
Teen Polyglot Challenge: Catalan 

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Josh's winning entry to the TPC in Catalan



15 сен 2024




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@mariolawpanda 10 лет назад
My god, 5 weeks learning a language and being able to express himself in it as confidently as he did.
@NotTheRealJoker 10 лет назад
Catalan with Filipino accent
@edwinareano 9 лет назад
@miraclehime1253 7 лет назад
Joker Ikr
@sammumoo8186 5 лет назад
@hotrodjones74 10 лет назад
Very good for 5 weeks and not being in Catalunya. I am glad somebody chose Catalan for this challenge. I feel it is a forgotten and important language. If you know Spanish as well people will love you in Barcelona and you could talk to everyone. Now I wish I had learned Catalan when I lived there. I will get to it one day, for now I am deep into my 4 year Russian language project (my university degree) about to go to Moscow. Good luck with the Catalan!
@ajCabrera7 10 лет назад
My parents have lived in a Catalan environment for 40 years and they can't speak it. You did it in 5 weeks. Nasty, man, so so great! Continua així, perquè ho fas molt i molt bé. És possible millorar-ho, però ningú amb seny podria criticar el teu treball. Està genial, és assombrós, sincerament.
@srslygi 10 лет назад
I'm Brazilian and I can see that this language is really similar to Portuguese (some of the words have the same pronunciation) and Spanish. I don't know the language but as I can see you did very well! Never stop studying, you're amazing. :)
@blue---monday 10 лет назад
from all of the others, this is my favorite! there's so much confidence and passion in the way he talk.. way to go!
@NinaInthaWorld 10 лет назад
AWESOME! I loved the "One language is never enough". I totally agree!
@saralm7296 9 лет назад
És sorprenent que el puguis parlar així, tot i que com has dit tens alguns errors (però és perfectament normal) cal felicitar-te! Segueix així, és genial que la gent s'interessi pel català :)
@mariiafrancisco 8 лет назад
parles el català d'una forma impressionant😍 segueix aixi👌
@nataliebodin5751 10 лет назад
This one was the best. Wow, you are so confident speaking! Great job!
@mayk010 10 лет назад
Ets molt molt bo parlant en català, espero algun dia poder coneixe't en persona. Em faria molta il·lusió! =P M'encanta quan la gent fomenta el català arreu del mon. Et mereixes un lloc d'honor a Catalunya i gaudir de les nostres costums, pobles i ciutats, etc... I asseure't a taula i menjar-te un pa amb tomàquet, oli i embotit, que és el més típic dels Països Catalans. I després coses menys comuns però úniques a la nostra terra! =P Ballar una sardana i ajudar a fer un castell humà amb els nostres castellers, venir a les nostres festes populars i veure com vivim els catalans en pau i harmonia, en un país de pau i tranquil·litat!! Els catalans admirem a la gent com tu. Segueix així que tu ho pots fer!! Greetings from Catalonia!!*!! =PP
@VP-mf8gi 4 года назад
Joshua, moltes gràcies per interessar-te per una llengua tan maca com la nostra. Ho fas molt bé, continua així, ÀNIMS!!!
@neurocabolo 10 лет назад
You speak catalan better than some peple who lives in catalonia, your catalan is so nice!
@SuperEpic96 10 лет назад
wow, im catalan. this is pretty good, the only consistent mistake is that when you say "I like ......" you say "jo m'agrada...." when you should be saying "a mi m'agrada ...." aside from that, very good pronounciation, keep it up!
@VeraDonna 8 лет назад
Home, per una persona que mai va estar a Catalunya, aquest noi parla molt bé!
@sammumoo8186 5 лет назад
Molt bé!
@dennisdealmachtige4886 10 лет назад
That's really impressive :O
@amyamzv 10 лет назад
You were really good, great job! Ps. Catalan is more of a bridge between Spanish and Portuguese than it is Spanish and French... It is incredibly similar to Portuguese, especially the european accent.
