
The Daniel Ross Interview: Shaggy Rogers' Uncle Shagworthy and Gremlins in MultiVersus (Scooby Doo) 

JayBee & Milly
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@JayBeeMilly 3 месяца назад
Thanks for watching! For more Scooby Doo please Subscribe 💜
@jonathanvo7991 3 месяца назад
I'm so happy that you finally met the voice of Donald Duck!
@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 3 месяца назад
Its cool that MultiVersus made a return and its better than ever
@seankidwell8208 3 месяца назад
This is going to be Awesome.
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at the beach house at night) (Mitchell is laying on his bed wide awake) (he gets up) (he looks at his mattress) Mitchell: this thing is hard as a rock some nights i can't stand it (he lays back down) (he tries to get some sleep) (he moves around) (he can't get comfortable) Mitchell: OH COME ON (he bangs his fist on the mattress) (Jeannie magically appears in her pajamas) (she yawns) Jeannie: master are you ok?? Mitchell: oh sorry Jeannie i didn't mean to wake you up Jeannie: that's ok Mitchell: it's my mattress it's really uncomfortable tonight Jeannie: what is wrong with it master??? Mitchell: some nights it just gets hard as a rock Jeannie: well my master deserves sleep so allow me to help you (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (Mitchell's mattress gets replaced) (he looks at the new one) Mitchell: wow Jeannie: go on master give it a try (Mitchell lays down on the bed) Mitchell: woah Jeannie: is it nice Mitchell: so much better (he immediately falls asleep) (Jeannie looks at him) Jeannie: master? (Mitchell snores) Jeannie (in love): aw (she gives Mitchell a kiss on the forehead) Jeannie (in love): good night (Jeannie magically goes back in her bottle) (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) The New Mattress (Episode 109) (the next morning) (Jeannie magically comes back out of her bottle) Jeannie: ah that was such an amazing night sleep (she sees Mitchell still sleeping) Jeannie: looks like my master is still having a great night sleep i better wake him up (Jeannie floats over) (she starts shaking Mitchell's shoulder) (Mitchell starts waking up) Mitchell: huh? (he yawns) Mitchell: good morning Jeannie (he gets up) (he stretches) Mitchell: how are you Jeannie: i'm amazing master did you sleep well on your new mattress?? Mitchell: yes i did Jeannie thank you so much Jeannie: anytime for you master (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) Mitchell: i actually feel so much better Jeannie: that's great to hear (Mitchell gives Jeannie a hug) Mitchell: i'm glad i have you (Jeannie's heart starts beating) (she smiles) (they both stop hugging) Mitchell: how about after breakfast we go for a run?? Jeannie: i would love that master Mitchell: sounds good Jeannie: let's go get some breakfast (Jeannie & Mitchell leave the room) (a little bit later) (they both finish breakfast) Jeannie: oh man master i love waffles Mitchell: i do too Jeannie Jeannie: i'm ready to go on our walk now master Mitchell: ok Jeannie let's go (they both get up) Jeannie: you seem to have more energy master Mitchell: yeah i do Jeannie: that's really good (they both leave the house) (they go for their walk)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(Jeannie closes the door) (they start walking) Jeannie: wow it's a beautiful day master Mitchell: you said it Jeannie i'm happy that we're walking together Jeannie: me too master this is really nice Mitchell: i can't thank you enough for that mattress Jeannie: aw it's no problem at all just glad to make my master happy Mitchell: you do an amazing job at that Jeannie (Jeannie blushes) Jeannie: well you do amazing at making me happy too master Mitchell: i'm glad i can (Jeannie & Mitchell high five) (they both smile while walking) Jeannie: what else do you want to do after the walk today?? Mitchell: whatever you wanna do today Jeannie: aw you should make the decision master Mitchell: i know i should but i wanna do what you wanna do Jeannie: well that's sweet maybe we can go bowling after the walk Mitchell: that will work Jeannie: terrific Mitchell: what kind of mattress did you give me? is it a magical one like what you sleep on? Jeannie: it's just super soft