all ingredients in a frying pan and heat it to high heat. Let down from the fire after a while. 5. Cut out (2) in a bite-sized dish and serve a large amount of Nanbu vinegar soak in it. After sprinkling the tartar sauce and scattering the parsley, it is completed! Three color chicken Soboro on rice For 2-3 people material: Kirisaya 50 g ■ Chicken Soboro 200g ground chicken 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon of liquor 1 tablespoon mirin 1/2 teaspoon of ginger (grated) Egg Squirrel Three melted eggs 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon mirin 1 tablespoon of liquor Salt knob 2-3 cups of rice How to make 1. The silk sheath is streaked, boiled for 2-3 minutes with hot water added with salt (not included), and taken in ice water. Shake it cool and shred it off. 2. Make chicken rags. Place all ingredients in a frying pan and heat over medium heat. Stir constantly using 4 pieces of chopsticks, and lower the juice from the fire if it jumps. 3. Make eggs tramp. Put all the ingredients in the bowl and pour it into a frying pan and put it on a low heat. Stir constantly using 4 pieces of chopsticks, and lower the eggs from the fire once the eggs set. 4. Continually rice dishes, chicken rags, eggs, silk sheaths are arranged in colorful colors, complete! Sweet wings chicken wings For two people material: 8 chicken wings Salt · pepper qs Total potato starch powder Fried oil proper quantity ■ Sweet Pepper Soy sauce 100ml Mirin 50ml Sake 50ml Sugar 50 g One piece of grated garlic White clay quantity How to make 1. Heat frying oil at 160 ° C. 2. Wipe the salt and pepper on both sides of the chicken wrapper to add a flavor, and evenly starch the potato starch. Extra powder strikes. 3. Thoroughly deep fried (2) with fried oil of 160˚ (about 7 minutes) and take it out once. 4. Raise the temperature of frying oil to 180 ˚ C, put (3) back in oil and fry until golden color (about 3 minutes). Place on top of the net, etc. and drain extra oil. 5. Make sweet potatoes. Boil down all ingredients in a frying pan, boil down, (4) put in and entangle with the whole. 6. Sprinkle white sesame paste on a dish and finish it! Chicken and Shimeji pasta Yuzu pepper butter flavor For two people material: Pasta 160g Chicken breast meat (square cut) 100 g Shimeji 1/2 pack 1/2 piece of garlic (chopped) 2 tablespoons olive oil (pure) 1 tablespoon of yuzu pepper Butter 20 g Yuzu skin (chopped) Appropriate amount 3 tablespoons green onions Salt and pepper a bit How to make 1. Put garlic and olive oil in a frying pan and heat it with a low heat. When garlic aroma stands add chicken breast meat, shake salt fish and fry. 2. Once the color changes, add a shimeji and stir-fry, add 50ml juice of Yuzu pepper and pasta (outside quantity) and mix well. 3. Add boiled pasta, green onion, butter and mix well. Stop the fire and scatter the scalp and mix it. Completed with platter on a dish! Two rice cooker with butter chicken curry material: 1 chicken thigh leg 2 tablespoons plain yogurt 1 tablespoon of ketchup 1 tablespoon of medium-sized sauce 1 teaspoon of garlic (grated) 1 teasp. Ginger (grated) 1 can of cut tomato can (400 g) Onion (grated, chopped) 1/2 each Curry roux (dry, chopped) 40 g Butter 20 g 1 tablespoon sugar Fresh cream 50ml Salt appropriate amount Pepper Amount Rice drinking amount Parsley (mincing) Appropriate amount How to make 1. Put chicken thigh cut into a bowl of a rice cooker in a bite, put in yoghurt, ketchup, juice, sauce, garlic and ginger and mix well in a refrigerator for 1 hour. 2. Add cut tomato can and onion to (1), and if you mix thoroughly cook normally. (About 40 minutes) 3. When cooked, add curry roux and butter, mix well, and melt with residual heat. Add sugar and fresh cream and mix, finally taste with salt and pepper. 