
The 4b movement is not misandry, nor is it new 

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The 4b movement is part of the decades long desire by women to live separated from men.
Instead of asking why that is so desirable, men are using it to again, mock and attack women claiming it is based around hating on men.
Meanwhile the separatist movement started by men has been banned and removed from all social media platforms because it promotes hate and violence.
The issue, as always is with men's discomfort when they are decentered.



18 сен 2024




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@Egg_Apron Месяц назад
You might be aware that women have chosen to live together in congregate settings for thousands of years, but each time, the m3n of the time and place got to work passing laws to break apart our residential set-ups. There's plenty of documentation about women living in temples, long houses, and even "cities of Ladies" all over the world, during human history. And we'll do it AGAIN.
@AnnieRegret 20 дней назад
Sounds like you have a book recommendation?❤❤❤
@Egg_Apron 20 дней назад
@@AnnieRegret "The Creation of Patriarchy" by Gerda Lerner. "Cities of Ladies: Beguine Communities in the Medieval Low Countries, 1200-1565" Book by Walter Simons. 👁️❤️
@AnnieRegret 20 дней назад
@@Egg_Apron Thanks so much!❤️❤️❤️
@teresamagnusson 8 дней назад
Best comment ever!!!
@annhaney8014 15 дней назад
I took a gulp of fresh air listening to you. Thank you so much for sharing. New subscriber.
@narek323 5 дней назад
Of course you would, because you're a female. You like everything that caters to your gender.
@zacharybosley1935 Месяц назад
I am eternally saddened that the sub count is so low for this channel
@dshepherd107 24 дня назад
He’s only been posting a year, & he’s going against the tide. Share his posts, always comment for the algorithms, & the subscriber numbers will grow.
@AnnieRegret 20 дней назад
@narek323 5 дней назад
No, it's understandably low.
@zacharybosley1935 5 дней назад
@@narek323 understandable doesn't mean less sad
@FullShade 13 дней назад
Still hoping for men to evolve emotionally. I’m doubtful I’ll see it within my lifetime. Maybe in the next life, if I’m attracted to men in that one.
@teresamagnusson 8 дней назад
I'm not holding my breath.
@JessiD-111 2 дня назад
Just found your channel and I really appreciate it. I have seen a lot of men claiming that they are going "their own way", while constantly hating on women. On the other hand I know women who just want to live alone - and do it. They never talk about men, hate on them or wish them any harm. They just want to have their peace.
@catherinelempke8451 2 дня назад
I feel like part of the tragedy of these by-men for-men movements is how, without exception, every single one perpetuates the cycle of harm between men. So even if you're literally just an average dude hoping to find other men to be able to talk to, just wanting support and empathy from people in a similar social category, that entirely human need for connection gets used to hurt and dehumanize you.
@CarrieLovesLife. 10 дней назад
I just discovered your channel. Thank you for your posts, hopefully they will reach men (and women) that need to hear & understand these things.
@alexmcd378 Месяц назад
The going their own way crowd came so close to a good thing. Go your own way. Focus on yourself. Define your own sense of worth. If the actions matched the rhetoric, I would support them. But, not so much
@seraphilight 5 дней назад
The word "virgin" did not mean unbedded. It meant strong, single woman, independent, and powerful. Men got the word "virile" from it. The virgins in history, were not virgins as you know it. During the laws of coverture the only way to own a business as a woman WAS to be single. The founding fathers left a lot of leftovers from British law in, they did not have to keep the laws of Coverture- but they did. And that forced idea wasn't new either. It happened over and over again. Rome allowed women to own businesses, until the church started busting their way in. To keep the peace the emperor made a deal, ensuring a loophole- only women who worked for the church could own a business. (Because nuns). So women would walk allll the way to temple to clean a single thing, then leave. There's so many example of this. There a thought that it's very possible throughout history women actually LOST freedom, more and more. Men were the scholars and historians after all, and it's only recent times we found out how much the modern lens of sexism fucked things up. Turns out half those who went a-viking were women- and all our "grim dark history dramas where women are treated like absolute garbage but stop complaining that's how it was" were fucking wrong. Gosh, there's even shows where the writers DON'T like it either, but think they have to do it. People were always people. Why does that not fit into this weird viewpoint going on?
@greca5903 16 часов назад
Could you tell recommend some material to read up on this subject? Thank you!!
@sonja4164 Месяц назад
Well said!
@leightonolsson4846 12 дней назад
Exactly. Couldn't agree more on every point.
@greca5903 16 часов назад
Thank you for this video. Just found your channel and I'm loving your way of explaining things.
@JMoose 7 дней назад
So well said. Keep it up. You just got one more subscriber 😊
@mchlle94 12 дней назад
Love this video, it's spot on
@CatsupBat Месяц назад
@MirrimBlackfox 13 дней назад
I guess I will comment for the algorithm. But yeah, I have never understood what was up with people.
