
THE CEEMAN Listens To Drake Bell's Story From Quiet On Set 

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21 июн 2024




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@stargoldinum3798 16 дней назад
Quiet On Set is just “I would’ve called the police but I was scared to lose all the money my child was making me”
@hallbrawlerspodcast5091 16 дней назад
Not the black not mom. lol
@panashe5268 16 дней назад
Think from more than one perspective. Your kid is pursuing acting and has been granted a once in a lifetime opportunity. End of the day, you’re going to fend for yourself and do what’s in the best interest of your kid even if that means other kids are being mistreated. Many parents are worried their child will be blackballed if they speak out (which happens). Example: the black mom, Tracey, who everyone praised for “putting her foot down” and leaving. Only left after her son was being mistreated. She heard rumours from other parents about what was happening and still did nothing to remove her son from the situation until he was impacted specifically. Contrary to what Hollywood makes people believe, speaking out almost never ends well for you, even if you’re doing the right thing. If a high profile executive who’s been in the business for numerous years tells you “this is just protocol, we know what we’re doing” you’re going to believe them. Even if it’s against your instincts as a parent. Again, you don’t want to jump to conclusions and potentially ruin your child’s career. You’re worried your child may despise you and that it’ll permanently affect your relationship.
@poniko6034 15 дней назад
sadly the men mentioned hold almost absolute power over nickelodeon. if you tried to go to court with them, they'd most likely win and your child would be blackballed from the industry. not saying that speaking up doesn't work, it's just that you put a lot at risk for doing so, especially if your kid REALLY wants to be an actor and this is such a fantastic opportunity.
@yogidrummond770 15 дней назад
When u right u right sad
@stargoldinum3798 15 дней назад
@@panashe5268 100% agree. I’m more so just fucking around bc some cases were just this but obviously EVERY case had a bit of nuance to them. Wish nothing but positivity for the victims fr
@reekocarson 16 дней назад
Wow this lady really was so worried about looking like a bad parent, she didn’t call the police… disgusting and selfish 🤦🏾‍♂️
@BlkStar99 16 дней назад
How someone comes to the conclusion that they would rather be the mom that didn't call the cops on a predator talking to their child versus being the mom that didn't pay enough attention is insane? I'd look at my mom crazy if I learned this.
@nvrevenheardofu 16 дней назад
“I don’t wanna be seen as a bad parent so I’ll be a bad parent” -_-
@ezzb 15 дней назад
I feel so so sorry for his dad. I hope he doesn't blame himself. He really tried to keep Drake safe. He was one of the few decent adults around those kids and that made Bryan get rid of him so he could be alone with Drake.
@bringjoy73 16 дней назад
Shawn had a W take about the drake bell situation. I feel absolutely horrible about all the disgusting act he had to go through as a child, and how hopeless he had to feel that no one was going to confront his abuser and protect him as a child as he couldn’t. I was so happy to hear that his gf’s mom immediately noticed something was up and took matters into her own hand. I can also acknowledge that as of recently drake has had an actual trial, which honestly didn’t last long because he plead guilty, but all the evidence that the cops released of that case seem to be cut and dry about his misconduct with a minor, who he knew was a minor, and no shot used his power and influence over. Because like Shawn said, as a late 20s or 30s year old man, I don’t find texting a 15 for months, sending sexual messages to them, have them come to your show (which the girl was from Canada and she came to the US which is nuts🥴), and hang out with that girl well into the night after your show. It makes absolutely no sense and can only lead people to think the worse. And since he plead guilty so early, the public never got to fully know all the evidence that detectives secured that they got from electronic data, but I think a lot of us can guess his intentions were not pure, whether they did anything physical or not is something that’s gon remain a mystery. I hate that he had to go through the worst thing a child or person in general can go through, and is permanently traumatized from the adults that were supposed to be protecting him. But it’s not new or shocking to hear that a person who was abused when they were young grows up to abuse others, there’s actual factual science studies and data on that cycle of abuse. And I think its wrong to present his case in such a way that downplays his ability to hurt somebody (which is how drake presented it in the show)that made people victim shame and send the girl in his case harassment who is probably 18 or 19 now. 2 things can be true at once. I hope drake is getting all the help that he needs to get better cuz working in the child entertainment industry fucks people up, he is a prime example of that.