@gerardathletics 10 лет назад
why catalan should be the bridge of two languages? Just because it's symilar with both doesn't mean it is a bridge. Catalan is a language like spanish or portuguese are, not because it's less known is a kind of mixture or something heheh just a romance language. Maybe closer to spanish pronounciation because it's mainly spoken in catalonia (spain) and spanish influenced it ( moreover catalan has been opressed by spanish kings and dictators many times , and forced to speak catalan.). But in fact catalan is closer to french because they are both Gallo-Romance language, and spanish and portuguese are Ibero-Romance. :D
@amyamzv 10 лет назад
The reason I ever even said what I did ( that catalan is more of a bridge between spanish and portuguese rather than spanish and french) is because the boy in the video brought it up and I thought differently and wanted to share my view on it, based on my knowledge of those languages... I just happen to find a lot more similarities between catalan and portuguese than i find between catalan and french, that's why I said it... Sorry if it sounded like I was saying that catalan is not an actual "language", I totally didn't want it to sound that way. I actually don't know much about catalan so I wouldn't even know what languages have influenced it the most, I just gave my oppinion purely on what I heard from the video and other "encounters" I've had with that language in the past. Sorry, otra vez 😜
@mytonerghf 10 лет назад
Amy Alex I have learned French and Portuguese (but i won't say i'm good at them) and i have come to a conclusion that Catalan is closer to Portuguese than French and I agree with Amy.
@joelpeterson6051 10 лет назад
Catalonia is geographically at the middle of all romance languages, so if you know about One Piece Catalan is the All Blue (Great Blue in 4Kids).
@lez075 9 лет назад
I'm catalan and spanish native speaker and I can understand 60-80% of spoken portuguese and italian but not even 20% of french (I haven't studied none of them)... I can read french and understand a little bit but nos as much as portuguese or italian, not even close.
@juditalonsodomingo9271 10 лет назад
Soc catalana i mai fins ara havia vist algú que estudiés català per gust propi. Tens un bon accent, no deixis de practicar. Si necessites ajuda o qualsevol cosa, no dubtis a contactar-me. I'm Catalan and I had never seen anybody who studies Catalan (foreigner) because he/she liked it until this moment. Your accent is good, don't stop practising. If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me.
@yourlocalforeigner7203 6 лет назад
No has vist la sèrie Katalonski a TV3? N'hi ha molts qui volem estudiar i practicar el català que no som parlants nadius! =)
@santislpslp1595 9 лет назад
Qué crack el chaval hablando catalán xD
@PolyglotPtrain 10 лет назад
Wow... you did an awesome job, that was really awesome. Have you studied languages in the past? It seems like you caught on to Catalan really fast and learned it to near fluency. Congrats!
@itsManuval 10 лет назад
I knew it. A Filipino!
@RuDeCookie7 10 лет назад
Tim, will you do another competition like this again?
@keysilver7744 9 лет назад
I speak French and I have some notions of Spanish, and this language sounds like a literal hybrid of the two. Very interesting. Good job!
@alwynjmaynard 9 лет назад
Amazing, keep it up. You're Catalan is very good. Inspirational!
@ChefRafi 8 лет назад
Ang galing galing mo sa Catalan!!
@jordinasolafeliu2937 8 лет назад
Amb 5 setmanes i parles aixi?!!! Si parles perfecteee
@myj0urney 9 лет назад
I find the branch between Spanish and French non existent but between Danish, Swedish and English to be quite noticeable even some German.
@R41N3LLGaming 9 лет назад
Catherine S French and Spanish and very different in pronunciation of words. But besides that, both languages are very similar in terms of grammar, syntax, etymology, and vocabulary, considerably having a high lexical similarity of 75%. Both languages are Romance languages (specifically Western Romance), which means that both languages are daughter languages of Latin.
@Cecilia736 10 лет назад
Wow increible.
@Kroket96 10 лет назад
Uau, parles super bé el català. Però a València la llengua que es parla es el valencià, lleugerament diferent al català. Tingues-ho en compte. Català: Avui he anat al camp a recollir tomàquets, patates i enciam. No ha sigut pas un dia gaire productiu però m'ho he passat bé. Valencià: Hui he aplegat a l'horta a arreplegar tomates, creïlles i lletuga, No ha segut un dia massa productiu pero m'heu he passat bé. Your catalan is really nice. But the language spoken in Valencia is called valencian, slighlty different from catalan. Keep that in mind. Pronnciation: Catalan: "Avuee e nat al camp a racuyee toomakats, patatas ee ansiam. No a sigoot pas un dia gaira pruductiu, pro mu e passat be". Valencian: "Wi e anat a lorta a recoyir tomates, kre-eeyes ee yetuga. No a segoot un dia masa productiu, pero me u e pasat be". It's like nederlands and afrikaans or like danish, norwegian and swedish, they are quite mutual inteligible but not the same.
