
The Champion that DESERVES to win the VGU Poll 

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26 сен 2024




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@NickyBoi 2 года назад
Aight fellas, real talk. This winter break was the first time I've had real dedicated time to work on videos for a very long time now, so I went a bit crazy. I didn't really get to HAVE a holiday cause i spent it working on videos. And while I loved it and I'm super happy with how most of them turned out, I can't deny I'm getting tired, and I think the quality of my video making shows that in full force here. I'm already back at University and I'm not refreshed AT ALL. I'm incredibly worried I'm going to burn out, and that's the last thing I want. TDLR besides next week's Subathon and our usually rapid fire skin review, I'm going to be taking a break from video making for a few weeks. To veterans of the channel I'm sure that seems like nothing, but to all the new fellas it might feel a bit stranger. There will still be a few videos going up, but other than that, I'm going to do my best to take a break for a bit. All of the videos on urgent topics are done for the most part (yes, that means no Zeri video, maybe I'll make on in the future but i honestly don't have enough to say about her), so coming back i'll be making videos on just whatever i feel like i want to talk about :D In any case lads, ty for taking the time to read this if you did, 100k subathon next week, ill have details about it on my community page/twitter/discord in the coming days so stay posted for that if u're interested. That's all from me lads, take care of yourseleves
@zealotoftheorchard9853 2 года назад
Nicky im gonna be honest if the video isnt about shyvanna were gonna have a problem
@josiahkrodel4656 2 года назад
the rework to me boils down to if they alter beemaw at all I will kill a man
@Mossymushroomfrog18 2 года назад
Enjoy your break legend
@Tijnob 2 года назад
Health First Other stuff second Real talk i voted shyvanna DONT @ME
@summersw1rl 2 года назад
Enjoy your break, Nicky!
@anotherpersonfromnorfolk1587 2 года назад
To be honest, anyone who still says "Summoner" should automatically be in the vgu list
@jeremytewari3346 2 года назад
@Pyxlean 2 года назад
Hey! Sona's summoner voice lines were good
@htlchtlc 2 года назад
@anotherpersonfromnorfolk1587 2 года назад
@@htlchtlc Brand's kit is fine, but yeah, a visual update would be nice. Imagine the updated fire effects
@paulcro283 2 года назад
"Are u challenging me, summoner?" Who knows who this is I bet u dontttt
@Shockblast103 2 года назад
I'd love it if Kog'maw had this one ability where he will eat any incoming skillshot and shoot it back, Idk for a champ that's the mouth of the abyss and has an insatiable hunger, he doesn't really feel like that. I do like him spitting at champs and chucking a loogie as a mortar
@cuegert9895 2 года назад
Or he eats it for sustain or a boost in stats
@cuegert9895 2 года назад
And they change his passive sp he can eat mobs for stats or something else
@Shockblast103 2 года назад
@@cuegert9895 he eats up damage and gains either ad/ap or armor/mr based on what type of damage he gets
@noodles65 2 года назад
like yoshi? that would be so cool wtf
@krzysztofkuzniacki6416 2 года назад
Kog'maw, the Doom Drooler
@rudo__ 2 года назад
I can't feel my left arm
@giantskelly5165 2 года назад
Hope you get better soon
@noobler8394 2 года назад
Very inspiring comment
@snrmngr 2 года назад
@Chikin45 2 года назад
Be aware of hearth attacks
@BetsiTheCow 2 года назад
@pedropaulo5600 2 года назад
This poll was really strange, the prior ones we voted in the one that had the most potential and that most needed the vgu, this one we had to vote in the one that had the lesser chance of riot screwing up.
@Grimm-A 2 года назад
@chaotik900 2 года назад
Lmfao it really was the fuck over wars. Who could screw who champion.
@diversquid4793 2 года назад
The other day I saw a comment about a Kog passive that works like Kayn's (Do you want to evolve into a Autoatacker or do you want to evolve into an artillery mage)
@Tawleyn 2 года назад
That sounds amazing, actually.
@ancientpiguardian7462 2 года назад
I remember someone telling me that Ziggs and Kog should swap their passives because both make more sense with the other person's
@ikercasillas7780 2 года назад
@@ancientpiguardian7462 I mean eh. they both suffer from the same fate as current kog. your meant to be REALLY far back so a kamikaze ult is just a very bad idea for someone who is supposed to stay the fuck back
@ikercasillas7780 2 года назад
passive not ult*^
@ancientpiguardian7462 2 года назад
@@ikercasillas7780 If i remember correctly, their reason is that ziggs' death animation was already him exploding. Wouldn't need to change much i guess
@Stachelbeeerchen 2 года назад
Most definitely Skarner and Shyvanna. Nocturnes gameplay is boring pre 6 but he has a purpose and sees semi-regular play. Kog'maw needs more a visual update since his model is OLD his gameplay has a specific niche and they could give him a minirework for his "passive" like they did to Zyra a long time ago. Who the f suggested Tryndamere? Hello? Cho and Zil are a thing...
@RustingPeace 2 года назад
mordekaiser...... he got reworked into a pile of useless shit
@krzysztofcwik3793 2 года назад
Nah, Zilean is fine, I mean his passive is not very good, but it can give himself and your carry 6 lvl like a wave faster than enemy, so that nice. Cho, yea he does not have mobility, any pure defensive abilty, and and unlike all other tanks his ult is not very impactful in teamfight. But I do not know how to make him better without changing his ult, I mean he is suppose to be that big monster that can kill you in one bite IF he comes to you, and giving him any sort of dash or blink would making him unfair to play against. And his basic abilitys are pretty good only if they are combine. His E make enemy unable to dash do it is easier to hit Q, and E deals very much max health DMG so he can kill someone with his R. It is pretty solid.
@Stachelbeeerchen 2 года назад
@@krzysztofcwik3793 Zilean and Cho have beta models Zileans gameplay is fine like you said but holy moly he is in desperate need of some visual love. With Chogath it feels like you are lagging constantly because he has like a 2 frame animation cycle on everything. All of his abilities have a really unintuitive delay to them wich just makes him feel ultra clunky. If someone deserves an gameplay update its definitely Cho.
