Here to talk about masculinity, patriarchy, feminism and how to avoid the toxic anti-social behaviors that are harming men.
Feminist killed Erin Pizzey's dog
7 часов назад
Balancing career and family
14 часов назад
Men's obsession with women's bodycount
28 дней назад
Is being scary a superpower?
Месяц назад
Being a safer person: Examine
Месяц назад
Being a safer person: Learning
Месяц назад
Are men a threat?
Месяц назад
Why men should care about allyship
Месяц назад
The importance of male role models
Месяц назад
What makes a good man?
Месяц назад
Women are not privileged in warfare
Месяц назад
Why are women excluded from the draft?
2 месяца назад
Healthy Relationships
2 месяца назад
Selling your Wife
2 месяца назад
@EvelynSaungikar Час назад
Too many women watched Beauty and the Beast as a child. They need to know that sometimes there is no prince inside, it’s Beast to the bone!
@greca5903 2 часа назад
Thank you for this video. Just found your channel and I'm loving your way of explaining things.
@Magdalene777 3 часа назад
I love the men who complain women are gold diggers but also say women should get married young. How is a woman supposed to get enough education and a career by age 20 or so? So she has to get a 4 year degree within 2 years of graduating high school? What if she needs more education after that? And if she doesn't have a career she's using men. I've never understood how a woman can do both.
@BLZ231 6 часов назад
This was a good video, but I’m going to have to slightly dispute your assertion that admitting that we were wrong and changing our beliefs is not a big deal. I used to be a fundamentalist Christian, with a lot of regressive and factually incorrect beliefs. Over time though doubts crept in, inconsistencies became more noticeable, and I began to drift away. But leaving the faith was not an easy or painless process, on the contrary it was one of the most difficult things I have ever gone through. If you’ve been indoctrinated into a belief, and especially if the indoctrination began from birth, it becomes an integral part of who you are and how you view the world. As a result it becomes essentially impossible to challenge or even mildly criticize the belief without it feeling like a personal attack. Consequently, in order for me to stop being a Christian and adjust my beliefs to better fit observable reality I had to tear everything down and start again from scratch from an epistemological standpoint. In essence I had to undergo an identity and existential crisis, which was extremely unpleasant. What made it even worse was that while I no longer believed that Christianity was true, some of the underlying ideas remained. For example, I was taught that life without God and Jesus was empty, meaningless, hopeless, and pointless, and I still believed that for a while even after I stopped being a Christian, which of course made me absolutely miserable and depressed. I do agree that we should be more open to admitting that we could be wrong and changing our minds when presented with new information. But unfortunately the human brain has many flaws that make it difficult for us to admit fault, and there are many religious and political high control groups that actively exploit these flaws and crank them up to 11 to gain and keep members of their flock. So while it’s important for us to encourage introspection and adapting to new information, I think we also need to be patient with people who are having trouble with it. Well, up to a certain point, I must admit I’ve lost all patience with MAGA supporters.
@jaypeterson1324 7 часов назад
Hello sir, hope your day has been wonderful! I just wanted to say that your content and character are of the highest caliber, recently found I was autistic after my dad hiding my diagnosis for 23 years and your content has helped me so much in rewriting my brain from how my father taught me to see the world (full of hate, fear, holding everybody but yourself to impossible standards). You’re a light in this world filled with self-importance and lies passing as truths because they feel right. May you love much and be loved more
@orangutangarama9870 9 часов назад
Wow it's crazy how every ridiculous thing women do is actually the fault of men
@RB01138 9 часов назад
These are the same people who pretend to care about homeless and elderly people only when they hear someone mention the word "refugee".
@kikijewell2967 9 часов назад
Men: the point is for your partner to be _happy_ not to tolerate unhappiness. Is she actually happy?
@Gabytron 10 часов назад
The grossest thing to me in the Hollywood Museum of Death, was the first room that was dedicated to serial killers and ALL THE LETTERS WOMEN WROTE TO THEM.
