
Teach the ABCs, not the LGBTs | Michael Knowles LIVE at Boston University 

Young America's Foundation
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From pronouns to puberty blockers, the Left is forcing America’s children to learn about gender identity and transgender ideology, all while encouraging kids as young as five years old to engage in dangerous sexual activities. Michael Knowles is LIVE from Boston University to make the case for bringing the ABCs back to our education system to replace the LGBTs.
This event is part of Young America's Foundation's Logan Family Lecture Series.
Michael Knowles, described by Vanity Fair as "a dapper, lib-triggering troll," is the host of The Michael Knowles Show on the Daily Wire. Knowles is the author of the #1 bestselling (and blank inside) "Reasons To Vote For Democrats: A Comprehensive Guide." Knowles frequently appears on national news and commentary programs to provide insight into issues facing Americans.



20 апр 2022




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@thenephilim9819 2 года назад
This isn't about left or right anymore. Michael is just stating common sense against crazy, unscientific ideas.
@77dris 2 года назад
As a Canadian, I appreciate Michael even more if he stays away from political "rights" and "lefts" because then it will make him an easy target for extremists. Sadly this american "wokeness" has seeped into Canada, and most other english speaking european countries, like those in Great Britain. Canadians are already being pressured to feel "white guilt" despite never being part of the slave trade, etc. And because we don't have an extreme conservative movement (in numbers) like the americans, it can really get out of hand fast.
@CReeseMLP_OW 2 года назад
Here's A Fact, the Florida Parental Rights and Education Law Should Have Banned All Forms Of "Sex Ed" until the Students Are 18+
@francisdavis1271 2 года назад
The Nephilim: I'm afraid you're mistaken. It is about the desire to hate others and to place them below you and commit injustice. For every act of hatred and injustice it shall be returned to you; returned by your condemnation.
@ItsSimplyAless 2 года назад
@@77dris I’m in Canada and I agree. To be honest there could be conservative movements but they’re more hidden due to censorship.. remember the convoy? I want out of here honestly
@dylan5113 Год назад
I miss when politics was about economic and foreign policies, not about indoctrinating 8 year olds and killing preborn humans.
@Noteven0 2 года назад
Teach the ABCs Not the LGBTs! YES Thank You!!
@summerd7668 2 года назад
I want this on a T-shirt.
@77dris 2 года назад
It's not just LGBT anymore, they've added more letters and symbols. Soon, we will need a new alphabet as I'm CERTAIN they will start introducing made-up symbols to add to their "genders".
@turkoman2110 2 года назад
As an atheist I apologise for making fun of religious Christians who pointed out the can of worms lgbt stuff would open. Only in 10 years we got from “we just want to get married” to “we will teach transgenderism to kindergarteners”.
@forthealliance439 2 года назад
@@Ken-tc3nq not like You men voted any better. Look what we have for leaders. A walking corpse and a cackling hyena.
@lonewolf1069 2 года назад
I would like to think everyone here is joking. Lol
@richardrinelli5158 2 года назад
@@richardmccutcheon5800 tell me?
@TravisBAnderson 2 года назад
So true! Slippery slope defined in this last movement.