@fatimakerrar 16 дней назад
I still have questions about his case besides that we don’t have much information about his case but the only thing that confuses me is that the victim claimed that they exchanged pictures of their bodies but the police conducted 18 months investigation, they took both of their phones and they used digital forensics but they didn’t find anything and they didn’t charge him with something like cp. Also why didn’t she say all of the accusations during the 18 month investigation why did she decide to address it during her impact statement because if I’m being honest it’s a bad choice if he’s actually guilty. These are questions that I have and there’s a possibility that she lied which we might never know but if she did lie it’s very bad to lie about something that serious. We also don’t know if he knew her age because there are no proofs but either way I do hope that we get to know the truth someday and whoever guilty takes accountability. Don’t take this as if I’m defending him because I’m not I just haven’t seen anyone question her claims with some of the facts we know about the case. I’m sorry for my bad English because English is not my first language.
@bringjoy73 16 дней назад
@@fatimakerrar ​​⁠​⁠​⁠ no this is a valid argument too! That’s why I stated the trial really didn’t expose much evidence to the public and we are left with a lot of questions abt the whole case. If there was no photos exchanged back and forth, we definitely know there was sexual messages and he definitely did meet up with her after what she claimed they’ve been talking since she was 12-15 and a fan of his. Which that of its own could involve the idea of grooming or using your platform as a leverage to others, we just saw the same thing with Colleen ballenger and her getting exposed for “grooming” her young fans and making connections with them on a personal level, that was very imbalanced and inappropriate. It’s kinda the same thing. Idk how the court and legal system works so idk if they could or could not charge him with extra things, cuz he plead guilty instead of going to trial and dragging it out which no doubtly could’ve brought more evidence and things they found to the forthfront, again idk how court laws work so maybe they could only charge him for what he was being accused of in that moment. Which was definitely smart on his part. I think a lot of people questioned her motive in exposing more information in her impact statement, cuz like you said it was info that people didn’t know, so it’s hard to tell if what she was saying is true or not, cuz we simply just don’t know enough. But me personally I’ll go off the verdict and the idea that whether she told him abt her age or not, if they had a sexual encounter or not, I kinda find it hard to believe he wasn’t suspicious of her age, especially if they met in person and was talking for years apparently. Which just gives me inappropriate vibes overall And the recent situation with kick streamer zherka and him having a blatant sexual relation with a 16 year old on stream even though the girl told him she was a minor and she obviously looked young, and he just didn’t care that she had a fake ID. While I believe that ofc it’s possible for people to lie abt their age and things, I would hope that a grown adult is intelligent enough to verify and think twice before you start talking to someone, especially if you’re a public figure and care enough about your career. Because idc what people say, a child will look like a child, no matter how ‘mature’ they look, and they will act like a child😭 Also a lot of people do question drakes victim, that’s why I mentioned in my comment that I don’t think it’s right to harrass and send threats to her over ‘false allegations’ simply because drake himself was a victim. After the documentary, he has more support mainly because people feel sympathetic and people don’t want to entertain the thought of him possibly involving himself with a minor as well. Like I said, 2 things can be true as once. I would just hate for if the stuff she was saying is true. Because it just sounded like victim shaming and blaming on drakes part, in the docu at least to try and clear his name by making her out to be a liar. Another thing too, like Shawn said, his ex wife came out with allegations of her own and once people started digging into their relationship, people found out that he married her when she was 19 and he was 27 and they were dating secretly for 5 year before that, which means that she was 14 and he was 22 when they started dating… it’s just seems like a pattern of behavior for me regarding his relationships with young girls and his alleged abuse. And I’ll once again reiterate, I hope he gets all the healthcare that he needs because he ofc has had horrible experiences in life, but it’s not new or shocking to hear a abusee turning into the abuser during adulthood I’m sorry for how long this is😭this situation is definitely a conversation starter tho
@fatimakerrar 16 дней назад
@@bringjoy73 No problem I like reading long comment and having conversations but it’s sometimes difficult for me because I don’t want to make grammatical mistakes so excuse my English again. The girl stating in her impact statement that they did in fact exchange inappropriate pictures and her contradicting what the police said in their investigation is what makes it difficult for me to believe her because if she lied about this how can I make sure that she’s not lying at other stuff? Unless the police were lying in their investigation. As far as I know his ex wife didn’t make any accusations against Drake and they don’t have a bad relationship with each other she even defended him, supported him and stayed with him for a while despite people being mean towards her for staying with him. She was born 1994 and they started dating in 2014 which means she was 20 and he was 28 and they married in 2018 when she was 24 and he was 32, people can still consider it creepy but it’s not illegal. His ex girlfriends were the one that made accusations against him and one of them was the girlfriend that he talked about in the documentary but they seem like they made amends with each other with the way he talks about her in the interviews. Melissa Lingafelt is the one that people keep bringing her age up because they dated when she was 16 and he was 20 and from doing some research I’ve seen that he had like 10 public relationships and 8 of them were similar to his age, not minors and some of them are even older then him except for his ex wife and Melissa. You’re the first person that I’ve seen having conversation about this case without being aggressive towards Drake and anyone who questions if the girl is telling the truth I was afraid to ask these questions because people straight up jump into the conclusion that they must be either defending Drake blindly or that they are victim blaming which I’m not I just find it interesting and I can’t say that Drake is guilty besides obviously he’s guilty of texting her and I can’t say that the girl is lying about everything because we don’t have the evidence. Like you said I hope that Drake gets all of the help that he needs so he doesn’t harm anyone and also for himself. I just hope that the truth comes to light one day and excuse my long comment as well.