and you fall asleep super quick Mitchell: cool Jeannie: thanks i think it's pretty cool master Mitchell: can't wait to sleep in it again tonight Jeannie: it'll get more comfortable the more you use it Mitchell: woah really?? Jeannie: that's the magic of it master (Jeannie laughs a little) Mitchell: that's awesome Jeannie Jeannie: it sure is master i'm really glad you love it Mitchell: you know i do (Jeannie grabs Mitchell's hand) Jeannie: let's enjoy the rest of our walk master Mitchell: i'm up for that Jeannie: it'll be fun to go bowling after Mitchell: you know it Jeannie today will be lots of fun (Jeannie & Mitchell keep walking) (later at the bowling alley) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk in) Mitchell: that was some amazing walking Jeannie: i think our legs got stronger (Mitchell looks at Jeannie's legs) Mitchell: yours are amazing Jeannie Jeannie: aw thank you so much Mitchell: ok let's do some bowling Jeannie: YAY (they both get over to bowl) (they get ready) Mitchell: ready to bowl Jeannie?? Jeannie: sure thing Mitchell let's do this (Jeannie takes out her purple bowling ball) (Mitchell takes out his green bowling ball) Mitchell: i love bowling Jeannie: me too it's fun to do now you go first Mitchell: ladies first (Jeannie smiles at Mitchell) Jeannie: oh ok Mitchell i will go first (Jeannie gets ready) (she gets in position) Jeannie: ok i have a good spot Mitchell: fire away (Jeannie rolls the bowling ball) (it knocks over all the pins) Jeannie: STRIKE YES Mitchell: great work Jeannie Jeannie: your turn Mitchell (Mitchell grabs his bowling ball) Mitchell: i have a lot of energy today Jeannie: wonder if you will tomorrow (Mitchell rolls his bowling ball) (it hits all of the pins) Mitchell: YES i got a strike too Jeannie (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) (later that night) (Jeannie & Mitchell walk back in Mitchell's room) Jeannie: today was so much fun master Mitchell: it sure was Jeannie Jeannie: we went for a walk went bowling had pizza went to the movies and walked along the beach Mitchell: i had so much fun Jeannie Jeannie: hope we have more fun tomorrow Jeannie: i hope so too Mitchell: well good night Jeannie Jeannie: good night master i'll see you in the morning Mitchell: see you in the morning Jeannie sleep well Jeannie: you sleep well too (Jeannie magically goes back in her bottle) (Mitchell smiles at Jeannie's bottle) Mitchell (thinking): this whole day felt like i was on a date with Jeannie now that's the best thing ever (Mitchell gets in his bed) (he falls asleep)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(later that night) (Jeannie is asleep in her bed) (she starts kissing in her sleep) Jeannie (sleeping) (in love): oh master (Jeannie keeps kissing) (with Mitchell) (he's sleeping holding something in his sleep) Mitchell (sleeping) (in love): i love holding you hands Jeannie (Mitchell starts sinking in his mattress a little bit) Mitchell (sleeping): i'm always glad to have fun with you Jeannie (Mitchell completely sinks) (dramatic music plays) (the next morning) (Jeannie starts to wake up) (she sits up in her bed) (she stretches her arms) Jeannie: ah morning time (she gets out of bed) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (she magically changes into her normal outfit) (she looks at herself) Jeannie: perfect now to go see what my master wants to do today (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (she magically leaves her bottle) (in Mitchell's room) (Jeannie magically appears in it) Jeannie: oh master wake up (she sees he's not in his bed) Jeannie: master?? (she floats over to Mitchell's bathroom) (she sees it's open) Jeannie: master are you in there?? (she looks in) (she doesn't see Mitchell) Jeannie: he must be downstairs making breakfast (she floats out of Mitchell's room) (she goes downstairs and goes to the kitchen) (she doesn't see Mitchell anywhere) Jeannie: master?? (she looks out on the deck) (he's not there) (she looks in the living room) (he's not there either) Jeannie: master where are you?? (cuts to the gaming room) (she looks in and doesn't see anything) Jeannie: nope (she checks a guest bedroom and sees no one) Jeannie: nope (she checks a bathroom) (no one is in there either) (she starts getting