@gerardathletics 10 лет назад
Bé, sóc català i de Lleida, i solo parlar amb gent valenciana i crec que són totalment inteligibles i que no arriba a la diferència entre el danès, suec etc... Aqui també es diu horta o hort, A lleida es diu tomates i no ''tumakats''.. Però està clar que està bé que entengui que hi ha diferents varietats dialectals (o un altre idioma si ho consideres així) a part del catala oriental.
@joelpeterson6051 10 лет назад
Valencian is not a different language but a variant, the "alguerès", "rossellonès" and "barcelonès" are also distinct variants of the Catalan language and so is Valencian. Argentinian and Mexican are not different languages to Castilian (Spanish), American English is not a separate language to British English.
@Kroket96 10 лет назад
Valencià: Yo parle tant el valencià com el català aixina que crec que sé lo que me dic. També parle afrikaans. I veig tantes diferéncies entre l'afrikaans i l'holandés com entre el valencià i el català (o l'occità, si mos hi posem), son idiomes inteligibles, pero aço no vol dir que siguen el mateix idioma. Ho sent molt, pero els "països catalans" es una idea imperialista que se té que rebutjar, es com la Gran Alemanya de Hitler, unir a uns territoris per suposadament compartir una llengua i fer una Gran Catalunya. El idioma valencià està documentat des del sigle XIV, aixina ho demostra este fragment del document "Liber Amici et Amati" de la Biblioteca Ambrosiana de Milà: Ista expositio excerpta fuit ex magno volumine in lingua valentina composito per quemdam discipulum Raymundi. Inceptum Valentie mense decembris et finito mense Martii anni 1335, en valencià seria: Esta exposicio fon treta d’un gran volum compost en llengua valenciana per un cert discipul de Ramon (Llull). Escomençat en Valencia el mes de decembre i acabat el mes de març de 1335. Documents aixina n'hi ha a borbotons, inclus hi han jarches valencianes anteriors. El valencià naix del romanç, i este del llatí, aço es tot. Català Jo parlo tant el valencià com el català així que crec que sé el que em dic. També parlo afrikaans. I veig tantes diferències entre l'afrikaans i l'holandès com entre el valencià i el català (o l'occità, si ens hi posem), són idiomes intel·ligibles, però això no vol dir que siguin el mateix idioma. Ho sento molt, però els "països catalans" és una idea imperialista que s'ha de rebutjar, és com la Gran Alemanya de Hitler, unir uns territoris per suposadament compartir una llengua i fer una Gran Catalunya. El idioma valencià està documentat des del segle XIV, així ho demostra aquest fragment del document "Liber Amici et Amati" de la Biblioteca Ambrosiana de Milà: Ista expositio excerpta fuit ex magno volumine in lingua valentina composito per quemdam discipulum Raymundi. Inceptum Valentie mense decembris et finito mense Martii anni 1335, en català seria: Aquesta exposició va ser treta d'un gran volum compost en llengua valenciana per un cert deixeble de Ramon (Llull). Començat a València en el mes de desembre i acabat el mes de març del 1335. Documents així se'n troben un munt, inclús hi ha jarches valencianes anteriors. El valencià neix del romanç, i aquest del llatí, això és tot. Español: Yo hablo tanto valenciano como catalán así que creo que sé lo que me digo. También hablo afrikaans. Y veo tantas diferencias entre el afrikaans i el holandés como entre el valenciano y el catalan (o el occitano, si hace falta), son idiomas inteligibles, pero eso no quiere decir que sean el mismo idioma. Lo siento mucho, pero los "países catalanes" es una idea imperialista que se tiene que rechazar, es como la Gran Alemania de Hitler, unir unos territorios por supuestamente compartir una lengua i hacer una Gran Cataluña. El idioma valenciano está documentado des del siglo XIV, así lo demuestra este fragmento del documento "Liber Amici et Amati" de la Biblioteca Ambrosiana de Milán: Ista expositio excerpta fuit ex magno volumine in lingua valentina composito per quemdam discipulum Raymundi. Inceptum Valentie mense decembris et finito mense Martii anni 1335, en español sería: Esta exposición