@jillsmith6489 2 года назад
When it all started it wasn’t even about getting married, it was about having the benefits a married couple has, like covering a partner on employers insurance. 🤪 I’m a Christian but never really cared that some of my friends were gay. Also understood their plight or argument about benefits for their partners. Also don’t care if they have a ceremony and get that stupid piece of paper that says they’re legally married. In my eyes as a Christian I feel we can’t or shouldn’t judge them. But when it’s starts getting pushed on very impressionable children who don’t yet have the insight on the full picture, and just shoved down peoples throats, or just because I don’t feel the same attraction to the same sex as I do the opposite, I’m labeled a homophobe and not by my gay friends, but by society, and people who don’t even personally know me. That’s when I argue back and call bs. There’s not a single person that can tell me a 3 yo to even much older is gonna come out and say they’re gay or trans without hearing it from an adult or another kid who’s heard it from an adult these days, just like a kid that suddenly spouts a curse word or two. I was such a huge tomboy between the ages of 8 and 11, if it had been like it is now back then, probably would’ve had parents and teachers and who knows who telling me I should’ve been a boy. I thank god everyday I’m not. I didn’t then and have never wished to be a boy. For me, it was just what I did to survive. My parents were divorced shortly after turning 8, my mom was our (me and 6 yo sibling) soul provider, so we were poor, I never had nice girlie clothes and was a latchkey kid having to get myself and my brother to school and home afterward, In the big city of Houston. Not like we had far to go, but their were always older punks picking or trying things, so I became a tough badass (so I thought) tomboy. Then at 11 two girls a couple of years older befriended me. They didn’t have the nicest of things either but they were still girlie. My mom often tells the story of how she left for work one day, me again in my baseball shirt, striped knee high socks (late 70’s), baseball cap and probably unkept hair, but came home to me standing there with hair brushed (no cap), cut off shorts, a bikini top, and flip flops. Mind you I also had more boobs than a lot of grown women. In any case she was😳, and almost wishing for that tomboy back. 🤷🏻‍♀️ For the rest of my school years,I never went back to the tomboy, but I was still never in to wearing a lot of makeup, spending too much time on hair, nor trendy clothes. I’m now a 53 yo old grandmother and still never been into all that, never really able to afford it anyway, but still so much rather be a woman than a man. I have no interest in doing the tough things they do, that take physical strength and little to no emotion to get through it. I did give birth to three children that I have no doubt a man couldn’t handle. I mean with the way a man is with a cold, can’t imagine them being pregnant for almost a year, and then give birth. Lmbo. (not meant to be a knock just a fact). God made us different but unique. To me if you can’t be happy with who you are and how you’re born, most likely won’t be happy any other way either. Just let kids be kids and have that innocence as long as they can. If a littl boy wants to play with dolls, it a girl wants to be athletic, play with trucks, frogs, in the dirt, so what. Just leave them alone and don’t make it an issue. Life isn’t always easy but why throw more confusing mind games into it. We wonder why there’s so much mental illnesses. Idk🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ just sad.
@Ocean_Jack 2 года назад
Michael is a rare and immensely articulate spokesman for the beauty and practicality of conservative values.
@margofcourse6893 2 года назад
@zoltanrudolf 2 года назад
What a glorious comment!
@jameskfouri1896 2 года назад
Michael Knowles is among the few conservatives who understands how important social conservatism is and how to fight the culture war. Jordan Peterson,Tucker Carlson,Michael Knowles, Steve Deace, and Allie Stuckey are my favorite right wing speakers.
@juliekulikov2375 2 года назад
I really admire how poised and collected he always is even when being confronted by crazies. Trying to adopt that attitude in my own life as well and I must say it’s much harder than it looks.
@pandora50 2 года назад
Conservative values belong in the 1950s :)
@richardmccutcheon5800 2 года назад
I was once a man trapped in a woman's body😢....then I was born😊
@brndxt 2 года назад
@jared5670 2 года назад
@thatSkyKosmoTactical 2 года назад
I like this man
@thatSkyKosmoTactical 2 года назад
You had me in the first half, not gonna lie
@jillsmith6489 2 года назад
Lol. Perfect. 😂😂
@bettyboop7298 2 года назад
Being a survivor of child sexual abuse. These people should be in PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@benterbenter9281 2 года назад
Don't you mean 6 ft deep?
@CaptiveReefSystems 2 года назад
@@benterbenter9281 *BINGO !* 👍
@erichpowell7175 2 года назад
Biden should be impeached for this agenda at the least. Even more disturbing that he was voted in. Maybe make the Biden voters take the test that non citizens have to take. Then remove their citizenship if they fail. All they know is emotions over logic.
@bigbeauf_____3167 Год назад
Michael Knowles's educational background is impressive. The way he presents himself is outstanding.
@borednapoleon5296 2 года назад
As a kid I NEVER knew the politics of my teacher. But that was the 80s and 90s.
@sjm6963 2 года назад
Nor did I know their sexuality!!