worried) Jeannie: master are we playing hide and seek?? (cuts to the garage) (she doesn't see anyone) (she checks the car) (no one in there either) (she lifts up the car and sees no one under it) Jeannie: nope not here either (she starts to get sad) Jeannie: master this isn't funny come out of hiding (sparkles flash in front of Jeannie's face) (she sees them and gasps) Jeannie: my master is in danger??? i need to find him maybe i can find some clues in his room (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (she magically disappears) (back in Mitchell's room) (she appears in there) (she looks around confused) Jeannie: master??? are you in here?? (she looks at the mattress) (she sees a Mitchell shaped print on the mattress) (she gets confused) Jeannie: did he sink into the mattress??? (she looks down the print and sees how deep it goes) Jeannie: hold on master i'm coming (she goes in to get Mitchell free) (in the mattress) (Jeannie lands on a ground) (she gets up) Jeannie: i must've given him the wrong mattress (she looks around) Jeannie: MASTER???? Mitchell (far away): JEANNIE Jeannie: HOLD ON MASTER I'M COMING (she sees it's a maze) Jeannie: AS SOON AS I FIND THE RIGHT PATH (she tries to choose) (she looks right) Jeannie: i'll go down here (she goes right)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(she flies around) Jeannie: oh man what could possibly be bothering my master (she flies past) (two sets of glowing eyes watch her) (whatever is hiding steps back) (Jeannie hears the walking) (she looks back) Jeannie: hello??? (she looks around) (no one is around) Jeannie: master is that you??? (she floats back over) (she gulps) (something jumps out at Jeannie) (she screams) (she flies away) (she starts shaking while flying) Jeannie: i didn't even see what that was (she hears running behind her) (she flies faster) Jeannie: glad i'm not running right now Mitchell (far away): LET ME GO Jeannie: HOLD ON MASTER I'M COMING Mitchell (far away): DON'T LET THEM GET YOU JEANNIE FIGHT THEM OFF IF THEY TRY Jeannie: DON'T WORRY I WILL FIGHT WHATEVER IT IS OFF (more creatures get in front of her) (she stops) (she looks at them) Creature: well well well Jeannie: what the heck are you creatures?? Creature: we're magic bed bugs Jeannie: oh no i thought i burned this mattress Magic Bed Bug 1: well you didn't Magic Bed Bug 2: you kept us in your closet for five thousand years Jeannie: WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY MASTER?????? Magic Bed Bug 1: we're gonna sacrifice him (Jeannie grabs Magic Bed Bug 1 by the neck) Jeannie: NO ONE IS SACRIFICING MY MASTER (more Magic Bed Bugs show up) (they all crack their knuckles) (Jeannie spins Magic Bed Bug 1 around) (she smacks all of them with him) (they all get knocked out) (Jeannie slams Magic Bed Bug 1 on the ground) (she flies another direction) (the magic bed bugs all get up) Magic Bed Bug 1: GET HER (all the Magic Bed Bugs chases after Jeannie) (Jeannie keeps flying around) (she hides in a little hole) (she stays there for a bit and waits quietly) (all the Magic Bed Bugs run past) (Jeannie keeps waiting) (she doesn't hear them anywhere) (she peaks out) (she doesn't see anymore in sight) Jeannie that was a close call (she wipes sweat off her forehead) Jeannie: how am i gonna sneak past those pests and free my master (she tries to think) (she gets an idea) Jeannie: that's it i'm a genius (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (she magically makes herself look like one of the bed bugs) (she looks) Jeannie: well at least i still look just like myself still super hot (Jeannie takes a deep breath) Jeannie: now i'm coming for you master (Jeannie starts walking around) (meanwhile) (Mitchell is tied up in a pot) Mitchell: LET ME GO INSECT Magic Bed Bug Leader: not a chance (Mitchell tries to get free) (all the bed bugs show up) (the leader shows up) Magic Bed Bug Leader: did you get her?? Magic Bed Bug 1: nope Magic Bed Bug 3: she got away boss Mitchell: that's my Jeannie Magic Bed Bug Leader: we'll hold off the sacrifice until we catch her Mitchell: you'll never catch Jeannie she's smarter than all of you Magic Bed Bug Leader: we'll see about that (meanwhile) (Jeannie keeps walking around disguised as a bed bug) (she tries to find