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Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Empyrean
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Rapid-Fire Skin Review: April Fools
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Rapid-Fire Skin Review: High Noon 2024
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Ranking all of the LoR EXCLUSIVE SKINS
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Rapid-Fire Skin Review: PROJECT 2024
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Rapid-Fire Skin Review: Porcelain
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@Despresso-ht6ce 59 минут назад
This video is just amazing
@cassidyarnold505 Час назад
I see Rhaayn becoming cannon
@cassidyarnold505 Час назад
Farkin lore is a bunch of shit
@myster_ink8115 Час назад
I really wish we could get a skin for Shen from a universe where he broke his oath/lost his shit and killed Zed. "Outcast Shen" needs to be a real legendary skin even more so seeing how Shen has none and has been around for so long. (mentioned this because were talk about Kinko) that being said Kennen needs some love for sure like a lot of old champs.
@cassidyarnold505 Час назад
Legends of Runeterra fucked with darkin lore
@raishakisaragi6899 3 часа назад
Thresh is hella charming. He's also incredibly intelligent in how he manipulates those in power.
@Matiasfv 4 часа назад
Fun fact, in the spanish side of the league fandom there's a joke where everyone pretends Kennen is not real but just a figment of Shen's imagination.
@gordoteton9830 5 часов назад
12:17 u got betrayed by skarner wtf
@radish_dash4155 6 часов назад
When this series is over, I can't wait for a supercut of the gromlin sounds at the end of the videos and for it to randomly get broken up by a "Technique!" around the halfway point
@x-nimator9997 6 часов назад
Kennen is, alongside Lulu, Corki, Rumble and Teemo part of the yordles who desperately needs either an ASU or a VGU. The idea behind kennen is certainly interesting, a yordle who got to be part of a secret ninja order who protects the balance. However his design is just very poor and rather than looking like a yordle he feels more like a furry rat fursona. Not to mention his models has the same amount of polygons that the corkster has.
@TrueAterLupus 7 часов назад
I personally enjoy building kennen on hit. Especially now that they removed lethal tempo, he's one of the few characters that can break the attack speed cap. It gets to the point to where i basically never spend energy on my Q, just my W and E for the stun stacks and the AS buff. Is it the most potent kennen build? no. But it is still pretty potent. Havent tried it since they revamped the ADC items yet.
@thebigidea9659 7 часов назад
Kennen is in dire need of a VGU. Not even Zed looks this bad.
@LuciferCaido 7 часов назад
didn't see the video, but hope he gets even more forgotten
@Saleh_Qwatly 7 часов назад
HUH this ratt still exist ????
@thelemurgods9233 8 часов назад
Kennen’s ult did have a big cast time but it was removed a patch ago
@danielbarnes1241 8 часов назад
Good. No one likes him
@sdprolearning 8 часов назад
I don't think he has been forgotten, he has been updated
@SillyBoyKisser74 8 часов назад
I thought my youtube speed was at 2.0 when the video started and Nicky started speaking so fast
@FleeNight 8 часов назад
10:50 why he sound like Magikarp’s Dr. Mundo
@PiantaBroker 8 часов назад
5:52 You were in time for Kennen's quality of life update in 14.9 where he doesn't stop for a sec while ulting. Kennen was one of the champions I first started to try different champs. I was mainly Nasus and Morde. Loved him first time, now indifferent. Not a fan of his playstyle of kiting and diving, and then essentially being an ult bot. Also I'm bad at skillshots - Q either misses or get minion blocked.