@ThaoBui-bd6un 11 часов назад
I think it just goes to show chronically online people exist across all genders. 😂
@SovietReunionYT 13 часов назад
Wait, how'd Gypsy Rose Blanchard get on this list? I haven't been able to find any information on her doing anything bad, and the fact she got prison time for her heroic actions is yet another sin of the american injustice system. Triply so for Nicholas Godejohn, the poor guy got life without parole, he has to wait for a president with a functioning conscience to pardon him.
@seraphilight 13 минут назад
Probably because evidence did strongly suggest that she convinced her boyfriend to murder her mother, and acted like their relationship was fairy tale when it very possibly was entirely manipulation- though she may have also convinced herself as her mental maturity development is behind due to her mother. It's not 1/1 with the rest, yeah. But it is somewhat similar.
@chadsensei-ue6jn 14 часов назад
Hybristophilia, the psychiatrists call it. They're loonies. You got to be really messed up if you want to romance a man who gets erections from thoughts of torturing and killing women. But they only come out of the woodwork once he's been caught and safely in custody.
@ebonyblack7272 14 часов назад
They completely forgot about the femfatal trope as a whole huh?
@zacharybosley1935 4 часа назад
@@ebonyblack7272 admittedly, part of that trope is the woman using their beauty to get away with atrocity, not necessarily that their beauty and monstrosity are linked.
@kikijewell2967 14 часов назад
I'm still not fully sure what to make of this video. But the trope about about violent men "tamed" by women is very common: from Beauty and the Beast to Silence of the Lambs. The message of stories like that are, "really _exceptional women_ - women with exceptional intellect and empathy - have special skills that allow them to do what other women can't: to connect with the nice man under the veneer of violence." This trope is in many stories. (I supposed Return of the Jedi can be lumped here?) But I'm not sure I know of gender-reversed equivalents for violent women that boys and men grow up with. To me, it seems like one trope is, "if a woman goes crazy, you threaten her with superior strength through violence to get her in line." There's also The Taming of the Shrew trope by Shakespeare which, "if a woman goes crazy, you attack her psyche with even more crazy - crazy that's whimsical and entertaining - and you'll break her spirit and bring her under your control." I don't know of any stories of men reaching the "nice woman inside the veneer of violence through empathy and kindness" for men. (Except maybe Return of the Jedi.) I think these tropes are powerful socializing forces that enculturate us all into what type of behavior is expected and allowed for which gender. I mean, what does Beauty and the Beast _teach to boys_ about men and women and love?
@echothenardier8053 9 часов назад
One thing I’ve heard about this trope is that it’s a power fantasy for women, and like what you said, using traditionally feminine skills to tame the beast, that “we/I” could be that exceptional person
@videofan1010 15 часов назад
Women hold women accountable all the time 😑
@naliroka7998 15 часов назад
You are like my internet parent, thank you for being a positive voice in my life
@phastinemoon 15 часов назад
I heard the argument that women who sexualize or romanticize serial killers are also trying to feel vicarious power - they relate to the killers, and thus, feel more powerful than they currently are. So… maybe we could work on letting women have power that isn’t connected to the men in their lives, if we want to stop this behavior?
@phastinemoon 15 часов назад
Also… “lions, not sheep” as though sheep aren’t also dangerous? People forget, but prey animals are way more likely to fuck your shit up. BECAUSE they’re prey animals - they are literally used to other creatures trying to eat them, so they overreact to EVERYTHING. Alpha bros are such idiots
@PauLtus_B 16 часов назад
Being broke isn't the thing that makes you unattractive, being irresponsible is.
@zacharybosley1935 20 часов назад
3:20 was wild. I'm all for having the conversation about whether or not absolute monsters can be hot, personally, but I'd also appreciate it if we could get on code about deciding whether or not it is or isn't socially acceptable to claim someone is attractive in the same breath you use to express dissatisfaction with the fact that they're a murderous lunatic. I also fully recognize that this video isn't really about whether or not serial killers can be hot so much as it's about men blaming women for gushing about absolute monsters without reflecting on the fact that guys will also do that thing, but I'm not entirely sure this video will hit its target demographic if the thesis statement is "guys should definitely be better about this thing," and the comment section rapidly populates with women who will also say "guys should definitely be better about this thing. (derisive)" Guess the best thing I can do is share the video w/some guy friends and hope for the best.