@krzysztofcwik3793 2 года назад
@@Stachelbeeerchen You know, reworks are not made just to make champion look and feel better, thier main funcion is to fix something that is unhealth to the game or is broken in the execucion of concept. You know like old yoric only funcion was to throwing minions at you or old poppy she could come to you press R, ignor the whole world exept you and eventualy kill you or even Aatrox that was deleted, cause riot realise that his entire kit was a garbage. Those were reworks, and you are asking to change thier animation. That was voting for a rework, not visual updated, nah that one already taken by Ahri, a chap that boob have more poligons than gragas entire body. And back to Cho, his abilities have a cast animation that has to play before the abillity start, and even if the animation will be cancel the abillity will still fire in the same time as usual (but still the fact that they can be cancel should be removed, the enemy should have chance to see them coming). So if you have good knowlege od him you can still use your abilities normaly. It just make you need to think ahead of enemy and gives room for him to doge it or escape from Cho. And as I told you before Cho is all about being big danger that can be doged by just walking away. It is just like play of reversed pac man, when you had to corner an enemy by your prediction or by a mistake of you enemy.
@obamagaming9456 2 года назад
Skarner needs a rework for sure but what they're describing is awful. If anyone votes for him they're voting to remove skarner from the game forever, just like aatrox sion mord poppy etc
@kayndlesticker 2 года назад
Skarner really is just his ult and a crystal scorpion there's nothing else to explain abt him, and even his kit is barely usable beside his ult .Idk none of others have gameplay problems beside visuals.
@Webbyhx 2 года назад
exactly my point. people play skarner for ult and E, that' all he has. passive: useless. q and w: could be improved cause now they are just aoe auto and shield with ms. the lore is being raped by riot's marketing team and I can confidently say his splashart is the worst in the game, let alone the model
@stormdragon2529 2 года назад
notcturne is literally just his ult. nothing about him gameplay wise says nightmare assassin shadow that can kill you in your dreams. he literally autoattacks you to death and cheese with his stats
@sasaki8765 2 года назад
@@Webbyhx They just gotta make a human skarner skin, wait a couple months, then add that skarner skin to K/DA, then you'll change your tone!
@Webbyhx 2 года назад
@@sasaki8765 while I do understand you are just memeing, there is no absolute way they are gonna make him anything but a scorpion like creature, ever
@ancientpiguardian7462 2 года назад
@@sasaki8765 If they actually made human skarner I'd be more impressed than anything lol
@ThePoshNinja 2 года назад
Good ol Shyvanna since I play her anyway however she could feel more impactful both visually and gameplay wise which is what I hope for in her VGU. Kinda how Senna’s Autos feel so impactful with each shot or how meaty Pantheons Q’s are. With Shyva it’s kinda like gliding most of the time unless you use her Dragon Fire ball ya know?
@Crazygamergal 2 года назад
I feel like she doesn’t NEED a vgu tho… maybe a asu would fit her better.
@sasaki8765 2 года назад
This is how new warwick feels to me. For some reason his auto's feel incredibly floaty, and basically constantly changing speed and consistency makes them feel super weird.
@samsweet4089 2 года назад
She really isnt as badly in need as the other ones
@ezequielalejandrogarcia4091 2 года назад
@@Crazygamergal Shyvana needs a ASU, but she also need a better basic kit because in theory is a AD bruisers but her E do A LOT of base dame (600 DMG base + 100% AP on dragon form, max skill lvl). Other reason because she needs a better kit is because she is farming JG and Diana (midlander that can be used in JG) clean more efficiently for not say that Diana has a more consistent game.
@thegames4565 2 года назад
Yeah same, we're good ol biased mfs, I do play her from time to time with like 15k mastery, and she just feels so bad, not only are her animations so unsatisfying but also her gameplay is so clunky you get from doing literally NOTHING at all to oneshotting an enemy in the span of the same minute
@lickstheanteater9059 2 года назад
As a Skarner main, I don't want to lose my favorite champ but I completely understand why people would vote for him
@FGoing 2 года назад
I actually wanna ask, would you be sad if most of the kit got changed? I think besides E and R he needs a lot of work, Q and E seem like abilitys that dont really do much and his passive is (in my opinion) one of the worst in the game, but i wanna hear what a main thinks about it.
@kynguyen5030 2 года назад
Honestly, Skarner's identity is just his ult and that he's a scorpion. So them reworking everything other than his ult is fine? They can't change the fact that he will always be a scorpion because riot wanted to make every champion unique.
@NoName-dj4ok 2 года назад
@@kynguyen5030 They also explicitly state they'd change his lore which is actually already great, just not expanded upon. The reason is obviously the Seraphine incident. But I agree on the gameplay part. He is neither strong or particularly interesting to play besides grabbing someone for the ride of their life from time to time. I'd be fine with a complete overhaul of his basic abilities especially of that almost useless passive.
@Drakorre 2 года назад
I enjoy playing skarner top he Is a Great duelist but his passive. I voted skarner but i am worried
@ycfeed9245 2 года назад
Skarner deserves it. He is only viable because of his ult and RARELY his E. Useless otherwise. I also have a cosmic sting skin and I want him to get better cause the skin is poggisimus
@RebelPhoenix117 2 года назад
Skarner deserves a genuine rework. Not what they are planning for him. They just want to delete his kit, and are salivating about the chance to retcon him so that Seraphine can be their perfect little angel. Fuck that.
@haveaniceday7080 2 года назад
@@RebelPhoenix117 Maybe thats just what we could use, a seraphine retcon, its better then seeing that demon ruining skarner . But also skarner rlly needs an vgu, he is the least played champion and im curious what they will make him look like. He wont just change seraphines lore but also that from other piltover/zaun champions.
@RebelPhoenix117 2 года назад
@@haveaniceday7080 Oh absolutely. If the blurb about a Skarner rework said they'd rework the Seraphine lore to preserve what's interesting about the Brackern vs Piltover storyline I'd be much more welcome to it. I just know that they won't do that, they'll double down on their new pop star skin whore.
@haveaniceday7080 2 года назад
@@RebelPhoenix117 Ye, rito thinks we are thinking we will choose the ones who we think need it. We are actually analysing which champ wont get the highest fail chance, and all the champions we can choose from have a high chance (except nocturne, but im sure he wont win the poll)
@theweirdsuper4633 2 года назад
Yeah, I’m going to be honest, just changing everything but his r is a good idea imo. Nobody plays skarner for the cool interactions between his q w or e and certainly not his passive. People play him because of his funny zoom and pull move. By changing him to give him a more interesting way to get on his target while still being able to run away at Mach 10, I think it would be a great rework
@Eonopolis 2 года назад
Starting playing Skarner lately and OMG, it's not that he's just underwhelming, he doesn't do anything if he's outside one of the crystals Full AD is fun, but worst than anyone else, and Tank is just run and grab people, have enough MS to drag them under tower and let your teammates kill him for you So yeah, I think Skarner needs something to be anything but miserable
@CoqueiroLendario 2 года назад
Riot: "Yes! How about DEATH?" *pulls the gun they used on aatrox.*
@DerpEpicFace32onXbox 2 года назад
@@CoqueiroLendario and yet new Aatrox is infinitely better than old Aatrox. Stop using that as an excuse, the VGUs aim to make a champion better to keep up with the newer champs first and foremost.