@MittyNuke1 2 года назад
I graduated high school in 2008 and college in 2012 and think I *just* escaped before the craziness really went mainstream.
@gusschumacher6433 2 года назад
@@sjm6963 or their first name, activities they did outside of class etc. only time that happened was when my professor was a family friend and talked about taking RV trips, and her grown up kids. again in a college classroom not elementary schools
@darkstar92772 2 года назад
I didn’t even realize they had first names. It was especially weird seeing them at the mall or something.
@mhuston865 2 года назад
Jack Straw: "It was especially weird seeing them at the mall or something." It feels surreal. Like worlds colliding.
@sjm6963 2 года назад
Another great lecture from MK and a great audience. Have to give some credit to those loons who walked out for leaving so quietly. None of the hysterics and hostility they normally exhibit. Perhaps we are grinding them down! We must keep up the good fight. Sending hugs from the UK.
@dhaltonmiller1215 2 года назад
MICHAEL KNOWLES IS PRERECORDED! Please spread the word. People need to wake up
@jovanalmen8660 2 года назад
I think the goal these days, is to leave alot of empty seats by walking out.
@sjm6963 2 года назад
@@jovanalmen8660 No problem. The people waiting outside can have their seats!!
@evah787 2 года назад
"Teach the ABC not LGBTQ-XYZ" - yes, absolutely classic😃😄😅
@marieabellas 2 года назад
Thank you for this. We need more well spoken and informed people like Mr Michael Knowels
@sethfeldpausch4337 2 года назад
Man, I’m jealous of some of those people! Knowles seems like the coolest dude! I would love to meet him one day!
@catcalo7201 2 года назад
Bravo Micheal! Thank you for speaking the truth.
@sandwichbreath0 2 года назад
Notice even in a big group, they wait til they're at the exit before yelling something back. I guess confronting one adult is too much, especially for people used to going after children instead.
@TheAzmountaineer 2 года назад
nah, they all think they're Columbo.
@johnboyle3552 2 года назад
Anytime my wife and I are discussing a serious issue in the home, I tell her what I think, she tells me what she feels and we come to a sound decision based on both the mind and the heart. That is why men and women are different and why we compliment each other so well. Slam Dunk!
@samtalkstoomuch8854 2 года назад
Michael mentioning the word 'disordered' triggered a thought for me. Anorexics and other people with eating disorders see themselves as something they aren't. We know it's an illness and treat it as such. Imagine if we indulged an anorexic person's delusion that they're fat when they're dangerously underweight? How the left don't see that what they're doing is indulging the sick delusions of people who are seeing themselves as something they're not is beyond me. And pushing children into it is even worse (and utterly deplorable). I've long believed that there are some people who rarely but truly don't feel that they are what their bodies are, but I'd be more inclined to think that their condition is closer to somatoparaphrenia- the feeling that a specific limb doesn't belong to you. It's exceedingly rare, as I believe true "transgenderism" is.
@trentjacobs3957 2 года назад
This is the premise that ALL conditions and disorders and dysphorias should b treated like...... actually treated, not embraced and celebrated. No one gets better by perpetuating the condition that causes so much suffering and death. Ben Shapiro talked about his grandfather that had paranoid schizophrenia and they didn't tell him the radio really talked to him because that would b cruel. Anyone that sincerely cares for the wellbeing of anyone with such a potentially lethal condition will encourage them to overcome their psychological conditions, not celebrate that they have it and then further perpetuate it. Especially when said condition has an extremely high rate of clinical depression and an about 40% rate of suicide. Which is why the left's behavior regarding this illness is so unbelievably disgusting and dangerous. It should scare the shit out of anyone that cares especially considering that the two most lethal psychological conditions r paranoid schizophrenia and gender identity disorder. But the left don't have virtue, they prefer to virtue signal instead. I think it's very difficult to argue that anyone that does actually push for embracing this instead of overcoming it, considering the serious consequences of such conditions, that their pervasive disregard for those lives and wellbeings wouldn't technically classify them as sociopaths. Those who push it, not those who suffer from it. And if those who push it genuinely believe what they're saying, that men and women don't exist yet can switch, then they themselves have that same psychological dysphoria.