fué sacada de un gran volúmen compuesto en lengua valenciana por cierto discípulo de Ramon (Llull). Comenzado en Valencia en el mes de diciembre y acabado el mes de marzo del 1335. De documentos así hay a montones, incluso hay jarchas valencianas anteriores. El valenciano nace del romance, y éste del latín, eso es todo. English I speak both Catalan and Valencian so I think I know what I'm talking about. I speak Afrikaans too. I see as many differences between Afrikaans and Dutch as between Valencian and Catalan (or Occitan, if necessary), these languages ​​are intelligible, but that doesn't make them the same language. I'm sorry, but the "Catalan Countries" is an imperialist idea we should reject, it's like Hitler's Greater Germany, joining territories because they supposedly share a language and eventually creating a Greater Catalonia. The Valencian language is documented since the fourteenth century, as evidenced by this excerpt from the document "Amici et Liber Amati": Liber Amici et Amati" from the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan: Ista expositio excerpta fuit ex magno volumine in lingua valentina composito per quemdam discipulum Raymundi. Inceptum Valentie mense decembris et finito mense Martii anni 1335. Which in English means: This exposition was composed in Valencian Language by a certain Ramon (Lull)'s disciple. Valencia started in December and ended in March 1335. Lots of documents like this have been found, there are even previous Valencian jarchas. The Valencian Language was born of Romance and Latin, that's all. Afrikaans: Ek praat beide Valenciaanse en Katalaans, so ek dink ek weet wat ek sê. Ek praat Afrikaans ook. Ek sien so baie verskille tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands as tussen Valenciaanse en Katalaans (of Oksitaans, indien nodig), hierdie tale is verstaanbaar, maar dit maak hulle nie dieselfde taal. Ek is jammer, maar die "Katalaans Lande" is 'n imperialistiese idee wat ons moet verwerp, dit is soos Hitler se Groter Duitsland, gebiede aan te sluit omdat hulle vermoedelik deel dieselfde taal en uiteindelik 'n Groter Katalonië te skep. Die Valencian taal is gedokumenteer sedert die veertiende eeu, soos blyk uit hierdie uittreksel uit die dokument van "Amici et Liber Amati": Liber Amici et Amati "van die Biblioteca Ambrosina in Milan: Ista expositio excerpta Fuit ex Magno volumine in lingua Valentina composito per quemdam discipulum Raymundi. Inceptum Valentie Mense decembris et finito Mense Martii Anni 1335, wat in Afrikaans beteken:.. Hierdie uiteensetting is gekomponeer in Valencia taal deur 'n sekere Ramon (Lull) se dissipel. Begin in Valencia in Desember en geëindig Maart 1335. Baie van dokumente soos hierdie is gevind, daar is selfs vorige Valenciaanse jarchas. Die Valenciaanse taal is gebore uit Romance en Latyns, dit is al. Nederlands: Ik spreek beide Valenciaanse en Catalaans, zo ik denk dat ik weet wat ik zeg Ik spreek Afrikaans ook. Ik zie zo veel verschillen tussen Afrikaans en Nederlands als tussen Valenciaanse en Catalaans (of Occitaans, indien nodig), deze talen zijn begrijpelijk, maar dat maakt ze niet dezelfde taal. Het sprijt me, maar de "Catalaanse Landen" is een imperialistische idee wat we moeten verwerpen, dat is zoals Hitler's Groter Duitsland, gebieden aan te sluiten omdat ze vermoedelijk deel dezelfde taal en uiteindelijk een Groter Catalonië te creëren. De Valenciaanse taal is gedocumenteerd sinds de veertiende eeuw, zoals blijkt uit dit uittreksel uit het document van "Amici et Liber Amati" "van de Biblioteca Ambrosina in Milan: Ista expositio excerpta Fuit ex Magno volumine in lingua Valentina composito per quemdam discipulum Raymundi. Inceptum Valentie Mensen decembris et finito Mensen Martii Anni 1335, dat in het nederlands betekent: Deze uiteenzetting is gecomponeerd in Valenciaanse taal door een zekere Ramon (Lull)'s discipel. Begon in Valencia in december en eindigde maart 1335. Veel documenten zoals deze zijn gevonden, er zijn zelfs vorige Valenciaanse jarchas.. De Valenciaanse taal is geboren van Romance en Latijn, dat is alles.