@thebean11395 8 часов назад
When they made ornn tiny it’s cus his forge is just that big not that he is smol
@Ihatethisplace. 8 часов назад
When you finish every character, you should do a huge compilation video of all of them combined. It will be like 10 hours, but I'd watch
@Rainingaia 9 часов назад
Kennen is my favorite champion and i loved the direction he was going with the new (guess old now) lore, and also the awaken design. But then riot just keeps this horrible model, doesnt use the new design for wild rift, he is not in the cinematic, doesnt give him new voice lines or good effects, and then LOR's Kennen just feels like a complete different character, the point of his story is that he is fighting for everyone that has died because he is IMORTAL, and then LOR gives him IMORTAL yordle friends... Also his art there looks like a hyperrealistic onion with eyes and his play style is boring as fuck, but his voice lines are the worst part, he is supposed to be a fun person with a serious side, but they wanna make my lil bro become Yoda 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@dbroking8996 9 часов назад
Wait... I think you skipped Kahm Tench??
@PhoenixnessArien 9 часов назад
Garen only has two skins, default and god king. nothing beats god-king's taunts
@claptrappington5895 9 часов назад
"I have mastered the pain, whining and loud styles" ~ LoR Kennen
@polvuz 9 часов назад
hurts me that kennen is basically nothing to both riot and the community cause I like him sm. he has potential (but a blank sheet of paper also has potential)
@dreamspacex3734 10 часов назад
I feel like he should be like master shfo from kung-fu panda like a very hard working master who follow strict rule but is able to see the potential of every one of his students
@omarjimenez6861 10 часов назад
Kennen is definitely a character that really needs a visual update, but at the same time I'd put every other visually outdated champ before him. It's not that he's a bad character, or that his redesign is bad or his gameplay is bad, it's just that he's the definition of mid imo. Half the cast looks better than him, and the other half worst. And the worst half is so bad that they retroactively attract a subset of the community that wants to see them updated.
@patrickcarter2829 8 часов назад
So, you could say, Kennen's design is perfectly balanced between good and bad.
@sirbobulous 10 часов назад
Ah yes. The character who is their Ult and nothing more.
@onbushshifting4000 10 часов назад
He literally just got buffed wat do u mean forgotten
@Donstheman 10 часов назад
Don't like "Mana items" stop you from buying an item. Malig is amazing on Kennen and not getting it cause "lol no mana benefit" is a crime.
@CrabKFP 10 часов назад
I think the best way the Community has managed to make Kennen a bit interesting is by saying that he is a figment of Shen's imagination, making him schizophrenic. I find that amusing
@evantheatheist 10 часов назад
Kennen feels like he has abilities, but he doesn't have a kit. He gets attack speed and on-hit from E and W but also wants to run in and ult with E and Ult but also has poke or a generic projectile on Q. Like his abilities don't synergize well. His kit should be something like his E lets him teleport to a marked enemy and his ult is just Zeri ult but applies marks for stun so he can actually use the attack speed, and then make his q and auto enhance or something. Like make it all work together one day, Riot, please.
@codybrashier9871 3 часа назад
I like his kit, feels fine to me. You poke your laner down until you all in him. Then late game you're strong enough to 1 shot most of the team. He just needs some quality of life buffs if anything
@thomaspereira1545 10 часов назад
But Nicky they can't sell as many skins as they do if they're characters don't look feminine with some booba
@daltoncohn2861 10 часов назад
5:01 says he can’t recall. *immediately recalls*
@TigerKirby215 10 часов назад
Kennen is proof that it's better to be awful than to be bland.
@galio2012 10 часов назад
In lore kind of. In game they just nerf him out of existence whenever he gets like a 10% playrate in any regions pro games.
@slorbitify 10 часов назад
He has that gap appeal, of tiny rat with gremlin voice but wise and powerful, sort of like Yoda. Which is why I would think LOR would have done better by his students being all human or some other kind of non-yordle, to contrast him against them.
@samwill7259 10 часов назад
Fat Pikachu Fat Pikachu. Fat. Pikachu.
@blanketman6470 10 часов назад
1:21 but i do 😂
@ofanichan 10 часов назад
I saw this video and thought "I haven't seen Kennen in a long time" Then I went into ranked, and got a Kennen toplane (vs a Garen) Very poetic
@intercom8309 10 часов назад