@CoqueiroLendario 2 года назад
@@DerpEpicFace32onXbox No, divertrox was the best version of aatrox made, they had fixed his problems as a simple statstick and gave him ways to outplay and be outplayed, and then they decided to just throw the entire champion away to put ssomething new in the game. You don't understand that old aatrox is gone forever, in the same way old morde is also gone.
@DerpEpicFace32onXbox 2 года назад
@@CoqueiroLendario Old Aatrox was still dogshit, just like old Morde was. Power Creep is real and old champions aren't as good as your nostalgia makes them to be. New Morde and Aatrox are 1000x better than their counter parts
@NoName-dj4ok 2 года назад
@@DerpEpicFace32onXbox but in mordes case also 10x less fun to play
@chrs-wltrs 2 года назад
I voted for Skarner, but only because I think that "getting rid of the old" isn't necessarily a bad thing. If the previous version is utterly uninspired, then doing *anything* interesting to them will "delete their old selves." I know that it will piss off some people who played that old character (see Aatrox mains still begging for a revert), but it's ultimately for the greater good, both for LoL as a game and Runeterra as an IP. Although... When you brought up the idea of making Nocturne the ghost of Shen and Zed's old master... Damn that'd be so fucking cool...
@daddyr1841 2 года назад
Really want Skarner as unlike the others Skarner is soooo nothing sadly....
@daddyr1841 2 года назад
Also yeah skarner has literally nothing in the kit just give em anything
@KennyMatthewsMonster 2 года назад
Then just leave them uninspired and rework something else or add a new champion. How is deleting them for the greater good if their existence doesn’t affect you and some people like playing them?
@Grimm-A 2 года назад
geting rid of the old isnt normally a bad thing, except when that means that all champs end up similar and with no specially weird ones (like how riot has been deleting all mix ap-ad builds since s7 or so) ending up in a meh + they obviulsy will fuck skarner lore
@KennyMatthewsMonster 2 года назад
@@PleaseNoPokes Galio, Swain, Yorick, Sion, Karma, Urgot, Taric, and more. These champions were straight up deleted, even if a new one was added with their name - which is ironically what you call not solving the problem. It's a good thing that 99% of people who actually play League don't give a shit about the lore, so that your dragging comment doesn't hold any weight - because you know what drags GAMEPLAY down more than uninteresting characters people scroll past in the roster? Fucking broken season 10 champs who are completely unfun to play against.
@DRB30240 2 года назад
I’ll be honest, The only reason that I looked into League of Legends is because I watched Arcane, and while I don’t plan on playing it anytime soon the characters and lore for this game has gotten me hooked. I love reading and watching stuff dissecting a characters themes and design. I’ve barely scratched the surface and yet I can already tell there’s so much here. A large part of that is thanks to you, so please keep it up!
@sasaki8765 2 года назад
and as an outsider who hasn't experienced the gameplay, you want the hot dragon girl to get the attention, right? RIGHT? As an outside observer I think I'd want the living nightmare man to get spotlight tho, to be fair. (I voted for skarner)
@DRB30240 2 года назад
I’d say I don’t have the knowledge to make a choice on the matter, but based on what I do know the shadow man would probably get my vote
@DerpEpicFace32onXbox 2 года назад
Don't listen to this clown, most of his takes about reworks are hot shit
@ryanbarry34 2 года назад
@@DRB30240 I am in the same boat as you, just loving the lore etc but i originally came from legends of runeterra. If you like card games give it a try, best i have ever played and so free to play friendly it feels criminal
@ryanbarry34 2 года назад
@@DerpEpicFace32onXbox simmer....sounding like a clown yourself with this comment, calm that hostility
@mazzo_6132 2 года назад
I can't decide: the irony is that last year I voted for Nocturne because he's just ridiculous compared to the other demons, but now I think that Skarner needs help way more than anyone else in the poll
@t-wolf8502 2 года назад
The most fun I ever had with Kog'Maw was when he was able to get his attack speed to 5 attacks per second. I wanted to see that again, so I voted for Kog'Maw. Now I can only hope I didn't make the wrong decision...
@laraffscarlet3666 2 года назад
you made good call man
@barnabonker 2 года назад
Trade offer. You get better lethal tempo so you can play out your fantasy. We get to keep kogmaw and only adjust it.
@saulon3065 2 года назад
I'm at a point that I wouldn't dislike if they did a "Galio Rework" on Skarner. I voted for him not because I think he deserves it, but because I genuinely dislike the bland "Crystal Scorpion" idea, I want riot to go all in on creativity and lean in on the hextech shenanigans and maybe sprinkle a bit of void corruption in there (plus they're keeping the only fun part about his kit so it's a win win for me)
@tyquinbainbridge4990 2 года назад
Skarner is best boy
@dijango0015 2 года назад
galio rework sucked, i was old galio main, and they simply removed a champion and put a new one in his place, i dont think its a good rework. Fiddel is a good rework cause they made an old champion better and kept his basics, but tell me one thing about galio that even remotely resembeles old galio? Cause there is literally nothing...
@cannedcan9788 2 года назад
@@dijango0015 Old Galio in URF was so fun, people would literally heal you when they tried to attack, it was great.
@dijango0015 2 года назад
@@cannedcan9788 i remember that, good Times, sadly it got nerfed at some point. Edit: but took them a while (2 years), cause almost nobody tried galio in urf.
@lunicornart 2 года назад
Now I love Skarner as much as the next person, but I can literally count on one hand the number of times I've seen him in-game last year.... and with all the focus on arcane and hextech, as well as the inclusion of the clusterf*ck that was Seraphine, I don't think a complete rework of his lore would be so bad. Imo a Skarner rework could be similar to Fiddlesticks...like sure we think fondly of the old version, but most agree that the new one is superior.
@Rexog90 2 года назад
The difference is that Fiddle was actually good before the rework, he just needed a bit of modernization for his kit and theme, like Volibear and Warwick. Skarner would need more than that in my opinion.
@LioTangg 2 года назад
I'm also terrified of Riot using a skarner rework to retcon the entirety of the brackern/hextech storyline like they tried with Seraphine
@victorbourguignon6897 2 года назад
voted for shyv in the hopes to see something like illaoi emerge, an imposing humanoid figure that would make the demacian fear understandable and a truly powerfull dragon form.... but i doubt that will end up being the exact outcome if shes the winner
@draketurtle4169 2 года назад
I know right! Why does she look so frail when the elemental dragons ( which are female and she is meant to be one) are these big powerful and strong creatures. Not to mention her passive is just rage meter and 5 bonus stats for killing her kind because lore?