@joelpeterson6051 10 лет назад
I repeat, the Australian English is not a different language to British English, Mexicans do not speak a different language from Castilian (Spanish). Western Catalans do not speak a different tongue from the northern Valencians. Andalusians do not speak a different language to Cantabrians. The comparison with Afrikaans is wrong. Valencian is to Eastern Catalan what Flemish is to Dutch, Afrikaans would be Occitan. And even so, intercomprehension between Catalan and Occitan can be quite good when reading. Your advocate for separation of Valencian from Catalan is purely political. The Scientific Community do not recognize Valencian as a separate idiom, neither does the Valencian Academy of the Language (I recommend you to check its Valencian Normative Dictionary to rectify the misspellings you made. ) or the Spanish Royal Academy. The first and earlier mention of the Catalan language comes from 1290 in "Regles de trobar" by the Catalan Jofre de Foixà. The later mention of the "Valencian language" do not stand for a different language but a distinct variant depending on the writer's demonym in the historical moment in which there wasn't a unique name but many ways to call it. Mallorcan Ferran Valentí is a clear example. The 11th-century's Arab-influenced Romance of the Valencian Kharjas (Jarchas) can't be the direct reason of distinction of a supposed independently evolutioned Valencian tongue that is actually much closer to the earliest complex text sample of Catalan found: "Greuges de Guitard Isarn" (1080-1095) near the Pyrenees (Alt Urgell). Though, if your problem is just the labeling we can call the whole language Valencian and Valencian Countries instead of Catalan Countries (Never heard of "Greater Catalonia" or such foolish stories... ). I say again, the majority of Catalans are NOT politically interested in Valencian Aut. Comm. . In addition, if we make a simple analysis of the different words shown in your texts we can see that half of them are recognized by the Institute of Catalan Studies (Catalan learned body on matters pertaining to the Catalan language.) and the other half have unconscious or deliberate orthographic mistakes. In conclusion, you think against the scientific criteria that everybody is wrong except yourself.
@marzabalgalano 10 лет назад
Kroket96 El català i el valencià són com el neerlandès i el flamenc, és a dir dues varietats de la mateixa llengua. Res d'Afrikaans. Sinó això voldria dir que no parleu castellà a valència sinó una altra llengua. Sigui com sigui el que parlen a València és si serà un dialecte del català, ja que el territori que ocupa el país Valencià, després de 500 anys d'ocupació àrab fou repoblat per catalans, (no pas aragonesos ni castellans), cosa que explica perquè la llengua que es parla a valència no és dialecte del castellà ni de l'aragonès. Si València fou castellana i/o aragonesa perquè parlen un dialecte del català? Això no té ni cap ni peus. I com és que la bandera de València són les de l'escut del compte de Barcelona? Les quatre barres? I no l'escut aragones ni el castellà? La història està ben clara. València i Mallorca foren repoblats per catalans i per tant la seva llengua en prové. Mentre el valencià sigui una variant del català és un dialecte del català i del llatí. Si algun dia els filòlegs i polítics decideixen separar la llengua catalana de la valenciana a partir d'aquí el valencià no es podrà considerar dialecte del llatí, no pas directament, però el seu origen és i serà el català, per tant dialecte del català, de la mateixa manera que el català és dialecte del llatí. De moment els científics parlen del valencià com a llengua catalana. Són ells els que ho determinen, ni jo ni tu. Ciència, no opinions.
@djnacar 10 лет назад
Felicitats Campio!
@madelinetrapp1721 9 лет назад
visca barca!!!! ◡̈
@aldoemanuel20 9 лет назад
@LuciaMartinez-wg2bj 21 день назад
Quina meravella, sorprenent 😻😻😻
@user-cw1dr4ey7e 10 лет назад
Usted necesita continuar a estudiar Catalán porque tienes un conocimiento excelente por estudiar Catalán y otras idiomas.