where they could all be with Mitchell)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(she looks around) (she doesn't see anyone around so far) Jeannie: come on where did they go?? (she keeps looking) (she looks down a path) (she sees a light in the distance) (she looks right at it) Jeannie: that must be where they all are (Jeannie runs over to it) Jeannie: don't you worry master i am on my way to you (back with all the magic bed bugs) (they all wait around) Magic Bed Bug 4: so boss what will we do Magic Bed Bug Leader: we'll wait for the girl to get here Magic Bed Bug 2: sounds good boss Magic Bed Bug Leader: the second she comes over we jump her Mitchell: none of you will ever catch her Magic Bed Bug Leader: yes we will Mitchell: no you won't Magic Bed Bug Leader: YES WE WILL Mitchell: no you won't Magic Bed Bug Leader: SILENCE Magic Bed Bug 1: we'll wait for her boss (Magic Bed Bug 3 looks over) Magic Bed Bug 3: look (all of them look) (they see Jeannie in her disguise) Magic Bed Bug Leader: who is that? Magic Bed Bug 5: i have no idea Jeannie: my name is... Betty Bed Bug Magic Bed Bug 6: wow hi there Betty Magic Bed Bug Leader: i don't recognize you Jeannie: i'm new here Magic Bed Bug Leader: oh really?? Jeannie: yes i am new (Magic Bed Bug Leader looks at her) (he thinks) Magic Bed Bug Leader: you're an interesting looking bed bug Jeannie: have all of you looked at each other?? Magic Bed Bug 3: she has a point (Magic Bed Bug Leader sighs) Magic Bed Bug Leader: ok fair point there (Jeannie walks over to Mitchell) (Mitchell looks at her) (Jeannie smiles at him) (she nods her head a little) (all the Magic Bed Bugs look out) (Jeannie looks at them) Jeannie: what are you all doing?? Magic Bed Bug Leader: we're looking for a lady with red hair Jeannie: oh really?? Magic Bed Bug 5: she's also a magic genie Jeannie: interesting Magic Bed Bug Leader: you new girl go with a couple other bed bugs to go find her we'll wait here Jeannie: oh ok Magic Bed Bug 7: let's go Magic Bed Bug 2: i'll go too (Jeannie Magic Bed Bug 2 and Magic Bed Bug 7 all leave) (everyone watches them all leave) (Mitchell looks at Jeannie) (a little later) (all of them keep walking) (Jeannie looks at the two bed bugs) Magic Bed Bug 7: where could she be?? Magic Bed Bug 2: stay sharp genies are sneaky and crafty (Jeannie is behind them) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (a can of magic bed bug spray appears in her hand) (she aims it at them) (they both turn around and see her) Magic Bed Bug 7: HEY WAIT SHE'S THE GENIE (Jeannie sprays both of them) (they both cough and start shrinking) (Jeannie keeps spraying them)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(they both scream) Jeannie: my master will never be sacrificed while i'm around (the bed bugs both melt) (Jeannie looks at them) (she smiles) Jeannie: now that was awesome (Jeannie listens) (she hears footsteps nearby) (she looks hiding the spray behind her back) (Magic Bed Bugs 4 and 6 walk over) Jeannie: hello Magic Bed Bug 6: hello there Magic Bed Bug 4: we came to help you Magic Bed Bug 6: yeah we wanted to help too Magic Bed Bug 4: where are the other two?? Jeannie: don't know Magic Bed Bug 4: what do you mean don't know??? Jeannie: actually i do know Magic Bed Bug 6: cool can you tell us?? (Jeannie takes out the spray) Jeannie: this is what happened to them (she sprays them) (they both scream) (they try to step back) (Jeannie keeps spraying them getting closer) (they both start melting too) (Jeannie smiles) Jeannie: this is really awesome (she looks back in the direction where Mitchell was being held) Jeannie: i'm coming master (Jeannie laughs) Jeannie: these bugs won't do anything to you or me (Jeannie heads back) (she looks ahead) (she sees more bed bugs approaching) (she hides) (she waits for them to show up) (Magic Bed Bugs 3 and 5 walk over) (Jeannie sprays them both) (they both start melting) (Jeannie makes a run for it) (meanwhile) (Mitchell is still tied up) (Magic Bed Bug Leader checks his watch) (he look at all of his remining minions) Magic Bed Bug Leader: this is taking a long time (the remaining minions all peek out) (they all get sprayed) (they scream and melt) (Mitchell and the Magic Bed Bug Leader looks) Magic Bed Bug Leader: what in the