4. Serve rice with dishes and apply (3). Scattered parsley, finished! Moist hen chicken For two people material: 1 chicken breast meat Water 400 ml Sake 200ml Two pieces of ginger (sliced) 2 green onions ■ Who 4 tablespoons of soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons vinegar 2 tablespoons minced pepper sauce 2 tablespoons sesame oil 2 tablespoons white sesame 1 teaspoon of grated garlic 1 teaspoon grated ginger Tie 1 tomato (slice cut) 1 cucumber (shredded) One bunch of parchi How to make 1. Put chicken breast meat, water, sake, ginger, green onions in a pot and put it on high heat. If you boil, flip the chicken breast meat, close the lid, close the fire and let the fire preheat. Take the coarse heat at room temperature for about 30 minutes, cool it and put it in the refrigerator when it cools down. 2. Make someone. Put all ingredients in the bowl and mix well. 3. Place the tomatoes on the dish, cucumber and slice the 1-2 cm width (1). Put the baki tea and put (2) on, it is completed! Teriyaki chicken rice burger 1 piece material: ■ Torybaki chicken 1/2 chicken thighs 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 teaspoon of mirin 1 teaspoon drink Sugar tsp. 1.5 1/2 chicken thighs Salt and pepper a bit ■ Rice Buns Rice 200g 1 teaspoon of sesame oil Ingredient One fried egg Onion (chopped and fried) 1/8 pieces Green leaf a bit 1 teaspoon mayonnaise A little onions How to make 1. Make lice chicken. Pour salt and pepper on both sides of the chicken thigh. Place it in a frying pan with the eyes lowered and bake thoroughly over medium heat. 2. Repeat when the skin is burned crisply, bake both sides. Put the material of the Teriyaki sauce and cook it while entangling. 3. Make Rice Buns. Put a half of the rice on a cotton lap. Wrapped in a lap, press a small cocotto to shape it. I make another one in the same way. 4. Put the sesame oil in a frying pan and bake (3). After baked color is baked back, burn both sides and take it out to the dish. 5. Apply mayonnaise on one side of (4). Green leaf, Teriyaki chicken, fried onion, fried egg. If you put on a green onion and put the rest of the rice buns, it is complete!
@tomdayateaforever3603 5 лет назад
@almondcroissonttt4852 5 лет назад
Thank you 😊😊
@valentinazavalla7329 5 лет назад
Thanks! 👍
@fritzlie4889 5 лет назад
Robert Apanna you’re a life saver.
@maijac6896 5 лет назад
God bless
When you're British and feel like you need to prove that you have a cuisine. I put baked beans in the microwave ARE YOU PROUD FATHER
@yeontanssugadaddy 5 лет назад
If it makes you feel any better America takes food that is actually good and then destroys it to feed our own ego.
@elisarich7107 5 лет назад
@@yeontanssugadaddy We take perfectly good Krispy Kreme-worthy donuts and use them as hamburger buns on a perfectly good hamburger. I don't accept. Why has my country done this?
@abdelsakit2794 5 лет назад
Ache huuhhcijiyh X jeux yeux 👑🎩👗
@gojosatorusgirl9297 4 года назад
@@elisarich7107 we take Hamburger buns and make a big hole in the middle and cover it with nutella to serve as Donut.
@kausicknag150 4 года назад
whatabouthedroidattackonthewookies ? , at least you feel like you have to have ONE cuisine. Imagine being an Indian and having so many cuisines, that at last, you are legitimately confused as to what you should call your OWN cuisine 😅
@shilloe13 4 года назад
How did I come from tasty American to tasty Japan, when I'm actually neither.
@user-uh4tp5uu2f 4 года назад
三色丼美味しいよねー! 挽き肉だから安く作れるし!
@cmmiles000 6 лет назад
Everything looks delicious, but holy shit, that music got REALLY annoying. The same short song on repeat was a big mistake.
@annwynbeneaththewaves 5 лет назад
and that part where it sounded like an ending was coming but then it didnt end was really unsatisfying
@gojosatorusgirl9297 4 года назад
I turned the volume off😂
@titobuzz 3 года назад
I don't know about you, but I find it amusing. I kinda like it.