@victorbourguignon6897 2 года назад
@@draketurtle4169 yes! she just.... misses that oomph that all dragons on the rift carry. i just hope that if shes chosen we can get this right
@KenGGZ23 2 года назад
Shyvana was my first main so it wasn't a question for me at least, nothing against the other champs (expect trydemere) but I like playing her and her thematic however I do believe that the other champs (expect trydemere) really need a rework, if anything I think Riot should be focusing on making 1 - 2 new champs a year and putting the rest of their resources VGU's In stead of... 7 new possible champions this year
@happybanana3134 2 года назад
yes shyvana omg i like her play style so much
@Grimm-A 2 года назад
the thing is vgus dont give money and they just make the game better, while they could take the mechanics of an older champ, rework them, and sell a new champ more handsome with those skills but better, cause we all now, we play the champs because of the mechanics, not because of the mechanics+ personallity, aint that right zeri, seraphin, yuumi, akshan?
@GreyGrim 2 года назад
@@Grimm-A nah, the reworks do give money,a better character model and thematic WILL sell more skins(and typically when they rework a champion it gets a RP skin bundle when its released) also as they said they arent making a LoL2 so they are revamping the game slowly but surely they should focus on not so many new champions even though they have significantly slowed down from previous years and focus fully on updating older champions(even though they have different teams that can achomplish this both at once)
@quentingalloway8882 2 года назад
Nocturne deserves to have a reworked into terrifying, inducing feared monster like Fiddlesticks.
@Tazx33 2 года назад
I dont really see them making him more terrifying than fiddle but i hope they prove me wrong
@edoardorustichelli3867 2 года назад
bruh skarner really need this rework, im just sad for him , i know that riot will change a lot of stuff about him , but i think that a change is better than let him alone in the champ selection for the eternity
@fourth4q118 2 года назад
ikr. just hope that he might win and get some appropriate treat, but not ruin him more.
@Hyurno 2 года назад
skarner and noct are the best choices imo
@danielfreitas5149 2 года назад
I'm voting skarner, I considered kog maw before reading what they'd do to him...so if they don't change the idea of deleting half the gameplay, I'm still going with scorpion boy
@Greapes 2 года назад
Void puppy deserves more attention, though I’m a bit disappointed that rito’s going to make him more horrifying and less cutesy if he wins
@diehleeo1449 2 года назад
I liked Necrit's concept for a kog rework where he is something adorable, but transforms into something horrific and voidy when his W or something is activated.
@arielpabon4462 2 года назад
Well he was never suposed to be cute, he is a void monster after all.
@neomence 2 года назад
Okay I'm gonna make myself really unpopular rn especially with Nicky but still just wanna say it. As much as I get the ap kog fanbase, I really wanna see him as a good adc. I personally fell so in love with this tank shredding puppy but most of his abilities feel so awkward on ad. I don't need to talk about his passive I think most can agree that it's almost useless. His Q is somewhat nice for shred and passive attack speed but feels bad when you need to stop aa to Q. W obviously very good on ad kog no need to talk about that. His E ist probably the most underwhelming for ad, for ap it's a nice reliable damage tool but for ad it's just a very weak slow so very awkward as well. His Ult is interesting while it's pretty good when as soon as you get it at 6 and a few levels above as a finishing tool when they get out of your aa range but it falls off very hard when it's not enough damage anymore to finish and harder to land when everyone is faster through tier 2 boots or other items. Now when it comes to the voidy visuals they want to give them, I would love to see Necrits idea that he is very very cute voidling but turns into a horrormachine as soon as he activates his W or something like that because that sounds amazing. So yeah while most people are upset about potentially loosing ap Kog I would really would like Riot to focus more on his ad side and maybe release a new artillery champ as compensation. So yeah if someone read all of this thanks and feel free to critisize but obviously keep it civil.
@filip-f4602 2 года назад
I agree, also they can scrap all his ap abilities and add them to future artillery mages which would fit them much more than a random adc
@miguelarbelaez906 2 года назад
@@filip-f4602 I agree, they should make Arcanist Kog'Maw a different champion called Maw'Kog and rework Kog'Maw to be fully adc and we're all happy :)
@Gourengoo 2 года назад
Honestly, I know I'm probably in the minority for this one, but urgot, poppy, sion, galio and aatrox are all my most favorite reworks and I wish riot would do those types of reworks to all 5 of these champs. I hold this opinion despite the fact that pre-rework urgot, mord and swain were all among my highest played champs.
@arielmatiauda5110 2 года назад
I agree except on Aatrox, he got removed from his identity and made a Riven out of it, the rest at least got more defined at their core values, they play similar with improved skills, but Aatrox died and got gutted not even reasambling his ideas
@Gourengoo 2 года назад
@@arielmatiauda5110 Honestly, I disagree. New aatrox has more in common with the old one than urgot, galio, poppy or sion do. EDIT: Nevermind, galio still has a lot in common with old one but the rest remain true.
@dijango0015 2 года назад
i mained old galio, and i hate his rework, cause they removed a chamion and put a new one in his place, nothig resembles old galio there isnt even one ability which is at least somewhat the same. you know what i like to compare it to, Seraphine / Sona, imagine sona got removed and Seraphine came out, and it would still be a better rework than Galio. Ult: AOE Stun in a stright line / AOE Charm in a straight line W: AOE Heal and Shield on allies / AOE Heal and Shield on Allies Passive (at least a part of it): Empowered autoattack / Empowered Autoattack Now do the same with galio and youll find nothing.
@Siecyl 2 года назад
I ended up voting for Nocturne because none of their rework ideas appealed to me, i don't want Kogmaw to stop being at least a little bit cute, i don't want them to straight up delete Skarner from the game, i don't want an even more annoying Tryndamere and I think Shyvanna needs it the leasy
@draketurtle4169 2 года назад
What do you mean? The low poly gon skinny women and her giant hairless chicken don’t need their models fixed? Not to mention their gameplay of become dragon ASAP then spam E… none of which fits her dragon bruiser concept at all.
@savatarx99 2 года назад
@@draketurtle4169 knowing riot they’ll scrap the dragon transformation and solely focus on shyv being another stock waifu
@aeroscantsee1665 2 года назад
@@draketurtle4169 shyvana being skinny makes so much sense if you think carefully. She was running away from her mom almost her entire life,barely able to do anything, eat or sleep or whatever until jarvan met and helped her.
@draketurtle4169 2 года назад
@@aeroscantsee1665 … wildrift and legends of rune terra; doesn’t look skinny and actually fixes her god awful model by putting meat on her bones. The dragon still looks like a chick with no feathers sadly. Other than fire there is fuck all that she has in common visually with the fire dragons, this is bad design.