world (the minions completely melt) (Jeannie walks in) (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (she changes out of her disguise back into her normal outfit) Jeannie: i am the bed bug exterminator (Magic Bed Bug Leader gets angry) (Jeannie flies over to him) (she sprays him in the eyes) (Magic Bed Bug Leader screams) (he covers his eyes and falls over) (Jeannie flies to Mitchell) Mitchell: amazing work Jeannie (Jeannie gets the rope off of Mitchell) (she gets him out of the pot) (they both hug) Jeannie: are you ok master?? Mitchell: yes i am Jeannie but why did i sink into the mattress Jeannie: that was my mistake master i must've been tired and gave you one that had a bunch of magic bed bugs in it i should've checked before i gave it to you Mitchell: what's magic about them?? Jeannie: nothing much except they talk and act like people
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(at a butcher shop) (Jeannie & Mitchell are both waiting in line) Jeannie: i can't wait to get some steak Mitchell Mitchell: me neither Jeannie it'll be good to have some for dinner Jeannie: yeah it will (Jeannie & Mitchell keep waiting) (a butcher walks out) Butcher: next Jeannie: that's us (Jeannie & Mitchell walk over) Mitchell: we'll have the freshest steak you have (Butcher goes in the back) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (he gives them one) Butcher: here it is Jeannie: thank you (Mitchell gives the butcher some money) Butcher: enjoy it good (Jeannie & Mitchell leave with the steak) (the Butcher watches them leave) (he has a little bit of an evil sounding laugh) (he goes back in the back) (cuts to the intro) (music) (Mitchell leaves a grocery store) (he walks around and sees a bottle on the ground near an alleyway) (he picks it up and walks away with it) (in an apartment) (he opens it and Jeannie comes out of it) (she magically makes money appear and sends them both to a fancy beach house) (they travel through Paris Hawaii Italy Space and even the digital world) (they go back to the beach house and sit in chairs at the deck) Jeannie's Magic Adventures (intro ends) The Evil Butcher (Episode 110) (at the beach house) (Mitchell is on the deck grilling the steak) (Jeannie watches him cook) Jeannie: you're doing great on that master Mitchell: thanks Jeannie hope you don't mind sharing just one Jeannie: that's perfectly fine i wanna share with you master (they both smile at each other) Mitchell: this is a lot of fun Jeannie Jeannie: it sure is i do love spending some time with you Mitchell: you're lots and lots of fun too Jeannie: aw master thanks Mitchell: no problem Jeannie (Jeannie puts her arm around Mitchell) (they both get happy) (Mitchell looks at the steak) Mitchell: looks like it's gonna be close to being done Jeannie Jeannie: that sounds great to me master i can't wait this looks really good Mitchell: it really does look good Jeannie Jeannie: we eating out here or inside?? Mitchell: we can eat outside it's a nice day Jeannie: perfect i'll get a little table set up (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (a little table magically appears with two chairs a plate and a couple knives and forks) (Jeannie sits down) (Mitchell looks at the steak) Mitchell: looks like it's ready Jeannie: amazing (Mitchell grabs the plate) (he grabs the steak with a spatula) (he puts it on the plate) (he walks back over to the table) (he sits the plate down) (Mitchell sits down) Mitchell: you ready Jeannie?? Jeannie: this will be really amazing master (Mitchell cuts out a piece of steak) (Jeannie cuts out a piece of steak too) (they both eat their pieces) (they notice the steak tastes a little weird) (they both look at it) (they look at each other)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: is it just me master or does this taste odd?? Mitchell: yeah it's a bit weird tasting (they both swallow their bites) Jeannie: must've been a new flavor Mitchell: or maybe it's the way i cooked it Jeannie: it's not bad but it is weird tasting Mitchell: maybe we'll get used to it the more we eat it Jeannie: you're right master (they both take more bites) (they start eating) (it still tastes a little weird) Jeannie: that doesn't taste like deer Mitchell: or cow Jeannie: or any animal that usually