@janetprice85 2 года назад
True. I made that comparison also. And both were recognized by the Diagnostic Manual until recently before transgendering minors became a new source of counseling and medical income where we now have these " clinics" popping up in several states to facilitate not treat delusional thinking. It is shameful! What happened to " First do no harm"?.
@77dris 2 года назад
Bingo. It all falls under something called "Body Dysmorphia". Even competitive bodybuilders have it... and most (including the women) will take illegal hormones to make themselves look a certain way to fight the dysmorphia. Though, being around bodybuilders for years, I know that even the biggest most jacked/roided of these people still think they are too small.
@samtalkstoomuch8854 2 года назад
@@77dris I'd only ever known of body dysmorphia- I'd never even heard the word 'dysphoria' until it was applied to the gender argument. Body builders are frighteningly neglected in that area. I've read about some super scary cases with guys injecting all sorts into themselves to get bigger
@niram6707 2 года назад
My thoughts as well. I have asked those that support transgenderism to explain to me what is the distinguishing feature/s that distinguishes transgenderism from body dysphoria conditions such as anorexia, bigorexia (among body builders etc. Why are anorexics, for example, deemed by the medical profession to have a distorted view of themselves whilst transgenders are not? If an individual walked into a medical clinic and said that they identify as an amputee, that they are an amputee and desire to have a healthy limb amputated, how would the medical profession see such an individual - suffering from body dysphoria issues or not? I am not being malicious as I genuinely cannot see what the key distinguishing characteristics are that deem transgenderism to not be body dysphoria when compared against those conditions/symptoms that the medical profession classifies as dysphoria. And those that support transgenderism are not able to answer my question, they get stumped.
@raedorin979 2 года назад
Michael, we keep praying for you and your family every day especially at the consecration! Keep up the fight!
@yolanus48 2 года назад
What an informative lecture! Michael presents the topic in manor that everyone can understand. We need this type of information out there more!
@Col-T-Invest 2 года назад
Unfortunately the toxic woke culture promoted by leftists has confused the whole discussion so there is no longer a rational discussion on gender dysphoria, its origins, and appropriate treatments. However, the truth will inevitably come out. I think the tone and substance of Michael Knowles arguments are just about spot on. He goes for the jugular in an argumentative sense, but also shows a great deal of compassion for the individuals concerned. My best regards to everyone bravely working to get the truth out there and fighting against the deranged and unhelpful propaganda surrounding this topic.
@douglasgarrett4638 2 года назад
Absolutely agree.
@janetprice85 2 года назад
Mental health issues need treatment not legitimizing by activists that refuse to recognize the great harm hormones and surgery can do to these poor confused kids.
@Col-T-Invest 2 года назад
@@janetprice85 Very well said Janet, i couldn't agree more! As I said in a reply to my other post in this comments section.... For a really great summary of the pre-conditions that may lead to gender dysphoria, Mary Rice Hasson has a fantastic slide that summaries the correlations brilliantly. If you watch her YAF talk (streamed Apr 23, 2022) from 1.04.40 (or towards the end if they've recut the video edit), you will see the slide I'm referring to. I actually had not seen anything this succinct until I saw that excellent slide, so was really happy to see the data is finally being pulled together in a credible and convincing way.
@ItsSimplyAless 2 года назад
Ohhh i can’t wait till the truth comes out. I’ll be sitting watching it go down while eating my popcorn.
@thatgirlray2765 2 года назад
I just learned about this today, I’m so mad I didn’t hear sooner!!! I wanted to go SO bad!!!
@thatSkyKosmoTactical 2 года назад
Ah were you in the area? I just happened to be and I'm glad I was. You know, I was watching his last episode and saw it lol
@thatgirlray2765 2 года назад
@@thatSkyKosmoTactical I was within driving distance, I gave up political podcasts for lent and went on a binge of his old episodes this week and heard him talk about coming to BU on an episode from last week, and I just saw that today. Real upset I didn’t know before but it’s not his fault.