@vicentpastormontoyo5911 8 лет назад
@icyjcsb 9 лет назад
Yo aprendí catalán viendo ruedas de prensa del Barcelona y con el Crackovia, #lol
@iEchOfficial 8 лет назад
I'm currently learn Spanish (Castellano y Chileano) and it's so weird that due to my knowledge of Spanish and French and can pick up the odd word while hearing this video in the background.
@TheCANation 4 года назад
I’m studying Catalan. I wanted to do it after I learned Spanish.
@marlasinger8274 9 лет назад
I kinda think he lied about learning this language so quickly....compared to everyone else that entered the contest this guy's level is way higher than what it should be....
@thomasfrench914 8 лет назад
He probably just studied way more
@asoidfhowehjr8248 8 лет назад
+Sophia Ning he probably already knew spanish, or another western ibero-romance language.
@VeraDonna 8 лет назад
+iwrotehaikusaboutanarchisminyouryearbook , Still, it's very impressive. I know spanish, portuguese, french and italian people living in Catalonia who can't speak Catalan at this level, especially on pronounciation.
@Hello-ff2ql 8 лет назад
+Sophia Ning I think it's just because he prepared a speech, and so he just kept on practising the words he prepared. I don't think the other polygons prepared something beforehand.. Or he could have just studied more. Idk
@eyelashz9136 8 лет назад
dude he is asian
@jordifaxon2839 8 лет назад
Cinc semanas?!
@joansard9670 9 лет назад
Ho fas molt bé xiquet, enhorabona!!!
@TheWackoGreenAlien 8 лет назад
How do you find people who speak different languages on Skype and stuff?
@alkantre 10 лет назад
es una llengua amb molta cultura
@dayana6811 7 лет назад
Soy nativa de Valencia y no sabía que se hablara en Italia. Intenté escribir esto en Valenciano, pero ya hace mucho tiempo que ni resido ni hablo con alguien en catalán, y por eso está un poco "oxidado". Si este canal sigue activo, me gustaría que practiques conmigo por skype. Cabe decir que el dialecto de Cataluña no es el mismo que el de Valencia, e incluso hay una pequeña discusión sobre si existe un idioma que se llame Valenciano :v
@cutiem92 9 лет назад
Ho has fet força bé! Només t'has d'enrecordar de dir "A mi" i no "Jo" a frases com "A mi m'agrada".
@TheWackoGreenAlien 8 лет назад
I wanna learn more though
@kenblock75 10 лет назад
He wins
@invuche2000 3 года назад
Ya te digo yo que hablas catalan mejor que muchos que llevan toda la vida aquí.
@Lecluyse2000 9 лет назад
Tengo estado estudiando español a escuela con un prefesora para dos meses. Español es un bonita idioma, y soy feliz que me decidí a aprender. El vocabolario es no malo, pero la gramatica es difícil para me.
@marcbarea9830 8 лет назад
+Lè GamingGamer That's not "Bonita idioma", it's "bonito idioma": "idioma" is masculine, so you have to say "bonito". "Bonita" is for femenine words. It's not "vocabolario", it's "vocabUlario". It's not "me", it's "mi". I hope I have helped you. Espero haberte ayudado.
@Lecluyse2000 8 лет назад
Marc Barea ohh, muchas gracias :)
@thomasfrench914 8 лет назад
*he estado
@Lecluyse2000 8 лет назад
+Cube Games ¿Cuál es la differencía entre las palabras he y tengo? Yo sé que ambos significan "i have" en inglés.
@thomasfrench914 8 лет назад
+Lè GamingGamer tengo usually means I own and he means like I have done this I have had that,
@retroke6560 5 лет назад
Buah, es molt raro vore a algú d'america aprenent català
@Cannibalizer13 9 лет назад
Visca Barca!
@TheNarutopower15 8 лет назад
I thought he learned Catalan because he likes Barça xD he was wearing a Barça jersey
@TheUltrafer 7 лет назад
HAHA maybe
@TheWackoGreenAlien 8 лет назад
People don't know by how I write or talk but wnglish isn't my first language but I do speak it as I live in England now. I moved here a couple of years ago.
@audenfinch1326 8 лет назад
What is your first language?