becomes steak Mitchell: i can't figure it out Jeannie: me neither (they both swallow) (they eat more) (a few minutes later) (they both finished the steak) Jeannie: well we finished it master Mitchell: yeah but i could not figure out what that was Jeannie: me neither Mitchell: i really wanna know what animal that was Jeannie: me too but how do we figure it out?? Mitchell: maybe we can ask that butcher Jeannie: you're a genius master let's go (Jeannie & Mitchell both go) (back at the butcher shop) (Mitchell's car parks outside) (they both get out of the car) Jeannie: hope this guy can tell us Mitchell: me too Jeannie (they walk over to the building) (they hear yelling in there) (they both stop) Jeannie: what is that??? Mitchell: no idea Jeannie: let's check through that window (they both sneak over to the window) (they both look in) (they see the butcher talking with a woman) (Jeannie sees the window is unlocked) (she lifts it open just a little bit so they could hear) Woman: Evan you're not that good of a butcher Evan: oh come on sis i am good i can do all kinds of things with my job Woman: like what?? Evan: come on back and i'll show you (they both go back) (the door closes) (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) Mitchell: that was a little weird Jeannie Jeannie: yeah it was master (they hear the woman screaming) (they both look in) (they see red liquid leaking from under the door) (they both jump back) Mitchell: no no that can't be Jeannie: was that.... was that steak... (Jeannie & Mitchell look at each other) (they run to a dumpster) (they both vomit into it) (they both finish) (they look at each other freaked out) Mitchell: there is no way we ate human Jeannie: what if we did master???? Mitchell: i just can't believe that Jeannie Jeannie: what do we do?? Mitchell: we should try to see proof if that is the case (Jeannie gulps) Jeannie: but i'm scared to see proof master Mitchell: me too Jeannie but this is all to see if it's true (Jeannie starts sweating) (Mitchell holds both of Jeannie's hands to calm her down) (Jeannie looks at Mitchell) Mitchell: we can do this Jeannie (Jeannie sighs) Jeannie: ok master i trust you (they shake hands)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: so how do we get inside?? (Mitchell looks) (he sees doors lead to a basement) Mitchell: we'll go through here Jeannie (Jeannie looks at it) (she gulps) Jeannie: ok master let's do it (Mitchell tries to open the doors) (they won't open) Jeannie: are they locked master?? Mitchell: seems like it Jeannie Jeannie: i'll open it up (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (the doors magically open) (they both look down the stairs leading into the basement) (Jeannie gulps) Mitchell: well i guess we better go down (Jeannie gets behind Mitchell) (she starts shaking) Jeannie: i'm real nervous master (Mitchell lifts up Jeannie) (she holds onto him) Jeannie: wow a piggy back ride?? Mitchell: figured why not maybe it'll calm you down Jeannie: it could master (Jeannie & Mitchell go down the stairs) (Jeannie is still a little nervous) (Mitchell looks at her) Mitchell: don't worry Jeannie Jeannie: i'll be ok master (they get to the bottom of the stairs) (they see lots of dust and webs) Mitchell: wow looks like no one has been down here in years Jeannie: yeah no kidding master Mitchell: let's keep exploring (they explore around) (a bad smell fills the air) (they cover their noses) Jeannie: what is that smell??? Mitchell: i have no idea Jeannie (they look at a dusty freezer) Jeannie: is the smell coming from that??? Mitchell: should we look?? Jeannie: i guess so master (Jeannie & Mitchell walk over) (they both gulp) Jeannie: open it up master (Mitchell opens it) (the smell gets way worse) (they both grabs their noses) (they look in) (they see a bunch of moldy food and drinks) (Mitchell closes them) Mitchell: that was disgusting Jeannie: at least we saw nothing too disturbing in there Mitchell: come on Jeannie let's go find the area they keep the meat Jeannie: alright master i'm gonna keep enjoying this piggy back ride Mitchell: no problem Jeannie you loving it?? Jeannie: yeah i am master you're lots of fun Mitchell: you're lots of fun too Jeannie (they both smile at each other) (Jeannie hugs Mitchell