@ohwellwhateverr 2 года назад
You might not have got into the venue anyway. Apparently security only let around half of the audience into the lecture hall. The rest had to stand outside and livestream it (which if this was a paid event surely means they at least deserve a refund)
@gregpoulin8210 2 года назад
The first guy needs to realize that courage is what we must show at all cost to stop a very evil agenda ... Spread the truth before the truth is taken away..
@megangovier6919 2 года назад
Thank you Michael for being a blessing, we need more men like you , Ben and Matt out there👑
@thatSkyKosmoTactical 2 года назад
This event was great! I am glad to have attended. You know, the part when approximately 50% of the crowd left, flipped off Knowles, and wove *or is it waved* their stimulating flag, or was actually kind of entertaining not gonna lie
@craiglange4523 2 года назад
Glad the freaks left
@SlapMyBass3825 2 года назад
Yeah i would not have behaved so well towards the walkers. Wish I could have made it.
@notofthisworld5267 2 года назад
Groomers gonna groom
@seesea-sv3xw 2 года назад
I think it's "waved" woved would mean after like knitting, but being they flipped him off "Waived" may be another choice 😘
@staceykenny7078 Год назад
​@@seesea-sv3xw I'm not even trying pick anyone up I'm genuinely confused. Waved, wove and waived 🤣🤣 Im going for waved, I think waived means bypass, like when you sign a waiver?? Or when you waived your rights to something
@spilling-T 2 года назад
I absolutely loved this! I would love to see him in person and listen to his speech....or speeches! I could listen all day!
@jillsmith6489 2 года назад
I don’t think they should be putting their ideals out there at any age.
@keithwilson6060 2 года назад
@tomcotter4299 2 года назад
The ‘call them all pedos’ tactic is totally working. They can’t even fight back because then they just look like they’re defending pedophilia. You can call them creeps and dunk on them all day and they have no response. It’s very funny, keep it up! 👍
@leonorrodrigues9610 2 года назад
Struck a chord there, hum?
@tomcotter4299 2 года назад
@@leonorrodrigues9610 The past month has tickled me deep in my funny bone. There is something darkly comical about watching Leftists taste a concentrated version of their own medicine. I wonder if they regret spending the last ten years normalizing the use of baseless smears as political arguments.
@basmbee4325 2 года назад
it's what they've been doing to us for a long time, just with racist instead of pedo
@juliebean90 2 года назад
Somehow I can't believe it took us this long to figure out that our equivalent to their 'youre racist' is 'youre a groomer'
@thecomedictruth9376 2 года назад
All the real pedophiles are Republicans. Look it up. Dennis Hastert, Mark Foley, that Duggar guy from TV. Republicans are just looking for scapegoats to blame their own crimes on.
@tjallday95 2 года назад
The guy talking about how those teachers wanted him to “affirm” that confused kids “gender identity” was crazy 🤯
@hardinmichael1981 2 года назад
The guy wasn’t crazy. But yeah, I get what you mean. 😉😜
@theredpriest 2 года назад
I think people are finally starting to get sick of this crap. And it's about BLOODY TIME!!!
@cortransport 2 года назад
It was tolerable because all they wanted was rights as all of us have.. no bullying etc. They got it.. apparently that wasn’t enough.. now it’s gotta be taught to kids.. and force the rest of us to see that crap as normal.
@theredpriest 2 года назад
@@cortransport If it were "normal", then they'd have been able to procure the human species. Sadly, homosexuals aren't capable of doing that for obvious reasons. There's a REASON why males and females coexist. It's not that complicated. Now, if you don't want to take part in that, you don't have too!
@lesliebouchard6496 2 года назад
i never get tired of listening to this guy.....
@helenmarler3448 2 года назад
School is basic education reading writing and arithmetic. Get back to basics for our children's future
@marciawhite692 2 года назад
@mjones4083 2 года назад
Parents , they are coming after your children, the younger the better . You need to fight this , you need to fight this and win . It is deadly serous .
@AnaliliB 2 года назад
Thank you for your wonderful message, Michael! And to the students also, for their great questions.