@TheWackoGreenAlien 8 лет назад
***** Gaelige and sign language and u didn't start talking until I was 5 anyway. The doctors never thought I'd talk or walk (not connected by the way) and they thought I'd need help for the rest of my liyf
@realiamnotrussianbot5396 4 года назад
El mon necesita mes persones com tu. Esta ple d'espanyols que viuen a catalunya i es neguen a aprendre catala
@lariiifurriii 10 лет назад
Oh yeah you speak tagalog 😊
@sammumoo8186 5 лет назад
A lo millor és perquè els meus audífons no són els millors, però em costa entendre el que està dient. Jo parle valencià i ho entenc perfectament, però el seu accent és altra cosa xD
@luriemu1 10 лет назад
@atinhtien727 7 лет назад
He used to be Vietnamese, didn't he ? #From VietNam
@JohnDoe-ev8io 9 лет назад
I am Ukrainian who lived in Argentina for 3 years and I understood everything that he said. Wow! I thought Catalan is a lot different from Spanish.
@j4leaf 6 лет назад
@Kroket96 10 лет назад
PS: The Valencian Country (País Valencià, Regne de Velència) is not a catalan country, has never been catalan but aragonese and spanish. People from valencia don't feel catalan at all, be careful about what people from Barcelona tell you about Valencia, because they consider Valencia like a part of Catalonia, as german people thought Austria was a part of Germany. Valencia and Catalonia have close cultures and languages (almost the same some times) but that doesnt make the Valenican Country a Catalan country.
@joelpeterson6051 10 лет назад
Catalan Countries stands for the places where Catalan is spoken, like Hispanic Countries/ Latin Countries/"Hispanoamérica", Anglo-Saxon Countries/Anglosphere, "la Francophonie" and so on. This word does not mean Valencian Country belongs to Catalonia or whatever, the most of the catalans do not care about Valencia at all. This argument is an obsessed attempt on seeking attention.
@Kroket96 10 лет назад
Joel Atienza Valencian term is older than catalan and Valencian Language has its own Golden Age, of which Catalan lacks. The difference between Hispanic/Francophone/etc. countries you mentioned is that all these countries are 200/300 years old (US, Canada, Australia, Mexico, etc.) and they were directly colonized. By contrast, Valencia was never colonized but invaded by the Crown of Aragon. Only some thousands of catalan and aragonese people came to Valencia. So the language that already existed here remained (as valencian language is named by a disciple of Ramon Llull in the XIII century and by the greatest valencian writers like Joanot Martorell, Ausiàs March, etc.) and we have as well the valencian jarchas to prove it. Whatsoever, if Catalonia doesn't give a **** about Valencia, why is Valencia still mentioned in their Weather Forecast, etc.? Or why the Catalan Countries are a constant in the media? In Valencia we don't speak catalan but valencian, we are not catalan and we are not gonna be. Accept it, move on and leave us alone. Please.
@relampagoverde5501 10 лет назад
I'm Valencian, and we dont feel like Catalans. The Catalans are other comunity in spain and we dont have anything to view with them. The Catalans want the independence of "Catalonia" as a group with Valencian Comunity and Balears Islands, but we dont want that; any Valencian and any Balear People wont that.
@Kroket96 10 лет назад
Well said, I'm valencian too (living in Barcelona) and I don't want the independence. I like Spain (Hispania) and Valencia and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. El valencià no és català.
@joelpeterson6051 10 лет назад
Kroket96 Catalan term is older than Valencian. The "Golden Age" is a Castilian concept which has no scientific base, is a historiographical way to describe a period of big production and good quality which is not used in other countries but just to mention only the Castilian literature's case, this isn't something you lack or not. The "Valencian Golden Age" is not about a different language but a written style called "Valenciana prosa" born in the kingdom of Valencia while in Catalonia was still the oldest medieval troubadouresque written style. Most of the writers were Valencian, but some were Catalan like Bernat Metge or Francesc Eiximenis, other were Catalan descendants like Ausiàs March or Jaume Roig. The naming of a geographical dominion of a language has nothing to do with the time or the colonization, Belgium was never colonized by the Netherlands and they both are members of the Dutch Language Union. There is no scientific prove that Valencian is an independently evolved language from "jarchas". Where is the the general consensus of the scientific community on your statement? Valencia is in the weather forecast because the Valencians who watch the Catalan television wants to be aware of the weather in Valencia, is not that hard to understand. Some people from Catalonia, Valencia and Balearic Islands might desire to have some kind of political union. Though, this not my case or either the will of the majority. So get rid of this need-of-attention story. I don't care if you don't feel Catalan, I've never wanted you to be Catalan, its your own decision not mine, everybody knows! But we both speak the same language, call it Catalan or Valencian, this is the proven reality. You can say that we all speak Valencian language and refer to Valencian Countries if you prefer, I don't care. But the fact is that we speak the same idiom, whether you like it or not. El valencià és català i el català és valencià. So accept it and move on.