@heidim7732 15 часов назад
People in general should be better about this sort of thing. It's gross to fetishize killers of any gender, but it's not a general reaction and it's beyond gross to claim that women in general admire men's violence to that extent when it's a very limited group. It's dishonest and disingenuous to support a narrative with that 'evidence'. I honestly hadn't known about most of those women, going to have to look them up. I do wonder what the differences (if any) might be, between men and women fetishizing monsters of the opposite gender.
@zacharybosley1935 4 часа назад
@@heidim7732 isn't there a difference between thinking someone's hot and fetishizing them? I can think someone's hot and crazy without thinking they're hot Because they're crazy, no?
@meganboyer5782 Час назад
​​@@zacharybosley1935There is and I think it's the fetishism that this video is focused on (or at least that's how I interpret it). It's one thing to acknowledge that someone who did evil things is physically attractive; it's different to talk about how you could change them or say that they must have had a good reason and just be misunderstood. It's really only the second thing that's a problem, particularly when you do it publicly and vocally and that seems to be what's happening in this case. As far as thinking someone is hot because they're crazy, I think I recall reading somewhere (I can't remember where, though, so I don't have a source) that when studied some of the women who say they're specifically attracted to prisoners say that the danger is part of the attraction. Others said that a big part of it was that if the guy is in prison, they know where he is at all times and that makes them feel more secure and in control than dating someone who's free.
@zacharybosley1935 20 часов назад
Wade Wilson? actually, a person named Wade Wilson? Fuck who's taking Deadpool's name in vain
@alexmcd378 20 часов назад
That really confused me too
@jessicaharris1608 21 час назад
I don't want to be drafted as a woman. I don't want the men in my life drafted either. Regardless, the military wouldn't take me even if I was of drafting age. Why would anyone in a foxhole or the trenches really want to count on the person next to them defending them if they didn't VOLUNTEER to be a soldier?! There's plenty of poor folks that cannot afford college any other way that the draft is unnecessary. I graduated high school 20 years ago with less than 100 students. There was at least a handful of my classmates that opted for the military because they couldn't afford college otherwise. It's in the Declaration of Independence; LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How is being drafted not flying in the face of the "LIFE" part of our founding documents?
@chadsensei-ue6jn 23 часа назад
The marriage ideal is a romantic best friendship. I think a lot of couples get stuck at Like but never really cross the line to Love. They're friends, but not the best of friends.
@جواداحسان-م1ق День назад
I will make a chat on Instagram Men's rights movement To demand men's rights, whoever joins me should send me his Instagram account.
@DulcePetaura День назад
Funny how the only example they can give of feminists being "violent extremists" is something that happened like 20 years ago and against a dog. But don't you dare to point out incels as dangerous by naming incel attempts against women. that's "feminist propaganda"
@MewMichaiah День назад
I KNEW I felt weird about the “woman vs. tree” question for a reason. I was open to it, but I felt like it was weird to compare an actual life threatening situation to talking to a tree. Thank you for putting it into words
@catherinelempke8451 День назад
I feel like part of the tragedy of these by-men for-men movements is how, without exception, every single one perpetuates the cycle of harm between men. So even if you're literally just an average dude hoping to find other men to be able to talk to, just wanting support and empathy from people in a similar social category, that entirely human need for connection gets used to hurt and dehumanize you.
@JessiD-111 2 дня назад
This is so crazy. Almost all women I know have had scary exoeriences with men. And this guy says, it doesn't happen often enough? Bet he is the first one to blame a woman who was attacked by a man saying something like "Why did you go out alone??? You should know that it can be dangerous!"