@TaliEpshtein 2 года назад
Michael: So the gender unic- Groomers: THAT’S IT! THAT’S THE SIGNAL!
@natsarimthings3147 2 года назад
Thank you, for calling them GROOMERS!
@kafon6368 2 года назад
at what time in the video?
@tizza963 2 года назад
Great speech, really love this man.
@dennisd9914 2 года назад
I like Michael's speeches more than his podcast. Probably because he can put his ideas on paper, screen for fallacies and really take the time to polish it so that it's easy to understand.
@jovanalmen8660 2 года назад
The fact that he's not leading up to the next paid advertisement every five minutes might also be a factor.
@End_Zionism 2 года назад
Thank you for posting this since I couldn’t make it to the show!
@TiJacQc18 Год назад
Loved the man who brought him a cigar. The story he told was so touching. He really seemed like a loving man. I hope all the best for him and for that young woman he was trying to help.
@kayceequesadilla 2 года назад
Advice to the gentleman who wants to hold public office as a conservative: Get a professional degree, and have a full time job as your career WHILE serving in public office. Being purely a politician for a living turns good people into bad people, and it turns bad people into worse people.
@jameskfouri1896 2 года назад
Great advice and I will definitely heed it.
@MrStevie57 2 года назад
.We must have compassion for people suffering from gender dysphoria.However it should not be encouraged.
@Ken-tc3nq 2 года назад
at first, they said they just wanted equal rights... now look where we are.
@wtfisthishandlething 3 месяца назад
That’s a core issue with this entire, delusional ideology. It will never be enough for them. They don’t want equality, they want superiority. Give them an inch, they take a mile. They are mentally unwell and miserable, and they want everyone else to suffer with them.
@shawnastarr3605 Год назад
Thanks Michael for all your doing. ❤
@lisashinn3367 2 года назад
Michael is always a pleasure to watch and listen to.. He os brilliant.
@Col-T-Invest 2 года назад
Shout out to the gentleman at 55:57 for a great story and question. The story highlights that so often teachers and other adolescent care givers just go along with the leftist pro trans narrative without having ANY understanding of the underlying psychological issues and the mounting evidence against the naive model of transgenderism just being a natural and healthy human variant. The vast majority of trans cases are in fact co-morbid with other disorders and there is typically a history of trauma that can explain why the instance of gender dysphoria has developed. Address the trauma and/or other underlying conditions and often the gender dysphoria will also dissipate or disappear completely.
@summerd7668 2 года назад
Your take on it is very insightful. In the recent past there have been particular treatment plans that do attempt to discover, diagnose and treat patients. This however doesn't explain why there has been an exponential growth of the amount of people who seem to be experiencing this. I think that it is also extremely important to discover why there has been a huge change in the number of people that are now coming out as lgbtq plus whatever.
@laps4814 2 года назад
BS. Be better at life.
@Col-T-Invest 2 года назад
@@summerd7668 Yea, the exponential growth in cases is due to a number of factors some of which have positive feedback loops. One such driver is the social contagion caused by the increased popularity. I just watched the YAF talk by Mary Rice Hasson and she talks about how young people that are feeling isolated find community in LGBT groups so that tips them into exploring 'trans' identities. Clearly that''s a big factor as well now. Its really a very disturbing dynamic when you think about how many people are being completely misled and the potential for this to keep growing if unchecked. Confusion over the issue is incubating and breeding more and more confusion, and less critical review of what is actually going on, including the underlying psychological and biological realities.
@robertporter6527 2 года назад
@@Col-T-Invest Excellent analysis! Thank you 🙏
@Col-T-Invest 2 года назад
​@@randyvalentine6638 Thanks very much for sharing your experience and insight too! For a really great summary of the pre-conditions that may lead to gender dysphoria, Mary Rice Hasson has a fantastic slide that summaries the correlations brilliantly. If you watch her YAF talk (streamed Apr 23, 2022) from 1.04.40, you will see the slide I'm referring to. I actually had not seen anything this succinct until just yesterday, so was really happy to see the data is finally being pulled together in a credible and convincing way.
@victoriawilliams5698 2 года назад
Amen to that statement!!