while he gives her a piggy back ride) Mitchell: let's find some stairs to go up and find where they keep the meat Jeannie: sounds great to me master (Jeannie & Mitchell walk away) (they look for stairs leading up)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Mitchell: you see any stairs Jeannie??? Jeannie: so far nope (she looks over) (she sees they're passing by some) Jeannie: oh wait master look (Mitchell looks) (he sees the stairs) Mitchell: great work Jeannie Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: ok let's go (they go up the stairs) (Jeannie's teeth start chattering) (Mitchell looks at her) Mitchell: don't be scared Jeannie Jeannie: what if this butcher catches us Mitchell: i won't let anyone take you away Jeannie: thank you master Mitchell: you're welcome Jeannie i am always here for you (Jeannie starts to feel a little better) Jeannie: we can expose this guy Mitchell: we sure can Jeannie Jeannie: let's do our best (they get to the top of the stairs and are at a door) Mitchell: well time to look inside (Jeannie reaches for the doorknob) (she grabs it) (she turns it) (the door slowly opens) (they both peek out) (they don't see anyone) Mitchell: i think it's clear Jeannie (they both quietly open the door) (they both walk out) (they slowly and quietly close the door) Jeannie: master i am scared i'm gonna magically disguise us Mitchell: ok Jeannie that should be a great idea Jeannie: here goes nothing (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they magically get disguised as trash cans) Mitchell: trash cans?? (Jeannie gulps) Jeannie: you're right (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they magically change into large boxes) Mitchel: these will work Jeannie: ok let's go (Jeannie & Mitchell start sneaking around) (they hear walking) (they both go against a wall) (they drop down acting like normal boxes) (Jeannie looks out) (the butcher walks past) (she watches him go into a room) Mitchell (whispering): wonder what he's doing Jeannie (whispering): probably gonna get ready for his next victim (they both start moving a little) (they hear him coming back) (they get back to position) (the butcher walks past) (they both look) (he goes back from where he came from) (Jeannie starts shaking in her box) Mitchell (whispering): Jeannie everything's gonna be ok i'm right here with you (Jeannie's heart starts beating in fear) Jeannie (whispering): my heart is beating in fear master Mitchell (whispering): he hasn't seen or heard us yet Jeannie Jeannie (whispering): i guess you're right Mitchell (Mitchell reaches out from his box) (he reaches in Jeannie's box and holds her hand) (Jeannie's heart starts beating in love) Mitchell (whispering): come on let's go quietly Jeannie (whispering): ok master i trust you (they both get back up) (they keep moving)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
(they look around) (they don't see anyone around) Jeannie: man master Mitchell: don't be nervous Jeannie Jeannie: i'll try but that is asking a lot of me Mitchell: hey wait you hear that (they hear what sounds like laughing) (Jeannie starts shaking uncontrollably) Jeannie: master i think that guy is laughing Mitchell: probably at his victims (Jeannie hides behind Mitchell) (he shaking makes Mitchell shake too) Mitchell: woah Jeannie Jeannie: sorry i can't help it Mitchell: you wanna wait outside to calm your nerves?? Jeannie: i can't leave you what if he gets you?? i don't want to lose you master Mitchell: i see your point Jeannie Jeannie: ok master let's go i guess Mitchell: let's hide out somewhere to calm yourself Jeannie: you sure?? Mitchell: yes Jeannie i'm worried about you Jeannie: ok i'll hide us in another room (Jeannie's ponytail wiggles) (they magically disappear) (cuts to what seems like an office) (Jeannie & Mitchell magically appear in it) Mitchell: ok Jeannie we are in an office Jeannie: yeah is that ok?? Mitchell: i don't think he'll be in here (they remove they box disguises) Mitchell: we'll hang out and try to calm you down a little Jeannie: thanks master what would i do without you?? Mitchell: i don't know Jeannie i don't know what i would do without you either (Jeannie laughs a little) Jeannie: i guess we do need each other don't we?? Mitchell: yeah we do