@n3crosis23 2 года назад
From what i've seen the community is very torn between which champ deserves the VGU, i wish nocturne would be the winner but it feels like Shyvanna is going to win. It looks like it's going to take us 5 years for every champion on the VGU poll to actually get one unfortunately.
@Electru522 2 года назад
I've noticed that too. There isn't one clear consensus like Udyr was. Pretty much every RU-vidr I've watched vote on the poll has voted for someone different. Necrit voted for Kog, Nicky here voted for Noc, and Skooch voted for Skarner. Alot of people assume that Tryndamere would win, but those same people are voting for Shyvana mostly. I myself voted for Tryndamere because I absolutely despise that disgusting pile of pixels, and I am confident that whatever new iteration comes about will be leagues better than what we have now, despite what they said they might do. I don't hate just his ultimate, I hate his entire kit as a whole. ANY change to it is a good change in my opinion. And at first, I thought it would be a slam dunk, that everyone else would hop on the Tryndamere hate train. But now....I'm not so sure.
@yolosilvia2005 2 года назад
*sees Kog'Maw eating a crown* I will take a wild guess and say the answer is Kog'Maw edit: ok that is a more interesting choice, but that won't stop rito from reworking Kog'Maw one day... on the bright side, delaying Kog'Maw rework might give them the opportunity to think more about him, and have a better idea of who Kog should be
@pipe1482 2 года назад
I’m sorry to tell you but I’m 99% sure it is not, if you wanna know why watch skooch latest video
@yolosilvia2005 2 года назад
@@pipe1482 I saw it too, but hey you never know... Nicky likes to bamboozle us anyway
@josiahkrodel4656 2 года назад
if koggmaw wins, and beemaw is less cute the world will pay.
@yolosilvia2005 2 года назад
@@josiahkrodel4656 oh yes ima bring the torches
@rodut7678 2 года назад
@@josiahkrodel4656 the world will burn
@comagreeny7194 2 года назад
As a skarner main, I really don't want him to be reworked, I am too afraid to see how they would change him and I'm happy with the way he is now
@boringking9459 2 года назад
Oh, do you exist?
@comagreeny7194 2 года назад
@@boringking9459 HI
@_bablo_8280 2 года назад
Thought y’all would’ve had your crystal souls taken out to power a hoverboard by now (Go hide btw I saw enforcers around here)
@dijango0015 2 года назад
I mained skarner in S11 and he do sucks, cause he doesnt have anythign to utilize his kit, if the enemy can peel even a little you are gonna have a bad time, cause everythin dashes, most of the time you cant even catch champions who are out of position because you cant get close to them. It even got to the point where i experimented with Galeforce to better close gaps, and it somehow worked if you got enough money in early to rush it and than go offtank.
@comagreeny7194 2 года назад
@@dijango0015 idk i just go full speed and dodge skill shots and it usually works fine plus i can defend my carries with huge cc if someone flanks us
@picahmad4035 2 года назад
5:14 I don't like the word "modern riot games" and generally the "it was better before " idea . Cause even if riot games have flaws it is truly wrong to say that league of legends was better before like it had no broken or unfuny to face champ (Tryndamer,teemo,nasus,shaco,katarina,vayne,yasuo ... and every champ on release ) . And if riot games were not riot games we could not have Arcane, Valorant,Legend of runeterra, ... .
@Roach2137 2 года назад
You clearly do care tho, you literally typed some kind of shitty defense mechanism, in case someone decided to flame your ass.
@picahmad4035 2 года назад
@@Roach2137 Now that you say it I should delete it from my comment
@stormstrikerpro 2 года назад
If you’re sad the champion that you wanted reworked isn’t on the poll, there’s still hope. Remember, Sona was never on the poll either!
@chrischeng9145 2 года назад
Sona got reworked?? When
@sakurakasugano5748 2 года назад
@@chrischeng9145 around the same time the last KDA song came out
@cosmicbard6998 2 года назад
@@chrischeng9145 She did actually get a mini rework fairly recently, adding in the whole stacking system to her passive, and she also got a new voice and new lore, so her model is really the only thing that haven't been updated recently. But the comment itself is a joke on Seraphine being a Sona rework. And I know I'm gonna receive a lot of hate for saying this, but I think it's better that they released the two separately, as they still have separate identities and playstyles despite a few similar abilities (Sona is a medium range hyperscaling enchanter that buffs up her team with auras, while Seraphine is a long range waveclearing poke mage with abilities that benefit from her being around teammates).
@haveaniceday7080 2 года назад
@@cosmicbard6998 I know what you mean, ive played both of them and they are very different
@YukkiofBlades 2 года назад
Pls stop, this hurts
@actuallygin 2 года назад
The problem with Trynd is not his ult, though it is problematic. I want him reworked so I don't randomly lose lane to one or two RNG pre-backport crits.
@nlootah1386 2 года назад
His kit is toxic, after navori he can just spam his dash every 2 autos, and he can just decrease the ad of anyone fighting him. In the early game he can just fuck anyone by ghosting and walking them down with autos that keep getting stronger because of his passive. I voted for tryndamere because I am sure riot can make him into an interesting champ like pantheon.
@Rexasblast 2 года назад
@@nlootah1386 well said
@peperoni9757 2 года назад
@@nlootah1386 bronzies back at it again
@doomedcells5994 2 года назад
I hope you're proud of me for voting Nocturne after reading the VGU descriptions before the video even came out.
@burrito9327 2 года назад
Also, on the whole redacted situation with skarner, most characters that have a voiceline with her aren't blind fanboys. Gwen says she's nothing but a pretty voice and Zeri tells her to start actually making changes, Rell just "flirts" with her cus she's a bisexual dissaster. Cait is the only recent champ to be actually a fan of her, wich is expected of a piltie. I think Riot is self aware enough to not make skarner just be okay with her (or any of the hextech users), afterall, there's a reason why a bunch of champ have lines antagonizing Teemo despite having no reason to.
@OniLifes 2 года назад
*nicky explaining why people want shyvana reworked* I have never been so offended by something I 100% agree with.
@IttzMawi 2 года назад
I voted for Nocturne just because it’s my fave champ of the bunch and bc i want him to get a proper “shadow tail” or whatever. Like Asol has. He has the potential to be an incredible VGU. I kinda wished they put new champions on the poll that actually need to be reworked, relaunched and reborn. I can’t believe Cho’Gath is getting away with his old model still
@SirPotatoIV 2 года назад
"its my fave champ" is the reason I did not vote for kog'maw, that is one of my favorite mages to play mid, I already like him. voted for noc that is looking just sad and overshadowed by fiddle atm.