@blueredingreen Месяц назад
I fully support someone's right to remain single or choose who they surround themselves with. But I'm not all that on board with separation as a social movement. Separating groups of people based on demographics doesn't have the best history, and unity promotes cooperation, understanding and empathy, which the world desperately needs a lot more of. Also, "then they'll have to date women" leans a bit too far into suggesting orientation is a choice, which is an idea that's caused a lot of problems for a lot of LGBT folks. And many men and women have a deeply ingrained desire for romantic partnership with someone of the opposite gender, and find that to be greatly fulfilling (if they find the right person). The idea of rejecting that as a social movement seems likely to do more harm than good, from people potentially joining such movements and depriving themselves of something they have a strong desire for, when they'd be happier and healthier if they e.g. deal with some underlying trauma that may be at the root of their negative feelings towards half the population. Some may also join such movements due to peer pressure and end up similarly unfulfilled. I don't support such movements when men do it, and I also don't support such movements when women do it (but I acknowledge that those movements are very different). But just to reiterate: I fully support people remaining single for whatever reason. It's promoting that as a social movement that I have an issue with. At its core, the movements seem to say you're a bad person because of the way you were born, and such movements are a catalyst to reinforce the worst gender stereotypes, for people to take issues they have with individuals and blame the entire group of people belonging to one gender for that. I didn't choose to be born a man, but yet I am judged and treated as one, and grouped in with other men, no matter how little I have in common with them (beyond which body parts I have) and no matter how little I have to do with issues women have had with other men. There are of course also bad reasons to get into relationships, like if you see it as something you need to have worth. But rejecting relationships altogether doesn't seem like a good way to push back against that, because all the good reasons would be collateral damage in that.
@morganeoghmanann9792 15 дней назад
Your statement, "the movements seem to say you're a bad person because of the way you were born..." Women in the 4B (and like) movements are not saying men are bad because of gender; they are rejecting many men's bad behavior toward women. Major difference between gender and behavior. Of course not all men are abusive and users. If I put into each of your hands a small number of identical candies and tell you that one hand contains edible candy and the other hand contains poisoned candy but I'm not going to tell you, I want you to choose of your own free will which candies you think are okay and put them in your mouth, I promise you you would not be able to tell which was which. Women who get burned are blamed and shamed by men who tell them, "You should have chosen better." Men who have been burned by toxic women know exactly what that feels like. But no one ever blames a man for not being able to see a toxic woman for what she is until she reveals herself. It's not men en masse being rejected - it's toxic men. But after you've been burned bad enough, you learn to say "Enough." Besides, it's not like people stepping away from relationships are threatening the survival of the human species. There will always be a vast majority who are willing to forever enter the breach. As to your comment about people, "...depriving themselves of something they have a strong desire for..." there have always been folks who never found the love they looked for, no matter how many dates and ice cream church socials they attended. Sadly, that is just a fact of life.
@teresamagnusson 8 дней назад
Your novel is irrelevant. Women prefer separate societies.
@GiovannaBruno-sh6ft 8 дней назад
@blueredingreen for what it's worth I think what you wrote is totally spot on (I'm a woman)
@ejenglin 7 дней назад
I want to acknowledge that you're trying to be reasonable, but at the same time wonder why you're ignoring the systemic violence women experience under patriarchy and it's derivatives - capitalism, racism, and misogyny. Women are opting out of patriarchy. The 4B movement isn't just a protest against relationships, but an understanding that under patriarchy relationships with the opposite sex comes with inherent inequalities; that by entering into hetero relationships, we are, in fact, holding up the patriarchy. Is it possible to be in an equal, loving relationship with the opposite sex? Yes. However, is it likely? No. One-third of all women will experience s*xual and physical violence at the hands of a man. Usually, at the hands of intimate partners. We experience the mommyhood penalty when we procreate, leading to less money for retirement and less economic power. We suffer through birth only to be left with the physical, mental, and emotional consequences with no help from our partners or the government. Our religions are steeped in misogyny. So, too, are our social interactions from friendships to dating and marriage. Even now, women's rights are being threatened, our very voices suppressed. Separatists are protesting the backslide of women's fundamental right to self-actualization and the continued oppression of women in societies around the world. The #4BMovement is both a personal choice and a political movement that seeks to overturn the patriarchal system in its entirety. You can be a feminist who dates and marries men, but you can also be a feminist and see personal relationships with men who, for all intents and purposes, have not done the work to overstand women's pov as detrimental to the cause. Furthermore, romantic relationships are NOT the only kind of loving relationships in the world. It is one of many. And, frankly, too high of a value has been placed on romantic relationships to the detriment of relationships between family, community, sisterhood, and between mothers and daughters. Men have centered themselves in women's lives, leading to the deterioration of equally important relationships for women. #4B is both protest and protection.