@JessiD-111 2 дня назад
Exactly. Of course men can have preferences. But why insult and shame women? Just leave them alone. And as a woman who likes to dress a certain way, who wears make-up etc. - I know a LOT of men who will scream on social media that I am not their type - and then they slide in my dms :,D
@Imreallyboredsick 6 часов назад
I know and then when women express a preference all hell breaks loose. Then apparently you're shallow. It's so pathetic and telling.
@JessiD-111 2 дня назад
Just found your channel and I really appreciate it. I have seen a lot of men claiming that they are going "their own way", while constantly hating on women. On the other hand I know women who just want to live alone - and do it. They never talk about men, hate on them or wish them any harm. They just want to have their peace.
@amandasunshine2 2 дня назад
If you can't be mature enough to solve problems without war, you shouldn't be running a country. Maybe that's why women should be in charge.
@Hollyberrystreats 2 дня назад
There are always Serena Joys expecting to be the only exception when they eventually win the fight to strip themselves of all rights.
@PauLtus_B 2 дня назад
It's always funny when people are like "they're just doing it to make themselves look good" like it's just that hard to imagine anyone ever might do something mildly selfless. It's also like, even if that were true, they'd still be fundamentally more pleasant people to be around than the people who are just "honestly selfish".
@ak-47intelligence75 2 дня назад
Count yourself LUCKY if youre excluded . These men will torture you and to be glad just because you're selected to be a slave is absolutely stupid.
@jamiesekerak5302 2 дня назад
The old reductio ad absurdum defense. Take a valid complaint and exaggerate it to the point of absurdity to make it look invalid. Yes, that's what we're saying, you can't have preferences 🙄 You're the victim here, Ken 😂
@BLZ231 2 дня назад
I don’t know if this is the full speech, or if there is missing context. But if there is no missing context, then frankly this speech was just a bunch of meaningless platitudes and vague rhetoric. If you want us to draw better lines, if you want good men to define themselves by good qualities instead of just not being bad men, then give actual examples, actual advice, actual pragmatic actions we can take. If you won’t go into specifics then you might as well have said nothing at all. If you want people to actually listen to you then maybe have something useful to say, instead of just being a condescending prick.
@phastinemoon 3 дня назад
Also… she has a kid… Don’t most “traditional” men also tend to assume she might ALREADY HAVE a husband or a boyfriend?!? Where do you think she got that kid? Walmart? His argument is BS
@JessiD-111 2 дня назад
The strange thing is: Since I am a mom I have SO many more men approaching me. Sometimes I feel it is because they think that I can't get away as easy and probably will not "make a scene" in front of my kid.
@JoeJaJoeJoe 3 дня назад
1:22 "if you want to know how often violence against women is enacted, you don't ask a former cop. You ask a cop's wife" 👏👏👏
@persephone1001 3 дня назад
This situation kind of reminds me of when men regularly used the diet coke adverts as an example of men being objectified. It was always that example because it was one of the only ones people could find. I wonder whether men's rights activists seize on this example for a similar reason - they want to draw attention to the issues faced by male victims of abuse, in a world where it's assumed that abuse victims are always women, but are struggling for examples to make the point. What that tells me is that there are men who want their experiences and perspectives to be heard, but they are struggling. It really sucks that the men's rights movement was hijacked by incels - in my view, feminism is about equality, and that means tackling men's issues, too. My great uncle was a victim of domestic abuse, and it was heartbreaking. The patriarchy hurts everyone.
@epronovost6539 3 дня назад
In my opinion, the biggest problem of the men's right movement is that it mostly exist in it's current form not as a movement for advocating for men's rights and issues, but as a whataboutism to push back against feminism. In that context, not only are men's issues and problems objectified, but it's used to dismiss women's issues. It's purely a form of vicious conservatism that serves no one. men do deserve a real movement to discuss, expose and fight for the issues that affects them specifically, but while there are many men and women who actually do that or attempt to do that, they are too often drowned in a large body of conservative jackass who only bring up men's issues to silence that of others.
@jujubesification 3 дня назад
​@@epronovost6539you'd almost think that large corporations, that are willing to invest millions into influencing the government, might also be interested in influencing the public? And stoking toxic masculinity and polarization as a way to undermine the people from being able to rise up together to fight the moneyed classes...