@bringjoy73 16 дней назад
@@fatimakerrar your English is perfectly fine! I was hoping I didn’t come off too aggressive in my comment as well because I understand this to be a very nuisanced topic of discussion, especially since the documentary came out and it all depends on who you talk to. Ah yes I got his relationship titles mixed up I was thinking about the ex gf Melissa when talking about the age gap and allegations . For me it’s so confusing to make my mind up on as well in the fact that ofc everyone has the right to defend themselves, maybe I just take his tone and attitude a different way than intended when he or his lawyers speak up his trial or his statement towards Melissa when she came out with allegations. Kind of dismissive of what she said, the abuse and other people who claimed to have sexual relations with him while underage(which I understand, that if you believe you’ve did nothing wrong, why explain yourself, they’re just allegations), and people’s problems with her being a minor living at his house. I think he definitely could’ve handled that in a better way. We know there’s people who see nothing wrong with dating 15-16 year olds when they’re 18-20, so maybe that was his case then. With the trial girl, I would hope that she actually speaks on her experiences without fabricating anything since realistically it didn’t really do much to drake, legally at least and will only hurt her credibility in the end, which hurts how people view all victims. At the end of the day her and his lawyers are gonna defend their side whether it be a guilty verdict or not (which his lawyer did come out and say that she was lying, but what else is a defense lawyer supposed to say, it’s their job to defend their client😭💀)But I would say I’m also a bit biased in believing young people when they say an adult might have took advantage of them, and potential victims in general who come out with considerable evidence against another, cuz I’m sure it’s hard to be put under a microscope and put yourself in the position to get rejected, criticized, and just not believed in. I personally give the benefit of the doubt in this situation but I understand those who look at it in a different way. Sooo many questions, a lot unanswered, it’s a tricky situation, definitely a bit controversial. If anything, drake definitely has questionable actions/behavior, and criminally penalizable at worst, at least in my eyes, and maybe people who are kinda neutral on his case. Even months after the trial when I heard he was missing for sometime, it’s super obvious he’s still dealing with stuff and coping in his own ways, I’m sure going through his divorce didn’t make things better for him mentally at that time. It’s a kind of a dismissive attitude I get from him when talking abt these things, which is something I hope he works on. I don’t think I would worry too much about how the public is reacting to him, as he is a huge catalyst in the downfall of Nickelodeon and his story that has been kept secret for around 2 decades is finally out and he can speak his truth without fear of retaliation and people are behind him 100%, especially those who want to see the downfall of Hollywood and predators. I just hope he has the right people around him to take care of him and that he can talk to about everything because there’s still things he needs to work out in regards to himself and maybe his perception on things. Ofc this is just my opinion, not trying to say he’s got a lot going on or anything, it’s just that healing is an uphill battle and takes self reflection. Idk what that girl from the trial has been up to but I hope she’s also doing okay and gets the help if she needs it, she’s still young and has a lot of learning to do
@fatimakerrar 15 дней назад
@@bringjoy73 I agree with what you’re saying I also don’t have a problem when people have a different opinion than mine in this case as long as they’re not aggressive with it. He also almost k*lled himself when he went missing besides the divorce that obviously affected him, the way people were/are calling him a pedo it really got into him that why his brother called the police when he went missing. The police put him in psychiatric ward for a while after they found him. There were some people who said that he was mumbling to himself in the ward so it’s save to assume that he was in a bad place mentally. It’s also makes me think if he’s a pedo like these people are saying, I’ve never seen a pedo almost end his life because people were calling him a pedo, pedos usually don’t feel remorse or shame they just continue living their as if they did nothing so it’s interesting to me that he didn’t want to live anymore because of this if he’s actually a pedo like they claim.