@blueredingreen 7 дней назад
@@ejenglin I'm not "ignoring the systemic issues". Let's fix those, but you don't fix those by opting out, you just make it other people's problems. Like if an immigrant moves out of this country, or an employee leaves a company, that's certainly a right and may be a valid choice, but it's one of the least effective ways to effect change, especially in a decentralised system where my voice is just one of millions. You're just removing yourself from the conversation, and limiting the effects the problems have on you. You've already decided to leave, so... bye, I guess. That's the only response to that that makes sense to me. There's less benefit to you from me working on those issues, and there's less benefit to me from me working on those issues... so how is that supposed to make me MORE inclined to work on those issues? Also, of course you're perfectly free to not date me. But movements tend to involve putting some (implicit or explicit) pressure on others to join, and if you're pressuring others to deny themselves a relationship with me that they want, and that I want, we're going to have issues. My strong inclination towards equality makes me care about women's rights (which everyone doesn't share). But I also have a strong opposition to bullying and mistreating people to get them to do what you want, and that puts me in strong opposition to 4B. You're holding relationships hostage until I achieve the impossible - even me doing my best isn't going to be a drop in the bucket. Never mind depression and disability and multiple chronic illnesses that consume my thoughts every waking moment of my life. Those are already exhausting enough for me to deal with, without also being made entirely responsible for fixing how all of society functions for the sake of other people. So, okay, I'll be alone for my entire life. It's not like you're even giving me a choice in the matter, so why would I help you? You're applying societal thinking to effect change on an individual level, but that seems backwards. When I'm personally held responsible for the problems of society as a whole, apart from pushing back against that, all I can really do is shrug and continue as normal. You seem to suggest that feminism as a whole hasn't been able to fix society's problems thus far through direct activism, so I'm certainly not going to be able to fix it myself, especially not as an autistic person who rarely speaks to others, yet that's what you're expecting of me. So why would I even bother trying? Also, for whatever it's worth, there are plenty of things one can do to make it much more likely to end up in an equal, loving relationship, and avoid relationships not like that. But other people are probably far better equipped to talk about that, and I don't expect you'd want nor appreciate me explaining that anyway.
@mystiquevening 8 дней назад
This was great!
@harlempixie338 7 дней назад
I’m like MF, okay. 😉
@dynosophical Месяц назад
So, I don't care if a woman wants to live isolated from men. I do care if you, those women, or anyone else spreads hate toward an entire gender. The way you speak, you would think that men are the only ones who commit DV, and yet it's significantly more likely to happen in lesbian relationships. These terrible experiences you talk about certain women having with some men are entirely valid, but so are the great many traumatic experiences caused by some women. It turns out men and women are equal in this too.
@marys2406 Месяц назад
The lesbian relationships DV rate is false, some of those women are Bi. and also Men are more violent, DV SA rates prove that. What You're upset about is that the girlfriend to slave wife pipeline is over for you. Cry harder
@dshepherd107 24 дня назад
I need to see some references /links to verify what you’re stating is factual please
@User_U571 22 дня назад
This comes off as very whataboutism 😐
@dynosophical 22 дня назад
@@User_U571 You come across as someone who reinforces double standards instead of treating people as equals
@User_U571 22 дня назад
@@dynosophical you come across as someone who can’t stand not having more attention than someone else. 🤪
@emmadezwaan 6 дней назад
The victorian spinsters were the first seperatist women who decentered men.
@seraphilight 4 дня назад
Virgins were actually. Being a virgin didn't mean you didn't have sex, it meant you were single and independent, in your own power. Men got the word "virile" from this. Virgins were respected. Every time women gain power for themselves, men have to rewrite it. "Women in ancient times had no rights. Virgins are sexless. Women are scandalous, they're home makers, they can't take care of themselves." Witch trials burned basically all the female doctors btw. It was only in the last twenty years medicine realized no proper studies were done on biological sex differences for medications, operations etc. We lost a lot with them. Additionally, the scientist translated version of the OG bible is wild. Apparently Eve was meant to be contrary to Adam, not a servant at all. But suggests she was supposed to challenge him. We already know the bible was rewritten for political gain, every single time it was rewritten. BTW, kick anyone who swears by the King James version out of your life. That's the sexist version.
@narek323 5 дней назад
Why are you simping so much?
@seraphilight 4 дня назад
Sharks bones are flexible.
@JessiD-111 2 дня назад
Truth hurts, hm?
@Whoisthatns День назад
⁠@@JessiD-111facts the 4b movement saved me 🎉 I won’t be a martyr for penis people
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