@ArchangelKovac 2 года назад
Just like Rito says, I used to play Nocturne mid a lot. His ult made it really easy to roam and help bot or top if they needed it, or to pick off a pesky split pusher. I think making him Zed and Shens old master would be interesting, like a Swain who couldn't control his Demons, literally. Other than a good ol lore boost, giving him I bit more mobility other than his ult would be useful, and maybe some better lifesteal could help too. Let's help our friendly neighborhood nightmare out
@ViktorPradley 2 года назад
The old skarner was dead the moment they put the spires on the map
@hydrosting 2 года назад
As somebody who’s been a kog main for almost 9 years, I appreciate you giving him the time of day Nicky 💜
@fromia1 2 года назад
I would've voted for Skarner in a heartbeat, but I also didn't want the crystal motif to be deleted, so I ended up voting for Nocturne. Great minds do think alike.
@MewMaxing 2 года назад
I voted Noc, I feel like he has the most potential. Sure Skarner may need it more but he has no playerbase soo there is a good chance he will fail even after the rework (just my opinion).
@Smirving 2 года назад
Yeah i wanna like hım but he looks like he is made from cardboard
@Joi2212 2 года назад
I think with kog'maw they should do something similair too the purpose of Pyke or Senna. He could be the atillery mage for the adc position. So if a Mage gets the adc role they have something to play.
@lisapainfulthe7438 2 года назад
fcking vote skarner dude you are saying how corki looks like he comes frm ps2 game while skarner doesn't even come from a ps game. nintendo64 stuff right here
@NotTheYuddas 2 года назад
Imagine if nocturne was reworked by the same team that did fiddle, oh my god
@johnholland5419 2 года назад
I promised to get back into league of legends if Nocturne wins the poll, so I had to vote for him. I bought Eternum before I stopped playing, it'd be nice to have the most expensive thing I bought in league before I quit be tied to a champion that doesn't feel outdated
@buttstankmcgoo5839 2 года назад
I think Quinn is going to be the mystery VGU because the rage would be funny
@stormdragon2529 2 года назад
Zilean/jax/cho. we're getting a big Void event so no
@buttstankmcgoo5839 2 года назад
@@stormdragon2529 but hear me out….maybe
@sir_gregory3528 2 года назад
I'm good to see any of those win. Tryndamere may can still have his Undying mechanic but if they make it feel somewhat balanced, like he needs to keep hitting stuff to not die, that would be something I'm fine with and make his undying rage atleast plausible and gives it a clear weakness, instead of just being ok I dont die now. Shyvana is the one I voted for. I'm looking forward to finally have a good dragonform for her and not whatever stickfigure she is currently and get rid of ap shyvana for once, but I trust them with that that they turn her not boring, but keep her purple and scaled (also subjectively just pushes his community to vote shyvana) . Nocturne is the one I also would've voted for, but I just don't see why I want another scary demon, I already love fiddle. Skarner tbh I think is an interesting vote, I just hope if they change stuff, that he doesn't get thrown in the unpopular champion box that he's currently inside, they can do amazing reinterpretations of champions, I would always vote new Urgot over the old one same with Aatrox (this comment will get so much hate for this I swear). Kog'Maw .... And that concludes my comment so far, everyone of these champs shall get something to look forward.
@oberdan4233 2 года назад
i vote for Skarner because yes, maybe he can loose his passive, his Q W and E but... personally i think that is something good because the only thing that cares about Skarner is his ultimate (and i play Skarner and if i dont have my ultimate i am useless as fuck), and seeing that basically everyone says that of Kog (the thing of not sacrifice AP) i think that if he wins Riot is not going to eleminate that (but probably Shyvana is going to win because of simps)
@butecodesentina1766 2 года назад
I agree with you, everyone talks about skarner losing the rest of his kit like a big deal, but LITERALLY all the rest of his kit is worthless and/or generic
@lefthandedglasses5241 2 года назад
When he said "first VGU of 2023" I nervously looked at my calendar to make sure of the year
@mysticstelios 2 года назад
Now I feel so bad about voting for Kog'Maw, I would like to vote Nocturne, who I voted last year, but I can't change my vote sadly😪
@danielandrade7593 6 месяцев назад
Can't believe it took this long to rework Skarkner...at least we finally got him and he looking like a beast 👍
@asefnirumand2355 2 года назад
Please vote for nocturne people he has so much potential i dont even play nocturne
@amitaish1055 2 года назад
I voted for him. I love his ult, amd I really want to see what they do with everything else.
@Rin-st8jk 2 года назад
i'm really worried about how much of the cuteness of Kog'Maw they're going to take away
@bbaaii4771 2 года назад
Skarner main here :D really want a skarner rework but actually want a REWORKED SKARNER and not some weird new champ Please dont ruin my scorpion rito
@W_H_Y 2 года назад
“The curel irony” lol JK I love you Nicky! You inspired me to start my own channel and attempt this whole RU-vid thing. Love your work, keep it up!
@rocodude 2 года назад
I’m biased towards shyvana because she was the first champion I played and I loved her ad jungle build, which is now obsolete and all she is now is wait for dragon form and press e the champion, not the scrappy bruiser I grew to love playing top/jungle
@bananabunka3021 2 года назад
being the olaf at 6:26 the pain i felt that game was immense
@bolinhodecoco2704 2 года назад
As main Shyvana and with a little gameplay of Skarner, i decide to use a different method of chosing the next rework, I chose Skarner, not because I wanted to him to get a Rework, but because I don't want Shyvana to win this pool. I realy think that she deserves a Rewok, she is basically useless without his ult, the Q W E aren't that good during a fight as AP mage without the ult, and W E dosen't actually help AD, so she is never fighting with everything she has. She dosen't look from Demacia and need a development at Lore with the new events, Sylas and Ruination, so I would vote to her. BUT, my fear of a Akali or Irelia 2 is what scares me and prevents me from voting for her, together with her becoming part of the same face sydrome, and losing his personality with the scare face, big horns and intimidating vibes, that not so many girls in league has without the sexualized part, that's what make me start to play with her and I don't want to lose on of my favorite characters because of Shyna horny syndrome. So I chosed Skarner because he ended ine 3 place during the old pool, to give him strengh to win this time and save old Shyvana. Sorry my bad english, i used google translator to help me during this coment.
@jiado6893 2 года назад
1:42 The happiest bit of news from this video is that Nicky knows the awesomeness of Encanto!