@richrod0122 15 дней назад
For context this doesn’t show that Drakes dad didn’t trust Brian peck. So peck was using drakes mom and manipulating her to gain control of drakes custody. His dad tried his best to keep him away. Once his mom gained custody she let Brian peck control most of drakes career so his dad tried which sucks
@HERETIKK 16 дней назад
Loving all this ceeman
@tedthecommenter5364 16 дней назад
im getting constant doses of ceeman
@HERETIKK 16 дней назад
@@tedthecommenter5364 so much ceeman it’s overwhelming
@TJ_Kirkland. 16 дней назад
@@HERETIKK I haven’t had this much ceeman in my face like I have the past week! 💯
@swedishfish1 16 дней назад
Keep the ceeman coming!
@monicarenee7949 16 дней назад
Enough ceeman to drink at this point
@chivescucumber9764 16 дней назад
I was heated when I thought she didn’t do anything at all then later when she said she cooperated with police I was calm. But damn the signs were there bro. Why ain’t you do nothing at first??
@owenleal 15 дней назад
What is crazy is that Drake Bell would later go on to do some work with Disney for Ultimate Spider Man, which starred him in the role of Spider Man. Imagine the feeling of being sexually abused whilst working at Nickolodeon, only to go to Disney and passing your abuser in the corridor after he had served a less than 2 year conviction before being fully embraced by the industry after the fact.
@BumFluffer1999 12 дней назад
Dude really turnt Drake out fr
@ezzb 15 дней назад
Dan Schneider thing was girls. The weird things he did was always with the girls. So i definitely belive when the guys (Kennan, josh, drake, etc) say Dan was good to them. He wasn't interested in them like Bryan
@thatboysemi7557 16 дней назад
Chat got the context of the dad reaction all wrong they gotta watch it from the start
@ezzb 15 дней назад
"imma gonna let you rephrase that" lol That was indeed a crazy take and i appreciate that he elaborate and educated the person
@Rageaholic286 15 дней назад
When those NDAs expire it is a wrap for nickelodeon & disney for real
@chrisptophu 14 дней назад
Thanks for being better than Lojave Mr. Ceeman. I appreciate you as a guy who don’t have time to catch streams and works 6 days a week
@Juelz_GnW 16 дней назад
Damn Shawn entertaining again
@elijahtthayer 16 дней назад
Imma drop this comment I remember from another person on of Drake Bell "Personally, I don't think a person who admitted to disgusting communication with a child is someone who should be protected, no matter their past. You don't get to continue the abuse cycle without shame" I get they wanted his "scoop" but platforming him in this way has the possibility to really flip the script on his online perception. He was proven to be a creepy man (This outcome obviously really, moreso, makes his abuse lore sad, but it's still true) random, but : drake bell's face looks mangled asf Hollywood rlly did him dirty
@fatimakerrar 15 дней назад
I don’t think "Proven" is the right word because if it was proven I don’t think that we would see many people supporting him there are even survivors that are supporting him some even said that they had the courage to tell their story after hearing Drake’s story which is a good thing in my opinion. Before quiet on set I never knew much about Drake I didn’t even watch Drake and Josh before but I did know about the show existence and I heard about the 2021 case through a video about child actors downfall that all I knew about him which is not much. After watching the documentary I got interested in the 2021 case because people kept talking about it, so I did my research with little to no info about him but if I’m being honest first he never admitted to knowingly talking to a minor and there are no proofs that he knew her age and sadly with no proof or evidences anyone can make false accusations. People also bring up the fact that he plead guilty but still he never admitted to know her age. I saw someone reacting to video summing up his case and she know stuff about the law and she said that "you have to take plea deals with grain of salt" because not everyone who plead guilty is guilty. So I understand why people would still support him because there’s no proof of anything. People can make their assumptions but you can’t say that he’s guilty without evidence. I’m sorry for this long comment and for my bad English because English is not my first language.