@clevelandshowfan4209 6 лет назад
He looks like me
@WilliamMohamad-uv5fi 9 лет назад
I speak castillian and this language was so foreign to me
@fulljackrackoboe 6 лет назад
You mean Spanish from Spain right? 'cos nobody speaks Castillian anymore as it's and archaic language spoken in Spain long ago.
@JoBalDez 10 лет назад
It's not one of the most widely spoken languages in Europe hahahhahaha
@lince159 10 лет назад
11.5 million spekears is quite good.
@marcosdean2351 9 лет назад
lince159 That's what the "Generalitat" says, and they count people that say that they "can understand but not speak properly". Anyone from other parts of Spain that spends a few months in Catalunya "can understand but not speak properly"! So the real number would be half of those.
@brandongillis2728 9 лет назад
lince159 only about 3 million speak Catalan and that's as a 2nd or 3rd language I still think it would be fun to learn one day
@madalinpopescu 9 лет назад
Brandon Gillis Actually we are up to 7-8 million!
@madalinpopescu 9 лет назад
Brandon Gillis and it's the 9th most spoken language in Europe.
@MrSoler 9 лет назад
@mikojordan1893 6 лет назад
it's easy for us Filipinos to learn Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and English because of colonization. but offcourse the determination to learn is needed. Try listen to one of Filipino Dialects, the "chavacano" its 95 percent Spanish: )
@ngocthangnguyen2800 10 лет назад
you look like vietnamese ? aha
@kathleenmanalo4846 10 лет назад
***** yes he's filipino, I understood what he said in the beginning of the video :)
@ngocthangnguyen2800 10 лет назад
i'm vietnamese ,nice to meet u kathleen :)
@JoBalDez 10 лет назад
There is no catalanspeaker country
@lince159 10 лет назад
Yes, Andorra en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andorra
@brandongillis2728 9 лет назад
A micronation called Andorra speaks it Catalonia is a large part of Spain that wants to be independent they speak southern French people speak it city in Italy many places
@lucaflavius9295 9 лет назад
In Andorra they speak french
@joshuasamaniego5583 9 лет назад
Andorra's official language is Catalan :)
@ThePlanetProject 7 лет назад
Uuhh the nation of Catalonia... maybe in a couple of years
@marcosdean2351 9 лет назад
There are no "Catalan countries", don't let anyone tell you "milongues".
@lince159 9 лет назад
Yes, Andorra en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andorra haha
@xaloc5004 9 лет назад
Marcos Dean Lol dude stop hating already you're so sad.
@marcosdean2351 9 лет назад
Xaloc Franco Es clar, es clar.
@marcosdean2351 9 лет назад
lince159 Que Andorra sigui un país on es parla català no vol dir que sigui part dels "païssos catalans". Per aquesta lògica, Canadà forma part d'Anglaterra, perquè com parlen la mateixa llengua...
@rovi3833 8 лет назад
+Marcos Dean No és Anglaterra de la mateixa manera de que Andorra no és Catalunya, però sí és un país anglosaxó de la mateixa manera que Andorra forma part de la zona on es parla el català anomenada "Països catalans", això no vol dir que siguin països ni que siguin catalans, quina ironia...
@martinacuna7537 8 лет назад
in Valencia we speak Valenciano not Catalan, is kinda offensive
@erikrod580 7 лет назад
here we going again😣
@DeLaCruz878 8 лет назад
Of all languages, Catalan really? :)
@TonyStark799 8 лет назад
Yeah, if you weren't interested, then why bother clicking on the video.
@samuelmartinezcalleja.6805 6 лет назад
Cataluña no es un idioma
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