@Sckysz 2 года назад
"when they overdose on too much prometheus goop" I literally got an ad right after he said that with an African American bodybuilder dude that was promoting a workout powder
@phionix1429 2 года назад
I voted for shyvanna since I was scared of what they would do to skarner or kogmaw and she honestly feels the safest to vote for since her dragon aspect is lacking and they’ll focus on it that’s mainly for me though since I don’t play nocturne as much
@schnader 2 года назад
5:43 excelent choice of soundeffect, Blackjack would be proud.
@TheImmortalIvan 2 года назад
I've seen so many different opinions and different choices on this poll that I honestly think it'll be the closest we've ever had. I honestly think it'll be a toss up on who gets it. Except Trynd.
@nuttyrescue5409 2 года назад
I voted for trynd cus I hate that champ
@labros9999 2 года назад
@@nuttyrescue5409 so you want him to become 10x stronger
@arthuremo112 2 года назад
@@labros9999 that logic doesn't make any sense. The reason why people hate trynd is because he's an obnoxious unfun to play against champion, that's why people are voting for him. So it doesn't matter if he ends up getting stronger if he's at least fair to play against.
@アイギス-e4s 2 года назад
@@arthuremo112 have we watched the same video
@labros9999 2 года назад
@@arthuremo112 i mean they said thay are keeping his ult and combat style so its gonna be like the pantheon rework and every rework makes the champ a lot stronger so idk what you expect
@Necrit 2 года назад
@defactojones5076 2 года назад
I voted for Nocturne, since he is the only champ on that list that I play. I want him to get fiddlesticks treatment.
@Archangel-sx2wl 2 года назад
Voted Nocture the first day of poll, knew it's the right choice from the start
@warriorbloom9919 2 года назад
I want a dragon to play and no asol is more of a planet. I want dragon gameplay and riot will probably make a lot of skins because girl. Win - win situation but please don't give her high hills.
@magga685 2 года назад
Skarner rework is going to be looking like a male Kaisa knowing riot.
@randomth1ngs68 2 года назад
I don’t get this Kog Maw hate, Everyone can agree that they’re rework track at this point is stellar, especially when it comes to listening to fan criticism. The reason they give us constant updates is to take our feedback and Kog Maw just needs to be changed. I voted for my favorite Void Puppy with faith
@falaflani4831 2 года назад
The vid emphasises the point that people don't read what the changes will be and you still do that lmao. It's not about who you like rather what they plan to do
@Nico-zt5jl 2 года назад
I voted for Kog too. I like him, idk how to play him, but I like em and I want him to NOT HAVE FUCKING PIZZA FEAT ANYMORE!
@randomth1ngs68 2 года назад
@@falaflani4831 i’m aware 80% of my comment was about how they have a pretty good record when it comes to listening to feedback with these reworks, hence why I think they would ultimately keep AP kog maw if the actual demand is there.
@randomth1ngs68 2 года назад
@@Nico-zt5jl i feel you I want an ACTUAL void puppy
@frisolaxod3835 2 года назад
@@randomth1ngs68 Yeah, like, if people complained about Riot eliminating Kog's AP playstyle then Riot would surely hear as they have heard for the past community voted reworks, people are way too afraid.
@carjack1195 2 года назад
Just wanna point out that the entire shyvana main community me included fell in love with shyvanas ad playstyle and were forced into ap through them completely making the ad version of the champ shit We want ad shyvana back and this is a way to it
@barnyard4030 2 года назад
I think shyvana should win this, I know a lot of people keep talking about lore and how fun it would be if they were better. Wanna know what's not fun. Playing a champ that cant 1v1 til lvl 6, cant gank til lvl 6, no form of cc until lvl 6 even then it's not cc. And a champ who's identity is lost translation. Tryndamere is a split pusher, noc is a burst assassin that can get u from range, kogmaw is a hyper carry and skarner is a tank that has cc ( which is why hes boring, people dont like playing tanks just ask top laners). But what is shyvana, if u say a burst mage doesnt make sense since she has two other abilities that are meant to be physical and up close. In riots info on her shes a juggernaut but no form of cc or survivability. Shes not even a hypercarry cause her kit doesnt fit with each other. And dont get me started on her passive which is even worst the kogmaw. She needs and identity everyone else does they just want more fun, but shes not even fun to play with.
@Tawleyn 2 года назад
Hard disagree about the passive. Yes, you do have basically nothing if you get no dragons, but it incentivizes objective control which is essential to winning games already. With Kog'Maw, the damage is based on level and ONLY WORKS WHEN HE DIES. Like, if you're doing well - good, you're doing well, but your passive is literally useless. And not in the hyperbolic way, either.
@barnyard4030 2 года назад
@@Tawleyn But once again your not always gonna stay alive their are a lot of divers who champs who can get in the back, if u do die u still have away to still trade u still do dmg. A champ who is meant to get objectives but cant even fight people for by herself is horrible. What also sucks is people are building her ap not tank, kogmaw at least has trading in his passive. Also her passive sounds more for an ult passive then an actual passive
@keirfraser1506 2 года назад
I love playing skarner, sometimes top lane. It would just be sad if they deleted from the game, all that needs to change his w so maybe it give him a small dash and change his passive, if built correctly he can be a surprisingly good duelist. Please don't vote for him just cause no one plays him.
@sparkletinkercat3458 2 года назад
I am voting for him because I have tried him and he feels personally awful to use. His model imo is boring, his kit seems interesting but in actual gameplay it feels very uneventful. I am hoping they just conpletely revamp what he is like now. But they probably won't, but I think he needs this gameplay update the most.
@LudanyiAron9 2 года назад
I love the ,,We ride high on Copium tonight fellas" part. XD Love you and your content mate. Keep up!
@thedragonknight3600 2 года назад
I voted Shyvana because I have hope for the potential she has and that her game play will allow both halves of her to shine. Both the terrifying dragon, and the proud human of Demacia.
@LivingDewCrew 2 года назад
YES Nocturne, he's so pathetically unscary, I just want to be afraid of the dark man, that doesn't sound like too much to ask
@Manuelovic97 2 года назад
"The Skarner we know will be deleted from League of Legends" That's the point tho
@phelps6205 2 года назад
I went with Shiv, just because I think her dragon form looks like trash and I want her to be closer to Alexdraza or Deathwing in Heroes of The Storm. Kogmaw and Skarner would be deleted, I don't really care about nocturne, and Tryndamere is bullshit I don't want him to get stronger.
@walvens3080 2 года назад
Honestly getting Shyvana to play like Deathwing, where you choose your form each time you leave base, would be *so fucking awesome* . Human for a more Duelist or Mage play style, Dragon for Tank or AP Bruiser.
@johndavidcasimiro 2 года назад
Congrats on 100k+ subscribers Nicky!
@Regen98 2 года назад
There are people who thinks skarner deserve to win, and peopla who lies.