@maddypepunkt3052 11 дней назад
He unknowingly texted a minor bc she lied about her age. No nudes or anything. That doesn’t make him a creep imo. He just made a stupid mistake. Y‘all must hate male CSA survivors. You really like to shit talk about them smh 🤦🏻‍♀️
@Trae2_OC 16 дней назад
52:38 When yo point don’t come across right smh, writing a message don’t always translate lol 🤦‍♂️
@omelettedufromage4 15 дней назад
All this ceeman keeping you big asl
@marvinschannel5391 5 дней назад
55:52 Drake Bell was proven innocent.. The fan girl was liar and very obsessive who spammed his dms in till he replied and Drake replied to her with flirty text messages but when he found out the age he blocked and cut all communications with her.. she didn’t like that so she starting stalking him and his wife and when she found her her a wife she started making up lies and false allegations and during court she was caught out with he’d claims as they didn’t make any sense as this is not what he pled guilty too.. even the judge and Drakes lawyer commented how wrong this is l on her claims.. Drake pled guilty to text messages to fan he didn’t know that was a minor..
@iamtezzy5873 15 дней назад
Nah them “nigga what!!??” Adlibs at 3:18 we’re hilarious 😂 unmatched energy of confusion 😂😂😂
@kalelman 16 дней назад
Y'all see bros music video about this? Now that's crazy.
@nutandcry1427 16 дней назад
@HorseJoint 15 дней назад
It’s all fucked up man. Cause “Drake” ended up BECOMING the predator after that “Child Endangerment” charge.
@HUNGRYFLOWER98 15 дней назад
But u gotta think….the person who abused Drake was prolly abused. It’s a sick cycle
@HorseJoint 15 дней назад
@@HUNGRYFLOWER98 A VERY fucked Cycle
@zealeck7821 14 дней назад
as they say, hurt people hurt people. look at p diddy, thats how he strarted his freakish endeavours
@maddypepunkt3052 11 дней назад
No he wasn‘t a predator and I find it disgusting that ppl out there still use this false narrative to minimize his abuse story. An obsessed fan spammed his dms. She impersonated an adult online. When she finally revealed her age to him after HE asked her he IMMEDIATELY blocked her. That is the opposite of predatory behavior! He was not actively searching for minors or smth. She then harassed his fiancé and stalked him. When they announced they‘re married the fan told a friend of hers that she is going to destroy his life and she made up stuff about sending nudes and SA. She went to 9 concerts AFTER she made her false police report. This got all debunked through a 18 month long investigation by digital forensic and witnesses. Even her family and friends testified against her who were at the concert. She finally admitted it not long ago. Attempted child endangerment has nothing to do with a sexual misconduct at all. He plead guilty bc he said himself he was stupid not make clear how old she was right away. She made her claims on purpose after an concert in Ohio. She is Canadian, so he was charged where the concert was. Ohio is one of the few states where even unknowingly texting a minor is illegal. And she knew it bc her Dad is a lawyer. So no, he is not even close to a predator and you can keep your cycle of abuse thing to yourself. Bc CoA is scientifically not a thing and you stigmatize EVERY victim as a potential predator. New studies show that this is incorrect.
@cliffgiordane2969 16 дней назад
Nah buddy is an actor and a known offender. If you really know how much it fucked you up then why pass the torch? I can't feel any remorse for this dude
@BumFluffer1999 12 дней назад
If you’re abused in any form or way and you never fully address and move forward from it mentally, you’re going to repeat the cycle by doing it to someone else, knowingly or unknowingly. It’s not right but it’s how humans are. Something done to you will be done by you to someone else unless you have developed and accumulated the positive mental health to be able to compartmentalise and break the cycle. It’s not right, but it’s something almost all people that are abused in any way, shape or form have to deal with every day. To say that you don’t feel any remorse is very inhumane of you and shows that you lack the depth and empathy to truly understand and comprehend what you’re saying given the context of the situation.
@AntivistDragz 9 дней назад
is this ab drake?
@DirtSpud 5 дней назад
Takes a basic understanding of the cycles of trauma that perpetuate this type of shit to know he probably has little control over those thoughts and actions. Sad to say, Drake really had any chance of normalcy robbed from him when he was assaulted. There's a reason "hurt people, hurt people" is so pertinent to cases like these. I feel bad for him for what was done to him, doesn't excuse what he went to court for though. There can be a distinction.
@tdub6542 14 дней назад
"i dont want to be a bad parent" *proceeds to be a bad parents by not calling the cops* LMAO
@avgnfandon2 16 дней назад
Damn I ain’t never been early for a SEAMAN upload, we bacc🤌🏾
@user-xr5rg5mk2m 16 дней назад
@astroid99 16 дней назад
I was a leading seaman in cadets as a boy.
@mcCheezyboy 16 дней назад
@tulip666trap 13 дней назад
and the cycle continues
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