@alexpeterson5809 2 года назад
Yes! Thank you for this!
@-me-myself-and-I 2 года назад
The event the guy with the cigar talked about was really disturbing. People are so stupid and insensitive to what repercussions these young people may go through. This girl should wait longer before making such a permanent decision. Many girls regret doing this, I've read so many stories and seen many interviews of young women who regret this choice and others who are relieved they didn't.
@janetprice85 2 года назад
And given historical statistics on the percentage of trans and gay people in society you have to recognize this sudden uptick in children identifying as either is due to outside societal pressures and confusion more than any real individual desires. And we know in some states teachers, media, peers, counselors, and parents are actively encouraging this idea.
@mrc6032 2 года назад
All of the questions and answers was awesome. And the new Hampshire gentlemen who helped that young girl was inspiring. God bless this 🙏
@billfromthe442ndtranscompa2 2 года назад
Right on!
@thomtorrez7618 2 года назад
The G in LGBT stands for Groomer .
@Robert-oz9fy 2 года назад
Incredibly gifted and intelligent American. Even if you disagree with what his stance is on certain topics. You will appreciate and respect his public speaking skills and the ability to debate without out personal attacks on anyone individual. Even when he’s viciously being attacked. I’m 55 years old and admire how he presents himself. There is hope for our future.
@SlapMyBass3825 2 года назад
I can't tell you how badly i wanted to go to this talk last night.
@dollysmith3444 2 года назад
Amen, Michael
@margofcourse6893 2 года назад
You young man are a blessing.
@buddahreinart2061 2 года назад
Our homosexual teacherss NEVER did this. Gays have changed for worse in the last 20 years.
@Minjaz707 2 года назад
Hell yeah Michael.
@gleon1602 2 года назад
Michael never misses 💯
@SandyDiVa 2 года назад
Love his final point its SO TRUE! I used to be neutral on abortion. I knew i would NEVER get one, but i felt i didn’t have the right to tell others what to do with their body. But after thinking about it, watching opposing points of view on the subject, i realized i was wrong. I’m no more telling other woman what to do with their body than I’m telling a criminal not rape or commit murder. I KNOW rape and murder are wrong, so why was i okay with ANY woman murdering the child they gave life to? It’s not about telling others what to do with their lives, their bodies, it’s about defending life and not playing God. So i agree completely, we are the problem sometimes, our thinking, especially when we believed ourselves to be democrats for entire lives and wake up one day realizing how corrupt and actually evil the party is. That we actually align with conservative thought and values. Its hard to discard the heart for common sense, but once you do, there’s no looking back.
@danielwatcherofthelord1823 2 года назад
Let's go YAF! Proud to see it growing!
@jameshendel4169 2 года назад
Might I suggest reading Plato's Republic number 6 called the "Cave and Analogy". It's very short but very enlightening.
@christopherhayles2393 2 года назад
Thx you guys for pointing out the truth
@shivaramnair3288 2 года назад
@markg9401 2 месяца назад
How is this not child abuse? They're definitely harming children. Schools talking about sex with kids is not only inappropriate but downright perverted.
@madelineflight7869 4 месяца назад
The way his eyes sparkled after he got a cigar 😂🤌
@manuelochoa9266 Год назад
I went to grammar school in the 70s and high school in the early 80s, and the one thing I can say is that sex wasn't even mentioned in any class and not one teachers ever started talking about sex or sex preferences. Those questions were answered at home by your parents. My dad taught me told me sex since I am a guy, and my mom talked to me about relationswith girls and how to treat them with respect. And i turned out OK. So why nowadays this topic is being taught or discussed in classrooms across the country???
@lonewolf1069 2 года назад
Great video keep it up Micheal!!
@dktk4136 2 года назад
I don't think our public schools should be teaching our kids about sex. We send our kids to school to learn reading, writing and mathematics.