@awa7262 4 года назад
2:10 鶏のところすくうんちゃうんかい! と思ってしまった笑
@mochamochi2601 6 лет назад
@johndevanwayne4272 6 лет назад
@user-cp5fy9wj4l 6 лет назад
@g19-scarelladeniseandreap.80 6 лет назад
Atsuko Kura Can I ask what is mirin?
@johndevanwayne4272 6 лет назад
Mirin is an essential condiment used in Japanese cuisine. It is a type of rice wine similar to sake, but with a lower alcohol content and higher sugar content
@tauserblockstrike2870 6 лет назад
Oh wow
@yukomattingly 6 лет назад
三色鶏そぼろ丼としっとりよだれ鶏 作ってみよう
@Deepanair-bh6ve 6 лет назад
Wow that egg in the end is unreal😻
@alvaroalda3112 6 лет назад
There is a bit of food in your sugar man.
@morganschuler364 6 лет назад
Alvaro Alda that's how I feel about most of these lol
@mopoii399 5 лет назад
Sugar makes it taste good
@opinionatedbachelor5803 5 лет назад
I am pretty sure, they don't add that much Sugar in everything.
@picplayjustin 5 лет назад
They do add sugar its to balance something out bc u cant really taste the sugar in any of these food
@priya.7488 5 лет назад
@anni349 6 лет назад
I would love some rice burger❤
@lisasforehead495 5 лет назад
The last one was sooooo cool
@foodbhaiya007 5 лет назад
Wow nice recipe..
@TheHappyCatLady 6 лет назад
So delicious looking... 🤤 i def wanna try # 6
@ayeshakhatoon5101 3 года назад
I try this recipe
@Alltehgudnamesrgon 6 лет назад
Just made the wings but used cooking sake. Way too salty, but was all I had. Avoid my mistake. Use the drinkable kind. Still good though
@rajvishukla458 5 лет назад
Thanks for letting us know✌️
@Archviste_ 4 года назад
Did u add enough sugar? Its used to balance out
@meijingchang1223 Год назад
I love recommended chicken! Wow, so tasty.
@brianengland8948 3 года назад
gotta love the teriyaki rice burger
@nuhanafnan1433 5 лет назад
Very nice I like it
@sarmiladas9734 5 лет назад
Japanese butter chicken and Indian butter chicken Both taste goooooood😋
@harshvardhanmisal7238 5 лет назад
I don't understand Japanese but still I love your food I hope I will visit Japan one day!
@riris2716 6 лет назад
I dunno why i torture myself...its 1 am now and binge watching this channel while im hungry af...
@charlotteradekop9531 6 лет назад
Can you please make Katsudon?
@mikaela1494 5 лет назад
I was expecting to hear Andrew's "OH YES!" but then I remembered that this is Tasty Japan.
@tasneema5548 6 лет назад
3 and 6 are great, 7 is wear
@iamproject100 4 года назад
Video: 00:02 Me: This music is gonna get stuck in my head I just know it.
@avourrito1819 6 лет назад
This looks sooo good I won't complain anything
@atsukorichards1675 4 года назад
If you like, you can pan-fry chicken instead deep-fry.
@cutegirl8128 6 лет назад
Nice recipes! I wonder do they have a tasty Indian or Swedish version
@dannysimion 6 лет назад
Chicken Namibian looks oh so good!!!
@Shortlady82 6 лет назад
Danny Simion yes!!!
@MC-gl8ob 5 лет назад
I am amazed
@avakinayamulonda5918 5 лет назад
Yummy in m'y tummy
@Tryneweveryday 5 лет назад
@youdeservetobehappynow7584 5 лет назад
I didn't know there was tasty Japan until now Dec 31 2018
@luckyporkbeans4504 6 лет назад
Man, I thought that tasty America went skimpy on seasonings. Still a good video tho 👌
@NelsonWin 6 лет назад
I love Japanese food 💙💙💙
@tauserblockstrike2870 6 лет назад
Me too :D
@NelsonWin 6 лет назад
Tauser BlockStrike Manly Handshake
@LlewsArt 6 лет назад
Well, then keep on searching for Japanese food because this ain't it :'D This is the American style of 'Japanese' Food...