@matheuschaves1082 2 года назад
Correct take, although i voted for noc because i dont want them to rework skarners story in order to improve the story of the Pink banshee
@elnchou 2 года назад
@@matheuschaves1082 I feared the thought, but if they don't, I also expect them to give skarner interactions with her, which would be super cool I hope they take the right approach if he wins
@kujojotarostandoceanman2641 2 года назад
I just want to see my man Skarner balling around Runeterra and League
@demonknuckles7 2 года назад
I quit League well over 4 years ago, but I still do attempt to keep up with the game And I made a life long promise to myself that if my main then, Kog'Maw, got a VGU, I'd return to League just for the hell of it
@motivateddad 2 года назад
I had 5 separate games where tryndamere smeared all over the map. One of those games is me trying him for the first time. He ain't needing that VGU.
@ender1546 2 года назад
I voted for Shyvana. So f***ing afraid of her becoming another "the same face" example. The reworks was cool, right? Voli and Fiddle are like gorgeous. So maybe Shyvana can become fearsome strong woman like Illaoi? Riot pls 🙏
@GreyGrim 2 года назад
nah, tbh it doesn't matter if she has the same or similar face syndrome, that is the overall most attractive face and will sell skins, their is a reason its popular, they did the whole taliyah accurate nose thing and got a big pat on the back good for them they will more than likely go the route of 'white' looking because of nordic influence of the "dragon borne" also her mother's name is Yva(scnadanavian origin) she isn't 'white' her skin is literally like ashen grey in both the legends of runeterra, ingame model in LoL and her base splash art, and in her newest skin she has a very tanned skin color
@hydrosting 2 года назад
The one part of the Shyv clip where you snuck in twitch laughing killed me.
@OldandAbandonedHarcorte 2 года назад
On Kog'Maw, As Much as I do agree with you (I've never played AD kog'maw once in my life successfully) I will have to say that Kog'maw still hasn't aged well. While i do want more artillery mages in the game, his kit is incongrous with itself in a lot of ways, such as him only having a slow for lockdown that is complete ass till it's maxed, his ult constantly chewing though mana or having a long ass CD, and his Abilties outside of his ult not having great range on a champion with 0 mobility. While I also don't want to lose the AP build for Kog'maw the fact of the matter is that fewer and fewer champions get the luxary of building either way these days. I would also want Kog to keep his cute appearance, that rework visual you showed is something I've known of for a while Now and is still by far the best incarnation of a Kog rework i've ever seen. But for the sake of his gameplay Kog's Kit simplay can't keep both playstyles. Kog is desiegned around being a hyper carry ADC threat with good range but needs setup, and every single time Ap kog has been good enough to be played professionally it's fucked everything up. Simply put Kog is always going to be either good at both or good at neither with his current design philosophy, as he has so much jam packed into his kit that the only time AD is strong is usally at the same time AP is strong unless it's relying on a specific AD/AP Item. Kog Simply can't keep his numbers and Effects as they are now without still feeling like a jumbled mess with an identity crisis, he doesnt' have the tools to peel for himself or set up as an ADC needs, but also doesn't have the lockdown or speed of use on his abilities to be an effective artilerry mage, nor the area coverage of someone like vel koz or Xerath. I personally Voted for Kog cause I've always loved the Void and wanted kog to be more than a mess of Ideas that dont fit together at all. While Kog is Cute, his design is a mess espcially in the colors he uses, and his Passive is beyond useless in 90% of games. While I too would love both Kog's to be preserved, he risks being a balance nightmare too hard without it. And to be honest, we will never get a kog'maw rework unless one side gets sacrificed, or Riots dev team grows a collective brain. And we both know the latter isn't happening. I will admit that the risks tied to a Kog rework you Lined out are defintely there. I don't play kog right now so I'm not in as good a position as you to judge but, Kog being an artillery mage is not core to his identity, as i've said many times his identity is as a hyperscaling long range champion, who needs team support to be effective, even if only slightly. Noc defintely doesnt have any downsides as you stated, so thats a fair vote too as I didnt consider that while writing these. But I still think Kog deserves something more, and to be honest I still think kog's design in modern league is by far the clunkiest looking, probably just cause of his proportions and Colors but still.
@igneelaugust8624 2 года назад
I agree with your statement of nocturne not losing in exchange for something good out of the vgu.
@nicklarocco4178 2 года назад
My votes for noc, because even though I don't even play him, it sounds like he's the only champ they aren't planning on totally ruining.
@nixsnowsong6732 2 года назад
Tbh, my vote went to Kog'Maw because I just want more interesting shit happening in bot lane. I'm STARVED FOR DIVERSITY PLEASE
@TheYela0 2 года назад
I voted kog because frankly I want them to develop his ADC aspect and don't mind losing his APC aspect for that, since they already nerfed it into the ground over and over. Sorry ;-;
@franciscomota9067 2 года назад
I love that u are making a lot of videos, keep doin it 🤜🤛
@grimfin3214 2 года назад
Nicky really out here fearmongering that Riot “appeal above all else” Games is going to make a potentially cute character monstrous. Because uhh, riot hates making cute characters and LOVES monster champions
@chiku1337 2 года назад
Yes I already voted and I voted Nocturne bc hes seriously a champion Ive always considered maining becasue in concept he is super cool, but he has always been missing something... Id love to see how an "eternal nightmare" feels like to play
@butterflyfx57 2 года назад
Hot take: I voted Tryndamere because I want another split pusher that's actually fun to play. I'm hoping they'll make his kit a little less toxic in the process.
@annaphorra 2 года назад
just play teemo
@Cynidecia 2 года назад
"We should replace old champions with new ones at the cost of people who liked what they were"
@ZaxTheAl1en 2 года назад
skarner won. Im scared.
@ZaxTheAl1en Год назад
y nightmares realized. Gonna sell my riot accout.
@bcscheels 2 года назад
Been loving ur content and channel. keep it up bro
@veljkoilic2418 2 года назад
I actually voted for kog'mav.Im an adc player and I like playing kog'maw but I feel like his kit is a bit clunky but have your opinions but I think kog deserves it
@sharkgirl8456 2 года назад
Why couldn’t we have an actual monstrous looking dragon lady riot. Specifically one that’s big menacing, and would probably twist you into a pretzel in her human form. Like dragons are usually supposed to be strong and imposing. Where’s the muscle on shyvana’s more human form. And there is no meat on the bones of the toothpick wyvern
@martinsantiago7962 2 года назад
Skooch opinion is based af but still voted for trynda, he shouldnt be the way he is in the stat checking department, still je can wait another year #VoteForSkarner Btw Shyvana is the one that deserves it the least compared specially with the rest
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