Jeannie seeing you everyday is the reason i continue waking up in the mornings Jeannie: aw master and being your genie gives me all the purpose i need in my magical life Mitchell: i'm always glad that i found you Jeannie: i am so happy you did because i was way too lonely Mitchell: so was i and we have gotten into some wild adventures Jeannie: yeah i guess an evil butcher isn't too crazy for us master Mitchell: you got that right Jeannie Jeannie: we can stop him from what he's doing Mitchell: yes we can Jeannie we'll get this guy and watch him Jeannie: you know that is right master (Jeannie & Mitchell fist bump) Mitchell: there's the calm Jeannie i know Jeannie: well there is one more thing i need before i fully calm down Mitchell: anything Jeannie (Jeannie opens her arms for a hug) Jeannie: give it to me master (Jeannie & Mitchell both hug) (they smile while hugging each other) (they both start blushing) Jeannie: oh master Mitchell: oh Jeannie Jeannie: now i feel all better Mitchell: glad you do (they are both still hugging) (they keep hugging for a minute) Mitchell: i wanna hug you for just another minute Jeannie: i'm happy with that master (five minutes later) (they both walk out of the office in their box disguises) Jeannie: that was an amazing hug master Mitchell: it sure was Jeannie Jeannie: well let's go find out what this butcher is up to Mitchell: follow me Jeannie Jeannie: always master (they both keep walking) (Mitchell looks at Jeannie) (he sees how calm he makes her) (they both smile at each other)
@Mitchell_Kirkbride69 3 месяца назад
Jeannie: thank you for calming me down master Mitchell: no problem Jeannie i am always here for you Jeannie: and i'm here for you (they hear noises) (they both stop) (they quietly sneak over) (they get to a door with a window) (they look in) (they see the butcher slicing up something) (they look at each other) (they step away from the door) Jeannie (whispering): what is he doing?? Mitchell (whispering): i don't know Jeannie Jeannie (whispering): we need to do something about this Mitchell (whispering): we need to lure him out so we can investigate Jeannie (whispering): good thinking Mitchell Mitchell (whispering): come on Jeannie i have a plan (Mitchell sneaks away) (Jeannie sneaks after him) (at a closet) (Jeannie & Mitchell get to it) Jeannie: so what's your plan?? (Mitchell opens the closet) (he knocks out some stuff) (it makes loud noises) (they both run and hide somewhere) (they go back by the room he was in and drop down acting like boxes) (the door is heard opening) (some running is heard too) (Mitchell takes a quick look) (he points at the door) (him and Jeannie sneak in the room) (they both look around) (they see the butcher was chopping up some meat) (they walk over to it) (they remove the boxes) Jeannie: what is this?? Mitchell: probably his victim Jeannie (Jeannie gulps) Jeannie: well let's look around and see what we can find (they walk around) (Mitchell sees a large freezer) Mitchell: Jeannie look (Jeannie sees it too) Jeannie: a freezer (they walk over to it) (Mitchell tries to open it) (Jeannie sees a lock on it) Jeannie: hey look (Mitchell sees the lock too) Mitchell: a lock?? Jeannie: should we find a key?? Mitchell: yeah let's do it Jeannie
@patrickstoyreviewspatricke8083 3 месяца назад
I like the multiverse game
@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 3 месяца назад
Despite that I never played it, I have seen everybody on RU-vid play the Game and it looks like fun
@alyssanicholson4312 3 месяца назад
Really cool
@Jeannie873 3 месяца назад
oh yeah Shaggy's uncle was in Multiversus but not Scooby?????
@JayBeeMilly 3 месяца назад
We’d love for them to give us an classic animated Scooby as a playable character voiced by Frank Welker. SD McCrawley played by Neil Fanning Professor Scooby played by JP Manoux Those would be amazing inclusions
@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 3 месяца назад
@@JayBeeMilly I agree
@Buff_Shaggy 3 месяца назад
@@JayBeeMilly Scooby Brainiac would be awesome to see!
@thefantasticretroreviewer3941 3 месяца назад
@zack6283 3 месяца назад
@@JayBeeMillygood video
@zack6283 3 месяца назад
Good video
A Look at the Scooby Doo Character Studio
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