@nr9r540 4 года назад
Llew A. this is traditional japanese food. are you thinking that japanese dishes are vegan or something of stereotypes?
@xiomaraf.7770 4 года назад
Oh man I wish they had English subtitles 😭 thanks.
@sohnson439 4 года назад
Chinese - oil fire and comprehensive, Korean - varied color and spicy taste, japanese - natural and simple taste
@user-xm7dl3ig9d 5 лет назад
すっ、凄い✨!! 凄いしか言えないくらい凄い✨✨!!!! あと、 曲のセンスイイナ(゜ロ゜;ノ)ノ!!!!!!!!
@kongnamulpakpakmoochyeotnya 5 лет назад
Very Amazing Foods.. I want to eat them..!! And.. What's song's name...??
@minniexplayer5405 5 лет назад
Every time they dip something in oil I'm convinced they've accidentally dipped the tips of their fingers too
@bustedkeaton 4 года назад
I should try making kare with more tomato. I hardly use it, but i bet id like the tang. I like it really SPICY too so i think ill add gochugaru or just some chopped chilies
@taisfashionny1164 5 лет назад
Like music!
@lilkelp3535 6 лет назад
wow, there is barely any comments
@johndevanwayne4272 6 лет назад
I think its because barely some people know about this channel
@sleepdeprivation1016 6 лет назад
@alexavasquez1992 4 года назад
Are these recipes online?
@ALEJANDRO8935 5 лет назад
Japan use diferents recipes
@hilas2820 5 лет назад
I like japan😍🤩😘😍 🇯🇵😍
@a___mihciogl4488 3 года назад
Says Tasty Japan Everyone: English speaking...
@wackawackawes 5 лет назад
i've never hit the subscribe button so quickly
@kch3019 5 лет назад
I like this recipe channel because they just cut all the bullshit and go straight to the point. Couple that with some good music too.
@elisarich7107 5 лет назад
2:08 Literally looks like Bibimbop just all items are more Japanese.
@palaksuri4736 5 лет назад
Can u also give an English discription
@tenou213 6 лет назад
Tasty Japan is so much better.
@kazuma9167 5 лет назад
This is way more better than cheese
@niktrinity007 5 лет назад
As an Indian watching Tasty Japan, dish on number 5- butter chicken and rice .... Facepalm
@vijayrote2193 5 лет назад
hii would you please make a videos on kinds of macha of japnees
@MrPeacefulsista 6 лет назад
What song is playing in the background? I love jazz and i would like to play it.
@dontatmeevr 6 лет назад
@tauserblockstrike2870 6 лет назад
Darude Sandstorm (lol)
@samuellazaro7739 5 лет назад
Buhay bango
@kavitairom7084 5 лет назад
Sugar sugar sugar is sugar very necessary in every food
@cresentia23hackers86 5 лет назад
Tasty Sarawak: lemongrass, tumeric leaves,garlic oil,belacan(shrimp paste),ikan bilis,bird eyes chillies
Mirin. Lots of mirin.
@emaan4317 4 года назад
All of this is making my all the time hungry ass more hungry 😭😂
@anastasiazuewa7816 5 лет назад
It seems to me that Japan meal is the different...
@Sky1432 5 лет назад
It's a bad idea watching this without eating first.
@celiah1827 4 года назад
Estamos en México traduce en en ESPAÑOL ESPAÑOL ESPAÑOL.
@amirasafwat7101 5 лет назад
That music playing on the video was also on tv for a movie , I was surprised!
@chadongsocia6707 5 лет назад
Y there is sugar in every dish? I prefer salt n pepper/ chilli or sour in food
@afghan1799 4 года назад
Who So tasty yamay cooking
@devashrijoshi9079 4 года назад
4:24 Butter Chicken Curry Me (an Indian): Did you just said Butter chicken? (Nvm I'm vegetarian but I would like to try these recipes 😋)
@jothiangel5946 4 года назад
Love you
@herikusuman6599 5 лет назад
Is there alternative option for mirin and sake?