@hardinmichael1981 2 года назад
@theuglypaulus 2 года назад
Always love seeing young conservatives
@rainydayhaven2189 2 года назад
There should be cameras microphone in every classroom every day archived and a live stream that parents of children in each class would have a pw to access because you wouldn't want your children public but parents have this right and we should demand it
@JamesJ.JeffriesX 2 года назад
Keep going Michael Knowles
@sofly7634 2 года назад
Knowles brings the truth
@tomcotter4299 2 года назад
Wish I had known he was coming to Boston! I would’ve attended.
@fishosoficaldebaitsphiloso7760 2 года назад
Thank you for quoted GKC.
@hogg4229 2 года назад
“You haven’t presented direct evidence.” The president said it, his spokesperson said it, and the Republican lawmaker has made an accusation. “You haven’t presented any direct evidence.” Lol How do you find these people?
@regaladaroman2263 2 года назад
@11antun 2 года назад
Ave Michael! salve!
@justinrad5073 2 года назад
Michael for president 🇺🇸✝️
@jmoonies_racing2642 2 года назад
Really enjoyed the Q&A.... Love if you would come to NC and advertise on your podcast which universities you were speaking at!
@asmrallison 3 месяца назад
The speech felt like a homily in a good way
@alexa7337 2 года назад
I'm from NH too!! Represent!!!
@floridaboy.californiaman.649 2 года назад
Mike Knowles is cool ! . 🇺🇸🇺🇸
@lenorearenas1212 2 года назад
Wonderful lecture. The truth shall set us free. Although we empathize with anyone who suffers from gender dysphoria, we cannot affirm the disease but we certainly love the person enormously, enough to help them get better just as we would if it was any other disease like cancer or bi-polar. I am so thankful for Mr Knowles who love people so much that he sacrifice the wrath of the "woke police" to bring us the truth. God bless you Michael. Thanks. ❤️🙏👍🇺🇲
@fitseinfo 2 года назад
What a delicious presentation! love it!
@jimwatson4513 2 года назад
Great values is worth protecting !!! Love the truth !!!
@alicepyne-jahneke8042 2 года назад
I love Michael Knowles
@MsMadmax1 2 года назад
I worked for six years making minimum wage at a home improvement store. Many of my fellow employees were highschoolers that graduated barely able to read and less than articulate in English--and I'm not just speaking of the language, I am talking about its usage. If I'd quote something from Shakespeare, they had no idea who he was or what he'd written. Its a sad commentary on our educational system.
@jeffreytahauri9422 2 года назад
Awesome program
@sugarmuffin319 2 года назад
Please do more events in Massachusetts! 💕
@godice2023 2 года назад
The student walkout was double and triple masked. 😆
@chrissr318 2 года назад
I hate that these crazies stole the rainbow as a symbol. The rainbow is a symbols of Gods agreement with man to never destroy to world with water again
@notofthisworld5267 2 года назад
God will take it back. Just a matter of time. And they will give it back.
@anneclark1330 2 года назад
@mojopare8954 2 года назад
Love the video caption !!!!!!!!
@margita951 2 года назад
Micheal Knowles Charming and intelligent.
@LaiaBertran 2 года назад
The title of the video is just the best. 👍🏻
@mojopare8954 Год назад
Excellent lead caption.
@njs123forusa 2 года назад
🇺🇸👍🏽 great talk and a true reevaluation of the sick’0s of whom need serious mental health care, voluntarily or involuntarily!!!
@georgepoirier9014 Год назад
God bless Michael Knowles!!!
@natsarimthings3147 2 года назад
So they paid just to walk out. Let's call the creeps for what they really are; GROOMERS!
@riograul2043 2 года назад
Underrated q&A section
@jakkistaatmcdonald4555 2 года назад
I'm grateful for homeschooling. Many years ago I picked up the phrase "government school" instead of the common phrase, "public school". The label fits times today more then ever. If I had grandchildren now I would do everything I could to pay for Christian schooling and.or homeschool.
@juliatobiason4144 2 года назад
Teacher’s from tic toc (I saw it on RU-vid) feel they should be allowed to speak freely to talk to our 5-9yr olds about sex, trans surgery, their private lives, etc whenever they feel it’s ok (including the school cafeteria). Idk very many grade school teachers whom are qualified and certified to teach sex Ed full time at anytime in grade school
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