@MichelleSmith-gt1py 3 дня назад
feminism is about liberating women, girls and afabs. precisely because the world that the privileged gender class lives in isn't great either. but i do agree that good-faith male activism should be propped up, so that we can collaborate.
@ravoress 3 дня назад
Amazing how people will twist a narrative to fuel their world view, but will vehemently turn the other cheek when its debunked or shown misleading
@zacharybosley1935 3 дня назад
What kind of fresh hell is this???
@tomtucker5160 3 дня назад
Men are bad, apparently
@BooDotBoo 3 дня назад
Yet another reason my womb is staying empty.
@BooDotBoo 3 дня назад
You can't win with these types of men; everything you do will, somehow, be wrong.
@stellareeber2753 4 дня назад
Weak excuses in this comment section. You know about the things that are important to you. That's the bottom line.
@williamroeben 4 дня назад
It is a crime your channel is not more well known, your videos not more watched
@amandasunshine2 4 дня назад
She's so right ❤
@seraphilight 4 дня назад
I was making a Dungeons and Dragons game once. It was a noble intrigue game with sides of adventure. I asked my male players if they wanted their living noble parent to be a man or woman, saying they would have different benefits. They said they couldn't see the benefit of a noble mother- even the guy who came from a matriarch culture! They would have had a rough fucking time if that group hadn't fallen apart.
@seraphilight 4 дня назад
The reason is because all the benefits the father could have brought were just things the average ttrpg player could manage on their own. The average player, even particularly harder for dnd players, would not have even thought to do anything the mother would- when they do the motivation is more so they feel cool rather than assuming it's necessary and they typically fail. When you wanted a lord or land owner to do something, like take land, you'd ask your dad to talk to him- because they're friends and men typically only listen to men. When you wanted to know if someone was going to take your land, you'd ask your mom- because "women be talking" was literally women's jobs. Women were the assassins, spies, intel gatherers. Hosts, peace-keepers. Men were what the patriarchy tells you men are supposed to be, but in their fucking lane. Diplomats, war mongers and strategists, protectors, alliance makers. But neither side could do jack without the other. Mom: "Sweety, that girl is rather pretty isn't she? You should court her." Son: "Uh, mom, not really looking for marriage. Besides, dad was friends with the guy who knows the king and he has a daughter and some lands he'll gift her." Mom: "No, dumbass. Her father's planning a coup and her mother is trying to marry her off to save her by offering incentives. She's really naive right now because she hasn't been told and I need you to get in there, gain her trust, and find out where their armies are stashed. And she's filthy fucking rich so I need to know who to lift the key off of when the king marches in so we squirrel away what we can grab while they're none the wiser. You wanted to marry a princess instead of her friend right? This will help, 'cause your father's dead and that lord only cares about us out of obligation to him. Dumb as a brick like your father." Dad: "Hm, we should take that land from the savages, eh boys? It'll give us bargaining chips with these guys we already know and prevent future attacks from the savages because it's their holy land." Friends: "Here here!" All: "..." All: "..." Dad: "You want to go hunting for the next three years and do absolutely nothing else?" All: "Yeah!" And then they either did nothing and lost all money and honour, or went to war with less intel than they could have had and still got stabbed in the back. I would have literally had to give them a female cousin to keep them afloat when out collecting funds via adventuring.
@seraphilight 4 дня назад
It turns out that with a lot of incidents in history were predicted by women, only to be ignored. We have actual historical record of men ignoring women, only to listen to men who say the exact same thing.
@MarySSpeer 4 дня назад
XX: offering a possible solution to a given problem. XY: no, not possible (without even giving XX’s possibility a second of thought)
@Greenplanet949 4 дня назад
He wasn’t speaking for all men. My girlfriend and her brother were raised by her mom and step dad. Her natural father abandoned them as toddlers. She said they were so fortunate, as her step dad was the best father she could have had. The guy in the video speaks only for himself and a very small man he is.