@czerizasama5102 4 года назад
Sugar and vinegar.
@herikusuman6599 4 года назад
@@czerizasama5102 Thanks 👍
@shadidbhuiya6366 5 лет назад
@calvettymaldonadolaura1234 5 лет назад
What is mirin ??
@keshavnkmyadav2020 6 лет назад
I love Japanese But I want some veg
@devashrijoshi9079 4 года назад
Same lol
@abbysahidjan8982 5 лет назад
@sanjuktabera1531 4 года назад
Can we substitute sugar with anything else...I don't like sweet curry....
@whytheheckarewedoinginhere1886 4 года назад
I don't know why, even it's food I keep thinking about Tom and Jerry or Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. Also the comment down below had the same thought too.
@ahd-bh 5 лет назад
@DylanDragonfly 6 лет назад
there was a hair on the egg in the last recipe...
@marcosgarcia6881 5 лет назад
Ummmmm que delicia lástima que no sé cocinar jajajajaja
@kanizfarzanazinia 6 лет назад
Can you please add English recipe with Japanese one also. That will be really helpful.
@nivedyaraj852 6 лет назад
@xsbasement2786 5 лет назад
私はこの空腹を見ています (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
@buddhasunuwar7826 5 лет назад
eng sub plsssss
@rachelnstephens 6 лет назад
What's the point of writing the ingredients & temperature in English if you don't list the amounts in English on most of these videos?
@boberikson1242 6 лет назад
Rachel Stephens Sooooo true
@prerana9775 6 лет назад
Bob Erikson this is tasty JAPAN not Tasty cancer. I mean USA
@boberikson1242 6 лет назад
Prepre ._. And? You want a prize or something. I can read you ding dong. If anything is cancer it's you
@NoName-rq5ne 6 лет назад
i think you should either eye-ball it or just use your logic, like in the first recipe, it didnt mention in what measuring tool, but it does include the numbers, ex: in the tartar sauce, it includes 2 boiled eggs, mayo (4), ketchup(1) so using our logic its either 4 tablespoon mayo and 1 tablespoon ketchup or 4 teaspoon mayo and 1 teaspoon of ketchup. and plus when it comes in the cooking experience itself, im sure a few adjustments would inevitably happen to suit personal tastes, regardless of the recipe.
@zvezdoblyat 6 лет назад
Prepre ._. so true. The Tasty in America doesn't have measurements in Japanese either so I don't see what the problem is
@Themostadorablepenguin 5 лет назад
@alinacobuz213 4 года назад
OMG 🔝🔝🔝💟💟💟
who else watches these knowing that they won't ever make it
@deshisohojranna8307 6 лет назад
Hi dear nice video.... New subscriber.... Happy new year.... 2018... 😊😊
@user-yq3zm5xu5x 6 лет назад
Use 4 chopsticks instead of a fork 😂😭
@atsukorichards1675 3 года назад
The wooden utensils are harmless on the non-stick pans. Anyway, this is our traditional way to do it.
@nicedear5748 4 года назад
Gosh, they pour the soy sauce into that fried chicken !! Pour!! It suppose to be a dipping sauce? No?
@czerizasama5102 4 года назад
Soy sauce is a Condiment not just dipping sauce. Don't insult my soy sauce like that.
@deewee965 5 лет назад
omg i didn’t know this channel existed where have i bEEN
@mivescensa4303 5 лет назад
dana fornillos AGREED
@mivescensa4303 5 лет назад
Tbh tasty Japan is better then tasty America.
@bhavanil8629 4 года назад
Why sugar?
@afsanaazadjui3124 5 лет назад
Do Japanese foods contain that much rice?? But Japanese are too slim!!
@elisarich7107 5 лет назад
IKR! Chinese and Koreans as well! It's like their bodies are immune to weight gain via rice.
@atsukorichards1675 4 года назад
It is all about the size of potion for one serving and eating.
@abunayem4677 5 лет назад
nice apni k
@Livingindeception 4 года назад
What's mirin?
@4topz 5 лет назад
The music is a bit...much
@umachhonker6102 3 года назад
Who else want to exchange salt with sugar 🖐
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